HomeMy WebLinkAbout19670710_regular7/10/67 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VIL&AGE COUNCIL HELD AT VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY, JULY 10 , 1967 Members answering Rollcall were Trustees Courtney, MacMillan , VanValkenburg and Mayor Bredesen. MINUTES of June 19, 1967, by Trustee Courtney and carried. were approved by motion of Trustee VanValkenburg, seconded JOHN DANZ RECOGNIZED UPON COMPLETION OF INSPECTION COURSE. John Danz and expressed congratulations to him upon his completion of a course in Public Works Construction Inspection. Mr. Danz' character who strive to improve their skills so as to do more effective work for the Village. Mayor Bredesen presented Mayor Bredesen expressed appreciation to employees of PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED ON CURB AND GUTTER ON FAIRFAX AVENUE. ation in the Edina Courier on June 29 and July 6 and of Mailing on June 29, 1967, were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. notice given, public hearing was conducted and action taken by Council as hereinafter described: CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN: Affidavits of Public- Pursuant to due Fairfax Avenue from the North line of Lot 21, Block 5, Fairfax, Hennepin County, to West 59th Street Stating that a petition, signed by owners of eight properties, had been received in August, 1966, Nr. Hyde presented estimated project cost at $5,567.30, proposed to be assessed against 850 assessable feet at an estimated cost of $6.55 per assessable foot. Mr. Hyde pointed out that the relatively high cost of the proposed improvement .included the removal and replacement of existingdeiveway aprons. A petition containing names of ten property owners opposing the proposed improvement was presented as well as a letter of opposition from Mrs. Patricia Drake, 5845 Fairfax Avenue. Mr. Frank Wellman, 5828 Fairfax Avenue, advised that the original petition requesting concrete curb and gutter did not represent a majority of property owners, whereupon Trustee VanValkenburg's motion to abandon the proposed improvement was seconded by Trustee NacMillan and carried. BICYCLE SAFETY PROGRAM COMMENDED. Mr. Hyde presented a letter from Mr. Robert J. Sherman, Chairman of the Edina Bicycle Safety Program, complimenting the Village for the excel- lent leadership and untiring work given to the Edina Bicycle Safety Program by the Edina Police Department, and particularly by Captain Bert Merfeld who gave generously of his own personal time. Mr. Hyde pointed out that Mr. Sherman, himself, deserved a great deal of credit for the success of the program, whereupon Trustee VanValkenburg offered the following resolution and moved its adbption: RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATIOlJ WHEREAS, Mr. Robert J. Sherman has served as Chairman of the Edina Bicycle Safety WHEREAS, this program is considered to have been extremely successful in giving the Program Committee, and children of the Edina school system a better understanding of a safer way of living in their community, and WHEREAS, Mr. Sherman has contributed generously of his time and efforts to the 'establishment and successful conclusion of this program, NOT?, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Village Council of the Village of Edina express its deep appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Robert J..Sherman for his part in the success of the Edina Bicycle Safety Motion for adoption of the resolution was sec, ATTEST : Village Clerk 4 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES MEETING ANNOUNCED. League of Cities is holding its annual Congress of Cities in Boston, Massachusetts, betweeneJuly 29 and August 2. Mayor Bredesen pointed out that, while he had never con- sidered this type of meeting to be of much value in the past, he now believes that it is necessary for communities such as Edina to be represented in order that their interests be protected from trends to eliminate the functions of smaller communities. Courtney's motion that the notice of the meeting be placed on file was seconded by Trustee MacMillan and carried. Mr. Hyde advised Council that the National Trustee PETITIONS RECEIVED-; and carried, the following petitions were received and referred to the Engineering Department for programming: Upon motion of Trustee VanValkenburg, seconded by Trustee MacMillan 7/10/67 . Storm Sewer - Between York and Zenith Avenues from 58th to 59th Streets . 3. Permanent Street Surfacing - Alley between William and Bedford Avenues from Vest 51st Street to West 52nd Street Permanen$ Street Surfacing and Curb and Gutter - Claredon Drive from Dewey Hill Road north to cul-de-sac OILIMG PETITIONS RECEIVED. 1-IacMillan and carried, the following oilingptitions wer.e received and referred to the Department of Public Works for processing: Upon motion oflkustee VanValkenburg, seconded by Trustee 1. Benton Avenue from Code Avenue to Bernard Place 2. Beard Court ALLEY BETWEEN BELNORE LANE AND THIRD STREET APPROACHES REQUESTED. I4r. Hyde presented, a petition signed by ten property owners on Adams Avenue and Washington Avenue and be- tween Belmore Lane and Third Street requesting construction of drive approaches at each end of the alley. street improvements which have been gpproved for the area dnd that no public hearing would be necessary. He pointed out that this work would be done in connection with the NARK JONES GRANTED PLAN APPROVAL FOR APARTMENT AT T.H. a169 and WEST 53RD STREET. &. Hyde presented building plans submittedly Nr. Mark Jones who has purchased the WatsP;n property which has been rezoned under Ordinance No. 261-130. publication of this ordinance had been withheld pending receipt of a 30-foot roadway easement and that this easement has now been received. the proposed apartment, stating that he has complied with all recommendations set forth by the Planning Commission. and T. H. #l69 to each end of the building and to the center of the unit which should serve to divert traffic for the 174 unit building. the plans as presented, Trustee Courtney's motion for plan approval as recommended by Planning Commission was seconded by Trustee VanValkenburg and carried. I4r. Hyde advised that Mr. Jones presented a model of He advised that access will be from both West 53rd Street Following considerahle reviewal of BUILDING INJUNCTION FILED FOK COUNTRYSIDE ADDITION, ZUEHLKE KEPLAT. that property owners in the area of Tracy Ave nue and Hest 62nd Street had filed an injunction against the Village and Zuehlke Construction Company which would restrain construction of more than two single family dwellings on Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Zuehlke's Replat of the Countryside Addition. Mr. Nhitlock stated that he had represented the Village in Court and it appeared to him that under a deed restriction the Zuehlke Con- struction Company has no right to build more than two single family dwellings on that property which has been replatted into three lots. Mr. Whitlock further pointed out that if Zuehlke Construction Company is successful in breaking that covenant, the question of the authority of the Village to approve the replat and to issue building permits will become relevant. It was brought out khat the Village has not published notices of plat approvals as required in Ordinance No. 263A. .The question of the pro- per front yard setbacks for dwellings proposed to be located at 6112 Tracy and at 5700 West 62nd Street has also been raised by the plaintiffs. Trustee VanValkenburg stated that he believes that this is a problem for the builder and that the Village should not be put to any expense on thTs account. &yor Bredesen pointed out that if the deed re- striktion is valid, the Village need be concerned only with administrative action. Nr. Hyde advised I HENNEPIN COUNTY LIBRARY BUILDING FUNDS DISCUSSED. to a letter from Mr. Alan L. NcLean, President of the Hennepin County Library Board, relative to the new library bill adopted by the 1967 State Legislature. The letter indicated that current estimates of available building funds for the period through December, 1969, is expected to be $1,374,817. courses of action as to how to most equitably appropriate these funds. opinion of Council was that this matter should be continued in order that further study can be given the matter. additional information . EVANSWOOD LANE TO BE INCLUDED IN WATERMAIN IMPROVEI4ENT NO. 212. Mr. Hyde recalled to Council that following authorization of,Wate~main Improvement No.212, action was taken at the Council Meeting of April 17, 1967, deleting watermain laterials west of Blake Road which had originally been included in the improvement. Although not specifically mentioned, intention at that time was to include Evanswood Lane from Blake Road to the north line of Evanswood Addition in compliance with a petition which had been submitted by Dr. Edward T. Evans. Trustee Courtney's motion to include Evanswood Lane laterals in Watermain Improvement No. 212 as originally intended was seconded by Trustee Mac- Millan and carried, 14r. Hyde called Council's attention Council was asked to consider suggested Concensus of Mr. Hyde advised that he will contact Miss Helen Young for I SPRINKLING SYSTEH APPROVED FOR GRANDVIEW LIQUOR STORE. Mr. Hyde advised Council that Jerry's Enterprises, owner of the building housing the Grandview Liquor Store, wishes to install an automatic sprinkler system which would serve Jerry's Lucky Dollar, G.& K. Cleaners, and the liquor store at a cost of $1,086.32 to the Village. imately $300 would be saved annually in fire insurance premiums and the improvement Because approx- < 7/10/67 would pay for itself in 3-1/2 years, Village Treasurer Dalen has recommended install- ation of the sprinkler system. a sprinkler system for the Grandview Liquor Store as recommended was seconded by Trustee Courtney and carried . Trustee MacMi1lan"s motion approving installation of UTILITY BILLING SERVICE BUREAU APPROVED. been received relative to hiring a service bureau to do the water billing for the €W. Hyde advised Council that quotations have Village. National Cash Register Accounting Machine which has been used for the past twelve years is too slow to do the utility billing along with the rest of the required bookkeeping. Quotations have been received from three companies to furnish the following: He advised Council that Mr. Dalen has recommended this action because the -.* Write bills, furnish a billing register showing account number, name and address, previous reading, current reading, current consumption, grbss water amount, net water amount, sales tax, sewer gross amount, sewer net amount, total gross and total net amounts for 9,000 to 10,000 acoounts (one-third each month) bursting and binding of register; pickup and delivery Quotations were received which showed Scientific Computers, Inc. low at a cost of $500 to $650 for setting up master records,91.00 to $500 for programming, and $.067 billing cost for each bill. Inc., at a cost of $930 for setting up master records and programming and $.08 for billing cost for each bill. High quotation was received from Service Bureau Corporation which showed $2,038.15 for setting up master records, $1,080.00 for programming, and $.14 billing cost per bill. Trustee MacMillan's motion was then seconded by Trustee Courtney and carried for approval of hiring Scientific Computers, Inc., to furnish billing services for Village water bills. Second low quotation was received from National Keypunch Services, BUDGET TO BE READY FOR COUNCIL BY AUGUST 28. posed 1968 budget would be ready for consideration by August 28, and that any comments or suggestions offeredby Council would be appreciated. he would hope that the Village, the School District, and the County, would do all pos- sible to keep faith with the community by holding budget increases to normal growth, so that property owners will receive full benefit of the property tax relief resulting from enactment of the Minnesota Sales Tax. He pointed out that if governing bodies do not accept their responsibilities properly, property owners may be burdened even further in the future. Mr. Hyde advised Council that the pro- Mayor Bredesen pointed out that MUD LAKE IMPROVEMENT GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT RECEIVED. that he had received copies of the cooperative agreement for the Mud Lake Improvement Grant from Hennepin County. is taken. Mr. Hyde advised Council The agreement will be studied further before-any,action CLUB SUNDAY LIQUOR SALES DISCUSSED. Club and Interlachen Country Club have inquired as to how the ruling of the Attorney Mayor Bredesen advis6d that the Edina Country General of the State of Minnesota regarding sale of liquor on Sunday applies to private clubs. Following considerable discussion, it was the general concensus of opinion that the clubs themselves should investigate the matter. that he will advise Council of any further inquiries made of him in this regard. Village Attorney Whitlock stated FATHER LOUIS W. FORREY COMMENDED. Louis 17. Forrey who had served as pastor of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church since 1946. Whereupon Trustee VanValkenburg offered the following resolution and moved its adopt ion : Mr.'Hyde advised Council of the retirement of Father 'RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO FATHER LOUIS W. FORREY WHEREAS, Father Louis W, Forrey has founded Our LaBy of Grace Catholic Church in the year 1946, holding his first service in the Edina Theater on February 17 of that year, and grow, building its school in 1949, and its church and sanctuary in 1957, and of the community who were aware of his selfless endeavors in the religious as well as the civic affairs of the community, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT KESOLVED that the deep respect and affection of the Edina Village Council and of the community as a whole be extended to FA'I'HEK LOUIS W. FORREY, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that sincere appreciation and all best wishes accompany him in his retirement. WHEREAS, under his leadership, Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church has continked to WHEREAS, Father Forrey has endeared himself to members of his parish and to all I4otion for adoption of the resolution was ATTEST : Bayor MR. L. P . PEDEKSON KETIRES FROM HENNEPIN COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. Upon being ad- vised by Mr. Hyde of the retirement off-b. L. P. Pederson from the Hennepin Coun'ty - - I Highway Department, Trustee VanValkenburg offered the follawing resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS, Hr. L. P, Pederson has served as County Engineer for Hennepin County from 1955 until September 1, 1967, and previously as Assistant Engineer, and WHEREAS, during Mr, Pederson's tenure the Village of Edina has had many occasions to work with him towards securing better highways, and WHEREAS, I@. Pederson has consistently demonstrated a fine spirit of cooperation and has worked effectively with the Village, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the Mayor and Trustees express to t.3r. Pederson their sincere appreciation for his efforts in behalf of better highwaysfbr Edina ind the whole county, and best wishes for a long and happy retirement. KE: S OLUTI ON Motion for adoption of the resolution was se \* -- ATTEST : STREET DEPARTMENT AND PARK DEPARTNENT EMPLOYEES CO14KENDED FOR WORK FOLLOWING STORM. Trustee VanValkenburg's motion commending the Park Department and the Street Depart- ment for their prompt and efficient efforts in picking up debris following the storm of June 30, was seconded by Trustee Courtney and unanimously carried. I CAHILL ROAD FUNDS TO BE REQUESTED FROM HENNEPIN COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTNENT. lb?. Hyde advised Council that he has not as yet had an opportunity to meet with the Hennepin County Highway Department relative to request for funds by the Village for Cahill Road maintenance as he had aeeed to do at Council Meeting of June 19, 1967. He advised that he will continue to check into this matter. BIDS TO BE TAKEN FOR SANITARY SENER ItlPROVEI4ENTS NOS, 255 AND 258, AND BATERHAIN IMPROVEI4ENTS NOS. 216 and 219 , Upon recommendation of Mr. Hite , Trustee VanValkenburg offered the following resolution approving advertisement for bids and moved its adopt- ion : RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 255 AND 258 FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEkENTS AND AND WATERMAIN II4PROVEMENTS NOS. 216 AND 219 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL , VILLAGE OF EDIBA, MINNESOTA: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed improvements set forth in the'follow- ing Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Edina-Norningside Courier and Con- struction Bulletin the. following notice for bids for improvements: (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EPINA ADVERTISENENT FOR BIDS AND GPAVEL BASE HENNEPIN COUNTY , MINNESOTA SAHITARY SENER, WATEN*IAIW BIDS CLOSE AUGUST 4, 1967 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, at 11-00 a.m. Fpiday, August 4, 1967, to consider said bids for the construction of Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Gravel Base. are approximate quantities of major items: The following 6,000 L/F grr V.C.P. Sewer Or-20' 1,000 L/F 8'' C.I.P. Sewer 01-24-' 7/ 10/67 d 40 L/F Jacking 1,800 L/F 8" Wafesmain 5,000 L/F 6" Watermain_ 25,000 S/Y Class 5 Gravel 8'' Thick Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of th Village Clerk. (by check). Said deposit to be returned upon ret&n of the plans and specifi,cations with a bona f'ide bid. cash deposit, bid bond or certified deck payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid. reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $25.00 No bids will be considered unless sealed and.accompanied by The Council reserves the right to L. Florence B . Hallberg Village Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was secon call there were four ayes and no nays and the Trustee Courtney and on roll- I ATTEST : MRS. LOIS STRUPP INTRODUCED TO COUNCIL. Mr. Hyde introduced his new secretary, Nrs. Lois Strupp, who had formerly served as secretary for the Edina Police Department for almost two and one-half years. SALES TAX COLLECTION will present no particular problems for the Village, according to Mr. Dalen, who advised Council that no additional employees will be required and that all cash registers have sufficient capacity to handle sales tax collections. zc3 a u u MR. DALEN COMMENDED IN "COMMERCIAL WEST." attention the fact that "Commercial West" had run a full page article in its issue of Trustee MacMillan brought to Council's April, 29, 1967, complimenting Mr. J. N. Dalen on the outstanding manner in which he has been handling funds of the Village. LIQUOR FUND as of April 29, 1967, was presented by Mr. Dalen, approved and ordered placed on file by motion of Trustee VanValkenburg, seconded by Trustee Courtney and carried. TREASURER'S REPORT as of May 31, 1967, was presented by Mr. Dalen, approved, and ordered placed on.file by motion of Trustee Courtney, seconded by Trustee MacMillan and carried . ADDITIONAL PLEDGE APPROVED FOR FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK. Upon recommendation of Mr. Dalen, Trustee MacMillan's motion for approval of additional pledge collateral in the amount of $362,000 for First Edina National Bank was seconded by Trustee VanValkenburg and carried. L GOLF COURSE FUND as of May 31, 1967, was presented by Mr. Dalen, approved, and ordered placed on file by motion of Trustee VanValkenburg, seconded by Trustee MacMillan and carried. CLAIMS PAID. for confirmation of the following claims: Motion of Trustee MacMillan was seconded by Trustee Courtney and carried Water Fund James A. Kiewel $4,969.50 6/8/67 Richard Nissen 75.00. General Fund 6/6/67 6/23/67 Hedberg E Sons Co. 195.55 Miscellaneous 6/23/67 American Research Corp. 111.84 General Fund ' 6/23/67 Clancy Drug, Inc. 43.67 General Fund General Fund 6/23/67 Suburban Chevrolet Co 105.00 6/23/67 Texaco, Inc. 1,375.35 General Fund 6/23/67 Southdale Motors 62.87 General Fund 6/23/67 Crane E Ordway Co. 302.66 Sw. Pool-Water 6/23/67 Hawkins Chemical, Inc. 334.70 Sw . Pool-Water 6/23/67 Commissioner of Taxation 7.00 General 6/27/67 Texaco, Inc. 1,357.73 General Fund 6/30/67 Suburban Henn. Co. Kelief Board 426.17 Poor Fund and for payment of the tollowing Claims as per Pre-List dated July 10, 1967: General Fund, $31,984.11; Construction Fund, $909.55; Park, Park Construction, Swim Pool, Golf Course and Arena, $14,633.44; Water Fund, $752.46; Liquor Fund $23,500.25; Sewer Kental Fund, $361.70; Poor Fund, $26.27; Total, $72,167.78 6/27/67 First National Bank of Mpls. 5,032.55 S.S. #53 The agenda's business having been covered, Trustee Courtney's motion for adjournment was seconded by Trustee WacMillan and carried. Adj ournmen Y vl-uvze em /