HomeMy WebLinkAbout19720306_regularI MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD AT VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1972 ' Members answering rollcall were Councilmen Courtney, Johnson, Shaw, Van Valken- burg and Mayor Bredesen. MINUTES of the meeting of February 7, 1972, were approved as submitted by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. HEARINGS CONDUCTED ON VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS. sented by Clerk, approved as t9 form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to due notice given, public hearings were conducted and action taken as hereinafter recorded : A. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN THE FOLLOlJING (P-SS-303) : Easement line over proposed road in Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 325 (Harold Woods Lane) from Schaefer Road to the East line of Lot 1, A. Id. Hendriclcson's 1st Addition, South' along the East line of A. W. Hendrickson's 1st Addition to the Southeast corner thereof; West along the South line of A. N. Hendrickson's 1st Addition to Ridge Road; Ridge Road from Interlachen Road South to the North line of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 325; Easement line North along East line of A. I?. Hendrickson's 1st Addition from proposed main on Harold Woods Lane to Northeast corner of said addigion; thence West along North line of said addition 140 feet; Easement line from Interlachen Road and Ridge Road North, South in a South- Easterly, Southerly and Southwesterly direction to the North line of Lot 3, Margaret Cosgrove' s Addition. CONSTRUCTION OF I.JATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT IN-THE FOLLOIJING (P-WM-275) : Ridge Road from Interlakhen Road to cul-de-sac 1400 Feet South Affidavits of Notice were pre- B . Items A and B above' affecting the'. Same prdperty-cisjnerS, publiflzearings w6re conducted'concurrently. Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost for Sanitary Sewe?~Impkovement"P-SS-303 at: $117,038.41, 'proposed to be assessed 29 assessab1e.kots'at ah estimated cost per assessable lot of $4,035.80. He added that six lots are deferred and that those lots will pay the connection charge if and when the property is subdivided. Total estimated construction cost for Watermain Improvement No. P-T.IM-275 was given at $37,053.72, proposed to be assessed against 19 assessable lots at an estimated cost of $1,950.20 per assessable lot. Mr. Hyde recalled that a hearing was held on these im- provements for the same area on July 12, 197X,and that after considerable discussion the matter had been continued %o that the Pollution Control Agency can make an in depth study of cesspools and drainfields in the area and test the lake to see if any contamination exists.ra Control Agency and the Metropolitan Sewer Board was initiated and has been continuing since that time. Mr. Hyde referred to a letter from Mr. Grant Merritt of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency which advised that its staff 8s not - adequate,to conduct'Sunreys on individual disposal systems and that if the Vil- lage feels it is desirable to conduct testing of the ponds in the area it should be done by the Village staff, with sample testing by their laboratory if needed for validation of the data. Reference vas made to a letter from Mr. C. H. Carneal, 5117 Ridge Road, expressing opposition to the projects and asking that the hearing be postponed until he returned home, and a letter from Mr. Roy B. Burns, Jr;, 5108 Ridge Road, asking for further analysis of the project. Mrs. C. M. Towle, 5013 Ridge Road, was told by Mr. Hyde that the there would be nq change in the character or physical appearance of the road after the improvements are installed. his property this summer and urged the installation of the improvement, as did Mrs. C. M. Towle, 5013 Ridge Road and Miss Ann L. Rutledge, 5116 Ridge Road. Stating that he believed that the improvements offer a long range solution to existing problems, Councilman Johnson moved approval of the projects. Motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. ment later in Minutes.) C. CONSTRUCTION OF PORTMD CEMENT CONCRETE ALLEY PAVING IN THE FOLLOWING P-E-27) : North-South alley between Zenith Avenue and Abbott Avenue and between TJest 58th ,Street and Nest 59th Street Correspondence with the Pollution Mr. lJayne Bergren said that he will be building on (See Resolution Ordering Improve- Pbssibility of a 20 year assessment was mentioned. Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost of $13,789.33, noting that of this amount the Village will pay 25% of the cost because maintenance costs will-be reduced over the cost of less permanent surfacings. He advised that the estimated amount tq be assessed is $10,342.00, proposed to be assessed against 1,193.76 a'ssessable feet at $8.66 per foot, or against 24 assessable lots at $430.92 per lot. Mr. Hyde added that the improvement was brought to hearing in response to a petition signed by owners of fifteen properties. Thomas C. Aulik, 5825 Abbott Ave. S., objected to the proposal on the grounds Mr. / X@ .. : ..... 3/6/72 that he would have no access to the alley by car and also said that the alley should be oiled rather than paved. were Mr. E. R. Nelson, 5801 Abbott Ave., Ave. and I4rs. S. J. Robson. No further comments were heafd, whereupon Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution.and moved its adoption: Speaking in favor of the project the property owner at 5804 Zenith RESOLUTION ORDERING INPROVEBENTS SANITARY SEVER IEIPROVEMENT SS-303, WATERMAIN IMPROVEPENT IiM-275 AND PORTLAND CEEIENT CONCRETE ALLEY PAVING IMPROVEMENT E-27 BE.IT'RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina,, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published and mailed to owners of. each parcel within the area proposed to be assessed on the fol- lowing proposed improvements: 1. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SENER IBPROVEMEXT NO, SS-303 IN THE FOLLOI?ING: . Easement line over proposed road in Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 325 (Harold Voods Lane) Trom Schaefer Road to the East line of Lot 1, A. E?. Hendriclcson's 1st Addition, South along the East line of A. I?. hendrickson;s 1st Addition to the Southeast corner thereof; aest along the South line of A. t?. Hendrickson's 1st Addition to Ridge Road; Ridge Road from Interlachen Road South to the North line of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 325; Easement line North along East line of A. 17. Hendriclcson:s 1st Addition from proposed main on Harold S?oods lane to Northeast corner of said addition; thence West along North line of said addition 14.0 feet ; Easement line from Interlahcen Road and Ridge Road North, South in a Southeasterly, Southerly and Southwesterly direction to the North line of Lot 3, Margaret Cosgrove's Addition. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF I?ATERN&N INPROVEMENT NO, WBl-275 IN THE FOLLOWING: Ridge Road from Interlachen Road to cul-de-sac 1400 feet South 3. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCJIETE PAVING IN THE FOLLONING &LEY: (E-27) North-South Alley between Zenith Avenue and Abbott Avenue and between Vest 58th Street art6 Nest 59th Street . and at the Eearing held ,at the time and place specified in said notice, the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with th-e construction of said improvements, including all proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for construction and maintenance of such improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be refeLrred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows : NO. i Above SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEmNT SS-303 No. 2 Above T?ATEWAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM- 27 5 No. 3 Above ,ALLEY PAVING IMPROVEMENT NO. E-27 and the area to be specially assessed for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS-303 shall include Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Margaret Cosgrove's Addition, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, A. I?. Hendrickson's 1st Addition, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 325; the area to be specially assessed for-Vatermain Improvement No. Fal-275 shall include Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Margaret Cosgrove's Addition, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, A. EJ. Hendrickson's 1st Addition, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9, Auditor's Subdivision No. 325; the area to be specially assessed for Alley Improvement No. E-27 shall ihclude Lots.1 thru 24, inclusive, Block 3, Harriet Manor 2nd Addition. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. (Senator Alf Bergerud, 5100 Ridge Road, was told that the assessment for his vacant lot can be deferred at the Assessment Hearing, provided the lot is still vacant. be considered at the Assessment Hearing,) Shaw and on It was also reiterated that a request for a twenty year assessment will YORKTOUN ZONING REQUEST CONTINUED, February 28, 1972, the zoning request of Mr. George Ablah had been given First Reading and reviewed the variety of land uses within the proposed plat. Lawrence Jolliffe, 5517 Warden Ave., said that is is an attorney representing three homeowners' associations which are also members of the Homeowners' Coal- lition and requested that Second Reading be contimed for 60 or 90 days to give residents more time to assess the impact of the proposal.' Nr. Jolliffe said that the main objection is concern about the high traffic volume on France Avenue. Mayor Bredesen advised that, at the meeting of February 28, 1972, Mrs. William Scott's statements on the number of accidents which had occurred on France Avenue were misleading, since less than half of the France Avenue accidents were in the area of I?. 66th Street. (Mrs. Scott later said that she was not trying to mislead anyone, butthat Chief Bennett had said that Nr. Luce recalled that at the meeting of Mr. 3/6/72 T-4 w the Crosstown Highway and W. 66th Street are the most hazardous points on France Avenue.) Mr. Jolliffe made reference to statements in the Brauer Study of October, 1969, indicating that transpo-tion problems in Southeast Edina are intense and the most critical aspect of the area, that without adequate and convenient travel patterns, the full'development of the region could not be realized and that existing development might suffer as well. Wayor Bredesen clarified that Mr. Jolliffe had neglected to apprise the audience and the Council of the conclusions of the Brauer Study which had indicated that the entire plan area and peripheral development must together be considered as an urban complex. Mayor Bredesen noted further that the Hennepin County sat- uration point per thousand did not contemplate the use of York Avenue. Jolliffe said that the minutes of the Planning Commission of January 20, 1972, had indicated that the D.M.J.M. Report had suggested lowering the Traffic volume to 1/3 the volume stated in the Southeast Edina Plan and that the Metrm politan Council had given him no reassurance that any interchange will be constructed at the intersection of Interstate 494 and York and/or Xerxes Avenues. In reply to Mr. Jolliffe's statement that the City of Bloomington had not been contacted in regard to the proposed platting of Yorktown, Mr. Luce said that he had been in contact with Mr. Dennis Daniels of Bloomington, but: that nothing had been done officially until the project was a reality. Mr. Hyde added that Bloomington is an equal partner in the D.M.J.M. Study and has had all the information available since Yorktown was proposed. Mayor Bredesen, in reply to a statement made by Mr. Jolliffe in regard to a recent Blooming- ton court case, said that if the project is approved as proposed, he would be the last one to resist any future changes. Kelly of the Supreme Court who wrote the Bloomington decision also mentioned that a planned center should actually be preferred to a retail business dis- trict which might develop on a helter-skelter basis without planning. Mr. Hyde said that Mr. Jolliffe's comments on road patterns in the area reminds him that the Village was in the same situation when Southdale was proposed in 1953, after which the Crosstown Highway was built,, Valley View Road extended and widened, and France Avenue, I?. 66th and t?. 70th Streets upgraded. He added that there is an excellent possibility that an installation of a demon- stration track of a personalized rapid transit system might be constructed in the Yorktown-Southdale area. Mr. Maland Hurr, 4603 Browndale, requested Council to continue the matter for 30 days so residents could study the D.Mi,J.M. Plan. walking on W. 70th Street. Vice President of the Southdale Residents Association, Mr. Stephen Winneck, 7004 Bristol Blvd,, Mr. Donald Montgomery, Vice President of the Cornelia Elementary School P.T.A., Mr; David Nelson, 6925 Cornelia Drive and Mr. William Moulton, 4712 W. 70th Street. Mr. Richard Morphew and Mrs. Allen F. Johndreau of Lynmar Lane. complained that cars are already cutting through their area. Mr. Ernest Beckman, 7520 Xerxes Avenue, suggested that school children would not be walkin on th streets during times of heavy traffic. vr. Hyde pointed out that/%&t8$nt!kildren would be 3.n the Richfield School District. Mr. Hilliam Crawford, Assistant District Engineer of the Minnesota Highway Department, said that there are no plans to modify'Interstate 494 at York and/or Xerxes Avenues within the next five years, but that the State Highway Department would be 'interested in any proposal which would encourage a balanced transportation system in the area and protect thk level of service on both Interstate 494 and T.H. 100. Mr. A%lah reviewed the progress of the project and. advised that he understands that some people have seen the D.M.J.M. Report and that it recommends that there be a continuation of York Avenue wilkh a connection to Interstate.494. the Village to develop the area under the Southeast Edina Plan and that the Village might not then have the parks and controlled development such as it would have with Yorktown. rise apartment on York Avenue if it is to be a dead-end cul-de-sac. sion en6ued as to the possibility of connecting York Avenue into a ring route which would keep traffic'off France Avenue. believes that, conceptually, Yorktown is a fine plan but that he feels it imperative to get a better traffic plan befpre approving the development. objected also to the high density of the proposed apartments. Councilman Shaw said that he had been advised by a member of the Metropolitan Council that under the present circumstances, there is no consideration being given to another interchange between Penn and France Avenues and requested a delay SO that the Village staff could determine how a route could be accomplished from York Avenue to a ring route, which would parallel Interstate 494, and over to T.H:100 so that there would be a Southerly ingress and egress for York Avenue traffic. Mr. Ablah reiterated that time is of the essence and urged that the zoning request be approved and that he be permitted to commence construction at his own risk while the final plat is being depelaped. Mr. I Councilman Shaw added that Justice Concern was expressed by various citizens over safety of school children Speaking in opposition to the project were the He noted that some other developer could sue He promised that no one would construct a high- Discus- Councilman Johnson said that he He Considerable dis- W". j) 1 3/6/7 2 cussion ensued as to possible collector and distributor road patterns which could alleviate traffic congestion in the area. Mr. Dunn advised that, contrary to an earlier statement, there is no D.M.J.M. report out as yet, but that it is expected to be out this week and that he feels that it will indicate some solutions to the pro- blem. to wait an additional two weeks, vhereupon Councilman Shaw' s motion that the matter be continued to March 20, 1972, was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. Following considerable discussion, Mr. Ablah said that he would be able ORDINANCE NO. 811-A23 ADOPTED ON SECOND READIhY;. Mr. Luce presented Ordinance No. 811423 for Second Reading as requested by McAllister Properties , Inc. , for property located at 6519 Barrie Road. Johnson offered the folhwing ordinance for Sec&d*&- mve& fts adapt- Tan: I No object5anS. bekg Exxtrc€, GatmciLnrarr, ORDINANCE NO. 811-A23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY ADDING TO THE MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. "The extent of the Multiple Residence District is enlarged by the Addi- Tract C of Registered Land Survey No. 1214, except the North 138.67 feet of the laliest 95.37 feet, which is in subdistrict R-3.'' Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its pass- Paragraph 1-of Section-4 of Ordinance No. 811 of the Village is -hereby amended by adding the following thereto: tion of the following properties: - age and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance wa I -4 KENNEe ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT CONTINUED Tl?O WEEKS. Nr. Luce recalled that preliminary plat approval of Kenney Addition had been continued from the meet- ing of February 28, 1972, and presented a revised plat from which the road to the East of the property had been removed. Mrs. Charles F. Hanson, 5109 11. 66th Street, expressed appreciation that the road had been removed from-the plat but objected to the size of the lots on the plat. lots are over minimum requirements of the Village. it was moved, seconded and carried that the matter be continued to March 20, 1972, so that neighbors could find out the name of the owner of the property in question and meet with him to see if he can be convinced to plat larger lots. Mr. Luce explained that all Filiowing some discussion, LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4 AND 5, BLOCK 1, CAROLANE ADDITION, ZREZIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL CONTINUED INDEFINITELY. Afffdavkts 4f;Notice were presented by Clerk* approved as to form and ordered placed on file. As recommended by Mr. Luce, Councilman Van Vallcenburg's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried continu- ing fndelinftely the'public-hearing on preliminary plat of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 1, Carolane Addition, Oertel Replat. ' MELODY KNOLLS 7TH ADDITION GRANTED FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. As recommended by Mr. Luce, Councilman Van Vallcenburg offered the following resolution and moved its adoption granting final plat approval for Nelody Knolls 7th Addition: RESOLUTION APPROVIhC FINAL-PLAT. APPROVAL. OF EfELODY KNOLLS 7TH ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled '9ielody Knolls 7th Addition", platted by William Reichel and presented for preliminary approval at the Edina Village Council Meeting of February 28, 1972, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. HEARING DATES SET FOR LOT.DXVISIONS. As recommended by IIr. Luce, Councilman Shaw's motion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carriet, setting hearing date for 3farch 20, 1972, for the following lot divisions: 1. 2. Village of Edina - LXquor Store Property John Barzen - Part of Bfbck 32, Mendelssohn Addition SUBDIVISION HEARING DATES SET. As recommended by Mr. Luce, Councilman John- son's motion was seconded by Councilman Van Valkenburg and carried, setting March 20, 1972, for heating date for the following preliminary plats: 3/6/72 1. Lake Edina Third Addition, Village Replat 2. Parkwood Knolls 17th Addition 4 w b3 rlL R-2 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ZONING AMENDMENT HEARING DATE SET. As recommended by Nr. Luce, Councilman Shawls motion was seconded by Councilman Van Vallcen- burg and carried, setting hearing date for March 20, 1972, for the R-2 Multiple Residence District zoning amendment as requested by the A.B.C. Founda- tion. HOUSING' NEEDS COMMITTEE APPOINTED. As recommended by Mayor Bredesen, Council- man Johnson's motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried appointing the following to the Housing Needs Committee: tive; Councilman Van Valkenburg or Councilman Courtney from the Council; Mrs. June Schmidt from the Environmental Quality Commission; Mr. Rozmond H. Kennon from the Human Rights Commission; The Reverend Donald Carlson from Edina churches; Mr. Robert Busch from the Edina Jaycees; Mrs. Joan Buie from.the League of Women Voters; Mrs.' Ronald Anderson from the Citizens' Task Force; Mr. James Nelson from the real estate bus,iness; Mr. David Griswold from the architectural profession; Mr. Folke Victorsen from the building industry; Mr. John Phillips and Mr. Jack Brown from the general public; Mr. E. P. Erick- son'(or a designated representative) from the Chamber of Commerce; Dr. Charles Baranauckas from the School Board; Mr. Paul $!ucke representing the retired citizens of Edina and Mr. Maurice F. Battin kepresenting the Civic and Improve- ment Association. . Planning Commission Rep.resenta- COMHISSION APPOINTMENTS BJADE. As recommended by Mayor Bredesen, Councilman Johnson's motion was seconded by Councilman Van Valkenburg and carried appointing Cpuncilman Courtney to another term-as Council Representative on the Human Rights Commission, Mr. Joel Jennings for a three year term on the Human Rights Commission and Mr. Arthur H. Dickey for a three year term on the Building Construction Codes Commission. As requested by the Environmental Quality Commission, Councilman Johnson's motion was seconded by Councilman Van Valkenburg and carried changing the name of clarifying that voting be restricted to regular appointed members. recominended by Hayas:.Baede+bm;, C'duncrT,Sm&n.. Jol3nsod.s motion was seconded by Councilman Van Valkenburg and carried that Earl 117. Carson who has been an advisor fo the commission be named to succeed Mr. George W. Nicholas for a term off office which will expire on February 1, 1974. NORTHERN STATES PO'NER COMPANY AGREEMENT CONTINUED. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, a new agreement between the Village and Northern States Power for street light- ing service for a period of five years was continued to March 20-, 1972, by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded IyCouncilman Courtney and carried. to ttadviserst' and As RICHFIELD SCHOOL DI'STRICT REQUEST TO USE VOTER REGISTRATION CARDS APPROVED. The Village Clerk advised Council that Richfield School.Qistrict 280 has re- quested the use of the Village of Edina voter registratiqn cards for those residents living in the Richfield School District and that the Village Attorney is reviewing the agreement which Richfield School District has sub- mitted. Richfield School District in this arrangement 17as seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Councilman Van Vallcenburg's motion authorizing participation with the GGTH AND BRITTANY ROAD PROPERTY APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEW USE OF TAX FOR- FEITED LAND AUTHORIZED. a New Use of Tax Forfeited Lands which relates to a 2.5 by 20 foot strip of land adjoining that recently sold by the Village at 66th and Brittany Road. The present use is for fire station purposes and the new use is for sanitary sewer purposes. Councilman Shaw thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 'IJHEREAS, the Village of Edina on May 20, 1966 received a conveyance of tax forfeited lands from the State of Minnesota conveying to it for fire station Nr. Erickson presented an Application for Approval of RESOLUTION . ' purposes a tract of land described as folfows: The West 20 feet of the East 250 feet of the South 2.5 feet of the Worth 177.48 feet of the West 660 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (Nd 1/4 of SW 1/4), Section 30, Township Twenty-eight (28) , Range Twenty-four (24) , according to the United States Government Survey thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Village subsequent thereto constructed a new fire station near the intersection of Tracy Avenue and County Highway No. 62 and the above described property is no longer needed for a fire station site; and I 3/6/72 WHEREAS, there now exists under said property a sanitary sewer easement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT El3SOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that an application be made to the State of Ninnesota, Department- of Taxation to change the use of the land above described from one for fire station pur- poses to sanitary sewer purposes. Notion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Van Valken- burg and .. on rollcall there were five ayes and no.nays and the resolution was adopted . FIRE DEPARTNENT COOPERATION WITH ST. LOUIS PARK FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTED. Hr. Hyde advised Council of an agreement between the Edina and St. Louis Park Fire Departments whereby if a fire occurs at any of the following locations, the St. Louis Park Fgre Department is to be notified at once and they will respond with a pumper coq-any on first alarm: Morningside School, Christian Reform Church, Calvin Christian School, the 44th & France Business District and the 50th and France Business District, Edina will respond with the aerial ladder company on first alar& to Methodist Hospital, St. Louis Park Medical Clinic ' and Baker Properties located at 4903 Cedar Lake Road. with a pumper company on first alarm to Miracle Mile Shopping Center and to the Honeywell Building at 5100 Gamble Drive. I Edina will also respond HOLDING CLASSES IN APARTMENT BUILDINGS DENIED. kh2 Human Rights Commission had'objected to an administrative decision which he had made in refusing to permit classes to be held in an Edina apartment building. that the Human Rights Commission should be referred to the Zoning Ordinances which do not permit such a use in the Residential Districts. Mr. Hyde advised Council that Council endorsed Mr. Hyde's decision, with Mayor Bredesen saying PRESTIGE 2ND ADDITION GRANTED FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. ige Second Addition for final plat approval.. As recommended by Mr. Luce, Councilman Johnson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption snbjeck-:ta Tfhe.-app?8v@ .of .the Village Attorney of the deeds to the Village: RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL TO Mr. Luce presented Prest- PRESTIGE 2ND ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina Village Council that that certain plat known as "Prestige 2nd Addition%', platted by Presco, a partnership, and by Leo F. Dvorak, a single man, and presented at the Edina Village Council Meeting of Narch 6, 1972, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Notion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on rol>call there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. CLAIMS PAID, and carried for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List: $11,995.15; Park, Park Construction, Swimming, Arena, Golf, Gun, $15,309.92; T?ater Fund, $25,174.24; Liquor Fund, $44,230.94; Sewer Fund, $1,343.68; Total, $9 8 , 053.93. Motion of Councilman Johnson was seconded by Councilman Courtney General Fund, The agenda having been.covered, Councilman Johnson's motion for adjournment was secoqded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Adjournment at 9:45 p.m. 9L4.7-1 Village Clerk EIIIWTES OF SPECIAL IIEETING OF EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1972 At a Special Eleeting on March 12, 1972, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO THE EDINA HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY TEAM WHEREAS, the Edina High School Hockey Team during-the season of 1971-72 extended to four years it success in competition within the State of Minnesota; and V€EREAS, under the dedicated leadership of Coach aillard Ikola, the members of the team continued to be not only super-proficient in the sport but also gentlemen in their conduct; and I UHEREAS, the team repeated as Champions of the Lake Conference and of Region Six of the Minnesota State High School League, this time undefeated; and ITHEREAS, the 1971-72 team represented Edina in the State High School Hockey Tournament beginning March 9, 1972; NObl, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE COUNCIL of the Vil- lage of Edina at a Special Meeting on March 12, 1972, on behalf of all the