HomeMy WebLinkAbout19650621_regular6/21/65 NINUTES OF THE REGULAR l4EETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1965, AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Answering Rollcall were Nembers MacMillan, Rixe, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen, SCHAEFER ROAD. SANITARY SEJIER AND WATERMAIN APPROVED. Public Hearing was conducted on the proposed construction of Sanitary Sewer and Watermain in Schaefer Road, Affidavits of Publication in the Edina-biorningside Courier on June LO and 17, 1965, and of Mailing on June 11, 1965, were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. own initiative after receipt of a petition from several of the affected property owners following the decision of the Council of four weeks ago-to install Sewer and watermain fop the complete project as distinguished from a shorter project. Mr,.Hyde read the report of James Hensley, Village Sanitarian, which stated that of the seventeen wells in question, the fifteen which were tested were satisfactory. The report indicated, however, that there was gross pollution in all ponds, and approval of the entire sewer project was urged. Mr, Mark S. Dahlquist, 5012 Schaefer Road, asked for an explanation of the comparative cost, Mr. Hite stated that at the first Hearing it was proposed to construct the sewer on Schaefer Road from a point just to the north- of Interlachen Blvd. to a point approximateiy 1,900 feet south of Interlachen Blvd. which would provide sanitary sewer service for 21 connections on' Schaefer Road between Interlachen Blvd, and Nestwood Court. Total estimated assessable cost was $59,759.00 with an estimated per connection cost of $2,845.65, He stated that based upon bids recently received on this project, the estimated per connection cost would be reduced to $2,545.00. The alternate "short" proposal being heard at this meeting would provide immediate sanitary sewer service for seven connections on Schaefer Road from Interlachen Blvd. to 480 feet south and from Interlachen Blvd. to 355 feet, more or less, north. with an estimated per connection cost of $2,145.00 for-the seven immediate sewers and $527,28 for each of the fourteen remaining lots, Again, based upon received bids, the per connection costs woula be $2,43l6k3 and 577,56, respectively, The watermain proposed at the Hearing of May 17 would provide service for twenty-one connections at a total estimated assessable cost of $21,159.40 with an estimated cost per connection of $1,007.59, Based upon the bids, this per connection cost would be $943.27, provide immediate water service for seven connections. connection would be $1,007,59 for the seven lots immediately served and estimated cost for the remaining fourteen lots would be $361,64. immediately served connections would cost $943.27 each, and the "future service" , connections would be $361+64 each if there were seven connections in the immediate district, and $316.89 each if there were eight connections in the immediate district. All bid prices provide for temporary road replacement.. Vood Addition property in the project and was told that these properties abutted Schaefer Road in the location of the proposed improvements, that he was surprised to hear the report of the Sanitariari and wondered if the pollution was not caused by stables in the area. was evident in locations where no stables existed, that he felt that in view of the report of the Sanitarian that the Village would be shirking its public health responsibility if the shorteF sewer system were installed. Hayor Bredesen pointed out that the homes that are contributing to the pollution can be forced to connect to the sewer after it is installed, Mr, Dahlquist asked if the sewer and water could be delayed another two OP three years inasmuch as storm sewer installation is anticipated at that time, the risk to life would be too great to defer the sewer, Questioned as to whether satisfactory water can be furnished without a loop, Mr. Hite stated that he was sure that there would be enough users on the llshortll project to keep the water in a fresh condition, whereas in the ''long1' project, the water wouId have a tendency to become stale. Hr. Frederick Thorson, attorney representing Pir, and Mrs. Roy Larsen, - - stated that in view of the results of the tests, the Larsens are now in favor of installing bothasewer and water as proposed at the Mziy 17 meeting, - connections for sewer and water for their property'in order that it may be subdivided in the future'. connections €or them. Mr, Carl T. Jensen, owner of Block 28, MendelSsohn Addition, for both sewer and-water. Nr. Connor Schmitt , attorney representing Hr. and Mrs, Larsen, asked whether the ' ultimate loop would be installed sooner if the longer watermain was used. replied that he could not make such a determination at this time. motion confimning action of Council of May 17 r'elative to approval 'of Sanitary Sexer No. 237 was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. concerning installation of watermain, Mayor Bredesen asked why the people with the "short" line should pay khree times as much to get water as those to the south of them. Hr. Hite replied that properties to the south will have to pay additional assessments at the time the pipe is extended into that area. Mr. F. A. Wheeler, Manager Hyde stated that this Hearing had been called by the Council on its I The total estimated assessable cost was $22,396.92 The alternate "shortJ1 proposal being heard at this meeting would The estimated cost per Based upon the new bids, the I Mrs. Harold Schaefer, 2 117 Schaefer Road, questioned the inclusion of Mendelssohn Addition and Harold 14r. Dahlquist stated It was brought out thatpollution Manager Hyde informed Council . Mayor Bredesen stated that he'felt that They request three ?,lr. Hite stated that 'the 'lshortli rjatemain couxd provide three Mr. Hyde reminded Council of the repeated request from - Hr. Hite ,VanValkenburg's In the ensuing discussion 6/21/65 f I27 5004 Schaefer Road, said that he did not care whether or not the water was installed, but knew that Mrs, B, B, Nelson, Jr, was in favor of the project, MacMillan's motion abandoning Watermain No, 200 as approved by the Council on May 17, 1965, was seconded by Rixe and unanimously carried. approving the "short" water improvement and moved its adopaion : MacMillan then offered the following 'Resolution RESOLUTION ORDERING WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 200 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING : On an easement line from Blake Ro2d to Interlachen Blvd.. and Schaefer Road Schaefer Road from Interlachen Blvd. to 480 feet south . Blake Road from Waterman Ave, to easement line and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement, and said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as:. and the areas to be specially assessed therefore shall be as follows: WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO, 200 Lot 1, Block 1, Wayne Terrace; Block 28, Mendelssohn Addition; Lots 4 and 5 Block 1, Harold Wood Addition; Lot 1, Block 1, Harold Woods Second Addition; Lot 27, Auditors Subdivision #325; all to be assessed at the rate of $943,27 per connection, Lot 2, Block 1, Harold Woods Second Addition; Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and Lots' 19 through 26 inclusive, Auditor's Subdivision #325. The following lots are to be assessed at the rate of $316,89' per lot: Motion for adoption of the Resolution was sec RINGS, ON, ZONING MATTERS CONTINLED. Ordinances 261-113, 261-114 and 261-115 were presented for first Reading, by the Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, that first reading of the ordinances be continued until July l2. motion to continue first reading to July 12 was seconded by Rixe and unanimously carried. Affidavits of Publication and Posting were read Eir, Hite requested VanValkenburg's TYLER STREET VACATION CONTINUED TO JULY 12. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication in the Edina-Morningside Courier on June 10 and 17 and Affidavit of Mailing on June 11, Affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. that Tyler Ave. from Belmore Lane to North Village Limits apparently resulted when two plats came together and there was some space leTt between the two plats. Lots 7, 8, 9 and LO are tax forfeited and held by the State of Minnesota, stated that it might be helpful to the Village in the future if some disposition could be made prior to the time of the vacation in order that we have assurance that the area will be maintained, as a neighborhood sump and will be picked up when a storm sewer system is installed in the area. Mr. Geron Carlson, one of the petitioners, stated that he owns Lots 5 and 6 and is paying taxes although there is no access to the property and he has been told that he cannot build on the land,. He was the former owner of the tax-forfeited land, He stated that he signed the petition in order to heLp his son, Beauford Carlson, 6600 Belmore Lane, Ivlrs, Beauford Carlson stated that through a surveying error their house is on the road and that unless the road is vacated their house is ruined, She asked if there is any possibility that Spruce Street will be extended and was told by Mr. Hite that this was possible, In response to a question concerning special assessments on the property of Mr. Geron Carlson on which building is not possible, Mr. Hyde suggested that I4r. Carlson come in to the Village Hall and he would go over the matter and see what should be done if the street is vacated, Mrs. Geron Carlson said that they would not want to let their unbuildable lots go and then have someone else come in and make a profit on them after they had held them for such a long time. VanValkenburg's motion to continue hearing to July 12 in order that additional information can be obtained was seconded by Rixe and unanimously carried. DWELLIIJG AT 5-820 ST. JOHNS AVE. ORDERED REMOVED. Pursuant to Affidavit of Publication in the Edina-Morningside Courier on June 10 and 17, 1965, Affidavit of Mailing on May 9, 1965, and Affidavit of Posting on strukture on May 10, 1965, Public Hearing was held on Condemnation of the dwelling at 5820 St. Johns Ave. Mr, Rite explained Wr, Hite Mr. Hite stated further that much of this property serves Affidavits as 1.28 fJ 6/21/65 presented by Clerk were approved as to form and explained that Mr. Earl Carlson, the owner, was ordered placed on file. Mr. Hyde at Council meeting last fall and had been asked to come in within thirty days. the nuisance, listing various structural defects and safety hazards. has now sold his home and that he now has money with which to improve the St. Johns Ave. property. many complaints had been received and that it is an attractive nuisance to children. Mr. Whitlock advised Council that this proceeding has been taken under Section 145.22 of ECnnesota Statutes which authorizes the Health Officer of any municipality to post notice that a dwelling is sub-standard and if it is not corrected within ten days he is authorized to report to the Village Clerk who will order it taken down and assessed up to $100.00 of the cost of destruction against the property. VanValkenburg's motion directing the Village Health Officer and the Village Nanager to cause this nuisance to be abated by July 2, 1965, was seconded by Maci4illan and unanimously carried. Nothing has been done to alleviate Nr. Hyde read the report of the Building Inspector and Sanitarian Mr. Carlson said that he Mr. Hyde informed him that the house was now beyond repair, that , . - CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR SANITARY SEWERS #232, 233, 234, 235, 237; LIFT STATION #3; AND GRAVELING #C-89. Courieyand the Consiruction BullGtin on May 27, June 3 and June 10, 1965, tabulation , 195,, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200; STORM SEYIERS #8,8;,8.9; SSf GDING In response to Advertjsement for Bids in the Edina-Morningside of three Grand Total Tied Bids for Sanitary Sewers #232, 233, 234, 235 and 237; for Lift Station #3; for Watermains #194,.195, 196, 197, 198, 199 and 200; for morm Sewer #88,$ff%!df%%Grading and Graveling #C-89 were presented by Mr. Hyde, Hr. Hite stated that Schaefer Road had been deleted which was the short sanitary sewer'. Using Alternate Plan for S.S. #237, Barton Contracting Company was low at $300,038.36, &Donald-Luben & Associates, Inc. were second low at $325,752.24 and on the base bid Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. were high at $314,388.90 with no alternate bids submitted. All prices based on temporary street replacement. Engineer's estimate, based on permanent street replacement was $297,026.63, to award contract to Barton Contracting Company who will have Phelps-Drake sub-contract utilities and Bury-Carlson sub-contract street replacement was seconded by VanValkenburg . All voted aye and the motion was unanimously carried, Motion by Rixe the Edina-Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin on May 27, June 3, and June LO*, 1965, tabulation of three Grand Total Tied Bids €or Sanitary Sewers #231 and 238 and Braemar Park Ice Arena, €or Watermains #193 ahd 201, for Storm Sewers #86, 87, 90 and 91, and Grading and Graveling #C-88 were presented by Mr. Hyde. showed Peter Lametti Construction Co. low at $368,318.08, Coburn-l.ieek, Lnc. , second low at $375,520.50 and Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. high at $456,907.00. award was to Peter Lametti Construction Cd. except for Sanitary Sewer #236 and Storm Sewer #85. of $355,491.19. #85 will be rebid at a later date. to bidder'. Construction Co., as recommended was seconded by Tupa and carried unanimously. Bids for Improvements as advertised Recommended Bidder has approved the limited award at a Grand Total Tied Bid Sanitary Sewer #236 will be paid for by developer and.stom sewer Deletion of these two improvements was satisfactory VanValkenburg's motion awarding contract to low bidder, Peter Lametti DECISION ON ANTITRU TION AGAINST SALT COHPANIES HELD OVER. blr, Hyde read a letter from the Attorney General relative to his representation of the Village in the pending antitrust action against the salt companies. In response to Rixe's question as to how much the damages would amount to, it was decided to wait until Nr. Dalen's return in order to have proper information before any decision is made. OILING PETITIONS RECEiVED. =Engineering Department for programming by motion of VanValkenburg, seconded by Tupa and carried: The following oiling petitions were accepted and referred Grove Street - From Tracy Ave. to Johnson Drive Warden Ave. - From Tracy Ave. to Johnson Drive Belmore Lane - From Harrison Ave. to Griffit St. OFFICIAL CEIJSUS- ESULTS. United States Department of Commerce certifying population of the Village as of April 1, 1965, at 35,302. mean that the Village would receive about 20% additLondl liquor and cigarette tax revenue. Mr. Hyde presented the official census results from the Mayor Bredesen informed the Council that this would WiLLi~A?I~S.EN SIDE YARD VARIANCE GRANTED. Publication and of Posting on June 8 and Affidavit of Mailing on June 8. t1r. Hite presented request of William J, Olsen, 4220 Vdley View Road, to expand two single attached garages an additional five feet each in order to make double garages. Planning Commission recommended approval because they feel- that it is essential to get automobile parking off of the street and also because zoning was such at the the the property was built that the double garages could have been erected at that time, Clerk presented Affidavits of + 6 /21/65 i""" Mr. Delbert Gode stated that he owns the lot to the north of Mr, Olsen and would) agree to the request provided that he can do the same thing when he builds his double bungalow, Mayor Bredesen stated that Mr. Gode should apply to planning Commission for their determination. by VanValkenburg and unanimously carried, Rixe's motion approving Variance was seconded L. MRACHEK REVERSE FRONTAGE VARIANCE APPROVED. of Notice of Hearing on June 8 and Posting on Village Bulletin Boards on June 8, @re Hite presented Variance request of L. Mrachek to face his home on Lot 32, Block 1, Brookview Heights First Addition towards Duggan Plaza rather than the platted fmntage on Normandale Road, fact that a portion of the property along the east side is to be taken by the Highway Department, MacMillan and unanimously carried, Clerk presented Affidavits of Mailing Planning Commission has recommended approval because of the Motion to approve requested Variance was moved by Tupa, seconded by A. J, SCHMELZ PAR-KIN-G IN FRONT YARD SET BACK VARIANCE GRANTED. Clerk presented wts of Mailing of Notice of Hearing on June 8 and Posting on Village Bulletin Boards on June 80 Mr, Hite presented Variance request of A. J. Schmelz for parking in the required front yard set back for a ten unit apartment building on Parcels 2605 and 2305, Sections 5 and 8, Township 116, Range 21, Variance was recommended by Planning Commission because request is similar to Variance granted to the Cameron property and because topography makes strict conformance to zoning ordinance impossible. screening, was seconded by WacMillan and unanimously carried. VanValkenburg's motion for approval of the Variance, subject to proper BOUNDARY BLVD. P-ROPOSED NAME CHANGE REFERRED TO PLANNING COMMISS,ION, Mr, Hite requested permission of Council to refer application for street name change of Boundary Blvd. to Viking Road to Planning Commission for their recommendation, VanValkenburg's motion referring request to Planning Commission was seconded by Rixe and unanimously carried. LOTS .6-,4ND 48 NORM&VDALE THIRD ADDITION ACQUIRED FOR R0,AD PURPOSES. =need to acquire Lots 6 and 48, Normandale Third Addition for street right-of-way. Tupa's motion approving payment of $5,000 plus taxes payable in 1965 was seconded by VanValkenburg and 'unanimously carried. l4r. Hite explained 1 INDIAN HILLS STREET IMPROVEMENTS DISCUSSED, Mr. Hite informed Council that he had :meetmian Hills residents who are concerned about the possibility of sewer in their area, Another matter considered at this meeting was the state of disrepair of the streets, to the Council that a street improvement of a temporary nature be authorized and the cost assessed against the properties. This would be similar in many respects to the street improvement in Richmond Hills and cost about 50 cents to 60 cents per front foot. within the next few weeks, at which time a Public Hearing would be held. Mr. Hite indicated to the group that he would recommend Mr. Hite stated that plans and estimates would be available for Hearing TJ2AFFI.C ,SIGNALS APPROVED FOR W. 70TH STREE,T AND FRANCE AVENUE. reminded Council that the neighborhood around W. 70th Street and France Avenue Manager Hyde had requested and the Council had authorized the installation of traffic signals at W. 70th St. and France Ave. previous to the widening of the street. Mr, La P. Peterson, County Highway Engineer, had suggested installation of a temporary overhead signal similar to 66th St, and Highway 100 which would serve until proposed widening of France Ave, has been completed, to proceed with the installation which would cost the Village about $700 or $800. VanValkenburg's motion confirming Mr. Hyde's decision was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried, LOT- G,-CHASED BY VILLAGE, Village is installing a sanitary sewer in West Trail, it is necessary to Purchase Lot G, Indian Hills Addition. H, R. Burton, owner of the property, has offered to sell it to the Village for $250.00, Tupa's motion to purchase Lot G, Indian Hills Addition for $250.00 was seconded by VanValkenburg and unanimously carried, Mr. Hyde authorized him Mr. Hyde stated that because the LIBRARY STATUS REPORTED BY MR. HYDE. Manager Hyde reported that he and Mr, Hite had met with Mr. Ervin Daines and Miss Helen Young of the Hennepin County Library. Mr, Hyde said that it appeared definite that a Regional Library would be gOing in at Southdale. He feels that it would be beneficial to have a meeting of property owners in the area of 50th and France Avenue, Mr. Hyde pointed out that a neighborhood library in this area would be a great service to Minneapolis, and that the establishment of a Regional Library should not affect any contribution that Minneapolis might make to a branch library, It was suggested that it might be well to contact someone familiar with the operation of libraries and with space requirements rather than an architect, Mr. Hite stated that Robert Rolf was the consultant for the Moorhead library, -130. fJ 6/21/65 RESOLUTION ADOPTZNG. CHAPTER 529 (H.F. No, 1592) CONCERNING FIRE DEPARTEENT RELIEF' ASSOCIATION PASSED.. Mr. Hyde explained that because of the fine actuarial condition of the Fire Department Relief Association Fund, the State Legislature has adopted Chapter 592 (H.F. No. 1592) which authorizes the increase of payments over and. above payments authorized by Minnesota Statutes , Section 69,06.. VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption; %SOLUTION ADOPTING CHAPTER 529- (H.F. NO, 1592) . .RESOLVED, that the Edina Village Council hereby approves Chapter 592 (H,F, No, 1592) authorizing the Village of Edina to pay Firemen's service pensions in excess of the amounts authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 6906. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seco were five ayes and no nays and the Resolution ATTEST : , %BATE OF SPE,C,IAL ,ASSESSt*lEtITu PENALTJES PAID BY GREGORY SUPER AND MIk PRIBULA AUTHORIZED. Mr. Hyde informed Council that a Resolution had been written approving rebate of special assessment penalties paid by Gregory Super and Mike Pribula in the amount of $395.16 for the years 1959, 19609 1962 and 1964 which had been levied against part of Tract B, Registered Land Survey No, 519. because of the fact that the property has been condemned for highway purposes and the owners were unable to build on it. and moved i_ts adoption: This action is requested VanValkenburg offered the folLowing Resolution RF;SOLU- APPROVING REBATE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PENALTIES RESOLVED, that the Edina Village Council hereby recommends to the Commissioner of Taxation, pursuant to the provisions of lhnesota Statutes, 1961, Section 270.07 that the penalties on the special assessments for the yeears 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962 and 1964 in the aggregate amount of $395,16 levied against that part of Tract B, Registered Land Survey No, 519, Hennepin County in the Village of Edina which has been condemned for highway purposes be abated and that such sum of S395rl.6 be . were five ayes and no nays and the Resolutio ATTEST : COUNCILSTS JULY 12 >FOR HEARING DATE FOR PUBLI'C IMPROVEMENTS the following Resolution and moved its adoption: MacMillan offered RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON SANITARY SENERS , STORN SEWERS, WATERMAINS CURT3 AND GUTTER GRADING ,MD. GRAVELING , ORNAMENTAL, STREET LIGHTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council, Village of Edina: 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the..Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Sanitary Sewers, Storm Sewers, I.Jatermains, Curb and Gutter, Grading and Graveling and Ornamental Street Lights described in the form of Notice of Hearings set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed in the office of the Village Clerk". Edina Village Ha-1, to consider the views of all persons interested in said improvements in Public Hearing, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official, newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting,. and to mail notice to all affected properties not later than ten days from the date of said meefing, which noti,ce shall 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, July 12, 1965, at 7:OO P.f.I, in the 3. The Clerk is hereby auth0rize.d and directed to cause notice of the time, . be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON SANITARY SENERS, STORM SENERS WATERLIALNS . Cue AND, GUTTER, GRADING AND GRAVELING ORNANENTAL STFSET *LIGZITS EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, July 12, 1965, at 7:OO P.M., to consider the following proposed improvements to be con&ructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 429. The approximate cost of said improvements are estimated by the Village as set forth below:' ' . .. ** .. .. 6 /21/ 65 ,. ,I 1. COHSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES ' i ESTIMATED COST I. 'I ,. IN THE FOLLOWING: A. Qest 69th St. from west line of Lot 1, Block 2, Southdale Plaza to York Ave. York Ave. from W, 69th St. to 1730' north $ 37,125,34 cul-de-sac $ 10,033,23 B. Creek View Lane from Limerick Lane to 2. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: A. West 69th St. from east line of Outlot 2, Southdale Plaza to York Ave, YorkalAve; from' W.i* 69th St. to W. 66th St. and Xerxes Ave. I. l,i,r . L'. '1'7 $ 35,855*12 B. Creek View Lane from Limerick Lane to Brook Drive $ 9,650.96 C. On an easement line along the extension of Walnut Drive from north line of Walnut Ridge 1st Addition to 155' north; thence west parallel to and 140' south of the east-west 1/4 line of Sec, 31, T, 117, R, 21, a distance of 843' and there terminating. On an easement line 140' south of and parallel to the-eas+west 1/4 line of Sec. 31, T. 117, R. 215 from a point 990' west of the north-south 1/4 line of said Section to a point 1325' west of said north-south 1/4 line; thence northwesterly at a deflection angle to the right 34O 39' 30" , a distance of 230'; thence at a deflection angle to the left of 900 00' a distance of 120' and there terminating. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: A. On an easement line between Lots 8 and 9, Block 1, Creek View Lane .Otto's 3rd Addition from Nine Mile Credk to 4. CONSTRUCTION OF THE GRAVELING IN THE FOLLOWING STREET : A. Creek View Lane from Limerick Lane to 5. CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB cul-de-sac AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING: A. Woodcrest Drive from Park Place to the south lot line of Lot 4, Block 3, Shady Pines Addition $ 7,683.93 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed sanitary sewer under 1-A above and the proposed watermain under 2-A above includes Outlot 3, Southdale Plaza, and Tract Fa R,L,S, #629. $ 249135.99 $ 9,893.87 $ 5,280.26 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed sanitary sewer undep 1-B above, the proposed watermain under 2-B above, the proposed storm sewer under 3-A above, and the proposed graveling under 4-A above includes Lots 1 thru LO incl. , and Lots 12 thru 15 incl., all in Block 1, Otto's 3rd Addition. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed watermain under 2-C above includes Parcels #846, Sec. 31, T. 117, R. 21; and Tracts A, D and E, R.L.S. #l145, The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed portland cement concrete curb and gutter under 5-A above includes Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12, Block 1, Minnehaha Woods Addition; Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 2, Minnehaha Woods Addition; Lot 1, Block 2, Shady Pines Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 35 Shady Pines Addit ion . FLORENCE HALLBERG Village Clerk Motion for adoption of the Resolution was five ayes and no nays and the Resolution ATTEST: . 14 ay o r Village Clerk AUTHAORIZ-AFION OF. SALE OF BONDS FOR ICE ARENA HELD OVER TO JULY 6. Counqil.that bids for the Ice Arena would come in on July 3 and that a special CounciL Meeting would be held at 5:OO POWb on July 6 for awarding the bids. de.cided to' hold'over authorization of the sale of bonds until that meeting* PIr. Hyde infomned It was 1132 ( 6/21/65 1 CADILLAC AGENCY %PORT GIVEN, has p.roposed to locate an agency on the northeast corner of 69th and York. Mr, Hite advised the Council that a Cadillac dealer The -- agency would run from York to Xerxes and possible problems are anticipated because of the single family homes on Xerxes Ave. and Mr. Hite has asked reconsideration of this type of building. CLAIMS PAID, per pre-list was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried: Construction Fund , $48,244.17 ; Park, Park Construct ion, Swim Pool and Golf Course, $21,464.81; Water Fund, $12,813.12; Liquor Fund, $65,016.08; Sewer Rental Fund, $536.10; Improvement Funds, $6,335,80; J,S.D. 1, $651,47; Total $170,159.22, Original plans called for a block building Motion by Rixe for confirmation of payment of the following Claims as General Fund, $15,097.67; The Meeting's agenda having been covered, MacMillan' s motion for adjournment was seconded by Rixe and carried. t-feeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Pd a - k* Village Clerk ...