HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-11-08 Affidavit CC PHN 2019 Fees Page 1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN Darlene MacPherson being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that he/she is the Publisher's Designated Agent of the newspa- per(s)known as: SC Edina with the known office of issue being located in the county of: HENNEPIN with additional circulation in the counties of: HENNEPIN and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn.Stat.§331A.02. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) once each week, for 1 successive week(s); the first insertion being on 11/08/2018 and the last insertion being on 11/08/2018. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. §580.033 relating to the publication of mortgage foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies with the conditions described in §580.033, subd. 1, clause (1)or(2). If the newspaper's known office of issue is located in a county adjoining the county where the mortgaged premises or some part of the mortgaged premises described in the notice are located, a substantial portion of the newspaper's circulation is in the latter county. By:9l�"', Designated Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 11/08/2018 by Darlene MacPherson. 67SI& Notary Public • , Jessica L Crabb Notary Public Minnesota "' 1.�•,.',My Com mission Expires January 31,2023 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 875463 f-`- - aroi.8.,o41,i6L•zv,dT.of ap-r,9 t:.a.mnsun.com - ;data - - -" Thursday,Nov.B,2018.Page 25 CITY OF EDINA a. •P1 / 1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING sso."1."and war 1 1. 1 1 1 TO CONSIDER INCREASING 'Plus surcharge pursuant>m Miner.Stade. •Irua surchaya Pursuant to Minn.slats. CERTAIN FEES AND CHARGES 6168.70 &16B 7o Instellalion or testing of RPZ $32.10 $3235 The Edina City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday,December 4,2018 at 7:00 P.M.to consider in- creasing certain fees and charges set by Edina City Code effective January 1,2019°as follows: 10- Other permit-related fags $112.45 Per Mur or the total hour- $11s.00 Par hour or me total hourly 429(1) ly cost"city,whichever's cost to city,whichever is greatest (includes supervi- greatest(Includes supervl- chapter Purpose of Fee/Charge Me Fee Proposed 2019 Fee overhead,,equipment, n ovemead,equipment, L hourly wages and fringe ben- hourly wages and Mnge efils of employees involved) benefits of employees in Chapter 4 4-4 Lpuor Ilcense fees(per year) Orread,bibb Iicer- On-talle club license10- Public swimming pool license $530.00 Per year for each enclosed, $545.00 Per year for each enclosed $9,225.00 On-sale Intoxlcating lib. .. $9,455.00 O ire in[ozicatinq Ilcense, 513(4) pool((Partial or all of the year) pool(partial or all of the res 00 $385.00 Per year for each outdoor $395.00 Per year far each outdoor $720. 3.2 beer license sit-or - $]38.00 3.2 beer Ilcense afi-0r on- l sal Public whirlpool bath or$190.00 Peryearfor each bath or pool $195.00 Par year for each bath or 3 1 0 therapeutic swimming pool pool 1 it inti n 13 .0 w II mnlc.. license 1 er to ro m Ilc an 1 3.c B ewer to mom IicenChants,18 $225.00 Per event,temporary on-sale E23o.00 Par event,temporary o- "-"(o) Operallonal permit`required, $90.00 Per hour with a minimum one $82.00 Per hour wlih a minimum Intoxicating,man.three day. sale InrozIcahn,max.three by MSFC§105.6. hour fee(Includes supervi- one hour fee(include.su- ov state statute da In state statute code rev w,Inspec- pervlsion,cotle revlaw,11- $120.00 Per event,temporary on-sale $125.00 Par event,temporary on- tions ovishead,hourly wages spections overhead,hourly 1 32t sale 3.2 malt li uo and hinge benefits&employ- wages and fringe benefits of charmer 10 Inv Iv m to res in I 10-19 landscaping, screening or $112.45 $115.00 IJanbuaress hours Inspec. $128.50 Per hOurwµha minimum one $132.00 Per hour with a minimum erosion contmlcr site plan hour fee me h..,f as be it 'Construction Permit` 10-74 'Building Permit 333.66 Than amount h:' 334.35 Then amount is:' qulrel by MSF C§105.7, cei t for those covered, H tot valuation of work I. In this Cade in chapter 16, 1.W to TWO 00, 3501.00 to$2"oo fi 4 'Farfirst article III,division 5,If W.valuation of wodr $3.T1 Fa eacM1 atltlltimal 3100.00 $3.85 For each atldHicnel$100ino 1 1 4.2 'Mini um 'Minimum lee or Iraztion thereof to and in- or fraction thennt ro antl In- 3501 no to S?000 00 4. r first 0. 15 1 'F fi t cludind,$2.000 0 in 52,001.00 ro$25,000.00 1 00.00 1 .1 'For first 00. s $3.85 For each atltlilional$100.00 33.95 For each additional$100.0- or fraction thereof ro ant in- or fr4cMn there0l to ant in- f1].44 Fbeachadditlonal to and 00 $17.80 For each -losroal in or fraction thereof to and in- to arboD orfraction[hereof 02,001.00 to 325,000.00 rfi 'Forfit in to and inclutlin .0 j15,"1.00[0550.000.DD 1. rhr t 'For firs[ 5000." I $1].76 Foreach atlditiorlal$1.000.00 $18.22 For each additional or fraction thereof to and in- $1,000.00 or fraction(hereof $ 12.3] For each addi[ional$1,000." $1260 For each adddional clutlin 25 ." in lu i or fraction thereof to ant in- $I,W0.Worfmdionmereof $25,001.00 to 4150,000.00 7 •F rfi t 500000 u rnfir lutlln $50.000.00 t i i 0 312.62 For each ad,ional$1.DW 00 512.94 For each additional 350,001.00 ro$ 100,000 00 fir 0 0 0 1 •F first 00060 s 0 or traction thereof to antl In- $1,000.00 or fraction thereof 39.00 For each adtllibnal$1,000.00 $9.20 For each addition- cl OQO 00 or fraction mereof to and in- al $1,000.00 or fraction $50,001.00 to$100.000.00 .4 'F fi 3 clWing$100,000.00 [hereof to antl including 100000.0 39.1] For each atltlitiOnal E1,OW.00 $9.40 54 For each atldi'ion- $100,001."to$5",000.00 ]. or hacnon thereof toand in- al $1,000.00 or fraction $8.75 Foreach edtllttl$1.000.00 $6.90 Forr each addition- clutlirg 5100,000.00 V00thare0 10 antl Including or fraction thereof to and in- al $1,000.00 or fraction $100.001.00 to$500,000.00 1 1 000.00 I s 1 1 D cluding$500.000.00 thereof to and inclutling r 0 $6.88 For each edditional$1,000.00 37.05' For each atlditlon- or fraction thef.of to and In- al $1,000.00 or fractlon $5",001.00 to $3,950.58 .'For the first$500,000.00, $4,03650 'For the fksl$500,000.09, cluding$500,000.00 thereat to and including $t,oaD,000." 1 $5000000 $5.91 For each additional$1,000.00 $8.00 For each additlon- $500,001.00 to $4,028.70 'For the first$500,00060 $4,129.42 'For the first$500,000.00, or fraction thereof to and In- al $1,000.00 or ft"on $1,000,00000blue cluoing$1.000,000.00 thereof to and Including 0 00. $6.02 For additional$1,000.00 $6.17 For each atltlitlon- $1,000,001,00 antl up $6,905.58 'For me Post$1,000,00000, $],036.50 •For the first 31,000,000.00, or irsctlon thereof to end in- el $1,000.00 or traction l ciuding$1,"00011.00 thereof t0 nd including oD $4.50 Foreach additional$1,000.00 $4.60 For each additional $1,000.001.00 and up $7,039.50 'For the first$1,1100,000.00. $],215.49 'For the first 411,000.000.00 or clin h f 1000.00 ortraction thereof T,nl 00 orary Cenifica[e of Oc- $100. Far every 30-days the tempo- $105.00 For every 30-days the tem- $4.59 For each addMorrm$1,000.00 34.70 For each additional cupency Fee vary certificate of occupancy Porzry certificate of oce- r traction m f 1 r fraction thereof Is open ezcep[October 15th panty is open except Cb- m l un 1st 'ober 5th throw h J.-1st Plen check 65%of partnit fee for systems with valor- 65%of Permit fee tion 10-75 Omer permit-related,fees $112.45 Par hour or me total hob- $115.00 Per Mur or me total loudy 1 - y cost to city,whichever is cost to cit',whichever' 18- Sprinkler permit.H total valu- greatest (Includes s.perv- greatest ii-des wpervs 195(`) n of 'I",ovemeed, equipment, ,overlie..equipment, 1 •Mnimum fee 1 mfr hourly wages enol bilge ben- hourly wages and hinge $501.00 to$2,000.00 •F firs[ 00.00 Plus .1 'For first 5 of employees imro-) benefht M employees in- $3.85 For each additional$100.00 $195 For each occulonel5100.00 volved) or fand k rame.thereof to ar or frThereof ereof to-antl in- 10-108 Dnul Demolition pet for single- $1,6600 8. $1,720.00 I i (t 00 dodmat and two-i it tl lin $2,001.00 to 4125.000.00 4 •F first 200000 I.. .4 •F fi 10-306 Permit for-in of build) 4 45.00 $17.78 For each additional$1,000 or $18.22 For each atltlillonal$1,000 10 Indemnity deposit for usm. $600.00 Unless Ikane,d by commis- $61000 Unless licensed by commis- unction mereofto and!includ- or traction mereof to and 3W(,)C3) ages sustained by moving of `loner of transpore6on slow of transportation Millin 10-368 Installers Ikta, ou burner: $66.00 $67.30 $25."1.DD to 4150.000.00 1 f 0 !F Ir fi t 0 Stoker;steam or"1 water $12.62 For each additional$1,000 $12.94 For each atldi1-1$1,000 heating;mechanical warm air or frebabn m.-f.to and or traction thereof to and heating and air cohdinoning; incl tlin 5000000 in Iu in .0 refrigeration;ant gas piping $50,001.00 to$100,D00.00 $81614 •Forfirst 0000.00 I s .4 -For first installers $9.17 For eacM1 adtlitional$1,000 or $9.40 For each etltlif,al$1,000 10-403 Gas piping penult;oil burner'. 'Minimum Fee: •Minimum Fee'. fraction Hereof to and inclutl- or iraztlon thereof ro and Stoker,steam or hot water Reedenllal-Plus sumhmge Residential-Plussurcharga. -� in 00 00 In ludin 100 0. 00 heating,mechanical wenn air pursuant to Mlnn. Stars. pursuarrt to Minn. Stats. $100,001.00 to$500,00coo 1 74.7 'Far fir t 00 000.0 lu 11.11.1 'F rfi 10 I heating and air conditioning; .1 188.70" $3275 1 .70° $6,86 For each addidorel$1,000 or $7.05 For each atltlitionel$1,000 Mrigeration $32.10 Commercial-Plus - $3235 Commercial-Plus - - fraction mereof to mal'clud- or fraction thereof to and charge pursuant to Minn. charge pursuant t0 Mi- In 00, rblucr,d$500,000., t.1 .7 Stats.168.]0 $500,001,00 ro $4,028.70 'For the first$500,000.00,. $4,129.42 'For the first$500,000.00, 'Fee Calculations: "Fee Calculations: $1,000,000.00 1 s $0.00 to$1.000.00 M2.10 'Plus 3.10%>$500.00' 3275 'Plus 3.10%>$5M.00• $6.02 For-each addit-($1.000 or'$6.17 For each addld.na181,000 trsdlon thereof to and inclutl- or fraction thereof to and $1,001.00 t 5000.0 3.60 -plus 260%>$1.00. 9.40 'Plus 260 > 1000.00 1 0G 00. lutlln $ 001.00 to 1 $165A5 'Plus2.15 > 168.75 'Plus 2.15%> 00.00 $1,000,001.00 and up $7,039.50 'For,us the first$1,000,000.00, $7,215.49 'For the first$1,000000.00, $10,001.00 to 5 000.00 292.0 s 1.85%>$10.0'00.00 298.15 'Plus 1.85%> 10"0.00 blue 25001.W to 0W0.0 634. 500000 64].00 'Plus 1.65%> 2500060 $4.59 For each additional$1,000.00 $4.70 For each atltlitionel 50001." 110.10 'Plu 1.30 > 0". 1125.20 'PIu5130%> rfre ton thereof 11.00D 00.,Ir-ton -Plus sumhege pursuant to Minn.Stats. 'Plus swchage pursuant to Minn.Stats. H 1 B.] 168.70 Plan clock w 65%of Pemat fee for eysroms with value- 65%of panni'fee 10- Other permit-related fees $110.00 Par hour or me total hour- $115.00 Per Four or the total hourly 1 403(1) ly cost to city,whichever is cast tocity,whichever is Feealarm and!alternative the greatest (Includes sup.rvi- greatest(nudes suparvi- suppression permit,if total ovemea i.equipment, on,overhead,equipment. hourly wages and hinge ben- hourly wages and stripe $1.00 t .1 fas eft of employees involved) -Me of employees In- $501,00 to$2.00.00 'F first rrrfi I 10429 Pltmbin water condition- $32.10 'Minimum Fee: $32.75 'Minimum Fee: 33.8.5 or aitch atlditiore$100.00 $3.95 .or eachadtlitional3100.00 9 or fraction thereof to and in- fraction mereof to and in- irg permit Resitllmit, plus sucharge flesklBMt,plus surcharge I 60 cludind$2 pursuant to Minn.stats.§ pursuant to Minn.Stats.§ $2.001."ro 925,000.00 Ifi I 4. 166.70- 1613.70' - $32.10 Commerce,pus surcharge, $32.75 Commercial,Plus surcharge $1].78 For each additional It,"or 31622 For each adtlitional$1."0 W.". to Minn.Stats.§ pursuant to.Minn. $ts.§ fraction thereof to and induct- or fraction mereof to end 16.70 168.]0Ina ." 0. to$300.00 $32,75 Fee Calculations: $25,001.W to$50.000." 9501.07 Tor fi 1. 1. l0 7W.0 2.10 3.1 ." 2.75 'Plus 3.10%> 00.00 $12.62 For each additional Sip"or $12.94 For asci additional$1,"0 Ireclion thereof to and indud- or fraction mereof to end 701.00 t0 i o"." 33.66 'P 2. > 7 .00 as •Pius ."%> 700." In o ." ai $1,001.00 t 0W.00 .60 'PI 2.15%> 1 9.40 •Plu 2.15%>$1.000S $50,001.00 to$100.000.00sale.4 6 t $15.001.00 to 10 000.00 1 •Plu 168.75 'Plus 1.8556 000.00 $9.17 For each atltlMonal31,000 or $9.40 For eac1 atltlitionel$1,000 1 1.0 to 25 0".00 > 1 98. 'Plus 1.75%> 10 000.00 hadbo thereof to and inclutl- or fraction thereof ro end In. 10ud noloo Continued...