HomeMy WebLinkAbout19690317_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ’ EDINA VlLLAGE COUNCIL HEIJ) AT VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1969 Members answering rollcall were eouncilmen Cobrtney , Shaw , Johnson and Van Valkenburg who served as Mayor Pro Tem in the absence of Mayor Bredesen. -MINUTES of February 24, 1969, were approved as submitted by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried, ORDINANCE NO. 261-181 GFANTED FIRST READING. Affidavits of Noti’ce’were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on 2ile. Nr. Hoisington’pre- sented the zoning request of Mr. E. 0. Hartwick to rezone property at 4429 Valley View Road from R-1 Residential District t6 Automobile Parking District in order to provide additional parking facilities for his proposed office building which wi2l be located on the southeast corner of Valley View Road and Wooddale Avenue. >IT. Hoisington noted that the property was acquired from Mr. Richard Palen who is deeding the remainder of this p_arcel to the Village for water ponding pur- poses, ?Jo,olj$kt2ofis~-b&lng heard from the audience, Councilman Courtney offered Ordinance NO. 261-181 for First Reading as recommended by planning Commission: ORDINANCE NO. 261-18& AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0.’261 ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL AUTOMOBILE PARKING DISTRICT (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA THE VIWE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 5, (Automobile Parking District) of Ordinance 261 of revised ordinances of the Village of Edina, is hereby amended by adding the following subparagraph: Section 1. Paragraph 1, Boundaries of Automobile Parking District, of Automobile Parking District: (M) The North 40 feet of the West 100 feet of Parcel 1218, except the i?est 30 feet in Section 30, Township 28, Range 24. Sec, 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and’ publication. URBINANCE NO. 261-182 GRANTED FIRST READING. by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. sented the request of Eberhardt Company to rezone the westerly 299.86’ feet of the Pearce property on TJ. 66th Street and Zerxes Avenue. property was rezoned in 1958 from Open Development District to Multiple Residence District. Store District and later reclassified C-3 Commercial District when the Com- mercial District ordinances were updated. westerly portion of the site for office use. office buildings to the west, apartments to the north of Ybrk Avenue, vacant-C-3 land to the east and commercfal usage to the south across West 66th Street, The County is now revaluating the site plan with respect to points of access and a recommendation is expected from them shortly, No comments being heard from the audience, Councilman Johnson offered Ordinance No. 261-182 for First Reading as Affidavits of Notice were presented Mr; Hoisington pre- He noted that this As a result of Court,decisions, the property was rezoned to Community The current request is to rezone the Land use in the area consists of f OlhwS : ORDINANCE NO, 261-182 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 261 ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL OFFICE 1 (ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA ” BUILDING DISTRICT 0-1 THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, ItlINNESOTA, ORDAINS: 8, (Office Building Disttict) of Ordinance 261 of revised ordinances of the Village of Edina is hereby amended by adding the following subparagraph: Section 1, Paragraph 1, Office Building District Boundaries, of Section Bistrict 0-1: (ff) The West 229.86 feet of Lot 5, Cassin’s Outlots, lying North of York Avehue and South of Cassin’s Refilat. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. PLANNED €BSIDENTIAL ORDINANCE HEARING CONTINUED TO APRIL 7, 1969, In view pf the fact that Council had not had an opportunity to review Ordinance No. 261-180 (Planned Residential District Ordinance) , Councilman Courtsney’k motion continuing the hearing until April 7, 1969, was seconded by Councilmah Johnson and carried, ORDINANCE NO, 261-183 GRANTED FIRST READING. by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hoisington pre- sented Ordinance No. 261-183 for Eirst Reading, noting that this ordinance would Affidavits of Notice were presented 31 17 /6 9 permit handball courts in the Office Building District 0-1 and jn,the Planned Industrial District. a-building which would accomodate six handball courts. The building would appear like an office building except' that, it would not have windows and wdibld be part of a larger complex in the area, which is located north of 8. 78th Street and Nest of Cahill Road. as to whether this type of use would create a nuisance in the area, Councilman Courtney said that it would no: generate as much traffic as other permitted uses in the Planned Industrial and Office Building Districts. No further dis- cussion being heard, Councilman Courtney offered Ordinance No. 261-183 for First Reading as recommended by Planning Commission as follows: ORDINANCE NO, 261-183 AN ORDINANCE ADDING HANDBALL COURTS TO THE LIST OF PERMITTED USES IN THE OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT AND PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT He advised that there is now some interest in grecting In reply to a question of Councilman Johnson AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 261 THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1, (Office Building District) of Ordinance 261 of the Village is hereby amended to read as follows: Subparagraph (a) (Principal Uses) of paragraph 2 of Section 8 "(a) Principal Uses. Buildings suitably designed may be erected, main- tained and used within the Office Building District for the following purposes : (1) Offices, business and professional (2) Financial institutions (3) Post Offices (4) (5) Handball Courts" Private club or lodge except those providing food and/or beverage service to their members on a regular basis, Sectian 2. Subparagraph (3) (Number of Spaces Required) (e) (Off-street Parking( of Paragraph 3 of Section 8 of said ordinance is hereby amcnded to read as follows: ''(3) Number of Spaces Required Offices: Medical and Dental Offices: Private Club or Lodge: 1 space for each 200 square feet of floor area. 6 spaces for each doctor or dentist 1 space for each 250 dquare feet of gross floor area devoted to office use or 1 space for each 3 seats in the largest place of assembly, whichever is greater. Accessory Uses: Handball Courts: Section 3. 8 spaces for each 1,000 square feet of floor area. 6 off-street parking spaces for each handball court." Subparagraph (a) (Principal Uses) of Paragraph 3 of Section 10 (Planned Industrial District) of Ordinance No. 261 of the Village is hereby amended by adding to the list of permitted uses, the following: (5) Handball Courts. Section 4. Subparagraph (d) (Off-street Parking) of Paragraph 6 of Section 10 of said ordinance is hereby amended by adding subparagraph (5) (Handball Courts) as follows : (5) Handball Courts. Six (6) off-street parking spaces for each hand- Section 5, ball court. " upon its passage and publication. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately * HEDBERG PARJXLAWN FIRST ADDITION GRANTED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL. Mr. Hoisington presented Hedberg Parklawn First Addition for preliminary plat approval, noting that this property is located on the west side of France Avenue and north of Parklawn Avenue. Upon being advised that Planning Commission has recommended approval of this three lot plat, Councilman Shaw offered the following resolu- tion and moved its adoption, affidavits of notice having been placed on file: RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT OF HEDBERG PARKLAWN 1ST ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Hedberg Parklawn First Addition", platted by Hed- berg & Sons Company and Triple A Investment Co., Inc., and presented at the meeting of the Village Council of March 17, 1969, be and is hereby granted preliminary approval. on rollcall there were four ayes and no Village Clerk 4 31 17 /69 CARDARELLE R.L.S. GRANTED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL. sented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hoisington presented a Registered Land Survey of Mr. Frank Cardarelle which is located in the southwest corner of the Village. approval has been recommended by Planning Commission. Councilman Johnson then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Affidavits of Notice were pre- The lots are over two acres in size and RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CARDARELLE R.L.S. BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that that Registered Land Survey presented by Frank E. Cardarelle located East of Washington Avenue, West of County Road 18, North of Edina-Bloomington Bbundary and South of R.L.S. 1253, and presented at the meeting of the Village.Counci1 of March 17, 1969, be and is hereby granted preliminary approval, subject however, to filing of restrictions and easements for Nine''Eii1e Creek across Tract F. rollcall there were four ayes and no nay I CREEK VI337 HEIGHTS ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL CONTINUED TO APRIL 7, 1969. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Upon the recommendation of Nr. Hoisington, Councilman Shawls motion continuing the hearing for preliminary plat approval of Creek View Heights Addition was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. SOUT€E?ESTERN EDINA PLAT GRANTED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hois- ington presented a plat located west of Cahill Road, South of Cahikl School and North of Vest 78th Street for preliminary approval, noting that the development of this area will dictate the development for all land in Southwestern Edina. This plat is based on a plan made by Brauer & Associates in 1967 and is recom- mended by the staff and by the Planning Commission. larly critical since it must divorce the Planned Industrial District from the residential district to the West. Mrs. LeRoy Scherber, 7612 Cahill Road said that she owns an acre of land in this proposed plat and that for over two years the Village has refused to issue a permit so that she could build.on her pro- perty. Mr. Hoisington reminded Mrs. Scherber that she had been told repeatedly that no building permit could be issued until sanitary sewer is installed and. that this plat must be approved and the streets platted before these improve- ments can be authorized. has "stalled" in issuing the building permit for her home. Mrs. Schurber ~7as advised by Nr. Hoisington that this plat does not include her property. Cardarelle said that his plat runs through the very corner of Mrs. Scherber's property for about ten feet. Mr. Gordon Schuster, 5809 Dewey Hill Road, said that he had no objection to the plat. is approved, it will be up to the property owners to apply for zoning changes and that the Village will proceed, based on the preliminary plat, to secure road- way easements so that the roadscan be built at an appropriate time. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: I The roadway plan is particu- Mrs. Scherber objected violently to the way the Village Mr. Mr. Hoisington noted that after the plat RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF SOUTHWEST EDINA PLAT A- BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina; Minnesota, that that certain plat located IJest of Cahill Road, South of Cahill School and North of W. 78th Street and presented and platted by the Village of Edina, be and is hereby granted preliminary approval. Motion for adoption of the resolutio rollcall there were four ayes and no I "Y Mr. Hyde presented a tabulation of four bids FRONT END LOADER BIDS AWAWED. received in response to Advertisement for Bids in the Edina Sun on February 20 and in the Construction Bulletin on February 20 and 27, 1969. Tabulation showed Arrow Equipment's bid for the Uni-Loader 160 at $4,557.60, Tri-State Equipment's 3/17/69 bid for the Melroe Bobcat M-600 at $4,595.00, Road Machinery's bid for the Owatonna 1000 at $4,916.00 and Zeco Equipment's bid for the Ericlcson Husky at $5,306.00. Mr. Dunn had recommended award to second low bidder on the Melroe Bobcat M-600 for the following reasons: 1) The Uni-Loader is 59" wide com- pared to 54" for the Bobcat; operate on 60" sidewalks without damage to abutting plantings and structures; 2) and would have to be road driven between jobs or picked up by a trailer which would need to be purchased to haul it. truck; 3) Arrow Equipment has informed the Village that as of Friday, March make no gua2ai;tees as to the future availability of replacement parts. man Shaw's motion awarding bid to Tri-State Equipment for the Melroe Bobcat M-600 at $4,595.00 was then seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. this extra width would make it very difficult to The 59OI Uni-Loader ell not fit into the back of a pickup for transport The Bobcat will fit into a pickup . 7, 1969, they are no longer the franchis'ed dealer for the Uni-Loader and can Council- - PETITIONS RECEIVED. Upon being advised of receipt of petitiollsfor Permanent Street Surfacing in Nordic Circle and in Killarney Shores Addition, Councilman Courtney's motion'that the petitions be accepted and referred to the Engineer- ing Department for processing was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. ARNESON ADDITION GRANTEO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. Mr. Hoisington presented Arneson Addition for final plat approval advising that the engineering problems had now been worked out and nobkg2tliaf3 Elaniiing Commission has recommended approval. No discussion being heard, Councilman Shaw offgred the following resolution and moved its adhption: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF ARNESON'S ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled a'Arneson's Addition", platted by Morten Arneson and Katherin Arneson, husband and wife, and by James E. Johnson and Carol J. John- son, husbandsand wife, and presented at the meeting of the Edina Village Council of March 17, 1969, be and is hereby granted final approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was on rollcall there were four ayes and no n ATTEST: NORMANDALE ADDITION KREISER REPLAT ED FINAL APPROVAL. Mr. Hoisington pre- sented Normandale Addition Kreiser Replat for final approval as recommended by Planning Commission. No discussion being heard, Councilman Johnson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF NORMANDALE ADDITION KREISER REPLAT BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Normandale Addition Kreiser Replat", plafited by Gunnar H. Danielson and Ruth S. Danielson, husband and wife and presented at the meeting of the Edina Village Council of March 17, 1969, be and is hereby granted final approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconde on rollcall there were four ayes and no ATTEST : .r- LOTS 17, 18, 19, BLOCK 8, WEST MINNEAPOLIS HEIGHTS DIVISION APPROVED. Mr. Hois- ington presented the request of Mr. Joe Semrud to divide portions of three lots located on Washington Avenue north of Belmore Lane so that two 78 foot lots would result. lowing resolution and moved its adoption: WJBREAS, SeanJeyJL-Wdllentine and Betty Wallentine, husband and wife, are the owners of the following described property in the Village of Edina: No objections being heard, Councilman Courtney offered the fol- RE SOLUTION The South 41 feet of Lot 20 and the North 37 feet of Lot 19, Block 8, Vest Hinneapolis Heights; and WHEREAS, said owners have requested approval of the Village of Edina of the conveyance and ownership of the above described land as a separate parcel; and 3/17/69 / WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the Village of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said tract of land as a separate parcel does not interfere with the purpose of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the Village of Edina Ordinance NumbeE261 and 263-A; NOV, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of the above described tract of land as a separate parcel is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance Nos. 261 and 263-A are hereby waived as to said division and convey- ance, subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of the above described tract of land unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the Village of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by these ordinances. Motion for adoption of the resolution was rollcall there were four ayes and no na ATTEST: HEARING DATES SET FOR ZONING REQUE *Y TS. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Hoisington; Nay 5, 1969, was set as hearing date for the following zoning requests: Gunnar Johnson-'- R-1 Residential District to R-2 Multiple Residence Dist- rict - Clifton Terrace Rauenhorst Corporation - R-1 Residential District to Planned Industrial District - R.L.S. 1218 Dean M. Akins - R-1 District to R-2 Multiple Residence District - Pro- posed Viking Hills 4th Addition 1. 2. 3. - APRIL 7, 1969, SET AS HEARIHG DATE FOR PRELIMINARY PUT APPROVALS. mendation of Hr. Hoisington, April 7, 1969 was set for the following preliminary plat approvals by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried: 1) Malibu Heights Addition; 2) Southdale Registered Land Survey; and 3) Viking Hills 4th Addition Upon the recom- JOSEPH RUZIC R-3 ZONING REQUEST DENIED. Joseph Ruzic has petitioned for R-3 zoning so that he can construct a four unit R-3 building on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Sioux Trail IV Addition. mission has recommended denial of the-rezoning for the following reasons: Mr. Hoisington advised Council that Mr. Planning Com- 1. There appears to be no reason why the site canno; be used for present R-2 zoning. and this site is only slightly larger. The number and magnitude of variances would indicate that the site is not appropriate for 42-3 use. If rezoning is granted, a precedent may be established which could lead to similar requests on the R-2 lots to the north. Such rezoniDg would not be in accord with the Village policy of transi- tional zoning. The ordinance required 15,000 square feet for a double bungalow 2. 3. 4. Considerable discussion ensued, following which Councilman Johnson's motion dccMtkng the Planning Commission's recommendation for denial of the petition €or R-3 zoniflg and for-Cdurici$ cTenial'o.€.th"e.requgstwas"sebo<ded hy Councilman Shap;l and carried. BEER AND CLUB LIQUOR LICENSES APPROVED. beer and club liquor license applications, all of wIiich have been approved by Che PoZice Departagnt:', . I .L Clerk presented tge following list of Off-sale Beer Licenses On-sale Beer Licenses Dennison's Dairy Store Biltmore Lanes Grif fen Pharmacy Jerry's Super Center National Food Stores Interlachen Country,Club Braemar Golf Course Edina American Legion Post 471 Edina Country Club . Kenny' s Market 3945 1.1. 50th St. Normandale Golf 4508 Valley View Road Southdale Pro Bowl Morningside Grocery Taco Towne . Olson Brothers Pharmacy Village Inn Park 'n Shop Ray's Dairy Store Red 0r.rl Southdale Pro Bowl 3/17/69 61 L Off-sale Beer Licenses (cont.) Club Liquor Licenses Southdale Superette Edina Country Club Valley View Dari Superette Village Inn Nalgreen' s I Interlachen Country Club Councilman Courtney's motion for issuance of licenses was seconded by Council- han-Shaw and carried, with Councilman Johnson abstaining. T.H. 100 AT W. 77TH STREET INTERCHANGE PROGRESS REPORT MADE. Mr. Hyde advised that Mr. Dun had been told by the Assistant District Engineer that even iE funds were loaned to the State Highway Department by the Vill'age, that construction of the interchange could not be expected until the summer of 1971 at the earliest. He advised that he had written letters to Representatives, Senetors, thg Governor, the State Highway Cor;rrmissioner and the Republican Party urging more expedient scheduling of the project and that the request is now in bill form. Mr. Hyde further noted that.authors will be obtained and that he will follow thru with the matter. No action was taken. HEARING DATES SET FOR VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS. Feasibility Report covering numerous improvements and recommended that hear- ings be conducted. tion and moved its 'adoption: Mr. hnn presented an Improvemeklt Councilman Johnson thereupon offere'd the following resolu- RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NOS, P-BA-139, P-BA-140, P-BA-141, P-BA-142 P-BA-143, P-BA-144, P-BA-145, P-BA-146 AND P-BA-147 ALLEY PAVING IMPROVEMENT NO. P-E-25 P-WM-243 AND P-IJM-244 WATERMAIN, PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER NOS. 1.' as to the feasibility of the proposed improvements described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimted cost of such im- provements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, 'April 7, 1969, at 7:OO p.m., in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the Views 'of all persons interested in said iinprovements. 3. place and purpose of said meeting to' be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in substantially the following form: The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, (Official Publication) HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NOS. P-BA-139, P-BA-140, P-BA-141, P-BA-142, P-BA-143, P-BA-144, P-BA-145, P-BA-146 AND P-BA-147 VILLAGE OF EDI~A PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE ALLEY PAVING IMPROVEMENT NO, P-E-25 WATERMAIN, PERMANENT STREET SURFACING , AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NOS. P-WM-243 AND P-TJM-244 EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, April 7, 1969, at 7:OO p.m., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. The approximate cost of said improvements are estimated by the Village as set forth below : 1. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND ESTIMATED COST CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN TJAZ FOLLOWING: ' A. IMPROVEMENT NO. P-'BA-139 Arctic Way $37 592.49 B. IMPROVEMENT NO. P-BA-140 Nordic Circle from Creek Valley Road to Creek Valley Road $12,773.24 Virginia Avenue from West 60th Street to Valley C . IMPROVEHENT- NO. P-BA- 141 View Road $11,878 -06- 62 2. 3. D. E. F, G. H. I. 3/ 17 /69 ESTIMATED COST IMPROVEBSENT NO P-BA- 142 Virginia Avenue from '(Jest 62nd Stre'et to Crosstown Highway (County Road #62) $20,118.24 IlQROVEMENT NO . P-BA- 143 Crescent Drive from Benton Avenue to the North line of Lot 1, Block 2, Edina Countryside Extended $ 5,858.06 IElPROVENENT NO. P-BA-144 Ohms Lane from South line of Edina Interchange Center 3rd Addition North to cul-de-sac IMPROVEBENT NO. P-BA-145 Chowen Avenue from Vest 60th Street to Vest 61st Street IIPROVEEfENT NO. P-BA-146 Benton Avenue from Josephine Avenue to Hansen Road IMPROVEIBNT NO. P-BA- 147 Schaefer Road from Vernon Avenue to Killarney Lane Killarney Lane from Schaefer Road to Vernon Avenue View Lane from Vernon Avenue to Schaefer Road * Nest '72nd 'Street from Ohms Lane to cul-de-sac $72 J 40.2 :54 $ 9,780.09 $124,125.18 ' $55,305.74 .- CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE ALLEY PAVING IN THE FOLLOI?IXG : A. IEreROVEMENT NO. P-E-25 North-South Alley between York Ave. and Xerxes Ave. and between IJest 56th Street and West 57th Street East-West Alley between York Ave. and the North-South Alley between York Ave. and Xerxes Ave. $ 9,133.54 CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE VATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES , PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE* FOLLOWIXG : A. DPROVEEENT NO, P-TJM-243' . Interlachen Circle from Interlachen Road to Interlachen Road B. IMPROVEMENT NO. P-WM-244 Valley View Road from Hillside Road to Hansen Road $27 , 462.64 Hillside Road from Valley View Road to Tracy Avenue Crescent Drive from Hillside Road to Nestridge Blvd. Crest Lane from Westridge Blvd, to cul-de-sac West'ri'dge Blvd. from Valley. View Road to Highland Road Ridgeway Road from Tracy Avenue to Vestridge Blvd. Crescent Drive from Westridge Blvd. to Countryside Road Hunter Street from Westridge Blvd. to Crescent Drive Highland Road from Tracy Avenue to Crescent Drive Arbour Lane from Tracy Avenue to Arbour Avenue $376,004.38 The area pmposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter under 1-A above includes Lots 1 thru 4 incl., Block 1; Lots 1 thru 12 incl., Block 2; Lots 1 thru 8 incl., Block 3; Outlot B; and Outlot C all in Viking Hills 2nd Addition. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter 'under 1uB above ir.cludes Lots 1 thru 7 incl., Block 1 and Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2 in Nordic Circle Addition; and Parcel a6210 and Part of Lot 26 in Auditor's Subdivision $1196. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter under 1-C above incTudes Lots 3 th& 7 incl., Block 1, Lot 1 and Lots 10 thru 13 incl., Block 2 all in Virginia Avenue Addition. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost bf the proposed Permanent Street 12,'Replat of Block 10, Normandale; Lots 1 and 2, Normandale Haverly Replat. The area proposed to be.assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter under 1-E above includes Lots 1 thru 4 1, Warden Acres Lot 49 Replat . The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Sudacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter under 1-F above 'includes Lots 1 thru 22 incl., Block 1, Edina Interchange Center 3rd Addition. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter under 1-G above includes Lots 1 thru 5 incl., Edina Bef-Air 2nd Division, and Lots 8 thru 12 incl., Edina Be3,;Bi.r 3rd Div. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the prbposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter under 1-H above includes Lot 4, Block 1, and Lots i, 2 and 3, Block 2, Edina Ridge; Lot 1, Block 1, Sagar Square; Lots . incl., Block 1, Edina Countryside, Lot 49, Varden Acres; and Lots 1 and 2, Block 3/17/69 1 and Donna Ridge Addition; Lqts 7 thru 12 incl., Block 2, Edina Heights; Lots 1 thru 6 incl., Block 1, Benton Park; Lots 7, 18 and.19, Block 1, Lots 6 and 7, Block 2, Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, Lot 1, Block 4, Codes Highview Park; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Hayden Addition; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Codes Highview Park Hawthorto!Replat; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Replat of Lot 6 and the South half of Lot 5, Block 1, Codes Highview Park. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter under 1-1 above includes Lots 1 thru 7 incl., Block 1, Lots 1 thru 26, incl., Block 2, Lots 1 thru 30 incl., Block 3 and Outlot A, all in Killarney Shores Addition. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Portland Cement Concrete Alley Paving under 2-A above includes Lots 1 thru 12 incl., Block 1, Harriet Lawn Addition; and Lots 1 thru 4 incl., Block 1, Brookline Addit ion. The area pcQposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed TJatermain, Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter under 3-A above includes Lots 2 thru 8 incl., Block 1, Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 2; and Lots 1 thru 5 incl., Block 3 all in Victorsen's East Mirror Lakes Addition. area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter only under 3-A above includes Lot 1, . Block 1; Lots 1 and 5, Block 2, all in Victorsen's East Mirror Lakes Addition. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed tlatermain, Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter under 3-B above includes Lots 8 thru 11 incl., Block 1, Lots 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8, Block 2, Lot 8, Block 3, Lots 1 thru 9 incl., Block 4, Lots 2 thru 13 incl., Block 5, Lots 5 thru 13 incl,, Block 6, Lots 1 thru 12 incl., Block 7, Lots 1 thru 13 incl., Block 8, Lots 1 thru 12 incl., Block 9, all in Countryside Addition; Lots 2 thru 7 incl., Block 1, Lots 1 thnu 12 incl., Block 2; Lots 2 thru 20 incl., Block 3, Lots 1 thru 4 incl., Block 4; Lots 1 thru 11 incl., Block 5; all in Valley View Heights Addition; Lots A and B, Registered Land Survey #519. Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter only under 3-B above includes Lot 4, Block 2; Lot 7, Block 3; Lot 10, Block 4; Lot 1, Block 5; Lot 4, Block 6 and Parcel 9999 all in Countryside Addition; Lot 1, Block 1, Kiichli's Addi- tion; Lot 1 and 8, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 3, Valley View Heights Addition. Motion for adoption of the resolution was s and on rollcall there were four ayes and ATTEST : The The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Y ORDINANCE NO. 211A ADOPTED. vides for a bond in the amount of $1,000 for each vehicle used to collect refuse in the Village, pbovtdecprotection for a customer who has paid in advance in the event a hauler goes out of business. this bond would not tend to prohibit any collector from operating in the Vil- lage. future time to adopt further amendments to the Garbage Ordinances and that this bond would still apply. Following some discussion, Councilman Johnson offered Ordinance No. 211A for First Reading with waiver of Second Reading and moved its' adoption as follows : Mr. Hyde presented Ordinance No. 211A which pro- This bond can hold only the Village harmless and not Councilman Shaw was advised by Mr. Hyde that Village Attorney Whitlock noted that it might be necessary at some .. ORDINANCE NO. 211A-2 'AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 211A ,.AS TO REQUIREMENTS FOR BOND THF, VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, P%ENNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. %ec. 25, Bond Required. Before obtaining any license hereunder to Ordinance No. 211A of the Village is hereby amended to include an additional section numbered Section 25 to read as follows: engage in hauling or conveying rubbish, garbage or other refuse from any premises in the Village of Edina, the applicant shall have on file with the Village Clerk a bond running to the Village in the penal sum of $1,000 for each vehicle used to collect refuse in the, Village by such applicant, which bond shall be conditioned that the applicant save the Village harmless for all actions or damages arising from this ordinance. Village Clerk. charge. his failure to comply with any provisions of Such bond shall be submitted on the form on file in the office of the The surety thereon shall be a corporation duly authorized to act as Copies thereof shall be available to all applicants without i 3/17/69 such under the laws of the State of Minnesota." its passage and publication, Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon advised Council that because it is proposed to use State Aid Funds to remove the dip at W. 54th Street and France Avenue and to cut 'N. 66th Street thru from Naomi Drive to Tingdale Avenue, it will be necessary to restrict parking to one side of these streets. to continue the matter so that property owners could be notified was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. Following some discussion, Councilman Johnson's motion $RANGE AVENUE PARKIEG RESTRICTION BETWEEN W, 49% STREET AND 'IJ. 5lST STREET REFERRED .TO TRAFFIC SAFETY CONBIITTEE. Mr. Hyde advised Council that if it is desired to restrict parking between 430 and 6:OO p.m. on France Avenue between action must. be taken by ordinance. had been restricted s6mz:time ago and that the restriction had been removed upon the urging of merchants in the area. man ShaxXs motion referring the matter to the Traffic Safety Committee was sec- onded by Councilman Courtney and carried. . Councilman Shaw noted that parking in these two blocks Following considerable discussion, Council- T.H. 100 BRLIX;E OVER MINNEHAHA CREEK PLANS REFERRED TO NEIGHBORHOOD COMMZTTEE, Mr. Hyde presented an artist's drawing of the bridge for T.H. 100 over llinnehaha Creek, recalling that the highway plans had been approved subject to approval of this bridge. the highway. that Bhe:pfcture be sent to the Bdina Sun for publication and to interested residents in the area for their comments was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. "MINNESOTANS FOR SAFE FJATER SUPPLIESfJ MAILINGS TO BE IGNORED. Council's attention to the fact that frequent communications have been received from "Minnesotans for Safe Water Supplies" urging that the matter oT water flouridation be submitted to e'rkizens as a referendum so that people can decide for themselves whether or not the municipal water supply should be flouridated. ET* Hpae-advised that no complaints have been received in the twelve years since Village kater has. been fJoukidated and that he has seen nothing of a scientific, non-partisan nature against flouridation. Councilman Courtney's motion that the mailings be ignored in the future was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. It was noted that this bridge would permit canoists to pass under Upon the recoqnend,ation of Mr. Hyde, C&undklm&n,-Johnson's motion I , Mr. Hyde called VILLAGE HALL AIR CONDITIONING TO BE CONSIDERED. the air conditioning system which was -installed twelve years 'ago needs $3,500 .OO worth of repairs, . water, could be installed for about $7,000.00. Councilman Johnson's motion auth-. orizing bids after further investigation was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. llr, Hyde recalled to Council that He stated that an entire new system, using air instead of COUNCIL ROOEI EUBLIC. ARRUSS .SYSTEM TBROVEN.ENT %EEERRED TO MR. DALEN. Following some discussion, Councilman Courtney's motion that Mr. Dalen obkain esLimatea and recommendations for improvement of the public address system in the Council Room was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. _, 1 SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL TEAM TO RECEIVE BEST NISHES OF COUNCIL.FOR TOURNA- NJ3NT, wishes to the South High School principal and wishing success to the basketball team in the Ninnesota State Basketball Tournament was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. EDINA JUNIOR HOCKEY TE&S CONGkATULATED. resolutions and moved their adoption: . Councilman Sha+!.s motion that the Village Manager sen$ a letter of best --* - , 1- .-.-..I . '6 . . . - _I -- ...- -*- Councilman Shaw offered the following. RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS IGEREAS, Northwest Airlines Pee'TJee Hockey Team has won the Minnesota atate Pee Wee Hockey Tournament at International Falls, Minnesota; and PEEREAS, this team was runner up at the National Pee Wee Hockey Tournament at Duluth, Minnesota, completing the seasonwith a record of 45 wins and only 5 losses; 65 I 3/17/69 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that congratulations of the Edina Village Cduncil' be extended to Mike Carroll, Jip Dalgety, Mike Dosen, Scott Farmer, Bob Frawley, Tom Holberg, David Langefels, Mark LOvaas, Gary Loving, Pat Manion, Mike Mastor, Kerry Moffet, Steven Nichols, Gene Purdy, Greg Rogers, Mike Rzeszut and to Coaches Bill Rverse and Chuck Nichols. Motion for adoption of the resolutj carried. ATTEST : Village Clerk and Motion for adoption of the resolutio carried. ATTEST : Ld,h/ Village Clerk Councilman Shaw then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WEREAS, Country Ciub Midget Hockey Team won the Minnesota Midget Hockey Tournament at Aldrich A'rena; and VHEREAS, this team participated in the National Midget Tournament in Fort Wayne, Indiana,'conducting themselves at all times in a sportsmanlike manner; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that congratulations of the Edina Village. Council be extended to Dave Bremmer, Jack Kau.tz, Todd Nieland, Jim Pratt, Andrew Thomson, David Bell, Dan Dornseif, John Engquist, Steve Eickhorn, Jeff Hagen, Bruce Jacobson, Ron Sorem, Larry Carlson, Bob Levy, Terry Becker, Don Langefels, Cary Scott and to Coach Bart Larson. .,RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS Motion for adoption of the resolution Yrtney carried. ATTEST : and - CLAINS PAID. and carried for payment of the following Claims as per Pre List: General Fund, $39,878.69; Construction Fund, $39,621.61; Park, Park Construction, Swim Pool, Golf Course, Arena, $13,821.79; Water Fund, $4,826.91; Liquor Fund, $58,621.99 ; Sewer Fund, $1,086.02; Poor, Fund, $342.97 ; Total, $158,199.98. Motion of Counci1d;;an Courtney was seconded by Councilman Shaw The Agenda's business having been covered, Councilman Johnson's motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. 8:15 p.m. Adjournment at $!A &,, .Village Clerk