HomeMy WebLinkAbout19730402_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD AT VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1973 Members answering rollcall were Councilmen Courtney, Johnson, Shaw and Mayor Bredesen. MINUTES of March 5, 1973, were approved as presented. Minutes of March 19, 1973, were corrected to indicate that the minutes of February 19, 1973, had been approved, rather than the minutes of Harch 5, 1973, by motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. MLNNESOTA HTSTORICAL SOCIETY GRANT ACCEPTED. esota Historical Society presented a check in the amount of $4,000 from the Historical Society as matching funds from the National Park Service. of the Edina Historical Society were in'attendance for the presentation. Councilman Johnson thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the National Park Service has deemed it appropriate to give matching funds for historical projects meeti-ng certain criteria; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota State Historical Society, the custodian for these funds, has recommended the Tupa Memorial Historical Park as an appropriate historical site; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota State Historical' Society has appropriated and trans- mitted to the Village of Edina $4,000 of the National Park Services funds for restoration of buildings within Tupa Memorial Historical Park; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that -the Village Council of the Village of Edina express sincere gratitude to the Minnesota State Historical Society for Its interest in this historical project of the Village of Edina and of the Edina Historical Society. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. Mr.'Donn Coddington of the Minn- Members RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WARIZN ACRESAUSTIN REPLAT GRANTED PRELIMINARY APPROYAL,B;Y COUNCZL. .Mr. Luce presented Warden Acres Austin Replat for preliminary and final approval as continued'from the meeting of March 19, 1973. Mr. Luce referred to a letter from the Village Attorney in which he recommended that the originally proposed Lots 7 and 8 which front on the 25 foot public street not be approved as platted lots at this time or as outlots. He recommended that those two lots be combined into one lot so that in the future, once the street is extended to these lots, they can then be divided. Mr. Frank Cardarelle and Mr. Curtis Austin agreed that Lots 7 and 8 could be combined as suggested by Mr. Erickson. Mr. Robert C. Connell, 5504 Benton Ave., said that he had no objection to the plat as long as the ponding area was not endangered: Discussion ensued as to the location of the cul-de-sac. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution for preliminary approval only with final approval to be contingent on return of the plat with Lots 7 and 8 com- bined, the location of- the cul-de-sac, 5% parkland dedication and execution . of the developer's agreement and moved its adoption: - RESOLUTION APPROVING. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF WARDEN ACRES AUSTIN REPLAT BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat, presented for approval by Curtis E. Austin and Valborg J. Austin, husband and wife, at the Edina Village Council meeting of April 2, 1973, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that final approval is to be contingent on the combina- tion of Lots 7 and 8, 5% parkland dedication, approval of the location of the cul-de-sac and execution of the developer's agreement. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. COUNTRY CLUB AREA WATER SERVICE REPLACEMENTS BID AWARDED. Mr. Hyde presented tabulation of five bids received in response to Advertisement for Bids in the Edina Sun and Construction Bulletin on March 15 and 22, 1973. Tabulation showed the Other'Sewer &Water Co.-dba Metro Sewer &Water low bidder at $44,825.71; Peter Lametti Construction Co. at $62,106.35; Spetz t3( Berg, Inc., $66,959.00; Q.R.S. Construction, Inc., $70.995.00; Minneapolis Water & Sewer Repair, Inc., $81,725.00. Engineer's estimate was given at $54,775.00. Councilman Courtney's motion was then seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried awarding contract torrecommended low bidder, The Other Sewer & Water Co., dba Metro Sewer &Water. i 8 I 4/2/73 COUNTY HIGHWAY 18 HEARING NOTED. Council of a public hearing to be held on April 18, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. at Hopkins Eisenhower Senior High School to discuss the social, economic, and environmental effects of the proposed design of County State Aid Highway 18 from 5th Street S. in Hopkins to South of Minnehaha Creek in St. Louis Park. No action was taken. As a matter of information, Mr. Hyde advised PETITIONS RECEIVED. Shaw and carried referring the .following petitions to the Engineering Depakt- men t for processing : Motion of Councilman Johnson was seconded by Councilman 1. 2. . section of Dale Ave. ana 19. 56th St. Storm Sewer - to se&e 4622 Bruce Ave. Street Oiling - W. 56th Street between Bernard Place and the inter- NATIONAL'GURD ARMORY REQUEST DENIED. Mr. Luce recalled that the Council had referred to the Planning Commission the request of the Adjutant General of the hinnesota Department of Military Affairs to establish a National Guard Armory within the Village of Edina. recommended against the request in view of the fact that the land cost and 75% of the building cost would have to be absorbed by the Village. It was the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the request be denied inasmuch as the cost of acquisition of five acres would make this a very expensive undertaking at this stage of Edina's development. Courtney's motion was then seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried concur- ring with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. He advised that Planning Commission had Councilman . I. .. OUTLOT A, GLEASON'S THIRD ADDITION SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SDUOED. sented the request of Mr. Gregory I). Gustafson for a-reduction in the total amount of special assessments currently levied against Outlot A, Gleason's Third Addition, which matter had been continued from March 19, 1973. Mr. Gust- afson requested that he be charged only for one, rather than two, connections to Sanitary Sewer Trunk C-1, Sanitary Sewer Improvement 88-277, Watermain Trunk 168 and Watermain Improvement WM-235, inasmuch as plans have been changed so that only one house will be built on the parcel. Mr. Hyde read a letter from Mr. Erickkbn which recalled that when Gleason's Third Addition was platted, two connections were planned for the two proposed lots in outlot A because it was then the intention to move the creek further East and to fill Outlot A to make two buildable lots, Mr. Erickson's letter recommended that no reduc- tion of the assessments be granted Mr. Gustafson inasmuch as he had made a moral commitment to live up to his agreement with the Village. suggested that some of the voluntary gifts of Mr. Gustafson to the Village might have been induced by the threat that nothing could be built on this property and recalled Village policy that only one assessment is made for one service , following resolution and 'moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina Village'Council that special assessments for Out- lot A, Gleason's Third Addition, be amended as follows: Mr. Luce pre- Mayor Bredesen ' Following considerable discussion, Councilman Johnson offered the RESOLUTION REMAINING BALANCE TO BE PAID BY OWNER Sanitary Sewer Trunk C-1 $ 144.55 $ '72.27 Sanitary Sewer Lateral 277 1,330156 665.28 Watermain Trunk 168 55.55 27.77 Vatermain Lateral 235 922.74 461.37 Motion for adoption of 'the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. €IU" RELATIONS C.QNIIISSION EXEENSES APPROVED:, . Couticklman' Johnson' s motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried authorizing expenditure of $120.00 for tuition for Mrs. Barrie and Mr. Byhre to attend a Human Relations Training Course and for $88.00 for dues to join the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commission, ROZMOND H. KENNON RESIGNATION FROM HUMAN RELATIONS COBlMISSION ACCEPTED. Councilman Johnspn's motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried,. accepting the.*resignation of Mr. Rozmond H, Kennon from the Human Relations Connuission with thanks for his seryices. COMMISSION AND CaMMITTEE APPOINm*NTS CdNTINUED to April 16, 1$73, so that Council could review the vacancies to be filled and make recommendations for appointments. 4/2/73 NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY SEWER AND WATXR PUMPING CONTRACT APPROVED. Mr. Hyde called Council's attention Northern States PowerCompany ha requested which will consolidate and put on a renewable basis all of their p esent service contracts. Mr. Hyde said that this contract does not change an E rates or regulations, whereupon Councilman Johnson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: o a Sewer and Water Pumping Contract which' RE SOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by Ehs-%djaaVillage Council that the Mayor and Manager are hereby authorized to contract with Northern States Power Company for sewer and water pumping, Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. EXPRESS BUS SERVICE DISCUSSED. Freeway Corridor Extension of bus.service into outlying Edina and Bdvised Council of anticipated service revisions including the extension of the 50th Street Express Bus to the Biltmore Motel. In response to a question of Councilman Courtney, Mr. Hyde said that he would convey to the Commission the concern of residents who take the express downtown in the morning and have no t7ay of returning home later in the day. Mr. Hyde reviewed the results of the I-35W CATV STUDY COMMISSION MINUTES of March 15 and agenda of April 4, 1973, were mentioned as an item of information, No action was taken. ' ERICKSON PROPERTY REZONING HEARING DATE .RE-SET. be present, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and To be sure that a quorem would ' carried, setting a new hearing date for May 21, 1973. LIQUOR REPORTS as of January 31 and'February 28, 1973, were accepted and ordered placed on file by motion of Councilman Shaw,seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. CLAIMS PAID. carried for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List: $38,983.29; Construction, $1,291.84; Park Fund, $16,227.54; Water Fund, $2,980.27; Liquor Fund, $52,187.84; Sewer Fund, $32,035.37; Improvement Fund, $28,070 .OO; Total, $17 1,776.15. No further business appearing, Councilman Johnson's motion for adoption was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. Motion of Councilman Courtney was seconded by Councilman Shaw and General Fund, Adjournment at 7:50 p.m. .". > A. zLwfL4/ Village Clerk d