HomeMy WebLinkAbout19710118_regularI KCNUTES OF THE REGULARMEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD AT VILLAGE HALL ON ' MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1971 This being the anniversary of Mayor Bredesen's twentieth year on the Village Council as Trustee and then Mayor, a surprise public testimonial in his honor was opened by Mr. Robert Diercks, Chairman of the Citizens' Appreciation Committee. Mr. Robert Obermeyer, representing veteran employees, welcomed Mayor Bredesen into the Twenty Year Club and Mr. Kenneth Rosland presented Mayor Bredesen with a king size gavel in behalf of present employees. Mr. George Hite, representing ex-employees, presented Mayor Bredesen with a book Edgar Hoover, the Swedish Consul, Messrs. A1 Locke and George Langmack, City Managers of Kirkland, Washington and Menomonie, Wisconsin, and from the ex Village of Morningside, among others. audience raised cards thanking "Mayor Art" for his twenty years of service to the Village. Gifts of a watch and silver tea service were presented to Mayor Bredesen by Mr. Diercks, The meeting was then called to order'at 7:40 p.m. with rollcall being answered by Councilmen Courtney, Johnson, Shaw, VanValkenburg and Mayor Bredesen. .~ .- .of letters including a telegram from President Nixon and letters from J. ' Approximately 200 persons in the \ MINUTES of December 21, 1970 and January 4, 1971, were approved as submitted by motion of Councilmen 'Johnson, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. - PUBLIC HEARINGS CONDUCTED ON "EROUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to due notice given, public hearings were conducted and action taken as hereinafter recorded: A. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS-294 IN THE FOLLOIJING: B. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. KK-259 IN THE FOLLOWING: C. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT ST.S-125 IN THE FOLLOIKCNG: D. Londonderry Road in Walnut Ridge Third Addition Londonderry Road in Walnut Ridge Third Additgon Londonderry Road in Walnut Ridge Third' Addition CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING,,CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING : (BA- 174) ' Londonderry Road in Walnut Ridge Third Addition The four hearings above were conducted concurrently. ments were requested by, and are in agreement with the developer for :'en,Fear term assessments, Nr. Hyde presented-total estimated construction cost of the Sanitary Sewer under A above at $5,704.50,-proposed to be assessed against 14 assessable lots at $407.46 per lot. main as listed under B above was given at $9,177.06, proposed to be assessed against 14 assessable lots at $655.50 per lot. for the storm sewer improvement listed under C above was given at $1,011.24, proposed to be assessed against 14 assessable lots at $1,011.24 per lot. mated construction cost of the permanent street surfacing, concrete curb and gutter listed under'D above was given at $&,157.36, proposed to be assessed against 14 assessable lots at $1,011.24 per assessable lot. heard. (See Resolution Ordering Improvements later in Ilinutes.) Advising that all improve- Construction cost as estimated for water- Estimated construction cost Esti- No objections were E i CONSTRUCTION 0F.I~JATEREIAIN P-WM-262 AND P-BA-175 OR ALTERNATE PROJECT P-VM- 262 AND STREET REPAIR IN THE FOLLOIIING: Wooddale 'Avenue from Garrison Lane to Nancy Lane Nancy Lane from Wooddale Avenue West to cul-de-sac Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost for Watermain listed above at $7,396.28, and Permanent Street Surfacing and Curb and Gutter at $11,745.93. Cost of the watermain was proposed to be assessed against four assessable lots at $1,849.07 and cost of the permanent street surfacing and curb and gutter was proposed to be assessed against 494.44 feet at $23.76 per assessable foot. Cost of the alternate proposal for watermain ancstreet replacement was given at $12,881.12, proposed eo be assessed against four assessable lots at an estimated cost of $3,220.28 per assessable lot. in the audience recalled that the petition submitted had requested the alfer- nate proposal. was then seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Improvement later in Minutes..) F. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN AND STREET REPAIR WM-261 IN THE FOLLOWING: Two unidentified gentlemen Councilman Johnson's motion approving the alternate proposal (See Resolution Ordering - Chantrey Road from Ayrshire Blvd. 'to Northwood Drive Mr. Hyde advised that a hearing on this same improvement 6, 1970, as a result of a petition. time the improvement was turned down. June 22, 1970. He presented total estimated'construction cost at $44,232.64, ' Northwood Drive from Mirror Lakes Drive to Changrey Road was held on April Because of opposition expressed at that Another petition was submitted dated 1/ 18/7 1 proposed to be assessed against 21 assessable lots at $2,106.32 per lot. unidentified lady in the audience said that if a petition was circulated, everyone who would be affected should have knowledge of the petition so that a plan could be wrked out in opposition to an improvement. gbn,' 5369 Ghaiskrey:Rbad;~~and &..resident '3io'lived'-'at '5730 * Norkhmod Drive; sptke fn-. oppositionlto-tbe 5mprovement. IIessrs. R. E. Schucker, 5317 Chantrey Road, E. P-. Erickson;5205 Chantrey Road, L. 3'. Gunberg, 5209 Chantrey Road, H. J. Schlauter, 5200 Chantrey Road, F, W. Benton, 5401 Chantrey Road, A. L. Coulter, 5400 Chantrey Road, L. J. Langer, 5312 Chantrey Road, and a gentleman who said that he represented Mr. Gilbert Braun and Mr. R. E. Ledder. Nrs. W. L. Ruth, 5204 Chantrey Road, also spoke in favor of the improvement. Councilman Johnson then stated that, in view 'of the number of people who felt the improvement was needed and in view of the fact that there is a need for the watermain and that its installation is a step forward, he felt that the5mprovement should be authorized. approving the watermain was then seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. (See resolution ordering improvement later in minutes.) G. CONSTRUCTION OF I?ATERMAIN IMPROVENENT NO. TiM-260 XI4 THE FOLLOWING: Ik, Hydg presented total esEimated construction cost at $11,286.41, proposed to be assessed against 14 assessable lots at $806.17 per lot. Speaking in favor of the proposal were Miss Dorothy Kuske, 5417 York Ave., Mrs. Dennis Schear, Nessrs. L. J. Olson, P. S. Knutson, R. W. McGovern and C. 14. Curtis, -all of Yorlc Avenue. The resident at 5412 Yorlc Avenue said that she could not afford the additional expense and would, therefor, oppose its installa- tion. face of overwhelming approval he would move that the improvement be authorized. Notion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carrkd. ing improvement later in minutes.) An . $lrs.vaH, G;-.fenhQ= Speaking in favor of the improvement were His motion York Avenue from Nest 55th Street to 455 feet North ._ -. Councilman Oourtney said that he sympathized with the lady but in the * (See resolution order- . I H. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. TU-263 IN THE FOLLOVIEG: V. 62nd St. from existing main located 630' West of Tracy Ave. to Olinger Olinger Blvd. extended from W. 62nd St. to existing main at South line of Blvd. extended Edina Grove Addition I. SANITARY SEVER IMPROVEPBNT NO. SS-295 IN THE FOLLOWING: Til. 62nd St. from 605' West of Tracy Ave. to 1426' Best of Tracy Ave. Olinger Blvd. extended from 1.7. 62nd St. to L93' North South side of West 62nd St. at intersection with Olinger Blvd. extended J. LIFT STATION IEPROVEMENT NO. LS-7 IN THE FOLJDJIEG: K. CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING IMPROVEMENT NO. C-109 IN THE FOLLOWING: ._. fJest,62nd. StTeet.€rom Tracy Avenue West 1400 feet to Olinger Blvd. extended; thence Northwesterly along Olinger Blvd. extended to the South line of Edina Grove Addition L. CONSTRUCTION OF PERHANENT STREET SURFACIEG AND CONCRETE CURB ANI) GUTTER DPROVEIGNT NO, BA-177 IN TE FOLLONING: West 62nd St. from Tracy Avenue West 1400 feet to Olinger Blvd. extended; Chence Northwesterly along Olinger Blvd.-extended to the South line of Edina Grove Addition Improvements listed under H, I, J, K and L above benefitting the same general area, hearings were conducted simultaneously. Mr. Hyde presented total esti- proposed to be assessed against 168 assessable connections at $90.16 per con- nection. at $24,880.51, proposed to be assessed against 170 assessable connections at $146.36 per connection. tion listed under J above was given at $34,914.88, proposed to be assessed against 170 connections at an estimated cost of $205.38 per connection. Total estimated construction cost for grading improvement C-109 listed under K above was given at $102,748;63, proposed to be assessed against 2,262.90 single family and park property footage at $8.00 per assessable feet and against 706.51 multiple zoned property footage at $12.00 per assessable foot. mated construction cost for Permanent Street Suffacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter listed under L above was given by Mr. Hyde at $74,615.30. It is pro- posed to deduct $3,157.25 for extra roadway width to be assessed against: Parcel 810, Sec, 5, T. 116, R. 21 (Countryside Park) with the remaining . amount to be assessed against front footage per'village policy with remainder from State Aid funds. ' assessed $27,154.80 &gainst 2,262.90 assessabie feet at $12.00 per foot and multiple zoned property is proposed to be assessed $18.00 against 706.51 assessable feet. was told by Mr. Duon that it is expected that constmction cost will start .early in the spring. - mated construction cost for Watermain Improvement No. IW-263 above at $15,147.08, Sanitary Sewer No. SS-295 above estimated construction cost was given Total estimated construction cost for Sewage Lift Sta- - I Tbtal esti- Single family and park property are proposed to be A gentleman in the audience'representing the Olson Properties No objections were heard, whereupon Councilman VanValken; 1/18/71 c w 1. 2. . 3. 4. _- 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. burg's motion authorizing the improvement was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. 11. (See resolution ordering improvement later in minutes.) CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER Arbour Avenue in Clagramar Fourth Addition (Bubble on West side of Arbour North of West 61st Street) IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-176 IN THE FOLLOWING: Avenue 300' Mr. Hyde presented total estimated project cost at $3,113.04, proposed fo be assessed against 123.16 assessable feet at,$25.28 per assessable foot. objections being heard, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: No RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS FOR SANITARY SEWERS NOS. SS-294 AND SSr295 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. WM-259, WM-260, IJM-261, WM-262, NM-263 STORM SEWER ST.S-125 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENT LS-7 GRADIYG' IMPROVEMENT NO. C-109 NOS. BA-1;74, BA-176, AND-BA-177 BZRHANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published and mailed to owners of each parcel within the area proposed to be assessed on the following proposdd improvements: CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: Londonderry Road in Walnut Ridge Third Addition CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING : Londonderry Road in Walnut Ridge Third Addition CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER:AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING Londanderry Road in,Walnut Ridge Third Addition. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING: 1 Londonderry Road in Walnut Ridge Third Addition CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES AND STREET REPAIR IN THE FOLLOW- ING : Wooddale Avenue from Garrison Lane to Nancy Lane Nancy Lane from Wooddale Avenae West to cul-de-sac CONSTRUCTION OF IqATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: Chantrey Road from Ayrshire Blvd. to Northwood Drive Northwood Drive from Mirror Lakes Drive to Chantrey Road CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: York Avenue from West' 55th St'reet to 455 feet North CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: W. 62nd St. from existing main located 630' West of Tracy Ave. to Olinger Olinger Blvd. extended from W. 62nd St. to existing main at South line of CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLWING: W. 62nd St. from 605' Vest of Tracy Ave. ta 1426' West of Tracy Avenue Olinger Blvd. extended from West 62nd St. to 193' North CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE LIFT STATION AND APPURTENANCESTIN THE FOLLOWING: South side of West 62nd St. at intersection with Olinger Blvd. extended CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING IMPROVEMENT IN THE FOLLOWING: West 62nd St. from Tracy Avenue West 1400 fket to Olinger Blvd. extended; .- '. Blvd. extended Edina Grove Addition thence Northwesterly along Olinger Blvd. extended to the South line of Edina Grove Addition CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTT&R IN THE FOLLOWING: West 62nd St. from Tracy Avenue West 1400 feet to Olinger Blvd. extended; . thence Northwesterly along Olinger Blvd. extended to the South line of 5 Edina Grove Addition CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT IN THE FOLLOWING: Arbour Avenue in Clagramar Fourth Addition (Bubble on West side of Arbour .- Avenue 300' 2 North of West 61st Street and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice, the Council $as VduIy-consideted the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements, with the understanding that Algernate Project Watermain and 'S'tr&eE Repair No. tJM-262 be approved and that Permanent Street Surfacing, Concrete Curb and Gutter P-BA-174 be abandoned, including all proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for construction and maintenance of such improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: I I 6'6 ( 1/18/11 No. 1 Above SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SS-294 No. 2 Above No. 3 Above STORM SJNJ3B IMPROVEMENT ST.S-125 No. 4 Above STiBEET IMPROVEMENT BA-174 No. 5 Above IJATERtfAIN & STREET REPAIR WM-262 No. 6 Above WTERMAIN INPROVJDlENT 26 1 No. 7 .Above WATEl2tWT.N IMPROVEMENT WM-260 . No. 8 Above WATERMAIN IMPROVEEBNT WM-263 No. 9 Above SANITARY SEFER IMPROVEMENT SS-295 No.10 Above LIFT STATION IMPROVEElENT LS-7 No.11 Above GRADING IMPROVEMENT C-109 N0.12 Above STREET IMPROVEMENT BA- 17 7 No.13 Above STREET IMPROVEMENT BA- 176 Ti4TERMAl.N IMPROVEMENT WM-259 and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include for Sanitary Sewer Improvement SS-294 Lots 1 thru 8, Block 1 and Lots 1 thru 6, Block 2, Walnut Ridge Third Addition; the-area to be specially assessed for Waterinain Improvement TJM-259 shall include Lots 1 thru 8, Block 1 and Lots 1 thru 6, .Block 2, Walnut Ridge Third Addition; the area to be specially assessed for -_ Storm Sewer Improvement St.S-125 shall include Lots 1 thru 8, Block 1 and Lots 1 thru 6, Block 2, Walnut Ridge Third.Addition; the area proposed to be assessed for Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter Improvement No. BA-174 shall include Lots i thru 8, Block 1 .and Lots 1 thru 6, Block 2 and Outlot A, Walnut Ridge Third Addition; the area psoposed to be specially assessed for Watermain and Street Repair WM-262 shall include Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 2, 35iller's Addition; the area proposed to be specially assessed for Watermain Improvement WM-261 shall include Lots-12 thru 22 and Lots 26 thru 35, Block 1, Rosendahl's Edina Highlands; the area proposed to be assessed for latermain Improvement No. NM-260 shall include Lots 16.thry 26-iAc$,, Block 1, and Lots 6 thru 10 incl., Block 2, Seely's First Addition to Hawthorne Park; The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of Watermain Improvement No. lm-263 includes Parcels #1110, #660 and 655 in Section 5, Township 116, Range 21; Parcels #5050, 85060 and ~''5070 in Section 32, Township 117, Range 21; the area proposed to be assessed for the cost of Sanitary Sewer Improve- ment SS-295 and the Sewage Lift Station No LS-7 includes Parcels #lllO, f660 and #655 in Section 5, Township 116, Range 21; Parcels #5050, ljE-5060 and #5070 in Section 32, Township 117, Range 21; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 in Schluter's Addition; the area proposed to be assessed for Grading Improvement C-109 and Shri2ef-Improvement BA-177 includes Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Countryside Addi- tion; Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Countryside Addition-Zuehllce Replat; Lots l.and 2, Block 1, Schluter's Addition; Parcels B5050, 5060, #5070 and B5020, Sec. 32, Township 117, Range 21; Parcels #8lO and #llOO, Sec. 5, Township 116, Range 21; the area proposed to be assessedrfor-Street Improvement No. BA-176 includes Lots 1 thru 5 incl., Block 1, Clagramar Fourth Addition, Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. SOUTHWEST EDINA PLAN REFEREED BACK TO PLANNING COElMISSION. .Mr. f?est .presented' the Southwest Edina Plan as submitted by the Planniog.Comission,. recalling that, since the matter had originally been considered by the Planning Com- mission .and a comprehensive plan developed.by Brauer & Associates and approved by the Planning Commission in 1967, changes in the plan had become necessary because.of the change in needs in the School District, the recommendation of the Park Boakd not to obtain.additiona1 land South of Braemar Park and indus- trial and/or commercial development in the City of Bloomington just adjacent to Edina. Mr. West recalled that the plan developed in 1967 by Brauer &. Associates Ear this property bounded by Cahill Road, West 70th Street, Old Washington Avenue and the South Village Limits, had called for a strip of industrial zoning along Cahill Road from the Danens property to W. 78th Street, with a strip of R-2 Multiple Residential District property between the industrial property and single family zoning. Mr. West added that, in developing this plan, the Plannang Commissik had considered the protection and preservation of existing natural features in the area, maintenance of existing residential integrity and creation of additional good living environments. Cahill Road and East of the Dewey Hill Road extensions were.such that the cost of piling would require an intense use of the land. calls for industrial development approximately 400' deep on the West side of Cahill Road, medium density mixed.residentia1 development which would permit 6 to 17 units per acre in the four acre tract located just West of Cahill Road and just South of the proposed Northern extension of Dewey Hill Road, with a low density mixed residential development of up to 6 units per acre in the remainder of the area located between the proposed Dewey Hill Road extensions and the industrial development Nest of Cahill Road. He noted that soil conditions in the general area West of The proposed plan . The ' MIDWEST PLANNING AND RESEARCH, INC. LAND PLANN'ING AND URBAN RESEARCH CONSULTANTS 430 Oak Grove, Suite 8-3 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 Telephone(612) 333-8166 January 14, 1971 Honorabl e Mayor and Counci I Village of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Attention: Warren Hyde, Village Manager Gent I emen : Mr. Ted Brouillette and I, having met with members of the Village staff this past week to review questions concerning the development of properties west of Highway 100, south of 70th Street, wish to confirm by this letter our support for proposed solutions as discussed. We want to take this opportunity to assure the Village Council that we are first of all desirous of working in close coopera- tion with the Village over an extended period of time to achieve the highest development standard as possible in our area. We assume that this is a prime requisite of the Village as demonstrated by its past decisions and to this end, our objectives are the same. In the case of the development of the streets and highway system (west of 100, south of 70th Street) we support wholeheartedly, construction of the west side service road and intersection of that road with 70th Street at a high standard providing for the ultimate traffic needs of west 70th (serving the fine residential areas to the west) and the needs of the service road (serving the office areas, hotel, and other uses to the south). We support the development of the inter- section and the service road at the standards suggested by the study done by Howard, Needles, Tamen, and Bergendorf as reviewed by the village staff, Planning Commission, and Council. We hereby commit ourselves to agreement to pay our fair share of additional cost necessitated by the improvement of the standards of construction beyond that which the State of Minnesota agrees to provide for these facilities. We agree to the Villages suggestion that this increased right-of-way and construction cost be handled as a public improvement project to be assessed against benefitted properties, of which ours will be a substantial part. Such project is anticipated to initially include the cost of additional right-of-way, the development of the suggested intersection design of 70th at a time determined necessary by the Village, and further the upgrading of the two-lane service road as traffic demands dictate. St. Paul, Minnesota 55119 Madison, Wisconsin 53704 3000 Hudson Road, Suite 206 m 3129 E. Washington Ave. Telephone: (612) 739-9350 Telephone.(608) 244-2281 I Casper, Wyoming 82601 Telephone: (307) 234-1905 m 136 South Wolcott St. Honorable Mayor and Council Village of Edina Page 2 January 14, 1971 The fact that the State Highway Department proposes to build a four-lane service road for the temporary by-pass of Highway 700 (where.the service road is parallel to the present highway) should reduce that portion of final construction cost to some degree. The principal remaining cost would be widening the proposed 30 foot paved width to a four lane facility to the north, construction of the modified intersection with 70th Street, and additional necessary right-of-way. Though the Village may decide to up- grade portions of the work at a later date, we suggest acquisition (and assess- ment thereof) of right-of-way along with present Highway Department develop- ment to insure future development standards. We also favor the early develop- ment of the intersection design at 70th Street to insure adequate protection for the residential areas to the north. We are most appreciative of the Council's, Planning Commission's, staff's and citizen's time, interest, and support of our proposed development. You may count on us to fulfill our portion of the necessary mutual effort of the municipal and private sector to produce an outstanding development over the anticipated 8 to 10 year period projected in this case. Thank you for your helpful suggesfions and cooperation. Yours very truly, MIDWEST PLANNING AND RESEARCH, INC. oward Dahlgren 'vk Executive Vice President HD/nd 'I cc: Ted Brouillette, Vice President, Director, Edina Place, Inc. , *. .- .. -- - - 1. 1/18/71 area West of the proposed Dewey Hill Road extensions contain a ponding area, \ and three areas of low density mixed residential development centered on major hill groups and separated by green strips of open space along the natural drainage ways. The remainder of .the study area contains single family detached homes and a proposed school and park site. Mr. West recalled that the Village Attorney had indicated that the Western Edina Plan could be adopted by resolution and that the zoning could be changed aa any time. pointed out that this is a 'rplant' only and not a ticommittmentee. Nordbye, representing Mr. 0. E. Madsen, urged approval of industrial develop- ment as proposed on Cahill Road. presented were Mr. and Mrs. Crawley, 5604 I?. 70th Street, Messrs. E. B. Haedecke;. 5524 W. 70th Street, Louis Polries, 7101 Fleetwood Drive, the resi-dent at 5700 Dewey Hill Road, Robert Klein, 7300 Claredon Drive and James Jundt, 7021 Lanham Lane, who said that he bought his house on the basis of environment for his family and that this industrial encroachment would destroy property values. He added that he would rather see low income housing in the area than the industrial zoning proposed. Mrs. Donna Rubens protested that she had moved to Edina because of a "quality of life" which would be destroyed by the encroachment of industrial development Nest of Cahill Road. Mrs, M. M. Aksoy, 5600 W. 70th Street, objected to the proposed high density apartments to be constructed Southeast of Cahill School. Road, said that he had been a member of the Citizens' Committee which had worked on this plan and that the plan as presented did not include any'of the suggesr- ions.made by the Committee. the property on the F?est side of Cahill and South of IJ. 70th Street was zoned R-2, rather than R-3 as presently indicated in the comprehensive plan. Bredesen suggested that perhaps the Village, as well as residents, should compromise and that possibly a six story apartment building might, be more pleasing in appearance than a ventilator.on the roof of a two story warehouse. Mr. FJilliam Lewis, Chairman of the Planning Commission, suggested that if the area on the West side of Dewey Hill Road was developed with apartments, traffic would have to exit on to W. 70th Street from Dewey Hill Road, rather than by going to the South. He added that the Planning Commission had discussed the possibility of Office Building Zoning-in the area but had felt that the exposure was not good for office buildings, Councilman Johnson said that he had made an on-site imspection and could find no reason why industrial zoning should be extended West of Cahill Road and that, in his thinking, the plan proposed by residents was closer to the way the area should be developed. He agreed with Councilman Shaw that the cu1'-de-sac on Cahill Road should be eliminated and that Dewey Hill Road should be left as it is at the present time. In response to a lady in the audience who said that the Planning Commission had not listened to residents, Mayor Bredesen commended the Plan- ning Commission for its efforts and said that its interest, as well as the interest of the Council, was for the welfare of the entire community. added that the suggestions of residents had been taken into consideration in the development of the plan. Requests were made by members of the audience that a separate studyLb& made of traffic considerations in the area, that the zoning of the corner of Old St. Patrick's Church be check and that specific estimates of cost of pilings for industrial buildings be available so that they could be compared with the cost of pilings for residential buildings.- Following considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney's motion referring the matter back to the Planning Commission was seconded by Councilman Johnson and , carried. I Mayor Bredesen Mr. Roger Speaking in opposition to the plan as Mr. William Howard, 5808 Dewey Hill An unidentified lady in the audience said that Mayor He ORDINANCE NO. 811-3 (No. 261-216 before 1970 Codification) GRANTED SECOND READING. Mr. Hyde recalled that at the last meeting, Council had asked for a more definite statement as to how the impro,vements in connection with the Davis pro- perty rezoning would be assessed. He referred to a letter (a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of these Minutes) from Mr. Howard Dahlgren, Executive Vice President of Midwest Planning & Research, Inc., in behalf of Davis & Associates, supporting the development of the intersection and service road at T.H. 100 and 8. 70th Street at standards suggested by the study done by Howard, Needles, Tamen & Bergendorf as reviewed by the Village Staff, Plan- ning Commission and Council. In.this letter, Mr. Dahlgren committed Midwest Planning & Research, Inc., to pay its ntfair share of additional cost necessitated by the improvement of the standards of construction beyond that which the State of Minnesota agrees to provide for these facilitiesan. Mr. Hyde made a clarifi- cation as to the Minutes af January 4, 1971, in which he had been quoted as saying that the ''cost of the improvements would certainly be assessed against the developers, that they had been told that the Village does not intend to spend General Funds and that certainly there would be no assessment against the residential properties on the North side'$. added that there would be no additional assessment to properties on the North He said that he should have. .. 1/18/71 c side of W, 70th Street, other than a normal residential assessment, inasmuch as these properties had never been assessed for any street improvements. Councilman Courtney questioned Mr. Dahlgren's letter, asking who determines their "fair share". the land South of the land currently under consideration, which has already been developed, should assume some portion of the cost of running the road to the North to give them access to the highway at W. 70th Street. Mr. Dunn expressed hope that the four lane frontage road could be relocated by the Highway Department because an additional thirty feet.of right-of-way would be expensive and the State would not assume the cost. additional width could not be dedicated on the plat because,the immediate past owners had retained the land rights for any property required for thor- oughfare. Inc., ehich comppy is leasing the property in question, and Mr. Dahlgren both publicly agreed that if Council would feel that it was fair for the developers to pay all of the cost, then they would pay for it al, including the cost of the sophisticated interchange at.W.*70th Street. added that the developers are paying the cost for diverting the Nine Mile Creek channel and suggested that any land thak-might be necessary for the interchange be acquired as soon as possible before prices increase further. Councilman Johnson was told that a wider service road would be necessary be- cause of the additional volume of traffic that would gener8te from the devel- opment. No further discussion was heard, whereupon Councilman VanValkenburg offered the following ordinance, based onthe letter of January 14, 1971, from Mr. Dahlgren and moved .its adoption: Mr. Hyde said that the gene2al feeling was,that some of Mr. Hyde added that the Mr. Ted Brouillette, Vice President and Director of Edina Place, Mr. Dahlgren ORDINANCE NO. 811-3 (NO. 261-216 PRIOR TO 1970 CODIFICATION) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 811 (WHICH WAS ORDINANCE NO, 261 BEFORE 1970 CODIFICATION) ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT 0-2 THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. The boundaries of' the Office Building District are hereby extended by adding to the description of the District contained in Paragraph 1 of Section 8 of Ordinance 811 (which was Ordinance 261 before 1970 Codification) the properties described below, and said Paragraph is hereby amended accordingly: Sub-District 0-2: . (a) All that part of the North 955.5 feet of the East 23.36 acres of Government Lot 2, Section 9, Township.116, Range 21, lying TJest of the State Highway No. 100, Hennepin County, Minnesota; The South 10 rods of Lot 1;~xcept State Highway, Section 9, Town- ship 116, Range 21, according to the.Government survey thereof. lying East of the center line of Nine Mile Creek; The South 599.75 feet of the East 20 acres of that part of Govern- ment Lot 1, Section 9, Township 116, Range 21, lying between the South 165 feet thereof and the centerline of the road known as Cahill Road or Vest 70th Street, according to the government survey thereof, except that part taken from Highway 100; Section 9, Township 116, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota; Lots 19, 20, 21 and 22, Block 1, Edina Interchange Center Third Addition; Section 9, Township 116, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 6, Edina Interchange Center; Outlot A, Edina Interchange Center Third Addition. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was se on rollcall there were five ayes and ATTEST : I lL&eL&,a, Village Clerk POLICE CARS AND STATION WAGON BIDS CONFIRIIED. Nrw Dalen advised Council that bids submitted to.the County for purchase of nine Police cars and one station wagon for the Park' Department had come in higher than anticipated in the Bedget. Cost of the Police cars was given at $3,412.70 and cost of the Station %lagon was given at $3,605.40. motion authorizing purchase of the vehicles as recomnded was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Following some discussion, Councilman VanValkenburg's Id, E. JOHNSTON REQUEST FOR PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ZONIKG REFXRRED TO PLANNING COMMISSION. Councilman Johnson's motion referring the request for Planned Residential District zoning for property located just East of Braemar 1/18/7 1 I Park between W. 76th Street exte;ded and the South Villag Cpmmission for consideration with the Southwest Edina Plan was seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and carried. Limits:t-a,the Planning VILLAGE OF CHAMPLIN REQUEST FOR ELIMINATION OF HOMESTEAD CLASSIFICATION was tabled by motion.of Councilman Johnson,.seconded by Councilman.I?anValkenburg and carried. COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM BRANCHTSE REQUEST CONTINUED FOR STUDY. Hyde advised Council of a request of Todd Communications, Inc. for a franchise Mr. to construct and operate a community antenna television system in the Village. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Courtney's motion continuing the matter for further study by the staff WZL? seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and carried. ASPEN ROAD PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB was referred to the Engineering Department for processing by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. SCHAEFER ROAD IMPROVEMENT REQUESTED. Parkwood Road, for the improvement of Schaefer Road was noted. Mr. Hyde noted that a hearing for this improvement had already been scheduled for Febru- ary 22, 1971. Request of Dr. Maynard C. Nelson, 6608 HEARING DATES SET FOR ZONING MATTERS. by Councilman Courtney and carried, February 1;- 1971, was set as hearing date for the following matters : By motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded 1. Lot Division - Lot 3, Block 17, Normandale Addition 2;. Preliminary Plat Approval - Cherokee Hills 7th Addition FIRE DEPARTMENT SALARIES UNDER DISCUSSION. the Salary Resolution had been adopted, the Fire Department had notified him that its salary schedule had not been acceptable.. fact, the Fire Department would continue-to be paid under the 1870 rates and that he would report to Council when additional information was available. Mr. Hyde advised Council that, after He said that, in view of this PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ABANDONED. Improvement SS-262, Lift Station LS-6 and Natermain Improvement No. 223 had been authorized in 1967 and never installed. replaced by tlatermain Improvement VM-263, Sanitary Sewer SS-295 and Lift Station LS-7, which improvements were authorized earlier in this meeting. Councilman Shaw's motion &hat Sanitary Sewer 262, Lift Station LS-6 and Watermain WM-223 be abandoned was then seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. Mr. Hyde advised Council that Sanitary Sewer These improvements are now being - TRACT U, R.L.S. 1050 DEED RGCEIVED. Mr. Hyde advised Council that the deed had been received for Tract U, R.L.S. 1050 and that it had been forwarded to the Minn. Highway Department. POLICE FATROZMAN WRITTEN EXAMINATION REPORT ACCEPTED FOR FILING. Mr. Hyde called Council's attention to a breakdown of the 132 men who took the written examination for Patrolman, whereupon Councilman Shaw's motion accepting the" report for filing was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE: MINUTES APPROVED. action by the Traffic Safety Committee on a propgsed parking ban on one side of Cahill Road South of W. 70th Street, Councilman Courtney's motion approving the Traffic Safety Committee Minutes was seconded by.Councilman Johnson and carried. - \ HUMAN RIGHTS APPOINTMENTS APPROVED. As recommended by Mayor Bredesen, Council- man Courtney's motion confirming the appointment of Mrs. Sue Bonoff as a Council recommendation to replace Mrs. Yvonne Ford and reappointing Mr. Elwyn A. Ander- son and Mrs. Norman Carpenter for an additional term of three years each was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. the following resolution and moved its adoption: Following some discussion as to - Councilman Courtney then offered RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, Mrs. Yvonne Ford has served on the Human Rights Commission since its inception; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Ford has exhibited energetic initiative as a member of the Commission; NOW, THEREFOREy BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Edina Village Council express its most sincere thanks and grateful appreciation to MRS. SVONNE FORD for her tireless service on the Human Rights Commission. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried unanimously. 'i: 2: i 1/18/71 MINNEAPOLIS SEWER BILLING SETTLEMENT ASPROVER. Mr. Hyba advised Council that the City of Minneapolis has proposed a revised settlement with the Village for sewer service charges following long time negotiations. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Johnson's motion approving the proposed settlement in the amount of $59,000 and commending the Village Manager and Treasurer for ehetrlout- standing efforts in the matter was seconded by CQuncilman Courtney and carried. .INDIANHEAD-ARROWHEAD SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF LETTER OF CREDIT XN LIEU OF BOND APPROVED, approving an agreement with Indianhead-Arrowhead Subdivision and the Village of Edina and accepting letters of Credit in lieu of bond by Savage State Bank and Northwestern National Bank of B26omington-Richfield was seconded by Council- man Courtney and carried, As recommended by Mr. Dalen, Councilman Shaw's motion I -PUMP STATION #lo REPAIR AUTHORIZED. As recommended by Mr. Dalen, Councilman VanValkenburg's motion approving expenditure of $1,239 for repair of Pump Station 810 was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. STATE AID BOND RESOLUTION APPROVED, As recommended by Mr. Dalen, Councilman RE SOLUTION VHEREAS, the Village of Edina has issued and sold bonds, dated December 7, 1970, in the amount of $675,000 exclusively for the purpose of.establishing, locating, relocating, construction, reconstructing or improveing its State- Aid Highways in accordance with Law; and s 17HEXEAS, said Village of Edina has irrovocably pledged to the sinking fund from which said obligations are payable, that amount of thei2 future State- Aid allotments as is permissable by Law and needed to pay the principal and interest thereon; which principal payments shall be made from the Regular construction account of such State-Aid fund and the interest payments made from their Regular State-Aid maintenance account, all as detailed herein: *Johnson offered the following resolution and moved its adoptrion: * DATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL DUE - YEAR 197 1 June 1 $20,250 $ 20,250 1971 . Dec. 1 20 , 250 20,250 * 1972 June 1 $ 225,000 20,250 2&5 3350 .I 1972 Dec. 1 13,500 13,500 1973 June 1 225,000 * 1*3,500 238,500 1973 Dec. 1 6,750 6,750 1974 June 1 225,000 6,750 231,750 . $ 675,000 $10 1,250 $776,250 - I NOI?, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commissioner of Highways be and is hereby requested to keep a bond record in his office for the Village of Edina; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commissioner of Highways be and is hereby requested upon receipt of this resolution to annually certify to the State Auditor the sum of money required for the principal and interest.on said bonds. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. LIQUOR STATEMF,NT.as of November 30, 1970, was presented by Mr. Dalen, reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. CUDIS PAID. I carried for payment of the following claims as per pre-list: $26,149.59; Park, Park Construction, Golf, Arena, Swimming, $24,244.56; Water Fund, $9,527.69; Liquor Fund, $92,947.91; Sewer' Fund, $3,579.28; Poor & PIR, Motion of Councilman Shaw wqs seconded by Councilman Courtney and General Fund, - $407.95; Total, $156,856.98. . No further business appearing, Councilman Courtney's motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. -Adjournment at &0:15.p,m. - Village Clerk I