HomeMy WebLinkAbout19710201_regular7.3.' & MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HZLD AT VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY,.FEBRUARY 1, 1971 Members answering rollcall were Councilmen Courtney, Johnson, Shaw and Van Valkenburg who served as Mayor Pro Tern in the absence of Mayor Bredesen. MOTOR STREET VACATION HEARING CONTINUED. Affidavits of notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to due notice giveapublic hearing was conducted and action taken as hereinafter recorded. Mr. Dunn presented a petition signed by Mr. Timothy Stone, 5131 Motor Street, for vacation of the portion of Motor Street in front of his residence. Mr, Stone reiterated reasons set forth by him in a letter for the proposed vacation, noting that there is limited need for the road, that it is used by undesirable persons for questionable activities and that the lack of paving, curb and lighting makes general maintenance as a roadway impossible and necessitates upkeep by residents. utility easements in the street proposed to be vacated and zh&t the Minneapolis Gas Company has indicated that they would have no objection to the vacation prd- vided they would be granted an easement for their lines. would own the street once the vacation was approved was brought up. ' Attorney Erickson noted'that, because there'are three plats in the area, all * of which take in the whole of Motor Street, it will take considerable search- ing to establish who the owner would be. It was further noted-that, in the event the road would not go to the Stones, their property might be land locked. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney!s motion continuing the matter until February 22, 1971, so that the owner of the vacated street could be determined was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. CmROKEE HILLS 7TH ADDITION GRANTED PRLiMINARY APPROVAL. were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. West presented Cherokee Hills 7th Addition for preliminary approval, noting that this three lot plat is located in the Indian Kills area, and that the lots are comparable in size to others in the area. Unidentified members of the audience looked over the plat and did not express any objections. There- upon Councilman Johnson offered the- following resolution and moved its adopt- ion : It was noted that the Village needs The question of who Village Affidavits of Notice Mr. RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT OF CHEROKEE HILLS 7TH ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina Village Council that that certain plat entitled "Cherokee Hills 7th AdditionDe, platted by Haverly Construction Company, Inc., and presented at the meeting of the Edina Village.Counci1 of February 1, 1971, be and is hereby granted preliminary approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. LOT 3, BLOCK 17, NORMANDALE ADDITION DIVISION APPROVED. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. West, with the aid of'the view-graph, presented the request for division of Lot 3, Block 17, Normandale Addition, which lot is located between Sherwood and Ryan Avenues, South of IJ. 65th Street. The resultant lots being the same approximate size as other lots in the area and no objections being heard, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, Lot 3, Block 17, Normandale Addition, is at present a single tract of land; and WHEREAS, the owner has requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called 'eParcelsct) described as follows : The Westerly 122.94 feetsof Lot 3, Block 17, Normandale Addition; and Zbt 3,. Block 17; .Noniandale'Addi~ion; except the Qeikerly 122.94 feet thereor; * and- . ., Mr. ' *. RESOLUTION ,* WHp?EAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the Village of Edina will create an unnecessary hard- ship and said Parcel as separate tracts of land does not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the Village of Edina Ordinance Nos. 261 and 263-A; 'NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance-No& 261 and,Ordinance No. 263-A are hereby waivedto allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the Village of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. c 2/1/71 * Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. BID AWARDED FOR SANITARY SEWER NO. SS-292 AND WATEREiAIN NO. WM-258. of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on tisement for Bidd'in the Edina Sun and Construction Bulletin showing Dycon Corporation, contractor for the T.H. 100 construction, low bidder at $79,393.70;' Carl H. Peterson Co., $141,082.50, G. L. Contracting, Inc., $141,489.50, and Walbon Excavating Co, high bidder at $187 196 ,OO . Nr . Hyde advised *that the project was previously bid on August 14, 1970. The low bid at that time was $76,938.20 but the contract could not be awarded because a pebit could not be obtained from the State Highway Department at that time. Estimated con- struction cost'given at the preliminary public hearing was $119,152.00. As . recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Council- man Johnson and carried awarding contract to recommended low bidder with the understanding that the installation of these improvements ikplies no consdnt for any future rezoning for the property to be served. UTILITY Vh FOR ENGINEERIKG DEPARTMENT BIDS REJECTED. were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. West advised Council that the only bid was made by Town's Edge Ford at $3,318.08 which was substantially higher 1971 budget, whereupon Councilman Johnson's motgon was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried rejecting the bid. Affidavits -file. Mr. Hyde presented tabulationeof six bids received in response to ''Adver- I ~ Affidavits of Notice Mr. than the $2,509 allowed in the QUIET ENGINE RETROFIT PROGRAM DISCUSSED. action suggesting proposed rulemaking by the Federal Aviation Administration on a "Quite Engine Retrofit Program". matter to Mr. John T. Richter, who had previously indicated his interest in noise abatement, and to the Metropolitan Sound Abatement Committee. SCHAEFER ROAD IMPROVEMENT REQUESTS NOTED. Mr. Hyde called Council's attention to letters from Messrs. George J. Emrich, J. B. Kelly, Robert A. Worsing and Mr. and Mrs. D. Chatterton, none of whom reside on Schaefer Road, had been received urging that action be taken to improve-the condition of the street surfacing. Bs.re~danme~d~d~~y~~~~~ fIy'de;-CaSn~i~man;Johnson's motion authoriz- 'ing a hearing for Village. watdrrtiain.; -6toni :Sewer and -perm&rldnt .strdei improve- ment was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. (See resolution setting hearing date later in minutes.,) NON-RETURNABLE CONTAINER REQUEST NOTED. Mr. Hyde noted receipt of..letters from Mrs. H. J. Freeman and Mrs., Clifford Olivera urging Council to *give serious consideratio? to adoption of an ordinance which would require all retailers who distribute recyclable materials to the public to be required to provide depositories for the return of such materials. said that he be'lieves that such action should be taken at Ihe'State level. No action was taken. P R.K. STROM REQUEST FOR R-3 ZONING HEARING DATE SET. As recommended by Mr. West, the request of Mr. R. K. Stom for R-3 Residential District zoning for property located on the Vest side of Cahill Road at N. 70th Street was set for hearing on February 22, 1971, by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. Mr. Hyde advised Council of a letter from the City,of Inglewood, California, urging the Village to take 5 It was informally decided to refer the I Councilman Johnson - TAX FORFEITED LANDS ACQUISITION AUTHORIZED. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Johnson offered the fqllowing resolution and moved its adoption: IJREREAS, the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin C.ounty, Minne- sota, has received from the County Auditor of Hennepin County, Minnesota, a list of lands' in said village which became the property of the State of Minne- sota for non-payment of taxes, which said list has been designated as Classi- fication List "645-CC8; and WHEREAS, each parcel of land described in said list has heretofore been classi- fied by the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County,,Minnesota, as non-conservation land and the sale thereof has heretofore been authorized by said Board of County Commissioners: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by said Village Council, acting pursuant to Minnesota Statutes for 1949, Section 282.01, Subd. 1, that the said classi- fication by said Board of County Commissioners of each parcel of land described in said list as non-conservation land be and the same is hereby approved, and that the sale of each such parcel of land be and the same is hereby approved. I I ! I i I I I I I I I 'i i I I I 1 i I I ~ i I i I I 21117 1 7' . 6' q : motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney 1 and on rollcall there were four ayes and,no nays and the resolution was adopted. Councilman Johnson then offered the following resolution and moved its adopt- ion: RESOLUTION PROVING ACQUISITION OF TAX FORFEITED LANDS FOR STORM DRAINAGE AND PAX PURPOSES BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the Village Attorney be authorized and directed to file eDApplication by Governmental Subdivision for Conveyance of Tax 'Forfeited Lands", for the following described property contained in Hennep'in County Auditor' s List tr645-Cs0, said property to be used by the Village of Edina as hereinafter set forth: Lot 10, Block 5;Indian Hills - For Storm Drainage Purposes Commencing at the NE'ly corner of Lot 16, thence SWly along; Easterly line of said lot to a point 149 ft. NEly from SEly corner thereof; thence at an angle to the right of 139 degrees , 42 minutes -to the North- erly line of said Lot 16, thence Easterly along said North line to beginning, all in doufhdale Thira Additiofi *.Fgr Park : '-. Purposes -. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and . on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted, HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MEMBERS APPOINTED. Councilman Courtney's motion confirming the appointments of .Mrs. Harriett Herb and Mr. David Williamson-to the Human Rights Commission for terms qf bne-and :three yedrs -.r.especti*ely..paS secshded .by- Councilman- Johnson and *carried. -NINE MILE NORTH EFFECTIVE DATE FOR FINAL APPROVAL EXTENDED. by the Village Attorney that the easements required by Council, upon approval of Nine Mile North final plat on December 21, 1970 had not been received, Councilman Shaw offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: As recommended by the School Board, Upon being advised RESOLUTION EXTENDING EFFECTIVE DATE FOR ' - FINAL APPROVAL OF NINE'MILE NORTH' WHEREAS, the easement agreed upon at the Edina Village Council Meeting of Deceaber 21, 1970, whichtis fiecessary before final plat approval is granted to Nine Mile North has not been received; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edlna Village Council that the effective date for final plat approval for Nine Mile North be and is hereby extended to March 2, 1971, unless this resolution is amended, annulled or rescinded by the Village Council. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. HENNEPIN COUNTY GENERAL HOSPITAL ELECTIoN OFFICIALS APPOINTED , Clerk presented a list of names of Election Judges proposed to be used for the Hennepin County General Hospital Referendum to be held on February 23, 1971. Mr. Shawls motion approving the proposed roster of Election Judges and grant- ing authority to the Clerk to make additional appointments and changes which might be necessary, was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried: PRECINCT NO. 1 - Shepherd of Hills Church - Mesdames Dorothy Richardson, Chair- PRECINCT NO. 2 - Edina Village Hall - Mesdames Bettie Stone, Chairman, Mary The Village man, Jane Fleet, Muriel Clausen, Hilda Handelman Jane Bolmgren, Joyce Akason, Jean Busa and Judith Sotebeer, Alternate Evelyn' Anderson, Jane Hawthorne, Patriaia Johnson and Marjorie McCall, Alternate- Alice Rose, Edith Dudley, Jeannette Lushine and Mable Lawson, Alternate PRECINCT NO. 5 - Edina Hikhlands School - Mesdames Henrietta Bartlett, Chair- man, Carol Ledder, Evelyn Kapetanis, Beverly Christopher and Joyce Rudquist, Alternate Shirley Doe, Jane Baines, Grhce Callaghan and Margaret Borsch, Alternate PRECINCT NO. 7 - Normandale Lutheran Church - Mesdames Marian Bailey, Chairman, LaVonne Swenson, Bess Brudelie, Helen Peterson and Doris Hartshorn, Alternate PRECINCT NO. 8 - Southview Junior High School - Mesdames Audrey Berglund, Chairman, Betty Tripp, Maxine Sanders, Ruth Zipoy, Jeanette Lund, Bernardine Scofield and Sara Kirkman, Alternate Dash, Florence Bohneman; Josie Korthof and Jean Erdall, A1 t ernat e PRECINCT NO. 3 - Wooddale School - Mesdames Marjorie Rossiter, Chairman, PRECINCT.NO. 4 - Morningside Buildinq - Mesdames Shirley Dibble, Chairman, PRECINCT NO. 6 0 Countryside School - Mesdames Nancy Springer, Chairman, # PRECINCT NO. 9 - Concord School - Mesdames Yvonne Ford, Chairman, Virginia 'I' 6 2/X/7 1 PRECINCT NO. 10 - Creek Valley School - Mesdames Lorraine Hasselquist, Chairman, Mary Bartz, Virginia Morris, Violet Berge and Virginia Bodine, Alternate Thorburn, Charlotte Burns, Anna Taggatz and Lucille Borchers, A1 ternate Taylor, Betty*Kremer, Doris Blake and Mary McDonald, Alternate man, Patriciia Harmon, Margaret Delaney, Kay Spika and Nancy Davison, Alternate PRECINCT NO. 11 9 CaEill School - Mesdames Geneva Smith, Chairman, Gloria PRECINCT NO. 12 - Cornelia School - Mesdames Adellei Qlson, Chairman, Phyllis PRECINCT NO. 13 - Lutheran Church bf Master - Mesdames Catherine Kovar, Chair- -I COUNTRY CLUB AREA CURB AND GUTTER LETTER TO BE SENT. HYde, councilman Johnson's motion was.seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried authorizing a letter to be sent to property owners on the North side of Sunny- side Road between Wooddale Avenue' and Browndale Avenue and to property owners on both sides of Bruce Avenue between Bridge Street and Country Club Road, recalling the experimental curb and gutter Fonstruction which was authorized by Council on September 21, 1970, for'the north side of Sunnyside Road from Wooddale Avenue to Browndale Avenue and on both sides of Bruce Avenue from Bridge Street to Country Club Road. As recommended by Mr, TWIN CITIES AREA METROPOLITAN TRANSIT COlBlISSION DISCUSSED. question of>lr. Hyde, Council indicated that no Twin Cities Area Metropolitan Transit -Cor"mriissiGn.%taff repbrk :$Sbuld:Be'.heeessatyry; T In :reply - to quest'ions from . Council,*Eir. Hyde .estimated that it might. be another ten years before a mass transit system was operable in the Twin Cities Are_a." He blamed lack of cohesiveness, lack of financing and the lack of technological information on new systems as the reasons for delay, In reply to a EUGE-NE SYLVESTRE TO BE RETAINED AS CONSULTANT FOR-EDINA HUMAN RIGRTS COMMlSSION; Mr. Hyde recalled that eight to ten applicants have been interviewed who would serve as a Human Rights Director .or Consultant on a part time basis, but that only one applicant appeared to have the necessary background for the position, That applicant had turned down the position when it was offered to him. Mr. Hyde recommended retaining Mr. Eugene Sylvester as a consultant to the Human Rights Commission, who would work under a contract for a definite period of time with a short term cancellation, noting that he Ghat a-qCons~~tantt~uehTas BE S$I?estre could give the guidance and direction requested by the Commission, Mr. EZQn Anderson, Chairman of the Human RZghts Commission, urged the retent- ion of Nr. Sylvestre, noting that his qualifications should assure a successful Buman Rights program in Edina. Councilman Johnson's motion was then seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried, retaining Mr. Sylvestre on a consulting . basis as outlined in Mr. Sylvestte's 'tJob Dekxiption" and as recommended by the Edina Human Rights Commission. HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT for the period of September 6, 1970, to December 31, 1970, was reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried, EDENBROOK ALTERNATE ACCESS DISCUSSED. which had been submitted by residents in the Edenirook area callkng attention ~~.~~e~~~~e~~~~ch~~~ill exist when access to and from T.H. 100 is blocked at Edenbrook. Mr. Dunn advised that he had contacted the Minneapolis, North- field and Southern Railroad requesting permission to corn truct a' street on approximately the Easterly 20 feet of the,railroad right-of-way between W. 48 th Street and Brookside Terrace. expressed interest in this additional means of access. cussion, Councilman Johnson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS, construction of T.H. 100 has caused the closing of Edenbrook Lane at T.H. 100, leaving only one access to serve approximately 65 families living in that area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina Village Council request 'the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad to permit the construction of a street on approximately the Easterly twenty feet of the railroad' right-of-way between West 48th Street and Brookside Terrace. Motion for adoption of the reso'lution was seconded by Councilman-Shaw and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. I . -. ' - Mr. Hyde recalled receipt of a petition * Mr. Timothy Stone, 5131 Motor Street Followink some dis- I - RESOLUTION I I 4801 WEaT FIFTIETH 8TREET EDLNA' MINNESOTA 85424 927.886 I COOPERATIVE PURCHASIEG AGRBEMENT j W??EREAS, the Commissioner of Administration of the State of Minnesota, pro-. cures for the State agencies through competitive bidding various supplies, commodities and equipment whiFh are then ordered by or for the agencies by Is ~ appropriate methods; and ' I i . ally; and I* I i , State and its vendor; 1 I l I WHERGAS, the State Legislature by Minnesota Statutes 1967, Sec. 471.59 has authorized the State and its polit'ical subdivisions to enter into agreements to exercise jointly the governmental powers and functions each has individu- WHEREAS, the State and the Village of Edina wish to combine their purchas- ing functions as it specifically provided' below so that the Village of Edina may avail itself of the prices which have been agreed upon by the . THEREFORE, it is the purpose of this agreement to make available to the 1 Village of Edina the commodities.listed below, at prices and competitive bidding pursuant to M.S. (1967), Chapter.16, by the Commissioner of Administr- .. ' ation: I* ,Xerox Copier Rental I, Various Commodities as Available , I !' I I IT IS AGREED that the Village of Edina shall purchase all of its requirements for the above commodities as they arise.by placing purchase orders against' such State coatracts for the cormnodities stated, in accordance with a11 conditions, terms, specifications, and prices stated in such contracts. 1. ' regularly, authorized purchasing .procedure. The State contract number shall : be shown on the purchase.order. ' I' I l I( Orders shall be issued by the Village of Edina in accordance with its I I I The Village of Edina shall make payment directly to the Vendor in accord- I I ance with its established procedures. agent, personally or officially, shall assume any responsibility for the accountability of funds expended hereunder by the Village of Edina, or the issuance or non-issuance of any purchase order by the Village of Edina. party shall separately be accountable for-ik own expenditures of public funds made hereunder. Both parties hereto agree to save and hold each other .harmless from any loss or'damage for any reason arising from this agreement. Neither the State nor its purchasing Each , 3, , VIUE OF EDINA STATE OF MINNESOTA , .. BY BY l TITU TITLE ' DATE DATE I *I J I ... . .-*. ... I c -. .. .. . --- - . . .-. 2/1/7 1 'a: \ SNYDER V. DORN BUII ERS, INC. V, VIkWE OF EDINA TO BE DEFENDED. Mr. Erickson recalled that Eugene A. Snyder has brought suit to recover from Dorn Builders, Inc. $2,138.94,.which sum is the unpaid balance of the 1970 special assessments made against real estaate purchased by the plaintiffs. againsf Dorn Builders is based upon the purchase agreement which provides that Dorn Builders will pay all special assessments levied or pending against the property at closing. Because the assessment policy of the Village in levying "extraordinary benefit? ass6ssments for storm sewer improvements has been upheld by the Courts and because the statement was accurate at the time of the * search, Councilman Johnson's motion that the suit be defenaed was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. HEARING DATE SET FOR VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS. As recommended by Mr. Dunn, Council- man Shaw offered the following resolution and moved its adbptipn: The Snyders' claim RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO, P-33-296 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. P-WM-264, P-WM-265, P-IWL266 PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AM) GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. P-BA-178, P-BA-179, P-BA-180 PERMANENT STREET SURFACING IM?ROVEMENT NO. P-A- 17 1 STORM SEWER IMJ?ROVEMENTS NOS. P-ST.S.-126 AND P-ST.S.-127 1. as to the feasibility of the proposed improvements described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improve- ments, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, February 22, 1971, at 7:OO p.m. in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said improvements. 3. place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once A week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in substantiAlly the following form: The.Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report L The Cle,rk' is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 'P-SS-296 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. P-WM-264, P-VM-265, P-WM-266 IMPROVEMENTS NOS. P-BA-178, -P-BA-179, P-BA-180 ' PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AN~D CONC&TE CURB AND GUTTER PERMANENT STREET .SURFACING IMPROVEMENT'NO. P-A-171 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. P-ST.S.-126 AND' P-ST,S.-127 Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, February ' 22, 1971, at 7:OO p.m., to consider the following proposed,improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. The approximate cost of said improvements are estimated by the Village as set forth below: .. .ESTIMATED COST 1. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER, AND. A. IMPROVEMENT NO. P-SS-296 $ 26,480.37 APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING : - - Mark Terrace Drive from Valley View Road to Mark Terrace Circle 2. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: A. IMPROVEMENT NO. P-WM-264 $ 8,801.97 Mark Terrace Drive from Valley View Road to Mark Terrace Circle B, IMPROVEMENT NO. P-IM-265 Schaefer Road from the South line of Westwood $ 28,847.50 - Court extended to 1880' 2 Northerly C. IMPROVEMENT NO, P-WM-266' - $ 37,770.33 Cascade Lane Laura Avenue from Cascade Lane to Moore Ave. Moore Avenue from Laura Ave. to North Ave. North Avenue from 150 feet South of Mooxe West 44th Street from North Avenue to Thielen Ave. Avenue to West 44th Street 3.( CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ON THE FOLLOWING: A. IMPROVEMENT NO. P-BA-178 $ 12,250.73 2/1/70 ESTIMATED COST Hyde Park Drive from Dewey Hill Road to 450' 3. South Hvde Park Circle from Hvde Park Drive West tb cul-de-sac B, I~PROVEMENT NO. P-BA-U~ $ 10,056.47 Aspen Road from the West line of 'Gleason Fourth Addition f Easterly to cul-de-sac C. IMPROVEMENT NO, P-BA-180 $ 56,175;11 Schaefer Road from Interlachen Road to South Line of Westwood Court Addition extended 4.'.CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING ON THE FOLLOWING: A. IMPROVmENT NO. P-A-171 $ 2,461.13 Jay Place from West 50th Street to 330' 3. South 5. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEIJER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOUOWIhY;: A. IME'ROVEMENT NO, P-ST.S,-126 $ 17,854.20 Schaefer Road from 1050 feet ,+ South of knterlachen Road Northerly to Mirror Lake Easement in back lots of Block 8, LaBuena Vista from B. IMPROVEMENT NO. P-ST,5.-127* $ 10,143.44 . Brook Drive to 500' 2 North The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of ;he proposed Sanitary Sewer (Improvement No. P-SS-296) under 1-A above and Watermain (Improvement No. P-UM- 264) under 2-A above includes Lots 1 thru 6 incl., Block 1, and Lots 3 thru 7 incl., Block 2, Pioneer Oaks and Lot 2, Block 1, Meret Ridge. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Watermain (Improvement No. P-WM-265) under 2-B above includes Lots 11 thru 16 incl, -and Lots 19 thru 24 incl., Auditor's Subdivision No. 325. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Watermain (Improvement No. P-I*M-266) under 2-C above includes Lots 1 thru 8 incl,, Cascade Falls; Lot 2, Block 3, Arden Park 3rd Addition; Lots 2 thru 17 * incf,,Auditor's Subdivision No. 259. of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter (Improve-- ment-No. P-BA-178) under 3-A above includes Lot 1, Block 1, Lots 17 thru 22 incl., Block 1, Hyde Park and Parcel 5800, Sec, 8, T. 116, R. 21. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb andGutter (Improvement No. P-BA-179) under 3-B above includes Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Gleason Fourth Addition; Lot 5, Block 1, and Outlot 'tA'', Gleason Third Addition. cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter : (Improvement No, P-BA-180) under 3-C above includes Lots 1 and 8, Block 1, and Lots 1 and 4, Block 2, TJestwood Court Addition; Lots 11 thru 16 incl., and Lots 19 thru 27 incl., Auditor's Subdivision No. 325; Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Harold Woods Addition; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Harold Woods 2nd Addition; and Lot* 1, Block 1, Harold loods 3fd Addition. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing (Improvement No.. P-A-171) under 4-A above includes Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 2, Stevens 1st Addition to Minneapolis; Lots 3 and 4, Block 5, Glenview Addition; 'Lots 1 ehru 6 incl., Block 3, Brucewood Addi- tion. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer (Improvement No. P-ST.S.-126) under 5-A above includes Lot.2, Block 1, Harold Woods 2nd Addition; Lot I, Block 1, Harold Woods 3rd Addition: lots 11, 12 and 19 thru 27 incl., Auditor's Subdivision No. 325. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer (Improvement No. P-ST.S.-127) under 5-B above includes Lots 1 thru 10 incl., Block 8, LaBuena Vista Addition. Florence B. Hallberg Village Clerk i The area proposed to be assessed for the cost I The area proposed to be assessed for the Motion for.adoptipn of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. COUNTY SERVICE CENTER AVD REGIONAL LIBRARY INFORMATION REQUESTED OF COUNTY COM-. MISSIONERS. Following general discussion relative to the proposed-regional library and- the futfure "County Service Center'*, Councilman Johnson offered the following resolution and moved its adODtion: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County did, sometime in the latter part of 1970, according to 'newspaper reports, purchase 9.16 acres of land South of 70th Street and West of Xerxes Avenue in the Village of Edina, which was NHEREAS-, a report dated January 21, 1971, from the County Library Director to the County Commissioners states that: reported to be the site of an "area library"; and 1. "The library needs only 5% acres (one h&f of a square block -- Xerxes by York by 70th by 70%) of the 9.16 acres site and had already had a feasibility study done by the project architects before final request for purchase was made, The additional land was acquired.at the request of the County Board for use for a future "county service center''. This center has been in the talking stages for some time, but unlike the library building is not yet I" \ 2/1/71 79 fj > i ----- programmed. The library building fund is to be reimbursed by the county general building furid for the 3.66 acres not needed by the library ($239,000 plus int,erest) .)' and WHEREAS, in September, 1969, the Planning Codssion of the Village of Edina approved a development plan concept for Southeast Edina, which includes the above mentioned land purchased by Hennepin County; and WHEREAS, the Village Counc51 in May, 1970, granted preliminary approval to that plan concept; and 'I.IHEREAS, neither the'Hennepin County'Library Board nor the Board of County Commissioners has as yet made any formal request to the Edina Village Planning Commission nor to the Village Council in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 462.356 (Subdivision 2) to determine compliance with the Southeast Edina Plan or the acquisition or proposed improvement of the site above described for a library or any other purpose; and NHEREAS, no explanation has ever been given the Village Council of Edina as to what the County Commissioners of Hennepin County contemplate in regard to the so-called "county service centerFt; and TJHEREAS, it is obvious that county library building funds are being used to purchase land for purposes not connected with libraries; Nm7, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County be requested to observe statutory provisions in regard to acquiring land in Edina for public purposes, to furnish full information as to what a fcCounty Service CenterBp will include, and to provide a definite schedule as to when an Enarea library" will be built in Edina and to use-library funds only for library purposes. Motion for adoption of the resolution 'was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. \ COOPERATIVE RENTAL AGREEMENT FORXEROX COPIER APPROVED. an agreement whereby the Village could enter into agreement with the State of Minnesota for the rental of Xerox copying machines. Councilman Shaw offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Mr. Hyde presented Following somd discussion, RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Edina enter into agreement with the State of Minnesota for rental of XeGox copier machines and other commodities. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. (See Cooperative Agreement attached.) TRUCK BID AWARDED TO BRELLETHIN HOPKINS DODGE. Mr. Hyde pres'entkd tabulation of bids for a 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck for the Department of Public Works and for a 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck for the Fire Department, noting that low bidder, Internatkonal Harvester Company, had not met specifications. Councilman Joh cmt =motion confirming the purchase of the trucks thru Hennepin County from /%&&s kage, was secord ed by Councilman Shaw and *carried. TREASURER'S REPORT as. of December 31, 1970, was ordered placed on file by motion of Counciilman Shaw, seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. CLAIMS PAID. carried for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List: $20,584.26; Construction Fund, $3,954.63; Park, Park Const., Swimming, Golf, Arena, $5,450.49; Water Fund,. $1,697.83; Liquor Fund, $68,328.99; Sewer Fund, $175,705.00; Total, $275,721.20. I Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and General Fund, No further business appearing, Councilman Johnson's motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. AdjournmentLat 8:lO p.m. k Village Clerk