MAY 15, 1972
Members answering rollcall were Councilmen Courtney, Johnson, Van Valken- ' :
burg and Mayor Bredesen.
by motion of Councilman Van Valkenburg, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried.
week of *May 22-29, 1972, as "Respect for Law I?eek** and presented the following
proclamation to Mr. John Phillips, president of the Optimist Club:
WKeREAS, crime and its effect upon the lives and property of our ditizens
continues undiminished, despite efforts by government, citizens' organizations
and many individuals; and
WHEREAS, the problems of crime touch and affect all segments of our society
undermining and eroding the moral and economic strengths of our communities
and their citizens; and
WHEREAS, there is still a reluctance on the part of many citizens to involve
themselves in actions to insure the protection, rights and well-being of their
fellow citizens; and
WHEREAS, Optimist clubs and their members continue to sponsor and support
programs aimed at combating crime and disrespect for law through year-round
efforts ;
NO", THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr., Mayor of the
Village of Edina, Minnesota, do p.roclaim the week of May 22-29, 1972, as
mSPECT FOR LAN WEEK, and ask all citizens of Edina to join with the Optimists
in carrying the message of respect for law to other citizens, and by example,
exercise responsible citizenship. .
Minutes of May 1, 1972, were approved as submitted
Mayor Bredesen proclaimed the
presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant
to due notice given, public hearings were conducted and action taken as here-
inafter recorded :
Easement line in South 20 feet of Lot 11, Block 2, Richmond Hills 2nd
Richwood Drive from easement line to 160' -f- North
Affidavits of Notice were
Addition from pond to Richwood Drive
Mr. Hyde presented total estimated project cost at $13,487.19, proposed to be
assessed against 382,509 assessable square feet at an estimated cost of
$0.03526 per square foot.
ment which had been signed by nearly all of the residents in the area and
referred also to a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Neil Richardson who also oppose
the improvement. With the aid of the View-Graph, Mr. Dunn showed slides of
the area in question indicating the drainage of water from the entire area
over Lot 11, Block 2, Richmond Hills 2nd Addition, into a ravine and'into a
low spot.
ance but has been unable to prevent the erosian that has taken place.
response to a question of Councilman Courtney, Mr. knn e saiEf gr e gtat the berm had
been built higher than normaqkt that the water still/$r%ns ovgr the yard.
Mr. Thomas O'Meara, attorney representing Mrs. Donald LeBaron who ownes Lot 11,
reviewed the past history of the property which is located at 5236 Richwood
Drive. He recalled that Mrs. LeBaron had been told that nothing could be done
to alleviate the problem until the Vernon Avenue storm sewer was complete and
teqaested khat a".ostbi-m sewer should be ins talled .at this time/&$ercome Mrs . Le
Baron's problem. Mr. O"Mea,ra added that @&her stands in the low spot most of
the time and that it is a potential danger to children. He urged construction
of the storm sewer over the easement on Mrs. LeBaron's property, pointing out
that the pipe installed must be large enough to'accept the storm water from the
street as well as from the back yard area. Mr. O'Meara also requested that the
ravine which has been washed out over the years be filled in and sodded and
that the Village would be liable for alzy accidents which might occur in theb
permanent pond--which is proposed.
objected to the proposed storm sewer, stating that his property gets the runoff
from Mrs. LeBaron's property and that there has n'ever been water there for more
than two weeks after a long series of storms and that that water is never more
than I% 'feet deep.
the contractor installed the pipe under the road and drained water from the
other side of Vernon Avenue into this 1ow.spot on Lots 9 and 11.
that Mrs. LeBaron had not brought her problem to the neighborhood association
and that he would not be able to have a skating rink in his back yard if the
storm sewer is installed. Objections to the storm sewer were also heard from
Mr. Dyer Powell, 5224 Richwood Drive and Mr. C. L. Thompson, 5252 Richwood
Drive: Mr. Dunn added that Mrs. LeBaron's objections were not so much to
standing water as to the damage that the running water causes.
Mr. Hyde referred to a petition a$posing the improve-
Mr. Dunn advised that the Village has done considerable mainten-
Mr. Edward Getsch, 5233' Richwood Drive,
He recalled that at the time Vernon Avenue was improved,
He added
He advised an
5 /15/72
unidentified gentleman in the audience that the method of assessing Mrs.
Baron's property would be determined at the-assessment hearing rather than at
this time., Following considerable discussion, Councilman Johnson's motion
was ' seconded by Cbuncilman Courtney and carried that the matter be continued
to June 5, 1972, with the understanding that Messrs. Getsch, Powell and O'lfeara
work with Mr. Dunn to attempt to find a satisfactory golution to the problem,
and so that Council will have an opportunity to view the site.
Easement line from low point in back yard 85036 Juanita to existing catch
basin in alley west of Edina Covenant Church, #4201 West 50th Street.
Nr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost at $3,526.58, proposedb
be assessed against 30,272 assessable square feet at an estimated cost of
$0.116496 per assessable square foot,
Dunn showed a-kap of the property in question and showed slides of the area.
He recalled that at the time the Edina Covenant Church parking lot was con-
structed, the area was filled, creating a low spot in the rear of Lot 5 and
Causfng Cwkte~ego i-c~~lectc~riiig-~hea9N.. ma2ns,, x and !added -t~at.-cqrresp~n~~~ce bad
bken rec~ved~~aak-.t~,.l~6~ ZeqtxesOing thahnsomes:ac&kad=.be tagend&,@%evfaix ,.Elze
problem;: ' Mr. iDunRXaSafifBed~t;h~t~ .the problem is not caused by water from the
parking lot but/&ter from the drainage area which flOP7S +-
into the low spot. Mr. Marvin Holt, 5036 Juanita Avenue, said that ihe church
had built up the parking lot so that water which formerly drained to that area
now drains to his back yard in the spring and after heavey rains to a depth of
one to 1% feet'so that it has been necessary to have his yard pumped. He added
that h'e-believes that the cost of the lmprovement should be paid by the church.
since before the parking lot was built, the water drained away naturally with-
out giving anyone any trouble.
Village was remiss in approving the-construction by the church.
Palmer of the Board of Trustees of Edina Covenant Church denied that water from
the parking lot drains intb Mr. Holes property. He advised that water from the
parking lot drains to the storm drain near the Youth Education Building and
then out the alley toward the catch basin on Indianola Avenue. Mr. Hyde re-
ferred to a letter of May 8, 1968, in which Mr. George Hite advised Mr. Holt
that a review of the Village's files and building permit records indicates no
evidence that the Village at any time diredeed the layout of Edina Covenant
Church parking lot or in any way approved the construction plans for this work.
The daughter of Mrs . Ema Taus; .5024 -Jn8d~n0~a~"Au~,~.recal~e8~trhat..
her family formerly gardened in the area under discussion.
it was a natural low spot, but that before the parking lot was built, water
never stayed there. She recalled also that the church had not lived up to its
agreement to plow the parking lot and that when it is plowed it is plowed to-
ward her mother's property which olily worsehs conditions. Mayor Bredesen said
that he had lived at 4215 W. 50th Street and had never seen water collect in
the area, It was brought out that in past years the church has hauled snow
away and that the situation is somewhat improved. Councilman Johnson pointed
out that the church should be able to use its property in a reasonable way.'
Mayor Bredesen said that he was not sure that the parking lot was constructed
in a reasonable manner. Nr: Rudolph Janzen, 5040 Jnanita Avenue concurred
with Statements made by Mr. Holt and said that he believed that the church
should be responsible for paying the entire cos? of the improvement.
Norton, 5032 Juanita Avenue, expressed hgr ymyxiEhxhertthe grgzyament of her .
neighbors. Councilman Johnson' s motion/w% en secon8e89y councilman 'Van
Valkenburg and carried. (See Resolution Ordering Improvement later in Minutes.)
Mayor Bredesen pointed out that the method of assessment would be determined at
the Assessment Hearing which will be held after the improvement has been
Vith the aid of the View-Graph, Mr.
-.- : :.. , . - -
Bir. Holt further suggested that somecme from:Ehe
Mr. John
She recalled that
Mrs. Ann
Lincoln Drive from Londondkry Road to South 7th Street Interchange
Lincoln Drive from Londonderry Road' to South 7th Street Interchange
Lincoln Drive from South line of Nine Mile North Addition to 60' 3- South
of centerline of Dominick Drive (Londonderry Road)
Improvements listed under C, D and E above effecting the same properties, public
hearings were conducted simultaneously. Mr, Hyde presented total estimated
construction cost for Grading, Graveling and Utility Relocation Improvement No.
P-C-112 at $441,638.68, $52,614.65 of which is proposed to be paid by Hennepin'
County, $151,662.50 is proposed to be paid by State Aid Gas Tax and of
10,887.26 assessable feet, R-1. properties are proposed to be assessed at $8.00
per assessable foot, R-2 properties are proposed to be assessed at $12.00 per
assessable foot and Planned Industrial Development and all residential poperty
5f 15/72
k M 63
zoned for high
assessable foot.
r use than R-2 is
Mr. Hyde advised
roposed to be assessed at $35.73 per -
hat these projects have been brought to
hearing because the proposed improvement to County Road 18 removes the access
of abutting properties to County Road 18.
included in the project and that the Environmental Quality Gommission of the
Village has discussed the improvements, inasmuch as the Nine Mile Creek Flood
Plain is adjacent to the area under consideration. Mr. LuCe pointed out zon-
ing uses along the proposed.Lincoln Drive and noted that the Nine Mil6 Creek
Watershed District has been limiting encroachment into the flood plain to 20%
of the land which is in the flood plain. Mr. Luce referred to the Mud Lake
study of Mr. John Dickson which indicated that if development occurs within
their guidelines of 20%, ahere should be no problem with the Mud Lake project
options. Mrs. Barbara Casselman, representing the League of Women Voters, was
told that Hennepin County had worked with Mr. Dickson and that these improve-
ments were taken into consideration in the hydrological study.
Screeden of the Edina League of 'IJomen Voters, said that the League had under-
stood that the Environmental Quality Commission had appointed a Task Foarce
to study the Mud Lake area and decide what the best development would be.
recommended that the matter be continued until July at which time the report
of the Task Force would be available.
Mr. Wallace Kenneth and asked that the improvement hearings be continued until
Mr. Kenneth returns to town. Mr, Harvey Hansen of Carl Hansen'Company pointed
out that the only reason for building Lincoln Drive was to provide access for
the properties that once abutted County Road 18 and that the improvementsand
the assessments should be considered together..
pay for the improvements in full.
road with concrete curb and gutter and a bridge over the creek would not be
necessary if the traffic generated by the Wallace Kenneth multiple dwellings
could use the Seventh Street Interchange and at the same time provide access
from the industrial properties to the Dominick Drive Interchange, thereby
eliminating the bridge and the necessity for a 48 foot road.
that this solution would also segregate the residential area from the industrial
the taking of the access.
&pin County, explained that the County's philosophy is that deve2opment is
something that is worked out by a developer and by a municipality for, the
development or growth of certain areas and 'that he had worked with Village
personnel in developing this proposal.
either obtain the right-of-way by negotiation or by condemnation and that the
circular movement possible under the proposed development would be desirable.
Mayor Bredesen asked Mr. Spielmann if it was customary for the County to trade'
right-of-way so thae it would be possible for the County to promise to build
this road, but deny access onto County.Road 18.
the County would negotiate for.the right-of-way on the basis of the value of
the property before the raad .szo*lcwas completed and after the road work is
completed. Mayor Bredesen said that he wanted this information for the record
because sometime there will be a discussion about bhe anount'of the assessment
for Lincoln Road as against the value for the loss of access from Highway 18.
Mr. Spielmann said that the County treats each case on its individual merits.
He advised Mr. Hyde that there is no frontage road because of an internal
from loss of access.
read a statement referring to Mud Lake as an "irreplacable gift".
advised by Mayor Bredesen that Lincoln Drive is being discussed and not Mud
Lake. Mr. Ericlcson referred to the Flood Plain Ordinance which will be consid-
ered later during this meeting, noting that this orainance might have some
impact on the property under discussion. Councilman Johnson's motion was then
seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried, continuing the hearings to June
5, 1972. Councilman Johnson then offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption:
He added that a storm sewer is also
Mrs. Dorothy
Ms. Lois Vlasko said that she represented
He said that the County should-
Mr. Hansen suggested further that a 48 foot
He suggested
Councilman Johnson pointed out that the Village hsid nothing to say about
Mr. Don Spielmann, Chief Design Engineer for Henn-
He'pointed out that the County will
Mr. Spielmann replied that
Mr. Dunn recalled that there has been previous,discussion of damages
Mr. John Telfer of the Environmental Quality Commission
He was
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this
Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published and mailed to
owners of each parcel within the area proposed to be assessed on the FoIJowing
proposed improvement:
Easement line from low point in back yard #.5036 Juanita to existing
catch basin in' alley IJest of Edina Covenant Church, #420l Vest 50th Street
and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice, the
Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being
fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the
construction of said improvement, including all proceedings which may be neces-
sary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights
\ 5/15/72
for construction and maintenance of such improvement; that said improvement
is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings
as Storm Sewer Improvement No. ST.S.0132; and the area to be specially assessed
therefor shall 5nclude all lots and tracts of land within the following des-
cribed boundaries:
Brucewood; thence Northeasterly to the Southwest corner of Lot 5, Block 2,
Stevens' 1st Addition; thence Northeasterly to a point 8 feet North of the
South line and 15 feet East of the West line of said Lot 5; thence Northerly
to a point on the North line of said Lot 6, which point is 15 feet East of
the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence Easterly to the Northwest corner
of Lot'6, Block 2, Stevens' 1st Addition; thence Southeasterly to a point on
the East line of Lot 2, Block 5, Glenview Addition, which point*is 10-feet
South of the Northeast corner of'said Lot 2; thence Southwesterly to a point
on the West line of said Lot 2, which point is 60 feet South of the Northwest
corner of said Lot 2; thence Southwesterly to a point on the Northeast line
of Lot 4, Block 5, Glenview Addition, which point is 75 feet Southeast of
the Ntrtheast 'corner of said Lot 4; thence Northwesterly to a point on the
Vest line of said Lot 4, which point is 16 feet South of the Northeast corner
of Lot 7, Block 3, Brucewood; thence Northwesterly to a point on the North
line of said Lot 7, which point is 40 feet East of the Northwest corner of
said Lot 7; thence Northeasterly to the point of beginning.
Notion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Van Valken-
burg and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was
adopted .
ition for watermain to be installed in Hollywood Road between Vandervork
Avenue and Oxford Avenue and referred to the Engineering Department for pro-
cessing by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman Johnson and
Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 6, Block 3,
of notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on
file. Mr. Luce presented the petition of MoAmCo Corporation for division of
a part of Lot 49, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 so that the parking lot of
the old Edina State Bank can be transferred to the new Americana Bank .
objections were heard, whereupon Councilman Van Valkenburg offered the follow-
ing resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of -. land:
All of the East one-half '(E%) of the North one-half (N k) of Lot Forty-
nine (49), Auditor's Subdivision Number 172, Hennepin County, Ninnesota,
except the Northerly two feet (2') thereof, according to the plat of said
Auditor's Subdivision Number 172 on file and of record in the office of
the +Register of Deeds of said County and State; and
VHEREAS,-Ehe owner has requested the subdivision of said tract into separate
parceJs (herein called "garcelst') described as follows :
That part of Lot 49, Auditor's Subdivision Number 172, Hennepin County,
Minnesota, described as follows:
of said Lot 49, distant 2 feet South of the Northeast corner thereof;
thence South along the East line of said Lot 49 to a point tprein
distant 42.16 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Lot 49; thence
Westerly to a point in the West line of the 'East 1/2 of said Lot 49. dist-
ant 43.3 feet South of the North line of said Lot 49; thence North along
said West line of the East 1/2 of said Lot 49 to a point 2 feet South
of the North line of said Lot 49; thence East to the point of beginning;
That part of Lot 49, Auditor's Subdivision Number 172, Hennepin County,
Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the East line
of said Lot 49, distant 42'.16 feet South of the Northeast corner thereof;
thence South along the East line of said Lot 49 to a point therein
distant 26.84 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Lot 49; thence
Westerly deflecting to the right 900 03' a distance of 69.84 feet;
thence Northwesterly 53.42 feet along a tangential curve to the'right,
having a radius of 70 %eet; thence Northwesterly in a straight line,
tangent to last described curve,.a distance of 44.37 feet to the West
line of the East 1/2 of said Lot 49; thence North along said 5Jest line
of the East 1/2 of said Lot $9 to a point 43.3 feet South of the North
line of said Lot 49; thence East to the point of beginning, according to
the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of
Beginning at a point in the East line
Deeds in and for Hennepin __ Councy, Minnesota; and--_-- -~ -- -
WHEREAS, it has- been. determined that compliance with the Subdivision and [
Zoning Regulations OI the Village of Edina will crea5e an unnecessary
hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land d6 not interfere with
the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the
Village of Edina Ordinance Nos. 811
NO'IJ, THEREFORE, iY is hereby resolved by the Village Council of the Village
of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate
tracts of land is hereby approved and the requiremcnts and provisions of
Ordfhance No. 811 and Ordinance No. 801 are hereby waived to allow said
division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but-are not
waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and sub-
ject, however, tp the provision that no further subdivision be made of said
Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the
Village of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be pro-
and 801:
vided-for by those ordinances.
5/15/72 c lfodion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney
and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was
adopted .
for final plat approval, noting that all ordinance requirements had been met,
whereupon Councilman Van Valkenburg offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that
that certain plat entitled '"dins T.lestlandsr, platted by Edina West Co., and
The First National Bank of St. Paul and'presented at the Regular Meeting of
the Edina Village Council of May 15, 1972, be and is hereby granted final plat
Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and
on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted.
recommended by Mr. Luce, Councilman Johnson's motion setting June 5, 1972, as
hearing date for preliminary plat approval for Warden Acres Lot 21 Replat was
seconded by Councilman CourtAey and carried.
LIABILITY INSURANCE LIMITS TABLED. Mr. Hyde called Council's attention to a
memo listing liability insurance and bond requirements for licenses required
by: other municipalities, noting that Edina's requirements are already equal to,
or higher than other suburbs. Following some discussion, Councilman 3ohnson'~s
motion to table the matter was seconded by Councilman Van Valkenburg and
SEWER BILLING METHOD QUESTIONED. Mr. Gary Reynolds, 4301 Eton Place, spoke
in opposition to the present method of billing residents $10.00 quarterly for
sewerage treatment, stating that it would be more equitable to bill on a use
basis rather than a uniform rate for each single family dwelling.
Bredesen advised Mr. Reynolds that the Village studied this problem long and
hard and felt that this was the fairest method of billing. It was also noted
that it would be a horrendous bookkeeping problem to bill according to use as
.Mr. Reynolds suggested. Following some discussion, Councilman Johnson's
motion that.no change be made in the billing method was seconded by Councilman
VaneValkenburg and carried.
Mayor '
Council had authorized negotiation for Braemar Park Football F5:bld grading and
Contracting Co., Inc., low bidder at $4,800 and Terry Bros., Inc., second low
bidder at $4,960.00. Councilman Johnson's motion awarding contract to recom-
mended low bidder, Matt Bullock Contracting Co., Inc., was then seconded by
Councilman Courtney and carried.
Mr. Hyde recalled that
He presented a tabulation of two bids showing Matt Bullock
recalled action taken by Counci1,at its meeting of May 1, 1972, asking Congress-
man Frenzel to vote against revenue sharing.
Senator Mills' Vays and Means Committee expressing supplemental and dissenting
views of a number of members of the committee. He added that he has sent
copies of the report to Minnesota Senators and Representatives and quoted kt
in part as saying that "the measure of good government is not how much the
government spends, or how heavily it taxes its people, but how economically
and efficiently it provides services actually desired by the people"?.
ORDINANCE NO. 201 AMENDMENT DROPPED. Mr. Erickson recalled that: he had been
instructedto draft an amendment to Ordinance No, 201 to provide that the
Police Chief , rather than the Council, authorize public dances.
advised Council that thevillage is operating under a statute which provides
that the governing body issue such licenses.
Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde read from a report of
Mr. Erickson
No action was taken.
man Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, setting
hearing dates for June 5, 1972, for various improvements:
As recommended by Elr, Dunn, Council-
as to the feasibility of the proposed improvements described in the form of
The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report
5 I15 17 2
Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such
improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file
in the office of the Village Clerk.
2. This Council shall meet on Nonday, June 5, 1972, at 7:OO p.m,, in the
Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons
interested in said improvements.
place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper
once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to
be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice
to all affected properties in substantially the following form:
The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time,
(Official Publication)
EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, June 5,
1972, at 7:OO p.m., to consider the following proposed improvements to be
constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429.
The approximate cost of said improvements are estimated by the Village as
set forth below: .
1. IMPROVEMENT NO. P-WM-278 $115,718.7.6
,Roushar Frontage Road and proposed Frontage Road
Road from Lincoln Drive to Vernon Avenue
Vernon Avenue from County Road 862 to Walnut
Vernon Avenue from Tamarac Drive to the West line
of Gleason Third Addition ..
2, IMPROVEEENT NO. P-IM-279 $ 28,452.44
Outlot C, Walnut Ridge 3rd Addition from Vernon
Avenue to a point on the West line of Outlot
C which is approximately 468' ,+ South of the
Northwest corner of Outlot C
1. IMPROVEMENT NO. P-SS-306 " $115,420.18
Walnut Drive from Aspen Road to easement line
Eetaeen Lots 7 and 8, Block 3, Walnut Ridge
1st Addition
Easement line in Outlots B & C, Walnut Ridge
3rd Addition from easement line between Lots
7 & 8, Block 3, Walnut Ridge 1st Addition
South to South side of Vernon Avenue 0
Vernon Avenue from easement line Southwesterly
606' 2
Easement line in Outlot C, GJalnut Ridge -3rd
Parcels if1400 and 1600, Section 31, Township
117, Range 21 *
1. IMPROVEMENT NO. P-ST.S.-133 $292 , 241.15
Outlot C, Walnut Ridge 3rd Addition -.thru
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of-the proposed Water Main
. (Improvement No. P-WM-278) under A-1 above includes Parcels #MOO, #1600,
#1800, 112210; #lOlS, #1050, #2230 and 82240, Section 31, Township 117,
Range 21; Outlot C, Walnut Ridge 3rd Addition; Tract A, R.L.S. #1145.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Water Main
(Improvement No. P-WM-279) under A-2 above includes Outlot C, IJalnut Ridge
3rd Addition.
The area proposed to be assessed-for the cost of the proposed Sanitary Sewer
(Improvement No. P-SS-306)-under.B-l above includes Parcels #1400, #1600,
#1800, #2210, #1015, 81050, #2230 and 1'2240, Section 31, Township 117, Range
21; Outlot C, Walnut Ridge 3rd Addition; Part of Lot 4, (Parcel 810), part
of Lot 4 (Pakel SOlD), part of Lot 23 (Parcel 5225) and part of Lot 23
(Parcel 5630) in Auditor's Subdivision #196.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer
(Improvement No. P-ST.S.-133) under C-1 above includes all lots and tracts of
land within the following described boundaries: Commencing at a point on the
West line of Outlot '*CRp Walnut Ridge 3rd Addition, said point being 75'
South of the Northwest corner of said lot; thence East at right angles to the
West line of said Outlot r%" a distance 0-f 545'; thence South at right angles
to last described line a distance of 190'; thence Southeasterly to a point
on the North line of Lot 10, Walnut Ridge Addition, said point being 50"iJest
of the Northeast corner of said Lot 10; thence Southerly 50' West Qf and
parallel to the West line of Walnut Drive to a point in Lot 11, IJalnut Ridge
Addition, said point being 35! North of the South line of said Lot 11;
thence Easterly to a point in the East line of Walnut Drive said point being
30' South of the Northwest corner of Lot 2, Walnut Ridge Addition; thence
Southeasterly to the Southeast corner 0-f Lot 1, IJalnut Ridge Addition; thence
Northeasterly along the North line of Vernon Avenue 70'; thence Southerly to
a point on the South line of Vernon Avenue said point being 50' Southwesterly
of the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Viking Hills 2nd Addition; thence South-
westerly on a line passing thru the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Viking
Hills 3rd Addition, a distance of 770'; thence Northwesterly at a deflection
angle to the right of 102°10'00~' a distance of 590'; thence Northwesterly at
a deflection angle to the right of 13°45-'00" a distance of 110'; thence
Westerly at a deflection angle to the-left of 32O30' a distance of 142';
thence Northeasterly at a deflection angle to the right of 130000'00" a dis-
tance' of 108' to the centerline of Vernon Avenue; thence Northwesterly at a
deflection angle to the left of 12O00O'0Or' a distance of 120'; thence North-
westerly at a deflection angle to the right of 26°90'00t8 a distance of 75';
thence Southwesterly at a deflection angle to the left of 55°00'00'~ a distance
of 195'; thence Southwesterly at a deflection angle to the left of 41°00'00"
a distance of 306' to Northerly and Easterly right-of-way line of County Road
18 Frontage Road known as Roushar Road; thence Westerly, Northwesterly along
the Northerly and Easterly right-of-way line of Roushar Road to the Northwest
corner of Parcel 1600, Sec. 31, T. 117, R. 21; thence Northeasterly to a point
in Parcel 1400, Sec, 31, T. 117, R. 21, said point being 273' North of a
point 366' East of the Northwest corner of Parcel 1600, Sec. 31, T. 117, R.
21; thence Southeasterly to a point on the North line of Parcel 1600, Sec.
31, T. 117, R. 21 said point being 493' East of the Northwest corner of said
Parcel 1600; thence East along the North line of said Parcel 1600 to the
West line of Outlot We, Walnut Ridge 3rd Addition; thence North to point of
beginning. Flprence B. Hallberg
Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Van Valken-
burg and on rollcall there were €our ayes and no nays and the resolution was
Councilman Johnson's motion setting hearing date for June 19, 1972, for vaca-
tion of a portion of Brookside Avenue located North of the driveway into
Village property across the tracks.
widdie who reviewed plans for remodeling the Village Hall at an estimated cost
of $200,000, depending on heating and air conditioning needs.
that he believes that $35,000 seems high for electrical costs and that the plans
would be further reviewed by the staff'.
further action is taken, he would like to look into the possibility of acquir-
ing the Legion'Hall.
acquisition of the Legion Hall and will ldok further at the PBmodeling plans.
Plain Ordinance No. 832., noting that it is the result of a considerable amount
of work by several members of the staff. ,.Mr. Erickson advised that the State
of Minnesota now requires that the Village adopt an ordinance regulating man-
agement of flood plains srwithin a reasonable time".
has tried to adopt the ordinance to specific needs of the Village while still
following the State Code and that before final adoption, the ordinance must
go to the Department of Natural Resources for approval. Councilman Johnson
said that he believes that the ordinance is an excellent concept and moved that
the ordinance be referred to the Environmental Quality Commission and to people
who own land within the flood plain for review.
Mr. Hyde said
Idayor Bredesen said that before any
Mr. Hyde said that he would explorethe possibility of
He added that hhe staff
Motion was seconded by Council-
Courtney and carried.
First Reading as follows:
Councilman Courtney then offered Ordinance No. 832 for
Section 1. Title.
referred to shall be "The Flood Plain Management Ordinance".
Sec. 2. Declaration of Policv.
within the respective flood plains, as hereafter defined, of Nine Mile Creek
and Minnehaha Creek in the Village, in their natural state, are a valuable
land resource; that development within such flood plains must be regulated on
the basis of and with full consideration. of the impact on the total creek
along 31ts full length; that such lands are or may be subject to loss, impair-
ment and degradation through uncoordinated and unplanned development; that
such lands are necessary and desirable to ayoid rapid run-off of surface
waters, to prevent polluting materials from being carried directly.."into the
natural stream, to preserve adequate ground water infiltration, tb- protect
surface and ground water supplies, to minimize the possibility of periodic
flooding resulting in loss of life and property, health and safety hazards,
disruption of governmental services, extraordinary public expenditures for
projects to contain, store and control runoff, and impairment of the tax base,
all of which adversely affect the public health, sa'fety and welfare.
therefore, the purpose of this ordinance to guide and regulate the orderly
development of such lands to insure-maintenance and preservation, in their
natural state, of needed and desirable natural water storage areas and water
courses and their shorelines and adjacent vegetation and topography and to
minimize the possibility of, and pollution and losses resulting from, runoff
and flooding, all thereby to promote and protect the public health, safety
and welfare.
Ordinance No. 811 (the zoning ordinance of Edina), which definitions, to the
extent applicable, are hereby incorporated-herein and declared to be a part
of this ordinance, the words and phrases used in 'this ordinance shall be
interpreted so as to give thempthe same meaning as they have in common usage
and so as to give this ordinance its most reasonable application.
The short form title by which this ordinance may be
It is hereby found and declared that lands
It is,
Sec. 3. Definitions. Unless-specifically defined below or in Sec. 11 of
I - Board - means the Board of Appeals and Adjustments of the Village.
Channel - means the natural or artificial depression of perceptible extent,
with definite beds and banks to confine and conduct, either continuously or
periodically, the water in the respective creeks.
Commission - means the Planning Commission of the Village.
Commissioner - means the Commissioner of the Department of Natural
Council - means the Village Council of the Village.
Equal Degree of Encroachment - a method of determining the location of
Resources of the State of Minnesota.
encroachment lines so that the hydraulic capacity of flood plain faiids on
each side of a stream are reduced by an equal amount when calculating the
increases in flood stages due to flood plain encroachments. - Flood - a temporary rise in stream flow or stage that results in inunda-
tion of the areas adjacent to the channel.
Flood Plain - the areas established and designated pursuant to Sec. 4
of this ordinance.
Obstruction - any storage of material or equipment, dam, wall, wharf,
embankment, levee, road, dike, pile, abutment, projection, excavation, channel
rectification, culvert, building, wire, fence, stockpile, refuse, fill,
deposit, clearing of trees or vegetation, structure or matter in, along,
across, or projecting, in whole or in part, into any flood plain.
a stream or river influenced by a natural or man-made obstruction.
frequency in the magnitude of the 100 year recurrence interval.
I -- Reach - a hydraulic engineering term to describe longitudinal segments of
Regional Flood -.a flbod which can be expected to occur on an average
RegulaEory Flood Protection Elevation - a point not less than two feet
above the water surface profile associated with the regional flood plus any
increases in flood heights att-ributable to encroachments on the flood plain;
the elevation to which uses regulated by this ordinance are required to be
elevated or flood prodifed.
of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts
joined together in some definite manner, whether of a temporary or permanent
Structure - anything that is built or constructed, an edifice or building
Sec. 4. Lands Subject to Ordinances: Establishment of Flood Plain;
Interpretation of Boundaries.
within the jurisdiction of the Village and shown on the offkial Flood Plain
Map as being locatea within the flood plain. '
The flood plain shall be as designaced
on the official Flood Plain Map (hereinafter.called the ?Mapr') in the Village
Hall, a copy of which is appended to this ordinance. 'The Map, together with
all explanatory matter thereon or attached thereto, is hereby adopted by .
reference and declared to be a part of this ordinance.
file in the office of the Village Engineering Department and shall be open to
inspection by the public during normal business hours of the Village.
flood plain designation is based upon a regional flood.
flood plain established by this ordinance are not accurately shown on the
Map, such boundaries shall be determined by scaling distances on the Map.
Where interpretation is needed as to the exact location of the boundary of
any such flood plain as shown on the Map as, for example, where the Map and
an actual field survey vary, the owner or owners of the property affected
may appeal in the maimer herein provided 30 the Board for an interpretation.
Land Subiect to Ordinance. This ordinance shall'apply to all lands
(b) Establishment of Flood Plain.
The Map shall be on
To the extent the boundaries of any (e) Interpretation of Boundaries.
Sec .' 5 .. . Flood Plain use's: Permits : and Standards.
(a) Existing Lan'd Use. No land use shall be changed.nor shall any
obstruction be changed in its use or be constructed, erected, added to,
alkered, placed or done wholly or partly in a flood plain except in full
compliance with all applicable ordinances of the Village and unless a special
permie is first obtained pursuant to this ordinance. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, land use' shall be deemed to have changed when
any utilities'are installed in or any road or structure placed on the land.
No special permit shall be issued for any use or obstruction to be placed in
the flood plain unless the following provisions are complied with:
(b) Standards and Conditions for Issuance of Special Permits.
(1) A strip of land running aIong all sides of the channel of Nine Mile
Cre'elc Qr Minnehaha Creek, as the case may be, contiguous to the land
for which the special permit is being considered, and extending from
a line not less than 100 feet upland from the nearest bank of the
channel of Nine Mile Creek or Minnehaha Creek, as the case may be, to
and including the bed of the channel, shall be either (i) dedicated
to the Village for public use, or (ii) subjecFed to a perpetual
easement in favor of the'village for the purpose of widening, deepen-
ing, sloping, improving and protectipg the beds and banks of the creek
and the flood plain for hydraulic efficiency and for protecting the
natural character of,the land, channel' and flood plain. The Commission
shall determine which 'of these options is more appropriate and shall
recommend to the Council one of said options. In either case there
shall also then be granted to the Village the right in irigress to
and egress from said strip of land with men, equipment and material.
Where the easement is determined to be in the best interest of the
Village, said easement shall also provide that the owners of the
area as to which such easement is granted shall not make, do or place
any obstruction or structure of any kind on or in such easement area
or raise the level of the easement area in any way, but all such
right to obstruct and place-structures on and to raise the level of
the easement area shall be granted by said easement to the Village.
Such dedication or easement need not be given if previously given-to
the Village pursuant to Ordinance Nd. 803,
No special permit shall be issued for any'obstrucfion or use which,
acting alone or in combination with existing or anticipated future
uses or obstructions, will 01: may unduly decrease the capacity of the
channel or flood plain of the creeks or the capacity of any drainage
ditch, facility, area or system, or the channel of any tributary to ,
the creeks, or unduly increase flood heights, or which othekise will
or may result in danger to persons or property. Consideration orE the
effects of a proposed obstruction or use shall be based on the reason-
able assumption that there will be an equal degree of encroachment
extending for a significant reach on both sides of the stream.
No special permit shall be issued which will or may result in the
placing of any obstruction which- restricts the right of public 'passage
and use of the beds, banks and water of Minnehaha Creek or Nine Mile
Creek, except obstructions approved by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed
District as to Minnehaha Creek, and the Nine Mile Creek Platershed
District, as to the Nine Mile Creek, and used fox flood plain manage-
ment, in which case adequate provision shall be'made for portaging
and passage of watercraft.
(4) No special permit shall be issued 'for' any obstruction or use which,
acting alone or in combination with existing or anticipated future
uses or obstructions, will or may adversely affect land or water
areas essential to the protection of surface and ground water supplies.
No special permit shall be issued which will or may result in an
obstruction or use incompatible with preservation of those natural
land forms, vegetation and adjacent marshes and wet areas of
Minnehaha Creek or Nine Mile Creelc which is a principal factor in
the maintenance of constant rates ofJgater flow in said creeks
throughout the year.
No special permit shall be issued which will or may result in the
placing of an obstruction on, or-development of, land or water
areas essential to temporary withholding of rapid runoff of surface
water contributing to downstream flooding or of land and water
areas essential for providing ground water infiltration, and which
construction or development will or may decrease the capacity of
such areas to withhold such surface waters or to provide such ground
water infiltration.
No special permit shall be issued for any fill unless shown to have
some beneficial purpose and the amount thereof must not exceed that
necessary to achieve the intended purpose, as demonstrated by a plan
submitted by the owner showing the uses to which the'filled land
will be put, the kind of fill, and the final dimensions of the pro-
posed fill or other materials. Such fill shall be protected
against erosion by rip-rap, vegetative cover, or bulkheading.
No special permit shall be.issued for garbage or waste disposal
sites or systems.
No special permit shall be issued unless the proposed usecor
obstruction has received the approval of all governmental bodies
having jurisdiction over such use .or obstruction, including the
Nine Mile Creek Watershed District or the Minehaha Creek Watershed
District, as the case may be, if said approval is required by the
statutes, ordinances, rules or regulations applicable to such
governmental bodies and.to such u_se or obstruction.
No special permit shall be issued unless the proposed use of
obstruction conforms to the land use plans and planning objectives
of the Village for the area in which the use or obstruction is to
be done or placed.
(c) Utilities, Railroad Tracks, Streets, and Bridges. Public utility
facilities, roads, railroad tracks, and bridges within the flood plain shall
be designed to minimize increases in flood elevations and shall be compatible
with the flood plain development plans of the Village and of the Nine Mile
Creek Vatershed District or the Ninnehaha Creek Watershed District, as the
case may be,
(d) Plain Limits. In connection with any proposed development of, or proposed
placing of an obstruction in, the flood plain, if the regulatory flood pro-
tection elevations and flood plain limits then being used reflect proposed
measures for flood control, including water retention areas, then such
elevations and limits shall not be effective or used in issuing a special
pe-hit until such measures are constructed and operative, unless the proposed
measures will increase flood heights, in which event, the regulatory flood
protection elevations and flood plain limits used in issuing a special permit
shall reflect the anticipat.ed increases.
Adiustments or Regulatory Flood Piotection Elevations and Flood
Sec. 6. Additional Restrictions.
(a) In addition to the requirements set out in Sec. 5 of this ordinance,
no special permit shall be issued for an obstruction in the flood plain unless
the following provisrins are met: (1) Structures. Structures constructed on fill shall be constructed so
that the basement floor, or first floor if there is no basement,
is above the regulatory flood protection elevation,
fill elevation shall be no more than one foot below the regulatory
flood protection elevation for the particular area and shall extend
at such elevation at least fifteen (15) feet beyond the limits
of any structure or building erected thereon. Where existing
streets or utilities are at elevations which make compliance with
the foregoing sentence impractical, or-in other special circumstances,
a variance request may be made to the Board and the Board may auth-
orize other techniques for protection of residences,
.be at elevations lower than the regulatory flood protection eleva-
tion if a special permit is first-granted pursuant to this ordinance.
The finished
(2) Other Uses. Accessory land uses, such as yards and parking lots may
5.1 15 172
(3) Storage. Any storage or processing or materials that in time of I
flooding may be buoyant, flammable, explosive, or could be injurious
to human, animal, or plant- life- is prohibited.
Administration; Application for and Issuance of Special Permits and Sec. 7.
Variances; Certificates of Zoning Compliance.
this ordinance. .-
shall be applied for and obtained pursuant hereto prior to the construction,
erection, addition, or alteration of any improvement, or obstruction, wholly
or partly within any part of any flood plain and prior to the change of use of
any such improvement or obstruction of any land.
and variances under this ordiname shall be made by the owner or owners of the
land in duplicate to the Village Planner on forms furnished by the Village and
shall be accompanied initially by such of the following information and
additional information, data and plans as deemed necessary by the Village Plan-
ner for determining compliance with this ordinance, the effects of the proposed
activity on the creek, marshes and wet areas in the flood plain, and the suit-
ability of the particular site for the proposed use, obstruction or variance:
(a) Administration. The Village Planner shall administer and enforce
(b) Use Permit and Variance Required. A special permit or variance
(c) Application for Permit and Variance. Applications for special permits
(1) Plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the nature, location,
dimensions, and elevation of the lot or plot, existing or proposed
obstructions, the relationship of the above to the location of the
channel, surface water drainage plans and'floodpFoofing measures.
A valley cross-section showing the channel of the stream, elevation
of land areas adjoining each side of the channel, cross-sectional
areas to be occupied by the proposed development, high water informa-
tion, all drainage areas, all land forms and adjacent marshes and wet
Plans (surface view) showing elevations or contours of the ground;
pertinent obstruction elevations; size, location and spatial arrange-
ment of all proposed and existing obstructions on the site; location
and elevations of streets, water supply, sanitary facilities; photo-
' graphs showing existing land uses and vegetation upstream and down-
stream; and soil types. I
Specifications for building construction and materials, f loodproof-
ing, filling, dredging, grading, channel improvement, storage of
materials, water supply (including withdrawal and discharge of ground
and surface water), and sanitary facilities.
Description of the water quality if other than a municipal water
system is used; maximum yearly withdrawal of glriound waters; the
impact: on the receiving creek of discharged surface and ground water.
When filing the application the applicant shall pay a nonrefundable fee of
$25 for a special permit request of $10 for a variance request.
tion, fee and initial information requested, the Village Planner shall review
the application and submit it, with his report, to the Commission and also, if
a request for a variance, to the Board.
submit a copy of the application and his report to the Commissioner and to the
Nine Mile Creek !?atershed District or -the Minnehaha Watershed DisErict , which-
ever district is appropriate.
The Village Planner shall issue the
permit upon approval of the application therefor by the Council and shall
issue the variance upon approval of the application therefor by the Board, or
by the Council upon any appeal of a decision by the Board.
Upon compldtion of any work or
project pursuant to a special permit or variance granted pursuant to this
ordinance, and prior to the use or occupancy of $he land or obstructions
permitted by the special permit or variance, a Certificate of Zoning Compli-
ance shall be issued therefor by the Village Planner stating that the use of
the obstruction and land conforms to the requirements of this ordinance.
Prior to issuance of such Certificate, applicant, if requested by the Village
Planner, shall submit a certification by a registered professional engineer
or land surveyor, as appropriate, that the permitted obstructions, including,
but not limited to, finished fill and bklding floor elevations, flood proofing,
or other flood protection measures, have been completed in compliance with
the provisions of this ordinance and in compliance with the ihformatidn given
to the Village in connection with the application for the special permit or
and Duties; Appeal5 to Council.
(d) Submission of Report. Within 45 days after receipt of the applica-
The Village Planner also shallBthen
(e) ' Issuance of Permit or Variance.
(f) Certificate of Zoning Compliance.
Sec. 8. Planning Commission; Board of Appeals and Adiustments; Powers
(a) Planning Commission.
(1) Powers and Duties.
for special permits under this ordinance.
review each application for a variance and each appeal to the Board
The Commission shall hear and decide all requests
Also the Commission shall
, and submit its report thereon to the Board within 60 days of sub-
mission to it of such variance application or appeal information.
Procedure for Special Permits.
the report of the Village Planner, together with the application for
a special permit and initial information requested by the Village
Planner, and after receipt by the Commission of the recommendation
of the Commissioner and of the Nine Mile Creek Vatershed District or
the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, whichever district is
appropriate, the application shall be acted upon in accordance with
paragraph 6 of Sec. 12 of Ordinance No. 811, except as otherwise
herein provided, and except that mailed notice of any hearing before
the Council shall be given to owners of property situated wholly
or partly within 200 feet of the property affected by the special
permit, and except that if the recommendations of the Commissioner
and appropriate Watershed District are not received within 60 days
after submission to them pursuant to'paragraph (d) of Sec. 7 of
this ordinance, the Commission may act upon such application without
such recommendations.
Board of Appeals and Adjustments.
Powers and Duties.
and requests for variances in connection with this ordinance on the
same grounds and conditions as set out in paragraph 6 of Sec. 12
of Ordinance No. 811, except as otherwise herein provided, The
Board shall also hear and decide all appeals pursuant to paragraph
(c) of Sec. 4 of this ordinance.
Procedure for Variances. After receipt by the Board of the report
of the Village Planner, together with the application for a variance
and initial infornation requested by the Village Planner, and after
receipt by the Board of the report of the Commission, and recommenda-
tion of the Commissioner afid of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed
District or the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, whichever
district is appropriate, the Board shall act upon such application
in accordance with paragraph 6 of Sec. 12 of Ordinance No. 811, except
(i) that no variance shall have the effect-of permitting a lower
elevation than the regulatory flood proteetion elevation for the
individual property under consideration, and (ii) that if the report
of the Commission and the recommendations of the Commissioner and
appropriate Watershed District are not received within 60 days
after submission to them pursuant to paragraph (d) of Sec. 7 of
this ordinance, the Board may act upon such application without
such report and recommendations, and (iii) in deciding on any variance
the Board shall also consider the policies and purposes of this
ordinance and all of the standards and conditions set out in Para-
graph (b) of Sec. 5 of this ordinance and the degree of conformity
with such standards and conditions that will result if the variance
be granted.
After receipt by the Commission of
The Board shall hear and decide all appeals
(3) Proiedure for Appeals. All appeals, when received by the Board,
shall be submitted to the Commission for review and report.
wise appeals to the Board shall be made and acted upon by the Board,
and, if appealed, such appeal shall be made and shall be heard and
acted upon by the Council, in accordance with paragraph 6 of Sec,
12 of Ordinance No. 811, except: (i) that the Board shall receive
the report of the Commission before making its decision provided
that the Board may decide without such report if not received within
60 days after submission to the Commission, and (ii) that the admin-
istrative officer whose 'order, requirement, decision or determination
is appealed to the Board, may also appeal to ,the Council in accord-'
ance with said paragraph 6.
*c) Technical Assistance. The Board or Commission may transmit the
information received by it to the appropriate Watershed District for technical
assistance, where necessary in the opinion of the Board or Commission, to
evaluate the proposed project in relation to flood heights and velocities, the
seriousness of flood damage to the use, the adequacy of the plans for protect-
ion, compliance with Sections 5, 6 and 7 of-this ordinance, and other technical
(d) Conditions Attached to Special Permits and Variances. The Com-
mission and Board may attach such conditions to the granting of special
permits and variances as the Commission or Board deems necessary to fulfill
the purposes of this ordinance.
Notices, Permits and Variances Forwarded to'Conunission and Water-
shed Districts. The Commission, Board and Council shall give mailed notice
to the Commissioner of each hearing before it for a special permit or variance
not less
than ten days before the date of hearing. Also a copy of each
5/15/72 I
d M c3 a
special permit or variance issued or granted shall be forwarded to the Com-
mission and to the secretary of the appropriate - watershed district within 10
days after issuance or granting thereof.
Lapse of Variance or Special Permit by Non-user.
special permit issued or granted pursuant to this ordinance shall lapse, and
may be extended, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 7 of Sec. 12
of 'Ordinance No. 811.
(f) Any variance or
Sec. 9. nonconforming Uses and Structures; Lapse; Destruction.
before adoption of this ordinance but which is not in conformity with the
provisions of this ordinance may be continued subject to the following
conditions :
A Structure or the use of a structure or premises which was lawful
(1) No such use or.structure shall be expanded, changed, enlarged, or
altered in any way without complying, in all respects, with this
ordinance, including, but not limited to, the obtaining of all
required permits and variances.
If such use is discontinued for-twelve consecutive months, any sub-
sequent use of the structure or premises shall comply, in all
respects, with this ordinance, including, but not limited to, the
obtaining of all required permits and variances..
If any nonconforming structure is destroyed or damaged by any means,
including floods, to the extent that the cost of repairing or restor-
ing such destruction or damage would be 50 percent or more, as
estinated by the Village Council or some official designated by it,
of the cost ofere-erecting a new structure of like kind and quality
and of the same physical dimensions and location; then it shall not
be reconstructed except in-full compliance, in a11 respects, with
the provisions1 of this ordinance, including, but not limited to, <he
obtaining of all requtred permits and variances.
It shall be unlawful for any person, without
Sec. 10. Right of Passage.
a special permit obtained pursuant to this ordinance, to place any obstruction
in Minre haha Creek or Nine Mile Creek or to obstruct, in'any way, the passage
of watercraft or to interfere, in any yay,. with the use 'by the public of the
beds, banks, waters or channels of said creeks, except obstructions placed by
the appropriate.Whtershed District and used for flood plain management, in
which case adequate provision shall'be made for portaging and passage of water-
Sec. 11. Removal of Obstructions.
(a) Natural Obstructions. The Village shall 'have the right of reasonable
entry upon lands in the flood plain, including those adjoining Minnehaha Creek
or Nine Mile Creek, for the purpose of ingress and egress to the flood plain,
and the beds, banks and waters of the creeks to remove any natural obstructions
such as, but not limited to, trees, debris, litter and silt.
(b) Artificial Obstructions.> Any aftificial obstruction of the beds,
banks, waters or channels of Minnehaha Creek or Nine Mile Creek or in the flood
plain not made pursuant to a special permit 0.r variance granted pursuant hereto
shall be removed bythe owner of the adjoining-land within LO days after mailing
to such owner of a demand so to do by the Village Planner. If the owner shail
fail or refuse to remove the obstruction within said time, or if the owner
cannot be found or determined, the Village may remove such obstruction and the
cost thereof shall be paid by the owner on demand, or may be assessed against
the land, and collected in the same manner as prescribed by law for levying
and collecting special assessments for municipal improvements. - .
Sec. 12. Misdemeanor; Public Nuisance; Penalty. Any person who violates
any provision of this ordinance or fails to comply with any of its terms or
requirements shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more
than $300 or imprisoned for not more than 90 days, or both, and in addition
shall pay all costs of prosecution and expenses involved in the case. Each day
such violation continues shall be considered a separate offense.
tion of this ordinance is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and creation
thereof may be enjoined and the maintenance thereof abated by appropriate judi-
Nothing herein contained shall prevent the Village from taking such other
Sec. 13. Amendments.
Every obstruction of use placed or maintained in the flood plain in viola-
.. cial action.
lawful action as it necessary to prevent, remedy or remove any violation.
The flood plain designations on the Nap may be changed by amendment
to this ordSnance, and such change, when'made, shall be shown on the Map. If
it can be shown to the satisfaction of the-Council that the designation is in
error or that the areas are filled to an e'levation at or above the regulatory
flood plain, the designation will be corrected by the Council by amendment to
this ordinance.
-flood protection elevation and are contiguous to other lands lying outside the
(b) All amendments shall be submitted to the Board of Ifanagers of the
Nine Mile Creek Watershed District ana the Ninnehaha Creek Watershed District
and the Commissioner and shall be approved-by the-Commissioner prior to
Sec. 14.
granted by Blinnesota Statutes 1969, Chapter 104.
Sec. 15, Interpretation. In interpreting and applying the provisions
of this ordinance, they shall be held to be the minimum requirements for tk
promotion of the public health, safety, prosperity and general welfare. It
is not the intention of this ordinance to interfere with, abrogate or annul
any covenant or other agreement between parties, nor the provisions of
Ordinance Nos. 801 or 811 or any other ordinance of the Village; provided,
however, where this ordinance imposes a greater restriction upon the use or
improvement of any premises than those impose3 or required by other statutes,
ordinances, rules, regulations or permits of the'village, State, Minnehaha
-C'Eeek Watershed District or Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, or by covenants
or agreements, the provisiosions of this ordinance shall govern.
Sec. 16. Partial Invalidity. If any section, subsection, paragraph,
sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be
invalid or unenforceable, as to any person or circumstance, the application
of such section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase to per-
sons or circumstances other than those as to which it shall be held invalid
or unenforceable, shall not be affected bhereby, and all provisions hereof,
in all other.respects, shall remain valid and enforceable.
Authority. This ordinance. is adbpted pursuant to the authority
Sec. 17. Warning and Disclaimer of Liability. This ordinance does not
_imply that areas outside the flood plain or land uses or obstructions permitted
within such districts will be free from flooding or flood damages,
ordinance shall not create liability on the part of the Village or any
official or employee thereof for any food damages that result from reliance
on this ordinance or any Village action taken or administration.or Council
decision lawfully made hereunder.
age and publication.
Sec, 18. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its pass-
mended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Johnson.offered the following-resolution and
moved its adoption:
T.JHEREAS, cities or counties requiring federal financing or approval in
conjunction with housing and urban development are being required by the
federal government to permit the use of building materials not permitted by
those jurisdictions; and
GHEREAS, existing-and new buildings in cities or counties are being required
to retroactively conform to code standards that are in conflict with the
zequirements hi those jurisdictions; and
WEXEAS, these procedures used by the federal government are based upon the
invalid conclusions that costs to the building owners will be reduced mater-
ially, that safety to the life of the building occupant will not be jeopar-
dized and that the code standards used by the great majority of American
cities are not equivalent to the standards arbitrarily adopted by the federal
government; and
WHEREAS, the determination of the needs of a cumunity has traditionally
been the prerogative of the American consumer and his only effective repres-
entative, the local government;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE Village of Edina urges its legis-
lative representatives to take whatever steps are necessary to effect a change
in policy whereby federal agencies will not pre-empt home rule through pro-
cedures such as the withholding of federal funds or-the federal adoption and
enforcement of standards which conflict with -the nationally recognized stand-
ards adopted by the local government.
Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney
and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was
Hyde referred to a memo from Chief Bennett requesting approval for partici-
pation by the Edfna Police Department in the Hennepin County Mobile Tele-
printer System. Councilman Johnson then offered the following resolution
and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Hennepin County is submitting an application for a Federal Grant
under the Disc;etionary- Grant Program; Title- 1, Omnibus Crime Control and
Safe Streets Act of 1968 for upgrading the present Police and Sheriff radio
communication system to include mobile teleprinter operation; and
WHEREAS, the various law enforcement jurisdictions in Hennepin County will be
participating in the use of the.proposed system;
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Edina will participate in the system in
accordance with the provisions contained in the Federal Grant Program and
wi'll participate in the cost 'sharing of the system in accordance with the
estimated cost as indicated in the attached information sheet;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should-Federal funds be reduced or eliminated,
it is understood that local yearly costs to each user will be increased in the
same proportion as the percentage of reduction of Federal funds.
Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Van Valkenburg
and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted.
. CABLE TV MEETING NOTED. Mr. Hyde called Council's attention to a meeting on
May 16, 1972, on Cable TV which will be attended by other Twin City area
municlpal.itXe5 -a~d by school superinfendents .
Hyde that a Council representative is needed bo serve on the 494 Task Force,
Councilman Johnson's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried,
appointing Councilman Shaw to serve as the Edina Council representative on
the Task Force.
Upon being advised by Mr.
a hearing on May 17, 1972, on the Uniform Transit System at which a demonstra-
tion tdj5iklr~6e~.cijnd&o&ed: -The'fikoposa3fwill be made only for a strip in the
City of Bloomington. at this hearing, but Mr. Hyde suggested the possibility
of the inventor appearing before the Edina Council to explain the possibility
of a route which would include Edina locations. .
Mr. Hyde advised Council of
to a memo from Mr. Dalen regarding the Metropolitan Council's proposed
Metropolitan Benefit as an allocation of sewer costs and noting the possibility
that the area in which the Village is-located will be paying approximately
73% of the costs.
support of Alternative A in which the Metropolitan Benefit
like Lake Minnetonka, the Minnesota River and the St. Croix River. Council-
man Johnson then offered the following resolution endorsing Alternative A
and Method No. 2 and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina Village Gouncil ratify the position taken by
the Advisory Baard for Sewer Service Area No. 1 with respect to the metro-
politan benefit policy alternatives , which position is as follows :
The Advisory Board has suggested passing a resolution in
would be something
The Advisory Board vote'd to support the committee recommendation
for metropolitan benefit Alternative A as contained in the committee
report together with the suggested improvements to Alternative A
which are also contained in the committee report.
voted to request that the Metropolitan Council give retroactive
consideration to metropolitan benefits and costs;
The Advisory Board voted to go on record in favor of Method No. 2
for computing the cost of metropolitan benefits.
The Board also
Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Van Valken-
burg and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays. and the resolution was.
. CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Councilman Courtney was seconded by Councilman Johnson
and carried for payment of the following claims as per Pre List dated May 15,
1972: General Fund, 19,998.71; Construction Fund, $7,308.50; Park, Golf,
Arena, Swimming, Park Construction, Gun, $22,283.12; Water Fund, $6,612.83;
Liquor Fund, $72,788.59;. Sewer Fund, $1,217.61; Poor and PIR, $523.84; Total,
$130 , 733.20.
No further business appearing, Councilman Courtney's motion for adjournment vas seconded by Councilman Van Valkenburg and carried. Adjournment at 9:40
p .m.