HomeMy WebLinkAbout19650301_regulari 3/1/65 i*fIi?UTES OF THE REGULAR HEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD I.IONDAY, MARCH 1, 1965, AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Answering Rollcall were Members l~iac14illanb Rixe , -Tupa , VanValkenburg and Bredesen. HINUTES of February 15 were approved by motion NacI-lillan, seconded by Tupa and carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED 11.IPROVEt.IEl\ITS. CONTINUED the following Public Hearings were continued to March 15: Because of inclement weather, By klotion Tupa, seconded Rixe. I. 1. 2. 3, Woodland Road, Brookview Ave, - Lateral klakermain and Bituminous 4. 5. West 70th St., Block 5, Woodhill - Lateral Storm Sewer. Valley Estates Addition - Sanitary Sewer and Vatermain; Grading and Graveling. Skyline Drive - Lateral Sanitary Sewer. Replacement. Dowriing Street - Lateral. Watermain; Bituminous Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter, H, J. 'BACH ZONING HEARING continued to March 15. L METRO U.S. LOT VARIANCE APPROVED. i4r. Howard Dahlgren of 1-lidwest Planning and Research presented request for lot coverage Variance on Lot 2 and I.J. 163' of Lot 3, Block 5, Edina Interchange Center. Company will be a terminal for storage of paints with a relatively small anticipated number of employees. permanently restricted to warehouse use, was moved by VanValkenburg, seconded by Rixe. All voted aye and the blotion carried. The building, to be erected for E. I. Dupont Motion approving lot coverage of 50%, providing property use be PORTIOgS OF RUTLEDGE AND CLARKeAVENUES AND HIGH AND HOTOR STREETS VACATED, 1-ir. Hite presented plans for vacating portions of Rutledge and Clark Avenues and High and Notor Streets This property is represented in- the Dietrich Construct ion Company Apartment proposal which the Planning Commission approved. a private road system to serve the apartments, which road system will have access to Motor Street to the south and Brookside Ave. to the east. following Resolution, its effective date subject to the securing of utility easements, and moved its adoption: Dietrich will substitute I Tupa offered the A RESOLUTION VACATING PORTIONS OF * RUTLEDGE MID CLARK AVENUES HIGH AND MOTOR STREETS k7H€REAS, two week's published notice and mailed notice of a hearing to be held on March 1, 1965, at 7:OO P.M., on the proposed vacation of the streets herein- after described has been given and made, and-a hearing has been held thereon by the Village Council; Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that those portions of the streets described as follows be and hereby are vacated, effective April 1, unless on or before said date this Resolution is amended, annulLed on rescinded by the Village Council: NOW, THEREFORE, be it.resolved by the Village Council.of the Village of Rutledge Avenue from the northern line of Section twenty-eight (281, . Township one hundred seventeen (117) Range twenty-one (21) southward to the northern line of the vacated right of tray of the biinneapolis- St, Paul. and Suburban Railroad; I * Clark Avenue from the northern line of Section twenty-eight (28), Township one hundred seventeen (117);Range twenty-one (21) southward to the northern line of the vacated right of way of the Minneapolis- St. Paul and Suburban Railroad; High Street from its intersection with the easterly right of way line I of Rutledge Avenue extended eastward to the westerly right of way line of Brookside Avenue extended; That portion of Motor Street lying north of the vacated right of way of the blinneapolis-St. Paul and Suburban Railroad from a line €ormed by an extension of the westerly'line of Block 19 of Emma Abbott Park, extended southerly to the northern line of the vacated right of way of the Minneapolis-St. Paul and Suburban Railroad, easterly to the Nest right of way line of Brookside Avenue extended.' .I/ Motion €or adoption of the Resolution was seconded all voted Aye and the Resolution was adopted. ATTEST : Valkenburg and on Rollcall , Village Clerk i' 3/1/65 COOPER ADDITION AND LANHAM LANE PETITIONS ACCEPTED. accepted by Motion of VanValkenburg, seconded by Tupa, carried unanimously and referred to the Village Engineer for programming: The folLowing petitions were 1, 2, Cooper Addition - Watermain 3, Lanham Lane from W. 70th St. to Dead End - Curb and Gutter Cooper Addition - Sanitary Sewer 5 I' ADDXTIONAL INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR PO-LICE AND FIREMEX4 DISCUSSED. a plan to the Council submitted by Richard A, Mueller of Connecticut General Life Insurance Company which would cover additional coverage for accidental death of Village Police and Firemen, Motion offered by Rixe to obtain two additional bids was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. Mr. Hyde presented LAKE EDINA 3RD AND 4TH FEES DISCUSSED, he had written William Boyer and D'Arcy Leck concerning the bill in the amount Mr. Hyde stated that in answer to a letter of $6,669.50 which was owed by Estow Cirporation for legal and engineering fees for Lake Edina 3rd and 4th Additions, a check was received for $6,269,50 from Estow Corporation, $400 having been withheld for paving of West Shore Drive which was necessary for access to the Estow property. to return the check with request forpayment in full was unanimously carried, Motion by Tupa, seconded by VanValkenburg ECLASSIFICATION OF COMMUNITY STORE DISTRICTS TO LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS &IID OPEIJ DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS TO MULTIPLE RESIDEWE DISTRICTS HEARIidGS SET, explained to the Council that there are some zoning corrections that should be PSr, Hyde made, Rixe and carried. Motion by VanValkenburg to set hearing date for March 15 was seconded by BRAEMAR IMPROVEMENTS, AND HEIGHTS PLAYGROUND BIDS TO BE OBT-AINED. Council that the Park Board had generally approved some improvements to be made at Braemar, for bids on the work, even though the full Park Board had not approved the improvements. order to obtain a more advantageous price for each project, for bids was moved by VanValkenburg, seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried, COUIiiCIL GIVES PERMISSION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR BUSSES FOR PARK BOARD SWIMMIivlG PROGRAM, Morningside Schoo1,District #273 whether or not the school system would be interested in renting its busses at the rate of 35$, paid last year, for the Park Board Swimming Program. by VanValkenburg that we advertise for bids was seconded by Tupa, and the Motion carried, Hr, Hyde informed In view of the timing, permission was asked for authority to advertise Bids would be placed along with the Heights Playground bids in !.lotion to advertise The Village Manager reported that he had asked Mr. Pryor of the Edina- He was told that the price this year would be 53 l/2$ per mile, Motion All voted aye SIGN MORATORIUM PASSED FOR NEW SIGN PERMITS, because a number of new-type flashy signs were coming into the market, a new Sign Mr, Hyde informed the Council that Ordinance is being prepared through the Planning Commission which would be more inclusive than the present Ordinance, and Mr, Hyde offered to obtain a tabulation of fees charged by other municipalities and report back to Council, Motion for moritorium on new signs for ninety days was offered by VanValkenburg, seconded by Rixe and unanimously carried. RAETHER'S, ADDITION,REPLAT HEARING RESCHEDULED, Raether's Addition was rescheduled from March 1 to March 15 by I4otion VanValkenburg, seconded by MacMillan and unanimously carried, Present and proposed sign fees were discussed Replat Hearing for Lot 2, Block L, TAX, ASSESSZYIENT INFORMATION TABULATED, f4r, Hyde presented a report submitted by Village Assessor, Donald L. Kearns, showing 11,103 parcels of real estate within the Village limits, of which 10,803 are residential, CONTRACT FOR SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION TO BE OFFERED TO HOPKINS. a request on behalf of the City of Hopkins for certain amendments to the proposed contract between Hopkins and Edina for Hopkins use of Edina Trunk Sewer C-1, explained that because of the uncertain permanency of the connection, Hopkins preferred to have the capital cost payment period extenped to the life of the improvement rather than the twenty year assessment term previously proposed. further advised Council that within five years we should be able to ascertain whether or not the connection could be made permanent. request in principle and authorized Mr, Hite to offer the contract to them with the following provisions: 1, This longer 0 Mr, Hite presented 2 He He I Council agreed to Hopkins' Capital cost payment term to be no more than forty years, payment term would be in effect as long as there is some question about the permanency of the connection, 3/1/65 2. If and when it is determined that the connection could be permanent, the . remaining unpaid principal would be paid over the number of years remaining in the initial twenty year C-1 assessment term, so that the capital monies paid by Hopkins will be credited to the C-1 Improvement Fund, If monies from all sources are more than adequate to pay off the C-1 Improvement Bonds, then assessment adjustments or refunds would be made. Hopkins , as an "assessed" party would receive its proportionate share. Contract to be terminated only by Edina and only at five year intervals. 14r. Hite was instructed to ask Hopkins to draft a contract containing these provisions. STEET SIGNS REPAINTED EACH YEAR. of which had been taken in from the street and the other after it had been refurbished. He explainedthat about 500 sets are refurbished each winter at a cost of approxi- mately $4,000. STGET SIGNS TO BE PLACED AT VALLEY VIEW ROAD AND SUSAN AVEIWE. asked Hr. Hite if street signs could be placed at Valley View Road and Susan Ave. as well as at other corners along Valley View Road. be done. 3. 4. Mr. Hite showed Council two street signs, one Mr, i-lacZYIillan He was assured that this would PUBLIC I.JOFXS E FIFE DEPAR'Tt4WT' PUf-IP FLOODED BASEMENTS AXD YARDS. Council that the Village had only five pumps but had responded to approximately fifty calls concerning flooded basementsb Hite advised CLAIMS P&ID, the following Claims: Hotion by Tupa was seconded by Rixe, for confirmation of payment of 2/15/65 Steel Sales $107,24 General Fund 2/15/65 City of hlinneapolis 32.00 Water Fund 2/15/65 Paper Calmenson & Co. 620,70 Various Funds and for payment of the following Claims as per Pre-List dated March I, 1965; General Fund, $15,840.55; Park, Park Construction, Golf Course and Swimming Pool, $1,.449.17; Mater Fund, $18,105.55; Liquor Fund, $26,508.70; Sewer Rental Fund, $379.88; Total, $62,283.85b The Agenda having been covered, VanValkenburg moved adjournment, seconded by Rixe and carried, Adjournment at 8:OO P,I.I, Notion was I