HomeMy WebLinkAbout19661020_special238 / 10/20/66 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD AT THE VILLAGE HALL ON 'THURSDAY , OCTOBER 20 AT 4: 30 O'CLOCK IJIembers answering Rollcall were Trustees Johnson, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Mayor Bredesen. AGREEMENT REACHED WITH SUPERAWERICA ON RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION . Council that following a meeting between Billage and Superamerica officials, an agreement has been worked out with Superamerica which solves most of the poblems relative to right-of-way acquisition for Link and Service Roads. This agreement provides for elimination of Pqragraph C of the original offer number one submitted by Superamerica, sets cost of-right-of-way acquisition for Link Road at $9,000:: and'cost of right-of-way acquisition for Service Road at $3,000, reflecting a reduction in the total cost of $3,000. be understood that theFe was no comroitmeflt.€or,construction of.the proposed Service Road but that,a hearing on that improvement would be held on November 21. stated that because future'area development plans are uncertain, the only portiona of the Service Road that will be considered at that hearing is the portion i? front of Superamerica and Shell properties and just north of the south property line of the Kroger property. proceedings of the meeting thus far. 14~. Hite statqd that estimated cost of land acquisition for right-of-way access on -the Shell property would be approximately $12,000. to proposed methods of assessment for Link and Service Roads as yell as the Vernon Avenue improvement. ment will be paid from State funds and that it 'is proposgd that owners of private property on Hankerson Avenue would not be assessed for this improvement. Discussion with 14r. A, 14. Hamren and Mr. Charles Horn, representing Superamerica, as to whether transfer of the property in question should be accomplished by easement or by warranty deed. with the understanding that if the property should, at any time in the future, be used for any purpose other than roadway, the Village should be reimbursed for the cost and the property would revert to the then owner, motion for approval of the agreement as finally presented, providing that taxes be paid by seller for the particular year of closing and for right of immediate entry for purposes of road construction was seconded by Trustee Macblillan and unanimously carried. GRANDVIEW IMPROVEMENT BIDS AWARDED. Trustee Johnson and carried, bid for Storm Sewer Improvement No, 93 and Street Improvement No. E-19 was awarded to recommended low bidder, Bury and Carlson, for the amount of $97,834.58. I-lr . Hyde advised I Wayor Bredesen pointed out that it should* klr. Hite - Trustee MacElillan arrived at this point and*was advised of In reply to a quqstion of Trustee Johnson, General discussion ensued relative Mr. Hite recalled 50 Council that 80% of the Vernon Avenue Irnprove- * It was determined .that transfer should be negotiated by easement Trustee VanValkenburg's Upon motioi of =ustee Tupa, seconded by HARRY 3. BEEGLE APPOINTED TO PLANNING COI4MISSION. seconded by Trustee Johnson and carried, appointment of Mr. Harry J. Beegle to Upon mot,ion of Trustee Tupa, Planning Commission was unanimously confirmed. .. # . lrAA1l RATING FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS' by Standard and Poor was announced by Nr. Hyde. SNOtI PLOWS TO BE PURCHASED. Upon request of Nr. Hyde fqr authqrity to purchase two new snow plows at $625 each, Trustee Tupa's motion for approval ofthe purchase was seconded by Trustee Johnson and unanimously capried. ST. LOUIS PARK SCHOOL BOARD INTEREST RENEWED IN MORNINGSIDE-PROPERTY. advised Council that St. Louis Park School Board had indicated renewed interest in construction of a school on property which it owns east of Natchez Avenue and south of West 41st Street. within the next two or three weeks relative to the storm sewer agreement with 14inneapolis at which time it will be determined whether the schpol could be constructed without causing possible flood damage to surrounding homes. also indicated that any plans for the school should first be presented to the Planning Commission. 14r. Hyde Hr. Hyde further stated that a report would be forthcoming Mr . Hyde No further business appearing, Trustee VanValkenburg's motion for adjownment was seconded by Trustee Tupa and carried. Adjournment at 5:45 P.M. ..