HomeMy WebLinkAbout19750407_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA ~ITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL ON APRIL 7, 1975 Answering rollcall were members Richards , Shaw, Schmidt and Mayor Van ValkenSurg. MINUTES of February 24, March 3 and March 10, 1975, were approved as submitted by motion of Councilwoman Schmidt, seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. ORDINANCE NO, 811-A55 GRANTED FIRST READING; FOLKE VICTORSEN (THE TIMBERS) PROPOSAL GRANTED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL. Mr. Luce recalled that the proposals of Mr. Folke Victorsen for the PRD-5 zoning and preliminary approval of the proposed development of The Timbers on property generrally located on the Southwest corner of Gleason Road and the Crosstown Highway had been continued from March 17, 1975, to see if there was any chance.of acquiring additional land from the Cross View Lutheran Church. Mr. Hyde and representatives of the church and that Mr. Victorsen had considered the price asked by the church to be uneconomic for his development. Mayor Van Valkenburg said that the Open Space Committee had also felt that the price for the property was out of line. of R-1 development for the property in question Secause he believed that such development would cause the ultimate destruction of the hill and because of the safety factors involved, 140 unit apartment on the North side of the hill which proposal he considered an improvement over the original.proposa1 for a combination of single family dwell- ings and an apartment building. In response to a suggestion of Councilman Rich- ards that the building contain one, rather than two, floors of parking so as to reduce the height of the building, Mr. Luce said that this could be studied at the time of final development consideration, but that it is important that there are adequate parking facilities on the site, the question of the 5% cash dedication and the dedication of 15 acres for park- land as had been recommended by the Park Board. Mr. Luce said that this is the zoning hearing only and that the parkland dedication would be considered at the time the subdivision of the property is submitted to Council. added that this hearing is for preliminary (or concept) approval only and that the Planning Commission must, under crrdinanee, consider the details of the build- ing when the proposal is submitted for final approval. Councilman Richards objected that the proposal exceeds seven units per acre when the comprehensive plan calls for no more than four units per acre. He added that there seems to be confusion as to the exact size of the property. pointed out that a boundary survey would be submitted at the time the proposal is brought back for final approval. should work to prevent any possible traffic problems in the area and to see that the building fits into the hill as closely as possible. discussion, Councilman Shaw moved preliminary approval and offered Ordinance No. 811-A55 for First Reading, with the understanding that the building be constructed as far to the North as possible, that cash and parkland dedication be made in conformance with ordinance requirements, and further, with the Understanding that no further construction be permitted on the property: Mayor Van Valkenburg advised that he had attended a meeting with Mayor Van Valkenburg said that he opposed the idea He said that he would fzvor approval of the proposed Councilman Richards also raised Nr. Erickson City Attorney Erickson Cocncilwornan Schmidt said that the Planner Following considerable ORDIXMCE EO. 811-A55 AN ORDINARCE AMENDING THE ZONIEG ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY ADDING TO THE PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (PRD-5) THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIiZ CITY OF EDINA, KtNNESOTA. ORDAINS: Section 1. "The extent of the Planned Residential District (Sub-District PRD-5) is Lots 18, 19 and 21, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, commeming at the Northeast corner of Lot 7, Elock 1, Indian Hills, thence North 5 degrees, 05 minutes East 131 feet to the actual point of beginning, thence North 34 degrees, 13 minutes, W 101 35/100 feet, thence North 0 degrees, 13 minutes, 30 seconds East 114 2/10 feet, thence North 65 degrees, 45 minutes, 30 seconds East 141 7/10 feet, thence South 34 degrees, 41 minutes, 30 seconds East 168 15/100 feet, thence South 5 degr.ees, 39 minutes, East 100 feet, thence South 84 degrees, 06 minutes West 178 7/10 feet to the beginning. Lots 18 and 19, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, except commencing at the North- east corner of Lot 7, Block 1, Indian Hills, thence North 5 degrees 05 minutes East 131 feet to the actual point of beginning, thence North 34 degrees, 13 minutes West 101 35/100 feet, thence North 0 degrees, 13 minutes, 30 seconds East 114 2/10 feet, thence North 65 degrees, 45 minutes, 30 seconds East 141 7/10 feet, thence South 34 degrees, 41 minutes, 30 seconds East 168 15/100 feet, thence South 5 degrees, 39 minutes East 100 feet, thence South 84 degrees, 06 minutes West 178 7/10 feet to beginning. Paragraph 4 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City is enlarged by adding the following thereto: enlarged by the addition of the following property: 'I ti -.*. . 6 Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, except highway. Lot 21, Auditor's Subdivision Eo. 136, except that part lying Easterly and Southerly of the following descrj-bed line: corner of Lot 7, i3lock 1, Indian Hills, thence North 5 degrees, 05 minctes East 131 feet, thence North 34 degrees, 13 minutes, West 101 35/100 feet, thence North 0 degrees, 3 minutes 30 seconds East 114 2/10 feet, thence North 65 degrees, 45 minutes, 30,seconds East to the West line of Lot 18 and there terminating. Lot A, Indian Hills, except that part of said Lot A lying Easterly of a straight line from the most Northerly corner of said lot to a point in the Southeasterly line thereof distant twenty-f ive (25) feet Southwesterly from the most Easterly corner of said Lot A, according to the plat of Indian Hills on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Ceeds in and for said county and'state (which is in Sub-District PRD-5) coinmcncing at the Northeast Notion was secoEded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were three ayes with Councilman Richards voting "Nay" and the motion carried. 6328 Gleason Road, said that he believed that this action is.a reasonable cornprom- ise and thanked the Council for their many hours of deliberation. Dr. Glen Lewis, 1975-€IRA-1 50TY AND FRANCE COMERCIAL AREA IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Due notice having been given, public hearing was conducted and action taken as hereinafter set forth for the following: 50TY AND FRANCE COMNERCIAL AREA IMPROVEEENTS NO. 1975-HRA-1 consisting of the following : Streets, roads, traffic control devices, pedestrian walks, plazas, special lighting, including undergrounding of overhead utilities, park- ing lots, ramps and land acquisition in property generally bounded by the properties North of 49% Street, properties South of W. 51st Street, properties Vest of Halifax and France Avenue. Er. Luce explained that the proposed improvements will be constructed and done by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, under a cooperative agreement with the City of Edina. iaprovements at $3,296,736.00 and advised that it is proposed that a part of the cost will be financed from tax increuent produced by the redevelopment of the area by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina. It is further proposed that approximately 20 percent will be paid from special assessments on the benefited property and that the method of assessment will be established upon further hearing. Mr. Luce said that the formula presently proposed will base essessments on the usable floor space of existing and potectial buildings at $1.85 per square foot and that presently existing unpaid assessclents for Parking Ranp 8-I-South of 50th Street are proposed to be reassessed as a part of the assessinents now being proposed. combkation of Federal Aid to Urban System Funds (F.A.U. Funds), Xunicipal State A2d Funds 2nd Community Development Funds. iirprovements is proposed to take place in 1975 and 1976 and to be assessed over a fifteen year period. Mr. Luce described the various improvements to be made, adding that Mfnneapolis has indicated a desire to carry the 50th Street improve- ment a block East of France Ave. Mr. Luce clarified that the improvements wculd 5nclude the addition of two floors to the existing ramp and the construction of a new ramp behind the Twin City Federal building. Mr. Iace explained tax increaent financing in response to a cumber of questions from the audience. Jzffee of Jaffee's, 3925 W. 50th Street, objected that he did not want traffic to rush past his store because he wanted people to see his window displays. suggested that the assessments should be paid by all Edina property owners inas- much 2s the area is used by all residents. Mr. Jaffee also objected that people park their cars in the ramp and take the bus down town. Mr. Luce explained that tfie City intends to limit parking to t~70 hours unless the car has an Edina sticker. He also explained that it is intended to separate the traffic that is trying-to get through the area so that it does not interfere with those who waizt to shop in the area. Mr. Martin Stein, owner of the Edina Theater, said that there must be free parking if the 2rea is to survive. on Kellogg Avenue that regulation of thz quality of advertising would be included in the design framework. furth Real Estate questioned the rationale used -in arrivicg at the proposed assessment of $1.85 per usable square fobt. in the area, questioned if this is the proper time to make the improvements, add- ing that he would have to pass the cost of his Bssessnents on to his tenants. Luce explained that the additional shoppers atixacted to the area should increase business for merchants. Nr. Stanchfield asked Nr. Lucc to let hiin know the esti- mated amount'of his assessment. He presented total estimated construction cost of the The remaining cost is proposed to be paid from a Mr. Luce said that construction of the Mr. Robert He Mr. Luce advised a gentleman who lives tfr. David Hughes and Mr. Peter Fox of Frederick fier- Plr. Stanchfield, owner of property Mr. Mr. Luce explained to Mr. William McDonald who .I .' , ..-. .. 4 f 1/15 works on the corner that it is proposed to build the ramp on the North side of the area while the former Lund store is vacant and before the use of other pro- perties is increased. A lady who lives on Ewing Avenue in Plinneapolis wan told that the City of Minneapolis is only committed to signalization and street lighting. Mr. Peterson of Peterson Appliance Company said that the assessment would not be so bad inasmuch as it is proposed to be spread out over fifteen years. Eloe, proprietor of.the Edina Pure Oil Station, asked that the record show his opposition to the removal of his business from the area. that there is some risk to the City until there is evidence that private devel-. . opers will become involved in the project. Councilman Richards offered the .following resolution.orderihg Improvement No. 1975-NU-1 and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING IPPROVEEIENT NO. 1975-HRA-I BE IT RESOLVED by t.he Counc2.1 of the City of Edina, Plinnesota, that this Council heretofore carsednot'ice of hearing to be duly published and mailed to owners of each parcel within the area proposed to be assessed on the folloling propose&-- improvements: COXSTRUCTLON OF 50TE AND FWCE COMEfERCIAL AREA IIPROVE2?ENTS NO. 1975-HRA-1 consisting of the following: Mr. Frank Mr. Hyde pointed out Following considerable discussion, . Streets, roads, traffic. control devices, pedestrian walks, plazas, special lighting, including undergrounding of overhead utilities, park- ing lots, ramps and land acquisition in property generaliy bounded by the properties North of 49% Street, properties South of 14'. 51st Street, properties West of Halifax Avenue and France Avenue CQ - and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice, the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements, including all proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for construction and maint- enance of such improvements; that such improvements shall be done under a cooper- ative agreement with the H.R.A.; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as IMPROVEMZNT NO. 1975-HRA-1; and the area proposed to be assessed therefore is as follows: .- Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 3, Block I, Replat of Lots 1,- 2, 3 & 4, Lund Kruse Addition; thence Easterly along the South line of said plat to the Southeast corner thereof; thence Southerly to the Southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 1, V. H. Adams Addition; thence Easterly along the South line of said plat to the Southeast corner thereof: thence Northerly to the Southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Allata's 1st Addition; thence Easterly along the South line of said plat and 'its Eastelily extension to a point on the East line of Lot 31, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172, said point being 135 feet North of the South line of said Lot 31, except street: thence Northerly along the East line of said Lot 31, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172, a distance of 15 feet: thence Easterly parallel with ad 122.5 feet south of the North line of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 and its Easterly extension to the East line of Section 18, Township 28, Range 24; thence South along the East line of said Section 18 to its intersection with the centerline .. of W. 51st Street; thence Westerly and Northwesterly along the centerline of W.-5lst Street and of the centerline of Halifax Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of the East-West alley in Block 1, Stevens' 1st Addition; thence Westerly along the centerline of said East-West alley to its intersection with the southerly extension of the West line of the East 20 feet of Lot 2, Block 1, Stevens' 1st Addition; thence North along the West line of the East 20 feet of said Lot 2 and its Northerly extension to the centerline of West 50th Street, thence Westerly along the centerline of West 50th Street to the Southerly extension of the West __ - line of Lund Kruse Addition; thence Northerly to the point of beginning. Notion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. Councilman Richards then offered the following resolution and moved its adoptfonr \WEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the '%.R.A.''), has requested the City of Edina ("Edina") to contribute and lend funds to it, as authorized and allowed by Minn. Stat. (1973), Sec. 462.411, et seq., known as the Minnesota Housing and Redevelopment Act (the "Act"); and WHEREAS, in order to make available the necessary funds to contribute or lend to the H.R.A., as requested by Khe H.R.A., which are in addition to those already appropriated to the H.R.A. by Edina's 1975 budget, the Council must . make certain determinations and findings, and amend the budget resolution adopting Edina's budget for the 1975 calendar year (being th-2 City's fiscal year), in order to 'increase the amount appropriated to the H.R.A., all pursuant to Minn. Stat. (1973), Sec. 412.731. RESOLUTION . 4/7/75 i -. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina as follows:. 1. thc General Fund and the Liquor Fund of Edina, being unbudgcted funds,'and funds that are unencumbered balances, such surplus b&g in the amounts of $28,000 and $50,000, respectively; 2. appropriation to the H.R.A. by $78,000, by transferring the above sums Trom the above funds to the budget appropriation to the H.R.A. 3. Tbt the Mayor and Manager of Edina are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a supplement to the Loan Agreement (1975) between Edina and the H.R.A., dated November 5, 1974, whereby the additional surn:caf $78,000 will be loaned to the H.R.A. on the same terms and conditions as set out in sata Loan Agreement (1975). Xotion €or adoption of the resolution was seconded by Counciligoman Schmidt-and on rollcall there were four ayes and' no nays and the resolution was adopted. STREET INE'ROVENENT NO. C-113 CONTINUED TO APRIL 21, 1975. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Snaw's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried continuing Street Improvement C-113 to April 21, 1975~ That the Council hereby finds and determines that there is a surplus of funds in That the 1975 budget resolution is hereby amended by increasing the budget EDIXA OFFICE AA% PRODUCTION CENTER HEARIKG CONTIh'UED TO APRIL 21, 1975. Erickson recalled that,the Hearing to Determine if the Edina Office aild Production Center at 7651-97 Washington Avenue is Unsafe within the Meaning of Ordinance 471 Mr. had been continued fron March 17, 1975. He advised that the owners of the building now have-a sprinkling schedule which is acceptable to the Fire Department and agreement could be approved by the Council. Councilman Richard's motion continuing the hearing as recommended by the City Attorney was then seconded by Councilman .. -f- z --i .A e- recommended that the hearing be continued to April 21, 1975, so that a written ... _- .c -_ Shaw and carried. BID AVARDED FOR IIIPROVEMENTS NOS. BA-199, BA-200, BA-203 and P-2. Tabulation of . nine bids received in response to Advertisement for Bids in the Edina Sun and Con- struction Bulletin were'given by Mr. Eyde. Improvements BA-199, BA-200, BA-203 and Parking Ramp Improvement P-2 as follows: Knnesota Valley Surfacing Co., low bidder at $165,970.45, Northwest Bituminous Go., $178,156.30; Alexander Constructzon Co., Inc., $180,802.50, NcNamara-Vivant Contracting Co.,. $185,065.59; Hardrives, Inc., $189,216.41, H.J.A. Construction, mc., $194,960.75 and Matt Bullock Contracting Co., Inc., at $204,182.25, against Engineer's estimate ,sf $193,065.38. Counciiman Richards, and carried, awarding contract to recommended low bidder, Xinnesota Valley Surfacing Go. Tabulation showed bids for Street 7 LDC., $172,925.50, Riegger Roadways, Inc:, $177,144.95, Bury & Carlson, Inc., - Councilwoman Schmidt's mtion was secoaded by BID AIGLRDED FOR SANITARY SEVER NO. SS-320, WATERMAIN hT0. 290, 'STORN SEW3 ST. S-142. Er. Hyde presented tabulation of thirteen bids fcr improvements SS-320, 1421-290 and ST.S-142 showing Fischer Sand & Aggregate, Inc., low bidder at $411,519.66, G. L. ContractiDg, Iac., at $416,456.07, Northern Contracting Co. at $417,052.78, Q.R.S. Construction, Inc., at $430,951.46 and Barbarossa & Sons, Inc., at $481.645.28, against Enginesr's estimate of $586,745.50. seconded by Councilman Richards, awarding contract to recommended low bidder, Fischer Sand 6 Aggregate, Inc. BID AWARDED FOR SIDEWALK IHPROVJXENT NO. S-10- - Nr7 Hyde presented tabulation. of bids for Bids in the Edina Sun and the Construction Bulletin. Bec'nazl, Inc-, low bidder at $74,580.50, Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc., at $75,439.00, Sury & Carlson,' Inc., at $84,077.00, Alexander Construction Company, Inc., at $89,392.15 and Henderson. & Lemke, Inc. , at $98,302.41 against Engineer's estimate of $93,324.00. carried, awarding bid to recomended low bidder, Arnold Beckman, Inc., ART CENTER BIDS CONTINUED TO APRIL 21, 1975. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, Council- I man Shaw's Icotion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmi.dt and carried, continuing award of bids €or the Edina Art Center to April 21; 1975. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion was received for Sidewalk Improvemeat No. S-10, received in response to Advertisement Tabulation showed Arnold Councilwoman Schnidt's motion was seconded by Councihan Richards.and 4-VKEELED INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR BIDS REJECTED. the low bidder for a 4-wheeled industrial tractor did not meet specifications, * Councilwoman Schmidt's motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried, reject- ing the Sids and ordering that the tractor be readvertised. SRESH CHIPPER BID AVARDED. Being advised by the City Manager that Being advised by the City Manager that the low bidder, Ftaska Company, di! not meet specifications, Councilwoinan seconded by Councilman Richards and carried, auarding bid Bayden-Nurphy for a Lindig Zhipper at $5,695. z Schmidt s motion was to second low bidder, 4/7/75 Ep 0 90 p? w W AERIAL TOWER AND TRUCK-BID AWARD CONTINUED TO APRIL 21, by Mr. Hyde, award of bid for an aerial tower and truck 975. As recommended tree trimmer) was continued to April 21, 1975, by motion of Councilwoman Schinidt, seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. WILLIAM T-. JARDINE COMMENDATION OF EMPLOYEES NOTED. letter from Mr. William T. Jardine commending Edina Employees who assisted him when he telephoned about building a new home. Council was advised of a PETITIONS ACCEPTED, to the Engineering Department for'processing by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried: 1. Sidewalk - East side of York Avenue between 7151 York Ave, and Southdale Center 2. Enclosed Bus Stop - York AGenue at Hazelton Road 3. Oaklawn Ave. from 5900 to 5944 - Curb and Gutter The following petitions were received and ordered referred CITY OF EDINA REGISTERED LAND SURVEY GMTED FINAL APPROVAL. the Planning Commission, Councilman Shaw offered the following resolution and As recommended by moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING cITi OF EDINA REGISTERED LAND SURVEY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain Registered Land Survey, presented for- approval by the City- of Edina, cover- ing property generally located South of Vernon Avenue and West of Broolcside Avenue, and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of April 7, 1975, be and is hereby granted final approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Coyncilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. REMBRANDT MANOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL HEARING DATE SET. Mr. Luce, Councilman Shaw's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, setting May 1, 1975, for hearing date for preliminary plat approval for Rembrandt Manor. As recomnended by T.H. 100 NOISE ATTENUATION MEASURES DISCUSSED. Mr. Dunn recalled that he had met with residents living on T.H. 100 between Valley View Road and Hibiscus Avenue at which meeting noise attenuation measures for T.H. 100 were discussed. He referred to letters which had been received from Mr. and Krs. Don Davidson, 6813 Normandale Road, expressing their preference for earthen mounds of concrete sound barriers along T.H. 100, and from Mr. Roger Anderson, 4905 Lantana Lane, endorsing the use of mounds and wall sound barriers. Note was also made of a letter from Mr. Thomas Erickson, representing Normandale Lutheran Church, stating that the church believes it is in the best interest of the church not to have a wall constructed in front of its building. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion vas seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried, that the letters be referred to the Minnesota 9ighway Department. SOUTHDALE BOWL PINBALL AND MECTM-ICL% AMUSEMENT DEVICE LICENSES DENIAL NOTICE TO BE SENT. Mr. Hyde recalled that at the last meeting, Council had postponed action on the recommendation that pinball machine and inechanical amusement device licenses not be renewed for the Southdale Bowl. He recalled that at least four calls had been made to him since that time from people urging that something be done so that there are not so many teenagers hanging around the establishment, 14r. Hyde recalled the history of problems with ordinance violations at the bowling alley and said that management has not kept any of its promises made over the past eighteen months. He spoke of a number of arrests made at the bowling alley even since the last Council meeting. Note was made of a letter from Mr. Wm. H. Hull, 6833 Creston Road, saying that the problems at Southdale Bowl are very few and that the City is lucky that there is swh a place where young people can congregate and have fun. Nrs. Thomas Duffey, 3409 W. 102nd St., who bowl with leagues at Southdale Bowl, recounted incidents of harassment of bowlers by young people who congregate at the bowling alley to play the machines and said that the atmosphere of the establishment ' breeds these problems. Nr. Curtis kdstin, attorney representing Southdale Bowl, said that the owner, Mr. Gus Young has agreed to move the pinball machines into a central location where there will be someone in charge to control the players. and Mr. Young said that the machines are an important source of revenue and that the business could not make it through the summer without them, a vending machine salesman, said that the Southdale area attracts lots of people and that there are always some smart alecks. Mr. Erickson pointed out that the City Manager has the power to deny a renewal.or revoke an existing license and pointed out that the Southdale Bowl is presently operating without a license in violation of Ordinance No. 141. He clarified that, if the licenses are denied, notice should be given in writing and that an appeal could then be made to that decision. Following considerable discussion, Mr, Hyde said that he would write a letter to the Southdale Bowl denying t.he renewal of licenses for pinball machines . Mr. and He Mr. John Farkas, - .. and mechanical amusement devices and advising them that the machines cannot be used without such licenses. .. FIRE CHIEF JREES MC NELLIS REi'IREElENT NOTED. Chief James NcNellis has submitted his resignation as of Nay 31, 1975. agreed that Chief NcNellis be recognized at the Council Meeting of April 21, 1975. Elr . Hyde advised' Council 'that FTre It was CABLE CO"ICATI0NS PUBLIC HEARING NOTED., Mr. Byde advised- Council of a public hearing on proposed rules relating to the regulation of cable communications which will be' held in the auditorium of the. State Office Building 'on April 25, 1975 at ' 9:OO a.m.. The City will be represented. I. HORhTNGSIDE IMPROVZHENTS HEARING DATE CHANGED TO JUNE 16, 1975. reminded that at the hearhg on March .LO, 1975, Norningside Improvements Nos. Council was P-BA-204, P-S-11 and ST.S-lZ4 had been continued to July 7, 1975. Mr. Dunn said that Morningside area residents have expressed concern that too many residents m till be on vacation and recommended that the meeting date be changed to June 16, 1975, at the City Hall at 7:OO p.m. by Councilwonan Schmidt and carried that new notices be sent out advising residents of the change in time and place of the hearing. Councilman Shaw's motion was then seconded HEmTPIN COUNTY 3IAYOXS' ASSOCIATION FORMATION DISCUSSED; EDINA TO BE REPRESENTED. Mayor Van Valkenburg called Council's attention to a letter advising Lhat the first regular meeting of the Hennepin County Mayors' Association vi11 be held on April 10, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. at the St, Louis Park Recreation Building. It was generally agreed that Edina would be represented. Q PETROLEUM STATION OFi-SALE BEER LICENSE APPROVED. As recommended by the' Health and Police Departments, Councilman Shaw's motion was seconded by Councilman Richards and carried, approving issuance of an Off-sale Beer License for Q getro- emu Station at 5401 France Ave. S. HISTORICAL PARK NAME CHANGE APPROVED. Councilman Richards'motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, chznging the name of the Historical Park to "Frank Tupa Park - Edina IJistorical Center". The recommendation had also been made by the Park Board. BIL'IMORE LANES FINDINGS AND OXDER CONTIhnJED TO APRIL 21, 1975, Councilman <haw's motion was seconded by Councilwornan Schmidt and catried, continuing Biltmore Lanes Findings and Order to April 21, 1975. This action was taken because the Biltmore Lanes have said that they cannot install the sprinkler system for two more years. As recommended by the Historical Society, TPaFIC. COUNTERS PURCHASE AUTHORIZED. As recommended by Xr. Dznn, Councilwoman Schmidt's notion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried, authorizing the pur- - chase of three traffic counters with a total cost of $2,035.00. DW TRUCKS ANI-BODIES PURCHASE AUTHORIZED. Councilman Shaw's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried , authorizing the purchase through Hennepin County of two dump trucks at $5,463.00 each and two dump truck bodies at $2,994.00, which amounts had been epproved in the 1975 Budget. SIGN TRUCK BODY PmCWSE APPROVED. .Councilman Richard's motion authorizing the purchase of a sign truck body in the amount of $3,620 as recommended by Mr, Dunn, was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. FIRE DEPARTMENT RADIO BASE BID ACCEPTED. informal bids had been received for the Fire Ijepartment base radio, with Air Coma bidding $2,759 and General Communications $2,843. awarding bid to General Communications was seconded by Counci1woma.n Schmidt and carried, with Mayor Van Valkenburg voting "Nay". It was brought out that the recommendation for awarding bid to General Comunisations was because they already have the service contract for the remaining Fire Department gear, and because General Communications will sign a contract for a completely operational radio to be installed in 45 days or less or subject themselves to $100 per day liqui- datiuon damages, whereas Air Corn will make no such agreement, burg emphasized that lie believed that award should go to the lowest responsible bidder in all cases. GOLF CAR BATTERIES PURCHASE APPROVED. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilwoman Schmidt's motion was seconded by Councilman Richards and carried authorizing purchase of Mr. Hyde advised Council that two Councilman Shaw's motion Mayor Van Valken- batteries for $1,713.94 for 54 batteries. x 4/7/75 _%. - GENERAL HOSPITAL PROPOSED FINANCING NETHOD DEPLORED. attention to a statement made by him to the Ninnesota House of Representathes iri opposition to legislation which would spread costs of Hcnncpin County General Hospital on a uniform levy basis, rather than on the use basis. considerable discussion, Councilman Shaw offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Mr. Hyde called Council's Following RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council deplores the proposal being considered by the Minnesota Legislature to change the method of financing Hennepin County General Hospital from a use basis to a uniform levy basis. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. FISCAL DISPARITIES iAIJ GPPOSED ; MANAGER TO INVESTIGATE ENFORCEMENT OF EQUALIZED ASSESSMENTS. values between various suburban properties and those in Minneapolis, Councilman Shaw's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, authorizing the City Manager to investigate just what legal actions can be taken by the City to force the State of Minnesota, Hennepin County and the City of Minneapolis to equalize market values in various municipalities. Hyde will keep the Council apprised of costs which he may incur in this study. a Being advised by Mr. Hyde of inequities existing in the assessed It was understood that Mr. METEOPOLITAB COUNCIL BILL DISCUSSED. ture has proposed changes in the Metropolitan Council powers which were not approved in detail by the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities and recom- mended that such action be opposed. No action was taken. Mr. Hyde advised Council that the Legisla- RAILROAD AND TELEPHONE GROSS EARNING TAX DISTRIBUTION URGED TO LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT. Following some discussion, Councilwoman Schmidt offered the follow- ing resolution as recommended by the League of Minnesota Municipalities and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, property taxes tend to be highest and most burdensome in cities, and in the absence of some action by the State Legislature municipal property taxes in the City of Edina will increase in 1976 and 1977; and WHEREAS; the City Council of Edina strongly favois the reduction of municipal property taxes, and the most feasible way of accomplishing-this without drastically reducing essential municipal services is through the distribution of railroad and telephone gross earnlngs taxes to cities as proposed by Governor Anderson; and WHEREAS, local units of government receive rio property taxes or other taxes from railroad or telephone property and Edina will receive approximately $370;000- under the proposed distribution of telephone and railroad gross earnings in 1976; and WHEREAS, this method of tax reduction is preferable to other alternatives being considered; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Edina respectfully urges the Minnesota State Legislature to distribute all of the telephone and railroad gross earnings taxes, zmounting to $46,000,000 in 1976 and $49,Q00.000 in 1977, to local units of government as proposed by Governor Anderson; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of the State of Minnesota, members of the State Legislature and the League of Minnesota Municipalities. rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilmm Richards and on - METROPOLITAN TRANSIT ACTION DISCUSSED. Mr. Hyde advised Council that he had attended a meeting at which the Metropolitan Transit Commission had generally approved the requests made by the Council as a result of the Edina Transit Survey. He will keep Council apprised of developments. HEARING DATE SET FOR VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS. Shaw offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: As recommended by Mr. Dunn, Councilman R?SOLUTIC)N PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HZARING ON IMPROVEMENTS NOS. P-BA-205, PFSS-322, P-SS-323, P-WM-292 AND P-WM-293 1. The City Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed improvements described in the forin of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such inprovements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, April 21, ,1975, at 7:OO p.m. in the Edina City Hall, to consi.der in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said improvements. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in tlie official newspaper once ..- . .. .I .. 4/7/75 a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in substantially the following fozm: (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN,COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS PERNANENT STREET SURFACING, CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER AND SIDEWALK . IMPROVDENT NO. P-BA-205 SANITARY SElJER INPROVENEXT NO. P-SS-322 IMPROVEMENT NO. P-SS-327 I&PROVEEIENT NO. P-TW-292 IMPROVEMENT NO. P-WM-293 . . WATER MAIN Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall on Monday, April 21, 1975, at 7:OO p.n., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. cost of said improveaents are estimated by the City as set forth below: 1. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING, CONCRETE CURB The approxinate ESTIMATED COST AND GUTTER AND SIDEWALK IN THE FOLLOWING: A. IMPROVEMENT NO. P-BAi205 $780,989.71 I?. 78th Street from CahilI Road to 4- 3300' \Jest 2. CONSTRUCTION OF CITY S~ITARY SEWER AND-~WPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: A. WROVEMENT NO. P-SS-322 $ 11,551.46 Dovre Drive from Lincoln Drive to West line Park- wood Knolls 19th Addition Parkwood Lane from North line Parkwood Knolls 19th Addition to 170' North B. DPROVmENT NO. P-SS-323 $ 3,306.35 3. CONSTRUCTION OF CITY WATER MAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING : A. IMPROVEMENT NO. P-WM-292 $ 9,171.12 Dovre Drive from Lincoln Drive to Wzst line Parkwood Knolls 19th Addition Parkwood Lane from North line Parkwood Knolls 19th Addition to Perkwood Road B. IKPR9I'EMENT NO. P-WI-293 9,131.35 - The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed permsnent Street Szlrfacing, Concrete Curb and Gutter and Sidewalk under 1-A above (Improvement l?o. P-BA-205) includes Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block I 2nd LotsTand 2,'Block 2, Nine Nile West 1st Addition; Lot 7, Block 1, Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 2, and Outlot I, Heath Glen Addition; Lot 4, Shaughnessey 1st Addition; Lots 2 and 3, Block I, Windsor Addition; Outlot A, Braemar Hills 7th Addition; and Parcels 700, 3700, 3815, 4300 and 4500, Section 5, Township 116, Range 21. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Sanitary Sewer under 2-A aboi~e (improvement No. P-SS-322) and the propcsed Watemain under 3-A above (Improvement No. P-?af-292) includes Outlot A, Nine $file North Addition. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Sznitary Sewer under 2-B above (Improvement No. P-SS-323) and the proposed Watermain under 3-B zbove (Improvement No. I)-T,M-293) includes Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 4th Addition and Lot 5, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 2nd Addition. Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk . Notion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution'was adopted. KRAHL HILL DEVELOPXENT OBJECTION EXPRESSED. President of Viking Hills Homeowners Association, read a letter to Council which her husband had sent to the Editor of The Edina Sun in a rebuttal to an editorial which had appeared in the - Sun on April 3, 1975. concern of Viking Hills residents over the development of Krahl Hill and alleged that, as their numbers increase, the voting power of apartment residents increases because they c2n vote 'no' to what the majority of Homeowners want". Mr. Sea- berg's letter also stated favorabie response from the City Council the next time they make a proposal for the devel.opment of Krahl's Hill". fect that there is a pending suit, no comment should be made by the Council. Mrs. Richard Seaberg, wife of the The letter made reference to the . ?I that "the suit is a ruse by the developers to get a Mayor Van Valkenburg said that, in view of the . ., _.- EDINA - BLOOllINGTON PROPOSED LAND TPUDE DISCUSSED. In response to a question, 4/7/75 as to a possible land trade between the City of Edina ton, Mr. Hyde said that Bloomington has not taken any date. < and the City of Blooming- official action at this CLAIMS PAID. and carried, for payment of the following claims as per pre-list: $152,377.94; Construction Fund, '$78.00; Park Funds, $12,850.05; Water Fund, $182,377.94; Construction Fund, $75.00; Park Funcis, $12,880.05; Water Fund, $7,175.86; Liquor Fund, $16,350.38; Sewer Fund, $55,591.44; Improvements, $14,035.00; Total, $288,488.67; 'and for confirmation 0.f payment of the follow- ing claims: $822.76; IJater Fund, $31.50; Liquor Fund, $46,487.20; Total, $58,346.61. Motio? of Councilwoman Schmidt was seconded by Councilman Shaw General Fund, General Fund, $10,595.66; Construction Fund, $409.49; Park Fund .No further business appearing, Councilman Shaw's motion €or adjournment was seconded by Councilman Richards and carried, Adjournment at 9:50 p.m. kku-L- Q- Lo/ City Clerk ct, 0 00 cp W W I- \