HomeMy WebLinkAbout19721204_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULARMEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD AT VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1972 Members answering rollcall were Councilmen Courtney and Van Valkenburg . No quorem being present at 7:35 p.m., Councilman Van Valkenburg announced that the meeting would be open for informal discussion only. audience were advised that no formal action could be taken. All matters on the agenda for the meeting of December 4, 1972, were continued to December 18, 1972. Members of the MELISSA BLUNT PRESENTED &ERICAN RED CROSS CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION. Mr. Richard McFeters, Director of Safety for the Northwest Reglon of the American Red Cross presented a Certificate,, o-idcognition for Extraordinary Personal Action to Melissa Blunt, 4 Merilane, for her quick action preventing the near drowning of a two-year old boy from becoming a fatality., and Van Valkenburg extended their personal congratulations and commendations to Helissa.: Councilmen Courtney LIFT STATION BIDS AVARDED SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION. llr. Dunn advised th?t>i$ is imperative that bids be awarded €or the lift stations so that contractors can place their orders €or parts. Nr. Hyde then presented tabulation of five bids for Proposal A (Eden and Arcadia Avenues) showing G. L. Contracting, Inc., low bidder at-$16,750.00; Hetro Contracting, Inc., at $19,750.00; Barbarossa and Overdahl Construction Co. at $45,550.00. Tabulation of four bids for Proposal B (Oaklawn Ave. at W. 72nd Street) showed Industrial Construction Division low bidder at $40,161.50; G. L. Contracting, Inc., at $40,981.50; Dverilahl Construction Co. at $44,804.00 and Barbarossa & Sons, Inc., at $45,874.00. recommended low bidder in each case, with the understanding that-the awardb will not become official until approval .by a third member of Council and, further, with the understancing that the award be ratified and confirmed at the next Council Meeting. & Sons , Inc., at $20,700.00; Industrial Construction Division at $25,461.00; ~ -* Councilman Courtney then moved that the contracts be awarded to Motion was seconded by Councilman Van Valkenburg. Carried. I ADMINISTRATIVE CARS BIDS AIIARDED. bids received in response to Advertisement for Bids taken by Hennepin County and advised that i$ js-iaperative that-these bids be ajqarded'before the-next meeting. Valkenburg and carried that a cooperative award be made to American Central Automotive, Inc., with 1/2? discount for pyament.of invoice in 20 days after receipt of complete delivery. Brooklyn-American, Inc., $3,070.80; Penn Auto Plaza, Inc., $3,075,80; American Central AutQploZiQe, Xnc.;$3;078;62 (1/2% discount for payment of invoice within 20 days after receipt of complete delivery); Chrysler City, Inc., $3,196.81; Central Hotor Sales, Inc., $3,204.63; Freeway Dodge, $3,207.85; Barnett Chrysler Plymouth, $3,246.46; Broolcdale Ford, $3,368.29.* Councilman Courtney's motion , was conditioned that the award will not become official until approval by a third member of Council and, further, with the understanding that the award be ratified and confirmed at the next Council Meeting. BICYCLE PATHS CONTINUED TO JANUARY 8, 1972. Mrs. Jeanenne Chizum, 6709 Gleason Road, representing the Junior Federated Women's Club. of Edina, spoke of Itover- whelming public support'* of construction of bicycle paths which had been appar- ent in a survey conducted by her group. She expressed the hope that a primary functional route could be constructed beginning in the spring of 1973. unidentified lady in the audience added that most people surveyed indicated that they would be willing to paymbmfor bicycle licenses in order to have the paths. Councilman Van Valkenburg said that Cobcil wccld probably make a decision as to how to use.Federa1 Revenue Sharing Funds sometime during the month of January, 1973. report and told that the matter would be discussed further on January 8, 1973. Mr. Hyde presented a tabulation of eight Councilman Courtney's motion was then seconded by Councilman Van Tabulation of bids was given as follows: An The Bicycle Paths Committee was congratulated on their F&IILY LIFE CONFERENCE FUNDS REQUESTED BY HUMAN RIGHTS COII$ESSION. Nr. Roger F. Heegaard, Chairman of the Edina Human Rights Commission, called Council's attention to a letter from the Human fiights Cormnission advising that the Com- mission hopes to co-sponsor, along with several civic organizations, a "Family Life Conferencet' to be conducted in the Village in early spring. Mr. Heegaard advised that the Human Rights Commission hopes that the Council will approve an initial request for $1,000.00 from its 1972 budget to be used as E%eed" money for planning and implementing the proposed conference. Councilmen 12/4/72 Courtney and Van Valkenburg indicated that they would 'Finformally encouragegt the idea of the "Family Life Conference". the December 18, 1972, meeting. HENNEPIN COUNTY LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES MEETING NOTED. Mr. Hyde called attention to a dinner and social.program with state legislators to be given by the Hennepin County League of Municipalities on December 14, 1972, at the Hoplcins House. tive proposals is planned.- Mr. Hyde advised that he has invited Mr. Bang and Mrs. Forsythe.and will see if Bloomington has invited Mr. Pleasant. The matter will be continued at An informative evening including discussion of legisla- EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION ORDINANCE DISCUSSED. ordinance for control of sedimentation and erosion which had been given to Mr. Erickson by Mrs. Alison Fuhr will be presented to the Environmental Quality Commission for review. belong to Mrs. Fuhr be presented at the next Ehvironmental Quality Commission Meeting. In reply to a question of Mrs. Fuhr, Mr. Hyde advised that the Flood Plain Ordinance had been granted First Reading by the Council and then referred to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for its comments and approval, Hr" Dum ad&d that' the Deparemene ,of. gatura-1. Resources -raised questions" about the criteria used by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District in the preparation of the flood plain maps to be incorpor- ated into the ordinance. A meeting of the Department of Natural Resources, the Village and representatives of the Natershed Districts was held on September 13, 1972, at which time the 'C-Jatershed Districts agreed to supply supporting data to the Department of Natural Resources. Department of Natural Resources since that tl 'me. Mr. Hyde advised that a Maryland Mr. Hyde suggested that slides dealing with erosion that Northing has been heard from the 494 TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS DISCUSSED. Hyde advised that the D.M.J.M. Report has already been implemented by the new express bug semice.apd .by Yark .Avenue being cut through, Mr; Dunn' added that the State Highway Department is working on traffic projections for Inter- state Highway 494 €rOm Fenn Avedue' to France Avenue at this time, In reply to a question of Mrs. Fuhr, Flr. CLAIMS PAID SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION. CounZilman Courtney's motion v7as seconded by Councilman Van Valkenburg and carried for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List, with the understanding that checks will not be mailed until approval by a third member of Council and confirmed and ratified at the next Council Meeting: General Fund, $27,426,423; Construction Fund, $22,474.91; Park Construction, Park, Arena, Swimming, Golf, Gun, $19,176.22; Plater Fund, $7,430.85; Liquor Fund, $87,668.72; Sewer Fund, $32,262.80; Improvements, $41,938.00; Poor and P.I.R., $77,110.98; Total, $315,488.99. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.