HomeMy WebLinkAbout19650920_regular9/20/65 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1965, . ROLLCALL was answered by members Madillan, Tupa, and VanValkenburg. being absent, Trustee VanValkenburg served as Mayor Pro Tem. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of September 7 were held for approval until the next meeting in order that Council may have an opportunity for additional study. Mayor Bredesen ' 1966 BUDGET APPROVED. dispense with second reading and adopt Ordinance as submitted: MacT4i.llan offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council I ORDINANCE NO. 16-9 ORDINANCE ADOPTING BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF EDINA FOR THE YEAR 3966, AND ESTABLISHING TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1965 PAYABLE IN 1966 THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. GENERA-L FUND The Budget for the Village of Edina for the calendar year 1966 is hereby adopted as hereinafter set forth; and funds are hereby appropriated therefor; GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council $ 9,800 Finance 51,7&0 Assessing 53,675 Legal and Court Services 33,503 Election 9,244 Administration 59,500 Library 5 ,025 Planning TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNbENT PUBLIC WORKS Administration Engineering Highways TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police Fire Civilian Defense Public Health Animal ControL 16,630 . $ 239,157 $ 16,520 108,700 435 io15 $ 560,235 $315 , 757 3,516 159,126 17 , 718 13,154 Inspect ion 38,5502 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY NOW DEP ARTMENT AL E DEN DITURF: S Contingencies Settlement of Suits Special Assessments onYVillage Property Unallocated Capital Outlay Capital Improvements TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS AND CONTINGENCIES PARK FUND Supervision and Overhead Recreation Wintenan ce Capital Outlay TOTAL PARK FUND Section 2. GENERAL FUND Estimated Receipts other than General Tax as hereinafter set forth: Village Share - State Liquor and Cigarette. Taxes Licenses and permits Municipal Court Departmental Service Charges Other Transfer from Liquor Fund State Apportionments - Highways TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 547,821 $ 9,297 500 30,000 9,110 50,000 $ 98,907 31,446,120 $ 43,183 41,075 70,842 I Levy are hereby established $112 348 71,280 50,000 39,100 13 7,650 70,700 30,670 $ 511,748 0 9]20/65 PARK FUND Transfer unappropriated surplus $ 1,000 Registration Fees 22,000 Other 750 Transfer from General. Fund 64,300 TOTAL PARK FUND $ 88,050 $ 87,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $ 686,798 PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND Transfer from General Fund Section 3. That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the Village of Edina, a tax rate sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set forth: .I For the General Fund $ 934,372 For the Park Fund 75,300 For the Poor Fund 12,125 For the Firemen's Relief 3,800 For Fire Protection 11,300 For Bonds and Interest 67,700 For Hennepin County Park Reserve District 4,275 TOTAL $1,10 8,872 Section 4. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its adoption and - publication according to law. FI'&cMiXJ.an's motion for adoption of the Ordinance was secpnded by Tupa and on Rollcall ORDINECE- NO. 261-117 SECOND READING&ONTINUElD. majority vote is required for passage of Zoning Ordinances, Ordinance No, 261-117, Because of the fact gat four-fifths which changes the minimum building area in the Planned Industrial District, was continued to the Council Meeting of October'4, LOT 5-,, ROLLING GREEN, STORM SEWER ASSESSMENT QUESTIONED. Mr, Langmack presented a letter-from Colebert L. Andrus, 5 Merilane, owner of Lot 5, Rolling Green, which requested reconsideration of his assessment for Storm Sewer No. 80 in the amount of $3,364.79. had been made on a per lot basis of $245.50 and suggested that if it is necessary to change from a per lot to a square foot basis of assessment, a maximum area per lot of 75,000 square feet be considered. Mr, Andrus stated that he had been out of town and unable to appem at Assessment Hearing at which a levy of $0,008973 per square foot was assessed. Mr, Andrus also stated that he would like to have his lot area rechecked. Mr. Samuel Thorpe stated that he considered that the assessment is out of line inasmuch as it amounts to five times the-estimated assessment. data relative to Storm Sewer No, 80 be studied by Council and that the matter be continued to October 4 Meeting was seconded by MacMillan and unanimously carried,, In the absence of Manager Hyde, Mr, Andrus' letter stated that Improvement Hearing estimate Trustee Tupa's motion that all SANITARY SEWER PETITION FOR MARGARET'S LANE between Indian Hills Road and cul-de-sac and Indian Hills Road between Margaret's Lane and C-2 Trunk was presented by Mr. fangmack and ordered referred to the Engineering Department for programming. PARKWOOD ,MANOR APARTMENTS PLANS APPROVED. Manor Apartments, a 21 unit building to be constructed on the north side of Highway 169 east of Blake Road. Commission was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. Mr. Fredlund presented plans for Parkwood MacMillan's motion to accept plans as recommended by Planning SS PLANS APPROVED, Mr, Fredlund presented plans of Viking Press which will be located on the Edina Sndustrial Center, approval of which has bean recommended by Planning Commission, unanimously Carrie d, MacMillan's motion for approval was seconded by Tupa and SOUTHDALE THEATER PLANS APPROVED. Theater to be located on the south side of W, 69th St. between Gabberts Furniture and the Southdale Bowling Lanes, and which is to be part of an over-all development by Dayton Development. Planning Commission's recommendation' of approval had not been unanimous because the exterior is to be concrete block. minimal for the individual building are considered adequate in a combination share parkingFwith retail uses inasmuch as peak usage would come at different times. questioned the use of concrete block and was told that it was covered with textured paint and scored to fohn eight inch squares, Ralph Martinson of Dayton Development showed pictures of other theater buildings throughout the country which had used the same exterior treatment. as covered by ordinance, Mr, Fredlund stated that concrete block is allowed with Council consent and if it is decorative, Mr, Fredlund presented plans for Cinema I E I1 Parking facilities which are Mr. Tupa In reply to Tupa's question concerning use of concreSe block VanValkenburg stated concern that if this building is 9/20/65 > allow'ed to use concrete block, future buildings would also attempt to use this type of construction. upon all commitments relating to the proposed parking facilities and exterior finishing of the building being committed to record as a paw lof these Minutes, and that any other agreements relating to over-all development plans of this specific area also be included in these Minutes, was seconded by MacMillT and un?nimously carried. Department then submitted the following' information in compliance with Tupa's motion and are hereby made a copy of these Ninutes:l In evaluating the number of cars required for SouthdaLe Plaza at the time the Theatre opens (Stage I) for business and also in the completed stage (Stage 11) some facts concerning the demand on parking must be stated, STATE I €ACTS: After considerable discussion, Tupa's motion for approval, contingent The Planning PARKING ANALYSIS - SOUTHDALE PLAZA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The peak parking demands of the theatre are on Saturday and Sunday evenings. The peak parking demands of the Bowling Alley are on league nights, Morlday 2hrough Friday evenings . f The peak parking demands of Gabberts are Monday, Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday until 6:OO P.M. All agreements in the Southdale 'Plaza aw' made with reciprocal parking easements (excluding Southdale Ford). ' ' Total parking available for these three'businesses is 775 cars. We have assumedthe Bowling Alley has enough parking with 172 cars. Admittedly, this is shorf but we shall use it for this anakysis. for 502 cars. This compcises the total of 775 cars mentioned in fact No. 5 above. We Gabberts has 98 cars. The Theatre has plans shall use the ratio of 2125 seats per car as our demand factor for a single auditorium theatre. The demand is greatest at the changing of the feature. Therefor, a single theatre of 1,900 seats divided by 2.25 equals 844 cars required. to a twin theatre we have taken the maximum demand for seats in each type of theatre and converted it to the parking demand by using the 2r25 seats per car required for a single * theatre. A siggle theatre with 1,900 seats: Maximum of 3,800 people in the area. A twin theatre with 1,900 seats (1,200 -700): area of 81.6% of the single theatre requirament! of 844 x 81.6% =a690 cars required for the Twin Theatre. Again, the available parking is 775 cars, no parking demand, The number of cars required for the Bowling Alley on Saturday and Sunday evenings can be assumed at no more than 86 .cars or 50%. of 690 cars plus the Bowling Alley requirement of 86 cars make a total requirement of 776 cars, one more than available. It also may be that the bowling requirement of 86 cars is too great especially on Sunday. 2.25 seats per car ratio because in OUP initial negotiations with General Drive-In Corporation, they asked for only 600 car parking if the theatre as located along. General Drive-In considers the 2.25 ratio to be that of an outdoor theatre and they operate 40 such theatres. Because of these figures using the 2.25 ratio., we are confident that the parking is adequate for Stage I of Southdale Plaza. t In trying to relate this 3,200 -1: 1,200 f 700 = 3,100 people in the Then using the single theatre requirement On Saturday and Sunday evenings Gabberts has The Theatre re_q@.rement . Dayton development Gompany also questions the They use 3 seats per car ratio for their indoor theatres' STAGE If FACTS: 1. Items 2, 2, 3, and 4 of Stage I remain as stated. 2. 3. Total parking available: 1,085 cars, The peak demands for the additional retail parking will be Monday, Thursday, Friday evenings and Saturday until 6:OO P.M. I Actually,, in Stage I1 the gxeatest parking demands are Nonday, Thursday, Friday evenings and Saturday until 6:OO P.14, and would not conflict with theatre demands. analysis the Bowling Alley parking requirements will, be considered at L72 cars. theatre demand will be assumed at 35% effkient or 242 cars (Monday-Friday). requirement will be calcdated at 2 cars per thousand square feet of net sales area 0x5 In this .The Gabbez%'s 158 cars. Bowling Alley 172 Retail Areas 1-6 (79,90Ox6/M) 4 79 Theatre 242 Gabberts ,158 Total cars needed 1,053 cars Total cars available 1,085 cars I The retail area above is calculated according to the C-3 Zoning of 6 cars per thousand square feet of net sales area. demands are reduced when the retail parking demands are increased at Christmas. Nore specifically, the peak parking demand of the theathe occurs at 9:00 to 9:30 P,M. (feature change) at which time the retail demand on parking is Low. The requirement of 6 cars per thousand is designed for peak seasons such as Christmas. for retail space for 11 months of the year would be very adequate using 3 cars per thousand square feet of net sales area. ALSO, we plan to build one building at a time and thus we will have the opportunity of watching the parking demands, Depending on experience in the future we may want to add or deduct retail area as parking demands dictate. Considering all of the aforementioned facts, we believe the parking for Stage II of Southdale Plaza is also adequate. Tupa's motion was seconded by MacMillan and unanimously carried. It should be stated again that the theatre parking The actual parking demand (See attached excerpts of Planning Commission Minutes. I. ,