HomeMy WebLinkAbout19680415_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE z _. EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD AT VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1968 . 1 i Members answering rollcall were Councilmen Courtney, Johnson, Shaw, VanValkenburg and Mayor Bredesep. MINUTES of the meeting of April 1, 1968,- were approved as submitted-by motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. HUMAN RIGHTS AD HOC PROGRESS REPORT GIVEN. Mayor Bredesen presented Father Richard H, Jeub, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee on Human Rights, who presented a Progress Report of this committee. February, the Committee has held seven informative meetings relative to the needs, merit, organization and possible functions of an Edina Human Rights Commission. Father Jeub advised that since its establishment in early Discussions have been held with Frank C. Kent, Commissioner of .Human Rights; an two' active participants in the establishment of the Bloomington Human Resources Commission; the Edina'Police Department; a resident active in the local armchair educational group; a sociologist.and lecturer at the University of Minnesota; and an employee of the Office of Economic Opportunity who is concerned and knowledgable of the Minnesota Indian. Father Jeub further noted that before the Committee at the present time is a detailed proposal on the possibility of a joint board to be created and appointed by the Village Council and the School Board, which would have the authority and responsibility to advise the Council and School Board in securing for all citizens equal opportunity in employment, housing, public accommodations, public services and education. Father Jeub then pointed out that the Committee should be prepared to present its complete recommendation within approximately 30 days. Mayor Bredesen commended the Committee on its d5ligence and efforts. , apartment owner and developer in the community; a local- real estate company manager; EDINA BUSINESS DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS DISCUSSED; ZONING CHANGES GRANTED FIRST READING. many years as to what can'be done to improve the 50th .and France business district. Mr. Hyde adyised Council that plans and discussions have been held fpr He recalled that two years ago meetings-were held at which Barton-Aschman submitted recommendations made at that time. Mr. Hyde.further noted that, although formal zoning hearings will be conducted at this meeting,' formal improvement hearings will be held at a later date. The Clerk then presented Affidavits of Notice relative to Public Hearings on Zoning Matters, which affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hite showed an aerial photograph of the area in ques- tion and, with the aid of the View-Graph showed'prepared slides by Barton-Aschman done in 1966, which indicate traffic circulation problems, problems of parking and access, pedestrian amenity, a recommended development plan, land development poten- tials and alternate traffic routes. Mr. Hite pointed out that the plan for the southwest quadrant now under current consideration provides for a South Ring Route which would intersect France Avenue at West 51st Street and run diagonally to a point on Halifax Avenue midway between West 50th and West 51st Street at which point Halifax Avenue could be closed. This road is designed to relieve the 50th and France intersection of substantial turning movements, develop access to the parking lots south of West 50th Street, reduce traffic volumes on Halifax Avenue and permit France Avenue traffic coming from the south to gain access to the Clancy, Post Office area without using the West 50th Street and France Avenue intersection. He presented the estimated cost at $126,500;00, proposed to be financed out of Edina's share of the Minnesota gas tax revenue. Mr. Hite noted that the commercial and apartment rezoning proposals have been developed on the basis of this road being constructed as well as on the construction of a storm sewer which is propos.ed to collect storm water from the area. given at $127,000 and is proposed to be assessediprimarily by charges against the business properties and not against the residential areas. The perimeter road on the north is proposed to extend West 49% Street westerly of Halifax Avenue as a one-way street along a revised alignment, intersecting West 50th Street near the present library entrance. This is designed to relieve traffic congestion in the vicinity of the Post Office, First National Bank and Clancy's, improve access and egress to and from the parking lots along West 49% Street and place all customer parking on the "inside" of the perimeter road system. Mr. Hite advised that the estimated cost of this road is $18,000.00, proposed to be financed with gas tax revenues.. lane width along most of the north side of West 50th Street and a portion of the south side, at an estimated cost of $15,000, also proposed to be financed with gas tax revenue. Mr. Hite further noted that a 130 car capacity public parking lot is proposed to be located north of the South Perimeter Road and east of the National Food Store. A 90 car lot is proposed to be located on the south side of West 4932 Street between the Edina Cafeteria and the Village Inn. parking lot is proposed to be located west of the Post Office and north of the re- vised alignment of West 49% Street. Total estimated cost of the storm sewer was It is further proposed to install an additional six feet of parking A 60 vehicle employee On-street parking is proposed to be restricted during rush hours. Mr. Hite showed drawings of the proposed National Food Store r' 4/15/68 and Pure Oil buildings and slides showing which homes would be removed on Halifax Avenue. He noted that the total cost of the project would be approximately three quarters of a million dollars, one quarter million of which would be paid by the Village and the.balance to be charged against benefited business properties. Mr. Hite advised Council of the-zoning-requests of National Food Stores for rezoning of the property south and west of the existing building, from Automobile Parking District and R-1 Residential District to C-2 Commercial District, of Pure Oil Com- pany for property located south of their existing site from Automobile Parking District and R-1 Residential District to C-4 Commercial District and of Gisselbeck and Schneider for property located east of Halifax Avenue and south of the South Perimeter Road for R-1 Residential District to R-4 Multiple Residential District, stating that Planning Commission has recommended approval.of these zoning changes. Mr. Ward Lewis, attorney representing National Food Stores, noted that a great deal of thought has been put into the overall plans for this area and urged that approval be granted. Mrs. W. H, Hauck, 5029 Indianola Avenue, advised Council that she is opposed to dead-ending Indianola Avenue. Mr. Hite pointed out that this was proposed to prevent use of Indianola Avenue as a "short cut." Hauck was further assured by Mr. Hite that this area could be reached as easily as other areas in the Village for fire protection. by Mr. Hite that Halifax Avenue residents could turn either right or left on the proposed South Perimeter Road and that street lights would,be similar to those west of Fairview Southdale Hospital. Mr. Hite further explained to Mrs. Hauck that the westerly 50 feet of the present Library site was proposed to be used as an extension of the northerly buffer, with the remainder of the property east of the North Perimeter Road proposed.to be used for parking. Mr. E. D, VanRhee, 5137 Halifax Avenue, stated that he considers the plan self-defeating in that parking problems cannot be solved when additional traffic is being encouraged in the area and recommended construction of a parking ramp to alleviate the problem. He further stated that the plan is favorable only to the merchants and that no consideration has been given to residents in the area. Mr. Hite replied that if Halifax Avenue should not be closed, it is anticipated that traffic valume would run 1,000 cars per day. Mrs. Lillian C. Klein, 5024 Halifax Avenue, was advised by Mr. Hite that-access to the South Ring Route will be difficult particularly for the southerly two properties. Mr* Fred Sampson, owner of property at 5017 Halifax Avenue,. stated that too much is being crowded into small area and rec- ommended that the project should be extended to Indianola Avenue. In reply to a question of Mr. Gene Gaddis, 5112 Gorgas Avenue, Mr. Hite advised that screening will be provided between the residential district and the commercial area and that every effort will be made to save exisding trees. The possibility was also discussed of moving the National Food building westerly. Gorgas Avenue, was advised ' that no traffic signals are proposed at France Avenue and West 52nd Street. Mayor Bredesen then called for discussion relative to the R-4 zoning request of Gisselbech and Schneider for property located on Halifax Avenue south of the Ring Route. Mr. Gisselbeck advised that it is proposed to construct a forty-four unit four-story apartment building which will be carefully landscaped and a credit to the area. each unit with off-street facilities for guest parking. noted that it is anticipated that this apartment building will pay taxes of $30,000 annually on the building. Mr. Thomas Davies, 5036 Halifax Avenue, advised that he is in favo: of the project but asked what guarantee property owners have that, -- once the property is rezoned,' the proposed building will actually be constructed. He expressed the*fear that a less desirable structure might be built on the site. Mr, Hite explained zoning procedures and noted that Village regulations are stringent as to site and building designs and that once plans reach this stage of development, there is not apt to be any changes. Mr..Seth Witts, 5113 Indianola Avenue and Mrs. G. A. Schaaf, 5104 Indianola Avenue, inquired about the elevation ,of the building and was advised that four stories are above ground and that every effort will be made to save the existing trees on the property. Councilman Johnson then moved that the zoning changes be approved as presented with the understanding that second reading be deferred until the overall plan is authorized and that formal hearing on.the improvements be set for the earliest possible date. 'Coun- cilman Johnson then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Mrs, Mrs. Hauck was then reassured - I Dr, Miles Hirshey, 5101 Plans provide for one parking facility for Mr. Gisselbeck further RESOLUTION RESOLVED that the development plan for the 50th and France area be and the same is hereby approved and that a public hearing be duly called and held at the earliest'practicable date to consider the necessity and feasibility of the pro- posed improvement plan. and "Apartment Site" be rezoned to the appropriate use, and unless and until the Village.Counci1 approve the improvement plan and the public hearing referred to herein. RESOLVED FURTHER that the areas designated "Pure Oil," "National FoodsYt1 RESOLVED FURTHER that there be no second reading of the rezoning ordinance Motion for the adoption of the resolution and on rollcall there were five ayes and Mayor 4/15/68 Councilman Johnson then offered the following ordinances for first reading: ORDINANCE NO. 261-160 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA BY ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL C-2, C-4 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS AND R-4 MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: 9 (Commercial District) of Ordinance No. 261 of revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding the following subpara- * Section 1. Paragraph 3, Boundaries of.the Commetcial District, of Section x graphs : From Automobile Parking District to C-2 Commercial District: (18) The West 95 feet of the East 155 feet of that part of Lot 43, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172, lying South of the North 175 feet thereof. I - I .(19) The tract beginning at a point 78 feet North and 65 feet East of the Southwest corner of Lot 43, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172; thence West 24.25 feet; thence North to a point 175 feet South of the North line of said Lot 43; thence East to a point 155 feet West of the East line of said Lot 43; thence South to - the point of beginning. (20) The East 95 feet of the West 240 feet of Lot 41, Auditor's Sub- division No. 172. From R-1 Residential District to C-2 Commercial District: (21) The West 145 feet of Lot 41, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172. (22) (23) (24) The West 65 feet of the South 78 feet of Lot 43, Ayditor's Sub- division No. 172. The South 188 feet of Lot 42, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172. The West 40.75 feet of the North 103 feet of the South 181 feet of Lot 43, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172. Section 2. Section 9, Commercial District, of Ordinance No. 261 of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding at the end of Subparagraph 3 (Boundaries of Commercial District) the following: .From Automobile Parking District to C-4 Commercial District: (29) The South 50 feet of the North 150 feet of Lot 42, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172. The South 18 feet of the North 168 feet of Lot 42, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172. From R-1 Residential District to C-4 District: (30) Section 3. Section 4, Multiple Residence District, of Ordinance No. 261 of the Villagerof Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding at the -end of Subparagraph 3 (Multiple Residence District Boundaries) the following: (25) Lots 52, 53, 54, and 55, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172. (26) From R-1 Residential District to R-4 Multiple Residence District: That part of Lots 49 and 51, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. PUBLIC HFARINGS CONDUCTED ON VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS. Affidavits of Mailing on April 5 and of Publication in the Edina.Sun on April 4 and 11, 1968, were pre- sented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. . Pursuant to due notice given, public hearings were conducted and action taken by Council as hereinafter recorded. A. CONSTRUCTION OF ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING P-L-5 IN THE FOLLOWING: Sunnyside Road from Highway #lo0 to Grimes Avenue. Edgebrook Place. Browndale Avenue from North line of Country Club District Brown Section to South line of Lot 2, Block 16, Country Club District Brown Section. Moorland Avenue from Sunnyside Road to Country Club Road. Edina Boulevard from Sunnyside Road to Country Club Road. Wooddale Avenue from North line of Country Club District Brown Section to Drexel Avenue from Sunnyside Road to Country Club Road. Casco Avenue from Sunnyside Road to Country Club Road. Bruce Avenue from Sunnyside Road to West 50th Street. Arden Avenue from Sunnyside Road to West 50th Street. Bridge Street from Minnehaha Creek to Arden Avenue. Country Club Road from Browndale Avenue to Arden Avenue. Edina Court. West 50th Street. Mr. Hyde presented total estimated project cost of the proposed ornamental street lights at $62,541.78, which includes the cost of removing the existing 7'4 1 i 4/15/68 system ant inst; ing one additional E t midblock in eac,, block. Cost of the . lights is proposed to be assessed over a ten year period against 565 lots at $110.69 per lot. Mr. Hyde noted that a lamp fixture of the type proposed to be installed was on exhibit outside of the Village Hall and that he believes that this fixture is in keeping with the character of the area. He also pointed out that this is the same fixture which has been installed on West 65th Street immed- iately east of the M. N. & S. Railroad. Mr. Hyde pointed out that the existing system has deteriorated to an extent where.it is both difficult and expensive to keep in operation, units has been replaced with overhead connectors and that many of the lamps are burning at less than usual efficiency due to deteriorated wiring, favor of the project was submitted from Mr. & Mrs. George Johnston, 4610 Wooddale. Mr. William Steinke, 4520 Browndale Avenue, requested that a light be installed in the park adjacent to his home. Mr. Paul A. Laederach, 4633 Bruce Avenue, was ad- vised by Mr. Hite that it is proposed to use "Color Improved Mercury Vapor" lights. An unidentified lady stated that she prefers the present lighting standards and urged that they be repaired in order to preserve the old charm of the neighborhood. Mayor Bredesen pointed out that replacement of these old fixtures would be very costly on a custom basis. Mr. Gordon Busdicker, 4512 Wooddale Avenue, questioned the method of assessment of the lights. residents have had a large capital investment in lighting fixtures for forty-f6ur years. He stated that he believes that Northern States Power Company should give credit for the cost that would have been borne by them if they had installed over- head lines. Mr. Stanley Trczyk, representing Northern Scates Power Company, stated that there is an adjustment in the Fate structure, which reply the Mayor did not accept, Mr. Hite advised Mayor Bredesen that a proposal has been made to Northern States Power Company which would call for its involvement in the capital cost of this system. Northern States Power Company.officials currently have the matter under consideration, and have been advised by Mr. Hite that this matter must be resolved prior to the assessment of the system. Mr. Hite further pointed out that there is an annual operating charge of $470 difference between the ornamental system and a normal overhead wire and wood pole system. Mayor Bredesen stated that he has been told by Northern States Power Officials that they would encourage orna- mental lighting throughout the entire Village. Mr. Frank Thorpe, 4613 Edina Blvd., asked if Northern States Power Company could survey the current system and make an appraisal. He was advised by Mr. Hite that a survey had been made and it was est- imated that the cost of repairs of the existing system would be about $1,230 per fixture as against the presently considered. $915 per fixture and pointed out that the cost 6f repairing the old units is greater than the cost of acquiring new units. Mr. Ralph Tully, 4619 Bruce Avenue, was advised that the entire system needed to be replaced because of the general deteriorating conditions. Mayor Bredesen then suggested that the improvement now be authorized as proposed and that Northern States Power's participation be determined at a later date. ing Improvement later in Minutes.) .. I B. CONSTRUCTION OF. CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND ASPHALT CONCRETE OVERLAY WITH SEALCOAT IN THE FOLLOWING: Mr. Hyde presented slides which showed conditions of existing curb on Wooddale Ave- nue between West 44th Street and West 50th Street and presented total estimated construction cost at $53,854.92, proposed to be assessed against 4,514.39 estimated assessable feet at.an estiwated cctst of $5.97 per foot with the Village to pay 50% of the total cost. Mr. Hyde advised that the project involves tearing out the ex- isting curbs and because the Village desires to save the existing street surface, it is proposed to widen Wooddale Avenue one foot on each side .in order that the forms for pouring the concrete can-be inserted outside of the street surface area. A petition protesting the porposed widening of Wooddale Avenue which was signed by some thirty-six property owners was presented to Council. While no objections were offered to the curb and gutter ans saalcoat, protests as to the widening of the street to 26 feet were offered by Messrs. Gordon Busdicker, John T. Chapman, Robert A. DeWitt, Robert Zurich and Doctors L. C. Liek and William Hedrick of Wooddale Avenue and Dr. Thomas Wilson of 4501 Bruce Avenue, These gentlemen all stated that the additional two feet of width would encourage additional traffic and increase the speed of vehicles, causing a hazard to children living on Mooddale Avenue. Shirley Berg, 4506 Wooddale Avenue, stated that she feared that roots of boulevard trees would be harmed if the street were widened. Mr. Hite showed a 1967 traffic flow map which indicated that 2,990 cars use Wooddale, as against 415 on a normal residential street and that it should actually be widened even more than is currently proposed if the intent was ,to serve this high volume of traffic. He pointed out that the street is used heavily because of its location and that the increase of two feet would have very little effect on traffic volume. He reiterated that the primary reason for widening the street was to attempt to save the existing street surface. graded, traffic on Wooddale Avenue will be reduced. He noted that.the original underground wiring for some of the I A letter in Mayor Bredesen stated that Country Club I- (See Resolution Order- Woo&le Avenue from West 50th Street to West 44th Street I Mrs. Mr. Hite further stated that he believes that when Highway 100 is up- In reply to the request for I .. 4/15/68 additional stop signs along Wooddale, Mayor Bredesen noted that this is a poor method of traffic control and that there are already too many arterial stop signs in the Village. Mr. William Recker, 4507 Wooddale Avenue, recalled that . at the time that Wooddale was widened south of 50th Street from 30 to 36 feet, it had also been proposed to widen the street north of 50th Street. He noted that he had understood that Wooddale Avenue had been removed from State Aid at that time. Mr. Hyde advised Mr. Recker that widening Wooddale Avenue north of West 50th Street had never been considered and was not being considered now ex- cept for the two feet (from 24 to 26 feet). Avenue, expressed concern over the Wooddale Avenue traffic as it affects children who walk to school. plained that he has to rake debris out of the catch basin in front of his house when it clogs up during rainstorms, Mr. Hite stated that this catch basin will be enlarged as part of the project. Mr. Hite noted, however, that the Country Club area storm sewer-system has only half of the desired capacity and that it will have to be enlarged at some-future date if it is to be,expected to give good service. Property owners then agreed with Mr. Hyde's suggestion that the improvement be authorized, with the question of widening of the street to be decided before the contract is let, following conferences with reputable con- tractors and an independent traffic engineer. Mr. Hite indicated that repres- entatives of the property owners would be called to meet with the group of ex- perts. to the determination of the width of the street. Councilman Johnson advised that he would vote "nay" because the notice of hearing had indicated that one- half of the improvement would be paid from General Funds. He pointed out that he does not feel that non-local vehicle traffic has had any effect on the de- terioration of the curb and gutter and that he, therefore, feels that the en- tire assessment should be spread against abutting property owners. esen advised Councilman Johnson that over the years, Council has recommended that the replacement cost of an improvement, once paid for by benefited properties, should be paid from General Funds. for approval, noting that the method of assessment should be determined at the Assessment Hearing. Councilman Johnson replied that since the Notice of Public Hearing had indicated that only half of the improvement would be assessed against abutting properties, it would not be fair to revise the method of assessment at the Assessment Hearing. four ayes with Councilman Johnson voting "nay" and the motion carried. Resolution Ordering Improvement later in Minutes.) C. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING : Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost at $50,106.00, proposed to be assessed against 1,105.32 estimated assessable feet*& $10.00 per foot. Mr. B. W. Thompson, 5908 Hansen Road, questioned assessment on his property. He was advised that his Hansen Road property was not proposed to be assessed. Mr. Hite advised Mr. Thompson that he would think that the most he could be assessed would be for one-third of his Benton Avenue frontage. No further comments were heard. D. CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE REPLACEMENT 0N.BENTON AVENUE. Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost of the replacement of the Benton Avenue bridge at $73,190.00, proposed to be paid by State Aid funds and by the M. N. & S. Railroad. Improvement later in Minutes.) Mr. C. A. Schroeder, 4917 Arden In reply to Mr. Otto Buelow, 4608 Wooddale Avenue, who com- - Councilman VanValkenburg then moved approval of the improvement subject Mayor Bred- Councilman Courtney then seconded the motion The question was then called and on rollcall there were (See Benton Avenue from Crescent Drive to Hansen Road. (See Resolution Ordering Improvement later in Minutes.) - No discussion was heard. (See Resolution Ordering E. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT ALLEY SURFACING IN THE FOLLOWING: lachen Boulevard. - Mr. Hyde presented total estimated project cost at $5,724.42, proposed to be assessed against 1-,095..62 estimated assessable feet at an estimated cost of $5.22 per assessable-foot and advised that a petition has been received for the improvement. Mr. J. W. Romine, 5021 Oxford Avenue, and Mr. Robert Holberg, 5013 Oxford Avenue, requested that the improvement be assessed on a per lot basis. They pointed out that the Oxford Avenue lots are all 75 feet wide and that their driveways go out to Oxford Avenue and that they have no need for the alley as do the Bedford Avenue properties who have built their garages on the alley. Mr. Holberg stated.that he understood that the owners of Lots 3 and 4, Block 4, Brookside Heights, have signed the petition on the condition that the water problem on their properties can be cleared up by installation of the surfacing. Mr. Hite advised that if the lot is low and now holds water, Between.Bedford and Oxford Avenues and between West 51st Street and Inter- 4/15/68 the paving of the alley will not make any difference. retaining walls will be part of the project and included in the construction cost. Mr. Elmer Lindborg, 5045 Oxford Avenue, requested that the alley be located somewhat closer to Bedford Avenue in order to save two spruce trees in his yard, Mr. Oscar Will, 5028 Bedford Avenue, and Mr. Robert Lehman, 5024 Bedford Avenue, indicated that they believe that the alley should be assessed on a per lot basis, inasmuch as they had to build garages to get their cars off.of the street to comply with Village ordinances. ioners. In reply to a question.of.Counci1man Shaw as to the possibility of paving the alley south of West 51st Street at the same time as this alley, Mr. Hite advised that he would contact property owners in the block to see if there is any interest in paving that alley. No further discussion being heard, Councilman VanValkenburg offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: He noted-also that necessary Mr, Lehan then presented letters of reaffirmation from petit- RESOLUTION ORDERING STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT L-5 STREET IMPROVEMENTS BA-128 AND 129 , BRIDGE BR-3 , AND ALLEY IMPROVEMENT NO. A-169 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heeetofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published and mailed to owners of each parcel within the area proposed to be assessed on the following proposed im- . provements : 1. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET LIGHTING IN THE FOLLOWING: Sunnyside Road from Highway #LOO to Grimes Avenue. Edgebrook Place. Browndale Avenue from North line of Country Club District Brown Section -Moorland Avenue from Sunnyside Road to Country Cldb Road. to South line of Lot 2, Block 16, Country Club District Brown Section. - Edina Boulevard from Sunnyside Road to Country Club Road Wooddale Avenue from North line of Country Club District Brown Section - to West 50th Street. Drexel Avenue from Sunnyside Road to Country Club Road. Casco Avenue from Sunnyside Road to Country Club Road. Bruce Avenue from Sunnyside Road to West 50th Street. Arden Avenue from Sunnyside Road to West 50th Street,' Bridge Street fromMinnehaha Creek to Arden Avenue. Country Club Road from Brondale Avenue to Arden Avenue. Edina Court. Wooddale Avenue between West 44th Street and West 50th Street. Benton Avenue from Crescent Drive to Hansen Road Benton Avenue over the M, N, & S. Railroad Between Bedford Avenue and Oxford Avenue, and.between West 51st Street and Interlachen Boulevard. I 2. 3, 4. 5. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND ASPHALT CONCRETE OVERLAY in CONSTRUCTION OF STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER in CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE REPLACEMENT on CONSTRUCTION OF ALLEY SURFACING IN THE FOLLOWING: and- at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice, the Coun- cil has duly considered the views of all persons interested and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements as described in the published notices of public hearings of said hearings except that with respect to Improvement No. BA-129 the decision as to widening of the street will be made following conferences with reputable contractors as to possible damage of existing street surfacing if the street is not widened and:. with an independent traffic engineer as to traffic projections if the street is widened, and including all proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for.construction and maintenance of such improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be re- ferred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: - No. 1 Above STREET LIGHTING NO. L-5 No. 2 Above STREET IMPROVliBENT NO. BA-129 No, 3 Above I STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-128 No, 4 Above BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT NO, BR-3 No, 5 Above ALLEY IMPROVEMENT NO. A-169 and the area proposed to be specially assessed for Street Lighting L-5 above includes Lots 1 thru 13, incl., Block 1, Lots 1 thru 15 incl., Block 2, Lots 1 thru 30, incl., s Block 3, Lots 1 thru 32' incl,, Block 4, Lots 1 thru 31 incl., Block 5, Lots 3 thru 14 incl., Block 6, Lots 1 thru 16 incl., Block 7, Lots 1 thru 37 incl., Block 8, Lots 1 thru 37 incl,, Block 9, Lots 1 thru 34 incl,, Block 10, Lots 1 thru 29 incl., Block 11, Lots 1 thru 19 incl., Block 12, Lots 1 thru 19 incl,, Block 14, Lots 1 thru 10 incl,, Block 15, all in Country Club District, Fairway Section; Lots 1 thru 8, incl., Block 1, Edina Court,-Lots 1 thru 19 incl., Block 1, Lots 1 thru.13 incl,, Block 2, Lots 1 thru 8 incl., Block 3, Lots 1 thru 23 incl., Block 4, Lots 1 thru.17 incl., Block 5, Lots 4/15/68 77 1 thru 18 incl., Block 6, Lots .l thru 20 incl., Block 7, Lots 1 thru 12 incl. Block 8, Lots 1 thru 13 incl., Block 9, Lots 1 thru 21 incl., Block 10, Lots 1 thru 20 incl,, Block 11, Lots 1 thru 28 incl.,-Block 12, Lots 1 thru 19 incl., Block 14, Lots l'thru 5 incl., Block 15, Lots 1 thru 5 incl., Block 16, all in Country Club District, Brown Section; and Lots 1 thru 9 incl., Rearrangement of North Part of Block 16, Country Club District, Brown Section; the area proposed to be specially assessed for BA-129 above includes: Lots 18 and 19, Block 1, Lots 11 thru 20 incl., Block 7, Lots 1 thru 12 incl.,. Block 8, Lots 1 thru 13 incl., Block 9, Lots 12 thru 21 incl., Block 10, and Lot 5, Block 16, all in Country Club District Brown Section; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Rearrangement of North part of Block 16, Country Club District Brown Section; Lots 1, 2, and 3, Edina Court; Lot 13, Block 1, Lot 16, Block 7, and Lot 20, Block 14, in Country Club District, Fairway Section; the area proposed to be specially assessed for BA-128 and BR-3 above includes Lots 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, and 49, Warden Acres, Lot 3, Block 1, Warden Acres - Berg Replat and Lot 1, Block 1, TheoNelson's' Addition; the area to be assessed for the cost of Alley Improvement A-169 above includes Lots 3 thru 23 incl., Block 4, Brookside Heights. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were five ayes in favor of L-5, BA-128, BR-3, and A-169, and there were four ayes with Councilman resolution was adopted, I ATTEST: Mayor I $L &. F&-&xLu, Village Clerk MOTOR STREET BETWEEN BROOKSIDE AVENUE AND RUTLEDGE AVENUE TO BE NAMED "BROOK- SIDE COURT." Mr. Hyde presented Ordinance No. 164-41 changing the name of Motor Street between Brookside and Rutledge Avenues to "Brookside Court" for burg offered the following ordinance for second reading and moved its adoption: - second reading. No objections or comments being heard, Councilman VanValken- ORDINANCE NO, 164-41 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VILLAGE OF EDINA ORDINANCE NO. 164 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE NAMING AND REWING CERTAIN STREETS, ROADS ANDPVENUES OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA" THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Ordinance No. 164 of the Village, as amended, is hereby furthei amended by adding after Section 67 the following: "Section 68. 'Motor Street' from Brookside Avenue to Rutledge Avenue as the same of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Henn- epin County is hereby named 'Brookside Court."' This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage * I Section 2. and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was s rollcall there were five ayes and no na ATTEST : gL de.-, Village Clerk TENNIS COURT AND FENCING BID AWARDED FOR WEBER FIELD. ulation of two bids received in response to Advertisement for'Bids published Mr. Hyde presented tab- in the Construction Bulletin on March 28 and April 4 and in the Edina Sun on April 4, 1968. Tabulation showed Carlson-LaVine low bidders at $13, 950.00 with Northland Constructors, Inc, high bidders at $14,725.00. Shaw' s motion for award to recommended low bidder , Carbon-LaVine , Inc ., was then seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Councilman SAND, BITUMINOUS AND ROCK BIDS CONTINUED. Councilman Johnson's motion continuing the award of bid for sand, bituminous material and rock to May 6, 1968, was seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and carried. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Hyde, - BRUSH CHIPPER BID AWARDED. Mr. Hyde presented tabulation of bids received in response to Advertisement for Bids published in the Edina Sun and in the Con- - struction Bulletin on March 28, 1968. teen inch chipper showed Hall Equipment low bidder at $3,876.00 for a Wayne 16T~- 318, Charles Olson & Son second low bidder for an Asplund chipper at $4,750.00, Tabulation fbr optional bid for the sfx- 4/15/68 i Wr-ght Tree Service third low at $4,665.00 for a Fitchb rg Chipper and Charles Olson & Son high for a Pitman Woodchuck Chipper at $4,695.00. to Hall Equipment for the Wayne 16T-318 at the price of $3,876.00. He stated that while the budget for this equipment was $3,500.00, it-is felt that the 16" chipper is well worth the added $376.00 in additional operation value and trade value and that there is enough in the budget to cover this cost as a result of favorable trac- tor bids earlier in the year. mended low bidder, Hall Equipment, was then seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. STREET NAME SIGNS BID AWARDED. Mr. Hyde presented tabulation of bids taken in re- sponse to Advertisement for Bids published in the Edina Sun and Construction Bulletin on March 28, 1968, for 250 new and enlarhed reflectorized street signs to be used on Vernon Avenue, West 50th Street and portions of West 66th Street, France Avenue and Xerxes Avenue. Gopher Stamp and Die high bidder at $3,169.41. was also received from Hall Sign & Post Company. award to recommended low bidder, Lyle-Signs, Inc., was seconded by Councilman Court- ney and carried. .. Mr. Hyde recommended award Councilman Courtney's motion awarding bid to recom- .1 Tabulation showed Lyle Signs, Inc., low bidder at $2,995.74 and Bid for blades and brackets only Councilman Shawls motion for STORM SEWER €12 BID AWARDED. Mr. Hyde presented tabulation of four bidders received informally for Storm Sewer No. 112. Tabulation showed G. L, Contracting, Inc:, low bidder at $2,602.70, Peter Lametti Construction Co. second low bidder at $3,243.90, Orfei & Sons, Inc. third low bidder at $5,893.00 and Phelps-Drake Company, Inc. high bidder at $6;062.00. Councilman VanValkenburg!s motion for award to recommended low bidder, G. L, Contracting, Inc., was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. GOLF COURSE PICKUP TRUCK TO BE PURCHASED. man Johnson's motion approving purchase of a one-half ton Chevrolet pickup truck for the golf course for,$1,583.60 which was bid through Hennepin County qn January 23, 1968, was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried, CECELIA CIRCLE STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER petition was received and ocdered referred to the Engineering Department for processing by motion of Coun- cilman Shaw, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. HAROLD DUOOS HEARING DATE SET for zoning change on Hansen Road from R-1 Residential District to R-4 Residential District for May 6, 1968, by motion of Cauncilman Shaw, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Upon recommendation of Mr. Hyde, Council- M. P. JOHNSON FIRST ADDITION GRANTED FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. M. P. Johnson's First Addition to Prospect Hills for final plat approval, advising that all requirements have been met and that Planning Commission has recommended approval. tion. Mr. Hoisington presented Councilman Shaw then offered the following resolution and moved its adop- RESOLUTION APPROVING M. P . JOHNSON' S FIRST ADDITION TO PROSPECT HILLS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled I'M. P. Johnson's First Addition to Prospect Hills," platted by Woodwind Farms, Inc., and presented at the Meeting of the Village Coun- cil of April 15, 1968, be and is hereby approved. Motion for adoption of the resolution was sec rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and ATTEST : PARKWOOD KNOLLS 16TH ADDITION GRANTED FINAL APPROVAL SUBJECT TO DEDICATION OF OUTLOT A TO THE VILLAGE FOR PARK PURPOSES. Addition for final approval, contingent upon the dedication by Mr. Hansen of Outlot A to the Village for park purposes. lution and moved its adoption: - <@ Mr. Hoisington presented Parkwood Knolls 16th Councilman Shaw then offered the following reso- RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF iz PARKWOOD KNOLLS 16TH ADDITION /,Dlq'b BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina Village Council that that certain plat entitled "Parkwood Knolls 16th Addition" platted by Carl M. Hansen and Helen M, Hansen, and presented at the Meeting of April 15, 1968, be and is hereby approved subject, how- ever, to the dedication by the Developer of Outlot A' to the Village of Edina for park Fuqoses. Mot_ioi !€or adoption of the resolution was sec call there were five ayes and no nays and the Mayor A- 8, & I v iiiage c;ieric c 41 15 I68 MINUTES OF APRIL 1, 1968, AMENDED. .Upon being advised by the Clerk that the Village Attorney had requested that the plat referred to in the Minutes of April 1, 1968, as "Edina Registered Land Survey" be retitled "Registered Land- Survey of Outlot 2, Muir Woods," Councilman VanValkenburg offered the follow- ing resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF THE REGISTERED LAND SURUEY OF OUTLOT 2, MUIR WOODS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Registered Land Survey of Outlot 2, Muir Woods," platted by the Village of Edina and presented at the Meeting of the Village Council of April 1, 1968, be and is hereby approved. Motion for adoption of the resolution was rollcall there were five ayes and no n d by Councilman Shaw and ATTEST : a.0 d. L4, Village 'Clerk BILTMORE MOTEL FOOD AND BEER LICENSES CONTINUED TO MAY 6. C-ouncil that nothing has been done to correct conditions at the Biltmore Motel. In reply to a question of Mayor Bredesen, Plumbing Inspector Bahneman advised that an unsanitary condition exists because of the method by which the dish- washer was installed. He advised that he has written tags on the plumber who supposedly installed the dishwasher, but the plumber denies that he did the work. The matter was then reterred to the Village Attorney and continued to May 6, 1968, by motion ot Councilman Shaw, seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and c-arried. Mr. Hyde advised JOYCE'S BAKERY GIVEN NINETY DAYS TO COMPLY WITH HEALTH DEPARTMENT DIRECTIVES. Mayor Bredesen advised Council that he had inspected Joycels Bakery and chat he teels chat the allegations ot the Healrh Department are justitied. He noted, however, that a small business rinds it very dirticult to install the expensive equipment required by Vil1age.ordinances. Councilman Shaw's motion was then seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg that Joyce's Bakery be given ninety days in which to comply with Village directives was seconded by Councilman Courtney I and carried. MORATORIUM PLACED ON MULTIPLE RESIDENCE REZONINGS IN C-1 AND C-2 SANITARY SEWER DISTRICTS UNTIL MAY I, 1969. Mr. Hyde advised Council ot the recommend- ation made at the joint meeting or the Planning Commission and Council at which sanitary Sewer capacities in the Village were discussed. Councilman Johnson's motion that Council attirm the position taken at this meeting that a moracorium be placed on all multiple residence rezonings in the C-1 and C-2 Sanitary Sewer Districts until May 1, 1969, in order that a feasibility study can be made as to possible alternate sewer routes was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. EDEN PRAIRIE SEWER AGREEMENT CONTINUED. Attorney that the Ederi Prairie Sanitary Sewer Agreement is not ready yet for execution, Councilman VanValkenburg's motion that the matter be continued was seconded by Councilman Shaw and unanimously carried. Upon being advised by the Village ALDEN PARK WELL PUMP MOTOR TO BE REPLACED. Mr. Hyde advised Council that it will cost approximately five or six thousand dollars for necessary emergency He said that the pump had to be back in operation within the next month to-assure'adequate water for domestic and fire protection purposes. Councilman VanValkenburg's motion authorizing replacement of the motor without taking bids was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. BLOOMINGTON BUS COMPANY ROUTE TO SOUTHDALE APPROVED. Mr. Hyde advised Counci'l that the Public Service Commission has approved the request of the Bloomington Bus Company to establish a bus route in Bloomington and Edina.to serve Southdale Center. replacement of the motor for the Alden Park well pump. Upon the advice of the Village Attorney, I ORDINANCE NO. 143-5 APPROVED AT SECOND READING. No. 143-5 for second reading, noting that this ordinance prohibits parking and storage of certain vehicles, household furnishings, appliances and equipment and certain temporary structures. ordinance and moved its adoption: . Mr. Hyde presented Ordinance Councilman Johnson then offered the-following 4/15/68 ORDINANCE NO. l.43-5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 143, DEFINING PARKING AND STORAGE OF VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND TEMPORARY STRUCTURES AS A NUISANCE .THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: as last amended by Ordinance No. 143-4, is hereby further amended to read as fol- lows: . "(m) The parking or storing of trucks, tractors, or trailers or any commer- cial type vehicle in excess of 7,000 pounds gross weight on private property in the Single.Family Dwelling District. The parking or storing of any unlicensed, unregistered or inoperable vehicle or vehicles, or any household furnishings or appliances on private property in the Single Family Dwelling District, unless housed within a lawfully erected building, shed, tool house or garage. The cdn- stant maintenance in the Single Fafnily Dwelling District of any vehicle, mobile home, pick-up camper, travel or camping trailer, marine craft, or any portable' a structure or shed in the space between a dwelling and any public street, road or way, and within five feet of any property line; provided that the parking of one passenger automobile on a private driveway or, if the average width of the build- ing site of a dwelling is 49 feet or less, the parking of two such passenger auto- mobiles on a private driveway shall not be deemed a nuisance." its passage and publication. - HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND APPLIANCES, Section 1. Paragraph (m) of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 143 of the Village, I Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon - Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded&ouncilman Courtney and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays ATTEST : Village Clerk D DUANE 0. BAGLIEN COMMENDED. dinner is being given in honor of Duane Baglien, Basketball Coach at Edina High School, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved it adop- tion: Upon being advised by Mr. Hyde that a testimonial RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION - - TO - DUANE 0. BAGLIEN WHEREAS, DUANE 0. BAGLIEN has been the Head Coach of the Edina High School Basketball Team since 1958, during which time he has developed many fine teams which have set several records, and a testimonial*dinner on April 19, 1968, and players of extreme technical proficiency but, even more important, he has been significantly successful in greatly influencjng for the better the characters of the hundreds of Edina's young men with whom he has had contact, and teams have conducted themselves as gentlemen and have brought great credit to all of Edina, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T€I@ VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, that, on behalf of the entire community, Mr, Baglien be cited for his exceptionally fine work with the youth of Edina, with sincere best wishes for continued success in the future. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seco and carried. WHEREAS, DUANE 0. BAGLIEN'S contributions to Edina are being recognized at WHEREAS, during Mr. Baglien's tenure, he has not only developed basketball WHEREAS, even in those rare instances when they were defeated, Duane Baglien's I ATTEST : $L Village Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 261-159 ADOPTED AT SECOND mADING. 261-159 repealing the provision in the Zoning Ordinance relating to parking.of . vehicles in the Single Family Dwelling District, stating that this matter is now covered by Ordinance No. 143-5. In reply to a question of Councilman Johnson re- lating to the parking of cars on the street, Mr. Hite advised that this situation will be covered in a traffic ordinance. Councilman Johnson then offered Ordinance No. 261-159 for second reading and moved its adoption as follows: Mr. Hyde presented Ordinance No. 4/15/68 m ORDINANCE NO.' 261-159 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING PROVISION IN ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO PARKING OF VEHICLES IN THE SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Subsubparagraph (12) of subparagraph- (b) of paragraph 2 of Section 3 (Single Family Dwelling District) of Ordinance No. 261, as amended, is hereby repealed and rescinded. and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Councilman Courtney, and on rollcall there were five ayes and n - See. 2. The ordinance shall take effect immediately upon+its passage adopted. - ATTEST : %f!Lu-&d.h, Village Clerk CLAIMS PAID. and carried for payment of the following claims: General Fund, $35,165.'08; Construction Fund, $51,150.64; Park, Park Construc- tion, Swim Pool, Golf Course and Arena, $10,947.36; Water Fund, $13,418.93; Liquor Fund, $88,696.48;. Sewer Rental Fund, $439.77, Poor Fund, 6311.30; Total, $200,129.56. Motion of Councilman Courtney was seconded b3 Councilman Shaw The agenda having been covered, Councilman VanValkenburg's motion for ad- journment was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried.. Adjournment at 11:15 p .m. *& bLA:- Village Clerk