HomeMy WebLinkAbout19711206_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD MEETING OF THE AT VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1971 Members answering rollcall were Councilmen Cburtney , Johnson and Mayor Bredesen. NINUTES of Hovember 1 and 15, 1971, were approved as submitted by motion of Councilman bohnson, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. PRESTIGE SECOND ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL CONTINUED to December 20, 1971, by motion of Councilman.Johnson, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. . BRITTANY ROAD PROPERTY SALE BIDS REJECTED. ber 15, 1971 Council Meeting, Council had authorized the holding of bids which had been received for the property at Brittany Road and W. 66th Street for thirty days and had also authorized taking alternate bids on the property as two single family lots. Bids received for the property as two lots showed Eberhart Company high bidder at $14,000 for both lots and R. A. Soderberg bidding'$4,600 for one lot at the corner of Brittany Road and W. 66th Street. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Courtney's motion rejecting all bids and holding the property for later sale when the market would be better was second- e'd by Councilman'3ahnson and carried. ." I Mr. Hyde recalled that at the Novem- MORNINGSIDE AREA GARBAGE HAULING CONTRACT AWARDED. Mr. Hyde presented tabula- tion of two bids received for Morningside area garbage hauling. Tabulation showed Edina-Morningside low bidder at $45.00 annually and Lake Harriet and Edina Sanitation at $51.00 per year, each for twice a week service. mended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Courtney's motion awarding the contract to Edina-Morningside Sanitation was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. As recom- BRAEMAR PAVILLION DIRECT FIRED >--UP AIR UNITS BID AWARDED. sented tabulation of three bids received in response to 'tAdvertisement for bids published in the Edina Sun on November 25, 1971, and in the Constwction Bulletin on November 25 and December 1, 1971. Tabulation showed WeatherRite, Inc., low bidder at $4,098.00, Commercial Air Conditioning,.Inc., at $5,437.00 Councilman Johnson's motion awarding tbe bid to recommended low bidder, WeatherRite, Inc., was then seconded by Councilman Mr. Hyde pre- I _and Cronstroms at $6,242.00. - Courtney and carried. POLICE DEPARTMENT CARS BIDS APPROVED IN COOPERATION WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY. Mr. Hyde presented tabulation of bids received by Hennepin County in which the Village proposes to purchase'ten Police cars and two cars for the Detectives.. Tabulation for Police cars showed Central Motor Sales low bidder at $3,452.06,. Iten Chevrolet at $3,460.70, Barrett Chrysler at $3,504.60 and Harold Chevrolet at $3,644.49. Tabulation for Detectives' cars showed Penn Auto Plaza, Inc. low bidder at $2,921.76, Central Motor Sales at $3,037.57, Malkerson Motors, Inc., at $3,088.00 and Harold Chevrolet at $3,198.40. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Courtney's motion awarding bid to Central Motor Sales for ten Police cars and to Penn Auto Plaza for two Detectives' cars was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. . LOT 1, LIMBACK ADDITION, LOT DIVISION CONTINUED. As recommended by the Planning Department, Councilman Courtney's motion wag seconded by Councilman.Johnson and carried, to continue the lot division of Lot 1, Limback Addition, to December 20, 1971. LOT 9, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 325, LOT DIVISION CONTINUED. by the Planning Department, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded.by Councilman Johnson and carried, continuing the division of Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision No. 325, to December 20, 1971. As recommended WASHINGTON PLAZA PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL DATE SET 'for December 20, 1971, by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS HI&UING DATE SET. Bepartment, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded byCouncilman Johnson and carried, setting December 20, 1971, as hearing date for the following zoning matters : 1. 2. 3. As recommended by the Planning Procedure for determining density in Planned Residential Districts Requiring payment of costs in connection with rezoning to Planned Residential Districts Restricting one dwelling unit to a lot or plot 12/6/71 1 2 8:s OD LIBRARY SITE COURT DECISION NOTED. the District Court Order approving the sale of the old Library site. response to a question of.Mrs. Maland Hurr, 4603 Browndale Avenue, Mr. Erick- son advised that the Village does not have to take bids when it desirgto sell property. In reply to a question of Councilman!-Johnson, Mr. Hyde stated that the Park Board is very pleased with the proposed use of the Parbury property as a park area. Mr. Hyde called Council's attention to In TONKA KENNELS CONTRACT APPROVED SN CONCEPT FOR 1972. Mr. Hyde advised Council that he and other members of the staff had met with Mr. Cooley of Tonka Ken- - _- -. - __ nels and that Mr. Cooley had agreed to reimburse the Village for the charges for second and third offenses that had not been made, It was also agreed that licenses would be sold to all dog owners if the dog did not have its license on. He added that the kennels had been inspected and found to be sanitary and that the problems with radio communications between Tonka Kennels and the Vil- lage will be cleared up. Tonka Kennels has also agreed to keep a better book- keeping system. Mr. Hyde said that the City of Minneapolis has agreed to have an employee on duty to handle their affairs and that he will take care of Edina's business also. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Johnson's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried that the contract be approved in concept with the understanding that it can be cancelled with thirty days notice, and that the contrace be brought back for Council's approval on December 20, 1971. with other suburbs... Mr. Hyde mentioned the possibility of a cooperative effort EIGHTEEN YEAR OLDS TO BE REGISTERED AT VILLAGE HALL. attention to communications from students of Hopkins Eisenhower High School protesting the decision of the Commissioner 'of Voter Registration not to participate in a "Voter Registration Day' which was held on December 3, 1971, at Eisenhower High School, Women Voters and the League of Minnesota Municipalities have recommended that special zegistration arrangemgnts for high school students and those attending college in the metropolitan area be made. Mr. Erickson recommended against either sending Deputy Commissioners of Registration to register voters out- side the Village or sending absentee registration forms to these students. Concensus of opinion of Council was that there is no reason why students should have special privileges and that they should assume the responsibility of coming to the Village Hall to register as is required of all other citizens. Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried that registration take place only in the Village Hall, except for those who are elderly and/or infirm, and that letters explaining the policy of the Village and the normal registration procedure be sent to the vari9us high schools attended by Edina students and to all other interested parties. E. W. GEORGE NOTICE OF CLAIM for damages resulting from a sewer back-up at his residence at 5715 Tracy Avenue was noted. The matter has beqn referred to che insurance company. Mr. Hyde called Council's The Village Clerk said that both the League of .. MISS ANNETTE GROSSE SUIT NOTED. ation Court of Miss Annette Grosse, relative to a sewer back-up at her home at.. 6601 Galway Drive. Note was made of the suit pending in Concili- The matter has been referred to the insurance company. CROSSTOWN HIGHI?AY - XERXES AVENUE TFAFFIC SIGNALS TO BE INSTALLED ON INTER- CHANGE RAMPS. County stating that plans and specifications are being prepared for traffic control signals with street lights on Xerxes Ave. at the Crosstown Highway ramp intersections. will be paid by the County with the Village's sBare to be approximately $6,943. Formal agreements will be brought to Council at a later date. taken . COUNTY ROAD 18 FROM CROSSTOWJ!? HIGHWAY TO MINNETONKA BLVD. HEARING DATE TO BE HELD, Mr. Hyde advised Council of a public hearing at Hopkins Eisenhower High School on January 5, 1972, at 8:OO p.m. to discuss the social, economic and environmental effects of the proposed corridor location of J&ghway 18 between the Crosstown Highway 'and Minnet;onka Blvd. and the propdsed design of County Road 18 from the Crosstown Highway to 5th Street S. in Hopkins. Dunn will represent the Village. Mr. Hyde advised Council of receipt of a letter from Hennepin The estimated construction cost is $52,400, 75% of which No action was I Mr; SOUTHDALE LIQUOR STORE 'EASEMENT AUTHORIZED. dale Liquor Store property has been acquired but that an easement is needed for access to the rear of the property. National Life Insurance Company has agreed that Red Owl Stores and the Village each pay $1,200 for :ai fifteen foot easement to. the Easf side of the site. Mr. Hyde advised that the South- Mr. Dalen sgtd that Northwestern 286 1 12/6/71 3 ML Johnson was advised by Village Attovey Erickson that there was no conflict of interest inasmuch as the easement is being purchased from Northwestern National Life Insurance Company. Councilman Courtney then offered the following resolution and moveh its adoption: RESOLUTION. BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina Village Council authorize the payment of $1,200 to Northwestern National Life Insurance Company for a fifteen foot (15') per- . petual easement hfifi$gg tu the Eastiside of the Southdale Liquor Store property. Motion for adoption of the-resolution was seconded by Councilman Johnson and on' rollcall there were three ayes and no nays qnd the resolution was adopted. CABLE T.V. DISCUSSED. Louis Park, Hopkins, Richfield and Edina in which the possibility had been considered of taking joint action so that when bids are actually taken there would be some compatability of equipment. of Minnesota Municipalities will probably be making a study from which metro- politan area municipalities could benefit. Councilman Johnson said that he would like to see a study of CATV in a large'metropolitan market, and moved that action be deferred at this time. Motion was second'ed by Councilman Courtney ana carried. Mr,. Hyde advised that discussion had been held with St. Mr. Courtney advised that the League BUDGET RECERTIFICATION TO BE NECESSARY. essary to recertify the 1972 Budget by December 15. Mr. Hyde advised that it will be nec- Becausqof uncertainties in the tax law, Xt.was moved, seconded and carried that Mr.= Hyde contact Council members and set a Special Meeting date for recertification of the Budget after he odtains more information. 1972 SALARIES AND TJAGES CONTINUED. could not be considered until the budget had been recertified. taken . , Mr. Hyde advised that the Salary Resolution No action was HEARING DATE SET FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. P-BA-189. As recommended by Mr. Dunn.;!.ConncSlman Johnson offered the following resolution and moved its adopt- ion: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON . EEIRMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NO. 'P-BA-189 E: The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter Improvement No. P-.BA-189 described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, December 20, 1971, at 7:OO P.M. in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said improvements. 3. place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once aweek for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in substantially the following form: .. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, (Official PubliFation) . VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAqhG ON PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB ANI) GUTTER INPROVEMENT NO. P-BA-189 Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, December 20, 1971, at 7:OO p.m., to consider the following proposed improvement to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota-Statutes, Chapter 429. The approximate cost of said improvement is estimated by the Village as s'et forth below: CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AM) GUTTER IN THE FOLLOIIING: . * IMPROVEMENT NO. P-BA-189 Indian Pond Circle from Indian Hid'Pass Southerly to ESTIMATED - COST $5,550.98 cul-de-sac The area proposed to be assessed for the cost o*f the proposed Permanent Street-Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter (Improvement No. P-BA-189) includes Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Cherokee'Hills 7th Addition. Florence B. Hallberg Village Clerk . Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays and the res'olution was adopted. 12/6/7 1 LOT 7, BLOCK 2, MIRROR w(ES MJUD(XJ-t1OOD 2ND ADDITION TO EDINA HIGHLANDS DIVISION CORRECTED. July 12, 1971, regarding the division of Lot 7, Block 2, Mirror Lakes Meadow- Bood 2nd Addition to Edina Highlands, Councilman Courtney offered the follow- ing resolution and moved its adoption: Upon being advised of an inaccuracy in the Minutes of RESOLUTION APPROVING DIVISION OF 2ND ADDITION TO EDINA HIGHLANDS LOT 7 , BLOCK 2 , MIRROR LAKES MEADOW-WOOD WHEREAS, Lot '7, Block 2, Mirror Lakes Meadow-Wood 2nd Addition to Edina Higll- lands is at present a single tract of land; and WHEREAS, the owner has.requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called ,"ParcelsF€) described as follows : Commencing at the Northeast corner of said'lot 7; thence Southerly' alohg 'the' Easterly line thereof a distance of 156.00 feet to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence Vesterly at right angle to the said Easterly line to an -_ intersection with the Westerly line of said Lot 7 and there terminating; and Commericing at the Northeast corner of said Lot 7, thence Southerly along the Easterly line thereof a distance of 156100 feet to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence Westerly at right angle to the said Easterly line to an intersection with the Westerly line of- said Lot 7 and there terminating; and' WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the Village-of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the Village of Edina Ordi- nance Nos. 811 and 801; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by t€ie Village Council of the Village of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 811 and Ordinance No. 801 are hereby waived to allow said division and convey- ance thereof as separate tracts.of land but are not waived for any other pur- pose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the pro- vision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the Village of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion for adoption of the resolution ?as seconded by Councilman Johnson and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 105-A1 ADOPTED. amending Ordinance No. 105 as to membership, and moved its adoption with waiver of second reading: Councilman Johnson offered Ordinance No. 105-A1 , ORDINANCE NO. 105-A1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF'EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: follows : all appointed by the Mayor with the consent of a majority of the Council. Members of the Commission shall be residents of the Village, shall have an interest in the environment of the Village and shall be appointed with due regard to their fitness for the efficient dispatch of the functions, duties, and responsibilities vested in and imposed upon the Commission. shall be a member of the Village Planning Commission, and one member shall be a member of the Village Park Board. Members of the Commission shall be appointed for terms of two years, except for high school or college students who shall be appointed for terms of one year each, and except for the first Commission appointed, which shall have five members with one year terms. the expiration of his term of office a member shall continue to serve until his successor shall have been appointed. a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his pre- decessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. Whenever the term of a member of the Village Planning Commission'or Park Board expires, or such member vacates his office, his term on this Commission shall lkkewise end, removed from office by majorirty vote of the Council.'' Sec. 2. age and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Councilman Courtney and op rollcall there were three ayes and po nays and the ordinpce was adopted. Section 1. "Sec. 5 Membership. The Commission shall consist of eleven members, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 105 is hereby amended to read as One member Upon Any person appointed to fill Members of the Commission may resign voluntarily or be This ordinance shall be in..full force and effect upon its pass- ATTEST : -- -&L&l&d- xlLL4L+ Village Clerk 12/6/71 ORDINANCE NO. 711-Al ADOPTED. for First Reading, with waiver of Second Readi.ng and moved its adoption: Councilman Johnson offered “Ordinance No. 711-A1 ORDINANCE NO. 711-A1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 711 TO BWGE THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF VILLAGE CONTRACTS AND EXCLUSIVE LICENSES FOR THE REMOVAL OF GARBAGE OR REFUSE Section 1. .Sec. 12 of Ordinance No. 711 is hereby amended to read as “Sec. 12. Effective Date for Village Contract and Exclusive License. THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: follows : Any contract entered into by the Village, and any exclusive license granted, pursuant to Sec. 9 of this ordinance, shall become effective on January 1 of any year, or on such earlier date as then existing licenses or contracts previously issued or entered into under this ordinance for the service and for the district or districts covered by such new contract or license expire or are revoked, and if more than one such license or contract shall exist as to any such district, the said new contract or exclusive license shall become effective, as to the premises served by such existing license or contract, at the time of such earlier expiration or revocation of each such existing license or contract.1’ Sec. 2. age and publication. Motion for adoption on rollcall there ATTEST : This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its pass- 8, -i‘ Village Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 311-A1 FIRST READING CONTINUED. Ordinance No. 311-A1 relating to fees for redeeming dogs from the dog pound was continued until the next meeting by motion of councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. I SUBURBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY RELIEF BOARD CONTRACT RENEWED FOR 1972. As recom- mended -by Mr.-Hyde, Councilman Coitrtngoffered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that the contract heretofore submitted, signed and executed by the Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board of the County of Hennepin for and during the year 1971 for the administration and supervision of poor relief in the Village of Edina be, and the same is hereby accepted, approved, renewed and extended for and during the year 1972 with the same force and effect as. though said original contract, above described, were redated and resigned and executed as of the date hereof. I Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by4ouncilman Johnson and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays and the meddlution was adopted. RESOLUTION HUMAN SERVICES PLANNING COMMITTEE ESTABLISHMENT AUTHORIZED. offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Councilman Courtney RESOLUTION FOR SOUTH HENNEPIN HUMAN SERVICES : , a. L PLANNING COMMITTEE 1t 4 WHEREAS, the following municipalities : The City of Bloomington The City of Richfield The Village of Eden Prairie The Village of Edina have determined an urgent need to coordinate the services, both in the private and public sector for plannin&.providing and coordinating the human services available and needed in South Hennepin County; and WHEREAS, the above municipalities desire to enter a joint agreement pursuant to M.S.A. 471.59 , known as the Joint Powers Act, to further inve.stigate and plan the development of facilities and/or services to answer these needs, the same as any one of the above municipalities might do individually; and WHEREAS, human services,.as used he&in, shall include, among other things, the provision of services to meet the needs of mental health and retardation, drug and alcohol problems, maintenance of an indiifidual’s ability to function within this society, counseling of the family, and related matters; NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved that the City of Bloomington, the City of Rich- field, the Village of Eden Prairie and the Village of Edina agree to enter an - I 12/6/7 1 289 agreement for the purpose of establishing and providing a Human Services Planning Committee. Said committee will, at no direct financial cost to the participating municipalities, research and develop a plan for services in the following areas: 1. Mental health. 2. Mental retardation 3. Drug and alcohol detoxification. 4. Other related health and human services needed and available. 5. Inventory of existing facilities and services and agencies in the human services area, both public and private. 6. Cost analysis. 7. Publicity of needs and services. 8. Appointment of representatives from each of the municipalities involved. 9. To seek such financial support of Hennepin County or other agencies involved as 1S:available to implement this intention and to author- i ize execution of the necessary agreements to obtain such funds as are authorized. Enter such contracts with Hennepin County or other appropriate agencies to employ such personnel and staff as are needed to assist in .such planning . Provide such services as may become available during the time of this study. Prepare$a plan and report back to the above municipalities for further action and direction. 10. 11. 12. t Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Johnson and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. ORDINANCE NO'. ii~i-~i GRANTED FIRST READING; S~ER RENTAL CHAIGES REVISED. Mr. Hyde advised that the recent Metropolitan Sewer Board action in allocat- ing Edina's share of area wide liquid waste collection and treatment and construction of new facilities, at $368,457 for 1972 makes it imperative that a significant increase in sanitary sewer rates in the Village be established. He said that the reason rates had not been raised before, even though we have had losses in the past few years, is because of the dispute of the Village-with the City of Minneapolis over the method of billing. The settlement was fin- ally arrived at early in 1971, and reduced past year's operating losses from $108,835 to $49,044. Mr. Dalen added that the settlement period was from July 1, 1955 through December 31, 1968. For the years 1969 and 1970, the Billings from Minneapolis (allocated per our contract) were much higher because of capital improvements to disposal plant and higher degree of treat- ment. returned to the Village as deferred credits over the next thirty years at four percent, by the Metropolitan Sewer Board. the following rates wete proposed: Part of the payment representing principal to Mznneapolis will be Effective January 1, 1972, Residential (Single family, doubles, triplex and fourplex - 'Apartments with four or more units - $40.00 each quarter for the $10.00 each quarter per unit first four units and-$4.50 per quarter for each additional unit or $.20 per hundred cubic feet of water used, whichever is greater Commercial and Industrial - $10.00 each quarter per billing unit, or $.20 per hundred cubic feet of water used, whichever is greater. The current value and debt payment credits were discussed and it was the concensus of Council that Edtna should not be responsible for the charges of other municipalities in the sewer district. Discussion ensued as to the advisability of dropping the discount for prompt payment of water bills as was recommended by Mr. Dalen. It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that the discount be retained. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Johnson offered the followfng ordinance for First Reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1101-Al TO CHANGE THE SEUER RENTAL CHARGES FOR THE USE OF THE MUNICIPAL SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM AH ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1101 THE VILLAGE OUNCIL OF THE VXLLAGE OF-EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: No. 1101 are hereby amended tp read as follows: Section 1. Subparagraphs;(a), (b) and (c) of Section 1 of Ordinance "(a) Classification and Fees. Classification of sewer rental iaccounts and the fees for each classification are hereby established as follows : 12/16 1/71 Classification (below classifications Quarterly Fees are as defined in Ordinance No. 811) - Gross Net Single Family dwellings $11 000 $10. or Townhouses $11.00 $10.00 Two family dwellings $11,00 per dwell- $10.00 per dwell- . ing unit ing unit Apartment buildings containing $11.00 per dwell- $10.00 per dwell- four or less dwelling units ing unit ing unit Apartment buildings with more $44.00 plus $4.95 $40.00 plus $4.50 than four dwelling units for each unit over for each unit over four, or 22 cents four, or 20 cents per hundred cu, ft. of water used ft. of waterLused during the quarter, whichever is whichevqr is greater greater meter on the pre- meter on the pre- mises or 22 cents mises or 20 cents per hundred CU. per hundred cu. ft. of wager used ft. of water used during the quarter, during the quarter, whichever is greater whichever is greatertE Subparagraph (d) of Section l.of Ordinance No. 1101 is,hereby . I per hundred cu. during the quarter, Commercial and industrial buildings, $11.00 per water $10.00 per water including schools and churches Sec. 2. See, 3. Sec. 2 of Ordinance, No. 1101 is hereby amended to read as follows: “Sec. 2. Ifistallation of Meters. (a) relettered subparagraph (b). Apartment buildings with more than four dwelling units, and schools and churches and commercial and industrial buidaings not-served by Village water, must install and maintain in good order, without expense to the Village, a Village water meter on their water supply or install and main- tain in good order an approved sewage metering device.” Sec. 4. age and publication. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIONS HEARD ON SALE OF OLD LIBRARY PROPERTY, 4603 Browndale Ave., and Mrs. Wright of Sunnyside Road appeared to question the sale of the Library property to the bank, They questioned also whether the Village would sell other park property for other purposes in the future. In reply to questions asked, Mr. Erickson said that $50,000 is a fair price to be paid for the property and that the Village does not have to take bids to sell property. He added that there is no comparison between the price paid for the Edina Cafeteria property and the Library property. property was priced with the understanding that it would be used for commercial development and that, while a hearing will be held on the zoning, it is assumed that the zoning change will be approved. benefitted properties will be assessed for the cost of moving Library Lane but that some gas tax money will be used as is the case with all State Aid roads. Mayor Bredesen reiterated his suggestion made some time ago that the Village would deed a fifty foot strip of land to ahtting Maple Road eroperty owners as Tenants in Common so that no one property owner co_uld.sell his land without the consent of all property owners. refused this offer. No action was taken. LIQUOR FUND as of October 30, 1971, was presented by Mr, Dalen, reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its pass- 1- L. Mrs. Maland Hurr, He added that the Mr. Hyde advised that only He recalled that property owners had $400,000 I STATE AID BOND SALE TO VILLAGE AUTHORIZED. Dalen, Counciljrian Johnson offered the fol+owirig resolution and moved its adoption : BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina Village Council authorize the sale of $400,000 State Aid Bonds to the Village of Edina. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were three ayes an$ no nays and the resolution was adopted. CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Councilman Johnson was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List: General, $50,966.50; Construction, $1,931.06; Park, Park Construction, Swimming, Arena, Gun, $14,775.24; Water Fund, $12,157-47; Liquor Fund, $25,471.40; Sewer Fund, $22,480.54; Poor and PIR, $7,997.57; Total; $135,779.78; and for confirmation of payment of the following claims: As recommended by Mr. RE SOLUTION 121617 1 11/15/71 11/22/71 11/22/71. 11/26/7 1 11/26/71 81/26/7 1 L1[2GPZiL 11/26/71 11/26/7 1 11/26/71 1112617 1 I1/26/71 11/26/71 11/26/71 Red Owl Stores, Inc. Corrmissioner of Taxation Jerry's of Edina City Treasurer - Minneapolis Liquor Control Commission Sohnson Brothers McKasson Liquor Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Distillers Distributing Co. Griggs, Cooper & Company Twin City Wine Co. Midwest Wine Ca., Inc. Ed Phillips & Sons Old Peoria Company 1 $102,000.00 9,150.56 440.36 1,133.40 10.00 5,987.91 4,515.24 5,951.59 1;85X,96. 1,585.60 1,940.30 2,155,20 1,294.56 6,337.98 .Liq. Const. Misc. Funds Misc. Funds Water Fund Liquor Fund Liquor Fund Liquor Fund Liquor Fund Liquor Fund Liquor Fund Liquor Fund Liquor Fqnd Liquor Fund Li,quor Fund . The agenda's business having been covered, Councilman Johnson's motion for adjourn- ment was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Adjournment at 8:55 p.m. 4- 7LLULu. Village Clerk //