HomeMy WebLinkAbout19750120_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL ON JANUARY 20, 1975 Answering rollcall were' Valkenburg . Minutes of December 16, woman Schmidt, seconded Members Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw and Mayor Van 197.4, were approved as presented by motion of Council- by Councilman Shaw 2nd carried. PUBLIC HEARING CONBUCTED ON STREET ImROVEMENT BA-203. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. notice given, public hearing was conducted and action taken as herein recorded: A. I- Pursuant to due CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS PATHWAY (P-BA-203) IN THE FOLLOWING: Olinger Boulevard from Olinger Road to County Road 158 (Vernon Avenue) Mr. Hyde presented total estimated cost at $99,419.27, half of which is proposed to be paid by abutting property owners and $49,950.83 by State Aid Funds. that this improvement is a continuation of the upgrading of the City of Edina Municipal State Aid System and that City policy on the improvement of Municipal State Aid Streets is to assess benefited abutting single family detached residential and park property for the equivalent cost of a standard 30 foot wide light duty residential street. $12 -00 per assessable foot for permanent street surf acing and concrete curb and gutter and that $18.00 per assessable foot is the established rate for residential property other than single family detached residential property. No obj,ections being heard from the audience, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published and mailed to the owners of each parcel within the area proposed to be assessed on the following proposed improvement: 1. He explained.. He explained that the rate established is RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT BA-203 CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING, CONCRETE CURB &?D GUTTER AND BIT- UMINOUS PATHWAY BA-203 IN THE FOLLOWING: Olinger Boulevard from Olinger Road to County Road 158 (Vernon Avenue) and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice, the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and beicg fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said i-mprovement, including all proceedings which may be necessary in eniinent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for construction and maintenance of such improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-203; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Green Hills of Edina Addition; Tract B, R.L.S. No. 1126; and Parcel 1400, Section 32, Township 117, Range 21. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on roll- call there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. ASSOCIATION OF MXTROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITIES LEGISLATIVE DINNER MEETING DISCUSSED. Being advised by Mr. Hyde of a Legislative Dinner Meeting to be held January 30 at 5:15 at the Eotel St. Paul, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Council- man Shaw and carried, that the City extend invitations to all of Edina's Legislators to attend the meeting. . PBFXNOOD KNOLLS 19TH ADDITION AND GRAYTOWER ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT HEARING DATES SET. Councilman Shaw and carried, setting February 3, 1975, for hearing date for . preliminary plats on Graytower Estates and Parkwood Knolls 19th Addition. response to a question of Councilman Richards as to parkland dedication for Park- wood Knolls 19th Addition, Mr. Erickson explained that the City has an agreement with the developers of Parkwood Knolls 19th Addition whereby acreage can be added to the "floating" park area and that that agreement will have to be signed before the final plat is approved. As recommended by Mr. Luce, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by In . THE TIXBERS ZONING CHANGE HEARING DATE SET. petition of Mr. Folke Victorsen for zoning change from R-l Residential District to PRD-5 Residential District for The Timbers, located generally on the South- west corner of GJeason Road and the Crosstown Highway, Councilman Courtney's notion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried, setting hearing date for Febru- ary 24, 1975, Being advised by Mr. Luce of the .. 1/20/75 OPEN SPACE COMMITTEE REPORT ACCEPTED FOR STUDY. Mr. Vincent McConville, Chair-. man of the Open Space Committee, presented the report of the Open Space Com- mittee which recommended the acquisition of the following nine properties in the interest of preserving natural resources in the City of Edina, total cost of which is estimated to be in the neighborhood of $884,500: PROPERTY Hedberg Property (76th & France) Property South of Cahill School Lincoln Drive Flood Plain N. of Penneys' Warehous'e Garden Park (Vernon Ave. at Hansen Road Property East of McCauley Trail So. Krahl Hill (Vernon Ave. & Crosstown Highway Thomas Moore Property (Blake Road) Beth Moore Property (Grove St. at Tingdale Ave.) Rutledge House (Rutledge Ave. at Division St .) ACREAGE 12-15 .18 29 10.1 10.7 9.2' 13 4.9 .2 1974 ASSESSED- METHOD * MARKET VALUE OF ACQ'JISITION - Subd. Dedication - Subdiv. Dedication - Subdiv. Dedicatiofi $141,000 Purchase 25l.,OOO Purchase 214,000 Purchase 185,000 Purchase 73,000 Life Estate _'. 20,500 Life Estate $884,500 Mr. McConvilLe explained that it is the recommendation of the Open Space Com- mittee .that the acquisition be financed by the sale of a bond issue of approxi- mately $1,000,000. A gentleman in the audience questioned the possibility of acquiring property in the Morningside area for a mini-park. He was told by Mr. McConville that the size of the property proposed to be acquired is a major consideration. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Shaw's motion commending the Open Space Committee for an excellent report was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Councilman Shaw then moved that the report be accepted for future study and for referral to the Park Board, the Environ- mental Quality Commission and the Planning Commission for their recommendations with the understanding that their recommendations be returned to Council before the meeting of March 3, 1975. carried. Motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and MORXINGSIDE AREA IMPROVEMENTS HEARING DATE SET FOR MARCH 10, 1975. recalled that a petition had been received for permanent street surfacing'and curb and gutter on Kipling Avenue from 41st Street to 42nd Street and referred to the Council on February 4, 1974. Country Club area have tended to emphasize the state of deterioration of streets, curb and gutter and sidewalks and the lack of curb and gutter and side- walk in some areas of Morningside, Mr. Dunn suggested that a public hearing be conducted at the Morningside School for the construction of new concrete curb and gutter, new sidewalk and new bituminous street surfacing on all Morningside area streets except W. 44th Street and France Ave., completion of the storm sewer project started in 1967 and th'e replacement of water services. Total cost of these improvements would be approximately $1,730,000, $120,000 of which would cover cost of replacement of water services and which would be paid from Water Department funds. Mr. Dunn advised Mr. Kent Banli,.Vice President of the Morningside Association, that it would be necessary to determine the cause of the low water pressure in the area before doing the improvements and that the work would probably be done in 1976. Some discussion ensued as to the possi- bility of using funds from the Housing and Community Develcpment Act as well as the possibility of the City assuming a portion of the cost of the improve- ments. area improvements be set for March 10, 1975, at 7:OO p.m. in the Morningside School Gymnasium. Mr..Dunn He said that recent improvements in the Councilman Courtney then moved that a public hearing on the Morningside Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. DEFERMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST HOMESTEADS OF SENIOR CITIZENS POSSIBLE, UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS. asked to review the statutes to see if special assessments against property of senior citizens can be deferred. Mr. Erickson sunimarized his opinion by saying that a homeownef could receive a deferment if he can prove e hardship. explained that each homeowner may submit a request for defermentto the Council and that the Council can either deny or grant the request. granted, the item must be put of record so that future buyers would be aware of the outstanding assessment. Mr. Hyde recalled that the City Attorney had been He If the request is No action was taken. COUNTY ROAD 18/VALLEY VIEW ROAD PARTIAL ACCESS REAFFIRMED. the matter of the County Road 18/Valley View Road access had been omitted at the time that the staff presented its recommendations for Western Edina, but that at the time that the Council had approved a partial access for the intersection on August 5, 1974, residents had been assured that if the decision to construct the cul-de-sac Yz. Darrell Boyd, Chairman of the County Road 18/Valley View Road Task Force, recalled the recommendations of the Task Force and recalled that residents were divided as to whether or not there should be a cul-de-sac. Indian Foothills area, expressed concern that traffic in his area will double. . Councilman Richards said that he had detected a sentiment that residents on the Western side of the ridge favored the idea of leaving the cul-de-sac open and sug- gested that another hearing be conducted on the matter. Mr. Boyd recalled that 'there had always been strong vocal' opposition to whichever proposal was being con- sidered. in the area. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney moved that Council reaffirm its stand on the partial access and the cul-de-sac. gested the possibility that Valley View Road should be left without the cul-de-sac until the interchange is constructed in order to determine the actual need. Councilwoman Schmidt then seconded the motion of Councilman Courtney, clarifying that the cul-de-sac will not be installed until the interchange is completed and that the possibility of making the intersection a full access be retained; and the motion carried with Councilman Richards voting "Nay". Mr. Hyde recalled that should be proven wrong, the full access could be put in at a later time. Dr. Christgau of the I- Councilman Shaw reiterated his concern about traffic going past schools Mr. Hyde sug- CITY LOGO TO BE REGISTERED. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilwoman Schmidt's ' motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried that the new City logo be registered and that the.Bicentennia1 Commission be authorized to use it. APPOINTMENTS OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS CONTINUED. As recommended by Mayor Van Valkenburg, it was informally agreed to continue the appointments of board and commission members until a later date. EDINA TRANSIT CO14MITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS TO BE SUBMITTED TO METROPOLITAN TRANSIT COmISSION. by Councilman Shaw and carried, that the City Manager submit the following recom- meodations of the Edina Transit Committee to the Metropolitan Transit Commission: 1. The implementation of a circulator system in the 494-100 Southdale area as proposed in the transit study with the aid and cooperation of the City of Edina. Increased Express service from the City of Edina to downtown Minneapolis and other St. Paul and Minneapolis areas, as the transit study indicates 80% of Edina residents work out of Edina. 3. .The MTC implement more service for the Western Edina areas. 4. The MTC seek to establish an area Transit Terminal facility in the Southdale vicinity. 5. The 3fTC consider some form of Dial-A-Ride service, or other para-transit systems €or Edina. 6. The MTC seek to use smallbuses within Edina for intra-Edina service as residents indicate a decided preference for a smaller vehicle than.is presently used. The MTC continue to periodically market the present service as Edina has sent + a transit map and newsletter to all Edina homeowners. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded I 2. - 7. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF JANUARY 14, 1975, ACCEPTED; REVIEW OF PARKING APPROVED. carried, accepting the Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of January14 1975 and approving the following: PERXIT STOCKERS ON PARKING UP AND SIGN INSTALLATION AT YORK-HAZELTON INTERSECTION , - Councilwoman Schmidt's motion was seconded by Councilman Richards and I 1. Reviewal and updating of the parking sticker system on the City parking ramp by the 50th and France business men and issuing new stickers valid through December 31, 1976 preparatory to stricter enforcement of the two- hour parking limit. 2. . Installation of an additional sign north of the left turn lane for South- bound vehicles on York to Hazeltbn intersections directiag traffic to use traffic circle. .MARY R. GOCHIA SUIT NOTED. has been brought by Mary K. Gochia as a result of a fall in front of 4402% France Ate. S. The City Attorney and insurance company have been adviced of the action. Council was advised of a suit against by the City which SICK LEAVE EXTENSION AUTHORIZED. motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried, authorizin of sick leave for fire fighter, l'homas Hurley through February 1, 9975. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilwoman Schmidt's the extension 1/20/75 CONTINUED JOINT REPRESENTATION AUTHORIZED ON POLICE SALARY NEGOTIATIONS. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Shaw offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTINUED JOINT REPRESENTATION IN REGARD TO TEAMSTERS, LOCAL NO. 320 WHEREAS, the City of Edina is being represented in negotiations with Local No. 320, Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union by the Metropolitan Area Managers Association Management Bargaining Committee; and WHEREAS, Local No. 320 requested and was granted mediation regarding.1975 contract negotiations; and WHEREAS, Local No. 320 has petitioned the Bureau of Mediation Services to certify that an impasse exists; and WHEREAS, the Bureau of Mediation Services has certified that an impasse does exist and has requested final positions; and WHEREAS, under Minnesota Statutes annotated 179.61 binding arbitration is required when an impasse exists with organized essential employees; and WHEREAS, the question of essentiality has not been determined regarding these employee groups; and WHEREAS, it is inappropriate to respond to the request of the Bureau of Medi- ation Services for final position until the question of essentiality is deter- mined; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the following communities who have parti- cipated to date in joint negotiations: Blaine, Brooklyn Park, Columbia Heights, Coon Rapids, Crystal, Edina, Fridley, Inver Grove Heights, Mendota Heights, Mounds Viey New Brighton, New Hope, North St. Paul, Roseville, Robbinsdale, St. Louis Park, West St. Paul and White Bear Lake to have the question of essenti- ality determined on a joint basis, and WHEREAS, if the employee group is determined to be essential it is in the best interest of the City of Edina to continue to be represented in negotiations up to and including binding arbitration for the 1975 contract year with Local No. 320 by the Metropolitan Area Managers Association Management Bargaining Corn- mittee; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Edina: 1. mittee is hereby authorized to represent the City of Edina in the determination of the question of essentiality regarding employees represented by Local No. 320. 2. mittee is hereby designated as the representatives of the City of Edina in negotiations up to and including binding arbitration for the 1975 contract year with Local No. 320; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file a copy of this resolution in the Office of the City Manager, New Brighton, Minnesota. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. That the Metropolitan Area Managers Association Management Bargaining Corn- That the Metropolitan Area Managers Association Management Bargaining Corn- c 'THINK LIST" TO BE CONSIDERED.in detail within the next few months. Valkenburg reviewed his concerns listed on his "Think List" and legislative pro- grams which should receive Council's consideration. As recoxmended by Mayor Van Valkenburg, Councilman Shaw's motion was seconded by Councilman Richards and carried that an informal meeting, which would be open to the public and the press, be arranged with the Legislators, the School Board and the Council for consid- eration of establishing a legislative program which would include the following: 3. Legislation including municipal employees in Deferred Compensation laws. 2. Legislative assurance that there'will be no legal entanglements with the City's ordinance which provides that the two Council members getting the most votes in the 1976 election will be elected for four years and the one getting the third amount will be elected for two years. 3. Legislation authorizing a four year term of office for the Mayor, along with the four year term of office for Council members. 4. Legislation whereby it should be manditory for a voter to vote by absentee ballot once he has applied for this ballot. Various items on the "Think List" will be brought to Council's attention on early zigendas. . EDINA FIGURE SKATERS COMMENDED. resolutions and moved their adoption: Mayor Van I' 1. Councilman Courtney offered the following RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS WHEREAS. Paula Larson, Terry Klindworth and Kissy McCandless are members of the .. Braemar City of Lakes-Figurk Skating Club; and 38 / 1/20/75 WHEREAS Paula Larson, Terry Klindworth and Missy McCandless have qualified for the 1975 National United States Figure Skating Association competition, and, in so doing, have successfully conpeted in the Sub-Sections, Sections and Midwestern Competitions of the United States Figure Skating Association; and TGIEREAS, through the efforts of teaching professionals, Eleanor Fisher, Vicki Binner and Dede Hensel, these girls have performed and represented the City of Edina in an exemplary manner; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council congratulates Paula Larson, Terry Klindworth, liissy McCandless , Eleanor Fisher, Vicki Binner and Dede Herisel for their excellence in the field of figure skating and for.bringing.honor to themselves and to the City of Edina; and BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the pages of the Minutes Book of the City of Edina and that appropriate copies of this resolu- tion be presented to Paula Larson, Terry Klindworth, Missy McCandless, Eleanor Fisher, Vicki Binner and Dede Hensel. * WHEREAS, Kelsy Ufford has qualified for the 1975 National United States Figure Skat- ing Association Competition; and TJE-IEREAS, in so doing, Kelsy Ufford has successfully competed in the Sub-Sections, Sections and Midwestern Competitions of the United States Figure Skating Association; and WHEREAS, through the efforts of teaching professional, Mary kn Sundin, Kelsy Ufford has performed and represented the City of Edina in an exemplary manner; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council congratulates Kelsy Ufford and Mary Ann Sundin for their excellence in the field of Figure Skating and for bringing honor to themselves and to the City of Edina; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the pages of the Minutes Book of the City of Edina and that appropriate copies be presented to Xelsy Ufford and Mary h Sundin. Motion for adoption of the resolutions was seconded by Councilman Richards and unanimously carried. RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS "OPERATION BLIZZARD" PERFORMANCE NOTED. outstanding efforts made by the snow plowing crew during and following the storm of January 10 and 11, pointing out that, along with long hours being put in-.by a11 members of the crew, seven men stayed at a local motel Saturday night to be avail- * able for Sunday work and that one operator drove his four-wheel drive camper pickup ia at 10:30 p.m. Friday and slept in it at the shop in order to be available for Saturday work. Mr. Hyde also advised that Miss Mary Motherway, Police Secretary, had slept at the City Hall in order to be sure to be at work on Saturday morning. In response to questions from the Council, Mr. Hyde explained that the snow gates can only be used on the five graders and that there are about twenty-one snow plow districts. served in turn. behalf of the Council. Mr. Hyde called Council's attention to He advised that the graders'are.rotated so that each district is Mr. Hyde was authorized to congratulate the snow plowing crew on COH9UNITY DEVELOPMENT JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY APPROVED. ACTION'RZSCINDXD. action opposing the inclusion of Edina's population with the population of Hennepin County for the purpose of entering into Community Development activities such as parks, housing renewal and other €IUD grant activities. action of December 16, 1974, be rescinded and requested authority for the Mayor and Manazer to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with Hennepin County. Mr. Luce pre- sented the proposed resolution and explained that a number of Hennepin County cities had now joined together and asked Hennepin County to enter into a joint agree- ment which provides that all funds received by the County would be passed through to the cities on a formula basis. In response to questions of Council, Mr. Luce clari- fied that this agreement would not commit the Council to any particular type of Following considerable discus- sion, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolutions and moved their adopt-. ion: WHEREAS, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383,' auth- orizes the forination of "urban counties"; and l~E.REAS,'Hennepin County can become a designated "urban county" pursuant to the Act by signing cooperative agreements with municipalities in the County totaling in PREVIOUS Mr. Luce recalled that on December 16, 1974, Council had taken ' He then recommended that the . housing and would be able to review each proposal. RESOLUTION population 200,000 people; and TJHEREAS, it appears to be to the advantage of Hennepin County join with the County in this endeavor; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City 6f Edina, a duly government of Hennepin County, join with the County, pursuant 471.59 as amended by Laws of Minnesota, 1973, Chapter 541, to municipalities to constituted local to biinnesota Statutes accomplish the elig- I- ._ --- ,- *- I 1- .* I CQ Q 00 cp 1/20/75 ible activities denoted in Section 570.200 of the rules and regulations per- taining to Public Law 93-383; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat the Mayor and Manager of this City be authorized to sign on behalf of the City a Joint Powers Agreement with the County by January 31, 1975, deadline that has been established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for such agreements; and . BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER that a Resolution of the Edina City Council, entitled County Purposes", dated December 16, 1974, be and is hereby rescinded. . Resolution Excluding Edina Population from Hennepin County Count for Urban 11 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby set February 24, 1975, and March 3, 1975, as hearing dates for public hearings on Title I of Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 Block Grant Program Project Determination, together with representatives of Hennepin County. Said hearings will be con- ducted at 7:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Edina City Hall. Motion for adoption of the resolutions was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. In response to a question of Mrs. Alison Fuhr, 6609 Brittany Road, Mr. Luce said that the criteria for low and moderate income for purposes of housing assistance varies from place to place but that, generally, it is 80% of the median income. Mr. Hyde explained to Mr. Ronald L. Ringling, 4238 Crocker Ave., that the City must develop a project,which it might do anyway, which would be eligible for the funds. Mr. Luce cautioned that it may be doubtful that these funds can be used exclusively for public facilities and that it would have to show benefit to the entire area. VIRGINIA LYN WHITLEY NOTICE OF CLAIM NOTED. of Notice of Claim relative to an accident of Virginia Lyn Whitley. has been referred to the insurance company and to the City Attorney. Mr. Hyde advised Council of receipt The matter STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT ST.S.-132 ACTION CONTINUED. Mr. Dunn recalled that con- struction of Storm Sewer Improvement No. ST.S.-132 had been held up because the: . Edina Covenant Church objected to granting .an easement for the construction if-they were to be assessed the amount proposed at the preliminary hearing. owner at 5036 Juanita-Ave. had indicated that he was going to commence legal action against the church. Following some discussion, the City Attorney was requested ,to look into the matter and report back at the next Council Meeting on whether or not the project should be abandoned. The property '- FISCAL DISPARITIES LAW EFFECTS DISCUSSED. an article in the paper which listed Edina's loss of assessed value at approxi- Mr. Hyde called Council's attention to I mately $7,500,000,~ the highest in Hennepin County. He advised that he has been in contact with other municipalities which would be adversely affected by the Fiscal Disparities Law and recommended that the City work with these municipalities by taking the matter into Federal Distrcct Court at the same time that the City of Burnsville is appealing the matter to the United States Eupreme Coilrt. will keep Council informed on developments. Mr. Hyde NEW FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT PROGRAM EMPLOYEES REQUESTED. Mr. Hyde advised Council that he had received a call from Hennepin County Personnel Department asking how many jobs the City could use under the new Federal Unemployinent Program. that a requisition has now been submitted for 1 to 3 fire fighters, a public safety security technician, a public izlformation assistant, an Historical Park manager, an assistant dog catcher, an affirmative action officer (perhaps to be used jointly with Richfield), an automotive service man, a housing inspector, a rodman and a courier. Mr. Hyde explained that the average salary under the program would be $7,800 with a maximum salary of $10,000. BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION PLANS DISCUSSED; $200 SEED MONEY AUTHORIZED. Mr. Ray: Bechtle, Chairman of the Bicentennial Commission, reported that Federal and State funds in the amount of $400,000 are now available to Bicentennial Communities. He recommended that the Comiaission seek up to $5,000 in matching funds from the State for historical markers in Edina and $15,000 for the John Philip Sousa Memorial Band tour. Mr. Bechtle also spoke of the availability of funds from the Bird Foundation of Mass., and recommended that $2,000 be requested'from this source toward the dedication and continuation of the Edina Historical Park. Mr. Bechtle said that the Committee will be starting a comunicy-wide fund raising program. Following some discussion, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Council- man Shaw and carried, granting the Bicentennial Commission $200 seed money as recommended by Mr. Dalen. - He said No action was taken. ':40 / l/ 20/ 75 c NETROPOLITAN COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE INVITED TO MEET FJITH COUNCIL. burg advised Council that he had invited Edina's new representative on the Metro- politan Comcil to meet with the City Council. INVENTORY OF PHYSICAL FACILITIES IN CITY REQUESTED. that the YMCA had requested that the City make an inventory of physical facilities in the City, including those of the YMCA, the schools, churches, Park Board aad other private facilities. Mayor Van Valken- Councilman Richards advised CLAIMS PAID. and carried for payment of the following claims as per pre-list: and Revenue Sharing, $40,809.99; Construction Fund, $35,154.26; Park Funds, $36,823.96; Water Fund, $4,225.52; Liquor Fund, $270,497.22; Sewer Fund, $2,724.73; Total, $390,235.68. WATER TOWER OSHA STANDARDS TO BE MET; AWARD FOR SAFETY DEVICE LET. advised Council that the City water towers do not meet OSHA requirements as to a maximum height of 30 feet between landings and recommended award of informal bids taken to low bidder, Viking Industrial at $1,517.20 against Meyer Ind- ustries at $1,710.20. bidder, Viking Industrial, at $1,517.20 was seconded by Councilman Richards and carried. Council's agenda having been covered, Councilman Shawls motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Motion of Coancilman Courtney vas seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt General Fund .. Mr. Hyde Councilman Courtney's motion awarding bid to recommended low t ! Adjournment at 9:35 p.m. 1 CG c