HomeMy WebLinkAbout19750113_specialI-ENUTES OF THE SPECXAL METING OF TIE EDINA CItLY COUNCIL XKLD AT EDINA WEST UPPER DIVISION OR JANUARY 13, 1915 CrJuricil convened in special session at the Edina Vest Upper Division Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.. A-nswering rollcall mere members Courtney, Richards, Schnidt:, Shaw 2nd Mayor Van Valkenburg . -%yor Van Valkenburg explained that this informal meeting had been called in response to inquiries received regarding the referendum on split liquor thzt will he held or, February 4, 1975. He recalled that the propose4 ordinance had hen granted First ReaGng on December 2, 1974, but that Seccnd Reading of the ordinance would not be. held until the results of the election are known. City Attorney Ericlcson explained that if the ordinance is adopted, it czn be mended at any time by the City Council in the same manner that* other ordinances are amended and emphasized that it is important to recognize that it is a "concept" ra'cher than an ordinarice that will be decided by the voters. explained the ordinaxe in detail and also explained the wording of the quest- ions which will appear on the ballot. S~GU~S are not affected in any way by the on-sale liquor ordinsnce aQd that. they will continue to operate as the only off-sale retail outlets for alcoholic Severages . raised by Nessrs. Scott T. Fzx, 5209 Ranens Drive, Charles E. Brohm, 5629 Zruce Place, C. T. Skanse, 6216 Parkwood Road, To Lea Todd, 5404 Park Place, Oarre11 B~yd, 7204 Shannon Drive, and Mms. Jill Raga22 and Meredith Hart, Chaklady of the Edinz Human Relatiorrs Comissicn, who contendTd that the reference to the Xmicipal Liquor Stores was misleading and urged that it be omitted from the qfiestion. 2lr. Ericksor, explained that the word "and" in the question was of key laportance in the vmrding of the question and tnat this language had been recon- xen6ed by the Ninnesoca League oE Nmiicipzlities and usad by Richfield and othzr communities in their elections. W. Todd said that the ordir,ance should have more IlmitatiGns to require that the primary business is tire servirig of food. Erickson explsfned that the mnual report of a license holrler would be re- quired to indicate the clollar amounts for sale o€ liquor and the dollar mounts for the saie of food and chat the definitions used in the ordinance €or restauranix and fiotals are the same as the definitions in the State Statutes. Mr. Ward Thcmp- SCP, sai6 thar 20 crie frzd qcestioaed the wording of the FctTtion :&en he to& it arouad to be signed. so thac the Rzdisson South would not be the only locztion that would crr;aligy fcr a licer-se. Xr. Luce shmed a map w11Lch indicated 1,000 Zoot distalices from churches md schoo'ls in which arcss liquor licenses could not ba issued ufider the pzoposec! ordinance. restaurants gecerate traffic at a tine when other trafic is not kifig generated, %n tzms of land us.=, B license could be issued for a9 establishment en the South e-crd of France Ave. nezr the City limits. is qpropriate at &e Rsdisson South, it might also be appropriate at 50th 2nd Frznce: 44th and Francs, the Grancivl.et9 area, 70th and CahilP and Sorrthdale Center. 52.2dded that the 1,000 fcot distance from cfiurches and schcols i.3 riot realistic from a ?lamer's s'ian6poht. r-estatxir~nLs &is follo~s: ?erkins, 200; Ciceros, 260; '3sytons, 140; Donaldsons, f?O, Birk's 3i.g Boy, 155; Hz. Big, 170; The Biltmore Notel, 150, vith an addi- Cio-nal 168 in the Cavvalicr Room, and said that the.Diplomat wculd ais:, probably qualify for E license, shouLd 'De g5vm to long-standicg taxpayers. distance fron sc'nrtols azci churches wod6 preclude sore long-stzatlug tazccayers, mi! that, if Zhc Split-Liquor Qaestion is qproved, he would recormend that this distance 5e ?-educed. &ire Erickson ssld th2t, If the Split-Liquor Question is passed, ehs Council has tke power tc adopt khe ordinance if it wishss, but that, without a favora5le vote, it does iiok have the power tu zdopr the ordirrance. tie added ths-t, even 2f the ordinaxe hs adopted, the Council has Che authority to decide wketker or wt CLo Issse e. licensel Bi response to a question from l4rs. Rzgatz, 14~. 33Se recallad thz klstosy of the Edfira LLqwur Stass?s. Ee told Xrs. Alison Fdx, 6639 Brittzny goad, ZhaC on-sale lic.ecaes have nat generzlly affected the sales oE cther idQn2ictl- pzl liquor stores. In response to a question of Mrs. Ja Ann fi'iodell, 73Cl Schey EcLve, Ere Hyde rzcalled the history of why the Iradisson South haci been btiii'it at 5-2s present iocaticiz. Pir. Eycle saLd thzt be could not accurakly estimate sup- prt CCSBS cf the Cfty ~LLOT the Radisson, jut tFat the City already patrols the Fad5ssoa parking lot, In response 20 a question of Ms. Rosernarj Lmd, Assessor Kent Swacsoz eskimited t"mt, based on 1974 tax rates, cnch million do1lr.r~ of prwercy vefuation wuld generate approsF!r~ateIy $36,000 c.f those taxes and the City would becei%=e hss than $3,003. Be agreed with Xr. Todd tb%zC, undr!r the Fisc& Dispzricies b-w, ~~XES Et-om neiq construction after 1971 tl:at is classified Bfr. Erickson He clarified that the municipal liquor Questions regarding the wording of the Split-Liqtior Quzstion were J ! Ek. Boy6 said that the ordinance should call for lower limits Xe responded to Nr. Zciyd's question, sayiag thst baxizse kstels and He safd thzt i2 h liqucr estabiishnent Mr. Eyie Iisteci seating capacit5es of existhg Councilman Shaw said thzt 'ne believed that consideratioc Be eqlaineci that the L,000 foot LE response to a question E~GT~I a gentlemm in the audrence, 1/23/75 c as commercial or industrial property does not generate taxes wholly for the City of Edina, adding that some of that increase value is divided with,com- munities in the seven county metropolitan area on a basis of "need". response to a question of Councilwoman Schmidt, Mr. Stephen Winnick, attorney for the Radisson South, said that anticipated construction cost for the addi- tion is $3,500,000. Mr. Swanson then said that the taxes would be approxi- mately $126,000 annually. President of the Edina Ministerial Association, went OR record as opposing split-liquor from a moral viewpoint. voted unanimously to oppose the question and spoke of the effects of liquor on the families that he counsels. is much more important than revenue and zoning. Mildred Ave., said that the quality of life in Edina would be reduced. Mr. Ray Anderson and Mr. Royce Markinson voiced their objections to on-sale liquor and Mr. Skanse also spoke of.the problems caused by alcohol. the Radisson South spoke of the hotel's need to add 200 rooms in order to bring the number or rooms into proportion to the public space area of the hotel. He spoke of the necessity of turning down large conventions because of a lack of rooms and explained why the addition was necessary on the Edina side of the hotel. hotel unless they were assured of a liquor license. have room service and not use vending machines for the sale of liquor. identified gentleman in the audience said that he was not adverse to liquor, but did,not think it was feasible at this point. Radisson look elsewhere for its expansiorr. of the Council to change the wording on the Split-Liquor Question. Richards then offered the following resolution changing the wording of the Split-Liquor Questiorr:.and moved its adoption: In The Reverend Robert Ricker of Edina Baptist Church, He said that the Ministerial Association * Mr. Ricker said that.the way of life in Edina Mrs. Naomi Hendricks, 6316 , Mr. Neil Messick of Mr. Messick said that they could not build the addition to the He said that they will An un- He suggested that the Discussion ensued as to the right Councilman RE SOLUTION WHEREAS, 'municipalities are authorized by law to issue "on-salevv licenses to hotels and restaurants while continuing municipal dispensaries for the sale of intoxicating liquor; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: . I. That pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 340.353, Subdivision 5, and Minnesota Statutes, Section 340.14, Subdivision 5, a Special Election shall be I held in the City of Edina on the 4th day of February, 1975, from 7:OO a.m. to 8:OO p.m., at which the following propositions shall be subinitted to the voters: SPLIT LIQUOR QmSTION "Shall the City of Edina, Minnesota, be authorized to issue 'on-sale' liquor licenses to a private person or persons for the sale of intoxicating liquors in conjunction with a hotel or restaurant as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 340.07 1" and "Shall the City of Edina, Minnesota, be authorized to issue licenses to sell intoxicating liquors between the hours of 12 o'clock noon and 12 o'clock mid- night on Sundays, iii conjunction with the serving of food, to establishments to which 'on-sale'licenses have been or may hereafter be issued for the sale of intoxicating liquors, which are hotels, restaurants, or clubs as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 340.07, and which have facilities €or senring not . less than 30 guests at one time?'' 2. supplies, give proper notice, and arrange all other details required for the election and the submission of the above proposition to the voters. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman' Courtney and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. Saying that there might be another misunderstanding, Mr. Skanse questioned the action taken in changing the language from that used in the petition. Erickson said that Council has the authority to change the language of the question No further comments being heard, Councilman Shaw's motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilmaa Courtney and carried. I SUNDAY LIQUOR QUESTION That the City Clerk shall prepare the necessary ballots and other election Mr. I Adjournment at 1O:OO p.m.