HomeMy WebLinkAbout19701207_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD AT VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1970 Members answering rollcall were Council,men Courtney, Shaw and Mayor Bredesen. MINUTES of November 2 and 16, 1970, were approved as corrected by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded by Councilman Co rtne and carried. Councilman Shaw's correction was that he had not been presedsat the meeting of Nov- ember 2, 1070. ORDINANCE NO. 811-2 (No. 261-215 prior to 1970 codification) SECOND READING CONTINUED by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried because.only three members of Council were present. FsteZ " HERITAGE REMBRANDT CORP. ZONING REQUEST DENIED. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, ;approved as to form and ordered placed on file. presented the request for zoning change from R-4 Multiple Residential District to R-5 Multiple.Residentia1 District at 3200 Heritage Drive, noting that Plan- ning Commission had recommended approval subject to the granting of variances by the Board of Appeals. These variances were not approved, whereupon Council- man Courtney's motion denying the zoning change was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. Mr. West NINE MIUE NORTH GhTED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL. presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to due notice given, public hearing was conducted and action taken as'herein- after recorded. Mr. West presented Nine Mile North for preliminary approval, noting that this plat is located generally east of County Road No. 18 and North of Fabri-Tek, and is divided by Nine Mile Creek. man Shaw,rMr::Dunn,said that the distance between the road and the creek had been approved by the Nine Mile Creeek Watershed District. Erickson advised that an amendment might be needed to clarify the high water mark. its adoption: Affidavits of Notice were Upon being questioned by Council- Village Attorney Councilman Courtney then offered the following resolution and moved . .RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY' PLAT OF NINE MILE NORTH BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Nine Mile Northg', platted by Rauenhorst CB??~~, Tfi~,, and presented at the Regular Meeting of the Edina Village Council of December 7, 1970, be and is hereby granted preliminary approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was secondgd by Councilman Shaw and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. DIETRICH'S BROOKSIDE COURT GRANTED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pur- suant to due notice given, public hearing was conducted and action taken as hereinafter recorded. Mr. Nest presented Dietrich's Brookside Court for preliminary approval, noting that this plat is located generally West of Brook- side Avenue and North and East of Division Park. Mr, West advised that the clarification of watermain and sanitary sewer easements had yet to be resolved before final approval. Mr. EeSt'tZzen suggested preliminary approval of the plat subject to removal of gbt5.oaelots and substitution of private roadway easements, It was noted khat roads in the plat are used as private streets and do not meet Village roadway standards and that the roads are not maintained by the Village. Coiincilman Shaw then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption; subject to modification deleting the showing of the private roadways and sub- ject, further, to the granting of utility easements: RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT OF DIETRICH' s BROOKSIDE COURT BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina Village Council that that certain plat known as "Dietrich's Brookside Court", platted by The Dietrich Company and presented to the Edina Village Council at its Regular Meeting of December 7, 1970, be and is hereby granted preliminary approval subject to ~lat revisions to eliminate private road designation and obtaining required utility and drainage easement. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. TRAFFID SEMAPHORES REQUESTS FOR T.H.-100 REFERRED TO STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT - AND TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. Additional requests for traffic semaphores on T.H. 100 at Viking Drive and at Computer Ave. and at tJ. 77th Street were referred to the State,Highway Department and the Traffic Safety Committee by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. '12/7/70 SNOWMOBILE ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS REQUESTED. Mayor Bredesen noted receipt of a letter from Mr. Lee Otis, 6628 Parkwood Road, requesting changes in Ordi-. nance 195 so as to permit use of snowmobiles on public streets, on lakes and in additional areas in Village parks. Mayor Bredesen said that he would not recommend any amendments to the ordinance, particularly in view of the irres- ponsible use of snowmobiles demonstrated by some drivers. noted that a substantial part of a $10,000 improvement at Braemar Park had been desecrated at Braemar over the Thanksgiving weekend, that snowmobiles are dang- erous on public streets and that they are disturbing to the majority of resi- dents. Cornelia Park and outside the Perimeter Road at Braemar Park. Lee Otis, Steve Zimburno and Bob Rank were among a group of young men at the meeting who spoke in favor of amendment of Ordinance 195, as was Mr. James B. Otis, 6628 Parkwood Road. must be penalized because of 6 the irresponsibility of a minority of snow- mobile users and suggested that this group of young men assume the responsi- bility of good citizenship by organizing a patrol to help protect park pro- perty and the community as a whole from drdinance violators. It was suggested that if such a patrol were successful, additional park areas could be possibly used after the ground had frozen to a depth of twelve to fourteen inches and had at least a four inch snow cover. Mr. Hyde suggested that he would be glad to' sit in with a meeting with the young men interested and with Mr, Rosland to discuss the matter further. Later in the meeting, Dr. Frances Schaar comp- lained about the loss of wild life in Cornelia Park caused by snowmobilers. JAY H. PETERSON NOTICE OF CLAIM NOTED.' Mention was made by Mr. Hyde of receipt of Notice of Claim from Jay H. Peterson for false arrest on November 3, 1970. Village Attorney. - BEL MAR BUILDERS'' PLAN APPROVED FOR HIGHWAY 18 WAREHOUSE. the Planned Industrial District Ordinance, Mr. 'West presented site plan for BelMitr Builders warehoncle.proposed to be constructed in the 7000 block of Washington Avenue. access from Washington Avenue. Following reviewal of the plans, Councilman Shawls motion for approva1,Tas recommended by Planning.Commission, was sec- onded by Councilman Courtney and carried. SOUTHDALE YORK ADDITION GRANTED FINAL APPROVAL. York Addition for final plat approval as recommended by Planning Commission, noting that the question of median cuts on York Avenue was approved at the last Council meeting. following resolution and moved its adoption: Mayor Bredesen Mayor Bredesen explained that snowmobiles are presently permitted in Councilmen explained that it is unfortunate that all The matter has been referred to the insurance company and to the As required under The building will have offices facing County Road 18, with I Mr. [.lest presented Southdale Following some discussion, Councilman Shaw offered the RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF SOUTHDALE YORK ADDITION: BE IT &SOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Southdale York Addition", platted by Dayton Devel- opment Company and presented at the meeting of the Edina Village Council of December 7, 1970, be and is hereby granted final approval. . Motion for adoption ofbthe resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and OR rollcall there were three ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted,. DAVIS & ASSOCIATES 0-2 ZONING CHANGE HEARING DATE SET by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. SOUTHWEST EDINA PLAN PRELIMINARY APPROVAL- HEARING DATE SET for January 18, 1971, by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. Mayor Bredesen expressed his objection to having the Southwest Edina Plan set up in the same manner as the Western Edina Plan, stating that the Western Edina Plan had created philosophies that subsequent Councils might disapprove. suggested that any plan for Southwest Edina be more advisory than the Western Edina Plan. Mr. Erickson said that the_Sta$e Law provides that the governing body of a municipality may by resolution adopt or amend a comprehensive plan or portion thereof as the Official Municipal Plan and that the Plan is to establish a guide for the development of the area. Councilman Courtney's motion setting hearing date for preliminary approval of ' the Southwest Edina Plan (by resolution) was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. Mr. Erickson*added that by the new statute, the policy can be changed either at the instance of the Council oreat the instance of the Planning Com- miss ion. for December 21, 1970, He I Following some discussion, JOHNSON BROTHERS PROPERTIES SUIT NOTED. Johnson Brothers relative to property located between Edina Interchange Third Council was advised of a suit by 12/7/70 41 Addition and T.H. 100 along Nine Mile Creek. Mr. Dunn advised Council that the suit was brought about only to clear title to the property which had been platted as a road in 1876 and never opened. had been found of record or in the Engineering records to indicate..that the Village had any interest in the matter and advised that no action was necessary. 1971 IMPROVEMENT SCHEDULE PRESENTED by Mr. Dunn. Mr. Erickson added that nothing No action was taken. ~ HISTORIC PARK PHASE I AUTHORIZED; ARCHITECT RETAINED. Mr. Hyde recalled that, following action taken at the meeting of October 5, 1970,,the Minnesota Historical Society.forwarded Edina's application for Federal Funds and recogni- tion to Washington and that, as a result, Cahill School and the Grante Hall have been entered on the National Register of Historic Places and are now eligible for Federal grants for restoration; tion of Mr. Foster Dunwiddie's professional services on the following basis: Mr. Hyde recommedded the reten- Phase I - Preparation of a detailed cost estimate'for alteration, restoration and preservation of the two buildings and the development of the Park; Preparation of applications to secure State and/or Federal funding. Phase I1 - Conduct historical and architectural research necessary; Prepare working drawings and specifications; Obtain bid proposals; Supervise construction. Mr. Hyde added that Phase I would not exceed $1,000 and that Phase I1 would not proceed without written authorization from the Village and is contingent upon availability of funds. Phase I1 would not exceed $15,000. Following some dis- cussion, Councilman Courtney's motion accepting Mr. Hyde's recommendations was seconded by Councilman Shaw 'and'carried. SANITARY SEWER 293 EASEMSNT ACQUISITION APPROVED. Councilman Courtney's motion authorizing acquis'itiorr of a utility easement over property at 5701 France Ave. for $1,750 was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. As recommended by Mr. Dunn, OUTLOTS 2 ANn 3, BRAEMAR HILLS 2ND ADbITION SALE AUTHORIZED. by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : BE 'IT RESOLVED by the Edina Village Council that the Mayor and Clerk be author- ized to enter into agreement for the sale of Outlots 2 and 3, Braemar Ells 2nd Addition for $1,000 and to iexecxite: deeds and other necessary easements; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said Outlots 2 and 3, Braemar Hills 2nd Addition be herewith attached to Braemar Hills 4th Addition. Motion for the adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. As recommended RE SOLUTION U LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPAL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS DISCUSSED. Municipal Policy and Legislative Proposals of the League of Minnesota Munici- palities. by Councilman Courtney and carried that the Council oppose the League's recom- mendation for State guarantee of local bond issues and favor short-term fin- ancing whereby local units could directly borrow amounts for a period of up to three years without voter approval, except where the amount exceeds one per cent of the assessed valuation of the municipality, in which case a refer- endum would be required upon filing of a requisite petition. Attention of Council was called to proposed additions to the Following some discussion, it was moved by Councilman Shaw, seconded l ORDINANCE NO. 1231-1 (No. 19721 before Codification) GRANXED SECOND READING. Mr. Hyde presented Ordinance No. 1231-1 for Second Reading, which ordinance amends the ordinance regulating tbe Parking Ramp, whereupon Councilman Courtney offered the following ordinance for Second Reading and moved its adoption: ORDINANCE NO. 1231~1 (No. 197-1 in ordinance arrangement before 1970 codification) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING THE MUNICIPAL PARKING RAMP 'L THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: (197) is hereby amended to read as follows: vehicle in the municipal ramp located at the intersection of 50th Street and France Avenue for a period of more than two hours between the hours of 8:OO a.m. and 8:OO p.mct provided, however, that parking for a longer period is Section 1. "Section 1. The first paragraph of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1231 Hours of Parking in Ramp Limited. No person shall park any 12/7/70 42 i; permitted in the case of vehicles.identified by a sticker issued by the Vil- lage, employed upon the premises which were specially assessed or are subject to special assessment to pay the cost of constructing the ramp, and who exhibit a special annual pafking permit issued by the Village to their respective employers and reissued by the employer to the employee. employees at each of such premises Sqho shall rgceive stickers shall be as follows :I' age and publication. Motion for adoption of the rollcall there were three ATTEST : The stickers shall be issued annually to persons who are regularly The number of Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full. force and effect upon its pass- Mayor - Village Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 801-1 (263-4 before Codification) GRANTED SECOND READING. Hyde presented Ordinance No. 801-1 (263-4 before Codification) for Second Reading. term "protection of natural waterbodiestr as used.in the context of this,ordi- nance, is to secure dedication on plats in areas along creeks in outlying areas. fication) for Second Reading and moved its adoption as .follows: Mr. In reply to a question of Dr. Frances Schaar, he advised that the Councilman Courtney then offered Ordinance No. 801 (263-4 before codi- ORDINANCE NO. 801-1 (No. 263A-& in ordinance arrangement before 1970 codification) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 801 (263A) TO REQUWE-DEDTCATIDN"OF~ FOR PARKS'"~ OPEN-=ACE AND LANI) OR EASEEXCS 'FOR "PROTECTION-OF XATUW IJATER BODIES THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA,. ORDAINS: Section 1. amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 4. Land or Easements for the Protection of Natural Water Bodies. (a) In every plat, replat, or subdivision or land for residential use a reasonable portion of such land shall be set aside as open space land for the sole benefit, use and enjoyment of present and future lot or homeowners within the plat, replat or subdivision, and their guests, or shall be dedica- ted to the public for public use as parks and playgrounds. The Planning Com- mission shall determine which of these options is more appropriate and shall recommend to the Village of Edina one of the following procedures: or owners to a home owner's association or other similar nonprofit organiza-, tion so that fee simple title shall be vested in such organization, provided that suitable arrangements have been made for maintenance of said land and said land shall be conveyed to the Village to assure that open space land shall remain open, or or owners to the general public for park and playground purposes. of setting aside or dedicating said open space, the tract owner or owners at their option, may contribute to the Village an amount of cash equal to the value of the land otherwise required to be so set aside or dedicated. money so paid to the Village shall be placed in a special fund and used only for the acquisition of land for parks and playgrounds. Where any plat, replat, or subdivision of land adjoins a natural lake, pond, or stream, including streams which flow only intermittently, a strip of land running along all sides thereof which are contiguous to such lake, pond, or stream, which strip shall extend from a line not less than 50 feet upland from the lake, pond, or stream, as measured from the high water mark, and to and including the bed and water body of such lake, pond, or stream, shall be either (i) dedicated.to the Village for public use, or .(ii) subjected to a perpetual easement in favor of the Village over and in said land and the bed and water body of such lake, pond, or stream for the purpose of protecting the hydraulic efficiency and the natural character and beauty of such lake, pond or stream, the Planning Commission shall determine which of these options .is more appropriate and shall recommend to the Village Council one of said options. In either case there shall also then be granted to the Village the right of ingress to and egress from said strip of land with men, equipment and material. be in the best interest of the Village, said easement shall also provide that the owners of the area as to which such easement is granted shall not make, do-, or place, any fill, grading, improvement or development.of any kind on or Section 4 of Ordinance No.-801 (263A) of the Village, as Dedication of Land for Parks and Open Space and Dedikation of -F (1) The open space land shall be conveyed by the tract owner (2) The open space land shall be dedicated by the tract owner In lieu Any (b) Also, where the easement is determined to 12/7/70 4Q- .. f,. Project No. Unpaid Village Cost SAE-20-151-03 (BA-125) ' $ 65,000 SAP-20-144-02 (BA-110) 70,000 p. I . SAP-20-148-022) (c..,95) SAP-20-148-020) 5,000 SAP-20- 158-02 ( BA- 130) 245, OQO SAP-20-151-04 (Storm Sewer 120) 5,000 'SAP-20-148-06 {SBA-153) 160,000 SAP-20-156-01 (BA-171) 75,000 Total $675,000 SAP-20-148-05 (Storm Sewer 119) 10,000 SAP-20-148-07 (BA-172) b 40,000 Bonds in the principal amount of $675,000 issued as hereinkprovided, will not exceed in any calendar year, with the principal amount of all other municipal , state-aid street bonds maturing in such year, the total amount of the last annual installment preceding the issuance of the' bonds herein authorized received from the construction account in the municipal state-aid street fund, which was in the approximate amount' of' $256,000 . 1 Pursuant to the authority described above, the Village shall issue its "Municipal State-Aid Street Bonds", dated as of December 1, 1970, in the The bonds shalt be 3 in number and numbered from 1 to 3, inclusive, shall, bear interest at the rate of 6.00% per annum, pay- able on June 1, 1971, and semiannually on each December 1 and June 1 there- ,after, and shall mature on June 1 in the amount of $225,000 in each of the years 1972 through 1974, subject to' the right reserved by the Village to redeem and repay any of the bonds at any time at par and accrued interest, upon thirty days' notice mailed to the registered holders, and published in a daily or weekly periodical published in a Minnesota city of the first class or its metropolitan area circulating throughout the state and furnishing financial news as a part of its service. payable at the office of the Village Treqsurer. for the account.of the Improvement Bond Redemption Fund of the Village, and the Village Treasurer shall register the bonds as to payment of principal by endorsement on each of the bonds of a certificate of registration, reciting that the principal thereof will be payable only to such person as by such registration appears to be the owner thereof or his legal rdpresentative, and the Treasurer shall keep a permanent record of the bonds' registration. mimeographed in substantially the following form: 2. . denomination of $225,000. ' Principal and interest shall be The bonds shall be purchased 3. The bonds shall have no attached interest coupons, and shall be UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ' STATE OF MINNESOTA C.0UNTY Of HENNEPIN VILLAGE' OF EDINA MJNICIPAL+STATE-AID STREET BOND (Reg is te red) NO. $225,000 KNW ALL MEN By THESE pRE:BEWJ that the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, for value received acknowledges itself to be indebted and promises to pay to bearer or, if this bond is registered, to the registered .holder hereof, the principal sum of TU0 HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the 1st day of June, 19 , or on an earlier date on which it shall have been duly called for redemption, and promises to pay interest on said principal sum from the date hereof until paid or duly called for redemption at the rate of six and no hundredths per cent (6.00%) per annum , payable on June 1, 1971 and semiannually thereafter on'each December 1 and June 1. Both principal and.interest are payable at ,the office of the Village Treasurer, in Edina, Minnesota, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the respective dates bf payment is legal tender for public and private debts. For the prompt and full payment of such principal and interest the full faith and credit of the Village of Edina have been and are hereby irrevocably pledged. $675,000 all of like date and tenor except as to serial number and maturity date, issued for the purpose of establishing, locating, relocating, construct- ing, reconstructing and improving municipal state-aid streets within the. Village, in accordance with resolutions duly adopted by the Village Council, and pursuant to and in full conformity with the provisions of the Constitu- tion and laws of the State of Minnesota thereunto enabling, including Elinne- sota Statutes, Section 162.18 and Chapter 475. principal in the name of a holder on the bond register of the Village kept for that purpose at the office of the Village Treasurer, with such registration This bond is one of an issue in the aggregate principal amount of This bond is transferable by delivery, except while registered as to 12/7/70 J . noted hereon by said Treasurer. shall be valid unless made on such register by the registered by the registered holder in person or by his attorney duly authorized in writing and similarly noted hereon; but this bond may be discharged-from registra- tion by being in like manner transferred to bearer, and thereupon transfer- ability by delivery shall be restored;'but the bond may again and from time to time be registered in the name of a holder or transferred to bearer as before. This bond is subject to redemption and prepayment, at the option of the Village and at par and accrued interest, at any time, upon thirty days' notice of such redemption mailed to the registered owner hereof as shown on the bond register of the Village, and published in a daily or weekly period- ical published1 in a Minnesota city of the first class or its metropolitan area. Interest on this bond shall cease'upon the date specified for the redemption unless the bond is then presented for payment and payment is * refused. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to happen, to exist and to be performed precedent to and in the issuancebf this bond, in order to make it a valid general obligation of the Village according to its terms, have been done, have happene'd, do exist and have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner as so required; that the issuance of this bond did not cause the indebtedness of the Village to exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation; that prior to the issuance of this bond a direct, annual, irrepealable ad valorem tax has been duly levied upon all of the taxable property in the Village for the years and in amounts not less than 5% Ln Excess of sums sufficient to pay the interest hereon and the principal hereof as the same respectively become due, and additional taxes, if required for such purpose, may7rbe levied upon all such property without limitation as to rate or amount; and that the Village has 'also irrevocably pledged and appropriate-d to the sinking fund from which this bond is payable an amount of the moneys allotted *and to be allotted to the Village from its account in the municipal state-aid street fund of the State of kinnesota sufficient to. pay such principal and interest when dve, and that the.tq above described may be reduced by the amounts of such moneys or other moneys actually on hand and appropsiated to the sinking fund. its Vil.lage Council, has caused this bond to'be executed in its behalf by the signatures of its Mayor and Village affixed hereto, and has caused this While *so registered, ,no transfer hereof I . . IN'WITNESS WHEREOF the Village of.Edina,'Hennepin County, Minnesota, by official seal to be .I e Mayor Countersigned; Village Manager CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION The within bond has been registered on the bond.register kept at the office ' of the Village Treasurer in Edina,,Minnesota, and the principal hereof will be payable only to such person as by such registration appears to be the owner herepf or his legal representative. NO WRITING HEREON EXCEPT BY 'THE VILLAGE TWASURER , Date Registeked Ownet Signature of Treasurer - 1 4. The bonds shall be prepared Ifor-execution under the direction of the I Village Clerk and shall then be executed.on behalf of the Village by the . signatures of the Nayor and Village Manager,, who shall affix the corporate - seal of the Village to the.bonds. purchased shall be inserked therein, and the bonds shall be deposited in safekeeping by the Village Treasurer for the account of the Improvement Bond Redemption Fund, and tJdq Treasurer shall then transfer the purchase price of the bonds purchased by such fund, to-wit, the par yalue thereof, to the funds of the state-aid projects in paragraph 1 of this resolution, and the accrued interest shall be deposited to the credit of the Municipal State-Aid Street Bond Fundcreated by Ordinance No. 17-1, dated December 28, 1962. The name of the fund for which the bond is , 12/7/70 5. For the prompt and full payment of the principal and interest on- the bonds as the same respectively become due, the full faith, credit and taxing powers of the Village are hereby irrevocably pledged. To provide moneys for the payment thereof, there is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the Village a direct, annual, ad valorem tax which shall.be spread upon the tax rolls for the years and in the amounts as follows, and collected with and as a part of other general taxes of the Village in the respective ensuing years : Year Amount The proceeds of such tax shall be pain into the Municipal State-Aid Street Bond Fund and expended therefrom in accordance with Ordinance No. 17-1, adopted December 28, 1962, and the bond and interest shall be paid from that fund and secured by all of the covenants contained in that ordinance. There is also irrevocably pledged and appropriated to this fund an amount: of the moneys allotted and to be allotted to the Village from its account in the' municipal state-aid street'fund of the State of Minnesota, sufficient to pay such principal and interest when due, and upon receipt of such moneys from time to time the taxes herein levied shall be reduced by the amounts so received, in the manner provided in said ordinance. County Auditor of Hennepin County, Minnesota, a cerrified copy of this resolutiog together with such other i-nformation as the County Auditoi may require, and to obtain from said Auditor prior to the delivery of the bond herein described a certificate that said issue has been entered upon his bond register . 7. are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of said bonds, and:-to the attorneys apprpving the legality of the issuance thereof, certified copies of all proceedings and records of the Village relating to said bonds, and such other affidavits and certificates as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of the.bonds, as such facts appear from the Village's books and records in their custody and control or are otherwise known to them, and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed repres- entations of the Village as to the correctness of all statements contained the rein. Notion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on rollcall there sere three ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. 6. The Village Clerk is hereby .authorized and directed to file with the The officers of the Village and the County Auditor of Hennepin County NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES MEMBERSHIP TO BE DROPPED. Mr. Hyde that the National League of Cities dues have been increased to $250, and that it is not felt that this expenditure is worth while, Councilman . Shawls motion that Edina's membership be dropped in the National League of Cities was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Upon being advised by CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Councilman Shaw was SeC,Ondedd% gojjg &lpj@ you 5 y . for payment of the following claims as per pre-lis& kneraf pun!, $2$,!?i.95; Construction Furid, $316.77; Park, Park-Construction, Golf, Swimming, Arena, Park Sinking, $16,072.33; Water Fund, $11,278.32; Liquor Fund, $71,766.42; Sewer Fund, $888.59; Poor, $133.23; Total, $124,167.61; and for confirmation of payment 'of the following claims as per pre-list dated November 24, 1970: General Fund, $3,577.92; Construction Fund, $.99; Park, Park Construction, Arena, $2,350.21;.TJater Fund, $2,907..52; ,Liquor Fund, $68.408.38; Sewer Fund, . $99.19. The agenda's business having been covered, Councilman Shawls motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. 8:55 p.m. Adjournment at