HomeMy WebLinkAbout19750414_specialMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY EALL ON APRIL 14, 1975 AT 7:OO P.M. Answering rollcall were members Richards, Shaw, Schmidt and Mayor Van Vallcenburg. VOTONAICIC DEVICE DEMOXSTRATED. Nr. Ed Lellbach ,of Computer Election Systems, Inc., demonstrated the Votomatic punch card voting device which he had presented 8 I to Council on January 8, 1975. dsvice operates and pointed out'Ghat advantages *of the Votomatic over the Automatic Vcting Machines now used by the City included ease of transporting to t%e polling places, the ease of storage and the reduction in' fall-off in vot- ing toward the end of thesballot.. Mr. .Lellbach assured Council that, if the State of Minnesota did not approve the system,thata portion of the cost would be returned. City Hall, both &iring the day and in the evening when the May 20, 1975, Hop- kins School District Election results are being tabulated so that they could see just how the device actually works during an election. discussion, Councilman Shaw: s motion t7as seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, that the matter be continued so that the Clerk could furnish statistics on the cost of moving and repairing the Automatic Voting lCiachines, the comparative costs of supplies for the two systems and consideration could be given as to whether the City would want its own computer or buy the computer offered by CompuEer Election Systems, Inc. He again explained the procedure by which the Mr. Lellbach also suggested that the Council go to the Hopkins Following considerable PAARK BOARD CAPITAL IWROVEMENTS CONTINUED TO APRIL 211, 1975. Mr. Jack Rice, Chairman of the Park Board, introduced other members of the Park Board and the Park Department staff. tion showing facilities and activities of the Park Board and estimated that the park program has had 258,654 participants and 1,275 volunteer leaders over the past year. Nr. Rice presented the Park Capital Improvements Program, cost of which totalled $2,074,910 (not including land acquisition), a list of immediate needs which should be completed by 1976 totalling $512,400 and a "Facility Think List", a copy of whic part of these minutes. Letters were noted from Mrs. Robert J. Schramm advis- ing of her interest in an arts and crafts center and frun the Church of St. Stephen the >&tyr supporting the proposed addition of a hockey rink, skating rink and warming house to the West of the tennis courts in Utley Park. The letter also said that my and all additions to adjacent parkirg facilities that could be used by the church on a year-round basis would be welcomed. Rice referred to the report of the Open Space Committee and pointed out that the Park Board was particularly interested in the acquisiticn of property on McCauley Trail Sout3, the Moore property on Mirror Leke, the Cahill School back lot, the Hedberg property, the Carl Hansen property iocated in North Parkmod Knolls area burg pointec! out that the open space report and the Park Board Capital Improve- ments Program need not necessarily be tied togcther. Methods of financing the proposals was discussed generally, with Mayor Van Valkenburg pointing out that the Library Fund had not yet been earmarked for any particular use. questioned the cost of maintaining some of the proposed improvemen;s. suggested the possibility that the City might find itself with a park system that it cannot afford to maintain and recommended that the staff make some analyses on the maintenance costs, particularly with the additional lighting and the irregation program. be less expensive to irregate and maintain good turf than to replace the sod contiriually. user fees and that good park lighting should help prevent vandalism. Dalen recommended that, if the Council wishes to proceed with the j.mprov;ements, a'bond issue should be authorized which would give the people an opportunity to decide if the cost is warranted. used for park maintenance. under $3,000,000 for the park and open space programs. Ik. Rice recalled that the Park Board had voted unanimously not to go to a bond issue at this time in view of present economic conditions and because of the feeling that it would be tied to open space. Nr. Richard Seaberg, 6.108 Arctic Way, said that the Arctic Hills Homeowners' Association is concerned about the program outlined and that they would favor ideas expressed by Mr. Dalen. Pirs. Margaret Xaki, 4520 Oxford Ave., asked if funds could be obtained in connection with the land trade from Radisson South and where the second pool would be located. Nayor Van Valkenburg said that discussion as to the Radisson South property had not gone far enough to give an answer on that question. 24r.,Rice said that there Using the view-graph, Mr. Rice made a slide presenta- Prograin is attached hereto and made a Mr. and the Rutledge house located in Rutledge Park. Nayor Van Vzlken- MI-. Hyde He Xr. Roslaad said that he had found that it would He added that the tennis lighting costs would be recovered by Hr. .. I . He added that the liquor revenues could be Mr. Dalen suggested that the bond issue be kept t .- .. - .. F Park A I den - Arden -- Beard II) Bi rchcrest , Bredesen Park CITY OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT April 7, 1975 Park Capital Improvements Program Land Purchases Not 1 ncluded Proposed Improvement Light i ng Plant i ngs PI ayground Equ i pment Park Sign Asphalt Path PI ant fngq Park Shelter Park Sign Park Lighting HEkey Lighting - Posts Asphalt Path Traffic Control Posts Tennis Courts PI ayground Equ i pment Irrigate Athletic Fjeld Backstop PI ayground Equipment Interior Paths Perimeter Paths Fencing Parking Area Lake Deve I opment Picnic Tables and Benches Blinds, Watch Areas 8 Feeding Stations Plant Materials for Screening Lighting Maps, Labels and Plaques ! .' i Tota I - $ 8,000 1,000 500 3 # 000 1,500 14,000 500 500 50#000 3,600 . 3,000 . 2,500 2; 000 62,100 18,000 6,000 26,500 2,500 1 ,.ooo 2,500 3,500 132,660 36, 000 38,400 53,000 159,500 2,000 4,000 15,000 20,000 3; 000 463,560 r Braemar Br i sto I Brownda I e Creek Val ley School Park Chowen Cornel ia Fencing of Storage Area Class Five Base - Storage Area Surfacing East Road Enlarging Par Three - Golf Budget Lighting Soccer Field Fence Gun Range Traffic Control Posts Class 5 gravel Road to Picnic Point Water to Picnic Point Picnic Area Lighting Pi cn i c She I ter Lighting Baseball Complex Irrigate Soccer Field Batting Cages Permanent Team Benches (Soccer) PI ant 1 ngs $ 7,000 4,000 4,000 / 20,000 6,000 8,000 3,000 5,000 2,000 8,000 I 00,000 6,000 5,000 750 178,750 500 PI antings Backstops Fencing of Athletic Perimeter I rrigat ion of Fi el ds Light Tennis Courts Permanent Enclosed Warming Area Resurface Tennis Courts Drinking Fountain Permanent Team Benches PI ayground Equ i pment Parking Area Fencing - Backstop Ci rcumference Bike Path Light Tennis Courts Regrade Bank and Sod Picnic Shelter with Water & electricity Playground Equipment Hard Surface Play Area . Recondition Swim Pool Pathways Permanent Benches 1,500 4,500 5,000 7,000 4,000 3 , 000 5,000 6 , 000 1,500 37,500 I ,000 I ,000 4,500 2 8 500 I0,OOO 6,000 2,000 20,000 1(5,000 3,000 120,000 3,000 500 174,500 Cornelia School Countryside Di v i si on Lake Edina Garden Resurface Tennis Courts Regrading and Sodding Little League Backstop Baseball Backstop Hockey Llghts Upgrade Shelter - Add Toilets Irrigate Athletic Fields Permanent Benches Color Coat Hard Surface Outfield Fence - Jr. League PI ayground Equ i pment Irrigate Athletic Fields Backstops Permanent Team Benches Permanent Benches PI antings Parking Areas Purchase House & Removal Dra inage Pi pe Park Shelter Playground Equipment Art Center - including equipment Li.ght Tennis Courts Regrade and Irrigate Bat Ifields Outfield and. Pond Fencing PI ayground Equ i pment Drinking Fountain Permanent Team Benches \ Traffic Control Posts Park Shelter Light Tennis Courts PI anti ngs Permanent Team Benches U pg rad e Backstops PI ayground Equ i pment Irrigate Athletic Fields Color Coat Hard Surface Area Grading & Finishing of Park Soccer Field .. $ 4,000 2,000 2,500 4,500 6,000 I2,OOO 9,000 I ,000. 41,000 2,000 9,000 500 21,000 3,000 1,500. 5,000 . 500 I ,000 3,000 40,000 3,000 50,000 I ;500 99,000 1 40,000 6,000 I ,000 12,000 6,,#00 1,500 5,000 I ,500 33,000 50,000 6,000 1,000 I ,000 4,000 I ,500 15,000 2,000 .-6,000 86,500 He'i ghts PI anti ngs Playground Equipment Sun Shelter $ 500 I ,500 2,500 4 , 500 Historical Park McGu i re Normandale Pame I a S herwood Utley Park Drinking Fountain Playground Equipment Hockey Lights Irrigate Athletic Fields Permanent Team Benches Backstops - 3 Fields Roof Grange Extend Si dewa I k Flag Pole Irrigate PI anti ngs Backstop -- I Hockey Llghts Playground Equipment Hockey Rink Color Coat Hard Surface Area Backstop Irrigate Athletic Field Permanent Team Benches Hard Surface Play At-ea Traffic Control Posts Backstops PI ayground Equ i pment Light Soccer Field Irrigate Footbal I Field Irrigate Soccer Field Irrigate Baseball Fields Permanent Team Benches Playground Equipment Light Tennis Courts Redevelop for Skating and Shelter House 3> 500 I ,500 6,000 I 2,000 I ,500 7 , 000 3 I ,500 4,000 2,000 I ,000 2,500 9,500 1,500 I ,000 2,500 6,000 I ,500 3,000 I ,000 1,000 6,000 I8000 r9,500 3,000 I ,000 4,000 1,500 20,000 6,000 6,000 I o..ooo 3;500 55,000 I ,000 6,000 30,000 36,000 ’. Walnut Ridge $ 1,500 50,000 2,000 5,000 6,000 64,500 PI antings Park Shelter Parking Area Soccer and Football Fie1 d Irrigate Soccer and Football Fle4d Light Hockey Rrnk Light Tennis Courts Backs top Irrigate Baseball Fields 6,000 6,000 I ,000 Weber 9; 000 22,000 1,500 PI ayground Equ i pment York Yor ktown 6,000 6,000 500 1,000 Light Tennis Courts I rr i gate Soccer Fie I d PI anti ngs Drinki ng Fountain Extend Asphalt Path to Sr. Citizen Center Permanent Team Benches Parking Lot 3,000 500 I ,500 18,500 6,000 3,000 8,000 6,000 23,000 Park Lighting Wa I kways Remodel Garage & Greenhouse Nursery Trees Light Footbal I Field Light East High Tennis Courts 20,000 I0,OOO 30,000 School Propert i es Neighborhood Park Construction and amen it i es Hansen Property South Cahill School 75,000 Neighborhood Park Construction and amen it i es 95,000 Neighborhood Park Construction and amen i ties McCau I ey Tra i I 50,000 I Neighborhood Park Construction and amenities Mirror Lakes 75,000 Neighborhood Park Construction and amen it i es TOTAL Hedberg 75,000 $2,074,9 IO CITY OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Aprii 7, 1975 Park Arden - Bi rchcrest Bredesen Park Braema r Chowen Cornel ia Cornelia School Countrys i de Division \ 44th Street Property Lake Edina IMMEDIATE NEEDS - COMPLETED BY 1976 UPGRADED FOR SAFETY OR PUBLIC INTEREST Tota I - Proposed Improvement Hockey Lighting - Posts (1976) $ 3,000 Backstop ( 1976) 1,000 Fencing (1/2-1975) - (1/2-1976) 38,400 Fence Gun Range ( 1976) 6,000 -- - Lighting Baseball Complex Highway Sale - (1976) 100,000 Fencing of Storage 7,000 Class Five Base-Storage Area (1976) ‘ 4,000 Fencing of Athletic Perimeter (1976) 5,000 Fencing - Backstop (1975) 2,500 Light Tennis Courts (1976) Recondition Swim Pool (1975) 6,000 120,000 Li tt I e League Backstop ( I975 1 2,500 Backstops ( I976 1 5 , 000 Parking Areas ( I976 1 3,000 Art Center (1975) I 40,000 Regrade and Irrigate Bal If ield (1976) 12,000 Roof Grange (1975) 4,000 Normanda I e Weber Yorktown Arnesons Acres Color Coat Hard Surface Area ( 1975) $ 1,000 . Redevelop for Skating and Shelter House 30,000 (1975) Soccer and Footbat I Fie1 d ( 1976) 5,000 Ligh.t Hockey Rink-Recondition (1976) 6,000 Extend Asphalt Path to Sr. Citizen Center 3,000* . (1976) Remodel Garage & Greenhouse (1976) 8,000 1975 Total $3 I9,ZOO 1976 Total !93,200 TOTA L $5 12,400 .. EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT April 7, 1975 TOTAL AVAILABLE DOLLARS Budgeted in 1975 Budget $ 80,000 Sa I e of Land to County (Quest ionab I e) Fire Insurance from 44th St. Property Money From Land Develqpers . Potential 1976 Budget Possible Committment from Thorpe Family 100,000 (?I I0,OOO I 37,400 80,000 15,000 r $422,400 Total Needed 512,400 Additional Needed Financing for 1975 6 1976 !$ 90,000 SUBDIVISION PARK DEDICATION NORTHWEST $27,300 Letter of Credit 16,350 . $ I 5,425 SOUTHWEST $23,095 4/2/75 TOTAL TOTAL PEND I NG NORTHEAST $250 SOUTHEAST $44,380 Letter of Credit $10,600 54,980 $137,400 81.643 $2 I 9,043 9- Bredesen Park EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Apri I 7, 1975 MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS Braema r Lighting Basebal I Field Repair of Swimming Pool Shelter Buildings Garden $50,000 Cornelia School $IZ,OOO Addition of Toilets Division $50,000 Walnut Ridge $50,000 Five Proposed New Parks Art Center $ 463,560 100,000 120,000 162,000 370 , 000 140,000 Total Major $1,355,560 Total Minor ' 719,350 TOTAL $2,074,9 IO EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Apri I 7, 1975 FINANCING NEEDED FOR YEARS BEYOND 1976 Tota I Projects Deduct 1975 & 1976 Projects Shelter Buildings $ I 62,000 Five New Parks 370,000 Bredesen Park 425, I60 Tota I 3 Major Projects $957, I60 Tota I Mi nor Projects L'i ght i ng Fenc i ng Irrigation MAJOR CONTRACTUAL AREAS $2,O74,9 IO 5 I 2.400 $I ,562,510 $170,600 98,900 128,500 $ 605,350 s FACILITY THINK LIST 1. Gymnastics Building 8 2. Environmental Miniature Golf Course 3. Second Swimming Pool Enc I osed Not Enclosed 4. Cemetery Property . I 5. Bus 6. Legion - Community Music Center 8 7. Braemar Stadium 8. Multi Purpose Center (Bicentennial Survey) " r ED I NA PARK AND RECREAT 1 ON DEPARTMENT NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS AND VOLUNTEERS INVOLVED Back Packing John Philip Sousa Band Girls Basketball Jr. Basketball - Winter Mens Basketba I 1 Sumner Basketball Cub Softbal I Ba I I room Dagce .Day Camp Jr. Footbal I Go1 f Patrons Spring Group Golf Lessons 18 Hole Course rounds ' Par 3 Course rounds Summer Group Go1 f Lessons Private Golf Lessons Gun Range Gun Safety - Learn ?a Shoot Gymnastics Fa I I Hockey I nstruct iana I School Hockey Ice Techniques Jr. Hockey Girls Hockey Horseback Riding 8 Ka rate -. PART I C I PANTS 34 30 3,200 80 340. I50 250. 519- 150. 65 6501 I ,000 260. 46,000. 26,000 30Q 600 3,524' 171 450 300 300. I ,450 ' 150':'' 90 '. 80 VOLUNTEERS 0. ' 0 i00 25 30 0 30 0 0 0 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IO 30 10 10 350 25 0 0 t ACT I V I TY 9’ Jr. Basebal I Open Skating Skating Instruction Arena Season Tickets Outdoor S kat i ng Ski Instruction Girls Softbal I Adult Slow Pitch Soccer Student Center Swim Club Swim Instruction Pool Season Tickets App. Puppet Shows Tenn I s Chi ldrens Theater Theater and Creative Dramatics Volleyball - Adult Wrest I i ng Senior Citizens Club E.S.C.G. Guitar Lessons Flea Market TOTAL PARTICIPANTS 450 525 77 I 24,314. 825 - 1,281 I 20,000. 283 450 - 1,400’ 700 8,400 # I25 I ,502 2,517 - 2,800 . 698 . I ,000 - I06 I08 25 450 25 ~ 61 3,500 200 258,654 VOLUNTEERS 60 75 IO 0 0 80 0 105 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 30 25 0 100 20 1,275 - *4/14/?5 is still a question as to whether the second pool is actually needed at this time. Mayor Van Valkenburg added that vandalism in the parks is a very real problem. Mr. Frank Thorpe, 4614 Edina Blvd., said that his family would work with the City in the financing of the improvement of Utley Park. Mr. Clifton French, former Edha Director of Pzrks aad Recreation and Superintendent of the Hennepin County Park Reserve District, sakd that he did not know of another P municipality in the area that was doing a better job with their park system and said that he was excited with the progress that the Park Board had made. Councilwoman Schmidt referred to the Governmental Commission Report whi'ch pointed out that the City should be looking forward to the use of vacant land. Councilman Richards said that the Park Board is still in need of Zunds just to maintain the program as it noy exists and suggested that the matter be placed on an early agenda. Nr. Shaw then moved that the City Manager and his staff look into and evaluate the Park Board's proposals and Mr. Dalen's recommendation of a $3,000,000 bond issue and bring their recommendations back to Council by April 21, 1975 (but no later than May 5, 1975). Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. Mr. Rosland reminded the Council that the Art Center will have to be rebid if the bid is not let within thirty days. ' I CD 0 00 m w W MAYOR'S "THINK LIST" DISCUSSED. List" had originally been presented to Council and January and asked that items thereon be discussed. Discussion then ensued and action was taken on the follow- ing subjects as hereinafter recorded: Smaller Planning Zones or Classifications - Councilman Richards' motion was seconded by Counciiwoman Schmidt and carried that the Planner and City Attorney work together to make recommendations as to how such a change, which would tend Mayor Van Valkenburg recalled that his "Think to reduce densities, could be legally implemented. Posting Signs to Label Rezoning Areas - Councilman Shaw's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, that the Planner should check with other municipalities that post legal notices on property proposed to be rezoned and -obtain copies of their ordinances for study. Halla Property - Mr. Hyde advised that he had heard nothing recently in regard to the Halla property. Highway 5 and Cahill Road - Mr. Hyde advised that nothing is pending for this area, to his knowledge. Edina Art Center - Mr. Rosland advised that it appeared that patrons of the arts group could not raise the $140,000 to build the center, but could raise funds for its furnishings. close to self-sustaining. when they could be of any help. Colonial Church Building - Mayor Van Valkenburg said that the question had been raised as to whether the Colonial Church building could be used as an activity center after the church moves into its proposed new building. Presidents' Council (Volunteer Athletic Organizations) - Mayor Van Valkenburg suggested the possibility of various athletic organizations joining together for purposes of buying insurance in a package and for other joint purchasing. Mr. Rosland said that joint purchase of insurance had not proven to be beneficial. Purchase of a bus was also considered. Mr. Rosland said that he would send out a letter to people who would be interested in bussing to see what their recom- mendations would be. Exchange of Board and Commission Minutes - Mr. Hyde said that he would send a, memo to the secretary of each comission and committee advising that they should submit copies of their minutes to all other boards and commissions. -- Limit of Tenure on Commissions - Rotation of Chairmanship of Commissions - It was generally agreed that the staff will tell their commissions and boards that the Council is considering setting a limit of tenure of membership and is also considering rotating the chairmanship of these groups. The Council will be advised of their opinions on the subject. Staff and Secretarial Assignments - Mayor Van Valkenburg asked that he be kept apprised of the staff member and secretary assigned to work with each commis- sion and board. Human Relations Commission - Mr. Hyde said that he believed that much of the problem with the Human Relations Commission was that there has been no one staff person assigned to the Commission. He pointed out that, Mr. Joel Jennings is the new chairman and that Mr. Melena is the staff person who will be working with the Commission. Commission and Board Attendance Reports- - Mayor Van Valkenburg said that the staff person working with each commissiori and board was responsible for furn- ishing him with attendance reports or' members. Youth Action - Mr. Hyde advised that the Human Relations Commission feels that Youth Action is an outgrowth of the Human Relations Comission and that he thinks that Council will receive a request for City funding in the 1976 Budget. South Hennepin Human Services - Councilwoman Schmidt reported that the South Hennepin Human Services might be getting into a large area of control as far He said that it appeared that the project should be The Mayor told Mr. Rosland to let the Council know I : >' as being adearing house for all types of social action 'in the South Hennepin area because of- the diversification of services from Hennepin County into the various municipalities. mwicipalities 2re benefitting- from the services-provided by South Hennepin Human Services, that the municipalities should show 'their ihterest by some fund- ing. Drugs - Councilwoman Sclimidt advised that th2 Human Services Coun~il is holding workshops on drugs. wondered if the drug problem could not be better served by Youth Action. She added that Hencepin County may feel that if the Xr. Hyde questioned the expertise of the Council and ~ Governnental Commission - Mr. Hyde said that Mr. Kermit \?ilson is out of town and that he will call him again upon his return to set a date for a meetirlg of the Governmental Commission and the Council. HAYORS AND COUNCIL EEMBERS MEETING DISCUSSED. - Councilwoman Schmidt reported that she had attended the meeting for Mayors and Council Members and that-there were only about eight persons present. She said that everyone thought that the orgznization was a good idea but that no decision was made on how the group could be effective. It had been the concensus of opinion o€ the group that the Eennepin County League had been effective until the City of Mhneapolis became a member. the City of Minneapolis and Hennepin County. Mayors group working with local Chambers of Commerce t7OUld be 2 logical vehicle to take this action. Nr. Hyde emphasized that there must be some organization to fight Nr. Dalen suggested that the SOUTHDALE BOWL AGREENXNT REACHED. signed an agreemeDt which was satisfactory and that he will now grant licenses for the same number of machines that they had last year (8 pinball and 25 mech- anical amusement machines), subject to a signed statement from Mr. lJilliam Erickson agreeing to comply with a list of conditions worked out by Captain Wrobleski. Mr. Hyde reported that Southdale Bowl had I No further business appearing, Councilman Shaw 's motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilman Richards and carried. Adjournment at 10:20 p.m. City Clerk 8.lb 4L r