HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-08 City Council Regular Meeting PacketAgenda City Council Meeting City of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall City Council Chambers Tuesday, January 8, 2019 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call A.ADMINISTER OATH OF OFFICE III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the City Council will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Council or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Mayor may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Mayor or Council to respond to their comments tonight. Instead the Council might refer the matter to sta. for consideration at a future meeting. A.City Manager's Response to Community Comments B.Handout at Meeting V.Adoption Of Consent Agenda All agenda items listed on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless requested to be removed from the Consent Agenda by a Member of the City Council. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered immediately following the adoption of the Consent Agenda. (Favorable rollcall vote of majority of Council Members present to approve.) A.Approve Minutes: Work Session of December 10 and 18, 2018, and Regular Meeting of December 10 and 18, 2018 B.Receive Payment of Claims As Per: Pre-List Dated 12.20.18 TOTAL $1,149,882.22, Pre-List Dated 12.27.18 TOTAL $464,146.41, and Pre-List Dated 1.03.19 TOTAL $1,527,123.85 C.Resolution No. 2019-01: Designating OBcial Newspaper For 2019 D.Resolution No. 2019-02: Signatory Resolution E.Resolution No. 2019-03: Designation of Director/Alternate Director of Suburban Rate Authority F.Resolution No. 2019-04: Designation of Director/Alternate Director of LOGIS G.Resolution No. 2019-05: Designating OBcial Depositories H.Resolution No. 2019-06: Appointment To Edina Fire Relief Association I.Resolution No. 2019-07 Approving Mayor's Appointment of the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the City of Edina J.Resolution No. 2019-08: Authorizing Facsimile Signatures K.Resolution No. 2019-09 Appointing Responsible Authority and Assigning Duties for Data Practices L.Set 2019 Date for Board of Appeal and Equalization M.Annual Appointment of Assistant Weed Inspector N.Set Date for the Annual Meeting of Boards and Commissions O.Set 2019 Town Hall Meeting Dates P.2019 Board & Commission Reappointments Q.Request for Purchase: Sunnyslope Road Shoreline Stabilization R.Request for Purchase: 50th Street Bridge Railings S.Request for Purchase: 58th Street Public Participation T.Request for Purchase: Minnehaha Trunk Sewer Rehab - Bid Rejection U.Request for Purchase: Morningside Surface Water Model Update V.Request for Purchase: 2020 Western Star Single-Axle Truck with Plow W.Request for Purchase: 2020 Western Star Tandem-Axle Truck with Plow X.Request for Purchase: 2020 Kenworth with Velocity Spray Patcher Unit Y.Request for Purchase: 2020 Western Star Truck with Plow and Trailer Hitch VI.Special Recognitions And Presentations VII.Public Hearings During "Public Hearings," the Mayor will ask for public testimony after City sta. members make their presentations. If you wish to testify on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your testimony is relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the eBcient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Mayor may modify times, as deemed necessary. Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit testimony to the matter under consideration. In order to maintain a respectful environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. A.PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution No. 2019-10: 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan VIII.Reports/Recommendations: (Favorable vote of majority of Council Members present to approve except where noted) A.Appointment of Acting Mayor B.Resolution No. 2019-11: Accepting Various Grants & Donations IX.Correspondence And Petitions A.Receive Petition Requesting to Keep Perpetual Easement Along 4900 Block of Maple Road B.Correspondences C.Minutes 1.Minutes: Human Rights and Relations Commission, November 27, 2018 X.Aviation Noise Update XI.Mayor And Council Comments XII.Manager's Comments XIII.Schedule of Meetings and Events as of January 8, 2019 XIV.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampliLcation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: II.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:ADMINISTER OATH OF OFFICE CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: City Clerk Allison will administer the oath of office to Council Members Ron Anderson and Kevin Staunton. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Scott Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:City Manager's Response to Community Comments Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Manager Neal to respond to community comments from the previous City Council meeting. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: IV.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: From: Item Activity: Subject:Handout at Meeting CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Handout at Meeting Tuesday, January 8, 2019 Mayor and City Council, I join my Neighbors in requesting another Community Meeting for the Edina Comprehensive Plan 50th & France Small Area Plan (SAP) process, so that we might be presented with corrected images of the current plan. The most recent renderings that were publicly presented date back to the October 23, 2018 Community Meeting #3. Yesterday/January 7th, the City posted a News Flash to the Comprehensive Plan page, in which it was stated by the SAP co-chairs, that some of the drawings associated with Meeting #3 were not correct. Just last week, on January 2nd, I filed a public data request with the Edina Planning Department, under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Chapter 13, in an attempt to learn more about the 50th & France SAP. I requested all of the data that document the event of, the content of, and the result of, each of the meetings of the 50th & France SAP Work Group that have occurred after September 18, 2018 through January 2, 2019. My understanding is that the Work Group has continued to meet after September 18, 2018. However, no record of any such meeting has been posted online to the 50th & France SAP Home Page. Sincerely, Roberta Castellano 4854 France Ave S Edina, MN 55410-1756 Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Approve Minutes: Work Session of December 10 and 18, 2018, and Regular Meeting of December 10 and 18, 2018 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Minutes as presented. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Draft City Council Minutes: December 10, 2018 Draft Work Session Minutes: December 10, 2018 Draft City Council Minutes: December 18, 2018 Draft Work Session Minutes: December 18, 2018 Page 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 10, 2018 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the special meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, and Mayor Hovland. III. MEETING AGENDA AS PRESENTED Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, approving the meeting agenda as presented. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. IV. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared. V. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED AS PRESENTED Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, approving the consent agenda as presented: V.A. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, York Avenue Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension Planning Addendum, SEH, Inc., $16,300.00 Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS HELD – Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. VI.A. INDIAN TRAILS B & C NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION, IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. BA-452, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-131 – ADOPTED Engineering Director Millner stated this staff-initiated project proposed to reconstruct Bello Drive, Comanche Court, Overholt Pass, Paiute Circle, Paiute Drive, Paiute Pass, Sally Lane and Shawnee Circle. It involved pavement reconstruction, new curb and gutter in some areas, supplemental retaining wall construction along some streets, and upgrading utilities. The overall project cost was estimated at $2,698,616 and funding would be a combination of special assessments and City Utility funds. He stated staff had analyzed the project and determined the project was necessary, cost-effective, and feasible from an engineering standpoint. Mr. Millner reviewed the proposed project schedule and assessment policy and shared a detailed presentation on the proposed work and outlined the estimated assessments of 93 properties, 88.01 (REUs), 1 REU per single family home, 0-0.67 for previously assessed properties, and 0.5 REU for corner properties for a total of $1,097,956/88.01 REUs or total of $12,475 per REU. He clarified staff was not proposing a retaining wall assessment at this time. The Council asked questions regarding submitted general benefit letters and maintenance and replacement of retaining walls. Mr. Millner explained how staff recently implemented, including benefit analysis of proposed projects based on opinions of two appraisers that demonstrated the correlation of existing over the benefit by neighborhood. He also explained how the retaining walls would be left in place and repaired as needed until a funding plan was identified as there was no immediate safety concern. The Council referred to the difference between preliminary assessment and final assessment and the process for delaying a project in cases where bids were too high. The Council inquired why curb and Minutes/Edina City Council/December 10, 2018 Page 2 gutter were replaced in some areas but not others. Mr. Millner explained how cost ranges were shared with neighborhoods that include continencies and the process to advertise early to obtain the best bids, noting curb and gutter repairs were based on condition and number of hydrants and if less expensive to replace now versus patching. The Council commented on building and resilience concepts that protected the City overall with current climate changes and better stormwater management with less impact and encouraged staff to review water impacts for Shawnee Circle and Overholt Pass. Mr. Millner explained the Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan reviewed drainage, protection, flood protection, and reviewed clean water in the Cornelia area that affected the entire City. He stated they were not addressing water impacts for Shawnee Circle and Overholt Pass, but would review inclusion of an infiltration basin. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 7:47 p.m. Public Testimony Darcy Douglas, 7025 Comanche Court, addressed the Council. Steven Minn, 7 Overholt Pass, addressed the Council. Azmieh Obeid, 7024 Sally Lane, addressed the Council. Michelle Swanson, 6500 Shawnee Circle, addressed the Council. Trudy Bonvino, 6908 Dakota Trail, addressed the Council. Barth Ward, 6504 Shawnee Circle, addressed the Council. Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. The Council addressed questions raised during public testimony regarding other available revenue sources, water issues near the ballfields, proposal to shrink Comanche and Kumquat Courts, emergency access, retaining wall maintenance assessments, and timing for fire hydrant work. Mr. Millner explained how culverts worked and if more pipes were included, could create damage downstream. He stated he would follow-up with residents. He noted the cul-de-sac was large by a dead-ended street and would include 3- 5-foot area on each side with pavement. Mr. Millner reviewed other revenue sources such as gas tax and MSA funding and noted fire hydrants were funded through utility funds and residents were only assessed for the roads. The Council asked staff to explain the City’s assessment calculations of REUs versus lineal foot and what would happen if the City does not do anything about the retaining walls on Shawnee Circle and Overholt Pass. Mr. Millner noted the City currently patches areas as needed but could create a City-wide policy in the future that would include public input regarding retaining walls. Member Brindle explained while this was her neighborhood, her assessment would be no different than her neighbors. Therefore, she would not be recusing herself from project consideration. The Council commented on assessable costs including subgrade and not sanitary sewer and the level of root removal in retaining walls. Mr. Millner explained the difficulty in removing roots from the retaining walls as it could result in wall damage and was currently maintained by the property owners. He suggested the Council approve the project without including the retaining walls. Minutes/Edina City Council/December 10, 2018 Page 3 Member Brindle introduced and move adoption of Resolution No. 2018-131 ordering improvement for Indian Trails B & C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Improvement No. BA-452 with the removal of the retaining walls. Member Fischer seconded the motion. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI.B. INDIAN HILLS C NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION, IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. BA-455, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-134 – ADOPTED Assistant City Engineer Ditzler stated this staff-initiated proposed to reconstruct Gleason Terrace and Saint Albans Circle. He said the project involved pavement reconstruction, new curb and gutter in some areas, and upgrading utilities and was estimated at $379,200 and funding would be a combination of special assessments and City Utility funds. He said staff had analyzed the project and determined the project was necessary, cost-effective, and feasible from an engineering standpoint. Mr. Ditzler reviewed the proposed project schedule and assessment policy and shared a detailed presentation on the proposed work and outlined the 16 properties at 13.5 REUs for a total of $179,550/13.5 REUs or $13,300 per REU. The Council asked questions regarding the amount of curb replacement and assessing for the topsoil behind the curb, noting that residents in smaller projects still benefited as much as possible by being bundled with larger projects to realize economies of scale. Mr. Ditzler explained how historically, those costs had been calculated as part of the roadway but if the Council wished it could be assessed; however, the cost would be 40% more. The Council confirmed these projects were the first since the streets’ original construction in the 1950s and 1960s and that residents would realize another 50-60 years of benefit. They commented on reasons for these projects that included maintenance of the City’s double-AAA bond rating and how savings were passed on to the residents through lower borrowing costs. The Council explained how residents who wished could upgrade their water service line after receiving an estimate and have the cost included with their assessment and spread over 15 years. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:42 p.m. Public Testimony Michael Huttner, 6628 Gleason Terrace, addressed the Council. Melissa Brooks, 6632 Gleason Terrace, addressed the Council. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. The Council asked questions regarding reasons for surmountable curb versus conventional curb, interest rates, access and parking during construction, and the need for more stormwater management on Gleason Road. Mr. Millner noted access would be maintained throughout the project but if special considerations were needed, to notify the City. Mr. Ditzler stated storm sewer modifications could be done for better drainage and noted Gleason Road was proposed for 2021 but would be non-assessable. Member Fischer introduced and move adoption of Resolution No. 2018-134 ordering improvement for Indian Hills C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Improvement No. BA-455. Member Stewart seconded the motion. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. Minutes/Edina City Council/December 10, 2018 Page 4 VI.C. CHOWEN PARK A & B NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION, IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. BA-451 AND A-279, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-132 – ADOPTED Mr. Ditzler stated this staff-initiated project proposed to reconstruct Abbott Avenue, Beard Avenue, Chowen Avenue, Drew Avenue, Ewing Avenue, York Avenue, Zenith Avenue and West 59th Street. He explained the project would involve narrowing most roadways, reconstructing the gravel alleys, installing new sidewalk, curb and gutter and upgrading utilities. He stated the overall project cost was estimated at $6,427,780 and funding would be a combination of special assessments, Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Funds and City Utility funds. Staff had analyzed the project and determined the project was necessary, cost- effective, and feasible from an engineering standpoint. Mr. Ditzler reviewed the proposed project schedule and assessment policy and shared a detailed presentation on the proposed work and explained the 308 properties consisted of 268 REUs with a total project cost of $2,412,000 with assessed cost of $9,000 per REU with estimated alley assessments of $217,000/62 REUs or $3,500 per REU for a total ranging from $3,500 to $12,500 for those that have both roadway and alley improvements. The Council asked questions regarding whether there would be sidewalks on 58th Street to 60th Street, confirmed the width of Beard Street of 24 feet with others at 27 feet, and the need to address alley drainage issues. Mr. Ditzler said staff would improve grades where possible or extend the sump drain pipe if needed. Staff would also would confirm the amount of water in the alleys and either invert the crown or review sheet drain from one side to direct runoff to the east or west towards storm structures in place farther down the system. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 9:24 p.m. Public Testimony Warren Ajax, 5917 Beard Avenue South, addressed the Council. Lois Meerwald, 5908 Beard Avenue South, addressed the Council and presented a petition requesting no sidewalk on Beard Avenue South from 58th Street to 60th Street. Ben Tozer, 5800 Ewing Avenue South, addressed the Council. Jeff Carver, 5901 York Avenue South, addressed the Council. Sara Schwiebert, 5909 Beard Avenue South, addressed the Council. Rebe Pediangco, 5933 Beard Avenue South, addressed the Council. John Doucette, 5845 Beard Avenue South, addressed the Council. Mary Kiley, 3308 West 60th Street, addressed the Council. Laura Breyfogle, 5836 Xerxes Avenue South, addressed the Council. Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. The Council addressed questions raised during public testimony regarding sidewalk placement and street widths. Mr. Millner demonstrated the proposed 24-foot wide street, 5-foot boulevard and 5-foot sidewalk with access for two cars, the same as south of 60th Street. He explained the sidewalk was proposed for the east side in order to provide access to the park with the bridge over Minnehaha Creek and noted this area was in the middle of the neighborhood of Xerxes and France for connectivity in addition to having less impacts due to trees, utilities, and fiber communication connections. Minutes/Edina City Council/December 10, 2018 Page 5 The Council asked about the process and sidewalk notification and the loss of the silver maple tree on 5845 Beard Avenue South. Mr. Millner explained sequencing of the master plan that included broad notification to residents and much input through surveys and online but nothing specific to Beard Avenue. Mr. Ditzler explained while they could adjust alignment in some instances, this tree would need to be removed but would be replaced with two larger 8-inch trees. The Council commented on the City’s goal to either walk or bike throughout the entire City and asked about costs of sidewalk in assessment. They commented on how the sidewalk plan prioritized connections that lead to parks and schools and suggested special zoning around parks to lower speed limits. The Council asked about deferred maintenance on York Avenue South and reasons for the additional assessment on alleys, direct benefit and property value increases, and why parking was on only one side. Mr. Millner explained the street improvement program currently in place with alleys separate per policy and referenced the two studies conducted by the Day Group regarding direct benefit in conjunction with the City Attorney that made staff confident the project met the market benefit test. He noted sidewalks provided traffic calming and buffer for pedestrians as the reason for street side selection. The Council commented on why the project was delayed in the past and noted the importance of public input in all forms. The Council acknowledged that while these were difficult choices that impacted residents, these projects were important. Mr. Millner explained the project had been rescheduled due to the watermain project in Birchcrest. Member Fischer introduced and move adoption of Resolution No. 2018-132 ordering improvement for Chowen Park A & B Neighborhood Roadway and alley reconstruction Improvement Nos. BA-451 and A-279. Member Brindle seconded the motion. The Council commented on the difficulty of considering a petition at this late date. Mr. Millner said the Council could vote on the assessments and if they wanted more time, could delay sidewalk consideration until the next meeting. He noted only 14 of the 40 property owners along Beard Avenue South signed the petition. The Council consensus was to include the sidewalk recommendation. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI.D. TODD PARK E NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION, IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. BA-454, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-133 – ADOPTED Engineering Technician Scipioni stated this staff-initiated project proposed to reconstruct Brookside Terrace and Motor Street and involved asphalt pavement construction of the gravel street, new curb and gutter, creek sediment removal at the storm sewer outlet and upgrading utilities. The overall project cost was estimated at $353,240 and funding would be a combination of special assessments and City Utility funds. He stated staff had analyzed the project and determined the project was necessary, cost-effective, and feasible from an engineering standpoint. Mr. Scipioni reviewed the proposed project schedule and assessment policy and shared a detailed presentation on the proposed work and outlined the seven properties or 5.0 REUs totaled $58,500 or $11,700 per REU. The Council confirmed Brookside Terrace would continue to be gravel and suggested staff work towards resolving this with the railroad. Mr. Millner clarified the City did not have access rights to the railroad property and noted most residents did not want to change the road conditions at this time. The Council noted the five REUs for this project could be unfair and not fully benefit from economy of scale. The Council suggested while unlikely, to include the railroad in these assessments or accommodate the residents in some other way such as through financing. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 10:38 p.m. Minutes/Edina City Council/December 10, 2018 Page 6 Public Testimony Janel Vick, 5120 West 44th Street, addressed the Council. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. Member Staunton introduced and move adoption of Resolution No. 2018-133 ordering improvement for Todd Park E Neighborhood roadway reconstruction Improvement No. BA- 454. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. The Council thanked staff for their good work on community engagement during these projects and inquired about turf restoration. Mr. Millner said staff intended to do turf restoration for all projects by contract and would monitor closely. He confirmed that Indian Trails B & C would not be changing street widths but just doing spot repair on curb and gutter and that boulevard gardens would remain. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the special meeting adjourned at 10:46 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, December 18, 2018. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the December 10, 2018, meeting available. MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MAYORS CONFERENCE ROOM DECEMBER 10, 2018 6:00 P.M. Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Answering roll call were Members Brindle, Fischer, Stewart, Staunton, and Mayor Hovland. Edina City staff attending the meeting were Scott Neal, City Manager; Chad Millner, Engineering Director; Ross Bintner, Engineering Services Manager; Don Uram, Finance Director; Casey Casella, City Management Fellow; and Nate Kaderlick, Utility Supervisor; and City consultant Aaron Vollmer, Operations Manager, AE2S. Water Treatment Plant No. 5: Dublin Amendment to Preliminary Design Report Staff recommended locating a 4,000 gallon per minute (gpm) water treatment plant at the Dublin Reservoir site to take advantage of overlapping infrastructure needs such as water age improvement, improving east-west distribution system improvement, better utilization of the Dublin site, and allow the Southdale site to remain available for future development. Council asked staff why they were recommending the Dublin site when they had previously recommended the Southdale site. Staff said the Southdale site was based on a 2002 Water Distribution System Analysis; however, the Water Supply Plan, and an update to the Comprehensive Plan, was recently completed and this provided staff with updated information showing the Dublin site as a better location. Staff recommended Option 4, the Dublin Reservoir Site at a 4,000 gpm capacity and Council concurred. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, January 8, 2019. ________________________ James B. Hovland, Mayor Page 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 18, 2018 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, and Mayor Hovland. III. MEETING AGENDA AS PRESENTED Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, approving the meeting agenda as presented. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. IV. COMMUNITY COMMENT The Council recognized in attendance students from local government classes and Boy Scouts. Madeline Fernards, 6905 Westshore Drive, encouraged the City to support progressive, climate-friendly legislation. Frank Lorenz, 7151 York Ave South, questioned the need for the recent purchase of five new fire engines at a cost of $3 million. Nora Davis, 6921 Southdale Road, asked the Council to institute a sunshine index to address the darkness created through recent building construction. IV.A. CITY MANAGER’S RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY COMMENTS Manager Neal responded to community comments from the previous Council meeting. V. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED AS PRESENTED Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, approving the consent agenda as presented: V.A. Approve minutes of December 4, 2018, Work Session and December 4, 2018, Regular Council meeting V.B. Receive payment of the following claims as shown as per pre-list dated December 6, 2018, and consisting of 35 pages: General Fund $277,038.83, Police Special Revenue $2,069.00, Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety $3,724.51, Conservation & Sustainability $4,620.00, Working Capital Fund $22,173.85, PIR Construction Fund $34,294.35, Equipment Replacement Fund $3,946.84, Art Center Fund $4,746.30, Golf Dome Fund $7,217.09, Aquatic Center Fund $118.70, Golf Course Fund $11,849.51, Ice Arena Fund $17,894.12, Sports Dome Fund $6,725.08, Edinborough Park Fund $13,724.40, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $4,476.73, Liquor Fund $262,550.20, Utility Fund $62,550.39, Storm Sewer Fund $22,091.78, PSTF Agency Fund $5,696.20, HRA Administration $27,450.00, Centennial TIF District $19,280.59, Payroll Fund $3,586.30: Total $817,824.77; and per pre-list dated December 13, 2018, and consisting of 36 pages: General Fund $339,540.25, Police Special Revenue $894.50, Conservation & Sustainability $1,550.00, General Debt Service Fund $450.00, PIR Debt Service Fund $900.00, Working Capital Fund $11,924.82, PIR Construction Fund $351.85, Equipment Replacement Fund $1,1,380.14, Art Center Fund $1,865.27, Golf Minutes/Edina City Council/December 18, 2018 Page 2 Dome Fund $442.99, Aquatic Center Fund $887.42, Golf Course Fund $7,598.85, Ice Arena Fund $26,772.28, Sports Dome Fund $2,010.83, Edinborough Park Fund $8,192.92, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $796.44, Liquor Fund $211,143.10, Utility Fund $486,685.36, Storm Sewer Fund $8,423.88, Risk Mgmt ISF $298,080.29, PSFT Agency Fund $2,289.77, HRA Administration $22,175.48, Centennial TIF District $1,241.31, Southdale 2 District $6,501.00: Total $1,452,098.75; and per credit card transactions August 28, 2018 through September 25, 2018, and consisting of 22 pages: General Fund $30,263.73, Police Special Revenue $1,072.05, Working Capital Fund $790.00, Art Center Fund $688.44, Aquatic Center Fund $10.74, Golf Course Fund $3,114.47, Ice Arena Fund $2,921.95, Sports Dome Fund $375.00, Edinborough Park Fund $902.87, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $1,033.47, Liquor Fund $1,814.77, Utility Fund $3,164.63, PSTF Agency Fund $101.34, Mn Task Force 1 Fund $705.50, Centennial TIF District $376.62: Total $47,335.58; and per credit card transactions September 26, 2018 through October 26, 2018, and consisting of 22 pages: General Fund $32,214.04, Police Special Revenue $231.96, Conservation & Sustainability $210.00, Working Capital Fund $187.74, Art Center Fund $10.20, Golf Dome Fund $19.68, Golf Course Fund $5,337.75, Ice Arena Fund $4,468.77, Sports Dome Fund $486.71, Edinborough Park Fund $2,282.87, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $373.94, Liquor Fund $1,140.60, Utility Fund $794.67, Storm Sewer Fund $32.96, PSTF Agency Fund $1,144.05, Mn Task Force 1 Fund $2,968.81, Centennial TIF District $118.99: Total $52,023.74 V.C. Adopt Resolution No. 2018-141; Setting Polling Place Locations for 2018 V.D. Adopt Ordinance No. 2018-17; Amending Chapters 2 and 28 of the City Code, Setting Fees for 2019 V.E. Authorize the Advertisement for Bid for the Arden Park Shelter V.F. Adopt Resolution No. 2018-136 Authorizing Public Health Services Contract with City of Bloomington V.G. Final Rezoning and Site Improvement Agreement: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-137 and Ordinance No. 2018-09; 4500 France Avenue for Orion Investments V.H. Final Rezoning: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-138 and Ordinance No. 2018-10; Final Rezoning for 4532 France Avenue V.I. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Waste Management, Inc., City Facility Refuse and Recycling Collection for 2019-2021, $35,522.50 V.J. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, National Research Center, 2019 Quality of Life Survey, $34,805 V.K. Approve Settlement Agreement for February 2018 CenterPoint Gas Leak V.L. Approve Permanent Easement with LB 49th ½ Street, LLC V.M. Approve the 2019-2020 Union Contract for IAFF Local 1275; Firefighters V.N. Approve Traffic Safety Report of November 6, 2018 Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS A round of applause was offered by all in attendance in recognition of Member Stewart’s last meeting. VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS HELD – Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. VII.A. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-135 APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS BY THE CITY OF MILACA ON BEHALF OF A&E CARE PROPERTIES, LLC – ADOPTED Finance Director Uram shared that A&E Care Properties, LLC (“A&E”) had requested the City of Milaca to issue revenue bonds on behalf of A&E in an amount not to exceed $7,000,000 under the Municipal Industrial Development Act. The proceeds of the bonds would be used to finance the purchase and renovation of an existing office building located at 7171 Ohms Lane in Edina, which would provide office space for about 100 employees of A&E Care Services, the non-profit management company for both Elim Minutes/Edina City Council/December 18, 2018 Page 3 Care, Inc. and Augustana Care, Mr. Uram noted that although Milaca would issue the bonds, IRS Code required the consent of the City Council of Edina after a public hearing on the proposed financing. He noted A&E would pay all expenses with respect to issuance of the bonds and would in no way impact Edina’s bond ratings or count against its bonding limits, including bank-qualified limits, or result in any liability for Edina. Kathy Youngquist, A&E Care Services, explained how the merger of two companies’ non-profits served senior adults and how the Edina location would work well. She stated they would have 130 employees at the office and noted the building had been empty for a few years. Mark Beese, Northland Securities, said he was proud to welcome A&E Care Services to the City and reiterated how the bonds would be issued by Milaca but required host approval to allow the tax exemption. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. Public Testimony No one appeared. Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Stewart, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. Member Fischer introduced and move adoption of Resolution No. 2018-135 approving the issuance of bonds by the City of Milaca on behalf of A&E Care Properties, LLC under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VII.B. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-142; APPROVING THE GREATER SOUTHDALE DISTRICT PLAN – ADOPTED Michael Schroeder, Chair of Greater Southdale District Work Group, introduced members of the Greater Southdale District Work Group then shared a presentation how the Plan provided a framework for making choices based on a shared community vision for the District’s evolution. The Greater Southdale District Plan would manage change and guide growth over the next ten years, and beyond, to build a strong and resilient community for present and future generations. Mr. Schroeder explained how the Plan built on the District’s assets while charting a more urban and connected vision to create a more livable, prosperous, mixed-use district in which to live, work, shop, play, learn, and feel part of the community. The District Plan recognized Greater Southdale’s key geographical location as a first-ring suburb in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and its regional importance as it is positioned to accommodate a significantly greater share of Edina’s future residential, employment, and commercial growth. He stated that on December 12, 2018, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Plan with the proposed amendments and would be part of the 2019 Comprehensive Plan Update. Mr. Schroeder reviewed their work that included initial dialogue and creation of working principles, framework, small area plan and Comprehensive Plan basis for the 750 acres of the Greater Southdale District, community input open houses to gather input on building heights for France Avenue, transitions, transportation and walkability, building design, housing and people, infrastructure, and the process that was brought forward to the Planning Commission and carried forward. He also reviewed key elements that included economic vitality and competitiveness, urban design, land use, transportation and mobility, parks and public life, district services and facilities, sustainability, and water resources and explained the vision, policy plan, and design experience guidelines. Mr. Schroeder thanked the Council for the opportunity. Minutes/Edina City Council/December 18, 2018 Page 4 Community Development Director Teague referred to specific pages not needed in the Comprehensive Plan and how staff agreed with the Planning Commission’s recommendations. Mr. Schroeder said the Working Group welcomed the Commission’s changes and any proposed changes from the Council. The Council asked questions regarding reference to affordable housing in the policy instead of specifics as it would evolve over time and make the Plan stronger. The Council discussed a few minor edits and thanked the Group for their input on sketch plan changes and referred to Page 36 and the diagram of building conditions. The Council cautioned about context surrounding quick drive-bys and not full inspection for substandard buildings. The Council agreed the document was a remarkable piece of work and thanked the volunteers for their devotion and quality of guidance. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 7:52 p.m. Public Testimony Arnie Bigbee, 7621 Edinborough Way, addressed the Council. Nora Davis, 6921 Southdale Road, addressed the Council. Frank Lorenz, 7151 York Avenue South, addressed the Council. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. The Council responded to concerns raised during public testimony regarding potential stormwater and traffic management. City Engineer Millner said the Plan aligned with models with densities as proposed and staff was comfortable with the Plan. The Council thanked the Working Group members, particularly the Chair and Co-Chair, and stated the strategic objectives fostered an inclusion and engaged community and applauded the neighbors for their engagement. The Council noted while the document outlined the next 10-20 years, the Plan would take 40-50 years to complete. The Council liked the Commission’s additions and moving this towards the next Comprehensive Plan. The Council extended their gratitude for the Group’s comprehensive work that provided a framework for all Boards and Commissions, noting the final stage was incorporating those pieces together and thanking everyone for participating in the process. The Council commented on the comprehensive piece of work that provided a framework to respond to future proposals and supported applying the new sketch plan review process soon in order to provide public participation before too much time was invested. The Council commented on Centennial Lakes not having enough parks and the goal to create more parkland and not as much parking area. The Council formally recognized the Working Group and offered a round of applause. Member Staunton introduced and move adoption of Resolution No. 2018-142 approving the Greater Southdale District Plan for the 2019 Comprehensive Plan Update with the amendments to remove pages 77 (existing zoning) and 78 (height overlay district); edit page 86 to explain how the building condition survey was done; forward the implementation strategies recommended by the Planning Commission to the Transportation Commission and the Energy and Environment Commission for consideration; and edit page 19 to refer to the City’s Affordable Housing Policy and not list specifics of the policy. Member Stewart seconded the motion. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. Minutes/Edina City Council/December 18, 2018 Page 5 VII.C. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT: RESOLUTION NO. 2018-140 DENYING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR 7399, 7401, AND 7505 METRO BOULEVARD – ADOPTED Mr. Teague stated Lakewest Development LLC was requesting an amendment to the Edina Comprehensive Plan to reguide 7399, 7401, and 7505 Metro Boulevard from O, Office District to OR, Office Residential District, with an overall density of 50 units per acre. The purpose of the request was to allow multifamily residential land uses on these sites with the first phase to include the existing building at 7505 Metro Boulevard to remodel the existing building and create 136 units of affordable housing apartments. Phase 1 would also include the construction of a new 150-unit building to the north with future phases to include remodeling the existing office building into 135 units and construction of two additional 110- and 157-unit buildings (320 units total); ten to twenty percent of the future phases would be for affordable housing to meet the city’s affordable housing policy. Mr. Teague stated overall density would be 50 units per acre with 606 units on the 12.12-acre site; 27-33 percent of the units would be dedicated as affordable housing beyond the City’s Affordable Housing Policy of between 10-20 percent. Mr. Teague explained why the sewer capacity discussion had not been reviewed to-date as the intent was to study the entire industrial area and otherwise seemed premature. He noted a decision on the land use was needed this evening in order to meet the Comprehensive Plan submittal deadline to Metropolitan Council by year-end. Mr. Millner commented on potential sanitary sewer concerns raised and identified trunk pipes under Highway 100. He noted should the project happen it would not cause immediate basement back-ups as some had indicated but that staff had not yet reviewed this area for increased sanitary or transportation impacts. He shared how additional flow could affect current safety factors and indicated a study would be needed in 2019 in order to identify ways to mitigate potential concerns. Mr. Millner explained how the change of land use could affect future requests and should the Council want to move forward, approval could be conditioned on no increase of risk to the system as well as a transportation study in 2020 to fully understand those affects. Mr. Teague said while a significant number of affordable housing units would be included in this project, the area was targeted for future planning and would need further study on potential impacts. Applicant Presentation Curt Fretham, Lake West Development, LLC shared the background of their firm and how they worked to create infill developments and address opposition. He introduced his development team to answer questions. Perry Ryan, Lake West Development, LLC, shared comments about the proposed project that would provide 151 affordable housing units in Phase 1. He noted other project merits included an opportunity to redevelop and create a live/work opportunity node, brewery/restaurant, 150 market-rate apartments, 20- foot pedestrian boardwalk attached to a future greenway, tot lot, and environmental positives that removed hard space and replaced with green area. Mr. Ryan said the project would provide housing opportunities for many, noting the 2008 Comprehensive Plan referred to this area for future residential. Jeff Shopek, Loucks and Associates, shared comments on sewer flow peaks in the morning and evening and explained their proposal to minimize flow by utilizing a holding tank that was released over time during the day. Mr. Ryan concluded that densities were consistent with the contemplated area in Office Residential and that higher densities achieved affordable housing goals and would generate less traffic than office uses. The Council asked questions regarding the number of holding tanks proposed. Mr. Shopek said they proposed one tank in the middle of the project for all buildings as the first phase would have minimal impact. Minutes/Edina City Council/December 18, 2018 Page 6 Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 9:02 p.m. Public Testimony Bill Griffin, 8300 Norman Center Drive, Bloomington, addressed the Council. Nora Davis, 6921 Southdale Road, addressed the Council. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. The Council offered comments regarding perceived excessive office space in Edina and why affordable housing was dedicated to only one building as well as the enormous amount of surface parking proposed. The Council commented on the potential areas of change and that this should be further explored for consideration of Class A office space. The Council shared comments about the General Mixed-Use category and need to study it over the next decade. While the Council liked the proposed site plan, it was noted the use was removed 10 years ago and needed to be reviewed again. The Council indicated it was important to prepare and review where parks and pedestrian connections should be and pay attention to recommendations on commercial/industrial office uses in the future. The Council commented on the importance of balance of co-existence, complimented the applicant on their team, and thanked them for the proposal to introduce a new opportunity for people to live in Edina. Member Brindle introduced and move adoption of Resolution No. 2018-140 denying a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to reguide 7399, 7401 and 7505 Metro Boulevard from O Office to OR Office Residential based on the following findings: 1. The existing sanitary sewer system that would serve this site is at capacity, and may not adequately support turning this site into a residential use. Residential units generate more wastewater leading to the need for more sanitary sewer capacity compared to office uses. 2. The area has not been considered for residential development. Because this site has never been considered for residential uses in any recent comprehensive planning efforts, the need to upgrade the sewer system to support residential land use has never been identified. 3. The City will study the sewer capacity issue that serves this site in 2019. 4. The proposal is premature given the city’s plan to study the area in further detail. As identified in the Big Idea’s workshop; this area is part of the future study area that would examine the future of the City’s office/industrial park. This area extends from 77th Street on the south to 70th Street on the north; and from Highway 100 on the east to Cahill Drive on the west. During that study, the engineering study could determine the feasibility and cost to adequately serve a change in land use in the area. 5. The Applicant’s desire to construct and remodel a building that cannot be constructed without a Comprehensive Plan Amendment is not a sufficient reason to amend the Comprehensive Plan. 6. The Subject Property currently has reasonable uses and can be reasonably redeveloped without the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VIII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VIII.A. REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH ORION 4500 FRANCE, LLC – APPROVED Economic Development Manager Neuendorf said this item pertained to the redevelopment of the one- acre site at the southwestern corner of Sunnyside Road and France Avenue. He stated with assistance of legal and financial advisors, staff negotiated general terms and conditions which were approved by the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) on October 11, 2018 and the Edina City Council on Minutes/Edina City Council/December 18, 2018 Page 7 October 16, 2018. The Agreement outlined the qualified expenses for which the developer would be reimbursed after successful completion of the project and delivery of the public improvements and that the developer was agreeable to the terms in the Agreement and prepared to begin work immediately. Mr. Neuendorf confirmed typo corrections that properly reflected the amount of $2.295 million. The Council referred to Ms. Appledorn’s comments regarding the need for the porkchop on Sunnyside and France Avenue to function better. Ted Carlson, applicant, said they explored options with Hennepin County but none were available at this time. Mr. Millner confirmed that staff reviewed turning templates with buses and other vehicles and changes to the porkchop would make the area less safe but that after removal of the power poles in the porkchop, staff would work with the County to provide better crossings. Mr. Carlson commented on the telecom providers with nine power lines to be identified and removed with the goal to remove as many as far north from 44th Street as possible. Mr. Carlson shared their support of a greater plan for parking in the business district as well. Mr. Millner noted transformers on the north pole would make its removal more difficult. Mr. Neal said staff would continue to work with Excel Energy on options. Jay Lindgren, Dorsey & Whitney, confirmed no changes had occurred from previous consideration and the agreement was consistent with the term sheet. Nick Anhut, Ehlers and Associates, concurred and recommended approval. Mr. Neuendorf explained this action would provide a strong proposal for the corner that had been vacant for a year, bring action quickly before vandalism occurred, and result in a new project and investment. The Council expressed concern about the overall public benefit that was to be provided by burying overhead lines throughout the majority of neighborhood and said while they understood it would be difficult to do, it was agreed to in the term sheet. Mr. Neuendorf responded how the estimated $450,000 cost to bury the lines could change based on actual costs and would be acceptable from a TIF standpoint but require further planning and development review. The Council indicated it understood power pole removal would occur to the Derr building and was a large part of the approval. The Council stressed the importance of burying these power lines as part of the overall public improvement. Mr. Neuendorf noted the agreement provided some flexibility regarding specific poles but would review other financing options subject to Excel Energy’s approval. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, to approve the Redevelopment Agreement with Orion 4500 France, LLC and authorize staff to implement the terms of the agreement. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.B. ORDINANCE NO. 2018-18 AMENDING SOLAR ZONING – ADOPTED Management Fellow Casella stated the proposed Ordinance would amend Chapter 36 of the Edina City Code to remove barriers to solar development. She stated the Council granted first reading on December 4, 2018 meeting and outlined the goal to ensure residents and businesses utilize renewal technologies in Edina and reduce greenhouse emissions by 30% by 2025. Ms. Casella highlighted the definition of solar energy system and how the recommendation regarding height limitations on solar energy systems not exceeding four feet from the roof had been included. The Council asked why the Ordinance included City permission to sell excess generation back to the public utility. Ms. Casella stated the language was meant to explain options to residents. Minutes/Edina City Council/December 18, 2018 Page 8 Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, to grant Second Reading adopting Ordinance No. 2018-18 amending the zoning City Code regarding solar energy systems as amended: Solar energy systems may generate energy in excess of the energy requirements of a property if it is to be sold back to a public utility in accordance with applicable laws. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.C. RESOLUTION 2018-124 ADOPTED - ACCEPTING VARIOUS GRANTS AND DONATIONS Mayor Hovland explained that in order to comply with State Statutes; all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Member Stewart introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2018-124 accepting various grants and donations. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. IX. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS IX.A. CORRESPONDENCE - Received Mayor Hovland acknowledged the Council’s receipt of various correspondence. IX.B. MINUTES – Received 1. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 13, 2018 Informational; no action required. X. AVIATION NOISE UPDATE – Received XI. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS – Received Member Stewart shared parting comments about his years on the Council and thanked everyone for the privilege of serving the City. The Council extended its thanks and presented Member Stewart with a plaque of recognition. A round of applause was offered by all. XII. MANAGER’S COMMENTS – Received XIII. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS, EVENTS AND DATES AS OF DECEMBER 18, 2018 – Received XIV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, January 8, 2019. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the December 18, 2018, meeting available. MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 18, 2018 5:30 P.M. Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. Answering roll call were Members Brindle, Staunton, Fischer, Stewart, and Mayor Hovland. Edina City staff attending the meeting were Scott Neal, City Manager; Lisa Schaefer, Assistant City Manager; Stephanie Hawkinson, Affordable Housing Development Manager; Jeff Brown, Community Health Administrator; Tom Schmitz, Fire Chief; Ryan Browning, I.T. Manager; Jeff Elasky, Deputy Chief; and Sgt. Brandon Kuske. Rental Housing Licensing Discussion Manager Neal explained to Council that Rental Housing Licensing was on the Council’s 2018 Work Plan and staff would present a proposal for feedback. Community Health Administrator Brown explained the purpose for the program some of which included health, safety, and welfare of residents; address concerns of resident living with housing insecurity; affordable housing and tenant protection policy enforcement. Considerations and challenges to the program were enforcement, program cost, revenue source and equity. Housing that would be licensed included single family homes, duplexes, apartments, condominium and townhome units. Mr. Brown said after feedback from the Council, next steps would be drafting an ordinance, stakeholder and commission engagement, and race and equity consideration and evaluation. During discussion, Mr. Brown explained to Council that data did not exist to support the program; however, Eden Prairie was mentioned as a city that implemented a similar program and identified many basic issues that were not known before implementation. Council agreed with the program but because of concerns, asked staff to see if the program could be developed incrementally. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 6:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, January 8, 2019. ________________________ James B. Hovland, Mayor Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Claims From:Don Uram, Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:Receive Payment of Claims As Per: Pre-List Dated 12.20.18 TOTAL $1,149,882.22, Pre-List Dated 12.27.18 TOTAL $464,146.41, and Pre-List Dated 1.03.19 TOTAL $1,527,123.85 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve claims for payment. INTRODUCTION: Claim information for approval is attached. ATTACHMENTS: Description Claims Pre-List Dated 12.20.18 TOTAL $1,149,882.22 Claims Pre-List Dated 12.27.18 TOTAL $464,146.41 Claims Pre-List Dated 1.03.19 TOTAL $1,527,123.85 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 1Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 7420 12/20/2018 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 84.55 478594 2312954 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 71.70 479011 2314695 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 53.52 479106 2314697 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 45.94 478635 2314699 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 255.71 7421 12/20/2018 100575 ALL SAFE INC. 147.50 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 478719 167093 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 147.50 7422 12/20/2018 103680 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS 658.15 CITY HALL COFFEE 478975 1349059 1120.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 371.52 COFFEE - FIRE 478955 1349685 1120.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 1,029.67 7423 12/20/2018 100646 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS INC. 1,426.30 HOCKEY GOALS 479147 1016533 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 1,471.68 RENTAL SKATES 478980 1016554 5761.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 1,683.68 RENTAL SKATES 478465 1016578 5761.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 188.50 DASHER VINYL 479150 1016646 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 942.52 PLAYER DOOR HARDWARE 479152 1016667 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 5,712.68 7424 12/20/2018 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 314.50 478625 0067482200 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 113.55 479027 67463600 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,265.85 479219 67481800 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 314.50 478645 67481900 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,785.20 479024 67482000 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 314.50 479023 67482100 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,153.35 478627 67482400 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 121.55 479220 67494500 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 109.55 479026 67495800 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 219.95 479170 67525200 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 193.76 479028 67526900 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 243.61 478644 98740000 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 185.97 478626 98740100 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 121.05 478622 98740200 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 305.90 479025 98742300 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7,762.79 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 2Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 7424 12/20/2018 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION Continued... 7425 12/20/2018 101375 BLOOMINGTON SECURITY SOLUTIONS INC. 5,185.34 REPLACE LOADING DOCK DOORS 478468 181140 5761.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 5,185.34 7426 12/20/2018 122688 BMK SOLUTIONS 24.20 479104 145456 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 136.59 OFFICE SUPPLIES 478964 145486 1470.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 701.94 WHITE BOARDS 479130 145516 1470.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 862.73 7427 12/20/2018 100648 BUSINESS ESSENTIALS 8.53 CALENDAR 479102 OE-499637-1 1120.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 84.27 FLAIR PENS 479102 OE-499637-1 1120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 45.87 SUPPLIES 2018 478798 WO-432450-1 1400.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 28.82 SUPPLIES FOR PLANNING DEPT 478898 WO-432770-1 1140.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PLANNING 88.12 479201 WO-433674-1 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 255.61 7428 12/20/2018 116114 CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA INC. 29.83 SCANNING OR PRINT OCE 478657 989119563 1495.6575 PRINTING INSPECTIONS 29.83 7429 12/20/2018 100687 CITY OF RICHFIELD 2,823.66 MNTF1 UQT2 478659 10400-18042 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 2,823.66 7430 12/20/2018 100689 CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIPMENT 3,650.70 SERVICE AGREEMENT SCBA'S 478474 180377 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 233.15 HAZ MAT CALIBRATION GAS 478917 180476 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 3,883.85 7431 12/20/2018 130477 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO 454.00 479017 219-0330 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 193.00 478624 219-0331 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 193.00 479107 219-0332 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 840.00 7432 12/20/2018 100513 COVERALL OF THE TWIN CITIES INC. 1,214.00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES - DECEMBER 478520 7070258207 5720.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 3Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 7432 12/20/2018 100513 COVERALL OF THE TWIN CITIES INC.Continued... 1,214.00 7433 12/20/2018 136484 DIEBEL, BERNARD MICHAEL 2,475.00 YEAR END LESSON CLOSE OUT 478739 1213 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 2,475.00 7434 12/20/2018 129157 DO-GOOD.BIZ INC 318.82 POSTAGE FOR LICENSE MAILING 478485 12046-01 1450.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ANIMAL CONTROL 318.82 7435 12/20/2018 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC. 959.70 EDITION: EDINA - DECEMBER 478906 654911 1130.6575 PRINTING COMMUNICATIONS 959.70 7436 12/20/2018 101956 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINTENANCE 956.65 T90 REPAIRS 478918 103576 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 956.65 7437 12/20/2018 102485 FAHRENKRUG, ROGER 4,725.00 YEAR END LESSON CLOSE OUT 478741 29 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 4,725.00 7438 12/20/2018 100785 GREUPNER, JOE 12,260.00 YEAR END LESSON CLOSE OUT 478920 1213 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 12,260.00 7439 12/20/2018 102320 HAMCO DATA PRODUCTS 79.50 479209 158662 5841.6530 REPAIR PARTS YORK OCCUPANCY 79.50 7440 12/20/2018 115192 KNUDSON, DEBORAH 1,680.00 YEAR END LESSON CLOSE OUT 478742 1213 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 418.50 STAFF CERTIFICATES 478743 1234 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 2,098.50 7441 12/20/2018 101792 LUBE-TECH 157.64 OIL ANALYSIS KIT 478909 1289354 1553.6584 LUBRICANTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 157.64 7442 12/20/2018 100869 MARTIN-MCALLISTER 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 4Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 7442 12/20/2018 100869 MARTIN-MCALLISTER Continued... 1,000.00 478501 12097 1556.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 1,000.00 7443 12/20/2018 101483 MENARDS 146.36 CONCRETE FORM MATERIAL 478914 82280 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 50.19 CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES 478745 82582 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 9.96 HEAT LAMP BULB 479149 82643 5520.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA CONCESSIONS 34.34 GENERAL SUPPLIES 479149 82643 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 11.48 ROPE FOR GAS METERS 479162 82679 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 252.33 7444 12/20/2018 101161 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPLY 686.32 STATION SUPPLIES 478754 41350 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 686.32 7445 12/20/2018 102769 MILLER, TOM 1,045.00 YEAR END LESSON CLOSE OUT 478755 1213 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 594.00 STAFF CERTIFICATES 478756 1234 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 1,639.00 7446 12/20/2018 105066 NATURAL REFLECTIONS LLC 300.00 ARROWHEAD ICE VENTS 478507 2760 5936.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARROWHEAD LK VEGETATION CONTRO 646.00 INDIANHEAD ICE VENTS 478506 2761 5937.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INDIANHEAD LK VEGETATION CONTR 946.00 7447 12/20/2018 119620 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC. 1,612.00 TIRES 479081 210380017 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,612.00 7448 12/20/2018 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY 287.15 TISSUE, PAPER TOWELS 478695 15129 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 447.71 GLOVES, LINERS, SANITIZER 478695 15129 5720.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 401.64 BDAY CUTLER 478696 15133 5720.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 95.91 HOT CUP SLEEVES 479066 15136 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 214.22 FOAMY CLEANER, SOAP, LINERS 479068 15138 5720.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 440.39 PAPER TOWELS, TISSUE 479068 15138 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 114.91 478694 15159 5111.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 374.50 COLD, HOT CUPS, LIDS 479072 15161 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 1,223.43 BDAY CUPS, CUTLERY PLATES 479072 15161 5720.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 3,599.86 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 5Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 7448 12/20/2018 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY Continued... 7449 12/20/2018 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 1,150.50 DRAIN CLEAN/REPAIR 478700 75415 5720.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 376.00 REPAIRS TO 2ND FLOOR URINAL 478701 75417 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 2,778.50 REPLACE DRAIN PIPES IN LR CEIL 479071 75483 5720.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 4,305.00 7450 12/20/2018 101000 SOULO COMMUNICATIONS 56.16 CARDS ALLISON 478900 102770 1120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 56.17 CARDS PETE 478900 102770 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 63.52 CARDS CIZEK 478901 102790 1400.6575 PRINTING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 63.52 BUS CARDS 478902 102798 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 239.37 7451 12/20/2018 119454 VINOCOPIA 248.75 479039 0222435 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 532.50 479040 0222436 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 185.75 479213 222428 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 121.25 479214 222429 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 282.00 479215 222430 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 168.75 479042 222438 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 812.50 479041 222439 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,351.50 7452 12/20/2018 120627 VISTAR CORPORATION 914.26 CONCESSIONS FOOD 479144 53706630 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 914.26 7453 12/20/2018 103219 WENDEL SGN ARCHITECTURE INC. 9,733.20 DESIGN SERVICES ARDEN PARK 478823 350461 1600.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 1,794.44 RESPONSE TIME STUDY 478963 350465 1500.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTINGENCIES 11,527.64 7454 12/20/2018 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 988.18 478886 91154 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 104.00-478887 91653 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,422.72 478403 91891 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,700.82 478885 91892 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,195.38 478617 91894 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 53.33 479045 92163 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 6Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 7454 12/20/2018 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE Continued... 7,256.43 431103 12/20/2018 142720 12WELVE EYES BREWING 171.33 479008 418 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 195.33 479009 423 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 90.00 479105 IVC000000417 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 456.66 431104 12/20/2018 100609 50TH & FRANCE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 639.00 478434 2380 5822.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 50TH ST SELLING 639.00 431105 12/20/2018 142327 56 BREWING, LLC 280.00 478641 5603974 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 280.00 478602 5603975 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 96.00 479171 5604142 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 128.00 479010 5604143 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 784.00 431106 12/20/2018 144016 A&B WELDING & CONSTRUCTION 2,900.00 WEST BOILER REPAIR 478716 37202 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 2,900.00 431107 12/20/2018 133522 AARP DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM 180.00 AARP SMART DRIVING 478889 B42671 12152018 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 180.00 431108 12/20/2018 129458 ACME TOOLS 472.32 478717 6137956 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 280.56 478595 6157975 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 786.96 478596 6161136 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 83.88 MILWAUKEE BATTERY CHARGER 478837 6224934 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 59.00 GLOVES 478838 6255595 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 1,682.72 431109 12/20/2018 143143 ACT CLEANING SERVICES 377.80 BUILDING CLEANING 478718 INV-936 5410.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT GOLF ADMINISTRATION 377.80 431110 12/20/2018 140269 ACTIVE NETWORK LLC 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 7Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431110 12/20/2018 140269 ACTIVE NETWORK LLC Continued... 2,900.00 EP MEMBERSHIP CARDS 478977 11104583 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 2,900.00 431111 12/20/2018 140318 ADVANCED ENGINEERING AND 595.00 SCADA PROGRAMMING 478839 61005 5915.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER WATER TREATMENT 10,006.05 478945 61060 05564.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS Water Treatment Plant #5 10,601.05 431112 12/20/2018 133504 AID ELECTRIC CORPORATION 1,927.79 INDIANHEAD ELECTRICAL REPAIR 478599 57192 5937.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INDIANHEAD LK VEGETATION CONTR 1,927.79 431113 12/20/2018 141768 ALTEC INDUSTRIES INC. 65.78 BALL VALVE, NIPPLES 478438 11070147 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 65.78 431114 12/20/2018 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 184.75 478439 191X-YYGC-X17R 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL 84.95 FOIL SHEETS 479151 1CQ3-6KHW-C9K3 5520.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA CONCESSIONS 84.90 HOCKEY STOPWATCHES 478441 1D9V-QPV3-1396 1621.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 43.96 EXHAUST CLAMPS 479200 1DVL-37XL-JJQY 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 56.25 RIFLE OPTIC BATTERIES 479202 1DVL-37XL-JN7X 1400.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 65.93 SKATE WITH SANTA 478721 1HMV-NFVP-4R99 1627.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 44.50 TRIPOD QUICK MOUNT 478600 1K4K-T47D-LKX1 1130.6410 VIDEO PRODUCTION SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 106.99-478899 1KQ4-TNHG-LKW4 1130.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 2,424.00 BOOKING CAMERA IN JAIL 478934 1MW7-J9NC-MNQK 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 766.95 IT SUPPLIES 479205 1N7M-QXVL-7WT1 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 214.88 REPLACEMENT SLIDES 478911 1P7N-9WQQ-MCP4 1552.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 25.70 478440 1PJC-47KQ-4W7Q 1263.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENVIRONMENT 34.04 TKLAPPERICK IPHONE CASE 478835 1TXT-6GKD-6PF1 1322.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 216.72 STA. 1 SUPPLIES 478919 1W1N-N96Q-746G 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,613.82 IT SUPPLIES 478601 1YKJ-XXRT-W41L 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 5,754.36 431115 12/20/2018 101115 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC. 150.19 478447 1004327151 5861.6162 SERVICES CUSTODIANS VERNON OCCUPANCY 111.60 478448 1004327156 5821.6162 SERVICES CUSTODIANS 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 137.68 LAUNDRY 478724 1004328745 1470.6201 LAUNDRY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 295.81 478981 1004334246 1551.6201 LAUNDRY CITY HALL GENERAL 213.47 LAUNDRY 478966 1004335161 1470.6201 LAUNDRY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 8Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431115 12/20/2018 101115 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC.Continued... 158.26 LAUNDRY 479131 1004337112 1470.6201 LAUNDRY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 173.04 479210 1004337115 5841.6162 SERVICES CUSTODIANS YORK OCCUPANCY 1,240.05 431116 12/20/2018 101874 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC. 280.00 WALKIE 479155 84203 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 280.00 431117 12/20/2018 100632 AQUA ENGINEERING 130.00 WINTERIZED IRRIGATION SYSTEM 479063 88569 5720.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 130.00 431118 12/20/2018 134924 ARROW INTERNATIONAL INC. 612.50 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 478725 9500766646 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 612.50 431119 12/20/2018 132031 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 1,242.00 478636 3311676 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,552.20 479012 3311677/3311679 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 83.00 478642 3311678 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,497.50 478643 3311680 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.26-478860 443010 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.98-478859 443011 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,359.46 431120 12/20/2018 144018 ASPEN BUILDERS & REMODELERS 688.97 PD TOO MUCH-VALUATION CHANGE 478913 166899 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 688.97 431121 12/20/2018 100634 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. 5,682.00 REPLACEMENT PLOW 478452 10196817 421305.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT STREET EQUIPMENT 5,682.00 431122 12/20/2018 119465 ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA COUNTIES 385.00 479112 121818 1490.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS PUBLIC HEALTH 385.00 431123 12/20/2018 100636 ASTLEFORD 32.76 FITTING 478840 T415711 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 32.76 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 9Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431123 12/20/2018 100636 ASTLEFORD Continued... 431124 12/20/2018 118758 ASTLEFORD INTERNATIONAL 5,890.76 REPAIR OF TRUCK ENGINE 478510 C314636 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 5,890.76 431125 12/20/2018 133689 AUER STEEL 124.03 PARTS FOR HEATER AT 72ND 479160 30053654 5921.6530 REPAIR PARTS SANITARY LIFT STATION MAINT 124.03 431126 12/20/2018 119206 AZTECA SYSTEMS INC. 12,000.00 479090 16151 5913.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DISTRIBUTION 12,000.00 479090 16151 5923.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER COLLECTION SYSTEMS 12,000.00 479090 16151 5932.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL STORM SEWER 36,000.00 431127 12/20/2018 102503 BAGS & BOWS 95.41 478968 0096608461 5120.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 72.93 478969 0096609817 5120.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 168.34 431128 12/20/2018 144013 BANKEY, ELVI 147.00 TRIP REFUND 478453 12112018 1628.4392.07 SENIOR TRIPS SENIOR CITIZENS 147.00 431129 12/20/2018 139473 BENGTSON, MIKE 93.17 HEARTGARD FOR K9 GRYF 478994 12/13/2018 4607.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINA CRIME FUND K9 DONATION 93.17 431130 12/20/2018 131191 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC. 780.00 PIZZA 478466 4788967 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 780.00 431131 12/20/2018 125139 BERNICK'S 408.40 478646 468517 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,149.52 478433 469101 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 60.00 479029 469118 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,656.40 479030 469119 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,294.33 479110 469120 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,568.65 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 10Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431132 12/20/2018 126847 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY Continued... 804.10 CONCESSIONS FOOD 479145 618157 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 804.10 431133 12/20/2018 143097 BERRYDUNN 2,550.00 ERP CONSULTANT 478985 377300 4627.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ERP System 2,550.00 431134 12/20/2018 140365 BIKO ASSOCIATES INC. 7,123.00 COMP. PLAN 478512 12 1140.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLANNING 1,944.14 TRAFFIC STUDY 478511 22 4422.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT TRAFFIC STUDIES 9,067.14 431135 12/20/2018 130569 BINTNER, ROSS 9.66 478993 20181214 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL 9.66 431136 12/20/2018 142153 BLACK STACK BREWING INC. 189.00 478603 3485 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 270.00 479228 3500 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 585.00 479032 3501 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 459.00 479031 3502 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,503.00 431137 12/20/2018 135784 BLAKE, PATRICIA 328.38 REIMBURSE-MAH JONGG CARDS 478467 12122018 1628.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 328.38 431138 12/20/2018 122248 BLICK ART MATERIALS 78.18 478965 224170 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 26.59 478967 722381 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 104.77 431139 12/20/2018 125268 BLUE COMPACTOR SERVICES, LLC 386.00 50TH COMPACTOR 478726 DEC2018-4 4095.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET RUBBISH 386.00 431140 12/20/2018 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 1,194.92 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 478727 83053110 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 5.58 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 478962 83058315 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,200.50 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 11Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431140 12/20/2018 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC Continued... 431141 12/20/2018 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 1,897.25 478372 156403 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,110.00 478647 156520 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,414.74 479013 156742 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 326.63 479172 156743 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,514.28 479221 156908 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,147.36 479222 156912 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7,410.26 431142 12/20/2018 117040 BOYER TRUCKS 155.47 SLACK ADJUSTER, PIN 478469 15734D 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 91.79 BRACES 479197 15992D 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 106.54 SENSOR ASY 479185 831953 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 111.62 SENSOR ASY 479184 832158 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 33.60-CREDIT MEMO 479188 CM830444 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 431.82 431143 12/20/2018 142566 BRASS FOUNDRY BREWING CO. 138.48 479014 E-1608 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 138.48 431144 12/20/2018 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 4,831.57 478652 1080897053 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 605.75 478649 1080897154 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,530.76 478651 1080897155 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 146.30 478650 1080897156 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 76.80 478648 1080897157 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 6,197.89 479123 1080900575 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 118.30 479122 1080900576 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,582.64 479124 1080900577 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 45.15 479121 1080900578 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 140.55 478375 1080900579 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,590.31 478376 1080900580 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 429.60 478373 1080900581 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 163.45 478374 1080900582 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,750.02 478606 1080900583 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 97.55 478604 1080900634 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,875.19 478605 1080900635 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,365.97 479260 1080904000 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 12Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431144 12/20/2018 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA Continued... 484.60 479261 1080904001 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 165.29 479259 1080904002 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,961.80 479258 1080904003 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 550.29 479256 1080904064 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 220.65 479257 1080904065 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 253.15 479246 1080904066 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,648.21 479245 1080904067 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 38.65 479247 1080904068 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 45,870.44 431145 12/20/2018 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER LLC 2,862.95 478655 1090940937 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 79.50 478861 1090940938 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,352.44 478654 1090943740 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 169.30 478653 1090943741 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,608.95 478377 1090943742 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,027.08 478607 1090943743 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 36.80 478608 1090943744 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8,290.00 479182 1090946452 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 36.80 479181 1090946453 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,434.75 479239 1090946454 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 110.50 479238 1090946455 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8,369.70 479243 1090946456 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 36.80 479244 1090946457 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 34,415.57 431146 12/20/2018 132114 BURNETT, JASON 589.58 EEEP 2012A INTEREST 478470 121118 3301.8220 INTEREST BONDS PIR DS REVENUES 3,369.00 EEEP 2012A PRINCIPAL 478470 121118 3301.8221 BOND PRINCIPLE EXPENSE PIR DS REVENUES 3,958.58 431147 12/20/2018 140503 BURNSVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT 756.72 MN-TF1 UQT2 478656 121318A 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 756.72 431148 12/20/2018 144011 CALAN HOMES LLC 2,500.00 DEMO ESCROW REFUND 478471 166115 1495.4109 CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT INSPECTIONS 2,500.00 431149 12/20/2018 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 13Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431149 12/20/2018 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES Continued... 3,304.30 479143 2192365 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 219.80 479142 2192660 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,656.80 478863 2195477 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 28.00 479016 2198403 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,276.20 478862 2198404 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 22.35 478610 2198405 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,564.90 478609 2198406 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 14.00 478378 2198407 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,722.90 478379 2198408 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 68.70-478432 2198409 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 72.25 479232 2201405 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 6,714.85 479231 2201406 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 92.35 479225 2201407 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 913.55 479224 2201408 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9.30-479223 2201409 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 18.60-479015 625-0206 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 26,505.65 431150 12/20/2018 123898 CENTURYLINK 63.36 478974 1161-12/18 5720.6188 TELEPHONE EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 168.58 479093 2951-12/18 1470.6188 TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 226.37 478973 6661-12/18 1552.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SVC PW BUILDING 458.31 431151 12/20/2018 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION 180.51 LINENS 478728 4013305879 5421.6201 LAUNDRY GRILL 39.34 LAUNDRY 478733 4013456184 1552.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 52.12 RENTAL UNIFORM 478729 4013456232 1553.6201 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 40.55 RENTAL UNIFORM 478730 4013456241 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 30.80 UNIFORM RENTAL 478732 4013456286 5913.6201 LAUNDRY DISTRIBUTION 15.82 RENTAL UNIFORM 478731 4013456307 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 359.14 431152 12/20/2018 100684 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON 250.00 TB TESTING - FIRE 478956 201803 1556.6175 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 250.00 431153 12/20/2018 104800 CITY OF COON RAPIDS 352.50 MNTF1 UQT2 478658 121318J 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 352.50 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 14Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431153 12/20/2018 104800 CITY OF COON RAPIDS Continued... 431154 12/20/2018 122317 CITY OF EDINA - COMMUNICATIONS 100.00 EDINA PHONES 478799 COM-1726 7411.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF OCCUPANCY 100.00 431155 12/20/2018 102008 CITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY 150.00 DATA PRACTICES X2 479073 8864 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 150.00 431156 12/20/2018 143547 CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK 165.00 EP PERFORMER ON 1/10/19 479138 11019 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 165.00 431157 12/20/2018 101850 CITY OF ST. PAUL 3,112.10 INVOICE IN00032278 MNTF1 478660 IN00032278 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 3,112.10 431158 12/20/2018 101850 CITY OF ST. PAUL 19,208.77 INVOICE IN00032280 MNTF1 478944 IN00032280 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 19,208.77 431159 12/20/2018 128041 CLARKE, BRIAN 100.00 UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT 479114 12182018 5720.6201 LAUNDRY EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 100.00 431160 12/20/2018 123941 CLAY, CAROL 23.41 ART ACADEMY PIZZA PARTY 478661 12.13.18 5110.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 23.41 431161 12/20/2018 100692 COCA-COLA DISTRIBUTION 485.68 478475 3638207764 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 485.68 431162 12/20/2018 101227 COFFEE MILL INC. 563.00 HOT CHOCOLATE AND COFFEE 479125 0754779-IN 5761.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 563.00 431163 12/20/2018 129820 COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL 1,054.83 478476 M424-002073-12/ 18 5841.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES YORK OCCUPANCY 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 15Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431163 12/20/2018 129820 COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL Continued... 1,054.83 431164 12/20/2018 120433 COMCAST 27.03 CABLE 478477 0220686-12/18 5710.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 27.03 431165 12/20/2018 120433 COMCAST 124.81 CABLE 478734 0177449-11/18 5420.6188 TELEPHONE CLUB HOUSE 124.81 431166 12/20/2018 120433 COMCAST 180.92 RAMP INTERNET 478735 0540232-12/18 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 180.92 431167 12/20/2018 120433 COMCAST 6.77 CABLE TV 478903 23973-12/18 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 6.77 431168 12/20/2018 121422 COMMUNITY DESIGN GROUP 12,766.91 PED-BIKE PLAN INVOICE 478478 DX-009 2501.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PACS IS 12,766.91 431169 12/20/2018 142022 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA 28,578.36 REG ROAD SALT 478513 354992 1318.6525 SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 28,578.36 431170 12/20/2018 104928 CONCRETE CUTTING & CORING INC. 155.25 SAW BLADES 478915 8319 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 155.25 431171 12/20/2018 140999 CORE-MARK MIDCONTINENT INC. 538.31 CONCESSIONS FOOD 479146 6859610 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 538.31 431172 12/20/2018 120032 CORPORATE MECHANICAL 41,200.00 PW HEAT PUMP 479089 W29570 1552.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 41,200.00 431173 12/20/2018 100699 CULLIGAN BOTTLED WATER 314.34 BOTTLED WATER 478480 114-10014090-3-1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 16Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431173 12/20/2018 100699 CULLIGAN BOTTLED WATER Continued... 11/18 314.34 431174 12/20/2018 103799 CURBSIDE LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION 180.00 SNOW REMOVAL 479062 171554 5720.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 180.00 431175 12/20/2018 130169 CUSTOM BUSINESS FORMS 1,257.00 JANUARY NEWSLETTER 478888 317212 1628.6575 PRINTING SENIOR CITIZENS 1,257.00 431176 12/20/2018 102514 CUTTER & BUCK 2,924.52 STAFF UNIFORMS E.P.479134 94446271 5720.6201 LAUNDRY EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 2,924.52 431177 12/20/2018 139064 DAVIES, JOAN 199.25 TAP DANCE CLASS 478737 TAP DANCE DEC. 2018 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 199.25 431178 12/20/2018 100718 DELEGARD TOOL CO. 28.98 SOLDER TIP, IRON 478931 100019 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 28.98 431179 12/20/2018 123995 DICK'S/LAKEVILLE SANITATION INC. 2,372.48 478922 DT0002364569 4095.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET RUBBISH 2,372.48 431180 12/20/2018 121103 DIRECTV 92.23 TV 479127 35583458566 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 92.23 431181 12/20/2018 143023 DUNBAR ARMORED INC 295.38 479211 4322026 5821.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 295.38 479211 4322026 5861.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES VERNON OCCUPANCY 295.39 479211 4322026 5841.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES YORK OCCUPANCY 886.15 431182 12/20/2018 100049 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC. 3,975.00 2018 RATE STUDY UPDATE 479100 79098 5902.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES UTILITY BILLING - FINANCE 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 17Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431182 12/20/2018 100049 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC.Continued... 3,975.00 431183 12/20/2018 122792 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES INC. 2,570.55 NEW CARAVAN BUILD 189 478905 JOR18112 421400.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICE EQUIPMENT 220.00 NEW SIREN BOX FOR 121 478904 SVC26866 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 2,790.55 431184 12/20/2018 104733 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC. 239.80 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 478961 2036794 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 140.70 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 478960 2036875 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 244.50 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 478959 2037017 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 625.00 431185 12/20/2018 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 237.02-CREDIT MEMO 478841 1-5781957 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 322.41-CREDIT MEMO 478928 1-5788886 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 187.48 TENSIONER, VBELT 478930 1-5794274 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 306.76 CONNECTORS 479194 1-5797273 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 333.80 BATTERIES 478490 1-Z16764 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 96.33 BATTERY 478491 69-334891 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 100.14 BELTS 479187 69-335431 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 125.05 BATTERY 479186 69-335452 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 65.92 ROTOR ASY 478929 69-335465 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 17.27 WHEEL WEIGHT 479193 69-335782 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 15.73 RESISTOR ASY 479192 69-335789 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 14.78 WHEEL WEIGHTS 479189 69-335801 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 703.83 431186 12/20/2018 141528 FARMINGTON FIRE DEPARTMENT 240.00 MNTF1 UQT2 478666 121318B 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 240.00 431187 12/20/2018 126004 FERGUSON WATERWORKS 812.24 REPAIR PARTS FOR METER 479159 0312147 5917.6530 REPAIR PARTS METER REPAIR 3,701.76 METERS 479165 0314029 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 4,514.00 431188 12/20/2018 137685 FORTERRA PIPE & PRECAST 140.00 TIE RODS FOR STORM PIPE 478842 SH00011381 5932.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL STORM SEWER 140.00 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 18Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431188 12/20/2018 137685 FORTERRA PIPE & PRECAST Continued... 431189 12/20/2018 142024 FSSOLUTIONS 197.00 478992 FL00261697 1556.6175 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 197.00 431190 12/20/2018 102166 G.L. CONTRACTING INC. 7,995.00 PAY #4 479103 FRANCE AVE SIDEWALK PAY 4 07147.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS France Ave - W39th to W42nd 7,995.00 431191 12/20/2018 134783 GALLERIA SHOPPING CENTER LLC 285.00 APP FEE REFUND 479251 121918 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 285.00 431192 12/20/2018 102456 GALLS INC. 297.46-RETURNED ITEM 478925 11517497 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 109.99 WORK BOOTS 479129 121718 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,027.62 BALLISTIC VEST 478801 BC0730145 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 297.46 BOOTS- BIER 478800 BC0730564 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 301.71 UNIFORMS 478926 BC0733433 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,439.32 431193 12/20/2018 119567 GARELICK STEEL CO INC 75.00 ALUMINUM 478493 423341 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 75.00 431194 12/20/2018 100775 GENERAL SPORTS CORPORATION 989.00 STAFF CLOTHING 478802 94661 5552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SPORTS DOME ADMINISTRATION 989.00 431195 12/20/2018 143454 GLEASON PRINTING 111.84 479091 79889 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING 111.84 479091 79889 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING 111.84 479091 79889 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 335.52 431196 12/20/2018 144022 GOLDSTREET DESIGN AGENCY, INC 1,350.42 FOG BROUCHURES 479158 1599 5923.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER COLLECTION SYSTEMS 1,350.42 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 19Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431197 12/20/2018 124471 GOODPOINTE TECHNOLOGY INC.Continued... 3,425.00 478803 3918 1261.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 3,425.00 431198 12/20/2018 101103 GRAINGER 162.45 EAR PROTECTION 478804 9019166702 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 28.16 PENS 478542 9027213843 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 47.78 MJ - ORGANIZER 478844 9028894401 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 136.00 LATEX GLOVES 479004 9029857209 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 137.08 AIR REGULATOR 478910 9032296346 1552.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 167.32-CREDIT MEMO 479183 9032296353 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 344.15 431199 12/20/2018 144026 GRANBECK, LESLIE 235.00 LUMINARIA WORKSHOP 478942 12.17.18 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES 235.00 431200 12/20/2018 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 4,148.10 479038 50482 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 104.10 479037 50483 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 171.50 478864 MN00049891 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,732.40 479174 MN00050502 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,928.50 478621 MN00050503 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 11,084.60 431201 12/20/2018 121256 GREAT RIVERS PRINTING 1,442.74 PARKING PERMITS 2019 478494 58334 4090.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 1,442.74 431202 12/20/2018 101350 GREEN ACRES SPRINKLER CO., INC. 965.19 478845 184696 04425.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION Countryside G 965.19 431203 12/20/2018 138241 GROWLER MAGAZINE, THE 422.33 479212 1558-R 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING 422.33 479212 1558-R 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 422.34 479212 1558-R 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING 1,267.00 431204 12/20/2018 100788 H&L MESABI 1,023.75 PLOW BLADES 478543 02453 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 20Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431204 12/20/2018 100788 H&L MESABI Continued... 443.70 PLOW BLADES 479195 02542 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,467.45 431205 12/20/2018 102426 HALE, WILLIAM 250.00 EP PERFORMER ON 1/31/19 479141 13119 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 250.00 431206 12/20/2018 141531 HASTINGS FIRE DEPARTMENT 1,082.70 MNTF1 UQT2 478667 121318C 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 1,082.70 431207 12/20/2018 100797 HAWKINS INC. 8,876.91 CHEMICALS 479080 4413135 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 8,876.91 431208 12/20/2018 143563 HEADFLYER BREWING 720.00 478865 E-1131 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 434.00-478611 E-1132 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 434.00 478611 E-1132 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 434.00 478611 E-1132 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,154.00 431209 12/20/2018 133161 HECKERT, JACOB 188.60 DRE INSTRUCTOR MEALS 478995 12102018175 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 188.60 431210 12/20/2018 143585 HENNEPIN HEALTHCARE 2,870.01 EMS DIRECTOR FEES 478805 59107 1470.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 2,870.01 431211 12/20/2018 118765 HENRY SCHEIN INC. 106.06 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 478958 59949590 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 106.06 431212 12/20/2018 144015 HGA 11,880.00 SITE FIT DESIGN 478668 120618 1600.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 11,880.00 431213 12/20/2018 101102 HIDDEN FENCE OF MINNESOTA 218.75 478937 5792 01446.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION Normandale Park D 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 21Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431213 12/20/2018 101102 HIDDEN FENCE OF MINNESOTA Continued... 218.75 431214 12/20/2018 102483 HILTI INC. 236.88 DRILL ATTACHMENTS 478545 4612813860 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 236.88 431215 12/20/2018 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 4,216.00 478866 104945 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,124.50 479033 108835 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,399.50 478380 109996 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,362.00 478612 109997 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,268.00 478867 109998 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,326.00 479227 111576 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 30.00 479226 111577 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,136.25 479229 111578 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,868.13 479178 111579 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 18,730.38 431216 12/20/2018 100417 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY 198.84 CHLORINE, ACID 479067 181130051 5720.6545 CHEMICALS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 198.84 431217 12/20/2018 142744 HP INC. 960.98 EQUIP REPL PC 478547 60703686 1554.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 960.98 431218 12/20/2018 134784 IDEA CREEK LLC, THE 270.00 PLAQUES 478806 115 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 270.00 431219 12/20/2018 125032 IEH AUTO PARTS LLC 64.69-CREDIT MEMO 478847 038069051-CM 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 9.84-CREDIT MEMO 478848 038069052-CM 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 3.43 FILTER 478553 038071150 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 4.46 SPARK PLUGS 478849 038071588 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 19.18 FILTER 478850 038071768 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 19.18 FILTER 478907 038071769 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 43.88 AIR FILTER 479191 038072213 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 15.60 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 22Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431220 12/20/2018 131544 INDEED BREWING COMPANY Continued... 346.50 478868 71585 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 284.40 478382 71856 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 441.80 478381 71857 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 540.40 479266 72072 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,613.10 431221 12/20/2018 104157 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL INC. 3,480.00 ICC INVOICE 1000980622 479007 1000980622 1495.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS INSPECTIONS 3,480.00 431222 12/20/2018 143913 JACK PINE BREWERY 230.40 479018 2916 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 345.60 479169 2917 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 345.60 479034 2918 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 921.60 431223 12/20/2018 100830 JERRY'S PRINTING 30.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 478851 80495 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 30.00 431224 12/20/2018 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 127.90 479264 127 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 11.61-478385 2893801 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 11.61-478384 2893802 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 6,118.60 478872 2914232 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 123.85 478871 2914233 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,968.91 479048 2914259 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,020.44 478383 2914261 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 146.40 479049 2914262 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,023.90 478869 2914263 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 24.50 478870 2914264 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,509.24 479265 2914290 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,064.90 479262 2914291 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 94.10 479263 2914292 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 26,199.52 431225 12/20/2018 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 557.13 479241 01175209 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,469.61 479237 01175212 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 20.00 479054 1120477 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 23Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431225 12/20/2018 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO.Continued... 388.40 478634 1173482 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 199.19 478633 1173483 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12,544.94 479056 1173484 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 29.75 478876 1173485 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 374.76 478632 1173486 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,298.24 478631 1173487 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,915.92 479050 1173488 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,239.00 479051 1173490 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 11,860.73 479057 1173491 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,340.47 479053 1173492 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,499.29 479052 1173493 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,537.91 478875 1173497 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,364.66 478874 1173498 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 14,926.88 479055 1173499 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 25.19 478873 1173500 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 755.45 479176 1173501 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,220.98 479175 1173502 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,514.54 479058 1175210.5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 194.00 479059 1175211.5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 24.48-479242 515389 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 64,252.56 431226 12/20/2018 105730 KJOS, PHIL 250.00 PIANO TUNING 478940 12.12.2018 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 250.00 431227 12/20/2018 144012 KNIGHT CONSTRUCTION 125.00 REFUND APP FEE 478676 167771 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 125.00 431228 12/20/2018 139640 KOEHLER, THOMAS 100.00 UNIFORM PANTS 479095 121418 5761.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 100.00 431229 12/20/2018 138301 KRIS ENGINEERING INC. 18,528.44 BLADES AND BUMPERS 478564 30896 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 18,528.44 431230 12/20/2018 144034 KUNKEL, JEREMY 250.00 EP PERFORMER ON 1/6/19 479135 10619 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 24Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431230 12/20/2018 144034 KUNKEL, JEREMY Continued... 250.00 431231 12/20/2018 116776 KUSTOM KARRIERS 112.00 CONTRACTED REPAIR 478565 82381 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 112.00 431232 12/20/2018 116776 KUSTOM KARRIERS 112.00 CONTRACTED REPAIR 478566 82382 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 112.00 431233 12/20/2018 116776 KUSTOM KARRIERS 118.00 CONTRACTED REPAIR 478567 82171 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 118.00 431234 12/20/2018 116776 KUSTOM KARRIERS 94.00 CONTRACTED SERVICE 478568 82273 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 94.00 431235 12/20/2018 116776 KUSTOM KARRIERS 100.00 CONTRACTED SERVICE 478569 82906 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 100.00 431236 12/20/2018 116776 KUSTOM KARRIERS 112.00 CONTRACTED SERVICE 478570 82383 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 112.00 431237 12/20/2018 139888 LASKOWSKI, CHRIS 215.28 2018 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 478978 121318 1130.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 215.28 431238 12/20/2018 141236 LAVALLE, KATHI 150.00 EP PERFORMER ON 1/13/19 479136 11319 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 150.00 431239 12/20/2018 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 89.26 TIRE REPAIR SET 479196 9306354432 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 89.26 431240 12/20/2018 134957 LEACH LAW OFFICE LLC 20,863.40 NOV ATTORNEY FEES 478989 0656.001-11/18 1195.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 25Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431240 12/20/2018 134957 LEACH LAW OFFICE LLC Continued... 20,863.40 431241 12/20/2018 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 75.00 MAYOR HOVLAND-2018 MMA 478499 12-11-2018 1100.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS CITY COUNCIL 75.00 431242 12/20/2018 100558 LIND ELECTRONIC DESIGN CO INC. 389.85 FTO LAPTOP CHARGERS 478834 31721 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 389.85 431243 12/20/2018 133185 LOGAN, PATRICK 43.78 CLEANING SUPPLIES 478744 1211 5210.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES GOLF DOME PROGRAM 43.78 431244 12/20/2018 142007 LUNNEBORG, MEGAN 4.91 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 478500 121018 5860.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 4.91 431245 12/20/2018 141916 LUPULIN BREWING 186.00 478623 17393 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 477.00 479020 17394 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 120.00 479173 17395 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 783.00 431246 12/20/2018 129657 M.S. INDUSTRIES INC. 920.22 478946 316512 1301.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 1,714.56 479084 316534 1301.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 2,634.78 431247 12/20/2018 135974 MACPHAIL CENTER FOR MUSIC 212.00 EP PERFORMER ON 1/24/19 479140 12419 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 212.00 431248 12/20/2018 100864 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC. 162.49 SWITCH 478572 P16536 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 60.80 6" SKID FOR JETTING 478852 P16576 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 2,518.13 NEW SEWER NOZZLE 479079 P16577 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 581.95 CUTTING EDGE, NOSE PIECES 478933 P16675 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 72.35 JETTING SKID FOR 3/4" HOSE 479161 PICPAK 5920.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SEWER CLEANING 3,395.72 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 26Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431248 12/20/2018 100864 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC.Continued... 431249 12/20/2018 142525 MALLOW, SAMANTHA 45.00 TOBACCO COMPLIANCE 479113 SAM121818 1413.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOBACCO ENFORCEMENT 45.00 431250 12/20/2018 144035 MANOLES TST, MARY ANNE 450.00 REFUND FOR VARIANCE 479163 12182018 1140.4361 PLANNING FEES PLANNING 450.00 431251 12/20/2018 101254 MCCORMICK, CAROL 200.00 EP PERFORMER ON 1/17/19 479139 11719 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 200.00 431252 12/20/2018 135708 MERSC 175.00 2019 MERSC MEMBERSHIP 479233 2019168 1556.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 175.00 431253 12/20/2018 101471 MGCSA 165.00 RENEWAL FOR MGCSA/JEFF 479002 03025 5410.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS GOLF ADMINISTRATION 165.00 RENEWAL FOR MGCSA/BOB 479003 03080 5410.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS GOLF ADMINISTRATION 330.00 431254 12/20/2018 139880 MID CITY SERVICES - INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY 44.00 RENTAL MATS 479128 92905 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 44.00 431255 12/20/2018 134387 MIDWEST MAILING SYSTEMS INC. 234.58 OE POSTCARDS 479101 77544 1556.6218 EDUCATION PROGRAMS EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 234.58 431256 12/20/2018 100913 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN SEWER & WATER 2,380.00 SL 5505 WOODDALE AVE 479087 35776 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 2,380.00 431257 12/20/2018 103216 MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEPARTMENT 11,026.08 478921 431-005.300-12/ 18 5913.6601 WATER PURCHASED DISTRIBUTION 11,026.08 431258 12/20/2018 102174 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN COMPANY 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 27Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431258 12/20/2018 102174 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN COMPANY Continued... 35.00 GASSES, SEASONAL PICK UP 478890 20089870 7413.6545 CHEMICALS PSTF FIRE TOWER 35.00 431259 12/20/2018 132597 MIXMI BRANDS LLC 80.00 MIXMI FOR EP CONCESSIONS 478976 3297 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 80.00 431260 12/20/2018 141377 MONTGOMERY BREWING COMPANY LLC 174.00 479035 121018_EDINAYOR K 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 174.00 431261 12/20/2018 144023 MORGAN, DEMERIAN 399.00 CLASS REFUND FOR 3192 478941 12.15.18 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES 399.00 431262 12/20/2018 100912 MOTOROLA INC. 25,005.50 800 MHZ RADIOS 478983 16023485 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 25,005.50 431263 12/20/2018 143339 MR CUTTING EDGE 190.00 SHARPEN ZAM BLADES 479154 405 5521.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE ARENA ICE MAINT 190.00 431264 12/20/2018 101696 MSP COMMUNICATIONS 1,600.00 WEDDING AD 479126 2018-83883 5760.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 1,600.00 431265 12/20/2018 132591 MUSKA ELECTIRC COMPANY 8,340.49 ELECTRICAL REPAIR 479156 19015 5553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 8,340.49 431266 12/20/2018 134024 NAGELL APPRAISAL & CONSULTING INC. 900.00 478502 26455 01451.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN Chowen A/B 900.00 478505 26456 01454.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN Todd Park E 900.00 478503 26457 01455.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN Indian Hills C 900.00 478504 26458 01452.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION Indian Trails B/C 3,600.00 431267 12/20/2018 100920 NAPA AUTO PARTS 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 28Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431267 12/20/2018 100920 NAPA AUTO PARTS Continued... 6.98 CONNECTOR 479190 2122-4145562 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 6.98 431268 12/20/2018 127547 NEAL, SCOTT H. 87.35 PHONE 11/4-12/3/18 478680 12-10-2018 1120.6188 TELEPHONE ADMINISTRATION 87.35 431269 12/20/2018 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO. 900.00 478877 137949 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 360.00 479036 138172 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 722.00 478386 138173 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,982.00 431270 12/20/2018 115212 NORTH STAR CHAPTER 150.00 NORTHSTAR CHAPTER DUES 478924 2019 CHAPTER SRV FEE 1190.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ASSESSING 150.00 431271 12/20/2018 104232 NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY INC 175.90 LIGHT UNIT, BRACKETS 478908 47138 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 174.24 LIGHTING BOX 479199 47148 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 350.14 431272 12/20/2018 143137 NORTHERN STAR SCOUTING 435.00 TT FIELD TRIP 478757 BASE CAMP 6/13/18 1624.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PLAYGROUND & THEATER 420.00 TT FIELD TRIP 478758 BASE CAMP 6/14/18 1624.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PLAYGROUND & THEATER 855.00 431273 12/20/2018 103578 OFFICE DEPOT 99.98 LOCKER ROOM WHITE BOARDS 479153 243512045001 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 99.98 431274 12/20/2018 142165 OLSON, SEAN 31.49 MNTF1 FUEL REIMBURSEMENT 478853 121318I 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 31.49 431275 12/20/2018 104950 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC. 300.00 BACKWASH SAMPLES 478854 18100240447 5915.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER WATER TREATMENT 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 29Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431275 12/20/2018 104950 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC.Continued... 300.00 431276 12/20/2018 100347 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 514.75 479108 31818 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 704.62 478879 33642 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,131.99 478613 34476 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 696.74 478387 34484 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 993.86 478878 34493 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 962.75 479267 35375 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 88.25 479268 35392 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,890.35 479270 35418 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 6,983.31 431277 12/20/2018 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 167.48 CONCESSIONS FOOD 478762 81871564 5210.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GOLF DOME PROGRAM 1,051.42 CONCESSIONS FOOD 478762 81871564 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 262.28 PEPSI 479064 82304052 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 1,481.18 431278 12/20/2018 140127 PETERSON, NATE 32.00 EXAM REIMBURSEMENT 479157 12192018 5919.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 32.00 431279 12/20/2018 131339 PETROVIC, FRANK 246.61 MAAP CONFERENCE 478688 121218 1190.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ASSESSING 246.61 431280 12/20/2018 144019 PETS ARE INN 14.00 DAMAGE DEPOSIT REFUND 478689 121318 1000.2039 SALES & USE TAX PAYABLE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 186.00 DAMAGE DEPOSIT REFUND 478689 121318 1000.2065 DEPOSITS PAYABLE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 200.00 431281 12/20/2018 100950 PETTY CASH 9.00 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1170.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS HUMAN RESOURCES 12.00 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1553.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 13.08 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1140.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PLANNING 14.07 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1185.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 16.67 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1122.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMM 16.76 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1160.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE FINANCE 22.86 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1120.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATION 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 30Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431281 12/20/2018 100950 PETTY CASH Continued... 24.79 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 26.34 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1132.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CABLE COMMISSION 26.47 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1120.6106 MEETING EXPENSE ADMINISTRATION 26.86 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1140.6106 MEETING EXPENSE PLANNING 46.00 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1100.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY COUNCIL 46.65 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1120.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ADMINISTRATION 60.00 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1495.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS INSPECTIONS 80.01 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1100.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS CITY COUNCIL 98.24 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1130.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 159.76 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 1190.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ASSESSING 12.50 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 5510.6575 PRINTING ARENA ADMINISTRATION 14.32 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 5510.6575 PRINTING ARENA ADMINISTRATION 21.97 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 5710.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 36.40 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 5860.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 23.71 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 5902.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE UTILITY BILLING - FINANCE 12.83 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 478984 12-2018 9232.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 821.29 431282 12/20/2018 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 138.38 478614 2469980 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 181.19 479218 2471863 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,253.46 478630 2471864 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 484.57 478629 2471865 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 687.83 479047 2471866 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,829.36 479046 2471867 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12,079.07 479236 2471870 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 458.64 479216 2471871 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 124.37 479217 2471872 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 288.00 479240 2474326 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 23,524.87 431283 12/20/2018 130926 PLANTSCAPE INC. 2,223.86 PLANT MAINTENANCE 479069 351980 5720.6620 TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 2,223.86 431284 12/20/2018 100958 PLUNKETT'S PEST CONTROL 60.00 479252 6144637 5111.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 60.00 431285 12/20/2018 143468 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 31Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431285 12/20/2018 143468 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY Continued... 672.00 478615 48 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 672.00 431286 12/20/2018 102728 PRECISION LANDSCAPE AND TREE CO. 3,000.00 TREE TRIMMING 478763 79805 1644.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREES & MAINTENANCE 5,200.00 TREE TRIMMING 479207 79843 1644.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREES & MAINTENANCE 2,350.00 TREE TRIMMING 479208 79844 1644.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREES & MAINTENANCE 10,550.00 431287 12/20/2018 129706 PREMIUM WATERS INC. 70.24 WATER 478693 622833-11-18 5710.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 70.24 431288 12/20/2018 143618 PRYES BREWING COMPANY 265.00 479120 1-4154 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 265.00 478616 1-4155 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 530.00 431289 12/20/2018 138298 RED BULL DISTRIBUTION COMPANY INC. 121.00 479021 35337410 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 121.00 431290 12/20/2018 125936 REINDERS INC. 1,502.10 PARKS SALT 479078 3059852-00 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,502.10 431291 12/20/2018 144028 REPORTING SYSTEMS, INC 11,293.00 FIRE REPORTING SYSTEM 479132 2018_8953 1470.6614 FIRE PREVENTION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 11,293.00 431292 12/20/2018 133627 REPUBLIC SERVICES #894 39,321.72 478923 0894-004774193 5952.6183 RECYCLING CHARGES RECYCLING 39,321.72 431293 12/20/2018 123757 RIECHMANN PEDERSON DESIGN INC 754.00 ABOUT TOWN SALES COMMISSION 479204 1218151-7 1130.4318 MISC RETAIL COMMUNICATIONS 754.00 431294 12/20/2018 100980 ROBERT B. HILL CO. 218.64 SOFTNER SALT 479249 364486 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 32Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431294 12/20/2018 100980 ROBERT B. HILL CO.Continued... 241.60 SOFTNER SALT 479250 364487 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 460.24 431295 12/20/2018 139927 ROCHESTER FIRE DEPARTMENT 400.86 MNTF1 MTG 9.28.18 478702 121318E 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 400.86 431296 12/20/2018 139927 ROCHESTER FIRE DEPARTMENT 632.82 MNTF1 SEPT-NOV 18 CONSUMABLES 478703 121318F 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 632.82 431297 12/20/2018 139927 ROCHESTER FIRE DEPARTMENT 2,170.25 MNTF1 TTT SEPT 12, 2018 478704 121318G 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 2,170.25 431298 12/20/2018 139927 ROCHESTER FIRE DEPARTMENT 17,289.27 MNTF1 UQT2 478765 121318D 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 17,289.27 431299 12/20/2018 139927 ROCHESTER FIRE DEPARTMENT 22,732.23 MNTF1 TRENCH OCT 2018 478766 121318H 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 22,732.23 431300 12/20/2018 127774 ROOTSTOCK WINE COMPANY 109.50 478880 18-06736 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 327.30 478618 18-06864 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 436.80 431301 12/20/2018 124447 RUM RIVER BRASS BAND 150.00 EP PER PERFORMER ON 1/20/19 479137 12019 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 150.00 431302 12/20/2018 104087 SAFE ASSURE CONSULTANTS INC. 3,089.87 1/3 SAFEASSURE 478524 1468 1281.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 3,089.87 1/3 SAFEASSURE 478524 1468 1281.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 3,089.87 1/3 SAFEASSURE 478524 1468 5919.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 9,269.61 431303 12/20/2018 101961 SCHMITZ, THOMAS 453.62 IAFC CONFERENCE 478982 12102018 1470.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 33Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431303 12/20/2018 101961 SCHMITZ, THOMAS Continued... 453.62 431304 12/20/2018 100995 SEH 2,854.69 478970 360667 05572.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN WM-572 RAW WTR WELL 21 TO WTP 2,854.69 431305 12/20/2018 143774 SERVICEONE TRUCK EQUIPMENT 7,760.00 SERVICE BODY PACKAGE 478525 599-KS-REVISED 5900.1735 AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 7,760.00 431306 12/20/2018 101556 SHRED-IT USA 85.76 SHREDDING 478767 8126089296 1470.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 566.37 SHREDDING SERVICES 478709 8126091995 5720.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 652.13 431307 12/20/2018 100999 SIGNAL SYSTEMS INC. 79.25 TIME CARDS 479148 13087417 5510.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ARENA ADMINISTRATION 79.25 431308 12/20/2018 132195 SMALL LOT MN 270.03 479230 25976 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 270.03 431309 12/20/2018 100430 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL 144.40 DRIVER SET 478710 ARV/38218381 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 45.05 BUTANE TORCH 478927 ARV/38258565 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 133.31 WIRE STRIPPER, TORCH, HEX DRIV 478932 ARV/38278508 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 322.76 431310 12/20/2018 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS 3,541.95 479111 1754861 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 750.78 478882 1759930 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET .80 478401 1762790 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET .07 478402 1762791 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 315.80 478398 1762792 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 177.60 478400 1762793 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 143.80 478397 1762794 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 289.60 478396 1762795 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 266.40 478399 1762796 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET .07 478389 1762797 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 34Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431310 12/20/2018 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS Continued... 4.00 478388 1762798 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 315.80 478392 1762799 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 178.93 478395 1762800 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 373.68 478393 1762801 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,538.56 478619 1762802 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 320.80 478391 1762803 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,436.60 478394 1762804 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 90.71 478390 1762805 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET .07 479115 1762806 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 315.80 479109 1762807 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,101.60 479118 1762808 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 436.31 479116 1762809 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 906.20 479117 1762810 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,002.69 479119 1762811 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 846.40 479272 1765866 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,015.37 479273 1765867 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 719.66 479274 1765868 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 232.80 479276 1765869 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.20 479275 1765870 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,251.20 478881 5035856 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 25,581.25 431311 12/20/2018 105193 SPAIN, MARK 4,235.00 STUMP REMOVAL 478769 11-16-2018 1644.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREES & MAINTENANCE 4,235.00 431312 12/20/2018 134700 SPOK INC. 189.80 PAGERS 478938 B0319246X 1400.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 189.80 431313 12/20/2018 114639 ST LOUIS PARK FINANCE DIVISION 1,966.27 MNTF1 INV. 28605 478711 28605 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 1,966.27 431314 12/20/2018 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 210.00 478883 24860 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 395.00 479179 24971 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 905.00 479271 25107 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 515.00 479269 25109 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,025.00 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 35Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431314 12/20/2018 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC Continued... 431315 12/20/2018 143956 STEININGER, MAX 1,040.00 HYDRANT METER REFUND 478528 12102018 5901.4626 SALE OF WATER UTILITY REVENUES 1,040.00 431316 12/20/2018 105874 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC. 57.00 TIRE DISPOSAL 479198 10158610 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 57.00 431317 12/20/2018 141470 SUPERION, LLC 6,760.00 SUPERION DEVELOPMENT 479206 213777 1554.6160 DATA PROCESSING CENT SERV GEN - MIS 6,760.00 431318 12/20/2018 119864 SYSCO MINNESOTA 827.98 CONCESSION PRODUCT 479065 247204040 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 506.38 CONCESSIONS FOOD 478772 247204087 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 1,334.36 431319 12/20/2018 120602 TEAGUE, CARY 87.74 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 478774 121118 1140.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PLANNING 87.74 431320 12/20/2018 122794 TENNANT SALES AND SERVICE COMPANY 435.19 CONTRACTED REPAIR 478858 915908056 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 29.35 EXHAUST GASKET 478857 915910606 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 464.54 431321 12/20/2018 101326 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO 23.79 TERMINALS 478775 79303-00 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 23.79 431322 12/20/2018 102471 THOLEN, BRIAN 119.95 UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT 478979 12092018 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 119.95 431323 12/20/2018 102798 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST 686.80 NOVEMBER 2018 CHARGES 479254 839372914 1400.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 686.80 431324 12/20/2018 143144 TI-ZACK CONCRETE, INC. 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 36Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431324 12/20/2018 143144 TI-ZACK CONCRETE, INC.Continued... 41,242.09 CURB AND GUTTER CONTRACT 479166 12112018 1314.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET RENOVATION 41,242.09 431325 12/20/2018 123649 TOWMASTER 75.64 SPINNER HUB 478787 410686 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 115.55 FENDER SECTION 478912 410878 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 191.19 431326 12/20/2018 143772 TRADE TOOLS INC. 72.43 479005 278819 5841.6530 REPAIR PARTS YORK OCCUPANCY 72.43 431327 12/20/2018 104064 TRANS UNION LLC 20.22 BACKGROUND CHECKS 479255 11812246 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 20.22 431328 12/20/2018 133172 TREBRON COMPANY INC. 1,357.50 AV SERVER LICENSES 478790 74122 1554.6160 DATA PROCESSING CENT SERV GEN - MIS 1,357.50 431329 12/20/2018 103218 TRI-STATE BOBCAT 1,019.16 CURB KIT, CUTTING EDGE 479085 P04256 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,019.16 431330 12/20/2018 102175 TRUCK UTILITIES INC. 1,871.76 TRASH PUMP FOR WMB TRAILER 479164 0331973 5900.1740 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 1,871.76 431331 12/20/2018 143910 TRUST IN US 1,100.00 REAS. SUSPICION TRAINING 479234 80741 1556.6218 EDUCATION PROGRAMS EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 270.00 4TH Q RANDOM DOT COLLECTION 479235 80749 1556.6175 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 1,370.00 431332 12/20/2018 141269 TSYS|CAYAN 792.20 478999 855946 5840.6160 DATA PROCESSING LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 382.20 479000 858028 5820.6160 DATA PROCESSING 50TH STREET GENERAL 667.50 479001 861198 5860.6160 DATA PROCESSING VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 1,841.90 431333 12/20/2018 143974 TWINS G TREE SERVICE 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 37Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431333 12/20/2018 143974 TWINS G TREE SERVICE Continued... 1,300.00 TREE REMOVAL 478794 31 1644.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREES & MAINTENANCE 1,300.00 431334 12/20/2018 140856 URBAN CHEMIST LLC 77.88 478884 1292 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 77.88 431335 12/20/2018 140954 URBAN GROWLER BREWING COMPANY LLC 92.00 479019 E-22767 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 92.00 431336 12/20/2018 100050 USPS 5,418.70 ABOUT TOWN POSTAGE 478991 121318 1130.6123 MAGAZINE/NEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 5,418.70 431337 12/20/2018 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 15.16 HAND SOAP 478796 484945-01 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 685.78 479167 486107-00 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 113.41 479168 486176-00 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 814.35 431338 12/20/2018 102970 VERIZON WIRELESS 35.01 478971 9819432909 1160.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FINANCE 70.02 478971 9819432909 1600.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 70.02 478971 9819432909 1140.6188 TELEPHONE PLANNING 70.02 478971 9819432909 1120.6188 TELEPHONE ADMINISTRATION 105.03 478971 9819432909 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 105.03 478971 9819432909 1130.6160 DATA PROCESSING COMMUNICATIONS 140.04 478971 9819432909 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 140.04 478971 9819432909 1190.6188 TELEPHONE ASSESSING 245.07 478971 9819432909 1260.6188 TELEPHONE ENGINEERING GENERAL 490.14 478971 9819432909 1495.6188 TELEPHONE INSPECTIONS 875.25 478971 9819432909 1470.6188 TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,155.47 478971 9819432909 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 70.02 478971 9819432909 5422.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 35.01 478971 9819432909 5760.6188 TELEPHONE CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 70.02 478971 9819432909 5861.6188 TELEPHONE VERNON OCCUPANCY 70.02 478971 9819432909 5841.6188 TELEPHONE YORK OCCUPANCY 70.02 478971 9819432909 5821.6188 TELEPHONE 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 875.25 478971 9819432909 5910.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL (BILLING) 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 38Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431338 12/20/2018 102970 VERIZON WIRELESS Continued... 50.94 478972 9819488995 1470.6188 TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 82.40 478972 9819488995 1640.6188 TELEPHONE PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL 134.57 478972 9819488995 1140.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PLANNING 1,035.43 478972 9819488995 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 446.17 478972 9819488995 5910.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL (BILLING) 92.40 478972 9819488995 7411.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF OCCUPANCY 6,533.39 431339 12/20/2018 101064 VESSCO INC. 4,779.00 CHLORINE SCALES WTP4 479083 75007 05570.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS General Rehab - Water 4,762.00 POLY SCALE EQUIP WTP4 479088 75072 05570.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS General Rehab - Water 9,541.00 431340 12/20/2018 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC. 180.60 LED LIGHTS WEST #1 478056 S002119767.001 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 180.60 LED LAMPS 477900 S002119774.001 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 180.60 WEST LOCKER ROOM LED LIGHTS 478319 S002119774.002 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 171.63 DIMMER WEST #1 478057 S002120998.001 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 1,289.00-RETURN 478320 S002136631.001 5911.6530 REPAIR PARTS WELL PUMPS 180.60 LED REPLACEMENTS 478797 S002140475.001 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 90.30 LED LIGHTS WEST #1 478816 S002146449.001 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 90.30 LED REPLACEMENTS 478816 S002146449.001 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 181.01 TV MOUNTING SUPPLIES 479060 S002156286.001 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 84.36 STRUT CONNECTORS 479061 S002156286.002 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 84.35 TV MOUNTING SUPPLIES 479061 S002156286.002 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 57.39 EM LIGHTS STA. 2 478916 S002158577.001 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 202.42 LED LOCKER ROOMS/HALLWAY 479070 S002173209.001 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 45.15 LED LAMPS FOR RESTROOMS/MISC 478943 S002173209.002 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 440.31 431341 12/20/2018 132751 WARNING LITES OF MN 1,200.00 TRAFFIC SIGNS INSTALLATION 479077 207037 1335.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PAVEMENT MARKINGS 1,200.00 431342 12/20/2018 103088 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MN 78.11 VV PARK 479082 0048407-2808-5 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 92.51 FS2 479082 0048407-2808-5 1481.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL YORK FIRE STATION 129.85 FS1 479082 0048407-2808-5 1470.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 221.38 SEN CTR 479082 0048407-2808-5 1628.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL SENIOR CITIZENS 376.66 CITY HALL 479082 0048407-2808-5 1551.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CITY HALL GENERAL 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 39Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431342 12/20/2018 103088 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MN Continued... 458.28 COURTNEY FIELD 479082 0048407-2808-5 1646.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 770.67 PW MAINT 479082 0048407-2808-5 1301.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE 770.67 PW BLDG 479082 0048407-2808-5 1552.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CENT SVC PW BUILDING 1,132.36 ROSLAND 479082 0048407-2808-5 1646.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 93.49 ART CNTR 479082 0048407-2808-5 5111.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 47.40 GOLF DOME 479082 0048407-2808-5 5210.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL GOLF DOME PROGRAM 323.96 POOL 479082 0048407-2808-5 5311.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL POOL OPERATION 77.04 CLUB HOUSE 479082 0048407-2808-5 5420.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CLUB HOUSE 246.82 BRAE MAINT 479082 0048407-2808-5 5422.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,640.17 ARENA 479082 0048407-2808-5 5511.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 2,063.11 EDINBOU 479082 0048407-2808-5 5720.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 116.75 GV LIQ 479082 0048407-2808-5 5861.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL VERNON OCCUPANCY 179.98 YORK LIQ 479082 0048407-2808-5 5841.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL YORK OCCUPANCY 4,709.17 RAMP TRASH 478531 7968911-2282-5 4095.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET RUBBISH 1,860.56 RAMP TRASH 478532 7968912-2282-3 4095.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET RUBBISH 15,388.94 431343 12/20/2018 131648 WENCK ASSOCIATES INC. 555.56 TRAFFIC STUDY 478822 11808602 4422.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT TRAFFIC STUDIES 555.56 431344 12/20/2018 114588 WILSON, ROBERT C. 210.37 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 479006 121718 1190.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ASSESSING 210.37 431345 12/20/2018 102242 WILSON, TERRI 72.49 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 479074 20181217 1170.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE HUMAN RESOURCES 72.49 431346 12/20/2018 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 1,034.71 478628 7213610 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,391.61 479043 7213611 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 41.88 479044 7213612 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,675.36 479180 7213613 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8,143.56 431347 12/20/2018 124503 WINSUPPLY OF EDEN PRAIRIE 4.38 SOUTH LIGHTS 479253 170133 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 98.56 BALLAST DISCONNECTS 479248 170454 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 102.94 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 40Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431347 12/20/2018 124503 WINSUPPLY OF EDEN PRAIRIE Continued... 431348 12/20/2018 118395 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP INC. 117.00 UNIFORMS 478831 E1773604.001 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 965.70 PPE 478832 E1779023 1470.6552 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 85.98 PPE 478830 E1779023.001 1470.6552 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 365.00 UNIFORMS (PROMOTIONS)478829 E1779023.002 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 2,062.67 PPE NEW FOLKS 479203 E1791088 1470.6552 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 3,596.35 431349 12/20/2018 142220 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY 244.00 478620 1359 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 230.00 479022 1360 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 364.00 479177 1361 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 838.00 431350 12/20/2018 137702 WORRY FREE CONSTRUCTION 9,887.55 NEW HOME ESCROW REFUND 479133 158479 1495.4109 CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT INSPECTIONS 9,887.55 431351 12/20/2018 101726 XCEL ENERGY 25,306.49 POWER 478533 617208089 5511.6185 LIGHT & POWER ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 3,816.39 POWER 478533 617208089 5553.6185 LIGHT & POWER SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 28,347.84 478892 617391388 5911.6185 LIGHT & POWER WELL PUMPS 5,282.15 478893 617612161 5420.6185 LIGHT & POWER CLUB HOUSE 4,261.23 478895 617805607 4090.6185 LIGHT & POWER 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 9,670.37 478896 617813110 1552.6185 LIGHT & POWER CENT SVC PW BUILDING 3,801.19 478891 617823012 5921.6185 LIGHT & POWER SANITARY LIFT STATION MAINT 1,780.00 REMAINING HPS TO LED 479076 617903487 1322.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 5,110.00 478897 617995591 1646.6185 LIGHT & POWER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,293.18 478894 618035783 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 1,247.92 479092 618585519 5761.6185 LIGHT & POWER CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 89,916.76 431352 12/20/2018 130618 YOUNGSTEDTS COLLISION CENTER 1,153.20 CONTRACTED REPAIR 479086 18636 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,153.20 431353 12/20/2018 136192 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION 1,035.00 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 478833 2785463 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 359.25 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 478957 2786257 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:23R55CKR2LOGIS101 41Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/20/201812/20/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431353 12/20/2018 136192 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION Continued... 1,394.25 1,149,882.22 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks 1,059,518.33 90,363.89A/P ACH Payment Total Payments 1,149,882.22 12/19/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:57:42R55CKS2LOGIS100 1Page -Council Check SummaryNote: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 12/20/201812/20/2018 - Company Amount 366,516.3701000GENERAL FUND 20,761.9102500PEDESTRIAN AND CYCLIST SAFETY 3,958.5803300PIR DEBT SERVICE FUND 20,355.9704000WORKING CAPITAL FUND 3,818.7504100PIR CONSTRUCTION FUND 8,252.5504200EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 1,198.9205100ART CENTER FUND 258.6605200GOLF DOME FUND 323.9605300AQUATIC CENTER FUND 30,037.8105400GOLF COURSE FUND 37,651.2605500ICE ARENA FUND 13,145.8805550SPORTS DOME FUND 24,343.7905700EDINBOROUGH PARK FUND 11,886.6305750CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK FUND 350,201.3105800LIQUOR FUND 128,693.0705900UTILITY FUND 15,978.9805930STORM SEWER FUND 39,321.7205950RECYCLING FUND 363.6307400PSTF AGENCY FUND 72,799.6407500MN TASK FORCE 1 FUND 12.8309232CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT Report Totals 1,149,882.22 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 1Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 7455 12/27/2018 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 148.98 479438 2316179 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 148.98 7456 12/27/2018 100575 ALL SAFE INC. 100.03 CITY HALL FIRE EXT 479511 167432 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 100.03 7457 12/27/2018 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO. 10,922.00 479521 23271675.00-3 03510.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS SS Trunk Ext - York Phase 1 10,922.00 7458 12/27/2018 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 1,177.15 479377 0067613800 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,795.31 479406 67616200 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 248.00 479504 67647800 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 33.76 479503 98800500 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,254.22 7459 12/27/2018 122688 BMK SOLUTIONS 185.24 CALENDARS 479344 145526 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 185.24 7460 12/27/2018 100664 BRAUN INTERTEC 2,357.00 CONCRETE TESTING 479292 B154603 47102.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENTENNIAL LAKES BRIDGE RPLCMT 3,443.35 479410 B154762 04443.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN Todd Park E 5,800.35 7461 12/27/2018 100648 BUSINESS ESSENTIALS 38.88 CALENDARS 479299 OE-500335-1 1120.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 146.24 SUPPLIES 479526 WO-434672-1 1400.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 185.12 7462 12/27/2018 130477 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO 3,165.00 479441 219-0377 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 955.53 479412 219-0378 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,120.53 7463 12/27/2018 104020 DALCO 101.40 CITY HALL SOAP 479371 3396873 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 287.36 CITY HALL SOAP 479533 3396937 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 2Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 7463 12/27/2018 104020 DALCO Continued... 862.08 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 479534 3397971 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 1,250.84 7464 12/27/2018 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC. 41.65 AMEND COMP PLAN PH DEC 18 479330 654431 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 220.15 ORD 2018-16 479329 654432 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 249.90 ORD 2018-14 479328 654433 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 35.70 AMEND COMP PLAN PH DEC 12 479327 654434 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 35.70 AMEND COMP PLAN PH DEC 18 479326 654435 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 323.45 ORD 2018-09 479325 654436 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 278.70 SEWER REHAB AD 479297 656106 1120.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL ADMINISTRATION 1,185.25 7465 12/27/2018 120085 IDEAL SERVICE INC. 1,441.13 WELL 10 VFD REPAIR 479491 9700 5911.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS WELL PUMPS 1,584.71 WELL VFD PARTS 479492 9715 5911.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS WELL PUMPS 2,472.00 HP VFD FOR LOOP 479449 9716 1552.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 5,497.84 7466 12/27/2018 129508 IMPACT 3,553.31 DECEMBER MAILINGS 479541 137525 5902.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES UTILITY BILLING - FINANCE 3,553.31 7467 12/27/2018 132592 J.F. AHERN CO. 260.00 MONTHLY DOME INSPECTIONS 479366 291915 5210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GOLF DOME PROGRAM 260.00 7468 12/27/2018 101483 MENARDS 30.84 SCREWS 479319 82836 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 21.60 SCREWS 479320 82840 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 72.58 BAG POT PATCH MATERIAL 479337 82852 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 20.66 SCREWS/GATE PULL 479549 82966 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 29.36 CARPET KNIFE/ CARPET ADHESIVE 479550 82968 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 6.93 BASE ADHESIVE 479548 82989 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 41.15 MAPLE BOARDS 479546 83039 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 39.96 PVC PIPE 479547 83043 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 263.08 7469 12/27/2018 101161 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPLY 108.00 479323 41360 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 3Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 7469 12/27/2018 101161 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPLY Continued... 556.24 479323 41360 1551.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 664.24 7470 12/27/2018 105690 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC. 684.00 PRINTABLE ACCESS CARDS 479566 89015 1500.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTINGENCIES 684.00 7471 12/27/2018 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 625.06 CITY HALL SUPPLY 479568 75529 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 625.06 7472 12/27/2018 101000 SOULO COMMUNICATIONS 56.86 BUS CARDS 479458 102837 1120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 56.86 BUS CARDS 479459 102860 1120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 113.72 7473 12/27/2018 101004 SPS COMPANIES INC. 355.23 MATERIAL FOR HIMID 479572 S3719720.001 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 355.23 7474 12/27/2018 101015 STREICHERS 1,044.50 BALLISTIC VEST 479343 I1344337 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 175.99 PORTHAN BOOTS 479590 I1344777 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,220.49 7475 12/27/2018 119454 VINOCOPIA 182.08 479470 223088 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 964.50 479472 223089 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 91.25 479471 223090 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,237.83 7476 12/27/2018 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 1,551.44 479382 92675 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,767.73 479591 92698 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 304.20 479592 92699 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,158.15 479434 92700 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,781.52 431354 12/27/2018 142327 56 BREWING, LLC 96.00 479598 5604182 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 4Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431354 12/27/2018 142327 56 BREWING, LLC Continued... 96.00 479375 5604183 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 192.00 431355 12/27/2018 140086 ABLE SEEDHOUSE AND BREWERY 52.00 479405 8474 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 188.00 479374 E-8473 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 145.00 479599 E-8475 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 385.00 431356 12/27/2018 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 36.00 POWER INVERTER FUSE 479514 1D3J-14NG-7VRQ 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 72.97 IT SUPPLIES 479515 1D3J-14NG-YM1W 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 975.00 TRAILER JACK 479516 1F1F-3YX1-TCVV 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 72.50 CARGO BOX LINER 479512 1TW3-7NCY-D4PX 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 16.98 HOCKEY STOPWATCHES 479517 1V4K-N1QV-G3QP 1621.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 21.92 ZIP TIES 479321 1WMG-XXT4-RVT3 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 25.49 CARGO BOW LIGHTING 479513 1YYR-P7H3-QC36 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,220.86 431357 12/27/2018 144060 AMEK CONSTRUCTION 500.00 APP FEE REFUND 479518 ED167953 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 550.00 APP FEE REFUND 479519 ED167954 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 1,050.00 431358 12/27/2018 100630 ANCHOR PAPER COMPANY 788.00 COPER PAPER 479324 10573207-00 1120.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 788.00 431359 12/27/2018 143776 ANDERSON, CAROL 81.33 UTILITY REFUND 479520 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 81.33 431360 12/27/2018 132031 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 2,342.30 479380 3313366 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 226.50 479439 3313367 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,187.40 479440 3313369 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 6,756.20 431361 12/27/2018 144050 BELSCHNER, BARBARA 50.67 UTILITY REFUND 479522 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 5Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431361 12/27/2018 144050 BELSCHNER, BARBARA Continued... 50.67 431362 12/27/2018 125139 BERNICK'S 909.20 479376 470538 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 83.25 479408 470551 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,922.35 479407 470552 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 40.00 479601 470555 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,309.19 479600 470556 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,263.99 431363 12/27/2018 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 431.24 479409 156956 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 211.50 479501 157107 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 642.74 431364 12/27/2018 117040 BOYER TRUCKS 7.16 BRACKET 479523 16037D 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 217.58 AXLE CLAMP, NUTS, UBOLTS 479524 832847 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 224.74 431365 12/27/2018 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 64.00-479411 1080897175CR 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 482.30 479379 1080904983 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 418.30 431366 12/27/2018 103279 BRETSON, GREG 60.00 REIMBURSEMENT OF AMMO 479478 121918 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 60.00 431367 12/27/2018 144049 BRUER, C R 430.97 UTILITY REFUND 479525 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 430.97 431368 12/27/2018 143136 CANTEEN REFRESHMENT SERVICES 183.30 COFFEE PRODUCTS 479345 141780000049594 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 183.30 431369 12/27/2018 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 4,592.55 479603 2201404 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 80.59-479602 2201410 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 6Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431369 12/27/2018 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES Continued... 4,511.96 431370 12/27/2018 139213 CARDIAC SCIENCE CORPORATION 552.00 AED PADS 479334 7341870 1400.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 552.00 431371 12/27/2018 129923 CAWLEY COMPANY, THE 37.87 STEWART'S SHADOW BOX 479290 V591800 1100.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY COUNCIL 12.65 NAME BADGE - MEYERHOFF 479290 V591800 5440.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 50.52 431372 12/27/2018 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 70.38 479484 10089900-4-12/1 8 1646.6186 HEAT BUILDING MAINTENANCE 28.57 NEW CLASSROOM HEAT 479597 10633418-8-12/1 8 7411.6186 HEAT PSTF OCCUPANCY 1,887.15 479483 5546504-1-12/18 1470.6186 HEAT FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 4,670.40 479482 5563827-4-12/18 5210.6186 HEAT GOLF DOME PROGRAM 3.42 FIRE TOWER HEAT 479595 5584310-6-12/18 7413.6186 HEAT PSTF FIRE TOWER 3.85-SIM FUEL 479596 5590919-6-12/18 7413.6582 FUEL OIL PSTF FIRE TOWER 6,656.07 431373 12/27/2018 123898 CENTURYLINK 66.91 479490 6522-12/18 5511.6188 TELEPHONE ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 66.91 431374 12/27/2018 135835 CENTURYLINK-ACCESS BILL 979.06 479494 5142XLP6S3-2018 342 2310.6188 TELEPHONE E911 979.06 431375 12/27/2018 100683 CHEMSEARCH 657.88 WATER TREATMENT SERVICE 479485 3367504 5511.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 657.88 431376 12/27/2018 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION 20.00 SHOP TOWELS 479364 4013691401 5422.6201 LAUNDRY MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 40.55 UNIFORM RENTAL 479528 4013762687 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 49.84 UNIFORM RENTAL 479527 4013762690 1552.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 30.80 UNIFORM RENTAL 479531 4013762736 5913.6201 LAUNDRY DISTRIBUTION 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 7Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431376 12/27/2018 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION Continued... 15.82 UNIFORM RENTAL 479529 4013762861 1646.6201 LAUNDRY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 52.12 UNIFORM RENTAL 479530 4013762919 1553.6201 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 209.13 431377 12/27/2018 120826 COMCAST SPOTLIGHT 1,342.35 NORTH RAMP EXP-PROMO 479278 CW77787 9232.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 1,342.35 431378 12/27/2018 144027 COMMUNITY GROWTH SOLUTIONS INC. 180.00 THERAPY SERVICES 479281 50 1400.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 180.00 431379 12/27/2018 144053 CONNOR, SEAN 253.46 UTILITY REFUND 479532 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 253.46 431380 12/27/2018 103799 CURBSIDE LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION 220.00 SNOW REMOVAL 479284 172031 5720.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 220.00 431381 12/27/2018 143554 DAY BRIGHTENER BAKERY, LLC 30.00 STEWART'S SEND OFF 479535 2074 1100.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY COUNCIL 30.00 431382 12/27/2018 144055 DAY, JEFFREY J 26.79 UTILITY REFUND 479536 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 26.79 431383 12/27/2018 117375 ESRI 35,000.00 ESRI ELA 479442 93561880 1554.6160 DATA PROCESSING CENT SERV GEN - MIS 35,000.00 431384 12/27/2018 100158 EXPLORE MINNESOTA GOLF ALLIANCE 1,995.00 EXPLORE MINNESOTA G A DUES 479488 178 5410.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS GOLF ADMINISTRATION 1,995.00 431385 12/27/2018 144046 FEWER, DIANE 207.01 UTILITY REFUND 479537 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 207.01 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 8Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431386 12/27/2018 141099 FIRST STUDENT INC Continued... 171.00 TRAVELIN TEENS 479445 43698 1624.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLAYGROUND & THEATER 171.00 TRAVELIN TEENS 479444 48841 1624.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLAYGROUND & THEATER 171.00 TRAVELIN TEENS 479443 48842 1624.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLAYGROUND & THEATER 513.00 431387 12/27/2018 143036 FREDERICK, NICOLE 40.00 MIDWEST COUNTER DRUG MEALS 479538 20181219175 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 40.00 431388 12/27/2018 102456 GALLS INC. 297.46-RETURNED ITEM 478925 11517497 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,027.62 BALLISTIC VEST 478801 BC0730145 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 297.46 BOOTS- BIER 478800 BC0730564 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 301.71 UNIFORMS 478926 BC0733433 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 10.99 UNIFORM EQUIP 479335 BC0734009 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,340.32 431389 12/27/2018 103185 GERTENS 964.18 ICE MELT FOR WINTER 479489 41066/6 5422.6517 SAND GRAVEL & ROCK MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 964.18 431390 12/27/2018 101103 GRAINGER 230.90 SAFETY FLARES 479446 9035893537 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 230.90 431391 12/27/2018 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 1,921.00 479373 MN00050871 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 319.50 479447 MN00050963 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 178.50 479448 MN00050964 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 472.50 479378 MN00050992 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,891.50 431392 12/27/2018 144040 HAAVIK, CHUCK 189.90 DEC. AUTHOR'S STUDIO 479369 12.19.18 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 189.90 431393 12/27/2018 144054 HAMERSKI, STEVE 55.20 UTILITY REFUND 479539 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 55.20 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 9Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431394 12/27/2018 143443 HAWKINSON, STEPHANIE Continued... 57.99 STEPHANIE HAWKINSON MILEAGE 479475 12212018 1140.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PLANNING 57.99 431395 12/27/2018 115377 HENRICKSEN PSG 118.51 LIFT DESK SWITCH 479370 660805 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 118.51 431396 12/27/2018 137646 HOOKOM, MARK 60.00 REIMBURSEMENT OF AMMO 479479 121918 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 60.00 431397 12/27/2018 144020 HR&A ADVISORS, INC. 26,995.76 URBAN SYMPOSIUM 2018 479487 2018-997 1500.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTINGENCIES 26,995.76 431398 12/27/2018 144038 HRABE, JOSEPH 2,500.00 AFFORD HOUSING PROGRAM 479540 OPEN DOORS LOGO DEV 9238.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER SOUTHDALE 2 TIF DISTRICT 2,500.00 431399 12/27/2018 131544 INDEED BREWING COMPANY 622.55 479413 72071 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 622.55 431400 12/27/2018 141031 JACOBSEN, JOHN 60.00 REIMBURSEMENT OF AMMO 479480 121918 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 60.00 431401 12/27/2018 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 7,535.85 479414 2914289 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 150.45 479415 2914293 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7,686.30 431402 12/27/2018 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 607.29 479402 1179309 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 632.38 479395 1179310 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 690.88 479400 1179311 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,322.33 479418 1179312 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 123.19 479391 1179314 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,042.59 479417 1179315 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 10Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431402 12/27/2018 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO.Continued... 208.38 479399 1179316 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,940.27 479398 1179317 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 104.18 479397 1179318 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3.57 479419 1179319 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,722.26 479420 1179321 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,137.24 479510 1179322 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 632.38 479542 1179323 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,999.72 479450 1179324 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,648.05 479416 1179325 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,391.60 479509 1179326 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,527.44 479390 1179329 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 76.38 479392 1179330 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 238.38 479393 1179331 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 632.38 479394 1179332 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,672.08 479401 1179333 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 37.19 479403 1179335 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 771.16 479404 1179336 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 180.00 479507 1180866 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 224.28 479451 1181470 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 224.28 479499 1181471 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 26,789.88 431403 12/27/2018 142504 JOHNSON CONTROLS FIRE PROTECTION LP 577.13 INTRUSION MONITORING 479286 20633870 5710.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 577.13 431404 12/27/2018 129918 JOHNSON, BRIAN 60.00 REIMBURSEMENT OF AMMO 479481 121918 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 60.00 431405 12/27/2018 135844 KALLIS, DUANE 60.00 REIMBURSEMENT OF AMMO 479594 121918 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 60.00 431406 12/27/2018 136686 KIDCREATE STUDIO 208.00 ORNAMENT MAKING CLASS 479543 9699 1631.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES YOUTH PROGRAMS 208.00 431407 12/27/2018 122515 KOPLOS, GERALD 60.00 REIMBURSEMENT OF AMMO 479604 121918 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 11Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431407 12/27/2018 122515 KOPLOS, GERALD Continued... 60.00 431408 12/27/2018 143544 LADY A LITERARY 1,325.00 GOLF COURSE AD SALES YARDAGE B 479452 4-GOLF 5410.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 1,325.00 431409 12/27/2018 100605 LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS 2,991.75-LANDS' END 479295 SCR860850 1556.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 1,196.54 479421 SIN6919968 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 1,196.55 479421 SIN6919968 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 1,196.55 479421 SIN6919968 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 597.89 431410 12/27/2018 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 1,223.57 DRILL BITS, NUTS, BOLTS 479341 9306354431 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,223.57 431411 12/27/2018 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 30,483.00 MEMBERSHIP 479486 275582 1120.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ADMINISTRATION 30,483.00 431412 12/27/2018 140403 LEOTEK ELECTRONICS USA LLC 9,335.00 LED COBRA HEADS 479342 4110266237 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 9,335.00 431413 12/27/2018 144045 LONGVIEW DEVELOPMENT LLC 118.79 UTILITY REFUND 479544 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 118.79 431414 12/27/2018 141916 LUPULIN BREWING 144.00 479476 17763 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 198.00 479500 17764 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 342.00 431415 12/27/2018 129657 M.S. INDUSTRIES INC. 1,287.00 479454 316489 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 1,287.00 431416 12/27/2018 134063 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 9,350.38 UNLEADED FUEL 479339 275664 1553.6581 GASOLINE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 12Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431416 12/27/2018 134063 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Continued... 6,661.16 FUEL 479340 275665 1553.6581 GASOLINE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 2,860.35 UNLEADED FUEL 479338 275666 1553.6581 GASOLINE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 18,871.89 431417 12/27/2018 144051 MELANDER, ROBERT 62.83 UTILITY REFUND 479545 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 62.83 431418 12/27/2018 102507 METRO VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS 522.00 VBALL OFFICIALS DEC COREC 479551 337 1621.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 522.00 431419 12/27/2018 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD OF EDEN PRAIRIE 21.02 WIRING ASY 479552 511474 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 21.02 431420 12/27/2018 128914 MINUTEMAN PRESS 53.75 COUNCIL MEMBRS NAMEPLATES 479294 26521 1100.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY COUNCIL 53.75 431421 12/27/2018 140955 MODIST BREWING LLC 276.00 479396 E-1880 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 276.00 479505 E-1882 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 552.00 431422 12/27/2018 140948 MOHAGEN / HANSEN ARCHITECTURAL GROUP 9,918.08 NORTH RAMP EXP - ARCHITECT 479280 44041 9232.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 9,918.08 431423 12/27/2018 143963 MRI PROPERTY HOLDINGS LLC 8.25 UTILITY REFUND 479553 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 8.25 431424 12/27/2018 130266 MUNICODE 367.00 CITY CODES 479293 00322465 1185.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 367.00 431425 12/27/2018 132591 MUSKA ELECTIRC COMPANY 4,454.69 479554 19017 01267.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS MSA Maintenance Projects 4,454.69 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 13Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431425 12/27/2018 132591 MUSKA ELECTIRC COMPANY Continued... 431426 12/27/2018 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO. 1,608.00 479381 138428 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,096.00 479422 138429 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,164.00 479605 138430 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,868.00 431427 12/27/2018 122449 NEW LIFE ENTERPRISES INC. 54.00 RANGE PASSES 479283 12821 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 30.00 RANGE PRACTICE PASSES 479606 12825 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 84.00 431428 12/27/2018 142880 NORDIC SOLAR HOLDCO, LLC 9,797.94 METRO SOLAR GARDEN 479497 000404 5911.6185 LIGHT & POWER WELL PUMPS 7,512.18 METRO SOALR GARDEN 479498 000483 5911.6185 LIGHT & POWER WELL PUMPS 6,685.19 METRO SOLAR GARDEN 479495 000555 5911.6185 LIGHT & POWER WELL PUMPS 5,140.16 METRO SOLAR GARDEN 479496 000626 5911.6185 LIGHT & POWER WELL PUMPS 29,135.47 431429 12/27/2018 142201 NORTHWEST LIGHTING SYSTEMS CO. 212.50 LED REPLACEMENT LAMPS 479555 110244 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 212.50 431430 12/27/2018 132607 NYSTROM, GERALD 60.00 REIMBURSEMENT OF AMMO 479607 121918 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 60.00 431431 12/27/2018 102700 O'BRIEN, WILLIAM 109.99 UNIFORM SHOES 479556 121918 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 109.99 431432 12/27/2018 143696 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF MN, P.C. 249.00 479368 102889899 1556.6175 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 249.00 431433 12/27/2018 103578 OFFICE DEPOT 223.72 OFFICE SUPPLIES 479353 238773260001 5410.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 60.56 BATTERIES; PENCILS 479354 238874757001 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 284.28 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 14Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431434 12/27/2018 102712 OFFICE OF MN.IT SERVICES Continued... 27.70 479558 W18110571 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 27.70 479558 W18110571 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 55.40 479558 W18110571 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 83.10 479558 W18110571 1481.6188 TELEPHONE YORK FIRE STATION 83.39 479558 W18110571 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 193.90 479558 W18110571 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 304.70 479558 W18110571 1622.6188 TELEPHONE SKATING & HOCKEY 55.40 479558 W18110571 5111.6188 TELEPHONE ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 27.70 479558 W18110571 5311.6188 TELEPHONE POOL OPERATION 110.80 479558 W18110571 5410.6188 TELEPHONE GOLF ADMINISTRATION 124.65 479558 W18110571 5710.6188 TELEPHONE EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 124.65 479558 W18110571 5760.6188 TELEPHONE CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 55.40 479558 W18110571 5821.6188 TELEPHONE 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 83.10 479558 W18110571 5841.6188 TELEPHONE YORK OCCUPANCY 83.10 479558 W18110571 5861.6188 TELEPHONE VERNON OCCUPANCY 55.40 479558 W18110571 5913.6188 TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION 291.28 479557 W18110576 5420.6188 TELEPHONE CLUB HOUSE 1,787.37 431435 12/27/2018 126729 OMANN BROTHERS PAVING INC. 5,795.00 479455 27685 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 7,225.00 479456 27727 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 13,020.00 431436 12/27/2018 144047 OPFINGER, JAMES 270.25 UTILITY REFUND 479559 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 270.25 431437 12/27/2018 101659 ORKIN 26.02 RAMP PEST 479563 174524502 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 26.02 PARKING RAMP PEST 479561 174525411 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 30.00 PARKS PEST ATH STORAGE PAMELA 479560 174526127 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 30.00 RAMP PEST 479562 174526221 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 112.04 431438 12/27/2018 100347 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 1,403.12 479423 35391 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,403.12 431439 12/27/2018 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 15Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431439 12/27/2018 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY Continued... 568.88 SODA AND WATER 479291 08720364 5761.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 2,361.06 CONCESSIONS FOOD 479564 81909301 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 796.80 479502 82279907 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,726.74 431440 12/27/2018 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 203.57 479387 2476059 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,313.78 479388 2476060 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 297.38 479386 2476061 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 705.90 479385 2476062 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,513.81 479508 2476063 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,918.08 479457 2476064 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 73.19 479565 2476065 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 156.00 479506 2477253 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 11,181.71 431441 12/27/2018 100119 PING 250.00 FITTING CART 479361 14488881 5440.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 250.00 431442 12/27/2018 102423 PLAISTED COMPANIES INC 1,868.91 SAND FOR GREENS/TEES IN FALL 479367 20643 5422.6517 SAND GRAVEL & ROCK MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,868.91 431443 12/27/2018 130926 PLANTSCAPE INC. 1,594.50 ANNUAL PLANT REPLACEMENTS 479287 351761 5720.6620 TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 1,594.50 431444 12/27/2018 100958 PLUNKETT'S PEST CONTROL 46.68 PEST CONTROL 479282 6145120 7411.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF OCCUPANCY 46.68 431445 12/27/2018 142004 POLLARD WATER 602.67 MANHOLE PICK 479477 0126190 5913.6556 TOOLS DISTRIBUTION 602.67 431446 12/27/2018 119507 PUKKA INC. 381.60 MERCHANDISE 479365 BU01425-IN 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 381.60 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 16Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431447 12/27/2018 131069 REFINED REMODELING INC.Continued... 8,181.21 PERMIT REFUND 479567 ED164076 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 8,181.21 431448 12/27/2018 142340 RSP ARCHITECTS, LTD 600.00 NORTH RAMP EXP-ART SIGNS 479277 198855 9232.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 600.00 431449 12/27/2018 144059 SCHERER BROS 169.83 80% PERMIT FEE REFUND 479569 ED167283 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 169.83 431450 12/27/2018 100995 SEH 6,389.34 VERNON INTERLACHEN INTERSECTIO 479571 360881 05578.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN Vernon Interlachen WM 8,772.16 VERNON-INTERLACHEN INTERSECTIO 479571 360881 9232.6133 PROFESS SERVICES-ENGINEERING CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 15,634.19 479570 360882 03510.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN SS Trunk Ext - York Phase 1 30,795.69 431451 12/27/2018 120784 SIGN PRO 449.38 NORTH RAMP EXP -WAYFINDING 479493 13673 9232.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 449.38 431452 12/27/2018 100999 SIGNAL SYSTEMS INC. 43.85 TIMECLOCK RENTAL 479285 13087385 5310.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POOL ADMINISTRATION 43.85 431453 12/27/2018 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS 5,287.60 479383 1765871 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET .40 479425 1765872 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET .07 479424 1765873 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 423.60 479428 1765874 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,710.59 479427 1765875 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,750.63 479426 1765876 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7,145.53 479584 1765878 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 120.80 479589 1765879 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 589.78 479586 1765880 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,703.90 479587 1765881 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET .26 479588 1765882 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,734.00 479585 1765883 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 315.80 479464 1767556 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET .80 479462 1767557 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 17Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431453 12/27/2018 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS Continued... 280.40 479463 1767558 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 496.56 479460 1767559 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 280.40 479461 1767560 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 26,841.12 431454 12/27/2018 134660 SPOTLIGHT CINEMA NETWORKS 880.00 NORTH RAMP WAYFIND 479279 9924-1 9232.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 880.00 NORTH RAMP EXP - WAYFINDING 479465 9924-2 9232.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 1,760.00 431455 12/27/2018 101007 STAR TRIBUNE 820.56 PAPER SUBSCRIPTION 2019 479298 493121-2019 1120.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 820.56 431456 12/27/2018 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 773.00 479429 25108 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 773.00 431457 12/27/2018 141470 SUPERION, LLC 1,446.51 479333 0207352 1400.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 5,500.00 USDD LICENSE FEE 479467 207611 4626.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Fire Station Alerting System 800.00 USDD PROGRAM FEES 479468 207845 4626.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Fire Station Alerting System 7,746.51 431458 12/27/2018 119864 SYSCO MINNESOTA 989.31 CONCESSION PRODUCT 479289 247207126 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 546.78 CONCESSION PRODUCT 479288 247210007 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 544.82 CONCESSIONS FOOD 479573 247215196 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 2,080.91 431459 12/27/2018 137041 TEEGARDEN, KATHY 363.50 REFUND CLASS 3041 479574 12.19.18 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES 363.50 431460 12/27/2018 102471 THOLEN, BRIAN 55.50 UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT /479347 12092018 (2)1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 55.50 431461 12/27/2018 144052 THOMPSON, KYLE 125.38 UTILITY REFUND 479575 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 18Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431461 12/27/2018 144052 THOMPSON, KYLE Continued... 125.38 431462 12/27/2018 123129 TIMESAVER OFF SITE SECRETARIAL INC. 698.00 COUNCIL MINUTES 12/4&10 479296 M24330 1185.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 698.00 431463 12/27/2018 144036 TREWARTHA, KELLY 2,500.00 SOUTHDALE HOUSING PROGRAM 479576 12182018 9238.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER SOUTHDALE 2 TIF DISTRICT 2,500.00 431464 12/27/2018 143974 TWINS G TREE SERVICE 525.00 TREE WORK 479322 34 1644.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREES & MAINTENANCE 525.00 431465 12/27/2018 134220 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1,693.90 2018 479372 3002813765 1509.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DEER CONTROL 1,693.90 431466 12/27/2018 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 793.90 479433 486676-00 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 165.62 479432 486677-00 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 340.00 479430 486678-00 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 97.67 479431 486679-00 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 1,397.19 431467 12/27/2018 101064 VESSCO INC. 4,933.00 WTP4 FLUORIDE EQUIPMENT 479577 75118 05570.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS General Rehab - Water 4,933.00 431468 12/27/2018 137164 VFA INC. 3,189.61 VFA TOOLS 479469 517771 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 3,189.61 VFA TOOL 479469 517771 1552.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 3,189.61 VFA TOOL 479469 517771 1646.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 3,189.61 VFA TOOL 479469 517771 5923.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER COLLECTION SYSTEMS 12,758.44 431469 12/27/2018 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC. 8.64 LED LAMP 479578 S002173209.003 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 8.64 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 19Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431470 12/27/2018 133629 VON HANSONS MEATS Continued... 192.07 CONCESSIONS FOOD 479579 112486 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 192.07 431471 12/27/2018 141682 WADE, MAXINE L. 89.39 UTILITY REFUND 479580 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 89.39 431472 12/27/2018 144061 WHITE, LAURIE 321.00 CLASS REFUND 3103 479581 12.24.18 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES 321.00 431473 12/27/2018 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 5,729.46 479384 7214918 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,732.11 479435 7214919 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 20.19 479389 7214922 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9,481.76 431474 12/27/2018 142220 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY 105.00 479436 1371 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 115.00 479593 1372 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 220.00 431475 12/27/2018 144048 WUNDER, MARJORIE 81.66 UTILITY REFUND 479582 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 81.66 431476 12/27/2018 106270 YMCA 2,800.00 RACE AND EQUITY TRAINING 479473 2014888916 1130.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 2,800.00 RACE AND EQUITY TRAINING 479474 2014888921 1130.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 5,600.00 431477 12/27/2018 120099 Z WINES USA LLC 1,481.82 479437 21052 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,481.82 431478 12/27/2018 141782 ZECH, JAREN 219.83 DRE MEALS 479346 20181218175 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 219.83 431479 12/27/2018 144058 ZINN, BOBO 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:07R55CKR2LOGIS101 20Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/27/201812/27/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431479 12/27/2018 144058 ZINN, BOBO Continued... 169.44 METAL JEWELRY SUPPLIES 479583 12.20.18 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 169.44 464,146.41 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks 415,737.53 48,408.88A/P ACH Payment Total Payments 464,146.41 12/26/2018CITY OF EDINA 12:56:17R55CKS2LOGIS100 1Page -Council Check SummaryNote: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 12/27/201812/27/2018 - Company Amount 182,565.7801000GENERAL FUND 979.0602300POLICE SPECIAL REVENUE 13,193.7304000WORKING CAPITAL FUND 1,099.2405100ART CENTER FUND 4,930.4005200GOLF DOME FUND 71.5505300AQUATIC CENTER FUND 7,503.7005400GOLF COURSE FUND 3,822.7405500ICE ARENA FUND 4,235.6705700EDINBOROUGH PARK FUND 693.5305750CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK FUND 133,853.2605800LIQUOR FUND 79,333.6105900UTILITY FUND 3,443.3505930STORM SEWER FUND 578.8207400PSTF AGENCY FUND 22,841.9709232CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 5,000.0009238SOUTHDALE 2 DISTRICT Report Totals 464,146.41 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 1Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 7477 1/3/2019 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 178.60 479724 2316180 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 159.50 480014 2317448 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 235.49 479827 2317449 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 91.07 479725 2317451 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 664.66 7478 1/3/2019 100575 ALL SAFE INC. 289.17 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 479639 167394 5760.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 164.57 FIRE EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 479640 167395 5720.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 243.42 ANNUAL EXTINGUISHER EXPENSES 479641 167433 1400.6514 INSPECTION EXPENSES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 137.64 CO2 EXTIGUSHER 479937 167548 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 813.06 ANNUAL INSPECTION 479937 167548 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 42.79 ANNUAL INSPECTION 479937 167548 5553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 1,690.65 7479 1/3/2019 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO. 125.00 479831 23271068.00-30 5960.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEER SERVICES - STORM 125.00 7480 1/3/2019 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 209.10 479737 0067700700 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 671.20 479734 0067701100 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 175.10 479735 0067705000 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 145.55 479738 0067709500 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 346.91 479733 0098819100 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 29.13 479732 0098819300 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 2,811.35 479741 67615200 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,281.30 480017 67701600 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 786.75 479736 67702600 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 670.05 480023 67704300 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 145.55 480018 67707300 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 428.88 480022 98818100 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 58.26 479740 98818700 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 542.74 479739 98818800 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 10,301.87 7481 1/3/2019 132444 BOLTON & MENK INC. 12,900.00 479748 0227165 03511.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS Minnehaha Trunk Sewer Rehab 12,900.00 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 2Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 7482 1/3/2019 100648 BUSINESS ESSENTIALS Continued... 93.17 SUPPLIES 2018 479716 WO-435075-1 1400.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 93.17 7483 1/3/2019 130477 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO 398.25 479909 219-0386 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 398.25 7484 1/3/2019 104020 DALCO 1,763.68 PARK SUPPLIES 479763 3398441 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 855.41 PW SUPPLIES 479661 3398452 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 1,694.10 PARKS CLEANING EQUIPMENT 479953 3399598 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 4,313.19 7485 1/3/2019 129157 DO-GOOD.BIZ INC 498.15 2018 479908 12046-02 1450.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ANIMAL CONTROL 498.15 7486 1/3/2019 129718 DREW'S CONCESSIONS LLC 288.00 CARMEL CORN 479681 2473 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 2,366.47 CONCESSIONS FOOD 479680 2474 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 2,654.47 7487 1/3/2019 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC. 200.00 EDINA 311 AD 479764 656552 1130.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 200.00 479764 656552 5111.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 200.00 ECM BEST AD - THANK YOU 479717 656553 5310.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER POOL ADMINISTRATION 200.00 ECM BEST AD - THANK YOU 479717 656553 5710.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 800.00 7488 1/3/2019 134730 EXPLORE EDINA 40,876.94 NOVEMBER LODGING TAX 479842 122818 1001.4030 LODGING TAX GENERAL FUND REVENUES 40,876.94 7489 1/3/2019 102485 FAHRENKRUG, ROGER 2,240.00 WINTER JR. DVLPM.479949 1228 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 2,240.00 7490 1/3/2019 124541 GEYEN'S CARPET CLEANING 347.34 CARPET CLEANING 479969 2661 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 347.34 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 3Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 7490 1/3/2019 124541 GEYEN'S CARPET CLEANING Continued... 7491 1/3/2019 100814 INDELCO PLASTICS CORP. 491.40 CHLORINE EQUIPMENT REBUILD KIT 479695 INV084960 5915.6530 REPAIR PARTS WATER TREATMENT 205.36 (2018) PIPE 480007 INV085629 5911.6530 REPAIR PARTS WELL PUMPS 696.76 7492 1/3/2019 102146 JESSEN PRESS INC. 10,963.00 WINTER ABOUT TOWN PRINITNG 479944 680910 1130.6123 MAGAZINE/NEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 10,963.00 7493 1/3/2019 100858 LOGIS 2,700.00 IT CONSULTING 479782 46250 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 150.00 IT CONSULTING 479783 46266 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 2,850.00 7494 1/3/2019 100869 MARTIN-MCALLISTER 3,000.00 FIRE PROMOTIONS PSYCHS 479699 12098 1556.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 3,000.00 7495 1/3/2019 101483 MENARDS 133.17 SUPLLIES FOR ROOF 479705 82969 5934.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STORM LIFT STATION MAINT 26.46 SHOWER HEAD 479702 83002 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 69.97 PLASTIC FLOWER POTS 479701 83026 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 235.40 GENERAL SUPPLIES 479703 83029 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 17.97 GARBAGE BAGS 479704 83089 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 37.44 GAS FOR HEATER IN WMB TRAILER 479784 83247 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 84.08 PLASTIC SHEET / STAIN 479862 83262 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 604.49 7496 1/3/2019 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC. 48,889.38-2018 CIP FAIRWAY MOWER 479788 1196558-00 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 48,889.38 2018 CIP FAIRWAY MOWER 479788 1196558-00 5400.1740 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT GOLF BALANCE SHEET 48,889.38 2018 CIP FAIRWAY MOWER 479788 1196558-00 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 35,629.70-2018 CIP GREENS MOWER 479787 1196560-00 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 35,629.70 2018 CIP GREENS MOWER 479787 1196560-00 5400.1740 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT GOLF BALANCE SHEET 35,629.70 2018 CIP GREENS MOWER 479787 1196560-00 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 176.10 SIDE PLATE FWY CUTTING UNIT 479968 1197606-00 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 84,695.18 7497 1/3/2019 115669 ON CALL SERVICES 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 4Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 7497 1/3/2019 115669 ON CALL SERVICES Continued... 980.00 ARCTIC SLIDE REINFORCEMENTS 479675 2955 5720.6530 REPAIR PARTS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 980.00 7498 1/3/2019 127773 PREMIER SPECIALTY VEHICLES INC. 53.25 DOOR HOLDER KIT 479996 I002528 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 53.25 7499 1/3/2019 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY 689.93 GLOVES, BLEACH, RAGS 479677 15194 5720.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 888.95 LINERS, WHIPES, TOWELS 479676 15196 5761.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 555.88 BATHROOM/CLEANING SUPPLIES 479878 15197 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 61.76 BATHROOM/CLEANING SUPPLIES 479878 15197 5553.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 341.55 TISSUE, PAPER TOWELS, PURELL 479879 15199 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 402.76 LINERS, SANITIZER 479879 15199 5720.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 239.82 NAPKINS 479880 15200 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 3,180.65 7500 1/3/2019 105690 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC. 3,707.44 VOTER DOORS CARD ACCESS 479678 89146 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 1,314.61 OFFICE SUPPLY CARD ACCESS ADD 479954 89254 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 5,022.05 7501 1/3/2019 100972 R&R SPECIALTIES OF WISCONSIN INC. 120.85 ZAM SUPPLIES 479708 0066717-IN 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 120.85 7502 1/3/2019 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 6,552.44 COURTNEY FIELDS IRR & RPZ 479709 75528 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 6,552.44 7503 1/3/2019 122455 SPRING LAKE ENGINEERING 1,562.50 PLC PROGRAMMING 479663 2084 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 1,562.50 7504 1/3/2019 101004 SPS COMPANIES INC. 307.13 FITTINGS FOR WTP4 479664 S3720468.001 5915.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 307.13 7505 1/3/2019 101015 STREICHERS 1,044.50 BALLISTIC VEST 479907 I1345668 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 5Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 7505 1/3/2019 101015 STREICHERS Continued... 1,044.50 7506 1/3/2019 135312 SUSSMAN, MIKE 118.10 UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT 479885 122718 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 118.10 7507 1/3/2019 119454 VINOCOPIA 1,453.75 479922 00223505-N 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 122.50 479815 0223593 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 931.25 479819 223086 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 127.50 479818 223087 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 721.50 480068 223473 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 154.50 480067 223474 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,864.75 479817 223503 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 248.75 479816 223504 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,624.50 7508 1/3/2019 120627 VISTAR CORPORATION 665.90 CONCESSIONS FOOD 479666 53771032 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 364.27 CONCESSIONS FOOD 479934 53816699 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 1,030.17 7509 1/3/2019 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 528.57 479891 93602 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,629.44 480070 93605 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,158.01 431480 1/3/2019 129458 ACME TOOLS 568.91 479637 6278278 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 222.00 479636 6279118 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET RENOVATION 139.00 BATTERIES FOR GREASE GUN AND D 479638 6282769 5913.6556 TOOLS DISTRIBUTION 289.95-479635 6283149 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 353.94 479634 6283619 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET RENOVATION 993.90 431481 1/3/2019 103357 ALPHA VIDEO & AUDIO INC. 150.00 REPAIRS TO MAYOR CONF. A/V SYS 479828 SVCINV17810 1130.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE COMMUNICATIONS 150.00 431482 1/3/2019 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 6Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431482 1/3/2019 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES Continued... 73.90 479645 17PK-GJXL-3QYM 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL 21.55 KEY HOLDER 479642 19TX-69D1-3FRC 5760.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 239.12-ERGONOMIC WRIST/MOUSE 479644 1F1F-3YX1-JHGF 1130.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 239.12 ERGONOMIC WRIST/MOUSE 479644 1F1F-3YX1-JHGF 1130.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 239.12 ERGONOMIC WRIST/MOUSE 479644 1F1F-3YX1-JHGF 1130.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 321.34 SODA BLAST COMPOUND 479643 1M93-J9ND-47G7 5761.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 511.80 IT SUPPLIES 479726 1QLJ-F4C9-LJWW 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 43.94 LIGHT KIT 479714 1WYH-VJH4-9N1N 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 30.38 INK FOR THOLEN'S PRINTER 480000 1YCX-MHQN-VCVC 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,242.03 431483 1/3/2019 101115 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC. 150.19 479829 1004341076 5861.6162 SERVICES CUSTODIANS VERNON OCCUPANCY 169.30 LAUNDRY 479646 1004341757 1470.6201 LAUNDRY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 239.77 479999 1004347710 1551.6201 LAUNDRY CITY HALL GENERAL 213.47 LAUNDRY 479830 1004348231 1470.6201 LAUNDRY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 772.73 431484 1/3/2019 101601 AMUNDSON, ERIK 201.28 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 479727 122018 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 201.28 431485 1/3/2019 100630 ANCHOR PAPER COMPANY 40.00 479647 10574885-00 1130.6123 MAGAZINE/NEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 40.00 431486 1/3/2019 144062 ANDERSON, RICHARD J. D.D.S. 9.03 REFUND TAX 479939 12.17.2018 1000.2039 SALES & USE TAX PAYABLE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 120.00 PARKING REFUND 479939 12.17.2018 4090.4751 PARKING PERMITS 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 129.03 431487 1/3/2019 141972 AP MIDWEST LLC 271,027.40 NORTH RAMP EXP - PAY APP #11 479963 APPL 11 9232.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 271,027.40 431488 1/3/2019 114475 ARMOR SECURITY INC. 400.00 ALARM TEST/INSP - FRANK TUPA 479946 218029 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 400.00 ALARM TEST/INSP - ARNESON 479947 218030 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 164.00 ALARM TES/INSP - PAMELA 479926 218031 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 964.00 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 7Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431488 1/3/2019 114475 ARMOR SECURITY INC.Continued... 431489 1/3/2019 132031 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 834.30 479730 3314570 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 310.60 480020 3314571 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 310.60 479729 3314572 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,218.00 480021 3314573 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 643.00 479728 3314574 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 38.00-480013 442501 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 154.98-480004 444171 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 57.00-480010 444319 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 53.96-480012 444320 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 22.40-480005 444352 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,233.60 479731 8318808 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8,223.76 431490 1/3/2019 100634 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. 745.25 PLOW KIT 479715 101964F 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 745.25 431491 1/3/2019 144063 BANG THE TABLE USA, LLC 12,000.00 479938 INV-0175 1554.6124 WEB DEVELOPMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 12,000.00 431492 1/3/2019 139473 BENGTSON, MIKE 271.47 K9 FOOD/BALLS FOR DRUG SCHOOL 479952 12/29/2018 4607.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINA CRIME FUND K9 DONATION 271.47 431493 1/3/2019 131191 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC. 234.00 CONCESSIONS FOOD 479648 4791806 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 546.00 PIZZA 479931 4792574 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 780.00 431494 1/3/2019 125139 BERNICK'S 844.80 479649 471859 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,519.00 480024 471866 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 20.00 479742 471867 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,704.70 479743 471868 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,088.50 431495 1/3/2019 126847 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 8Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431495 1/3/2019 126847 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY Continued... 593.78 CONCESSIONS FOOD 479832 621571 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 593.78 431496 1/3/2019 130569 BINTNER, ROSS 108.89 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 480008 20190102 1263.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ENVIRONMENT 108.89 431497 1/3/2019 142153 BLACK STACK BREWING INC. 152.00 479744 3625 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 152.00 480015 3626 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 152.00 479745 3627 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 456.00 431498 1/3/2019 124534 BLACKSTONE CONTRACTORS LLC 2,638.00 SOUTH RAMP REPAIR NEAR LUNDS 479746 1899-02C 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 2,638.00 431499 1/3/2019 124534 BLACKSTONE CONTRACTORS LLC 3,578.00 PAVER REPAIR BY EDINA GRILL 479747 1899-02D 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 3,578.00 431500 1/3/2019 124534 BLACKSTONE CONTRACTORS LLC 810.00 RETAINING WALL REPAIR 479901 1899.02E 1344.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS RETAINING WALL MAINTENANCE 810.00 431501 1/3/2019 124534 BLACKSTONE CONTRACTORS LLC 2,079.00 RETAINING WALL REPAIR 479957 1899.02G 1344.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS RETAINING WALL MAINTENANCE 2,079.00 431502 1/3/2019 124534 BLACKSTONE CONTRACTORS LLC 4,530.00 RETAINING WALL REPAIR 479958 1899.02F 1344.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS RETAINING WALL MAINTENANCE 4,530.00 431503 1/3/2019 122248 BLICK ART MATERIALS 14.53 479650 225179 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 14.53 431504 1/3/2019 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 691.78 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 479651 83063063 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,075.67 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 479833 83070775 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 9Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431504 1/3/2019 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC Continued... 1,767.45 431505 1/3/2019 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 695.90 479750 157193 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,583.65 480019 157197 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 916.25 479749 157214 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,195.80 431506 1/3/2019 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 5,270.60 479756 1080908009 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 6,271.14 479755 1080908010 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,964.64 479754 1080908011 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,708.77 479751 1080908012 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 445.75 479753 1080908013 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,635.30 479752 1080908054 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,109.93 480016 1080908056 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,270.60 480033 1080908057 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,633.25 480011 1080909873 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 228.00-480037 2080221649 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 64.00-480036 2080222980 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 32,017.98 431507 1/3/2019 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER LLC 6,645.60 479760 1090950154 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 79.50 479759 1090950155 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,689.30 479758 1090950156 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 27.40 479757 1090950157 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 6,532.40 480032 1090950158 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 116.30 480034 1090950159 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 15,090.50 431508 1/3/2019 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 22.35 479834 2204320 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,982.20 479762 2204321 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 137.10 480030 2204323 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,256.90 480029 2204324 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 44.70 479652 2204326 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,124.60 479653 2204328 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 57.55 480025 2206989 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,946.20 480028 2206991 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 10Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431508 1/3/2019 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES Continued... 19.20-480031 625-0222 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 18.40-479761 6254223 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 10,534.00 431509 1/3/2019 101515 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS CO. 600.50 REDIE MIX CONCRETE 479835 C1997874 5913.6520 CONCRETE DISTRIBUTION 600.50 431510 1/3/2019 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 7,406.04 NATURAL GAS 479837 10437426-9-12/1 8 5553.6186 HEAT SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 105.56 479719 10897112-8-12/1 8 5420.6186 HEAT CLUB HOUSE 94.12 479721 10951850-6-12/1 8 5311.6186 HEAT POOL OPERATION 7,521.17 HEAT 479654 10952954-5-12/1 8 5720.6186 HEAT EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 2,857.59 MAIN BUILDING HEAT 479655 5584304-9-12/18 7411.6186 HEAT PSTF OCCUPANCY 5,080.77 479720 5591458-4-12/18 1551.6186 HEAT CITY HALL GENERAL 1,457.97 NATURAL GAS HORNETS NEST 479836 9724639-1-12/18 5511.6186 HEAT ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 24,523.22 431511 1/3/2019 123898 CENTURYLINK 56.07 479839 1565-12/18 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 61.53 WTP 6 PHONE 479838 8632-12/18 5913.6188 TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION 117.60 431512 1/3/2019 142533 CES IMAGING 123.75 2018 CANON LEASE 479656 INV094911 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 371.25 2018 CANON LEASE 479656 INV094911 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL 495.00 431513 1/3/2019 101264 CHET'S SAFEY SALES INC. 471.72 SAFETY BOOTS 479657 CB6680 5760.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 471.72 431514 1/3/2019 122317 CITY OF EDINA - COMMUNICATIONS 675.00 FLAGS 479658 COM-1718 5760.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 675.00 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 11Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431515 1/3/2019 101850 CITY OF ST. PAUL Continued... 300.00 POLICE AND THE MEDIA X3 479933 IN00032845 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 300.00 431516 1/3/2019 100692 COCA-COLA DISTRIBUTION 427.92 479911 3638207838 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 110.58-479910 3638207840 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 317.34 431517 1/3/2019 141176 COMMERCIAL KITCHEN SERVICES 265.00 MAIN STAND FRIDGE 479840 78658 5520.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA CONCESSIONS 265.00 431518 1/3/2019 100695 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO. 999.59 479679 INV000130431 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 999.59 431519 1/3/2019 100012 CORE & MAIN 1,296.81 6" ALPHA'S 479659 J962741 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 1,296.81 431520 1/3/2019 140999 CORE-MARK MIDCONTINENT INC. 548.19 CONCESSIONS FOOD 479660 6869885 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 548.19 431521 1/3/2019 103799 CURBSIDE LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION 60.00 SNOW REMOVAL 479841 172380 5720.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 60.00 431522 1/3/2019 101581 DAKOTA COUNTY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 2,760.00 PLOW DRIVING COURSE 479960 00163561 5919.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 2,760.00 431523 1/3/2019 144057 DARTH, HUNTER 221.08 UTILITY REFUND 479633 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 221.08 431524 1/3/2019 122135 DENFELD, SCOTT 288.85 2018 JUNE-DEC. MILEAGE 479940 122718 1130.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 288.85 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 12Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431525 1/3/2019 100737 E. H. RENNER & SONS Continued... 4,595.00 PULL WELL 6 PUMP 479956 582 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 4,595.00 431526 1/3/2019 100049 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC. 2,070.00 4500 FRANCE TIF ESCROW 479682 78846 9210.2066 ESCROW DEPOSITS HRA ADMINISTRATION 402.50 W 76 TIF ESCROW 479683 78847 9210.2066 ESCROW DEPOSITS HRA ADMINISTRATION 7,000.00 W 76TH TIF ESCROW 479684 78853 9210.2066 ESCROW DEPOSITS HRA ADMINISTRATION 9,472.50 431527 1/3/2019 139948 EISCHENS, CHAD 13.97 REIMBURSMENT 479685 12212018.2 5510.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ARENA ADMINISTRATION 169.19 REIMBURSMENT 479685 12212018.2 5510.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ARENA ADMINISTRATION 183.16 431528 1/3/2019 102309 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS INC. 2,767.50 SIREN MAINTENANCE 479951 343838 421460.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CIVIL DEFENSE EQUIPMENT 2,767.50 431529 1/3/2019 126004 FERGUSON WATERWORKS 3,900.00 CLOW HYDRANTS 479686 0314438 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 3,900.00 431530 1/3/2019 106351 FOSTER, REBECCA 59.41 2018 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 480009 20190102 1260.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ENGINEERING GENERAL 59.41 431531 1/3/2019 142334 FURTHER 936.00 DEC FURTHER INVOICE 479687 008816-12/18 1556.6160 DATA PROCESSING EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 936.00 431532 1/3/2019 102456 GALLS INC. 201.99-OVERCHARGED 479844 11554896 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,560.16 NEW OFFICER HIRE 479688 BC0734733 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 252.54 UNIFORMS 479845 BC0735992 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 8.79 UNIFORMS 479843 BC0737992 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,619.50 431533 1/3/2019 132389 GAZICH, KATHLEEN 49.02 SKATE SCHOOL SUPPLIES 479689 12212018.1 5510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ADMINISTRATION 49.02 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 13Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431533 1/3/2019 132389 GAZICH, KATHLEEN Continued... 431534 1/3/2019 100775 GENERAL SPORTS CORPORATION 41.00 TAPE, LACES 479935 94423 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 1,755.00 L SCREENS 479690 94683 5552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SPORTS DOME ADMINISTRATION 130.35 TAPE, LACES 479936 94694 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 1,926.35 431535 1/3/2019 101103 GRAINGER 156.15 AIR FRESHNERS FOR SHOP 479965 9038187556 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 61.25 CAP SCREW 479997 9041176976 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 75.15 HOSE 479982 9041395295 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 292.55 431536 1/3/2019 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 16.00-480026 381441-1 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 317.50 480035 51291 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,030.50 479767 MN00051279 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 154.50 479765 MN00051280 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 361.50 479766 MN00051281 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 471.00 479912 PAV2009794 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 495.00 479913 PAV2009927 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,814.00 431537 1/3/2019 100783 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. 749.34 FIBER FOR WAY-FIND 50TH 479768 09305134668 1280.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SUPERVISION & OVERHEAD 749.34 431538 1/3/2019 140010 GROUP HEALTH INC.-WORKSITE 389.00 DEC 2018 EAP INVOICE 479902 W815567 1556.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 389.00 431539 1/3/2019 115377 HENRICKSEN PSG 1,662.69 CITY HALL IT DEPT LIFT DESK 479955 661757 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 1,662.69 431540 1/3/2019 118765 HENRY SCHEIN INC. 165.23 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 479691 60387438 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 165.23 431541 1/3/2019 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 14Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431541 1/3/2019 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC.Continued... 2,202.95 479693 112829 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 30.00 479692 112830 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,898.00 480039 112831 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,495.50 479769 112832 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 946.00 480027 113939 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8,572.45 431542 1/3/2019 119998 HOVLAND, JAMES 121.40 MN MAYORS CONFERENCE 479694 12-20-2018 1100.6106 MEETING EXPENSE CITY COUNCIL 121.40 431543 1/3/2019 125032 IEH AUTO PARTS LLC 29.26-CREDIT MEMO 479989 038072289 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 70.98 FILTERS 479988 038072463 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 105.08 FILTERS 479993 038072730 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 146.80 431544 1/3/2019 101146 IMPACT TELECOM 112.49 479723 608664635 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 112.49 431545 1/3/2019 131544 INDEED BREWING COMPANY 402.75 480038 72302 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 402.75 431546 1/3/2019 142731 INTERSTATE PARKING COMPANY LLC 22,212.50 NORTH RAMP EXP – VALET OCT.479962 201810 9232.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 22,212.50 431547 1/3/2019 100829 JERRY'S HARDWARE 7.99 FIRE#1 SINK REPAIR 479770 12/18-ELECTRICA L 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 11.99 PART BINS 479770 12/18-ELECTRICA L 1330.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES TRAFFIC SIGNALS 9.19 DRAIN CLEANER 479770 12/18-ELECTRICA L 5820.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH STREET GENERAL 3.19 479771 12/18-ENGINEERI NG 1261.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 795.01 POWER CLEAR, RECOIL KIT 479995 12/18-EQUIP. OPS. 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 15Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431547 1/3/2019 100829 JERRY'S HARDWARE Continued... 58.40 PARKS SUPPLIES 479774 12/18-FACILITIE S 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 186.77 STATION SUPPLIES 479773 12/18-FIRE 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 56.84 HARDWARE 479772 12/18-PARKS MAINT. 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 31.98 SUPPLIES 479961 12/18-POLICE 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,161.36 431548 1/3/2019 100830 JERRY'S PRINTING 310.00 RESIDENCE IN PASSES 480077 79379 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 98.00 A.C. DAILY VOUCHERS 480078 80314 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 408.00 431549 1/3/2019 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 364.20 479696 2914313 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,714.10 480052 2914314 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 21.50 480053 2914315 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 6,185.40 479775 2914316 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 47.05 479776 2914317 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12,332.25 431550 1/3/2019 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 3,043.03 479779 1179313 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.19 479777 1179320 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,745.44 479778 1179334 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 224.28 479914 1181473 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 81.19 479859 1184887 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,142.99 479858 1184888 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 373.76 479857 1184889 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,755.48 479856 1184890 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.38 479849 1184891 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,503.66 479855 1184892 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 615.58 479854 1184893 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4.76 479850 1184894 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,595.51 480049 1184895 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,507.78 480048 1184896 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,917.10 480051 1184897 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,790.01 480050 1184898 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,740.43 480043 1184899 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,151.34 480044 1184900 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 16Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431550 1/3/2019 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO.Continued... 1,597.61 480045 1184901 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,505.96 479852 1184905 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,102.01 479846 1184906 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,944.47 479853 1184907 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 838.19 479847 1184908 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 10,834.63 479860 1184909 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,250.18 479851 1184910 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 736.72 479848 1184911 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 206.80 480042 1186645 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 427.50 480041 1187661 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 14.08-480040 515739 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,144.00-479924 693006 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 55,481.90 431551 1/3/2019 124002 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC. 9,746.68 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 479927 12734967 47102.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENTENNIAL LAKES BRIDGE RPLCMT 9,746.68 431552 1/3/2019 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 20.43 CONNECTORS 479992 9306364994 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 981.36 WIRE, WASHERS, NUTS 479994 9306368494 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,001.79 431553 1/3/2019 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 2,700.00 OVERPAYMENT OF 8-8-17 CLAIM 479697 2018-0001 6002.6200 INSURANCE RISK MGMT EMP SHARED SERVICE 2,700.00 431554 1/3/2019 138211 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 27,292.31 PD CLAIM FOR 7-12-18 479698 4217 6002.6200 INSURANCE RISK MGMT EMP SHARED SERVICE 27,292.31 431555 1/3/2019 135867 LIBATION PROJECT 753.00 479780 19249 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 269.00 479781 19250 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,022.00 431556 1/3/2019 130046 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA 1,337.40 DEC ACC AND CI INVOICE 479903 DECEMBER 2018 9900.2033.28 ACCIDENT AND CRITICAL INS PAYROLL CLEARING 1,337.40 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 17Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431557 1/3/2019 136027 LINA Continued... 4,881.67 DEC LTD INVOICE 479906 0416005118-12-1 8 9900.2033.16 LTD - 99 PAYROLL CLEARING 4,881.67 431558 1/3/2019 133185 LOGAN, PATRICK 30.86 CLEANING SUPPLIES 479959 1219 5210.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES GOLF DOME PROGRAM 30.86 431559 1/3/2019 141916 LUPULIN BREWING 270.00 479915 17762 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 270.00 431560 1/3/2019 122878 MARTTI, DOROTHEA 942.50 "AGENDA: EDINA" HOSTING FEE 479700 243 1130.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 942.50 431561 1/3/2019 134646 MCGRATH, PATTY 342.27 MILEAGE 480002 20181231 5710.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 342.27 431562 1/3/2019 101987 MENARDS 532.28 TABLESAW, MITER SAW 479932 60540 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 26.74 GROUT SUPPLIES 479930 62595 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 559.02 431563 1/3/2019 100885 METRO SALES INC 9,526.02 METRO MFP QTRLY 479785 INV1236714 1554.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 9,526.02 431564 1/3/2019 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD OF EDEN PRAIRIE 14.18 HOSE 479987 511500 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 14.18 431565 1/3/2019 101471 MGCSA 165.00 BRYAN'S MGCSA DUES RENEWAL 479967 03140 5410.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS GOLF ADMINISTRATION 165.00 431566 1/3/2019 100913 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN SEWER & WATER 3,230.00 WATER SERVICE REPAIR 479706 35777 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 1,360.00 STAND PIPE REPAIR 479707 35778 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 18Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431566 1/3/2019 100913 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN SEWER & WATER Continued... 4,590.00 431567 1/3/2019 127062 MINNEHAHA BLDG. MAINT. INC. 10.75 479823 180122155 5821.6162 SERVICES CUSTODIANS 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 43.01 479825 180122156 5841.6162 SERVICES CUSTODIANS YORK OCCUPANCY 16.13 479824 180122157 5861.6162 SERVICES CUSTODIANS VERNON OCCUPANCY 69.89 431568 1/3/2019 101638 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 22,337.00 479863 1270011-12/18 5915.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER WATER TREATMENT 22,337.00 431569 1/3/2019 144066 MINNESOTA ICE ARENA MANAGERS 200.00 MIAMA MEMBERSHIP 479864 INV_28 5510.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ARENA ADMINISTRATION 200.00 431570 1/3/2019 101996 MINNESOTA TROPHIES & GIFTS 51.80 PLAQUES 479670 26070 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 51.80 431571 1/3/2019 128914 MINUTEMAN PRESS 681.00 479948 26582 1160.6575 PRINTING FINANCE 681.00 431572 1/3/2019 140955 MODIST BREWING LLC 276.00 479786 E-1881 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 276.00 431573 1/3/2019 111803 MONSON, JAN & MITCHELL 287.00 NORTH RAMP EXP – 3945 EASEMENT 479964 34147 9232.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 287.00 431574 1/3/2019 143339 MR CUTTING EDGE 115.00 SHARPEN ZAM BLADES 479865 464 5521.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE ARENA ICE MAINT 115.00 431575 1/3/2019 121233 NARDINI FIRE EQUIPMENT 316.50 PW FIRE INSPECTION 479866 IN00095498 1552.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 264.00 CITY HALL FIRE INSPECTION 479867 IN00095505 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 580.50 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 19Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431575 1/3/2019 121233 NARDINI FIRE EQUIPMENT Continued... 431576 1/3/2019 141215 NEGOCE LLC 80.66 479789 1/19/2019 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 80.66 431577 1/3/2019 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO. 668.00 480046 138743 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 482.00 479868 138744 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,150.00 431578 1/3/2019 131740 NISSEN, DIETRICH 124.81 DIETRICH EDINA MILEAGE 479941 122718 1130.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 43.60 DIETRICH SWTV MILEAGE 479942 12272018 1132.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE CABLE COMMISSION 168.41 431579 1/3/2019 142201 NORTHWEST LIGHTING SYSTEMS CO. 212.50 LED LAMPS 479671 110313 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 70.00 LED LAMPS 479869 110380 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 282.50 431580 1/3/2019 143696 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF MN, P.C. 1,795.00 479790 102893834 1556.6175 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 1,795.00 431581 1/3/2019 142885 OLIPHANT BREWING 80.00 479791 2539 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 80.00 431582 1/3/2019 100936 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE, INC. 12.14 D RING AND BRACKET 479985 630582 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 6.07 D RING AND BRACKET 479998 630793 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 18.21 431583 1/3/2019 126729 OMANN BROTHERS PAVING INC. 23,668.75 479674 2768/4 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 10,437.50 479672 27680 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 5,451.25 479673 27694 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 39,557.50 431584 1/3/2019 131698 PARLEY LAKE WINERY 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 20Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431584 1/3/2019 131698 PARLEY LAKE WINERY Continued... 294.00 480047 17502 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 294.00 431585 1/3/2019 100347 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 1,904.74 480054 36242 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,803.75 479792 36243 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,475.25 479916 36267 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,924.00 480076 36362 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 230.25 479870 36447 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9,337.99 431586 1/3/2019 144078 PENMAN, JESSE 940.25 J PENMAN TUITION REIMB 479871 122818 1170.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER HUMAN RESOURCES 940.25 431587 1/3/2019 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 370.17 479917 82279903 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 370.17 431588 1/3/2019 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 1,182.47 479793 2476058 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 116.50 479918 2477254 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 283.57 480055 2478755 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 11.90 480057 2480001 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 480.14 479872 2480002 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 965.71 479873 2480003 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,432.32 479874 2480004 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 51.18 480061 2480005 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,115.33 480062 2480006 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,870.92 480063 2480007 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 116.37 479877 2480008 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 57.69 479876 2480009 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,544.55 479875 2480010 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 104.00 480059 2481702 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 270.00 480058 2481703 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 17,602.65 431589 1/3/2019 143468 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY 162.00 480060 58 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 162.00 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 21Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431589 1/3/2019 143468 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY Continued... 431590 1/3/2019 103094 PROTECTION ONE 247.05 SERVICE CONTRACT 479881 12743654-12/18 5511.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 247.05 431591 1/3/2019 143618 PRYES BREWING COMPANY 220.00 480056 4254 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 220.00 431592 1/3/2019 112097 PUMP & METER SERVICE INC. 1,447.44 REPLACE GAS PUMP ON FUEL TANKS 479970 98704 5422.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,447.44 431593 1/3/2019 144056 RAIHILL, TONI R 125.00 UTILITY REFUND 479632 12-19-2018 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 125.00 431594 1/3/2019 127774 ROOTSTOCK WINE COMPANY 907.50 479710 18-07187 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 219.00 479882 18-07220 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,126.50 431595 1/3/2019 129282 ROSENBAUER MINNESOTA LLC 338.18 GAUGES 479990 0000031908 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 338.18 431596 1/3/2019 134818 ROSTI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 271,733.25 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 479794 PK18-1 PAY 2 47102.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENTENNIAL LAKES BRIDGE RPLCMT 271,733.25 431597 1/3/2019 143017 ROTTY, CHRIS 255.06 MILEAGE 480001 12282018 5510.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ARENA ADMINISTRATION 255.06 431598 1/3/2019 139439 RUE 38 LLC 821.00 480064 4658 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 821.00 431599 1/3/2019 132076 SCHERBER CO. LLC 80.00 APP FEE CREDIT 479711 167798 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 22Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431599 1/3/2019 132076 SCHERBER CO. LLC Continued... 80.00 431600 1/3/2019 100997 SESAC INC. 875.00 2019 MUSIC LICENSE 479925 10270399 5760.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 875.00 431601 1/3/2019 100998 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 86.60 TOUCH UO OAINT 479712 9847-8 5911.6532 PAINT WELL PUMPS 180.21 479945 9925-2 5111.6532 PAINT ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 57.06 (2018) PAINT 480006 9931-0 5911.6532 PAINT WELL PUMPS 323.87 431602 1/3/2019 104098 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 698.00 VEEAM LICENSING 479713 B09272004 1554.6160 DATA PROCESSING CENT SERV GEN - MIS 698.00 431603 1/3/2019 101556 SHRED-IT USA 55.90 SHREDDING FEES 479795 8126272037 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 55.90 431604 1/3/2019 120784 SIGN PRO 1,117.44 GH & AP RULE SIGNAGE 479662 13689 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 75.76 HEAD PRO ADVERTISING 479950 13709 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 1,193.20 431605 1/3/2019 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS 1,095.00 480003 01704331 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 840.39 479919 1767561 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 280.40 479920 1767562 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,259.41 480075 1768837 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 827.20 480074 1768838 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,169.62 480073 1768839 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,228.23 480072 1768841 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,183.00 479803 1768842 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,398.50 479802 1768843 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 6,211.79 479800 1768844 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 232.00 479804 1768845 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,480.00 479801 1768847 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 128.00 479806 1768848 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 185.07 479798 1769190 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 23Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431605 1/3/2019 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS Continued... 46.09 479797 1769191 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 398.40 479799 1769192 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,957.60 479796 1769193 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 373.00 479805 5036508 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,220.00 480065 5037005 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 37,513.70 431606 1/3/2019 105193 SPAIN, MARK 1,200.00 TREE REMOVAL 479921 12-3-2018 1644.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREES & MAINTENANCE 1,200.00 431607 1/3/2019 105152 SPAIN, MARK - PW 25.00 SAFETY GLASSES 479807 122118MSP 1646.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT BUILDING MAINTENANCE 25.00 431608 1/3/2019 101016 SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC 3,695.30 NORTH RAMP EXP - OWNERS REP 479808 10930.00-15 9232.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 3,695.30 431609 1/3/2019 101007 STAR TRIBUNE 3,333.33 479822 1000020750-11/1 8 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING 3,333.33 479822 1000020750-11/1 8 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 3,333.34 479822 1000020750-11/1 8 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING 10,000.00 431610 1/3/2019 101007 STAR TRIBUNE 74.64 NEWSPAPER 479883 10129303-12/18 5552.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS SPORTS DOME ADMINISTRATION 74.64 431611 1/3/2019 141830 STEVE LUCAS PHOTOGRAPHY 250.00 STAFF PHOTOS 479884 41991 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 250.00 431612 1/3/2019 135803 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL 6,248.60 DEC SUNLIFE INVOICE-ACTIVES 479904 237716-001-12/1 8 9900.2033.05 LIFE INSURANCE - 99 PAYROLL CLEARING 244.60 DEC SUNLIFE INVOICE-NONACTIVES 479905 237716-901-12/1 6002.6043 COBRA INSURANCE RISK MGMT EMP SHARED SERVICE 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 24Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431612 1/3/2019 135803 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL Continued... 8 6,493.20 431613 1/3/2019 119864 SYSCO MINNESOTA 497.01 CONCESSIONS FOOD 479886 247225654 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 497.01 431614 1/3/2019 129311 SYVERTSEN, MARSHALL 25.00 SAFETY GLASSES 479809 122118MSY 1646.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT BUILDING MAINTENANCE 25.00 431615 1/3/2019 101826 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP. 780.29 ELEVATOR REPAIRS 479889 5000958104 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 254.50 BOTTON REPAIR 479887 5000993750 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 8,320.80 ELEVATOR REPAIRS 479888 6000342176 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 9,355.59 431616 1/3/2019 101374 TOWN & COUNTRY FENCE, INC. 83,260.00 MASTER PLAN FENCE CONTINGENCY 479810 1180864 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 83,260.00 431617 1/3/2019 141812 TOWNSEND, DEBBIE 12.00 PARKING REIMBURSEMENT 479943 122818 1130.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 12.00 431618 1/3/2019 143772 TRADE TOOLS INC. 52.35 GREASE 479665 278978 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 52.35 431619 1/3/2019 138732 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS LLC 146.00 479811 17481 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 146.00 431620 1/3/2019 140146 TRIVIA MAFIA LLC 400.00 TRIVIA/ADVERTISING 479966 6382 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 400.00 431621 1/3/2019 101403 TRUCK BODIES & EQUIP INTL INC 10.00 SHAFT 479991 LC00055312 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 10.00 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 25Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431621 1/3/2019 101403 TRUCK BODIES & EQUIP INTL INC Continued... 431622 1/3/2019 102175 TRUCK UTILITIES INC. 131,441.00 NEW SIGN TRUCK BODY 479812 0332128 421305.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT STREET EQUIPMENT 131,441.00 431623 1/3/2019 101046 TWIN CITY FILTER SERVICE INC. 678.24 AIR FILTERS 479890 0649923-IN 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 678.24 431624 1/3/2019 140009 U.S. KIDS GOLF 392.48 MERCHANDISE 479972 IN1310674 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 392.48 431625 1/3/2019 103973 ULINE 387.18 GLOVES AND DRY ERASE MARKERS 479813 7461310 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 387.18 431626 1/3/2019 101055 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 2,250.00 479814 12262018 5960.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEER SERVICES - STORM 2,250.00 431627 1/3/2019 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC. 23.85 SCREWS FOR TRAFFIC SHIELDS 479928 S002203465.002 1330.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES TRAFFIC SIGNALS 3.44 NEW WORKSTATIONS 479929 S002205531.001 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 27.29 431628 1/3/2019 123616 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICES INC. 421.94 LEAK LOCATE 479667 9095 5913.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DISTRIBUTION 421.94 431629 1/3/2019 103266 WELSH COMPANIES LLC 736.62 2018 REIMBURSE FOR OVERPAYMENT 479668 1009 07147.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION France Ave - W39th to W42nd 736.62 431630 1/3/2019 142599 WINDSHIELD CENTERS, LLC 336.26 CONTRACTED REPAIR 479973 0150001594 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 336.26 431631 1/3/2019 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 7,615.50 479820 7214921 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:15R55CKR2LOGIS101 26Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/3/20191/3/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 431631 1/3/2019 101312 WINE MERCHANTS Continued... 673.15 479893 7216131 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 6,490.52 480071 7216132 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 41.13 480066 7216133 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8,536.17 479892 7216135 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 23,356.47 431632 1/3/2019 124503 WINSUPPLY OF EDEN PRAIRIE 29.07 RINK LIGHTING BREAKER 479923 170784 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 29.07 431633 1/3/2019 118395 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP INC. 171.96 NEW HIRES PPE 479821 E1791088.001 1470.6552 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 171.96 431634 1/3/2019 142220 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY 70.00 479895 1381 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 105.00 479894 1382 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 210.00 480069 1383 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 385.00 431635 1/3/2019 101726 XCEL ENERGY 8,190.26 479722 616518616 1551.6185 LIGHT & POWER CITY HALL GENERAL 57.40 479718 619966910 1551.6185 LIGHT & POWER CITY HALL GENERAL 1,355.24 479900 620122708 5111.6185 LIGHT & POWER ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 1,177.23 479899 620129959 1628.6185 LIGHT & POWER SENIOR CITIZENS 5,976.65 479898 620147707 5720.6185 LIGHT & POWER EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 2,165.74 479896 620164783 5210.6185 LIGHT & POWER GOLF DOME PROGRAM 105.46 479897 620192544 1460.6185 LIGHT & POWER CIVILIAN DEFENSE 19,027.98 431636 1/3/2019 104324 YOUNGBLOOD LUMBER CO. 90.29 CONCRETE BENCH FORMS 479669 00045626-001 5553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 90.29 1,527,123.85 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks 1,318,656.58 208,467.27A/P ACH Payment Total Payments 1,527,123.85 1/2/2019CITY OF EDINA 14:06:27R55CKS2LOGIS100 1Page -Council Check SummaryNote: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/3/20191/3/2019 - Company Amount 185,919.6801000GENERAL FUND 736.6202500PEDESTRIAN AND CYCLIST SAFETY 288,087.4004000WORKING CAPITAL FUND 134,208.5004200EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 2,749.5705100ART CENTER FUND 2,196.6005200GOLF DOME FUND 392.1205300AQUATIC CENTER FUND 173,284.9105400GOLF COURSE FUND 11,105.5805500ICE ARENA FUND 9,430.5205550SPORTS DOME FUND 19,951.6805700EDINBOROUGH PARK FUND 3,542.7305750CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK FUND 277,117.9305800LIQUOR FUND 63,634.9705900UTILITY FUND 2,508.1705930STORM SEWER FUND 30,236.9106000RISK MGMT ISF 2,857.5907400PSTF AGENCY FUND 9,472.5009210HRA ADMINISTRATION 297,222.2009232CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 12,467.6709900PAYROLL FUND Report Totals 1,527,123.85 Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2019-01: Designating Official Newspaper For 2019 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-01 designating the Edina Sun Current as the official newspaper of the City of Edina for 2019. INTRODUCTION: The Edina Sun Current rates for 2019 is the same as 2018: First insertion: $11.90 per column inch (9 lines per inch) Subsequent insertions: $7.00 per column inch (9 lines per inch) Staff recommends Council appoint the Edina Sun Current as the official newspaper of the City of Edina for 2019. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-01 Official Newspaper RESOLUTION NO. 2019-01 DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the Edina Sun-Current be and is hereby designated as the Official Newspaper for the City of Edina for the year 2019. Passed and adopted this 8th day of January, 2019. Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______________ day of ___________________, ____________. City Clerk Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.D. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2019-02: Signatory Resolution Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-02. INTRODUCTION: At the first Council meeting of the year, the Council must adopt a Signatory Resolution authorizing the persons holding office as Mayor, Manager, and Treasurer of the City to act for the City in transacting banking business with the City’s named banks. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-02 Signatory RESOLUTION NO. 2019-02 SIGNATORY RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that persons holding office as Mayor, Manager and Treasurer of the City of Edina, be, and they hereby are authorized to act for this municipality in the transaction of any banking business with U.S. Bank, Wells Fargo Bank and Tradition Capital Bank, (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank") from time to time and until written notice to any Bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said accounts, which checks will be signed by the Mayor, Manager and City Treasurer. Each Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks against such account if signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the City, including the signers of the check. Dated: January 8, 2019 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______________ day of ___________________, ____________. City Clerk Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.E. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2019-03: Designation of Director/Alternate Director of Suburban Rate Authority Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-03. INTRODUCTION: The Council must designate a Director and Alternate Director to the Suburban Rate Authority each year. Staff suggests that Public Works Director Brian Olson and Finance Director Don Uram act in this capacity for the City of Edina for 2019. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-03 Director Suburban Rate Authority RESOLUTION NO. 2019-03 DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Brian Olson is hereby designated to serve as a Director of the Suburban Rate Authority and Don Uram is hereby designated to serve as Alternate Director of the Suburban Rate Authority for the year 2019 and until their successors are appointed. Dated: January 8, 2019 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______________ day of ___________________, ____________. City Clerk Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.F. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2019-04: Designation of Director/Alternate Director of LOGIS Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-04. INTRODUCTION: The Council must designate a Director and Alternate Director of LOGIS each year. Staff suggests that Finance Director Don Uram and Communications and Technology Services Director Jennifer Bennerotte act in this capacity for the City of Edina. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-04 Director of LOGIS RESOLUTION NO. 2019-04 DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO LOGIS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Don Uram is hereby designated to serve as a Director of LOGIS, and Jennifer Bennerotte is hereby designated to serve as Alternate Director of LOGIS for the year 2019 and until their successors are appointed. Dated: January 8, 2019. Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______________ day of ___________________, ____________. City Clerk Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.G. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2019-05: Designating Official Depositories Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-05. INTRODUCTION: At its first regular Council meeting of the year, a resolution designating official depositories for public funds of the City of Edina must be adopted. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-05 Designating Official Depositories RESOLUTION NO. 2019-05 DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES BE IT RESOLVED, that U.S. Bank, Wells Fargo Bank and Tradition Capital Bank, are hereby authorized to do banking business in Minnesota, be and are hereby designated as Official Depositories for the Public Funds of the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota until January 1, 2020. Dated: January 8, 2019 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______________ day of ___________________, ____________. City Clerk Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.H. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2019-06: Appointment To Edina Fire Relief Association Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-06. INTRODUCTION: MN Stat. 424A.04 requires the City appoint three municipal trustees to the board of trustees for the Fire Relief Association. The three municipal trustees must include at least one elected official and the Fire Chief. For 2019, staff recommend the City Council appoint the Mayor, Fire Chief and Finance Director. Resolution No. 2019-06 supports this recommendation. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-06 Fire Relief Association RESOLUTION NO. 2019-06 DESIGNATING MUNICIPAL TRUSTEES OF THE EDINA FIREFIGHTERS RELIEF ASSOCIATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: James B. Hovland, Mayor, Don Uram, Finance Director, and Tom Schmitz, Fire Chief, are hereby appointed to serve as Municipal Trustees of the Edina Firefighters Relief Association Board of Trustees for the year 2019 or until their successor have been appointed. Dated: January 8, 2019. Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______________ day of ___________________, ____________. City Clerk Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.I. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2019-07 Approving Mayor's Appointment of the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the City of Edina Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 2019-07. INTRODUCTION: Minnesota Statute 469 describes the appointment procedures for municipal Housing & Redevelopment Authorities (HRA). HRA commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council to serve up to five-year, staggered terms. An HRA may consist of up to seven members who are residents of the city. It is not uncommon for a City Council to serve as the HRA, and that has been Edina's past practice. T his practice is called out in the By-Laws of the Edina HRA. The attached Resolution appoints the two officials to the HRA for terms that are coterminous with each Council Members term on the City Council. Staff recommends that Council reaffirm the past practice of appointing the Council to serve as HRA by formally approving the Mayor's appointment. In addition, staff also recommends that the Council affirm the past practice of making the terms of the HRA Members coterminous with their terms on the City Council. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-07 Appointing Commissioners to HRA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-07 APPROVING MAYOR’S APPOINTMENT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the “City”), as follows: 1. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.003, Subdivision 5 and 6, the Mayor has submitted for the City Council’s consideration the appointment of the following members to the Authority: Ron Anderson and Kevin Staunton. 2. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.003, Subdivision 6, the City Council hereby approves the appointment of two Commissioners of the Authority for terms of such office which coincide with their terms of office as members of the City Council, respectively. 3. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.003, Subdivision 7, the City Clerk (a) shall file the originals of such certificates of appointment in the office of the City Manager and (b) shall file in the office of the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development a certified copy of this Resolution and a certified copy of the above-mentioned certificates of appointment. Adopted by the Edina City Council this 8th day of January, 2019. Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN (SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______________ day of ___________________, ____________. City Clerk Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.J. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2019-08: Authorizing Facsimile Signatures Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-08. INTRODUCTION: The Council must adopt a Resolution authorizing the use of facsimile signatures by the Mayor, Manager and Treasurer on checks, drafts, warrants, vouchers, etc., or other orders by public funds deposited with the City's banks. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-08 Facsimile Signatures RESOLUTION NO. 2019-08 AUTHORIZING USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS RESOLVED that the use of facsimile signatures by the following named persons: JAMES B. HOVLAND - Mayor DON URAM - Treasurer SCOTT H. NEAL - City Manager on checks, drafts, warrants, warrant-checks, vouchers or other orders of public funds deposited in U.S. Bank, Wells Fargo Bank and Tradition Capital Bank be and hereby are approved, and that each of said persons may authorize said depository banks to honor any such instrument bearing his facsimile signature in such form as he may designate and to charge the same to the account in said depository bank upon which drawn as fully as though it bore his manually written signature and that instruments so honored shall be wholly operative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such facsimile signature shall have been affixed without his authority. Dated: January 8, 2019 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______________ day of ___________________, ____________. City Clerk Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.K. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2019-09 Appointing Responsible Authority and Assigning Duties for Data Practices Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 2019-09. INTRODUCTION: Minnesota Statue 13.02, subd. 16, requires that the City appoint one person as the Responsible Authority to administer the requirements for collection, storage, use and dissemination of any set of data on individuals or government data. The Responsible Authority is required to establish procedures to facilitate access to public data, limit access to private data to the appropriate persons, and respond to request and deny access to data. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-09 Appointing Responsible Authority and Assigning Duties for Data Practices 200232v1 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-09 RESOLUTION APPOINTING A RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY AND ASSIGNING DUTIES WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 13.02, subd. 16, as amended, requires that the City of Edina appoint one person as the Responsible Authority to administer the requirements for collection, storage, use, and dissemination of data on individuals within the City; and WHEREAS, the Edina City Council shares concern expressed by the Legislature on the responsible use of all City data and wishes to satisfy this concern by immediately appointing an administratively qualified Responsible Authority as required under the statute. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina as follows: The City appoints City Clerk Sharon Allison as the Responsible Authority for the purposes of meeting all requirements of Minn. Stat. Chapter 13, as amended, and with rules as lawfully promulgated by the Commissioner of Administration. Adopted by the Edina City Council this 8th day of January, 2019. ATTEST: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN (ss. CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this _______ day of __________________, 20___. City Clerk Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.L. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Robert Wilson, City Assessor Item Activity: Subject:Set 2019 Date for Board of Appeal and Equalization Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Set Wednesday, April 17, 2019, 5:30 p.m., for the Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting. INTRODUCTION: On or before February 15 of each year, the County Assessor is required to give written notice to the City Clerk of the day and time when the Board of Appeal and Equalization will meet in the assessment districts in the county. To facilitate this, the City Council is required to select a hearing date between April 1 and May 31 of each year. Staff recommends setting the initial hearing date for Wednesday, April 17, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. This date does not conflict with any religious observances. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.M. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Susan Faus, Interim Parks & Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:Annual Appointment of Assistant Weed Inspector Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Appoint Tom Swenson, Assistant Director, Parks and Natural Resources, as Assistant Weed Inspector for calendar year 2019. INTRODUCTION: The duties of the Assistant Weed Inspector are to carry out the enforcement of the City of Edina's Vegetation Chapter 30 - Maintenance of Vegetation. Primarily, the Assistant Weed Inspector identifies and eradicates noxious weeds as defined by the State Commission of Agriculture and mandated by Minnesota Statues. The duties also include identifying and cutting turf grasses and weeds throughout the City of Edina that exceed ten inches in height that are subject to Edina Code Chapter 30, Divisions 2 and 3. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.N. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Jennifer Garske, Executive Assistant Item Activity: Subject:Set Date for the Annual Meeting of Boards and Commissions Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Set Tuesday, April 30, 2019, for the Annual Meeting of Boards and Commissions. INTRODUCTION: This is a dinner meeting to introduce newly-appointed board and commission members and to recognize retiring members. T he event will take place at Braemar Golf Course. This date does not conflict with religious observance days. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.O. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Jennifer Garske, Executive Assistant Item Activity: Subject:Set 2019 Town Hall Meeting Dates Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Set 2019 Town Hall meeting dates for April 6 and November 16. INTRODUCTION: It is customary for the City Council to hold two Town Hall meetings annually. For 2019, the meetings are scheduled for: Saturday, April 6, 10:00-Noon, Braemar Golf Course Saturday, November 16, 10:00-Noon, Fireside Room, Senior Center Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.P. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:2019 Board & Commission Reappointments Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve 2019 board and commission reappointments for all commissioners who requested reappointment. INTRODUCTION: Members with a term limit of 3/1/19 were notified of their term limit. Those that were eligible for reappointment were asked to signify their interest. T he staff report lists all members asking for reappointment. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: 2019 Reappointments January 8, 2019 Mayor & City Council MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator Board and Commission Reappointment Requests Information / Background: Term expiration notices were sent to all individuals with terms expiring March 1, 2019. The following individuals expressed a willingness to be reappointed to their respective board or commission. Appointments will all be for a three-year term expiring 3/1/2022. All regular members are eligible for reappointment with respect to term limits and attendance requirements. Arts and Culture Commission Susan Chandler Russ Rubin Steven Suckow Community Health Commission Andrew Johnson-Crowley Construction Board of Appeals Brian Berube Energy & Environment Commission Carolyn Jackson Human Rights and Relations Commission Cindy Edwards Michelle Meek Jasmin Stringer Moore Heritage Preservation Commission Michael Birdman Parks & Recreation Commission Koren Hawk Nelson Eileen McAwley Michael Miller Planning Commission Jimmy Bennett Sheila Berube John Hamilton Transportation Commission Bruce McCarthy Shakar Veluvali STAFF REPORT Page 2 Attendance assessments determined three commissioners had fallen below the 75% attendance policy. All three commissioners would still like to request reappointment. The staff liaisons to these commissions have discussed the reasons with the members and are in support of re-appointing the members. Dena Soukup Community Health Commission Term 3/1/22 Christy Zilka Community Health Commission Term 3/1/22 Chris Davis Heritage Preservation Commission Term 3/1/21 After making these reappointments, the following vacancies will exist: Board or Commission Person Leaving Reason Term Heritage Preservation Commission Karen Kelly Declined Reappointment 3/1/19 Arts & Culture Commission Cheryl Gunness Resigned 3/1/21 Human Rights and Relations Commission Heather Edelson Resigned 3/1/20 Heritage Preservation Commission Scott Loving Resigned 3/1/22 Applications will be accepted until midnight, on January 31, 2019. Appointments will be sent to the City Council Wednesday, February 20, 2019, for Council approval. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.Q. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Jessica V. Wilson, Water Resources Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Sunnyslope Road Shoreline Stabilization Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase for stabilization of shoreline at Sunnyslope Road. INTRODUCTION: See attached Request for P urchase. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Shoreline Stablization City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: January 8, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Jessica V. Wilson, Water Resources Coordinator Subject: Request for Purchase: Sunnyslope Road Shoreline Stabilization Purchase Subject to: ☒List Quote/Bid ☐State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget G.F. Jedlicki, Inc. $ 91,665.75 Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: 1/2/2019 Bid or expiration Date: 3/2/2019 Company: G.F. Jedlicki, Inc. Amount of Quote or Bid: $ 91,665.75 Blackstone Contractors LLC Sunram Construction, Inc. Minger Construction Co. Inc. JL Theis, Inc. Rachel Contracting Schneider Excavating and Grading, Inc. Urban Companies Rosti Construction $ 92,455.00 $ 98,482.00 $108,459.50 $118,504.00 $119,361.00 $123,495.25 $146,340.00 $147,829.50 Recommended Quote or Bid: Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact The project will be paid for through the stormwater utility fund, CIP#17-082 and CIP#17-084. Environmental Impact The project involves stabilizing the streambank to prevent further erosion, benefitting water quality at Mill Pond. Community Impact In addition to the water quality benefits for Mill Pond, the stabilization project will also protect nearby Sunnyslope Road from impacts due to erosion. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.R. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Chad A. Millner, P.E., Director of Engineering Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: 50th Street Bridge Railings Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve attached request for purchase for replacement of the 50th Street Bridge Railings. INTRODUCTION: See attached request for purchase. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase Form City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: January 8, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Chad A. Millner, PE, Director of Engineering Subject: 50th Street Bridge Railings Purchase Subject to: ☒List Quote/Bid ☐State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Background: The railings on the 50th Street Bridge over Minnehaha Creek were identified needing replacement during recent annual bridge inspections. The current railings are a combination of concrete and stone bollards with metal. The concrete and stone is failing along with severe rusting of the metal rails. This project will replace the combination railing with a low maintenance ornamental metal railing matching the railing on the adjacent Browndale Avenue dam. Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: December 27, 2018 February 27, 2018 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: S.M. Hentges & Sons, Inc PCiRoads, LLC LS Black Constructors Global Specialty Contractors Inc Redstone Construction, LLC Zenith Tech, Inc $118,412.00 $134,639.00 $156,993.40 $163,540.50 $185,595.00 $214,000.00 Recommended Quote or Bid: S.M. Hentges & Sons, Inc $118,412.00 Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact The project will be funded using Municipal State Aid Maintenance Funds. This is a replacement of the railings that are at the end of their useful life. Environmental Impact The railings are required for safety along the sidewalk adjacent to Minnehaha Creek. The new railings will require less maintenance compared to the existing combination railings. Material waste and use of natural resources are minimal with this replacement. Community Impact The railings are required for fall protection along the sidewalk and bridge adjacent to a drop-off to Minnehaha Creek. All community members will be able to continue to use the sidewalk and view the creek after the installation of the railings. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.S. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Chad A. Millner, P.E., Director of Engineering and MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: 58th Street Public Participation Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve request for purchase for public participation pilot for 58th Street Reconstruction. INTRODUCTION: See attached request for purchase form and letter proposal. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase Form WSB Letter Proposal Public Participation Work Session Materials City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: January 8, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Chad A. Millner, PE, Director of Engineering MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator Subject: 58th Street Reconstruction – Public Participation Pilot Purchase Subject to: ☐List Quote/Bid ☐State Contract ☒Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Background: Recall at the December 4, 2018 City Council Work Session, staff presented council with an idea to develop a more strategic approach to community engagement. This request for purchase is to hire WSB to assist with a pilot public participation project with the 58th Street Reconstruction. Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: December 28, 2018 February 28, 2018 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: WSB Engineering $39,985.00 Recommended Quote or Bid: WSB Engineering $39,985.00 Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact The project will be funded using a combination of municipal state aid funds and special assessments. Environmental Impact Service contact only, no specific impact. Community Impact When engagement works it increases understanding of community needs, ensures all voices and perspectives are heard and considered, increases understanding and support for City goals/projects, contributes to sustainable decision making, and provides assessable opportunities for individuals to participate. 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM January 2nd, 2019 Re: Public Participation Pilot for 58th St. Reconstruction – Wooddale Ave to Xerxes Ave. Dear Ms. MJ Lamon and Mr. Chad Millner, WSB can support the City of Edina in taking practical steps with public engagement approaches that will lead to informed public consent for a preferred alternative for 58th Street reconstruction. Pro-active public engagement activities will help refine feasibility, scope of the project and foster an inclusive and engaged community. Th following is a letter proposal that describes tasks for the Public Participation Pilot for 58th St. Reconstruction. These tasks are aimed to accelerate project delivery, while respecting the context and those impacted by the project along the corridor. WSB will partner with Edina to use International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) principles and standards to guide the pilot and public participation decisions. The proposed level of participation is consult: to obtain public feedback on analysis, alternatives and/or decisions. The total not-to-exceed fee is $39,985. A detailed cost breakdown is provided with hourly rates for WSB staff. WSB will bill the City monthly for reimbursable expenses and on an hourly basis for labor. WSB will provide these services in accordance with our Master Agreement for Professional Engineering Services dates June 18, 2013. Task 1: Project Management Edina’s MJ Lamon will be the public facing, public involvement lead of the public engagement process. Phil Barnes will serve as support for Edina in planning and delivering public engagement techniques. Phil will also be responsible for the administration of invoices, coordination with WSB project team members, development of communication tools and materials, and oversight of tasks, schedule, and budget. Phil will be the single point of contact to allocate WSB resources for 58th St. reconstruction public participation pilot. As the public participation process starts, Phil can also administer and respond to resident and stakeholder questions regarding the public participation process and the reconstruction project with phone, email, or in-person meetings. In-person engagements can help residents feel welcomed, involved, and create easy opportunities to provide input. Phil understands the importance of being responsive. Phil has rich experience developing and strengthening relationships in the community to develop trust between the government and residents. Ms. MJ Lamon and Chad Millner January 2nd, 2019 Page 2 Task 2: Complete Stakeholder Assessment WSB will review all background and demographic information, previous public survey, and case history. WSB will facilitate an assessment meeting with the Edina project team to identify potential risks, develop a goal statement and decision process. WSB and Edina will then assess impacted stakeholders, underrepresented groups, organized groups, advocacy groups, or neighborhoods that could be impacted and interested in 58th Street design. WSB and Edina will develop a schedule and plan to engage impacted stakeholder groups. The participation schedule will be developed with Edina to create agreement on dates of meetings and events. The plan will focus efforts on removing barriers for participation, developing relationships, and being inclusive. Stakeholder groups and residents will generally be invited into a consultant role for reconstruction decision making. At a minimum, stakeholders to be planned for include: ▪ Adjacent Property Owners ▪ Pamela Park Neighborhood Association ▪ Chowen Neighborhood Association ▪ Parks and Recreation Commission ▪ Running Community ▪ Cycling Community ▪ Hennepin County ▪ School District ▪ City of Minneapolis ▪ Transportation Commission Task 3: Complete High-Level Field Survey, Develop Concept Maps, & Cross Sectional Options WSB will utilize existing topographic field survey information, existing conditions, and GIS right of way base maps to develop high-level maps. WSB will perform a corridor walk and review of existing topographic information. WSB will develop cross sectional options that include: ▪ Bike Facilities (Lane Widths) ▪ Parking ▪ Sidewalks ▪ Shared Use Path ▪ Storm Sewer Opportunities (tree trenches, infiltration basins, rain gardens, etc.) Concept maps and street cross sectional options will be developed and will consist of map-level graphics and typical sections. These visuals will then be used to gather comments and concerns at public engagement events (Task 4, 5 and 6). Photos will also be gathered of project subareas to provide context of existing conditions and design. Ms. MJ Lamon and Chad Millner January 2nd, 2019 Page 3 Task 4: Concept Feedback Open House – 1 Event WSB will develop communications materials inviting impacted residents and stakeholders to an initial open house. WSB will develop and deliver collateral communications materials (poster boards, comment cards, etc.), mail letters, and promote the event. WSB will facilitate the open house in partnership with Edina. The initial open house will provide information about the overall public participation process throughout planning and design. The open house will be used to request public interest information for 58th Street design. A survey and check-in sheet will be developed to gain insights on demographics of attendees. The survey can be compared to community demographic information to measure underrepresented group attendance. The check-in sheet will include an opportunity to sign-up for a potential focus or discussion groups in the future. The survey can also be available to learn about attendees’ mode of travel, frequency, and major interest. WSB will summarize the data gathered at the open house into a report. This survey can also be made available online. Design concepts and constraints will be available for the public to explore. Photos of existing constraints will be used to provide context. This feedback will help Edina gain understanding of interest levels for in scope elements such as bike and pedestrian facilities, storm water opportunities, and on-street parking, along the corridor. Aerial maps will also be provided. Participants can create comments about specific troubling geographic areas. WSB will produce effective visuals and request the identification of potential issues and solution ideas. A project overview summary will be provided with Edina contact information, and ways to participate at future events and online. The initial project overview will describe the process for engagement with explanations on ways to stay involved online and in-person. Task 5: Pop-up Event – 1 Event WSB will facilitate and administer a “pop-up” activity at an existing community event. Edina will select the appropriate community event for WSB to attend. The activity will be a scaled down version of the first open house allowing residents to provide insight into interests and provide ideas for potential solutions. Contact information, a project overview summary, and survey will also be provided at the pop-up event. WSB will summarize the data gathered into a report. Edina can choose to have WSB administer more pop up events at regular hourly rates or use the materials from the first “pop- up” event to facilitate others. Task 6: Sub-Area and Special Interest Focus Groups – 6 meetings Ms. MJ Lamon and Chad Millner January 2nd, 2019 Page 4 WSB will professionally facilitate focus group discussions to build stronger relationships with interested and impacted residents. Community Engagement Coordinator will participate in focus groups as available. Planned questions will be submitted to Edina for review and approval. WSB will provide technical information and expert opinion to support focus group productivity. This will include preliminary alternatives, visuals, and renderings developed by WSB design staff. WSB recommends that potential alternatives be provided for deeper focus group feedback. WSB will provide the community a concept layout of the corridor, photos, cross sections, and “zoomed in” perspective visuals of special interest areas. Focus groups can also be provided with comments from the open house in advance to better understand broad community interests. WSB will recruit committed and impacted individuals for focus group participation at the initial open house, on-line, and follow-up through contact information provided in the open house check-in sheet. The focus groups can include motivated residents in sub-areas, businesses, underrepresented groups, and special interests. Each focus group will have minutes recorded for decision making. The focus group will be asked to work collaboratively to identify design alternative risks and solutions. Focus group ideas may include further study of potential risks to design alternatives. Detailed study or designs for project challenges will not be addressed in public engagement scope and budget. If requested by Edina, more detailed studies can be included at regular hourly rates. Focus group meetings will include a design expert. The designer will be available to present high- level alternatives and discuss technical challenges. Participants will be asked to provide ideas to amend alternatives to address enhance their interests. Task 7: Develop and Administer Online Survey Not everyone can attend an open house or focus group. WSB will develop community survey questions in collaboration with Edina. The survey will provide a broader perspective on high-level concept alternatives and demographic information. The survey can also be used to leverage broad community input against the “vocal few”. WSB will synthesize survey findings for key themes and develop bullet points for the advisory group. Task 8: Preferred Concept Open House – 1 meeting (Optional) WSB will facilitate a second Open House that will update the community, provide opportunity for comments, and provide orientation to the preferred concept. Final concept recommendation will link to the public engagement process to provide to the greatest extent possible for informed consent. Comments will be accepted and considered for amendments to preferred concept. Ms. MJ Lamon and Chad Millner January 2nd, 2019 Page 5 Task 9: Elected Officials Updates WSB can provide periodic updates to elected officials, and present preferred concept to pertinent Municipal and County officials as needed. Task 10: Develop Public Engagement Summary Report WSB will draft a summary of public and stakeholder engagement efforts. The summary report will synthesize comments from open houses, any focus group suggestions, and survey information. Phil Andrew Kurt Steve Alison Total Total Task Barnes Plowman Bearinger Gazdik Nguyen Hours Task Description Project Manager Design Communication Coordinator GIS Mapping Graphics Support 1.0 Project Management $3,632.00 1.1 Administration of invoices, coordination with WSB project team members, development of communication tools and materials, and oversight of tasks, schedule, and budget Follow-up phone calls, emails, or in-person meetings. 20 4 24 $3,632.00 2.0 Complete Stakeholder Assessment $2,870.00 2.1 Gather and review background and demographic information, previous surveys, and case history.1 2 3 $322.00 2.2 Facilitate risk identification and assessment meeting with the Edina project team.3 2 2 7 $986.00 2.3 Develop strategy for specific impacted stakeholders, organized groups, advocacy groups, and neighborhoods. Develop living plan and schedule to engage impacted stakeholder groups. 5 3 3 11 $1,562.00 3.0 Complete High-Level Field Survey, Develop Concept Maps, & Cross Sectional Options $5,330.00 3.1 Utilize existing topographic field survey information, existing conditions, and GIS right of way base maps to survey project area. Gather photos of project subareas. 1 8 9 $1,494.00 3.2 Develop concept maps and street cross sectional options consisting of map-level graphics & and typical sections. 2 15 8 2 2 29 $3,836.00 4.0 Conduct Concept Feedback Open House - 1 meeting $5,523.00 4.1 Develop and deliver collateral communications materials (invitation flyer, poster boards, comment cards, check-in sheet, survey etc.), mail invitations and promote event. Materials will include maps and information gathered in Task 3.0. 6 2 15 3 3 29 $3,083.00 4.2 Deliver Open House. Coordinate location and organize location setting. Facilitate public input into design ideas and interests at sub-area event stations. Recruit committed and impacted individuals for focus group participation. 6 2 6 14 $1,796.00 4.3 Develop Open House summary report. 2 4 6 $644.00 5.0 Pop-up Event - 1 Meeting $1,112.00 5.1 Deliver Pop-up Event. Organize materials from first open house. Coordinate location and organize location setting. Facilitate public input. 1 6 7 $634.00 5.2 Develop Pop-up summary report. 1 4 5 $478.00 6.0 Sub-Area and Special Interest Focus Groups - 6 Meetings $10,414.00 6.1 Develop questions and materials for focus groups discussions. Materials will include preliminary alternatives, zoomed-in perspective visuals, renderings, corridor concept layout, photos, and cross sections. 25 12 16 2 2 57 $7,780.00 6.2 Facilitate focus group meetings and summarize results. 10 1 8 2 21 $2,634.00 7.0 Develop and Administer Online Survey $1,122.00 7.1 Develop community survey questions. Synthesize survey findings for key themes and develop bullet points for the advisory group. 2 1 8 11 $1,122.00 8.0 Preferred Concept Open House - 1 meeting $6,851.00 8.1 Develop and deliver collateral communications materials (invitation flyer, poster boards, comment cards, etc.). Mail invitations and promote event. Develop proffered concept visualizations. 6 10 15 3 3 37 $4,411.00 8.2 Facilitate a second Open House to update community, provide opportunity for comments, and provide orientation to the preferred concept. 6 2 6 14 $1,796.00 8.3 Develop Open House summary report. 2 4 6 $644.00 9.0 Elected Officials Updates - 2 meetings $1,761.00 9.1 Provide periodic updates to elected officials, and present preferred concept to pertinent Municipal and County officials as needed. 6 1 4 1 2 14 $1,761.00 10.0 Develop Public Engagement Summary Report $1,370.00 10.1 Develop summary report that synthesizes comments from open houses, any focus group suggestions, and survey information. 2 1 10 1 14 $1,370.00 Total Hours 107 60 125 11 15 318 Billing Rate $166.00 $166.00 $78.00 $103.00 $92.00 Total $17,762.00 $9,960.00 $9,750.00 $1,133.00 $1,380.00 Total Cost $39,985.00 Edina 58th Street Public Participation Pilot - Cost Breakdown by WSB Tasks & Staff Date: December 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: III. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Reports / Recommendation From:Lisa Schaefer, Assistant City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Public Participation Pilot for 58th St. Reconstruction Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Provide feedback regarding the Public Participation P roposal for 58th St. Reconstruction - Wooddale Ave to Xerxes Ave. INTRODUCTION: At the September 5 City Council work session, staff proposed a process to develop public participation plans for projects and requested to use the 58th St. reconstruction as a pilot project. Today we are asking for Council to review and make changes, if any, to the public participation proposal. This proposal will serve as the framework for staff and consultants to develop a communication plan, project timeline with specific engagement techniques, and criteria for decision-making. At the conclusion of the public participation process, staff will summarize and bring engagement results back to Council prior to making a decision. ATTACHMENTS: Description Pilot Proposal Background Information IAP2 Spectrum City Council Public Participation Proposal Project: 58th Street Reconstruction - Wooddale Ave to Xerxes Ave Proposal date: December 4, 2018 Prepared by: Project Coordinator MJ Lamon & Engineering Director Chad Millner Project decision: Staff makes a recommendation to City Council Project timeline: December 2018 to June 2019 • Decision made by June 2019 for construction in 2020. 1. DECISION TO BE MADE: Plan Elements for 58th Street Reconstruction. In-scope Elements: During this process, the public can influence decisions related to street design including: • Bike Facilities (Lane Widths) • Parking • Sidewalks • Shared Use Path • Storm Sewer Opportunities (tree trenches, infiltration basins, rain gardens, etc.) Questions to be answered: Community feedback needs to include: • Should the bike facilities be on street or off street? • Should on-street parking be provided, if so 1 or 2 sides? • Should there be more than 1 off street pedestrian facility? • Should we go above normal practice with storm sewer options? II. PARTICIPATION LEVEL: Consult Participation goal: To obtain public feedback on analysis, alternatives and/or decisions. Public promise: We will keep you informed, listen to and acknowledge concerns and aspirations, and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision. We will seek your feedback on drafts and proposals. III. STAKEHOLDERS Outreach will include the following stakeholders: • Adjacent Property Owners • Pamela Park Neighborhood Association • Chowen Neighborhood Association • Parks and Recreation Commission • Running Community • Cycling Community • Hennepin County • School District • City of Minneapolis • Transportation Commission Page | 2 IV. ENGAGEMENT METHODS Examples of methods for “Consult” level Staff will develop and implement a public participation plan and timeline that includes methods needed to obtain feedback from identified stakeholders. Examples of methods for “Consult” include surveys, polls, field trips, and open houses. Public hearing legally required: ☐Yes ☒No Will there be a public Hearing? ☒No ☐ Yes, by Planning Commission ☐Yes, by City Council V. DECISION CRITERIA Legal or technical requirements: The project must meet Municipal State Aid, Watershed District, City of Edina and other regulatory minimum design standards. Other considerations: In addition to public input, the staff recommendation to Council will also consider: • Cost • Sustainability goals • Sidewalk plan • Traffic impact • Neighborhood needs Out of scope elements: • Sanitary sewer and watermain are outside the scope of this process. • Decisions already made: o A bike facility will be included, although this could be combined with a pedestrian facility. o at least one sidewalk will be included and could be combined with a bike facility. December 4, 2018 Mayor & City Council MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator Lisa Schaefer, Assistant City Manager Public Participation Pilot – Summary of previous concepts Information / Background: This project relates to the following initiatives in the 2018-2019 Budget Work Plan: Budget goal #4: Foster an inclusive and engaged community. Objective: Develop a more strategic approach to Community Engagement Strategy: Develop community engagement protocols based on the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Spectrum Model. When engagement works… • Increases understanding of community needs • Ensures all voices and perspectives are heard and considered • Increases understanding and support for City goals/projects • Contributes to sustainable decision-making • Provides assessible opportunities for individuals to participate When engagement doesn’t work” • Not all stakeholders can participate or know how to participate • Some voices monopolize the dialogue – drowning out others • Changing or unclear plans, timelines, parameters • Reasons for decision are not communicated to participants Characteristics of effective public participation: • Focus on values, not interests • Define the specific decision to be made • Make a promise to the public (and keep it) • Uses the right engagement techniques. (Recognize “more” doesn’t mean “better”.) • Close the feedback loop STAFF REPORT Page 2 Council and staff commit to: 1. Make a plan 2. Do what we say we are going to do 3. Don’t change the rules 4. Make a decision 5. Tell people why DEFINITIONS: Community Engagement is anyway in which people are INVOLVED with the City. It is more than a one-time activity. Public Participation is involving the public in DECISIONS that affect them. P2 is a series of activities over the full lifespan of a project both to inform the public and obtain input from them. Examples: surveys, open houses, workshops, pop ups Communication refers to the methods we use to INFORM the public and keep them informed. Communication focuses on what has happened, what is going to happen, and how to get involved. Examples: Social media, website, city extra, written publications Participation Spectrum is used to help clarify the role of community in planning and decision-making, and how much influence the community has over planning or decision-making process. It consists of Inform, Consult, Involve, Collaborate, or Empower. IAP2 Spectrum Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.T. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Ross Bintner P.E., Engineering Services Manager Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Minnehaha Trunk Sewer Rehab - Bid Rejection Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Reject bids for Minnehaha Trunk Sewer Rehab INTRODUCTION: Bids for this project came in higher than budget. Discussions with service contractors revealed schedule, tight working conditions, restoration, and temporary pumping work methods drove costs. The project specifications and plans will be changed to provide more certainty for bypass pumping and access and restoration, and more flexibility to schedule the work either in summer of 2019 or winter of 2019/20. T he project will be rebid. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase Form City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: January 8, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Ross Bintner PE – Engineering Services Manager Subject: Minnehaha Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation – Bid Rejection Purchase Subject to: ☒List Quote/Bid ☐State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☐Within Budget ☒Not Within Budget Staff recommends rejecting bids. Staff and consultant will modify bid schedule and allowable construction methods and rebid modified project. Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: December 20, 2019 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Insituform Lametti and Sons Michels $1,660,517.20 (Base+alternate) $1,885,836.00 (Base+alternate) $2,364,322.50 (Base+alternate) Recommended Quote or Bid: Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact Capital improvement item 15-150 includes $1,100,000 in funding for this professional service and the resulting project to rehabilitate a section of trunk sewer. Environmental Impact Pipe lining and repair does not create significant waste. The project repairs leaking pipes and reduces leaks into the wastewater system, reducing the need for other capacity related improvements. Community Impact The project serves the purpose of repairing aging infrastructure, reducing infiltration and inflow of stormwater into the sanitary sewer system, and rehabilitating a sanitary system. The need for the project is described in the Trunk Sanitary Sewer Infiltration Study Report (December 2013). Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.U. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Ross Bintner, P.E., Engineering Services Manager Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Morningside Surface Water Model Update Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase with Barr Engineering for Morningside Surface Water Model Update. INTRODUCTION: The Morningside area of Edina receives flow from St. Louis Park and Minneapolis, and flows to Minneapolis storm systems. The current model has boundary conditions with assumptions and was built before the neighboring cities had surface water models of their own. Recently, modeling has been completed in both neighboring cities. The attached scope is conducted in coordination with similar efforts to create a single model to eliminate error from model boundary condition assumptions and improve accuracy. This is a technical step that will facilitate the 2019 Flood Protection Strategy & Morningside Weber Flood Project described in the Local Water Plan. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase Supplemental Letter Agreement City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: January 8, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Ross Bintner, P.E., Engineering Services Manager Subject: Morningside XP-SWMM Model Update Purchase Subject to: ☐List Quote/Bid ☐State Contract ☒Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Barr Engineering Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: 12/26/2018 N/A Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Barr Engineering $49,400 Recommended Quote or Bid: Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact CIP 19-341 Flood Protection Strategy & Morningside Weber Flood Project Environmental Impact The study phases conducted in 2019 will be service contracts, with no specific impact. Community Impact This phase of the project will provide an accurate model that matches those of neighboring Minneapolis and St. Louis Park. Barr Engineering Co. 4300 MarketPointe Drive, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55435 952.832.2600 www.barr.com December 21, 2018 Mr. Ross Bintner City of Edina Engineering Department 7450 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439 Re: Proposal for XP-SWMM Modeling Work Related to the Morningside Neighborhood Dear Mr. Bintner: This letter presents our proposed scope of work and budget for completion of XP-SWMM modeling work related to the Morningside neighborhood. It is our understanding that the cities of Edina (City), Minneapolis, and St. Louis Park have agreed to provide their respective stormwater management models (SWMM) so that the models can be combined into one model for the Morningside neighborhood of Edina and adjacent neighborhoods in Minneapolis and St. Louis Park. We also understand that the City would like to update the existing XP-SWMM model for the Morningside neighborhood. The scope of work presented below is based on general work tasks discussed with Mr. Bintner in a November 27, 2018 meeting with Barr staff. As we have discussed, the goal of this work is to create a combined, detailed, calibrated XP-SWMM model for the purpose of improving our understanding of risk to the Morningside neighborhood, so that the City can further develop flood risk reduction strategies for this neighborhood. The scope of professional consulting services we will provide for your project includes: 1. Collecting, converting, and combining the models from St. Louis Park, Edina, and Minneapolis to create one seamless XP-SWMM model of the stormwater management system extending from St. Louis Park to Lake Bde Maka Ska in Minneapolis. Please note that the cost estimate assumes that the St. Louis Park and Minneapolis models will be used as provided with the exception of edits needed to subwatershed divides at the boundaries of each city. This task will include: a. Converting St. Louis Park’s PCSWMM model to XP-SWMM b. Updating subwatershed divides in Edina using the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 2011 LiDAR elevation data and edge matching subwatershed divides with both St. Louis Park and Minneapolis. c. Recalculating hydrology inputs based on updated subwatershed divides within Edina and at city boundaries. d. Adding inlet capacity evaluation capabilities to the model throughout the Morningside neighborhood. e. Reviewing precipitation amounts for all design storm events (assuming each city is using something slightly different) and coordinating with City staff about the appropriate precipitation amounts to use for the combined model. Mr. Ross Bintner December 21, 2018 Page 2 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271649 Morningside FRRS Study\ProjRiskMgmt\Proposal_for_Morningside XPSWMM modeling 12212018.docx f. Running and debugging the combined model and routing water that may be surcharging from the storm sewer system (“capturing water”). g. Two meetings with staff from Edina (and possibly staff from Minneapolis and St. Louis Park) h. Developing a technical summary memo 2. Optional - Improving the overland routing of water within Edina’s city borders by converting the at-surface portion of the XP-SWMM model to a 2D overland flow model. The Morningside neighborhood is a good candidate for this type of approach and we have successfully done this type of work in a similar area in Minneapolis. We would add the digital terrain model (based on the MNDNR’s 2011 LiDAR elevation data set), incorporate all catch basins to account for inlet capacity (which will then provide catch-basin level detail in the model versus the existing catch basin cluster level of detail), add land use data to provide the roughness input parameters, and add boundary conditions from St. Louis Park and Minneapolis. Developing a 2D model can provide a better understanding (and more confidence) in the at-surface routing. A 2D model also provides additional capabilities for visualizing model results, such as velocity vectors, flood animations, inundation duration, etc. Selecting the 2D option eliminates the need to “capture water” as described in task 1e above. Any changes to the XP-SWMM due to addition of 2D overland flow routing will be documented in the technical summary memo (task 1g above). 3. Optional – Conducting a sensitivity analysis on the model inputs. Due to the fact that the model is currently uncalibrated, and there is a proposed effort to monitor and calibrate, we believe an initial sensitivity analysis on the uncalibrated model is warranted and can help identify critical inputs for monitoring and can also help identify appropriate calibration parameters. We propose to assess the model’s sensitivity to five input parameters: percent impervious, infiltration rates, initial soil moisture, hydraulic roughness for overflows and pipes, and land use roughness if the 2D model option (described above) is pursued. This task will documented in a technical summary memo. 4. Water level monitoring at key locations within the Morningside neighborhood for one spring/summer/fall season. We propose to monitor two ponds: Weber Pond and the pond north of West 42nd Street (within subwatershed MS_26), between Lynn and Kipling Avenues. This will require 3 pressure transducers; one in each pond, and one for barometric pressure adjustments. We also propose to monitor the water level in manholes at 3 locations: one to represent inflow to Edina’s system from St. Louis Park, one to represent outflow from Edina to Minneapolis, and one to represent in-pipe flow from the south end of Morningside to Weber Pond. This monitoring will help calibrate both the Morningside neighborhood and the contributing area from St. Louis Park. This task will include developing a technical summary memo. Mr. Ross Bintner December 21, 2018 Page 3 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271649 Morningside FRRS Study\ProjRiskMgmt\Proposal_for_Morningside XPSWMM modeling 12212018.docx 5. Calibration and validation of the XP-SWMM model using the monitoring data. Our cost estimate assumes that we will process NEXRAD data for five (5) precipitation events, calibrate the model to three of those events, and validate the model for two of the events. This task will include developing a technical summary memo. a. Once the combined model is calibrated, we will use it to assess up to six (6) design events (for example, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year events). The results may be used in subsequent project work to further understand flood risk throughout the Morningside neighborhood and ultimately help develop flood risk reduction strategies. b. Mapping the inundation areas within the City of Edina for the six events modeled. The total estimated base cost for this scope of work is $38,100. The additional sensitivity analysis and 2D modeling tasks would require an additional $6,600 and $4,700, respectively. If both optional tasks are selected, the total cost will be $49,400. Each of the above outlined tasks, the expected schedule and level of effort (in terms of hours) for each task, and the cost for each task are listed in the table below. Please note that several subtasks under Task 1 overlap with the scope of work for both Minneapolis and St. Louis Park and the cost estimate below accounts for splitting the work between the three cities. Task Schedule Labor Hours Labor Fees Expenses Deliverable 1. Create a combined XP- SWMM model To be completed approximately 2 months after notice to proceed and receipt of SWMM models from all three cities 80 $9,200 -- Technical summary memo., XP-SWMM model (v2014) and new subwatershed divides 2. Optional: Convert surface routing to 2D To be completed approximately 2 months after notice to proceed 45 $4,700 -- XP-SWMM model (v2014) and new subwatershed divides 3. Optional: Sensitivity Analysis To be completed approximately 2 months after completion of Task 2 60 $6,600 -- Technical summary memo 4. Monitoring April – Oct, 2019 82 $10,000 $5,000* Technical summary memo, figures, and data 5. Calibration & Validation Oct - Dec, 2019 110 $13,900 -- Technical summary memo, calibrated XP- SWMM model (v2014); inundation mapping (GIS data) for 6 design events *Please note that this cost reflects that Barr will use existing monitoring equipment for half of the sites to be monitored. Mr. Ross Bintner December 21, 2018 Page 4 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271649 Morningside FRRS Study\ProjRiskMgmt\Proposal_for_Morningside XPSWMM modeling 12212018.docx Barr will complete the proposed scope of work in accordance with the Master Agreement for Professional Engineering Services. We appreciate the opportunity to continue providing engineering services to the City of Edina and look forward to working with you on this project, along with Minneapolis and St. Louis Park, to further assess flood risk in the Morningside neighborhood. If the proposed scope of services is satisfactory, please sign a copy of this letter in the space provided, and return it to us at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions about the scope of services, please contact Sarah Stratton at 952-832-2860 or sstratton@barr.com. Sincerely yours, BARR ENGINEERING CO. Sarah Stratton Its Vice President Accepted this ____________ day of ___________________, 20____ City of Edina By Its Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.V. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Gunnar Kaasa, Equipment Operations Supervisor Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: 2020 Western Star Single-Axle Truck with Plow Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the purchase of the 2020 Western Star Single-Axle Truck with Plow. INTRODUCTION: We recommend replacing Vehicle 25-325 with the new 2020 Western Star Single-Axle Truck with P low. Vehicle 25-325 has outlived its useful life. See attached Request for Purchase. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2020 Western Star Single-Axle Truck with Plow City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: January 8, 2018 To: Mayor and City Council From: Gunnar Kaasa, Equipment Operations Supervisor Subject: Request For Purchase – 2020 Western Star Single-Axel Truck with Plow Purchase Subject to: ☐List Quote/Bid ☒State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Boyer Truck TBEI equipment Boyer truck will provide the Western Star Single-Axle Truck and TBEI will provide the dump box and plow and install them on the Western Star Truck. This is a replacement for Vehicle 25-325, a 2000 signal-axle plow truck with 44,024 miles. It has outlived its useful life and needs replacement. Our new equipment replacement scoring methodology uses six performance and cost variables including age, usage, type of service, condition, repair costs and reliability. Replacement qualification scores are: 23 for all sedans and light trucks and 28 for heavy duty vehicles and off-road equipment whose gross weight rating (GVWR) exceeds 10,500. The higher the score, the higher the need to replace the vehicle. In other words, we will not replace a heavy duty vehicle that does not have a minimum score of 28. This piece of equipment has a score of 35. . Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: 12/20/2018 05/30/2019 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Boyer Truck (State Contract No. 77960) TBEI (State Contract No. 100779) $90,752.67 $115,996.00 Total $206,748.67 Recommended Quote or Bid: Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact Funding for the new plow truck would come from the Public Works equipment: • Replacement fund and was included into the 2019 CIP • This truck will be utilized in the street department for 15 to 20 years Environmental Impact The truck that the City of Edina will be replacing is a 2000 truck that has no emission standards. The new truck has a tier-4 engine with advanced engine technology and after treatment (catalytic converter) that reduces emissions by 50-96 percent and increases fuel efficiency. The large swing in the emission percentage is dependent on how the truck is used. When the truck idling, it has a 50 percent reduction in emission and when the truck is driving down the road, it has a 96 percent reduction in emission. This truck meets the City of Edina green fleet recommendations. Community Impact Edina is a first rate city and we will be replacing an older truck with a more fuel efficient and cleaner burning vehicle. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.W. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Gunnar Kaasa, Equipment Operations Supervisor Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: 2020 Western Star Tandem- Axle Truck with Plow Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the purchase of the 2020 Western Star Tandem-Axle Truck with Plow. INTRODUCTION: We recommend replacing Vehicle 25-340 with the new 2020 Western Star Tandem-Axle Truck with Plow. Vehicle 25-340 has outlived its useful life. See attached Request for Purchase. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2020 Western Star Tandem-Axel Truck with Plow City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: January 8, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Gunnar Kaasa, Equipment Operations Supervisor Subject: Request For Purchase – 2020 Western Star Tandem Truck with Plow Purchase Subject to: ☐List Quote/Bid ☒State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Boyer Truck TBEI equipment Boyer truck will provide the Western Star Tandem-Axle Truck and TBEI will provide the dump box and plow and install them on the Western Star Truck. This is a replacement for Vehicle 25-340, a 2005 Tandem-Axle Plow Truck with 121,515 miles. It has outlived its useful life and needs replacement. Our new equipment replacement scoring methodology uses six performance and cost variables including age, usage, type of service, condition, repair costs and reliability. Replacement qualification scores are: 23 for all sedans and light trucks and 28 for heavy duty vehicles and off road equipment whose gross weight rating (GVWR) exceeds 10,500. The higher the score, the higher the need to replace the vehicle. In other words, we will not replace a heavy duty vehicle that does not have a minimum score of 28. This piece of equipment has a score of 33. Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: 12/20/2018 05/30/2019 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Boyer Truck (State Contract No. 77960) TBEI (State Contract No. 100779) $97,919.04 $127,210.00 Total $225,129.04 Recommended Quote or Bid: Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact Funding for the new plow truck would come from the Public Works equipment: • Replacement fund and was included into the 2019 CIP • The plow truck will be utilized in the street department for 10 to 15 years Environmental Impact The truck that the City of Edina will be replacing is a 2005 with tier 2 emission standards. The new truck has a tier 4 engine with advanced engine technology and after treatment (catalytic converter) that reduces emissions by 50-96 percent and increases fuel efficiency. The large swing in the emission percentage is dependent on how the truck is used. When the truck idling it has a 50 percent reduction in emission and when the truck is driving down the road it has a 96 percent reduction in emission. This vehicle meets the City of Edina green fleet recommendations. Community Impact Edina is a first rate city and we will be replacing an older truck with a more fuel efficient and cleaner burning vehicle. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.X. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Gunnar Kaasa, Equipment Operations Supervisor Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: 2020 Kenworth with Velocity Spray Patcher Unit Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the purchase of the 2020 Kenworth with Velocity Spray P atcher Unit INTRODUCTION: We recommend replacing Vehicle 25-341with the new 2020 Kenworth with Velocity Spray Patcher Unit. Vehicle 25-341 has outlived its useful life. See attached Request for Purchase. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: 2020 Kenworth Spray Patcher City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: January 8, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Gunnar Kaasa, Equipment Operations Supervisor Subject: Request For Purchase – 2020 Kenworth with Velocity Patcher Unit Purchase Subject to: ☐List Quote/Bid ☒State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Rhim Kenworth RCM equipment Rhim Kenworth will provide the Kenworth single-axle truck and RCM will provide the Velocity patch unit. This is a replacement for Vehicle 25-341, a 2005 Freightliner with a RA-300 velocity patch unit, with 49,457 miles and 9,500 idle hours. It has outlived its useful life and needs replacement. Our new equipment replacement scoring methodology uses six performance and cost variables including age, usage, type of service, condition, repair costs and reliability. Replacement qualification scores are: 23 for all sedans and light trucks and 28 for heavy duty vehicles and off road equipment whose gross weight rating (GVWR) exceeds 10,500. The higher the score, the higher the need to replace the vehicle. In other words, we will not replace a heavy duty vehicle that does not have a minimum score of 28. This piece of equipment has a score of 33. Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: 12/12/2018 06/30/2019 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Rhim Kenworth RCM equipment $73,888.00 $142721.00 Total $216,609.00 Recommended Quote or Bid: Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact Funding for the new plow truck would come from the Public Works equipment: • Replacement fund and was included into the 2019 CIP • This will be unutilized in the street department for 10 to 15 years Environmental Impact The truck that the City of Edina will be replacing is a 2005 that has tier 2 emission standards. The new truck has a tier 4 engine with advanced engine technology and after treatment (catalytic converter) that reduces emissions by 50-96 percent and increases fuel efficiency. The large swing in the emission percentage is dependent on how the truck is used. When the truck idling it has a 50 percent reduction in emission and when the truck is driving down the road it has a 96 percent reduction in emission. The new Velocity patch unit is also more efficient and can better utilize today’s greener pothole emulsion products. The vehicle meets the City of Edina green fleet recommendations. Community Impact Edina is a first rate city and we will be replacing an older truck with a more fuel efficient and cleaner burning vehicle. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.Y. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Gunnar Kaasa, Equipment Operations Supervisor Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: 2020 Western Star Truck with Plow and Trailer Hitch Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the purchase of the 2020 Western Star Truck with Plow and Trailer Hitch. INTRODUCTION: We recommend replacing Vehicle 25-323 with the new 2020 Western Star Truck with Plow and Trailer Hitch. Vehicle 25-323 has outlived its useful life. See attached Request for P urchase. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: 2020 Western Star Truck with Plow and Trailer Hitch City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: January 8, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Gunnar Kaasa, Equipment Operations Supervisor Subject: Request for Purchase: 2020 Western Star Truck with Plow and Trailer Hitch Purchase Subject to: ☐List Quote/Bid ☒State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Boyer Truck TBEI equipment Boyer Truck will provide the Western Star Tandem-Axle Truck and TBEI will provide the dump box and plow and install them on the Western Star Truck. This is a replacement for Vehicle 25-323, a 2000 single- axle plow truck with 45,515 miles. It has outlived its useful life and needs replacement. Our new equipment replacement scoring methodology uses six performance and cost variables including age, usage, type of service, condition, repair costs and reliability. Replacement qualification scores are 23 for all sedans and light trucks and 28 for heavy duty vehicles and off road equipment, whose gross weight rating (GVWR) exceeds 10,500. The higher the score, the higher the need to replace the vehicle. In other words, we will not replace a heavy duty vehicle that does not have a minimum score of 28. This piece of equipment has a score of 31. When we replace a vehicle we analyze the impact to our fuel usage. Replacing this single-axle truck with a larger tandem-axle truck will allow us to transport two times more product then a single-axle truck, while utilizing similar fuel efficiency. Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: 12/20/2018 05/30/2019 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Boyer Truck (State Contract No. 77960) TBEI (State Contract No. 100779) $113,250.41 $128,587.00 Total $241,837.41 Recommended Quote or Bid: Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact Funding for the new plow truck will come from the 2019 CIP Public Works Equipment Replacement Budget. The old truck will be traded in for new truck and plow. Environmental Impact The truck being replaced is model year 2000 that has no emission standards. The new truck has a tier 4 engine with advanced engine technology and after treatment (catalytic converter) that reduces emissions by 50-96 percent and increases fuel efficiency. The large swing in the emission percentage is dependent on how the truck is used. When the truck is idling, it has a 50 percent reduction in emission. When the truck is driving down the road it has a 96 percent reduction in emission. The new truck will be a tandem-axle truck replacing a single-axle truck. The single-axle truck box holds six yards of material and a tandem-axle truck will hold 12 yards of material. This makes the new truck more fuel efficient. The new truck will also have a pinto hook hitch to pull Public Works large trailer. This truck meets the city’s green fleet recommendations. Community Impact Edina is a first rate city and we will be replacing an older truck with a more fuel efficient and cleaner burning vehicle. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: VII.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner Item Activity: Subject:PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution No. 2019-10: 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 2019-10 approving the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan with the recommendations made by the Planning Commission. On December 12, 2018, a motion to approve the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan as written failed. Vote: 4 Ayes and 4 Nays. Motion to approve the P lan with the recommendations outlined in the staff memo dated December 12, 2018 was approved: Vote 5 Ayes and 3 Nays. This memo was drafted by staff at the request of the Planning Commission to address concerns that the Planning Commission had with the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan at the time the Plan was discussed by the Planning Commission at their November 14, 2018 Work Session. The following summarizes the changes: 1. The density requirements are moved to the land use chapter of the Comprehensive P lan. Density shall be 10- 50 units per acre. Projects may be considered up to 75 units per acre subject to Rezoning; 20 percent of the units within a project be for affordable housing; meeting goals and objectives of the Small Area Plan and help meet public realm improvements outlined in the P lan. 2. Building Height increases are not given by right by amending the Height Overlay District. Rather, heights may be increased per the Plan subject to a Variance or Rezoning. INTRODUCTION: The 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan states that new development should aesthetically respect the existing and surrounding neighborhood character with new or updated design that complements and sensitively transitions from the 1960s-1970s architecture to 2018 and beyond. 70th & Cahill should reclaim its sense of place and the village appeal should be timeless and inviting. The Plan indicates that new development should include a variety of both rental and owned condos, townhomes and apartments along with neighborhood-serving retail located in the most visible locations. ATTACHMENTS: Description Small Area Plan - 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan - Appendix Resolution No. 2019-10 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Resolution No. 2019-10 approved at meeting December 12, 2018 Staff Memo (Planning Commission Recommendation) Planning Commission Minutes - November 28, 2018 Planning Commission Minutes - December 12, 2018 Staff Presentation Handout at Meeting Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Revised Draft Plan: December 12 , 2018 Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page i Table of Contents Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... iii Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... iv 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Study Area ................................................................................................................................. 2 1.4 Community Engagement and the Planning Process .................................................................. 3 1.5 Major Planning Issues ................................................................................................................ 5 1.6 Vision Statement ....................................................................................................................... 6 1.7 Guiding Principles ...................................................................................................................... 7 2. Community Context and Demographic Characteristics ................................................................ 15 2.1 Population Profile .................................................................................................................... 15 2.2 Housing Profile ........................................................................................................................ 17 2.3 Employment Profile ................................................................................................................. 18 3. Economic Vitality ....................................................................................................................... 21 3.1 Current Conditions .................................................................................................................. 21 3.2 Trends and Challenges ............................................................................................................. 22 3.3 Goals and Policies .................................................................................................................... 24 4. Land Use and Urban Design Framework ..................................................................................... 27 4.1 Current Land Use ..................................................................................................................... 27 4.2 Trends and Challenges ............................................................................................................. 34 4.3 Goals and Policies .................................................................................................................... 34 4.4 Future Land Use ....................................................................................................................... 36 4.5 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Development Guidelines ................................................. 38 I. Building Height Limits Plan ......................................................................................... 38 II. Building Type Guidelines ............................................................................................ 42 III. Residential Density ..................................................................................................... 44 IV. Site-Specific Guidelines .............................................................................................. 46 5. Heritage Preservation ................................................................................................................ 53 5.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................. 53 5.2 History of the Area ................................................................................................................... 53 5.3 Trends and Challenges ............................................................................................................. 55 5.4 Goals and Policies .................................................................................................................... 55 6. Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources ................................................................................. 57 6.1 Current Conditions .................................................................................................................. 57 6.2 Trends and Challenges ............................................................................................................. 57 6.3 Goals and Policies .................................................................................................................... 59 Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page ii 7. Transportation ............................................................................................................... 61 7.1 Existing Conditions ....................................................................................................... 61 7.2 Trends and Challenges ................................................................................................. 65 7.3 Goals and Policies ........................................................................................................ 66 8. Implementation ......................................................................................................................... 69 8.1 Economic Vitality Implementation .......................................................................................... 69 8.2 Land Use and Urban Design Framework Implementation ...................................................... 70 8.3 Historic Preservation Implementation .................................................................................... 71 8.4 Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources Implementation .................................................. 72 8.5 Transportation Implementation .............................................................................................. 73 List of Figures 1.1 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Study Area .................................................................................. 3 1.2 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Planning Process ........................................................................ 4 2.1 Demographic Analysis Area ..................................................................................................... 16 2.2 70th & Cahill Employment Concentration and Distribution.................................................... 19 3.1 Traffic Counts at Edina Nodes ................................................................................................. 22 4.1 Existing Land Use ..................................................................................................................... 29 4.2 Existing Zoning ......................................................................................................................... 30 4.3 Building Types .......................................................................................................................... 32 4.4 Future Land Use ....................................................................................................................... 37 4.5 Impact of Site Topography on Building Height ........................................................................ 40 4.6 Building Height Limits .............................................................................................................. 41 4.7 Proposed Site Elements ........................................................................................................... 47 4.8 Internal Circulation Street ....................................................................................................... 49 4.9 Parkway-Type Street Section ................................................................................................... 50 4.10 Parkway-Type Street Plan ........................................................................................................ 50 4.11 Cahill Road section .................................................................................................................. 51 7.1 Current (2014) AADT ............................................................................................................... 62 7.2 Alternative Extensions of the Nine Mile Creek Trail ................................................................ 64 List of Tables 1. Use of the Plan in Development ............................................................................................... 2 2. Land Use/Year Built/Type ....................................................................................................... 31 3. 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Characteristics .................................................................. 38 4. Representative Residential Densities for Recent Developments ............................................ 44 5. Study Area Daily Traffic ........................................................................................................... 61 Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page iii Acknowledgements City Council Members James Hovland, Mayor Mary Brindle Mike Fischer Kevin Staunton Bob Stewart City Planning Commission Members Jo Ann Olsen, Chair Ian Nemerov, Vice-Chair James Bennett Sheila Berube John Hamilton Susan Lee * Lou Miranda Gerard Strauss * Todd Thorsen (* Co-Chairs to the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan SAPWG) Small Area Planning Team SAPWG Members (Volunteers) Connie Carrino Alice Hulbert Jeff Melin Tim Murphy Kristi Neal Philip Peterson Kyle Udseth City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota, 55424 Cary Teague Community Development Director Kris Aaker Assistant City Planner Mark Nolan Transportation Planner Consultant Team Members William Smith Biko Associates, Inc. Daniel Lubben Biko Associates, Inc. Aida Strom Biko Associates, Inc. Dan Cornejo Cornejo Consulting Dan Edgerton Zan Associates, Inc. Tim Griffin Tim Griffin, LLC Janna King Economic Development Services, Inc. Haila Maze Bolton & Menk, Inc. Executive Summary Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page iv Executive Summary A Nod to Nodes Cahill Village. Neighborhood Village Node. During its earliest meetings, the 70th &Cahill Small Area Plan SAPWG (SAPWG) tossed about these concepts to describe and envision a transformation from what is to what could be for that current mix of residential-commercial-industrial located in this historic Edina intersection. Flash forward to the community meetings and those same characteristics of a village and neighborhood center were also of particular importance to stakeholders. Now, flashback…to the 1850s when 26 Irish-Catholic immigrants decided to settle at what is today the intersection of West 70th Street and Cahill Road. That small group of pioneers saw the need and value in creating a common gathering location for buying supplies, attending church and school, and socializing. Clearly the attributes of a village have always been important to Edina’s earliest settlers and remain so to its current residents. Until 1974—before it became incorporated as a city—Edina was known as the Village of Edina, and often is still fondly described as such. In 2015 when the city embarked on its most recent strategic planning process, Vision Edina, stakeholder participants also identified the importance of maintaining and enhancing the characteristics and fabric of neighborhoods. Framed as “nodes and modes,” this strategic vision statement embraces balanced urban renewal with a focus on Edina’s unique nodes and highly connected transportation modes. But what are the attributes of a node and village? How can the 70th & Cahill study area overcome its state of inertia and current challenges and emerge as a 21st-Century village—or node—within what once was a first-ring suburb and today is transitioning into an urban city? Historic Cahill School was built in 1864 and was located near the intersection of 70th and Cahill. It served as the center of Edina’s Irish community, providing a gathering place for school, meetings, church services, and social events. It was used by the congregation of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church until 1958. It is on the National Register of Historic Places. The Cahill Settlement monument located at the intersection of 70th & Cahill is a historic reminder that the study area is significant in Edina’s past and future and deserves to be recognized for its intrinsic character or “sense of place.” Executive Summary Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page v The SAPWG grappled with finding answers to help guide future decisions and development and no doubt future commissioners, staff and council members will, too. Of key importance is that Edina retain, embrace and promote its neighborhood nodes which are an asset that many other cities can’t offer. For the 70th & Cahill study area this will require creative design and a thoughtful and balanced development plan that goes beyond a parcel-by-parcel approach and instead integrates suggestions, concepts and guidelines from this small area plan to ultimately create a cohesive village. Framing a New Village When it comes to defining a desired look for a new village, there was considerable discussion about the term “mixed-use” from both zoning and architectural perspectives. The SAPWG and most community meeting participants were open to a “mix of uses” (e.g. residential, retail, commercial etc.), YET there was strong opposition to how “mixed-use” is currently (in 2018) being used by developers to merely build rental apartments above retail. The SAPWG and residents would prefer any new development to include a variety of both rental and owned condos, townhomes and apartments along with neighborhood-serving retail located in the most visible locations. Most of all, the SAPWG and community want to see new development that aesthetically respects the existing and surrounding neighborhood character with new or updated design that complements and sensitively transitions from the 1960s-1970s architecture to 2018 and beyond. 70th & Cahill should reclaim its sense of place and the village appeal should be timeless and inviting. Critical Connections 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node offers additional redevelopment opportunities beyond just creating new housing. Among both its biggest assets and challenges are connections or linkages. These include: • Connections that enhance awareness and visibility of the village with improved wayfinding • Connection to an under-represented housing stock and potential location for the “missing middle,”1 or varied, affordable housing choices within a walkable area for middle-income residents such as teachers, police officers and retirees. • Connections to and from the regional bike trail and parks • Connections with the adjoining industrial area and its emerging retail offerings (e.g. sports facilities and brew pubs) • Connections to future rail or transit Purpose of the Small Area Plan Like Edina’s other small area plans (44th and France, 50th and France and Wooddale-Valley View), the purpose of the 70th & Cahill small area plan is to provide a long-range decision-making framework for this specific study area. The plan—the framework—includes principles, goals, policies, development guidelines and implementation steps for staff, commissioners, and city council members to use for the next ten years or longer when considering development proposals. Following are the key highlights, recommendations, and findings found in this plan: 1 From Missing Middle Housing, Responding to the Demand for Walkable Urban Living by Daniel Parolek; missingmiddlehousing.com Executive Summary Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page vi Community Engagement and Planning Process This small area plan relied heavily upon input received from various stakeholders including residents, and business and property owners. Three community meetings were held, surveys were conducted with businesses in the study area as well as the adjacent industrial area, and residents could respond to questions on SpeakUp Edina. The draft plan was also made available for public comment prior to review by the Planning Commission and adoption by the City Council. Guiding Principles The framework for leading change at the 70th & Cahill neighborhood node can be found in the plan’s Guiding Principles which fulfill these primary purposes: • To influence and define the goals, policies and implementation steps found in this plan; • To add details for developers to consider and include in their proposals, such as specific public realm improvements • To provide an evaluation tool for the city to use when considering development proposals • And, to provide the community with expectations on anticipated change and future development In Chapter 1 Introduction, the Guiding Principles are presented in more detail. Briefly they include seven strategic and essential standards: Guiding Principle 1: Vibrant Development Cahill Village will be an attractive mixed-use, neighborhood node, seen as a cohesive, vibrant and walkable community with an appealing streetscape and well-cared for buildings that complement the area’s history, architecture and natural topography. Guiding Principle 2: Connections to the Village Cahill Village will have strong physical connections to the nearby neighborhoods and the Edina community. Guiding Principle 3: Housing Cahill Village will provide attractive, quality multi-family housing for a variety of markets. Guiding Principle 4: Transportation Cahill Village will be easily accessible by automobiles, bikes, pedestrians and transit riders. Guiding Principle 5: Parking Parking at Cahill Village will be safe, secure, efficient, and economical. Guiding Principle 6: Pedestrian/ Biking Cahill Village will be easy and safe for pedestrians and bikers, including people who use the regional trails and parks. Guiding Principle 7: Green Space/Amenities/Urban Design Cahill Village will be designed to enhance the pedestrian experience through public realm improvements and architectural building character that extends beyond individual property lines to create a cohesive village-like setting. Executive Summary Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page vii Land Use and Urban Design Framework The small area plan recognizes that future development will require public realm improvements, changes in land use and zoning, and potentially increases in height and density. The nine-member SAPWG had robust discussions surrounding current zoning and the comp plan process, and then reviewed current development projects within Edina as well as neighboring communities to settle on its recommendations. The most important factor, however, was input received at the community meetings which included residents sensitive to change and developers eager to build. The Land Use, Parks and Transportation chapters of this plan detail the public realm improvements required to realize the envisioned village and neighborhood node. The key takeaway from the Land Use chapter involves the hotly debated issue of height and density. The 70th & Cahill small area plan allows for the following limits: Building heights • Along West 70th Street and at the intersection of Cahill and 70th: Up to three stories (39 feet). This shall also establish the maximum upper height (MUH) limit for all buildings fronting on Cahill Rd. • Along Cahill Road: Up to five stories (63 feet) but not to exceed the established MUH • Within the interior of the study area: Up to five stories (63 feet) Density • 10 - 50 dwelling units per acre Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources Adjacent just to the east of the study area is one of its greatest amenities and assets: The Nine Mile Creek (NMC) Regional Trail. Currently, however, the trail is not easily accessible to and from the study area, nor are there signs to direct trail-users to potential amenities and offerings (meeting places; refreshments, etc.). With additional connections, access and wayfinding the trail could become an economic development driver to help encourage related new businesses to emerge, to spur redevelopment, and to distinguish the 70th-Cahill node over other areas of Edina as a bike-friendly destination and neighborhood gem. It is, however, imperative that city staff and related commissions immediately work with the Three Rivers Park District to coordinate the final route of the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. The Park District proposed two options and “Option A” was the overwhelming preference of residents during the public engagement meetings. An additional consideration for staff and the Park District to study would be to have a portion of the “Option A” route jog through the study area instead of running along the busy intersection of 70th Street and Cahill Road. Implementation The first step to help facilitate change in the study area is updating its land use category from neighborhood commercial (NC) to neighborhood node (NN). This change more prominently highlights housing as a component and not only will allow for a mix of uses in the area, but also complements the village “node” and community envisioned by the SAPWG. The SAPWG also recommends that when the adjoining industrial area is studied for potential redevelopment, that this plan and study area is revisited. With potential overlapping issues involving land uses, zoning, public Executive Summary Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page viii realm improvements or other concerns, new solutions may present that could help realize more dynamic changes that benefit both areas. Most of the additional related recommendations, policies and guidelines will be updated or adjusted with adoption of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan. Conclusion The 70th & Cahill study area is positioned for change and it needs to change. There are opportunities and challenges. The SAPWG believes focusing on improved access and connections, identifying and promoting the node’s assets like access to the regional bike trail, and by crafting a fair approach to redevelopment will not only protect and preserve this neighborhood node, but will ultimately achieve increased visibility and awareness for 70th & Cahill guided by this Small Area Plan vision: Cahill Village is a vibrant, mixed-use neighborhood node with shops, services, dining and multi- family housing options that appeal to people at all stages of life. Connections to the neighborhood and surrounding Edina community contribute to the vitality of the Village. Access to and from the Village can be accomplished by all travel modes, including bicycle and transit. Its proximity and convenient access to the Nine-Mile Creek Trail adds energy to the Village. The Village offers its residents and neighbors broad opportunities for social engagement with indoor and outdoor gathering places. Executive Summary Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page ix Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 Purpose 1.3 Study Area 1.4 Community Engagement 1.5 Major Planning and Design Issues 1.6 Vision Statement 1.7 Guiding Principles Chapter 1 - Introduction Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview The 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan (SAP) is intended to be approved by the City of Edina Planning Commission and then adopted by the Council in 2018 for inclusion in the city’s new 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update. Policies and guidelines regarding the study area in the 2018 update of the Comprehensive Plan will be adjusted to reflect this plan. The plan addresses the same topical areas in the city’s comprehensive plan but provides more specific guidance, especially in the areas of land use, transportation, and economic vitality. The SAP serves as an important tool and guidebook for decision-makers when evaluating future development projects and provides a long-term vision for the area. 1.2 Purpose Why was the Small Area Plan developed? The 70th & Cahill neighborhood commercial node was first identified in the 2008 Edina Comprehensive Plan as a potential area of change, noting its “potential for the addition of new compatible uses” was greater than in other areas of the city.” As part of the city’s overall 2018 update to the comprehensive plan, 70th & Cahill was identified as one of six critical geographic areas within the community that have the potential for significant change and development. Small area plans determine land use regulations and help guide future redevelopment proposals. Small area plans do not, however, guarantee redevelopment will occur or that proposed public improvements will be implemented. Other factors, such as market conditions or budget priorities, will play an important role in how a small area plan is implemented. It is important to remember that small area plans are intended to provide guidance over a long period of time. What makes for a successful Small Area Plan? • Represents the shared vision of multiple community residents and stakeholders • Provides a guide for future development • Identifies the tasks and timelines necessary for successful completion • Strengthens the community through increased interaction and understanding of varied perspectives • Builds connections with residents who often champion the plan and ensure its goals and objectives are met as future development/redevelopment occurs Using the Small Area Plan Any property owner or prospective developer who is interested in major changes in the study area is directed by staff to the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan to learn what the city has envisioned and is requiring for the study area. The Plan would likely be used as follows during the review of an application for development, variance, or rezoning in the study area. Chapter 1 - Introduction Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 2 TABLE 1 USE OF THE SMALL AREA PLAN IN DEVELOPMENT 1.3 Study Area The area of study included the public street rights-of-way and several land parcels in the immediate vicinity of the intersection of West 70th Street and Cahill Road, particularly to the east of the intersection. Figure 1.1, which follows, shows the study area. Included are areas designated in the 2008 Edina Comprehensive Plan as Neighborhood Commercial, Industrial, and Medium Density Residential. The 70th & Cahill small area plan study area comprises 19.09 acres of land, with 3.65 acres on the north side of West 70th street and 15.44 acres on the south side. The site is bordered on the west by Cahill Road and on the east by the Canadian Pacific (CP) Railroad right-of-way and track. Xcel Energy owns transmission lines and towers on both sides of the railroad. The site’s southern boundary is the property line between FilmTec Corporation, an ongoing business that manufactures synthetic membrane filters, and a former plant that distributed brick and tile products. The plant was sold in November 2016 to Sir Lines-A-Lot, a company that stripes pavement. The site slopes from a high point in the northwest corner (at the intersection of 70th Street/Cahill Road) to low points along the eastern edge. The site is particularly low in the northeast corner where city-owned land is located (a 1.56-acre parcel) and the southeast corner where it is 40 feet lower than the northwest corner. Use of the Plan By Whom How A. Landowners and Developers Reference and use the SAP when conceptualizing and preparing development proposals for submission to the city for review and approval. Reviewing the Small Area Plan during the early stages of project development informs developers of city-adopted directions, standards and guidelines and will ultimately prove to be a time- and resource-saving measure that can streamline the development review process. B. City Staff Use and illustrate city-adopted directions, standards, and guidelines to potential developers. The plan’s principles, goals, and policies can be used to assess and evaluate the degree to which a proposal adheres to city directions and the impact of variances developers might seek. Identify future infrastructure improvements necessary to support the recommendations and uses proposed in the plan. C. Planning Commission and City Council Ensure the proposal and approvals meet the SAP recommendations. D. Residents Use as a record and guidebook to understand the City's long range planning and development goals. Chapter 1 - Introduction Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 3 Most recommendations in this plan address issues within this approximate area of study. However, where practical, some connections, impacts, relationships and transitions to areas immediately adjacent or close-by were also documented and studied. 1.4 Community Engagement and Planning Process Community engagement, the active involvement of community members in the planning and design process, is a required step in the development of small area plans in the City of Edina. “Community members” is broadly defined to include all stakeholders with an interest in the study area, including residents, property owners, business owners/operators, city officials and staff. Figure 1.1: 70th &Cahill Small Area Plan Study Area Lewis Park Film Tec Xcel Energy 70th Street Cahill Road CP Railroad Right-of-Way Chapter 1 - Introduction Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 4 …the SAPWG’s ultimate responsibility was to make decisions about the long-term future of the study area” Small Area Plan Community Engagement and Planning and Design Process The planning and design process was led by the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan SAPWG (SAPWG), which was appointed through an open application process by the Edina Comprehensive Plan Task Force (Planning Commission), at the direction of the Edina City Council. The planning process included a substantial community engagement program, which was directed and developed by the SAPWG to ensure that to the extent realistic and feasible, the plan’s outcomes would reflect values and expectations of the public. Figure 1.2 to the right, illustrates the planning and design process, as well as roles and responsibilities of the SAPWG, Comprehensive Plan Task Force, City Council, and the public. Specific efforts were made to engage a representative cross-section of the community, including residents, neighbors, land owners, businesses, visitors, customers, employees, city residents at large, etc. 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan SAPWG The 70th & Cahill SAPWG included nine public volunteers representing the small area plan study area, surrounding neighborhoods, and the City of Edina at-large. The SAPWG was tasked with overseeing major aspects of the plan’s development, including identifying major planning issues, determining how to take advantage of opportunities, developing the plan’s findings and recommendations, and leading community engagement events. Moreover, the SAPWG’s ultimate responsibility was to make decisions about the long-term future of the study area, based on a range of factors. This was not an easy task, because there were disagreements and differing opinions about the future that could not easily be validated without more sophisticated research and data. Ultimately, decisions had to be made, and the SAPWG tried to determine courses of action that would be best for the City of Edina. Factors considered by the SAPWG included: 1. Community input received through three Community Meetings, an Edina Speak Up survey, business owners/operators survey, and interviews with property owners. 2. Technical information prepared by planning, architectural, and economic development consultants. 3. Familiarity with physical characteristics of the site, e.g., site topography and hydrology. Figure 1.2: 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Planning Process Chapter 1 - Introduction Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 5 4. Growing knowledge about: a) development trends in Edina and other communities throughout the metropolitan area, b) development finance trends, c) trends in commercial development, and d) retail market behavior patterns. 5. Overall guidance provided through Vision Edina, a City of Edina strategic planning study conducted in 2015 that identified an overall vision for the city and brought attention to the development/ redevelopment of the city’s nodes. 6. Guidance provided by the City of Edina Living Streets Policy, Bicycle Master Plan, Affordable Housing Policy, and Parks Strategic Plan 7. Coordination with Three Rivers Regional Park on alignment alternatives currently being considered for the extension of the Nine Mile Creek trail through the study area to a terminal point in the Hyland Park Reserve in Bloomington. Community Meetings To give the community at-large opportunities to participate in the planning and design process, a series of three public meetings were held: Discovery (12/9/17), Visioning (2/3/18), and Small Area Plan Documentation (3/3/18). The meetings were widely promoted in order to build awareness and encourage attendance. Each meeting was designed to be interactive and engaging to encourage thoughtful and meaningful input from participants. The community meetings were held on Saturday mornings. Complete summaries of the three meetings can be found in the appendices to this plan. Property Owner and Business Interviews Members of the SAPWG distributed flyers to business owners within the small area plan study area to inform them of and personally invite them to attend the community meetings. In addition, a member of the consultant team met with property owners in the study area. These one-on-one meetings were conducted to gain an understanding of issues, opportunities, and future planning for the area, as viewed by property owners. Finally, the consultant team administered a survey to business owners. The survey asked questions about the business climate, customer base, and their future plans. 1.5 Major Planning and Design Issues Three Community Meetings were held during the planning and design process. As mentioned, the meetings provided the SAPWG opportunities to gather public input in these key areas: 1. Identification of planning and design issues within the small area plan study area 2. Development of a future vision for the small area 3. Review and critique of concept-level plans and designs developed by the SAPWG and its consultant team in response to input received from the community Because community members who reside in the vicinity of the small area will be among some of the most affected by planning and design outcomes, it was important to ensure that they were able to help the SAPWG: • Understand community attitudes, values and ideas about the study area and Chapter 1 - Introduction Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 6 • Develop a Vision Statement and Guiding Principles that would have a major influence on goals and policies developed for the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan. Below are the major issues and concerns that emerged based on input received at the first Community Meeting held on December 9, 2017. Site/Study Area Improvements • Create a village square • Appropriate and safe bike parking • Modernize (the study area) • Area needs redevelopment – walk/bike/transit, and landscaping • Create a signature entrance to the retail area • Buildings should front on streets Connections/Access • Access/walkability – crossing busy streets. 70th Street north and south, and east and west on Cahill Road. Also consider crossings over railroads • Improve connection to (and from study area) regional bike trail • Better connectivity to Lewis Park Public Realm Concerns • Fix the Cahill Road and Dewey Hill Road intersection; consider a roundabout • Turn Amundson Avenue into a boulevard with sidewalks on both sides, lighting, landscaping, etc. • Sidewalks on both sides of 70th Street • Improve directional signage to and from the area (the node) and to and from the regional bike trail (wayfinding) • Roundabout at 70th Street and Rabun Drive • Cahill Area electric bus shuttle • LRT station with access to the regional trail (at 70th Street rail crossing) Redevelopment • Appropriate density for commercial and residential • Needs to demonstrate future of sustainability • Need destination businesses – ice cream shop, fast casual restaurants, collaborative work space, library, brewery • Encourage destination restaurants and services at the trail head • Guidelines for heritage preservation • Aim high, make Cahill Village a national example • Think about traffic flow in the area (e.g. to/from high school; use of 70th) 1.6 Vision Statement Vision Statement. The SAPWG reviewed comments and resulting major planning issues received at the first Community Meeting and developed the following Vision Statement. Chapter 1 - Introduction Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 7 1.7 Guiding Principles Good planning and design begin with the development of guiding principles that reflect and balance considerations such as the following: • Historical and cultural influences • Community preferences • Established design precedents • Financial feasibility and market realities • Environmental stewardship and sustainability The Guiding Principles were developed by the SAPWG and were reviewed and critiqued at two Community Meetings. With acceptance from the community at-large, they were used in the development and evaluation of alternative land use and design concepts for the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan to ensure outcomes would reflect the unique character of the community and, at the same time, guide future development in a realistic and economically and environmentally sustainable direction. Guiding Principle 1: Vibrant Redevelopment Cahill Village will be an attractive mixed-use, neighborhood node, seen as a cohesive, vibrant, and walkable community with an appealing streetscape and well-cared for buildings that complement the area's history, architecture and natural topography. Cahill Village is a vibrant, mixed-use neighborhood node with shops, services, dining and multi-family housing options that appeal to people at all stages of life. Connections to the neighborhood and surrounding Edina community contribute to the vitality of the Village. Access to and from the Village can be accomplished by all travel modes, including bicycle and transit. Its proximity and convenient access to the Nine-Mile Creek Trail adds energy to the Village. The Village offers its residents and neighbors broad opportunities for social engagement with indoor and outdoor gathering places. Chapter 1 - Introduction Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 8 • The Village includes uses that attract residents, patrons, customers, and visitors from all age groups to ensure that it is a lively and exciting place • New development proposals are forward- thinking, boost the economic vitality of the node and follow Edina's sustainable building goals. • Distinctive and coordinated signage conveys a sense of location and Village identity among the various properties and businesses. • Businesses cater to known and future markets, including nearby residents, residents from Edina, Bloomington and other neighboring communities, pass-by traffic on Cahill Road and 70th Street, future on- site residents, employees and businesses in the industrial/office park, and cyclists biking on the Nine Mile Creek Trail. • There is a mix of commercial and residential uses to help ensure that the village is an active place most hours of the day, during the week, and on weekends. • Focus on improved commercial experience and utilization of available commercial land. • Allow a mix of housing and commercial space, where it can support the moderation of commercial lease rates. • Encourage the retention of existing commercial businesses, when feasible, should they desire to remain. Guiding Principle 2: Connections to the Village Cahill Village will have strong connections to nearby neighborhoods and the Edina community. • Identify the Village with improved wayfinding signage and key entry monuments to help ensure that it is recognized as a unique place • Tree-lined, illuminated boulevard streets lead to and from the Village • Sidewalks, bike paths and streets are seamlessly linked to those outside the Village Chapter 1 - Introduction Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 9 • Village connections to/from Cahill Road and 70th Street include improvements that provide safe vehicle, bike and pedestrian access • Plan for possible connections across the CP Railroad right-of-way (leased to the Twin City & Western Railroad) to link the Village with the industrial/office park to the south and east Guiding Principle 3: Housing Cahill Village will provide attractive, quality multi-family housing for a variety of markets. • Housing options are based on life-cycle housing principles with emphasis placed on housing for a variety of age and demographic groups • Housing options provide opportunities for home ownership and rental • Housing options provide opportunities for people who work in Edina to live in Edina • Housing options provided at Cahill Village comply with and support the City of Edina's Affordable Housing Policy Chapter 1 - Introduction Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 10 Guiding Principle 4: Transportation Cahill Village is easily accessible by automobiles, bikes, pedestrians and transit riders. • The redeveloped site could include a logical grid system of streets and intersections • The internal transportation system accommodates automobiles, bikes and pedestrians on village-scaled streets (e.g. “woonerfs” or other solutions to slow traffic) • The internal transportation system fosters safety for pedestrians • Specifically identified bicycle and pedestrian paths link the Nine Mile Creek Trail to the Village's on-site destinations. • Walking, biking, or accessing the bus in or near the Village shall be safe and comfortable through improvements such as wayfinding and bus shelters. • Incorporate new transit such as the Edina “connector” bus or train or other multi-modal projects to connect the Village to other Edina nodes. Chapter 1 - Introduction Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 11 Guiding Principle 5: Parking Parking at Cahill Village will be safe, secure, efficient, and economical. • Parking options at Cahill Village shall include a mix of curbside, on-street, surface level parking lots, underground garages, and tuck-under configurations • Surface level parking lots are screened with landscaping and include rain gardens and permeable pavement where possible Chapter 1 - Introduction Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 12 Guiding Principle 6: Pedestrian/Biking Cahill Village will be easy and safe for pedestrians and bikers, including people who use the regional trails and parks. • Provide bicycle parking facilities at Cahill Village in quantities and at locations according to the City of Edina Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan • Improve pedestrian and bike connections between the north and south sides of 70th Street • Connect pedestrian and cycling paths that circulate throughout Cahill Village to the Nine-Mile Creek Trail Guiding Principle 7: Green Space/Amenities/Urban Design Cahill Village will be designed to enhance the pedestrian experience through public realm improvements and architectural building character that extends beyond individual property lines to create a cohesive village-like setting. • Develop green space amenities at Cahill Village that provide opportunities for people to relax, meet, and interact. • Develop public and/or pocket parks and other green spaces to soften the hardscape and add vibrancy to the Village Chapter 1 - Introduction Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 13 • Incorporate stormwater management features within the city-owned parcel. • Integral to the Village’s development as a pedestrian friendly node will be: ▪ Village-scale building entrances which front the streets or other public places ▪ Appealing streetscape elements such as colored concrete or pavers, wider pedestrian paths, public art, and water features ▪ Sidewalks with planted boulevards ▪ Pedestrian scale street lighting installed at regular intervals along Village streets ▪ Streetscape furnishings such as benches, water fountains, kiosks, and landscaping installed at appropriate locations along Village streets • Village buildings include high quality, durable exterior finishes and interesting and aesthetically pleasing architectural features on all exterior facades. Chapter 1 - Introduction Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 14 Chapter 2 Community Profile 2.1 Population Profile 2.2 Housing Profile 2.3 Employment Profile Chapter 2 - Community Context and Demographic Characteristics Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 15 Chapter 2 Community Profile 2.1 Population Profile2 The area of study addressed during the planning process included the public street rights-of-way and several land parcels in the immediate vicinity of the intersection of West 70th Street and Cahill Road, particularly to the east of the intersection. This includes the existing commercial area, as well as some adjacent multifamily and industrial areas. Since the study area is fairly small, this plan provides an overview of the surrounding area for context. This plan looks at data for the area within a half mile radius of the intersection of West 70th Street and Cahill Road, as shown in Figure 2.1. The half mile distance was chosen based on the typical standard for a walkable community around a destination. This half mile radius area includes portions of five Edina neighborhoods –Cahill, The Heights, Prospect Knolls, and Brookview Heights. With the exception of Cahill, which is primarily an industrial area, these neighborhoods are predominantly residential. 2 Additional supporting documentation for this chapter is available in the City of Edina's project archives. See “Appendix: 70th & Cahill Demographic Data.” Demographic Characteristics • A moderately growing population with relatively high incomes • Population has increased over the past 15+ years, from around 2,600 in 2000 to 2,900 in 2017. • Average age of 46.1. • Household size: 2.5, 35% with children • Households: families 72%, singles 24%, sharing 4% • Daytime population: 3,100 workers and residents • Ethnicity: white 84%, other 16% • Median income: $105,000 Chapter 2 - Community Context and Demographic Characteristics Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 16 Figure 2.1: Demographic Analysis Area 70th Street Cahill Road CP Railroad Right-of-Way Chapter 2 - Community Context and Demographic Characteristics Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 17 2.2 Housing Profile The housing profile data suggests an affluent and comfortable population, with a mix of housing options in aging structures. Combined, this points to a potential for change through reinvestment and redevelopment. According to demographic profile data for the area, the top three subgroups represented here are: • Golden Years – Independent, active seniors nearing the end of their careers or already in retirement. Primarily singles living alone or empty nesters. • Top Tier – The wealthiest Tapestry market, with high incomes and purchasing power. Primarily married couples with or without children. • Savvy Suburbanites – Well educated, well read, and well capitalized, this group tends to live in older suburbs and invest in their properties and lifestyles. Includes many empty nesters. Household Profile • 67 percent live in single family detached homes • Significant numbers live in townhomes (12 percent) or larger scale apartments (12 percent) • 71 percent owner occupied, 20 percent renter occupied, 9 percent vacant • 64 percent moved to the area since 2001 Housing Types • Higher value single family homes constructed primarily during 1950-1960s • Older and comparatively lower value multifamily housing constructed primarily during 1970-1980s • Median home value $439,000 • Median rent $990 Chapter 2 - Community Context and Demographic Characteristics Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 18 2.3 Employment Profile Jobs in the Area. The area has around 180 businesses with 3,900 employees. Compared to the resident population of about 2,800, there is a ratio of 1:36 jobs per resident. This is largely due to the significant industrial and wholesale trade presence in this area. Service industries employ over 60 percent of the workers in this area, with retail following at 11 percent, demonstrating a comparative lack of suitability for retail when compared to other employment sectors of the economy. Manufacturing and wholesale trade percentages are well above city averages due to the presence of the industrial area. Area Employment. The 70th and Cahill area sits at the northwest corner of one of the largest concentrations of employment in Edina. The office/industrial park at this location is immediately adjacent to I-494 and TH 100 and in proximity to TH 62, entertainment venues in the Greater Southdale District, and the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport. It is recognized as one of the most favorable locations in the metropolitan area for office and business park uses and is a major source of property tax revenues. It is a major employment center in the City of Edina where many jobs pay $90,000 per year or more. This is to be compared to wages earned in the retail sector. Note the intensity of employment activity in this area, as shown on Figure 2.2 Employment Concentration and Distribution. In terms of the employment of people who live in the area, the employment rate is very high – with only 3.5 percent of the labor force identifying as unemployed. Consistent with the industry mix, around 60 percent of residents work in the service industry. Residents however, are less likely to work in retail in comparison to the business mix and are more likely to work in finance, insurance, or real estate. Workers in this area commute from a wide distribution of places. The most common home communities for commuters are Minneapolis (9.4 percent), Bloomington (7.0 percent), Eden Prairie (4.2 percent), and Edina (4.1 percent) (Source: Census LEHD 2014). Conversely, the same four cities are the four most common destinations for residents commuting out of this area to work: Minneapolis (25.7 percent), Edina (17.8 percent), Bloomington (8.7 percent) and Eden Prairie (5.4 percent). Chapter 2 - Community Context and Demographic Characteristics Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 19 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Study Area Figure 2.2 Employment Concentration and Distribution Chapter 2 - Community Context and Demographic Characteristics Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 20 Chapter 3 Economic Vitality 3.1 Current Conditions 3.2 Trends and Challenges 3.3 Goals and Policies Chapter 3 - Economic Vitality Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 21 Chapter 3 Economic Vitality 3.1 Current Conditions Unlike the other neighborhood nodes in Edina, 70th & Cahill is tucked away and not as recognized as its counterparts at Wooddale/Valley View, 44th/France or 50th/France. Currently a sleepy mix of aging apartments, commercial spaces and industrial businesses, it has the potential to emerge as a hidden gem. Perhaps one of its greatest assets is the proximity to the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. The node is within the 55439 Zip Code, the second most affluent in Minnesota. Businesses in the study area report that most of their customers are residents and families from nearby neighborhoods. Some businesses, especially those involved with sports and fitness, also attract residents from other parts of Edina and neighboring communities. Employees and businesses from the adjacent business/industrial park are currently a limited market. Businesses in the study area have reported that it is difficult to market to employees in the industrial/business park. The study area is located just west of the Canadian Pacific (CP) Railroad track, adjacent to Edina’s largest (295- acre) industrial park, next to single family neighborhoods to the north and west and 95 acres of multi-family residential. Access to the study area is somewhat defined by physical barriers; e.g., topography and the Nine Mile Creek to the north, the railroad to the east and four freeways – TH 62, TH 100, I-494, and US 169. Access to the study area is limited by physical barriers. Metro Transit Route 578 serves the node with express service during the morning and evening rush hours, connecting Benton Avenue, Tracy Avenue, 70th Street, Southdale transit station, the Minneapolis transit station at I-35W and 46th Street and downtown Minneapolis. The new Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail crosses under 70th Street just east of Amundson. Comparing traffic conditions. From the neighboring business and industrial park, traffic counts reveal that employees and visitors move towards TH 100 and I-494, with an average of 16,100 vehicles per day at the 70th Street interchange with TH 100; 12,000 vehicles per day at 77th Street/TH 100 Interchange; and 14,800 at East Bush Lake Road/I-494 Interchange. In the study area however, higher traffic on the periphery does not yield a similar volume at 70th & Cahill. Currently, there are 6,100 vehicles per day on Cahill; 8,700 vehicles per day east of the intersection of 70th & Cahill and 5,700 vehicles per day west of 70th and Cahill. Despite the proximity to major freeways, the study area businesses do not currently benefit from this traffic. Traffic in the node is very High Income Zip Code Comparison of 55439 to All of Hennepin County Zip 55439 Hennepin Co Median HH Income 122,054$ 67,989$ Mean HH Income 166,840$ 95,858$ Source: American Community Survey -2016 Chapter 3 - Economic Vitality Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 22 comparable to the traffic counts at Wooddale/ Valley View and significantly lower than the traffic counts at 50th and France or Grandview. Traffic in the node is very comparable to the traffic counts at Wooddale/ Valley View and significantly lower than the traffic counts at 50th and France or Grandview. 3.2 Trends and Challenges • Affordability for small businesses. The 70th and Cahill commercial node offers affordable rents for small businesses, which is not the case in most other parts of Edina. Yet, properties in the study area are aging, and many area residents would like to see revitalization of the area. While consumers are expected to continue to shift to on-line shopping and home delivery, a significant percentage of consumers continue to express a preference for the study area’s small, independently owned businesses. • Access to adjacent industrial park. Businesses in the 70th & Cahill commercial node report limited success in connecting with the industrial park to the south and east due to traffic patterns that create barriers to marketing to those businesses. Properties in the adjacent industrial park are aging but, in some cases, are now being repurposed. Employment related uses have declined or changed altogether in some properties. This is evidenced by the fact that some business uses have been given over to storage, churches, schools, etc. At the Figure 3.1 Traffic Counts at Edina Nodes 50th and France Chapter 3 - Economic Vitality Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 23 same time, employment in the business/industrial park has intensified in other properties; generally those properties that have converted industrial space to open-format office space. It will be important to have the involvement of developers and property owners and a shared understanding of the revitalization and investment challenges in order to find workable solutions. Revitalizing the industrial park area should focus on creating a vibrant and attractive location and considering the addition of corporate headquarters, technology-focused companies, and other businesses offering high wage employment opportunities. The City can begin with a vision and commitment to revitalization by including possible up-front investment in sidewalks and other public realm improvements to stimulate private sector investment. • Aging commercial and retail buildings. Residents value having the commercial node in the neighborhood, but consistently cite the dated, tired, and unattractive appearance of retail and commercial buildings. The commercial area offers affordable lease rates, but some businesses expressed concern that there is higher turnover than is desirable, due to a lack of traffic and no strong anchor tenant to attract customers to the area. With the exception of Grandview Tire & Auto, which many residents cited during the community meetings and in the SpeakUp Edina forum as a nice addition that is well- maintained, the most visible properties in the study area have not been updated recently. Table 2 in the next chapter of this plan document presents information on the years in which buildings in the study area were constructed. • Potential for change and a mix of uses. Developers have expressed interest in multi- family residential/mixed uses at the node. 70th and Cahill is well situated in the greater southwest metro region with good access to employment, transit, shopping, and recreation. A further demonstration of support for a mixed use neighborhood node are the residents who value the existing neighborhood-oriented businesses and additional locally-owned, non-franchise businesses. The financial reality of redevelopment, however, is that many of the existing businesses would be challenged to pay the higher rents associated with new construction because of the market constraints described earlier. At the same time, the study area’s market characteristics make it a less suitable location for franchise/national brand-type businesses. In situations where mixed use developments are proposed, developers may find that the residential portion of the development will need to subsidize the commercial portion of the project. In such cases, the commercial tenants will then pay a below market rent, or perhaps only CAM (Common Area Chapter 3 - Economic Vitality Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 24 Maintenance) and taxes. Therefore, increased residential densities may be justified in order to ensure that existing businesses and lower rents are able to remain in the mix. 3.3 Goals and Policies Goals 1. Create a strong identity for Cahill Village. 2. Promote area access to the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. 3. Support a variety of residential housing types. 4. Improve transportation and street connections. 5. Support existing businesses and revitalize the existing business/industrial park located southeast of the study area. 6. Support a business and property owners association. Policies 1. The City will encourage and support development that retains and enhances the rich and authentic history of Cahill Village and its roots in the development of the City of Edina. 2. The City will initiate further study to determine how best to revitalize the area that is an existing business/ industrial park that borders the east and south of the small area plan study area.3 3. The City will increase visibility and awareness of the node through use of wayfinding signage. Work with the developers to provide a graphic theme for the 70th & Cahill node that can be identified with Cahill Village, and used in future directional signage to the node and bike trail. 4. The City will utilize future infrastructure improvement opportunities to incorporate additional street and walking connections to the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. 5. The City will work with developers to prioritize redevelopment that creates a residential and commercial 3 A detailed discussion on the business/industrial park (and all of the city’s business/ industrial parks) will be included in the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update in the Economic Competitiveness chapter. The recommendation to study the business/industrial park adjacent to the 70th & Cahill small area was first advanced in the MAPPING EDINA’S BIG IDEAS: Bridging Between Vision and Planning (Biko Associates, Inc., August 24, 2017), which summarized outcomes from the Big Ideas Workshop. That document identified the business/industrial park as the next area to be studied and included in the 2028 Comprehensive Plan Update. Funding to complete the above-referenced study is included in staff’s proposed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) budget, which will be reviewed and voted on by Council. Chapter 3 - Economic Vitality Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 25 node with a variety of housing types and a welcoming neighborhood ambiance. 6. The City will plan for additional bus transit, automobile, bike and pedestrian links to the 70th & Cahill node as well as the adjacent industrial park over the railroad tracks. 7. The City will encourage development proposals that include existing businesses and prioritizes redevelopment that takes into consideration the retention of existing businesses, as appropriate. 8. The City will encourage the creation of a Cahill Village business association. Chapter 3 - Economic Vitality Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 26 Chapter 4 Land Use and Urban Design Framework 4.1 Current Land Use 4.2 Trends and Challenges 4.3 Goals and Policies 4.4 Future Land Use 4.5 Development Guidelines Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 27 Chapter 4 Land Use and Urban Design Framework 4.1 Current Land Use Neighborhood Commercial District. The core of this study area is a neighborhood commercial district, consisting of several 1-2 story multi-tenant buildings. These buildings are set back from the street behind a wide landscaped buffer and separated from one another by surface parking lots. The tenant mix varies. At present, it includes a market, flower shop, driving school, chiropractor, dry cleaners, tutors, dance studio, and several restaurants. The commercial area is mostly tenanted. The business mix provides a range of neighborhood-level commercial services to the surrounding community. Combined with the multi- family development nearby, this mix provides a range of convenient services in a neighborhood setting, with potential for walkability. The predominant zoning in the core commercial area is Planned Commercial District 1 (PCD-1), which allows a range of retail and service uses. One parcel is Planned Commercial District 2 (PCD-4) and is currently occupied by an automobile services business. PCD-4 allows all the uses in PCD-1, plus some moderately more intensive retail and service uses, as well as some office, lodging, and institutional uses. Multi-family Residential. In addition to the study area's core, there are multi-family residential uses on the north side of West 70th Street. These are zoned Planned Residence District 3 (PRD-3), which allows a range of residential buildings as well as state-licensed daycare facilities. The apartment buildings were constructed in the 1960’s, and typical for that era. Rents advertised for these units, while not extremely low, are more affordable than others in Edina and constitutes a segment of the city’s affordable housing. This reflects the older properties offering fewer amenities. Multi-family residential uses also occur outside of the study area, particularly west of Cahill Road. The multi-family residential uses provide a buffer between the commercial/industrial area and the surrounding single-family neighborhoods to the north and west. See Figure 3.1 Existing Land Use and Figure 3.2 Existing Zoning. Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 28 Industrial-Office Uses. Industrial land uses within the study area surround the commercial uses on the east and south sides of Amundson Avenue and occupy most of the acreage within the study area. The industrial uses are located in one-story office/industrial properties and include uses such as employment agency, construction office and health foods packaging. This area is zoned Planned Industrial District (PID), which allows industrial, office, storage, and some miscellaneous uses not allowed elsewhere. It is the western border of the Edina Interchange Industrial Park which stretches south from 70th and I-494 and west from Cahill to Metro Boulevard. Nine Mile Creek Trail Access. At the intersection of West 70th Street and the Canadian Pacific (CP) Rail is a grassy, city-owned parcel. The Nine Mile Creek Trail accesses this lower parcel after passing through a tunnel located under West 70th Street. This 1.56-acre parcel is at one of the lowest elevations within the study area. Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 29 Figure 4.1 Existing Land Use Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 30 Figure 4.2 Existing Zoning Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 31 Existing Building Types Figure 4.3, keyed to Table 2, indicates the study area building types and locations. TABLE 2 LAND USE: YEAR BUILT AND TYPE # Building Type Year Built Current Land Use (as of 2017) 1 1969 Multi-Family Residential 2 1965 Multi-Family Residential 3 1936 Single Family Residential 4 1965 Multi-Family Residential 5 1970 Commercial - services 6 2008 Commercial – auto repair 7 1966 Commercial – retail and services 8 1968 Commercial – retail and services 9 1969 Commercial – retail and services 10 1969 Industrial – office – Two story masonry block 11 1967 Industrial – One story brick 12 1969 Industrial – One story brick 13 1961 Industrial - One story masonry block 14 1961 Industrial - One story masonry block = One Story Commercial – Retail, services = Two Story Commercial – Retail, services, office = Single Family Residential -- Homesteaded = Multi-Family Residential – Apartments = Industrial – Office and warehouse Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 32 FilmTec, Corp. 3 4 5 6 10 Xcel Energy. Xcel Energy. 1 2 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 Figure 4.3 Building Types 70th Street Cahill Road Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 33 Redevelopment Potential. When property valuation shows that land values are significantly higher than the buildings located on the land, it is often an indication of redevelopment potential. However, there does not appear to have been any recent development in the study area since Grandview Tire and Auto was last constructed on 70th Street in 2008. Currently, there are no proposed developments for the study area. Most of the buildings in the study area are of average condition and indicative of their age. This also means possible deferred maintenance and a potential need for updating or renovation; all good triggers for redevelopment. There are restrictions and easements on portions of the property for utility and road access. Buildings #5, #7, #8, #9 are similarly zoned commercial properties under the same ownership. Property assembly is often a barrier in redeveloping property. However, when multiple parcels are owned by the same entity, this may facilitate the opportunity for more impactful redevelopment. Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 34 4.2 Trends and Challenges Current uses, although underutilized, are still in compliance with current zoning. These conditions could remain the same as long as property owners continue to meet city and county obligations regarding building code requirements, standards and taxes. Below is a listing of key factors that will affect future land use and community design decision-making in the Study Area. • Lack of Local Connections and Visibility. The 70th & Cahill neighborhood node is conveniently situated and well-connected to the region, with access to highways, bus transit, and the Nine Mile Creek trail. Primarily a destination for locals, the site can only be accessed by 70th Street or Cahill Road, neither of which serves as a major north-south or east-west feeder. It also lacks direct access to the business/industrial park to the east of the railroad tracks. Currently, there is no wayfinding signage at the area's perimeters to indicate the existence of the commercial plaza. • Lack of Streetscape, Greening, and Internal Circulation. The majority of the study area is taken up by a one-story strip commercial center set back from the street and surrounding by parking areas. The study area lacks most public realm improvements including greening, streetscape, sidewalks, and bicycle access to and through the site. • Aging Properties. Many of the properties in this area are over fifty years old, with visible deferred maintenance. They are likely in need of significant renovation or replacement to bring them up to current standards and expectations of commercial properties. • Redevelopment Constraints. Despite the aging building stock that may make this area ripe for redevelopment, there have been no recent proposals to do so. This may be due to several factors, including the area's significant topographical slope, zoning regulations that limit new buildings to a scale (height and density) that may no longer be economically feasible, and a low tenant vacancy turnover rates that support property owners to maintain the status quo. • Impact on Affordable Commercial Space. The modest condition of these buildings still provides relatively affordable lease space for the existing tenant mix. Substantial investment in new or renovated space has the potential to drive rents upward, impacting the affordability of the new spaces for current tenants. The temporary relocation of tenants during redevelopment may also pose a significant financial burden to businesses. • Underutilized Tax Base. The existing development is low density and therefore lower value, compared to the development potential for the site. With new development, this area could contribute more to Edina's tax base in terms of housing, jobs, amenities, and retail and service options. 4.3 Goals and Policies The following is a policy framework that provides future guidance for both public and private investment in the study area. Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 35 Goals 1. Transform the Study Area. Support the redevelopment of the study area as a vibrant, cohesive, mixed use village, incorporating a variety of residential and commercial (retail and office) uses. Some of the new buildings should feature ground floor commercial or gathering spaces with appropriate frontages, oriented toward streets and public spaces. 2. Connect the Node. Redevelopment of the study area should include new streets and bicycle/ pedestrian paths to allow for efficient and safe internal circulation within the village and linkages to the surrounding network. Further study is recommended for a linkage across the CP Rail to explore future bike, pedestrian, or automobile access to the business/industrial park. Land use site plans should take these needed connections into account. 3. Ensure that Buildings Interact with the Public Realm. Whether a new building is a mixed use, commercial, or strictly residential, ensure that ground-level frontages throughout the node are carefully designed with a pedestrian scale and character that interact with the public realm, encouraging beauty, safety, informal interaction, walkability, and a sense of place. Require additional investments in the public realm alongside with new and renovated development to create new or improved public spaces. 4. Ensure Graceful Transitions. Encourage the scale of buildings in the mixed use core to transition from center to edge, with the largest and tallest buildings located adjacent to the eastern and southern industrial areas, and decreasing in scale toward the western and northern residential areas. Require that redevelopment adjacent to residential areas is designed with sensitivity to mitigate any impacts on neighboring properties in consideration of views, sunlight, shade and noise. 5. Allow Land Uses to Evolve. Allow existing land uses to evolve in response to the market changing over time. Current land uses remain until owners decide to seek a change. Allow for flexibility in land use guidance to allow for a compatible mix of uses. Encourage and accommodate affordable housing as part of redevelopment. 6. Minimize Impact of Automobiles. While vehicles must be accommodated conveniently and safely, the character of this area is that of a walkable, traditional, neighborhood node. Discourage building types with a predominant auto orientation, such as buildings with drive-through lanes, gasoline stations, and similar uses. Likewise, on-site parking lots should be located to the side or rear of buildings, unless site constraints dictate otherwise. Policies 1. The City will adopt this plan as an update to the 2018 Edina Comprehensive Plan and amend current zoning and related ordinances to align with this plan. 2. The City will review development applications of all future projects within the boundaries of the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan to ensure compliance with the new 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node (NN) Development Guidelines*. The guidelines include: A. Building Height Limits Plan B. Building Type Guidelines C. Site-Specific Guidelines Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 36 3. With adoption of the plan, the city will establish a density range of 10 - 50 Dwelling units per acre in the study area. 4. The City will prioritize affordable housing, according to the city's affordable housing policy. *The Neighborhood Node (NN) boundaries, its description, and the 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Development Guidelines are presented in the following pages and summarized in Table 3. 4.4 Future Land Use Character and Scale The proposed future land use plan for the study area is shown on Figure 4.4 on the following page. As noted, the 70th & Cahill study area has significant redevelopment potential. To achieve the goals for the area as identified during the planning process, new development will need to be significantly different in terms of character and scale. The focus of the change will be in the core commercial area of the district, the industrial uses immediately adjacent to it, and the residential uses on the north side of 70th Street. Guidelines seek to promote the scale, walkability and character of the area by regulating the relationship of buildings-to-streets and the transition of building heights from node-to-neighborhood. The area can be transformed from a collection of single story commercial and industrial buildings and 1960s-era, multi-family buildings to a mixed use village node, with housing, retail, and services unified by a common village theme reinforced by architectural character and scale, building materials and themed signage. Preferred Land Use Designation It is recommended the area be designated as a mixed use, Neighborhood Node (NN) in the 2018 comprehensive plan, replacing the existing designation of Neighborhood Commercial (NC). Similar to the Neighborhood Commercial category, the Neighborhood Node category supports neighborhood serving businesses. It encourages small- to moderate-scale businesses that serve primarily the adjacent neighborhoods. Primary land uses should be retail and services, offices, studios, and institutional uses. In addition, designation as a Neighborhood Node provides: Predictability for current landowners. Supports current owners’ efforts to invest in improvements in their properties by providing a predictable planning framework for the area. Flexibility for redevelopment. Provides greater flexibility to the development market by more explicitly encouraging the inclusion of needed housing types such as “missing middle housing, co-housing, and affordable housing.4 4 From Missing Middle Housing, Responding to the Demand for Walkable Urban Living; Parolek, Daniel; missingmiddlehousing.com Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 37 Figure 4.4 Future Land Use Medium Density Residential (MDR) Neighborhood Node (NN) Open Spaces and Parks (OSP) Low Density Residential (LDR) Rail road Right-of-Way (Industrial) Industrial (I) Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 38 New Gathering Space and Placemaking. Encourages intentional integration of landscaped open space and new formal public spaces. Protection of Community Values, Scale, Walkability and Character. Guidelines protect the scale, walkability and character of the existing area by regulating the relationship of buildings-to-streets and the transition of building heights from node-to-neighborhood. Table 3 below describes characteristics of the Neighborhood Node (NN) land use designation. TABLE 3 70TH & CAHILL NEIGHBORHOOD NODE CHARACTERISTICS Land Use Category General Description Development Guidelines Density Guidelines Neighborhood Node (NN) In general, small-to- moderate-scale commercial, residential or mixed use buildings primarily serving on-site residents and the adjacent neighborhood(s). Primary uses encouraged are neighborhood-serving retail and services, offices, studios, institutional and residential. • Building footprints generally less than 20,000 square feet (or less for individual storefronts). • Parking is less prominent than pedestrian features. • Encourage underground parking (for comparatively larger developments), district parking for smaller developments • Open space linkages where feasible; emphasize enhancement of the pedestrian environment. • Encourage development to comply with the 70th and Cahill Neighborhood Node Development Guidelines: A. Building Height Limits Plan B. Building Type Guidelines C. Site Specific Guidelines Maximum residential density up to 50 dwelling units per acre (du/acre). (Densities are further constrained by the parameters of the Building Height Limits Plan). Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) per zoning code. 4.5 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Development Guidelines I. Building Height Limits Plan This plan establishes new height limits for the 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node, shown on Figures 4.5 and 4.6. Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 39 • Height limits along West 70th Street. Buildings that front on West 70th Street may be allowed up to three stories high, not to exceed 39 feet. This shall establish the maximum upper height limit (MUH) for parcels south of 70th Street along Cahill Road. • Height limits along Cahill Road and interior east/west parkway-type street5. Buildings that front on Cahill Road and the new parkway-type street: maximum of five stories high, not to exceed the maximum upper height limit established along West 70th Street. • Height limits on interior zone. Buildings east of Amundson Avenue, not abutting 70th Street: maximum of five stories high, not to exceed 63 feet . 5 The interior east/west parkway-type street is described and illustrated on page 51. It is proposed to be a tree-lined street with generous boulevards. It will serve as Cahill Village’s main entrance and signature street, linking the redevelopment and Cahill Road and accommodating bicycles and pedestrians as well as autos. Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 40 Figure 4.5 Impact of Site Topography on Building Height By City of Edina Ordinance, the height of buildings is measured along the front face of the building, from the front curb to the top of the roof. Due to the steep grade of the study area, this may potentially yield individual buildings with additional stories below street level grade. However, the plan recommends that, for buildings fronting on Cahill Road, the maximum height would be either the roof line established by three story buildings on the southeast corner of 70th and Cahill (39 feet) or five stories (63 feet); whichever is less. Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 41 Figure 4.6 Building Height Limits Building Height Limits Up to 3 stories, not to exceed 39’ Up to 5 stories, not to exceed 63’ Up to 5 stories, not to exceed the maximum upper limit set by 3- story structures on the SE corner of 70th/Cahill Parkway-Type Street Conceptual indication of the portion of buildings fronting on Cahill that cannot exceed the maximum upper limit established by the building height on the southeast corner of 70th Street and Cahill Road. Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 42 II. Building Type Guidelines A village-like character embodies the human scale formed by a collection of buildings. Buildings exhibit a similar sense of scale and complement one another through the use of compatible building materials and colors. The plan encourages a mix of building forms to achieve the desired outcome of a cohesive village with varied housing types. Description Building Materials Traditional: brick, stone, metal and glass storefronts Architectural Elements Cornices, lintels, sills, bays, upper stories have smaller window openings, window mullions, pitched or flat roofs, shingles, dormers Floor Heights 1st Floor commercial or retail use: 12 - 15 feet Floors 2 - 5 office or residential use: 12 feet Podium base Step back from front façade to maintain a visual “street wall.” Building Type Examples The following examples show buildings that demonstrate elements in the Building Type Guidelines. These illustrations do not prescribe or dictate what must be built in the study area – nor do they attempt to suggest a favored or preferred architectural style. They present possibilities to help guide a sense of village character, building materials, and scale. Corner orientation and varying roof lines add visual interest to 5000 France, a 4 to 5 story mixed use development in Edina. Brick on the building and brick pavers bring continuity to the area. Four story mixed use development example with ground level podium style base. Articulation of street façade and use of a mix of materials breaks up a long building into smaller, village-scale components. Post Properties Mixed Use Development, Atlanta, Georgia Haugland Company Development, Edina, Minnesota Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 43 Example of repurposed 1990s era warehouse as a brewpub. Example of residential development with tight lot lines, shared greenspace, and outdoor amenities. Co-housing is an intentional development of private homes clustered around shared space. Each attached home has shared amenities. Shared spaces typically feature a common house, which may include a large kitchen and dining area, laundry, and recreational spaces. Shared outdoor space may include parking, walkways, open space, and gardens. Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 44 Traditional brick and stone rowhouses with stoops and ground-level front doors addressing the street. Modest, urban-sized lawns and setbacks from the sidewalk contribute to the historic, village-like character. III. Residential Density The Metropolitan Council requires communities to identify density ranges for areas that allow residential development, in the form of residential units or dwelling units per acre (du/acre). The 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan recommends a residential density range of 10 du/acre to 50 du/acre. Table 4 lists examples of recent development projects in and around Edina with number of units and their corresponding densities TABLE 4 REPRESENTATIVE RESIDENTIAL DENSITY FOR RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Project Status DUs Acres Dus/Acre Elements on France Developed 31 0.43 72 e2: Excelsior/France Developed 132 2.16 61 Excelsior/Grand (Apartment Units only)* Developed 501 7.38 68 Nolan Mains: (Market Street, Edina)) Under construction 110 1.50 73 Onyx (6725 York, Edina) Developed 72 1.38 52 The Loden (5901 Lincoln, Edina) Developed 246 8.20 30 5000 France, Edina) Developed 22 0.76 29 Edina Flats (6118-6124 Kellogg, Edina) Developed 18 1.29 14 Total 1132 23.10 Average 142 2.88 49 Source: Biko Associates, Inc., 2018 Images showing the exteriors of three of the above-referenced developments can be found on the following page. Rowhouses, Reston Town Center, Reston Virginia. Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 45 The Loden: Four story luxury residential development at 5901 Lincoln Drive, Edina Edina Flats: Two and 3 story development at Wooddale and Valley View, Edina Onyx: Five to 6 story retail and residential development at 6725 York, Edina Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 46 IV. Site-Specific Guidelines Site Concept The timing for redevelopment of buildings and parcels in the 70th & Cahill node will depend upon the right balance of capital resources, market demand, and the potential for return on investment. Because most of the buildings are of similar age and condition, and several parcels are under the same ownership, the redevelopment of a single parcel has the potential to kickstart the development of other parcels in the node. In deciding which site-specific guidelines to include in the small area plan, the approach has been wholistic, to remain relevant amongst several possible future scenarios. The SAPWG identified five key features to incorporate in the future planning for the node. These features were deemed essential toward strengthening and providing a unique identity for the node. Figure 4.7 illustrates a site concept that highlights these key features: 1) Bike/Pedestrian Trail Destination 2) Public Gathering Space 3) Internal Circulation Street Grid 4) Feeder Street Improvements and Crossings 5) Planning for Future Rail Figure 4.7 illustrates proposed site elements and circulation to guide future Cahill Village development. It identifies a street network through the site. While the final configuration will depend on actual development patterns, it serves as a guide for what should be required. Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 47 Figure 4.7: Proposed Site Elements 1. Designated bike and pedestrian crossing 2. Woonerf/Gathering space 3. Internal circulation street 4. New east/west parkway- type street 5. Future rail platform (location to be determined) 5 4 2 3 1 Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 48 ❶ Bike/Pedestrian Crossing at 70th Street The 70th & Cahill node's prime location means it has the potential to serve as a major destination or stop along the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail for a significant number of bikers and pedestrians. A designated pedestrian and bike crossing on 70th Street at Amundson is needed to provide safer foot and bike access from the north to south side of 70th St. and into Cahill Village. Additional pedestrian crossing signage and flashing warning lights will assist westbound cyclists in the bike lane on 70th St. to make a safe left turn on Amundson Ave. in order to access the northbound trail. ❷ Public Gathering Space (Woonerf) Essential to the notion of a village is a central gathering place or focus. A gathering place can simply be an interior or exterior open space that is large enough or well landscaped to allow for a variety of activities. A woonerf has the means to serve many functions, such as circulation for people, vehicles, bikes, or as space to host occasional events. Woonerfs typically utilize special pavers that tend from the sidewalk into the street. Bollards may be installed to help define the travelled way. Cyclists and pedestrians circulate freely, and often slowly, on woonerfs. At a minimum, a woonerf can provide a unique and distinctive area that promotes interest and activity. A woonerf would also serve as Cahill Village’s internal, signed bicycle routes. In a sense, would provide the secondary streets system. Traffic flows on the woonerfs would be low, as they are not designed with the automobile in mind. They are primarily used by cyclists and pedestrians. Parking Accommodating parking will also be part of the plan for this area. General guidelines pertaining to parking and access are listed below. • Encourage Underground Parking. Residents’ parking should be located under the buildings to the extent allowed by market conditions. Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 49 • Visually Buffer Surface Parking Lots. Commercial parking should be behind or alongside the buildings and be visually buffered by plantings so as to encourage an active streetscape. • Display Consistent Signage. Signage pylons, window display signs, and on-site directional signage should be consistent in terms of colors and materials. Signage should clearly mark site access and direction for automobile and bicycle access from streets. • Install Edge Treatments along Surface Parking Lots. Edge treatments along the borders between private surface parking lots and the adjacent sidewalks should include a planting strip approximately two feet wide (or more) and permanent planting or fencing approximately three feet high. (Following City standards where applicable.) • Construct Organized Parking Lots. Surface parking lots should be constructed to adhere to City of Edina standards regarding stall width and length and aisle width. Pedestrian-oriented lighting should be installed on islands within surface parking lots. Where applicable, clearly defined pedestrian paths should be marked so that pedestrians can safely walk between the parking lot and on-site buildings. Other Improvements for Cyclists and Pedestrians As properties redevelop, the city may require investment in on-site or public facilities that complement new projects, such as: • Bicycle Parking --- Bicycle parking facilities located in proximity of businesses. • On-Site Lighting --- On-site pedestrian-oriented lighting. ❸ Internal Circulation Street Grid Currently, the commercial and industrial uses function effectively as one large auto-oriented parking lot with shopping opportunities in the commercial core. The expanse of parking lot lacks amenities and does not clearly separate different modes of travel. Future development concepts are intended to change this configuration, introducing a grid of streets to serve buildings and connect to the surrounding network. This allows bicycle and pedestrian traffic to be handled more safely, provides opportunities for streetscape and public realm enhancements, and creates space for community activities and events. It further serves to separate, define, and organize development parcels. See Figure 4.8. Figure 4.8 Internal Circulation Street Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 50 The internal circulation street will be the most common street within the study area. It provides direct access to buildings and their parking lots. As shown, two 10 foot wide general traffic lanes are provided. The street also includes two 7 foot wide parking lanes. Sidewalks are at least 7 feet wide, and storm water is retained in vaults for street trees and other vegetation. ❹ Feeder Street Improvements and Crossings (Parkway-Type Street) The east/west parkway-type street will be developed as a feeder connecting to Cahill Road at the southern edge of the study area. Its alignment follows the property line between the existing FilmTec parcel and the former brick and tile distributor (currently Sir Lines-A-Lot). The parkway-street extends to the east, and further study is recommended to determine the feasibility of serving as a connection to properties east of the railroad tracks. The parkway-type street serves as the grand entry parkway to Cahill Village. Lined with trees and pedestrian- scaled lighting, it also accommodates bikes and pedestrians. Flare outs (widening) at intersections permit left- turning vehicles to be overtaken. Figure 4.10: Plan view of Parkway Street showing flare outs at intersection Figure 4.9: Parkway-type street configuration showing auto lane, boulevard planting, sidewalk, bike path Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 51 ❺ Planning for Future Rail Due to the proximity of the 70th & Cahill node to the CP Rail, should passenger rail service ever be activated, the small area plan recommends the possibility of including a future passenger rail station. The actual platform location along the eastern border of the study area, with pedestrian linkages between the station platform and Cahill Village should be reviewed early and planned with input and review by CP Rail and neighboring Xcel Energy. Setbacks and height restrictions from transmission towers and tracks currently exist for all new structures and should be carefully coordinated. The primary ridership service area would be within a one-half mile radius of the station and would include residents surrounding the study area in single family and multi- family homes and employees at the adjacent business/industrial park, Figure 4.11 Cahill Road Configuration showing auto lane, bike lane, boulevard planting, sidewalk and building with 15 foot setback from the sidewalk along Cahill Road. Chapter 4 - Land Use and Urban Design Framework Small Area Plan for the City of Edina's 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 52 Chapter 5 Heritage Preservation 5.1 Existing Conditions 5.2 History of the Area 5.3 Trends and Challenges 5.4 Goals and Policies Chapter 5 – Heritage Preservation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 53 Chapter 5 Heritage Preservation 5.1 Existing Conditions The intersection of West 70th Street /Cahill Road is currently surrounded by housing built between the 1950s and 1980s. At its center sits auto-oriented commercial property dating to the 1960s. However, the history of the area is much older than the current housing and commercial stock would indicate. The earliest structures were built at the intersection in the mid-1800s. Edina's historic preservation efforts are the responsibility of the Edina Heritage Preservation Commission, and the City Code includes both the Edina Heritage Landmark and Landmark District Zoning Classifications as the City's official register of significant heritage resources. These districts were designed to be the local government equivalent of the National Register of Historic Places and provide legal protection for significant heritage resources. Whereas individual structures may not survive, historic significance is still conferred through the district level recognition. 5.2 History of the Area The 70th & Cahill small area has long been a local center of trade, industry, and housing since before the founding of Edina itself. The first European settlers in the area were largely of Irish origin, arriving in the late 1840s and early 1850s to live as subsistence farmers. The terrain was rocky, and the soil poor for growing crops. The land was cheap, however, and families would grow hay and potatoes and raise livestock. There were 26 families farmsteading near the intersection of 70th and Cahill by 1856. The legacy of the Irish settlers can still be seen in street names in the area. The community grew over the later decades of the 19th Century and became part of Edina when it was incorporated in 1888. After World War II, the nationwide suburban housing boom drastically reshaped the 70th & Cahill small area. What had been an isolated farming village that lacked running water and electricity until the 1930s was covered into tracts of housing in the 1950s and 60s, its central intersection redeveloped into auto-oriented commercial buildings, surrounded by new housing. This transformation was enabled and ensured by the construction of Trunk Highways (TH) 100, 62, and 169 and along with I-494. Historic Properties. Many of Edina's earliest buildings did not survive to the present day. Records document their existence and importance in establishing the earliest beginnings of the Village of Edina. Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 54 St. Patrick’s Church The first recorded building in the 70th and Cahill area was St. Patrick’s Church, a log cabin built in 1857. It was replaced by a larger structure with a steeple in 1884 (shown at the right). Fire, caused by a lightning strike in 1924, brought this building down. Within a year the church was replaced on the same site. In 1961, the new church was moved to a new location at Valley View and Gleason Roads. Cahill School The Cahill School was one of the earliest structures built at the 70th and Cahill intersection, erected on the southeast corner in 1864. It served as the community’s school for, 94 years, closing in 1958. It was then moved to its current location in Frank Tupa Park and replaced on-site with a more modern school made of brick. The 1950s structure was torn down in 1990. The original school building is currently on the National Register of Historic Places, though it is no longer located within or near the 70th and Cahill small area. Darcy/Cahill/Cameron’s Store Hugh Darcy opened a general store at the intersection of 70th and Cahill in 1898. It burned down in 1918, but the Darcy family rebuilt the store. They sold the store in 1944 to the Cameron family, who operated it until 1965, when it was demolished to make way for apartments. Calvary Lutheran Church The first Calvary Lutheran church was built in 1938 at the 70th Street and Cahill Intersection, though the church moved to a newer structure nearby at 6817 Antrim Road in the 1960s. There is no longer a church within the 70th and Cahill small area, and the new building is not within the study area. Chapter 5 – Heritage Preservation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 55 5.3 Trends and Challenges Heritage preservation will continue to serve as a reference and inspiration for future new development. As the current 50s, 60s, and 70s era structures undergo change, the community should keep in mind its long history as the center of the community. The 70th & Cahill node is perhaps the most significant district in the settlement of Edina and therefore, holds great historical value. The HPC should prioritize continued historical resource identification and public education in and around the 70th & Cahill node. 5.4 Goals and Policies Goals 1. Promote Historical Education and Identity. Develop a strong identity for the area based on the rich and authentic history of Cahill Village. Reinforce this identity using opportunities to educate residents. 2. Update Research. Continue to document Cahill Village’s historical events, places, and changes. Identify and evaluate structures more than 50 years old for landmark or landmark district eligibility. 3. Advance the Research as Necessary. Evaluate development proposals submitted to the City to determine the potential for discovering new heritage or historical resources at Cahill Village during demolition and new construction. Submit development proposals for review by the Heritage Preservation Commission. Integrate heritage preservation with planning for parks, recreation, education, and public realm improvements in Cahill Village and improve integration of the preservation plan with other city planning. Policies 1. The City’s Heritage Preservation Commission will safeguard significant heritage properties identified at Cahill Village. 2. The City’s Heritage Preservation Commission will identify and nominate eligible Cahill Village properties for Heritage Landmark or Landmark District zoning designation where heritage properties are identified. 3. The City’s Heritage Preservation Commission will protect heritage landmarks through participation in the development review process, emphasizing preservation, signage, building materials, scale, form and education. Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 56 Chapter 6 Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources 6.1 Current Conditions 6.2 Trends and Challenges 6.3 Goals and Policies Chapter 6 – Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 57 Chapter 6 Parks, Open Space, Natural Resources 6.1 Current Conditions Although green and open space in the 70th & Cahill study area is currently limited, there are potential opportunities to expand these resources, beginning with a small city-owned parcel (1.56 acres) located south of 70th Street in the center of the Nine Mile Creek Trail loop. The parcel is currently vacant and has been seeded with wildflowers. Because of its topography (a low spot within the study area) and current use as an entry point on to the Nine Mile Creek Bicycle Trail, consideration should be given to its future potential development as a pocket park and trailhead. The Nine Mile Creek (NMC) Regional Trail. Immediately to the east of the study area is this regional, local, and neighborhood amenity. When completed, the bike trail will span 15-miles through the cities of Hopkins, Minnetonka, Edina, Richfield, and Bloomington. It will connect to the Minneapolis Grand Rounds trail system, the Cedar Lake LRT Regional Trail, the North Cedar Lake Trail and beyond. The Edina segment of the trail was completed as of 2018, and a future connection to the Hyland Lake Regional Park trail system is under design. There is also a plan for a future, more direct connection to the Cedar Lake Trail via a tunnel under Hwy 169 (the tunnel has already been constructed), which will lead to even greater numbers of trail users. The regional trail is a shared use facility and is available for walkers, runners, dog walkers, cyclists, inline skaters, and other non-motorized traffic. The trail is an asset to the study area, Edina, and future redevelopment. It should be considered an integral component of the village and future planning should recognize the economic impact of the growing numbers of trail users. William Wardell Lewis Park. Located at the intersection of Cahill Road and Dewey Hill Road, just south and west of the study area, the 21-acre Lewis Park features two tennis courts and three soccer fields. During the winter months the park has a full sized hockey rink, ice skating rink, and warming house. Lewis Park also includes a playground for younger children. A 0.6-mile paved walking path surrounding the park makes Lewis Park a perfect spot for a mid-day walk. Sidewalks on the west side of Cahill Road provide access for pedestrians. However, there currently are no crosswalks serving as a direct connection to the east side of Cahill Road. Dewey Hill Road is identified as part of the Parkway/Grand Rounds in Quadrant 4 of the Big Ideas Workshop. 6.2 Trends and Challenges Future planning for the city-owned parcel should include a welcoming entry point and clear connection to the trail as well as green space for Cahill Village. The NMC trail is projected to attract increasing numbers of users and by including a well-designed trailhead with information about city amenities and businesses, it will also encourage trail users to explore other areas of Edina. • Developing Connections to the Nine Mile Creek Trail. Desirable pocket park and trailhead amenities include: Chapter 6 – Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 58 1. Seating/rest areas for trail users 2. Water fountain (potentially using stormwater runoff for its water source) 3. Wayfinding kiosks with a map of bike routes and destinations in Edina, and information about services available in the study area. 4. Adjacent play areas for children and those residing in the redeveloped Cahill Village. • Direct Future Trail Alignment through the Node. Access to the Hyland Lake Park and Reserve from the Nine Mile Creek Trail is still in the design phase. Under consideration are two alternative alignments to be selected by Three Rivers Regional Park District, the agency that has jurisdiction over the Nine Mile Creek Trail. Option A: along Cahill Road from West 70th Street to 76th Street and Bush Lake Road. Option B: east along West 70th Street to access an existing trail that circulates through the business/industrial park south and east of the study area. Option A clearly provides the most benefit to the node by routing bike traffic to the 70th & Cahill intersection. Adding a spur from Cahill into the south end of Amundson would provide a direct trail connection for northbound bikers to the trail tunnel with the added benefit of routing bikers through Cahill Village. The trail would then intersect Bush Lake Road before crossing I-494 on the existing overpass. Both alignment alternatives would eventually terminate at Hyland Lake Park Reserve. • Improving Access to Parks. Despite Lewis Park nearby, and the potential to develop a small play area on City property adjacent to the Village, current access favors the automobile. Pedestrian and bike access along Cahill Road from Lewis Park to the study area and from the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail to the study area is lacking. • Improving Pedestrian and Bike Safety. Bike lanes are provided on Cahill Road along both the east and west side. However, bike traffic from Lewis Park must cross Cahill Road to access the bike lanes that connect to the NMC Trail or to the future Cahill Village. The configuration of the intersection at Dewey Hill Road and Cahill Road, the street parking on Cahill, and the parking lot at Lewis Park with multiple exits onto Cahill Road create an unpredictability for cyclists, especially those with young children or those who require extra time to cross. Stop signs on Cahill Road near the Park are lacking Chapter 6 – Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 59 6.3 Goals and Policies The following goals and policies have been identified for the 70th and Cahill small area plan study area: Goals 1. Seamless integration of pedestrian and bike connections between the study area, the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail and Lewis Park. 2. Improve safety for pedestrians and bikers to access trails leading to and within the study area. 3. Improve site stormwater management with all new development. 4. Add gathering space and green space within and surrounding the study area. Policies 1. The City will support a trailhead and pocket park on city property adjacent to the 70th Street tunnel. 2. The City will support the integration and emphasis of the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail within the Cahill Village redevelopment/design. Sightlines from the trail should allow views of a vibrant commercial/residential area. 3. The City will provide year-round connections to the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail and the Parkway / Grand Rounds identified in the Big Ideas workshop conducted in May 2017. 4. The City will minimize storm water run-off and improve water quality of Nine Mile Creek by utilizing storm water management systems and on-site filtration systems in all new development. 5. The city will prioritize the creation of additional outdoor community gathering spaces in the study area. 6. The City will improve wayfinding signage in the study area for trail access. Chapter 6 – Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 60 Chapter 7 Transportation 7.1 Existing Conditions 7.2 Trends and Challenges 7.3 Goals and Policies Chapter 7 - Transportation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 61 Chapter 7 Transportation 7.1 Existing Conditions Streets and Roads The small area plan study area is located at the intersection of West 70th Street and Cahill Road, two collector streets that are under City of Edina jurisdiction. Both streets are also Municipal State Aid6 streets, which indicate their importance as links to roads and highways in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Highway plan. West 70th Street provides direct access to/from TH 100 and indirect access to/from TH 169. Cahill Road is indirectly linked to I-494 via West Bush Lake Road. As collectors, they function to gather and distribute traffic. Thus, they are mid-level facilities that gather traffic from local streets and deliver traffic to larger, regional roads. In reverse, they gather traffic from the larger, regional roads and deliver it to the local streets. Daily traffic volumes on both of these streets are at the low to moderate level (3,000 to 9,000 vehicles per day), and because they have not changed significantly over the past 10 years, there is a clear indication that the travel sheds they serve are not growing in terms of the number of land uses that generate traffic. The table that follows shows how Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) has been stable throughout recent years. Figure 7.1 illustrates the most current daily traffic volumes that were recorded and analyzed in 2014. TABLE 5 STUDY AREA DAILY TRAFFIC The other street that is important to the study area is Amundson Avenue. It provides direct access to/from the study area by intersecting both West 70th Street and Cahill Road. Transit Transit services to/from the study area are provided by Metro Transit. These services include three regular routes and one express route. None of the routes actually penetrate the study area but, instead, provide access to the study area’s periphery and nearby streets.7 6 Because of their importance to the regional transportation system of highways, MSA streets are supported with both local (City of Edina) and state (MnDOT) funding. MnDOT design standards are determining factors for MSA streets, and cities must gain approval from MnDOT if they wish to implement roadway improvements. If the roadway design a city wishes to implement differs from MnDOT’s standards, a variance must be requested. 7 By policy, Metro Transit does not deviate from its routes unless there is adequate ridership to justify the increased costs, in terms of time and operational expenses. Year 70th West of Cahill 70th East of Cahill Cahill South of 70th Cahill North of 78th 2014 / 2013 6200 9440 5900 3900 2009 5645 9000 6050 3800 2005 6540 N.A. 8670 N.A. Source: MnDOT Street Series and City of Edina Chapter 7 - Transportation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 62 Routes 6 and 578 are regular routes that run along West 70th Street and Cahill Road and stop at bus stops adjacent to the study area. Route 540 is a regular route that picks up and drops off passengers at the intersection of Bush Lake Road and West 78th Street, about one- half mile from the study area. Express Route 589 runs along TH 100 and picks up and drops off passengers at the TH 100/Benton Avenue Interchange. All of the regular routes serve the Southdale Transit Service Center where transfers to and from other routes that cover the entire metropolitan area can be accessed. The express route serves downtown Minneapolis. Through field observations (and shown to the right) it was noted that none of the bus stops on West 70th Street and Cahill Road have bus shelters. It was further noted that the locations for the bus stops are inferior and lack sensitivity for the needs of passengers, who are, in Figure 7.1 Current (2014) AADT Source: MnDOT Street Series 70th Street Cahill Road Chapter 7 - Transportation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 63 fact, pedestrians. The bus stops were located along narrow sidewalks, grassy slopes, and within the splash distance of the curbs. Pedestrian and Bicycle The study area itself can best be described as a sea of surface parking lots with islands of buildings and a single street (Amundson Avenue) that cuts through it. As such, there are no sidewalks, except for those located immediately adjacent to buildings at the nose end of angle parking stalls. Additionally, the sidewalk on the north side of 70th street is in poor condition and just barely 5 feet wide. Likewise, there is no sidewalk on the east side of Cahill Road. The Nine Mile Creek Trail runs 30 feet below grade on the north side of 70th Street and north of the existing multi-family buildings. En route to the south, it crosses under 70th Street in a tunnel. Three Rivers Regional Park District, the agency that oversees the Nine Mile Creek Trail, is studying bike routes that can be developed to link the trail that passes through the small area study area to the Hyland Park Reserve in Bloomington. Route Alternatives A and B have been developed for analysis. As shown in Figure 7.2, Alternative A (blue line) goes west along West 70th Street and would use Cahill Road to travel south to 78th Street. Following 78th Street, it would then access Bush Lake Road, which crosses over I-494 en route to Hyland Park in Bloomington. Alternative B (green line) would go east along West 70th Street to access an existing trail that circulates through the business/industrial park south and east of the study area. The trail would then intersect Bush Lake Road before crossing I-494 on the existing overpass. With development of a potential, future crossing of the CP Rail (as described in this plan), either alignment alternative would ensure that visitors to and residents of the study area would have convenient access to the Nine Mile Creek Trail. Residents attending the first 70th & Cahill Community Meeting voted overwhelmingly in support of Alternative A, which would be even more accessible to the study area if the Nine Mile Creek Trail were linked to Amundson Avenue, as shown on Figure 7.2. The preferred alignment will be selected by Three Rivers Regional Park. A tunnel has been constructed under TH 169 for future direct connections of the trail to the City of Hopkins and downtown Minneapolis. This will lead to a substantial increase in commuter cyclists using the trail. Lack of sidewalks on West 70th Street, east side of Cahill Road, and the interior of the study area. City-owned parcel in northeast corner of the study area. Chapter 7 - Transportation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 64 Figure 7.2: Alternative Extensions of the Nine Mile Creek Trail Potential link between the Nine Mile Creek Trail Head and Cahill Road, conceptually shown to run through the study area along Amundson Avenue. Chapter 7 - Transportation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 65 Freight The railroad right-of-way that defines the eastern border of the study area is owned by the Canadian Pacific (CP) Railroad. It leases the track to the Twin Cities and Western (TC&W) Railroad, which operates freight trains twice each day; one northbound train and one southbound train. Utilizing the CP Rail corridor for north/south passenger service through Edina has been discussed for many years. Historically (1908 to 1942) the corridor actually accommodated passenger rail service between Minneapolis, Savage, and Northfield. Identified as a Tier I Potential Commuter Rail alignment in 1998-1999, MnDOT initiated a Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Scoping Decision Study to determine the feasibility and cost of once again running passenger trains in the corridor. Findings from the study indicated that it would be one of the most successful passenger rail lines when compared to others that were also under study. Citizens in Saint Louis Park, Bloomington, and Edina were strongly opposed to the proposed concept and in 2002 were successful in getting legislation passed to ban any further study of passenger rail in the corridor. Despite the legislative ban, interest in passenger rail service in the corridor has remained high. The Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) contracted Kimley Horn in 2017 to conduct a study the pros and cons of passenger rail in the corridor. The most suitable station location was determined to be in the Grandview District due to business activity and jobs in the area as well as undeveloped land that could be used for a transit station and transit oriented development. The majority of public feedback on the study was negative, particularly from residents who live along the route. The study concluded with a recommendation by the Edina City Council not to pursue passenger rail on the Dan Patch Line at this time (as of 2018). The small area plan recommends the inclusion of a passenger rail station along the eastern border of the study area, with pedestrian linkages between the station platform and Cahill Village, if passenger rail is approved. The primary ridership service area would be within a one-half mile radius of the station and would include residents surrounding the study area in single family and multi-family homes, employees at the adjacent business/industrial park, and on-site residents. As average residential density in the neighborhoods surrounding the study area is low (less than 10 dwelling units per acre), a considerably higher number of dwelling units within the study area will increase the potential that the recommended passenger rail station will be given serious consideration by the FTA and Metropolitan Council. 8 7.2 Trends and Challenges The SAPWG heard several transportation-related issues from the community at the three Community Meetings. These are listed below. • Some intersections in the area do not operate efficiently and there are backups periodically during the day. Specific intersections with recurring issues are70th & Cahill and Dewey Hill/ Cahill. • Safer access to the Nine Mile Creek Trail especially from westbound 70th St. 8 According to the Metropolitan Council, Light Rail Transit (LRT), Commuter Rail (passenger rail), Dedicated Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), and Highway BRT represent the highest level of regional investment in transit. As a result, policy expectations for residential density and levels of activity are highest for their station areas. A key planning task for local governments is to identify locations where these policy expectations will be met. Chapter 7 - Transportation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 66 • Traffic is unorganized, and speeds are high at the 70th & Cahill intersection. • There is support for adding sidewalks along the streets within the area and for creating landscaped boulevards and improved pedestrian-scaled lighting. • There is a desire to screen or hide parking, either underground or behind buildings and minimize runoff by utilizing permeable pavers and rain gardens. • Improved transit service is needed in the area; increased frequency and coverage of service and better facilities (bus stops with stations). • A circulator bus is needed. • An on-site transit hub is needed. • Connections across the railroad right-of-way are needed so that there can be more efficient t east/west travel across the study area and into the business/industrial park. • Pedestrians and cyclists cannot conveniently access the Nine Mile Creek trail from 70th Street. There is need for an enhanced sidewalk on the south side of 70th Street, between Amundson Avenue and the Nine Mile Creek trail that will accommodate cyclists and pedestrians in both an easterly and westerly direction. 7.3 Goals and Policies Goals The following goals and policies were developed in response to the trends and issues identified above. 1. Create a Grid. To the extent possible, create a grid system of streets and regular blocks within the study area to define development parcels and serve as a framework for a logical network of streets and intersections. 2. Define and Construct a Hierarchy of Streets. • Entering and exiting the study area and connecting linking Amundson Avenue to the adjacent street system (Cahill Road and West 70th street) • Tree-lined, east/west parkway type street along the southern border of the study area • Internal circulation to provide access to buildings, parking lots, and other on-site destinations • Woonerf (bicycle and pedestrian dominant travel routes) to link adjacent buildings and on-site destinations 3. Add Traffic Control Devices. Provide at intersections to calm and regulate the flow of traffic: • 70th & Cahill • Amundson/Cahill • Parkway Street/Cahill • Dewey Hill Road/Cahill 4. Add Sidewalks and Crosswalks. • Along the south side of West 70th Street between Cahill Road and Metro Boulevard • Along the east side of Cahill Road between West 70th Street and Dewey Hill Road • Crosswalk at Cahill to facilitate pedestrian and bike usage of the Cahill bike lanes for people living in the Dewey Hill neighborhood • Along the north side of West 70th Street to the Nine Mile Creek trail Chapter 7 - Transportation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 67 5. Further study an east/west connection across the CP Rail. Partner early with Xcel Energy and CP Rail to begin exploring possibilities for linking the study area and the office-industrial park that lies south and east of the study area. 6. Expand Transit Circulator Service. Circulator operating in the Greater Southdale Area shall include 70th & Cahill node. 7. Construct On-Site Shelter. A bus shelter on site shall ensure that transit riders can await the circulator in comfort. 8. Improve Metro Transit Bus Stops. Ensure adequate space for pedestrians to comfortably walk to stop locations. • Provide concrete surfaces where bus stops are located • Ensure locations are accessible and surfaces properly sloped • Provide bus shelters 9. Construct a Bike Connection. Assist cyclists and pedestrians to access the Nine Mile Trail from both the east and west directions on 70th Street by removing a segment of the concrete center median at the trail. 10. Provide for On-Street Parking. along internal circulation streets within the study area. Policies The following policies are directions the city will initiate to ensure the small area is developed/ redeveloped in a manner that fulfills the Vision Statement and transportation-related Guiding Principles. 1. The city will coordinate with MnDOT on the redesign of intersections along Cahill Road where intersections providing access to/from the small area plan study area will be constructed and where trail connections should be made safer. 2. The city will coordinate with Metro Transit to affect decisions to ensure that transit facilities and services affecting the small area plan study area provide for comfort, convenience, and ease of use for transit customers. 3. The city will coordinate with CP Railroad and Xcel Energy to study the potential for a future railroad track crossing between the small area plan study area and the adjacent business/industrial park, if recommended as part of the follow up study. 4. The city will coordinate with Three Rivers Park District to ensure that its designs provide for (or otherwise include) a sidewalk on the south side of 70th Street and removal of a portion of the concrete median on 70th Street for westbound cyclists to connect directly to the northbound bike trail (tunnel). 5. The city will notify the Park District that the community and small area plan work group overwhelming prefer and support its proposed “Option A” to complete and connect the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail to the future CP Rail Regional Trail. The City shall explore with the Park District the potential to route or add a trail spur through the study area rather than along 70th and Cahill—the four-way intersection there can be a traffic hazard. It is imperative that this follow-up step is initiated in late 2018 or early 2019 because the Three Rivers Regional Parks District is finalizing its construction plans. Chapter 7 - Transportation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 68 6. The city will coordinate with developers to ensure a sidewalk is constructed on the east side of Cahill and for a trail from Amundson trail loop. 7. The city will support the development and operation of a city-owned transit circulator that serves its neighborhood, community, and regional nodes. 8. The city will require the proposers of new development projects and significant redevelopment projects to complete Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) reports as a component of the development review process. The geographic scope of TIA reports will be defined by the City of Edina, as will the scope of transportation/traffic issues to address. 9. The city will, in the event the TIA indicates a proposer's development will generate traffic that exceeds the capacity of the street system and/or will impact adjacent residential areas, coordinate with the project proposer to identify mitigation measures that should be examined to determine which will ensure that acceptable traffic operations can achieved. Chapter 8 Implementation Chapter 8 - Implementation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 69 8. Implementation 8.1 Economic Vitality Implementation Action Lead Timeframe Follow-up study of business/industrial park • The City will initiate further study to determine how best to revitalize the area. The recommendation includes possible up-front City investment in sidewalks and other public realm improvements to stimulate private sector investment. • Funding to complete the study shall be included in staff’s proposed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) budget. Community Development/Planning Department, Economic Development Department, Chamber of Commerce With City Council adoption of 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan. 2019/2020 Create a sense of place and link the 70th and Cahill node to its immediate surroundings • Develop identity logo or graphic theme for Cahill Village integrating its historical significance and proximity to the NMC Regional Trail for use in signage and wayfinding, • Conduct follow up study to identify need for, and feasibility of additional bicycle, pedestrian or vehicle connections over the CP Rail tracks. • Add wayfinding at key traffic intersections: monument signage at 70th and Metro Blvd., 78th and Cahill, 70th & Cahill Community Development/Planning Department, Economic Development Department, Chamber of Commerce With City Council adoption of 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Support existing small business and property owners • The City will provide support in the creation of a business and property owners business association. • The City will develop programs and incentives to help prevent existing businesses from being displaced. Economic Development Department, Chamber of Commerce 2020/2021 Clarify when and where any potential use of public financing subsidies for redevelopment in the study area may be considered • The City will provide guidelines for property owners and developers delineating conditions and applications for public financing subsidies (e.g., tax increment financing) • The City will make it clear to property owners, developers, and the community what the public financing may be used for and will define elements specific to the study area. • Should public financing be proposed for the study area, the City will provide information (e.g., a primer) justifying and explaining the financial benefits to the community City Council In response to development proposals Chapter 8 - Implementation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 70 8.2 Land Use and Urban Design Implementation Action Lead Timeframe Incorporate this Plan by Reference The City will amend the land use designation of the 70th & Cahill study are from Neighborhood Commercial to Neighborhood Node (NN). • The City will review development applications of all future projects within the boundaries of the 70th & Cahill neighborhood node to ensure compliance with Small Area Plan Land Use and Development Guidelines including Building Type Guidelines, Density, and Site-Specific Guidelines. Community Development/Planning Department With City Council adoption of 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Zoning Regulations and Zoning Map. The city will amend the Zoning Map to replace the zoned Planned Industrial District-1 within the study area with the Planned Commercial District-1 designation. • Current land uses remain in effect until a development proposal is submitted or owners decide to seek a change. • The PCD-1 district allows certain retail or service businesses as Permitted Uses and multi-family housing as a Conditional Use. • The city will use the policies and guidance of this plan as conditions for review of the multi-family housing. The city will amend the zoning ordinance regarding height maximums to be consistent with this plan. • The city will include additional code requirements (such as form-based codes) as needed to acquire the expected public realm improvements which may include any or all of the following: Frontage Types, Building Types, Street and Streetscape, Parking, Public Space Standards, Landscape Standards, Architectural Standards. Community Development/Planning Department With City Council adoption of 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Building Height Regulations and Building Height Overlay Districts Map. The City will amend the Building Height Overlay Districts Map to change the study area’s current HOD-2 two-story, maximum height of 24 feet, to HOD-3 three-story, maximum height of 39 feet; and HOD-5 five-story, maximum height of 63 feet; as consistent with this plan. Community Development/Planning Department With City Council adoption of 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Chapter 8 - Implementation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 71 8.3 Heritage Preservation Implementation Action Lead Timeframe Research and investigate Cahill Village properties and events with potential for heritage significance Edina Heritage Preservation Commission With City Council adoption of 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Identify and nominate Cahill Village for Heritage Landmark designation if heritage resources are identified. Edina Heritage Preservation Commission 2019-2029 Safeguard significant heritage resources identified at Cahill Village, when identified. Edina Heritage Preservation Commission 2019-2029 Evaluate development applications for opportunities to incorporate history and education about Cahill Village. Edina Heritage Preservation Commission In response to development applications Chapter 8 - Implementation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 72 8.4 Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources Implementation Action Lead Timeframe Improve pedestrian and bike connections between the study area and Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail • Inform the Three Rivers Regional Parks District that the community Prefers “Option A” to complete the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail and connect to the future CP Rail Regional Trail. • Explore with the Three Rivers Regional Parks District the potential to route the trail through the study area rather than along 70th- Cahill due to potential traffic hazards. • Review small area plan with developers to clarify expectations and coordinate public realm improvements • Survey both the east and west on 70th Street to add safe connections to trail and year-round use • Construct a trail/sidewalk to connect the bike trail located on the city parcel, with the 70th & Cahill node Community Development/Planning, Parks & Recreation, Engineering Department, the Three Rivers Regional Park Commission With City Council adoption of the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Create more green space within and surrounding the study area • Prepare a plan to construct a trailhead and pocket park on the city property adjacent to the 70th Street tunnel. • Review development proposals for opportunities to include outdoor gathering space/s. Community Development/Planning, Parks and Recreation, With City Council adoption of the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Improve pedestrian and bike connections to nearby parks • Survey improvements for crossings, bike lanes to and from Lewis Park • Present recommendations to the public • Prioritize these improvements in the CIP—do not need to wait for study area redevelopment Parks Commission, Transportation Commission, and Engineering Department 2019-2024 Promote trail and parks access to and from the study area • Provide wayfinding signage on 70th Street directing cyclists and pedestrians to the safest trail access point • Add wayfinding signage at the trailhead for Cahill Village and for the Edina Bike Route system. • Survey access improvements needed for pedestrians and cyclists between the study area and Lewis Park Parks Commission and Engineering Department with the Three Rivers Regional Park Commission 2019-2024 Improve water quality of Nine Mile Creek • Require storm water retention and management of all new development • Consider storm water retention system in newly created pocket park to filter water before it enters the creek Community Development/Planning, Engineering With the City Council adoption of the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Chapter 8 - Implementation Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 73 8.5 Transportation Implementation Action Lead Timeframe Coordinate with MnDOT on the redesign of intersections along Cahill Road where intersections providing access to/from the small area plan study area will be constructed. Transportation Planning and Engineering Department In response to development proposals Coordinate with Metro Transit to affect decisions to ensure that transit facilities and services affecting the small area plan study area provide for comfort, convenience, and ease of use for transit customers. Transportation Planning With adoption of the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan For parcels adjacent to the rail tracks, require proposers of redevelopment projects to review their plans and coordinate with CP Railroad and Xcel Energy early in the design process, prior to submitting any plans for review to the City. Transportation Planning and Engineering Department With adoption of the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Coordinate with Three Rivers Regional Parks District to ensure that its designs provide for (or otherwise include) a sidewalk on the south side of 70th Street. Transportation Planning and Engineering Department With adoption of the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Coordinate with appropriate small area plan developers to ensure a sidewalk is constructed on the west side of Cahill. Planning and Transportation Planning and Engineering Department In response to development proposals Support the development and operation of a transit circulator that serves the 70th & Cahill study area and is linked to the already existing circulator serving the Greater Southdale Area and future neighborhood nodes within the city. Planning Department and Transportation Planning With adoption of the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Require the proposers of new development projects and significant redevelopment projects to complete Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) reports as a component of the development and site plan review process. Transportation Planning and Engineering Department In response to development proposals Appendices Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th/Cahill Neighborhood Node Appendices Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th/Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 1 Community Context and Demographic Characteristics A.1 Introduction Text, maps, and charts provided in the Appendices supports Chapter 2 of the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan. A.2 Community Context The area of study addressed during the planning process included the public street rights-of-way and several land parcels in the immediate vicinity of the intersection of West 70th Street and Cahill Road, particularly to the east of the intersection. This includes an existing commercial area, as well as some adjacent multifamily and industrial areas. Since this area is fairly small, this plan provides an overview of the surrounding area to put it in context. For the purposes of this analysis, this plan looks at data for the area within a half mile radius of the intersection of West 70th Street and Cahill Road, as shown on Figure 3. The half mile distance was chosen based on the typical standard for a walkable community around a destination. The actual primary market area for 44th and France is likely much larger. This half mile radius area includes portions of five Edina neighborhoods –Cahill, The Heights, Prospect Knolls, and Brookview Heights. With the exception of Cahill (which is primarily an industrial area), these neighborhoods are predominantly residential. Main Ideas: The data for the 70th and Cahill area tell us that the surrounding area tends to be: • Moderately growing population with relatively high incomes • Households split between families and people living alone • Aging housing stock, primarily from mid-century period • Job center with industrial and retail businesses, attracting commuters from other cities • Containing a mix of housing types, both single and multifamily • Higher valued single family, older and comparatively lower valued multifamily housing This collection of information suggests an affluent and comfortable population, with a mix of housing and business options in aging structure. Combined, this points to a potential for change through reinvestment and redevelopment. Appendices Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th/Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 2 Demographic Analysis Area Appendices Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th/Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 3 A.3 Demographic Profile Population and Households The population of this area has increased modestly over the past 15+ years, going from around 2,600 in 2000 to nearly 2,900 in 2017. The household size has increased as well, remaining slightly above the citywide average at around 2.5. The area is also slightly younger than the city as a whole, with a median age of 46.1 compared to a citywide median of 46.7. This reflects a higher percentage of children under 18 as a proportion of the population. The daytime population in 2017 is around 3,100, including both residents and workers. This is higher than the base population because of the significant amount of employment in the area, which results in a net gain of people during a typical work day. Daytime population is important in part because it helps support retail and service businesses during the day, such as places for lunch and errands. Race and Ethnicity The racial makeup of the population is about as diverse as the citywide average, and is predominantly white (European American). The population has remained around 84 percent white since 2010. There has been a slight percentage gain in the Asian American population. Around 3.8 percent of the population identifies as Hispanic/Latino (Spanish-speaking Americans). Appendices Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th/Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 4 Age and Household Size The age distribution of this area is somewhat younger than the citywide average. The median age is 46.1, compared to 47.3 citywide. This reflects a higher percentage of the population that is children under the age of 14 compared to citywide, and a smaller percentage over 85. The average household size is 2.52 persons/household, compared with 2.32 citywide. Again, this reflects the larger percentage of children, which tends to lead to higher household sizes. Household Type and Profile Appendices Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th/Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 5 Around 72% of households in this area are family households, with around 4% classified as nonfamily households (unrelated individuals living together). Approximately 24% of households consist of one person living alone. Over 35% of households have children present, higher than the citywide average and reflecting both the higher household size and the lower median age. According to the Tapestry profile for the area, the top three subgroups represented here are: • Golden Years – Independent, active seniors nearing the end of their careers or already in retirement. Primarily singles living alone or empty nesters. • Top Tier – The wealthiest Tapestry market, with high incomes and purchasing power. Primarily married couples with or without children. • Savvy Suburbanites – Well educated, well read, and well capitalized, this group tends to live in older suburbs and invest in their properties and lifestyles. Includes many empty nesters. Income The median household income for this area in 2017 is around $105,000, significantly higher than the citywide median of $92,000. Housing Profile The majority of residents in this area (67%) live in single family detached homes. However, a significant percentage live in either townhomes (12%) or larger scale apartments (12%) – primarily in large multifamily developments west of Cahill. This reflects the mixed nature of housing in this area. Appendices Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th/Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 6 The area is predominantly owner occupied, with 71% of the housing units owned by their resident. In contrast, about 20% are renter occupied and 9% are vacant. This has remained relatively steady in recent years. The housing stock in this area was built out at a steady rate between the 1950’s and 1980’s, with a moderate amount of infill since then. The median year that structures were built was 1970. This is about average for the city as a whole. In contrast to the age of the housing stock, the majority of residents living in this area (64% of those counted) have moved here since 2000. The median year people moved into their homes was 2003, consistent with citywide levels. Appendices Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th/Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 7 The median home value for this area in 2017 is around $439,000, significantly higher than the citywide median of $418,000. This is consistent with the areas higher-than-average income. The median rent is $990, lower than the citywide median of $1,100. This may reflect the fact that most of the multifamily housing in this area is older, and therefore less expensive than some of the newer housing built elsewhere. Appendices Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th/Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 8 Economic Profile: Jobs in the Area The area has around 180 businesses with 3,900 employees. Compared to the resident population of about 2,800, there is a ratio of 1:36 jobs per resident. This is largely due to the significant industrial and wholesale trade presence in this area. Service industries employ over 60% of the workers in this area, with retail following at 11%, demonstrating a comparative lack of suitability for retail when compared to other employment sectors of the economy. Manufacturing and wholesale trade percentages are well above city averages due to the presence of the industrial area. Economic Profile: Workers in the Area In terms of the employment of people who live in the area, the employment rate is very high – with only 3.5% of the labor force identifying as unemployed. Consistent with the industry mix, around 60% of the residents work in the service industry. Residents however, are less likely to work in retail in comparison to the business mix, and more likely to work in finance, insurance, or real estate. Workers in this area commute from a wide distribution of places. The most common home communities for commuters are Minneapolis (9.4%), Bloomington (7.0%), Eden Prairie (4.2%), and Edina (4.1%) (Source: Census LEHD 2014). Conversely, the same four cities are the four most common destinations for residents commuting out of this area to work: Minneapolis (25.7%), Edina (17.8%), Bloomington (8.7%) and Eden Prairie (5.4%). The 70th and Cahill area sits at the northwest corner of one of the largest concentrations of employment in Edina – the office/industrial area, which straddles Highway 100. See the employment distribution map on Figure 4 on the following page. Appendices Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th/Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 9 Employment Concentration and Distribution 70th/Cahill Small Area Plan Study Area Appendices Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 70th/Cahill Neighborhood Node Page 10 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-10 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 70th AND CAHILL SMALL AREAPLAN FOR THE 2019 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. BACKGROUND & FINDINGS. 1.01 The 70th and Cahill Small Area was cited as an area of potential change in the 2008 Edina Comprehensive Plan; as such the City Council authorized the Planning Commission to complete a Small Area Plan. 1.02 A Work Group consultant team was assembled to develop the Plan in 2017. The work group consisted of two members of the Planning Commission, members appointed by the Planning Commission, including commercial property and business owner representatives, and neighborhood representatives. 1.03 Community outreach included three community meetings and many work group meetings that were open to the public. 1.04 The plan provides a framework for making decisions based on a shared community vision for the Area’s evolution. It builds on existing assets while new development should aesthetically respect the existing and surrounding neighborhood character with new or updated design that complements and sensitively transitions from the 1960s-1970s architecture to 2018 and beyond. 70th & Cahill should reclaim its sense of place and the village appeal should be timeless and inviting. The Plan indicates that new development should include a variety of both rental and owned condos, townhomes and apartments along with neighborhood-serving retail located in the most visible locations. 1.05 The 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan includes aspirations, recommended goals, policies and implementation steps with respect to economic vitality and competitiveness, urban design, land use, transportation and mobility, parks and public life, district services and facilities, sustainability and water resources. 1.06 On November 28, 2018, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the proposed Small Area Plan. Motion to delay action on the plan to December 12, 2018 was approved. Vote: 7 Ayes and 2 Nays. 1.07 On December 12, 2018, a motion by the Planning Commission to approve the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan as written failed. Vote: 4 Ayes and 4 Nays. Motion to approve the Plan with the recommendations outline in the staff memo dated December 12, 2018 was approved: Vote 5 Ayes and 3 Nays. 1.08 The December 12, 2018 memo was drafted at the request of the Planning Commission to address concerns that the Planning Commission raised with the 70th and Cahill Small Area RESOLUTION NO. 2019-10 Page Two Plan at the time the Plan was discussed by the Planning Commission at their November 14, 2018 Work Session. Section 2. APPROVAL NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that the City Council of the City of Edina, approves the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan subject to the edits recommended in the December 12, 2018 staff memo. These edits shall be made with the overall 2019 Comprehensive Plan Update. The following summarizes the edits: 1. The density requirements are moved to the land use chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. Density shall be 10-50 units per acre. Projects may be considered up to 75 units per acre subject to Rezoning; at least 20% of the units within a project are for affordable housing; meeting goals and objectives of the Small Area Plan and help meet public realm improvements outlined in the Plan. 2. Building Height increases are not given by right by amending the Height Overlay District. Rather, heights may be increased per the Plan subject to a Variance or Rezoning. ATTEST: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ____ day of __________________, 2018. _________________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 2019-10 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 70th AND CAHILL SMALL AREAPLAN FOR THE 2019 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. BACKGROUND & FINDINGS. 1.01 The 70th and Cahill Small Area was cited as an area of potential change in the 2008 Edina Comprehensive Plan; as such the City Council authorized the Planning Commission to complete a Small Area Plan. 1.02 A Work Group consultant team was assembled to develop the Plan in 2017. The work group consisted of two members of the Planning Commission, members appointed by the Planning Commission, including commercial property and business owner representatives, and neighborhood representatives. 1.03 Community outreach included three community meetings and many work group meetings that were open to the public. 1.04 The plan provides a framework for making decisions based on a shared community vision for the Area’s evolution. It builds on existing assets while new development should aesthetically respect the existing and surrounding neighborhood character with new or updated design that complements and sensitively transitions from the 1960s-1970s architecture to 2018 and beyond. 70th & Cahill should reclaim its sense of place and the village appeal should be timeless and inviting. The Plan indicates that new development should include a variety of both rental and owned condos, townhomes and apartments along with neighborhood-serving retail located in the most visible locations. 1.05 The 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan includes aspirations, recommended goals, policies and implementation steps with respect to economic vitality and competitiveness, urban design, land use, transportation and mobility, parks and public life, district services and facilities, sustainability and water resources. 1.06 On November 28, 2018, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the proposed Small Area Plan. Motion to delay action on the plan to December 12, 2018 was approved. Vote: 7 Ayes and 2 Nays. 1.07 On December 12, 2018, a motion by the Planning Commission to approve the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan as written failed. Vote: 4 Ayes and 4 Nays. Motion to approve the Plan with the recommendations outline in the staff memo dated December 12, 2018 was approved: Vote 5 Ayes and 3 Nays. 1.08 The December 12, 2018 memo was drafted at the request of the Planning Commission to address concerns that the Planning Commission raised with the 70th and Cahill Small Area RESOLUTION NO. 2019-10 Page Two Plan at the time the Plan was discussed by the Planning Commission at their November 14, 2018 Work Session. 1.09 On January 8, the City Council held a public hearing and considered the Plan. Section 2. APPROVAL NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that the City Council of the City of Edina, approves the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan as written. ATTEST: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ____ day of __________________, 2018. _________________________________ City Clerk City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: December 12, 2018 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Re: 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan – Edits to be Considered Based on direction and comments from the Planning Commission work session on November 14, and the public hearing on November 28, 2018, staff recommends the revisions below to the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan. In including this additional language the following is accomplished: 1) The City would not by right, allow heights to increase up to 3-5 stories, rather the City would have discretion to allow an increase in height to help the City accomplish public realm goals of the Plan; 2) Allow an increase in density only to assist in meeting the City’s affordable housing goal, and assist the City in accomplishing the public realm goals of the Plan; 3) Move the density requirements into the land use section of the Comprehensive Plan. This would be similar to the Southdale District Plan which does not have the density table in the Plan; density is discussed in the land use chapter. Language to be inserted in the Small Area Plan: 1. Page 36 – Character and Scale Insert the following language at the end of this section: • Guidance in this plan provides some flexibility for projects in terms of density and scale, so that the City can work with developers to support the development of high quality projects that are uniquely well-suited for this location and enhance its character. 2. Page 38 – Table 3 a. Delete the table. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 b. Revise the NN, Neighborhood Node table in the land use chapter as follows: Xxx – new language Xxx – existing draft language 3. Page 38 – I. Building Height Limits Plan Insert the following language after the introduction that states: “This plan established new height limits for the 70th and Cahill Neighborhood Node, shown on Figures 4.5 and 4.6.”: To achieve the heights shown on the following pages, a project would be subject to review of a Site Plan, Variance or Rezoning proposal that achieves applicable goals and objectives within the Land Use and Urban Design Framework, Parks, Open Space, Natural Resources, Transportation, and Heritage Preservation Chapters in this Plan. NN Neighborhood Node Current examples: • 44th &France • 70th &Cahill • ValleyView &Wooddale In general, small-to moderate-scale commercial, residential or mixed-use buildings serving primarily the adjacent neighborhood(s). Primary uses encouraged are neighborhood-serving retail and services, offices, studios, institutional and residential. Building footprints generally less than 20,000 sq. ft. (or less for individual storefronts). Parking is less prominent than pedestrian features. Encourage underground parking (for comparatively larger developments), district parking for smaller developments, and open space linkages where feasible; emphasize enhancement of the pedestrian environment. Encourage underground parking (for comparatively larger developments), district parking for smaller developments Open space linkages where feasible; emphasize enhancement of the pedestrian environment. Encourage development to comply with the 70th and Cahill Neighborhood Node Development Guidelines: A. Building Height Limits Plan B. Building Type Guidelines C. Site Specific Guidelines Varies by small area: • Wooddale/ValleyView – up to 30du/acre • 70th & Cahill – 10-50 du/acre. Projects may be considered with densities greater than 50 dwelling units per acre up to 75 units per acre if the following is demonstrated: 1) The project must contain a minimum of 20% of the units within the project as affordable housing as defined by the Edina Affordable Housing Policy; 2) The project must meet applicable goals and objectives in the following Chapters of this Plan: Land Use and Urban Design Framework; Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources; Transportation; and Heritage Preservation; and 3) Help meet the public realm improvements outlined in the Plan. • 44th & France – 12du/acre and up City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 To achieve heights greater than those shown on Figures 4.5 and 4.6, project proposers would need to demonstrate a willingness and ability to assist the City in the provision and development of public realm improvements that support goals and objectives outlined in this Small Area Plan and are more fully described in the Plan’s Guiding Principles. 4. Page 70 – 8.2 Land Use and Urban Design Implementation Delete the following from the Implementation Chapter: Building Height Regulations and Building Height Overlay Districts Map. The City will amend the Building Height Overlay Districts Map to change the study area’s current HOD-2 two-story, maximum height of 24 feet, to HOD-3 three-story, maximum height of 39 feet; and HOD-5 five-story, maximum height of 63 feet; as consistent with this plan. If the above language is not included in the Plan, then the Zoning Overlay District Map (attached) for this area would have to be amendment to be brought into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan by increasing the heights. The City would also need to begin capital improvement planning to provide for the public realm improvements recommended within the plan, as it would be difficult to rely on re-development to provide the public realm. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend the City Council make the above edits to the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan and Land Use Plan. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Page 1 of 5 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers November 28, 2018 I. Call To Order Chair Olsen called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Lee, Strauss, Thorsen, Mangalick, Melton, Nemerov, Hamilton, Bennett, Berube, Chair Olsen Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner, Kaylin Eidsness, Senior Communications Coordinator, Liz Olson, Support Staff Absent from the roll call: None. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Thorsen moved to approve the November 28, 2018, agenda. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Commissioner Thorsen moved to approve the November 14, 2018, meeting minutes. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. V. Public Hearings A. 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan • Commissioner Lee presented the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan and explained that the work group started working in October of 2017. • Lee’s presentation discussed the 5 major recommendations of the update including Land Use and Urban Design, Heritage Preservation, Economic Vitality, Parks and Open Space, and Transportation. • Lee noted that the major changes made since July of 2018 included the Building Height Limits Plan and the recommended approach to public financing for development/redevelopment at 70th & Cahill. • Lee explained that the Building Height Limits Plan includes the following: o Up to 3 stories, not to exceed 39 feet for buildings on the north side of 70th Street. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Page 2 of 5 o Up to 3 stories, not to exceed 39 feet for buildings on the southeast corner of 70th/Cahill. o The roof line of building son the southeast corner of 70th/Cahill will establish a not-to- exceed height for buildings fronting on Cahill (so long as they do not exceed 5 stories) o All other buildings will have a 5 story, 63 foot high maximum. • Lee explained that the Work Group is recommending the following regarding Public Financing: o The City will provide guidelines for property owners and developers delineating conditions and applications for public financing subsidies. o The City will make it clear to property owners, developers, and the community that public financing may only be used for public realm infrastructure improvements. o Should public financing be proposed for the study area, the City will provide information justifying and explaining the financial benefits to the community. Public Hearing Louise Wright, 5422 Creekview Lane, stated that she is concerned about increased traffic and the north side of 70th not being included the original plan and now it may turn into multifamily dwellings. Jonathan Stechman, 7460 Shannon Drive, stated that he was concerned about the increased density at Creek Valley and concerned about affordable housing not being spread out throughout other parts of Edina. Stechman asked Commissioners about the community’s feedback that was gathered from the meetings and the tax base increase. Michelle Swanson, Xcel Energy 5309 W. 70th St, expressed concerns regarding the proposed east and west parkway and relocating facilities for the proposed road. Swanson also stated concern regarding the passenger rail platform and the conflicts with the transmission structure. Roger Bildsten, 6813 Brook Drive, stated the trail is a wonderful asset to Edina, but access is dangerous on the west and north side. Philip Peterson, 5519 W. 70th Street, stated he was a member of the study group and voted against the study and followed by discussing affordable housing. John Uecker, 7105 Fleetwood Drive, expressed concern about the increased density and wanting an adequate traffic study showing traffic patterns. Timothy Duffy, 6001 Dublin Circle, discussed that he was curious where the transition from a suburb to an “urban city” comes from, the traffic issue concerns, and adding to school populations. Kradisha Glyl, 7213 Fleetwood Drive, expressed concern about traffic congestion. Hope Melton, 4825 Valley View Road, introduced herself as a member of Edina Neighbors for Affordable Housing. Melton discussed the density and height that makes affordable housing feasible. Melton stated that Edina kept affordable housing out of the city for 20 years and the City Council is committed to changing that. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Page 3 of 5 Melton stated that teachers, City Staff, and the aging Edina residents that want to downsize are some of those who would need affordable housing. Connie Careino, 4509 Garrison Lane, encouraged the Planning Commission to adopt the Small Area Plan recommendations and consider editing Director Teague’s proposed language and create a new section of the land use chapter of the Comprehensive Plan that provides an over view of how you would use amendments for various parts of the land use. Patrick Bennett, 5708 Kemrich Drive, thanked the Small Area Plan group and the Planning Commission. Bennett stated that he thinks the plan is a compromise but that it is too dense. Bennett stated school density was a concern and allowing businesses to focus on the bike trail appeared unfounded. Ann Swenson, 6021 Concord Avenue, introduced herself and stated her past experience on the Planning Commission and City Council and current seat on the foundation. Swenson explained that the dry cleaners is a great site for affordable housing because it backs up to a bike path and is on a bus line. Swenson notes that four coffee shops have closed because they were struggling and she would like to see the node revived and lively. Catherine Bass, 6917 Gleason Road, thanked residents and supports the small area plan. Bass also stated that she longs for improvement in the area and the large amount of cars seems dangerous at times. Paul Bordonaro, 5800 70th Street West, stated that he does not agree with Commissioner Lee that the plan is clear. Bordonaro also stated that he believes we need stress tests for the traffic Commissioner Thorsen moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Discussion/Comments/Questions • Commissioners discussed the traffic study that was provided to the work group by the consultants and stated that it didn’t show any serious issues at the current time and showed room for capacity for greater development. Director Teague noted that normally housing generates less traffic than commercial and stated that a traffic study is required for any development proposal. • Commissioners discussed the capacity of the schools. • Commissioners discussed branding and implementation as well as a further study on the commercial and industrial area be included on the overall plan as opposed to a one-off. • Commissioners discussed removing the archeological survey and the increased traffic concerns. • Commissioners discussed that the “urban” wording means walkable and pedestrian friendly for the neighborhood node. • Director Teague stated that as the plan is written, the height overlay district would need to be amended to allow for 3-5 stories. Teague stated that his suggestion with the language with height would include the overlay district standing today, if a developer wanted to go taller, they would have to do a site plan, variance, or rezoning. The objectives in the small area plan would be Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Page 4 of 5 evaluated in the land use section and the Planning Commission would make recommendations to City Council if the height increase is justified. • Director Teague stated that the Affordable Housing project density includes 50 units per acre being the max, but if a project had a minimum of 20 percent for affordable housing, it could be increased up to 90 units per acre. • Final recommendations by the Planning Commission are as follows: o Remove the access/path/connection across the railroad tracks heading east onto private property from Figure: 4.7 on page 47. Modify text accordingly where it is currently referenced. o Remove/edit a specified location/representation of a future rail platform from Figure 4.7 on page 47. Modify text accordingly where it is currently referenced. o Identify preferred option of the future CP Regional Trail extension on Figure 7.2 on page 58 and 64. Commissioner Bennett mentioned another option along Amundson to Cahill. The plan should advocate strongly for the Work Group’s preferred option). o Better define the 70th Street safe crossing on Figure 4.7 on page 47, on graphic and/or in text. o Modify text accordingly on page 55, 5.4, Goal number 3 regarding archaeological Phase I and Phase II investigations. Motion Commissioner Hamilton moved delaying the approval of 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan to be modified as discussed to the Planning Commission on December 12, 2018. Commissioner Thorsen seconded the motion. Aye: Miranda, Thorsen, Hamilton, Nemerov, Bennett, Berube, Olsen Nay: Strauss and Lee The motion carried 7-2. VII. Community Comment None. VIII. Reports/Recommendations None. IX. Correspondence And Petitions None. X. Chair and Member Comments None. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Page 5 of 5 XI. Staff Comments Director Teague stated that the City Council meeting on December 4, 2018 will include 7200 and 7250 France Avenue, Solar Ordinance, and the 4532 France Avenue project. XII. Adjournment Commissioner Thorsen moved to adjourn the November 28, 2018, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 10:04 PM. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Page 1 of 2 VIII. Reports/Recommendations A. 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan Staff noted that the revisions to the Plan requested by the Planning Commission at the November 28, 2018 Planning Commission meeting were made by the consultant team and Commissioner Lee. Commissioners explained that they received all of the submittals and comments turned in to the Planning Commission. Chair Olsen explained that the Planning Commission directed Staff to draft the proposed amendments and Director Teague was only following their request. Director Teague explained that the staff memo addresses the potential to allow greater density to provide affordable housing; and to provide language that could be negotiated through a variance or rezoning to increase height rather than amending the Zoning Ordinance to give property owners by right to go to the height limits within the Plan. Commissioners continued with a lengthy discussion regarding height, density, and affordable housing. Commissioner Berube moved for approval of the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan as written. Commissioner Nemerov seconded the motion. Aye: Strauss, Nemerov, Berube, Olsen Nay: Miranda, Thorsen, Hamilton, Bennett The motion fails 4-4. Commissioner Hamilton made a motion to recommend approval of the edits to the Small Area Plan to City Council as written in the staff memo dated December 12, 2018. Commissioner Thorsen seconded the motion. Aye: Miranda, Thorsen, Hamilton, Bennett, Berube Nay: Strauss, Nemerov, Olsen The motion passed 5-3. IX. Correspondence And Petitions None. X. Chair and Member Comments Commissioners discussed the Southwest light rail ceremonial ground breaking was on November 30th, 2018 and something that should be considered when discussing future developments. XI. Staff Comments None. XII. Adjournment Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Page 2 of 2 Commissioner Thorsen moved to adjourn the December 12, 2018, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 10:05 PM. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. CityofEdina.com 70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node Small Area Plan City Council Public Hearing January 8, 2019 CityofEdina.com Project Timeline Approve SAP Greenprint Select Work Group Members Develop Vision and Principles and Prepare for Engagement Public Input Meetings Develop, Review and Edit Draft Plan Planning Commission Review City Council Review Aug Oct Dec-Mar Mar-Sep Nov Jan Oct-Nov 2017 2018 2019 CityofEdina.com Benefits of Small Area Plans What do we want our neighborhood to look like in 10-20 years? What steps can we take now to work towards that vision? •Gain understanding of neighborhood issues/concerns •Establish a future vision based on community input •Establish a roadmap to achieve the community vision •Establish land use regulations to guide future development •Set public realm form and design standards for zoning updates •Update and Compliment the City’s Comprehensive Plan goals CityofEdina.com Why Now? The 70th-Cahill Neighborhood Node was one of four areas cited in the prior 2008 Comprehensive Plan for future study. •Given age of buildings, redevelopment proposals are likely in the future. •Opportunity to be proactive by developing a small area plan •May incorporate plan into the 2018 Comp Plan Update CityofEdina.com Relationship to the Comprehensive Plan Comprehensive Plan Topics: •Vision, goals and objectives◄ •Neighborhood profile◄ •Land use and community design◄ •Transportation◄ •Economic vitality◄ •Water resource management •Parks ◄ •Energy and environment •Housing •Heritage preservation ◄ Comprehensive Plan Small Area Plan Small Area Plan Small Area Plan CityofEdina.com Small Area Plan Process Start Up Kick off meeting Appoint work group Hire consultant Planning Process Community engagement Synthesize data Draft plan Plan Approval Planning Commission review and approval City Council review and approval CityofEdina.com Planning Team Volunteer Residents and Business Members: Susan Lee (co-chair) Jerry Strauss (co-chair) Connie Carrino, resident Alice Hulbert, resident Jeff Melin, commercial owner Tim Murphy, commercial owner Kristi Neal, resident Phil Peterson, resident Kyle Udseth, resident Consultant Team: •LEAD -Biko Associates, Inc. William Smith •MARKET RESEARCH - Economic Development Services, Inc. Janna King •PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT - Zan Associates, Inc. Dan Edgerton •DESIGN -Tim Griffin, LLC CityofEdina.com Engagement Process Bridging Vision Edina and the Comprehensive and Small Area Plans Vision Edina: 2015 city-wide process that established a long-term vision for the city “The community should further examine and consider the development of small neighborhood-based business nodes to provide a range of local amenities and services.” CityofEdina.com Public Engagement Process •Kick-off meeting October 5 •Discovery Workshop on December 9 •Dream Workshop February 3 •Progress Update March 3 CityofEdina.com Executive Summary Points •Connections –to enhance awareness and visibility with improved wayfinding •Connections to under- represented housing types such as missing middle and workforce and retiree •Connections to bike trail •Connections with adjoining industrial area •Connections to future rail or transit •A Nod to Nodes –retain, embrace and promote the node which is an asset that many other cities can’t offer •Framing a New Village – reclaim its historical sense of place and the village appeal should be timeless and inviting CityofEdina.com Economic Vitality Goals •Encourage and support small, independent commercial businesses as desired by the community •Support the formation of business and property owner associations •Consider new residential development as needed to support businesses •Expand geographic scope of market area with improved linkages and connections CityofEdina.com Land Use and Community Design Goals •Village.Design new buildings to engage the street with a village-like scale and mass •Character and Scale. Ensure that new buildings gracefully transition to nearby attached and single family residential both in terms of architectural character and scale •Residential.Transform existing residential, commercial and industrial to include mixed uses on individual and adjacent parcels •Varied.Encourage a variety of housing options with a variety of different building types, to add visual interest and village-like cohesiveness •Height.Permit a variety of building heights between 3 to 5 stories •Density. Permit density ranges of 10 -50 du/acre CityofEdina.com Land Use and Community Design Building Height Limits Plan: The Plan will allow for more building height as the grade changes down Cahill Rd. Two to three story transition areas serve as a buffer to attached single family homes at the intersection of 70th and Cahill. CityofEdina.com Land Use and Community Design The plan replaces the previous Neighborhood Commercial (NC) land use designation with Neighborhood Node (NN) designation. Land Use Designation General Description Development Guidelines Density Guidelines NN Neighborhood Node In general, small-to moderate-scale commercial, residential or mixed use buildings serving primarily the adjacent neighborhood(s). Primary uses encouraged are neighborhood-serving retail and services, offices, studios, institutional and residential. Building footprints generally less than 20,000 square feet (or less for individual storefronts). Parking is less prominent than pedestrian features. Encourage structured parking and open space linkages where feasible; emphasize enhancement of the pedestrian environment. Encourage development to comply with the following guidelines from the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan*: A) Building Height Limits Plan B) Building Type Guidelines C) Site-Specific Guidelines Maximum residential density range between 10-50 du/acre. (Densities are further constrained by the parameters of the Building Height Limits Plan*). Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) per zoning code. CityofEdina.com Land Use and Community Design Building Type Guidelines: The plan includes requirements for architectural character, materials and massing within City’s zoning regulations CityofEdina.com Land Use and Community Design •New pedestrian crossing at 70th St. and Amundson •Internal circulation street layouts, and requirements for adding open or “woonerf” gathering space •Parking requirements and landscaped parking buffers •New Cahill “gateway” leading into node and parkway-type street crossing* into industrial park at south end of study area (*pending outcome of further study) •Maintaining a future option for rail station/transit stop Site Specific Guidelines: The plan includes requirements for public realm improvements within the City’s zoning ordinance CityofEdina.com Parks, Open Space and Natural Resources The plan emphasizes the recently completed Nine Mile Creek trail as the new focus of the node to drive more visitors to the area •Prioritize 70th & Cahill improvements in the CIP process •Improve wayfinding signage on 70th St. directing autos, pedestrians, cyclists to the node •Add new wayfinding signage at the trailhead for Cahill Village and the Edina Bike Route system •Survey access improvements needed for pedestrians and cyclists between the node and Lewis Park •Develop parkland/trailhead with stormwater retention water feature on the City-owned parcel CityofEdina.com Transportation and Street Design Goals •Establish a grid system of interior streets and intersections in the study area to support safe travel for both automobiles and pedestrians •Improve pedestrian connections to and from the surrounding residential areas •Add east/west grand entry street and study feasibility of future access across CP Rail •Add circulator stop to link the 70th & Cahill node •Improve Metro Transit stops on 70th St. and Cahill Rd. The Plan prioritizes, schedules, and oversees the reconfiguration of the node CityofEdina.com Implementation •Form Based Zoning focuses on what the desired look, feel and character of a place should be. •Form Based Zoning ensures that a community will not have to scrutinize all proposed projects, because the intentions of the citizens will have already been determined in the process that leads to the code. The original SmartCode was released by Duany Plater- Zyberk & Company (DPZ) in 2003, after two decades of research and implementation. It has been continually updated with input from scores of practitioners from numerous disciplines. Since 2004, the model code has been completely open source and free of charge. The successful implementation of this small area plan relies upon adding the necessary form based zoning requirements to the City’s zoning ordinance. It will remove the need to constantly negotiate with developers for greater height or densities in exchange for public realm improvements. CityofEdina.com Next Steps •The Plan may be included by reference in the 2018 Edina Comprehensive Plan Update and forwarded to the Met Council for approval. •The City has one year from the date of amendment to bring the zoning ordinance into conformance with the comprehensive plan and all small area plans. If approved by the City Council: CityofEdina.com Questions? Louise Wright, MD From: Louise Wright, MD <lwright@wrightmedicalcare.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2018 7:04 PM To: 'kaaker@edinamn.gov' Subject: 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan The recent amendment to the Cahill Small Area Plan as developed by the SAP Working Group feels like a classic "Bait and Switch": offer the community the opportunity to develop a long-range plan for the Cahill/70th area, then, at last minute, propose an amendment which bears no relationship to the plan developed by the working group. The amendment was proposed so late that the written version was not even available at the desk outside the Council Chambers at the Nov. 28th meeting until early-arrivers like us had already taken our seats; therefore we had no idea that there was a proposed amendment or what the content of the amendment proposed by Mr. Teague was. Instead of the discussion revolving around the particulars of the Cahill Small Area Plan, it has now devolved into a discussion of the density and height plans for the former Waldorf-Nevens site. What a coupe-- sidetrack the discussion from the 5 story maximum proposed height per the SAP, which was opposed by many, to near unanimous requests for the plan to be approved "without edits" to avoid falling victim to an end-run to completely negate the essence of the plan by approving an even higher height and density project.. The issue of a need for affordable housing for Edina teachers, police personnel and seniors has been used to justify the proposed project at the Waldorf-Nevens site but I have not seen any proposed requirement to limit occupancy to candidate residents that fit that any of those or similar categories. I suspect that would not be legal at any rate. With the proposed building at that site and Grandview Auto Service located directly across Amundson on the opposite corner at 70th, the approach to much of the south-west portion of Edina would be that of a high-density housing/commercial district. That is not consistent with the R-1 zoning of the entire quadrant north of the 2 story apts. on 70th and west of the multifamily housing that lies just west Cahill which is all no more than 3-4 stories and is well- landscaped to blend it in. The effect on traffic has not been adequately evaluated. It is clearly already at maximum capacity during the morning and evening "rush" hours such that it causes significant delays and there are limited ways to improved it. Also the effect on the student population at Creek Valley Elementary needs to be evaluated as its own entity, not as the average of the school population of the Edina schools. Classes are apparently already over-crowded. Nowhere has there been any discussion of the effect of the proposed Lake West Development to be called "The Boulevard" at 7505 and 7401 Metro Blvd, with an initial proposal for 136 affordable units in the initial phase. One could reasonably expect that there will be students in the housing which will increase the traffic driving along 70th to and from the schools, with an increased number students in the schools. No one appears to be looking at the combined effect of these two developments. Do we even need an affordable housing project at Cahill? I feel that the last minute proposal to edit the Cahill SAP breaks the commitment of the City to value the efforts of the Working Group, sabotages the trust of those who spent over 100 hours wrestling a compromise that the majority could support, and is extremely disillusioning to those of us who trust the Edina City government to maintain the quality of life we moved to Edina for and expressed our opinions about in the recent elections. A six-story apartment building facing an auto repair shop along the street that is the entrance to the south-west quadrant of Edina is not the quality of living that most of us moved to Edina for, Population Density pu a Ion Edinborough Parklawn Country Club Browndale Chowen Park Minikanda Vis Grandyievi, Minnehaha Wds Promenade Morningside Arden Park White Oaks Strachauer S Cornelia Todd Park Brookside Prospect Krila Dewey Hill Southdale Melody Lake Pamela Park Centennial Lks Nomtandale Pk Blrchcrest Brookview Hts Concorc The Heights Creek Knoll Lake Edina Londonberry Presidents Fox Meadows Countryside Lake Comelia Parkwood Knls Indian Trails Sunny Slope Golf Ter Hts Highlands Indian Hills Hilldale. Bredesen Park Creekside Rolling Green Interlachen Pk Creek Valley 50th and France Braemar Hills 41.1111111 20e • Population Density Population civ Block Group #5 Population per square mile of land (excluding water areas): 800/mf= 3.90Ormi= 7 100/mi-" 10.200/rni2 13,300/mr 16.500i1TO n I= Population Density PeignAtil Cahill SAP 1 Ok 2k 4k 6k 8k 10k 12k Map of Population by Block Group in Edina https://statisticalatlas.com/place/Minnesota/Edina/Population • 74,000/mi2 for up to 50 units/acre 113,000/mi2 for up to 75 units/acres a" 116% , -i: 2.35 person/unit referred to Lt. ,. • , . -- -7 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/facf/tableedinacityminnesota/PST0452i:s 15,040/mi2 16,448/mi2 Road Data tO OpenStreetMap [4-1,co "74 o -6.7-a°7"rt'i trie4A‘ 4 NV- U-criPzi, Edina city, Minnesota All Topics • Q 47,941 https://www.census.gov/quick-factstiactfia bl eiedinacitym n nesotaiPSTC452 'I 8 1:1 • • 0 a._ Sea o Population estimates, July 1, 2018, (V2018) Population, Census. April 1.2010 Age and Sex Persons under 5 years. percent e 5.6% 0- Persons under 18 years, percent 8 23.9% Persons 65 years and over. percent 8 21.0% Female persons, percent 8 52.6% 18.3% new residents in Cahill SAP will attend schools in Edina. Therefore, 280 kids for 50 u/ac or 420 kids for 75 u/ac will need to distribute into nearby Edina schools: CV, VV and Edina High! That means each grade of 12 grades will need to expand for at least ONE class to hold up this significant capacity increase!! Please redo the Cahill SAP! Include school impact and budget! Exclude the residential part or limit it to <10unit/acre which is already at the max density of Edina at r‘'20 person/acre Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: VIII.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Appointment of Acting Mayor Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to appoint an acting Mayor for 2019. INTRODUCTION: According to State law, the Council must appoint an acting Mayor at the first meeting of each year. The acting Mayor fulfills the duties of the Mayor in his absence. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: VIII.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2019-11: Accepting Various Grants & Donations Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion adopting Resolution No. 2019-11. INTRODUCTION: To comply with State Statutes, all donations to the City must be adopted by a resolution approved by two-thirds majority of the Council accepting the donation. I have prepared the attached resolution detailing the various donors, their gifts and the departments receiving donations for your consideration. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-11: Accepting Donations RESOLUTION NO. 2019-11 ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the Council adopted by a two thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts with sincere appreciation the following listed grants and donations on behalf of its citizens. Edina Crime Fund 50th & France Foot Patrol December 2018 $1,963.00 2018 Bike Patrol Program $14,299.00 2018 K-9 Retirement Program $1,732.65 2018 K-9 Program $ 9,566.33 General Police Department Usage Hendry Family Foundation $2,000.00 Little Hospice $1,500.00 J. Patrick and Linda Smith $ 250.00 General Fire Department Usage Little Hospice $1,500.00 Quigley Family $100.00 Earnest Larson, Jr. $ 50.00 Bench at Pamela Park Adam Lyche (Lyche Family) $3,200.00 Braemar Golf Course Memorial Fund Chip Fuhrmann $ 200.00 Daniel Amen $ 50.00 William Colby $ 100.00 Raymond Engh $ 25.00 Robert Boudreau $ 50.00 E. L. Nord $ 50.00 Andrew Montgomery $ 25.00 Bob Peterson $ 25.00 Kerry Stevens $ 20.00 Mike Welbaum $ 25.00 Scott Nelson $ 25.00 Dated: January 8, 2019 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______________ day of ___________________, ____________. City Clerk Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: IX.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Receive Petition Requesting to Keep Perpetual Easement Along 4900 Block of Maple Road Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion receiving petition and directing it to Planning (Community Development) for consideration. INTRODUCTION: The City received a petition circulated by Dayna Deutsch and Mike Martin, signed by all affected property owner, requesting that the City keep the Perpetual Easement running north and south behind their properties on the east side of Maple Road along the 4900 block, for the same reasons as when originally enacted in 1971. ATTACHMENTS: Description Petition to keep perpetual easement DECEMBER 18, 2018 TO: City of Edina Council Members James Hovland, Mayor Mary Brindle Mike Fischer Kevin Staunton Bob Stewart Members of the City of Edina Planning Commission James Bennett Sheila Berube John Hamilton* Susan Lee Louis Miranda Ian Nemerov* Joann Olsen Gerard Olsen Todd Thorsen City of Edina Staff Cary Teague, Planning Commission, Staff Liaison Mark Nolan, Transportation Commission, Staff Liaison* Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner* FROM: Homeowners of the 4900 Block of Maple Road SUBJECT: 50th & France Small Area Plan * Chairing the 50th & France Small Area Plan Work Group ** Serving on the 50th & France Small Area Plan Work Group December 18, 2018 City Council & Planning Commissioners The City of Edina 4801 W 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: 50th & France Small Area Plan Work Group Dear Honorable Mayor Hovland, Honorable Council Members, and Planning Commissioners: On behalf of our neighbors and ourselves this is an appeal to you to thoroughly consider the presumptions originating from planning concepts of the 50th & France Small Area Plan Work Group; in particular, development ideas for the U.S. Bank, Lunds & Byerlys Corporate, and United States Post Office site. To note, the build of a new road is proposed for this site, running North-South along the West line of these lots and possibly connecting to 49th Street and Townes Road to the North, and 50th Street to the South. We hope it is well known by all involved that the Buffer Strip abutting the backyard lots of private properties on the East 4900 block of Maple Road is a protected Perpetual Easement. Created by Court Order in 1971, this Perpetual Easement was again preserved by subsequent Purchase Agreements in 1972 between (then) First Edina National Bank and the Village of Edina. These agreements established the 50 foot green Buffer Strip for "open space, scenic and landscaping purposes" designated to remain R-1, all for the benefit and protection of the R-1 zoned lots to the West. Further, the Perpetual Easement inures to the benefit of twenty homeowners (called Benefited Lots) on the East and West side of Maple's 4900 block and runs with the title of the Benefited Lots. To release the Perpetual Easement, a joint action of three-fourths of the Benefited Lot homeowners would have to agree. We polled all twenty homes asking about their interest in this specific item in the 50th & France Small Area development plan. Without exception, all twenty property owners are unanimous and united in their concern for keeping the Buffer Strip for the same reasons as when originally enacted. And further, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules; and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. This specific issue is only one of many concerns being raised by adjoining blocks throughout White Oaks. We are coordinated and determined in our efforts to ensure that city leadership is listening to all diverse voices of area residents. We also respectfully request a response to our concerns and, in the interest of transparency, direct communication to affected homeowners regarding how the city plans to address these concerns. Thank you for your attention and consideration. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the 4900 Block Owners of Maple Road: Dayna Deutsch Mike Martin 4921 Maple Road 4905 Maple Road 952-920-9045 952-926-8172 Enclosures: Poll Results 4900 MAPLE ROAD OWNERS Sexton, Judy 4900 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 Sexton, Mike 14900 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 1Aris, Dominique i4901 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 iAris, Sandra 14901 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 Slade, Jane 4904 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 Slade, Len !4904 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 Martin, Mike 14905 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 1Martin, Geri 4905 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 Wirth, David 14908 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 - - - - - - - Alison 14908 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 Engstrom, Alta Webert, Mark 14912 Male Road, Edina, MN 55424 Utoft, Dan _ I4915 Maple Road, _Edina, MN 55424 Utoft, Mary 14915 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 14909 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 Engstrom, Scott_ 14909 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424- Webert, Beth 14912 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 Albright, Robert Carolyn Torn Rickman Mary Kay Rickman Wyffels, Mary Ellen Dayna Deutsch Don Deutsch Carlson, Andy Carlson, Mary IMcShane, Elizabeth ;ikkurphy, Francis ;Swatfager, Angie Swatfager, Brad ;Moffett, George Moffett, Martha Kragness, Annie Kragness, Geof Hahn' Mimi Noack, Joe 1Noack, Ruth !Warner, Linda !Warner, Mark 14916 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 TT 4916 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 14917Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 14917 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 14920 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 I 4921 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 14921 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 14924 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 14924 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 14925 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 -1 14925 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 14928 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 i4928 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 4929 Maple Road, Edina, MN55424 14929 Maple Road, Edina ,_,M14 55424___.___1 14932 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 14932 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 14933 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 14936 Maple Road, Edina, MN-55424 4936 Maple Road, Edina, MN 55424 14200 50th Street W, Edina, MN 55424 4200 50th Street W, Edina, MN 55424 Signature(s) TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. 1111ciLkikist ,zivoirik 4:(-NPON\ Property Owner Name(s) (please print) Address: 41 CO Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Date: 1D-2e.A--94--1 l .1(6 Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. 5/iND )2/4- A-214 Property Owner Name(s) (please print) Signature(s) TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL `) I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. Address: 4 '•)(7 I Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Date: 24 l 1 I el, Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. Date: /4/A /6 Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 ti-avyikel.St Prope mels) (please print) 474,r1roge___ Sig ture s Addre TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL X I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. S.i44-1/ Address: q 9 0 5 - Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Date: Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. rn 1CIaeL Lo N\ ops Property Owner Name(s) (please print) /1/LULAd Signature(s) TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. ,1 DOcti A WL h-pyi Property Owner e(s) (please print) Signa ure(s) Address: 1410S Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Date: Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. 2Cr() t EA/ STEC)9/ Property Oxic r-N-a e( ) (please print) Signature(s) Address: -4 o 9 AL7A LA) s )22 dZ4 Date: / 2.7 W Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. Date /q9/(F Address: Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 1-?6th4 \ A (please print)print) TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. Prop rty Owner Na (please print) Signature(s) TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as hen originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. Address: LO 1 Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 dite 11411 Date: '2—J OC3t G i IR Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. gu-D, 44143-.7\R, . POT-Lta 10120(2_ Lam._ 4 9 etT-kri Property Owner Nam (s) (please print) Address: Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Date: 417/ Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. gnature(s Date: TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. rm. (k-y1A.N\r‘ Property me(s) (please print) ktar Vcuj Vit-k-troctil Address: LH l7 Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. 11\00N Cdt-e,n Property OWner Name(s) aA,t) -111 Signature(s) Address: (7cQ lease print) /40JC- Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Date: la113//K Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. 06/w4Ln 4 Property Ownej Name(s) (please print) '1-‹e Date: AO Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. Signature(s) Address: Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Address: z-tco,q- Date: Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. Property owner Name(s) (please print) ,/(yeti Signat (s) TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as w—a—‘n originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL V. I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. ?ILAN (..-t-S c.\\)iksYWI ELI'LANG-n4 ti\GSNJAMG Property Owner Name(s) please print) • Signature(s) Address: 1ic1,26 Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Date: 12-11 I 2—Olct Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. Property Owner Name(s) Arliv. 1-e \IvA-1-. e v ease print) 44(1A Signaturte(6) TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as oriainally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. VQ) CWAI- Address: 612-8 Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Date: 149 6 Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL X I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. ARTha 66.0i6E_ 10o q /90/1"E ReA6 Property Owner Name(s) (please print) et.4444- /e. S g at re(s) Address: Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Date: id-/AO M Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL ZI am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. n't-e Kf Signature(s) Address: (Act Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Date: 1 2- - — Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. I, c_, 0 rf- iVrci Property Owner N. e ) (please print) TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. r\Aivv‘:i Property Owner Name(s) (please print) Signature(s) Address: q 133 Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Date: -- 12_ -17 Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. Property Owner Name(s) (please print) Signaturek Address: 1113G Maple Road, Edina MN, 55424 Date: PP TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. iosEr.oq u-rti A N Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. TO: ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD RE: PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL Dear Neighbors, This is an important neighborhood poll asking for your opinion of the existing easement running north and south behind the properties on the east side of Maple Road. Commonly called the buffer zone, berm or strip, this easement separates residential property on Maple's east side from the parking lot beyond. It was created as a Perpetual Easement in 1971 when a court order cleared Edina's sale of a property that once stood between today's US Bank and Maple Road (and for 14 years served as a park and library). Specifically, this easement "provided for the benefit and protection of adjoining residents." It is zoned residential R-1. The court order also identified east and west residential lots of the 4900 block of Maple Road as Benefitted Lots. The Perpetual Easement stays with the property title to these Benefitted Lots and inures to the benefit of all future owners, with a provision that it may be released only by joint action of three-fourths (3/4) of these lots. As yours is a Benefitted Lot, you should find the complete court order in your Abstract of Title (for your convenience a copy of the relevant documents are also enclosed). We are taking this poll to determine your interest in keeping this easement as originally enacted and, subsequently, make our position known to the City of Edina in the context of current and future 50th & France Small Area Planning. PERPETUAL EASEMENT POLL I am interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement for the same reasons as when originally enacted, that the protected area remain zoned R-1 subject to applicable setback rules, and that any buildings constructed and subject to such setback rules be limited to current height limitations. I am not interested in keeping the Perpetual Easement. Property Owner Name(s) (please print) Signature(s) cv so t 4 Address: b fillafFitoRawig, Edina MN, 55424 Date: 1 \ \ 8 Enclosed: Addendum to Property Abstract that (1) identifies the lots of "South White Oaks Addition" (2) 1953 Warranty Deed that created easement for library and park, and (3)1971 Court Order approving sale of described property, thereby creating the 25 foot Perpetual Easement. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: IX.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Jennifer Garske, Executive Assistant Item Activity: Subject:Correspondences Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Attached are correspondence(s) received since the last City Council meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Description Correspondences City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Mayor & City Council Mike Doyle 6237 Brookview Ave no dashes or spaces Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. Has the city considered entering an agreement for alternate internet service providers outside of the current Comcast/CenturyLink duopoly? There's a local ISP called US Internet that providers fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) internet services to a large area of South Minneapolis (butting up against Edina's border) which is superior to Comcast and CenturyLink's current offerings. CenturyLink does provide FTTH to limited parts of Edina, but it appears that their expansion has halted and they do not reveal their future build-out plans. From what I can gather, only the neighborhood of Lake Cornelia and a small area south of Our Lady of Grace church is covered by CenturyLink's fiber offering. Attached is an excerpt of a document I found on Saint Louis Park's website where they discuss entering an agreement with US Internet and I feel a lot of points are valid and would benefit Edina as well. Thank you, Mike Doyle Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png us_internet_SLP_agreement.pdf 134.73KB Meeting: Special study session Meeting date: September 4, 2018 Written report: 3 Executive summary Title: Dark fiber / conduit agreement with US Internet Recommended action: No action required. This report is provided for information purposes. Please inform staff of any questions you might have. Policy consideration: Continuation of entering into dark fiber agreements to support broadband deployment is consistent with city council authorization to do so on Dec. 21, 2015. Summary: At its Dec. 21, 2015 regular meeting, the city council authorized the city manager to enter into dark (unused) fiber strand and / or conduit agreements with other organizations. This council action was supported in part by a 2012 fiber optic study and council’s October 2015 adopted goal of “Making St. Louis Park a Technology Connected Community.” Staff worked with the city attorney to craft sample template agreements. An important component of the authorization is that the City of St. Louis Park be open to entering into dark fiber / conduit agreements with any organization interested in partnering in fiber supported broadband deployment. That has been and remains the case. While major local internet providers have been made aware of dark fiber / conduit agreement opportunities, thus far, two companies have approached the city with serious interest in such agreements. The city entered into its first dark fiber agreement with Arvig Enterprises, Inc. in May 2016, which was then amended in August 2017. Now, the city has entered into its second agreement, this time with US Internet Corp (USI). All agreements have been reviewed by the city attorney. Financial or budget considerations: This is a non-cash agreement in which the parties see mutual value to their networks. Value additions for the city come in the form of fiber infrastructure installed by USI to support city network connections to additional sites, fiber route redundancy for resiliency, network connections for the upcoming SCADA project to manage utilities and the St. Louis Park school district during facilities remodeling, and high- speed internet service. Further, USI is building community fiber-to-the-home service including some NOAH-designated properties. USI is also planning to provide its first single-family fiber-to- the-home service to the Sorensen neighborhood south of Lake Street and one other single- family home area by September 2019. These city gains are realized in exchange for USI use of city-owned dark fiber (beyond what is needed by the city) that would otherwise go unused, and installation of network equipment in three city facilities. Strategic priority consideration: St. Louis Park is committed to being a leader in racial equity and inclusion in order to create a more just and inclusive community for all. Supporting documents: Discussion Prepared by: Clint Pires, Chief Information Officer Approved by: Tom Harmening, City Manager Page 2 Special study session meeting of September 4, 2018 (Item No. 3) Title: Dark fiber / conduit agreement with US Internet Discussion Background: For the last several years, council has been encouraging the idea of additional competition and consumer choice in broadband service for residents and businesses in St. Louis Park. It is true that the incumbent cable TV, telephone and satellite TV companies were the only choices over 20 years ago, and no significant competitors have joined to offer broadband on a citywide basis since. In that sense, like the rest of the nation, we have not seen flourishing market competition with lots of internet service providers since the consumer popularization of the World Wide Web in the 1990’s. And over time, even with these limited “broadband” offerings, council was hearing about less than ideal speeds, prices and customer service from resident and business feedback. In 2007 the city attempted a citywide Wi-Fi project, much like Chaska and Minneapolis had done, to add choice. Unfortunately, the vendor failed to build it and defaulted on its contract. Since then, council has requested that staff continue to research alternative ways to stimulate the entry of more competitors and consumer choice for broadband services. Staff then worked with council on a 2012 fiber optic study, and council adopted 10-year goals and priorities in 2015 that included St. Louis Park becoming a technology connected community. One of the focus areas that emerged from these efforts was to leverage city dark fiber to help accelerate deployment of high-speed broadband service and choice in the city. Over time, consumer expectations for what “high-speed” means have also increased, despite more modest definitions provided by the Federal Communications Commission. In December 2015, council authorized the city manager to enter into agreements to enable use of city- owned dark fiber and conduit by other entities as another tool to spur competition and choice, and high-speed broadband in general. Present considerations: Arvig entered the St. Louis Park market in 2016, offering high-speed connections primarily to commercial customers. USI entered the St. Louis Park market in 2017. They have since installed fiber-to-the-premise service at several multiple dwelling unit (MDU) and commercial locations. USI went live by first serving Era on Excelsior (formerly Meadowbrook Manor) in June 2017. Since then, USI has expanded service to approximately 35 locations and offering service to over 1,000 businesses and MDU residents. At least another four commercial locations and over 400 MDU residents are targeted to go live in the remainder of 2018. This includes at least part of a second NOAH property, Louisiana Court, where management has an agreement with USI. Next steps: USI reports that it plans to continue building its footprint in St. Louis Park in 2018, 2019 and beyond. Much of this has to do with agreements USI needs to make with commercial and MDU owners to allow USI to provide service. This is true for any such provider. Further, central to the pace of USI’s future expansion in the single-family home market will be its experience in the first two single-family home areas in 2019 – the southern section of the Sorensen neighborhood and one other area to be determined. In 2019, these will be the major focus of USI investment in St. Louis Park, and should result in the opportunity to offer service to well over 1,000 single family homes. Page 3 Special study session meeting of September 4, 2018 (Item No. 3) Title: Dark fiber / conduit agreement with US Internet Meantime, the city will continue to work with USI, amending this 20-year agreement as needed for expansion plans. This longer term agreement is very similar to those made with wireless companies (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile) leasing space on city water towers with deep capital investments. In 20 years, the city will own (for a $1 buyout) the infrastructure USI built for the city’s exclusive use in the next 20 years. On the other hand, nothing in this agreement ever relinquishes city ownership of its fiber infrastructure. City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. Mayor & City Council Germana Paterlini Edina 55439 no dashes or spaces germana.paterlini@gmail.com See attached. Respectfully, Germana Paterlini Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png LetterToCityCouncil12-28-18.pdf 67.7KB Dear City Council members. I applaud your decision to deny Lake West Development building 600 apartment units on the site of the old International Dairy Queen headquarter. The cited reason was insufficient sewage infrastructure in the area. I'm a resident of Brookview Heights, located just a mile or so from the office park, and I would like to point out additional problems that may arise with high density in area. The first one is the traffic flow of cars from the office park onto 70th street, to access HWY 100. The section of 70th street just before the bridge has been experiencing high traffic flow. Our neighborhood can only access 70th street from Rabun Drive. It is very difficult to make a left turn at peak hours. Parents taking their babies to the daycare center across the street lineup to reach the doors, sometime blocking traffic, drop off their babies, and then try to get back into 70th St. It may not be long before an accident will occur. I suggest that your transportation department takes a good look at the area and work on alternatives. A roundabout may alleviate this problem. I strongly believe that any increase in population density in the office park area should be done together with a traffic study and its impact on Brookview Heights residents, and businesses/residents along 70th Street. The Metro Boulevard office park is clearly in need of an update. I’m a small business owner and over the years I visited many office spaces in that area, but they always been subpar in both structure and services. After looking for several months for a new office space in Edina, we decided to move to Bloomington. Edina’s concentration of medical office spaces along France Ave. adds to the convenience of living in Edina. The Metro Boulevard area could be an opportunity for other types of businesses, such as technology. I know from experience that it is difficult to find a building that is already wired/connected the right way. Our young employees don’t want to work in Eden Prairie (where there is a concentration of tech companies) because of the long commute and poor public transportation options. Edina would be a great choice for them. An office park with the Nine Mile Creek trail nearby would definitively be a plus in attracting young employees. It has been for us! I hope you find my comments of some use as you consider future proposals from developers or when writing the Comprehensive plan. Respectfully, Germana Paterlini 5117 Duggan Plaza germana.paterlini@gmail.com City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. Mayor & City Council Roberta Castellano 4854 France Ave S Edina MN 55410 no dashes or spaces Please see attached letter along with 4 enclosures. Thank you. Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png Att1_Comp_Plan_'Site_Plans'.pdf 555.23KB Att2_Site_Plans_map_key.JPG 4.04MB Att3_Public_Realm_dc-gov.pdf 136.22KB Att4_2008_Comp_Plan_Public_Realm.pdf 340.22KB 2019Jan3_Letter_to_City_Council.pdf 421.27KB R. Castellano, 1/3/2019, Page 1 of 3 Mayor and City Council, There is some commonality in the Small Area Planning (SAP) process for 44th & France, 70th & Cahill, and 50th & France, which is that there appears to be guidance coming from somewhere, an invisible hand, that leads the plan to a result that is not wanted by the residents of the surrounding neighborhoods and in some cases, not wanted by the Work (Working) Group membership. Disturbing events include the mysterious relocation of two single-family (R1) homes from outside of and suddenly to within the 44th & France SAP Boundaries—with no one claiming ownership of the action, the “11th hour” changes formally proposed by Planning Director Cary Teague to the 70th & Cahill SAP, and the raft of problems with the 50th & France SAP, which has been characterized by withholding of documents from public view, secrecy of meeting content, and the presentation to the public of misrepresentative and misleading information. Since I am writing this on January 3, 2019, and this current month of January marks a post-election transition, I wish to observe, simply for the record, that the Council membership is changing one member this month, as newly-elected Council Member Ron Anderson replaces out-going Council Member Bob Stewart. Therefore, let the awareness of this time of transition be carried along as I continue below to report my personal opinions. One might speculate that there has been an expectation emanating from the City’s leadership of these past few years, that each Small Area Plan will achieve a particular result. We exist in social hierarchies, and that includes our government processes, with the City Council at the top, and with the Mayor at the very top of that governing body. It seems necessary to consider that everyone working under this leadership pyramid, as the saying goes, “knows which side their bread is buttered on”, or, more fundamentally, that they had better know. Over here at 50th & France, even the name of the “50th & France Small Area Plan” is misrepresentative and misleading, because the planning has included White Oaks. Anyone who might have seen a public announcement about it, could not have known that White Oaks was being planned. In other words, the title is not “50th & France & White Oaks Small Area Plan”, which obviously would have conveyed a different meaning to the public, and would have set off alarms throughout White Oaks. For the “50th & France” SAP, the planning has targeted our neighbor’s home for demolition in order to build a new road directly connecting 50th & France into the White Oaks neighborhood. That residence being the Lambert property at 4005-4007 W 49th St. At the same time the planning has not included this home within the Plan Area Boundaries. Instead, it has been retained outside of the boundaries. Is there a strategy at play here? One impact of the resulting visual is that the internally conflicting, and thus confusing representation can suggest informality and non-intent. Late in the SAP development process, some White Oaks Neighbors discovered that there were maps showing Townes Road running straight through the Lambert property, connecting Townes to Market and thereby opening the 50th & France Commercial District directly into the White Oaks Neighborhood. After neighbors began voicing opposition, a superficial recharacterization of the planned roadway was presented to the public at the October 23, 2018 “Community Meeting #3” for the “50th & France” SAP process. Some of this can be seen in the “Site Plans” map, which contains two map images “Existing” and “Proposed”. R. Castellano, 1/3/2019, Page 2 of 3 Examining the “Site Plans Proposed” map, you can see that the color Orange means “Proposed Public Realm”. See the attached close-up of the map key. What is “Public Realm”? To this letter, I have also attached two definitions, one from dc.gov, and one from Edina’s 2008 Comp Plan. Both of these define “Public Realm” to include roadways. The “Site Plans Proposed” map contains misleading elements that can lead the public to false conclusions. For example, the two crosswalks on 50th Street are colored-coded Orange, which means “Proposed Public Realm”. However, (1) the crosswalks already exist, and (2) the existing road and crosswalks are already “Public Realm”, and, therefore, no proposal of “Public Realm” is needed for any portion of the road whether for crosswalks or just road. So, the map is doubly false and misleading on just this single aspect. Moreover, if all of the existing and proposed “Public Realm” land uses were color-coded in Orange, the “Path” over the Lambert property would look even more like the roads, and a lot more like an essential arm of the roadway network to which it would be connected. To emphasize, none of the orange crosswalks should be represented as “Proposed Public Realm” because the roads that they are on are already Public Realm. But then the question begs, what effect is created by coding them in orange? The orange color of the crosswalks visually conveys an association with pedestrian walkways, in other words, a “path”. If a person sees the crosswalks, makes the association, and generalizes the concept of “path” to mean all of the other orange-colored land, then that person might conclude, incorrectly, that the orange-colored land on the Lambert property means that it would become a “path” and not a road. During the brief oral presentation, meeting attendees were told that the Lambert property would be turned into a “path” instead of a road. “It’s a path. It was a road, but now it’s a path” was all the presenter said, in reference to a different map on the overhead. Thus, the oral presentation served to reinforce the misleading “Site Plan” map imagery with regard to future land use. (The presenter did not mention that there was a home on the property or that the property would need a land-use change from residential to public roadway. Even though Mayor Hovland attended the meeting, on the basis solely of this meeting, one should not be surprised if he were to later say that he was not aware of the situation.) To be clear, the “Site Plans” map does NOT specify a future “path” on the Lambert property. The color orange represents “Proposed Public Realm”. Public roads are also “Public Realm”. Therefore, the orange on this map can accurately and truthfully be representing a future roadway. However, this fact of the potential for a roadway resulting from a “Proposed Public Realm” status has yet to be officially described to the public, even at this late date in the process. In my experience, this manner of conduct has characterized the “50th & France” SAP process, resulting in a need, as I have described above, to literally “dissect” the communications and images related to this planning process. There appears to be a Trojan Horse strategy to gain neighborhood acceptance. Map images of a road have continued to surface during the SAP process. If people react too strongly to a road, then back off and present the path. A long as the public does not understand that the road and the path are identical as “Public Realm” spaces, and as long as people trust that the trusted authorities are fully informing R. Castellano, 1/3/2019, Page 3 of 3 them, and as long as people accept the things that they have been told by trusted authorities, then this strategy can succeed. It appears to me that just a hint of intended future components is publicly revealed in order to gain just enough feedback to support future assertions in the SAP document that the public engagement process was extensive. It appears to me that all of this conduct is concealing an intent to “bust open the gates” and unleash a torrent into White Oaks that would destroy the character of this neighborhood, and which would lead to numerous other deleterious changes that would further an unprecedented northward expansion of 50th & France beyond its long-held present-day boundaries. It appears to me that the City’s leadership has issued a mandate to deliver a product (an SAP) that will enable removing one or more residences and running a road into White Oaks, and that necessary to this goal is the laying of a legal foundation for it to be accomplished. It appears to be a conquest: “Deliver unto me White Oaks!” It appears to me that development interests for the 50th & France District are insisting that a legal framework be established now so that their development plans can continue at full speed and at the fullest possible scope, and which legal foundation will prevent the development project proposals from being derailed at future public hearings. It seems most likely to me that the plan boundaries will be re-drawn during this final phase of the plan process to include all of the property on the south side of W 49th St (and even the east side of lower Maple Road—but what interest could the City have in Maple Road property?). Perhaps boundaries will already be re-drawn by the time the SAP is released for public viewing. Or, perhaps it will occur later, such as a Commissioner brain-storming a great idea. Perhaps amazement will be expressed that the boundary was not previously redrawn to include the Lambert property. One or more work group members might be asked to testify. One of them might testify that the group was sensitive and responsive to neighbor concerns. If not before, then the Council will have to step in and make it happen. If need be, it will happen at the very end, after the public hearings are closed, during the Council final discussions prior to voting approval of the SAP. One way this could happen is to propose for the SAP, sidewalks to complete the existing run on the south side of W 49th St. This way, more of the homes along 49th would be folded into the SAP Plan Area, laying the foundation for the city to more easily target additional or other homes for demolition, these being the Katter property (in an extension of Halifax) and the Ryg property (in an extension of Indianola), both nearby to the Lamberts. Of course, you should wonder why I suggest that. Well, that’s a topic for another letter. The alteration of the SAP boundaries has already been foreshadowed in yet another map where the boundaries were represented in a confusing and unclear manner. Sincerely, Roberta Castellano Encl: 1) Proposed map for Edina Comp Plan: “Site Plans” map 2) Enlarged copy of “Site Plans” map key 3) Public Realm page from dc.gov 4) Pdf Page 526 (numbered page 6) of Edina’s 2008 Comprehensive Plan, definition of “Public Realm” Public Realm Design Manual The public realm is a vital aspect of the built environment that helps to give a city its identity. It primarily consists of the roadways, sidewalks, parks, plazas, and other open spaces that comprise the arteries and focal points of the urban framework. It is the main space where civic interaction occurs and is often defined in contrast to private property. A well designed public realm balances the mobility and access needs for all users and contributes to the efficient functioning of a city and its sense of place. The quality of our public realm is at the heart of how we experience and relate to the surrounding environment. Therefore, it is important that the public realm is safe, sustainable, and enriching. Goals To design a public realm that balances the mobility and access needs for all users. Related Document DDOT Public Realm Design Manual - July 2011 Your #1 resource for transportation information and options to make getting to, and around the District easier than ever. goDCgo Public Realm Design Manual | ddot Page 2 of 4 https://ddot.dc.gov/PublicRealmDesignManual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oDGH $QDUFKLWHFWXUDOXUEDQGHVLJQWHUPWRSUHVFULEH WKDWDERYHWKHILUVWWZRRUWKUHHVWRULHVWKH XSSHUIORRUVRIWDOOHUEXLOGLQJVVKRXOG³VWHS GRZQ´WR WKHVWUHHWRUUHDUIDo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ity of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. Mayor & City Council Jennifer Janovy no dashes or spaces jkj966@aol.com Please see attached. Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png Janovy correspondence Jan 6 2019.pdf 26.99KB Dear City Council: I recently received a mailed notice from the City to renew my dog licenses. These notices are sent annually. The cost to register each dog is $20. Anticipating a typical lifespan, the cost to license both dogs over their lifetimes will be $500- $600. The purpose of licensing is unclear. Unlike many neighborhood cats, the dogs do not run free. They are both chipped, and they wear collars with tags. In the event that one did get loose, I would post on social media and contact animal control. I don't know that the information submitted on the license form would even be used. Mankato requires dogs and cats to be registered but not licensed. Registration can be done online and it is free. Whereas the Edina licensing form asks for a description of the pet, the Mankato form allows owners to upload a picture. https://city.mankatomn.gov/animalregistration/ A while back I shared a newspaper article with you about other communities discontinuing pet licensing. Edina should do the same. In fact, most people I have talked with about the issue were not aware that Edina requires dogs to be licensed. There is a cost associated with annual registration (sending out registration notices, processing registrations). How much does the revenue from licensing offset these costs? If licensing is discontinued, how much revenue would need to be replaced? Are there options for replacing that revenue, such as increasing the fine for letting a dog or cat run free where it is not permitted? In the scheme of things, this is not a big issue, but I do think this policy is due for review. If the goal is to facilitate the safe return of lost pets and have some assurance of rabies vaccination, then free, online registration would not only serve the same purpose but also likely get greater compliance. Thanks for considering, Jennifer Janovy City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Mayor & City Council Joel Stegner 6312 Barrie Road 1C Edina MN 55435 9528433450 no dashes or spaces joel.r.stegner@gmail.com Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. 70th and Cahill Small Area Study. I lived in a townhouse south of Lewis Park. During that time, I regularly used three businesses located at 70th and Cahill - Grandview auto repair, Dave’s Barber Shop and TJ’s of Edina - and occasionally used other businesses. I now live close to Fairview Southdale Hospital, but still to use all three businesses. You talk about Cahill as a destination - for me, it already is. These businesses are community institutions of the highest quality and appeal. The area has a bit of an “eat street” feeling with non-chain restaurants, some with minority ownership. The plan says research was done with current business owners - I noticed no results and reading through the plan do not see evidence that preserving current businesses is a priority - instead, the focus is on new development. As a former chair of the Heritage Preservation Commission, I want Edina to strongly commit to preserving existing businesses through the redevelopment process Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Mayor & City Council Phillip Huang 7408 Coventry way Minneapolis MN 55439 9526574443 no dashes or spaces hxiaoyue@gmail.com Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. Dear Mayor and Councilors, After hearing Dec 12th planning commission vote and discussion over 70th and Cahill SAP and some detail study myself, I am very concerned about current plan and options onto the voting table coming next Tuesday. First of all, the voting process is very confusing to public audience: while the main plan failed to pass by 4 yes and 4 no, the amendment passed with 5 to 3; it doesn't make sense to me at all as it is so controversial. At minimal, this whole plan as of now appears very immature to commission members as well as audience. After digging into the SAP details, I can further convince you of its immaturity. Please check into the attachment pdf. Thanks..... Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png Gmail - My concerns of existing 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan.pdf 114.13KB 1/5/2019 Gmail - My concerns of existing 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=754d8761aa&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar6910651479203049141&simpl=msg-a%3Ar-85267910…1/2 XY Huang <hxiaoyue@gmail.com> My concerns of existing 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan 1 message XY Huang <hxiaoyue@gmail.com>Sat, Jan 5, 2019 at 11:46 PM To: CityCouncil@edinamn.gov, jhovland@edinamn.gov Dear Mayor and Councilors, After hearing Dec 12th planning commission vote and discussion over 70th and Cahill SAP and some detail study myself, I am very concerned about current plan and options onto the voting table coming next Tuesday. First of all, the voting process is very confusing to public audience: while the main plan failed to pass by 4 yes and 4 no, the amendment passed with 5 to 3; it doesn't make sense to me at all as it is so controversial. At minimal, this whole plan as of now appears very immature to commission members as well as audience. After digging into the SAP details, I can further convince you of its immaturity. 1. This SAP plan tried to achieve more than it can take as Small Area Plan. At 13 acre area, housing a giant neighborhood with both residential and commercial places plus sufficient parking for both is very difficult. The reason I called a giant neighborhood is because the plan and its amendment are suggesting (a) 10-50 or (b) 10-75 units per acre. That translates into (a) up to 650 units with potential 1500 new residents or (b) up to 975 units with potential 2291 new residents based on Edina current census data on persons per household at 2.35. That creates (a) up to 118 people per acre (39 times of 55439 average population density**) or (b) up to 176 people per acre (59 times of 55439 average population density**)! I grew in China and I know how messy a crowd place can be. But our major and appealing goal for this Small Area Node is to relive Cahill village as a historic intersection and it is now a quiet place fitting very well to the neighborhood. 2. This SAP plan also ignores the school impact. Sicne Edina is having 18.3%* kids between 5 and 18 years old who need to go to schools, there could be up to 280 kids for (a) and up to 419 kids for (b) need to be considered to add into current CV, VV and Edina high schools overall; for 12 grades, there will need to be up to 23 kids per grade for (a) or 35 kids per grade for (b). It means each grade in these three schools needs to be expanded more than one class per grade!!! Did we put that potential huge load into school budgeting? I doubt the efforts. 3. The tone in the SAP plan tries to lead people an impression that this area will be hard for business catering the industrial park nearby with physical barriers. But I don't agree. While this great node could have businesses serving corporate nearby, I don't think it is necessary. This place is close to family and it can well serve families. My kids 1/5/2019 Gmail - My concerns of existing 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=754d8761aa&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar6910651479203049141&simpl=msg-a%3Ar-85267910…2/2 went to the Karat class 2-3 times per week there; the dancing class is also full of kids attending almost daily; domino pizza serves well for the whole neighborhood. Therefore I believe it can be redeveloped into a good business place with right business but not necessary relying on the "giant" newly addition of residential units proposed in current plan to support the business in the same place. 4. As thousands of potential residents could come living in this Small Area, I can't find any study or suggestion on pets ownership here. The nearby Lewis park and its out of date playground could also need to be significantly updated for the heavy load then. 5. Meanwhile, the traffic study in the plan was counted per day but the real impact of local traffic will be the rush hour counting. We have already been experiencing congestion during the rush hours at the intersection and nearby locations. What would it be then when we suddenly bundled thousands of people into this Small Node? It will be hard to imagine and could be very discouraging! 6. Last but not the lease, I heard some voice of the support of this plan argued about the benefit of local residents serving local business with minimal travel. That makes no sense to me: For population 25 years and over in 55439, mean travel time to work (commute): 20.6 minutes. How about helping existing residents to shorten our time to work time? You can't, because travel to work time will never be determined by creating a residential building by the industrial area because no hiring process will based on where you live but if you can come to get work done. Overall, I strongly disapprove current SAP proposal and hope you can consider my suggestion to limit the SAP plan for residential expansion - it will be a wise decision for the neighborhood and our schools. References: * https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/edinacityminnesota# **http://www.city-data.com/zips/55439.html Best Regards, Phillip Huang 952-657-4443 Coventry Way Edina, MN City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Mayor & City Council patrick omeara 7224 Tara Road Edina MN 55439 9524056633 no dashes or spaces patrickwomeara@yahoo.com Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. Dear Mayor & City Council Members I urge your consideration to move forward on the small area plan for the 70th and Cahill area and NOT accept the planning commission amendment. We moved to Edina 11 years ago and chose the 70th and Cahill area because we felt it was an established area that was quiet and peaceful. I continue to hear the term 'Urbanization' which saddens me. We hosted a large neighborhood meeting to discuss this plan. I did not hear a single voice in favor of more density in our area. The Urbanization plans for all of Edina is overwhelming while the reputation of our schools trends in the wrong direction and with it, our housing values relative to better performing communities. Will these growth plans reverse the declining academic scores? Is there a total population 'goal/limit' for Edina in the next 20 years? Urbanization is not what made Edina great. Thank you for your consideration - I look forward to your feedback Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Mayor & City Council Kelly O'Meara 7224 Tara Road Edina MN 55439 9528205324 no dashes or spaces kellyomeara@comcast.net Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. Dear Mayor & City Council Members- I am writing to you to request you approve the 70th & Cahill SAP as written and deny inclusion of the Planning Commissions Amendment. The SAP was a year long study by appointed citizens, supported by city staff, local business owners and consultants. They met, engaged our community, followed guiding principles and came to a compromise which the amendment completely over rules by allowing higher density. The level of density identified in the SAP is already going to have a huge impact on our node. Parking, traffic, park use and class sizes will be impacted. The higher the density the greater the impact and this is extremely undesirable for those of us who have lived in this community, volunteered, paid our taxes and supported it. We elected you to be our voice and many of us have spoken very loudly that we do not support the amendment. Please do what you were elected to do, which is to represent your current citizens. Sincerely-Kelly O'Meara Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Mayor & City Council Jan and John Thorkelson 5527 West 70th Street Edina Minnesota 55439 9522106623 no dashes or spaces janthorkelson@yahoo.com Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. We urge the C.C. to accept the S A P report as written without edits or amendments. 1. Was the S A P report ignored by the E.H.F. in order to justify their purchase of the Waldorf - Nevins property? 2. Was there any assurance given to the EHF by the P.C. or the C.C that their proposal would be approved? 3. Why is the C.C. considering accepting an amendment without a public hearing? Is this process in accord with Mayor Hovland's promise to engage the public and keep them informed as he stated in his "About Town" article? 4. The Met. Council has given Edina a goal of 878 affordable units by the year 2030. The staff proposal calls for a maximum of 975 units in the 70th and Cahill site, in addition to the 400 units already existing or planned for. This exceeds the goal by 60%. Why wouldn't the city consider a full review of its affordable housing policy? 5. Is there access to transportation, grocery stores, and other low- cost services? We urge you to accept the SAP plan as written! Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Comments * Mayor & City Council Arnold Bigbee 7621 Edinborough Way #2110 Edina MN 55435 6128044660 no dashes or spaces arnieb1@me.com When reading the revisions to the 70th and Cahill small area plan, I do not see the duration of the affordable housing provided nor the AMI levels. We in the ENAH group strongly encourage the City Council to establish affordable housing that does not expire in 15 or 20 years. The affordable housing should be sustainable. We in ENAH also strongly encourage providing affordable housing that enables all levels of affordability (AMI) to be served. Arnie Bigbee File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. Mayor & City Council Steven L Brown 5528 Halifax Lane Edina Minnesota 55424-1439 9529204002 no dashes or spaces stevenbrown7891@gmail.com I urge you to approve Resolution No. 2019-10 approving the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan with the recommendations made by the Planning Commission. This resolution is consistent with the Planning Commission's stated desire to both respect the hard work and proposals in the Small Area Plan and to have more flexibility than is provided by the Small Area Plan. Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. Mayor & City Council L. Hope Melton 4825 Valley View Road Edina MN 55424 9529263959 no dashes or spaces hopemelton@hotmail.com I am submitting a letter urging approval of Resolution 2019-10, approval of the 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan with recommendations from the Planning Commission. Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png 70th & CAHILL SAP, LETTER OF SUPPOR.pdf 23.13KB January 7, 2019 Dear Mayor and Members of the City Council; I urge you to approve Resolution No. 2019-10 approving the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan with the recommendations made by the Planning Commission. This small area plan, including the modifications and recommendations of the Planning Commission, appears ready for inclusion as an update to the 2018 Edina Comprehensive Plan. It will support redevelopment as a more vibrant and sustainable neighborhood village node, well-connected to the major economic centers and transportation linkages within the wider community. It will also support a healthy mix of commercial, recreational, and housing uses, including a variety of much-needed workforce affordable housing units, both rental and ownership. It’s not clear to me how the Planning Commission recommendations will impact the Edina Housing Foundation affordable housing project. There appears to flexibility that wasn’t present previously. On the whole the plan looks good. I recommend approval. Respectfully, Hope Melton, Coordinator Edina Neighbors for Affordable Housing City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. Mayor & City Council Jennifer Morgan 7300 Tara Road Edina Minnesota 55439 9522407747 no dashes or spaces morgan@ieccovers.com Pass the 70th & Cahill plan as is; and reject the staff amendment. Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png Letter to City 19-01-07.pdf 72.35KB 1/7/19 Dear: Mayor, City Council and Planning Commission: For your 1/8/19 council vote I strongly request that you approve the 70th & Cahill the Small Area Plan (SAP) Report of the citizen as written. This report holding to a maximum housing density of 50 dwelling units/acre and a maximum building height of 5 stories with a maximum of 650 dwelling units. The Council should reject the staff amendment. The amendment has a maximum density of 75 units/acre and flexible building heights (code for more than 5 stories) with a maximum of 975 dwelling units. This amendment is misguided, directed by backroom politics, and hidden agendas.   It sure feels like there are some city administration conflicts that should be examined/investigated with the process used to purchase the Waldorf-Nevens site and promote high density affordable housing in general. Just the fact that the city is taking on the obligation to find affordable housing projects for the units that were bought-out creates a conflict situation.   Has the city really done an analysis of the water and sewer system for up to close to 1,000 new housing units in that small area. (That was the reason the City recommended against the DQ project, which was already a tall commercial office building.) When looking at the Cahill and 70th node in the future I request that per the Metro requirements of 10% Affordable housing, 10% should be included in this area, but not more than the 10% level. If other nodes/neighborhoods of Edina have not met these requirements in their projects, they need to address this locally themselves. The 70th & Cahill area already have over 500 existing apartment units of Affordable housing It is not correct to concentrate a higher level or all Affordable Housing in one or two single nodes/neighborhoods. a. Creek Valley presently if at capacity. FYI at the 11/27/18 one member of the planning committee member stated that open enrollment students could be removed from Edina school, this is incorrect. Once a student is in the open enrollment program a student cannot be forced out(so they could be in for up to 13 years) and in most cases their younger siblings are grand-fathered in to the system. b. In talking to several Edina elementary teachers, there is a much higher rate of extra services and teacher time commitments that are provided to students from these existing Affordable Housing units. This is not fair to the vast majority of other students in the classroom. Density with 5 or 6 stories is not a positive: it adds to more traffic, garbage hauling and other pollutions. a. We moved to Edina to live in a suburban setting, we do not want to live in an “Uptown” area with taller buildings. I liked in Uptown when I was in my 20’s and left for many reasons. b. Presently, 3 stories is the max in the area and should not be changed, this would dramatically change to feel of the nationhood. c. Traffic in the AM and PM rush hours in area is presently a problem along Cahill d. Edina does not have a lack of population, we do not have a need for more people. More density adds to more pollution, specifically; more potable water needs, more wastewater treatment, air pollution with traffic, traffic congestion and more solid waste. No detailed traffic study has been executed to illustrate the impact of this large increase in residents. a. Cahill area has limited, 2 lane streets and is already congested at peak hours. b. In this area, congestion has no choice but to use neighborhood streets such as Fleetwood and Lanham Lane as "shortcuts" which are not designed as thoroughfares. The city should not allow/add/insert "flexibility language" allowing the city to negotiate greater building height and density with a developer as the city sees fit, especially for projects with large affordable housing components. With this the city is trying to circumvent the SAP and the local resident’s input. The Planning Commission should approve the current Small Area Plan as-written, with no edits. This represents a compromise between many citizens and various stakeholders, after hundreds of people gave their time to attending meeting and sharing their input. And should officially reject all memos or additional and not recommend any be included when the Plan goes to the City Council. As part of approving this Small Area Plan, The Planning Commission should commit to a thorough public process for vetting any affordable housing proposal at the Waldorf-Nevens site. Discussions between the EHF and the city (and likely the Commission, Council, and some on the Work Group) have been happening behind the scenes. This lacks transparency at best and is arguably unethical. The community has a right to consider and hear these proposals and provide input. In the end the local neighborhood should have the largest voice and give approval to the major changes we are discussing. Sincerely, Mike Morgan 7300 Tara Road Edina, MN 55439 952-240-0690 City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. Mayor & City Council SEAN M BRODERICK 7040 Lanham Ln Edina MN 55439 6127029136 no dashes or spaces sean.broderick@chsinc.com please see pdf of my letter to the council Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png Edina City Council response.pdf 106.9KB The decision to completely ignore the effort and recommendation of the 70th & Cahill SAP folks that worked very hard to come up with a compromise on a building height, and then throw in a last-minute addendum, is ridiculous politics, and appears to do more to ensure that the Edina Housing Foundation gets their way than to ensure that we have “mindful growth.” And am not sure why the units on a project can be expanded by a significant amount just because there is 20% affordable housing? Clearly, as the working group indicated, we welcome that area to be re-developed. But ask a developer what they think of the success of a node in which the first-in anchor building that is a 5, or even 7-story affordable housing monolith and a realistic number of parking spaces , and I think the response would be tepid at best. If the city is going to let the horse out of the barn and start to re-examine the desire to increase its own ordinances on building height allowances/densities, perhaps you should include a spreadsheet with the pretty drawings. There is no realistic (please don’t insult us or waste more taxpayer money on consultants with the estimate of 1/3 or 1/10th of a child per unit!) evaluation of this project’s impacts on: - local schools-which, if you do not have children attending them, you should know, are packed. This evaluation should be front and center. If you ask any family that has recently moved into Edina, they do come for the schools. If you compromise those schools too much with altruistic ideas about increased “middle and lower-class opportunities,” you won’t need to worry about it-families (that pay taxes) will rather move to Minnetonka, or Orono. -what is Edina’s required density for affordable housing? Or should that be, “desired?” And why the push for it on this particular project when the EHF was happy to take a $100k check for all of the units they did NOT build at 50th/France. If the Met Council goal of 878 affordable units for our city is deemed reasonable, and there are already 400+ built/nearly finished, does it make sense to try and potentially derail other development in the 70th /Cahill area just to try and bump that number all at once? To reach a goal that is set for 2020-2030?? Especially with the plethora of other projects that are coming, like Pentagon Park? -“capital improvement planning”-what is this going to cost the taxpayers? How much to redo the intersections, to work with Excel, to have added city staff, to do something about the cramped schools? Without a spreadsheet, and an overall plan that is embraced by more than the city planners and only some of the city council, perhaps one should just get it in the open, and call it what it is-a taxpayer subsidy. In watching several of the past Council meetings, I have seen 5+ minutes of discussion just of the façade of buildings proposed along France. It seems like, proportionally and visibility-wise, the time spent on something like that versus the time spent on the decision to thwart the existing city ordinances and literally hundreds of hours of effort by the Small Area Plan Working Group to extend building heights is nowhere near equitable in this situation, given the gravity of the potential results. Please take the time to get it right-don’t let the special interests push us all into something we will regret. City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Mayor & City Council Jonathan Stechmann 7460 Shannon Drive Edina MN 55439 6123887209 no dashes or spaces jon_stechmann@yahoo.com Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. While I would strongly prefer significantly less than 50 units per acre for the 70th and Cahill SAP based on traffic congestion and the impact on the city/neighborhood infrastructure and schools, please accept the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan as written without an amendment that would allow the city flexibility to exceed the height and density parameters called for in the small area plan. In the event the Waldorf-Nevens site is rezoned for residential, any development (market rate housing or affordable housing) should be in strict compliance with these SAP height and density requirements. The Waldorf-Nevens lot should also have adequate parking on-site to accommodate 2 vehicles per unit and adequate green space. I believe allowing the Waldorf-Nevens site to exceed the height and density parameters would unfairly limit developer interest and property values for the remaining properties in the 70th and Cahill node and the surrounding neighborhood. Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: C.1. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Human Rights and Relations Commission, November 27, 2018 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: See attached minutes. ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: November 27, 2018 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Human Rights and Relations Commission Edina City Hall, Community Room November 27, 2018 7:00 p.m. I. Call to Order Chair Nelson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call: Chair Nelson, Commissioners Arseneault, Beringer, Edelson, Edwards, Epstein, Kennedy, Meek, and Moss Keys. Absent: Stringer-Moore, Waldron Staff Present: MJ Lamon, Project Coordinator III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Arseneault approving the meeting agenda for November 27, 2018. Motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Chair Nelson proposed an amendment to the October 23, 2018, meeting minutes to the section on the Housing Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan under Work Plan Updates, to indicate that housing chapter “comments” were provided, as follows: The Housing Chapter comments were drafted by Chair Nelson. No feedback was received. The chapter comments will be forwarded to the consultant. Motion by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the October 23, 2018 meeting minutes as amended. Motion seconded by Kennedy. Motion carried. V. Community Comment – None. VI. Reports and Recommendations A. Cross-Commission Committee: Arts & Culture Commission • Arts and Culture Commission members Susan Chandler and Hannah Klein attended the meeting. • The Arts & Culture Commission would like to partner with the HRRC on work plan initiatives. • Project Coordinator, MJ Lamon, let each commission know that 2019 work plans will reveal several cross-commission committee initiatives. • Members of both Commissions had positive conversation and idea sharing on collaborating, however, both commissions will wait for 2019 work plans to be approved before taking the next step to partner. B. 2018 Work Plan Updates 1. 2018 Tom Oye Commissioner Kennedy will present the Tom Oye Award at the December 4 City Council meeting. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: The 2018 recipient Arnie Bigbee has been notified of the award. A commemorative certificate is being framed and will be ready for the presentation on December 4. Committee members discussed whether to hold a December meeting prior to the presentation of the Tom Oye award at the December 4 City Council meeting. Members also noted possible changes to consider in the 2019 meeting schedule. Motion by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Edelson to set the December meeting date for December 18, 2018, starting at 7:00 p.m., and to move the January 22, 2019, meeting date to January 29, 2019 (at 7:00 p.m.). Motion carried. C. 2019 Days of Remembrance Working Group Commissioner Arseneault presented a draft Advisory Board and Commission Working Group Greenprint for the HRRC’s Days of Remembrance (DOR) 2019 event. Commissioners requested that a press release announcing the formation of a DOR working group be issued as soon as possible to enable the Commission to approve working group members at the December meeting. Motion by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the Days of Remembrance Working Group Greenprint. Motion carried. VI. Chair and Member Comments Chair Nelson advised that he plans to attend a panel discussion at City Hall on December 5 on creating and maintaining affordable housing, hosted by Edina Affordable Housing Development Manager Stephanie Hawkinson. Commissioner Kennedy advised of two speaking events of interest, one on November 29 on child brides at the Congregation Shir Tikvah, and another on the French Resistance during the Holocaust on December 11 at Mitchell Hamline Law School. Commissioner Edwards noted that the VictoryFund.org website indicates that there were 432 LGBTQ candidates on the November ballot (nationwide), and 244 of those candidates were victorious. Commissioner Meek reported that she saw offensive Anti-Semitic and race-based graffiti in Arden Park in late October, and that the Edina Police Department and Parks and Rec personnel responded quickly and appropriately, and the offensive language was covered by the next day. VII. Staff Comments Liaison Lamon notified the commission that the Racial Equity Coordinator position has been posted. VIII. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Edelson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Date: January 8, 2019 Agenda Item #: XIII. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Schedule of Meetings and Events as of January 8, 2019 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None INTRODUCTION: See attached. ATTACHMENTS: Description Schedule of Meetings and Events as of January 8, 2019 CITY COUNCIL SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS AS OF JANUARY 8, 2019 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS Tues Jan 8 No Work Session 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thur Jan 17 HRA Regular Meeting 7:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Jan 21 DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. HOLIDAY OBSERVED – City Hall Closed Wed Jan 23 Work Session: TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thur Jan 31 HRA Regular Meeting 7:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Feb 5 Work Session: Intergovernmental Representation/Joint Meeting with State Legislative Delegation 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thur Feb 14 HRA Regular Meeting 7:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Feb 18 PRESIDENTS’ DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED – City Hall Closed Wed Feb 20 Work Session: TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thur Feb 28 HRA Regular Meeting 7:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Mar 5 Work Session: Morningside Weber Flood Protection Strategy 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thur Mar 14 HRA Regular Meeting 7:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Mar 19 Work Session: TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thur Mar 28 HRA Regular Meeting 7:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues April 2 Work Session: Parks & Recreation 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sat April 6 Town Hall Meeting 10:00 A.M.-NOON BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE Thurs April 11 HRA Regular Meeting 7:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS