HomeMy WebLinkAbout19750106_regular?IINhlr:S DF '.C1115 RFGULAR tIKGr1f:G OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL KELD Kt CITY EIiU ON JANUARY 6, 3975 '. Ansvering rollcall were members Courtney, Richards., Schmidt: and Nayor Van Vclicenburg , * - OATEI 03 OFFICE was adininistered by thc Clerk to Councilmn Frederick S, Richards for a term of office to expire on January 1, 1979, - COEXXIA3LLu\I COURTNEY APPOIETED t-L\ETOR PRO 'T& Gouncihoman Schmidt seconded Nayor , Vzn Yalkenburg's recornendation for the appointnht .of Councilwn Cocrtney as Hqor Pro Tern, . The motion carried. -- P'EiLIC IIEARlXGS COWLXT-E~! 027 STREIT IXPROVENEES~CS. P-B.4-202 AhQ P-A-175 Afridavits of Xotice were presented by Clerk, cpproved GS to fcrm and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to due notice given, public hearings were con6ucted con- currently and action talien as herein recorded: .A- COXSTXETiOM CS GWIXG, G?3AVEUIIsc; , CQiL'CPSTFI- c'iR3 -AX3 GLTTER, PEX*X-IENT STPSET SUN?ACI!G, CCKCWTE SIDE\J-.UK, EIUCGE ~'Li4 STOX4 SWER IUPBOVEENT NO. P-SA-202 IN TIE HOiLGTiXG: Corjre Drive from Parlczood Lane to Liccoln Drive (Access to the Domj.n?'_ck ba6,'Ccun"iy Rmd 18 Interchange presently under construction) COXST2IJZTiCN 07 G?i?ES, GILC,VELIHG AN3 BITLXINOLrS STRZET SUXFACTXG X3EROVE- >ZIE NO, P-A-175 LW THE FOLLGIIKG: Kalibu ljrive kxtended Morth from Parkwood Knolls 15th Addition, and Fksterly to Lincoln Drive (Access to the 7th St/ County Road 18 Interchange presently un&r cor,struction) B I Go-mcil was reninded that a citizens' cornittee had been appointed to work with professional traffic engineers on various proposals to solve proSlens caused by Cbe lack of alternate access and egress routes for the developing Parkwood- Kmlls area. Fran a study of'the data gathered zad citizen reaction to various proposais, the stafr' has recornended these two irqrcweroents for public hearing, $2~~ 3uzn e2Tlained that these improvements would provide rccess and egress routes to both krth and South bomd County Road 18 and shclulct decrease Crar'fSc in pzrts of Parkwood Knolls since all Par'mood Knolls trzffic mst r13w travel to Zl&.e, Vernon or InCerlackn, even though such Crafffc dcskes to trzvel. on Coi:i._ty Road 18.- Total estinated cost of L~pr~res~~zt So& F-3A-202 wss give2 at ShO,L20,23 ad the estiznatcd cost 05 Lrr,;zrovemen? $3i,652.i2, assessed against the undeveloped praperrg tnrough which it wfll cil a front footage basis, It is proposed that the norm1 cost of a ccqletely iz?rmed street ($25.00 per assessable foot) ha assessed i,gsi=lst thp_ undevelo?ed Fropzrty through wiiFc1.- ~nprovsnmt t?o, p-M-ZC2 is proposed to bc coiisi:nicted, vith the approxinxitely $L05,000.00 balance to be assessed equally agzins: each &elling unit or dwelling site in the ParkiooZ Knolls Adciitions, existing ad pro- pnsed, ths 3iiILbu lieights Addition, the Walnut Zidge 3rd Addlcion Zorth of 3Jil1,a: ESie Creek, ,?rd the proposed Edinz Green Mdltion at aii estimted rate cf $260.00 per d57elIkg tmit or &ze?Xng cnit site. Lzare, cbjected that he 6oas rrcr feel that traffic on hls rosci is excessive znd tb~r he silocld no'i b2 assessed for the groposcd iqrovemcnts. clarification of "excessive traffic". ~+r. Dr?nn szi6 that there are al;prcxi- mtzly 4,500 vahicles per day on 31ake RoaZ z~cl approsirriarely 2,000 vzhlcles ?er Gay cn View.Lane znd Sckefer bad. He raid that the assessm?nt could :lave been proposed on the basis of traffic volumes and agrzed that tzaffic is not 8s exces- sive in W. %ysteic's area as on view h~e 'anci Sclzcieikr, but that it is te'lieved Chat residents who live in Eas2 PZL~~WOG~ Knolls would bzner'it betatlse of the Lighter trafflc and that residents 97ho live in West Z'Zckdcod ikolh wo;~ld benefit bzccuse of better Eccess. gcs'iea that it wozld do more gcod io de.-,wlq Olicgzr &ad beceusc ~ost of eke - resi6rtss have no need to go to County Paad lS, and also saggeated that the bar- ricade be replaced OG hnclr:nderry bail. & expressed concern that this route ' i.:orrld gcve zccess through tk area tfi peopie wing th-2 shqping center Vzst oE Co.c;lty RQad 18, primarily use the Dominick %ad interchagc. Ex, Ean~y ii~csen, 6629 E?.sc~Y~~ Elvd., snd dsvelopar in thc arca, szid t3~t the Ikiibu wtensim proposal i:; pre- rrattlre because. his con-qazy wil.1 not: klzov just wiicra they WiiL be rski1.1g Che?C parkl~~d dcdi.carion unti.2 3 ph: for the ate2 is developed. EGV~C crossiag \~oulri not \>e used by nzny rcs2dcr;ts acd vould bxZns additional -v&icles into clic are3 frcn tire ::iest, thLibu Dzive, TeIemxk Trail, the l-jrillbu Ikights Addition and the nei? Village Grccii Addition vou'ld not bcncfit by t!ic Dovre CXOSS?~~. P-A-175 was SLvm at It is proposed that the total cost of Improvement No* P-8-175 L= . be constl-icted Xr. i:. G. P. Ez~sisek, 6204 IB~.~.woo~ 53 askd for a Kr. Victor L. Oii-Jer, 6620 Park~ooJ ibaci, sug- >zr, EcrAi1 s~.id that: tyaffic g-zzlcrzted by the shopping CSrter WGdd - - Eb added that the Xr. :kxcn con~endcc thec prsperries cn Bc. sugzested that the ,'. . =.. .. ! .. . . _. -. .' r 1/6/75 b CD 0 w w barricades would not cost $140,000 ar.d would have been effective if the bar- rfcade at Londondonderrj Road and Stauder Circle had not cut off the Iforth- western Parkwood Iholls area from direct access to the park and had been placad perpendicular (at: 90 degrees) to the way in which it was placed. 2-k. David Taft, 5535 Schacfer Road, gild Mr. Wm. J. Kuross, 5316 Malibu Drive, as well as Pfrs. Phyl-lis Locke of Field Way, agreed with &Ire Hansen that the barricades were never fully rested, In response to a question of Pfrs. Ann Overholt, 7 OverhoIt Pass, Mr. Dunn pointed out the location. of the Dominick Drive and 7th Street interchanges and said that he had thought Chat the proposed route would provide an access route €or residents in the area, but: would be circuitous enough to keep athers out of the mea. 6645 Parkwood Road, that the original proposal of the citizens' committee had been revised because of the elevation and because soil conditions are better in ehe presently proposed location. suggested that the Dovre Drive crossing be constructed to the North of the proposed Location in order to save a grove of oak trees. that soil conditions worsen in that location but that this Northern route wculd save about twenty-five trees. 8e told Councilman Courtney that he would estinate that the change would increase the cost of the project by approximately $25,000. that it would be better t~ construct the road as proposed, but that it is posstble that. ttie suggested route mtght not develop as much traffic past the existing homes on Dovre Drive from Biscayne Blvd. to Londonderry Drive. Mr. Dum told 55~s. Helen NcClellan of the Parkwood Knolls Traffic Association that moving the mad to the North would give Nr, Rauenhorst mwe area of building be constmcted on the poorer soil, legal opinion thac the City could not install barricades on a permanent basis. Mr, Robert J. Schramm, 5800 View Lay, said that people want easy access to freeways. had determined that 70% of the traffic would be going East and North and 30% of the traffic would be going South and West. Xayor Vm Valkenburg said that he would like to see tke costs of the Southern access and that residents living in the East side of Parkwood Knolls should not have to wait another two years €or relief from traffic. credsnce in the suggestions of the staff and told residents that the barricades would be reconsidered if they could find proof that they would be Eound legal. He the2 mved that Street hprove~nt k. P-%-202 be approved Ir, concept and continued to February 3, 1975, with the understanding that the staff explore the possibility of moving the road slig!~tly to the North in order to save the trees. four ayes and no nays and the motion carried. authorization of Street Improvement Nc, P4-175 was,then seconded by Council- womm Schmidt, Councilman Richards said tha': he though.= that'the access road to the West is needed, but that Council should look at the entire Northwestern area as to where the park lands will be and as to future access. He suggested ghat the Hansens be given a deadline by which to decide where the park should be located and khat Council should-look at tlis snti-re developmen!: plan. Couiicilmn Courtney said thai: the Cour.cil should have soaeth'ing Eo say ab0zl.t: where the park is to go. Councilman Richirds voting "Nay" and the motion lost. noved tliet Street Xmprovment No. P-A-175 be continued to February 3, 1975, SO that the overall plazl for the area in question can be reviewed to dezemine existing and proposed road alignments, Eotion was seconded by Councilwonan Schmidt and carried. C Mr. Duqn advised Hr. George May, An unidentified gentleman in the audience Nr. Dunn explained . Mr. Dunn said that from a cos2 standpoint, he thought property because soil conditions would be improved and that the road wo~ld then i 14~s. NcClellan recalled IW. Erickson' s Mr. Darrell Boyd, a nkmber of the task force, recalled that his group Councilman Courtney said that Council should take Motion was seconded by Councilwainan Schmidt and on rollcall there were Councilman Courtney's mution for . On the calling 02 the roll there mre khree ayes with ' Counci Lmn Iliehards then FIE DEPARTBEKC OP3ER APPEALS CONTIIXED, Cou~.lcll~s attenkion was called to appeals of Fire Preyention Bureau orders of Inland Constructior. Coq. eelating to installation of an automtrtic sprinkler system in buildings at 7651. and 7675 Washington Aye. S. and of Fk. Gus Young concerning the Southdale Bowl and the Biltmore Lmes. The matter was continued so that the City official issuing the Order would have an oppcrtunity to submit a written report: to the Couric5-1 in accordance wLth provisions of the Ordinance, by notion of Councilman Courtney, seccnded by Cou.nci3;rJom.m Schmidt and carried. NORTHEP?q STATES POIJER XIATE INCEASE DISCUSSED, attention %o a tetter from Northern States Po57'er explaining the need for its xequest for: a rate increase. Mr. Eyde poizted out: thzr: the matter now goes to the Public Service Commission and that: the City Is represented by the Subzrban Ute Autkrorieg. *. - Mr. Eyde called Council's Eo action w2s taken, . 1/6/75 - LAYOUT 23B FOR COIIXTY ROAD 18 COUNCXL DECISION REAFFIIU4ED. that recently the Council had zpproved Layout 23B €or County Road 18, with the proviso that the County take the adjacent houses on the East side of the higiiwrry and thet, subsequently, 2 letter had been received from the Couiity requesting that that proviso be removed. The County had contended that the noise level would be satisfactory if the proposed noise barrier was constructedp Mr. Iierbert Klossner, County Engineer, introdwed the'Chief Rtght-0%-Nay Agent and the Relocalion Agent of the County. concerning action taken by the Council in approving Layout 23B, which expressed hLs concern that action reqclested by the City with respect to the taking of the houses would cause a delay in awarding the contract. This delay, he contended, could mzke the project the loss of Federal funds for the project. Nr. Klossner showed a layout of the highway from Maloney Ave. to Spruce Road which indicated that a service road would 'be constructed between existing houses and the highway, and said that the Highway Departnent firmly believes that it can meet the Federal Highway Adminis- traeion noise level requirement through the construction of sound barriers at ap- propriate locations. to2 Ave. were 78 decibels during the a.m, peak hours and 73 decibels during the p.m. peak hours, the am. peak hours and 70 decibels during the p.m. peak hours. said that, even though it is projected that 1985 traffic voluiiies will be almost three times the present volumes, the center line of the proposed County Road 18 wiil be twice as far from residential property as it exists today, which facts ??odd account for the reduced noise levels. Mr. Klossner szid that the County estixates'that direct cost to the County for the acquisition of tle seventeen 'names and ths relocation of twenty-Evc families would be $750,000, which costs are not: eligible for Federal-Aid funding Eind that delay in construction could increase construction costs from five to ten percent, which vould represeat a cmsiderable sum when the total cost: of 'this project is considered. tha County cannot justify this additional cost. Mr. Rlossner also questioned whether condemnation of the adjacent houses wodd be allowed by the Courts has- zych as there is no actual physical taking required for constructing i;he highwhy. Srr response to Councilnan Courtney's question as to whether or not a property omier might lose economically if his Some should be* taken, Mr. Klossaer said that, generally, the differential in inortgage interest rates would be assumed but that ari inzrosse ii; real estate taxes and utilities would not be recoverable. He emphasized thzt it is iegally required to maintain the noise level rio higher tha 70 decibels. tkexe is -Jery little difference in the noise level'in concrete or biturninow surzzce and that, at this time, it has not beTn decided as to which surEacing iqi:l. be used. Hr. Klossner told the gentleman who lives a:: 323 Washington Ave. tbt khe County is not trying to buy houses in the Park Valley arsa in Hopkins. tu cozlstruct the noise barrier wall by h2s house and that it would be necessary eo obtain a waiver froa the Federal Highway Administlcaticn. sound kvels would be satLsfactory with the use of air conditioning in the f~ur hams on the Xorth. conld reach Cmnty Road 18 without using the service rozd. Mr. Nanford R~s- lcirssen, owner or' one of the double bungdogs, t7zs tro1.d 3y Xr. Klossner that thz Gouaty wiii not be taking any prcperty from 3nySody on his side oE eke road. Xasmussen suggested that taxes on the abutting properties should be reduced i>y SOX to reflect the decrease in vslue which the highmy construction will cmse. E&. Kchael McGlenEon, owner of 421-423 Washington Ave,, asked who w'tll coinpensate hiia for ths loss of aesthetic valce of his property, Mr. Erickson replied that property vziue would be based on the market value before and after construction of the highway and that everything that is used to establish market value will be considered. As requested by Xr. Brockway, >fro Luce explained that 70 decibels would be equivalent to the sound of a VBCUU~ cleaner. considerable discussion, Councilwonan Schmidt said that, while she was concerned about the costs which the County would incur in taking the adjacent houses, she wss also concerned about tlp residents oE these houses, md moved that Council's action of November 4, 1975, ayproviag LS.YGU~ 233 for Comty Road 18, with the understanding that the adjacent residential properties be tdccn, was seconded by Councilman Richards and on rollcall ;-here were tlmee ayes with CawicLIman Cotirtney voting "nay". that it would be an economic hardshi? for som3 people to have to mov2.. 3Ir. R. W. Cashin, 405 Washington Ave., said that the noise would be no gzcater at his loca- tion than al: tl2e Interlachen Ifills Apartmmts and said that it is not accurate to say that moviag will not put ehem to ariy additional ex;?ensa, Mr, Hyde recalled - He read a letter which he had written to Nayor Van Valkenburg cost increase with the additional inflation and could cause Nr. Klossner szid that the noise levels taken at 409 Washing- Ee contended that 1985 levels would be no more Jhan 77 decibels during iilr. Klossner He added that . Xr. Rlossner told Mrs. Alison Fdlir, 5609 Brittany RGad, thC - Rlossner also advised the gentleman that it would be economically un€easable He also said that Mr. Klossner clarified that Bcl OiJl and Super Valu trucks F!, Following Councilman Courtney eq lained that Ere thought -(L ,- . - .-. XW75 ZONING AND FILLING OF PLAT 73830, TARCEL 7200 DISCUSSED. Mr. Hyde recalled that a complaint had been received from Mr. Neal Page, 4504 W. 64th Street, about the vast amount of filling that had been going into Plat 73830, Parcel 7200, located on the North side of the Crosstown Highway at Wooddale Avenue. He explained that it is evident that some fill had been deposited on the pro- perty, but that he could find no real evidence of any great amount 'of recently deposited fill. Mr. Hyde said that he had been unable to get in contact with the Department of Natural Resources who had agreed to inspect the site. Hyde said that he had zdvised Mr. Levine, o~n-~er of the property, that he would have to apply for a permit before any additional fill could be deposited on che property. a zoning change for the property. Mr. Levine had not deposited any fill in the property for some time and that he is aware of the fact that he would have to apply €or a permit to do any future filling and that the Department of Natural Resources would have to give permission to fill the water area. for rezoning. . Mr. Mr. J3yde clarified that Mr. Levine had no present plans to request Mr. Miner; attorney for Mr. Levine, said that .c. ' He added that there is not now any petition Mr. Hyde said that he will advise the neighbors of his findings. I I LIMERICK LANE SENER BACK-UP CONCILIATION COURT CLAIM DENIED. Mr. Hyde rscalled that, following denial of the City's insurance company of responsibility for a sewer back-up on Limerick Lane, residents had taken their claim to Conciliation Court, and that the Court had ordered that claim against the City. responsibility and explained how the sewer crew helps to clean, *sanitize,:- and do whatever they can to assist the property owner. P-BA-203 PUBLIC HEARING DATE SET. Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: plaintiffs recover nothing on their He said that he believed that the City did have a moral 1 As recommended by Mr. Dunn, Councilman RESOLUTION PROVIDING'733R PLBLIC HEARXNG ON STREET Il@ROVE?IElR. NO. P-BA-203 1. The City Engineer, having sub&tted'CO ths Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed street improvement described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improve- ment, said report: is hereby approved and directed to be.placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Edina City Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons inter- ested in said improvement. 3. place and purpose of said'meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in substantially the following form. This Council shall meet on Monday, January 20, 1975, at 7:OO p.m. in the The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF rmuc HEARING PERMANENT STREET SURFACING, CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER AND BITUIENOUS PATHWAY IMPROVEMENT NO. P-BA-203 THE CITY COUNCIL will meet at the Edina City Hall on*Monday, January 20, 1975, at 7:OO p.m., to consider the following proposed improvement to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. mate cost of said improvement is estimated by the City as set forth below: CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREFT SURFACING, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS PATHWAY The approxi- ESTIMATED COST IMPROVISMENT NO. P-BA-203 $99,419.27 Olinger Blvd. from Olinger Road to County Road 158 (Vernon Avenue) The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing, Concrete Curb and Gutter and 3tiurninous Pathway (Improvement No. P-BA-203) includes Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Green Hills of Edina Addition; Tract By R.L.S.#1126; and Parcel 1400, Section 32, Township 117, Range 21. . Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was secorded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. MORNINGSfDE AREA IMPROVEMENTS IhTORMAL HEARING TO BE CONDUCTED. Mr. Hyde advised Council of concern about the deterioration of streets, curb and gutter and sidewalks in some areas of Northeast Edina. Crocker Ave., urged that action be taken as soon as possible ad referred to a petition, signed by 36- out of 38 property arners on Crocker Ave., for permanent street surfacing and-curb. Councilman Courtney said that he agreed that a need exists €or improvem&t of the area, but questioned the ability of retired resi- dents to pay for these improvements. freezing the payment of special assessments for senior citizens. fied gentleman in the audience asked if something could be done to solve the drainage problems in several low areas, particularly at 44th and Eranson Street. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, that the Engineer prepare estimates of cost to be presented at the next Council heting and that a-hearing date be set at that time. ASSOCIATION OF 3IETROPOLITAN "ICIPALITIES MEETIhrJ ON HOUSING AND COb5MUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT NCEED. be held at the Hopkins House OR January 14 and 15,- 1975, to describe the Housing and Community Development Act. Mr. Ronald Ringling, 4238 Mr. Hyde suggested the possibility d€ An unidenti- , Nr. Hyde called Council's attention to s conference to The City will be represented. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEFTINGS NOTED. meetiags of the Hetropolitan Council on January 14 at Bloomington City Hall, an January 16 at Hetropolitan Council offices, and on January 21 at Brooklyn Center City Hall. Mr. Hyde called Council's attention to DEAN AKINS' COUW: HEARIhB TO BE CONTINUED, report on the maliter of the Dean &ins' apartment building at 5416 W. 70th St. Mr. Hyde referred to Mr. Erickson's ' He-advised that he had met: with Assistangchief Buresh, the Fire Inspectors and Mr. Azcins and that Mr. Akins had submitted two proposals to which he agreed: 1) a. letter from a fire protection firm of October, 1574, which would go by the Fire Prevention Code; or 2) would met the State Building Code. Mr. Erickson's letter had indicated that either of the two proposals would be satisfactory and the Fire Department has zgreed that either proposal would be acceptable to them, subject to receipt of final detailed plans. ance o€ the January 17 Order and that there be a contract signed between Mr. &ins and some fire protection engineering firm. was then seconded-by Councilwomar, Schmidt and carried, directing the City Attorney to obtain a Court Order continuingzthe &ins' Court Hearing for an additional thirty days. his own proposal of August 28, 1974, which Mr. Hyde reconnuended that there be a thirty day continu- Councilman Courtney's motion SPTdT-LIQUOR FACT SHEEX was presented to Council by Mr. Hyde.for review before the Special Meeting of -January 13, 1975. ELECTION OFFICIALS A?POINTED FOR ELECTION OF FEBRUARY 4, 1975. the City Clerk, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT BSOLVED that the Edina City Council approve the appointment of Election ,Judges hereinafter named and that the City Clerk be authorized to imke such addi- tions and changes as she may deem necessary: Precinct 1 - Mmp,s. Muriel Clauson, . Helen Donovan, Jane Fleet, Barbara AM Anderson; Alternate, Lois Hallqgist; Precinct 2 - Precinct 2 - 3lmes. Joyce Akason, ChairmaF-, Judith Sotebeer, Jean EcDermid, Diane Le-; Alternate, Marjorie Maki; Precinct 3 - Mmes. Jane Haw- thorne, Chairman, Marjorie Rossiter, Sherrill Estensen, Patricia; Alternate, Marjode Maki; Precinct 4 - Mmes Shirley Dibble, Chaimm, Alice Rose, Jeanette Lushioe, Kathryn Stamp and Joanne Downey, Alternate; Precinct 5 - Ws. Henri- etta Bartlett, Chairman, sue Holden, Phyllis Cooper, Carol Ledder and Faze1 Hel- geson, Alternate; Precinct 6 - Ws. Nancy Springer, C'hairman, Jzne Bains, Lael Pruen, Barbara Casselman and Catherine Swanson, Alternate; Bess Brudelie, Chairman, Marian Bafley, LaVonne Swenson, Helen Peterson, and Naomi Ward, Alternate; Kinney, -ins Saaders, Betty Tripp and Florence Freudenthal, Alternate; I 9 - Mnes. Yvorine Ford, Chairman, Florence Babeman, Josie Korthof, Virginia Dash and Jean Erdall, Alternate; Precinct 10 - Mmes. Lorraine Hasselquist, Chairmn, 3hry Bartz, Virginia Bodine, Gay Bostock and Shirley Moore, Alternate; Prechct - 11 - Bnes Geneva Smith, Chairman, Gloria Thorburn, Anna Taggatz, Eleanor Thornton, and Barbara Boyd, Alternate; Precinct 12 - Bfnes. Adele Olson, Chairman, Diane Greensweig, Mary HcDonald, Ihyllis Taylor and Doris Van Campen, Alternate; Pre- cinct 13 - Mmes. Patricia Harmon, Chairman, Mavis deLamberC, Margaret Delaney, Merilyn Person and Edna Thomsen, Alternate; Precinct 14 - Mmes. Hary Jane Plate, Chairman, Jeanette Lund, Esther Olson, Ruth Volk and Louise Carlson, Alternate; . Precinct 15 - Lucille Borchers and Nancy Phillips., Alternate; little, Chairman, Lillian Nieneier, Lois Atwood, Helen Shirley and Elizabeth Burgess, Alternate. As recomnsnded by RESOLUTION Precinct 7 - ll~~es. Precinct 8 - Mmes. Audrey Berglund, Chairman, Margaret Precinct Mmes. Charlotte Burns, Chairman, Patricia Olander, Xosemary Sweeney, Precinct 16 - Mmes. Betty Doo- .. "* . I 1/6/75 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwomafi Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted, FOOD STAMP COST IEREASE DEPLOWD BY HUMAN RELATIONS COMBISSION. called Council's- attention to a letter from.lfrs. Meredith Hart, Chairman of the Human Relations Commission, requesting that Council approve action of the Corn- mission protesting the increase in the cost of food stamps and authorizing the Commission to send letters of protest to Mr. Jack Nichols, Acting Director of the Food Stamps Program, Senators Hubert Humphrey and Walter Nondale and to Representative lJilliam Frenzel. Councilman Courtney's motion approving the action requested by the Commission was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. f Mr. Hyde . SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEPENT ' SS-321 AND WATERUIN IMPROVEMENT WM-291 AUTHORIZED ON 100% PETITION. Mr. Dunn reported that petitions for improvements consisting of sanitary sewer and water main to serve 6021 Vernon Ave. had been received in his office on February 21, 1973, signed by Mr. Pau1.L. Dudek, owner of the pro- perty. against the property of such owners. the following resolution and moved its adoption: Said petition also requested the Council to assess the entire cost I Councilman Courtney thereupon introduced RESOLUTION ORDERING WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM-291 AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS-321 UPON PETITION THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. the Council to construct a sanitary sewer improvement and a watermain improve- ment to serve 6021 Vernon Ave., and to assess the entire cost against the property of the petitioner, and that said petition has been signed by all Owners of real property oE said location where said improvements are to be located. 2, ordered pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.031 (3), (Session Laws of 1961, Chapter 525, Section 2). shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM-291 and SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS-321. lmprovements is hzreby ordered to be assessed against the property in which Che irmprovements are to be constructed. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. It is hereby found and determined that a petition has been filed requesting The making of said improvemmts in accordance with said petition is hereby Said improvements are hereby designated and The entire cost of said # STATE HIGHWAY DEPAfYlfMENT TECHNICAL AID REQUESTED FOR 1975. offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Councilwoman Schmidt RESOLUTION 2 BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant: to statutory authority, the City Engineer, for and on behalf of the Cit'y of Edina, is hereby authorized to request and obtain from the Minnesota Department of Highways, needed engineering and technical services during the year of 1975 for which payment will be made by the City Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolction was adopted. . ,upon receipt of verLfied claims from the Commissioner of Highways. I) MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AGENCY AGREEMENT CONTINUED INDEFINITELY. As recom- mended by the Engineer, councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman 3 Richards and carried, continuing the Minnesota Highway Department Agency Agree- ment until it is needed. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DESIGNATED. resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the Edina Sun be designated as the official publication for the City of Edina for the year 1975. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. Councilman Courtney offered the following RESOLUTION - I OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES DESIGNATED. resolution and moved its adoption: Councilman Courtney offered the following RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES BE IT RESOLVED that the First Edina National Bank, Edina, Iinnesota, First South- s dale National Bank, Edina, Minnesots, Am2ricana State Bank of Edina, Edinz, Minne- sota, and Southwest Fidelity State Baxik,Edina, Minnesota, authorized to do bank- ing business €n Minnesota, be and hereby are designated as Official Depositories for the Public Funds of the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, until January 1, 1976. . 1/6/75' '' Motion fo; adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays except that Councilman Richards abstained from voting concerning the Americana State Bgnk of Edina. SIGNATORY RESOLUTION ADOPTED . tion and moved its adoption: RE SOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the persons holding office as Mayor, Manager and Treasurer of the Cit-y of Edina, be and they hereby are, authorized to act for this municipality in the transaction 05 any banking business with First Edina National Bank,.First . Southdale National Bank, Americana State Bank of Edina and Southwest Fidelity State Bank (hereinafter referred to as the banks) from time to time and until written notice to any bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said accounts, which checks will be signed by the Mayor, Manager and City Treasurer. hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the City, including the signer or signers of the check. Motion €or adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution w2.s adopted. Councilwoman Schmidt offered the following resolu- I- Each bank is FACSIMILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS ATjTHORIZED . the following resolution and moved its adoption: Councilqm Courtney offered PJSOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF FACSDLLE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS RESOLVED, that the use of facsimile signatures by the following named persons; c 3AMES VAN VATXENBURG - MAYOR WARREN C. HYDE - CITY MANAGER J. N. DALE& - CITY TREASURER on checks, drafts, warrants, warrant-checks, vouchers or other orders on public funds deposited in First Edina National Bank, First Southdale National Bank, Americana Stzte Bank of Edina and Southwest Fidelity State Bank be and hereby is zpproved, and that each of said named persons may authorize said depository bank to honor zny such instrument bearing his facsimile signature in such form as he may designate and to charge the same to the account in said depository bank upon which drawn, as fully as though it bore his manually written signature, and that instments so honored shall be wholly operative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such facsimile srgnature shall have been affixed without his authority . -Hotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. ASSIGh- OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND AUTHORIZED FOR FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL B&W OF ZDINA AND FIRST EDINA NATIONAL B-4NK. Zoliowing resolutions and moved their adoption: Councilman Courtney offered the RESOLUTIOR APPROVIhY: ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK OF EDINA . RESOLQED, that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, approve assign- ment by its depository, the First Southdale National Bank of Sdina, Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the City of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: . Massachusetts Various Purpose, 4.60X., due 12/1/78 ISD #271 Bloomington, M~M., School Bldg. Bd., 4.75% $ 50,000.00 .. due 2/1/79 20,000.00 100,000 moo 20,000 -00 North St. Paul, Minn. Improvement, 5.60% due 1/1/80 Columbia Heights, fin., ISC 113, 3.30%, due 2/+/80 20,000.00 - Village of Edina Recreation Center Bonds, 3.30%, due Suffolk Go., New York, 5.25%, due 10/1/80 Pontiac Schocl District, Michigan, 4.70%, due 4/1/82 Jt. IGSD #39 Ramsey Co. & 103 Washington Co., Minn. I 9/1/80 50,000 .OO 50,000.00 School Bldg. Bonds, 3.10%, due 2/1/83 Beaver Co., Penn. P.H.A., 5.25%, due 6/1/95 10,000.00 50,000 -00 Total $370,000 .OO RESOLUTION APPROVIXG ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITIES TR LIEU OF BOND FIRST EDINA X4TIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Edina, NLnnesota, approve the assignuent by its depository, tSeTirst Edina National Bank of Edina, Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collat- eral for the City of Edina Public Funds deposited-in sai& depository: , U. Fa S. Treasury Notes rfav County, Virg Series B-785.6,% nia Pub. Parks & Parks Facilities Bond Ser. 1969, 6% Grand Forks Pub. Sch. District #l, N. Dak. Sch. East Grana Forks, MN Improv. Bd. 1972;5% S/D W15, Washington Co., Ore., 5% S/D #161 of Lancaster Co., 5.50% City of Hopkins, MN, 4.50% ISD #271 (Bloomington) Henn. & Scott COS., 5.75% Township H/S Dist. #207 Cook Co., Ill.,- 4.75% . Washington Sub. San. Dist. Montgomery & Prince - Washington Sub. San. Dist. Montgomery & Prince Bldg. Bdo.3 3.50% George's COS., MD. 5 3/4% ' George's Cos. MD. 5 3!4% of 1971 Tenth Ser., 6.10% City of Bloomington, MN Perm. Impr. Rev. Fund Bond Total I $1,000,000 75,000 50,000 so , 000 70,000 65,000 100 3 000 100 3 000 . 100,000 75,000 25,000 75,000 $1. ,785,000 Motion for adoption of the resolutions was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. I SATE'DEPOSIT BOX ACCESS APPROVED. resolution and moved its adoption:' Councilman Courtney .offered the following RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that until written notice to the contrary is given by the City Qf ' Edina to the Safe Deposit.Department of the First Edina National Bank, access to Safe Deposit Boxes (herein called safes) standing in the name of the City in the vaults of abme named bank shall be had by the following: Warren C, Hyde, City Manager J. N. Dalen, City Treasurer . Florence B. allberg, City Clerk any two of whom shall have full authority to enter said safes and to make deposits therein or remove any part or all of the contents thereof, to rent safes and to execute leases thereof in the name of the City of Edina, to amend or cancel said ieases, to exchange or surrender the safes, and in all other respects to represent the City of Edina. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. DESTRUCTION OF OLD RECORDS APPROVED. resolution and moved its adoption: Councilman Courtney offered the following RESOL-UTIGN FOR DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECORDS DATED JANUARY 1, 1964, TO AM) INCLUDIEG DECENBER 31, 1964 WHEREAS, M.S.A. 214841. authorizes the destruction of certain municipal records more than ten years old; and WHEREAS, a list-of records has been presented to Council with a request in writing that destruction be approved by the Council; and TJHEREAS, the City Attorney has approved the destruction of such records in writing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Mim- , esota: The Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to destroy the following classes of records described in the list submitted to the Council: All orders, vouchers and checks - Dated January 1, 1964, through December 31, 1964 All receipts and correspondence -. Dated January 1, 1964, through All election records - Dated January 1, 1964, through December 31, 1964 All business and professional licenses - Dated January 1, 1964 through December 31, 1964 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards and a. b. c. d. December 31, 1964 . ~ . on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. LIQUOR REPORT AS OF NOVEMBER 30, 1974, was presented by Mr, Dalen, reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Councilman Hchards, seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. PURCHASES THROUGH HENNEPIM COUMTY AUTHORIZED. Councilwoman Schmidt's notion authorizing the following purchases through As recommended by Ilr. Melena, Hennepin County Cooperatiye Purchasing was seconded by-€ouncilmn Courtney and carried: for small sign posts and $4.76 for large sign posts; Grass seed, $1,084; Msc. Police equipment, $616.04; Vehicles: Two 1/2 ton heavy duty pickup trucks at Marking paint, '$2,565 (3 3.89 per gallon; Sign posts, $3,060 (3 $3.40 .. 5. . .. .. .. 1/5/75 \ $3,573 each (Public Vorks); (Engineering) ; One 3/4 ton cab/chassis pickup truck at $3,782 (Water Department); One 1 ton cab/ chassis truck at $3,951 (Sign Department); One 1/2 ton heavy duty pickup truck at $3,573 One 3/4 ton cab/chassis pickup truck at $3,782 (Sewer Department) ; FIRE FIGHTERS' LABOR AGREEMENT SETTLED. Agreement reached between the City and representatives of the International Fire llr. Hyde presented a copy of the Labor Fzghters Association, Local 1275. with a total cost to the City of 23 percent plus cost-o€-living increases in the second and third years if the cost-of-living increase is greater than 6% and 5.5% respectively in those years. offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: He noted that the contract is €or three years, Following some discussion, Councilman Courtney RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING TNE SCHEDULE OF ElkXIl~i WAGE RATES FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL BE 1T RESOLVED that the maximum wage rates for Eire Department personnel for the year 1975 be established as follows: January July 1974 1975 1975 Bi- 3i- 31- - Ieekle (Annual) Weekly Weekly (Annual) FIRE ad Lieutenants - 2nd year $530 (13,780) $583.00 $593.62 (15,296.06) 1s t year 523 (13,598) 575.30 585.76 (15,093.78) Drivers - Inspectors 495 (12,870) 544.50 554.40 (14,285.70) Firemen - 4 years service 482 (12,532) 530.20 '539.84 (13,910.52) 3 years service 474 (12,324) 521.40 530.88 (13,679.64) 2 years service 443 . (11,518) 487.30 496.16 (12,784.98) 1 year service 425 (11,050) 467.50 476.00 (12,265.50) First year 383 ( 9,958) 383 . 00 ( 9 , 958 .OO) *xMembers of the Fire Deparfxuent will receive an additional $30.00 per month €or operation of the Fire Department Ambulance, qualification €or Red Cross First Aid Certificates, and taking such additional instruction in First Aid as may be required by the City. Notion €or adoption of the resolution was seconded by Counwilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution.was adopted. 1975 LEGXSLATIVE POLICY RECONMEXDATIONS OF ASSOCIATIO?!I OF METROPOLITAN MUNICI- PALITIES APPROVED. Association of Netropclitm Municipalities", whereupon Councilwoman Schmidt's motion approving the action taken and directlng that Council's -qeyed to the Association was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Council reviewedl1975 Legislative Policy Recommendations of approvzl'be con- CLAIMS PAID, and carried for payment of the following-Claims as per Pre-List: General Fund, $22,812.14; Constructioa Fund, a134.26; Park Funds, $6,790.14; Water Fund, $6,074.94; Liquor Fund, $26,723.13; Sewer Fund, $54,119 -88; Total, $116,664.49. Motion of Councilman Courtney was seconded by Councilwoman Sch€dt No further business appearing, Councilman Courtney's motion for zidjournrent was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. Adjournment at 10:45 p.n.