HomeMy WebLinkAbout19660103_regular1-3-66 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE . ' EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD AT VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1966 mbers answering Rollcall were Trustees Johnson, MaclYillan, Tupa, VanValkenburg d Mayor Bredesenr . THS 0F.OFFICE were administered by the Clerk to Hayor Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr., ose term of office will expire on January 1, 1968, and to Councilman Richard C. hnson whose term of office runs to January 1, 1969, NUTES of the Regular Meeting of December 20, 1965, were approved by motion of pa, seconded by MacMillan and carried. NITARY, SEWER NOr 226 ASSESSMENT,APPROVED. sessment hearing for Sanitary Sewer No. 226 which is located on RolLing Green Mr. Hite inforriled Council that this rkway, had been-continued from the November 15 Council Meetingr sessment should be levied because of the fact that Mr. Robert W, Carlson, 04 Merilane, owner of Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Carlson's Park Addition, had ready been assessed for a sanitary sewer connection on Interlachen Boulevard. b Melvin Moody, attorney for Mr, Carlson, stated that in November, 1964, he had oken with Mr. Hite and informed him that' Mr. Carlson had offered at that time sign a deed restriction which would prevent the property from being divided. that time, Mr, Hite had suggested that, because certain dollar figures had be inserted before a deed restriction could be signed, a letter indicating the tent of Mr. Carlson as to the non-division of his property would be sufficient, . Hite stated that the agreement had been accepted generally, but that no rmal acceptance had been made by Council. een Parkway, petitioner for the sewer, stated that Mr. Carlson had not considered e non-division of property until after the assessment had been Levied, Mr. Moody en showed Mr, Bundgaard a copy of a letter written to MP. Hire on November 13, 64, which declared that Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carlson agreed to restrict the use After reading e letter, Mr, Bundgaard stated that he considered the matter closed and that e Declaration of Non-Division of Property be formally accepted, which motion s seconded by Mr, Tupa and carried, Mr. Johnson abstaining from voting. At the time the Improvement Hearing, there had been considerable discussion as to how the Mr, Ernest Bundgaard, 4912 Rolling Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Carlson's Park, to one building site. was relatively inexpensive sewer after allr MP. VanValkenburg then moved that VanValkenburg then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR SANITARY SEVER NO. 226 IT RESOLVED by-the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as llows : sessment roll for the improvement hereinafter referred to, and at such hearing Id on Monday, January 3, 1966, has considered all oral and written objections esented against the levy of such assessment. 1. The Village has given notice of hearing as required by law on the proposed 2, The assessment as set forth in the assessment rolls on file in the office the Village Clerk for Sanitary Sewer No. 226 does not exceed the 1ocal.benefits nferred by said improvement upon the lot, tract or parcel of land so assessed, d all of said assessments are hereby adopted and consirmed as the proper sessments on account of said respective improvements to be spread against the nefited lots, parcels and tracts of land described therein in Plan Nor 3. er a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1965 yable in 1966, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum om the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1966. To ch subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate €or one year on lunpaid installments. The owner of the property assessed for the improvement y pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on before December 15,. 1965, or make payment with accrued interest to the County easurer . 4. ditor a copy of this resolution and a certified duplicate of said assessments, th the tax list of the County in accordance with this resolution, 5.- The Clerk shall also mail notice of any special assessments which may be yable by a county, by a political subdivision or by the owner of any right-of-way.' required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429,061, Subdivision 4, and if any such sessment is not paid in a single installment, the Village Treasurer shall arrange P coll-ection thereof in installments, as set forth in said section. 3. The assessments shall be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments The Village Clerk shall forthwith prepare and transmit to the County .. 2f Motion for the adoption of the resolution was seconded by Tupa and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays as.follows: aye; VanValkenburg, aye; Bredesen, aye; ATTEST : acldillan , aye; Tupa , 4- Ut/ Village Clerk CONTRACT AWARDED FOR 2 DUbP TRUCKS. Affidavits of Publication in' the Edina-Horningside . .". \. Courier and Construction Bulletin were presented by Clerk, which Affidavits were approved as to form. and ordered placed on file. for two 25,500 lb. G,V.W, Trucks with Dump Box of the only bidder, International Harvester Company as follows: 1956 liIodel Trade-in, $4,982.85; 1957 kdel Trade-in, $4,782.85. by the closing of many businesses on December 31 was given as the probable cause of the fact that there was only one bidder. bid to International Harvester Company, as recommended, was seconded by Mr, Tupa and unanimously carried. Manager. Hyde. presented tabulation I Estimated cost for each unit was given at $5,000.00. Confusion caused Mr. VanValkenburg's motion for award of PICK-UP TRUCK TO BE'RE-ADVERTISED. Pick-up truck, which had been advertised along with the dump trucks, it was detemined to re-advertise fob truck bias. Because no bids were received for the 1/2 Ton STREET NAME CHANGE HEARING DATE FOR JANUARY 17 was set on request to change 'IImperial Drive'' to "Malibu Drive", by motion of Mr. VanValkenburg, seconded by &%I. MacMillkn and carried. MORNINGSIDE ANNEXATION ACCEPTED. on the financial implications to Edina of the proposed Morningside annexation, a copy of which is attached and made a part hereof, was considered. Council that the letter from the Minnesota Municipal Commission had stated that action approving or rejecting the proposed annexation must be taken within 30 days. some discussion, Mr. Tupa ofgered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Manager Hyde's report as requested by the Council 1-b. Hyde becalled to After RESOLUTION WHEREAS; the Minnesota Piunicipal Commission, has of its own motion initiated a petition for the annexation of the Village OF Morningside to the Village of Edina, and, WHEREAS, the Commission has requested, as of December 15, 1965, that the Village Council of Edina, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 4L4.04, approve or reject the proposed annexation, and, WHEREAS, the Village Council has consiaered a report by the Village 14anager of Edina, dated December 31, 1965, on the costs involved to the Village of Edina if ihe Village of Norningside is annexed, which indicates that Morningside could be annexed to Edina without obligating Edina taxpayers for additional net expenses because of the annexation, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the Minnesota Municipal Commission be advised the Village of Edina will accept the annexation of the Village of Morningside if the Commission, after proper hearing, determines such annexation is in the best interests of both Villages, and if a majority of the Morningside voters approve such'annexation at an election called by the Commission. I Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by bkcMi1lan and on Rollcall, there were four ayes and no nays as follows: aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg; aye; Mr. ATTEST : Mayor Village Clerk TRAFFIC SIGNAL REQUESTED FOR T,H. 100 AT W. 77TH STREET. Mr. Hyde advised that State plans for ,Highway 100 call for a future grade separation at (1. 76th Street. Mr. Hite stated that with Edina Industrial'Park on the west side and the Rauenhorst Development on the east, traffic conditions are going to become progressively worse. requested Council to recommend to the State Highway Department that signals be installed as a temporary measure until the interchange is completed, he considered this a real problem even at the present time, VanValkenburg offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:: I 24r. Hite Stating that ir WE Ll ct tk .1 Sf M Ci :: tc Jc pc cc at tl ti nc ar lj PX WE Of cc tc WHEREA 1/3/66 RESOLUTION , traffic volumes on T,H, 100 north of Inters ate Highway 494 are becoming reasingly greater, and WHEREAS a grade separation planned to ease the traffic flow at T.H, 100 and t 77th Street is not yet progr?ammed for construction, and WHEREAS, 35 office, commerciaL and industrial buildings in the immediate inity of the intersection are or will be occupied very soon, generating in ess of 10,000 vehicle trips per day, hway Department to install traffic signals at the intersection of T,H, 100 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Edina request the State West 77th Street immediately, ion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Mr,. MacMillan and on rollcall, voted aye and the resolution was adopted, EST : /C& @&-/A &LQ+- 7!LdLhqr Mayor V Village Clerk RARY CONSULTANT TO BE RETAINED. ken for the new library was not a Library specialist, the architect's fee Mas Mr, Hyde announced that because the architect at 6% rather than the standard rate of 7%. The Library Committee had recommended t Mr, Robert H, Rohlf of Dakota-Scott County Library System be retained to work h the architect at $125,00 per day with a minimum of $590,00 and a maximum of 500 to be allowed as payment, If was seconded by Mr. MacMillan and carried, * Tupa's motion for approval of the retention of Mr, RARY BOARD E4INUTES DISCUSSED, Mayor Bredesen indicated that he was disturbed r the estimates of 15,500 square feet of building space and $414,250 of building t which had been referred to in the December 29 minutes of the Library Board, He ted that original thinking of the.Counci.1 had been of a building not to exceed 0,000 and not to exceed 12,000 square feet and that he could not justify spending a bond issue. ter should be brought to a referendum, it wouZd not be successful and the library ht be lost completely. eful in using cost and size figures that would not be later-exceeded and that y are confident that these figures will be in excess of what the building will t. Council on January 17 and stressed the fact that all plans are very preliminary. nson questioned the'location of the librmy and was told that the Library Committee feels that some arrangement should be made with Hopkins to serve the Northwest ner of Edina. re that this is to be a part of the Hennepin County Library System and was assured t this point had been made clear to them, nking of the Council could be presented to the Library Committee. ed that the Library Committee is recommending a 50,000 volume library and yet ther library is anticipated in three years. rary was considered to serve another area, sently proposed is designed to serve 30,000 persons after the regional and tern Edina Libraries are built. aining bids early in the year in order to obtain more favorable prices from the tractors. speed planning, amount of money mentioned in the minutes without going to a vote of the taxpayers Mayor Bredesen further stated that he is convinced that if this Mr. Hite pointed out that the Library Committee has been He stated that the Committee is preparing a program which they hope to present Mr. Johnson further questConed whether or not the Committee was Tupa suggested that a resume of previous Mr, VanValkenburg Mrr Hite stated that this additional He further stated that the librapy Discussion ensued as to the possibiiity of Mr. Hite stated that the Libravy Committee would do everything.possible INANCE NO, 261-124 ADOPTED, Manager Hyde presented Ordinance No, 261-124 which vides for warehousing as a principal use in the Planned Lndustrial DisImict, Johnson inquired whether or not this ordinance, as worded, would permit the sale merchandise to a selected, membersfiip-type group, Ih Hire replied that because is permitted in another district, he would think that it would be.exc1uded here, Whitlock stated that he believed the membership type of customer would clearly Dlve a retail sale and that this type of business would not be allowed, n, with revisions of inserting the word Itconductt1 in Section 1, a period at the inance No. 261-124 for second reading as follows: Johnson, of the word "merchandise1' and deletion of 'the balance of Section 1, offered 1/3/66 ORDINANCE NO. 261-124 AH ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA BY ESTABLISHING AN ADDITIONAL PRINCIPAL USE HITHIN THE PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRXCT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: . Section 1. The Zoning Ordinance (No. 261) of the Village, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding to subparagraph (a) of paragraph 3 of Section 10 (Planned Industrial District) the following paragraph: Warehousing of non-perishable products not manufactured on the premises of the principal use, provided such products are consigned to the owner of the principal use or a lessee thereof, and further provided that said owner of the principal use, or lessee thereof does not establish said principal use in the capacity of a carrier €or the purpose of a freight terminal operation, or in theprocess of operation have or conduct retail sales of merchandisertt "(4) - Section 2. Section 3. Subparagraph (3) of paragraph (b) of same paragraph 3 of Section LO This ordinance shall be in full force and effect forthwith upon of said ordinance is hereby deleted. its passage and publication. . Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded b there were five ayes and no nays and the ordin Mr. VanValkenburg and on Rollcall e was ad ATTEST : rm AP ORDINANCE NO, 261-121 ADOPTED. l4r. Hyde presented Ordinance No. 261-121 which is a codification of a new Single Family Dwelling District. respect to the two-car garage requirement, an analysis of 1965 building permits through December 17 showedthat 98% of the single family homes had two or more garages and that 58 permits had been issued to expand existing garages into double garages. Mr. Johnson inquired what the procedure would be if a lot does not lend itself to a two-car garage and was told by Mr. Hite that normally a variance would be granted. The Viliage Attorney was asked the affect of this ordinance on existing properties with one or no garages. could remain indefinately, I&?. Hite explained that Section 5. of the ordinance has been reworded as requested at first reading to provide that all driveways be surfaced with a hard all-weather, dust-free surfacing material. to Section 5, Nr. VanValkenburg then offered second reading for Ordinance No, 261-121 and moved its adoption as follows: Mr. Hite stated that with I He replied that this would be a non-conforming use and After reviewing this amendment ORDINANCE NO. 261-12L AN ORDINANCE RE-DESIGNATING THE OPEN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AS THESLNGLE FAt*l.IILY DHELLING . DISTRICT, AND PRESCRIBIXG REGULATIONS FOR SAID DISTRICT; AHENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE. (NO. 261) OF THE VILLAGE THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA.9 MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Wherever used in the Zoning bdinance (No. 261) of the Village, as amended, the words "Open Development District" are hereby amended to read "Single Family Dwelling District. hereby repealed and rescinded, and the following paragraphs 2 through 5 are hereby enacted as part of Section 3 to replace said repbaled paragraphs: Sec. 2. Paragraphs 2 through 15 05 Section 3 of said ordinance, as amended, are It2. Specific Uses Permitted in Single Family Dweiling District (R-L): (a) Principal Uses. (1) Single family detached dwellings containing not more than one - ~ ~ dwelling unit. Elementary, junior high and senior high schools having a regular course of study accredited by the State Department of Education. Publicly owned and operated civic and cuLtural institutions including, but not limited to, administrative offices, libraries, public safety buildings, historical developments and places of assembly. (2) (3) (4) Recreational facilities as follows: (a) Athletic fields, parks and playgrounds owned and operated by a public agency, private school, church or home association group for a local subdivision or neighborhood. ranges or miniature golf courses. driving ranges located thereon. (b) (c) Private golf clubs, tennis clubs, but not including driving Publicly owned tennis clubs and golf clubs, including m r31 1/3/66 (5) Religious institutions as follows: (6) (a) Publicly or privately owned utility faciiities such as Wells$ water treatment plants, sewage lift stations, electric substations, water stopage tanks and reservoirs, but not including maintenance yards or facilities. Churches, chapels, temples and synagogues, (b) Accessor Uses. -dages . (2) residential user (3) of domestic supplies. (4) golf clubs and tennis clubs. (5) use and convenience of members and guests. (6) and convenience of the resident. (7) parsonages and parish houses. (8) (9) (10) Greenhouses, garden houses and summer homes related to private Tool houses, sheds and other similar buildings for the storage Clubhouses and other related structures on the wounds a€ Golf driving ranges on the grounds of private golf clubs for Privately owned swimming pools and tennis courts fop the use Convents, seminaries, monasteries and nunneries; rectories, Living quarters of persons employed on the premises. Customary home occupations including rental of rooms for occupancy to not more than two persons per dwelling unit. Private schools, nurseries and day care centers that are under the supervision of, and on the premises of, the principal uses defined in subsubparagraphs (2) and (5) of subparagraph (a) of paragraph 2 of this section, Signs as prescribed in the Village Sign Ordinance. Parked or stored motor vehicles, boats and trailers (including (11) (12) unoccupied travel or camping trailers) licensed and registered to the occupant of the principal use, but not including any truck, tractor or trailer, or otherccommercial type vehicle in excess of 7,000 pounds gross weight, trailer permitted to be parked or stored hereunder must be parked or stored in the hack-yard, except that one motor vehicle may be parked or stored on a private drivewqy in the front or side yard, Any motor vehicle, boat or rements on Lot Area, Lot Dimension and Lot Coverage, Required Lot Area. Use Minimum Lot Area Single family residence with public Single family residence without Golf course (Par 3) 20 acres Tennis club 3 acres Religious institutions 3 aores Elementary schools - sanitary sewer 9,000 square feet public sanitary sewer 18,000 square feet 5 acres PLUS 1 acre for each 150 pupils df ultimate enrollment 10 acres plus 1 acre for each 150 pupils of ultimate enrollment Junior and Senim high schools (b) Required Lot Dimensions. * Min. Lot Width ~- Use - Single €amily residence connected to public sanitary sewer Single family residence not connected to public sanitary sewer Min.., Depth 75' 120 ' 150' 120 All other 300 @ -.-e (c) Lot Coverage. Requirements on Setbacks, Yards and Height. (a) Setbacks and Yards Not more than twenty-five per cent (25%) of the lot, parcel or tract of land shall be covered by structures in an R-l zone, "4. Front Street Side Street Interior Rear Yard - Use Setback Setback Side - Single family .. residences 30 15 10 25 Schools, elementary, junior high and senior high 50 50 100 100 1/3/66 Front Street Side Street Interior Rear Use Setback Setback Side Yard Civic, cultural and (including their acces- sory use structures) 50 50 50 50 religious institutions \ _...... ' * Structures accessory to recreational facil- ities , including paved and fenced areas 50 50 50 50 Structures accessory to single family residence 30 15 5 5 Government offices, fire stations 50 ' 50 50 50 Public and private utilities 50 50 100 LOO The above listed setback and yard requirements are subject to the following additional requirements: the* side of a street between intersections is occupied by structures having setbacks fjcom street hght-of-ways of greater or lesser amounts than hereinafter required, the average setback of all existing buildings between the intersections shall be maintained by all new or relocated structures, In the event a building is to be built where there is such an established average setback different f2om that required hereinafter and there are existing buildings on one side only, the front setback of said new building need be no greater than that of the next adjoining existing building. In case the building is to be built where there is such an established average - setback and there are existing buildings on both sides of the said new building, the front setback shall not be required to be greaTer than that which would be established by connecting a straight line between the forward most portion of the first adjacent building on each side. property line for a single family residence or its accessory uses shall be increased from 15 feet to that required for front street setbacks where there is an adjoining interior lot facing on the same street, a side street, said garage must maintain at least a 20 foot setback from the street right-of -way line. (1) Front Street Setback. When more than 25% of the frontage on I (2) Side Street Setback. The required setback from a side street In such cases where a garage fronts upon - - (3) Interior Side Yard. SXngle family residence lots having a width at the building line of less than 60 feet may have an interior side yard of not less thaw five feet. average height above the ground level alongside the residence is in excess of 15 feet shall have an additional side yard dimension beyond that required heretofore of not less than 0.5 feet-for each foot the average height exceeds 15 feet. The interior side yard for single family residences whose (b 1 Building Heights. Single family residences and accessory buildings -- 2-1/2 story or 30 feet maxiuhm Allother buildings -- 3 stories 115. Requirements for Parking. Off-street parking facilities of the type and number hereinafter specified shall be required on the site occupied by the permitted use* All parking areas containing more than six spaces which adjoin either a public street or residentially zoned property shall have a solid wall of fence of not less than 3 nor more than 4-1/2 feet in height along such adjoining line. approved by the Village Council may be substituted for the required wall or fence. All exposed driveways and parking areas shall be surfaced with a hard, all-weather, durable, dust-free surfacing material and shall be properly drained and landscaped, and shall be maintained in a sightly 'and well-kept condition. No parkiag area shall occupy any required setback, nor shall it be located closer than five feet 30 a side or rear lot line, nor closer tdan ten feet to any building. Each parking space shall have a minimum width of 8-1/2 feet and a minimum depth of 19 feet exclusive of aisles and maneuvering space. X NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED: Use Number of Required Spaced * Single family residence Elementary, junior and senior high schools Religious institutions, club houses Sec. 3. A screen planting I - 2 (enclosed space) 1 for.every 3 seats in largest place of assenibly 1 for every 3 seats in largest place of assembly" This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. 1/3/66 i" Motion for adoption of the ordinance was were five ayes and no nays and the ordina ATTEST : .. -$&A-GG& 7LLtu-7 Village Clerk HAZARDOUS DWELLING ORDERED REMOVED AT 6409 JOSEPHINE. Mr. Hyde presented photopaphs of a dwelling at 6409 Josephine, with the request that authority be panted to remove this unoccupied building because of its hazardous and delapidated condition. He explained that previously Edina had been able to assess only $100 for removal of such buildings, but that the 1965 Minnesota Legislature had passed Chapter 393 of Minnesota Statutes which provided that the full cost of such action could be ' recovered. Mr. VanValkenburg then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : RESOLUTION ORDERING REMOVAL OF STRUCTURE LOCATED AT LOT 22, BLOCK 14, NORMANDALE SECOND ADDITION WHEREAS , Chapter .393 , Laws of Minnesota, 1965,. empowers the Village Council to order the owner of any hazardous building within the municipality to remove the same; and in the Village of Edina has been inspected by the Eana Health Department and on the basis of evidence adduced by such investigation, the Council hereby finds that such building is a hazardous building within the meaning'of subdivision 3 of section 1 of said Chapter 393, Laws of Minnesota, 1965, in that said building has been abandoned; the steps, foundation wall and Eack porch are dilapidated; the interior walls are in a state of disrepair; and said building is in an unsanitary condition owing to the lack of indoor'water and plumbing facilities and the inadequate maintenance of such building; and land and building is Anna N. Vanette, that she died leaving no known heirs, that .no probate proceedings involving her estate have been commenced and that the Hennepin County Welfare Board has recorded liens of record against such parcel of land; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE VXLLAGE OF EDINA that the owner of said Lot 22, Block 14, Normandale Second Addition be, and he, they or it hereby is ordered and directed to remove the structure located on such parcel of land not later than February 17, 1966; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a written order of the dounciL embodying the terms hereof be served upon all persons who are entitled thereto in the manner prescribed by said Chapter 393, Laws of Minnesota, 1965; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if compliance with such order is not had by February 17b 1966, the village attorney is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of and in the name of the Village Council of Edina to move the District Court of Hennepin County for enforcement of such order, , WHEREAS, the building located on Lot 22, Block 14, Normandale Seoond Addition WHEREAS, the Council has been advised that the record owner of such pace1 of Motion for adoption of the resolution was Tupa and on rollcall, all voted aye and the resolution was adopted, PRELIMINARY PLANS APPROVED FOR T.H. 169 BETWEEN HIGHWAY 18 AND GLEASON~ ROAD, Mr. Hite explained that in June, 1965, Council. approved Layout 8B for T.H. 169 between Highway 18 and Gleason Road. on the.Eden Prairie side but changes on the Edina side are mhimal. about the service road along the north to which Mrr Hite replied that there was no change. road would, if desired, have to be constructed as abutting properties are developed, and that such construction would not be a part of this particular construction. Mr. Tupa then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Layout 8C provides for additionaL right-of-way i4r. Hyde inquired Mr, Hite stated that the County and State have indicated that such a service RE S 0 L U'TII 0 N At a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Edina duly held on the 3rd day of January, 1966, the following Resolution was offered by Tupa, Trustee; seconded by VanValkenburg, Trustee ; to-wit : WHEREAS the Commissioner of Highways has prepared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 5 renumbered as Trunk Highway 169 within the corporate limits of the Village of Edina at the intersection T.H. 169 and C.S.A.H. 18; and of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as Layout No. 8C Revised, S.P. 2763-01 (T.H. 169=5) from 0.5 Mi. W. G.S.A.H. 18 to Gleason Road; and WHEREAS said preliminary plans are on file in the office of the Department ." 1/3/66 WHEREAS copies identified are also of said preliminary plans as so marked, labeled, and on file in the office of the Village Clerk; and l- WHEREAS the term tkd.d preliminary planstt as hereinafter used in the to incorporate the preliminary plans as in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; NOM, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said preliminary plans for the improvement of Trunk Highway Number 5 renumbered Trunk Highway Number 169 within the limits of the Village of Edina be and hereby are approved, body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended. to mean, refer to, and .- 1, Motion for adoption of the resolution was se rollcall there were five ayes and no nays an ATTEST : MI?. VanValkenburg and on Mayor Village Clerk dL A, -7LrLUhG- U' -+ OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR VILLAGE FUNDS FOR 1966 DESIGNATED. resolutions necessary for designation of Official Depositories' for the year 1966. Clerk presented formal Mr. MacMillan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: - RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY I (FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK) BE IT RESbLVED that the First Edina National Bank, Edina, Elinnesota, authorized to do banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, designated as an Official Depository for the public funds of the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, for the period of one year from this date. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Nr. Tupa and on rollcall all voted aye and the resolution was adopted. ATTEST: Village Clerk Mn. Macl4illan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: I SIGNATORY RESOLUTION (FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK) BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Mayor, Manager and Treasurer of the Village of Edina, be, and hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with First Edina NationaJ, Bank of Edina (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks will be and directed to honor and pay 'any check against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, OP deposited to the credit of, any officer or o€ficers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the check. -. signed by the Mayor, Manager and Village Treasurer. The bank is hereby authorized -I Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded and on rollcall all voted. aye and the resolution was adopted. Mr. MacMillan'offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNt-ENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND (FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK) BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, approve the assignment by its depository, the First Edina National Bank of Edina; Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: United States Treasury 3-5/8% Notes due 2-35-67 United States Treasury 4.125% Bonds due 11-15-73 $200,000 200,000 Federal Deposit Insurance . Total I Motion for adoption of the resolution was secondededqt4r. Tupa and on rollcall, all voted aye and the resolution was adopted. Jr ATTEST : .. (1 L&z&&b/z€5A Mayor u\ Village Clerk 3LcL R 7lL?J?Aa Mr, MacMillan offered 1/3/66 the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY (FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK) BE IT RESOLVED that the First Southdale National Bank, Edina, Minnesota, authorized to do banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, designated as an 0fficia.l Depository for'the public funds of the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, for a period of one year from this date, Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Tupa and on rollcall all voted aye and the resolution was adopted. ATTEST : ..r 1 . * $3- h, 1 Lw Village Clerk Mr, MacMillan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION (FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK) BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Mayor, Manager and Tceasurer of the Village of Edina, be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with First Southdale National Bank of Edina, (hereinafter referred to as the.bank), such authority lincludlng authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks will be signed by the Mayor, Manager and Village Treasurer. authorized and directed to honor and pay any check against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the check, Motion for adoption of the resolution was second aye and *he resolution was adopted. ATTEST : The bank is heveby by Tupa and on rollcall all voted &d-b Mayor __21L-Uw-Q- (28, Village Clerk MacMillan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption; RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT' OF , SECURITIES IN LIED OF BOND ' (FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK) BE IT RESOLVED, that-the Village Council of the Village oE Edina, Minnesota, approve the assignment by its depository, the Fivst SouthdaLe National Bank of Edina, Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depositouy: Village of Edina: Improvement Bonds Improvement Bonds Improvement Bonds Park System Bonds United States Treasury United States Treasury United States Treasury United States Treasury United States Treasury - 2.70% - 3,'00% - 2.70% - 3,70% Notes - Notes - Bonds - Bonds - Bonds - - due 3-1-66 - due 3-1-67 - due 9-1-70 - due 3-1-72 Series A - 4% - due 8-15-66 3-3/4% - due 8-15-68 4% - due 8-15-72 4% - due 8-15-73 4-1/8% - due 2-15-74 Federal Deposit Insurance Total $10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 LO ,000 $440,000 Motion for adoption of the resolution was voted aye and the resolution was adopted. ATTEST: 1/3/66 ..- Mr. MacNillan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY (MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK) BE IT RESOLVED that the Midland National Bank, Idinneapolis , Minnesota, authorized to do banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, designated as an Official Depository 'for the public funds of the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota,*for the period of one year from this date. J Motion for adoption of the resolution was secondewy Mr. Tupa and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution wdad a pted. 7 n . Mr. MacMillan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION (MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK) BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Mayor, Manager and Treasurer of the Village of Edina, be and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with Midland National Bank of Minneapolis- (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written.notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks will be signed by the Mayor, Manager and Village Treasurer. The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any check against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the-Village, including the signer or signers of the check, Motion for adoption of the resolution was were five ayes and no nays and the - L4, Mayor ATTEST: 6 1 Mr. MacMillan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND (MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK) BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council ofthe Village of Edina, Minnesota, approve the assignment by its depository, the Midland National Bank of Minneapolis,' Mhnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: Golden Valley, Minnesota, Independent School District . $275, 3.50% Refunding Bonds due 7-1-79 Hutchinson, Minnesota, Independent School District #423, 3.20% Refunding Bonds due 3-1-80 St. Cloud, Minnesota, Independent School District #742, 3 . 25% General Obligation' School Building Bonds due 2-1-80 50,000 I $25,000 50,000 Federal Deposit Insurance Total '. Motion for adoption of the resolution was sec were five ayes and no nays and the resolution ATTEST: r. Tupa and on rollcall there. ' I s(L&- b Village Clerk I 1/'3[66 I ll M$.* MacMillan offered the following resolution and moved *its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF . FACSIMILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS RESOLVED, That the use of Facsimile signatures by the following named persons: ARTHUR C. BREDESEN, JRo - MAYOR WARREN C. HYDE - VILLAGE MANAGER J. N. DALEN - VILLAGE .TREASURER on checks, drafts, warrants, warrant-checks, vouchers or other orders on public funds deposited in FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK, FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK AND MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS, be and hereby is approved, and that each of said named persons may authorize said depository bank to honor any such instrument bearing his facsimile signature in such form as he may designate and to charge the same to the account of said depository bank upon which drawn, as fully as though it bore his manually wkitten signature, and that instruments so honored shall be wholly operative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such facsimile signature shall have been affixed without his authority. Motion for adoption of the resolution wa there were five ayes and no nays and the ATTEST : Village Clerk EDINA-MORNXNGSIDE COURIER DESIGNATED "OFFICIAL PUBLICATION" FOR YEAR 1966. Bid of Edina-Morningside Courier for publicatipn of legal matter at statutory rates of $1.80 per folio for the first insertion, $1.20 per folio for each add.itiona1 insertion and $2.40 for all tabular matter was reviewed and the inmease over 1965 rates noted. moved acceptance of the bid. The Courier's bid being the only bid received, Motion was seconded by Mr. Tupa.and SALARIES OF ELECTED OFFICIALS ESTABLISHED. resolution and moved its adoption: VanValkenburg offered RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SALARIES OF THOSE ELECTED OFFICIALS WHOSE SALARIES HAVE NOT ALREADY BEEN ESTABLISHED BY STATE STATUTE Mr. VanValkenburg carried. the following OR VILLAGE RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, that the salaries of Elected Village Officials, whose salaries have not yet been therefore established, be hereby estabLished as follows for the year 1966: Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr., Mayor - $200,00 per month Richard C. Johnson, Trustee - $100.00 per month Hugh J. MacMillan, Trustee - $100.00 per month Frank J. Tupa, Trustee - $lOO,OO per month James VanValkenburg, Trustee - $100.00 per month Motion for adoption of the resolution was there were five ayes and no nays and the Mrr MacMillan and on rollcall adopted.? ATTEST : Mayor -1 - Village Clem U DESTRUCTION OF OLD RECORDS APPROVED. Destruction of old records was discussed and Mr..VanValkenburg offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION FOR DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECORDS DATED JANUARY 1, 1955, TO AND INCLUDING DECEMBER 3lP 1955 WHEREAS, M.S.A. 412.841 authorized the destruction of certain Village records more than ten years old; and WHEREAS, a list of records has been presented to the Council with a request in writing that destruction,be approved by the Council; and WHEREAS, the Village Attorney has approved the destruction of such records in writing j MINNESOTA: ' (1) following classes of records described in the list submitted to the Council: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, The Finance Director is hereby authorized-and directed to destroy the a. b. All orders, vouchers and checks - Dated January 1, 1955, through All receipts' and correspondence - Dated January 1, 1955, through December 31, 1955 December 31, 1955 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Mr. Johnson and on rolLcaL1 there were five ayes and no nays and the re u ion was ado@ d. /. Mayor ATTEST : '-&/&&& /( Village Clerk 1/3/66 I SUBURBAh RATE AUTHORITY AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR APPOINTED. on Hinneapolis gas rates, Mr. MacMillan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: After a short discussion I, A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY -j BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that J. N. Dalen is hereby designated as a director of the Suburban Rate Authority, and Russell C, Hedlund is hereby designated to serve as alternate director of the Suburban Rate Authority for the year 1966 and until their successors are appointed. . Motion for adoption of the resolution was s there were five ayes and no nays and the res ATTEST : 9, A. z2L!L&LA P Village Clerk Mr. Tupa's motion for payment of the following Claims as per Pre-List CLAIMS PAID. dated January 3, 1966, and for an additional claim of $6,564.15 to Holmsten Refrigeration was seconded by VanValkenburg and unanimously carried: Construction Fund, $21,250 . 93 ; Park, Park Construction, Golf Course and Arena Funds $15,760.46; Water Fund, $1,329.55; Liquor Fund, $21,664'92; Improvement Funds, $720.00; Tota1,$71,722,57. General Fund, $10,996.71; The meeting's agenda havipg been covered, Mr. Tupa's motion for adjournment was - seconded by Mr. MacMillan and carried. *Meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.14. ViUage Clerk I