HomeMy WebLinkAbout19650315_regular3/15/65 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR bEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1965, AT THE EDINA VLLLAGE HALL ROLLCALL was answered by Mac~lillan, Rixe, Tupa and VanValkenburg, serving as Mayor Pro Tem. MINUTES of March 1, 1965, were approved by Motion MacMillan, seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. VALLEY ESTATES ADDITION IMPROVEMENTS APPROVED. Public Hearing was conducted on the proposed construction of sanitary sewer, watermain and grading and graveling in Valley Estates Addition, Affidavits of Publication in 'the Edina-Morningside Courier on February 18 and 25 and Affidavits of Posting and Mailing to affected property owners on February 19 were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. improvements and estimated costs and manner of assessment as follows: Manager Hyde stated that there were petitions for all 1. 2. 3, Sanitary Sewer - Total estimated cost is $30,988,67, to be assessed at an estimated cost per lot of $525.23, The area proposed to be assessed includes Lots 9 thru 14 inclusive, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 21 inclusive, Block 2; Lots 12 thru 43 inclusive, Block 3, all in Valley Estates Addition. Watermain - Total estimated cost is $39,205.85, to be assessed at an estimated cost per lot of $594.03, The area proposed to be assessed includes Lots 2 thru 14 inclusive, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 21 inc1usitre;Block 2; Lots 12 thru 43 inclusive, Block 3, all in Valley Estates Addition. G- - Total estimated cost is $21,070r00 to be assessed at an estimated cost per assessable front foot at $2.67. to be assessed includes Lots 1 thru 15 inclusive, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 21 inclusive, Block 2; Lots 11 thru 43 inclusive, Block 3, all in Valley Estates Addition and Lot 26, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196. . The area proposed These projects will be assessed on a three-year term, the developer having entered into an agreement with the Village, comments from the floor and no objections had been received prior thereto. MacMillan!s motion approving ppoposed projects was seconded by Rixe and unanimously carried, There were no objections or (See Action Ordering Improvement later in meeting,) LATERAL SANITARY SEWER DISCUSSED FOR SKYLINE DRIVE. estimated cost for lateral sanitary sewer on Skyline Drive is $15,679.03, Mr. Hyde stated that the The proposed area to be assessed at an- estimated cost per lot of $2,239.86 includes Lots 13 thru 19 inclusive in Skyline Addition. Mr, Hite advised the Council that a petition dated March 25, 1964, had been received which was signed by . four property ownersI There were no objections or comments offered from the floor and none had been received prior thereto, approval. was seconded by Rixe and unanimously carried, (See Action Ordering Improvement later in Meeting,) MacMillan's motion for WOODLAND ROAD, BROOKVIEW AVE. WATERMAIN AND BITUMINOUS REPLACEMENT DISCUSSED. Manager Hyde explained that total estimated cost for Woodland Road and Brookview Ave, watermain and bituminous replacement was $38,313-69 and that the estimated cost per lot was $l,197,30, The area proposed to be assessed includes Lots 5 thru 13 inclusive; Lots 15 and 16; Lots 20 thru 38 inclusive, all in Colonial Grove Addition; and Lots 18 and 19, Colonial Grove 2nd Addition. Dr. Bruce Linderholm,.8 Woodland Road, stated that Lots 7 and 8 already have Village water, Mrs, L. T, Gartner, 7-Woodland Road, stated that this was installed when water was put in Wooddale Ave. and had gone through the Ward Lewis property. He stated that Lots LO and 11 have adequate wells and that those owners also would prefer not to have the improvement put in, Road stated that he had not intended to connect. Mr. Linderholm asked if it would be possible to eliminate the dead-end turn-around portion of Hoodland Road, of this portion should slightly reduce the price of the improvement for those remaining to be served, to install at a later date, MacMillan and unanimously carried. meeting. ) Dr, E, P, Fenger, 9 Woodland Mr, Hite stated that this would be possible and believed that elimination VanValkenburg added that it would be very expensive Tupa's motion for approval was seconded by (See Action Ordering Improvement later in DOWNING STREET LATERAL WATERMAIN AND BITUMINOUS CONSIDERED, that the total estimated cost for Lateral Watermain in Downing Street is $2,108.21 and that the estimated cost per connection is $702.94, proposed to be assessed for the watermain included Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Edenmoor Addition, and Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Nanner Addition, Ivlr. Hyde stated The area Bituminous 3/15/65 - Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter in Downing Street had a total estimated cost I of $10',902.22, with an estimated cost per assessable foot of $9.86. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Bituminous Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter includes Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 1, Edenmoor Addition; Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Edenmoor Addition, Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Wanner Addition. llr. Hite explained the proposed assessment for the street paving assumes that the east-west common property line of 325' between the two Vanner Addition lots represents a normal front-foot basis. bir. Hite added that the benefit to the properties is difficult to determine and proposed that consideration of the method of assessment be deferred until after the need for the project had been determined, Hearing was continued until later in the meeting,) Otterlei and Thomas Swendseen later presented their approval of the Watermain Project but objected to the paving of the streetr Watermain be approved and that the Street Project be abandoned. was seconded by Rixe and unanimously carrked to approve Watermain and abandon Street Improvement Project (All of the affected property owners were not present and the I Kenneth Harvey, Johan Concensus of Council was that Motion by Tupa WEST 70m. STREET, BLOCK 5, WOODHILL ADDITION LATERAL STORM SEWER DISCUSSED. Nr. Hyde explained that this Storm Sewer provides drainage from the rear of lots which are low, Estimated cost per square foot of land area draining to the proposed storm sewer has been revised from 5.9C: to 3.77C: per square foot by assigning a tortion of the cost to the West 70th Street Storm Sewer, the assessment which is as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Woodhill; thence southwesterly to a point in Lot 8, Block 5, Woodhill, said point being 35 feet east of the west property line of said Lot 8, and 10 feet north of the south property line of said Lot 8; thence south and parallel to the west line of Block 5 to a point in Lot 6, Block 5, Woodhill, said point being LO feet north of the south property line of said Lot 6; thence southeasterly to a point on the south property line of Lot 5, Block 5, Woodhill, said point being 50 feet west of the southeast corner of Lot 5, Block 5, Woodhill; thence east along the south lot lines of Lots 5 and 4, Block 5, Woodhill, a distance of 145 feet; thence north and parallel to the east line of Block 5, Woodhill, a distance of 350 feet; thence west to the point of beginning, R, E, Smith, 6912 Creston Road stated that he favors the project but asks if one catch basin would be sufficient. I%?. Hite stated that there are two low points, cine in Mr. Smith's lot and one further north between lots 2 and 3, and unless the properties to the north are filled they would not drain into the catch basin in 14~. Smith's lot. This would be satisfacotry to the Village if it would be to the property owners* L. H, Vinfrey, 6908 Creston Road questioned the method of assessing the corner lot. He felt that lots 2 and 3 should not have such a high assessment when the corner lot had always been the low point, and this lot does.not have a full assessment. re-checked. line drawn for purposes of .assessment of the corner lot . fence would be disturbed and was assured that if it was it would be replaced as part of the project cost. Storm Sewer Improvement was unanimously carried. The total estimated cost is $3,443.44, Mr. Hite showed on the viewgraph the area to be included in ' Mr. Hite assured him that the drainage district limits would be Ronald Callahan, 6904 Creston Road, also questioned the diagonal He also asked if his Motion by HacMillan, seconded by Tupa to approve Council then made a brief review of the Public Heapings held tonight on Proposed Improvements and HacHillan offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption : RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEI*ENTS SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEPIENTS NO. 231 AND 232; NATERMAIN IHPROVEMENTS NO, 394 AND 195 AND J-93; STORN SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO, 87 ; STEET IlvlPROVEMENT NO. C88 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, I-linnesota, that this Council 1. 2. 3. heretofore caused notices of Hearing to be duly published and mailed to owners of affected properties on the following proposed improvements: CONSTRUCTIO1? OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES in the following : ~ Sunset Lane from Gleason Road to Woodhill Drive; Woodhill Road from Creek Valley Road to Creek Valley Road; .- Sunrise Court from Woodhill Drive west 200', more or less; CO1C3TRUCTZON OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES in the €ollo.wing : Skyline Drive from center of cul-de-sac to 373', mope or less easterly; From center of cul-de-sac Southerly and southeasterly along easement to existing manhole on Lochloy Drive, CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES in the following: Creek Valley Road from Gleason Road to b7oodhill Rpad east; .Suqset Lane from Gleason Road to Woodhill IDriv+. Sunrise Court from Woodhill Drive westerly to cul-de-sac and southwesterly along easement to Gleason Road; Easel'ilent line from Floodhill Drive to north line of Valley Vista Addition. -Woodhill Roa&*from Creek Valley Road to Creek Valley Road; 3/15/6_5 - 4. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES iri the following: Woodland Road from Wooddale Ave. to W. 56th St. Includes the portion of Woodland Road going noptherly serving Lots 6 thru lw , Colonial Grove Addit ion . 5. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES in the following: Downing Street from west line of Lot 6, Block 1, Edenmoor Addition extended southsast.to the east line of Edenmoor Addition. 6. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STOREJI SEWER AND APPURTENANCES in the following: West 70th St. from West Shore Drive to 130 feet east; thence north 180 feet. 2, CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING AND GRAVELING in the following; Sunset Lane from Gleason Road to Woodhill Drive; Woodhill Road from Creek Valley Road to Creek Valley Road; Sunrise Court from Woodhill Drive west 200 feet, more or less; Creek Valley Road from Gleason Road to east line of Valley Estates Addition. At the hearings held at the time and place specified in.said Notice, the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does heseby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements as hereinafter set forth: No. 1 Above - As hereinbefore set forth. No. 2 Above - As hereinbefore set forth. No, 3 Above - As hereinijefore set forth. No. 4 Above - CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES in all streets hereinbefore listed, except that there be no consfruction servicing Lots 6 through 2.1, Colonial Grove, inclusive . No, 5 Above - As hereinbefore set forth. No. 6 Above - As hereinbefore set forth. No. 7 Above - As hereinbefore set forth. and said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows : NO. 1 NAPIE OF IMPROVEMENT : SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 231 No. 2 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEl4ENT NO. 232 HO. 4 WATERMAIN SMPROVEIiIENT NO. 194 NO. 5 WATERdAIN IMPROVEMENT NO . 195 NO. 6 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 87 NO. 3 WATERNAIN IMPROVEMENT NO, 193 NO. 7 STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C88 and the areas to be specially assessed therefore shall be as follows: within the following described boundaries: Lots 1 thru 21 inclusive, Block 2; Lots 12 thru 43 inclusive, Block 3, all in Valley Estates Addition." within the following described boundaries: Skyline Addition . FOR WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 193 - All lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: Lots 1 thru 21 inclusive, Block 2; Lots 12 thru 43 inclusive, Block 3, all in Valley Estates Addition." FOR WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 194 - All lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Lots 5, 12 and 13; Lots 15 and 16; Lots 20 thru 38 inclusive, all in Colonial Grove Addition and Lots 3.8 and 19 Colonial Grove 2nd Addition." I the following described boundaries: Addition, and Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Wanner Addition." the following described boundaries: of Lot 1, Block 5, Woodhill; thence southwesterly to a point in Lot 8, Block 5, Woodhill, said point being 35 feet east of the west property line of said Lot 8, and 10 feet north of the south property line of ,said Lot 8; thence south and parallel to the west line of Block 5 to a point in Lot 6, Block 5, Woodhill, said point being 10 feet north of the south property line of said Lot 6; thence southeasterly to a point on the south property line of Lot 5, Block 5, Woodhill, said point being 50 feet west of the southeast corner of Lot 5, Block 5, Woodhill; thence east along the south lot lines of Lots 5 and 4, Block 5, Woodhill, a distance of 145 feet; thence north and parallel to the east line of Block 5, Woodhill, a distance of 350 feet; thence west to the point of beginning." FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO, 231 - All lots and tracts of land "Lots 9 thru 14 inclusive, Block 1; FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO, 232 - All lots and tracts of land "Lots 13 thru 19 inclusive, "Lots 2 thru 14 inclusive, Block 1; FOR WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 195 - All lots and tracts of land within "Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Edenmoor FOR STOIU4 SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 87 - All lots and tracts of land within "Commencing at the northwest corner 56 3/15/65 FOR GRADING AND GRAVELING IMPROVEkENT #C88 - All lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: Lots 1 thru 21 inclusive, Block 2; Lots 11 thru 43 inclusive, Block 3 , all in Valley Estates Addition, and Lot 26, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196." !'Lots 1 thru 15, inclusive, Block 1; I H. J. BACH HEARING SET FOR MAY 3, on request of Mr. Bach's attorney. GABBERTS'. PETITION FOR %ZONING APPROVED. of Gabberts' Furniture to rezone from Open Development District to Planned Industrial District a portion of land lying between Cahill Road and the Railroad Morningside Courier on March 4 and 11, Affidavit of Mailing.:on March 2 and of Posting on March 3. house facility for Gabberts' Furniture. Planning Commission recommended approval, indicating that the over-all plan severing Cahill Road just out of the proposed commercial site would eliminate traffic from having access to 11, 70th St. Hite also stated that the Ordinance provides for Planning Commission approval-of building plans. second reading thereof: Public Hearing was held on petition -. 'Track south of I?. 70th St. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication in the Edina- Mr. Hite explained that this rezoning would accomodate a ware- Tupa offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council vtaive ORDINANCE NO. 261-107 AN ORDINANCE ANE~DING ORDINANCE NO, 261 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA FOR REZONING FROM OPEN DEVELOPNENT DISTRICT TO PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUMCIL OF T€iE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MLIWESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph 2, Boundaries of Planned Industrial District of Section 12 (Planned Industrial District) of Ordinance No. 261 of Revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding after subparagraph (m) of said Paragraph 2, the following subparagraph: I "(n) That part of the West one-half (W1/2) of the Southeast one-quapter (SE1/4) of the Northeast one-quarter ("€1/4) of Section Eight (81, Township One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Twenty-one (21), lying West of the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad right- of-way. SectZori.2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon'the passage and publication hereof. 1-lotion for adoption of Ordinance as submitted, with waiver of second reading was adopted. explained that multiple residence zoning had been reviewed and properties had been found that have been previously zoned but were not reclassified. These properties are primarily on Valley View Road north of the Crosstown Highway, of these properties are occupied by double residences and others are still vacant. Council record of approval of each of these tracts has been found.' llacMli1la.n offered the following Ordinance, moving tIlat Council waive second reading thereof: Some ORDINANCE NO. 261-109 BY RECLASSIFYING PROPERTIES FROW,OEEN AN ORDINANCE ALIENDING ORDINANCE NO. 261 DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO NULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT R-2 THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Sub-paragraph (a) District R-2, Paragraph 1, Boundaries of f-hltiple Residence District, Section 4, Multiple Residence District, Ordinance No. 261-72 of the revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding the following: 3/15/65 "(a) District R-2 An 0.27 acre parcel of land in the Nor \r h 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 28$ Range 24, described as lying North of Valley View Road, excluding road right-of-way, Lot 2, Block 1, Victorsen's Valley View, Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 1, Lindahl's Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Nelson E Woodhull's First Addition. Lot 19, Block 2, Peacedale Acres, except the West 120 feet thereof , Lot 1, Block 1, Hippe's France Avenue Addition. Lot 3, Block 1, Flo's Subdivision, Lots 1 and 2, Block 2+ Peacedale Acres Hoppe Replat, . Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in effect upon its passage and publication according to law. Motion for the adoption of Ordinance as-eabrnitted, with waiver of second was adopted, ATTEST : 03 e TI+ a ha u explained that in reviewing the zoning in Edina it was found that the Halla Nursery property had never been reclassified from Community Store District to C-1 District and that property had been used for that purpose for many years, Rixe moved that second reading be waived and offered the following Ordinance ; ORDINANCE NO, 261-108 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 261 STORE, DISTRICT TO COMMERCIAL DISTRICT C-L . BY ECLASSIFYLNG PROPERTIES FROt4 COMMUNITY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: of Commercial District, Section 11, Commercial District, of Ordinance No, 261, of revised ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding the following sub-section: "(a) District C-1 Section 1, Sub-paragraph (a) District C-1, Paragraph 3, Boundaries (12) Tract A, Registered Land Survey No, 360.11 This Ordinance shall be in effect immediately after its Section 2, passage and publication according to law, Motion for adoption of the Ordinance as submitted, with waiver of second LOT, 2,, RAETHER'S ADDITION, VARI GRANTED, Mrr Hite showed on Viewgraph location of Lot in question on 60th Street just to the west of Xerxes Avenue, and photograph of the farmhouse which has been occupying the site, petition signed by Z. A. E. Anderson requesting division of property into two lots, each with a width of 56.59 feet, and stated that Planning Commission had recommended approval. L, M, Larsen, 3113 W. 60th St. protested division of this lot stating that there would be no access to the back for a garage and that this might call for a less expensive home than is in the area. Motion by MacMillan that the lot be divided was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. He presented BIDS AWARDED FOR BRAEMAR AND THE HEIGHTS PARK IMPROVEMENTS. Tabulation of bids inrresponse to Advertisement in the Edina-Idorningside Courier on fviarch 4 and 11, 1965, and in the Construction Bulletin on March 4 and 11, 1965, showed , 58 , 3/15/65 1.1. E. Kraft the only interested bidder for Heights Park at $20,565.00. done at Braemar was bid by 14, E. Kraft at $12,517.00 and by J, A, Danens E Son at $20,050.00. seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. Work to be $lotion to award bid to M. E. Kraft, low bidder, was moved by klacMillan, REQUESTS OF OTTO H-. PEUS, AND SAM MCGOWAN FOR ADJUSTI4ENT ON STREET PAVING ASSESSNENT TO BE CONSIDERED AT APRIL 5 HEETING. and Sam McGowan, 4444 Dunham Drive, questioning the assessment of blacktop curb and Letters from Otto H. Preus, 4500 Dunham Drive, gutter on Wooddale Avenue which was heard on October 31, 1960, and the paving and curb and gutter of Dunham Drive which was heard in 1961 and 1962. to notify Mr. Preus and Mr, EkGowan that this matter would be considered at April 5 meeting and Nanager Hyde will notify them of this. BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATIONS APPROVED, license applications which had been approved by Director of Public Safety, Wayne Bennett: Off-sale Beer License Applications: Pixy-Pak Foods, Ray's Dairy Store, Olson Bros. Pharmacy, Steele's Dairy Store, Jerry's Lucky Dollar, Walgreen Company,' Red Owl Stores, The Kroger Company. Bowling Center, Gus Young's Biltmore Lanes. Liquor License Application: interlachen Country Club. and unanimously carried. Council determined I Clerk presented the follodng On-sale Beer License Applications: Edina Motion by Tupa approving applications was seconded by MacNillan LINCOLN ADDITION PRELIMINARY APPROVAL GRANTED. Mr, Hite informed Council that this property is the first stage of the Kenneth apartment project on Highway 18 south of Pederson Dairy. Pederson Dairy had been notified and that nothing has been heard from them. Tupa's motion recommending preliminary approval was seconded by Rixe and unanimously carried. PELIMINARY AND FINAL APPROVAL GRANTED COUILLARD ADDITION. this is a two lot replat on W. 70th Street by the Cornelia School. requirements and is recommended by Planning Commission. was seconded by MacHillant,and unanimously carried. Planning Commission suggests approval. blr. Hite also stated that l4r. Hite explained that Plat meets all Motion by Tupa for approval . Q. A. COLLiNS REQUEST FOR RE-ZONING TO BE HEARD APRIL 5. hearing date for request of Q. A, Collins for re-zoning of C-1 District at the N.W. Council set April 5 as corner-of France and Mavelle to C-2 District. COUNCIL SETS HEARING DATES FOR VARIANCE REQUESTS, for the following variance requests: I April 5 was set as date'of hearing 1. 2. John R, Schedin (two story expansion) 5937 Wooddale Ave. 3. -John Cameron (parking in front yard setback) N. 70th St. and Cahill Rd, 4. Charles Hinslow (side yard) Lot 1, Block 3, Overholt-Georgia Addition. I4r. Hite Minnesota Sybod Lutheran Church (rear yard) 5227 Oaklawn Ave. REQUESTS OF HILLSIDE BUILDERS AND GALE KESSLER FOR R-2 ZONING DkNIED. explained that Hillside Builders had requested re-zoning of Lots 1 and 14, Replat of Block 9, Normandale Addition from Open Development District to R-2 Multiple Residence District. Kessler Hilltt5p Addition and part of Lot 7, Mikulay's Addition, felt that these lots would be good single family lots and should be developed consistent with property surrounding it, and recommended that re-zoning be denied. Motion by MacMillan denying requests for re-zoning was seconded by Tupa and motion was unanimously carried. ADDITIONAL ACCIDENTAL DEATH INSURANCE FOR POLICE AND FIREMEN APPROVED . presented bids from Connecticut General Life Insurance Company of $50,40 annually,' and Aetna Life Insurance Company of $63.00 annually for accidental death and dismemberment insurance for police and firemen whether on or of€ duty. informal bid was $70.00. Coverage would include the princi#al sum of $35,000 and a dismemberment clause, as indicated in the plan submitted. employees ofthe police and fire departments would be covered for both on and off duty. * Motion to award to low bidder, and that the police and firemen pay $10.00 per year and the Village pay $40.00 per year was moved by I4acMillan, seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried, Nr. Kessler's request was for re-zoning Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Planning Commission Mr . Hyde A third All regular, full-time COUNCIL SUPPORTS LEGISLATION CONCERNING EDINA FIRE DEPARTHENT =LIEF ASSP_CIATIOli. Mr. Hyde explained that two years ago the firemen had a special bill passed in the legislature allowing them to belong to PERA and a separate Fire Department Relief Association which was originally a program for volunteer firemen. This fund now has a balance of approximately $173,000 and the firemen have now had a special bill drawn which would double the benefits under present maximums for associa5ions of this kind. All of the present Edina firemen are included, but no new volunteers are anticipated at the present rate of benefits. surplus in the fund when all members are deceased. Resolution and moved its adoption; There will be a considerable Tupa offered the following 3/15/65 59 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING LEGISLATION I Motion by Tupa that William Boyer be contacted for payment and if none is g,jlg .lJQ T forthcoming in two weeks, we sue Estow Corporation was seconded by MacMillan q/g/;:gs LT.'BURESH AND LT. MERFELD REGISTERED IN TRAUtIIA WORKSHOP, Flr. Hyde announced that there are new techniques in the field of emergency treatment which our Police and Firemen are called upon to perform and which only doctors can teach. He stated that there is a two-day workshop being held at Rochester, Minnesota, for a nominal fee and that Lt, Buresh and Lt. Merfeld were baing sent , cs and all voted aye and the motion carried. Ir\l e Q %a TI+ CONCERNING EDINA FIRE DEPARTMENT RELIEF ASSOCIATLON j WHEREAS, the financial condition of the Edina Fire Department Relief Association is excellent and a recent actuarial study shows that it will have considerable funds left after all present and future members have received . benefits, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the Village of Edina request Senator Alf Bergerud and Representative Otto Bang to introduce and secure passage of a special legislation which will allow the payment of higher benefits by the Edina Fi Association than is permitted by presen ATTEST : Motion for adoption of the Reso WILLIAM BOYER TO BE CONTACTED RE;LATIVE TO PAYMEiJT OF FEES FOR LAG.EDINA 3RD AND 4TH ADDITIONS. Mr. Hyde stated that he had returned the check sent by the Estow Corporation and had asked for payment in full but had heard nothing, * TELEPHONE POLL ON BIDS AUTHORIZED BY COUNCIL. Nanager Hyde was granted permission to hold telephone poll after the following bids are tabulated on Monday, March 22: 1. 3700 Lb, G,VbW. Narrow-Tread Truck 2* 4600 Lb, G.V.W. Compact Panel Truck 3. 4-Wheel Rubber-Tired Tractor 4, Hydraulic Front-End Loader 5. Flail Type Mower 6, 40 Tons of Fe&:ilizer 7. 1-Ton Stake .Truck I COUNCIL HOLDS FIRST HEARZNG ON ORDINANCE NO. 68-1. Manager Hyde presented to the Council proposed "ORDINANCE 68-1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINfNCE NO. 68 OF THE VILLAGE AS TO REQUIREMENT OF CONNECTION WITH THE SANITARY SEWER OF THE VILLAGE," which the. Council discussed. Mr. Hyde explained that Ordinance No. 68-1 requires connection with an existing Village Sanitary Sewer in lieu of bringing each individual case before the Councilb in the event of sewage system failure. will enable him to expedite action when sewage system problems arise* offered the following Ordinance €or first reading; This would be necessary, however, only Rixe Mr. Hensley stated that this ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 68-1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ' ORDINANCE NO, 68 OF THE VILLAGE AS TO NQUIREMENT OF CONNECTION WITH THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM OF THE YILLAGE THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, NINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No, 68 of the Village is hereby "Section 1. Toilet and Connection Required. Whenever propepty in amended to read as follows: any platted area abuts upon any public street or alley along whfch any sanitary sewer mains have been constructed, thewmer or occupant of every dwelling house or business building located on such property shall install a toilet therein and connect such toilet with said sanitary sewer in such street or alley," follows : hereof to install a toilet and connect the same with the public or a private sewer shall do so within 30 days after service upon him of a written notice to install such toilet or make such connection, or both." passage and publication, Sec, 2, "Sec. 2. Failure to Comply; Notice. Any person required by Section 1 Section 2 of said ordinance is hereby amended to read as I Sec. 3, This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its -Y 3/15/65 COUNCIL,HOLDS FIRST HEARING ON ORDINANCE NO. 149-1. proposed "ORDINANCE 149-1 -- AN ORDINANCE AtENDING ORDINANCE NO, 194 OF THE VILLAGE, Manager Hyde presented to Council RELATING TO SANITARY COdDITIONS IN PRZVATE HOUSING" which was discussed by Council. Mr. Hyde informed Council that this eliminates a conflict with the present ordinance, allowing ten days or less for enforcement, following Ordinance: Tupa offered first reading of the ORDINANCE NO, 149-1 AN ORDINANCE AEilENDING ORDINANCE NO. 149 OF THE VILLAGE, RELATING TO SANITARY CONDITIONS IN PRIVATE HOUSING THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section I. of the Village (Public Health Housing Code), is hereby amended to read as follows: "(3) provide a reasonable time, but not more than 10 days in any event, for the correction of the violation or violations This ordinance shall be in full force and ef€ect upon its Clause (3) of paragraph (a) of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 149 particularized; and . b , 11 Sec. 2. passage and publication. ORDINANCE NO 211A - FIRST HEARING. Manager Hyde presented to Council Proposed "ORDINANCE NO, 211A -- AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SANITARY STORAGE OF REFUSE, GARBAGE, SWILL, RUBBISH AND IJASTE MATTER, FOR THE REGULAR COLLECTION AND SANITARY DISPOSAL THEREOF, FOR THE REGULATION AND LICENSING OF GARBAGE HAULERS, AND FOR THE ABATEENT OF REFUSE ACCUEKJLATIONS : IMPOSING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF: AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO, 211, AS ANENDED" which was discussed by Council. kJ?, Hyde stated that this Oi?dinance replaces an existing, incomplete Ordinance and will extend our control over the collection of garbage and will secure better compliance with those who don't provide proper containers and those who don't have service. In answer to Rixe's question of why only metal containers are pemnissible, Nr. Hensley stated that a11 others were not water and rodent proof. Questioned on the subject of required racks for garbage containers, Mr. Hensley stated that these racks keep the containers off the ground and prevent rodents from boroughing under them. The racks should' have chains attached tb container lids so that they are inaccessible to rodent harborage and dogs, problem. VanValkenburg stated that he felt Section 13 on flIksurance Policies to be Filed" should be amended to read "for loss or damage io"pers6ns in the-amount of $100,000 for each person and $300,000 for each accident, and for loss br damage to property in the amount of $50,000." as follows: Racks would not be mandatory unless there is a definite Tupa offered first reading of the'ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 211A AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SANITARY STORAGE OF REFUSE, GARBAGE, SWILL, RUBBISH AXD WAST& MATTER, FOR THE REGULAR COLLECTION AND SANITARY DISPOSAL THEEOF, FOR THE REGU- LATIOH AND LICENSING OF GARBAGE HAULERS, ANE : . . FOR THE ABATEPENT OF ' REFUSE ACCUMULATIONS : IMPOSING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF: AND REPEALING ORDINANCG NO, 211, AS AMENDED. THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDLNA, NINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1, Definitions. Whenever used in this ordinance, words shall have the following meanings: * Refuse means all solid waste products or those having the character of solids rather than liquids in that they will not flow readily without additional liquid and which are composed wholly or partly of such materials as garbage, swill, sweepings, cleanings, trash, rubbish, litter, industrial solid wastes or domestic solid wastes; organic wastes or residue of animals sold as meat, fruit or other vegetable or animal matter from kitchen, dining room, market, food establishment or any places dealing in or handling meat, fowL, fruit, grain, or vegetables; offal, annimal excreta, or the carcass of animals; tree or shrub trimmings; grass clippings; brick, plaster or other waste matter resulting from the demolition, alteration or construction of buildings or structure; accumulated waste materials, cans, containers, tires, junk, or other such substance which may become a nuisance. Garbage includes every accumulation of animal, vegetable or other matter that attends the preparation, consumption, display, dealing in or storage of meat, fish, fowl, birds, fruit or vegetables, including the cans, containers! or\ wrappers wasted along with such materials. - Swill includes that particular garbage which is wholly or'nearly edible and usable as a food and has food value for animals or fowl, accumulating from animal, vegetable or other matter wasted from clubs, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, and public eating places. - r 3/15/65 Rubbish includes wood, leaves, trimmings from shrubs, dead trees or branches thereof, shavings, sawdust, excelsior, wooden ware, printed matter, paper, paper board, paste board, grass, rags, straw, boots, shoes, hats 'and all other combustibles not included under the term garbage. Waste matter includes waste matter composed of soil, earth, sand, clay, gravel loam, stone, brick, plaster, crockery, glass, glassware, ashes, cinders, shells, metal and all other noncombustible material which has been or is to be discarded, the keeper or manager of any hotel, motel, restaurant, eating house, or boarding house or any building where meals are served, the owner of any flat or apartment house, trailer camp or auto court, and any other person having refuse as herein defined, shall provide and keep on such premises suitable and sufficient water-tight galvanized or painted metal containers with tight-fitting lids for the storage therein of all refuse accumulating on the premises between collections. The use of oil drums for storing refuse is prohibited. to require the storage in containers of any refuse which is consumed or disposed of on the premises in a multiple chamber gas fire incinerator of a type approved by the Public Health Department of the Village. Sec. 2. Refuse Containers Required, The occupant of any private dwelling, However, nothing herein shall be deemed . Sec. 3, &fuse to be kept in Containers, All refuse on any'premises shall be stored in the containers required by Section 2 hereof, except as the same may be consumed or disposed of on such premises as permitted by said section, racks or stands kept in the rear of the premises and not less than 15 feet from the side lot line, or in a garage located on the premises. placed to the front of the premises or next to the street or the curb. containers shall be collected once every week, or more frequently if required by the provisions of any other ordinance of the Village, by a collector licensed hereunder. He shall transfer the contents of the containers to his vehicle without spilling them, or if any spilling occurs, he shall clean it up completely. each collection, the containers shall be completely emptied and returned to the racks or stands where they are kept, and the lids of the containers shall be replaced. is in poor repair or does not meet the requirements of this ordinance, the collector shall affix thereto a tag stating that the container is defective under this ordinance and that it must be repaired or replaced. the reason for the deficiency, in his office and with the Village Health Department. if the deficiency has not been corrected, the collector shall affix to the container another tag or seal stating that the container is condemned, and shall notify the Village Health Department by mail or in person and make a record thereof in his office. as condemned. The occupant, manager, or owner of any premises where any containec has been tagged or condemned under Section 6 hereof as deficient may demand an inspection by the Public Health Sanitarian, who may either confirm the deficiency or rescind the action of the collector. service to any permises when the only container or containers thereon have been condemned, and may cancel service when the party chargeable for the collection service is two months or move overdue in paying for such service, collector cancels service to any premises, writFen notice thereof shall be served upon or mailed to the occupant, manager or owner of the premises and a copy of the notice shall be mailed to the Village Health Department. on any premises not stored in containers which comply with this ordinance, or any accumulation of re€use on any p~emises which has remained thereon for more than one week is hereby declared to be a nuisance and shall be abated by order of the Village Health Officer, as provided by Minnesota StatutesS Sections 145.22 and 145.23, and the cost of abatement may be assessed on the property where the nuisance was found, as provided in said sections. Haulers to be Licensed. No person shall engage in hauling or conveying rubbish, garbage or other refuse from any premises in the Village unless he helds a valid license hereunder, Ordinance No. 20 of the Village, including the penalty provisions thereof, shall apply to all licenses required by this ordinance and to the holders of such licenses , license shall contain or have attached thereto, in addition to the information required by said Ordinance No, 20, a description of the types and makes of motor vehicles used for collection, a schedule of the charges to be made to customers, the frequency of service to be rendered and full information as to where and Sec. 4, Placing of Containers. The containers shall be placed on Lb '20 m 4 They shall not be Sec, 5. Frequency and Manner of Collection, The contents of the BDp( ' Upon Sec, 6, Collector May Tag and Condemn Containers. Whenever a container The tag shall also state The colkector shall file duplicates of every tag Upon the next collection, The collector shall not collect the contents of any container marked Sec. 7, Occupant May Demand Inspection by Public Health Sanitarian, Sec. 8, Collector Nay Cancel Service. The collector shall cancel When any Sec, 9. Abatement of Refuse Accumulation, Any accumulation of refuse Sec. 10, Sec. 11. License Procedure or Control; Penalties, The provisions of Sec, 12, Applications. The application for license or renewal of how the material collected will be disposed of, F I 3/15/65 Sec. 13. Insurance Policies- to be Filed. Applicants for licenses or renewals of licenses shall file with each application a copy of an insurance policy or of insurance policies under which there is coverage as to each vehicle to be used, for the entire term of the license applied for, for loss or damage to persons in the amount of $100,000 for each person and $300,000 for each accident, and for loss or damage to property in the amount of $50,000. that it shall not be cancelled or terminated without notice thereof first being given to the Village. be $25 for the first vehicle and $10 for each additional vehicle to be used. Each such policy shall provide Sec. 14. Fee. The fee for the license required by this ordinance shall Sec. 15. Term of. License. The term of eaeh:.license hereunder shall be Sec. 16. Administration by Department of Health, Applications for from April 1 to March 31. license hereunder shall be submitted to the Villa-ge Department of Health and licenses shall be granted or denied by that department. is hereby made the deputy of the Village Hanager for the purpose of notifying licensees of violations, and suspending or revoking licenses. The Village Public Health Sanitarian Sec. 17. Decals to be. Placed on Vehicles. Whenever a license or renewal has been granted hereunder, the Department of Health shall furnish to theIlicensee a decalcomania for each vehicle* that the vehicle is licensed by the Village. to the forward left side of the body of each vehicle licensed. The decalcomania shall be so worded as to signify ' The licensee shall apply the decalcomania Sec. 18. Specifi-ns of Vehicles. The body of every vehicle licensed hereunder shall be constructed entirely of metal, or the space in the vehicle in which refuse will be kept shall be completely lined with metal. be effectively closed so that no dripping or leaking or draining off of water, liquid or any substance can occur. hood having an opening fitted with metal doors, or shall be provided with a h&gizy ..: tarpaulin or equivalent cover fitted with eyes, grommets, tie ropes or hooks so that the cover can be held securely over the loaded refuse. Every vehicle us&d for collecting garbage or swill shall have a permanent metal cover. be kept well painted, clean and in good repair. garbage or swill shall be steam cleaned every week or oftener if necessary.to prevent persistent odors, and shall be steam cleaned before being used for any other purpose. All joints shall The loading space shall be provided with a tight metal Sec. 19. Cleanliness of Vehicles. Every vehicle licensed hereunder shall Every such vehicle used for collecting Sec. 20. filarking of Vehicles. Every vehicle used to collect refuse shall m have the name of the owner or operator on the body, or placed on a durable metal or wood plaque which shall be fastened to the body when the vehicle is used for collecting garbage or refuse. that none of such materials can jar loose and fall to the ground or street when the vehicle is in motion. Loose paper, trash and small materials shall be so secured that they cannot be dispersed by the wind or fall out of the vehicle. garbage or refuse in any vehicle licensed hereunder shall comply with the requirements Sec. 21. Loading Vehicles. Rubbish or waste matter shall be so loaded Sec. 22. Containers Used in Vehicle. Containers used to store or carry of Section 2 hereof. of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of not exceeding $100 or imprisonment in the Village or county jail for a period not exceeding 90 days, with costs of prosecution in either case to be added. Such penalty may be imposedein addition to revocation or suspension of license, and in addition to abatement of a nuisance hereunder. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 113 of the Village, as amended, is also repealed. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. Sec. 23. Penalty. Any person violating this ordinance shall be guilty Sec. 24. Ordinance No. 211 of the Village, as amended, is hereby repealed. Sec. 25. ORDINANCE 140. 23.5- 2- FIRST HEARING. blr. Hyde presented to .the Council proposed "ORDINANCE NO, 235-2 -- AN ORDINANCE AliiEMDING ORDINANCE NO. 235 OF THE VILLAGE, REGULATING PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SY STEHS" which was discussed by Council. Tupa offered first reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 235-2 AN ORDINANCE AHENDING ORDINANCE NO. 235 OF THE. VILLAGE, REGULATING PRIVATJ SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS THE VILLAGE COUMCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, I~IIkIIMESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 2 of Ordinance No. 235 ofthe Village is hereby : "Section 2. amended to read as follows: shall be unlawful for any person to occupy or permit to be occupied any house or building where effluent from any sewage disposal facility does not drain completely out of such house or building but remains present therein for any period of time, or drains on or through the surface of the ground, or into any ditch, storm sewer, Faulty Condition of Private Sewage-1 System. It lake or stream." 3/15/65 63 Section 2, Paragraph (c) of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 235.of the "(c) Village is hereby amended to read as-follows: private sewage disposal system shall first obtain a written permit and approval of plans and specifications from the Enforcing Officer, and pay a fee of $25, The system shall be constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, which shall comply with the requirements of Sections 4 and 5 of this ordinance, or if the system is to be an aeration disposal. system of a type approved by the Enforcing Officer, shall comply with the requirements of Section 4 only. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication, Any person who shall construct, reconstruct, or replace any Section 3. COUNCIL SUPPORTS LEGISLATION EQUALIZING STATE AID AND TAX LEVIES FOR SCHOOL DISTRICTS. Council discussed House File 979, pending in the current session of Minnesota State Legislature, which would correct the present inequity in state aid to public schools by equalizing state aid and tax levies for all school districts, RESOLUTION SUPPORTING LEGISLATION EQUALIZING STATE AID AND TAX LEVIES FOR SCHOOL DISTRICTS kIHEREAS, additional legislation is needed in order to provide that total maximum expenditures of School Districts may be more equal, in view of the fact that schodl districts such as'the Edina-Morningside district which have a relatively high assessed valuation receive less state aid, per pupil unit, than do districts with relatively low assessed valuation, and, to correct the present inequity, of Edina endorse the principles of House File 979 and that Senator Alf Bergerud and Representative Otto Bang be requested to secure passage of House File 979 and its companion measure in the State Senate, Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 1 WHEREAS, House File 979 Would permit the Edina-Morningside district NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village voted aye and the Resolution was unanimo ATTEST : Concensus of opinion of Council was that municipal expenditures for legal publications Tupa offered the following of questionable value and should be opposed, Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION OPPOSING SENATE FILE 470 REQUIRING ADDITIONAL MUNICIPAL EXPENDITURES FOR LEGAL PUBLICATIONS OF QUESTIONABLE VALUE WHEREAS, Senate File 470, if enacted into law by the present session of the Minnesota Legislature, would require the Village of Edina to pay for the cost of publishing Council minutes and detailed financial statements, and, tax rate and desires to be able to continue to do SO, but cannot if mandatory expenditures are constantly imposed upon it, and, fully informed as to the activities of the municipality, and, of Edina that legal publications are read by very few citizens and that the cost of any additional mandatory requirements is therefore not justified, File 470 be not recommended to pass by the Senate Committee on Nunicipal Affairs and that the Village Manager be directed to testify in opposition to Senate File 470. WHEREAS, the Village of Edina has maintained a stable, relatively low WHEREAS, the Village of Edina makes every effort to keep its citizens WHEREAS, it is the considered judgment of the Council of the Village NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village of Edina that Senate Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Mack4illan and on Rollcall CHOICE BETWEEN HAVING PERA ONL& A COMBINATION OF PERA AND OASDI IS FAVORED BY COUNCIL. Council discussed Senate File 617 and House File 900 which allows present municipal employees to choose between having EERA only or a combination of PERA and OASDI, adopt ion : Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its 3/15/65 RESOLUTION ENDORSING SENATE FILE 617 AND HOUSE FILE 900, ALLOWING PRESENT MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES TO CHOOSE BET\?EEN HAVING PERA ONLY OR A CONBINATION OF PERA AND OASDI WHEREAS, the employees of the Village of Edina are currently excluded from Social Security coverage, and, to that enjoyed by state employees, but are presently denied the right to make a choice, and, disability benefits than does PERA, of the Minnesota State Senate and House of Representatives be stsongly urged to give all affected municipal employees the same rights enjoyed by other public employees; namely, to be included in the OASDI, by passing Senate File 617 and House File 900, and, Otto Bang be requested to support vigorously the enactment of Senate File 617 and House File 900. WHEREAS, they are strongly in favor of having a combined plan similar WHEREAS, such a combined plan would provide sounder retirement and MOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village of Edina that a11 members BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Senator Alf Bergerud and Representative voted aye and the Resalution was unanimously ATTEST : Concensus of opinion of. Council was that municipal employees should have the same rights that schoolteachers have insofar as the purchase of deferred annuity contracts is concerned. Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION REQUESTING LEGISLATION. PERMITTING bIUNICLPALITIES TO PURCHASE DEFERRED ANNUITY CONTRACTS FOR NUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, municipal employees and municipalities in the State of Minnesota desire to have the same rights as do school teachers and school boards insofar as the purchase of deferred annuity contracts is concerned, and, WHEREAS, there is no legislation granting municipalities this privilege, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina that Senator Alf Bergerud and Representative Otto Bang be requested to introduce and secure passage of legislation which will allow the Village of Edina and its employees to secure deferred annuities, either by special legislation relating to the Village of Edina only, or by general Legislation including all cities and villages. , Motion for adoption of Resolution seconded by HacMillan aye and the Resolution was unanimously adopt ATTEST : CLAIHS PAID. Tupa's motion for confi Claims as per Pre-List dated March 15 General Fund, $43,570.99; Construction Fund $379.00; Park, .Park Construction, Golf . Course, $2,202.20; Water Fund, $3,617.28; Liquor Fund, $65,812.10; Sewer' Rental Fund, $901.24; Total $116,482.71. on of Council of payment of the following 5, was seconded by ~.Iacblillanl and carried: There being no further business to come before this Meeting, Rixe moved for adjournment . Motion seconded by $Iacb~illan and carriedr Adjournment at 8:40 P.M* I . .. 31 15/65 64%' - At its Regular Meeting, Monday, May 3, 1965, the Council authorized the inclusion of the following Resolution, which was erroneously omitted from the initihl Minutes of this meeting. COUNCIL SETS APRIL 5 FOR HEARING DATE FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, the following Resolution: MacMillan offered RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON. SANITARY SEWERS, STORM SEWER, WATERMAINS, BITUMINOUS SURFACING AND PORTLAND CEMENT -CONCRETE CURS AND GUTTER BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council, Village of Edina: 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to thecouncil a.preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Sanitary Sewers, Storm Sewers, Watermains, Grading and Graveling and Portland Cement Concrete Paving with Integral Curb, described in the form of Notice of Hearings set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed in the office of the Village Clerk. Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in.said improvements. place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less' than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties not later than ten days fromethe date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON STORM SEWERS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATERMAINS, GRADING AND GRAVELING PORTLAND CEMENT.CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, April 5, 1965, at 7:OO P.M. in the 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, m e TF 63. u u I EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, April 5, 1965, at 7:OO P.M., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 429. The approximate cost of said improvements are estimated by the Village as set forth below: - A, CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEWERS AND APPURTENANCES ESTIMATED COST IN 3. c 4. 5. 6. 7. THE FOLLOWING: IJ. 64th St. from Ridgeview Drive to Holborn Ave. $ 8,325.66 Ridgeview Drive from W. 64th St. to Whiting Ave. Storm Sewer outfall line to west from low point * $ 9,706.63 on France 165' south of HaJ.ifax.Ave* Catch Basins and Leads in vicinity of France Ave. and Halifax Ave, Indian Hills Pass from Gleason Road to 220' Southwest e rly Gleason Road from Indian Hills Pass to 300' more or less northerly of Valley View Road Sunset Lane from Gleason Road to Sunrise Drive Sunrise Drive from Sunrise Court to Creek Valley' Woodhill Drive from Creek Valley Road to 860' Creek Valley Road from Sunrise Drive to W. 76th St. and W. 76Lh St. extended from pond- $170,673.02 $115,781 16 Road more or less south Nine Mile Creek . i in Tract C, R.L.S. 990,to 550' W. o,f the center. line of France Ave. Parklawn Ave. from W. 76th St. to Parklawn Court Parklawn Ave. from.pond located in Outlot 1, Bertelsen Addition to 400' west of the center line of France'Ave. The eastiline of Bertelsen Addition from Parklawn Ave. north 247.6' and there terminating On an easement line between Oaklawn Ave. and Parklawn Ave, Vernon Ave. (U.S. Hwy. #169-212) from W. 53rd St. to 300' nor"th of W. 52nd St. Storm water storage ' pond, dikes, and outlet structure to be constructed-in R.L.S. No. 938, R.L.S* No. 1050, sand Outlot 1, Bertelsen Addition Interlachen Blvd. from existing storm sewer between Hankerson Ave, and Summit Ave. to Intersection with Vernon Avenue (Ta H. #X69-212) $ 6,268.16 $ 71,403.22 $ 2,973.61 3/15/65 8. On blaloney Ave. from 150 feet west of Tyler Court On Tyler Court from Maloney AVe. to easement line On easement line from Tyler Court to low area to Tyler Court 50 feet south of Maloney Ave. be%ween Tyler Court and Arthur St. and south of Maloney Aver Court and Arthur Stb and south of Maloney Ave. to Arthur Stb of Waterman Ave. to Waterman Ave. 300 feet east pond south of Waterman Aveb i On easement lines from low area between Tyler On Arthur St. from easement line 150 feet north On IJateman Ave. (vacated) from Arthur Stb to On easement line from vacated Waterman Ave. to B* CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWERS AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOFJIHG: 1. \I. 63rd St. from Parnell Ave. to Virginia Ave. Virginia Ave. from 200 feet south of Wb 62nd St. to 230 feet south of wb 63rd St. west in preliminary plat of that part of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 29, T. 117, R. 21, lying west of Cooper Ave. and between Hilldale and Brunts Subdivision,. and West on easement Line to existing sanitary sewer on west line of above property 3. I?. 64th St. from Northfield Ave, to Holborn Aver IJhiting Aver from Northfield AVe. to Holborn Ave. Holborn Ave. from Whiting Ave.-cto 140 feet south NorthfieJd Ave. from I?. 64th St. to Whiting Ave. Proposed Street from Whiting AVe, to \?b 63rd St. 2. On proposed street from Cooper Aver to 400 feet C. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERHAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: 1. Parnell Ave. from I?, 62nd Stb to Wb 63rd stb $ 19,566.50 1 . Virginia Ave. from GI, 62nd Stb to 280 feet . W. 63rd St. from Virginia Ave. to Parnell Ave. west in preliminary plat of that part of the SE 1/4 of the NE l/4 of Secb 29, T. 117, R. .21, lying west of Cooper Ave. and between Hilldale and Brum' s Subdivision south of W. 63rd St. 2 b On proposed street from Cooper .Ave. to 400 feet $ 4,128.81 . 3. 11. 64th St. from Holborn hve. to Northfield AVee $ 25,188.28 Whiting Ave. from Holborn Aver tQ Northfield AVe. Northfield Ave. from I?. .64th St. to Whiting Ave. Holborn Ave, from I?. 64th St. to Whiting Ave. Proposed Street from Whiting Aver to wb 63rd Stb and Warren Aveb De CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING AND GRAVELING IN THE FOLLOWING: 1. We 64th St. from Northfield AVee to HOLbOrn AVe. $ 38,172.82 Whiting Ave. from Northfield Ave. to Holborn Aver , Northfikld Ave. from \Ib 64th St. to Whiting AVe. Holborn Ave. from W. 64th Stb to Whiting Ave. ..t . Proposed Ridgeview Drive from 11. 64th Stb to . W. 63rd Stb and Warren Ave. E, CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB IN THE FOLLONING: 1. Oaklawn Ave. from north line of Bertelsen Addition south to cul-de-sac $ 10,209.92 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer under A-1 above includes all lots andetracts of land within the following described boundaries : Commencing at the northeast corner of. Lot 1, Block 7, Normandale 2nd Addition; thence south along the west line of Warren Aver to the. southeast corner of Lot 4, Block 1, =chard* R. Lundgren Addition; thence west to the southwest corner of Lot 5, Block 3, Richard R. Lundgren Addition; thense nprthwesterly to the southeast corner of Lot 1, Normanaale Third Addition; thence west along rear lot lines of Lots 1-thru 13, Normandale Third Addition extended to the east line of the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad; thence northerly along, the east line of the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad to the south right of way.line of Hennepin County #62; thence northeasterly along south right-of-way line of Hennepin County #62 to the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 7, Normandale Second Addition; thence east to the point of beginning. $ 21,451.67 $ 16,522.67 $ 3,389.26 $ 27,056.89 .. 3/15/65 includes all lots and tracts of land within the follo Commencing at r of Lot 1, Block 7 south along th en Ave. to the sout Richard R. Lundgren Addition the southeast corner of Lot 1, and Southern Rail Northfield and S 1, Block 7, Nomandale Second Addition; The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Stom Sewer under A-2 above-includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries : Beginning at the intersection of the center lines of W, 62nd St. and Beard Ave,; thence north along the center line of Beard Ave. a distance of 500'; thence east, parallel to W, 60th St, to the centerline of Block 3, Town Realty's Edina Terrace; thence northerly along said center line and its extension to'the north line of Lot 12, Block 6, Harriet Manor 2nd Addition; thence easterly along the'north lines of Lots 12 and 11, said Block 6, a distance of 75' ; thence northerly and parallel to Abbott Ave, to the center line of W. 59th St.; thence westerly on center line of W. 59th St. to a point 60' west of west line of Abbott Ave.; thenck south and parallel to Abbott Ave. to a point on the north line of Lot 8, Block 5, Harriet Manor 2nd Addition; thence west to the northwest corner of said Lot 8; thence south along the west line of said Lot 8 and Lot 9 and extension to the south line of the east-west alley between Abbott and Beard Avenues; thence west along the south line of said alley to the center line of Beard Ave. ; thence north along the center line of Beard Aver 50 feet; thence west 100 €eef; thence north on a libe 100 feet west of and parallel to the center line of Beard Avenue to the center line of W. 58th St,; thence west to the center line of Chowen Ave.; thence south along the center line of Chowen Ave. to its intersection with the sousl.ine of Lot 29, Auditor's Subdivision No. 312 extendedjthence westerly to the southwest corner of said Lo* 29; thence south parallel to Chowen Ave. to the south line of Lot 22, Auditor's Subdivision No. 312; thence west along said south line of Lot 22 to a point LOO feet east of the center line of Drew Avenue; thence south, 100.feet east of and parallel to the center line of Drew Avenue to the south line of Lot 19, Auditor's Subdivision No. 312; thence west to the southwest corner of Lot 42, Auditor's Subdivision No. 312; thence south and parallel to Ewing Ave. to a point on the south line of Enoch Sward Addition extended; thence west on said south line extended to a point 80 feet east of the center line of France Aver; thence south parallel to the center line of France Ave. to a point in Lot 48, Auditor's Subdivision No. 312, which is 60 feet north of the center line of W, 60th Street; thence west and parallel to the center line of W. 60th St. to the centerline of France Ave,; thence west to the northwest corner of Lot 11, Block 4, Boran's Edina Manor; thence south,. parallel to and 133 feet west of the center line of France Ave. to a point 80 feet south of the center line of W. 60th St.; thence west, parallel to and 80 feet south of the center line of W. 60th St. and Yts extension to a point 65 feet west of the center line of Halifax Ave.; thence southeasterly, parallel to and 65 feet southwesterly of the center line of Halifax Ave., to the west line of France Ave.; thence south along the west line of France Ave, to the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Lake Pamela; thence west along the north line of said Lot 1, a distance of 40 feet; thence south, parallel to and 73 feet west of the center line of France Ave. to a point in Lot 5, Block 1, Lake Pamela, said point being 35 feet north of the south line and 40 feet west of the east line of said Lot 5; thence east parallel to the south line of said Lot 5 extended, to the center line of France Ave,; thence south along the center line of France Ave. a distance of 136 feet; thence westerly to a point in Lot 1, Block 1, Hippe's France Avenue 2nd Addition, said point being 35 feet south of the north line and 35 feet west of the east line of said Lot 1; thence south and parallel to France Ave. to the south. line of Lot 3, Block 1, Hippe's France Ave. 2nd Addition; thence east to the southeast corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Hippe's France Ave. 2nd Addition; thence south to the northeast corner of' Lot 1, Block 1, Hippe's France Ave. Addition; thence west along the north line of said Lot 3, Block 1, Hippe's France Ave, Addition a distance of 35 feet; thence south and parallel to France Ave. a distance of 85 feet; thence west along the south line of said Lot 1, Block 1, a distance of 15 feet; thence South and parallel to France Ave. to the south line of Lot 3, Block 1, Flo's Subdivision; ' thence east to the southeast corner of said Lot 3, Block I, Flo's Subdivision; thence easterly to the southwest corner of Lot 12, Block 1;Evans Addition; thence east to the southeast corner of said Lot 12, Block 1, Evans'Addation; thence Southerly to the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Evans Addition; thence easterly along the south line of said Lot 2, Block 1, a distance of 82.77 feet; thence northerly, parallel to and 65 feet west of the center line of Ewing Ave., to a 3/15/65 ( point in Lot 2, Block 3, Katters Addition, said point being 25 feet north of the south line and 35 feet west of the east line of said Lot 2;,thence easterly to a point on the west line of Lot 3, Block 2, Katter's Addition, said point being 25 feet north of the south line of said Lot 3; thence easterly to a point in Lot 3, Block 1, Katter's Addition, 'said point being 35 feet east of the west line and 50 feet north of the south line thereof;* thence northerly, parallel to and 65 feet east of the center line of Chowen Avenue to the center line of West 62nd Street; thence east to the point of beginning. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer under A-3 above includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries : Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 9, Block 1, Valley Vista, thence northerly along the west right-of-way line of Rosemary Lane a distance of 175 feet; thence northwesterly a distance of 120 feet to a point in Lot 7, Block 1; Valley Vista, said point being 55 feet northwesterly and radial to the curve of the west line of Rosemary Lane; thence parallel to and 55 feet west and northerly of the west and north line of Rosemary Lane to a point on the east line of Lot 3, Block 1, Valley Vista; said point being 55 feet northerly and radial to the curve on the north line of Rosemary Lane; thence northeasterly to fhe northeast corner of Lot 2, Bloek 1, Valley Vista; thence northerly along east section line to the-east 1/4. corner of Sec, 6, T. 116, R. 21; thence northerly along east Section line to a point 55 feet north of the northeast corner ofLot 27, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196; thence westerly 55 feet north of and parallel to the north line of Lot 27, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196-a distance of 1180 feet; thence northwesterly a di'stance of 540 feet to a point in Lot"24, Auditor's Subdivision No, 196 said point being 130 feet east of the west line of Lot 26, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196 extended north; thence northwesterly a distance of 550 feet to a point in Lot 24, Auditor's Subdivision No, 196, said point being 120 feet west ofthe west line of Lot 26 extended; thence northwesterly to a point on the south right-of-way line of the Crosstown Hwy. said point being 395 feet east of and measured perpendicular to the east right-of-way line of Gleason Road; thence southwesterly to a point on the north line of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision No, 196, said point being 330 feet west of the west line of Gleason Road; thence southwesterly to a point on the north line ' of Lot 10, Block 1, Indian Hills, said point being 40 feet easterly of the north- west corner; thence southwesterly to a point on the south line of Lot' 10, Block 1, Indian Hills, said point being 67 feet southeasterly of the southwesterly corner; thence southwesterly to a point on the south line of Indian Hills Road said point being 65 feet northwesterly of the northeast corner of-Lot 2, Block 7, Indian Hills; thence southeasterly to a point on the east line of Lot 2, Block 7, Indian Hills, s&id point being 50 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner $ thereof; thence southerly 50 feet west of and' parallel to the west line of Indian Hills Road to a point in Lot 5, Block 7, Indian Hills, said point being $ 65 feet south and measured perpendicular to the north line of said lot, and 50 g feet westerly and radial to the west line of Indian Hills Road; thence eakterly to rl a point in Lot 3, Block 2, Indian Hills, said point being 45 feet northerly and m o measured perpendicular to the sobth line of said Lot and 35 feet easterly kd $ radial to the east line of Indian Hills Road; thence northwesterly 35 feet east of and parallel to the east line of Indian Hills Road to a point on the north line-of 9 Lot 2, Block 2, Indian Hills, said point being 35 feet east of the northwest corner a thereof; thence northwesterly to a point of curve on the east line of Indian $ Hills Road, which point is 144 feet northwesterly of the northwest corner of F.l Said Lot 2; thence nbrtheasterly along the south line' of Indian Hills Pass to a 5 point 50 feet westerly of the west line extended of Outlot 2, Cherokee Hills 3rd Q) Addition; thence southeasterly 50 feet west of and parallel to the east line of E Outlot 1; Cherokee Hills 3rd Addition, said point being 210 feet northerly of the 9 northeast corner of Lot 6, Block 1, Cherokee Hills 3rd Addition; thence northeasterly to the intersection of Cherokee Trail and Navaho Trail; thence southeasterly along c '2 the cente;? line of Cherokee Trail to the north line of Lot 1, Block 2, Cherokee 0 Hills extended; thence southeasterly to a point in Lot 1, Block 1, Sharpe-Bakke c Addition, said point being 75 feet east of the west line and 75 feet north of the -lJ Q) south line of said Lot 1, Block 1, Sharpe-Bakke Addition; thence southwesterly to a, QI a point in Lot 2, Block 3, Indian Hilis, said point being 40 feet west of the 0 east line and 100 feet north ofthe south line of said Lbt 2, Block 3, Indian 4 Hills; thence southeasterly to a point in Lot 29, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, $ said point being 275 feet east and measbred perpendicular to the west line and 275 a feet north and measured perpendiculab to the south line of Lot 29, Auditor's 2 Subdivision No. 196; thence southeasterly to' a point in Lot 32, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, said point being 20 feet south and measured perpendicular to the north ' line and 320 feet east and measured perpendicular to the west*line of said Lot 32, $ Auditor's Subdivision No. 196; thence southwesterly to another point in Lot 32, 5 Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, said point being 285 feet east. and measured 6 thence southeasterly to the southeast corner of Lot 32, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196; thence easterly to the'southeast corner of Lot 9, Block 1, Valley Vista which is point of beginning. I 3 4 . a f c, , 4 perpendicular to thehsouth line of said Lot 32, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196; 3/15/65 The area proposed to be under A-4 above includes a11 boundaries: Commencing at a point in the assessea fob the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer bts,and tracts of Zand within the following described south line of Lot 0, R.L;S. #1129, said point being 100 feet west of the center line of France Ave.; thence west along the south line of said Lot 0 extended to the east line of Tract C, R.L.S. #990; thence northwesterly to a point in the south line of Lot 2, Block 3, Bertelsen Addition, said point being 51.5 feet west of the southeast corner thereof; thence northwesterly 50 feet west of and parallel to the west property line of Parklawn Ave, a distance of 330 feet; thence northwesterly to the most northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 3, Bertelsen Addition; thence northwesterly along the west property line of Parklawn Ave. to the southeast corner of Lot 11, Block 1, Bertelsen Addition; thence northerly to a point on the north line of Lot 11, Block 1, Bertelsen Addition, said point being 50 feet northwesterly of the northeast corner thereof; thence northwesterly to the southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 1, Bertelsen Addition; thence northerly to a point in the north line of Lot 9, Block 1, Bertelsen Addition, said point being 50 feet west of the northeast corner thereof; thence east along the north line of Bertelsen Addition to the southeast corner of Lot 10, Block 1, South Garden Estates 4th Addition; thence north along the east line of Block 1, South Garden Estates 4th Addition and Block 3, South Garden Estates 3rd Addition to a point 80 feet south of the center line of W. 72nd Street; thence east 80 feet south of and parallel to the center line of W. 62nd.St. to a point 100 feet west of the center line of France Ave.; thence south 100 feet west of'and-parallel to the center line of France Ave. to the point of beginning. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer under A-5 above includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries : Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 6, Block 1, Brookside Heights; thence west along the north line of said Lot 6 and thenorth line of Lot 9, Block 2, Brookside Heights to a point 25 feet west of the west line of Hankerson Ave.; thence south and parallel to the west line of Hankerson Ave, a distance of 285 feet; thence west and parallel to the north line of W, 51st St, a distance of 213 feet; thence southwesterly to the southwest corner of Lot 15, Block 2, Brookside Heights; thence southwesterly to the intersection of William Ave. and W. 51st St.; thence south along the center line of William Ave, to an intersection with the center line of W. 52nd St. ; thence west along center line of W. 52nd St. to an intersection with the center line of Grandview Lane; thence south along the center line of Grandview Lane to an intersection with a line extended through the northeast corner and the southwest corner of Lot 5, Block 2, of the replat of part of Grandview Plateau; thence southwesterly along said line to the southwest corner of said Lot 5; thence south along the west line of Lot 6, Block 2, of said Replat and along said line extended to a point of intersection with a line parallel to and 130 feet south ofthe south line of W. 53rd St.; thence east along said line a distance of 250 feet; thence northeasterly to the intersection of said south line of W. 53rd St. and the west line of U.S. Hwy, $169-212; thence easterly to the intersection of the center lines of Eden Ave. and Sherwood Road; thence north- easterly to the intersection of the north line of Eden Ave, and the east line of U.S. Hwy #169-212; thence northerly along the east line of U.S. Hwy, #169-212 to a point of curve to the right on the west line of Lot 13, Block 4, Grandview Heights; thence northeasterly along said curve to the right,a distance of LOO feet; thence northwesterly to the southeast corner of Lot LO, Block 4, Grandview Heights; thence west to the southwest corner of said Lot 10; thence north along the west line of said Block 4, to the point of beginning. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer under A-6 above incLudes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries : Beginning at a point on the south line of Tract "O", R.L.S. No. 1129, which point is 100 feet west of the center line of France Ave. ; thence west to a point on the west line of Tract M, R.L.S. No. 1129, which point is 330 feet south of the center line of W, 76th St . ; thence southwesterly to a point which is 480 feet east of the west line of Tract C, R.L.S. No. 990 and 250 feet north of the north line extended of 11. 77th St.; thence west, parallel to and 250 feet north of the north line of W. 77th St. and its extension to the east line of Tract S, R.L.S. No. 1050; thence northwesterly to the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 3, Lake Edina 3rd Addition; thence northerly along the west line of said Lot 1 to a point 50 feet south of the south line of West Shore Drive; thence northeasterly parallel to and 50 feet southerly and southeasterly of the south line of West Shore Drive to a point 50 feet from the south line of Sedum Lane; thence northwesterly to the inter- section of West Shore Drive and Sedum Lane; thence northeasterly to a point in Lot 1, Block G, Lake Edina 3rd Addition; which point is 50 feet north of the south line of said Lot 1, and 50 feet east of the west line of said Lot I; thence northerly, parallel to and 50 feet easterly of the east line of West Shore Drive to a point which is 400 feet south of the north line of Lake Edina 4th Addition; thence east, parallel to and 400 feet south of the north line of Lake Edina 4th Addition to the west line of Kellogg Ave.; thence north along said west line a 3/15/65 / distance .of 200 feet; thence east to a point on the west line of Outlot 2, Bertelsen Addition, which point is 200.feet south of the northwest corner of said Outlot 2; thence east to the southeast corner of Lot 10, Block 1, South Garden Estates 4th Addition; thence north along the east line of Block 1, South Garden Estates 4th Addition and Block 3, Sopth Garden Estates 3rd Addition, to a point 80 feet south of the centeqline of W. 72nd Street; thence east, 80 feet south of and parallel to the center line of 14. 72nd St. to a point 100 feet west of the center line of France Ave. ; thence. south, parallel to and 100 feet ness of the center line of France Avenue to the point of beginning. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer under A-7 above includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries : Beginning at a point on the west line of Lot 4, Block 4, Grandview Heights said point being 40 feet north of the southwest corner of said Lot 4; thence south along the west line of Block 4, Grandview Heights to the southwest corner of Lot 10, Block 4, Grandview Heights; thence west along the south line of said Lot 10 to the westerly right-of-way of T.H. #169-212, thence southeasterly at right angles to said westerly right-of-way to the easterly right-of=way of T.H. #169-212; thence northeasterly along said easterly right-of-way of T.H. #169-212 to the east line of Brookside Ave.; thence north along the east line of Brookside Ave. extended to the northerly right-of-way of T.H. #169-212; thence northwesterly to the most southerly corner of Tract 50 Auditor's Subdivision No. 176; thence northwesterly along the northeasterly line of Interlachen Blvd. to the northwest corner of Tract 49 Auditor's Subdivision No. 176; thence southwe.sterly to the intersection of the south line of Interlachen Blvd. and the center line of Summit Ave.; thence south along the center line of Summit Ave. to the south line of Lot 4, Block 4, Grandview Heights extended; thence west to the southeast corner of said Lot 4, Block 4, Grand- view Heights; thence northwesterly to the point of beginning, The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer under A-8 above includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: Commencing at a point in the north line of Belmore Lane, said point being 35 feet east of the southwest corner of Lot 5, Block 2, Mendelssohn Addition; thence west along the north line of Belmore Lane to the southeast corner of Lot 13, Block 2, West Hinneapolis Heights Addition; thence south to the southeast corner ,of Lot 2,. Block 15, West Minneapolis Heights; thence northwesterly to a point in the north line of Lot 25 and Block 15, said point being 60 feet east of the northwest corner of said Lot 25; thence sbuthwesterly to the southwest corner of said Lot 25; thence southerly to a point in the east line of Lot 6, Block 14, Nest Minneapolis Heights, said point being 22 feet south of the northeast corner of said Lot 6; thence southwesterly to a point in the south line of Lot 13, Block 14, West Minneapolis Heights, said point being 35 feet west of the southeast corner of said Lot 13; thence southerly along the extension of the aforementioned line a distance of 215 feet; thence southwesterly at a deflection angle to the right of 45O 35' a distance of 155.5 feet;* thence southerly at a deflectipn angle to the left of 52O 02' a distance of 214.87 feet; thence southweaterly at a deflection angle to the right of 24O 40' a distance of 154.58 feet; thence southeasterly at a deflection angle to the left of 105O 35' a distance of 205 feet; thence north- easterly at a deflection angle to the left of 180 00' a distance of 190 feet; thence southerly at a deflection angle to the right of 101O 30' a distance of 80 feet; thence southeasterly at a deflection angle to the left of 48' 15' a distance of * 124 feet; thence easterly at a deflection angle to the left of 49O 50' a distance of 125 feet; thence southeasterly at a deflection angle to the right of 75O 00' a distance of 158 feet; thence southeasterly at a deflection angle to the left of 29O 30' a distance of 380 feet; thence southeasterly at a deflection angleLto the left of 23O 28' a distance of 248 feet; thence northeasterly at a deflection angle to the left of 27O 00' to a point in Lot 4, Block 1, Schwantes Addition, which point is 60 feet east of the west line of said Lot 4; thence northerly to the northwest corner of the cul-de-sac of Ridge Road as platted in Schwantes Addition; thence northeasterly to the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Schwantes Addition; thence northeasterly to a point on the north line of Maloney Ave., which point is 150 feet west of the west line of Griffit St.; thence west along the north of Maloney Ave. a distance of 365 feet; thence northwesterly to a point which is 100 feet north of the north line of Maloney Ave. and 80 feet east of the northeast corner of Lot 5, Steiner and Koppelman's 1st Addition; thence west to the northeast corner of said Lot 5; thence north to the southeast corner of Lot 3, Steiner and Koppelman's 1st Addition; thence northwesterly to a point on the north line of Lot 1, Steiner and Koppelman's 1st Addition, which point is 30 feet west of the northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence northeasterly to the point of beginning. under B-1 above includes Lots 12, 13, and 14, Block 1, of Replat of Block 10, Normandale; Lot 1, Block 9 , Replat ,of Block 1, Nomandale; Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 1, and Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5,. BZock 2, Normandale Addition. I I I The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Sanitary Sewer , 3/15/65 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Sanitary Sewer under B-2 above includes Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Proposed Cooper Addition (Parcel 8000, N1/2 of Sec. 29, T. 117, R, 21). under B-3 above includes Lots 1 thru 5 incl., Lots 7 thru 13 incl., Lots 42 thru 47 incl,, Lots 49 thru 53 incl., Normandale 3rd Addition; Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Edina Valley Estates 3rd Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 3, Edina Valley Estates 3rd Addition; Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Richard R. Lundgren Addn,; Parcel No, 5800, Sec. 5, T. 116, R. 21 (Savory Addition). . C-1 above includes Lots 1 thru 5 incl., Block 1, Normandale Addition; Lots 1 thru 5 incl., Block 2, Normandale Addition; Lots 2 thru 5 incl,, Block 3, Normandale Addition; Lot 1, Block 3, Replat of part of Lot 1, Block 3, Nomandale; Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 1, Replat of Block 10, Normandale; Lots 1 and 14, Block 1, Replat of Block 9, Nomandale. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Watermain under C-2 above includes Lots 1 thru 7 incl., Block 1, Proposed Cooper Addition (Parcel 8000, N1/2 of Sec, 29, T, 117, R. 21). C-3 above includes Lots 1 thru 5 incl., Nomandale 3rd Addition; Lots 7 thru 13 incl., Lots 42 thru 47 incl., Lots 49 thru 53 incl., Nomandale 3rd Addition; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Lot 3, Block 3, Edina Valley Estates 3rd Addition; Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Richard R. Lundgren Addn.; Parcel No. 5800, Sec, 5, T, 116, R. 21 (Savory Addition). The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Grading and Graveling under D-1 above includes Lots 1 thru 5 incl., Lots 7 thru 13 incl,, Lots 42 thru 47 incl,, Lots 49 thru 53 incl,, Nomandale 3rd Addition; Lots 3, 2, and 3, Block 1, Edina Valley Estates 3rd Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 3, Edina Valley Estates 3rd Addition; Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Richard R. Lundgren Addn,; Parcel #5800, Sec. 5, T. 116, R. 21 (Savory Addition). The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Portland Cement Concrete Paving with Integral Curb mder E-1 above includes Lots 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9, Block 1 Bertelsen Addition, The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Sanitary Sewer The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the,poposed Watermain under, The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Watermain under FLORENCE Be HALLBERG Village Clerk ollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the Resol ATTEST : I