HomeMy WebLinkAbout19740401_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD.AT CITY HALL ON MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1974 Members answering rollcall were Council Members Courtney, Sahmidt, Shaw and Mayor Van Valkenburg . MINUTES of March 4, 1974, were approved as submitted, 1974, were corrected with respect to the Karl Krahl Petition for gezoning to read "He-then moved that the Peti'tion to Rehear the Petition for Rezoning Karl Krahl Property within one year be approved". utes as corrected was offered by Councilman Shaw, seconded by Couricilwoman Schmidt and carried, Minutes of'March 18, I Motion for acceptance of the min- VATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. P-WM-287 CONTINUED TO MAY 6, 1974. by Mr. Dunn that the petitioner has requested that the hearing be continued to May 6, 1974, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carrEed that the hearing be continued as requested. Being advised ORDINANCE NO. 811-A48 GRANTED FI-ET READING AND CONCEPT APPROVAL. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Luce presented the petition for rezoning the Schuster farm property from R-1 Single Family Residence District to Ph-2 Planned Residential District, advising that the property is generally located between Dewey Hill Road and W. 78th Street, east of Cahill Road and West of Shannon Drive extended.. Mr. Luce said that the proposal calls for nine buildings in tbree groups of three in the central part of the property with single family development on the North side of the site. granted subject to the following conditions: 1) There must be a clarification of the timing of the development so that no more than 50% of either the three story multiple or the two story multiple projects be allowed to be constructed until at least 50% of the single family homes have been platted and are easily available for con6truction; 2) The entire project must be subdivided prior to construction of any element of the project; 3) All areas shown as pond, flood plain, or storm water storage must be dedicated to the City of Edina; 4) The City of Edina must be granted an easement along that area which is shown-as a bicycle path; and 5) A parkland dedication fee of $52,150 must be received prior to final plat approval. Planning Commission had also recommended that the unit sizes be reviewed. Mr. Earl Wilson said that he owns single family lots on Shaughnessy Drive and requested additional time to study the proposal so that he could find out what effect the proposal would have on his property, Mr. Mark Jones, president of the firm which proposes to develop the property introduced Mr. Roger Freeberg who made a slide presentation to show the character of the site. Slides were also presented showing detailed site plansl :In response to a.Lpu_est50nXrpm.an unidentified gentleman in the audience, it was clarified that - the proposal contains 44 single family lots. Drive, 3;ecaIled that an original proposal included more bicycle paths than the present proposal; pond, Mr. Dunn said that the Barr Engineering Company drainage study of South- west Edina had indicated that there will be sufficient water to keep the ponds in good condition. would range from $75,000 to $100,000. Councilman Shaw was told that Assistant Fire Chief Buresh had reviewed the plans and did not make "any negative remarks". Mr. Dale Johnson, 5816 Dewe3 Hill Road, expressed concern about lights from cars shining on houses on Dewey Hill Road when traffic leaves the proposed development. fied that this hearing is for concept approval only. grade elevations and sewer and water locations would be included when the pro- posal is brought back to the Planning Commission and Council for final approval. Discussion ensued as to the possibility of including the Lindquist property in &he project and as to possible road and traffic patterns. expressed about having to fill the property to the extent that it might kill existing trees, Mr. Wilson objected to multiple dwellings being constructed across from single family dwellings. Mr. Micha5.1 Kelly, 5812 Dewey Hill Road, was told by Mayor Van Valkenburg that he could meet with the developer to discuss &;ls &ite.iTiiahive location of roads. Mr. Anthony C. Connor, 7304 Tara Road, was told that the project contains a total of 336 family units, with 44 single family units, 75 two story town house type units and the rest multiple residence units. the school system and as to which schools children of the area would attend. Councilman Shaw pointed out that granting of concept approval by eouiicilwould Planning Commission had recommended that concept approval be . Mr. Robert Clark,770.5. Glasgow In response to Mr. Clark's question on the depth of the Ms. Florence Trainer was told by Mr. Jones that the homes , In response to a question of Mayor Van Valkenburg, Mr. Luce clari- More detailed architecture, Concern was also Discussion then ensued as to the impact of the proposed development on 41 1/7 4 in no way guarantee approval of final plans. the following ordinance for First Reading: Councilman Courtney 'then offered ORDINANCE NO. 811-A48 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY ADDING TO THE PLANNED riESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (PRD-2) THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: enlarged by adding the following thereto: enlarged by the addition of the following property: Section 1. "The extent of the Planned Residential District (Sub-District PRD-3) is That part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter and that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 8, Township 116, Range 21,' described as beginning at the Northwest corner of the East 1569.92 feet of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter; thence South along the West line of the East 1569.92 feet of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter to the South line of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter; thence East to the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence South along the West line of the Southeast Quarter of the Sout@est Quarter a distance of 733 feet; thence East parallel with the North line 0% the Southeast Quarter of the Soutfncest Quarter a distance of 448 feet; thence South parallel with the West line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter a distance of 528.51 feet; thence deflecting to the left 89 degrees 35 minutes 01 seconds a distance of '350.16 feet; thence Northeasterly on a tangential curve to the left having a radius of 1392.70 feet a distance of 176.84 feet; thence northwesterly radial wiih the last described curve a distance of 10.0 feet; thence Northeasterly along a curve to the left, having a radius of 1382.70 feet, said curve being parallel with the continuation of the first described curve, a distance of 365.91 feet more or less to the East line of the Southeast'Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence North to the Northeast corner of the South 440 feet of the North half of the Southwest Quarter; thence West parallel with the South line of the North half of the Southwest Quarter 396.2 feet; thence North parallel with the East line of the North Half of the Southwest: Quarter to the North line of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter; thence West to the point of beginning; except the North 800 feet thereof, which is in Sub-District PRD-2 .l' Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its pass- Paragraph 4 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City is age and publication. Hotion granting First Reading and concept approval, subject to stipulations set forth by the Planning Commission, was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the motion was carried. ORDINANCE NO. 811-A49 GRANTED-FIRST READING. sented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. presented an-ordinance recommended by the staff and by the Planning Commission 1 to 1.25 enclosed*spaces,per unit and the requirement for Planned Residential District zones would be decreased from 1.50 to 1.25 enclosed parking spaces per unit based on the results of the 1971 Apartment Survey. Following some discussion, Councilman Courtney offered the following ordinance for First Reading: Affidavits of Notice were pre- Mr. Luce ' wfiich would increase the parking requirement for R-3, R-4 and R-5 zones from ORDINANCE NO. 811-A49 ' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE. ZONING ORDINANCi (NO. 811) BY CHANGING THE PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN THE MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT AND IN THE PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT THE: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: The first sentence of paragraph 7 of Section 4 (Multiple Residence District) of Ordinance No. 811, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: residence dwelling at least one and one-quarter completely enclosed parkrng spaces an& three-quarters exposed parking space for each dwelling unit in the multiple residence district, except that*in the R22 District there shall be provided two completely enclosed parking spaces for each dwelling unit.** Sec. 2. Parking Requirements in Planned Residential District. Subparagraph (2) of subparagraph (b) of paragraph 6 of Section 5 (Planned Residengial Distr'ict) of Ordinance No. 811, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. Parking Requirements in Multiple Residence District. . "7.' Parking. There shall be provided on the site occupied by the multiple "(2) Allqartment buildings: one and one-quarter completely enclosed parking spaces and three-quarters exposed parking space for each dwelling unit .@' / See. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. - . -- ' ORDINANCE NO, 801-A7 GRANTED FIRST READING. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Luce and by the Planning Commission, Councilman Shaw offered the following ordinance for First: Reading: As recommended by ORDINANCE NO. 801-A7 AN ORDINANCE AMENPING ORDINANCE NO, 801 OF THE CITY PROVIDING FOR REJECTION OF PRELIMINARY PLATS * IF NOT FINALLY APPROVED IJITHIN ONE YEAR ' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Sections 10, 11 and 12 of Ordinance No. 801 are hereby Section -2. "Section 10. One Year Limitation on Plats Receiving Preliminary Approval. within one year after the date it receiSed preliminary approval, shall be deemed rejected by the Council, and the plat must again be filed and approved pursuant to this ordinance as in the case of a newly presented plat. hundGed sixty-five consecutive days , beginning with, and including, the date preliminary approval is given by the Council." Sec. 3, 1 renumbered Sections 11, 12 and 13, respectively. as follows: There is hereby added to Ordinance No. 801 a new Section 10 Any plat which has not received.fina1 approval by the Council For purposes hereof, one year shall mean a period of three This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication, and when effective shall be filed with the office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota. ORDINANCE NO. 801-A8 GRANTED FIRST READING. by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. staff and by the Planning Commission, Council, Councilman Courtney offered the . following ordinance for First Reading: Affidavits of Notice were presented As recommended by the ORDINANCE NO. 801-A8 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 801 OF THE CITY TO REQUIRE DEDICATION OF LAND OR CONTRIBUTION 'OF CASH FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES THE.CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA. MINNESOTA. ORDAINS: Section 1. "(a) Subparagraph (a) of Section 4-of Ordinance No. 801, as amended, 8 is hereby amended to read as follows: In every plat, replat or subdivision of land to be developed for- residential , commercial , industrial or other uses, or as a planned development which includes residential, commercial and industrial uses, or any combination thereof, a reasonable portion of such land, but not less t6an 5% thereof in area, shall be set aside and dedicated by the tract owner or owners to the general public as open space for parks, playgrounds, public open space, or storm watt& holding areas or ponds, or,_at the option of the City, the tract owner or owners shall contribute to the City an amount of cash equal to the fair market value of the undeveloped larid otherwise required to be so Set aside and dedicated, or set aside and dedicate a part of such land and contribute the balance of such undeveloped land value in cash. dedicated for public park and playground purposes pursuant to Section 5 (Planned Residential District) of Ordrnance No, 811 may be considered as set aside and dedicated under this Ordinance No. 801 to the extent required hereunder in conn- ection with such plat, replat or subdivision, but then only to the extent that such land is in excess of the open space then required by Ordinance No. 811. Any money so paid to the City shall be placed in a special fund and used only for the acquisition of land for parks, playgrounds, public open space and storm water holding areas or ponds, development of existing parks and playground sites, public open space and storm water holding areas or ponds, and debt retirement in connection with land previously acquired for such public purposes. For purposes of this ordinance "fair market value of the undeveloped land" is defined as the fair market value of the land within such plat, replat or sub- division as of the date the plat, replat or subdivision is presented to the City Council for preliminary approval, or if no preliminary approval be given or required, as of the date so presented for final approval, as determined by the City Assessor in the same manner as he determines the fair market value of iand for tax purposes, excluding, in determining such value, all value added to such-land by improvements, including utilities, streets and other public iqrovements serving such land, but including in such determination the highest and best use to which the land can be-put under the zoning district then exist- ing or under that zoning district to which the land is then ab6ut to be trans- ferred." - Sec, 2. age and publication, and when effective shall be filed with the office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Land then set aside and This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its pass- 4/1/74 . 9 at" p. h ORDINANCE NO. 801-A9 GRANTED FIRST READING. Affidavits of Notice were by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. by the staff and by the Planning Commission, Councilwoman Schmidt offered the following ordinarc e for First Reading: As recbmmended ORDINANCE NO. 801-A9 AN ORDINANCE AElENDING ORDINANCE NO. 801 OF THE CITY TO REQUIRE LAND OR'EASEMENTS FOR PROTECTION OF NATURAL WATER BODIES THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. #!(b) Subparagiaph (b) of-Section 4 of Ordinance 801, as amended is hereby amended to read as follows: Where any plat, replat or subdivision of land adjoins a natural 'lake, pond or stream, including streams which flow only intermittently, a strip of land running along all sides thereof which are contiguous to such lake, pond or stream, which strip shall extend from a line 100 feet upland from the lake or pond, as measured from the high water mark, and 100 feet from the centerline of the stream, and to and including the bed and water body of such lake, pond, or stream, shall be either (i) dedicated to the City for public use, or (ii) subjected to a perpetual easement in favor of the City over and in said land and the bed and water body of such lake, pond or stream for the purpose of protecting the hydraulic efficiency and the natural character and beauty of such lake, pond or stream. The Planning Commission shall determine which of these options is more appropriate and shall recommend to the City Council one of said options. be granted to the City the right of ingress to and egress from the said strip of land with men, equipment and material. determined to be in the best interest of the City, said easement shall also provide that the owners of the areas as to which such easement is granted shall not make, do, or place, any fill, grading, improvement or development of any kind on or to such easement area, or raise the level of the easement area in any way, but all such right to fill, grade, improve and develop, and to raise the level of the easement area,,shall be granted by said easement to the City." ion and publication, and when effective shall be filed with the Office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota. In either case, there shall also then Also, where the easement is Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and'effect upon its adopt- ORDINANCE NO. 811-A50 GRANTED FIRST READING. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. staff and by the Planning Commission, Councilman Courtney offered the following ordinance for First Reading: ORDINANCE NO. 811-A50 I As recommended by the AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY PROVIDING FOR LAPSE OF TRANSFER OR 8 VARIANCE BY NONUSER THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. to read as follows: a'7. Whenever within one year after the granting in whole or in part of a petition for the transfer of land from one district to another, or a variance, the owner or occupant shall not have commenced the erection or alteration of a building or structure as described in such petition, then the transfer or variance shall become null and void unless a petition for extension of time in which to commence the proposed construction or alterations has been granted as provided herein. Clerk more than 20 days before the expiration of one year from the date the original petition was approved, shall state facts showing a good-faitti attempt to use the transfer or variance, and shall state the additional time requested to commence construction or alteration. Such petition, if it relates to a variance, shall be presented to the Board of Appeals and Adjust- ments for hearing and decision in the same manner as the original request for variance. and decided by the Council, up311 the report and,recoqmendation of the Pl.&HfiiAg Commission, in the same manner as the original petition for transfer of land. ' In determining under this paragraph whether the petitioner has made a good- faith attempt to use the transfer or variance, the Board or Council may consider such factors as the design, size, expense and type of the proposed construction or alteration. ing the original request for transfer or variance, to grant also a two-year period for the commencement of construction or alteration of the building or structure utilizing the same, but such two-year period may not .thereafter be extended. I' and publication. Paragraph 7 of Section 12 of Ordinance No. 811 is hereby amended Lapse of Transfer or Variance by Nonuser. Such petition to extend time shall be in writing and filed with the City If the petition relates to a transfer of land, it shall be heard It shall be within the power of the Board or Council, at the time'of grant- Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage 4/1/74 ORDINANCE NO. 815-A1 GRANTED FIRST READIEG. Affidavits of Notice'were presented by Clerk, approved as.to form and ordered placed on file. As recommended by the Planning Commission and by the staff,-Councilwoman Schmidt offered the follow- ing ordinance and moved its adoption: ORDINANCE NO. 815-A1 WSE OF VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMIT BY NONUSER Paragraph (f) of Section 8 of Ordinance No. 815 is hereby XN ORDINANCE A"DING*ORDINANCE NO. 815 BY PROVIDING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: amended to read-as follows: Lapse of Variance or Special Permit by Nonuser. after the issuance or grant of a special permit or variance, the owner or occu- pant shall not have commenced the work authorized by such special permit or variance, then the special permit or variance shall become null and void unless a petition for extension of time in which to commence such work has been granted. Such petition to extend time shall be in writing and filed with the City Planner more than twenty (20) days before the expiration of one year from the date the original special permit or variance was issued or granted, shall state facts-showing a good-faith attempt to use the special permit or variance, and shall state the-additional time requested to commence such work. Such petition, if it relates to a variance, shall be presented to the Board for hearing and decision and appeal to the Council, in the same manner as the original request for variance. If the petition relates to a special permit, it shall be heard and decided by the Council, upon the report and recommendation of the Planning Commission, in the same manner as the original petition for a special permit. good-faith attempt to commence such work, the Board or Council may consider such factors as the design, size, expense and type of the proposed work. It shall be within the power of the Board or Council at the tinle of granting the original request for a special permit or variance, to grant a mo-year period for the commencement of the work authorized thereby, but such tw&year period may not thereafter be extended. Sec. 2, age and publication. ORDINANCE NO. 811-A!5$lGRANTED FIRST READING AND CONCEPT APPROVAL. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to-form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Luce presented the request of Ebenezer Society for PRD-5 Planned Residential District, zoning for property located on the West side of York Avenue between I?. 74th and W; 76t5 Streets. He recalled th?t on March 4, 1974, this proposal had been removed from the table as placed thereon by the Council on January 21, 1974, .and that the specific question of the Ebenezer proposal, as well as height and density limitations established by the Zoning Ordinance had been referred back to the Planning Commission for review. action, the Planning Commission had reviewed the Zoning Ordinance and had felt that density and height of buildings should be controlled by judgment as per- tains to a given area, that-a mixture of height is desirable and that the Zon- ing Ordinance should not be amended in these respects. Councilman Courtney expressed disappointment in the recommendations of the Planning Commission, reaffirming his position that developers have always asked for the highest density and the maximum height permitted for their pxpposals and that he is still of the opinion that the Zoning Ordinance should be amended in accordance with the wishes of the majority of residents of the City. the possibility of the Council meeting with the Planning Commission to explain .this concern. senting Ebenezer Sociefy, showed slides of the proposed facility, pointing out that the proposal had been revised to provide for three buildings of 14, 12 and 8 stories, =with a total of 320 uniks , and that the buildings were designed . particularly with ambulatory problems of residents in mind. He said that this use would be consistent with the South Edina' Land Use Plan, would create a minimal amount of traffic for the site, and would provide a needea servkce for Edina's elderly residents. ezer Society, explained that the development had been proposed in response to requests from Edina zesidents and that he would be willing, if Council felt it best, to 'construct three twelve story buildings, rather than the buildings of varied heights as proposed. The architect for Ebenezer Society said that this proposal would nof be as aesthetically pleasing or as good architecture 'as the 14, 12 and 8 story proposal. Councilwoman Schmidt said that she can see a 26 story building in Bloomington from her home and that she thinks, considering that' this is proper land use, that the proposed buildings would be all right in this particular area. questioned the amount of rent proposed to be charged and the fact that- there are Section 1. "(f) If within one year In determining under this paragraph whether the petitioner has made a This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its pass- Mr. Luce said that, pursuant to this Mayor Van Xallcenburg suggested With the aid of the view-graph, Mr. Walter Baker, attorney repre- Mr. Luther Moberg, Chief Executive Officer 6f %en- Mrs. Meredith Hart, Chairwoman of the Human Relations Commission, 97 , nursing services provided. incomes. Mrs. Hart was advised that rents had not been definitely established but that they would probably be in the higher bracket to cover the cost of social services and food. She was also told that there would be no subsidized apartments in this development. Mr. Scott T. Rex, 5209 Danens Drive, said that he felt that the proposal would fill a real need in Edina. Mr. Wayne Van- dervork spoke in behalf of owners of the property, stating that the proposal is compatible with the area, that there would be no adverse effect on the environ- ment, walkways in the area would permit residents to shop in the community, additional revenue would be provided to the City and the proposal would not generate.any traffic problems.. Mr. Clifford Sommer, 6400 York Avenue, said that he preferred the staggered appearance of the various heights of buildings as proposed and expressed confidence that Ebenezer Society would do a good job administering this complex. Mrs. Patricia Llona, President of tfre Edina League of Women Voters, spoke in favor of the varied height proposal. Mr. Jerry Smith suggested a total height, rather than the number of stories be considered the criteria. granting concept approval for three twelve story buildings died for lack of a sec6nd. more green space around it. a. combination of three buildings, not to exceed' 35 stories in total, whereby two twelve story buildings and one eleven story building could be constructed, and offered Ordinance 811-A53 for First Readlng as follows: She expressed concern for people with limited . Following considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney's motion Councilman Shaw said that he would rather see height in this area with He.theti mwed concept approva1:of the project with * ORDINANCE NO, 811453 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY ADDING TO TKE PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (PRD-5) THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: enlarged by adding the following thereto: enlarged by the addition of the following property: Section 1. "The extent of the Planned Residential District (Sub-District PRD-5) is The East One-Half (E 1/2) of the West One-Half (W 1/2) of the Northeast One-Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southwest One-Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Thirty-two (32), Township Tventy-eight (28), Range Twenty-four (24) ; and The South One-Half (S 1/2) of the West One-Half (14 1/2) of the West One- Half (W 1/2) of the Northeast One-Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southwest me- Quarter (St7 1/4) of Section Thirty-two (32), Township Twenty-eight (28), Range Twenty6 four (24). Sec. 2, and publication. Paragraph 4 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 83.1 of the City is This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage EBENEZER SOCIETY FIRST ADDITION NEW HEARING DATE SET. Being advised by Mr. Luce that proper notice had not been given, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by,Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, settingeApril 15, 1974, for a new Prelim- inary Plat hearing date. M. P. JOHNSON'S PROSPECT HILLS 2ND ADDITION GRANTED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL, Affidavits of bublication and of Maiding were presented 3y Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Luce presented M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills 2nd Addition for preliminary approval. located North of Dewey Hill Road, is in conformance with the surrounding area and has been approved by the Environmental Quality Commission, the Park Board and the Planning Commission. gentleman in the audience, Mr. Luce clarified that a 7O-foot strip located on the'Eastern boundary which will adjoin the proposed park West of Delaney Blvd. will be dedicated for parklands. ing resolution and moved its adoption: He advised that this plat, which is In response to a question from an unidentified Councilwoman Schmidt then offered the follow- RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FORM. P, JOHNSON'S PROSPECT €€ILLS 2ND ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that that certain plat entitled "M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills 2nd Addition", platted by Barron &- Associates, Inc., and presented for preliminary approval at the Edina City Council Meeting of April 1, 1974, be and,is hereby granted preliminary plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution *7as seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays with Councilman Shaw abstaining from voting. REPLAT OF EVANSVOOD 2ND ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL CONTINUED TO JUNE 3, - 1974. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Luce presented Replat of Evanswood 2nd Addition for Preliminary Approval, which property is located at the North end of Evans- wood Lane, based on receipt of cash and parkland dedication by the developer. reminded that when Evanswood 2nd Addition was subdivided about a year ago, two lots were platted on Blake Road and the rear portion to the West was labelled He advised that the Planning Commission has recommended approval, Council was . 98 4/1/74 an outlot becanse the Engineering Department was concerned whether the land could be served with sewer at that time because of the low elevation and the great distance involved. Mr. James Nystrom, 5225 Evanswood Lane, introduced residents from Evanswood Lane and presented a petition requesting that no action be taken on the plat until a full study can be made of the water condi- tions on the lot and the probable effects resulting from changes in the topo- braphy of the lot. bulk of the water would remain on Outlot A. water would run into Brownswood Addition. Carson, both -of Schaefer Road, spoke against the development of the property. Mr. Dunn emphasized that, as development continues, an overall storm sewer will eventually be needed for the area, interest in storm sewer or sanitary sewer at this time. discussion, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, continuing the hearing to June 3, 1974, so that the Engineering Department can make a further study of the area. . . Mr. Jack Clapp, developer of the property, said that the Mr. Nystrom protested that the Mr. .John E. Kyllo and Mr. Claude M. Nr6 Hyde said that neighbors had no Following considerable GRANDVIEI? LIQUOR STORE RENODELING BID AI?ARDED. award of bids for the Grandview Liquor Store remodeling had bden continued EZom February 25, 1974, because of possible development in the area. He said that at this time the development seems'uncertain and recommended that the bid be awarded to Earl Weilcle & Sons, Inc., the low bidder, with a basic proposal of $54,017.00 which includes all phases of the work. Other bids for the basic pro- posal were Keho Construction at $55,800.00, Forbroolc Construction at $57,855.00; Construction '70' at $58,700.00, Elview Constructzon at $ 60,892.00, Berglund- Johnson, Inc., at $63,450.00, George C, Maurer at $65,200.00 and McCall and Company at $79,165.00, Councilman Shawls motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried, awarding congract to Earl Weikle h Sons, recommended low bidder . ME. Hyde recalled that the MARSHALL PIECZENTKOWSKI REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATION ON KRAHL HILL was noted by the Mayor. The City Attorney was authorized to respond to Mr. Pieczentkowski's letter and answer-his questions. - >ERROR .:i PLAT NO. 2 CONTINUED INDEFINITELY. As recommended by Nr. Luce, Councilman Shawls motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried con- tinuing Mirror Lakes Plat No. 2 indefinitely. PETITIONS REFERRED TO ERGINEEEUNG DEPARTMENT. By motion of Councilwoman Schmidt, seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried, the following petitions were referred to the Engineering Department for processing: 1. 2. Extension of Lincoln Drive (submitted by Lincoln Center Properties) Construction of a connecting road between Ohms Lane and the T.H. 100 West Frontage Road (submitted by Edina Place, Inc. ) . 3. France Avenue Sidewalk - between W. 50th Street and SouthdaleGenter (submitted by Mrs. Leonard Wolner). .E EDINA BAPTIST CHURCH LOT DIVISIONS APPROVED. Edina Baptist Church for division of several properties to permit additional parking and access to I?. 54th Street from the parking lot. heard, Councilman Shaw offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Mr. Luce presented the petition of No objections being . RESOLUTION I IJHEREAS, the 'following described tracts of land are now separate parcels: Lot 23, Block 1, South Harriet Park, Second Addition, Hennepin County Lot 29, Block 1, of the plat of South Harriet Park 2nd Addition, Hennepin Lot 30 and Lot 31, Block 1, South Harriet Parlc Second Addition (Parcels Lot 9;Block 1, South Harriet Park Second Addition, Hennepin County, Lot 10 and Lot 11, Block 1, South Harriet Parlc Second Addition, Hennepin Lot 21, Block I, South Harriet Park, Second Addition, Hennepin County, Lot 22, Block 1, South Harriet Park, Second Addi!ion, Hennepin County, Minnesota (Parcels 1 and 2); County, Ninnesota (Parcels 3 and 4): .* 5 and 6); Minnesota (Parcels 7 and 8) Eounty, Ninnesota (Parcels 9 and 10) Minnesota (Parcels 11 and 12) Minnesota (Parcels 13 and 14); and WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to subdivide said tracts into the following described.%ew and separate parcels (herein called *tParcels") : Parcel 1 - That part of Lot 23, Block 1, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition, lying East of the following described line ("Line A"): Commsncing at a point on the 4/1/74 , 99 North line of Lot 28, Block 1, said Addition, a distance of 84 feet West from the Northeast corner thereof; thence South to a point on the South line of Lot 24, Block 1, said Addition, a distance of 63 feet West from the Southeast corner thereof; thence continuing South along the last described line extended to its intersection with the South line of Lot 23, Block 1, said Addi- tion, and there terminating, according to the recorded plat thereof. Parcel 2 - That part of Lot 23, Block 1, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition, lying West of the Line A described in Parcel 1. Parcel 3 - That part of Lot 29, Block'l, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition lying West of a line described as follows ("Line A"): Commencing at a point on the North line of Lot 29, Block 1, said Addition, a distance of 81.7 feet West from the Northeast corner thereof, thence South to a point on the South line of Lot 29, Block 1, said Addition, a distance of 84 feet West of the Southeast corner thereof and there terminating. Parcel 4 - That part of Lot 29, Block 1, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition, lying East of Line A described in Parcel 3. Parcel 5 - That part of Lot 30 and Lot 31, Block 1, South Harriet Park Second Addition lying East of the following described line ("Line A"): point on the South line of Lot 24, Block 1, said Addition, distant 63.0 feet West of the Southeast corner thereof; thence North to a point on the North lihe of Lot 28, Block 1, said Addition, distant 84.0 feet West of the North- east corner thereof; thence continuing North along the last described line extended to its intersection with the North line of Lot 31, Block 1, said Addition and there terminating. Parcel 6 - That part of Lot 30 and Lot 31, Block 1, South Harriet Pa?k Second Parcel 7 - The Easterly 150 feet of Lot 9, Block 1, South Harriet Park, Second Addition. Parcel 8 - That part of Lot 9, Block 1, South Harriet Park, Second Addition, lying West of the Easterly 150 feet thereof. Parcel 9 - The Easterly 150 feet of Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, South Harriet Park, Second Addition. Parcel 10 - That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, South Harriet Park, Second Addition, lying West of t.he Easterly 150 feet thereof. Parcel 11 - The East 45 feet of Lot 21, Block 1, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, said.45 feet being measured along the North and South lines of said Lot 21. Parcel 12 - That portion of Lot 21, Block 1, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition, lying West of the Easterly 45 feet thereof, said 45 feet being measured along the North and South lines of-said Lot 21. Commencing at a poin a? 0 90 p3 M Addition, lying West of,Line A described in Parcel 5. w Parcel 13 - That part of Lot 22, Block 1, South Harriet Park, 2nd Addition, lying East of the following described line ("Line A"): Commencing at a point on the North line of Lot 28, Block 1, said Addition, a distance of 84 feet West from the Northeast corner thereof; thence South to a point on the South line of Lot 24, Block 1, said Addition, a distance of 63 feet West from the Southeast comer thereof; thence continuing South along the last described line extended to its intersection with the South line of Lot 22, Block 1, said Addition, and there terminating, according to the recorded plat thereof. Parcel 14 - That part of Lot 22, Block 1, South Harriet Park, 2nd Addition, lying West of Line A described in Parcel 13; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinances Nos. 801 and 811; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resblved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, $0 the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina ur with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. LOT..3, BLOCK 2, CHEROKEE .HILLS 6TH ADDITION DIVISION APPROVED. sented the petition of Mr; Thomas. J. Melody for a lot division which would Mr. Luce pre- result in an additional amount of square footage for the Southern most lot so that the owners of that property will have greater ease in negotiating their automobile in and out of their garage. No objections being heard, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 41 117 4 RE SOLUTION WREREAS, Lot 1, Block 1, Cherokee Hills 5th Addition and Lot 3, Block 2, Cherokee Hills 6th Addition are now separate parcels; and VHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to subdivide said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels") : Lot 3, Block 2, Cherokee Hills 6th Addition, except that portion lying Southeasterly of a line running from a point in the front or Easterly line of said lot distant 10 feet Northerly as measured along said front or Easterly line from the most-Easterly corner of said lot to the most Southerly corner of said lot; and Lot 1, Block 1, Cherokee Hills 5th Addition and that part of Lot 3, Block 2, Cherokee Hills 6th Addition, lying Southeasterly of a line running from a point in the front or Easterly line of said lot distant 10 feet Northerly as measured along said front or Easterly line from the most Easterly corner of said lot to the most Southerly corner of said lot; and WHEXEAS, it has been determined that compliance with the subdivision and Zoning Begulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 811; Nm7, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision therof, and sbbject, however, to the provision no further subdivision be made of said'Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. LOT 8, BLOCK 1, PARKWOOD KNOLLS 16TH ADDITION DIVISION.APPROVED. Nr. Luce pre- sented the petition of Mr. Harvey Hansen for division of Lot 8, Block 1, Park- wood Knolls 16th Addl'tion, which di.trision is requested for greater ease in get- ting in and out of the driveway. Schmidt offered the following reschtion and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land are now separate parcels: WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to subdivide said tracts into the following described new and separate pareels (herein called "Parcels") : No objections being heard, Councilwoman RESOLUTION Lot 8 and Lot 9, Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 16th Addition; and All of Lot: 9 and that part of Lot 8, Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 16th Addition, lying Northerly of a line running from a point in the East line of said Lot 8 distant 26 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Lot 8 to a point in the West line of said Lot 8 distant 37.59 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Lot 8; and Lot 8, Block 1, Parhood Knolls 16th Addition, except that part lying Northerly of a line running from a point in the East line of said Lot 8 distant 26 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Lot 8 to a point in the West line of said Lot 8 distant 37.59 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Lot 8; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zon- ing Regulations of the City of Edina will-create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordin- ance Nos. 801 and 811; NOW, TJ.EREFORE, it is hexeby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. LOT 6, BLOCK 1 , Pm?OOD KNOLLS 15TH ADDITION iOT DIVISION CONTINUED. presented the. petition of Parkwood Knolls Construction Company for division of a double bungalow down the party wall for sdparate ownership purposes. He recalled that in the past the Planning Commission has approved numerous divi- . ' Mr. Luce ?? 0 00 rn M w sion of thi 4/1/74 type and recommended the approval of the proposed division contingent on the developer providing separate utility services for each unit and his compliance with Ordinance No. 1111-A1 and No. 1101-A2. Hansen objected to compliance with these ordinances, inasmuch as they had not been adopted at the time the property was built. He added that it did not make any sense to tear up an established lawn for this pumpose. Mr. Erickson explained that the theory behind the matter is that if there had been two houses at the time of construction, there would have been separate assessments. added that we have had many cases where the City has received full payment by asseSsment or by the developer paying the full cost of the improvements and yet making a connection charge for future hookups. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Counwilwoman Schmidt and carried that the matter be continued to the next meeting so that Mr. Hansen will have an opportunity to discuss the matter with the City Attorney and the staff. Mr: Harvey He HEARING DATES SET FOR VARIOUS ZONING MATTERS. As recommended by Mr. Luce, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and'carried setting April 15, 1974, for hearing date for the following zoning matters: I. Lewis Engineering Company - 5229 Eden Ave. - R-1 Residential District to PID Planned Industrial District 2. Melvin C. Gittleman - Krahl Hill - R-1 Residential District to PRD-3 Planned Res iden t i a1 Dis tric t 3. Metram Properties - South of W. 70th Street, East of Nine Mile Creek - R-1 Single Family Residenee District to PRD-3 Planned Residential District 4. Metram 1st Addition - Preliminary approval 5. Ordinance amendment requiring submission of final development plans within one year after preliminary (concept) approval) OSCAR ROBERTS PROPERTY SALE CONTINUED TO JUNE 3, 1974. Ms. Helen Brooks and Robert Lark, representing Mr. LeRoy Balfanz advised Council that Mr. Balfanz' prospect- ive buyer had been lost because &he question of the easement had not been clar- ified by April 1, 1974. Ms..Btooks said that the church had indicated that it is not willing to sell any property. City was not in a position to take any action until it is known just what pllris 'are-b&ing::made for the property. with the church in regard to the easement. Mr. Hurley, President of the Parish Council of Our Lady of Grace Church, said that the church is only interested in beautifying the total area involved. said that the church would like to go on record that it does not want to make any problem for Mr. Balfanz. Mr. Patrick Finley, Chairman of the Finaxice Com- mittee of the church, was also in attendance at the meeting. it is only fair for the City to sell Mr. Balfanz enough property so that his land is buildable. In reply to a question of Mr. Lark, City Attorney Erickson advised that the City is not required to follow any bidding procedure and that only a resolution is needed stating that the property is no longer needed for public purposes. motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried continuing the matter to June 3, 1974. Mayor Van Valkenburg recalled that the He clarified that no agreement has been made Mr. Arnold Madigan, Secretary of the Parish, Mr. Lark said that Following considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney's FRANK BUETEL SUIT NOTED. Council's attention was called to a suit in the amount of $15,000 for damage caused by water seepage at the home of Mr. Frank Buetel, 6016 Olinger Blvd. The matter has been referred to the insurance company and to the City Attorney. REAL ESTATE TAX CASES APPEAL-CONTINUED. In accordance with the recommendation of the City Attorney, Councilman Shaw's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried continuing the matter of the Edina tax appeal to April 15, 1974: BICYCLE PATH SIGNING CONTINUED. As recommended by Mr. Dunn, Councilman Shaw's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried, continuing the question of bicycle path signing to $@y'6,!1974. I EDINA COURT SIGNING CONTINUED TO APRIL 15, 1974. .A number of Edina Court resi- dents appeared to advise Council that people have still been parking in front of their driveways causing great inconvenience. Mr. Glen Smith, 5614 Sherwood Avenue, joined the discussion by objecting to the fact that students park in front of his home and that there is no place for his guests to park. gested the possibility of giving residents permits to give to friends and that all others parking near the school be stagged. Mr. Hyde recalled that the school parking has caused considerable trouble over the years and that no satisfactory solution has been found. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried, refer- ring these problems back to the Traffic Safety Committee. He sug- 1,oz 4/1/74 f HOUSIHG AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED. As recommended by Mayor Van Valkenburg, Councilman Shaw offered the following resolution and moved its adoptjon: A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPOINT~NT OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED‘by the City Council of Edina, Minnesota, that the appointment by the Mayor of Edina, Ninnesota, of Gary B. Lyall, Charles N. Freeburg, James W. Nelson, Lawrence W. Rixe and William F. Greer to serve as Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota, for the period set opposite their names in the Certificate of Appointment dated April 1, 1974, be and the same is hereby approved: Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and’ on rollcall there’were four ayes and no nays and the resoluhion was adopted. Certificate of Appointment mentioned above indicated the terms of office of Commissioners as follows: Gary B. Lyall, 1 year; Charles W. Freeburg, 2 years; James W. fielson, 3 years; Lawrence I?. Rixe, 4 years; William F. Greer, 5 5ears. Mayor nan Valkenburg advised Council that Mr. Rixe and Mr. Greer had resigned memberships on otfier bodies of the City to accept their positions, whereupon Councilman Courtney offered the ‘following ‘ resolutions and moved their adoption: WHEREAS, Lawrence W. Rixe has served as a member of the Board of ’Appeals and Adjustments since 1966; and 17HEREAS, during those yany years, Lawrence TJ. Rixe has given most generously of his time and energy in service on the Board of Appeals and Adjustments; and WHEREAS, Lawrence N. Rixe has now submitted his resignation from the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and has accepted a new appointment as a member of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority; NOW, THEREFORE, BE -IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council express its most sincere appreciation and thanks for the dedication to duty of Z6E more than eight years of service as a member of the Edina Board of Appeals and Adjustments; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a..copy of this’ Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Edina City Council and that an appropriate copy of this Resolution be presented to Lawrence I?. Rixe as he.enters into this new phase in the service of his community. l?HE1RGAS3-3?LJl;iam F. Greer has served as a member of the Edina Governmental Com- mission since its organization in May of 1973; and IJHEREAS, William F,. Greer has given extensively of his time in his capacity as a member of the Edina Governmental Commission; and WHEREAS, William F. Greer has now resigned from the Edina Governmental Costunis- sion in order to become a member of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that be commended and that the appreciation of the Edina City Council be extended to him for his service to the community; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Edina City Council and that an appropriate copy of this Resolution be presented Commission. Motion for adoption of the resolutions mas seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. Council was advised of a meeting I RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION LAWRENCE W. RIXE I RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WILLIAM F. GREER to William F. Greer upon his retirement from the Edina Governmental -I .* SUBURBAN LEAGUE OF MJNICIPALITIES MEETING NOTED. of the Suburban League of Nunicipalities on Thursday, April 4, 1974, at 8:OO p.m, at Golden Valley City Hall. There was some discussion on the proposed Bylaws change which would require Suburban League of Municipalities members to belong to the EEnn- esota League. No action was taken. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ‘HIGHWAYS UTILITY RELOCATION AGREEMENT CONTINUED. AS recommended by the City Manager, Councilman Shawls motion was seconded by Council- woman Schmidt continuing the Minnesota Department of Mghways Utility Relocati’on Agreement to Kpril 15, 1974. HOUSING MEEDS COMMITTEE REPORT PRESENTED. the Housing Needs Committee Report and commending the Committee fer a job well done was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Councilman Shawls motion accepting LOCAL 49 PROPOSED SETTLEMENT NOTED. No action was taken. Mr. Hyde advised that Local 49 had submitted .a proposed settlement but that he is not prepared tonigkt to recommend settlement. 4/1/74 , &- 0 Go P3 w w FEDERAL VUE-HOUR LEGISLATION DISCUSSED. Mr. Hyde reviewed briefly wage-hour legislation p2oposdby the Federal government. EDINA POLICE COMMENDED BY F.B.I. letter of commendation from the F.B.I. for action taken by the Edina Police Department in connection with the kidnapping of Mrs. Eunice Kronholm. No action was taken. Mr.'Hyde called Council's attention to a 1973 FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT ACCEPTED by motion of Councilwoman Schmidt, sec- onded by Councilman Shaw and carried. ORDINANCE NO. 162 ADOPTED. Mr. Hyde presented Ordinance No. 162 for First Reading, whereupon Councilman Courtney offered the following ordinance for First Reading, with waiver of Second Reading and moved its adoption: ORDINANCE NO. 162 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AUTOMATIC REMOVAL OF PUBLIC MEBERS OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS WHO ARE HABITUALLY ABSENT AND Rl3PEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCE PROVISIONS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, PlINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the automatic removal from office of those public members of various govern- mental boards and commissions whose repeated absence from the regularly scheduled meetings thereof cause such board or commission to be unable to effectively perform its duties. Sec. 2. Removal. Any public member of either the Edina Park Board, Edina Human Relations Commission, Edina Environmental Quality Commission, Teen Recreation Board, Building Construction Appeals Board, Board of Appeals and Adjustment, the Planning Commission or any other board or commission hereafter created or approved by the City Council, who fails to attend three (3) consecutive regularly scheduled meetings thereof or who fails to attend any four (4) such meetings in the span of twelve consecutive months, shall automatically be removed from office. Sec. 3. Vacancies Filled. The office of any public member of a govern- mental board or commission who has been removed pursuant to Section 2 hereof shall be filled by the appointment of a new public member who shall sene for the remainder of the term of the member so removed. be made in the same manner as original appointments to such board or com- mission are made. Sec. 4. Repealer. To the extent that any provision of any ordinance of the City of Edina conflicts or is inconsistent herewith, such provision is hereby repealed. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. Such appointment shall Sec. 5. ORDINANCE NO. 817 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING. Councilman Shaw offered Ordinance No. 817 for Second Reading and moved its adoption as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 817 AN ORDINANCE FOR THE CONTROL OF SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy; Purpose. It is hereby found and declared Title. This ordinance shall be-known as the "Soil and Sedi- mentation Control Ordinance". that the lands, vegetation and waters of the City are valuable assets and resources and that such lands are being despoiled and such waters are being polluted as a result of erosion and deposition of sediment caused by disturb- ances and changes of the surface of such lands and removal of natural vegetation; and that all of these effects can be greatly reduced by the regulation and control of the manner in which the surface of such lands and vegetation thereon are distarbed and changed. lands and waters of the City, to the maximum extent practicable, from the harm-,- ful effects of soil erosion and sedimentation through the regulation and control of the manner in which the surface of lands and the vegetation thereon within the City are disturbed and changed, and thereby promote the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the City, * ' The purpose of this ordinance is to protect the Sec. 3. Definitions. Diversion - A 'channel constructed across'or at the bottom of a slope 4/1/74 with or without a supporting ridge or embankment on the lower side. Embankment or Fill - A deposit of soil, rock or other materials placed by man. Erosion - The process by which the gro.und.surface is worn away by action Excavation or Cut - An act by which soil or rock is cut into, dug, of water, wind or gravity. uncovered, removed, displaced or relocated and shall include the conditions lresul t ing the re from. surface prior to cutting or filling. to the proposed design. bination thereof and shall include the land in its excavated or filled condition. erosion and the movement of sediments into waters or onto lands in the City, including, but not limited to, tilling, grubbing, clearing, grading, excava- ting, transporting, and filling of land, the cutting, removal or displacement of trees, shrubs-and vegetation, and the construction of buildings, roads and. streets, utilities, and the development of housing, commercial, industrial or recreational areas. cause a landslide. on a bed of soft material to stabilize.the surface to prevent erosion. transported by wind or surface water as a product of erosion. a waterway or at other suitable locations to retain sediment. *.* Existing Grade - The vertical location or elevation of the existing ground Finished Grade - The final elevation of.the ground surface conforming h Grading - Any stripping, excavation, filling, stock piling or any com- Land-Disturbing Activity - Any land change which may result in soil Retaining TJall - A barrier for sustaining a bank of earth liable to Rip Rap - Broken stones and/or boulders of various mixed sizes deposited Sediment - Soil or other surface material, both mineral and organic, Sedimentation Basins or Silt Traps - A barrier, berm or dam built across .. SEpetative Prokection - Stabilization of erosive or sediment producing (a) Permanent seeding or sodding, producing areas covered with a turf of perennial. sod-forming grass. (b) Short term seeding producing temporary vegetative cover such as annual grasses, grains or other temporary ground cover. (c) Mulching - The application of plant or other suitable material on the newly seeded surface to conserve moisture, hold soil in place and aid in establishkng plant cover. areas by covering the soil with: Sec. 4. Approved Plan Required for Land Disturbing Activities. Except as provided in Section 5 of this ordinance, no person, partnership, corporation or municipal agency may engage in any land-disturbing activity until such person, partnership, corporation.or municipal agency has submitted to the Planning Department a plan for erosion and sediment control for such land disturbing activity and such plan has been reviewed and approved by the City Planner. Sec. 5 Exemptions. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to: anor land-disturbing activities such as home gardening, individual home landscaping, repairs, maintenance work, and those land-dis- turbing activities which in the judgment of the City Planner, as set forth in writing, will. not result in significant soil erosion 6r the mhvement of sign&fkaht amounts'of sediments into the waters or onto the lands in the City. In making such determination, the City Planner shall consider such factors as the area of the land to be affected, the slope and elevation of such land, the presence or absence of existing soil erosion and sedimentation control measures, natural vegetation to be preserved on the site during such land-disturbing activity and the potential danger to surround- ing property or to bodies of water. Lands lying within the flood plains in and about Minnehaha Creek and Nine Mile Creek, 'to the extent to which those areas are regulated by Edina Ordinance No. 815. Activities regulated by Edina Ordinances No. 821 or No. 822. Land-disturbing activities performed on County, State or Federally owned lands, or by or on beha'lf of a County, State, Federal or other agency which.the City has no power to regulate or control. Gravedigging, wells and excavations for .utilities, where the orig- inal surface conditions are to be restored. Sec. 6; (a) Application. Prior to engaging in any land-disturbing activity, an Application for Plan Approval; Fee. erosion and sedimentation control plan (the "Plan") shall be sub- mitted to the Planner together with an application for its approval. 4/i/74 00 cr3 w w The Plan shall be submitted with each application for approval, accompanied by the applicant's certification that all land clearing, construction and development will be done pursuant to said Plan. prepared or approved and signed by a professional registered engineer, land surveyor, landscape architect, architect, or other persons acceptable to the City, (b) Filing of Application.. the City Planner. to, and 'request comments within forty-five (45) days from such sub- mission from the City Engineer, Building Department, Environmental Quality. Commission, Hennepin Soil and Water Conservation District and appropriate Watershed District. Applications may be modified to the persons and agencies above set out. (1) A time schedule for the work, (2) Plans shall be Seven copies of the Plan shall be filed with The City Planner shall submit copies of the Plans .subsequent to filing, and all such modifications shall be submitted (c) Application Data Required. The Plan shall include the following date: A Vininity Map drawn to a scale of not less than 1,OOO'feet to one inch showing the relationship of the site to its general surroundings. A plan of the site drawn to a scale of not less than 100 feet to one inch showing:' (5)' The boundary lines of the site on which the work is to be performed, including the approximate acreage of the site. (ii),Existing topography on the shte and on land adjacent to the site within one hundred (100) feet of the site boundary lines. Existing contours with intervals of not more than.five (5) feet where the slope is ten percent (10%) or greater and not more-than two (2) feet: where the slope is less than ten percent (10%). (iv) Existing vegetative cover, including marsh lands, grasses, shrGbbery and trees. The types and location of all trees greater than six inches (6") in diameter when measured at a point four feet (4') above ground level shall be speci- fied. Trees to be removed for streets, drives, buildings, drainage or other purposes shall be identified. Proposed improvements on the site including present devel- opment and future utilization, if known. measures, vegetative practices+ or other protective devices to be constructed in connection with, or as a part of, the proposed work. ary), and during the life of the facility (permanent). provisions shall include a timing schedule and sequence of ope,rations indicating the anticipated starting and complet- ion dates of the particular development sequence. Included also shall be the estimated time of exposure of each area prior to the completion of effective erosion and sediment control measures, and other related data such as seeding mixes and rates, type of sod, seedbed preparation, fertilizer,applications, and mulching. <viii) A complete adequate grading plan for borrow pits, quarries and material processing facilities where applicable. (ix) A general description of the predominant soil types of the site as determined by the Hannepin Soil & Water Conserva- tion District. The name and address of the owner, developer, and applicant. The applicant's certification stati-ng that all land clearing, construction and development will be done pursuant to the appraved Plan and this ordinance. (xii) Title, scale, north arrow, date and name of individual or organization preparing plans and specifications. (3) (.E% (v) (vi) All drainage' provisions, erosion and sediment control (vii) Provisions for eroston control during construction (tempor- Such (x) (xi) (d) Fee. thereof, a filing fee shall be pain in an amount equal to Ten Dollars ($10.00) for the first 50,000 square feet of gross land area affected by such land-disturbing activity and One Dollar ($1.00) for each additional 10,000 square feet or fractional part thereof of gross land area so affected. Where work for which a permit is required by this ordinance is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit, the fees above specified shall be doubled, but the payment of such double fee shall not relieve any persons from fully complying with the requirements of this ordinance, in the execution of the work nor from any other penal- ties prescribed herein. At the time of filing an application, and each modification 4/1/74 1 Sec. 7. Standards and Guidelines. (a) (b) . ?he Plan shall be fitted to the topography and soils so as to create the least erosion potential. Permanent vegetation and improvements such as streets, storm sewers or other features of the development, capable of carrying storm run-off in a safe manner, shall be scheduled for installation to the greatest extent possible before removing the vegetation cover from an area. Wherever ;Eeasible, natural vegetation shall be retained and protected. TJhere inadequate Qegetation exists on land not being disturbed, permanent vegetation shall be established as soon as possible. The-smallest practical area of land shall be exposed at any one time during development. When land is exposed during development, the exposure shall be kept to the shortest. practical period of time, but not longer than sixty (60) days. (g) Crifical erosion areas exposed during construction shall be pro- tected with temporary vegetation, mulching or other acceptable means. (h) Sediment basins (debris basins, desilting basins, or silt traps) shall be installed and maintained to remove sediment from run-off * waters from land being subjected to land disturbing activity. Diversions shall be installed to divert surface water run-off from slopes of 10% or steeper. Psm5isions shall be made to effectively accommodate the increased run-off caused by changed soil and surface conditions during and after development. Cut and fill slopes shall not be steeper than two feet horizontal to one foot vertical (2:l) unless stabilized by a retaining wall, cribbing or rip-rap, or other acceptable means. During grading operations, necessary measures for dust control will be exercised. .- (c) (d) (e) (f) I (i) (j) (k) (i) Sec. 8. Issuance or Denial of Approval. Withins forty-five (45) days after submission by the City Planner of the Plan and all modifications to all of the persons and agencies referred to in subparagraph (b) of Section 6 hereof, and whether or not comments have then been received from any or all of such persons and agencies, the City Planner shall review.the Plans and modifications submitted.and shall approve any such Plan, as modified, if it determines that the Plan, as modified, (herein called the ”approved Plan”) is adequate in consideration of the standards and guidelines set forth in Sec. 7 hereof, and if the applicant certifies in writing that he will properly perform the approved Plan and will conform to the7pmvisions of this ordinance. Such approval shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the applicant after receipt by the City Planner of said certification together with a performance bond, as required by Ordinance No. 403, Section 11, guaranteeing the complet- ion of all drainage provisions, erosion and sediment control measures, vegetative practices or other provisions (temporary and permanent) for erosion control during construction and thereafter . Plan. If such Plan, as modified, be found to be inadequate, the application shall be disapproved and written notice of such action specifying the date thereof, together with the reasons therefor, shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown in such application. land-disturbing activities, the applicant shall be responsible for carrying out the proposed work in accordance with the approved Plan, and in compliance with all the requirements of this ordinance. inches (6’’) in diameter when measured at a point four feet (4’) above ground level which are to remain on the site shall. be marked with a red tag and shall be protected from damage during operationsaconstituting land-disturbing act- ivities by snow fencing or other suitable enclosure. fied by the City Planner where: as are included in the approved Sec. 9. Responsibility of Applicant. During operations constituting All trees greater than six Sec. 10. Modification of Approved Plans. An apprqved Plan may be modi- (a) Inspectian has revealed the inadequacy of the .approved Plan to accomplish the erosion and sedimentation control objectives of the approved Plan, and appropriate modifications to correct the defic- iences of the approved Plan are agreed to in writing by the City Planner and the applicant for the previously approved Plan; or The applicant for the previously approved Plan finds that because of changed circumstances or for other reasons, the approved Plan cannot be effectively carried out, and proposed amendments to the approved Plan, consistent with the requirements of this ordinance and for the purpose of effectively carrying out the approved Plan, are agreed to in writing by the City Planner and said applicant. (b) 4/1/74 Sec. 11. Approved Plan.Required for Issuance of Grading, Building or Other Permits. No department or other administrative body or official of the City authorized to issue grading, building or other permits for land- disturbing activities subject to this ordinance may issue 6ny such permits unless the applicant therefor shall submit with his application evidence of an approved Plan pursuant to this Ordinance, or evidence zhat such activity has been exempted from compliance herewith by the City Planner pursuant to Sec. 5(a) of this Ordinance. These requirements are in addition to all ' other laws, regulations or ordinances relating to the issuance of such per- mits and are not intended to otherwise affect the requirements for such per- mits, but where this ordinance imposes a 'greater restriction ypan sucl) land- disturbing activities than do such other laws, regulations or ordinances, the provisions of this, ordinance shall govern. Sec. 12. Monitoring, Reports and Inspections. The Edina Building Official shall periodically.inspect the land-disturbing activity being done pursuant' to an approved Plan to insure compli'ance with the approved Plan, and to determine whether the measures required in the approved Plan are effective in controlling erosion and sedimentation resulting from the land- disturbing activities. .If said Building Official determines that the applicant has failed to comply with the approved Plan, he shall immediately serve upon the applicant by registered mail, to the address specified by the applicant in his application, a notice to comply. forth the measures needed to comply with such approved Plan and shall specify the time within which such measures shall be completed. fails to comply within the time specified, he shall be deemed to be in viola- tion of this ordiriance. Sec. 13. Extension of Time. If the applicant is unable to complete the work within the time specified in, the approved Plan, he may, prior to the expiration of such time, present in writing a request for an extension of time, setting forth thk reasons for the requested extension. If, in the opinion of the City Planner, such an extension is warranted, he may grant additional time for the completiorriof the work, subject to such additional measures as .he may reasonably require for' erosion and sediment control during such addittonal time, Sec. 14. Maintenance. Individuals or developers carrying out soil erosion and sediment control measures under this ordinance and all subsequent owners of property on which such measures have been installed, at all times shall adequately maintain all permanent control measures, devices and plant- ings in effective working condi&on. Such'notice shall set If the applicant Sec. 15. Variances; Appea-1s to Council. (a) Variances. A11 requests-for variances shall be made and decided in the following manner: (ii) (iii) (iv) The applicant shall file a request for a vari-ance with the City Planner, together with a Ten Dollar ($10.00) filing fee; The applicant, shall also file wi th such request the informa- tion required to be filed by Sec. 6 of this ordinance, with the changes that will result from the varianceishown thereon; The City Planner shall submit such information to the persons and agencies set out in paragraph (b) of Sec. 6 of this ordinance for review and comment within thirty (30) days after such submission; Within thirty (30j days after submission of such information, pursuant to the immediately preceding paragraph and whether or not comments have been received from any or all of such persons and agencies, the City Planner shall report and makbc a recommendation on such request to the City Council, taking into considdration the standards and guidelines set out in Sec. 7 of this ordinance. The City Council at its next regular meeting after receipt af.rsFich report 'and recommendation shall set a date for hear- ing thereon, which date shall be not later than sixty (60) days after the meeting. ~A notice of the date, time, place and prupose of the hearing shall be published in the official newspaper of the Cipy at least ten (10) days before the hearing. of all interested pe~sona, the Council shall make its decision at the same or a specified future meeting thereof. The City Council shall grant a variance only upon finding that an unusual hardship on the land exists and specifically that: (a) (b) After hearing the oral or written views 1 the hardship is a mere inconvenience; the hardship is caused by the particular physical sur- roundings, shape or topographical condition of the land; 4/1/74 (c) the condition or conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are, unique and not generally applicable to other property. persons presently having an interest in the land; and the granting of the yariance will not be substantially detrimental to the public welfare or to other land or improvements in the neighborhood of the land, and that'such variance is in accord with the general purpose and intent (d) 'the hardship is caused by this ordinance and not by any (d) I - -- of this ordinance. (b) Appeals to Council. Any applicant who deems himself aggrieved by an alleged error k any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the City Planner in the administration of this ordinance may appeal to the City Council in the following manner: (i) . The applicant, within thirty (30) days of any such order, requirement, decision or-determination, shall file a written , appeal with the City Clerk-setting forth the action being appealed and the facts relatxng thereto, and tk mailing address of applicant. (ii) The City Council at its next regular meeting after receipt by the CltyXlerk of such appeal shall set a date for hearing thereon, which shall be not later than sixty (60) days after the meeting. the hearing shall be published in the official newspaper of the City at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. ing the oral or written views of all interested persons, the Council shall make its decision at the same or a specified future meetihg therebf, ' ' A notice of the date, time, place and purpose of After hear- Sec. 16. Violations and Penalties. Any person, partnership, corporation or agency who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or imprisoned for not more than ninety (90) days, or both, and in addition shall pay all costs of prosecution and expenses involved in the case. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate violation, The City, or any person or agency who suffers damage or is likely to suf- fer damage because of a violation of this ordinance, may apply to the District Court within and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, for injunctive relief to enjoin a violation or threatened violation of this ordinance. clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held invalid or unen- forceable as to any person or circumstance, the application of such section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it shall be held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and all provisions hereof, in all other respects, shall remain valid and enforceable. Sec. 17. ,Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, Sec. 18. Disclaimer of Liability. Thiseordinance shall not create liability on the part of the City of Edina or any officials or employees thereof for any damages that result from reliance on this ordinance or any City actioh taken, or Plan approved, or administration or Council decision made, hereunder. and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance rollcall there were four ayes and no nays ATTEST: Sec. 19. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 823 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING, Councilman 6haw.offered the fol- lowing ordinance for Second Reading and moved its adoption: ORDINANCE NO. 823 AN ORDINANCE'REGUIATING THE REMOVAL OF TREES WITHIN THE CITY AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, BIINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Purpose and Intent. -T€ie City Council hereby finds that it is . necessary to maintain and protect the existing urban forest in order to pre- serv'e windbreak protection, abate soil erosion and enhance the natural beauty of the City and adopts this ordinance in the interest of the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the City. 4/ 1/7 4 S':O' 3.' Sec. 2. Definitions. For th purposes of thi terms bhall have the following -definitions : d ordinance, the following (a) Tree - A woody perennial plant, usually with one main Stem or trunk and many-branched, which has a diameter of greater than six inches (6") when measured at a point four feet (4') above ground level. subdivided pursuant to Ordinance Number 801, together with all land within the City which has been subdivided but for which no building (b) ,Undeveloped Land - All land within the City which has not been 'permit has been issued pursuant to Ordinance No. 403. Sec. 3. Removal of Trees: Permit Required. Without a permit therefor, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to remove or cut down or authorize the cutting down or destr ction of any tree growing on undeveloped land within the City. Sec. 4. Permit for Removal of Trees; Procedure. (a) Application. Any person,. firm or corporation desiring to cut down or remove any tree growing on undeveloped land within the City, and any person, firm or corporation making application for a building permit affecting undeveloped land which if granted would require the cutting down or removal of any tree growing thereon, shall file an application therefor with the City Clerk on the form provided,by him for such purpose. Such application shall be accompanied by a fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00). Each application.shal1 include a sketch or drawing showing the location of the tree or trees concerned and shall, further include a statement of the reason for the request. application, the applicant shall mark each tree to be cut down or removed with a red tag. forward the application to the City Director of Parks, or his designee, who shall promptly inspect such tree or trees and indicate on said application: (1) (2) (3) Prior to submitting such (b) Inspection. Upon receipt of such application, the City Clerk shall The type of tree or trees and their approximate heights; The health or condition-of the tree or trees; Whether or not in his opinion sukh removal is justified by reason of: (2) Good forestry practice; or (ii) (iii) The.poor health or dangerous condition of the tree or trees; or Construction or other improvements being made to the property. The Director of Parks, or his designee, shall thereupan forward. the application to the Planning Department. The City Planner shall review the application together with the report of the Direckor of Parks, or his designee, and shall approve or deny the application based upon the standards set forth in Section 4(b)(3) above tagether with the prupose and intent of this ordinance as herein set forth in Section 1. If the application is denied by the City Planner, written notice of.such action sepcifying the date thereof, together with the reasons therefor, shall be mailed to the"app1icant at the address. shown in such applica- tiqn. applicant. transferable and shall expire six (6) months from date of issuance. removal is granted in order to enable the applicant to carry out some project of development or improvement of the property, such permit shall be effective only in connection with the actQal accomplishment of said project, (c) Approval or Denial. If approved, the City Planner.shal1 issue the permit to the (d) Permit Nontransferable; Duration. Any permit granted hereunder is non- (e) Restricted to' Specific Project. In the event a permit for tree Sec. 5. Remaining Trees to be Protected. Prior to cutting down or removing any trees or tree pursuant to a permit issued hereunder, the appli- cant shall protect all other trees in the vicinity of those to be removed which may be damaged during such process by installation of snow fencing or other suitable enclosure. pursuant to Ordinance No. 403 which would affect undeveloped land within the City unless the applicant therefor shall have filed with the Building Official either a permit issued hereunder or applicant's written' certification that if such building permit is granted, the work therein authorized will not require the cutting down or removal of any tree growing within the City. Sec, .7. Appeals to Council. Any applicant who deems himself aggrieved by an alleged error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the City Planner in the administration of this ordinance may appeal to the City Council in the following manner:., Sec. 6. Building Permits Withheld. No building permit shall be issued I (a) The applicant, within thirty (30) days of any such order, requirement, decision or determination, shall file a written appeal with the City Clerk setting forth the action being appealed and the facts relating' thereto, and khe mailing address of applicant. llu 4/1/74 (b) The City Council at its next regular meeting after receipt by the City Clerk of such appeal shall set a date for hearing . thereon, which shall be not later than sixty (60) days after the meeting. A notice of the date, time, place and purpose of the hearing shall be published in the official newspaper of the City at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. After Gearing the oral or written views of all interested persons, the Council shall make its decision at the same br a specified future meeting thereof. . Sec. 8. Amendments to Application. The applicant may amend his applica- tion so as to reduce the number of trees to be removed at any time prior to final determination of an appeal by the-City Council, and the City Council shall consider'and decide any appeal based,upon the application as amended. Sec. 9. Exemptions, The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to : (a) (b) The removal of trees pursuant to Ordinance No. 1035; (c) Sec. 10. The removal of trees by or at the direction of the City of Edina or any department or administrative official thereof; The removal of trees pursuant to an Approved Plan under Ordinance No. 817-. Penalties. Violation of this. ordinance shall be a misdemeanor punishable by. a fine not to exceed $300.00 per tree illegally removed or left unprotected, or imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days, or both, and in addition,-payment of all costs of prosecution and expenses involved in the case. sion of any' permit granted for the construction or remodeling of buildings or for $he subdivision of land. Violation hereof shall also be grounds for revocation or suspen- Sec. 11. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect Qiom and upon on rollcall there were four ayes and no R.L.S. 1283 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION CONSENT GRANTED. Mr. Erickson recalled that I in June of 1973, the City received an easement that provided that no improve- ments were to be -de for property on the Vestern side of County Road 18 with- out the consent of the City and that any consent to be effective would have to be filed of record in the appropriate office in the Hennepin County Court House. easement area and the City has now been requested to execute a consent for the construction of the bridge as now located. the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the Mayor and Manager are hereby He clarified that a vehicular bridge had been constructed over the Councilman Shm thereupon offered . RESOLUTION authorized to execute and deliver the Consent given pursuant to that certain . Grant of Easement dated June 1, 1973, given by R.H.P. Investment Company to the Village of Edina, the purpose of said Consent being for the construction and maintenance of that certain vehicular bridge as the same is presently locate& and constructed over and across the South Fork of Nine Mile Creek within that part of Tract F, lying South of the North 109.21 feet, as measured along the West line thereof, Registered Land Survey No. 1283, files of the Registrar of. Titles, Hennepin County, Efinnesota. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. SANITARY Sm*mR IEPROVEEENTL SS-188 AND VATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT 'Illf-193 CONNECTION CHARGES LEVIED. offered the following resolution approving levying presently existing Sanitary Sewer ii;inprpement No. SS-188 and Watermain Improvement No. WM-193 charges over a six year period and moved its adoption: As recommended by Efr. Dalen, Councilman Councilman Courtney RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND CONFIRMIhY; SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED ON ACCOUNT OF SANITARY SEVER IKPROVEMENT NO. SS- 188 AND WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT WM- 193 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. EieaE&rdkiae~W!h tih&i-p@tP&kiBer having petitioned the Edina City . Council to assess charges in the amount of $1,067.18 for Sanitary Sewer Imp- rovement No. 188 and connection charges for Watemain Improvement No. 193 in the amount of $537.46 against Lot 8, Block 1, Nordic Circle (Plat 76334, Parcel 5600) over a period of six years; 4/1/74 1 pr . a. 2. NOE, THEREFORE, be it resolved thatLsaid assessments shall be payable in six equal annual installments, the first of said installments, together with interest at the rate of 5% per annum on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1975, to be payable with the genera1,taxes for the year 1974; and 3. transmit to the County Auditor a copy of this resolution and a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended on the tax lists of the County in accord- ance with this resolution. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. COUNCIL CHAIRS PURCHASE TO BE CONSIDERED. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Mr. Dalen said that-he would obkain samples of various chairs so that the Council could decide which chairs they tltould like. GLEASON WGLL MOTOR REPAIR AUTHORIZED, Shawls motion approving repair of the OIeaSon Well motor in the amount of $1,500 to $1,600 was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the- City Clerk shall forthwith prepare and I As recommended bp Mr. Hyde, Councilman p. 0 01) a w w LIQUOR FUND AS OF JANUARY 31, 1974, was reviewed by Council as ;resented by Mr. Dalen and ordered placed on file by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. RESOLUTIONS OF APPRECIATION' EXTENDED TO-RETIRING BOARD AND COMl4ISSION MEMBERS. Councilman Courtney offered the following resolutions of appreciation to board and commission'members who have retired from their positions and moved their adoption: RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO EARL W. CARSON WHEREAS, Earl W. Carson has served as a member of the Edina Environmental Quality Commission since its organization on January 31, 1972; and WHEREAS, during that time, Earl W. Carson has worked diligently toward the development of goals for the environmental betterment of the community; and WHEREAS, Earl W. Carson has now resigned from the Edina Environmental Quality Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FSOLVED that the Edina City Council express its deep Zhpreciation for the endeavors of as a member of the Edina Quality Commission; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that: a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the Mintites of the Edina City,Council and that an appropriate copy of this Resolution be presented to Earl W. Carson in appreciation of his efforts as a member of the Edina Enrironmen.ta1 Quality Commission. EARL W. CARSON RESODUTION OF APPRECIATION MRS. JUNE A. SCHMIDT TO WHEREAS, Mrs. June A. Schmidt.has served as a,member of the Edina Environmental Quality Commission since its organization on January 31, 1972; and WHEREAS, the dedication exhibited by Mrs. June A. Schmidt was instrumental to the successful activities and accomplishments of the Edina Environmental Quality Commission; and WHEREAS, upon being elected to the Edina City Council, Mrs. Schmidt has resigned her position as a member of the Edina Environmental Quality Commission; NOI?, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council commends Mrs. June A. Schmidt for her activities as a member of the Edina Environmental Quality Commission; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Edina City Council and that an appropriate copy o'f this Resolution be presented to MRS. JUNE A. SCHMIDT upon her :retirement from the Edina Environmental Quality Commission. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION ELWYN A. ANDERSON TO WHEREAS, Elwyn A. Anderson served as a member of the Edina Human Rights Ad Hoc Committee, having been appointeb to serve in this capacity on February 19, 1968; and WHEREAS, Elwyn A..Anderson was appointed by the Mayor and Council of Edina to serve on the Edina Humn Rights Commission upon its organization on October 7, 4/1/74 1968; and. T?HE%EAS, Elwyn A. Anderson has served as Chairman of the Edina Human Rights Commission in 1970; and WBREAS, Elwyn A. Anderson has now retiTed as a member of the Edina Human Relations Commission; NOV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Edina join the Human Relations Commission in expressing heartfelt appreciation to Elwyn A. Anderson on the occasion of his retirement from this Commission; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the City of Edina and that an appropriate copy of this”Reso1ution be presented to upon his retirement from the Edina Human Relations Commission. I ELNYN A. ANDERSON RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO MRS. DORIS BARRY WHEREAS, Mrs. Doris Barry has served as a member of the Edina Human Relations Commission since*February 1, 1972; and - WHEREAS, Mrs. Barry has served the community through this Commission in a dedicated and meaningful manner; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Barry has now resigned her responsibilities as a member of the Edina Human Relations Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council joins the Edina Human Relations Commission in expressing sincere=appreciation to in recognition of the dedication with which Mrs. Barry has carried on her work with the Commission; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Edina City Council and that an appropriate copy of this Resolution be transmitted to Mrs. Doris Barry in appreciation of her service on the Edina Human Relations Commission .‘ MRS. DORIS BARRY RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO ERICK HANSEN WHEREAS, Erick Hansen has served on the Edina Human Relations Commission as a WHEREAS, Erick Hansen, during the time of his membership on the Commission, has contributed to the activities and acComplishments of the Edina Human Relations Commission; NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby express its sincere appreciation for the efforts-of Erick Hansen as a member of the Edina Human Relations Commission; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Edina City Council and that an appropriate copy of this Resolution be presented to upon the completion of his term of office on the E“dina Human Relations Commission. college student representative; and 3 ERICK HANSEN RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION * MURRAY ‘WALTON TO TJHEREAS, Murray TJalton has served on the Edina Human Relations Commission as a representative of the student bodies of the Edina High Schools; and WHEREAS, during the time of his membership on the Commission, Murray Nalton has given of his time and efforts toward the successful activities and accomplish= ments of the Edina Human Relations Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby express sincere thanks and appreciation to MURRAY VALTON for his activities as a member of the Edina Human Relations Commission; and . . BEI IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Edina City Council and that an appropriate copy of this Resolution be presented to Murray Walton upon the completion of his term of office on the Edina Human Relations Commission. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO THE REVEREND DAVID L. WILLIAIlSON TJHEREAS, the Reverend David L. Williamson has served as a member of the Edina Human Relations Commission since his recommendation by the Edina School Board bn February 1, 1970; and *t 4/1/74 E- O 00 p? w W WHEREAS, during these years, the Reverend David L. Williamson has served . L the community in this capacity with dedication and perserverance; and WHEREAS, the Reverend David L. Williamson has now resigned his membership on the Edina Human Relations Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council join the Edina Human Relations Commission in extending sincere appreciation to for his fulfillment of his duties as a member of the Edina Human Relations Commission; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Edina City Council and that an appropriate copy of this Resolution be transmitted to the Reverend David L. Williamson in greatful appreciation for his service on the Edina Human Relations Commission. THE REVEREND DAVID L. FJILLIAMSON RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO DR. K. PAUL CARSON, JR. NHEREAS, Dr. K. Paul Carson, Jr., has served as a member of the Edina Park Board since 1965; and SJHEREAS, over these years, Dr. K. Paul Carson, Jr., has exhibited a dedication which has reflected in the continued growth and development of the Edina park system; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council now joins with the Edina Park Board in expressing most sincere appreciation for the generous contributions of in recognition of his many years of dedicated service on the Edina Park Board; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread upon the 'Minutes of the Edina Cit? Council and that an apyjropriate copy of this Resolution be trans- mitted to Or. K. Paul Carson, Jr., in greatful appreciation of the many years in which he served on the Edina Park Board. DR. K., PAUL CARSON, JR. RESOLUTION' OF APPRECIATION TO DAVID C. SHERMAN 'GJHEmAS. David C. Sherman has served as a member of the Edina Planning Commis- sion since February 16, 1970; and WHEREAS, Elul;.'irig this time, David C. Bherman has given of his time.and efforts toward the orderly growth and development of the City of Edina; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does express its sincere appreciation to for his most generous contribution to the City of Edina in the capacity as a member of the Edina Planning Commission; and BE IT FURTaR RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread upon the pages of the Minutes of the Edina City Council and that an appropriate copy of this resolu- tion be transmitted to David C. Sherman in recognition of his service on the Edina Planning Commission. - Motion for adoption of the resolutions was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. DAVID C. SHERMAN CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Councilwoman Schmidt, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried for payment of the following claims as per pre-list: $147,704.75; Construction Fund, $908.74; Park Funds, $6,600.46; Water Fund, $4,507.68; Sewer Fund, $42,553.35; Liquor Fund, $41,785.55; Improvements, $21,052.50; Total, $265,113.03. General,Fund, No further business appearing, Councilman Shaw' s motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Adjournment at 11:15 p.m.