HomeMy WebLinkAbout19740701_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULARMEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL ON MONDAY JULY 1, 1974 Answering rollcall were Council members Courtney, Sohnson, Schmid Mayor Van Valkenburg. , Shaw and MINUTES of June 3, 1974, were approved as presented by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. ISSUE AREA 2 CONTINUED; ISSUE AREA 4 OF WESTERN EDINA TRAFFIC TASK FORCE TABLED UNTIL FURTHER PLATTED. Issue Area 4 - Mr. Dunn recalled that at the meeting of June.3, 1974, Issue Area 4 had been continued to this meeting to give residents bn opportunity to study the matter further. llr. Jack Liebenberg, 5112 Ridge R6ad, said that he repre- sented twenty-four property owners on Ridge Road and Interlachen Blvd., and that Nestern Edina have any impact or'effect on Issue Area 4. talked with Messrs. Carl and Harvey Hansen, the major property owners of the undeveloped property in the area, and that they had no definite plans or plats to submit for final development at the present time and that it might be several years before they are ready to do so. & requested by Mr. Liebenberg, Councilman Johnson's motion was then seconded by Councilman Courtney to table consideration of the traffic circulation pattern for Issue Area 4, with the understanding that when and if Mr. Hansen comes in with overall development plans for the property that he owns, that the plat should include some access to the North at the Maloney Avenue interchange, 'On rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the motion was carried. Issue Area 2 - Mr. Dunn recalled that at the meeting of June 3, 1974, the City Attorney had been dir-ected to render an opinion,as to whether the City could legally construct a road connecting Walnut Drive and Londonderry Road as pro- posed in Alternative 1 and as to whether the City could' legally build a road across existing park land to connect Londonderry Drive with Gleason Road as proposed in AlteTnative 5, whether or not a road has already been established from Valnut Drive to London- derry Road over and across Nine Mile Creek. .Mr. Erickson summarized his opinion on the road between Walnut Drive and Londonderry Road by stating that if the Council believes that it is now in the best interest of the City to open the road, it'should not do so without first obtaining a declatory judgment that the mad exists or that the property across Nine Mile Creek was conveyed to the City free of any implied restriction that it be used for park purposes. said that if the Council believes the road should not now be opened, it is recommended that no action now be taken either to vacate or abandon the road and that the City can best retain its future options relative to this connect- " ion by taking no such action at this time. opinion as to whether or not the City could build a road across existing park land to connect Londonderry Drive with Gleason Road by saying that it would appear that the City cannot legally'construct that portion of the road which would run through the park unless approval wou_ld be granted by the Secretary of HUD and unless the deed from the Minnesota Conference of the United Church of Christ, whereby a part of the road area was conveyed to Edina, eml'd ha changed to allow such use. My. Erickson listed the following three conditions under which the conversion of HUD lands could be used for public roads: 1. The conversion is essential'to the orderly development and growth of the area involved; 2. The conversion is in accord with the comprehensively planned development of the urban area; and 3. The open-space land is being or will be replaced without cost to the Federal Government by other open space land or at least equal fair market value at the time of conversion and of nearly as feasible equivalFnt usefulness and location. *his group does not feel that decisions made on any of the other Issue Areas in He said that he had Mr. Erickson had also been requested to determine , He Mr. Erickson summarized his In reply to questions of Mr. Lloyd Cherne, 5704 View Lane, .I Mr. Erickson clarffied that a more serious problem was that the land between Londonderry Road and the HUD parcels had been dedicated for park purposes by the Minnesota Conference of the United Church of Christ, which property the City has no authority under the law to divert. could be deeded back to.the church and then use condemnation through eminent domain for the road. .Mr.. Erickson told Mr. Cherne that specific legislative authority would be necessary for such action. the land could be given back to the,church, the road built and assessed against the church; that the church would be probably %ore than glad" to give the pro- perty back to the City for road purppses. do an environmental study to satisfy NEPA and that the Council could declare a moratorium on any additional building in the area. Mr. Cherne added that this Mr. Cherne suggested that the property Mr. Cherne then suggested that if He also suggested that the City could 182 I 7/1/74 road would be needed for a collector road if Carl Hansen is to continue to develop his property. abuts the park and reminded Council that on June 3, 1974, 87% of the home owners had 'indicated that they would not want the road through the park. Councilman Johnson then moved, based on the attorney's opinion, that Alternative 1, the construction of a road connectink Nalnut Drive and Londonderry Road, be tabled. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the motion carried. Mr. Hyde then recalled that the Park Board and the Envir- onmental Quality Commission had both recommended against Alternative 5 under which the City would build a road across existing park land to-connect Londonderry Drive with Gleason Road. Johnson that Alternative 5 of Issue Area 2 be tabled for.furbher study. call there were five ayes and no nays and the motion carried. Mr. William D. Stickel, 5900 Tamarac Lane, said that his property Councilman Courtney's motion was then seconded by Councilman On roll- Council's attention was thenhcalled to a letter signed by the owners of seven properties requesting placement of STOP signs at the intersection of Continental Drive and Stauder Circle and at the blind corner across from 6508 Stauder Circle. son, 5700 View Lane, requested specific action for Issue Area 2. He said that it would soon be three years since neighbors presented their petition for traffic relief and that before long there would be 4,500 trips per day at the intersection of View Lane and Schaefer Road. Road and South Knoll Drive which were supposed to permit right turns only going South on Schaefer Road had been improperly placed so that drivers could go around the blockade. to obtain sufficient information on traffic patterns. graph, Dr. Pearson made the following suggestions: 1. Dr. Lloyd Pear- He objected that the trial blockade at Schaefer He also contended that the blockades were not left up long enough With the aid of the view- Installation of the blockade at Londonderry Road and Stauder Circle should be on the East side of the intersection to permit access.to the park but prevent access to the East. be moved to the middle of the block of Schaefer Road between South Knoll Drive and Stauder Circle. 2. Installation of the blockade at Schaefer Road and South Knoll Drive should 3, Reinstall the blockade at South Knoll Drive.and View Lane. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney amended his motion to the effect that the suggestions of.Dr. Pearson also be referred to the Traffic Safety Committee and that Mr. Wolsfeldwork with the Committee. The motion also called for continuing the matter to July 15, 1974. Councilman Courtney's amended motion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the motion carried. Mr. Wolsfeld suggested that the blockades-be set up one at a time to obtain the effect of each indicidual blockade. Mr. Erickson said that he would have an opinion before the next Traffic Safety Committee Meet- ing as to the legality of closing the streets. STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT ST.S-139 APPROVED..'Mr. Dunn recalled that at the meeting of June 3, 1974, Storm Sewer Improvement ST.S-139 proposed to be constructed in Gleason Road from Dewey Hill Road to approximately 900 feet South of the South line of Hyde Park Drive had been continued to work out details with the developers of gyde Park 2nd Addition. ized 'as yet but recommended approval in view of the fact that no objections were heard at this meeting. tion and moved its adoption: He said that the details had not been completely final- Councilman Johnson thereupon offered the following resolu- . RESOLUTION ORDERING STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT ST .S-139 -s BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of-Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published and mailed to owners of each parcel within the area proposed to be assessed on the following proposed improvement : 1. CONSTRUCTION OF CITY STORM SEWER IMPROVEMEXt NO. ST.S-139 IN THE FOLLOWING: -Gleason Road from Dewey Hill Road to approximately 900 feet South of the. South line of Hyde ParkDrive B and at the hearin8 held at the time and place specified in said notice, the Council.has duly considered the iiiews of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the constrac- tion..of said improvement as described in Notice of Public Hearing and including all proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for construction and maintenance of such improve- ment; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO..ST,Stl39; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land within the-following described boundaries: Outlot s'D'l Hyde Park Addition; thence Sly and SEly along the 3?est line of Gleason Road to the most Nly corner of Outlot ''C" Hyde Park Addition; thence SWly Commencing at the Northeast corner of 7/1/74 $83 LL 0 co M w u to a point in Outlot "DI' Hyde Park Addition, said point being 535' North of the South line and 160' East. of the West line of said Outlot "D"; thence Wly to a point on the West line of said Outlot PIDDIJ, said point being 515' North of the SW corner of said Outlot "D"; thence SEly to a point in said Outlot "D", said point being 140' East of the West line and 355' North of the South line of said Outlot "D"; thence SEly to a point in said Outlot "D", said point being 155' East of the West line and 260' North of the South line of said Outlot "D"; thence SWly to a point in said Outlot #'DaJ, said point being 50' East of the West line and 130' North of the South line thereof; thence STJly to a point on the North line of the SE% of the SEk, Sec. 7, T. 116, R. 21, said point being 110' West of the NE corner of the said SE.3; of the SE.3;; thence SWly to a point in the SE% of the SEk, Sec. 7,. T. 116, R. 21, said point being 270' West of the East line and 460' North of the South line of said Sgk of the SE4; thence SEly to a point in the said SEk of the SE%; said point *being 210' West of the East line and 425' North of the South line of said SEk of the SEk; thence NEly to a point in the SW3; of the SWk, Sec. 8, T. 116, R, 21, said point being 298' North of the South line of Outlot "A" Braemar Hills 7th Addition and 800' Vest of the East line of Lot 1, Block 13, Braemar Hills 7tki Addition; th'ence NEly to the SW corner of Lot 3, Block 7, Braemar Hills 7th Addition; thence.NEly along the Wly line of said Lot 3 to*a point 50' NEly of' the North and East line of Gleason Road; thence NWly, Nly and NEly 50' Nly, E19 and SEly and parallel to the East line ofdGleason Road to the North line of Braemar Hills 7th Addition; thence NWly to the NW corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Hyde Park Addition; thence N1P to the SW coher of Lot 14, Block 1, Hyde Park Addition; thence NEly to a point in Lot 14, Bloc 1, Hyde the West line of said Lot 14; thence Nly and NWly 80' Ely and NEly of and parallel to the Ely line of Gleason Road to a point in Lot 9, Block 1, Hyde Park Addition, said point being 70' NWly of the Sly line of said Lot 9, along aforementioned line; thence NEly to a point on the NE Ltne of said Lot 9, said point being 55' Sly of the NE corner thereof; thence NWly to a point on the South line of.Lot 20, Block 1, Hyde Park Addition, said point being 50' West of the SE corner thereof; thence NEly to the center of the intersection of Schey Drive and Dewey.Hi.11 Road; thence Wly along the center line of Dewey Hill Road a distance of 380-.32!-; thence ,Sly to a point of beginning. -Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOT GRADING AND SURFACING IMPROVEMENT P-P-2 CONTINUED TO-JULY 15, 1974. Erickson, Councilman Johnson's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried, approving construction of Parking Lot Grading and Surfacing Improvement P-P-2 conditionally -and approving a definative agreement at the next Council Meeting, pending agreement with the adjoining landownerlas to the acquisition of the area to be developed, the area to be assessed, the method of assessment, approval of the purchase, approval of the sale of the strip of land adjoining Jerry's Food Store and approval of setting a hearing date for the vacation of Brookside Avenue. Mr. Paulson's attorney said that he and Mr, Erickson were confident that an agreement could be worked out very shortly. Mr, Dalen said that the good offer on the fill expired today, but the contractor had indicated that the agreement could be extended another two weeks. Park Addition, said point being 60: North of the South line and 80' 1 East of Mr. Dunn recalbed that Parking Lot Grading and Surfacing -Improvement P-P-2 had been continued from June 3, 1974. As recommended by Mr. REPLAT OF EVANSWOOD 2ND ADDITION CONTINUED TO AUGUST 5, 1974. Mayor Van Valken- burg recalled that preliminary plat of Evanswood 2nd Addition had been continued from June 3, 1974, so.that Mr. Erickson and Mr. Dunn could report back with a plan to solve drainage and sanitary sewer problems on the plat and so that neighbors would have a further opportunity to study the proposal. Clapp's attorney said that the overflow of a ponding area on the proposed plat could drain to a culvert under Blake Road and that the plat would meet all requirements of the City, the history of the area. Mr. Dunn said that he still has not seen a satisfactory answer-to how the sanitae sewer for the proposed house would work without freez- ing. He said that he believed that the outlot should stay an outlot until proper utilities were installed in the area, state Plumbing Comp+y that he would like to go over plans for the sanitary sewer with Mr. Clapp, Mr. Norman and the surveyor. Mr, Dunn added that the storm sewer was also a problem but agreed that, while it was not a permanent solution, the culvert under Blake Road and a drainage swale could control the elevation of the pond. freezing weather. Mr. Clapp and Mr. James C. Nystrom, 5225 Evanswood Lane, dis- Mr. Jaclc Vith the aid of the view-graph, Mr. Luce recalled He told Mr. Steve Norman of All- He added that this system does not always work in below 7/1/74 agreed on the level of water in the pond after a heavy rain. Following consider- able discussion, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried that Mr. Dunn meet wigh Mr. Clapp,.Mr. Norman and the surveyor so that the pertinent facts can be presented to Council at the Council Meeting of August 5, 1974. SANITARY SEIER IMPROVEMENT !%-313 RE-AWARDED TO G. L. CONTRACTING, IhT. man Johnson's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried confirming informal action taken by Council on June 18, 1974, awarding Contract No. 74-4 (ATG)-A for-Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS-313 to G. L. Contracting, Inc., in the amount of $163,916.85. Award to the confirmed next lowest responsible bidder had been made because Nodlancl Associates, Inc., had refused to execute the contract awarded to them at the meeting of June 17, 1974. STORM SEMER IMPROVEMENT No. 7474 (ENG) had been awarded on June 17, 1974, with the exception of Section VL;lbecause Storm Sewer Xmprovement 139 had not been authorized by Council. As recommended by Mr. Dunn, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried, awarding contract to low bidder, G. L. Contracting, Inc., for $11,837.20. Council- & .. -139 BID AWARDED. Mr. Dunn recalled that Contract BIDS AVARDED FOR STREET TMPROVEMENTS BA-182, A-173, CONCRETE REPLAC!dMENT AND response to P'Advertiserhent for Bids" in the Edina Sun and Construction Bulletin. for S_treet Improvements BA-182 and A-173, .Concrete Replacement 1974 in various locations throughout the City and for thin bituminous overlay on W. 50th Street from France Aaenue to Dale Drive and on Eden Avenue fromN. 50th Street to County Road 158. Tabulation showed Riegger Roadways, Inc.; low bidder at $128,510.71, Minnesota Valley Surfacing Co., at $140,352185; Buryland Carlson, Inc., at $149,632.71; Hardrives, Inc., at $178,389 ;22 against Engineer's estimate of $171,827.75. Councilman Courtney's motion awarding contract to recommended low bidder, Riegger Roadways, Inc., was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. 'BITUMINOUS OVERLAY. tlr. J3yde presented tabulation of four bids received in PARKIHG LOT GRADIhTG IMPROVEMENT NO. P-P-2 CONTINUED TO JULY 15, 1974, for award of bid by motioq of Councilwoman Schmidt, seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. OERTEL 1ST ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT OBJECTION NOTED. Council's attention was called to a letter from Mr. George H. Gould who said that a group of residents in the neighborhood of Oertel 1st Addition had not arrived at the meeting of June 17, 1974, in time to present their objections to Oertel 1st Addition, be- cause of their belief that the plat would %reate an extremely difficult and un- wieldy traffic situation". Being advised by lfr. Luce that the people who wrote the letter live on Arthur Street, TJaterman Avenue and IJaterman Circle and that these streets are not adjacent to the proposed road in Oertel 1st Addition, Councilman Johnson's motion that the Planner write a letter to Mr. Gould explain- ing,the situation, was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. I INSPECTION OF HOUSES FOR SALE REQUESTED. letter from Mr. and Mrs. Scott Garoutte, 6217 Crescent Drive, requesting that the City of Edinqadopt an ordinance similar to that of St. Louis Parlc whereby houses must be inspected by the City at the time it is put up for sale so that buyers would be award of any deficiencies. lfr. Hyde said that such an ordinance would certainly be a change in phil3sophy for the City. He explained to Mr. and Mrs. Garoutte and to Council that, with approximately 1;200 homes sold within the City annually, at least two additional inspectors would be needed. He also questioned the legal responsibility of the City if it issues-a certificate. tfr. Hyde clari- fied that Edina requires certificates of occupancy for new houses as well as for change of.occupancy in industrial and commercial properties. Following some dis- cussion, the City Manager was requested to inquire of St. Louis Park and other municipalities with ordinances of this type to find out why they felt a need for such an ordinance.and what fheir experience had been. GLEASON ROAD BOULEVARD TREES REQUESTED. petition signed by aGners of nine properties on the 6500 and 6600 blocks of Gleason Road, requesting the planting of trees on the boulevard of Gleason Road between Valley View Road and Creek Valley Road. Mrs. Calhoun said that the trees;should be bought, planted and paid for by the City in accordance with a past promise and because they would reduce noise along Gleason Road. Mr. Hyde said that he could find nothing to indicate that any such promise had been made and clarified that the City trims but does not plant boulevard.trees. He also referred to a letter which he had sent to residents of Gleason Road on June 4, 1968, which stated that Council's attention was called to a z '. Mr. Hyde called Counc*il's attention to a - letter from Mrs. E. Kent Calhoun, 6617 Gleason Road, which letter accompanied a 7/1/74 p. 8 oc, c4 w the six foot-boulevard requested by Gleason Road residents was not wide enough to properly accomodate trees. Councilman Johnson's motion was then seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried that the City Manager respond to Mrs. Cal- houn's letter 2nd send copies of pertinent correspondence to her, along with' the suggestion that,.if residents desire, a public hearing could be held and trees planted, if authorized, and assessed against benefitted property owners. Councilman Johnson also suggested that Mr. Hyde contact an expert on the subject for his advice. CONTROL DATA STORM WATER DRAINAGE PROBLEM NOTED. attention to a letter from Mr. V. J. Evanoff and Mr. G. W. Gilbert of Control Data inquiring as to City plans for increasing the capacity of the storm sewer to prevent a repetition of flooding at their building at 4625 W, 77th Street. Nr. @de recalled that this storm sewer had been proposed in 1971 and turned - down by property owners. ing in about six months anh that Mk. Dunn would respond to the letter. CAT LEASHING ORDINANCE REQUESTED. Mr. Hyde'called Council's attention to a letter from Mr. John R. Lucas, 5025 Kent Ave,, requesting an ordinance under which cats would have to be leashed. also expressed his concern for cats in his neighborhood killing the birds. Hyde recalled that an ordinance on cat control was the subject of wide discussion a few years ago and that Ordinance No. 331 had been adopted-at that time. Hyde will respond to Mr. Lucas' letter. The Edina Sun was requested to publish the ordinance Mr. @de called Council's He said that the project will be again brought to hear- An unidentified gentleman in the audience Mr. Mr. so that residents would know what 'action' they could take. LOTS 19, 21 AND PART OF LOT 20, AUDITOR'S SUBDIfiSION 196 PRD-3 HEARING DATE SET. .Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, setting July 15, 1974, far hearing date for the request of Nr. Folke Victorsen to rezone Lot 19, part of Lot 20, and Lot 21 from R-1 Residential District tb PRD-3 Planned Residential District. PORTION OF ZENITH AVE. VACATLON - DECLARATION OF BUILDABLE LOT HEARING DATE SET. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion was seconded by Councilman' Shaw and-carried, set- ting August 5, 1974, as hearing date for the vacation of Zenith Avenue from W. 54th StPeet to the Westerly exGension of the North line of Lot 28, Block 3, Seely's First Addition to 'Hawthorne Park. petitioners, also requested that Outlot '4 White Investment Company's Hidden Valley" also be declared a buildable lot. BLAKE' RIDGE ADDITION GRANTED FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Mr: and Mrs. Laszlo Fulop, the As recommend,ed by Mr. Luce, RESOLUTION APPROPING FINAL PLAT OF BLAKE RIDGE ADDITION BE .IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Blake Ridge Addition", platted by Blake Ridge Associates (by Builtwell Construction, Inc.,) and Industrial National Bank of Rhode,Island and presented at the Regular Meeting of the Edina City Council of July 1, 1974, be-and is hereby granted final plat approval. 'Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. FAIRVIEW-SOUTHDALE HOSPITAL BONDS CONTINUED. burg, Councilman Johnson's motion was secondea by Councilman Shaw and carried, continuing discussion on Fairview-Southdale Hospital bonds to August 5, 1974, for reviewal by Mr. Dalen. OSCAR ROBERTS PROPERTY SALE DROPPED: property has already been sold, o the Wanner Company and that Father Baglio if the City did'not accept their offer and give them the easement by July 1, -1974. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Johnson's motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried that the sale of the Oscar Rbberts propetty to Our Lady of Grace Church be dropped for the present time. HEARING DATES SET FDR STORM SEWER' P-ST.S-141 AND P-A-174. Dunn, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: As recommended by Mayor Van Valken- Mr. Hyde advised Council that the Balfanz of Our Lady of Grace Church/@& i! the church would withdraw its offer As recommended by Mr. .Y . RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. P- ST. S- 141 c AND PERMANENT. STREET SURFACING IMPROVEMBNT NO, P-A-174 1. The City Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminarjt report as to the feasibility of the proposed improvements'described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, 7/1/74 said report is hereby approved and directed to be,placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, July 15, 1974, at 7:OO p.m. in the Edina City Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said improvements. 3. place and purpose of said meeting to' be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in substantially the following form: c The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause noticed the time and * (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PLlBLIC HEARINGS STORM SEWER-SllPROWMEElT?NQ, P. ST.S-141 PERMANENT STREET SURFACING IMPROVEMENT NO. P-A-174 EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the Edina City Hall on Monday, July 15, 1974, at 7:OO porn., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. cost" of said improvements are estimated by' the City as set forth below: 1.' The approximate ESTIMATED COST CONSTRUCTION OF CIm STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN ' THE A. $19,316.34 FOLLOWING : IMPROVEMENT NO. P-ST . S- 141 Across France Avenue just'South of West 44th Street; also from alley between Sunnyside Road and West 44th Street just West of France Avenue West to ponding area 2. CONSTRUCTIONOF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING IN THE . FOLLOWING : West 56th Street from Bernard Place to Hansen Road $17,538.62" The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Btorm Sewer' (Improvement No. P-ST.S-141) under 1-A above includes Lot A, Registered 'Land Survey 11517; Lots A, B and C, Registered Land Survey #549; Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, Block 1, Berkeley Heights Addition; Lots 1 thru 9 incl., Block 1, Fairbairn's Rearrangement in Waveland and Waveland Park; Lots 1 thru 9 incl., Block 2, Fair- bairn's Rearrangement in Navelana'and'IJaveland Park; Blocks 13 and 15 Parcel 510, Block 20, Parcels 5000, 5510 and 5520; Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 26, Parcel 6500; Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13,'Block 26, Parcel 7000 and Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13, Block 26, Parcel 7500 all in Waveland Park; Lots 1 and 2, Auditor's Subdivision #172. Permanent Street Surfacing (Improvement No P-A-174) under 2-A above includes Lots 11 and 12, Richmond Hills 3rd Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Melody Knolls 5th Addition, Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, Melody Knolls 3rd Addition, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 17, Block 3, Melody Knolls 6th Addition and Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad property on the Northwest side of West 56th Street from Dale Avenue to Hansen Road. * The area proposed'to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Florence B. Hallberg ~ City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. SIX VOTIXG MACHINES TO BE LEASED. "The City Clerk advised Council that the.eighty- six voting machines owned by the City are inadequate for the November, 1974, election. Automatic Voting Machines or turning in the voting machines and going to the . Votomatic system.(computer card) of voting. Following some discussion, Council- man Johnson's motion was seionded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, that six additional Automatic Voting Machines be leased, if possible, with an option to. purchase the machines at a.later date if Council should desire. -. KlXZ&, HILL SUIT NOTED. Karl Krahl and-Gittleman Corporation Residential District PRD-3zoning of the property known as Krahl Hill. matter has been referred to the City Attorney. Discussion ensued as to the possibility of purchasing additional I Mr, Eyde advised Council that a suit has been filed by against the City for its denial of Planned The MINI-ART CENTER COMMITTEE kP0INTMENT CONTINUED to July 15, 1974, as requested by Mayor Xan Valkenburg by motion of Councilwoman Schmidt, seconded by Council- -- man Shaw and carried. STORM DAMAGE REPORT GIVEN. Mr. Hyde reported that City crews had done an excel- lent job in cleaning up branches and tsrees that had been blown:. down in the June 7/1/74 M 20, 1974, storm, Mr. Hyde expressed satisfaction that, even though a number of trees were lost in the Country Club District, none of the boulevard trees blew down. for installation of new curb and gutter would weaken the trees. ) . He recalled that res-idents had projected that cutting the roots MRS. RUTH HERMANSON RETIREMENT NOTED. Councilman Johnson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, upon being advised by Mr. Hyde of the retire- ment of Mrs. Ruth Hermanson on July 31, 1974: RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION AND APPRECIATION TO MRS. RUTH B. (MARVIN) HERMANSON WHERE&, Mrs. Ruth B. (Mgvin) Hermanson has served the Village and City of Edina most capably as Administrative Secretary in the Engineering and Public ~ Works Department from December 1, 1952, until July 31, 1974; and . WHEREAS, during Mrs. Hermansdn's tenure, the Engineering Department was responsible for the construction of $46,000,000 of public improvements, includ- ing 149.1 miles of'streets, 160 miles of water mains, 137 miles of sewer mains and other needed facilities; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Hermanson's services .were of extreme importance in the,completion of this work; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Hermanson devoted many untold hours voluntarily in order that the necessary doc'ments woulh. be preparid expeditiously and accurately; and WHEREAS,'Mrs. Hermanson served as an invaluable aide to five dififerent Directors of Engineering and Public Works in a most efficient manner and handled volum- inous details effectively and pleasantly in full compliance with a.11 specifica- tions ; . on behalf of all of the citizenry, be extended sincere thanks for her ,conscientious and effective service and best wishes for a long and happy retirement, and that suitable copies'of this resolu- tion be presented to Mrs. Hermanson and the members of her family. Councilman Johnson's motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Counbilman-Courtney and unanimously carried.. .NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of,Edina, that, MRS. RUTH B. HERMANSON , INNER ACCOUNT TRANSFER BUDGET APPROVED. Shau offered the following resolution and moved ,its adoption: WHEREAS, the Edina City Council must make certain determinations and findings and amand the budget resolution adopted September 17, 1973, adopting the City of Edina budget for the 1974 calendar year (being the City's fiscal year), all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. (1973) Sec. 412.731, by transfkrging unemcumbered balances of budgeted appropriations; NW, THEREF0RE;BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina as follows: . 1. That the Council hereby finds and determines that there is a susplus of funds in the Contingkncies Fund, such surplus being in excess$oE $47,965.00. 2. That said sum of $47,965 is available for transfer, and is he.reby trans- ferred, to the General Fund and.the Park Fund of the City of Edina as follows: As recommended by Mr. Dalen, Councilman RESOLUTION I $ 228 Planning .- -3,834 Administration Finahce 2,054 Assessing 312 7 54 Public Works - Engineering 3,440 Public Works - Supervision and Overhead 1,038 Public Vorks - General 7,028 Police Progection 18,365 Fire Protection 2,058 Civilian Defense 94 Public Health 533 Animal Control 184 Inspections 1,936 TOTAL GENERAL FUND ' $41,858 Park and Recreation - Administration $ 1,438 Park and Recreation - Maintenance 4,669 TOTAL PARK FUND $ 6,107 TOTAL TRANSFER TO $47,965 ' TRANSFER TO: ** Public Works - Administration Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. CITY TO REJOIN LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES ON SEPTEMBER 1, 1974, AND RETAIN MEMBERSHIP IN METROPOLITAN SECTION. Councilman Courtney and Mr. Hyde 7/1/74 t explained that the dues of the League of Minnesota Municipalities for the City of Edina will be $5,000 for the forthcoming year and that the dues for membership in the Metropolitan Section will be $3,382.00. of votes assigned to each mudcipality was also explained. As recommended by Mr, Hyde, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried, that the City retain its membership in the Association of Metropolitan Nuntcipal- ities and rejoin t.he League of Minnesota Municipalities on September 1, 1974, for done year trial basis. HERITAGE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE D&FTING AUTHORIZED. Attorney by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, to proceed with dkafting the Heritage Preservation Ordinance and with drafting of the state statute wbich the City would propose for implementation of Historic Preservation Districts. The method of allocating the number . Authority was given to the City PURCHASE OF POLICE CAR RATIFIED. woman Schmidt and carried, ratifying the informa% action of Council in'approving the purchase of a 1974 Pontiac Catalina from Hansford Pontiac in the amount of $3,850.00. Councilman Shaw's motion was seconded by Council- RESOLUTION OF RESPECT ADOPTED FOR MRS: DOROTmA S. OBERMGIER, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: IJHEREAS, Mrs. Dorothea S. (Fred) Obhrmeyer was a pioneer resident of the Village and City of Edina for fifty years since 1924, being the daughter of L, L. Soule, Cotmcilman Johnson RESOLUTION OF RESPECT AND CONDOLENCE the first Assessor of the Village of Edina; and WHEREAS, over these years, Mrs. Obermeyer evidenced an active est in affairs of the municipality? giving freely of her time Minnehaha Grange,., the Edina Historical Socfety and'serving as the Edina P.T.A. in 1936; and WiiBEAS, Mrs. Obermeyer conscientiously served as an Election Village of Edina from November 7, 1944, to September 9, 1969; and serious inter- as a member of the the President of Official for the and WHEREAS, llrs. Obermeyer spent tireless and dedicated hours caring for those who depended upon her; and IIHEREAS, it was' with profound sorrow that the Council learned of the passing of Dorothea S. Obermeyer on July 1, 1974; NCKJ, THEREFORE,.BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Edina do hereby express sincere sympathy to the members of Mrs. Obermeyer's family; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that-a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Dr. Fred C. Obermeyer and to Rdbert'L. Obermeyef and to Fred R, 0bermeyer.- Moti.on for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and unanimously carried. CLAIMS PAID. foE payment of the following claims as per pre-list dated July 1, 1974: Fund, $35,775.25; Construction Fund, $549.15; Parks, $29,632.10; Water Fund, $7,230.36; Liquor Fund, $90,423.30; Sewer Fund, $42,316.80; Total, $205,926.96. The agenda having been covered, Councilman Johnson's motion $or adjournment.was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. Motion of Councilman Courtney was seconded, by Councilwoman. Schkcdt Genqral Adjournment at 9:lO p.m. I City Clerk