HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-23 City Council Regular Meeting PacketAgenda City Council Meeting City of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday, January 23, 2019 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the City Council will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Council or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Mayor may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Mayor or Council to respond to their comments tonight. Instead the Council might refer the matter to sta) for consideration at a future meeting. A.City Manager's Response to Community Comments V.Adoption Of Consent Agenda All agenda items listed on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless requested to be removed from the Consent Agenda by a Member of the City Council. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered immediately following the adoption of the Consent Agenda. (Favorable rollcall vote of majority of Council Members present to approve.) A.Approve Minutes: Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019 B.Ordinance No. 2019-01: Setting Morningside Water Rates and Amending 2019 Sewer Rates C.Ordinance No. 2019-02: Proposed Increase in Xcel Utility Franchise Fees D.Approve Expense Reduction Analysts Contract E.Request for Purchase: Engineering Services for Tra>c Signal and ADA Design at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road F.Request for Purchase: City-Wide Facilities Management Study G.Request for Purchase: One 2019 Ford Police Utility H.Approve Tra>c Safety Report of December 4, 2018 I.Resolution 2019-12: Authorizing Grant Application for 7200- 7250 France Avenue VI.Special Recognitions And Presentations VII.Public Hearings During "Public Hearings," the Mayor will ask for public testimony after City sta) members make their presentations. If you wish to testify on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your testimony is relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the e>cient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Mayor may modify times, as deemed necessary. Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit testimony to the matter under consideration. In order to maintain a respectful environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. VIII.Reports/Recommendations: (Favorable vote of majority of Council Members present to approve except where noted) IX.Correspondence And Petitions A.Correspondences B.Minutes 1.MINUTES: Energy and Environment Commission November 8, 2018 2.Minutes: Parks & Recreation Commission Dec. 11, 2018 3.Minutes: Community Health Commission: Oct. 8, 2018, Nov. 19, 2018, Dec. 10, 2018 C.Advisory Communication X.Aviation Noise Update XI.Mayor And Council Comments XII.Manager's Comments A.Council Photo B.Aeon XIII.Schedule of Meetings and Events as of January 23, 2019 XIV.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampliFcation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Scott Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:City Manager's Response to Community Comments Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Manager Neal to respond to community comments from the previous City Council meeting. Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Approve Minutes: Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Minutes as presented. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Draft Minutes: Regular Meeting of January 8, 2019 Page 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JANUARY 8, 2019 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, and Mayor Hovland. ADMINISTER OATH OF OFFICE City Clerk Allison administered oaths of office to Council Members Ron Anderson and Kevin Staunton. III. MEETING AGENDA AS PRESENTED Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, approving the meeting agenda as presented. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. IV. COMMUNITY COMMENT Trisha Rubenstein, 4812 Maple Road, and Dan Smith, 4820 Townes Road, commented on recent City communication regarding the 50th and France Small Area Plan that led to confusion about the significant impact the project would have on residents and requested a timetable for completion be communicated at a public meeting and available for review. They shared their frustration regarding the lack of availability of a site plan as well and requested that it be made available. Alice Hulbert, 7221 Tara Road, thanked the City for conducting Walks with the Mayor as the walks encourage physical activity. She suggested scheduling a walk at the Dome, which is a wonderful resource. Roberta Castellano, 4854 France Avenue South, requested another meeting be scheduled for the 50th and France Small Area Plan that included corrected renderings of the proposed plan and referred to her recent data request for more information regarding the approval process. Frank Lorenz, 7151 York Avenue South, provided comments regarding the City’s intent to replace fire engines on a 10-year schedule rather than a 20-year schedule. IV.A. CITY MANAGER’S RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY COMMENTS Manager Neal responded to community comments from the previous Council meeting. Community Development Director Teague responded to community comments raised regarding the 50th and France Small Area Plan. V. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED AS REVISED Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, approving the consent agenda as revised to remove Items V.C Adopt Resolution No. 2019-01: Designating Official Newspaper for 2019: V.A. Approve minutes of December 10 and December 18, 2018, Work Sessions and December 10 and December 18, 2018, Regular Council meetings V.B. Receive payment of the following claims as shown as per pre-list dated December 20, 2018, and consisting of 41 pages: General Fund $366,516.37, Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety $20,761.91, PIR Debt Service Fund $3,958.58, Working Capital Fund $20,355.97, PIR Construction Fund $3,818.75, Equipment Replacement Fund Minutes/Edina City Council/January 8, 2019 Page 2 $8,252.55, Art Center Fund $1,198.92, Golf Dome Fund $258.66, Aquatic Center Fund $323.96, Golf Course Fund $30,037.81, Ice Arena Fund $37,651.26, Sports Dome Fund $13,145.88, Edinborough Park Fund $24,343.79, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $11,886.63, Liquor Fund $350,201.31, Utility Fund $128,693.07, Storm Sewer Fund $15,978.98, Recycling Fund $39,321.72, PSTF Agency Fund $363.63, Mn Task Force 1 Fund $72,799.64, Centennial TIF District $12.83: Total $1,149,882.22; and per pre-list dated December 27, 2018, and consisting of 20 pages: General Fund $182,565.78, Police Special Revenue $979.06, Working Capital Fund $13,193.73, Art Center Fund $1,099.24, Golf Dome Fund $4,930.40, Aquatic Center Fund $71.55, Golf Course Fund $7,503.70, Ice Arena Fund $3,822.74, Edinborough Park Fund $4,235.67, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $693.53, Liquor Fund $133,853.26, Utility Fund $79,333.61, Storm Sewer Fund $3,443.35, PSTF Agency Fund $578.82, Centennial TIF District $22,841.97, Southdale 2 District $5,000.00: Total $464,146.41; and per pre-list dated January 3, 2019, and consisting of 26 pages: General Fund $185,919.68, Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety $736.62, Working Capital Fund $288,087.40, Equipment Replacement Fund $134,208.50, Art Center Fund $2,749.57, Golf Dome Fund $2,196.60, Aquatic Center Fund $392.12, Golf Course Fund $173,284.91, Ice Arena Fund $11,105.58, Sports Dome Fund $9,430.52, Edinborough Park Fund $19,951.68, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $3,542.73, Liquor Fund $277,117.93, Utility Fund $63,634.97, Storm Sewer Fund $2,508.17, Risk Mgmt ISF $30,236.91, PSTF Agency Fund $2,857.59, HRA Administration $9,472.50, Centennial TIF District $297,222.20, Payroll Fund $12,467.67: Total $1,527,123.85 V.C. Resolution No. 2019-01: Designating Official Newspaper for 2019 V.D. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-02: Signatory Resolution V.E. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-03: Designation of Director/Alternate Director of Suburban Rate Authority V.F. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-04: Designation of Director/Alternate Director of LOGIS V.G. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-05: Designating Official Depositories V.H. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-06: Appointment to Edina Fire Relief Association V.I. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-07: Approving Mayor’s Appointment of the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the City of Edina V.J. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-08: Authorizing Facsimile Signatures V.K. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-09: Appointing Responsible Authority and Assigning Duties for Data Practices V.L. Set 2019 Date for Board of Appeal and Equalization V.M. Annual Appointment of Assistant Weed Inspector V.N. Set Date for the Annual Meeting of Boards and Commission V.O. Set 2019 Town Hall Meeting Dates V.P. 2019 Board and Commission Reappointments V.Q. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Sunnyslope Road Shoreline Stabilization, G.F. Jedlicki, Inc., $91,665.75 V.R. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, 50th Street Bridge Railings, S.M. Hentges & Sons, Inc., $118,412.00 V.S. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, 58th Street Public Participation, WSB Engineering, $39,985.00 V.T. Approve Request for Purchase, rejecting bids for Minnehaha Trunk Sewer Rehab V.U. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Morningside Surface Water Model Update, Barr Engineering, $49,400.00 V.V. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, 2020 Western Star Single-Axle Truck with Plow, Boyer Truck and TBEI, $206,748.67 V.W. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, 2020 Western Star Tandem-Axle Truck with Plow, Boyer Truck and TBEI, $225,129.04 Minutes/Edina City Council/January 8, 2019 Page 3 V.X. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, 2020 Kenworth with Velocity Spray Patcher Unit, Rhim Kenworth and RCM Equipment, $216,609.00 V.Y. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, 2020 Western Star Truck with Plow and Trailer Hitch, Boyer Truck and TBEI, $241,837.41 Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA V.C. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-01 DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 2019 – ADOPTED The Council shared concerns about the lack of circulation of the Edina Sun Current newspaper since it was no longer a free publication, commented on the importance of reaching the majority of City residents, and requested, if adopted, a press release to communicate the publication and encourage residents to subscribe. Communications and Technology Services Director Bennerotte stated the Sun Current’s circulation was 6,500 as of September 2018 and noted the Star Tribune had submitted a proposal but was not comparable for City residents. She shared how the Sun Current was rated as a good communication tool during the last City survey. Ms. Allison said the Star Tribune just started publishing public notices and suggested staff conduct a comparison between publications for consideration in 2020. The Council noted the publication subscription was free and the best way to communicate exclusive City news and encouraged staff to explore ways to increase subscriptions. Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, Resolution No. 2019-01: Designating Official Newspaper for 2019. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS – NONE VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS HELD – Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. VII.A. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-10 70TH AND CAHILL SMALL AREA PLAN – ADOPTED Community Development Director Teague stated on December 12, 2018, a motion to approve the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan as written failed but a motion to approve the Plan with recommendations outlined in the staff memo was approved. He summarized the changes which included density requirements moved to the land use chapter of the Comprehensive Plan, density of 10-50 units per acre and explained projects would be considered up to 75 units per acre subject to rezoning with 20 percent of the units within a project be designated for affordable housing. Mr. Teague explained how goals and objectives of the Small Area Plan would help meet public realm improvements outlined in the Plan and building height increases were not given by right through the Height Overlay District but rather increased per the Plan subject to a Variance or Rezoning. He explained how the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan stated that new development should aesthetically respect the existing and surrounding neighborhood character with new or updated design that complemented and sensitively transitioned from the 1960s- 1970s architecture to 2018 and beyond and reclaimed its sense of place and village appeal. Mr. Teague said the Plan indicated new development should include a variety of both rental and owned condos, townhomes, and apartments along with neighborhood-serving retail located in the most visible locations. Planning Commissioner Susan Lee, Co-Chair of the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan Workgroup, said they recommended approval of the Plan as presented without further edits. She commented on the project timeline and benefits of Small Area Plans that included a public realm forum and achieved a road map for the City. She commented on the age of buildings in the Plan and noted redevelopment proposals would likely be in the future. She highlighted the Comprehensive Plan chapters considered during review that included vision, neighborhood profile, land use, transportation, economic vitality, parks, and heritage Minutes/Edina City Council/January 8, 2019 Page 4 preservation then recognized the Planning Team. Ms. Lee shared their vision that the community should further examine and consider development of small neighborhood-based business nodes to provide a range of local amenities and services and reviewed elements of the executive summary in detail that included examples of building materials, architectural elements and floor heights, open space and natural resource emphasis that included the Nine Mile Creek trail. Ms. Lee commented on levels of successful Small Area Plan implementation and outlined next steps. The Council thanked the Workgroup for their hard work and asked questions regarding land use, urban design, and current affordable housing and shared concerns about the northern boundary and the creation of incentives to redevelop that would eventually result in the loss of affordable housing units. The Council commented on goals and policies and inquired about the proposed graceful transitions. Ms. Lee described how taller buildings would be better placed on the interior portion of the area to retain sensitivity to border areas and keep heights lower at 70th and Cahill then added the City had an opportunity to start a good planning process as it would occur within the same timeframe. The Council asked whether the Plan reflected the intended zoning movement transitions adequately from neighborhood commercial to neighborhood node and asked questions regarding the Onyx. Ms. Lee explained the Plan included more specially-tailored requirements for transitions for 50 units per acre and shared examples of range and types of scale and massing the City could consider. The Council inquired about the type of heights for the 75 units and drive-time traffic impacts outlined in the study. Ms. Lee said the type of height was difficult but noted density was controversial and should be addressed in heights that neighborhoods could identify with, adding an option for greater affordable housing was already allowed in the Policy and the 75-unit recommendation could change again so the Workgroup thought it was better to not have a maximum number identified. She commented on the relevance of height recommendation and noted they had much input on this topic so the Workgroup was confident in this recommendation to obtain the height requested without having to negotiate with developers and added height was just as important as the public realm elements. Ms. Lee noted any proposal would require a new traffic study that would supersede the Small Area Plan and the 70th and Cahill intersection would likely have a roundabout or other traffic calming addition in the future. The Council spoke about the challenge between the need for height and density and what types of project make financial sense, then commented on how every site was different with some being more expensive to develop than others. The Council acknowledged the Plan included many variables, was a visionary statement and good starting point, and referred to the need to identify leverage within form-based Code. The Council referred to how the land use chapter should be stronger to provide the leverage needed and to see more understanding of the balance between open space, height, and density. Ms. Lee responded that the balance was prescriptive, based on the current City Code, and they hoped to define what was desired through a form-based Code that could be regulated accordingly. The Council referred to the transect of Cahill Road, the goal to level the height of buildings and not exceed the heights of 70th and Cahill, and how there could not be commercial north of 70th Street. City Attorney Mattick commented that he was unaware of any other cities he represented that had form-based Codes and referred to perceived problems with implementation and the alternative of Planned Unit Developments, which were typically a better option. Mr. Teague clarified the Plan did not require adoption of a form-based Code. Ms. Lee agreed and stated the Workgroup was referring to land use and that zoning was separate and would not change. The Council confirmed the Commission was recommending Plan adoption with the two proposed edits but the Workgroup was recommending adoption without edits. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:45 p.m. Public Testimony Minutes/Edina City Council/January 8, 2019 Page 5 Carl Schneider, 5523 W. 70th Street, addressed the Council. Paul Johnson, 5501 W. 70th Street, addressed the Council. Patrick Bennett, 5708 Kemrich Drive, addressed the Council. Jan Thorkelson, 5527 W. 70th Street, addressed the Council. Hope Melton, 4825 Valley View Road, addressed the Council. Carol Bromer, 6521 Creek Drive, addressed the Council. Xiaoyue Huang, 7408 Coventry Way, addressed the Council. Philip Peterson, 5519 W. 70th Street, addressed the Council. Stephen Wright, 5422 Creek View Lane, addressed the Council. Frank Lorenz, 7151 York Ave South, addressed the Council. Phil Miller, 7219 Lanham Lane, addressed the Council. Ryan Breisach, 7216 Fleetwood Drive, addressed the Council. Alice Hulbert, 7221 Tara Road, addressed the Council. Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. The Council responded to questions raised during the public testimony that included origin of the proposed edits, number of new students as a result of the Plan, and the need for further review by the Workgroup. Ms. Lee said if the Council deemed it necessary, the Workgroup could comment about perception of allowing maximum density throughout and noted there would be a commercial node and not 100% residential. She further commented on the proposed edits that would address greater height and density outside the range of 10 and 50 units, noting if important enough, it could be included in the Comprehensive Plan but not in the Small Area Plan. The Council thanked residents for their participation in the process and agreement on a direction but noted this was a vision and not a final plan. The Council commented on perception of affordable housing and how this was not an implementation plan but a direction for the City and the need for further discussion that was resident-led and not consultant-led. The Council referred to the need to plan for a connected and sustainable community and was supportive of the Plan as presented knowing while there would be change, the important elements were included such as better access, bringing housing into the node for business success, enhanced regional trail connections, and connection to industrial park employees. The Council agreed on the importance of retaining affordable housing in other areas as well and suggested an exception to pull the line back to the south side of 70th as the Council was concerned about the northside boundary. The Council commented on its hope for continuity and not pricing anyone out of a neighborhood. Member Staunton introduced and move adoption of Resolution No. 2019-10 approving the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan for the 2019 Comprehensive Plan Update as presented excluding proposed edits in Section 2. Member Anderson seconded the motion. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. Minutes/Edina City Council/January 8, 2019 Page 6 VIII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VIII.A. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING MAYOR – APPOINTED Manager Neal stated According to State law, the Council must appoint an Acting Mayor at the first meeting of each year in order to fulfill the duties of the Mayor in his absence. Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, to appoint Member Brindle as Acting Mayor for 2019. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.B. RESOLUTION 2019-11 ADOPTED – ACCEPTING VARIOUS GRANTS AND DONATIONS Mayor Hovland explained that in order to comply with State Statutes; all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Member Brindle introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2019-11 accepting various grants and donations. Member Fischer seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. IX. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS IX.A. PETITION REQUESTING TO KEEP PERPETUAL EASEMENT ALONG 4900 BLOCK OF MAPLE ROAD – RECEIVED AND REFERRED TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, to receive petition requesting a perpetual easement along 4900 block of Maple Road and refer to Community Development staff for consideration. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. IX.B. CORRESPONDENCE – Received Mayor Hovland acknowledged the Council’s receipt of various correspondence. IX.C. MINUTES – Received 1. HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 27, 2018 Informational; no action required. X. AVIATION NOISE UPDATE – Received XI. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS – Received XII. MANAGER’S COMMENTS – Received XIII. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS, EVENTS AND DATES AS OF JANUARY 8, 2019 – Received XIV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 10:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, January 23, 2019. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the January 8, 2019, meeting available. Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Kyle Sawyer, Assistant Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:Ordinance No. 2019-01: Setting Morningside Water Rates and Amending 2019 Sewer Rates Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Ordinance 2019-01 Amending Code Section 2-724 Section A, setting Morningside water rates and amending 2019 sewer rates, including waiver of second reading. INTRODUCTION: The Ordinance can be adopted, including waiver of second reading, at this Council meeting with a 4/5 favorable vote. First reading of the Ordinance would require 3/5 favorable vote at this meeting and then 3-5 favorable vote for the second reading at a later meeting. The attached staff report describes the water rates for the Morningside area in detail. The two amended sewer rates are the result of a one cent rounding error in the rates that were approved at the December 18, 2018 Council meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: Morningside Water Rates Ordinance No. 2019-01: Morningside Rates January 23, 2019 Mayor and City Council Kyle Sawyer, Assistant Finance Director Ordinance No. 2019-01: Setting Morningside Water Rates and Amending 2019 Sewer Rates Information / Background: The City of Minneapolis provides the water used by much of the Morningside area of the City of Edina. Edina pays Minneapolis for the water based on a contracted rate. The contracted rate is proportional to the rates the Minneapolis City Council sets for their own residents. The Minneapolis City Council recently approved new rates for their residents and notified Edina that we will pay $2.55 per 100 cubic feet of water in 2019, compared to $2.48/100 cubic feet in 2018. Since Edina bills in 1,000 gallons, the proposed rates shown below for 2019 have been converted to that measure. Edina also provides services to this area in the form of meter reading, billing, water distribution infrastructure, and other services except for the water itself. To help offset the cost of these Edina-provided services, we charged $0.67/1,000 gallons in 2018. Staff is recommending an increase for the Edina portion of the charge to $0.70/1,000 gallons in 2019, consistent with the most recent rate study and the water rate increases Council recently approved for the rest of Edina. 2016 (100 cu. Ft.) 2016 (1,000 gallons)* 2017 (1,000 gallons)* 2018 (1,000 gallons)* 2019 (1,000 gallons)* Minneapolis charge $2.18 $2.91 $3.22 $3.32 $3.41 Edina charge $0.46 $0.61 $0.64 $0.67 $0.70 Total rate $2.64 $3.52 $3.86 $3.99 $4.11 *Edina changed our unit of measure for water and sewer services in 2016, including in the Morningside area. Existing charges are based on a billing unit of 1,000 gallons while the old unit of measure was 100 cubic feet (about 750 gallons). For areas of Edina that do not receive Minneapolis water, the adopted rates for 2019 will be $2.34, $3.11, or $4.86 per 1,000 gallons, depending on type and quantity of usage. The Morningside area has never had the same tiered rate structure as the rest of Edina because Minneapolis rates are not tiered. Also, it is STAFF REPORT Page 2 important to note that Minneapolis delivers softened water while residents that receive Edina water must have a softener in their home. ORDINANCE NO. 2019-01 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. The following described fees of Schedule A to Code Section 2-724 are amended to read as follows: Chapter and Section Purpose of Fee/Charge 2018 Fee Proposed 2019 Fee Chapter 28 28-43(b) Water Service: 1. Per 1,000 gallons for areas of city, except in the Morningside area $3.99 Per 1,000 gallons—Morningside area $4.11 Per 1,000 gallons—Morningside area Chapter and Section Purpose of Fee/Charge 2019 Fee Amended 2019 Fee Chapter 28 28-43(b) Sewer Service: 1. Single-family, townhouses, twofamily dwellings, apartment buildings containing four or less dwellings $65.27 Per quarter to and including 12,000 gallons $65.28 Per quarter to and including 12,000 gallons 3. Commercial and industrial buildings, including schools and churches $65.27 Per water meter or approved sewage metering device on premises; or $65.28 Per water meter or approved sewage metering device on premises; or Section 2. The effective date of Section 1 of this Ordinance shall be February 1, 2019. First Reading: January 23, 2019 Second Reading: Waived Published: January 31, 2019 Attest: ____________________________ ______________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk Mary Brindle, Acting Mayor PLEASE PUBLISH IN THE EDINA SUN CURRENT, THURSDAY, January 31, 2019 SEND TWO AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION. BILL TO EDINA CITY CLERK Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Don Uram, Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:Ordinance No. 2019-02: Proposed Increase in Xcel Utility Franchise Fees Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve first reading of Ordinance No. 2019-2 to increase the Conservation and Sustainability (CAS ) utility franchise fee. INTRODUCTION: See attached staff report. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: Proposed Increase in Xcel Utility Franchise Fees Ordinance No. 2019-02: Increase CAS Utility Franchise Fee January 23, 2019 Mayor and City Council Don Uram, Finance Director Ordinance No. 2019-02: Proposed Increase in Xcel Utility Franchise Fees Information / Background: In 2018, the City Council approved the second reading of Ordinance No's. 2017-16 and 2017-17 increasing the franchise fees collected by Xcel and Centerpoint respectfully. The purpose of the increase was to provide additional funding for the Conservation and Sustainability Fund (CAS). The CAS franchise fee is used to support the City’s environmental protection goals and provides the City with three key benefits: • A dedicated source of funding for capital improvements for City property and equipment that further the City’s overall conservation and sustainability goals. • A dedicated source of funding for dedicated staffing that will be charged with implementing the conservation and sustainability work plan goals. • An organizational emphasis and attention to imbedding a strong conservation and sustainability ethos into the city government’s overall operations. The first reading of Ordinance No. 2017-16 (Xcel) included a proposed increase for both 2018 and 2019. However, during the 90-day comment period Xcel indicated that even though they felt that the proposed fee increases were reasonable, they wouldn't support the approval of multi-year increases in one ordinance. Because of that, they asked the City to adopt separate ordinances in the year the increase was to take place which we agreed to do. The adoption of Ordinance 2019-2 would complete the process started in 2017. The current residential CAS franchise fee is $0.95/meter/month for both energy providers. That fee is scheduled to increase to $1.45 on May 1 for Centerpoint. On January 23, the City Council will consider the first of two readings of a ordinance that will increase the CAS franchise fee for Xcel Energy customers. If adopted, the ordinance will increase the existing CAS franchise fee for a residential customer by $0.50/meter/month bringing the total to a $1.45 for 2019. Other customer classifications (Firm A, Firm B, Firm C, SVDF A, SVDF B, LVDF) are increasing on a similar percentage. The increase in franchise fees was incorporated in the approved 2019 budget. If not approved, the CAS budget would have to be reduced by about $200,000 annually. STAFF REPORT Page 2 The current franchise requires the City to provide Xcel a 90-day notice prior to the adoption or change of franchise fees. If the Council adopts the first reading of the proposed ordinances on January 23, the second reading for Xcel will be scheduled on March 19. If the second reading is approved, the ordinance will be adopted and Xcel will be notified to begin imposing the new franchise fees effective July 1, 2019. 195622v1 ORDINANCE NO. 2019-02 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 2012-16 IMPLEMENTING AN ELECTRIC SERVICE FRANCHISE FEE ON NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, D/B/A XCEL ENERGY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, FOR PROVIDING ELECTRIC SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF EDINA THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. Schedule “A” of Ordinance 2012-16 is amended as attached hereto. SECTION 2. Effective Date of Franchise Fee. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be after its publication and ninety (90) days after the sending of written notice enclosing a copy of this adopted Ordinance to Xcel Energy by certified mail. Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk Mary Brindle, Acting Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current Send two Affidavits of Publication Bill to Edina City Clerk 195622v1 SCHEDULE “A” Franchise Fee Rates: Electric Utility The franchise fee shall be in an amount determined by applying the following schedule per customer premise/per month based on metered service to retail customers within the City: Class Current Effective 07/01/2019 Residential $ 2.40 $ 2.90 Sm C&I, Non-Dem $ 4.08 $ 4.90 Sm C&I, Demand $11.40 $13.68 Large C&I $48.60 $58.32 Franchise fees are to be collected by the Utility at the rate listed below, and submitted to the City on a quarterly basis as follows: January – March collections due by April 30. April – June collections due by July 31. July – September collections due by October 31. October – December collections due by January 31. Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.D. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Kyle Sawyer, Assistant Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:Approve Expense Reduction Analysts Contract Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to approve contract with Expense Reduction Analysts. INTRODUCTION: Expense Reduction Analysts (ERA) specialize in identifying expense categories with potential cost savings, presenting recommendations to reduce the costs, and implementing the agreed upon recommendations. The City has been working with ERA to identify expense categories with potential savings and has identified the Energy and Utilities category as an area of potential savings. If ERA is able to generate savings the City agrees to pay ERA 45% of the actual savings for the review period of 24 months while the City retains the remaining 55% of savings. If ERA is unable to generate savings there is no fee paid to ERA. After the 24 month review period the City retains 100% of the savings. Attached is a memo further explaining ERA and the scope of the project. ATTACHMENTS: Description City of Edina Project Memo Expense Reduction Analyst Contract December 26, 2018 Memo: Proposed Utilities & Energy Project with Expense Reduction Analysts Who is ERA: Expense Reduction Analysts is a global organization with 300+ expense category specialists who possess incredible insider knowledge on specific indirect expense categories. We have completed more than 18,000 projects in 25 years. Our contingency model allows our clients to discover their savings potential at ZERO RISK. We help our clients find extra savings in areas where it doesn’t make sense to spend time or where they don’t have the bandwidth. Our Target: To find and deliver supplier cost savings of 10 – 30%, We are committed to maintaining (and in most cases improving) the quality or service of your suppliers. Project Scope: Our proposed engagement with the City of Edina is on for the Energy & Utilities category. The cost of energy can be broken into 3 parts: • Price of the commodity itself • Infrastructure fees – generation, transmission, meters, pipelines and demand charges • Optimization improvements to demand charges ERA will focus on generating savings from the infrastructure component of the cost. We will not be able to make an impact on the cost of the commodity as that is a regulated cost in the State of Minnesota. Our engagement will not focus on optimization improvements at this time. While we have the capacity to bring value in the area of optimization of usage planning and programs, we understand the City of Edina has a plan to tackle this project already in place. Thanks, Katie Hoch | Consultant Expense Reduction Analysts Direct 612.618.6886 khoch@expensereduction.com | www.expensereduction.com Client Agreement Client City of Edina Address 4801 W 50th St City Edina State MN Zip code 55424 You agree to engage Expense Reduction Analysts, Inc. (ERA), to analyze specific expense categories, for the purpose of identifying Savings and implementing proposals in order for You to realize those Savings and other benefits. By signing this Agreement and a Statement of Work (SOW) for each Project, You agree to permit ERA to complete all stages of each Project up to submission of ERA’s Recommendations and, potentially, through implementation of an ERA recommendation. ERA agrees that if no Savings are identified there will be no fee for our services. For each Project, ERA agrees to: You agree to: 1. Evaluate Your current requirements, usage and costs and be attentive to these in the formation of recommendations. 2. If opportunity for improvement is found, go-to-market on Your behalf using ERA’s proprietary expertise, processes, tools, and resources to get supplier commitments for lower cost solutions that meet Your overall requirements. Best practice based improvements may also be identified. The results of this process will be provided for your evaluation; 3. If at least one Successful Recommendation is made, provide support for the implementation of the improvement(s). 4. Provide on-going support services through the end of the Review Period for that project. Other ERA Obligations: ERA will 5. Keep You informed of progress at all stages of the process. 6. Be respectful of the relationship between You and Your existing suppliers and, unless instructed otherwise, include those suppliers in the process. 7. Accept no fees or other consideration from suppliers or in any way act as an agent or broker for suppliers. 8. Provide You with professional and ethical service. 1. Treat all information provided by ERA in accordance with the Minnesota Government Practices Act. 2. Provide ERA with access to, or copies of, all relevant invoices, supply contracts and agreements for all Your sites for the term of this agreement. 3. Exercise good faith and fair dealings when making the decision to implement ERA’s recommendations and acknowledge that ERA’s investment of resources to improve Your firm’s profitability is predicated on You exercising good faith and fair dealings. 4. Until the implementation of a Successful Recommendation, You agree not to duplicate the work of ERA and not solicit offers from suppliers. You will refer any unsolicited inquiries or offers from suppliers to ERA for evaluation and inclusion in ERA’s analysis and results. 5. Pay all ERA invoices within 35 days of receipt. ERA reserves the right to add one percent (1%) interest per month on any invoices unpaid after 35 days. 6. If the recommendations provided by ERA are implemented in any related companies, You agree that ERA should be compensated under the same terms as this agreement. SUCCESS, SAVINGS, FEES and TERM A Successful Recommendation is defined as: a. A solution that provides Savings from Your incumbent supplier(s) approved by you, and/or b. A solution that provides Savings realized from changes in methodologies, price or processes approved by You; and/or c. A solution that You elect to implement from either (i) a non-incumbent supplier or (ii) changes in methodologies or processes. You will have the exclusive right to determine whether the quality of the goods and/or services from a new supplier reasonably meets or exceeds that of the incumbent supplier(s). Savings are direct or indirect reductions in expenditure, calculated as follows: a. the difference between (i) the Baseline Costs and (ii) Your costs resulting directly or indirectly from ERA’s activity under this Agreement. Baseline Costs are those incurred by You at the commencement of the process unless otherwise agreed. Where industry-wide price variations occur following commencement of a Project, it will be assumed the same percentage variation would have occurred under the pre-existing supply arrangement and the Baseline Costs will be adjusted accordingly; and b. any credits, rebates or incentive payments identified by ERA and received by You. c. After the full implementation of a Successful Recommendation, You may enter into direct negotiations with suppliers. If these direct negotiations lead to an increase in Savings, 100% of the increased Savings accrue to You, but You agree to pay ERA for the original savings implemented. Fees: You agree to pay ERA 45% of the actual Savings for the Review Period. a. On presentation of a Recommendation Report containing at least one Successful Recommendation, You will be invoiced ten percent (10%) of the total projected savings for the Review Period. b. The balance will be invoiced over the duration of the Review Period based on actual Savings achieved during the billing period. The initial payments made above will offset the fees due on a pro-rata basis for the duration of the Review Period. Review Period: The Review Period for each project shall run for 24-months following the full implementation of a Successful Recommendation. a. You and ERA agree that if either party is in material breach of this Agreement and fails to remedy the breach within 30 days of receiving written notice, the Projects under this agreement will be considered cancelled and any cancellation fees would apply. If invoiced (10%) or projected payments exceeds actual savings, fees will be refunded to client. Accepted: City Of Edina Katie Hoch, Consultant, ERA 1/3/19 ___________________________ ___________________________ _____________________________ _________ Client Signature Client’s Name Printed Expense Reduction Analysts, Inc. Date Client Agreement STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW) # 1 to CLIENT AGREEMENT DATED: 1/3/19 between City of Edina and EXPENSE REDUCTION ANALYSTS, INC. (ERA) Included Expense Category/Project Estimated Annual Spend Utilities & Energy* $1,100,000 *The estimated annual spend is associated with multiple fees such as the commodity itself, the transfer fees and the infrastructure fees. ERA’s efforts will be targeted around achieving costs savings in the ancillary fees associated with the energy and not around the cost of the commodity unit price. Other Terms • No Fee will be charged for this Project if none of ERA’s recommendations qualify as being a Successful Recommendation; or if You implement a Successful Recommendation that does not achieve savings during the Review Period. • Your Option to Terminate this Project Early In the agreement, you agree to permit ERA to complete all stages of each Project up to submission of ERA’s Recommendations and, potentially, through implementation of an ERA recommendation. Prior to the presentation of the recommendation, either party has the option to terminate this agreement with 30-day written notice. ERA will be entitled to an early termination fee equal to 3% of the annual expenditure if a 30-day written notice is not received. Accepted: ___________________________ ___________________________ Client: Expense Reduction Analysts, Inc. ________________________ Dated Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.E. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Chad A. Millner, P.E., Director of Engineering Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Engineering Services for Traffic Signal and ADA Design at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Request for Purchase for Engineering Services for Traffic Signal and ADA Design at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road. INTRODUCTION: See attached request for purchase form. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase Form SRF Agreement City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: January 23, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Chad A. Millner, PE, Director of Engineering Subject: Request for Purchase: Engineering Services for Traffic Signal and ADA Design at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road Purchase Subject to: ☐List Quote/Bid ☐State Contract ☒Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: January 10, 2019 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: SRF Consulting Group, Inc. $47,745.00 Recommended Quote or Bid: SRF Consulting Group, Inc. $47,745.00 Background: As part of the 62nd Street Reconstruction Project between Valley View Road and France Avenue a traffic study was completed. The results of the study determined a traffic signal would improve intersection operations. During peak times, vehicles are queued up in multiple directions from the all way stop. Data showed cars were using the neighborhood streets north of 62nd Street and Valley View Road to bypass the intersection during high traffic times. This signal will improve operations and reduce the amount of vehicles cutting through the neighborhood. The Wooddale Valley View Small Area Plan also identified pedestrian improvements. This project will improve pedestrian facilities such as new pedestrian ramps, accessible pedestrian signal & pushbuttons, and new pavement markings. Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact This is a new traffic signal and pedestrian facilities funded by a combination of Wooddale / Valley View TIF and PACS funds. It is CIP Project # 19-305. Environmental Impact The signal system will utilize cameras to detect which leg of the intersection cars are approaching. It will operate to reduce start and stop operations of vehicles. This will reduce the carbon footprint. The signal and light systems will use LED’s bulbs for less energy use and reduce long- term maintenance costs. Community Impact This signal will improve operations and reduce the amount of vehicles cutting through the neighborhood. It will also improve pedestrian facilities such as new pedestrian ramps, accessible pedestrian signal & pushbuttons, and new pavement markings. www.srfconsulting.com 1 Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150 | Minneapolis, MN 55447-4453 | 763.475.0010 Fax: 1.866.440.6364 An Equal Opportunity Employer SRF 12409.PP January 10, 2019 Mr. Chad Millner Director of Engineering City of Edina 7450 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439 Subject: Proposal for Professional Services: Traffic Signal and ADA Design at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road Dear Mr. Millner: SRF Consulting Group, Inc. (SRF) is pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional services for the design of a traffic signal and associated ADA pedestrian improvements at the Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road intersection. This location was previously identified for signalization as part of previous study efforts and is a key intersection of two on-street bike facilities. Therefore, based on our understanding of your request, we have developed the following scope of services. Scope of Services SRF proposes to carry out the work as described in the attached Work Task and Person Hour Estimate (Attachment A). Assumptions Assumptions for this project are listed in the attached Work Task and Person Hour Estimate and summarized as follows: 1) Review of deliverables will be performed by the MnDOT Office of State Aid and the City of Edina. 2) There will be up to six (6) in-person meetings held at City offices: one project kickoff meeting, two utility coordination meetings, two agency coordination meetings, and one comment review meeting after comments have been received at 95% (if necessary). 3) SRF's deliverables include meeting agendas and minutes, signal justification report (SJR), construction plans, utility coordination, specifications including Division S and SS special provisions, bidding package and assistance, engineer’s estimate of probable costs, preordering mast arm signal poles (a time-sensitive construction item) on the behalf of the City, and review of signal related shop drawings. 4) The City will provide any existing CAD files and survey data available or needed for the intersection and adjacent corridors, any City-specific design standards or details, and be responsible for right-or-way acquisition necessitated by the signal or ADA design. 5) SRF will assist the City by answering questions during bidding, providing bidding assistance, and reviewing signal shop drawings submitted by the Contractor for adherence to the contract documents. 6) This scope does not include construction inspection and administration, or the preparation of Change Orders. Mr. Chad Millner, City of Edina January 10, 2019 Traffic Signal and ADA Design at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road Page 2 Optional Value-Added Services SRF has vast experience with traffic signal and ADA improvement projects. With this experience, SRF staff are proficient in many services not requested by the City for this project. SRF will be happy to offer any of the following value-added services for an additional fee. a) Construction Observation and Administration b) Right-of-Way Acquisition c) Signal Timing and Implementation Schedule We will proceed with the project as soon as authorized and submit deliverables in a mutually agreed upon timeframe. We recognize the City’s desire to have this project completed during the 2019 construction season. Basis of Payment/Budget We propose to be reimbursed for our services on an hourly basis for the actual time expended. Other direct project expenses such as printing, supplies, reproduction, etc., will be billed at cost and mileage will be billed at the current allowable IRS rate for business miles. Invoices are submitted monthly for work performed during the previous month. Payment is due within 30 days. Based on our understanding of the project, the cost of our services is not to exceed $47,745, which includes both time and expenses. Changes in the Scope of Services It is understood that if the scope or extent of work changes, the cost will be adjusted accordingly. Before any out-of-scope work is initiated, however, we will submit a budget request for the new work and will not begin work until we receive authorization from you. Acceptance/Notice to Proceed This proposal agreement is subject to the Master Agreement for Professional Engineering Services executed June 13, 2017. A signed copy of this proposal will serve as acceptance of this proposal and our notice to proceed. The email address is mpacyna@srfconsulting.com. We sincerely appreciate your consideration of this proposal and look forward to working with you on this project. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Adrian S. Potter, PE (MN WI IA ND), PTOE Matthew Pacyna, PE (MN ND WI) Senior Associate/Project Manager Principal Mr. Chad Millner, City of Edina January 10, 2019 Traffic Signal and ADA Design at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road Page 3 Approved: CITY OF EDINA (signature) Name Title Date This cost proposal is valid for a period of 90 days. SRF reserves the right to adjust its cost estimate after 90 days from the date of this proposal. Attachment A – Work Task and Person-Hour Estimate S:\Marketing\Proposals\2018 Letter Proposals\12409.PP Edina Wooddale and Valley View\Letter\12409.PP_Edina_Wooddale_ValleyView_Signal_ADA_Design_190110.docx 1/10/2019Page 1 of 7SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour EstimatesClient: City of EdinaProject: Traffic Signal and ADA Design at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road12409.PPTASK NO.SUMMARY OF TASKSProject Overview:1.0Project Management/Meetings2.0Data Gathering/Utility Coordination3.0Roadway and Pedestrian Facility Design (ADA)4.0Traffic Signal Design5.0Bidding AssistanceProject includes design of a new traffic signal at the Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road intersection. Pedestrian accommodations meeting ADA requirements will be necessary at the intersection. Funding will be a combination of local and State Aid. Construction to be complete in 2019. SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERSAttachmentA_WorkTaskandPersonHourEstimate.xlsxMINNEAPOLIS. MN 1/10/2019Page 2 of 7SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour EstimatesClient: City of EdinaProject: Traffic Signal and ADA Design at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road12409.PPTASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTIONPRINCIPALSR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATESR. PROFPROF.TECHNICALCLERICALTOTALSEST. FEE1.0Project Management/MeetingsAssumptions:QA/QC hours part of project managementAssumes no meeting needed for coordination at 60% and 100% design submittals - this coordination can occur via phone or email.Client Deliverables:Facilities for project meetings1.1 Day to day project management and administration, including work planning, staff supervision and management, scheduling, and coordination of tasks. Includes regular coordination with City staff.4 4 0 0 0 0 0 8 $1,3161.2 Kick Off Meeting: Prepare for, facilitate, and document a project kick off meeting with City of Edina. Assume 1 meeting, 2 SRF staff people, 1 Hours of meeting and 2 hour of preparation and documentation0 1 0 3 0 0 0 4 $4991.3 Agency Coordination Meetings: Prepare for, facilitate, and document up to 2 agency coordination meetings with City staff, Metro Transit, and other affected agencies. Assume 2 meetings, 1 SRF staff, 1 Hour meeting and 2 hour of preparation and documentation.0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 $9601.4 95% Plan Review Meeting - Arrange and facilitate a meeting with the City of Edina to review plan comments at 95% plan development. (Assumes 1 meeting for 1 hour for 1 SRF staff, and 2 hours of preparation and documentation.)0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 $480SRF Deliverables:Meeting agendas and Meeting RecordsSUBTOTAL - TASK 14140300021$3,2552.0Data Gathering/Utility CoordinationAssumptions:Detailed topographic field survey will be completed by Edina and the survey data processed by SRF. Suvery data provide by the city will include existing utility information.Client Deliverables:Topographic field survey dataRight-of-Way and parcel line information in CAD format. (If available)City Utility As-builts and any other record drawings available.SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERSAttachmentA_WorkTaskandPersonHourEstimate.xlsxMINNEAPOLIS. MN 1/10/2019Page 3 of 7SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour EstimatesClient: City of EdinaProject: Traffic Signal and ADA Design at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road12409.PPTASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTIONPRINCIPALSR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATESR. PROFPROF.TECHNICALCLERICALTOTALSEST. FEE2.1 Process topographic survey data0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 $7802.2 Conduct Gopher State One Call (GSOC) to identify all utility owners within the project area. Collect and compile record drawings provided by utility owners. Identify utility owner representatives and prepare private utility coordination log to track all utilities within the project area.0 0 0 2 4 0 0 6 $6222.3 Distribute draft utility base mapping layouts to utility representatives for review and comment.0 0 0 2 2 0 0 4 $4242.4 Conduct two (2) utility coordination meetings to review locations, communicate project schedule, and respond to utility owner questions and concerns (assumes 1 staff x 2 meetings x 3 hours per meeting including travel time + administrative assistance)0 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 $678SRF Deliverables:Compiled basemapping, provided right of way linework, and project utility base files.SUBTOTAL - TASK 20061060022$2,5043.0Roadway and Pedestrian Facility Design (ADA)Assumptions:Plans will be to State Aid standards. Cross sections will not be necessary.Assume no permits will be required.No storm sewer impacts or evaluation is needed. Client Deliverables:Plan and construction document review comments.Provide information on design vehicle that should be accommodated at intersection.30% Design3.1 Develop preliminary intersection geometry that includes alignments, geometrics, profiles (or spot elevations) to determine approximate construction limits. The geometric design will identify areas for modification including roadway lane assignments, curb and gutter, walks/trails, and pedestrian curb ramps at three of the four (3 of 4) quadrants. Review 30% design with city staff.0 4 0 8 0 0 0 12 $1,54460% Design3.2 Design and develop a 60% construction plan set including the following items: 0 4 0 12 24 0 0 40 $4,372SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERSAttachmentA_WorkTaskandPersonHourEstimate.xlsxMINNEAPOLIS. MN 1/10/2019Page 4 of 7SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour EstimatesClient: City of EdinaProject: Traffic Signal and ADA Design at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road12409.PPTASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTIONPRINCIPALSR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATESR. PROFPROF.TECHNICALCLERICALTOTALSEST. FEETitle SheetGeneral LayoutStandard Plates and PlansTypical Sections (pavement section)Construction DetailsExisting topography and removalsIn place UtilitiesConstruction Staging and Traffic Control (Assumes roadway will remain open)Alignment Plan and TabulationsConstruction Plan (Roadway profile not required)ADA pedestrian ramp design and details (assume ped crossing all four legs of intersection)Traffic signal plans3.3 Develop 60% Construction Cost Estimate0 1 0 0 6 0 0 7 $7543.4 Submit 60% plan set to Edina for review and comment. Perform revisions as necessary.0 1 0 0 6 0 0 7 $7543.5 Identify right-of-way and easement needs and prepare parcel exhibit and legal descriptions for easement needs. Assume RW impacts to 2 parcels and preparation of 2 parcel exhibit sketches. RW acquisition and easement negotiation assumed to be completed by City staff.0 8 0 4 8 0 0 20 $2,52495% Design Plans and Specifications3.6 Design and develop a 95% construction plan including the following additional items:0 4 0 4 12 0 0 20 $2,280Statement of Estimated QuantitiesSoils and Construction NotesPermanent Turf Establishment planTemporary & Permanent Erosion and Sediment Control PlansSigning and Striping Plans3.7 Prepare an Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Costs associated with the Final Design (95%) Plan0 1 0 0 4 0 0 5 $5563.8 Prepare Division S special provisions and contract documents in a form approved by the City. (Task 4 includes preparation of Division SS special provisions.)0 12 0 0 0 0 2 14 $2,0563.9 Submit 95% plan set to Edina and MnDOT State Aid for review and comment. Perform revisions as necessary. 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 9 $952100% Plans and Specifications (Bid Ready Construction Documents)3.10 Prepare and submit to City for approval 100% signed construction plans and special provisions. 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 5 $612SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERSAttachmentA_WorkTaskandPersonHourEstimate.xlsxMINNEAPOLIS. MN 1/10/2019Page 5 of 7SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour EstimatesClient: City of EdinaProject: Traffic Signal and ADA Design at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road12409.PPTASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTIONPRINCIPALSR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATESR. PROFPROF.TECHNICALCLERICALTOTALSEST. FEE3.11 Provide City with final 11"x 17" plan sheets electronically in .pdf format. Provide special provisions electronically in Microsoft Word format. Provide Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Cost in Microsoft Excel Format. A hard copy of these items will also be provided to the City.0 1 0 0 4 0 0 5 $556SRF Deliverables:60% Plan and EstimateRW and easement acquisition sketches and legal descriptions95% Plan, Specification and Estimate100% Final Plan, Specification and EstimateSUBTOTAL - TASK 30380327202144$16,9604.0Traffic Signal DesignAssumptions:Plans will be to MnDOT State Aid standards. Design will be to City standards - assumes the City of Edina will own and operate the final signal.Signal plans and special provisions will be included in the larger bid package for the project that includes the roadway/ADA elements of the project.Traffic signal poles will need to be preordered to help construction completion by the end of the 2019 construction season.A Signal Justification Report (not a full ICE report) will be required to meet State Aid standards. Collection of new turning movement counts at the intersection is included in the scope - data will be collected when school is in session.Bicycle and pedestrian signal enhancements will be evaluated and discussed with City staff to determine if inclusion in signal should be considered.Client Deliverables:Plan and construction document review comments.Provide information on City signal design preferences and standards.4.1 Turning Movement Count Data Collection and Processing0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 $8914.2 Signal Justification Report0 1 0 8 16 0 0 25 $2,6484.3 60% Traffic Signal Design0 8 0 24 0 56 1 89 $10,5564.4 90% Traffic Signal Plan, Specification and Estimate0 6 0 12 0 28 1 47 $5,6324.5 100% Traffic Signal Final Plan, Specification and Estimate0 2 0 4 0 9 1 16 $1,8844.6 Mast Arm Signal Pole Preordering0 1 0 4 0 0 0 5 $612SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERSAttachmentA_WorkTaskandPersonHourEstimate.xlsxMINNEAPOLIS. MN 1/10/2019Page 6 of 7SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour EstimatesClient: City of EdinaProject: Traffic Signal and ADA Design at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road12409.PPTASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTIONPRINCIPALSR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATESR. PROFPROF.TECHNICALCLERICALTOTALSEST. FEESRF Deliverables:Draft and Final Signal Justification Report to MnDOT State Aid standards.60% Signal Plan and EstimateCoordination with Pole Manufacturers to Preorder Mast Arm Signal Poles95% Signal Plan, Specification and Estimate100% Final Signal Plan, Specification and EstimateSUBTOTAL - TASK 401805225933191$22,2235.0Bidding AssistanceAssumptions:City will open the bids.Review of signal shop drawings included in this work.Client Deliverables:Host bid openingAward Contract5.1 Prepare advertisement for bids and submit to required publications 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 $1985.2 Answer bidders questions. Includes written and oral responses and addenda if necessary0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 $4525.3 Arrange, attend and facilitate the bid opening.0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 $3205.4 Evaluate the bids and prepare letter of recommendation to the City 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 $2735.5 Prepare Notice of Award and Contract Documents. Forward these documents to the Contractor. Confirm receipt of appropriate payment and performance bonds.0 2 0 6 0 0 0 8 $9985.6 Review of signal shop drawings0 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 $386SRF Deliverables:Advertisement for BidsContract DocumentsReview of signal shop drawingsSUBTOTAL - TASK 50601320021$2,627TOTAL ESTIMATED PERSON-HOURS4766110105935399AVERAGE HOURLY BILLING RATES$169 $160 $130 $113 $99 $116 $68ESTIMATED LABOR AND OVERHEAD$676 $12,160 $780 $12,430 $10,395 $10,788 $340 $47,569ESTIMATED DIRECT NON-SALARY EXPENSES $176TOTAL ESTIMATED FEE $47,745SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERSAttachmentA_WorkTaskandPersonHourEstimate.xlsxMINNEAPOLIS. MN 1/10/2019Page 7 of 7SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour EstimatesClient: City of EdinaProject: Traffic Signal and ADA Design at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road12409.PPTASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTIONPRINCIPALSR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATESR. PROFPROF.TECHNICALCLERICALTOTALSEST. FEEESTIMATE OF DIRECT NON-SALARY EXPENSES:MILEAGE:Personal Vehicles 250 Miles @ $0.545$136PRINTING:$20COMMUNICATIONS:Mail, Express, Etc.$20ESTIMATED DIRECT NON-SALARY EXPENSES$176SUMMARY OF COSTS:PRINCIPALSR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATESR. PROFPROF.TECHNICALCLERICALTOTALS1.0 Project Management/Meetings676$ 2,240$ -$ 339$ -$ -$ -$ 3,255$ 2.0 Data Gathering/Utility Coordination-$ -$ 780$ 1,130$ 594$ -$ -$ 2,504$ 3.0 Roadway and Pedestrian Facility Design (ADA)-$ 6,080$ -$ 3,616$ 7,128$ -$ 136$ 16,960$ 4.0 Traffic Signal Design-$ 2,880$ -$ 5,876$ 2,475$ 10,788$ 204$ 22,223$ 5.0 Bidding Assistance-$ 960$ -$ 1,469$ 198$ -$ -$ 2,627$ $47,569SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERSAttachmentA_WorkTaskandPersonHourEstimate.xlsxMINNEAPOLIS. MN Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.F. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Lisa Schaefer, Assistant City Manager and Casey Casella, City Management Fellow Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: City-Wide Facilities Management Study Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Request for Purchase for a City-Wide Facilities Management Study. INTRODUCTION: See attached request for purchase form. ATTACHMENTS: Description RFP: City Wide Facilities Management Study Consultant Proposal City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: January 23, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Lisa Schaefer, Assistant City Manager and Casey Casella, City Management Fellow Subject: City-Wide Facilities Management Study Purchase Subject to: ☒List Quote/Bid ☐State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Rapp Consulting Group for $34,450.00 There are over eighty-eight City facilities, valuing over $150,000,000. These facilities range from large public buildings and recreation facilities to pump stations and park pavilions. Prior to 2013, there was no centralized facility function to coordinate the maintenance, design, and construction city-wide. In 2013, a City Facilities Manager was hired. This position was hired primarily to: 1) manage staff and contractors in the building services and maintenance of City Hall and Public Works building, and 2) work with departments to develop short and long-term plans to maintain and improve our current facilities, and 3) serve as project manager for designated capital projects. Most of facility maintenance functions remained decentralized, but a long-term strategy would be developed to more effectively manage City facilities. The City-wide Facilities Management study will identify options and resources needed to create a centralized facility function and alternative management methods of managing City’s facility buildings in a way that maximizes return on investment (ROI), is accessible to all, and limits our environmental impact. Projected completion of the study is late March 2019. Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: January 7, 2019 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Rapp Consulting Group $34,450.00 Recommended Quote or Bid: Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact The study aligns with Budget Goal #1 of maintaining physical assets and infrastructure. Deferred maintenance can lead to costly unplanned repairs and replacements with decisions based on short- term implementation costs, versus long-term maintenance costs. The study will provide options and phasing of recommended changes to facilities management in order to more effectively maintain physical assets in the city. The study will be accommodated within the current budget. Environmental Impact The study will examine the leading facilities and asset management practices to determine whether the City of Edina could benefit from modifications suggested by these approaches. Current methods of best practices take environmental impacts into consideration. Community Impact The community will benefit from services being streamlined and more effectively provided. City facilities, such as City Hall or Braemar arena, are often the face of the city. Building condition impacts residents and the broader community that uses Edina facilities. 40 East Chicago Avenue #340, Chicago, IL 60611 800-550-0692 •www.craigrapp.com January 7, 2019 Scott Neal City Manager City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 RE: Proposal to conduct a facilities management study Dear Scott, Based upon your desire for an analysis of the facilities management function at the City of Edina, I am pleased to provide the attached proposal. As you described, this includes an analysis of: the efficacy of a centralized facilities function, service delivery effectiveness, staff capabilities and capacity, and options for enhanced asset management city-wide. Our project team has extensive experience in the area of facilities management, as well as municipal operations, organizational restructuring, and service delivery improvement. We pride ourselves on delivering actionable solutions to our clients, and serving as objective, trusted advisors. I will coordinate the project, however each of our consultants will play a significant role--engaging directly with staff via individual and group meetings, visiting facilities and reviewing documents. We will provide the City with the proven expertise to meet your expectations. Thank you for this opportunity to assist the City of Edina. Craig R. Rapp President 2 Proposal The following describes the process that will be used for the project. Based upon the City’s desire for an analysis of operational effectiveness, staff capabilities and potential for improvement in the facilities management area, the study is framed with the following questions in mind: 1. What are the options for aligning and deploying resources that support enterprise-wide goals while simultaneously providing effective facilities management? What are the barriers to change? 2. What are the capabilities of current staff to produce desired results? What are the gaps? What are the most effective measures the City can take to address the current situation? 3. Alternative service delivery– are there new ways of delivering service that should be considered for restructuring or redeploying assets? How does this affect service delivery? 4. What are leading practices in facilities and asset management? Do the latest concepts provide useful models for Edina? Project Approach I. Project overview with City Manager and project manager. The first step in the process will be a project team meeting with the City Manager and/or the project manager to confirm and clarify the desired outcomes, discuss any unique issues to be addressed, and align expectations. This meeting will also be used to determine project schedules and finalize communications and mobilization issues. a. Prepare materials, agenda b. Meeting with City Manager and project manager. II. Review of department and enterprise documents, including relevant work plans. A review of relevant documents at both the department and enterprise-wide level including, but not limited to: capital and asset management plans, administrative and operating policies, budgets, strategic plans, and human resource documents such as labor agreements. The purpose of this review will be to familiarize the team with (1) the current operational structure, resource allocation and deployment, (2) current challenges and objectives within the departments served, and (3) structure and alignment issues within organization. a. Review and analysis of background materials. b. Clarifying discussions with key department staff, including City Manager/project manager, as appropriate. III. Conduct interviews and review of facilities management. The project team will conduct on- site interviews with the Facilities Manager and staff (including interims and contractors if appropriate). The purpose of the interviews is to gain an understanding of both the management of the facilities area and the allocation of resources. The interviews will provide broad insights into the capabilities of the incumbents being interviewed. As part of this process, a review of department operations will occur. This will be conducted at a general level, but in sufficient detail to gain an understanding of how services are 3 delivered. The interviews and operational reviews will be consolidated to the extent possible to maximize impact and to best utilize staff availability. a. Conduct interviews b. Develop gap analysis c. Review operations d. Prepare key staff capabilities assessment e. Prepare summary analysis IV. Conduct interviews with key stakeholders. Each key stakeholder served –department heads, managers, coordinators, others as designated by the City will be interviewed. These interviews will help the consulting team understand the needs and expectations of the “customer”, the scope of operations, services delivered, and the historical performance of the facilities staff. This will typically include a visit to stakeholder facilities to clearly understand the facilities and assets managed. a. Conduct interviews b. Review facilities and operations c. Prepare summary V. Conduct facilitated discussions with maintenance employee groups. Facilitated group discussions/interviews will be held with employees of departments that have maintenance duties. The purpose of these meetings is to gain an understanding of the organizational practices and culture. This will also help to uncover any issues that would be impediments to proposed organizational changes. a. Identify employees/groups b. Coordinate with project manager/departments c. Conduct employee sessions d. Prepare summary analysis VI. Evaluate leading practices and alternative service delivery approaches. Once the consulting team has a solid understanding of the practices and processes employed at the City of Edina, the team will examine the leading facilities and asset management practices—including non- traditional, and alternative delivery methods--to determine whether the City of Edina could benefit from modifications suggested by these approaches. The team will draw from their own background, documented experiences of other local governments, and well-known alternative methods from both the public and private sectors. a. List services and approaches currently used b. Examine leading practices and alternative approaches from various sources c. Prepare “best fit” analysis—using ROI and other measures of performance d. Draft analysis VII. Analyze current organizational structure and relationships. Concurrent with the leading practice/alternative service evaluation, a review and analysis of the current organizational structure, working relationships and influencing behavior will be conducted. This review will focus on strategic alignment, spans of control, effectiveness of operations and decision- 4 making. This analysis will yield a set of recommendations regarding resource use and deployment as well as implementation strategies. a. Synthesis of interviews, operational reviews, leading practice evaluation b. Conduct follow-up interviews as needed c. Draft analysis d. Development of optional approaches/ organizational structures e. Develop organizational charts corresponding to options VIII. Prepare and present draft analysis. A draft analysis, synthesizing all the previous elements will be presented to the City Manager for review. This will enable the team to adjust any miscommunications or misunderstandings that may have developed during the process. a. Draft preliminary analysis b. Transmit to City Manager c. Meeting with City Manager and project manager d. Adjust draft report as necessary to reflect additional discussion IX. Present Final Report A final report will be presented to the City Manager summarizing the analysis, including reviews of the organizational alignment and effective use of resources. This includes a presentation of options and phasing of recommended changes, to improve the feasibility of implementation. a. Consolidate findings and analyses b. Incorporate comment from draft analysis c. Present summary report Projected Schedule- Timeline for Delivery The project will begin immediately upon approval of an agreement between the parties. The estimated time to complete the analysis and deliver a final report is 75 business days from execution of the agreement. This estimate is subject to receiving timely access to requested documents and the scheduling of interviews within reasonable time parameters. Proposed Fee The fee for the proposed project is $34,450.00, which includes all travel and incidental expenses. Upon approval of this proposal and execution of the contract, payment shall be made to the consultant in the following manner- upon receipt of an invoice: 1/3 of total ($11,483.33) upon contract approval 1/3 of total ($11,483.33) upon submission of draft analysis to the City Manager 1/3 of total ($11,483.34) upon delivery of final report to the City Manager 5 For Rapp Consulting Group, Craig Rapp, LLC For the City of Edina ______________________________ Craig R. Rapp, President Its ______________________________ January 7, 2019 Date______________________________ 6 Project Team Craig Rapp, President, Rapp Consulting Group Craig Rapp will serve as the principal in charge for this project. Craig provides a broad range of services to local governments across the country. His background includes over 35 years’ experience as a senior executive in both the public and private sectors. He was the Director of Consulting for the International City-County Management Association, City Manager in three Minnesota cities, Director of Community Development for the Metropolitan Council, and Vice President of a local government consulting firm. His specific areas of expertise are organizational improvement, strategic planning, and shared services. He was co-project manager/editor of a Northern Illinois University case study handbook on alternative service delivery. Craig has conducted similar organizational analyses for the Cities of St. Louis Park, Crystal, and Wayzata MN, Eau Claire, WI, East Peoria IL, and Troy, MI. Michael Sable, Consultant-Former Director of Facility Services Mike Sable brings nearly twenty years of local government management experience. Most recently, Mike served as Director of Facility Services for Hennepin County, managing a department staff of 270 with a combined operating and capital budget of $180m. He’s also worked for the cities of Brooklyn Park, MN and Cedar Rapids, IA as the Assistant City Manager, including serving as Interim City Manager for Brooklyn Park. Mike currently serves on the board of directors for the Alliance for Innovation, and GTS Educational Events, providing training and event management services to local governments in the region. He’s a trained facilitator in the Technology of Participation (MnTOP) methods and has implemented the High-Performance Organization (HPO) model in three organizations since 2010. Mike has also consulted for the cities of Coon Rapids, Mankato, Eagan, and Richfield. He holds a BA from Augsburg University and an MBA from St. Thomas University. Jon Thiel, Consultant-Former Director of Operations and Maintenance Jon Thiel retired as the Director of Operations and Maintenance for the City of Brooklyn Park, MN, a position he held for more than twenty years. He has over 40 years’ experience in all aspects of municipal public works, facilities management, and engineering services. Jon served in similar positions in the cities of Hopkins and Circle Pines, MN dating back to 1980. In Brooklyn Park, Jon oversaw Streets, Utilities, Engineering, Park maintenance, Buildings and Fleet maintenance and Recycling. In each of the three municipalities where Jon worked, he has undertaken reorganizations and consolidations to improve service delivery and operational effectiveness. Previous to his municipal experience, he worked for consulting engineers and was a Master Chief Petty Officer in the US Navy Seabees. Jon holds a wide variety of certifications and licenses including: civil engineering, Building Official, and water and sanitary sewer operations. Jon has consulted on similar projects with Craig Rapp in St. Louis Park and Wayzata, MN, Eau Claire WI, and Troy, MI. Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.G. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:David Nelson, Chief of Police Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: One 2019 Ford Police Utility Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase for one 2019 unmarked Ford Police Utility for Traffic Enforcement. INTRODUCTION: See attached Request for P urchase. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: One Ford Police Utility City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: January 23, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Dave Nelson, Chief of Police Subject: Request for Purchase: One 2019 Ford Police Utility Purchase Subject to: ☒List Quote/Bid ☐State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Nelson Auto Center is not the state contract vendor, but at this time they are the sole provider of a 2019 Ford police utility vehicle with the options Edina requires. State pricing will not be available to municipalities for at least one to three months. The reason for this is because the manufacture has changed the design of the utility and is not taking orders until April 2019. With a manufacturing date in April, the normal lead time is 90-120 days once an order is approved. If Edina waited to order off the state bid, it would be fall at the earliest before we received our vehicle. Purchasing for Nelson Auto, we’ll have the vehicle mid-February 2019. This purchase will not increase the patrol fleet as it is a replacement for 26-198. Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: January 8, 2019 February 8, 2019 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Nelson Auto Center 2228 College Way, PO Box 338 Fergus Falls, MN 56538 $29,429.00 Recommended Quote or Bid: Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Budget Impact • Replacement of one unmarked police vehicle per equipment replacement schedule • Ongoing costs are fuel and routine maintenance. • Replaced vehicle is sold on MN Bid and the proceeds are deposited back into the equipment replacement account. Police service vehicles are limited to what the three major vehicle manufacturers produce. Three years ago Edina tested all of the pursuit rated models at the St. Cloud driving course and found that the Utility was the best police vehicle for our needs. The Utility was chosen for the following reasons: • Vehicle is pursuit rated from the manufacture. • Easier to keep emergency first aid equipment at the proper temperature for correct operation (oxygen and defibrillator). • More room to carry the necessary equipment required to provide emergency services. • Vehicle sits higher for better visibility while driving in city traffic. • Better ergonomics for the patrol officer, reducing workman's compensation claims. • All-wheel drive and higher frame clearance makes it less prone to getting stuck during heavy snow events. • The center console, rear cage area and emergency lights are vehicle specific and we have outfitted our current fleet with Utilities. Changing to another vehicle model will cost thousands of dollars per vehicle. • Ford is discounting the police sedan. Page 3 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Environmental Impact The Utility was chosen for the following reasons: • 2019 Ford Utility gets an EPA estimated 15 MPG for City use and 20 MPG for Highway. • The CarbonCounter Tool does not have the Police Utility in the data set. • Will be looking at the cost of installing no-idling technology to test on non-hybrid patrol vehicles. Community Impact • Vehicle is on the equipment replacement schedule, so the funding is budgeted over several years to make sure the money is available when the vehicle is due for replacement. No additional tax burden on the residents. Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: 01/23/2019 (for purchases over $20,000 only) Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.H. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Mark Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Approve Traffic Safety Report of December 4, 2018 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Review and approve the Traffic Safety Report of December 4, 2018. INTRODUCTION: The Edina Transportation Commission (ET C) reviewed the December 4, 2018, Traffic Safety Report at their December 20 meeting and moved to forward the report to the City Council for approval. See attached draft minutes. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: Traffic Safety of December 4, 2018 DRAFT Minutes: Edina Transportation Commission December 20, 2018                 January 23, 2019 Mayor and City Council Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator Traffic Safety Report of December 4, 2018 Information / Background: The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on December 4. The Traffic Safety Coordinator, Police Lieutenant, City Engineer, Public Works Director, Transportation Planner and Assistant City Planner were in attendance for this meeting. The Traffic Safety Specialist was not able to attend and was informed of the decisions and did not object to the recommendations. For these reviews, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, these comments can be included on the December 20 Edina Transportation Commission and the January 23 City Council meeting agendas. Section A: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends action A1. Request to add a speed limit sign on W 58th St  A resident who lives on Philbrook Ln is concerned with vehicle speeds on W 58th  W 58th St has a speed limit of 30 MPH  France Ave (to the east) has a speed limit of 35 MPH  W 58th St, east of France Ave has a 25 MPH speed limit  No speed limit sign is present on W 58th  85% speeds have decreased from 36.3 MPH in 2009 to 33.9 in 2018 (-8%)  ADT has increased from 2640 in 2009 to 3600 in 2018 (+36%) After review, staff recommends installing speed limit signs for east and westbound traffic on W 58th St. Staff agrees a speed limit sign should be present to inform westbound drivers of a different speed limit when coming from France. An eastbound sign will be installed to remind drivers of the speed limit when traveling down a hill. Map: Location of W 58th St between Wooddale Ave  and France Ave  STAFF REPORT Page 2 A2. Review the school speed zone on Tracy Ave  Residents from Hawkes Drive are concerned with vehicles exceeding the speed limit on Tracy  Tracy between Vernon Ave and Benton Ave was reconstructed in 2012  Same stretch of Tracy has a speed limit of 25 MPH  ADT and 85% speed on Tracy is 3970 and 33.6 MPH, respectively  No school speed zone sign is present for southbound traffic on Tracy After review, staff recommends installing a School Speed Zone sign for southbound traffic on Tracy Ave. The sign will raise awareness for drivers that are traveling within a school speed zone. A3. Request to provide dedicated handicap parking on Xerxes Ave  The ARIA construction project located off W 66th and Xerxes is requesting dedicated handicap stalls for perspective tenants along Xerxes Ave, adjacent to the site  Xerxes is 32’ wide  Parking restrictions on Xerxes were removed in September 2018 to allow parking for perspective residents  Temporary spaces are requested between April and July in 2019  Developer is requesting to sign two parking spaces After review, staff recommends allowing the developer to temporarily mark two parking spaces on the west side of Xerxes Ave for handicapped parking. It was agreed upon the developer is responsible for the installation and removal of the signs, along with utilizing adequate signage from MN-MUTCD. A4. Request to restrict parking on W 64th St  A resident at 4200 W 64th St is requesting to restrict parking on the south side of W 64th St  The resident is concerned with people parking directly across the street from their driveway  W 64th St is 22’ wide After review, staff recommends restricting on- street parking on the entire south side of W 64th St. Staff sites the width of the street is too narrow to allow parking on both sides while having enough room for EMS services. Map: Location of Tracy Ave, near Countryside  Elementary. The symbol inside the rectangle is where a  new School Speed Zone sign will be installed  Map: Location of Xerxes Ave with new Aria  development  Map: Location of W 64th St. (note: the red area  represents a length of 140’ requested restriction)  STAFF REPORT Page 3 Section B: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends no action B1. Request for playground signs to be installed near Walnut Ridge Park  A resident is concerned that some drivers are not aware children may be traveling near Walnut Ridge Park  The main entrance to Walnut Ridge Park is on Londonderry Dr  No playground signs are present along Londonderry or Biscayne Blvd  Walnut Ridge has tennis courts, a playground and lacrosse field  Traffic on Londonderry is stop controlled, Biscayne is uncontrolled After review, staff recommends not adding further playground signage. Staff believes there is little justification of the effectiveness of playground signs, especially with the level of traffic nearby. Section C: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends further study C1. Request to add a turning lane for eastbound traffic on Edinborough Way at York Ave  Vehicles use Edinborough as a cut-thru for evening rush hour  Eastbound traffic on Edinborough is stop controlled  North/south traffic on York Ave/Xerxes Ave is uncontrolled  Edinborough is marked with one eastbound and westbound lane  When evening rush hour takes place, eastbound vehicles create two lanes. Typically one right-turn lane and one left/thru lane  Edinborough is measured 35’ wide  In 2015 alone, 4 of 5 reported crashes took place between 4:50 pm and 6 pm- evening rush hour  Hennepin County has a 2019 Overlay project taking place on York and Xerxes. This intersection is being considered for an all-way stop control After review, staff recommends collecting turn-count data prior to adding additional eastbound turn lanes. Hennepin County will be contacted for turn count data. If no recent data is available, video will be collected and reviewed in-house. Map: Location of Walnut Ridge Park  Map: Location of Edinborough Way at York Ave/Xerxes  Ave  STAFF REPORT Page 4 Section D: Other traffic safety items handled D1. A faculty member from Concord Elementary requested traffic safety knowledge for pedestrian and traffic congestion during school drop-off and pick-up hours. During a site visit, options that were discussed included improving pavement markings, increasing sign visibility and even adding a pork-chop median to raise pedestrian safety at the entrance and exit of the driveway, along with restricting turning movement to require exiting vehicles to take a right onto School Rd. D2. A resident who lives in a cul-de-sac was concerned with the amount of vehicles using Green Farm Court to make U-turns. Upon a two-day video surveillance, four U-turns were counted. With the low number of U-turns taking place, this is found to not be a safety issue and signs are unwarranted. D3. Many residents reached out to traffic safety requesting police enforcement for on-street parking in restricted areas and parking overnight. Locations mentioned include Abbott Ave, Beard Ave, France Ave, Aspen Rd and Harrison Ave. The requestors were informed the EPD was made aware of these issues. D4. A request was made to slow vehicles in the parking lot of City Hall directly outside of the main entrance. An elevated crosswalk is being designed to slow vehicles when traveling over the crossing which will also lead to increased pedestrian safety. D5. A resident contacted traffic safety concerned with the level of safety on Xerxes Ave near W 69th St. The resident was concerned with parking being utilized on both sides of Xerxes and vehicles parking too close to the intersection and disrupting sightlines. The resident was informed allowing parking on both sides of the street is a traffic-calming technique forcing cars to take-turns and slowly pass thru. The EPD is aware of parking too close to the intersection and will patrol to discretion. D6. A resident requested left turn restrictions for eastbound traffic on W 62nd St approaching France Ave. The resident is concerned with the level of safety for vehicles turning north onto France Ave during evening rush hour. Hennepin County reviewed this request and found there was not enough crash data to recommend a turning restriction to be implemented. D7. Pedestrian signal controllers were reported as nonfunctional along France Ave at Hazelton Ave and Minnesota Dr. These intersections are under county jurisdiction so these requests were sent to Hennepin County to be fixed. D8. A resident was looking for traffic calming on Lincoln Blvd. The resident was informed of traffic calming techniques and was requesting the temporary speed trailer to be utilized. The EPD was informed to add this location to their list when they use their speed trailer. D9. A request was made for adding stop controls at the intersection of Code Ave and Windsor Ave. The resident was concerned with vehicles not yielding properly when approaching the intersection. This intersection has a low number of vehicles entering in a day and no reported crashes. With this location having adequate sight lines, no stop signs are warranted. D10. A resident who lives off Prescott Circle was requesting an all-way stop to be added to increase pedestrian safety when crossing Interlachen Boulevard. The resident was informed all-way stop controls at the intersection are not warranted based on historical traffic data and adding unwarranted stop signs can decrease the level of safety. The resident was informed a shared used path is proposed to be installed along Interlachen in the future as they also raised concerns with the lack of pedestrian facilities on Interlachen. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Transportation Commission Community Conference Room December 20, 2018 I. Call To Order Chair Richman called the meeting to order II. Roll Call Answering roll call were commissioners Ahler, Ayelomi, Johnson, Kane, McCarthy, Olson, Richman, Ruthruff, Scherer, Veluvali Absent: Commissioner Zimbwa III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by commissioner Ahler and seconded by commissioner Johnson to approve the agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by commissioner Olson and seconded by commissioner Ahler approving the November 15, 2018 meeting minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Community Comment None. VI. Reports/Recommendations C. Traffic Safety Report of December, 2018 Discussion regarding item A2: is the sign far enough south to see when coming out of the community center on Benton? Motion was made by commissioner Johnson and seconded by commissioner Kane to approve the December 4, 2018 Traffic Safety Report. All voted Aye. Motion Carried. Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.I. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Item Activity: Subject:Resolution 2019-12: Authorizing Grant Application for 7200-7250 France Avenue Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution 2019-12 and authorize staff to submit the grant application. INTRODUCTION: T his item pertains to the redevelopment of property at 7200-7250 France Avenue. T he property owner/developer has secured preliminary site plan approvals and is seeking to arrange financing for the project. Due to the existing conditions of the site, the project satisfies the criteria of the Redevelopment Grant program sponsored by Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). T he developer has requested the use of tax increment financing to provide reimbursement for some of the extraordinary costs of the project. Grants will also be required to ensure that the anticipated public benefits can be delivered. T his is a competitive grant program that could help round out the financing package by providing partial reimbursement of costs related to demolition, remediation of environmental contaminants and site preparation. T he deadline to submit the grant application is February 1. Staff has prepared the attached Resolution using language required by DEED. T his Resolution demonstrates the City's support of the grant application. Staff recommends that the Resolution be approved. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-12: Authorizing DEED Grant Application RESOLUTION NO. 2019-12 AUTHORIZING MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION FOR 7200-7250 FRANCE AVENUE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: WHEREAS, the City of Edina is a statutory city eligible to apply for grant funding; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development is soliciting requests for grant applications to further redevelopment and employment goals; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina has identified the 7200-7250 France Avenue Mixed Use Development by France Equities, LLC (the “Project”) proposed to be built at 7200-7250 France Avenue as a project that satisfies the Redevelopment Grant purpose and criteria; and WHEREAS, the property's condition will continue to decline until it is properly repositioned and that the site appears unable to be returned to a highest and best use without grant assistance; and WHEREAS, the developer has committed to providing the local match in order to qualify for grant assistance. BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Edina act as the legal sponsor for project contained in the Redevelopment Grant Program to be submitted on February 1, 2019 and that Scott Neal, City Manager is hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Employment and Economic Development for funding of this project on behalf of the City of Edina. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Edina has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sources and amounts of the local match identified in the application are committed to the project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if the 7200-7250 France Avenue Mixed Use Development project fails to substantially provide the public benefits listed in the application within five years from the date of the grant award, the City of Edina may be required to repay 100 percent of the awarded grant per Minn. Stat. 116J.575 Subd. 4. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Edina has not violated any Federal, State or local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon approval of its application by the state, the City of Edina may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above referenced projects, and that the City of Edina certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulation as stated in all contract agreements. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor. City Manager and the Clerk are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the applicant. Adopted by the Edina City Council this 23rd day of January, 2019. Attest: _________________________ ____________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk Mary Brindle, Acting Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of January 23, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS, my hand and seal of said City this ______ day of________________________, 2019. _______________________________ City Clerk Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: VIII.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Jennifer Garske, Executive Assistant Item Activity: Subject:Correspondences Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Attached are correspondence(s) received since the last City Council meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Description Correspondences City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. Mayor & City Council Roberta Castellano 4854 France Ave S Edina MN 55410-1756 no dashes or spaces Please see the attached letter with two attachments. Thank you kindly. Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png 2019_Jan17_Letter_to_City_Council.pdf 231.98KB ATT1_Meeting_#3_Handout_Pages_8-9.pdf 3.75MB ATT2_Red_Map_Closeup.JPG 4.08MB 2019_Jan17_Letter_to_City_Council Castellano, Page 1 of 2 January 17, 2019 Mayor and City Council, On January 3, 2019 (in the Council packet for your Jan. 8 meeting), I wrote to you about the Edina Comprehensive Plan so-called “50th & France” Small Area Plan (SAP), specifically, about a present and future map called “Site Plans”, which had been mounted on an easel at the October 23, 2018 “50th & France” SAP Community Meeting #3. I described that the Site Plans map appeared to be representing the proposed Comp Plan entry that would lay the legal foundation (re-designating private residential property to Public Realm) for the taking of at least one White Oaks Neighborhood home and constructing a road through it, apparently in service to development interests whose goals exceed the carrying capacity of the commercial district, and whose goals appear to be in alignment with goals held by the city’s leadership, but which details were not described in writing or in oral presentation to the meeting attendees. A contradiction was displayed on the Site Plans map. The White Oaks Neighborhood property, which would become a demolished home with a new roadway in its place (shown as Public Realm), is in White Oaks, and is outside of the 50th & France SAP boundaries. In my Jan. 3 letter, I wrote about possible methods for accomplishing—seemingly innocently-- the redrawing of the plan boundaries to include this, our neighbors’ home, during the final steps of the SAP approval process. At the end of my Jan. 3 letter, I mentioned another map that was related to the Site Plans map, and which appeared to foreshadow an element of the boundary redrawing. This map is what I call the “Red Map”. Both the Red Map and the Site Plans map were found in a 10-page handout that was on a table at Community Meeting #3. The Red Map was found on the bottom of Page 8, followed by the Site Plans Map at the Top of Page 9. (See attached Page 8 and Page 9.) Currently online on the 50th & France SAP home page, the 10-page handout is posted under a link titled “50th & France Community Meeting #3 Presentation”. However, neither the Site Plans map nor the Red Map were part of the oral presentation at the Community Meeting #3. So, the Red Map was publicly revealed only in the 10-page handout, and was neither part of the oral presentation, nor was it part of the visual presentation of boards mounted on easels. (As mentioned above, the Site Plans map was displayed on an easel at Community Meeting #3. A reproduction of it can also be found in the link titled “50th & France Community Meeting #3 Boards”.) What does it matter that two maps were not orally presented (described, discussed)? First, these happen to be the most important maps. One apparently shows the desired end result (the Red Map), and the Site Plans map shows how to get there via the appropriate Comprehensive Plan entry. Second, it means that the maps were not fully publicly vetted to the meeting attendees. And that is a serious problem because documents such as the 10-page handout become part of what are called “underlying documents”, the official records of the city’s activities. If someone were to complain later, that they were not told about these plans, the Council might request the Planning Division to produce the documents underlying the public presentation. As things are represented now (handout and online link title), it appears that Planning would present to Council the 2019_Jan17_Letter_to_City_Council Castellano, Page 2 of 2 handout and claim that this handout is the record of the data that was publicly, orally presented at Community Meeting #3. Such an assertion on the part of any city official would be false to the extent that any images in the handout were withheld from the presentation, especially in this case the most important images. There are notable features on the Red Map. The extension of Townes road through our neighbors’ property (the Lamberts at 4005-4007 W 49th St) is clearly represented as a road. The name of the road, “Townes Rd” is even typed in. In addition to the road, there is a sidewalk, a narrow green space between the sidewalk and the road, and a larger green space over most of the rest of the property. The carefully articulated sidewalk is outlined in black and its location was even adjusted from placement at roadside by the yellow squares to the slightly off-road position as it runs through the Lambert property. Please see the closeup of this area, attached. Notably, although there are 7 areas of change, numbered and described, the area of the Lambert home is not numbered. There is no mention of the demolition of the Lambert home and the construction of the road. The visual rendering is clear, but the intent has been withheld from the written narrative record. The most notable feature on the Red Map is that the Plan boundaries are nearly impossible to discern, unless you already know them. The plan boundaries do not currently include the Lambert home. Yet, in the Red Map, the boundaries appear to include the entire south side of West 49th Street, which, if redrawn in this manner, would include not only the Lambert property, but additional/other homes for possible demolition. I have described possible scenarios for the boundary redrawing in my Jan. 3 letter. Sincerely, Roberta Castellano 4854 France Ave S Edina, MN 55410-1756 Attachments: ATT1_Meeting_#3_Handout_Pages_8-9 ATT2_Red_Map_Closeup City of Edina Correspondence Submission Correspondence Selection * Data Practices Advisory: Any information submitted through this form will be emailed to all City Council Members and submitted for inclusion in the next public “Council packet.” Council packets are permanent records of materials prepared for City Council meetings. Council packets are public documents that are available in print, published on the City’s website and maintained in permanent electronic records. You are not required to complete any fields of this form. However, if you do not provide your name and street or email address, your comments will not be included in the Council packet. Open Meeting Law City Council Members receive and consider all feedback sent through this form. Because of the open meeting law, Council Members cannot engage in back-and-forth emails involving a quorum of three or more members. For that reason, you might not receive a response from them. You might also receive a response from a City staff member. Email City Council: If you only want to email the City Council and not send your comments for publishing, contact members at CityCouncil@EdinaMN.gov. Contact Executive Assistant Sharon Allison, at SAllison@EdinaMN.gov, if you have any questions or require assistance. Council Packet Deadline Correspondence must be received by noon the Thursday prior to a City Council meeting in order to ensure it is published in the packet prior to the Council meeting. Submissions after that time may be included in a future Council packet. Name * Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Mayor & City Council Mark Schmidt 4011 Sunnyside Rd Edina MN 55424 no dashes or spaces markschmidt81@hotmail.com Comments * File Upload By submitting this form, I have read and agree to the Data Practices Advisory above. I recently heard about the City's snafu in the 50th and France Small Area Planning process, in that the City displayed a map showing a single family home demolished and replaced by a new extension of Townes Road. While the City has publicly back-pedaled from that map, I couldn't help but sense a great similarity to the time that the City surreptitiously included two single family homes in the 44th and France Small Area plan map with no notice to the public, well after the planning process began with an original map that did not includes those two homes. The City never explained how that happened and did ultimately endorse the demolition of those two homes, which are presently being picked apart and demolished, despite having stood in their locations for nearly a century. Given that history in respect to the 44th and France plan, I do not take at face value the City's statements about the 50th and France plan. Something just doesn't feel right about how the Small Area Plans are made. Attachments allowed: pdf, jpg, png Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: B.1. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Casey Casella, City Management Fellow Item Activity: Subject:MINUTES: Energy and Environment Commission November 8, 2018 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Receive the Energy and Environment Commission minutes of November 8, 2018. ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes of Nov 8, 2018 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 1/10/19 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Energy and Environment Commission Edina City Hall Community Room Thursday, November 8, 2018, 7:00 PM I. Call To Order Chair Jackson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call were Chair Jackson, Commissioners Hoffman, Horan, Kostuch, Satterlee, Seeley, Manser, and Maynor Late: Fernands, Glahn, Lanzas, Absent: Hussian Staff Present: Liaison Brown III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Kostuch made a motion to approve the November 8, 2018 meeting agenda. Manser seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Hoffman approve the October 11, 2018 minutes. Motion seconded by Horan. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Water Conservation Review – Nine Mile Creek Watershed District’s Water Management Plan requires City Local Water Plans to include a commitment to ‘adopt and implement a ground water conservation policy’. Jessica Vanderwerff Wilson presented water conservation review. Key messages were: a. Metro-wide, our reliance on groundwater has grown dramatically over the past 50 years. In Edina, water usage is declining; a main contributor is efficient fixtures implemented with new manufacturing standards and plumbing codes. b. Beyond new technologies, relationship building is seen as a key driver for future conservation and a focus on the biggest users for the largest return. Staff will begin to engage with the top 10 water users. c. Irrigation bans will remain to assist in limiting peak demand on a given day. While there is opportunity for conservation at an individual homeowner level, staff estimates the return would be short-lived and not as large as conservation with larger users. For this reason, staff will continue to respond to irrigation ban infractions on a complaint basis. d. Discussion around water quality, unknown of the amount groundwater left for future generations, and preparation for conservation during drought, but no action taken. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 1/10/19 VI. Community Comment None. VII. Reports/Recommendation A. Comprehensive Plan Chapter 8 Water Draft Feedback was compiled for the Water Chapter author. Request to have Chapter 8’s key measurable goals duplicated in Chapter 10. B. Comprehensive Plan Chapter 10 Energy and Environment Finalized changes for Chapter 10 to send to Planning Commission for review and implementation. Commissioner Glahn left at 8:45 pm VIII. Correspondence and Petitions A. Working Group Minutes • Minutes received from the EBWG Working Group. IX. Chair And Member Comments X. Staff Comments A. Solar Program and Zoning Update Liaison Brown updated the Commission on the third party and internal review of City’s ordinances, building and inspections processes, and education to ensure there were no barriers created for a private individual or company to install PV solar on their property. There will be a public meeting at the November 11 Planning Commission Meeting for recommended ordinance changes. Liaison requested that two Commissioners be available for vendor site tours for the future recycling and organics contracts. XII. Adjournment It was noted there were no agenda topics for next month’s meeting. Motion made by Seeley to cancel the December 13, 2018 meeting at 7 p.m. Motion seconded by Lanzas. Motion carried. Motion made by Hoffman to adjourn the November 8, 2018 meeting at 9:05 p.m. Motion seconded by Seeley. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Tara Brown Liaison to Energy and Environment Commission Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 1/10/19 Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: B.2. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Susan Faus, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Parks & Recreation Commission Dec. 11, 2018 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: Parks & Recreation Commission Dec. 11, 2018 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 1/9/2019 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Edina Parks & Recreation Commission City Hall, Council Chambers Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2018 7 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair Good called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Commissioners Miller, Nelson, Good, Dahlien, Willette, Ites, McAwley and Student Commissioners Osborne and Anderson Absent: Strother Late arrivals: Burke and McCormick Staff present: Staff Liaison Ann Kattreh, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Susan Faus, Administrative Coordinator Janet Canton, General Manager Centennial Lakes Park Tom Shirley and Assistant Director Parks & Natural Resources Tom Swenson III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Dahlien to approve the meeting agenda. Motion seconded by Nelson. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion made by McAwley to approve the Nov. 13, 2018 minutes. Motion seconded by Miller. Motion carried. V. Community Comment None VI. Reports/Recommendations A. 2018 Centennial Lakes Park Update Centennial Lakes Park General Manager Shirley gave a recap of the 2018 season. Commissioners asked questions. B. Park Maintenance Update Assistant Director Parks & Natural Resources Swenson gave a recap of the Parks Maintenance Department. Commissioners asked questions. C. Arden Park Shelter Update Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 1/9/2019 Assistant Director Faus gave the commission an update on Arden Park and specifically the next steps for the shelter building. She presented a final design of the shelter building and noted the playground equipment will not be included in this bid package. The playground equipment will be purchased through a state contract or a purchasing cooperative where the city will be guaranteed the best pricing. Assistant Director Faus went through the timeline of the project noting the tentative bid opening will be held the end of January. Assistant Director Faus informed the commission they are going to be very proactive in communication because it is going to be a critical piece for this project. Commissioners asked questions. D. 2019 Work Plan Chair Good reviewed each of the initiatives in the approved 2019 Work Plan. The following list shows each initiative and the commissioner(s) who volunteered to work on them: Initiative One – Chair/co-chair a cross-commission committee (see partners) to review the naming of a public facility in the Grandview area after BC and Ellen Yancey. Commissioners Willette, Dahlien, Burke and Student Commissioner Osborne. Initiative Two – Serve on a cross-commission committee (see partners) in partnership with communities of color to identify barriers for participation in programming. Commissioners Strother, McCormick and Student Commissioner Osborne. Initiative Three – Chair/co-chair a cross-committee (see partners) to develop a draft plan on Edina Grand Rounds, including wayfinding. Commissioners Strother, Miller, Nelson and Student Commissioner Anderson. Initiative Four – Complete a study and report for fields, courts and rinks capacity and utilization from the data provided by staff. Chair Good, Commissioners Dahlien, Burke and Student Commissioner Anderson. Initiative Five – Investigate possible alternative funding options to support future growth and development of Edina’s parks, program and green spaces. Commissioners Miller, Ites, Willette, McAwley and Nelson. Initiative Six – Review and comment on the Race and Equity policy statement developed by city staff. Commissioners McCormick and Strother. Initiative Seven – Serve on a cross-commission committee (see partners) to complete requirements for Edina to receive the AARP City Designation. - Complete Walk Audit Tool Kit provided by AARP - October Senior Expo & Designation Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 1/9/2019 Commissioners Nelson and McCormick. Chair Good also noted that Fred Richards was on their initial recommendation; however, City Council moved it to the parking lot. Chair Good asked the commissioners that the first time each group meets to appoint a chair or someone who is going to lead the initiatives so there is a contact person for updates. He also asked the commissioners to think about completion dates for the initiatives. E. 2019 Parks & Recreation Commission Theme Chair Good reminded the commission at their August meeting it was suggested that they think about possibly having a theme for the year. After much discussion it was decided to not have a theme for 2019. VII. Chair and Member Comments • Chair Good indicated at last month’s meeting under Community Comment Carolyn Johnson, Chair of the Energy & Environment Commission pushed them to really think about giving more attention to greenhouse gas and sustainability at the front end of projects. He noted it clearly gathered some interest and energy in their discussion that he thinks they should be adding that as a future meeting agenda item. • Chair Good gave an update on the Comprehensive Plan. He added he was somewhat disappointed they were not given the opportunity to review and make final edits or improvements on it. It went straight to the Planning Commission and was considered submitted. • Chair Good informed the commission that the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting on Jan. 8, 2019 will be held at Edinborough Park at 7 p.m. VIII. Staff Comments Staff Liaison Kattreh had no other updates. IX. Adjournment Motion made by Nelson to adjourn the Dec. 11, 2018 meeting at 8:05 p.m. Motion seconded by Willette. Motion carried. Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: B.3. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Jeff Brown, Community Health Administrator Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Community Health Commission: Oct. 8, 2018, Nov. 19, 2018, Dec. 10, 2018 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: Minutes from Community Health Commission meetings for October, November, and December meetings in 2018. ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: Community Health Commission, October 8, 2018 Minutes: Community Health Commission, November 19, 2018 Minutes: Community Health Commission, December 10, 2018 MINUTES Community Health Commission October 8, 2018 at 6:30 PM City Hall, Community Room I.Call To Order II.Roll Call Present: Christy Zilka, Steve Sarles, Greg Wright, Dena Soukup, Julia Selleys, Britta Orr, Amanda Herr. Absent: Andrew Johnson-Cowley, Alison Pence, Anushka Thorat, Om Jahagirdar III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Greg Wright to approve meeting agenda. Seconded by Amanda Herr. Motion Carried. IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion by Greg Wright to approve meeting minutes. Seconded by Steve Sarles. Motion Carried. A.Approval of September 17, 2018 Minutes V.Community Comment VI.Reports/Recommendations A.2019 Work Plan Review/Edit/Approval Review of work plan presented to City Council at previous work session. Vaping item in parking lot likely to be moved to create additional work plan item. Motion by Greg Wright to approve draft 2019 work plan. Seconded by Dena Soukup. Motion Carried. VII.Chair And Member Comments General discussion with guests regarding commission role and previous activity related to tobacco 21 ordinance. VIII.Staff Comments A.November Meeting Date Reminder - November 19th IX.Adjournment MINUTES Community Health Commission November 19, 2018 at 6:30 PM City Hall, Community Room I.Call To Order II.Roll Call Present: Andrew Johnson-Cowley, Greg Wright, Steve Sarles, Amanda Herr, Julia Selleys, Dena Soukup, Britta Orr, Alison Pence, Christy Zilka, Om Jahagirdar. Absent: Anushka Thorat III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Andrew Johnson-Cowley to approve meeting agenda. Seconded by Greg Wright . Motion Carried. IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion by Alison Pence to approve October 8, 2018 Community Health Commission meeting minutes. Seconded by Dena Soukup. Motion Carried. A.Minutes: October 8, 2018 CHC Draft Minutes V.Community Comment Two freshman students from Government class attended meeting as a civic engagement requirement. VI.Reports/Recommendations A.School Resource Officer Presentation/Discussion Presentation/discussion with School Resource Officer Joe Delgehausen. Topics included discussion of tobacco/e-cigarette use, mental health interventions, and school lockdown procedures. B.Edina Public Schools Mental Health Initiative Update Update from Vice-Chair Pence as City representative on Edina Public Schools Mental Health and Wellness Initiative Steering Committee. Stress and mental health is significant topic at this time, including parent-student pressure as well as student-student pressure/stress. C.2019 Approved Community Health Commission Work Plan Review Provided updated/edited Community Health Commission work plan for 2019. Some items removed by City Manager, and one item added as cross-commission initiative initiated by Human Rights and Relations Commission. CHC asked to lead initiative. VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Staff Comments December meeting will include report from Bloomington Public Health on Smoke Free Multi-Unit Housing Survey. Resident concerned about secondhand smoke in multi-unit buildings will also likely attend. January meeting will include presentation from resident concerned about wood smoke pollution in the City. IX.Adjournment MINUTES Community Health Commission December 10, 2018 at 6:30 PM City Hall, Community Room I.Call To Order II.Roll Call Present: Andrew Johnson-Cowley, Christy Zilka, Julia Selleys, Amanda Herr, Greg Wright, Alison Pence, Britta Orr, Om Jahagirdar, Anushka Thorat. Absent: Dena Soukup III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Greg Wright to approve modified meeting agenda, tabling approval of November meeting minutes until January meeting.. Seconded by Andrew Johnson-Cowley. Motion Carried. IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes V.Community Comment VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Smoke Free Multi-Unit Housing Survey Received report from Bloomington Public Health regarding smoke-free multi-unit housing survey. Report to be attached to minutes. VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Staff Comments Presentation from resident at January meeting regarding wood smoke concerns. City will be moving forward with preparations to implement rental licensing program. IX.Adjournment 1/15/2019 1 But outdoors there is no way to get away from wood smoke--- nowhere to turn for relief. To be forced to breathe “secondhand wood smoke” deprives us and others of the right to breathe clean air in public spaces, even on our own property. 2 1/15/2019 2 It is a chemical twin of tobacco smoke, and its black carbon soot particulates are too miniscule for human lungs to filter out. It can trigger asthma attacks, heart attacks, and even premature death.(American Lung Association, and World Health Organization.(WHO). Its delayed reaction of up to 3 days causes many people to not connect coughs, sore throats, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and allergies with wood smoke exposures. 3 Both contain hundreds of the same cancer-causing, hormone disrupting chemicals and respiratory irritants. Lead, mercury, arsenic, benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and dioxins, are just a few. The Harvard School of Public Health claims they are “among the most insidious chemicals known to man”. Wood smoke can also cause asthma, asthma attacks, heart attacks, reproductive birth defects, allergies and neurological disorders, such as autism, ADD and others. It is far more concentrated than cigarette smoke, travels farther, and remains chemically active in the body up to 40 hours longer. www.familiesforcleanair.org;www.woodsmokepollution.org. 4 1/15/2019 3 This can result in reduced learning and lower student performance. Up to 20% of Hennepin County children have diagnosed asthma.(Hennepin County SHAPE Survey, 2010.) Soaring asthma rates parallel the promotion of wood burning in homes, restaurants, and at public events. 5 6 The promotion of wood burning as “family friendly and relaxing” is similar to yesterday’s tobacco ads 1/15/2019 4 It can infringe upon the property rights of others to use and enjoy their property smoke-free. Studies show that up to 70% of outdoor smoke can enter neighboring residences, exposing people to smoke in their own homes. through furnace intakes, dryer and mailbox vents. http://burningissues.org/sense-protect.html 7 One small wood burning bonfire, burning for 1 hour, emits as much black carbon soot as one diesel truck traveling 564 miles. Or the emissions from 8,000 cigarettes. Wood smoke soot is also known to speed climate change, according to NASA and other studies. 8 1/15/2019 5 To people with asthma and other breathing disabilities, wood smoke can present a true “physical barrier” that can be fatal. Http://www.burningissues.org/car- www/legal/ada.html All cities have “accessibility requirements” to remove all barriers so that all people can access city streets, parks and sidewalks, and participate in public activities. 9 Burning wood on public school grounds , such as the Edina 50-foot homecoming bonfire, limits accessibility to students and others with asthma and other health issues. We are not asking for “no fires”, but for limits on outdoor wood fires, so that all residents can breathe freer at least some of the time. 10 1/15/2019 6 11 Just as you raised the tobacco age to 21 and banned smoking in the parks, reducing wood smoke would improve public health, including school attendance. It would enhance accessibility to outdoor public spaces and activities, fulfilling ADA guidelines. Would help citizens choose safer, healthier alternatives for fires, such as natural gas or propane. 12 We respectfully request that the Health Department recommend: 1. Limiting outdoor residential wood burning to 2 or 3 specific days a week, so that residents can plan outdoor activities accordingly. 2. No outdoor wood burning until after 8 pm, so that kids and others can enjoy being outdoors without harm. 3. Stronger enforcement of the rec fire ordinance, with the Fire Dept. will order illegal or nuisance fires put out. 4. Placing a moratorium on permanent outdoor wood burning fireplaces, while gas fires don’t need a permit. If Edina permits outdoor wood burning, isn’t it reasonable to grant wood smoke-free privileges too? Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: XI.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Council Photo Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: XI.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Aeon Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Date: January 23, 2019 Agenda Item #: XII. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Schedule of Meetings and Events as of January 23, 2019 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None INTRODUCTION: See attached. ATTACHMENTS: Description Schedule of Meetings and Evants as of January 23, 2019 CITY COUNCIL SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS AS OF JANUARY 23, 2019 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS Wed Jan 23 Work Session: Business Meeting 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thur Jan 31 HRA Regular Meeting 7:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Feb 5 Work Session: Intergovernmental Representation/Joint Meeting with State Legislative Delegation 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thur Feb 14 HRA Regular Meeting 7:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Feb 18 PRESIDENTS’ DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED – City Hall Closed Wed Feb 20 Work Session: TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thur Feb 28 HRA Regular Meeting 7:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Mar 5 Work Session: Morningside Weber Flood Protection Strategy 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thur Mar 14 HRA Regular Meeting 7:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Mar 19 Work Session: TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thur Mar 28 HRA Regular Meeting 7:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues April 2 Work Session: Parks & Recreation 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sat April 6 Town Hall Meeting 10:00 A.M.-NOON BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE Thurs April 11 HRA Regular Meeting 7:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues April 16 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thur April 25 HRA Regular Meeting 7:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS