HomeMy WebLinkAbout19670821_regular8/21/67 MINUTES OF THE REGULARMEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD AT VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY; AUGUST 21, 1967 Members answering Rollcall were Trustees Courtney, Johnson, VanValkenburg and Mayor Bredes en. MINUTES of August 7, 1967, were approved as amended by Trustee Johnson, seconded by Trustee VanValkenburg and carried. of the J. A. Danens Mining Permit granted under Ordinance No. 2628-9 was contingent upon establishment of a new route of access for the area. SERGEANT THOMAS G. BROWNELL RECOGNIZED. Thomas G. Brownell had completed a correspondence course in "Supervisory Methods in Municipal Administration" which had been conducted by the International City Managers' Association. efforts to increase his usefullness and efficiency to the Police Department. Trustee Johnson's amendment was that approval Mayor Bredesen advised that Police Sergeant Mayor Bredesen extended special recognition to Sergeant Brownell on his I PUBLIC HEARINGS CONDUCTED ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. Affidavits of Publication in the Edind Courier on August 10 and 17, 1967, and of Mailing were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to due notice given, Public Hearings on the following described improvements were conducted concurrently and action taken as hereinafter recorded: A. ' CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: Gv *ct.l Lo Valley View Road from Sally Lane to the West line of County Road 18 County Road 18 from Valley View Road to 2174 feet south County Road 18 from Valley View Road South 2220 feet, 4- or - B. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: Advising that 100% petition had been received for these improvements, Mr. Hyde pre- sented total estimated cost for the sanitary sewer at $77,000 and watermain cost at $37,640.05, proposed to be assessed against benefitted property owners by a method which will be determined at the Assessment Hearing. Mr. Hite advised that the sani- tary sewer is proposed to be installed along the rear.lot lines of the Edina properties abutting Old County Road 18 (Washington Avenue). He stated that at some time in the future, Eden Prairie will need to construct a parallel system and that he would recommend that Eden Prairie be contacted to determine if they would be interested in entering into a use and cost sharing agreement with Edina. possible attempts be made to work out an agreement with Eden Prairie, Trustee Van Valkenburg offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: V 113 Stipulating that all RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS SANITARY SEWER 261 AND WATERMAIN 222 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published and mailed to owners of each parcel within the area proposed to be assessed on the following proposed improvements: 1. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: Valley View Road from Sally Lane to the West line of County Road 18 County Road 18 from Valley View Road to 2174 feet South County Road 18 from Valley View Road South 2220 feet, f or - 2. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice, the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements including all proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for construction and maintenance of such improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: No. 1 Above SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 261 No. 2 Above WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 222 and the area to be specially assessed therefore shall include: FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO 261 - Parcels 1540, 615, 1520, 1550 in Sec. 7, T. 116, R. 21; Outlot 1, Sioux Trail Addition; Part of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision 196. FOR WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 222 - Parcels 615 and 1550, Sec. 7, T. 116, R. 21. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconde call there were four ayes and no nays and the rustee Courtney and on nro1.1- ATTEST: I ?kLfx&& A- & Village Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 262A-10 ADOPTED AT SECOND READING. Mr. Hite presented Ordinance No. 262A-10 which establishes a Temporary Excavation District in Lot 5, Block 1, Muir Woods, for Second Reading, advising that the revision on the site grade plan requested by the Village had been received. No comments were heard from the audience and none 8/21/67 1 had been received prior thereto, whereupon Trustee Johnson offered the following ordinance for Second Reading and moved its adoption: ORDINANCE NO. 262A-10 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 2628, REGULATING THE USE OF LAND IN THE VILLAGE FOR MINING, STRIPPING AND EXTRACTION PURPOSES, BY ADDING AN ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY EXCAVATION DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: "An Ordinance Regulating the Use of Land in the Village for Mining, Stripping and Extraction Purposes," as amended, is hereby further amended by adding at the end of said section the following: Section 1. Section 3(a) (Excavation Districts Created) of Ordinance No. 262A, I "Area No. 13 Sdction 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its . Lot Five (5), Block One (l), IIuir Woods Addition". passage and publication according to law. Motion for adoption of the Ordinance was secosdw by Trustee VanValkenburg and on A*A Q Village Clerk MINING PERMIT APPROVED FOR LOT 5, BLOCK 1, MUIR WOODS. Nr. Hite advised that an application for a Mining Permit for Lot 5, Block 1, Muir Woods, had been received, accompanied by a $25.00 PermitTFee. Trustee Johnson's motion approving the per- mit upon receipt of proper bond and certificate of insurance was seconded by Trustee VanValkenburg and carried. SHELL OIL COMPANY, WILLIAM F. O'NEILL ZONING RnQUEST CONTINUED. ing and Publication were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. to continue the Shell Oil Company, '(Jilliam F. O'Nei.11 zoning hearing to September 18, 1967, as requested by the City of Minneapolis. BIDS AWARDED FOR SBNITARYJSEWER 259, WATERMAIN 221 AND STREET IMPROVEMENT BA-112. Tabulation of bids in response to "Advertisement for Bids" in the Edina Courier and in the Construction Bulletin on July 20, 27 and August 3, 1967, was presented by Mr. Hyde. Tabulation of tied bids showed J. A. Danens & Son, Inc., low bidder at $158,762.00, Orfei & Sons, Inc., second low bidder at $163,740.52, Austin P. Keller Construction Company, third low bidder at $163,751.14 and Northern Cont- racting Company high bidder at $202,966.55. Engineer's estimate had been presented at $172,337.10. J. A. Danens & Son, Inc., was seconded by Trustee VanValkenburg and carried. Affidavits of Mail- Trustee Courtney's motion was seconded by Trustee VanValkenburg and carried I Trustee Johnson's motion for award to recommended low bidder, CONTRACT AWARDED FOR STORM SEWER 110 AND SANITARY SEWER 260. Mr. Hyde presented tabulation of bids received in response to "Advertisement for Bids'' published in the Edina Courier and the Construction Bulletin on August 3 and 10, 1967. Tabu- lation of bids for Storm Sewer 110 showed Horace Montgomery low bidder at $18,981.00, Northdale Construction Co., Inc., second low bidder at $20,133.80, G. L. Contracting, Inc., third low bidder at $20,938.40 and Erickson & Brickson high bidder at $22,268.80. Tabulation for Sanitary Sewer 260 showed Phelps-Drake Co., Inc., low bidder at $9,718.50, Northern Contracting Co., second low bidder at $9,849.50, G. L. Contracting, Inc., third low bidder at $10,188.50 and Northdale Construction Co., Inc., high bidder at $15,070.00. Engineer's estimate had been- presented at $9,855.50. Trustee VanValkenburg's motion for award of contract to recommended low bidder for both contracts was seconded by Trustee Johnson and carried. R. J. ROSENDAHL REPEAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST DENIED. Mr. Hite recalled to Council that the request of Mr. R. J. Rosendahl for a side street garage set-back at 5632 Beard Ave. S. had been continued from the Council Meeting of August 7 in order that Council members would have an opportunity to inspect the site under consid- eration. the variance request based on the facts that 1) it would be out of character with the neighborhood; 2) this would set a dangerous precident for other similar situ- ations; 3) he thinks it would be possible to build the garage on the rear of the lot. Mayor Bredesen also advised that he believes that the proposed garage would be out of character. Trustee VanValkenburg then moved that the appeal be denied. Motion was seconded by Trustee Johnson and unanimously carried. Trustee Johnson advised that after viewing the property, he would oppose 8/21/67 PARKING TO BE BANNED ON WEST SIDE OF WOODDALE.AVE.. FROM TOWER STREET TO VALLEY VIEW ROAD. Mr. Hyde advised that the Traffic Safety Committee had recommended that park- ing be prohibited on the west side of Wooddale Avenue between Tower Street and Valley View Road, Mr. Hite advised that the roadway in this stretch is six feet narrower than the section between Tower Street and W. 50th Street. He stated that this is a potentially dangerous situation and showed tables indicating increased traffic volume and recommended that this restriction 'be made before trouble starts. Mrs. E. L. Wheeler, 5645 Wooddale Avenue, advised that cars parked in front of her home have been hit on two occasions and that she further feels that parked cars are dangerous for children who ride bicycles in the street. Mr. Clarence Schwarz- kopf, 5837 Wooddale Ave., Mrs. George Michael, 5704 Wooddale Ave., and Mrs. J. B. Avery, 5708 Wooddale Avenue, all spoke in opposition to the parking ban. They advised that,it-is.thefr'oFinio?~that this proposed actdon would cause additional traffic and would increase the tendency for drivers to exceed the speed limit. Mrs. Michael and Mrs. Avery both stated that their homes are across from the triangle at Woodland Road which is a bus stop, and that$ if.they had a large party, their guests would have to park on Woodland Road. Johnson, Mr. Hite advised that there have been two pedestrian accidents and a series of cases of property damage occurring on this stretch of roadway. out that while not in serious proportions, with the increasing traffic volumes it is felt that the restriction is necessary at this time before a serious accident occurs. to the notice sent to Wooddale Avenue residents and that none of the callers had expressed opposition to the restriction. Mr. Hite noted that Chief Wayne Bennett, a member of the Traffic Safety Committee, had lived on this stretch of roadway and that his recommendation for the parking ban was from personal experience. Stating that all possible should be done to alleviate accidents, Trustee Courtney moved that the parking be prohibited on the west side of Wooddale Avenue as recom- mended by the Traffic Safety Committee. Valkenburg and unanimously carried. In reply to a question of Trustee He pointed Mr. Hite pointed out that several calls have been received in response The motion was seconded by Trustee Van PUBLIC WORKS CENTER LAND ACQUISITION APPROVED. of Public Works has been using land in Braemar Park for storage and that this is becoming increasingly difficult because the land will be needed for park usage. Oscar Roberts Company has now indicated a willingness to sell a 58,000 square foot tract of land directly across Eden Avenue from the Public Works Building, which would provide a convenient place to store supplies such as salt and sand as well as out of season equipment. Mr. Hite recomnended that the Village offer $22,500 for the property with all assessments paid in full. inconspicuous and well hidden for storage purposes and that access can be made through an easement from Eden Avenue. The land is properly zoned under the old Industrial District which does not require screening as in the Planned Industrial District. 20,000 to 30,000 feet of enclosed space will be needed by the Department of Public Works by 1969 or 1970. Trustee Courtney's motion granting authority to purchase the property for a price not to exceed $22,500, with all unpaid special assessments paid, was seconded by Trustee VanValkenburg and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the motion was carried. Mr. Hyde advised that the Department It was pointed out that this area is It was further pointed out that it is highly probable that an additional J. A. DANENS & SON GRANTED MINING PERMIT. Mr. Hite advised that J. A. Danens & Son had requested a Mining Permit on the property located north of W. 76th Street between France Avenue and Xerxes Avenue. Certificate of insurance and a check in the amount of $25.00 have been received. authority of Ordinance No. 262-A in Area #3 which was established as an Excavation District many years ago. Trustee VanValkenburg's motion approving the Permit upon receipt of proper bond was seconded by Trustee Johnson and carried. JOHN MORRISETTE NOTICE OF CLAIM FILED. Mr. Hyde advised Council that a Notice of Claim had been filed with the Village relative to an accident in which John Morri- sette fell on a sidewalk while riding his bicycle in front of 4306 Grimes Avenue. Notice has been referred to the insurance company and the Village Attorney. Mining Permit would be issued under CREEK VALLEY SCHOOL PARK SITE BIDS TO BE AWARDED. Board has taken bids on the Creek Valley School Park siet and that the low bid was $109,458.30 for the first phase of the work. The School District will pay $73,000 of the construction site work and the Village's share will be $26,528.88. tion, the Village proposed to purchase approximately seven acres from the Gleason heirs for $22,450.00. as originally budgeted. the Village to participate in payment of Phase I of the Creek Valley School Park site work was seconded by Trustee Johnson and carried. Mr. Hyde advised that the School In addi- This brings the Vil2age cost to $48,978.88, againsf'$70;000 Trustee VanValkenburg's motion confirming the intention of 8/21/67 ATTORNEY'S OPINION ON MORNINGSIDE AREA STORM SEWER DISCUSSED. tion of Council to the opinion submitted by Village Attorney Whitlock in which the right of the Council to condemn Lot 19, William Scott's Addition was discussed. Mr. Whitlock's findings indicated that the Village would have very little chance of con- demning Lot 19. the Engineering Department as to how much water flows into the County Ditch and the source of this water, he will take the matter to the Attorney General for a ruling on whether the Ditch can be blocked. Mr. Hyde advised that he h$d talked with former Morningside Attorney Fred Nissen as to the findings of the Scott case which resulted in St. Louis Park buying Lot 19 and was advised that the judge had dismissed the case in favor of the defendants and that the finings had never been written. advised to send copies of Mr. Whitlock's opinion to property owners who spoke at the August 7 Council Meeting. GARRISON LANE PAVING REQUEST DENIED. ceived asking that Council originate a public hearing for permanent street improve- ment of Garrison Lane from Wooddale Avenue east. Mr. Hyde advised that only a min- ority of property owners had requested the improvement and that there is no current convincing need. street improvement to hearing, which motion was seconded by Trustee Courtney and carried unanimously. Mr. Hyde called atten- Mr. Whitlock advised that upon receipt of additional information:from Clerk was I Mr. Hyde advised that a request had been re- Trustee Johnson then moved that no action be taken to bring the INDIAN HILLS IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT TO STAND. Mr. Hyde advised that Judge Anderson had ruled that the Peter Lametti eontract for the improvements in Indian Hills was valid and that work had already been started. STREET VACATION HEARING DATES SET. 1967, was set for hearing by motion of Trustee Courtney, seconded by Trustee John- son and carried for a vacation of a portion of Doran Drive and a portion of Laguna Drive. Upon recommendation of Mr. Hyde, September 5, LIBRARY BID DATE was set for September 22, 1967, upon motion of Trustee VanValken- burg, seconded by Trustee Johnson and carried. IMPROVEMENT REPLACEMENT ASSESSMENT POLICY DISCUSSION CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 5. Mr. Hyde advised that Village Attorney Whitlock has had a memorandum prepared as to whether Council can assess for replacement of an improvement. This memorandum indicated: 1. where the improvement has worn out due to old age and where the improvement is dam- aged prior to being worn out because of defective construction. 2. The cost of tearing out old improvements\can probably be treated as incidental cost of the major improvement which may be assessed against the owners of the property to the extent that they benefit from the major improvement. 3. Ordinarily assessments must be based on the benefit property owners receive from an improvement and my not be based on cost of the improvement in front of the particular owner's lot. Nr. Hyde advised that an attempt had been made to keep the mill rate low and that paying for improvement replacements out of General Funds would, necessarily, raise the mill rate. Mayor Bredesen pointed out that, while he would be happy to pay for his own curb and gutter replacement, property owners have been told that they would only have to pay for an improvement one time. He pointed out that it is only because of heavy use of certain streets that the curbs and gutters have deteriorated kn those streets. He suggested that for a two mill increase, 50% of improvement replacement could be paid from General Funds and that the remainder could be assessed against the benefitted properties. This policy could continue until 1979 at which time funds from the improvement bond redemption fund would be available. Following considerable discussion,'Mayor Bredesen suggested that Mr. Hyde draw up a form to be filled out in order to crystazize the thinking of Council and that various municipalities be contacted to determine the reasons for methods which they follow in paying for costs of their improvement replacements. cussion be continued until September 5 so that the results of the questionnaire could be studied and Council could have an opportunity to give the matter more thought. Motion was seconded by Trustee Courtney and carried. A village can probably levy a special assessment for replacement improvements; I Trustee Johnson then moved that the dis- LOT 4, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 325, DIVISION HEARING DATE SET. Upon recommenda- tion of Mr. Hite, Trustee Johnson's motion setting hearing date for division of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 325, was set for September 5, 1967. MUD LAKE PROPERTY PURCHASE AUTHORIZED. cost of land acquisition for the Mud Lake improvement has been increased $8!5,CJOa He pointed out .that a resolution had been submitted to the Watershed District reyuest- iGg financial cooperation in the project and that a reply is expected within thirty days. It was pointed out that there is an element of risk involved in this land acquisition inasmuch as no final committment has been received. Cost estimate and Mr. Hyde advised Council that the estimated ,. c 1- - .. 8/21/67 proposed cost distribution presented by Mr. Hyde showed a otal es imated cos of $825,000 which includes $350,000 for construction of the lake, $280,000 for land ac- quisition above the flood plain, and $195,000 for land acquisition below the flood plain. Of this amount, it is anticipated that the Village and County will each pay $276,250 and that it is hoped that $272,500 will be paid by the Watershed District. The Village proposed to pay $88,750 from General Fund Surplus and $187,500 from Park Funds. Mayor Bredesen pointed out that Village records should indicate the total cost of the improvement, whether paid from Park or from General Funds. assured Council that all costs would be tabulated on the Mud Lake Improvement ledger sheet. Trustee Johnson then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, recognizing that an element of risk exists in the event that the Watershed District fails to participate in the cost distribution: Mr. Hyde RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING LAND ACQUISITION FOR MUD LAKE IMPROVEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina Village Council that Village officials are hereby author- ized to enter into negotiations for acquisition of land for the Mud Lake Improvement for an estimated cost of $475,000. Motion for adoption of the resolution was rollcall, there were four ayes and no nays was,@.opted. VanValkenburg and on ATTEST : Village Clerk ROY H. THERNELL PROPERTY TO BE PURCHASED FOR MUD LAKE IMPROVEMENT. Using the author- ity just granted to acquire property for the Mud Lake Improvement, Mr. Hyde advised that he would recommend purchase of a 28.05 acre tract of land in-the Mud Lake area which is owned by Mr. Roy H. Thernell for a cost of $101,033. All special assessments would be paid by Mr. Thernell and he would be reimbursed by the Village for taxes paid in 1967. purchase of this property on terms worked out with Mr. Thernell's attorney was seconded by Trustee Courtney and carried. Following considerable discussion, Trustee VanValkenburg's motion approving HEARING DATE SET FOR 50TKAND FRANCE IMPROVEMENTS. in discussing plans with Mr. Don Myers of the Myers Corporation, owner of Pappagallo, he found that Mr. Myers had great imagination and enthusiasm for revitalizing the area at 50th and France. run down and that he feels that it is vitally necessary that some improvements be made. With the aid of the view-graph, Mr. Hite presented slides which had been prepared at the time construction of the library was being considered in this area, He advised that before an sewer, the district for which would extend between Minnehaha Creek and White Oaks. Hite also proposed use of Municipal Gas Tax monies for construction of a roadway which would run on a diagonal northwesterly between 51st Street and France Avenue to a point just south of 50th and Halifax Avenue which would divert traffic from 50th and France. Mr, Hite also advised that proper land use and rezoning must be considered as part of the over all project. sidered as well as the present library site, additional traffic signals, ornamental lighting and landscaping in the area. if the Village has the authority to condemn land for public parking areas. Trustee Johnson then moved that hearing date be set for storm sewer, roadway and zoning for the Meeting of November 20, 1967. Motion was seconded by Trustee VanValkenburg and carried. Mayor Bredesen advised Council that Mayor Bredesen advised that this area is unplanned and now becoming further action could be taken, it would be neceasary to install a storm Mr. Public parking facilities north of 50th Street should be con- Village Attorney Whitlock was asked to determine COUNTY ROAD 18--CROSSTOWN HIGHWAY INTERCHANGE PLANS APPROVED. Mr. Hite advised that detailed plans have been submitted for approval for the County Road 18--Crosstown High- way Interchange which conform to the preliminary plans previously approved by Council. Upon recommendation of Mr, Hite, Trustee VanValkenburg offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, plans for Hennepln County Project No. S.P. 2763-06 C.P. 6518 & C.P. 6709 showing proposed alignment, profiles, grades, and cross-sections, together with spec- ifications and special provisions for the construction of TH 169 & Co. State Aid High- way 62 and 18 within the limits of the Village as a State Project have been prepared and presented to the Village: provisions be in all things approved. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED: That said plans, specifications and special L 8/21/67 Motion for adoption of the resolution was there were four ayes and no nays and the ATTEST: Mayor .- I t Y Village Clerk ,HEARING DATE SET FOR VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS. hearing date be set for September 5, 1967, for various improvements, Trustee VanVal- kenburg offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Upon recommendation of Mr. Hite that I RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ON VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS -1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Storm Sewer described in,the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of. the Village Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Tuesday, September 5, 1967, at 7:OO p.m. in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said improvements. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three substantially the following form: -days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected propertfes in (Official Publication) 1. VILIAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PEWNT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL Will meet at .the Edina Village Hall on Tuesday, September 5, 1967, at 7:OO p.m., to consider the following proposed improvement to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes of 1961, Chapter 429. The approx- imate cost of said improvement is estimated by the Village as set forth below: ESTIMATED COST CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB pND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING: Josephine Ave. from W. 65th St. to W. 66th St. -Wilryan Ave. from W. 65th St. to W. 66th St. $24,250.97 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter listed above includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets proposed to be improved. Florence B. Hallberg - Village Clerk (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 W. 50th STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Tuesday, September 5, 1967, at 7:OO p.m;, to cpnsidar the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes of 1961, Chapter 429. imate cost of said improvements are estimated by the Village as set forth below: ESTIMATED COST A. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND The approx- I APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: .lo W. 62nd St. from propos.ed .lift station 650.feet - west of Tracy Ave. to-Olinger Blvd. extended $16,181.16 - B. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE LIFT STATION AND APPURTENANCES AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION: 1. South side of W. 62nd St. at northwest corner of Countryside Park 18,000.00 C. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: 1, I?. 62nd St. from 620' west of Tracy Ave. to 750' -c- ** I,.- " 8/21/67 west to Olinger Blvd. extended; thence north- westerly along Olinger Blvd. extended to 125' south of the south line of Edina Grove Addition 21,246.99 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed sanitary sewer under A-1 above included Parcel 5000, Sec. 32, T. 117, R, 21; and Parcel 800, Sec. 5, T, 116, R. 21. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed lift station under-B-1 above includes Parcel 5000, Sec. 32, T. 117, R. 21; and Parcel 800, Sec. 5, T. 116, R. 21. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Watermain under C-1 above includes Parcel No. 5000,.Sec. 32, T. 117, R. 21; and Parcel No. 800, Sec. 5, T. 116, R. 21. Florence B. Hallberg Village Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was see there were four ayes and no nays and the reso e8- L Village Clerk ATTEsT$L STREET IMPROVEMENT BA-113 APPROVED ON 100% PETITION. a petition for an improvement consisting of bituminous street surfacing and concrete curb and gutter on Bush Lake Road from W, 74th Street north to cul-de-sac had been received in her office on July 14, 1967, signed by all owners of real property abutting on said portion of Bush Lake Road, .and that said petition also requested the Council to assess the entire cost against the property of such owners. introduced the following resolution; and moved its adoption: The Village Clerk reported that Trustee Johnson thereupon RESOLUTION ORDERING STREET IMPROVEMENT BA-113 UPON PETITION THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Council to construct a street improvement on Bush Lake Road from W. 74th Street north to cul-de-sac to consist of bituminous street surfacing and concrete curb and gutter, and to assess the entire cost against the property of petitioners, and that said pet- ition has been signed by all owners of real property abutting on said street where said improvement is to be located. 2. pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.031 (3), (Session Laws of 1961, Chapter 525, Section 2). Said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred-to in all sub- sequent proceedings as STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-113. The entire cost of'said improve- ment is hereby ordered to be assessed against the properties abutting on said Bush Lake Road where said improvement is to be located. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded bypqustee Courtney and on rollcall It is hereby found and determined that a petition has been filed requesting the The making of said improvement in accordance with said petition is hereby ordered there were four ayes and no nays and the resolu ATTEST: Village Clerk -. BIDS TO BE TAKEN ON BA-113, BA-111, A-166, be taken on September 15, 1967, for improvements BA-113, BA-111 'and A-166, Trustee Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Upon recommendation of Mr. Hite that bids RE3OLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT BA-113, BA-111 and A-166 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLA@ COUNCIL, VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed improvements set torth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 1 8/21/67 2. struction Bulletin the following notice 'for bids for improvements: The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Edina-Morningside Courier and Con- (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BITUMINOUS STREET SUREACING, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER BIDS CLOSE SEPTEMBER 15, 1967 SEALED BIDS wi.11 be received and opened in the Council Chambers in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St,, at 11:OO a.m., Friday, September 15, 1967, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO p;m. on Monday, September 18, 1967, to consider said bids for the construction of Bituminous Street Surfacing, Concrete Curb and Gutter, and miscellaneous sewer and water installation, imate quantities of major items. I The following are approx- 20,000 C/Y Class "Af' Excavation 17,700 17,700 6,000 23,700 S/Y Bituminous Surfacing SfY Class 4 Gravel 8" S/Y Class 5 Gravel 6" S/Y Class 5 Gravel 9'' 900 L/F 12" R.C.P. 28 Each, Construct Catch Basins 18,750 S/F Concrete Sidewalk 11,000 L/F Concrete Curb and Gutter 6,500 SLY Sod Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Plans and specdfications are available for a deposit of $25.00 (by check), Said deposit to be returned upon return of the plans and specifications with a bona fide bi-d. cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid. to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by The Council reserves the right I Florence B. Hallberg Village Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was second there were four ayes and no nays and the res ATTEST: > Village Clerk BIDS AUTHORIZED FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT BA-100. Trustee VanValkenburg offered the following resolution author'izing bids for Street - Improvement BA-100 and moved its adoption: Upon recommendation of Mr. Hite, RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR BA-100 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: 1. The plans and speciHcations for the proposed improvements set.forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, 2. letin the following notice for bids for improvement BA-100. The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Edina Courier and Construction Bul- (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA BITUMINOUS STmET SURFACING SEWER CONSTRUCTION - t Advertisement for Bids CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, AND MISCELLANEOUS \ BIDS CLOSE SEPTEMBER 15, 1967 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W, 50th St,, at 11:OO a.m., Friday, September 15, 1967, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO p,m, on Monday, September 18, 1967, to consider said bids for the construction of Bituminous Street Surfqcing, Concrete curb and gutter, and miscellaneous sewer construction. The following are approximate quan- tities of major items. 8/21/67 500 C/Y Class "A" Excavation 1,300 1,300 1,100 S/Y Bituminous Surfacing S/Y Class 4 Gravel 8" S/Y Class 5 Gravel 6" 750 L/F 24" R.C.P. 740 L/F Concrete Curb and Gutter 1,500 S/Y Sod Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file 'in the office of the Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $5.00 (by check). Said deposit to be returned upon return-of the plans and specifications with a bona fide bid. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10%) percent of amount of base bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL Florence B. Hallberg Village Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was sec call there were five ayes and no nays and th Trustee Johnson and on roll- ATTEST: ix j~ .+ 43 ts e;, CJ BLACK DIRT PURCHASE APPROVED FOR PARK DEPARTMENT, Department, Trustee Courtney's motion was seconded by Trustee Johnson and carried for approval of purchase of black dirt for Garden Park at $1.20 per cubic yard for $ f800.00. Upon recommendation of the Park LIQUOR REPORT as of June 30, 1967, was submitted by Mr. Dalen, reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Trustee Johnson, seconded by Trustee Courtney and Car- ried. TREASURER'S REPORT as of June 30, 1967, was presented by Mr. Dalen, reviewed and . ordered placed on file By motion of Trustee VanValkenburg, seconded by Trustee Johnson and carried. I GOLF COURSE REPORT as of July 31, 1967, was presented by Mr. Dalen,. reviewed and I ordered placed on file by motion of Trustee Courtney, seconded by Trustee Van Val- kenburg and carried. I CLAIMS PAID. carried for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List: Park Sinking, Swim Pool, Golf.Course and Arena, $41,348.95; Water Fund, $32,593.70, Liquor Fund, $61,177.58; Sewer Rental Fund, $1,785.04; Improvement Fund, $458,469.57; Poor Fund, $100.00; Total, $933,611.75. Motion of Trustee Johnson was seconded by Trustee VanValkenburg and General Fund, $28,514.34; Construction Fund, $309,622.57; Park, Park Construction, The agenda's business having been covered, Trustee VanValkenburg's motion for adjournment was seconded by Trustee Courtney and carried. Adjournment at 8:55.