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2016-01-14 Packet
Agenda Energy and Environment Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall Community Room Thursday, January 14, 2016 7:00 PM I. Call To Order II. Roll Call Ill. Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes V. Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Conservation and Sustainability Fund Policy B. 2016 EEC Workplan C. February Televised Meeting D. Partners in Energy Update VII. Correspondence And Petitions A. Correspondence VIII. Chair And Member Comments A. Attendance report and roster B. Working Group List C. Chair and Member Comments IX. Staff Comments A. Staff Comments X. Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www edinamn.gov Date: January 14, 2016 Agenda Item #: WA. To: Energy and Environment Commission Item Type: Minutes From: Rebecca Foster, GIS Adminstrator Item Activity: Subject: Minutes Action ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Regular November 12, 2015 Meeting Minutes INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: November 12, 2015 Meeting Minutes Draft Minutes Approved MinutesEl Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Energy and Environment Commission Edina City Hall Community Room Thursday, November 12, 2015, 7:00 PM I. Call To Order Chair Kostuch called the meeting to order at 7:02p.m. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call were Glahn, Gubrud, Howard, Reinke, Satterlee, Seeley, Stefanik, Thompson and Chair Kostuch. Late: Sierks and Zarrin Absent: Manser Staff Present: Rebecca Foster Commissioner Zarrin arrived at 7:03p.m. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Gubrud to approve the Meeting Agenda. Motion seconded by Thompson. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes • Commissioner Gubrud asked for the word "Ground" on pg. 4 to be changed to "Group". Motion made by Gubrud to approve the October 8, 2015 minutes with edits. Motion seconded by Waddick. Motion carried. Commissioner Sierks arrived at 7:06p.m. V. Special Recognitions And Presentations • None. VI. Community Comment • None. Draft Minutes© Approved Minutes0 Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Partners in Energy, Meeting 1 Summary • Xcel Energy hired a consultant to moderate the meetings. • Members of the committee introduced themselves. • City Manager Neal did a presentation on the City's Past and Present Energy Initiatives. • The Members will be working on a Vision at the next meeting. B. Edina Climate Commitment Team (ECCT) • The October meeting was cancelled. VIII. Correspondence And Petitions • Commissioner Howard will not be seeking reappointing. • Commissioner Thompson invited Commissioners to "Mpls. 2015 Last Stop before Paris" event. • Article from New York Times on Recycling. • The U of M invited the Commissioners to an "Energy Innovation in Germany: New Business Models and Integrated Urban Redevelopment" event. IX. Chair And Member Comments A. Attendance report and roster • None. B. Workgroup list and Minutes • Commissioner Waddick removed David VanDongen from the Water Quality Working Group. • Commissioner Thompson added Christopher Wilson to the Education and Outreach Working Group. C. Chair and Member Comments • Chair Kostuch updated the Commissioners on a meeting he had with City Manager Neal and other Board and Commissions staff liaisons. The Chairs learned how to talk to Council, how the Council can assign a task to the Commission, Agenda Management Software, New Minute Template and Video Taping of meeting. Motion made by Kostuch that the EEC recommends to replace its annual videotaped meeting with a number of shorter YouTube videos produced by EEC and City staff. Motion seconded by Gubrud. Motion carried. Motion made by Kostuch to cancel the December 10, 2015 Energy and Environment Commission meeting. Motion seconded by Sierks. Motion carried. Draft Minutes© Approved Minutesq Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. D. Building Energy Efficiency Subcommittee • This is in 2016 proposed work plan and will remain standing to help PiE (or other city) efforts on these fronts through ECCT. E. City Environmental Considerations Subcommittee • This is in 2016 proposed work plan and will remain standing to help PiE (or other city) efforts on these fronts through ECCT. F. Community Solar Subcommittee • The City staff approved a Solar Panel bidder. G. Education Outreach Working Group • Edina Day of Service had three Home Energy Squad installs. • The movie "The Burden" will be shown on January 22, 2016. • The Forum will possibly be on April 14th. H. Home Energy Squad Subcommittee • The HES is oversubscribed due to a mailing within the City, so the group needs to find more money to cover the installs. I. Recycling, Solid Waste and Organics Working Group • The October meeting was canceled. • There was discussion about the Recycling contract. • The City might start to receive pressure to recycle Styrofoam. J. Student Subcommittee • The school is trying to coordinate a Technology Dump. Technology that's refurbished and resold the school gets the profit. K. Water Quality Working Group • Commissioner Waddick started doing outreach and education on Salt usage. X. Staff Comments A. Important Dates • A list of deadlines for Council and Boards and Commissions to follow. B. Bylaws • The Bylaws are in the packet for review. C. Term Summary • The 2015 Workplan is in the packet for review. D. Workplan • The 2016 proposed Workplan is in the packet for review. E. Term Limits • Correct Commissioner Gubrud's name on the list. F. "Greenprint" new workgroup form • Reviewed the new template, if Boards and Commissions want to start a new Work Group. G. New Minute Example • Reviewed the new Minute Template for all Boards and Commissions. Draft Minutes© Approved Minutes0 Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. XI. Adjournment Motion made by Glahn to adjourn the November 12, 2015 meeting at 8:33p.m. Motion seconded by Waddick. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Foster GIS Administrator CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov Date: January 14, 2016 Agenda Item #: VLA. To: Energy and Environment Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From: Ross Bintner - Environmental Engineer Item Activity: Subject: Conservation and Sustainability Fund Policy Information ACTION REQUESTED: No action requested INTRODUCTION: In 2015 City Council passed a conservation and sustainability fund. Attached is the report and recommendation that was approved by City Council. ATTACHMENTS: 6A Conservation and Sustainability Fund Policy REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: Scott H. Neal, City Manager Date: September 1, 2015 Agenda Item #: VII.B. and VII.C. Action 1E1 Discussion q Information q Subject: PROPOSED INCREASE IN UTILITY FRANCHISE FEES: ORDINANCE No. 2015-15 and No. 2015-16 PROPOSED POLICY FOR CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY (CAS) FUND Action Requested: Approve first reading of Ordinance No. 2015-15 and No. 2015-16 increase utility franchise fees. Approve the proposed Conservation and Sustainability Fund Policy. Information / Background: The City of Edina has bold goals for environmental protection. Those goals are described in great detail in Chapter 10 or the City's Comprehensive Plan, and included Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction goals for Edina city government of 15% by 2015, 30% by 2025 and 80% by 2050. In order to meet the GHG reduction goals, the City created a five point plan: • Conduct a baseline emissions inventory and forecast • Adopt an overall GHG reduction goal and an emissions reduction target based on the forecast year • Develop a Local Action Plan • Implement policies and measures • Monitor and verify results In addition to adding its environmental protection goals to its Comprehensive Plan, the City Council created a new citizen advisory commission in 2007, the Energy & Environment Commission (EEC), and gave it a broad environmental protection mandate, including the following: • Energy conservation for Edina's citizens and businesses • City government purchasing policies to encourage energy conservation • Residential recycling program • Municipal solid waste collection • Public education about energy issues • Promotion of Renewable energy options • Establishing targets for GHG reduction Various attempts have been made over the past eight years by the City to create a focused systemic approach to accomplishing the goals of Chapter 10 and the EEC, with limited success, despite spending in excess of $700,000 during that time period on various software packages, consulting studies and capital improvements. Examples of these expenditures include the staff time dedicated to maintenance of the B3 database and participation in the Green Step City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 2 Cities program; the energy conservation capital improvements that were part of the McKinstry performance contract in 2011; and the installation of solar panels on the roof of City Hall. The resources spent by the City to date on conservation and sustainability have not been wasted. The 2011 McKinstry improvements to our buildings, for example, have achieved their goal of reducing the City's carbon footprint. But it is a fair critique to say that these expenditures have been uncoordinated and have lacked focus on the singular goal of reducing the City's production of GHG. And, it is also fair to say that because these past expenditures have been uncoordinated, they have not led to new embedded conservation and sustainability practices on our daily city government operations. If the City is going to achieve its ambitious GHG reduction goals, it must be willing to make an equally ambitious decision to dedicate the resources, staff and organizational attention necessary to achieve these goals. if the City Council is willing to create a dedicated source of revenue and a new dedicated fulltime staff position, organizational attention will follow, as will substantial progress toward the accomplishment of the City's environmental goals. The Conservation and Sustainability Fund Initiative In order to make substantial progress toward the accomplishment of the City's environmental protection goals, I propose the City Council approve the creation of a new initiative focused on the concepts of conservation and sustainability. The initiative will be supported by a new special revenue fund called the Conservation and Sustainability (CAS) Fund. The CAS Fund will be supported by a dedicated revenue source - utility franchise fees. At your September 1 meeting, the City Council will consider the first of two readings of ordinances that will increase utility franchise fees for the customers of Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy that were first established in 2012. If adopted, the ordinance will increase the existing franchise fees for the residential customer by $0.50/meter/month for both utilities. Existing franchise fees were set in 2012 at $1.45/month for both Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy. If adopted as proposed, the proposed increase will bring the monthly franchise fees to $1.95 for each utility for residential customers. The current franchise for both utilities requires the City to provide them each a 60 day notice prior to the adoption or change of franchise fees. If the Council adopts first reading of the proposed ordnances at your September 1 Council meeting, the second reading will be scheduled on November 4. If second reading is approved on November 4, the ordinance will be adopted and the both utilities will be notified to begin imposing the new franchise fees during the first quarter of 2016. Anticipated additional revenue from the new franchise fees will be $250,000 per year. Funds from the new 2015 franchise fees will be segregated from other City revenues, and from other City utility franchise fees, into the new CAS Fund. The CAS Fund will be a dedicated funding source for the new conservation and sustainability functionality and programs, which will provide the City with three key benefits that we do not currently enjoy: • A dedicated source of funding for capital improvements for City property and equipment that further the City's overall conservation and sustainability goals. • A dedicated source of funding for dedicated staffing that will be charged with implementing the conservation and sustainability work plan goals. • An organizational emphasis and attention to imbedding a strong conservation and sustainability ethos into the city government's overall operations. I am proposing a similar model for the creation of the CAS Fund with the new franchise fees as was used to create the Pedestrian and Cyclists Safety (PACS) Fund with the first utility franchise fees in 2012. That model included a dedicated revenue source, dedicated employee staffing and focused control over the spending of the new revenue. One of the reasons for the success of the PACS Fund has been the policy adopted by the City Council that clearly described, and REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 3 restricted the manner in which, the PACS funds could be spent. The PACS Fund policy provided parameters around spending that were successful in keeping the PACS Fund spending tightly focused on the Council's overall goal to, generally, increase the size and safety of the City's network of sidewalks and bicycle infrastructure. I want to replicate the success of the PACS Fund with the proposed new CAS Fund. The following is my recommendation for the CAS Fund policy. THE PROPOSED CAS FUND POLICY: The Conservation and Sustainability Fund (CAS Fund) is a special revenue fund created to account for new (2015) utility franchise fee revenues. The 2015 utility franchise fees will be a dedicated revenue of the CAS Fund. Other potential revenues for the CAS Fund may include grants, gifts, special assessments and transfers from other City funds. Eligible expenses for the CAS Fund will include the following: 1. Capital improvements to City-owned buildings and equipment which improve energy conservation, efficiency or performance for the purpose of reducing the City's production of GHG. 2. Legal and consulting services directly related to accomplishing the City's conservation and sustainability work plan or capital improvements. 3. Staffing and personnel operational costs (compensation, overhead related employee costs, work related equipment, professional development, etc.) for a new 1.0 FTE City employee that is 100% dedicated to implementing the City's goals, objectives and work plan related to energy conservation and sustainability. Examples of ineligible expenses for the CAS Fund include the following: 1. Political and advocacy activities 2. Consulting studies not directly related to energy conservation and sustainability projects that are not included in the City's CAS work plan or CAS capital improvement plan (CI P). 3. Capital expenses not related to improving the sustainability of energy performance of a City building or equipment or does not reduce the GHG production of the building 4. Costs related to public education and events, including refreshments, speaker fees & honorariums, room rentals, gifts, marketing & advertising or any other similar expenses 5. Costs related to travel, professional development of City advisory commission members 6. Capital improvements eligible to be funded by the PACS Fund 7. Operating or capital expenses related to water conservation, local food production, solid waste management, resource recycling, storm water management, noise pollution reduction and other non-CAS related policy priorities of the Energy & Environment Commission. 8. Capital or operating costs related to vehicles The proposed new City staff position will be responsible for creating a budget and work plan each year to accomplish the CAS Fund goals. Among the primary duties of the new CAS Fund staff position are the following: • Serve as the staff liaison to the Energy & Environment Commission. • Act as a resource and liaison to all City departments on conservation and sustainability matters. REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 4 • Represent the City to other levels of government on conservation and sustainability issues. • Write grants and seek other outside funding to assist the City with meeting its conservation and sustainability goals. • Provide cost/benefit analysis of proposed environmental projects and programs • Report on performance management metrics related to the City's conservation and sustainability programs and projects • Prepare CAS Fund project and annual operating budgets • Prepare CAS Fund work plans and capital improvement plans The CAS staff member will serve as the staff liaison to the EEC and will assist EEC with the completion of their approved annual Work Plan. CAS funds, however, may only be spent on CAS Fund eligible expenses. The revenue for the CAS Fund will be determined by the Finance Director each year based upon a consultation with representatives from both utilities. The Finance Director will provide a revenue forecast to the new CAS staff member. The CAS staff member will prepare an operating and capital budget for the CAS Fund at the direction of the City Manager and Finance Director. The CAS staff member will also prepare a proposed CAS Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The CAS staff member will present the CIP to the EEC annually for their review and comment through the City's regular budget preparation process. Not less than 50% of the available annual CAS Funds will be dedicated to the CAS CIP. The CAS Fund staff member will create an annual CAS Work Plan through the City's standard work plan process. The Work Plan will be consistent with previously adopted City plans and goals. The Work Plan will be presented to the EEC for review and comment before it is presented to the City Manager and City Council for approval. Once approved by the City Council, the new CAS Fund staff member will be charged with implementing the Work Plan. ORDINANCE NO. 2015-15 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2012-15 A GAS ENERGY FRANCHISE FEE ON CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNESOTA GAS ("CENTERPOINT ENERGY") FOR PROVIDING GAS ENERGY SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF EDINA THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY EDINA MINNESOTA ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 2012-15 is amended to provide as follows: Section 3. FRANCHISE FEE STATEMENT AND SCHEDULE. A franchise fee is hereby imposed on Company in accordance with the following fee schedule: Customer Classification Amount per Account per Month ($) Residential $ 1.95 Firm A $ 3.40 Firm B $ 9.50 Firm C $40.50 Sm Vol, Dual Fuel A (SVDF A) $40.50 Sm Vol, Dual Fuel B (SVDF B) $40.50 Lg Vol, Dual Fuel (LVDF) $40.50 SECTION 2. Effective Date of Franchise Fee. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be after its publication and ninety (90) days after sending written notice enclosing a copy of this adopted Ordinance to Company by certified mail. Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor 182841v1 ORDINANCE NO. 2015-16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 2012-16 IMPLEMENTING AN ELECTRIC SERVICE FRANCHISE FEE ON NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, D/B/A XCEL ENERGY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, FOR PROVIDING ELECTRIC SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF EDINA THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. Schedule "A" of Ordinance 201246 is amended as attached hereto. SECTION 2. Effective Date of Franchise Fee. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be after its publication and ninety (90) days after the sending of written notice enclosing a copy of this adopted Ordinance to Xcel Energy by certified mail. Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor 182842v1 SCHEDULE "A" Franchise Fee Rates: Electric Utility The franchise fee shall be in an amount determined by applying the following schedule per customer premise/per month based on metered service to retail customers within the City: Class Amount Per Month Residential $ 1.95 Sm C&I, Non-Dem $ 3.40 Sm C&I, Demand $ 9.50 Large C&I $40.50 Franchise fees are to be collected by the Utility at the rate listed below, and submitted to the City on a quarterly basis as follows: January — March collections due by April 30. April —June collections due by July 31. July — September collections due by October 31. October — December collections due by January 31. 182842v1 1=1 0 I 411,11N o11311 CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov Date: January 14, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To: Energy and Environment Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From: Ross Bintner - Environmental Engineer Item Activity: Subject: 2016 EEC Workplan Discussion ACTION REQUESTED: No action requested. INTRODUCTION: Attached are the 2016 workplan and manager review draft. ATTACHMENTS: 2016 EEC Work Plan Manager draft Support efforts to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by City of Edina municipal government operations. 1. GHG Measurement. Create protocol, 1. April Staff time Unknown Staff, 20hrs methodology and metrics for measurement of 2016 the City's GHG production. Create baselines for GHG reduction goals for the City's buildings, fleet and utility operations. 2. Support efforts to reduce energy consumption 2. July 2016 Staff Time Public Works, 8hrs and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the City of Edina 3. City Capital Process Environmental 3. April Staff Time Finance, 8hrs Considerations Initiative. Commission will 2016 research and develop options for City staff to more explicitly describe the GHG production of proposed capital improvements proposed for the Initiative 2 Liaison Comments q New Initiative IR Continued Initiative q On-Going Initiative Target Budget Completion Required Date Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Budget Required Initiative 1 Target Completion Date Liaison Comments 23 New Initiative q Continued Initiative q On-Going Initiative Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) 2016 None Environmental Engineer, 40hrs Assistant Finance Director, 20hrs City Manager 8hrs (Staff estimate for planning phase) City's Partners in Energy (PIE) initiative • Up to three EEC members will participate constructively in the City's Partners in Energy (PiE) initiative. These members will provide periodic updates to the EEC on the status of the action plan. • The EEC will review and comment on the draft Energy Action Plan before it is presented to the City Council. Progress Report: The Partners in Energy initiative was approved by Council. Additional Staff needs for implementation phase should be assessed by Council and Manager at the time of plan approval. Board/Commission: Energy and Environment Commission 20 I 6 Annual Work Plan Proposal Approved by City Council on December 15, 2015 Initiative 3 q New Initiative Target Budget Staff Support Required Liaison Comments El Continued Initiative Completion Required (To be completed by Staff q On-Going Initiative Date Liaison) Support tangible efforts and projects in the community that promote the reduction of energy consumption and GHG. 1. Support the City's effort to create a Community Early 2016 TBD by City Engineering, 60hrs Solar Garden at City's Public Works and Parks Mgr Maintenance Facility. 2. Support the City's effort to participate in the Early 2016 None Engineering, 24hrs Metropolitan Council's proposed Community Solar Garden project. 3. Expand the City's subsidized Home Energy Squad Early 2016 $5000 Engineering, 2hrs (HES) installs for residents. City will fund 100 HES installs at a cost of not more than $5,000. (consultant) Progress Report: City's CIP budget process. 4. City Fleet Environmental Audit. Receive a 4. Dec. Fleet Manager, 8hrs presentation from City staff concerning the City's vehicle fleet and how decisions are made that shape the size and nature of the fleet. Provide comments and ideas to staff regarding the City's fleet management practices. 2016 Progress Report: Initiative 4 1 El New Initiative q Continued Initiative q On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Work with City Staff to revise Chapter 10 of City Comprehensive Plan TBD — depends None Engineering, Planning, Public Works staff as needed 1. Update Ch. 10 to reflect progress in City operations and City metrics since 2008 Plan was issued upon City Staff schedule for 2. Revise City sustainability goals (i) to align with state and city policies, (ii) establish interim goals for sectors (i.e. energy, transportation, waste/recycling, etc.), and (iii) establish and maintain quarterly or annual metrics that measure progress towards goals revision of City Comp Plan Approved by City Council on December 15, 2015 Liaison Comments Liaison Comments The reported total tons of recycling collected by the licensed haulers in Edina for 2014 was 2377 tons and for 2013 was 2044 tons. Numbers for 2015 are not yet in for the year Successful annual event held in 2015; film series held in 1 H 2015 but currently suspended Annual event has run about $1500-$2500 in past years. Liaison Comments 3. Work to create City staff driven processes for long-term ownership of sustainability measures and implementation of Chapter 10. Progress Report: Initiative 5 El New Initiative q Continued Initiative E3 On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Solid Waste, Organics and Recycling Management. 1. Research and Report on MPCA compost rule- making process and its impact on City operations 2. Research and Report on proposal to ban Styrofoam food packaging materials in Edina 3. Research and Report on the alternatives for reorganizing the manner in which solid waste is collected from single family homes in Edina. 03 2016 Q2 2016 Q4 2016 None None None or minimal Recycling Coordinator, 8hrs Recycling Coordinator, Unknown hours. Recycling Coordinator, Unknown hours. Progress Report: Initiative 6 q New Initiative El Continued Initiative q On-Going Initiative Target Budget Staff Support Required Completion Required (To be completed by Staff Date Liaison) Public Education. 1. Plan and execute the annual ECC Community Education Event 2. Student members will create and execute a plan for 2016 student activities 1. Q2 2016 2. Ongoing Staff time plus event costs None Communications Specialist, 40hrs Progress Report: Initiative 7 181 New Initiative q Continued Initiative q On-Going Initiative and stenciling efforts from City staff on Edina water efforts of the Nine Mile Creek Minnehaha Creek Watershed Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Engineering 8hrs Engineering 4hrs Engineering 4hrs Engineering 2hrs Water 1) Continue water drain education 2) Receive annual report quality issues and activities 3) Continue winter salt education 4) Actively monitor the activities Watershed District and the Approved by City Council on December 15, 2015 Council Comments: Proposed Month for Joint Work Session (one time per year, up to 60 minutes): District Progress Report: Ongoing Responsibilities Annual Green Purchasing Report Annual joint meetings with City Council and City Manager Green Step Cities reporting Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years March Work plans proposed by the Boards and Commissions were reviewed at the December 1 work session. The following changes/comments were made and are reflected on this work plan: • Initiative 1— changed language as recommended by City Manager • Initiative 2 — changed language as recommended by City Manager • Initiative 3 — changed language as recommended by City Manager • Remove prior initiative 5 - EEC will hold a 90 minute working session with City Council • Initiative 5 —changed language as recommended by City Manager • Initiative 6 — changed language as recommended by City Manager • Initiative 7 — added initiative as recommended by City Manager • Ongoing Responsibilities — changed language as recommended by City Manager Approved by City Council on December 15, 2015 Liaison Comments The staff burden to facilitate this work items will vary by the expected level of effort and required level of commission interaction determined by the Manager. A GHG Baseline does not currently exist, and there is no organizational requirement to create one. Metrics for Buildings and Fleet are currently documented to Board/Commission: Energy and Environment Commission 2016 Annual Work Plan Proposal *Complete each section with a white background *Return to MJ Lamon by September 29 Initiative 1 El New Initiative Target Budget Staff Support Required Liaison Comments q Continued Initiative Completion Required (To be completed by Staff q On-Goin: Initiative Date Liaison) Support the City's Partners in Energy (PiE) initiative To determine and launch initiatives which will identify, analyze and execute initiatives to reduce energy consumption/GHG gas output in both City Operations 2016 None Environmental Engineer, 40hrs Assistant Finance Director, 20hrs The Partners in Energy initiative was approved by Council. and City overall City Manager 8hrs Additional Staff needs for implementation phase should be assessed by Council and EEC to provide 2-3 members (Staff estimate for planning phase) Manager at the time of plan approval. Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Up to three members of the EEC will participate constructively in the City's Partners in Energy initiative. Present periodic updates on the status of the Energy Action Plan to the EEC. Review and Comment on the draft Energy Action Plan before it is presented to the City Council. Initiative 2 q New Initiative E Continued Initiative q On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Support efforts to Reduce Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) in City of Edina Operations to meet Comprehensive Plan Chapter 10 Goals City Manager, l6hrs 1) Create City GHG Baseline and ongoing Unknown Staff, 40hrs Measurement — continue to use and refine metrics and analyses a. B3 database for all City Buildings a. April 2016 Staff time Environmental Engineer, 8hrs b. Create metrics for City vehicle fleets (gallons of fuel) c. Create metrics for Utility operations (energy usage) b. July 2016 c. July 2016 Staff time Staff time Fleet Manager, 8hrs Public Works Director, 8hrs d. Regional indicators for City as a whole 2) City Building Energy Efficiency initiative d. April 2016 $500? (consultant) some extent. a. EEC commissioners to work with either PiE a. March Staff Time Facilities Manager, 8hrs team or City Manager and City Building manager to create a detailed plan for retrofitting existing buildings within 5 years b. At least one building will be retrofitted in 2016 b. Dec. Staff Time Consultant already approved by CC action. N/A 2.B is a capital decision, and is 2016 under a city staff driven plan 2016 outside the scope of the EEC. 3) City Capital Process Environmental Considerations Initiative The EEC could bring a recommendation to this effect to Council. a. EEC commissioners to work with either PiE a. March Staff Time Finance Director, 8hrs 3.A explicit environmental team or City Manager and City Building 2016 Various Staff, Unknown analysis for all CIP items for manager to refine and expand the environmental considerations section of the CIP process so that all City capital decisions (i.e., new buildings, major building renovations and fleet purchases) have explicit environmental analysis on how they will affect City GHG production. expectation of time. building and fleet could be burdensome, or require outside consulting expertise depending on the expected level of effort of expertise. 4) City Fleet Environmental audit a. Support a staff driven effort to review existing city fleet to determine if vehicle fleet a. March Staff Time Public Works Director 8hrs, Equipment Op. Supervisor Aggressive timeline may inform CIP recommendations. can be modified (e.g., eliminate existing vehicles, modify future purchase specs, etc.) to reduce energy/GHG 2016 40hrs Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Change initiative to read: Support efforts to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by City of Edina municipal government operations. 1. GHG Measurement. Create protocol, methodology and metrics for measurement of the City's GHG production. Create baselines for GHG reduction goals for the City's buildings, fleet and utility operations. 1 2. Support efforts to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the City of Edina 3. City Capital Process Environmental Considerations Initiative. Commission will research and develop options for City staff to more explicitly describe the GHG production of proposed capital improvements proposed for the City's CIP budget process. 4. City Fleet Environmental Audit. Receive a presentation from City staff concerning the City's vehicle fleet and how decisions are made that shape the size and nature of the fleet. Provide comments and ideas to staff regarding the City's fleet management practices. None TBD— depends upon City Staff schedule for revision of City Comp 34T Work with City Staff to revise Chapter 10 of City Comprehensive Plan 1. Update Ch. 10 to reflect progress in City operations and City metrics since 2008 Plan was issued 2. Revise City sustainability goals (i) to align with state and city policies, (ii) establish interim goals Staff Support Required Liaison Comments (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Initiative 3 q New Initiative El Continued Initiative q On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Early 2016 Budget Required TBD by City Mgr Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) N/A Liaison Comments #1 is outside the scope of the EEC. Reword from "support" to Support efforts to Promote the Reduction of Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) in the City of Edina at large to meet Comprehensive Plan Chapter 10 Goals 1) Community Solar project a. Support City staff in scoping, bidding and executing a community solar project in 2015/16 at Public Works Bldg. b. Support City staff as necessary with Met "track." Council solar project RFP and implementation 2) Expand City subsidized Home Energy Squad (HES) installs for residents a. City will fund 100 HES installs at a cost of Early 2016 $5000 Environmental Engineer, 2hrs This is contracted service $5000 focused on lower income residents (a dramatic increase over current funding level) (consultant) though Center for Energy and Environment. EEC will educate and promote HES with a goal to get 200 visits in the year. Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Change initiative to read: Support tangible efforts and projects in the community that promote the reduction of energy consumption and GHG. 1. Support the City's effort to create a Community Solar Garden at City's Public Works and Parks Maintenance Facility. 2. Support the City's effort to participate in the Metropolitan Council's proposed Community Solar Garden project. 3. Expand the City's subsidized Home Energy Squad (HES) installs for residents. City will fund 100 HES installs at a cost of not more than $5,000. Initiative 4 EI New Initiative Target Budget q Continued Initiative Completion Required q On-Going Initiative Date for sectors (i.e. energy, transportation, waste/recycling, etc.), and (Hi) establish and maintain quarterly or annual metrics that measure progress towards goals 3. Work to create City staff driven processes for long-term ownership of sustainability measures and implementation of Chapter 10. Plan Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Recommend to remove this initiative and consider adding it to the 2017 work plan. Initiative 5 q New Initiative El Continued Initiative q On-Going Initiative EEC will hold a 90 minute working session with City Council and City Manager to discuss outcome of discussions in 2015 with City Manager on how City will operationalize its efforts to meet existing Edina City environmental commitments and to align EEC charter, expectations, resources and timetables for results Progress Report: Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments March 2016 None Minor EEC working with City Manager per direction of Council at our 2015 work session. EEC looking forward to proposal from City manager on how City resources (staff, budget, etc) can be committed and embedded in City operations so City can play "leadership role" laid out in Chapter 10 of Comp Plan City Manager Comments: Remove this initiative and add to on going responsibilities. Initiative 6 1:83 New Initiative Target Budget ' Staff Support Required q Continued Initiative Completion Required (To be completed by Staff El On-Going Initiative Date Liaison) Continue Solid Waste, Recycling and Organics Work group: -track MPCA compost rulemaking and emerald ash borer Ongoing None Recycling Coordinator, 8hrs quarantine changes and Hennepin County organic recycling mandate, - support Business Recycling efforts, Ongoing None Recycling Coordinator, Unknown hours. -analyze whether Edina needs ordinance to ban certain 2 Q 2016 None or Liaison Comments The reported total tons of recycling collected by the licensed haulers in Edina for 2014 was 2377 tons and for 2013 was 2044 tons. Numbers for 2015 are not yet in for the year take-out food packaging materials minimal Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Change initiative to read: Solid Waste, Organics and Recycling Management. 1) Research and Report on MPCA compost rule-making process and its impact on City operations 2) Research and Report on proposal to ban styrofoam food packaging materials in Edina 3) Research and Report on the alternatives for reorganizing the manner in which solid waste is collected from single family homes in Edina. Initiative 7 ' q New Initiative El Continued Initiative q On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Continue Education and Outreach WG activities 1) Plan and execute Annual EEC Community Event Possible topics a. Partners in Energy effort b. Community Solar c. Other? 2) E&O Working group will review past activities and determine their accomplishments and create new plan for EEC to approve 1) Q2 2016 2) April 2016 Staff time plus event costs None Communications Specialist, 40hrs Successful annual event held in 2015; film series held in 1 H 2015 but currently suspended Annual event has run about $1500-$2500 in past years. Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Change initiative to read: Public Education. 1) Plan and execute the annual ECC Community Education Event 2) Student members will create and execute a plan for 2016 student activities Initiative 8 El New Initiative Target Budget Staff Support Required Liaison Comments q Continued Initiative Completion Required 11 (To be completed by Staff q On-Going Initiative Date Liaison) Water 1) Continue water drain education and stenciling efforts 2) Receive annual report from City staff on Edina water quality issues and activities 3) Continue winter salt education efforts 4) Actively monitor the activities of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Progress Report: City Manager Comments: This initiative was not proposed by the EEC. Recommend adding this initiative to work plan. Ongoing Responsibilities Annual Purchasing Policy Report — City staff to create per Council resolution approving Green Purchasing policy adopted for Green Step Cities level 3 Green Step Cities Reporting — City staff to manage, EEC to review annually Water Quality working group — continue water drain education and stenciling efforts; continue winter salt education efforts; neighborhood outreach effort to continue in neighborhoods with major street reconstruction. Receive annual report from City staff on Edina water quality issues and activities Student members to create and execute plan for 2015/16 student activities City Manager Comments: 1) Annual Green Purchasing Report 2) Annual joint meetings with City Council and City Manager 3) Green Step Cities reporting Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Proposed Month for Joint Work Session (one time per year, up to 60 minutes): March CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov Date: January 14, 2016 Agenda Item #: VLD. To: Energy and Environment Commission Item Type: From: Ross Bintner - Environmental Engineer Item Activity: Subject: Partners in Energy Update ACTION REQUESTED: No action requested. INTRODUCTION: EEC Members received an email update for the Second partners in Energy meeting. Attached for your review are the email message, referenced slides and meeting notes. You can view all the presentation materials at the following link: http://edinamn.gov/index.php?section=partnersinenergy ATTACHMENTS: Partners in Energy Update 2 Workshop 2 Meeting Notes Workshop 1 Meeting Notes From: Ross Bintner To: Ross Bintner Cc: Rebecca Foster Bcc: "Bill Sierks"; "Bob Gubrud (reoubrud1(@aim.com1"; "Emily Student EEC'; "John Howard"; "Keith Kostuch lkostuch.eed&amail.comr; "Lauren Satterlee"; "Louise Waddick"; "Melissa Seeley"; "Paul Thompson fotflydisc(@aol.com)"; "Richard Manser"; Ross Bintner; "Sarah Student EEC"; Sarah Zarrin; Solvei Wilmot; "William Glahn"; Sarah Klauer Isklauer(amncee,oral Subject: Partners In Energy Update 2 Date: Monday, December 28, 2015 3:27:25 PM Attachments: imaae004.onq imaae003.onq EEC Members, Partners in Energy Update The City of Edina and Xcel Energy hosted the second planning meeting for Partners in Energy in mid- December. During the meeting the group heard presentations from Sarah Zarrin and Bill Sierks on the goals of the City and the work of the Energy and Environment Commission, from Michelle Swanson on Xcel and the business of power, and from Jenny Edwards, facilitator from the Center for Energy and the Environment. You can download review the presentations materials at the following web address: htto://edinamn.gov/index.phD?section=partnersinenergy Here were some key statistics that stuck me: • Xcel already uses 55% carbon free energy sources (Xcel Background Presentation) • Only 79 households in Edina choose to reduce or eliminate their carbon energy by subscribing to Windsource. (Slide 30) • 66% of total community use in commercial and industrial, of this percent the top 20 users make up 87% of the use. (Slide 17) • Top 20 C&I users use an average of 16.7 million kWh annually. • Residential makes up the remaining 34% of use, 6000-9000 kWh annual use is average for Xcel residential premise. More than 1/2 of Edina neighborhoods are "Above Average" (Slide 19) with top 20% of household use making up 45% and the top 40% of households making up nearly 70% of the use (slide 20) • Including all municipal accounts (yes, water and sanitary utilities too), the City of Edina uses 36 million kWh annually (slide 26) 6.16% of the total 2014 use and 9.3% of commercial and industrial sector use. So I'm guessing City of Edina is user number 2-4. After the review of data we finalized the group vision statement (slide 39) Now with all this great data and a vision to move, the facilitators had to struggle to keep everyone in big-picture "Topic Areas," when the team was ready to go to strategies and tactics — where the Partners in Energy will go in meetings 3 and 4! Look forward to an update at the January 14 EEC meeting. Website Input Needed In the new year, please resolve to provide input or updates on any of the many website pages relating to the Energy and Environment commission! Go Green Edina: http://edinamn.gov/index.php?section=go_green_edina Partners in Energy: htto://edinamn.gov/index.php?section-partnersinenergy EEC Main Page: http://edinamn.gov/index.php?section=boards_energyandenvironment Energy Challenge: http://edinamn.gov/index.pho?section=energyandenvironment_energychallenge Energy Events: http://edinamn.gov/index.php?section=energyandenvironment_energyevents Working Groups: http://edinamn.gov/index.pho?section=energyandenvironment_workinggroups Meetings: http://edinamn.gov/index.pho?section=energyandenvironment_meetings : `;, Ross Bintner, PE, Environmental Engineer tii 952-903-5713 I Fax 952-826-0392 RBintner@EdinaMN.gov I www.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families 67._ Doing Business From: Ross Bintner Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 8:36 AM To: Ross Bintner Cc: Rebecca Foster Subject: Partners In Energy Update for EEC Members EEC Members, I wasn't able to attend your most recent meeting, so I thought I'd provide a Partners in Energy update: The first planning event was held on October 14, where members of the planning team introduced themselves, and spent a majority of the meeting reviewing baseline data, past and present conservation and sustainability initiatives, and started the process of defining an Energy Vision for the group. EEC Members on the planning team include Bill Sierks, Sarah Zarrin and Richard Manser. You can review handouts, meeting agenda, data and presentation slides at the following web address: http://edinamn.gov/index.ohp?section=partnersinenergy As the EEC is the center of gravity for Energy topics in the City, much of the information prepared for the first Partners in Energy meeting will be review for you. The next Partners in Energy meeting is coming in mid-December, and meetings are planned monthly. I'll provide an update of the next Partners in Energy event in December, and include information in your January meeting packet. Ross Bintner, PE, Environmental Engineer 952-903-5713 I Fax 952-826-0392 Other Renewabl 10% ydro: 6° ass: 4 Coal 15% *Parcel Energye Reducing Risk and lncre ing Fuel Diversity.. Residential Business Solar Programs 8 11 Windsource® 79 8 Renewable Energy /el Xcel Energy PARTNERS IN ENERGY AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Program Participation (Past 3Years) 30 The CITY of EDINA The CITY of EDINA Community Electricity Use Xcel Energy PARTNERS IN ENERGY AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP 2014Total Electricity Use 584 million kWh Residential 34% Commercial & Industrial 66% $23.5 411 Million $35.7 Million 17 Legend Edina Neighborhoods Average kwh use per premise 3141 - 6000 6001 - 9000 9001 - 12500 12510 - 17000 17010 - 23000 23010 - 38000 Broc.kvieN PZsPecl Kroh I is soot Corrts P^'Manade The CITY of EDINA 19 aks ansa Countryside E!edesen Par, egd,Cre.1 • ootrna'4" Creek Valley o S suer P Concord. Soulhdale LB. e Co, nets Cahill ' _1"-ve0e I F-Cantannlal Lek as pertagon Pads NmeyHill cr, F.„Q NOAA, We e1 raphic. DeLorme, HERE. Geonarnes .crg, hdrtrifirfOulcri Residential Electricity per Premise XcelEnergye PARTNERS IN ENERGY AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Lowest 60% of all households Top 20% of all households 1% Next 20% of all households 20 24% "' • The Cl TY of 0 12 IN EDINA Residential Electricity Use Xcel Energy& ""MERS IN ENERGY AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Business Electricity Use Xcel Energy PARTNERS IN ENERGY AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Lowest 60% of all businesses 5% Next 20% of all businesses Top 20% of all businesses 27 The CITY of EDINA Municipal Electricity Use Xcel Energy "TNERS IN ENr"'" AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Preliminary Assessment of Municipal Building Use City Facilities: 36 million kWh School district: 13 million kWh 12-13% of total Edina commercial / industrial use 26 agi '6 The CITY of EDINA Vision Statement Xcel Energy AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Edina's residents, schools, businesses, and government successfully reduce the community's greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by the year 2025, through strategies and actions that are sustainable, practical, and measurable. Which pieces of the statement are most important to you? Will the vision resonate with the larger Edina community? 39 The CITY of EDINA 7. Convergent 5. Draft Goals 6. Divergent trategies Looking Forward XcelEnergy° PARTNERS IN ENERGY AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP 1. Anchoring > 41 Th EMA Xcel Energy& PAITrMrPvIM rkIrDnv AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Workshop 2 Agenda December 15, 2015 4-( 3:30pm Time (mins)! Agenda Leading 25 Welcome-, Ikgenda Overview, & Workshop Objectives Facilitation Team 10 Edina's 25/25 Goals and the EEC (Energy & Environment Commission) Facilitation Team, EE:CIS Members 10 Xcel Energy's Sustainability Activities Xcel Energy 25 Deeper Dive: Community C lata by Sector Facilitation Team 10 Break 45 Focus Area F 'riorities Facilitation Tean n,E nergy Action Team Present Proposed Vision Statement 15 Vision Small Group Questions and Comments 10 Wrap up and Topics for Next Time Facilitation Team Welcome and Overview: Last time, we went over the program and process,a nct odayvr VW /ant to make sure it resonates. We want t of everape t he great work the City is doinp,a ing jet you good information about energy use in the community. T "oday, we wilstart workingon focus areasandr •eviev t he workc ompleted between workshops 1 and 2 on the \ /is io n statement'. Getting to know those at the table: - Name - Affiliation - If you could give the City of Edina one energy gift, what would it be? Emma Struss: Partners in Energy facilitator, will bike as often as I can. xcelenergy.com/PartnersInEnergy 't) 2015 Xcel Energy Inc 14-11-418 1 11/14 .— mean, EDINA Xcel Energy. PAIT""irrici pki r%fr-npl AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Sarah Zarrin: Resident, EEC member, will work with the City tcL ming energy efficient policies Rozy Eas taugh: Junior at Edina High School, would give solapanels for every City building Carolyn Jackson: Resident, would give free energy audits to every house Kyle Sawyer: Edina employee, wo .uld give grant money to pursue energy efficiency goals Kevin Staunton: City Council, would approve a community solar garden lease Kevin Schwain: Xcel Energy employee and resident, would put an EV in every garage Sarah Klauer: Partners in Energy facilitator, , will carpool as often as possible Bill Sierks: EEC member, would give LEDs M. Sarah: CenterPo int Energy, would give energy audits for all commercial buildings Curt Johanson: Would give LED for all residents Roy Jenson: Resident, would get everyone in the door for energy audits Tami Gunderzik: Xcel Energy, would make everyone aware of their energy use Richard Manser: EEC, would give the City of Edina an award recognizing it as the lead sustainable city in Minnesota Ross Bintner: Edina C :it\E !mployee,‘ would give small fusion generators. "Clean power so cheap you don't have to meter it." Marshall Silberstein: Resident, wou ild give rechargeable batteries Jenny Edwards: Partners in Energy facilitator, will give an actionable plan that everyone feels really food a to ut that gets you to your goals Michelle Swanson: Xcel E nerme mployee Rick Murphy: Local business representative. Edina's 25/25 Goals and the EEC I Bill Sierks and Sarah Zarrin, EEC membersj)resented. • GrE tenhouse gas reductial las been the top priority fort he EEO :or the past 4 years. • We fo cused on the City firstV Ve vai nted the City to lead by example. o To get traction, line found that it was critical tc ) get tie City manager on board and tct. alk to the right people. • Edina was n le of the first cities to have an environmental chapter. A additionally, the City joined ICLEI, US Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement, a nca dopted statEe .nermg • Edina's (comprehensive FIE m has two goal- - 30% or 25% e missions reduction by 202, whic h will need to be aligne. ifhe EtE 3f: s baseline data for 2007. use yea ii s 2005, but we have good CO 2015 Xcel Energy Inc 14-11-4181 11/14 Xcel Energy& Pr 111""S IN 911PGY AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP The CITY of '1 EDINA • Edina is down about 8.9%f :rom 20014 thanks largely to Xcel Energy's greening of their power supply. • People ‘ryeren't driving as much during the recessicn i, anctl here iElmore wind and solar than in 2007. We're not really doing anything but using the same amount of power as residents and businesses. • The EEC made recommendations to the City: o Establish E dina'Ecarbon footprint. o Develop GHG reduction targets for City operation:. o Develop local action plan. o Provide funding sup 'port. • We (I EECIlave been working on energy, solidvi vast, composting, air and water quality. We were r lot getting much traction with energy, so we're focusing on energyinow • We have k yarned to put whatever we have recorn nended to the City as a policy. o Edina residents recycle more than the average community- th is is a succemith doing policy solutions. Yard waste was n iotheioxample at the state level. Overnight everyone switched to the compostable yard waste bags. Also business recycling- •SE irah brought together art od stakeholder base and it worker - businesses are benefiting and actually reducing costs by 33%. Discussion: • Is population growth e ver taken into consideration? o Yes, the regional indicators show you population projections. It's in there and you can show what additional reductions you have to make based on expected growth. • While there are rnEnt y residents in the City, therEs more energy usage in the businesses. Busi finesses might be a ranging fruit. • It was stated that regional indicators has is Jentified over $ 500,000 savings foiC it buildings. Can you explain? o It dc )esn't give you suggestions, just comparese •nergy usage to comparable buildings. We have hired a c onsuitant to look into opportunities. • Mentioned that wastewater and solid waste contributes to GHG. Why? o Mo% ring and treating water takes a huge amount of energy. Xcel Energy Sustainability Activities Michelle Swanson, Community Relations Manager with k :cel Energy, presented. • Xcel Energy serves eights tateEand is the highestproperty tax payer in theEtE ite of MN. • The po ,wer plant closest to Edina kE !lack Docji i Burnsvill. !teased buring coali n April 2015. Xcel Energy has i 3 n application in to build a natural gas combustion chamber there. • Xcel E 'nergy: 3 an electric and gas.) itilit. • Xcel Energy participatEs at the community level n chambers, civic boards, nor-Il )rofit boards, etc. > (cel Energy has: $.n nail foundation as well. • Xcel Energy is the most regulated company in theStE ite, and' -t he most regulated industry in the nation. 1 hey have: lot of regulators, and almost everythingtl hey io in the State of Min nesoir -weds to go through the Pu iblicl til o mmissio. xcelenergy.com/ParthersinEnergy (0 2015 Xcel Energy Inc. 14-11-4181 11/14 AN XCFI ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Xcel Energys The CITY of cf. ••, • Xcel Energy is tl he #1 wind energy provide!' n the US, and t been for 10 years. Top 10 in solar in US, a Ind third; 3rgesti! ,oluntary green energy programs. • Xcel Energy has a changing fuel mi>- 55 .% carbon freolectricity is our current mix, which is abc lye the national average. We area rgein ig over 60% carbon free in 2030, including a proposal for a big drop in coal between 2015 and 2030. • Xcel Energy's fii rst community solar garden went live in September.T 'here arE'100's of MW in the c jueue and'I3 project!, ;I- lave entered the design and construction phase. Discussion: • What are ;Kcelf EnergVE ; plans to changEs treet lightst o LEN? Also, your infrastructure is old...have you done analysis on that? o Xcel Energy has a LED street light filing in right now,v vith efi ivEv 'ear proposed implementation. i'lart infrastructure isa part of what> ;cel Energy iek poking e- to impro ve efficiency as things come onto the grid, including things likevoltage optimization. 1 "hey;' lave projectson both sides of the meter. • Have you con sidered a k Amass plant? o Biomass is a part of > Ccel Energy'Eonergy mix. For example,F led Winc(3enerating Station burns refuseH: lerived fuel. • Is hydrogen power a consideration? o Xcel Energy hasn't looked at that lately, andi: Er nore focused on other things,s uch as s torage technologies. Deeper Dive: Community Data Feel free to take notes as we goont othe Focus Areav or •ksheet, which we'll come back to after the break. We'll ak : you to try to pick focus area. We'll talk about focus areas, goals, ancs trategies after the break. • Looking at the City's2 !007 ICLEI GHG inventor, Electricity emissions are about 55% of the total GHG emissions. • At the grid level, the most up-il (-n late filed plan': s thaidectricity carbon will be down 35% between 2012 and 2025. o Comment: 1-his is not population adjusted. • There is significant potential for the population of Edina to grow in the next few years. One o ipportuniN sv vhen a developer submitsa requestor an ex ception from the Comprehensive k )n, and in exchange we feel like we can improve on energy and sustainability. How can we provide a measurable den land for helping the developer? o Can you share municipal government usage? • City facilities are about 36M kWh. • Sometimes maps E ;howing energy use intensityare helpful for thinking about where to do outreach. o Comment: If you show t:he samen laps foiriatural gas, it'll shift dramatically, because natural gas has more to do with the size of the house. o Can we get the sa me data for CentePo int? • We (I :enterPoint don't have the same level of date- it': t lard to pull it for geographic areas. A Ind there arEp irivacy concerns as well. 2015 Xcel Energy Inc. 14-11-418 1 11/14 Xcel Energy. PARTNFRS IN FNFRnv AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP The CITY of EDINA „ • The to ip 20°A residentiale :nergy usersise 45% of the energy. o Can you give break points for kWh/year? • Yes. • Not all households are created equal- wl len you think about strategies, thk about which users to target. o 6000,- 1000—kWh is average use for premises XcelE nergys erves. o It would be great t; o see water usage etc. in comparison to otheic ommunitie. o Your paper e nergy bilr eport compares you to a house of a similar siz'- .yc ;Li car start to see how you actually compare if you provide some basic information. CenterPo int has a similar program. o There's even a strategy option for people to have a campaign helping people log on to the website to see their energy use. • Many homes in Edina were built in 50'r-130's. For efficiency, it matters when housing stock was built. • There is an op iportunityir i the residential spacetf 0 10 ) more with whole home eie rgy efficiency programs, higkr ;avings programs,a non Lrind energy subscriptions. • Municipal and school facilities use about 12-' 3% of commercial/industrial use. Municipal data includes their entire utility operation. • Top 20% of b iusinesses energy userfu Ise 87% otl he business energy use in Edin. lfhis is about 400 businesses. • Energy efficiency p irogramdr t hec ommercial; rpacet las amounted to about 1.8% savings annually. Lighting is a big opportunity in small and large buildings. • We v want to make sure we're matching with the best opportunitied:hat are out there, and there are programs outside of Xcel Energy's programs. Please bring ideas you have about other programs to the tablE. • Commercial opportunities i nclude targeting largeu isers and "repeat customers”, leveraging a tr, acking/recognition system, financing options within the City,a Ind increasing subscriptions to renewable energy options. o When y ,ou subscribe to WindsourcO, -Xcel Energy n etie tsflECs. o w much doe Mims< it lcrease thee ,nergyb Focus Area Priorities The group took time to reflect on the Focus Area Worksheets. • Comment: In looking at the worksheet, i t seems like we're getting ahead of ourselves. There are things on the sheet- sa y, information kios- •th ire hard to turn into savings. What is our low-Il hanging fruit? Do we wish to look at this as a marketing/awareness/relations campaign or are we doir icrwmething from a technical side? For example, we can look at the highest-ii mpact businesses, but that won't Ie visible to most of the Edina residents. There are two very different approaches. o Response: T his is part of what the group will work o. xcelenergy.com/PartnerstnEnergy © 2015 Xcel Energy Inc 14-11-418 1 11/14 The CITY or EDINA Xcel Energy PARTNFR FRIFIV:v AN XCH FNFRGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Doi ez anyone have an initialn esidentialfi ocus area that they thought met thcc riteria on the worksheet? • All ;sport :s teams need service projects. • d like to do c )mething that's kid focused and think it's something lots of people could get excited about! o We also do that through the schools as wel • City policy • Churches have all been trying to raise money— en lergy efficiency s omething that could be high cost savings for them • Rebate outreach. o It sounds like an av vareness campaign and really helping people to know what's outt:here. • We have subsidized HES visits, and that's really worked. • We have a lot of neif jhborhood associations, so things that could be social, like a Tupperware party for GHG reduction. o Are associations active in Edina? • It varies. • Carpooling tool • Redevelopment seems like an interesting opportunity- re placing big houses with smaller houses. When you're doing the work, making sure you're doing it the right way. • Windsource p .rogram is very underutilized for a potential 100% reduction • Fe edback tool smart thermostats • Schools are doing more service learning • Neighborhood recognition of ene rgy use Does anyone have a business focus areas? • Chamber c A Commerce o There are also t' wcr otary clubs,a Ind the!5Ch and France business association. o Large and small businesses are hit through the chamber of commerce • Cel rtifie(F u blit/ cc 3ountamissociations • Bu ilding management for healthcare focus ares o Building managers also have professional associations. • Large business leadership. • Sh opping mall- m anager of the shopping mall • City policy • Recognition and awards for businesses that have met ce rtain business standards. • Windsource ) I E Itt I tit/ Biu' I I:td i.,11 tiV5tN4:-' 4)46, 00-4 0,1( • e CITY of EDINA Xcel Energy. RIMERS IN r"r1GY AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Are there other focus areas ? • Hennepin County facilities • Edina a s an "Energy Star" city. • Could re-,, visit Edina unplugged • New construction and maintenance for schools Does anyone have a data or follow-1, ipq luestion that needs to be addressed before the next workshop? • Would like to know what sectors the top 20% of businesses that use power are. (Restaurants, Grocery, Retail) o When data E jets to be narrow, there are also data privacy concerns. Also, the data isn i't perfect. Within those constrains we can absolutely work on that. Proposed Vision Statement Between workshops 1 and 2, a small group took time to work on a visions statement: Carolyn, Rozy, and Sarah Zarrin. This group drafted three statements, which we .re distributed to this broader group for feedback and voting. • Two votes for option 1, five votes for option 2, and two votes for option 3. • The group took the visioning worksheets the group completed at Workshop 1, and started with statements and elements -From statements from the worksheet to compose a vision. They then incorporated Edina's greenhouse gas goal into the vision. Each person in the small group contributed. The Proposed Vision Statement: Edina's residents, schools, businesses, and governments •uccessfully reduce the community's greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by the year 2025, through strategies and actions that are sustainable, practical, and measurable. Does anything stand out in the statement? • There's a shared goal, and it identifies four Players • It is practical and measurable • The 25% by 2025 really stands out Are there any proposed changes? • Should we add the word "will"? o It depends on the tense of the statement • Should we add the 2007 baseline? o The statement seems like it's pretty long o Does "measurable" capture the sentiment? xcelonergy.com/PartnersInEnergy CO 2015 Xcel Energy Inc 14-11-418 1 11/14 Xcel Energy° PARTNERS IN ENERGY AN XCFI ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNFRSHIP A. The CITY of EDINA ER TOTAL LIFE HIGH • The vision statement should reflect the goal of the City- eil :her 25% or 30% by 202 o A small back will go back and clarify that number Wrap-i ip and Next Time We covered some additional information and data, and althoug ph we didn't get to I focus areas, we did great work. The vision is close to be finalized. • Should we share our individual household energy use next time? o (Majority vote) • Email Sarah (s klauer@mncee.or') with any luestions • Next workshop is January 21st End of notes. Word cloud of community assets shared last time, used to write the vision statement: ENGAth DISCUSSIONS EMBEDDED BUSINESS AAR NET CULTURE GHGRPCPCagy CITY SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION INNOVATION ACTIONS BATTERY RESIDENT GOVERNMENT DECREASED APPROACH LEADER EDU MMCATE ON SUSTAINABILITy CO COMMUNITY SAVINGS TECHNOLOGY REDUCTION AWARENESS RESIDENTS 1111ALIn GOALS "1" " '"" r AFFORDABLE MEASURABLE CLEAN USAGE RENEWABLE MOTIVATIONAL ATTAINABLE USE PROVIDES INNOVATIVE BUSINESSES EFFICIENCY OPEN PRACTICAL DAILY IMPROVE li,APriergy conliPartnersInEn,-r4, © 2015 Xcel Energy Inc 14-11-4181 11/14 The CITY or EDINA Xcel Energy& PARTNERS r-1 ENERGY AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Workshop 1 I\ lotes October 14, 2015 4:00-( 3:30pm Community Room, Edina City Hall FendA11111111111116rting Welcome Agenda Overview & Workshop Objectives Introductions • Scott N Jeal, City Manager • Jenny Edwards, Community Facilitator • Energy Action Team 30 20 Partners in Energy Overview w/ Q&A • Tami Gunderzik, Xcel Energy • Jenny Edwards & Sarah Klauer • Jenny Edwards 15 Initial Baseline Data w/ Q&A 10 Break 15 Past & F 'resent Energy Initiatives in E EdinaN/ Q&A • Scott Neal, City Manager 45 Energy Visioning Activity • Emma Struss & Sarah Klauer • Energy Action Team 10 Wrap-i. Jp & Introduce Topics for Next Time • Jenny Edwards Introductions Welcome and introductions from J enny Edwards and Scott Neal, Edina City Manager. Getting to know those at the table: • Name and Affiliation • My time on this team will be well spent if... • Favorite fall activity Kevin Staunton: City Council. Role is not to be a formal part of the group, but a liaison to City Council. His time will be best spent if we can make the transition to setting goals for GHG reductions and have a plan that will actually outline actions to address those reductions. Favorite fall activity is watching baseball. xcelenergy.com/PartnerslnEnergy © 2015 Xcel Energy Inc. 14-11-4181 11/14 0 A , , - The CITY of Xcel Energy* I EDINA PARTNERS IN ENERGY AN XCEI FNFRGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Bill SiE )rks: Edina Resident, has been ontl hEE nergy and EnvironmeniCommission. GHG is a personal focus. Wants to work on strategies that are going to work for the City, residents, and businesses. HoNorksfc Dr theIMPCA. Favorite fall activity is hiking. Rick Murphy: Manages Grandview Tire & Auto. L. lsed PACE program to install 117 solar panels at his business location. lime will be well spend if it brings awareness to the business community and also residents. Favorite fall activity is bowling. Marshall Silberstein: Resident of Edina, recently retired. Time will be well spent listening, learning how we impact public policy and how consumers might have better quality. Favorite fall activity is grinding leaves with his John Deere. Rozy Eastaugh: F iesider- Ju is )r at Edina High School. Interested in this type of work. Looking forward to learning, inquiring, getting involved with schools. Favorite fall activities are hiking and camping. Roy Jenson: Resident. Previously taught at University of St. Thomas in Engineering and business. Time will be well spent if we can convince people it's something they want to do- - cost-c affective. Favorite fall activity is biking. Sarah Zarrin: Resident of lEdina, Energy and Environment Commission. Time will be well spent if we get actions together to meet the City's GHG goals. Important to work with businesses and residents. Favorite fall activity is bicycling. Carolyn Jackson: Resident. Sees energy efficiency as not a sacrifice but a gain. Time will be well spent coming up with practical ideas that will save money and decrease energy use. Favorite fall activity: Putting the garden away for the winter. Curt Johanson: Edina Public Schools. Edina passed a referendum and there are projects going on in each of the schools- -H\ /A(b oilers, a,.;;onditioning, lighting, additions, etc. Favorite fall activities are biking, hiking, and bowling. Kyle Sawyer: City of Edina Staff. (Assistant Finance Director) Hopes to come away more educated to make more informed purchases. Favorite fall ac tivity is campint- -no bugs thi: time of year. Ross Bintner: City of Edina Staff. (Environmental Engineer) Works with water and environment through civil engineering. Time will be well spent if we move forward on actions that are manageable and meaningful. His favorite fall activities are watching his daughter jump in leaf piles and his son selling cub scout wreaths. Scott Neal: City of Edina Staff (City Manager) Hope s to have a plan that is measurable against a defined baseline. We need to know we are making progress. Time will be spent if we have an actionable plan that the city is charged with implementing. Favorite fall activity is kayaking. .Dz015 Xcel Energy Inc 14-11-4191 11/14 Xcel Energy& PARTNERS IN ENERGY AN XCEL ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP The (Ina te:) EDINA Tami Gunderzik: Xcel Energy. Manages the Partners in Energy service. Success would be to have tangible strategies and tactics. Favorite fall activity is the annual family apple orchard trip. Yvonne Pfeiffer: Xcel Energy. Works with Edina as the Community Energy Efficiency Manager. Success would be coming away with an actionable plan that Xcel Energy can help provide tools to implement. Favorite fall activity is hiking on the North Shore. Kevin Schwain: Xci el Energy and Edina Resident. Committed to the community. Wants to mae sure the service is a success for Edina and other communities. Partners in Energy Overview with Q&A: • Edina is the fifth Minnesota community to start Partners in Energy. • Today is day one of a two-\. rear planning and implementation process. • There will be six months of a planning phase, then 18 months of implementation. • Xcel Energy's goals are to strengthen community relationships, gain better knowledge to help programs fit community needs, saving energy, and reaching clean energy goals. • Edina is part of a community "Exchange" which gives opportunities to learn from other communities going through the planning and implementation process at the same time Discussion: • How do we get communications about the process? • Do we have a website or wiki? • Can this all go on the City website? o Sarah Klauer (s klauer@mncee.on) is the on-v;top shop for communicatior. We use email and Google Drive to distribute materials. o No Partners in Energy website for materials in the planning proc ess. o Notes and progress will be posted on the Edina website. • Can Xcel Energy prepare a statement on the situation with community solar gardens? o Yes, we can cover that at the next meeting or in the interim. • Can Xcel Energy provide more information on their sustainability efforts and leadership structure? I'd like to learn more about the role of Xcel Energy and am concerned that the process isn't a true partnership between Xcel Energy and the Edina community. o We can spend time at the next meeting on Xcel Energy gy's background and sustainability initiatives. In this process we are looking at you, the community, and what your vision is, what you want to do, and how we can support you. • Can we have another business at the table that is focused on energy and sustain lability? xcelenergy.com/PartriersInEnergy 2015 Xcel Energy Inc. 14-11-418 1 11/14 • 1.-;• The CITY of 4/ EDINA Xcel Energy® PAQTWIrPS FIVFpny AN XCFI FNFRGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP o It will be important to think of including people not at the table in implementation. Initial Baseline Data with Q&A: • Energy data can couple with demographic data to show patterns and opportunities. • We'd like to know what other data you're inti crested in seeing so we can track it down. • Data is tracked by premises, not customers. • In 2014, Edina used 584 million kWh. 66% of use was co mmercial ancir ldustrial, 34% r€ )sidential. • In 2014, there were 23,393 premises. 9% co mmercial ancir Austria', 91%n; )sidential • Largest residential programs are Saver's Switch®, Air Conditioning, Residential Heating, and Refrigerator Recycling. • Largest business programs were Small Business Lighting, Lighting Efficiency, Cooling Efficiency, and Motor Efficiency. Discussion: • How difficult would it be to separate out public sector energy use? Schools? o There are data privacy rules that could make it complicated, but it may be possible. • It would be great to see energy use numbers and program participation numbers compared. • It would be great to look at some models for carbon accounting. • Can we break out big and small business? • We should look at the numbers the City of Edina has as well, including regional data. Past and Present Energy Initiatives in Edina Scott Neal, City Manager, gave an overview of City work. • City is a GreenStep Level 3 City • We have a variety of initiatives, including: o Streets policy o PACE financing o Energy and Environment Commission with a work plan and mission o Natural Resources o Major golf course i mprovements o Recycling efforts on the business side o Water resources o City facilities projects, including retrofits, B3 benchmarking, and a solar panel on City Hall • :lir, f I Xcel Energy. prorrriPorrm fik! cRirorav AN XCEl ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP le CITY of uI ,,c, EDINA Oro% 0,0‘ .1` a r-' ,,-.0 Co: \ t-kir` 4\ 44"' WY" Jw a 4% ti~ 1 t (.t) 4.ck >' VilA°41 sj e n rik \P‘'5 0 \ . 0 . 11,..§. '0.\ ....I. , 0\4°. SXN'N What are your favorite things about the City of Edina? Mil xcelenergy.com/PartnersinEnergy 2015 Xcel Eneigy Inc 14-11-4101 11/14 The CITY or EDINA Xcel Energy AN XCFI ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Energy V 'isioning Activity Four minutes to take a look at the visioning worksheet and write down some thoughts. What are some words or phrases that you would like to include in a vision statement? • Carbon neutral— -so me cities are already ther • Edina has pride. We c an use that for measurement and as a metric. • Community leadership • Role model to surrounding communities, known state-A wide as a leader • Affordable, / attainable • Sustainable • Geared toward good environmental stewardship and quality of life • Be a solution in c limate change • Meaningful, f` OeasurablE, P Manageable • Harness the community of learners • Build relationships between the City, residents, and businesses • Establish common goals among City, residents, and businesses • Want to embed our solutions in the community and I education. • Accessible • Cutting-f .)dge Volunteers to do visioning work in between the workshops: • Sarah Z, RozyC ;arolyn Wrap Up Discussion Next steps will be the small group working on the vision and getting feedback. We will be in touch about the next v vorkshop, and following up from this one. Sarah Klauer (s klauer@mncee.or) is your contact for any questions. Community Discussion • Should we be leaning toward electricity? o If the group wants to think more broadly, we can facilitate that. We have already reached out to CenterPoint Energy. o The resources Xcel E inergyc an provide are more on the electricity side. • It can be useful to talk about carbon footprint instead of kWh to un iderstand impact. • We should look at the City's existing data next time. End of Notes. 0:-) 7015 Xcel Energy Inc 14-11-418 1 11/14 CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 wvvw.edinamn.gov Date: January 14, 2016 Agenda Item #: To: Energy and Environment Commission Item Type: Correspondence From: Ross Bintner P.E. — Environmental Engineer Item Activity: Subject: Correspondence Information ACTION REQUESTED: No action required. INTRODUCTION: Attached are correspondence received or distributed since the last meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 16 01 07 Con• From: Paul Thompson To: Ross Bintner; Sarah Zarin; Keith Kostuch (kostuch.eecgmail.com) (kostuch.eecPgmail.com) Bob Stewart; Kevin Staunton; Mary Brindle (Comcast); Ann Swenson; )ames Hovland Subject: COP21 - Side-Event - BUILDING THE URBAN FUTURE: CLIMATE-FRIENDLY, ENERGY-SMART AND LIVEABLE - on 10 December from 2pm - 3:30pm @ German Pavilion Date: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 7:46:24 AM Attachments: Building the Urban Future BMUB Side Event German Pavilion 10Dec 2om.odf Edina Leaders, At the Paris climate talks and thought that this workshop might provide good insights on sustainable development for Edina. It's in the COP21 blue zone for credentialed folks only (I don't have that access) but perhaps we can gain a video or transcript, I will work on this over here but there are links and info below that we can follow as well. Hope all is well in Edina and that snow awaits our return....report to the community on Friday January 8, 6:30 at Linden Hills Park (43rd and Xerxes). Thanks for greening our city. Paul and Mindy follow us at vvww.citizensvoice.tv and our fb page and see the workshop description below Paul Thompson Cool Planet—Neighborhood FUN-Action for Our Planet Citizens' Climate Lobby- Political Will for a Livable World 952-920-1547-h 612-810-4664-c Begin forwarded message: From: "Marschel, Cornelia" <Comelia.Marschel@bmub.bund.de> Date: November 30, 2015 at 3:32:32 PM GMT+1 To: "Energy-1" <energy-l@lists.iisd.ca> Subject: COP21 - Side-Event - BUILDING THE URBAN FUTURE: CLIMATE-FRIENDLY, ENERGY-SMART AND LIVEABLE - on 10 December from 2pm - 3:30pm @ German Pavilion Dear colleagues, German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and GIZ kindly invite you to join us at German Pavilion for the Side Event BUILDING THE URBAN FUTURE: CLIMATE-FRIENDLY, ENERGY-SMART AND LIVEABLE Venue: German Pavilion: Hall 2B, No. 51 (Blue Zone) Date and time: 10 December, 14:00 — 15:30 Consuming nearly 80% of overall energy and responsible for up to 70% of global energy-related GHG emissions, cities are major contributors to climate change. At the same time, cities offer enormous potential for emission reductions; making them vital actors in addressing climate change. This side event highlights options for climate-friendly, resource-efficient urban development solutions, focusing especially — yet not exclusively — on the housing and energy sector. It aims at presenting and discussing policies and practices which provide for decoupling urban growth from energy use and GHG emissions. Speakers and panelists: Rita Schwarzeltihr-Sutter, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), Germany Alejandro Nieto, International Delegate and former Undersecretary for Urban Development and Housing, Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU), Mexico Boris Palmer, Mayor of the City of Tubingen (DE) and Climate Alliance COP21 Ambassador Stephan Brandligt, Deputy Mayor of the City of Delft (NL) and Vice- President Energy Cities Benoit Lefevre, Director Energy and Climate, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities Boping Chen, China Director, World Future Council Curt Garrigan, Manager Cities and Buildings Programme, UNEP- DTIE Peta Wolpe, Managing Director, Sustainable Energy Africa For further information please see the programme attached. For the overall programme of the German Pavilion, please visit: http://www.bmub.bund.de/cop-events Kind regards, Lisa Lebershausen Section Climate Change and Climate Policy Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Division Sectoral and Global Programmes Department Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH KOthener Str. 2-3 10963 Berlin Germany T + 49 30 338424-546 E lisa.lebershausen@giz.de I www.giz.de Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH; Sitz der Gesellschaft Bonn and Eschborn/Registered offices Bonn and Eschborn, Germany; Registergericht/Registered at Amtsgericht Bonn, Germany; Eintragungs-Nr./Registration no. HRB 18384 and/and Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Eintragungs-Nr./Registration no. HRB 12394; USt-IdNr.NAT ID no. DE 113891176; Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Friedrich Kitschelt, Staatssekretaer/State Secretary; Vorstand/Management Board: Tanja Goenner (Vorstandssprecherin/Chair of the Management Board), Dr. Christoph Beier (SteIlv. VorstandssprecherNice-Chair of the Management Board), Dr. Hans-Joachim Preuss, Cornelia Richter If you are not ptflydisc@aol.com and would like to join the ENERGY-L Mailing List, please click here to SUBSCRIBE Account/Subscription Management - ENERGY-L Mailing List You are currently subscribed to ENERGY-L as: ptflydisc@aol.com How often would you like to receive messages from ENERGY-L? [ Once-A-Day: As Attachments or Displayed In Email Body I Throughout the Day I Pause Messages ] Manage Your Lyris Account? [ Login I Reset Password I Unsubscribe I Your Settings I More Commands ] Haven't received any messages from ENERGY-L? [ Lately I Never ] Visit ENERGY-L I About ENERGY-L I More IISD RS Mailing Lists I Help & Support From: Mathias Samuel To: 1(eith Kostucb; Affagedmadrzarg; pmilv reinkefthormail corg Cc: Ross Rinner Mathiac Samuel Subject: RE: Could you connect me via email with the two student members of the Energy and Environmental Commission? Date: Saturday, December 26, 2015 6:10:37 AM Emily and Sarah, Good morning and Merry Christmas. Keith, thank you for making the introduction. Are either or both of you interested in being involved with a group of Edina youth who will lead an effort to work with the City of Edina to evaluate and grade how the city is doing in terms of carbon emissions and then who will work with the City to get Edina on a path to reduced emissions going forward? You can find more Information about (Matter at www.iMattervouth.org. Below I've also included some information and a video from 14-year old Ellery McAlister, a student leader working on another iMatter campaign in Des Moines. The really neat thing about iMatter is it is truly led by youth. It is a unique and powerful way to give youth a voice on the important issue of climate change/energy efficiency. I think you both would be great members of the Edina group! If either of you are interested, let me know. I would be happy to talk to you further about next steps and what is involved. share more information with you. Best. Matt This 31/2 minute video shows the power and potential of the iMatterNow campaign far better than anything I could write. Fourteen- year old Ellery McAlister of iMatter Des Moines recently spoke at a Climate Change Awareness event just after the Paris climate talks. (The video cuts off the standing ovation she received.). 'matter is now launching pilot campaigns around the country! iMatter Youth in action Why this is so important I've spent a lot of time studying the science of climate change. Without big changes this decade, we'll be taking enormous risks with our kids' future. Youth can help change the game: • By convincing people to think about the climate crisis not as a distant problem, but as an urgent issue that affects the future of their loved ones. • By holding local governments accountable to actions that matter (and then moving on to state governments, and beyond...) • By participating in their own grassroots movement and giving it a voice so powerful it cannot be ignored. I'm involved with iMatter because I don't see a way to winning without youth like Ellery McAlister speaking up around the country in their communities, to people who know them. There are passionate youth like Ellery in every community. iMatterNow is a campaign to provide them tools, training, and a virtual microphone to get their voices heard and build their own unstoppable movement. I believe in them, and in this organization, so much, that I've been working full-time, without pay, to help give them their best shot at success. From: Keith Kostuch [mailto:kostuch.eec@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2015 10:51 AM To: Mathias Samuel; ses@deamsdr.com; emily.reinke@hotmall.com Cc: Ross Bintner Subject: Re: Could you connect me via email with the two student members of the Energy and Environmental Commission? Matt, This email is also going out to the student members of the EEC as you requested. Emily and Sarah - Matt is a local resident who is starting a chapter of iMatter, a national environmental group, here in Edina. Paul said you may have already met him in the school. Allow me to make one point to everyone - the EEC is an advisory body for the City Council while iMatter is an advocacy group involved in public policy/politics. Those are two quite different things and need to be treated as such. Best regards and Merry Christmas, Keith On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Mathias Samuel <samuel@fr coal> wrote: This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. *************************.************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************************** This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original messae. *********************************************************************************************************************** Hi LouAnn, Brian has a prior obligation on the date of your January meeting. He is planning to attend the February EEC meeting. Regarding your questions about salt use and management; TRAINING City staff obtain a Road Salt Applicators Training certification. A list of certificate holders, including public and private entities, can be found here; Road Salt Applicators Training Certificate Holders https://www.pca.state.mn.us/water/road-salt-and-water-quality#training-51e3d447 The state/city doesn't have a rating system for private service providers. It would be difficult to do given the variables of any given snow/ice event and the challenges of any particular location. It would be difficult to be objective and may be interpreted as favoring certain private enterprises over others. The best bet would be to interview any private service contractor on their knowledge and practices and choose the one that best fits your needs. If you continue scrolling down on the MPCA's training webpage, you'll find a pollution prevention case study from road salt training, called Dakota County Winter Maintenance Training KAP Study Report. It evaluates the effectiveness of the road salt training in reducing salt use. The City of Edina staff have an annual internal 'Snow Day' training at the beginning of the winter season, specific to the City operators. City annually evaluates the potential to decrease salt usage. EQUIPMENT The City purchased and upgraded salt brine equipment in 2013. Some funding for the project was provided by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Potential for equipment upgrades is evaluated annually at the Edina 'Snow Day' training. REGULAR PRACTICES The City does not do snow removal for any private businesses (roads, parking lots, sidewalks). The City does not plow or salt France Avenue — Hennepin County does. The City does plow France Avenue sidewalks within the municipal boundary. The City typically treats public sidewalks with a salt brine solution. There are some cases where granular salt may be applied, such as with specific ice complaints in areas where the brine application hasn't been effective. Granular salt may also be used by the parks division on sidewalks at times when the brine truck is not available and 8-10 foot paths are icy. Lastly, granular salt is needed in the 50th France area for pedestrian movements. Excess salt in the streets is swept up with shovels and brooms — street sweepers are not operated in the winter. I've included instructions for reporting excess salt below, under 'RESOURCES'. RESOURCES If you see public areas with an abundance of salt, please let us know so we can clean it up. You can use the 'Report A Problem' feature on the City website or call 952-826-0300. We don't have a record of the amount of salt that is swept up, but we do track service requests. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has been working on a metro-wide chloride management study and strategy over the past decade or so. The report collates all the available data and provides some implementation strategies. It also describes sources and trends in the metro. A draft version of their report was published in July 2015 and can be reviewed here; Draft Chloride Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) https://www.pca.state.mn.us/water/road-salt-and-water-quality A TMDL study was completed for Nine Mile Creek to address various pollutants including chloride. It can be viewed on the MPCA website at https://www.pca.state.mn.us/water/tmdl/nine- mile-creek-turbidity-impaired-biota-and-chloride-tmdl-project The metro-wide TMDL references the Nine Mile Creek Chloride TMDL report which estimates that the relative contribution for commercial and packaged deicer (private application sources) in the watershed was 38% of the total amount of road salt applied. CITY EFFORTS Nine Mile Creek has been added to the Federal List of Impaired Waters for pollutants, which includes chloride. The City holds a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit, issued by the MPCA. As a MS4 permitee, the City of Edina is required by the MPCA to implement best management practices to reduce chloride pollution. We are required to annually report on interim milestones. This.table describes the best management practices we've committed to in our permit. These interim milestones were approved by the MPCA and all have been implemented. Interim Milestone (Best Management Practice) Implementation Date Installation of automated brine system 12/3/2013 GPS tracking of application rates 2011 Establish prioritized plow routes based on sensitivity of receiving waters 6/20/2014 Partner with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District regarding a public education campaign on the proper use of deicing materials on commercial and private properties 6/20/2014 Annually evaluate the potential to decrease salt usage, which may include equipment upgrades and staff training 6/20/2014 Our current MS4 permit can be viewed on our website at http://edinamn.gov/index.php?section=engineering._storm_water STREEP SWEEPING The purchased a new street sweeper and recently completed a Street Sweeping Management Plan. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District provided some funding for this project. Keep an eye out for the plan on the City's street sweeping webpage. City's Street Sweeping web page http://edinamn.gov/index.php?section=street sweeping The City operates three street sweepers during the spring, summer, fall season. One works continuously and all three are used during spring (to clean up winter debris/salt/sand/trash/sediment) and during the fall (to clean up debris/leaves/trash/sediment). Street sweepers also respond to complaints, as needed. Street sweeping is not done on a rigid schedule, and is instead responsive to conditions and needs. For example, street sweepers will run as late as possible to capture as much of fall leaf out before winter. This fall 2015 was so warm, street sweepers continued to work through the middle of December. Street sweepers do not operate during the winter. GENERAL WATER RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Some storm drains have temporary inlet protection, required by the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (view the Plan here; http://edinamn.gov/index.php?section=engineering storm water ). Through our permitting process, most construction activities within the city are required to protect the storm network from pollution. These are generally temporary and are removed when a project is completed. Sediment is the most common pollutant for construction activities. In 2016, we will be updating our Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan (current plan can be found here; http://edinamn.gov/index.php?section=engineering water resource ). Through this process, we'll work to update our models, identify problems, and draft a revised implementation plan. This comprehensive plan guides us in addressing flood risk, water quality improvements, storm water management, etc., and helps us build long-term resiliency in the community. In this plan, we'll update our models to include the latest statewide rainfall modeling data so that we're better predicting the way that our systems will perform in light of how the climate has/is changed/changing. HOW CAN RESIDENTS HELP? Some actions that residents can take include; 1) Participate in stakeholder processes. Many of our water planning efforts include a citizen engagement component where we seek feedback from residents. Your input is important to us. We'll request feedback through channels such as the City website and press releases. 2) Reach out to applicators to provide the 'knowledge fix'. The more people know about proper salt use, the closer we can get to reaching our common goal. 3) Explore a 'regulatory fix'. Campaign for changes in state legislation that would incentivize private applicators to do better. (The City is already required by law to take action). 4) The Chloride TMDL document recommends actions individuals can take to reduce chloride pollution. I'm glad we're having this conversation. Clean water is a common goal and responsibility for all of us. Please let me know if you have any more questions. Jessica Van Der Werff, CFM, Water Resources Coordinator 952-826-0445 I Fax 952-826-0392 JVanDerWerff@EdinaMN.gov I www.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Louise Waddick [mailtodawaddick0gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 8:59 PM To: Ross Bintner Subject: salt I couldn't figure out how to put everything together in one email... these are comments from me and my group regarding questions for Brian Olson: Me-- I wonder how our city works people are trained on salt use, do they get retrained after a period of time, new employees?,how about a quick overview of the cities equipment/trucks,brining, does the city partner with and pick up snow from private businesses (Jerry's Foods), who applies the salt on certain sidewalks, like France Ave, who do we speak with when we see public areas that seem to have an abundance of salt, is excess salt ever swept up, does the city have any communication with businesses, condos, apts etc regarding salt use. Jon--I'd like to know if the City has more expertise on salt use than the general training sessions that they can share. Have they ever estimated the burden from Edina? How does it compare to water softeners? Steve--How can you tell if a service contractor is current with their salt (chloride) training? Are there better service contractors who have a salt (chloride) application rating? Approximately how much salt is swept up after remaining in the streets? How much salt has been saved with the service contractor salt (chloride) certification process (due to reduced use)? Sue--I also think summer questions: How often do street sweepers go out? Is it a set schedule or does it respond to seasonal changes i.e. leaves drop latter one year, earlier another? Why do some storm drains have protection around them? General questions: what upcoming changes are coming/being considered in Edina to respond to larger rain events? How can our group help? Several people feel that it would be great to have a conversation with Brian as questions develop while we are talking. thanks Ross, Louann LouAnn Waddick lawaddickOgmail.com 5304 Blake Rd.So. From: Ross Bintner To: Ross Bintner Cc: Rebecca Foster Subject: FW: Report from Paris Date: Thursday, January 07, 2016 8:57:16 AM Attachments: ReoortBack.odf imaae003.onq EEC Members, See attached and below from Paul Thompson. Ross Bintner, PE, Environmental Engineer 952-903-5713 I Fax 952-826-0392 RBintner@EdinaMN.gov I www.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Paul Thompson [mailto:paul@coolplanetmn.org] Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2016 8:46 AM To: Ross Bintner Subject: Report from Paris Ross, Thanks for sending out this invite to EEC folks to learn from Minnesotans who were at CO21 in Paris. 6 on the panel including a Macalester grad, a current Macalester student, Kevin Whelan,the director of MN350, Joe Robertson,the Global Strategy Director of CCL (Citizens Climate Lobby), Ellen Anderson- former state senator now with the Innovation Lab at the U of MN, Rose Welch from Regeneration Int'l and the Organic Consumers Assoc. There will be a short presentation on COP21 followed by the panel statement and Q and A followed by breakout sessions with 5-6 topics for taking action. Hope some of you can make it Friday Evening at 6:30 at Linden Hills Park at 43rd St and Xerxes Ave in SW Mpls.....flyer attached and this article from the SW Journal. Paul Paul Thompson Cool Planet—Neighborhood FUN-Action for Our Planet Citizens' Climate Lobby- Political Will for a Livable World 952-920-1547-h 612-810-4664-c Citizens' Climate Lobby C haste Action Team F RESH 4 O (xccrr • Cil N,` DEN - p o t 44' c, ut 1171 C 4, • °cERY - p n Cllflurrumtt 1=1 Bepencitt Friday, January 8th 6:30 — 8:30 pm Linden Hills Park Multi-Purpose Room 3100 W 43rd St, Minneapolis, MN 55410 (43rd St and Xerxes Ave) Info: Paul 612-810-4664 www.coolplanetmn.org u. tt MI N NESOTANS F R CLIMATE ACTiON!? WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO YOU NNi Minnesotans meeting in Paris during COP21 Join Minnesotans who were in Paris for the UN climate talks (COP21) to discuss what YOU can do to cool our climate NOW. We will begin with an intergenerational panel of Minnesotans discussing the COP21 UN Climate Conference in Paris. Followed by small group action planning on steps citizens can take. Free and open to the public, all ages especially youth. CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov Date: January 14, 2016 Agenda Item #: VIII.A. To: Energy and Environment Commission Item Type: Other From: Rebecca Foster, GIS Administrator Item Activity: Subject: Attendance report and roster Information ACTION REQUESTED: No Action Required. INTRODUCTION: EEC Attendance report attached. ATTACHMENTS: EECAttendance ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION J F n.1 A M J J A S O N D Work Session Work Session # of Mtgs. Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 NAME Glahn, William TERM 3/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4/7/2015 (Enter Date) 11 92% Gubrud, Bob 3/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 92% Howard, John 3/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 92% Kostuch, Keith 3/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 92% Manser, Richard 3/1/2018 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 80% Satterlee, Lauren 3/1/2018 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 90% Seeley, Melissa 3/1/2018 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 90% Sierks, Bill 3/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 92% Thompson, Paul 3/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 92% Waddick, Louise 3/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 83% Zarrin, Sarah 3/1/2018 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 83% Heer, John 3/1/2015 1 1 2 100% Latham, Dianne Plunkett 3/1/2015 1 1 2 100% Reinke, Emily 9/1/2016 1 1 1 3 100% Stefanik, Sarah 9/1/2016 1 1 1 3 100% Anderson, Reilly 9/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 50% Padmanabhan, Sunaya 9/1/2015 1 1 1 1 4 33% Liaisons: Report attendance monthly and attach this report to the Commission minutes for the packet. Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically. INSTRUCTIONS: Counted as Meeting Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE1 Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE1 Regular Meeting w/Quorum Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member. Regular Meeting w/o Quorum Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member. Joint Work Session Type "1" under "Work Session" on the meetings' line. Type "1" under "Work Session" for each attending member. Rescheduled Meeting* Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member. Cancelled Meeting Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for ALL members. Special Meeting There is no number typed on the meetings' line. There is no number typed on the members' lines. CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov Date: January 14, 2016 Agenda Item #: VIII.B. To: Energy and Environment Commission Item Type: Other From: Rebecca Foster, GIS Administrator Item Activity: Subject: Working Group List Discussion ACTION REQUESTED: Please review the list and propose additions or deletions at the meeting. INTRODUCTION: See attached work group list. ATTACHMENTS: 20151112 Working Group List Edina Energy & Environment Commission Working Groups and Subcommittees Draft of 11-12-15 Building Energy Efficiency Subcommittee - Chair Sierks, Members: Bill Glahn, Keith Kostuch Objective: This subcommittee will work with City staff to recommend to Council a comprehensive approach for achieving deeper energy efficiency actions for the city's buildings that maximizes greenhouse gas reductions, maximizes energy saved and dollars saved, and maximizes effective use of city dollars. City Environmental Considerations Subcommittee — Chair Keith Kostuch, Members: Objective: This sub-committee of the EEC will work with City staff to find a way to embed the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Chapter 10 environmental commitments into the City's capital budget process. New buildings, major building renovations and fleet purchases have large and long-term environmental implications. Consequently, environmental considerations need to be made more explicit at the inception of all capital projects and in the approval process zip to City Council final approval. Time frame: This process will be collaborative with City staff in terms of conceptualization and implementation so it will take most or all of 2014. Community Solar Subcommittee - Chair Bill Sierks, Members: Paul Thompson, Bob Gubrud Objective: Work with City Staff to evaluate whether the City can host a Community Solar site. If so, the group will assist as appropriate in completing the steps necessary to apply for, develop, and market this program, and involve interested members of the public through a working group if the project moves forward to construction Edina Climate Commitment Team — 1st & 3rd Monday — Chair Sarah Zarrin — Commissioners: Bill Sierks, Robert Manser — Staff: Scott Neal and Council Member Kevin Staunton Objective: Assist with establishing best practices for energy conservation for The City of Edina (i.e., buildings, fleet) Assist with meeting established conservation goals and establish strategies to track and meet these goals Identify opportunities for change to meet GHG goals Assist with developing effective communication strategies for above to EEC, Council and the public Assist with allocating City resources (staff, budget) to enable realization of conservation goals Education Outreach Working Group (EO WG) — 1st Thursday at 7:00 pm - Co-Chairs Paul Thompson and Bob Gubrud — Members: John Howard (EEC), Sarah Stefanik, Emily Rienke, Emily Ding, Chuck Prentice, Christopher Wilson and Mindy Ahler. Objective: The mission of the Education and Outreach Working Group is to support the charter of the Edina Energy and Environment Commission by creating awareness and engaging residents, schools, churches, business' and community organizations to take action to conserve and increase energy, efficiency, to reuse and recycle, and to preserve and enhance our environment Home Energy Squad Subcommittee (HES) — Meets as needed - Chair Bill Sierks — Commissioners - Paul Thompson, Bob Gubrud Objective: This subcommittee works with City staff Xcel Energy, Centerpoint Energy, and the Center for Energy and the Environment to implement the Home Energy Squad program for Edina's residents. The city's gas and electric utilities have hired CEE to implement the Home Energy Squad program across their service area. Our subcommittee is helping to promote the program and maximize its impact in Edina. Recycling Solid Waste and Organics Working Group(RSWO WG) — 1st Wednesday at 7:00 pm - Chair Melissa Seeley — Commissioners Lauren Satterlee, Emily Ding, Members: DP Latham, Michelle Horan, Lori Syverson (Chamber of Commerce), Ben Knudson (Hennepin County Environmental Services), Andre Xiong (HCES), Aileen Foley—City Staff: Solvei Wilmot Objective: Evaluate and monitor the provisions of the recycling, solid waste and organic waste collection programs in Edina. Evaluate and monitor the reduction in municipal solid waste by residents and businesses in Edina. Educate the public about recycling, organics and solid waste reduction. Student Environmental Leadership Council — EEC Chair, Members: Paul Thompson, Student Members: Emily Reinke, Sarah Stefanik and open to students attending secondary schools in Edina. Objective: To facilitate, coordinate and share information between the EEC and the School Environmental groups and to work on common energy and environmental objectives as appropriate. To assist in developing environmental leaders of tomorrow. Water Quality Working Group (WQ WG) — 2nd Tuesday at 6:30pm - Chair Lou Ann Waddick — Members: Jon Moon, Steve Wielock, Katherine Winston, Sue Nissen and Randy Holst, Richard Strong. Objective: To facilitate communication between citizens and city government and champion efforts to improve water quality within Edina. CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov Date: January 14, 2016 Agenda Item #: VIII.C. To: Energy and Environment Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From: Keith Kostuch, EFC Chair Item Activity: Subject: Chair and Member Comments Discussion ACTION REQUESTED: Board and Commission Member Comments on the following topics, subcommittee and working groups will be heard. INTRODUCTION: 1. Building Energy Efficiency Subcommittee 2. City Environmental Considerations Subcommittee 3. Community Solar Subcommittee 4. Education Outreach Working Group 5. Home Energy Squad Subcommittee 6. Recycling, Solid Waste and Organics Working Group 7. Student Subcommittee 8. Water Quality Working Group Please review attachments. ATTACHMENTS: 8 C 4a EOWG Minutes 8 C 6a RSWO Minutes 8 C 6b Draft Ordinance for packaging 8 C 6c Draft Flyer To Go 8 C 6d Draft Edina Code Business Conipostable 8 C 6e Staff Report 8 C of Minneapolis ample 8 C 8a WQWG December Meeting notes 8 C 8b WQWGNov ember Meeting notes E&OWG Meeting Minutes for 10/1/15 Meeting Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm in the Mayor's Conference Room In attendance: Mindy Ahler, Paul Thompson, Bob Gubrud, and John Howard 1. Minutes for 9/3/15 meeting approved without edits. 2. Check ins by those in attendance. 3. Edina Day of Service is Oct. 24 a. HES installs - Bob is working with Edina Resource Center on coordinating visits. If an EOWG member is interested, they could introduce HES employees to recipients. b. Buckthorn pull-up — John may coordinate a Countryside neighborhood buckthorn removal effort. c. Cool Planet bike to service — Students, and anyone who is interested, may join Paul and Mindy to bike to various events with a focus on winding down school gardens. 4. Home Energy Squad a. Update — 40 visits this year so far, another 9 are planned. b. Ad in Fall issue of About Town — status is unknown, but it is believed the city has produced an ad for HES visits. c. Utility insert — Bob is wondering if an ad on the utility insert would be effective. Any effort would be coordinated through communications. d. Nextdoor — appears Nextdoor posting in August led to 9 visits. Bob will check with MJ Lamon if this can be replicated. Paul noted Nextdoor is very popular in Morningside. 5. Community Solar a. Status — multiple applications are believed to have been sent to the city in response to the most recent Community Solar RFP. b. Publicity — Any publicity would be done after the developer for the project has been selected. c. Managing enrollments — would depend on the developer. Likely that project would be oversubscribed. d. Additional sites — if project is successful, then other sites may be considered. 6. April 2016 Forum a. Topics — community solar could be pertinent, green step cities, follow up to Paris accord — greenhouse gas reduction techniques. Bob would like forum to be practical. "From the Pope to Paris: What Edinans can do?". Ingrained carbon footprint of products/lifestyle emissions? Tear down culture? Water? City energy use/greenhouse gas inventory? Endangered Species? Ann Bancroft theme to highlight India water issues and promote girls/women in science. May be good to consult with city about what residents are telling them. b. Format- We could do a debate? Continue with main speaker and engagement format? c. Presenters — None are immediately jumping to mind. Possible ideas include Ellen Anderson (U of M Energy Transition Lab), Michael Noble (Fresh Energy), Rolf Nordstrom (Great Plains Inst.), MN Zoo director, Ann Bancroft (Women in science and India water issues), Will Steger (Climate Generation). d. Timeline — should have something planned to preliminary stage by December, or January. 7. Environmental Film Series — John proposed The Burden, which looks at military fuel use, Antarctica 70 South, and Years of Living Dangerously. 8. Project Earth — Membership appears to be strong, 34 students attended their first meeting. 9. 2016 Work Plan - noted that funding cycle may precede approval of work plan. 10. Recruiting new members - EEC will be experiencing large turnover in spring of 2016, including Paul, Bob and John. 11. Next meeting: Thurs. Nov. 5, 2015 Meeting adjourned at 9:22 pm Minutes taken by John Howard RSWO Working Group minutes November 18, 2015 1. Presentation by John Anderson from Conservation Minnesota - Organization works on grassroots initiatives and ways to partner with communities - Talked about the state of recycling: - High goals coupled with lack of implementation - Recycling rates have stagnated in recent years - Goal of 75% recycling by 2030 - e-waste is an emerging problem with manufacturers being responsible for a percentage of recycling costs based on weight and overall weight decreasing - Another emerging issue are juice/soup pouches - more companies using this packaging which is landfilled Talked about legislation: - SCORE funding - not all dollars going back into recycling. 2014 legislature passed law increasing SCORE funding $3 million annually - Starting in 2016 all businesses and multi-unit apartments are required to provide recycling - Upcoming legislative initiatives include trying to pass a bill to insure all solid waste tax goes to recycling and working with the MPCA to address e-waste 2. Discussed the Packaging Ordinance - Lauren presented information about St. Louis Park's ban (see her email with all SLP information) - Michelle presented information about the Minneapolis ban - We voted to proceed with the draft ordinance. Next step is to present to EEC in January 3. Discussed the Organics Ordinance - All members should have received correspondence and documents prior to meeting - Voted to approve the ordinance as drafted by Solvei. Will follow next steps as advised by Solvei Ordinance for Environmentally Acceptable Packaging Draft Definitions: As used in this chapter, the following terms and phrases shall have the meanings as defined in this section: a. Packaging shall mean and include food or beverage cans, bottles or containers used to package food and beverage products for distribution including glasses, cups, plates, serving trays, and to- go containers; but shall specifically exclude foods pre-packaged by the manufacturer, producer or distributor; plastic knives, forks and spoons sold or intended for use as utensils; and plastic films less than ten (10) mils in thickness. b. Environmentally acceptable packaging shall mean and include any of the following: 1. Reusable and returnable packaging: Food or beverage containers or packages, such as, but not limited to water bottles, growlers, milk containers and bulk product packaging that are capable of being refilled at a retail location or returned to the distributor for reuse at least once as a container for the same food or beverage. 2. Recyclable packaging: Packaging that is separable from solid waste by the generator or during collection for the purpose of recycling including glass bottles, aluminum cans and plastic food and beverage packaging that have robust recycling markets. For the purposes of this chapter, environmentally preferable plastic packaging includes the following plastic types: a. Polyethylene Terephthalate (#1 PET or PETE). b. High Density Polyethylene (#2 HDPE); and c. Polypropylene (#5 PP). 3. Compostable packaging: Packaging that is separable from solid waste by the generator or during collection for the purpose of composting. Compostable packaging must be made of paper, certified cornpostable plastics that meet ASTM D6400 or ASTM D6868 for cornpostability or other cellulose-based packaging capable of being decomposed through composting or anaerobic digestion. c. Food establishment, as used in this chapter, means a "food establishment" as defined in section Edina Food Ordinance. Section 3. This section is amended to read as follows: Prohibitions and duties. a) No person owning, operating or conducting a food establishment or any person or organization providing free food or beverage products within the City of Edina pursuant to a permit or license, or in a manner which would require a permit or license, shall do or allow to be done any of the following within the city: Sell or convey at a retail or possess with the intent to sell or convey at a retail any food or beverage intended for immediate consumption contained at any time at or before the time of point of sale, in packaging which is not environmentally acceptable packaging. The presence on the premises of the food establishment of packaging which is not environmentally acceptable packaging shall constitute a rebuttable presumption of intent to sell or convey at retail, or to provide to retail customers packaging which is not environmentally acceptable packaging; provided, however, that this subparagraph shall not apply to manufacturers, brokers or warehouse operators, who conduct or transact no retail food or beverage business. b. Packaging used to contain food or beverages intended for immediate consumption shall be considered environmentally acceptable packaging only when the food establishment provides consumers with an opportunity to recycle and/or appropriately manage compostable plastics and utilizes a qualified recycling and/or organics management system. 1. A qualified recycling system shall have the following elements: a. A clear and verifiable process for separating recyclable packaging from discarded solid waste; and b. Collection and delivery of recyclable packaging to a recycling facility for processing in the same or at least similar manner as recyclable packaging collected in a municipally approved recycling program. 2. A qualified organics management system shall have the following elements: a. A clear and verifiable process for separating organic materials from discarded solid waste; and b. Collection and delivery of organic materials for a food to people, food to animals, organics composting or anaerobic digestion facility in the same manner or at least similar manner as organic materials collected in a municipally approved organics management program. Enforcement. The Health Division shall have the duty and the authority to enforce the provisions of this chapter. The licensing clerk shall also have authority to enforce the provisions of this chapter. Rules and regulations. The Health Division may upon notice and hearing, promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter and protect the health of the public, including the development of exemptions under section for packaging for which there is no reasonable commercially available alternative. In promulgating such rules, the division shall consider the legislative purposes provided in of this chapter and shall consult with the operators of affected food establishments. Penalties. Each violation of any provision of this chapter or of lawful regulations promulgated under section hereof shall be punishable as an (administrative office?) pursuant to Chapter of this code. Each day on which a violation occurs constitutes a separate violation. Required if using compostable PETE HDPE PP 2016 DRAFT Green To Go Environmentally Acceptable Packaging Ordinance WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW KEY REQUIREMENTS OF THE ORDINANCE The Environmentally Acceptable Packaging Ordinance requires food and beverages prepared for immediate consumption and to-go must be placed in environmentally acceptable packaging. Recyclable materials must be recycled. Compostable plastics must be composted. WHO IS AFFECTED? All people, businesses, events, or individuals who serve or give away food prepared for immediate consumption. This includes all restaurants; food trucks and other mobile vendors; and temporary, short term and seasonal food vendors. WHEN DO PACKAGING CHANGES NEED TO BE MADE? The ordinance goes into effect on Earth Day, April 22, 2016. WHAT IS PACKAGING? Food or beverage cans, bottles, or containers used to package product for immediate consumption including glasses, cups, plates, serving trays, and to-go containers. ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE PACKAGING is reusable, recyclable, or compostable. For more information call Edina Health Division 952-826-0370 or see the website: Edi- EXEMPTIONS Exempt from the ordinance : • Knives, forks and spoons • Straws • Stir sticks • Foods prepackaged by the manufacturer, producer or distributor • Plastic films less than 10 mils thick • Hospitals and Nursing Homes The following exemptions will be reviewed annually as required by the ordinance: • PE lined paper products are allowed until April 22, 2017 (Earth Day) to allow for full city-wide implementation of organics collections. • Lids for Polyethylene (PE) lined hot cups and containers (such as soup containers) • Cold cup lids are exempt until April 22, 2016.? FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Are businesses required to have compost collection in the front of the house? Only if the business uses compostable plastic containers. Compost collection is not required for businesses that only use compostable paper, reuseable and/or recyclable products. What materials are accepted as compostable? Products which are BPI certified or meet ASTM D6400 or D6868 standards. Contact your supplier with questions about products you are using. Questions about the ordinance? Call 952-826-0380 NOT ALLOWED • Rigid polystyrene - plastic marked trA PS • Expanded polystyrene (commonly known as Styrofoam.") HENNEPIN COUNTY ASSISTANCE Free: • Bin set up, labels and signs • Educational & promotional materials • Cost savings estimates Business Grants up to $50,000 are available to assist with: • Start or improve recycling and organics programs • Bin and equipment purchases • Installation • Improvements to loading docks and waste container enclosures (fenced in areas) www.hennepin.us/businessrecycling FOR MORE INFORMATION EdinaMN.gov search work packaging DRAFT Edina City Code Chapter 12 : Businesses Article IV: Refuse Collection Sec. 12-113. Collection of compostable materials..., Haulers shall collect from residential customers and segregate from other refuse all grass clippings and leaves which have been separated from other refuse and placed in bags designed for compostable materials. In addition, haulers upon the request of the customer must provide collection service for source separated compostable material (SSCM). The hauler may collect the SSCM in a separate bag that is compostable. The hauler may co-collect SSCM with refuse providing the material is segregated from the other materials by a compostable bag. The hauler may co- mingle SSCM with yard waste without a bag, however, if a bag is used it must be a compostable bag. Haulers shall report to the sanitarian the amount, by weight, of the leaves and grass clippings delivered to compost disposal sites approved by the county for the four-month periods ending April 30, August 31 and December 31. The reports shall be submitted within 15 days following the end of each four-month period. Licensed hHaulers shall provide to customers, upon a customer's request, a yard waste container with close-fitting top for grass clippings, leaves and/or source separated compostable materials (SSCM). The containers shall be constructed of non-combustible materials, including the cover. The containers shall be at least 30 gallons in size;_ and provided to customers at a charge, if any, determined by the licensed hauler. - On the annual license application, the site(s) at which the hauler's SSCM will be Processed must be indicated. (Code 1970; Code 1992, § 1300.05; Ord. No. 1301; Ord. No. 1301-A1, 3-4-1971; Ord. No. 1301-A2, 11- 25-1981; Ord. No. 1301-A3, 5-25-1988; Ord. No. 1301-A4, 6-14-1989; Ord. No. 1301-A5, 12-19-1990; Ord. No. 2006-08, 11-6-2006; Ord. No. 2011-16, 11-16-2011) Proposed Ordinance Change Chapter 12: Businesses Article IV: Refuse Collection The purpose of collecting organic materials is to reduce the waste stream and the impact on landfills and work towards meeting the state's solid waste goals. A few definitions are included in order to help with the clarity of this report. Definitions Organic Waste/Recycling: includes residential and commercially available compost ingredients such as: coffee grounds, food wastes, fresh fruit, vegetable scraps, fish and animal waste, plant materials, sanitary products, tissues, paper towels and paper that is not recyclable because the commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has determined that no other person is willing to accept the paper for recycling. Yard waste: grass clippings, leaves and small branches Source Separated Compostable Material: includes organic waste and may include yard waste. Collected separately from refuse for the purpose of biodegradation at an approved compost facility. Co-mingled: materials have not been separated and are mixed together in one cart or bag. Co-collected: materials are separated by placing organics into a sealed compostable bag and placed into a cart with yard waste, or a cart with recycling, or a cart with refuse. The bagged organic material is then removed later at a recovery facility and then delivered to a compost facility. The other materials in the cart (yard waste or recycling or refuse) are processed separately. Background Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Metropolitan Solid Waste Management policy Plan 2010-2030 outlines solid waste management goals for Hennepin County of: 3% organics recovery by 2015. Hennepin County at its Energy and Environment Committee meeting February 4, 2014 passed a resolution for an organics collection method report from county staff that would direct a schedule for cities of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th class to implement curbside collection of organics (this includes Edina). Hennepin County staff has since received funding for an Organics Grant program which the City of Edina has applied for and will be receiving money that is to be used to support and/or improve the collection of organic materials from residential households. Next steps In order to improve access for the residents of Edina to receive organic collection service a change to the refuse haulers licensing ordinance is proposed. The ordinance change would require the licensed refuse haulers to collect organic materials from the residents when a resident requests it. Currently the hauler is not required to collect organics so a citizen would be required to change refuse haulers if they wanted to add that service. This added step is seen as a barrier to increase organic collection in Edina. Therefore, the propose ordinance change is being submitted. Respectfully submitted by Solvei Wilmot, R.S. Environmental Health Specialist/Recycling Coordinator Health Division Edina Police Department Minneapolis's Environmentally Acceptable Packaging Ordinance in a nutshell Minneapolis's Environmentally Acceptable Packaging Ordinance = Green to GO The Environmentally Acceptable Packaging Ordinance requires: Food and beverages prepared for immediate consumption and to-go must be placed in environmentally acceptable packaging. • A qualified recycling and organics collection management system be established and recyclable materials must be recycled and compostable materials must be composted. Who is Affected: All people, businesses, events, or individuals who serve or give away food prepared for immediate consumption. This includes all restaurants; grocery store deli cases; food trucks and other mobile vendors; and temporary, short term and seasonal food vendors. This does not include manufacturers, brokers or warehouse operators, who conduct or transact no retail food or beverage business. Enforcement: The environmental health division of the health department and the license official. Penalties: Each violation shall be punishable as an administrative offense. Each day a violation occurs constitutes a separate violation. What is Environmentally Acceptable Packaging? • Reusable and Returnable Packaging: capable of being refilled at a retail location or returned to the distributor. • Recyclable Packaging: including glass bottles, aluminum cans and plastic food and beverage packaging "that have robust recycling markets" • Polyethylene Terephthalate (#1 PET or PETE) • High Density Polyethylene (#2 HDPE) • Polypropylene (#5 PP) • Compostable packaging: Compostable packaging must be made of paper, certified compostable plastics that meet ASTM D6400 or ASTM D6868 for compostability or other cellulose-based packaging capable of being decomposed through composting or anaerobic digestion. What is NOT Environmentally Acceptable Packaging? • Polystyrene - plastic marked ^ a N PS • Rigid Expanded Polystyrene - commonly known as Styrofoam TM 6 PS Exemptions Exemptions from Ordinance Knives, forks and spoons Straws (they are not a packaging item) Foods prepared by the manufacturer, producer or distributor Plastic film less than 10 mils thick Catering companies licensed by the city of Minneapolis, or another state Hospitals and Nursing Homes Exemptions to Be Reviewed Annually • Lids for Polyethylene (PE) lined hot cups and containers (such as soup containers) • PE lined paper products to allow for full city-wide implementation of organics collections. Cold cups are included in this exemption (Caribou Coffee example). How • Had a clear goal • Stake holders included in the conversation (business owners, association, building owners, haulers) • Outreach and education • Packaging Fair • Reasonable and fair - emphasis on compliance not punishment • Hennepin County Grant and signage • City Wide organics collection December 8, 2015 Edina Water Quality Working Group meeting LouAnn Katherine Sue Randy Steve Lakes and Rivers Summit April 14th & 15th State Water Conference AMC 16 Theaters are going to get back to us on the chloride PSA (made initial contact but there are several layers that need to be penetrated to get to the decision maker Brian Olson from public works will speak to the WQWG in January Still need to get word to the MMHA Still need to get to the council of churches Randy ****** PDF to Excel file Next meeting January 12, 2016 Edina WQWG Meeting November 10, 2015 LouAnn Katherine John Sue Randy Steve What are we doing now? Chloride and salt out reach Businesses Students Water bills About Town Video Salt on channel 16 MPCA - chloride certified contractors Service fair Literature giving to stores that sell salt Approach the City of Edina - public works What would we like to be doing Sun Current December or January Multi-Unit housing - MMHA (possible) - - - Find out what they're doing - - - Steve Churches - church organizations - Church Business Administrators - - - Find out what they're doing Lake Associations - - - - Find out what they're doing List of Lakes Chamber of Commerce - - - Find out what they're doing - - - Lou Ann Get public works in to quote Add quotes to Sun Current Ask Public Works what people should do when they see too much salt being applied Silent radio message with the City sign Movie theater Public Service Announcement Handing out the list of salt application training schedule - start earlier in 2016 to plan dissemination Next meeting is December 8th CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 wwwedinamn.gov Date: January 14, 2016 Agenda Item #: IX.A. To: Energy and Environment Commission Item Type: Other From: Ross Bintner, Environmental Engineer Item Activity: Subject: Staff Comments Information ACTION REQUESTED: No action required. INTRODUCTION: The following items are included for your information. 1. Important Dates 2. Term Summary 3. Community Solar Update 4. March 15 EEC/CC Joint Meeting 5. 2015 Budget Summary ATTACHMENTS: 9A Inv °dant Dates 9 B EEC 2015 Sunroary and Schedule BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Important Dates *Dates may change* Thursday, August 20, 2015 Tuesday, September 29, 2015 Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Thursday, October 8, 2015 Monday, October 26, 2015 Tuesday, November 17, 2015 Monday, November 20, 2015 Tuesday, December I, 2015 Tuesday, December 3, 2015 Tuesday, December 29, 2015 Agenda Management Software Training 2:30pm to 4:30pm Community Room Work plans due Work Session - Work plan proposals presented to CC by chairs 5:30pm Community Room BC Liaison Meeting (Prep for Chair meeting) 11:00am to 12:00pm Community Room Board and Commission First Annual All Chair Meeting 5:00pm to 7:00pm Community Room Work Session — review and revise work plans before approving 6:00pm Community Room Reappointment notifications go out. Board and Commission Application Open Press Release (application open) sent out Deadline to request reappointment Tuesday, December I, 2015 Work plans approved by CC at council meeting. Tuesday, December I, 2015 End of term, not eligible for reappointment notifications go out. Include survey. Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Wednesday, December 30, Send out survey to those who don't request reappointment. 2015 Updated 2015.11.03 Tuesday, January 5, 2016 Reappointments submitted to City Council Sunday, January 31, 2016 Board and Commission Application Closes February I through February Applicant Interviews 12 Midnight auto shuts off. Scott/Lisa help get dates from CC. Tuesday, February 16, 2016 New Member Appointments Wednesday, February 24, 2016 New Member Orientation 7:00pm to 8:00pm Community Room Room reserved Tuesday, March I, 2016 New Member Terms Start Friday, April 29, 2016 Student Member Board and Commission Application opens Tuesday, May 31, 2016 Student Member Board and Commission Application closes Friday, June 3, 2016 Last day of school (Edina school district) June 6 through June 17 Student interviews Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Student Board and Commission Member Appointments Updated 2015.11.03 CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION March 2015 — February 2016 Term SUMMARY AND DRAFT SCHEDULE Item # WP1.1 Workplan Item Monthly Activity July Partners in Energy report GHG Measurement WP1.2 City Building Energy March staff report on building energy use WP1.3 Capital Process Environmental Considerations WP2.1 Community Solar May CC Community Solar advisory. July CC PW Solar Proposal Advisory WP2.2 Coordinate with PC, ETC, PB WP2.3 Promote Home Energy Squad April Edina dialogue event, April Movie, June Motion to recommend $3200 OR1 Green Step Cities Reporting May annual assessment OR2 Urban Forestry OR3 Solid Waste and Recycling June water bottle advisory reconsideration tabled. August motion to support recycling grant to Hennepin County. OR4 Purchasing policy, review annual report August, motion to ask City Manager to provide 2014 purchasing policy report at October or November EEC meeting. ORS Business Recycling OR6 Local Food / Bees and Chickens Ordinances passed Spring 2015. July Duck Keeping Request. May recommendation for Xcel franchise agreement WP = work plan number. OR = ongoing responsibility number Advisory, Date MM/YY Acted on Not Acted Golf dome re-commissioning 10/12 X New facility carbon goals 10/13 X Urban forest task force 3/13 X Yorktown community garden pervious parking 4/13 X Water bottle sales 4/14 X EEEP transfer to SPPA 5/14 X Building energy system CIP 1/15 X Braemar capital improvements, 1/15 X CIP environmental considerations, 1/15 X Fleet operations task force, 1/15 X Grandview sustainability principles, 3/15 X Community solar joint purchase, 5/15 X March 12, 2015 Televised Meeting Item of focus: Elect Chair and Vice Chair. Presentations: TELEVISED MEETING April 9, 2015 Meeting Item of focus: EEC/CC Meeting Recap Presentations: None May 14, 2015 Meeting Item of focus: Xcel Energy Franchise Presentations: June 11, 2015 EEC/CC Joint Workshop Item of focus: City Climate Commitment Subcommittee, Water Bottle Advisory (Sarah) Presentations: July 9, 2015 Meeting Item of focus: Street Sweeping, Community Solar, EEC Workplan, City Climate Commitment Subcommitee Presentations: August 13, 2015 Meeting Item of focus: Xcel Partners In Energy Program / Working Group Creation September 10, 2015 Meeting Item of focus: Workplan, Presentations: October 8, 2015 Meeting Item of focus: Presentations: November 12, 2015 Meeting Item of focus: Presentations: December 10, 2015 Meeting Cancel January 14, 2016 Meeting Item of focus: Prep for Televised, CAS Policy, Presentations: February 11, 2016 Meeting Item of focus: Televised Presentations: