HomeMy WebLinkAbout19660418_regular4/18/66 i MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDfNq.VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD AT VI&LAGE HALL ON MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1966 Members answering Rollcall were Trustees Jo)anspn, MacMillan, Tupa and VanValkenburg who served as Mayor Pro Tem in the absence of Mayor Bredesen. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of April 4, 1966, were approved by motion of Trustee Tupa, seconded by Trustee Johnson and unanimously carried. PU3LIC HEARINGS HELD ON VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS. Edina-Morningside Courier on April 7 and 14, 1966, and of Mailing on April 7, 1966, were submitted by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. to due notice given, Public Hearings were conducted on the following proposed improvements and action was taken by Council as hereinafter recorded: A. CONSTRUCTLON OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE Affidavits of Publication in the Pursuant FOLLOWING: Millpond Place from Westbrook Lane westerly to east line of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad. Mr, Hyde presented total estimated project cost at $5,770.17 with estimated cost per assessable foot of $11.40, with an alternate basis of assessment on a "per lot" charge of $721.27, drainage problem in which wa*er flows easterly from the railroad tracks to Westbrook are interested in permanent street improvement, they are trying to eliminate an area the area. He feels that this .will be the case if the curb and gutter are used in an attempt to channel storm drainage in this manner. Mt.. Tupa, Jr. further stated that in order to prevent flooding an obstruction had been placed at the northern edge of Millpond Place at the western extremitysby the railroad property. storm water that flows north from the Grandview*area and diverts it down Millpond Place. and R. A. Yackle, 5117 Millpond Place, all spoke in opposition to curb and gutter, stating that the mud which would be washed down from the railroad tracks would fill up the curb. They further contended that this is a storm sewer and drainage problem and that a11 contributing to the problem should pay their share of the improvement. Mr..Tupa, Sr. stated that the Village Building Xnspector had erred in allowing the house at 5120 Millpond Place to be built below grade, creating a serious water problem for all of the north side of Millpond Place, and that. it, is the obligation of the Village to recdify this error. Mr. Whitlock stated that he has been unable to find any case in the United States in which a municipality has been held responsible for problems resulting when houses are built-below grade. the water would have gone had the house at 5120 Millpond Place been built at proper grade and was told by Mr. Hite that most of it would have continued across the back yards easterly to Westbrook Lane where it would have been picked up by storm sewer. Mr. Hite further stated that the obstruction under the T.H. 169 bridge which presently forces water to the east side and then north to Millpond Place will be removed so that water from the Intersection of Interlachen and Highway 169 will flow northerly on the west side of the railroad. which the problem might be solved, he feels that permanent sweet sur€acing with curb and gutter as proposed will solve the street surfacing and storm sewer problem at the same time at a cost which would be less expensive than any other possible solution. Mr. Whitlock stated that he does not believe the railroad right-of-way can be assessed for storm sewerr In order that estimates can be developed for a storm sewer to serve this area, Trustee Johnson's motion was seconded by Trustee MacMillan and unanimously carried to continue hearing until May 2. He stated that this improvement is being proposed as a solution to a Mr. Frank Tupa, Jr., 5113 Millpond ?lace, stated that while he and his neighbors ane. &drainage problem aid-that they do not €avor making MilLpond Place the storm sewer for 'I This acts to block Messrs. G6 wb Schneeberg, 5120 Millpond Place, Carl Strum, 5104 Millpond Place. . Trustee Johnson asked where He stated that while there are other methods by Br CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING: Spruce Road from County Road #18 to Harrison Avenue Belmore Lane from County Road #18 to 13OOt, more or less, easterly of Blake Road Maloney Ave. from Blake Rd. to 960', more or less, easterly of Blake Road Adams Ave. from Maloney Ave. to Spruce Road Jefferson Ave. from Maloney Ave. to Spruce Road Madison Ave. from Maloney Ave. to Spruce Road (Curb and Gutter only) Monroe Ave. from Maloney Ave, to Spruce Road Jackson Ave. from Maloney Ave. to Belmore Lane (Curb and Gutter only) VanBuren Ave. from Maloney Aver to Spruce Road Harrison Ave. from Maloney Ave. to Spruce Road Tyler Ave. from Maloney Ave. to Belmore Lane (Curb and Gutter only) Dearborn Ave. from Belmore Lane to 330t, more or less, northerly Waternan Ave. from Arthur Stb to 750', more or less, westerly WatennaE-,Circle from Waterman Ave. northerly to cul-de-sac Arthur St. from Wateman Aver to Maloney Ave, Arthur St. from Maloney Ave. northerly to cul-de-sac Griffit St. from Maloney Ave. to Spruce Road Spruce Road from Grif€it St. to Blake Road 4/18/66 Spruce Road from Blake Rd. to lOOO', more or less, easterly John Street from Belmore Lane to Spruce Road Grove Place from Spruce Road to 320', more or less, southerly Alley between Spruce Road and Belmore Lane (Permanent Street Paving only) John Street from Maloney Avenue northerly to cul-de-sac John Street €ram MaLoxrey Avenue southerly to cul-de-sac Kresse Circle from Behore Lane northerly to cul-de-sac Mr. Hyde stated that this hearing has been continued from the meeting of April 4, L966, in order to determine if there is any possibility of obtaining funds from a Federal Grant. Mr. Hyde stated that he had found that there is only one possibility that could possibly be directly applicable. requires that 2Q% of the dwellings in the area are sub-standard and in need of Code Enforcement. is no chance of hearing as to whether or not this area would qualify for at least a year, and because he believes that the possib:lity of qualifying is very negligable, Mr. Hyde recommended that Council abandon any idea of making application €or the Grant. Mr. Robert P. Harriman, representing the Northwest Edina Homeowners' Association, requested that Council reiconsider its resolution for approval of Storm Sewer No. 103 and eliminate pipes running into private property. could be installed at the expense of the property owner. stated that the Village has a responsibility and obligation for the safety of neighborhood children. Trustee Tupa asked how many back yard areas were involved and was told that there are twelve to fifteen problem areas, many of which the Village is called upon to pump. It was informally agreed that Council would not reconsider approval of'Storm Sewer No. 103 but that Mr. Whitlock would work with Mr. Harriman on assessment guidelines which could be submitted to Council for consideration at the time of the assessment hearing. because of the economics of the area, Northwest Edina Homeowners' Association has requested that concrete curb and gutter be eliminated from the project. Mr. Hyde stated that average market value in West Minneapolis Heights is $14,324 (lot area 7,734 square feet) with average property taxes of $329 ,OO , average assessments of $100.34 with total average taxes of $429.34 €or taxes payable in 1966, representing 3% of property value. the storm sewer and permanent street supfaking were installed and assessed over a twenty year period) would bring the tax rate to 3.84% of the property value, Addition has an average market value of $17,585 (lot area 18,300 square feet) with average property taxes payable in 1966 of $438.00 and average special assessments of $200.19. property value. Estimated taxes and assessments payable in 1968 would bring the tax rate to 4.4% of property value. without curb and gutter, it must be assessed over a five year period. However, with curb and gutter, he would recommend an assessment period of twenty years for both the street and storm sewer improvements. In answer to a question from the audience, Mr. Hite stated that a term of assessment cannot exceed the life expectancy of the improvement but that with curb and gutter, it is anticipated that the street surfacing will last that much longer. Mr. Hite stated that for blacktop only, the cost over a five year assessment period beginning in 1968 would be $126.00 per year and that the assessment for a twenty year period for permanent-street surfacing and concrete curb'and gutter .I beginning in 1968 would be $68.40 per year. the cost was divided, residents of the area do not feel that they can afford the additional assessment. Belmore Lane; El W. Kamfn, 412 John .St. ; H. D. McNamee, 544 Arthur St.; P.. 0. Wilhoit, 6200 Belmore Lane and Mrs. Richard DeLeo, 609 Waterman Circle, s2oke in opposition to the burb and gutter. Mrl Charles Nichols, 302 Harrison Ave., stated that the improved appearance of the area would enhance vahes of the homes, Mr. T. A, Olson, 317 Harrison Avenue, and Mr. R. L, Burton, 418 Harrison Avenue, spoke in favor of the curb and gutter. Mr, J. H. Weber, 504 John St., asked uhat the assessment policy was on property abutting a cul-de-sac. be established. Mr, David S. Cross, 6624 Waterman Ave., stated that there is no water in Watemnan Ave. from Waterman Circle west to dead-end and requested that this stretch of street be eliminated from the project; Mr. R;'J. Cunningham, 6305 Maloney Aver, stated that he is in the asphalt business and that highways constructed without curb and gutter last just as long as those that have it. are entirely different from Village streets because of the fact that they have shoulders and that there is no parking on the edge of the highway. asked about the assessment of streets that abut to Hopkins. this project is authorized, Hopkins will be notified then they will also hold public hearings. feet of frontage. Trustee MacMillan then moved approval of the improvement with the exception of Waterman Ave. from Waterman Circle west to dead-end with the recommendation that a twenty year assessment be considered for both this improvement and Storm Sewer This is under the Code Enforcement Program which Communications with St. Louis Park and Minneapolis have shown that there Mr. Harrliman proposed that these pipes Mayor Pro Tem VanValkenburg These guidelines are to be presented at the next Council meeting for approval.,-y Mr. Harriman then stated that because of the number of other assessments being paid and h& Estimated taxes and assessments payable in E968 (assuming that both Mendelssohn For taxes payable in 1966, total average tax of $638.19 represents 3.63% of Mr. Hyde stated that if the project is installed Mr. Harriman replied that no matter how Messrs. Lloyd Ness, 410 VanBupeh Ave.; P. 0. Ronnei, 6217 Mr. Hite advised him that a minimum frontage would probably Mr. Hgde pointed out that highways A gentleman in the audience Nr. Hite replied that if Hopkins proposed share of the assessment is approximately $25,000 for 2,230 Improvement No. 103, (See Resolution Ordering Improvement later in Minute6 . 4/18/66 c. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: On an easement line from Panel1 Avenue cul-de-sac aaoss Lots 4 and 5, Normandale Wicklund Replat to Virginia Ave.; thence to pond. Mr. Hyde stated that this hearing was continued from Council Neeting of April 4 in order that the attorney have an opportunity to check the complications of Storm Sewer No. 8 which had previously gone into the area. Mr. Whitlock stated that the question was whether the assessment for the proposed improvement would be chargable against the 4$ which some of the affected land owners had agreed to pay. the 4$ will be assessable when water €rom their lands flows into the 65th St. seYfer. Mr. Whitlock does not think that this agreement applies because of the fact that PO water is draining into the 65th Street sewer. questioned why this particular route was being used and stated that no one is being benefitted except possibly the Wicklunds. being unfairly assessed. grading and graveling as approved at the meeting of April 4 without installing this storm sewer, cause a need for the storm sewer and that if.the stom sewer pipes are installed at a later date, the cost will be higher. Engineers would be glad to recheck the area with engineers employed by Mr. Bessessen. In response to Trustee Tupa's questibn as' to whethep further storm sewer improvements might be installed, Mr. Hite stated that present plans €or that section of Cornelia Park do not call for development, but in the event that some future Council utilizes the ppoperty, the storm sewer system will have to be extended. was heard. adoption: As the agreement is written, Mr. John TI Bessessen, 4730 W. 66th St., He stated further that he feels that he is Mr. Hyde asked if it would be possble to install'the street He was informed by Mr. Hite that the construetion of the street will Mr. Hite told Mr. Bessessen that Village No further discussion Trustee MacMillan then offered the following resolution and moved its RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS. " PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER NO. BA-94 STORM SEWER XMPROVEMENT NO, 106 BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published and mailed to owners of each parcel within the area proposed to be assessed on the following proposed improvements: .. I+ CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING: Spruce Road from County Road #18 to Harrison Avenue Behore 'Lane from County Road #18 to 130Q' , more or less, easterly of Blake Road Maloney'Ave. from Blake Rd. to 960', more or less, easterly of Blake Road Adams Ave. from Maloney Ave. to Spruce Road Jefferson Ave. from Maloney Aver to Spruce Road Madison Aver from Maloney Ave. to Spruce Road (Curb and Gutter only), Monroe Ave. €rom Maloney Ave. to Spruce Road Jackson Ave. from Maloney Ave. to Bebore Lane(Curb and Gutter only) Van Buren Ave. from Maloney Ave. to Spruce Road Harrison' Aver from Maloney Ave. to Spmce Road Dearborn Ave. from Belmore Lane to Uo', more or less, northerly Waterman Ave. from Arthur St. to 750', more or less, westerly* Waterman *Circle from Waterman Ave. northerly to cul-de-sac Arthur Str from Vateman Ave. to Maloney Ave. Arthur St. from Maloney Aver northerly to cul-de-sac Griffit St. from Maloney Ave. to Sphce Road Spruce Road from Griffit St. to Blake Road John Street €$om Belmore Lane to Spruce koad' Grove Place from Spruce Road to 320', more or less, southerly Alley between Spruce Road and Belmore Lane (Permanent Street Paving only) John Street from Maloney Ave. northerly to cul-de-sac John Street from Maloney Ave. southerly to cul-de-sac Kresse Circle from Belmore Lane northerly to cul-de-sac 2. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLPOWING: On an easement line from Parnell Avenue cul-de-sac across Lots 4 and'5, Blod 3, Normandale Wicklund Replat to Virginia Ave.; thence to pond. 1 1 'Tyler Ave. from Maloney Ave. to Belmore Lane (Curb and Gutter only) Spruce Road from Blake Rd. to lOOO', more or less, eisterly .I 1 and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements as described in the published notices of said hearings except that with respect to Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete CJrb and Gutter Improvement No. BA-94, Waterman Avenue shall be improved only from Arthur St. to Waterman Circle; including a11 proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for construction and maintenance of sqch improvements; tha,t said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: No. 1 Above PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCdETE CURB E GUTTER NO. BA-94 No. 2 Above STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 106 4/18/66 and the area to be specially assessed therefore shall include: FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO, BA-94- All lots and tracts of land abutting the streets proposed to be improved. FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 106 - All lots and tracts of land within the *following described boundaries: Normandale Addition; thence north along the west line of Virginia Ave. as platted to the northeast’corner of Lot 4, Block 19, Nomandale Addition; thence west along the north line of said Lot 4 to the center line of Parnell Ave.; thence north along the center line of Parnell Ave. to the north line of Lot 3, Block L8$ Nomandale Addition extended; thence west along the north line of said Lot 3, and the north line of Lot 3, Block 17, Normandale Addition to a point 65 feet east of the northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 17$ thence south parallel to and 65 feet east of the east -line of Sherwood Aver to the south line of said Lot 3, Block 17, thence east alang the south Line of said Lot 3, Block 17, to the northwest corner of Lot 2., Block 1, Nomandale Addition Miller Replat; thence south to the southwest corner of said Lot 2, Block 1, thence east along the north line of West 66th Street to the point of beginning. Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 5, Block L9, I Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded ATTEST : on rollcaJ.1 there m s13 e u Curb and Gutter in Ridgeview Drive from W. 64th St. to W. 66th St., Ridgeview Lane; and W. 65th St. from Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway to Ridgeview Drive (all streets in Edina Valley Estates 111 Addition) had been received in her office on April 18, 1966, signed by the owner of real. property abutting on said streets. petition also requested the CounciJ. to,assess the enthe cost against the property of such owners. adoption: Said Trustee Tupa thereupon introduced the following resolution and moved its RESOLUTION ORDERING UPON PETITION THEREFORE STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-95 BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: It is hereby found and determined that a petition has been filed requesting the Council to construct permanent Street Surfacing with Concrete Curb and Gutter in Ridgeview Drive from W. 64th St. to W. 66th St., W. 65th St. from Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern Railway to Ridgeview Drive and Ridgeview Lane (a11 streets in Edina Valley Estates 111 Addition) and to assess the entire cost against the property of petitioners, and that said petition has been signed by all owners of real ppoperty abutting on said street where said improvement is to be located,. 2. pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429,031 (3), (Session Laws of 1961, Chapter 525, Section 2). subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No..BA-95. improvement is hereby ordered to be assessed against the properties abutting on said streets where improvement is to be located. 2. The making of said improvement in accordance with said petition is hereby ordered Said improvement is.hereby designated and shall be referred to in aL1’ The entire cost of said ATTEST : Village Clerk BIDS AWARDED FOR SAND, BITUMINOUS MAThRIAL AND ROCK. Edina-Morningside Courier on March 24, 31 and April 7, 1966, was presented by Clerk, Affidavit of Publication in the approved as to form and ordered placed on file. as follows: 3. Concrete Sand: Mr, Hyde presented Tabulatibn of Bids .* (Picked up at Plant by Village Trucks) Shakopee Sand & Gravel, 45e’per ton; Anderson Aggregates, Osseo, 50e per ton; Northwestern Gravel, 75e per ton; Hedberg+& Sons at 80c1 per ton; Edward Kraemer, $1.00 per ton; Mapco, $1.10 per ton; J. L. Shiely high at $1.15 per ton. of the proximity of the plant. high at $2.30. most.suitable. and use low bid if possible, for 1967. Buck Shot FA-3: second low at $1.75 per ton and Mapco was high at $2.10 per ton, Northwestern Gravel. Recommended bidder was Hedberg & Sons because 2. Buck.Shot FA-4: Shakopee Sand E Gravel was low at $2.15 per ton; Northwestern Gravel Recommendation was to Northwestern Gravel because their produce is It was determined to test the product of Shakopee Sand 6 Gravel Recommendation was made to change the specifications 3. Northwestern Gravel was low bidder at $1.74 per ton; Edward Kraemer, Recomeridation to 4/18/66 c' CouTse Aggregate Class 8: ton, B & R Rock Products second low at $2.65 and J. Lb Shi,ely, high at $2.95. Edward Kraemer recommended was low bidder at $2.30 per Grave3 Base- Class 5: B E R Rock Products was recommended lqw bidder at $1.35 per ton; J. Vb Gleason second low at $1.45; and Bury E Carlson high at $1.60 per ton. Crushed. Rock Base: Edward Kraemer was low at $1.88; B b R Rock Products second low at $1.9.:; and J. Lb ShieAy high at $2.50 per ton. Recommendation to Edward Kraemer? Crushed Rock Base: Edward Kraemer was recommended low bidder at $1.88 per ton; B & R Rock Products second low at $1.95; and 3, bb Shiely was high at $2.50 per ton. Limestone C-A-5: second low at $2.65; and J, L, Shiely was high at $3.10. Edward Kraemer. I Seal Coat Chips: second low at $5.40; and New Ulm Quartzite high at $6&75 per ton. Aggregates'was recommended at $5.40 per ton because theip product has proved to be most suitable for seal coating. . Edward Kraemer was low bidder at $2.23; B & R Rock Products Recommendation was to Jb Lb Shiely was low bidder at $5.25 per ton; Bryan Aggregates Bryan Ready Mix Bituminous: per ton; Riegger Roadways, second low at $5.75 per ton; and J. V. Gleason was high Black Top-Service was recommended low bidder at $5.60 at $6.25 per ton. Cut Sa.& Asphalt #3152: Company were tied low bidders at $.lo50 per gallon,;;J. V. Gleason and Western Oil E Fuel were high at $.LO75 per gallon. of proximity to the plant. Cut Back. Asphalt #3153 (RC): per gallon; 17. H. Barber, Northwestern Refining and Richards Oil Company were tied at second low at s.1175 and Western Oil E Fuel was high at $&1200 per gallon. Rubberized Seal Coat: Because of the fact that Western Oil supplies J. vb Gleason, recommendation was for bid 0f.J. vb Gleason. Stabilizing Asphalt: per gallon. to J. vb Gleason. Non-Aqu.eous Latex: gallon; Xylos Rubber Company, Fires$one ,Division Was high at $5.56. \fb H. Barber, Northwestern Refining and Richards Oil Recommended bidder was Jb vb Gleason because J..Vb Gleason was recommended low bidder at $.1150 J. V', Gleason and Western Oil & Fuel both bid $.27 per gallon. J, vb Gleason and Western Oil & Fuel tied at low bid of G.228 Because Western Oil supplies 5. vb Gleason, award of bid was recommended Bituminous Roadways was recommended low bidder at $5.25 per Motion by Twstee Tupa for award of bid to recommended bidder in all cases except for Buck Shot FA-4 which was awarded to Shakopee Sand E Gravel was seconded by Trustee. MacMillan and unanimously carried. BIDS AVARDED FOR GASOLINE, CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS the Edina-Morningside Courier on March 24, 31 and April 7, 1966, was presented by Affidavit of Publication in Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file by motion of Trustee Johnson, seconded by mustee Tupa and carried. Mr. Hyde presented Tabulation of Bids as follows: Diesel-Fuel Oil: knclair Refining cob bas Eecommendad low bidder at G.116 per gallon; American Oil Company and Cities Fewice Oil Company were second low at $.117; and Western Oil E Fuel Company was high at $.1179 per gallon. Regular Gasoline: Tie low bid of $.05 was submitted by American Oil Company and Texaco, Inc., Midland Cooperatives , inc. was third low at S.05482 per gallon and Holiday-Erickson was high bidder at $.06940 per gallon. determin award of bid, which was won by Texaco, Inc. Calcium Chloride: 80# bag; Jones Chemicals was second low at 2,404 and Hawkins Chemicals was high at $3,10b Calo-Clor: R. L. Gould was the only bidder for this item. Recommendation to accept bid at $248.25 per drum. Celite 545: Lyon Chemicals was second low bidder at $2.85; and Hawkins Chemicals was high at Coin was flipped to Anderson Chemicals was recommended low bidder at $2.35 per Thompson-Hayward was recommended low bidder at $2.78 per 50# bag; $3.60 per bag. Liquid Caustic Soda 50%: per drum; Hawkins Chemicals was second low at $24.18 and Anderson Chemicals Has high at. $28.60. Hydrofluosilicic Acid: drum; Hawkins Chemicals was second low bidder at $23.52; and Lyon Chemicals was high at $25 20 Jones Chemical submitted recommended low bid of $18.70 Jones Chemicals was recommended low bidder at $25.20 per Li&d Chlorine: Anderson Chemicals and Thompson-Hayward were second low bidders at $19.50 and Ha$Ens Chemicals, Lyon-Chemicals and McKesson E Robbins were tied for high bid at $20.75. Amonium Sulphate: Because of previous good service recommendation was made for award of bids to Lyon Chemicaas. Slurry Pelleted Straight Chemical Fertilizer; at $86.00 per ton. Slurry Pelleted Organic Fertilizer 10-6-4: at $86.00 per ton because 16w bidder, Howe,FIncb, bfd Was fop synthetic material, Jones Chemic& was recommended low bidder at $18.00 per cylinder; Hawkins Chemicals and Lyon Chemicals submitted tied bids. Recommended bid was for ib Lb Gould. 'Recommended award of bid to Ra frb Gould Low bidder, Howe, Inc. at $70.75 per ton failed to meet specifications b it I 4/18/66 12. Slurry'PePXeted 'Organb Fertilizer 12-4-8: Recommended award of bid to R, Lb Go Id at $103.00 per ton because low bidddr,- Hove", Inc,-,* bid. was *ut.+ synthetic material, rene Turf Fungicide: Recommended award of bid to R. Lb Gould, only bidder, at 90.72 per case. Motion for acceptance of recommended bidder in all cases was offered by Trustee Johnson, seconded by Trustee MacMillan and unanimously Carried, JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY HEARING DATE SET for May 2 to consider request €or establishment of a Temporary Excavation Distz6c.t: and a Mining Permit by motion of Trustee Johnson, seconded by Trustee MacMillan and carried, 3. PETITIONS RECEIVED. the Engineering Depaptment for programming by motion of Trustee MacMillan, seconded by Trustee Tupa and carried, The following petitions were received, reviewed and referred to Permanent Street Sur€acing - wb 49th Stb €rom Brookside AVe, to T,H, Highway 100 Oiling - Benton AVe, from Hansen Road to Briage on Benton AVe, Peacedale Ave:from wb 62nd St. to wb 63rd Stb 9eninbGrading E Graveling, Sanitai+y SeWer,'Watermab Parklawn Ave, and Computer Ave. Warden AVe, from Tracy Ave, to Johnson Drive .. w'b" 77th Stb between PARKWOOD,@OLLS 14TH ADDITION GRANTED PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL, *ke Hite informed Council that Parkwood Knolls l4th Addition conforms with the over-all scheme and that Planning Commission has recommended approval, Trustee Tupa then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT. PARKWOOD KNOLLS 14TH ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Ediha, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Parkwood Knolls 14th Addition,ll platted by Carl M, Hansen and presented at the meeting of the Edina Village Council of April 18, 1966, be and is hereby approved, Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Trustee Jg@hson and on rollcall .~ - .. *. .. . REPLAT OF LOT 2, BLOCK L, SOUTH OFFL J.' PARK I ADDITLON GRANTED FINAL APPROVAL, Stating that Planning Commission has recommended final plat approval of this property located -- north of wb 70th Street in the block with the Texaco Service Station, Mr, Hite presented Replat of Lot 2, Block 1, South Office Papk I Addition for final plat approval, stated that.this had been held up temporarily pending a decision on the Regional Library site, Mrr Hite Trustee Johnson then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT REPLAT OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, SOUTH OFFICE PARK I ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Replat of Lot 2, Block 1, South Office Park I Addition," platted by Dayton Development Company and presented at the meeting of the Edina Village Council of April 18, 1966, be and is hereby approved. lan and on rollcall Mr. Hite stated that Iroquois sewer will be installed by developer, resolution and moved its adoption: Trustee Johnson then of€ered the following RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT IROQUOIS HILLS 111 ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that - that certain plat entitled "Iroquois Hills 111 Addition,'1 platted by Frank Cardarelle and Kermit Poppler and presented at the meeting of the Edina Village CounciC of April 18, 1966, be and is hereby approved, Motion for adoption of the resolution was Y 4/18/66 IDYLWOOD V ADDITION GRANTED FINAL PLAT APPROVAL, Addition for final plat approval. Mr. Hite presented Idylwood V Trustee Tupa offered the following resolution .. 'and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION mPROVING FINAL PLAT IDYLkIOOD V ADDITION. BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Idylwood V Addition,11 platted by John E. Bloomberg and presented at the meeting of the Edina Village Council of April 18, 1966, be and is hereby approved. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seco there were four ayes and no nays and the res ATTEST : I LOT 1, BLOCK 18, NORMANDALE ADDITION LOT DkVXSlON APPROVED. * Mr. Hite presented request of Mr, A, M. Marcia for east-west division of Lot L, Block 18, Normandale Addition as recommended by Planning Commission. by Trustee Johnson and unanimously carried. -LOCK 1, LA BUENA VISTA ADDITION, LOT DIVISION APPROVED. request of Mr. R. C. Anderson for approval of lot division of Lot 11, Block 1, LaBuena Vista Addition, Mr. Hite stated that a variance will have to be approved by the Board of Appeals and that Mr. A. P. Wefngartner, 5721 W. 68th Street, owner of the property to the south was concerned about a deed restriction but that no such restriction has been found, Trustee Johnson moved that this matter be first referred to the Board of Appeals for action, which motion was seconded by Trustee MacMillan and carried, Wustee Tupa's motion for approval was seconded Mr. Hite presented . . . . . . , . - . . . , . . . PAYMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR 5616 WARDEN AVE. was questioned by Mr. Haskell K. McCall in regard to his agreement with Pem-Tom Construction Company. Mr. McCall was advised to refer the matter to his attorney. MILLSA,CONSTRUCTION COMPANY HEARING DATE SET for rezoning property at T.H. 169 and Olinger Road from Singre Family Dwelling District to R-4 Multiple Residence District was set for May 2. I WATSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY HEARING DATE SET for May 2 for rezoning of- property Located behind the Biltmore Motel from Single Family Dwelling District to R-4 Multiple Residence District was announced. .. * VILLAGE ACTIVITIES QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS TABULATED, the Village Activities Questionnaire and stated that a later tabulation for each of the twenty districts would be available. Mr. Hyde presented tabulation of OLD CAHILL SCHOOL BUILDING MOVING APPROVED. $1,507 for moving the old Cahill School Building to an area near the Grange Hall. Mr. Hyde qequested permission to spend This will be a part of a historical center which will be established when Highway LOO construction is completed, to move the building was seconded by Trustee Johnson and unanimously carried, EDINA- BOWLING LANES LICENSE APPLICATIONS REJECTED. Edina Bowling Lanes had not compLied with orders of the Health and Fire Departments and that because they have continued to operate without licenses action is being taken in the courts to prevent further operation, Trustee' NacMillan ' s motion for approval of spending $3 ,SO7 .. Mr. Hyde informed Council that , STORM^ SEtJER EASEMENT IN BLOCK 5, EDINA INTERCHANGE CENTER, RELOCATION APPROVED, A b6 Mr. Hite requested permission to relocate a storm sewer and easement at the developer's 4' expense, which is located between Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, Edina Interchange Center. $ \bbTrustee Tupa's motion approving relocation of Storm Sewer Easement was seconded by \;\." Trustee MacMillan and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the motion was unanimously carried. 4/18/66 / 93 M u td FRANCE AVE-._ COST SHARING AGREEMENT APPROVEDb with the Hennepin County Highway Department for the France Avenue Stom Sewer Improvement No. 102 and Permanent Street Surfacing Improvement No, b21b offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING COST SHARING AGREEMENT WITH-HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR COUNTY STATE AfD'HIGHWAY 17 Mr. Hite presented cost sharing agreement Trustee MacMillan $hen BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the Agreement between the Village of Edina arid the Hennepin County Highway Department for division of cost of grading, gravel base, Portland cement concrete pavement, curb, storm sewer and other related improvements included in County Project 6311 for County State Aid Highway 17 be and is hereby approved, there were four ayes and no nays and the r ATTEST: FOR PROPOSED Il4PROVEtJrENT AND DISCTIN ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR'STREET IMPROVEMENT NO, C-90 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: following Advertisement for Bids form, hwetofore prepared by the Billage Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, and Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for improvement: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed improvements set forth in the 2, The Clerk shall cause to be published two times in the Edina-Morningside Courier ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS GRADING, GRAVELLING AND STORM SEWER SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W, 50th St., at 1l:OO A,Mb, Friday, May 13, 1966, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P,M., on Monday, May 16, 1966, to consider said bids for the construction of pading, gravelling and stom sewep, quantities of major items: The following are approximate 800 C/Y Excavation 900 Tons Class 5 Gravel 1600 C/Y Sand Gravel Fill Material 11 Each, Adjust Utilities 560 L/F 18" R.CbP* 70 L/F 12" ReCePo 4 Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are avai1abl.e for a deposit of ($10.00) ten dollars (by check), which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications. deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten (LO) percent of amount of base bid; reject any 'or all bids Each, Type llBtr Catch Basins No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by cash The Council Feserves the right to BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCILI Florence Hallberg Village Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Trustee,Tupa and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted, HEARING DATE SET FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT, Mr. Hite €or Storm Sewer Hearing, May 2 Hearing Date was .requested by Trustee Johnson then offered the following resoLution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the facility of the propos.ed Storm Sewer Imppovement described in the form of Notice of Hearings set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Hall to consider in public hearing the views of all pers'ons interested in said improvement, purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for, two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in substantially the following form: 2. 3. This Council shall meet on Monday, May 2, 1966, at 7:OO PrMb in the Edina Village The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and 4/18/66 ,. NOTICE-OF *PUBLIC .HEARING ON . ' ' STORIl SERE!R AND APPURTENANCES ' i EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, May 2, 1966, at 7:OO P.M., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes of 3961, Chapter 429, The approximate cost of said improvements are estjmated by the Village as set forth below: ESTIMATED COST 1. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE-STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES I IN THE FOLLOWING: Code Avenue from W.56th St. north to the north line of Lot 2, Richmond Hills 3rd Addition extended; thence westerly to the northwest corner of Lot 1, Richmond Hills 3rd Addition; thence northerly to the northwest I =corner of said Lot 1, Richmond Hills 3rd Addition $ 5,321.68 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer listed under 1 above includes a11 lots and tracts o€ land within the following described boundaries: Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 4, Block 4, Glestchester Knolls; thence northerly 60 feet along the east line of Lot 4, Block 4,.Westchester Knolls; thence northeasterly to a point on the east line of Lot 2b Block 4, Westchester Knolls, said point being 90 feet northerly of the southeast corner of said lot;.thence southeasterly to a point on the south Line of Lot 1, Block 4, Westchester Knolls, said point being 27.0 feet easterly of the southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence southerly parallel to and 58 feet westerly of the west line of Code Avenue to the south line of Lot 3, Richmond Hills 3rd Addition; thence southwesterly to a point on the north line of West 56th Street, said point being 27 feet easterly of the southeast corner of Lot '4, Richmond Hills 3rd Addition; thence westerly to the southeast corner of Lot 4, Richmond Hills 3rd Addition; thence northwesterly to a point on the west line of Lot 4, Richmond Hills 3rd Addition; said point being 75 feet northerly of the southwest corner of said lot; thence westerly to apoint on the west line of Lot 5, Richmond HilEs 3rd Addition, which point is 75 feet northerly of the southwest corner of said lot; thence westerly to a point on the easterly right-of-way line of the ldinneapolis Northfield, and Southern Railroad, which point is distant 61 feet north measured at right angles from the north line of West 56th Street; thence northeasterly along said easterly right-of-way line to a point 130 feet northeasterly from the southwest corner of Lot 5, Block 4, Westchester Knolls; thence southeasterly to the southeast comer of said Lot 5; thence easterly to the point of beginning.. * J Florence Hallberg Motion for adoption of the resolution was se there were four ayes and no nays and the res practices. waiver of Second Reading and moved its adoption as follows: Trustee MacMillan then offered Ordinance No. 122-2 for First Reading with ORDINANCE NO. 122-2 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE LICENSE YEAR FOR SCAVENGER LICENSES . AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 122 THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1, "Section 3. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 122 of the Village is hereby amended to read as follows: Any person desiring to act or-render services as a scavenger within the ViLlage shall make application for a license to the Village Council, accompanied by a license fee and a bond as herein provided for. Such application shall be verified by the oath of the applicant and shall state Application for and Issuance of License; Bond. I (a) (b) The name and address of the applicant If the applicant is not an individual, the names and addresses of all officers or other persons in control of the firm or corporation A description of the equipment which the applicant proposes to use for scavenging within the village. 7 making application, and (c) Each applkation-ghaLlbe accompanied by a bond in the penal sum of $l,OOOrOO, conditioned upon compliance by the'applicant with all laws of tge state and ordinances of the Village pertaining to the conduct of the business of a scavenger. of the application by the Village Council the Clerk shall issue a license to the applicant which shall expire on the 1st day of April next followingatt f , dates of this ordinance shall expire on April I, 1967, upon its passage and publication. Upon approval Section 2. Section 3. Any valid scavenger licenses in effect on the effective This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately Motion for adoption of the Ordinance was there were four ayes and no nays and the on rollcall re at its Special Session to consider red the following resolution and moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION ON LEGISLATLVE REAPPORTIONMENT WHEREAS, the State Legislature of the State of Minnesota will soon consider the urgent problem,oZ-reappo&onrnent, and WHEREAS, several plans will be considered which have as their aim the creation of senatorial and legislative districts which are as equal as possible in regard to the total population in each district, and WHEREAS, there has been substantial growth in Hennepin County outside the City of Minneapolis since the 1960 Federal Census, and WHEREAS, every indication exists that the rapidity of growth in the suburban portion of Hennepin County is continuing, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the State Legislature, in its redistcicting legislation give proper credit to the past and future rate of growth in Subupban Hennepin County by providing for four additional senators and eight additional house members €or the suburban area. Mr. Hyde informed Council that the Edzna-Mornmgside League of Women Voters has nominated Mr. Wayne W. Bennett, Director of Public Safety and Chief of Police €or the Village of Edina, as a candidate for the C, C. Ludwig Award for Outstanding Municipal Semice. offered the following resolution commendling the League for its action and expressing complete support of the Village of Edina: Trustee MacMillan then RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Edina-Morningside League of Women Voters has nominated Wayne W, Bennett, Director of Public Safety and Chief of Police for the Village of Edina, as a candidate for the C. C, Ludwig Award for Outstanding Municipal Service, and 1955, as Chief of Police, and leadership, developed the Police, Public Safety and Civil Defense activities of the Village of Edina to a high degree of excellence, and improvements in the Village's service to the citizenry, and citizens rate the police protection as being either excellent or good, and in methods of police protection, League of Women Voters be commended for nomination Wayne W. Bennett for the C. C. Ludwig Award, and that the complete suppoi?t of the Village of Edina be given to his candidacy. WHEREAS, Wayne W. Bennett entered the service of the Vill'age of Edina on August 1, WHEREAS, Wayne W. Bennett has during that period of time, through his skilled WHEREAS, Wayne W. Bennett has demonstrated great talent in providing many WHEREAS, as a recent poll of residents in Edina has indicated, almost 92% of the WHEREAS, Wayne W. Bennett has pioneered the establishment of many improvements NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council, Village of Edina, that the Motion for adoption of the resolution wa were four ayes and no nays and the resol on rollcall there of the fine show the Edina Park Department put on at Braemar Arena on April 16 and 17. He then offered the following resokion and moved its adoption: - RESOLUTION COMMENDING PARK DEPARTMENT FOR "ICE FROLICS1 BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that the Edina Park Department be heartiLy commended €or its presentation of "Ice Frolics" which was held at Braemar Arena on April 16 and 17, 1966, 96 . ( 4/18/66 Motion for adoption of the resolution was sec there were four ayes and no nays and the reso COUNTRY, CLUB GUTTERS. AND CURBS DISCUSSEd? Mr, Tupa requested that action be taken on replace- ment of curb and gutter in the Country Club area, Mr, Hyde stated that an attempt is being made to work out a program without distrubing the excellent street surfacing, discussion ensued relative to acceptance of petitions for permanent street surfacing without curb and gutter, but no action was taken. ADVANCE PAYMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS DISCUSSED, Bloomington property owners can pay in advance for their improvement assessments in order to avoid interest payments, December 31 of the year in which the assessment 2s levied, the capitalized interest during construction is the only interest charge made. study would be conducted on the possibility of assessments being paid before they are levied. General I Trustee Tupa inquired how Mrr Dalen stated that if payment is made before It was agreed that further CLAItlS PAID. Pre-List datid April18, 1966, was seconded by Trustee Johnson and unanimousLy carried: General Fund, $24,599.61; Construction Fund, $3*004,94; Park, Park Construction, Swim Pool, Golf Course and Recreation Center,, $16,227.92; Water Fund, $8,354.09; Liquor Fund, $67,772.91; Sewer, Rental Fund, $559.29; Improvement Funds, $llOrlO; Poor Fund, $10.00; Total, $120,638'86. Trustee MacMillan's motion for payment of the following Claims as per The meeting's agenda having been covered, Trustee Johnson's motion for adjournment was seconded by Trustee Madillan and carried. Adjournment at 10:20 P.14,