HomeMy WebLinkAbout19680401_regular6 I' MINUTES OF THE REGULARMEETING OF THE MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1968 EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD AT VILLAGE HALL ON Members answering rollcall were Councilmen Courtney, Johnson, Shaw, VanValkenburg a and Mayor Bredesen. MINUTES of the meeting of March 18, 1968, were approved as submitted by motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and carried. RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRATULATIONS EXTENDED TO CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS AND TO COACH STAVROS P. CANAKES. by Edina teams and that Edina Football Coach Stavros P. Canakes has been named "Outstanding Football Coach of the State." tions and moved their adoption: Councilman Cou'rtney noted that a number of championships have been won He then offered the followed resolu- RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO EDINA HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL TEAM WHEREAS, Edina High School's 1967-68 basketball team extended the school's domination of this sport in Minnesota to three years by setting one record of 69 consecutive triumphs and another record by winning the State Tournament for the third consecutive year, and Leo Cabalka and Tom O'Connell, have been directly responsible for the excellent coaching and leadership given-to Edina's basketball teams, and of good sportsmanship by their conduct; Village Council, on behalf of all citizens of Edina, be expressed to the players and coaches for their magnificant accomplishments which have brought great credit to the entire community, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that appropriate copies of this resolution be presented to Coaches Duane Baglien, Robert Savre, Robert Haddorf, Leo Cabalka and Tom O'Connell, to Joe Benson, Mike Burley, Tom Cabalka, Bill Fiedler, Chuck Heikenen, Todd Huebscher, Bruce Johnson; John Mestamacher, Tommy Miller, Larry Nackerud, Dirk Peterson, Bob Rose, Mark Thoele, Paul Wright and Bon Zender and to Student Managers Rick Kitchen, Tuck Peterson and Rich Johnson and to Athletic Director Howard Merriman. WHEREAS, Coach Duane Baglien and his assissants, Robert Savre, Robert Haddorf, WHEREAS, the 'members of the team continued to demonstrate the highest.ideals NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the pride and admiration of the Mayor and RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO OPTIMIST BANTAM HOCKEY TEAM WHEREAS, the Optimist Bantam Hockey Team of Edina has won the Minnesota State Tournament and has represented Edina in the National Tournament at Braemar Arena on March 29, 30, and 31, 1968; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ihat the Mayor and Council extend. congratulations to a11 members of the team and to Coach Car1,Moser for the excellent showing made in representing Edina so creditably. RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO NORTHWEST AIRLINES PEE .WEE HOCKEY TEAM WHEREAS, the Northwest Airlines Pee Wee Hockey Team of Edina has won the Minn- esota State Tournament and will represent Edina in the National Tournament in Los Angeles on April 5, 6, and'7, 1968; and best wishes to all'members. of the team and to Coach John Sweetland with full confidence in their ability to represent creditably the Edina Hockey Association and the Village of Edina's Braemar Arena. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council extend congratulations RESOLUTION OF CONGRATUQTIONS TO EDINA HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING TEAM WHEREAS, the Edina High School Swimming Team has won the 1968 Minnesota State High School Swimming Meet for the second Consecutive year, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council extend congratulations to Coach Arthur Downey and to Assistant Coach Laszlo Szendrey and to Gordy Alexander, Tim Braine, Paul Chadbourn, Frank Cronan, Ross DeKraay, Ed Eyden, John Francis, Rich Garlock, Scott Hallam, Jay Johnston, Tom Love, John Miller, Rich Moreland, Greg Nevins, John Nord, Dave Ogren, Brad Orlsben, Jack Schirmer, Todd Smith, Chris Turner, Marty Umberger, Bob Warnke, Mark West, Mark Willes, and to Student Manager Scott Moesle and to Athletic Director Howard Merriman for the excellent showing made in representing Edina so creditably; - AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that appropriate copies of this resolution be pre- sented to all members of the team, to Student Manager Scott Moesle, to Coaches Arthur Downey and Laszlo Szendrey, and to Athletic Director Howard Merriman. RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS -. TO HIGH SCHOOL BOWL TEAM WHEREAS, Edina High School has participated in the "High School Bowl" on T.V. Channel 5 for three consecutive weeks, making an impressive showing on each program; and WHEREAS, the team retired undefeated in accordance with the rules of the game; I i I 4/1/68 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor.and Council extend sincere con- gratulations to the coach, Mrs. Patricia Johnsonj to Drew Akason, James Groth, Richard Hibbard, and Steven Mellema and to Alternate Members Sarah Bodine and Robert Shober for the outstanding display of knowledge which was exhibited on "High School Bowl.'' AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that appropriate copies of this resolution be presented to members of the team and to Coach Patricia Brown. RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO EDINA HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS TEAM WHEREAS. it has been belatedly brought to the attention of the Village Council that the Edina High School Tennis Team won the Minnesota State High School Tennis Championship for 1967, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council of the Village of Edina extend belated but sincere congratulations to Jim Bryan, Tom Boulay, Bill Carlander, Robb Jones, Dave Kuehn, Dave Mathews, Jim Mitchell, Jim Plasman, Dave Stockdale, Jim Stuart, Ted Warner and Bill Weigel and to Coach John Matlon, and Assistant Coach Laszlo Szendrey for the outstanding sportsmanship and showing of this team. presented to Coaches John Matlon and Laszlo SzendTrey and to Athletic Director Howard Merriman. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED' that appropriate copies of this resolution be RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO FOOTBALL COACH STAVROS P. CANAKES WHEREZS, Football Coach Stavros P. Canakes has served as head football coach of Edina High School football teams since 1961, and impressive record, winning or tying the Lake Conference football championship four out of seven years, and by the Minnesota State High School Football Coaches' Association; gratulations, not only for this recognition, but for the outstanding ability and sportsmanship exhibited by members of the Edind High School football teams under his direction and that an appropriate copy of this resolution be sent to Coach Stavros P, Ganakes and to Athletic Director HowarHerriman. WHEREAS, during that time Edina High School football teams have compiled an WHEREAS, Coach Canakes has been named "Outstanding Football Goach of the Year'' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council extend sincere con- Motion for the adoption of the resolutions was resolutions were adopted. eco hed by Cou lman Shaw and the I ATTEST : Mayor &. t - Villaga Clerk VARIOUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED. Mr. Hyde noted that hearings had been conducted at the meethg of March 18, 1968, but that Council had not been able to act because only three members had been present. continued and action taken as hereinafter recorded: A, CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER P-266 AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: Hearings were, therefore, Washington Avenue from'600 feet south of County Road Bl8 to North Frontage :- B, CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN P-228 AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: C, CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING AND GRAVELING P-C-94 IN THE FOLLOWING: D. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER P-BA-127 ' Road of Highway #494. Washington Avenue from County Road 1/18 to North Frontage Road of Highway 1k94. Washington Avenue from'County Road #18 to North Frontage Road of Highway 1,494. IN THE FOLLOWING: Washington Avenue from County Road 118 to North Frontage Road of Highway 11494. West 70th Street from 1310 feet east of France Avenue to York Avenue. West 70th Street from France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue. York Avenue from West 69th Street to West 70th Street. Gleason Road from north line of bot 2, Block 1, Schey's Park View 3rd Addition to Loch Moor Drive.. Gleason Road from Schey Drive to Loch Moor Drive, E. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN P-229 AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: F. CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING AND GRAVELING P-C-96 IN THE FOLLOWING: G. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER P-267 AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: H. CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING AND GRAVELING P-C-95 IN THE FOLLOWING: I. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER P-BA-117 East Frontage Road of County Road #l58 (Vernon Avenue) from north line of Enroth's First Addition to 540' north. IN THE FOLLOWING:' / 63 4/1/68 Members who had been absent at the meeting of March 18, 1968, having reviewed the minutes and discussion of said meeting, Councilman VanValkenburg offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING SANITARY SEWERS NOS. 266 AND 267, WATERMAINS NOS. 228 AND 229, STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS.,C-94, C-95, C-96, BA-117 AND BA-127 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published and mailed to owners of each parcel within the area proposed to be assessed on the follow- ing proposed improvements: 1. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES in Washington Avenue from 600 feet south of County Road 1118 to North Frontage Road of Highway 11494. -2. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES in Washington Avenue from County Road #18 to North Frontage Road of Highway 1'494. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING AND GRAVELING in Washington Avenue from County Road #18 to North Frontage Road of Highway 11494. 4. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER in Washington Avenue from County Road 1118 to North Frontage Road of Highway 11494. 5. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES in West 70th Street from 1310 feet 6. CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING AND GRAVELING in West 70th Street from France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue. I. 7. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES in Gleason Road frqm north line of lot 2, Block 1, Schey's Park View 3rd Addition to Loch Moor Drive. -8. CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING AND GRAVELING in Gleason Road from Schey Drive to Loch Moor Drive. 9. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER in east Frontage Road of County Road 11158 (Vernon Avenue) from north line of Enroth's First Addition to 540' north. I \ east of France Avenue to York Avenue. u3 and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said ,notice the Coun- cil has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the con- in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for construction and maintenance of such improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: - struction of said improvements including all proceedings which may be necessary No. 1 Above SANITARY SEWER NO. 266 No. 2 Above WATERMAIN NO. 228 No. 3 Above GRADING AND GRAVELING NO. C-94 No. 4.Above STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-127 No. 5 Above WATERMAIN NO. 229 No. 6 Above GRADING AND GRAVELING NO. C-96 No. 7 Above SANITARY SEWER NO. 267 No. 8 Above GRADING AND GRAVELING NO. C-95 No. 9 Above ADDITION TO STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-117 I and the areas to be specially assessed for Sanitary Sewer 266 , Watermain 228, Street Improvements BA-127 and C-94 includes all lots and tracts of land abut- ting the streets proposed to be improved; for Watermain No. 229 the area pro- posed to be assessed for C-96-includes Lots A and E, R.L.S. #1171, Lot A, R.L.S. 111233, Lot M, R.L.S. 11629, and Parcels 11412 and 88401, Sec, 32, T. 28, R. 24; the area proposed to be assessed for Sanitary Sewer 267 includes Parcel 9999, Aud- itors Subdivision #196 and Parcel 5510, Sec. 7, T. 116, R. 21; the area proposed to be assessed for C-95 above includes Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and Outlot 1, in Schey's Park View 3rd Addition, Parcel 9999, Auditor's Subdivision 11196, and Parcels 112000 and 115510, Sec. 7, T. 116, R. 21; the area pqosed to be assessed for Street Im- provement BA-117 includes Lots 1 through 6 inclusive, Lots 11 through 27 inclusive, Block 3, Lots 12 through 20 inclusiv Motion for adoption of the resolution was rollcall there were five ayes and no nays ATTEST : - Village Clerk I TRIPLE A INVES~NT COMPANY GRAN~D OFFICE BUILDING ZONING FOR HEDBERG PROPERXY. Mr. Hoisington presented request of Triple A Investment Company for Second Reading for Office Building zoning for the Hedberg property located on the northwest corner of Parklawn Avenue and*France Avenue, First Reading for which had been granted on March 18, 1968. Valkenburg offered Ordinance 261-158 for Second Reading and moved its adoption: No comments being heard,'Councilman Van ORDINANCE NO. 262-158 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 261 BY REZONING PROPERTY FROM R-1 DISTRICT TO OFF ICE BUILDING DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: 4/1/68 Section 1. Paragraph 2, "Boundaries of Office Building District," Section 8, "Office Building Districtt1 Ordinance No. 261 of revised ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding the following subparagraph: "(y) That part of the East 1/2 of the.Southeast 114 of Section 31, Townshi-p 28, Range 24, Hennepin County,.Minnesota, described as follows: said tract; then West 350 feet; thence South 330 feet; thence except roads. (I Commencing at the Northeast corner of - East 350 feet; thence North 330 feet to the place of beginning, Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately. I after its passage and publication according to law. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconde call there were five ayes and no nays and the w and on roll- ATTEST: SdL de-! Village Clerk M. P. JOHNSON PROSPECT HILLS FIRST AND SECOND ADDITIONS GRANTED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL. Affadavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hoisington presented M. I?. Johnson's Prospect Hills First and Second Additions for preliminary approval, noting that preliminary app- roval had been granted November 6, 1967, but that the plats had been revised to include four additional lots. No discussion being heard, CouncilmanIShaw offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT OF M. P, JOHNSON'S PROSPECT HILLS FIRST AND SECOND ADDITIONS - BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that those certain plats entitled M. P, Johnson's Prospect Hills First and Second Add- itions, platted by M. P. Johsnon and presented at the meeting of the Village Coun- .til of April 1, 1968, be and hereby are gran Motion for adoption of the resolution was se rollcall there were five ayes and no nays an . W Mayor I ATTEST : - 9, ,- Village Clerk - MOTOR STREET BETWEEN BROOKSIDE AVENUE AND RUTLEDGE AVXNUE NAME CHANGE TO "BROOKSIDE COURT" GRANTED FIRST READING. roved as -to form and ordered placed on file, Affidavits ot Notice were presented by Clerk, app- Mr. Hite advised Council that a re- quest had been received to change the name of that portion of Motor Street between Brookside and Rutledge Avenues to "Brookside Court." Councilman Shaw offered Ordinance No. 164-41.for First Reading as follows: No objections being heard, ... ,.. , ORDINANCE NO. 164-41. AN.ORDINANCE AMENDING VILLAGE OF EDINA ORDINANCE CERTAIN STREETS, ROADS AND AVENUES OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA" THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: amended by adding after Section 67 the following: - NO. 164 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE NAMING AND RENAMING - Section 1. Ordinance No. 164 of the Village, as amended, is. hereby further "Section 68. 'Motor Street' from Brookside Avenue to Rutledge Avenue as the same of record in the office of +the Register of I Deeds of Hennepin County is hereby named 'Brookside Court.'" Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and public ation. STREET SURFACING CONTRACT AWARDED FOR NUMEROUS IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Hyde presented tabulation of five bids received in response to Advertisement for Bids published in the Edina Sun on March 7 and in the Construction Bulletin on March 7, 14, and 21, 1968, for Street Improvements BA-112, BA-115, BA-116, BA-119, BA-120, BA-121, BA-122, BA-123, BA-124, and BA-126. at $237,242.50, Matt Bullock Contracting Co., Inc. and Don Anderson Excavating Co,, Inc. second low bidder at $244,368.50, Black Top Service Company third low bidder . at $247,234.50 and Riegger Roadways, Inc. high bidder at $252,956.50, as against Engineer's estimate of $291,497.90. Councilman VanValkenburg's motion for award to recommended low bidder, Bury and Carlson, was then seconded by Councilman Cour- tney and carried. Tabulation showed Bury and Carlson low bidder - 4/1/68 65 I 5 CONTRACT AWARDED FOR 100 FOOT AERIAL LADDER FIRE TRUCK. Affidavit of Pub- lication in the Edina Sun on March 14, 1968, was presented by CleGk; approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hyde presented tabulation of the rebid for the 100 foot aerial ladder fire truck which showed Seagrave Company low bidder at $50,253.00 in comparison with American LaFrance Company bid of $50,750 for the same truck, He noted that alternate bids were requested for rear wheel steer on the rear axels for which Seagrave Company bid $1,280 additional. American LaFrance did not submit an alternate bid. Mr. Hyde noted that an Edina resident who is affiliated with a company that sells Maxim equipment had felt that the specifications were tailored to the Seagrave truck, but he pointed out that the fact that American LaFrance had bid without ex- ception would indicate that this is not the case. Councilman VanValkenburg's motion approving award of bid to Seagrave Company at $51,533.00 with rear steer on the axles as recommended was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. 65TH AND NORMANDALE RESIDENTS REQUEST STATE HIGHWAY ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY. Mr. Hyde advised Council that property owners of 6500, 6508, 6516, and 6524 Normandale Road had requested that the Highway Department be requested to pur- chase their property because they fear that the upgrading of T.H. 100 would have a detrimental effect on their property. motion that the matter be referred to the State Highway Department was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried, Councilman VanValkenburg's CROSSTOWN HIGHWAY LIGHTING MATTER CONTINUED TO MAY 6. that the County Highway Department had replied to Council's request for addit- < ional lighting of the Crosstown Highway, stating that lighting will be installed as quickly as budgetary considerations will allow. The question arose as to whether funds could be loaned to the County by the Village for this purpose. Mr. Dalen indicated that this would be possible. Hite that he believes that a determination will be made-within the next month, Councilman Johnson's motion that the matter be continued to May 6, 1968, was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. Mr. Hyde advised Council Upon being advised by Mr. OILING PETITION for Sherwood Avenue between West 65th Street and West 66th Street was accepted and ordered referred to the Department of Public Works for processing by motion of Councilman VanValkenburg, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. CREEKSIDE CHAPTER OF ISAAC WALTQN LEAGUE PROTESTS CONDITIONS AT DIETRICH APARTMENT SITE. Mr. Hyde advised Council that the Creekside Chapter of the Isaac Walton League has protested conditions existing at' the construction site of the Dietrich apartments along Minnehaha Creek, adjacent to St. Louis Park. He noted that he, Mr. Hite, and Mr. Moser had inspected the site and felt that existing conditions are a normal part of developing a project of this type. tor and that they have given land to the Village for a ponding area between the third and fourth site in an effort to protect the creek flood plain. Hyde read a letter from Mr. Rietrich advising that he is doing all possible to correct the situation and that these conditions should be 'alleviated by the fall of 1968. Mayor Bredesen noted that the problem might be partially solved if burning ordinances in the Village were not so stringent. Chief McNellis pointed out that Dietrich Construction does have a Burning Permit, although since the dry spell they have refrained from burning. 4368 Vernon Avenue, advised that-his concern is with the. silt that comes down the creek. ruction letter would be sent to Edina residents who signed the petition along with a letter stating the position of the Village in the matter. Mr. Hite noted that Dietrich Construction is a most dependable contrac- I Mr. Mr. George Taylor, It was then determined that copies of the Dietrich Const- .- DREHER' S FIRST ADDITION GRANTED FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. Dreher's First Addition for final plat approval as recommended by Planning Mr. Hoisington presented Commission. resolution and moved its adopti0n:pending Planning Comission approval: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Dreher's First Addition Replat," platted by Carl M. Hansen and Helen M. Hansen, husband and wife, and presented at the meeting of the Village Council of April 1, 1968, Motion for adoption of the resolution was rollcall there were five ayes and no n No comments being heard, Councilman Courtney offered the foliowing DREHER'S FIRST ADDITION REPLAT- - is hereby approved. . ATTEST : NOTE: See instrument signed by contract &(BAL 4. % buyer (Robert Otness) accepting and Village Clerk authorizing this plat. 4/1/68 3 EDINA R.L.S. GRANTED FiNAL PLAT APPROVAL, Mr. Hoisieon presented Edina R.L.S. as recommended by the Planning Commission. following resolution and moved its adoption: (SEE CORRECTION IN MINUTES OF 4/15/68) which is located north of Braemar, and south of Valley View Road for final approval .l- Councilman Courtney then offered the RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF VILLAGE OF EDINA REGISTERED LAND SUWY -. ---- BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Village of Edina Registered Land SuriTey" platted by the Village of Edina and presented at the Meeting of the Village Council of April 1, 1968, be and is hereby approved. Motion for adoption of the resolution was secondfi Councilman Shaw and on * A. 7!LelLS Village Clerk HEARING DATES SET FOR VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS. Councilman Shaw ottered the Pollowing resolution setcing hearing dates tor various improvements and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS Upon recommendation of Mr. Hite, , The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary reporc as -to rhe feasibility 02 the proposed improvemencs described in Ehe form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 1: This Council shall meet on Monday, April 15, 1968, at 7:OO p.m. in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said improvements. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in substantially the following form: (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPII? COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ON * PERMANENT STREET SURFACING, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, BRIDGE, ASPHALT CONCRETE OVERLAY WITH SEAL COAT, AND ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING THE VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the EdinaWllage Hall on Monday, April 15, 1968, at 7:OO p.m, to consider the following proposed improvements to be con- structed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, The ' approximate cost of said improvements are estimated by the Village as set forth below: ESTIMATED COST 1. CONSTRUCTION OF. PORTLAND CEMENT AND (=UTTER AND ASPHALT CONCRETE SEAL COAT IN THE FOLLOWING: IMPROVEMENT NO, P-BA-129 CONCRETE CURB OVERLAY WITH Wooddale Ave. from W. 50th St. to W. 44th St. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING IN THE FOLLOWING: IMPROWDENT NO. P-A-169 Alley between 3edford Ave. and Oxford Ave. and between W. 51st St. and Interlachen Blvd. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BRIDGE IN TkE FOLLOWING : IMPROVEMENT NO. P-BA-128 AND IMPROVEMENT NO. P-BR-3 Benton Ave. from Crescent Drive to Hansen Road 4. CONSTRUCTION OF ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: IMPROVEMENT NO , P-L-5 . Sunnyside Road from Highway !,,lo0 to Grimes Ave. Edgebrook Place Browndale Ave. from North line of Country Club District Brown Section to South line of Lot 2, Block 16, Country Club District Brown Section =$ 53,854,92 9 5,724.42 $148,448.38 4/i/68 Moorland Ave. from Sunnyside Rd.. to Country Club Road. Edina Blvd. from Sunnyside Road to Country Club Road Wooddale Ave. from North line of Country Club District Brown Section to W. 50th St. Drexel Ave. from Sunnyside Rd. to Country Club Road Casco Ave. from Sunnyside Road to Country'Club Road Bruce Ave. from Sunnyside Road to W. 50th St. Arden Ave. from Sunnyside Road to W. 50th St. JBridge St. from Minnehaha Creek to Arden Ave. Country Club Rd. from Browndale Ave. to Arden Ave. Edina Court - $ 62,541.78 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter and Asphalt Concrete Overlay with Seal Coat under 1 above, includes Lots 18 and 19, Block 1, Lots 11 through 20 inclusive, Block 7, Lots 1 through 12 inclusive, Block 8, Lots 1 through 13 inclusive, Block 9, Lots 12 through 21 inclusive, Block 10, and Lot 5, Block 16, all in Country Club District Brown Section; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Rearrangement of 3, Edina Court; Lot 13, Block 1, Lot 16, Block 7, and Lot 20, Block 14, in Country Club District, Fairway Section. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing under 2 above, includes Lots 3 through 23 inclusive, Block 4, Brookside Heights. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing, Concrete Curb and Gutter, and Bridge under 3 above, includes Lots 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, and 49, Warden Acres; Lot 3, Block 1, Warden Acres - Berg Replat; and Lot 1, Block 1, The0 Nelson's Addition. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Ornamental Street Lighting under 4 above, includes Lots 1 through 13 inclusive, Block 1, Lots 1 through 15 inclusive, Block 2, Lots 1 through 30, inclusive, Block 3, Lots 1 through 32 inclusive, Block 4, Lobs 1 through 31 inclusive, Block 5, Lots 1 through 14 inclusive, Block 6, Lots 1 through 16 inclusive, Block 7, Lots 1 through 37 inclusive, Block 8, Lots 1 through 37 inclusive, Block 9, Lots 1 through 34 inclusive, Block 10, Lots 1 through 29 inclusive, Block 11, Lots 1 through 19 inclusive, Block 12, Lots 1 through 19 inclusive, Block 14, Lots 1 through 10 inclusive, Block 15, all in Country Club District, Fairway Section; Lots 1 through 8, inclusive', Block 1, Edina Court; Lots 1 through 19 inclusive, Block 1, Lots 1 through 13, inclusive, Block 2, Lots 1 through 8 inclusive, Block 3, Lots 1 through 23 inclusive, Block 4, Lots 1 through 17 inclusive, Block 5, Lots 1 through 18 inclusive, Block 6, Lots 1 through 20 inclusive, Block 7, Lots 1 through 12 inclusive, Block 8, Lots 1 throguh 13 inclusive, Block.9, Lots 1 'throguh 21 inclusive, Block 10, Lots 1 through 20 inclusive, Block 11, Lots 1 through 28 inclusive, Block 12, Lots 1 through 19 inclusive, Block 14, Lots 1 through 5 inclusive, Block 15, Lots 1 through 5 inclusive, Block 16, all in Country Club District, Brown Section; and Lots 1 through 9 inclusive, Rearrangement of North Part of Block 16, Country Club District, Brown Section. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seed by Councilman Courtney and -North part of Block 16, Country Club District Brown Section; Lots 1, 2, and on rollcall there were five ayes and no ATTEST : $b @4# Village Clerk BILTMORE MOTEL BEER LICENSE APPROVED CONDITIONALLY. Motel for an On-sale Beer License was presented to Council by Mr. Hyde who ad- vised Council that because the motel restaurant is having some difficulty with their plumbing, the Health Department is temporarily withholding food licenses for the motel, Councilman Shaw's motion that the license be continued until the next meeting at which time it be reconsidered was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Application of the Biltmore JOYCE'S BAKERY FOOD ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE EXTENDED. that the Health Department is withholding the Food Establishment License of Mr. Hyde advised Council Joyce's Bakery pending compliance with directives issued last year. some discussion, Councilman Shaw's motion to continue the license until the. next meeting in order that conditions at the bakery can be investigated was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Following 4/1/68 SUNDAY CkOS%NG ORDINANCE TO BE REPEALED. that, in view of the recent Court decision in the Target case, it is his opinion that the Edina Sunday Closing Ordinance is unconstitutional and unenforcible. noted that the Court had not ruled on the validity of the general state Sunday Closing Statute because the complaint had not alleged a violation of the general statute. Mr. Whitlock pointed o,ut that the Court had gone out of its way to in- dicate that Sunday closing legislation is lawful and constitutional if properly drawn. Councilman Johnson noted that he believes that all Sunday closing legis- lation is arbitrary and discriminatory. Stating that he decries Sunday opening even though he defends the right to do it, Councilman Shaw moved that the existi- Village Sunday Ordinance be. repealed,. Motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Village Attorney Whitlock advised Council He POLICE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT APPROVED. Attorney has drawn up a proposed agreement to formalize the procedure whereby Po- lice and Fire Departments of neighboring municipalities come to each other's assistance in the event of Civil Defense emergencies. alities relative to Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability insurance ensued. Mr. Dalen pointed out that cooperating municipalities should all provide riders on their insurance policies'to protect employees and the Village. Courtney's motion approving the agreement subject to adequate insurance coverage by participating municipalities and subject further to final approval by the Vil- lage Attorney, was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. 1968 SALARY RESOLUTION AMENDED. Mr. Hyde. reviewed a ne morandum which he had sent to Council stating that Edina has fallen behind neighboring municipalities in salary schedules for the Police Department and recommended certain revisions in the 1968 Salary Resolution for these departments in order to bring salaries to a level which compares to other municipalities. He further recommended approval of the basic concept of establishment of an Educational Incentive Program, details of which would be worked out at a later date. He noted that the approximate cost for granting such increases would be approximately $3,000 per month, and that the increase could be charged to the Contingency Account or taken from Unappropriated Surplus. Mr. Hyde further recommended that the salary of Planner Fred Hoisington be increased as of April 1 from $775 to $825 to bring his salary more in line with salaries paid the Planners of St. Louis Park and Bloomington. cost can be absorbed by cutting back on outside consultants. kenburg then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that maximum monthly salaries be established as follows: Mr. Hyde advised Council that the County Discussion as to the leg- . Councilman This additional Councilman VanVal- RESOLUTION ADJUSTING MAXIMUM SALARIES POLICE DEPARTMENT Patrolmen Sergeants Detectives Cap t ains Det, Sergeants FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Assistant Chief Lieutenants Drivers (3) P1 anner Starting Monthly Salary 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years Starting Monthly Salary 1 Year 2 Years Starting Monthly Salary 1 Year 2 Years Starting Monthly Salary 1 Year 2 Years Starting Monthly Salary 1 Year 2 Years .. $600 640 675 700 7 30 $767 790 805 $750 7 65 780 $875 900 915 $787 810 825 $900 Per Month 825 7 62 $25 monthly increase over normal pay - $825 rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and Motion for adoption of the resolution was Mayor ATTEST : &, .Lhlo Village Clerk 4/1/68 . & m m 43 FRANCE AVENUE PARKING NORTH OF CROSSTOWN HIGHWAY TO BE RESTRICTED. Mr. Hite advised Council that the County and the Traffic Safety Committee have both requested that the Village prohibit curb parking on each side of France Avenue immediately north of the ramps of the Crosstown for a distance of approximately 300 feet.. Mayor Bredesen pointed out that he feels that this restriction would cause considerable inconvenience for guest parking, and that this situation is no more troublesome than conditions in the 50th and France business area. The possibility of elimination of all parking on France Avenue as future traffic conditions warrant was also discussed. Mr. Hite poin- ted out that parking restrictions in the 50th and France area would be discussed at the meeting of April 15. Councilman VanValkenburg's motion that parking on France Avenue north of-the Crosstown Highway be restricted during rush hours only, in view of the fact that 50th and France Avenue parking restrictions will be considered at the meeting of April 15, was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried.' ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING POLICY DISCUSSED. 1,100 or 1,200 street lights in the Village only about 150 are ornamental lights and Mr . Hite advised Council that out of recommended that consideration now be made to improve both the quality and the quan- tity of street lighting facilities. This improvement is brought bo the attention of Council at this time in view of the fact that the new areas which have underground wiring are now in need of street lights and because the Country Club area street lighting system is now in need of replacement. For the new areas served by under- ground wiring, Northern States Power has proposed to install an ornamental street lighting system and recover the cost by adding $1.00 per month per fixture to the standard street lighting charge as established by contract. This would raise the cost for a normal 175 watt mercury vapor street light from $45 to $57 annually. Hite pointed out that a decision must be reached as to whether the General Fund should assume the additional $12 per fixture or whether some other source should be used to bear this additional cost. With an expected life for each fixture this would cost from $240 to $360. If the General Fund was authorized to assume this additional cost for the new areas, then possibly the General Fund should equally support a part of the proposed Country Club improvement which Northern States Power will not install. above $240 to $360 might be considered. one half to two thirds, would still have to be assessed against the benefited properties. has benefited from the ornamental system through a reduced annual electric charge. Mr. Hite pointed out that the charge for an ornamental light as exists in the Country Club area is $30 versus $45 for a standard overhead lighting throughout the Village. In a sense, the residents of this area have not received any return on their investment. Fund assume the total cost of street light improvement thus avoiding complicated assessment policies. Mr. Hite pointed out that if the General Fund was to pay fully for street light improvements, it would take about'a two mill levy to support such a program, which when compared with the present total Village mill rate of 28.55 is substantial. Following considerable discussion Councilman Shawls motion that the decision as to means of paying for street lighting be continued pending receipt of a recommendation from Mr. Hite was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Mr. Some ratio of assistance by the General Fund based on the The balance of the project, approximately Mayor Bredesen further noted that in the Country Club area the Village Discussion followed on the possibility of having the General ORDINANCE NO. 143-5 GRANTED FIRST READING. Mr..Hyde presented Ordinance No. 143-5 for first reading, advising that this ordinance restricts the storage of vehicles and equipment in the residential districts. 261-159 which will repeal sections in the Zoning Ordinance dealing with this problem. Following some discussion, Councilman Shaw offered the following ordinances for first reading as follows: He further presented Ordinance No. ORDINANCE NO. 143-5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 143 DEFINING PARKING AND STORAGE OF VEHICLES, HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND APPLIANCES, EQUIPMENT AND TEMPORARY STRUCTURES AS A NUISANCE THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph (m) of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 143 of the Village, as last amended by Ordinance No, 143-4, is hereby further amended to read as.follows: type vehicle in excess of 7,000 pounds of gross weight on private property in the S.ingle Family Dwelling District. tered or inoperable vehicle or vehicles, or any household furnishings or appliances on private property in the Single Family Dwelling District, unless housed within a lawfully erected building, shed, tool house or garage. The constant maintenance in the Single Family Dwelling District of any vehicle, mobile home, pick-up camper, travel or camping trailer, marine craft, or any portable structure or shed in the space between a dwelling any any public street, road or way, and within five feet of ' "(m) The parking or storing of trucks, tractors, or trailers or any commercial The parking or storing of any unlicensed, unregis- i 4/1/68 1 any property Line; .provided. that the parking of one passenger automobile on a.private driveway, or, if the average width of the building site of a dwelling is 49 feet or less, the parking of two such passenger automobiles on a private driveway shall not be deemed a nuisance." This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. Q Sec. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 261-159 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING PROVISION IN ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO PARKING OF VEHICLES IN THE SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Subsubparagraph (12) of'subparagraph (b) of paragraph 2 of Section 3 (Single Family Dwelling District) of Ordinance No. 261, as amended, is hereby re- pealed and rescinded. The ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and pub- lication. I Sec. 2. SCENIC VIEW I1 ADDITION QUIT CLAIM DEED AUTHORIZED. Deed for execution between the Village and Poppler-Cardarelle which is needed to formalize the storm sewer easement vacation in Scenic View Second Addition approved by Council on November 6, 1967. resolution and moved its adoption: Mr. Hyde presented a Quit Claim Councilman VanValkenburg then offered the following RESOLUTION. AUTHORIZING QUIT CLAIM DEED WHEREAS, by Agreement. dated March 5, 1962, and recorded in Book 2337 of Deeds, Page 390, certain temporary easements for storm sewer purposes were granted to the Village of Edina over, under and across Lot 3, Block 1, Doris Addition; and WHEREAS, there has been dedicated to the public by the plat of Scenic View Sec- ond Addition, now on file, other storm sewer easements in lieu of the temporary storm sewer easements granted by said Agreement and by the terms of said Agreement the tem- porary easements were to continue until such time as the storm sewer easements shown on said plat of Seenic View Second Addition were dedicated, at which time the tempor- ary easements were to terminate and the Village of Edina was to give a quit claim deed conveying its right in said storm sewer easements but reserving its rights in the easements dedicated by the plat of Scenic View Second Addition. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that the Mayor and Clerk convey by quit claim deed all the right, title and interest of the Village of Edina in and to the temporary storm sewer easements granted by said Agreement recorded in Book 2337 of Deeds, Page 390, all as required by and pursuant to said Agree Motion for adoption of the.resolution was sec call there were five ayes and no nays and the ATTEST: . bL, 4,2L?&.A&A/ Village Clerk SOUTHDALE.LIQUOR STORE LEASE APPROVED.= Mr..Hyde advised Council that because Dayton Development would not meet the price offered by the Village for the proposed new site of the.Southdale Liquor Store, he had requested a three to five year lease for the present site. He noted that the rent will remain the same on the sales space, but that the basement space has gone up from $1.20 to $2.00 per square foot per year. TRFASURER'S REPORT AS OF FEBRUARY 29,-1968, was presented by Mr, Dalen, reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman Shaw - and carried. LIQUOR FUND as of placed on file by carried. January 31, 1968, was presented by Mr, Dalen, reviewed and ordered motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded by Councilman Courtney and CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Councilman VanValkenburg was seconded by Councilman Johnson for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List: General Fund $33,676.03; Cons- truction Fund, $2,374.95; Park, Park Construction, Swim Pool, Golf Course and Arena, $13,108.50; Water Fund, $3,528.83; Liquor Fund, $41,736.52; Sewer Rental Fund, $2,031.68; Improvement Funds, $61,889.33; Total $158,345.84; and for confirmation of the follosing Claims : 3/24/68 Texaco, Inc. $2,664.52 General Fund 3/20/68 Commissioner of Taxation 4,900.22 Misc. Funds 3/27/68 Richard W. Nissen 75.00 General Fund No further business appearing, Councilman Johnson's motion for adjournment seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. Adjournment at 8:55 p.m. was then