HomeMy WebLinkAbout19750602_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAK MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY CO3NCIL HELD'AT CITY HALL ON JUNE 2, 1975 Answering rollcall were members Courtney, Richards, Shaw, Schmidt and Hayor Van Valkenburg. MINUTES of May 5, 1975; were approved as submitted by motion of Councilinan Shat7, seconded by Councilman Courtpey and carried. COMNJNITY SERVICE AWARD PRESENTED TO CITY MANAGER. ted City Manaer Kvde OR his receipt of the Optimists' Community Service Award. Mayor Van Valkenburg congratula- - GREG LUCE NAMED VICE PRESIDEST OF MINNESOTA PLANNERS' ASSOCIATION. . burg congratulated Mr. Luce upon being elected Vice President of the Minnesota Plan- Mayor Van Valken- I ners Association. PUBLIC HEARINGS CONDUCTED ON PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Affidavits of Notice were pre- sented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to dbe not- co 0 t30 a2 W W __ ice given, public hearings were conducted and action taken as hereinafter set forth: A. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVENENT NO. P-B-86 IN THE FOLLOWING: Oaklawn Ave. from W. 59th Street to W. 60th Street Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost at $15,029.57, proposed to be assessed against 1256.96 assessable feet at an estimated cost of $11.96 per foot. Dunn recalled that this improvement had been brought to hearing as a result of a petitiozz for curb and gutter, with the petitioners not realizing that the necessary street overlay would increase the project cost by approximately one-third. Howard B. Christenson, 5928 Oaklawn Ave., circulator of the petition, requested that the City pay a portion of the improvement, inasmuch as the street is quite heavily traveled. by other city residents. Mr. Christenson was advised that the City will pay its share for the portion of the street abutting the park, but that all street improvements are assessed against abutting propertkes. street is not in need of surfacing at this time unless the curb and gutter are Couacilman Shaw and carried. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dunn advised that the * installed. Councilman Courtney's motion to abandon the project was seconded by B. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. P-h91-294 IN THE FOLLOWING: Doncaster Way from Croyden Lane to Ayrshire Blvd. Mr. Hyde presented total estiinated cqnstruction cost at $16,340.41, proposed to be assessed agaipst five assessable lots at an estimated cost of $3,268.08 per lot, and advised that it is proposed to install the pipe along the East side of: the strset or in the bculevard in order to save the street. A gentleman in the audience said that he had signed the petigion only as a request for an estimate of cost and that all resSdents hzd not received notice of the hearing. He requested that the matter be conthued so that the property owners could discuss the matter between themselves. Councilman Courtney's motion continEing the hearing to July 7, 1975, was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. C. CONSTRUCTION OF PERKANENT STmET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURE AND GUTTER IMPROVE- ." MEN" NO. P-BA-202 IN THE FOLLOWING: Grove Street from Johnson Drive to Tracy Avenue Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost at $14,215.61, proposed to be assessed against 770.00 feet at an estimated cost of $18.46 per assessable foot. Mr. David J. Ruebelbeck, 5613 Grove Street, circulator of the'petition requesting the improvement, was told that the improvement wcluld hold water in the street and drain away fro% yards. No further objections were heard. D. CONSTRUCTION OF ORNAMENTAL STWET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT P-L-11 IN THE FOLLOWING: . W. 56th Street and Oaklawn Avenue Mr. Hyde presented estimated construction cost at $1,187.20, proposed to be assessed against four lots at $296.80 per lot, and advised that a petition had been presented for the improvement. later in Minutes..) No objections were heard. (See Resolution Ordering Improvement E. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDZWALK IIlPROVEIENT NO. P-S-13 IN THE FOLLCWING: Both sides Hazeltbn Road I'rom France Avenue to Ycrk Avenue Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost at $37,379.29, proposed to be assessed against 3,796.90 assessable feet at an estiaated cost of $9.84 per foot. Mr. Joe Bl.um, representing Target, objected that the sidewalk would not be of any benefit to his company and that the walk wzs certainly not needed on both sides of BazeLton Road. Mr. Dunn explained that the sidewalk is being proposed so that senior citizens in the highrise apartment could walk to stores in the area and thatLthe wdk in considered necessary on both sides of the street.. No further cominents were heard. (See Resolution Ordering Improvement later in Mhutes,) F. :CONSTRUCTION OF SICEI;IALY, IM-PRO~MENT NO. p-s-11 IN THE FOLLOWING: North side of W. 70th Street from Cornelia Driye Easterly to Valley View R03d Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost at $12,351.33, advising that it is proposed that State Aid pay 100% of the project cost. was called to a letter from Dr. Peter S. Gregus, 4200 W. 70th Street, who said Council's attention that sidewalks constructed two years ago on the South side of the street are used mostly by bicycHsts and that pedestrians usually walk-in the street. ,Mr. Frank Paganct, 4212 I?. 70th Street, circulator of the petition requesting the izprovement, was told by Nr. Dunn that the Engineers wiil do their best to, work with property owners in determinbg which trees must be removed. No _l* further objections were heard. Minutes .) ) . (See Resolution Ordering Improvement later in G.' CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEI?ALK I$PRi)VFiNT NO. P-S-12 IN THE FOLLOWING: Both sides of York Avenue from I?. 69th Street to 14. 74th Street Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost at $66,107.75, advising that there is proposed to be no assessment against abutting properties inas- much as it is proposed to pay the entire cost of this improvement from Mmici- pal State Aid funds. hereto. 8. CONSTRUCTION OF PEREiANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CW AND GUTTER I No objections were heard and none had been-received prior (See Resol.ution Ordering Improvement later in Yfnutes.) IMPROVEMENT NO. P-BA-206 IN THE FOLLOTJING: All Streets in Parkvood Knolls 19th Addition Advising that this improvement has been petitioned by the developer, Parkwood Knolls Construction Comyany, Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost at $54,616.15 proposed to be assessed against 36 assessable lots at an estimated cost of $1,517.12 per assessable lot. Yxs. Helen IicClellan, lfr. Dunn explained that the improvement will be accomp- lished in 1976 with the exception of a finishing seal coat which will be applied in June, 1977. No Gther comments were heard and none had been received prior hereto. I. PERMANENT STREET SUFSACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NO. 2 Lanham Lane from South line of M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills 3rd Addition Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost at $25,807.71, proposed In response to a question of (See Resolution Ordering Improvement later in Minutes.) P-BA-208 IhT THE FOLLOWING: ' to Fleetwood Drive to be assessed at $1,407.95 per assessable lot as a Plan C improvement. objections were heard and none had been received prior hereto. Ordering Improvement later in.finutes.) Lanhzm Lane from South line of M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills 3rd Addition to Fleetwood Drive - No (See Resolution J. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN QPROVEMENT NO. P-WM-295 IN THE FOLLOWING: I Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost at $13,044.36, proposed to be assessed at $724.67 per lot as a Plan B improvement in accordance with the terns and conditions ~f a Developers Agreement entered into Setween the developer and the City of Edina. No objections were heard and none had been received prior thereto. (See Resolution Ordering Improvement later in Minutes.) K. CONSTIIUCTIOX OF SANITARY SEWER IMPROVENENT NO. P-SS-324 IN THE FOLLOWING: Lanhvn Lane from South line of M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills 3rd Addition to - Fleetwood Drive Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost at. $14,042.44, proposed to be assessed at $780.14 per assessable lot as a Plan B improvement in accordance with the terns and conditions of a Developers Agreement entered into between the d&eloper and the City. prior thereto. No objections were heard and none had been received (See Resolution Ordering Improvement later in Minutes.) L. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEIJER IMPROVEMXNT NO. F-ST.S-144 IN THE FOLT,OTJING: Lanhau Lane from South line of M.P. Johnson's Prospect Bills 3rd Addition to 9 Fleetxood Drive Nr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost at $4,552.91, proposed to be assessed at $252.94 as a Plan B improvenent in accordance with the terms and conditions of a Developers Agreement entered into between the developer and the City. 'No objections were heard and zone had been received prior thereto. maa.Corrrtney thereqoa-offered the followiq resolution and moved its adoption: Council- RESOLUTION OXDERING IEPROVEMENTS NOS. STORM SEWER DPROVEMENT ST. S-144 WATERMAIN Ii4PROVEMENT WM-295 '. SANITARY SEWER IMFROVEMENT S5-324 STREET-IMPROVEMENTS BA-206, BA-207 AN9 BA-208 STREET LIGHTING IIPROVEMENT L-11 SIDEWALK IMPRflVEIBNTS S-11, S-12 AND 5-13 BE %T RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused*notice of hearing to be duly published and mailed to owners of eachparcel within the area-proposed to be assessed on the following proposed 1. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AN?) CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN . .) iaprovements : THE FOLLOWING: Grove Street froin Johnson Drive to Tracy Avenue W. 56th Street and Oaklawn Avenue .. 2- CONSTRUCTION OF OIC?AHENTATA STREET LIGHT AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION: .c 6/2/Y> ,, CD 3 w w 3. .CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT IN THE FOLLOWING: 4. CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT IN THE FOLLOWING: 5. CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT IN THE FOLLOWING: 6. *CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN Both sides of Hazeltoii Road from France Avenue to York Avenue North side of W. 70th Street from Cornelia Drive to Valley View Road Both sides of York Avenue from W. 69th Street to W. 74th Street THE FOLLOWING: Parkwood Knolls 19th Addition 7. CONSTRECTION OF PERWENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN * THE FOLLOWING: I ' Lanham Lane from South line of M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills 3rd Addition to Fleetwood Drive Lanham Lane from South line of M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills 3rd Addition to Fleetwood Drive Lanham Lane from South line of M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills 3rd Addition to Fleetwood Drive Lanham Lane from South line of M.P. Johnson's Prospect Kills 3rd Addition to Fleetwood Drive 8. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT IN THE FOLLOWING: 9. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN THE FOLLOWING: 10. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN TEE FOLLOWING: and at the hearing held at the tine and place specified in said notice, the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, aad being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the.construc- tion of said improvements, including all proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for construc- tion and maintenance of such improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: No. 1 Above STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-207 No. 2 Above STREET LIGHTING IMPROVENENT NO. L-11 No. 3 Above - SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. S-13 No. 4 Above' SIDEWALK IMF'ROVEMENT NO. S-11 No. 5 Above SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. S-12 No. 6 Above - STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-206 STREET DPROVEMENT NO. BA-208 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM-295 No. 7 Above No. 8 Above . ,- No. 9 Above SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS-324 No.10Above I . STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S-144 and the area.proposed to be assessed for Street Improvement No. BA-207 shall include Lots 11 through 14, incl., Green Leaf Manor; Part of Lot 45, Warden Acres; and Lots 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7, Block 1, Lyle Addition; the area proposed to be assessed for 'Street Lighting Improveinent No. L-11 shall include Lot 10, Block 12, and Lot 11, Block 13, South Harriet Park Addition; Lot 1, Block 1, Colonial Square Addition, and Lot 1, Block 1, Edwards Additioil; the area proposed to be assessed for Sidewalk Improvement No. S-13 shall fnclude Lots 4 and 5, Block 1; Lot 1, Block 2; Lots I, 2 and 3, Block 6, Lots 1 and 2, Block 7; and Outlots A and B, Porktown Addition; the area proposed to be assessed for Street Improve-. . ment NO. BA1206. shall include Lots 1 through 4, incl., Block 1; Lots 1 and 2, Block 2; Lots 1 through 4, Incl., Block 3; Lots 1 through 12, incl., Block 4; and Lots 1 through 14, Block 5; Parkwood Knolls 15th Addition;. the area proposed to be assessed for Street Improvement No. BA-208 shall include Lot 3, Block 1, and Lot I, Block 3, M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills; Lots 1 through 7, incl., Block 1; and Lots 1 through 10, incl., Block 2, M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills 3rd Addition; the area proposed to be assessed for Watermain Improvement WM-295, Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS-324 and Storm Sewer Improvement No. ST.S-144 shall include Lots 1 through 7, incl., Block 1 aad Lots 1 through 10, incl., Block 2, M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills 3rd Addition and Lot 3, Johnson's Prospect Hills. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilmar, Shaw and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. COLONIAL CHURCH OF EDINA ZONING REQUEST CONTINUED TO JULY 7, 1975. by the proponent, the public hearing for zoning change for property located generally North of the Crosstown Highway, South of Olinger Blvd., East of Bredesen Park and Village 9 and West of Countryside Park and the-Edina Fire Station from PRD-2 Planned Residential District to PRD-1 Planned Residential District was continued to July 7, 1975, by motion of Councilwoman Schmidt, seconded by Council- man Richards and carried. I . Block I, M.P. L As requested VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (EDINA GREEN) ZONING REQUEST CONTINUED TO JUNE 16, 1975. Mr. Luce recalled that the public hearing for zoning change for property 6/2/75 located East of County Road 18 and South-of Nalibu Drive from R-1 Residential District to R-2 Multiple Residential Districr,and PID Planned Industrial District had been continued frm the meeting of May 19, 1975, so that the matter couid be' studieO furtherby the neighbors. indicated the 6.2 acres of flood plain which will be dedicated to the City in ~ accordance with the Western Edina Plan. Mr. Luce recalled also that the traffic plans conform to the Western Edina Traffic Study. Councilwoman Schmidt noted-that this development would contribute to the Western Edina trafficpattern until some. time in 1976 when the Dominic Drive Interchange will be open. he has had no recent contact with the Hansens.as to their development plans for the area. Mayor Van Valkenburg recalled that he had requested that the Hansens should present their plans to the Council in June, and that these plans would tie in with the zoning request under consideration. In response to a question of Mrs. Helen McClellan, Mr. Luce explained that Mr. Wallace Kenneth has agreed to dedicate property in the flood plain to the City, He referred also to the vacation . - .. . of Lincoln.Drive 5n with this zoning matter. working with other residents of the area and with a representative of the developer and requested that the matter be continued two weeks so that the overall plan of the area would be known. woman. Schmidt and carried that the matter be continued to June 16, 1975, and that Nr. Luce get in touch with the Hansens to learn their plans. Nr.,Luce presented a graphic of the area Ghich Er. Dunn said that which is proposed to be heard later at this meeting and which ties Mr. Rick Davies of Malibu Drive said that he has been Councilman Courtney's motion was then seconded by Council- SHADOW HILL CENTER (ROBERT E. HANSON) ZONING REQUEST DENIED. Affidavits of Notice were'presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Xr. Luce presented the request of Mr. Robert Hanson for rezoning of property known as Shadow Hill Center located generally on the Northwest corner of the Crosstown. Highwzy and County Road 18 from R-l Residential District to PC2 and PC1 (4) Plavaed Commercial Districts. a shopping center on the West side of Vernon Avenue and to construct an office development on the East side of Vernon Avenue and recalled that this use had been excluded from the Western Edina plan. Hr. Luce referred to the shopping center which is to be developed' in Minnetonka just West of County Road 18 and added that the question of the road to the South of the property under discussion has not yet been resolved. erably more traffic than multiple zoning would generate. Planning Commission and the staff had recommended that the proposal be denied for the following reasop: I. The proposal is totally inconsistent with the Western Edina Plan and was identified as being hconsistent when that plan was approved; 2. The development of such a shopping center and office facilities would.have deleterious affect on adjacent land users who developed with confidence in A transportation system does not now exist, nor have public funds been ear- marked, to provide a transportation system which could accommodate the volumes of-traffic expected to be generated from this development. HI-. &mes Christensen of Real Estate Research Corporation presented slides indica- ting- proposed developxez& for the site which contains 85,000 square feet on the West side of Vernon Avenue and 23,000 square feet on the East side of Vernon Avenue. He recalled that this is the first time that the proposal has come to the Council and said that there is a need.for.such. a..developmezlt in Edina and that there is no iiidication that Western Ediaa would be dependmt on the Einnetodca development. Mr. Christensen said that a land use,plan is only a general guide to assist in. making land dsvelopment decisions and that policys and that these policys shoul-d reflect the basic needs and desires of Edina residents and yield orderly develop- menc. Grandview are8 and that this would be the most reasonable use for the property. Discussion ensued as to traffic patterns and the generation of traffic volumes which would be brought about by the proposed development. Mr. Christensen pointed out that the Opus I1 development in Minnetonka would double the distance residents would have to travel to reach a shopping center. He added that all of the traffic which would be generated by Shadow Hill Center could be put on Vernon Avenue with- out upgrading that street. Councilmen Courtney and Shaw recalled that the Western Edina Flan had specifically omitted any commercial development from the area. Iir. Bert Whitbreati, a resident of the Edina West condominium development, referred to a petition signed by approximately 50 other Edina West residents opposing the .rezoning which had been presented to the Planning Commission at its meeting of April 30, 1975. Mr. Ifarcel Sutton,.a resident of Edina West, said that he wauld never have bought his condominium if he had thought that such a development would be constructed and that he would move out if the development is approved. Alison Fuhr said that wetlands on the property are waters of the State of Minnesota and subject to permits by the Minnesota Department of NFtural Resources. ensen contended that the pondingarea had been created by construction of the free- Mr. Luce advised Council of the proposal to construct He added that a shopping center would generate consid- Mr. Luce said that the - ~ . 3. I the Western Ed5na Land Use-Plan; - ' He added that the development would be one of high standards similar to the I * Mrs. Mr. Christ- ..* ._ .. I .. 1' -. 6/2/75 way, and could, therefore, be *drained by a storm sewer. discussion; Councilman Courtney moved that the rezoning be denied, based on the . following facts : -I 1. That Council had specifically ordered the redrafting of the Western Edina Plan to eliminate any provision for commercial development; 2. Because residents of the area had relied upon the fact that there was to be no commercial zoning in the area; 3. 'Because there is no public. transportation system; and 4. Because of the possibility that the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources would not approve drainage of water from the properqy. Motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw and czrried. question as to what Council would approve for trhe property, Mayor Van Valkenburg suggested that Mr. Christensen arrange a meeting with residents of Edina West, and discuss the matter with them. LOWRY HILL ENTERPRISES, INC., ZONING REQUEST DENIED. presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Luce Following considerable In reply to Nr. Christensen's Affidavits of Notice were I CD 0 03 cc3 W w presented the petition of Lowry Hill Enterprises, Inc. , for a zoning change from R-1 Residential District to PRD-5 Planned Residential District for property located on the Southwest corner of Dewey Hill Road and Cahill Road. advised that the proponents propose the construction of a five story apartment building, rather than a three story building, contending that five stories would provide 8% additional open space. telegram from Mr. Kenneth A. Macke, 1709 Fleetwood Drive, opposing any type of apartnent house development on the site. Mr. Luce advised that originally the Environmental Quality Commission and the staff had recommended construction of the five story building, but in deference to the wishes of residents in the area, 'ne is now recommendiag that the building be restricted to three stories. Mr. Dennis Madden, representing Lowry Hill Enterprises, Inc., explained that. the proposal, is to build a concrete Type I building and that it is uneconomical to construct this type of building if they are allowed only three stories. He pointed out that the-first phase would include 276 rental units which would revert to condoininiums after the sale of condominiums in the second phase. Mr. James Coopeman, architect retained by Lowry Hill Enterprises, Inc., said that the building as proposed would be a good buffer between the industrial and single family residential area.,-=He presented a site plan showing a config- uration of qhe building which indicated that the building would cover only 19% of the land', with the remainder in open space. area over which he superimposed pictures of the proposed apartment so that the impact of the building could be observed by residents and by Council. recalled that the Southwest Edina Plan limits the PRD-3 Planned Residential District to four stories. come to depend on the creditability of Council arid of the Planning Commission and that the people do not wact a five story building constructed on the site. Councilman Richards said that he finds twelve units per acre unacceptable . Mr. Courtney recalled that on August 20, 1973, a four-story building had been petition containing 62 signatures of residents objecting to the five story building. Mr. Madden explained tharwetlands on the site would have to be drained if the three story building is to be constructe6. talked to Mr. Jack Barron, a builder who lives "up on the hill" and that Mr. Barron had indicated that he would have no objection to the five story proposal. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney moved that the zoning request be denTed for :the constructfon:.of,. t36 pxoposed five story -building' basedon the fact that he believes that twelve wits per acre is unacceptable, . and'further-based on the fact-that people have faith 5n the Western Edina Plan. Motion was seconded by Councilman Richards and on rollcall there were five ayes Mr. Luce Council's attention was called to a He showed pictur,es of the Mr. Luce I Councilman Courtney said that he concurred with the .. Environmental Quality Commission report. He pointed out that the people have ' approved for this site. An unidentified gentleroan in the audience preserited a *. He added that he had and no nays, with Mayor Van Valkenburg adding that an additional reason for 'ab opposition-to the propos+'was ... .the recornendation of the Planning Commission. ORDINANCE NO. 811-A61 GRANTED FIRST REAI>INC. sented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Erickson reviewed Ordinance No. 811-A6L as recommended by the Planning Commission. Councilwoman Schmidt thereupon offered Ordinance No. 811-A61 for First Reading as follows: Affidavits of Notice were pre- 1. * OmINANCE NO. 8 11-A6 1 AN ORDINt?tJCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) TO ALLOW, UNDER CERTAIN CLRC~JSSTANCES , OFF-STREET' PARKING HEQUIRENENTS TO BE MET BY THE USE OF PUBLIC PARKING IN THE CONHERCIAL DISTRICT 6/2/75 TII", CITY C0U"IL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, PIIINNESOTA, ' ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph B of Paragraph 9 of Sec. 9 (Commercial District) of' Ordinance No. 811 is hereby amended by adding tliereto a Subparagraph (d) as.follons: "(a) Use of Public Parking to Neet Off-street Parking Requirements: 'I L1 "(1) Any principal use which, at the time of construction thereof, pro- vided off-street parking spaces in the number and location, and with the -7 control, then required by the applicable ordinances of the City, or, if at the time of construction of a principal use there were no then applicable ordinances requiring off-street parking spaces but such principal use did nevertheless provide for off-street parking spaces on property ulzder the same ownership as that of the principal use, and if the City of Edina or the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota, thereafter acquires, .for public parking purposes, the fee simple ownership of some or all of the parking spaces to provided. such principal use nevertheless may be retained and maintzined on its' then location, and a new principal use may be constructed on the same property as the prior principal use, without providing off-street parking additional to that provided for public parking, provided that such new principal use is of a size, measured in square feet of floor space, not greater than the prior principal use, and is for uses which do not, by application of the off-street parking requirements of the then applica3le ordinances of the City, increase the required off- street parking spaces beyond those required for the uses in the prior principal use. "(2) project approved by the City Council of the City pursuant to Chapter 462 of Minnesota Statutes, which principal use was in existence on the date such project was approved, and which project provides for public parking to serve the project area, may be reconstructed, or a new principal use constructed on the same property, without providing off- street parking additional to that provided for public parking, provided such reconstructed or new principal use is of a size, measured in square feet'of floor space, not greater than the prior principal use, and is for uses which do not, by application of the off-street parkiag requirement of the-then applicable ordinances of the City, increase the required off-street parking spaces beyond those required for the uses in, the prior priricipal use; -provided, however, that such 'a prior principal use may be expanded, and the uses thereof may be changed, to suca size and such uses as are allowed by the then applicable ordin- ances of the City and by the plan as modified pursuant to said Chapter 462, for such approved redevelopment project, without providing off- , street parking spaces additional to those provided for public parking. "(3) I€ any increase in the size, or changes in the uses, of such a prior principal use be made, beyond the size or other than the uses above allcwed by (1) and (2) of this subparagraph, then additional off- street parkiag spaces shall be provided, pursuant to the then applicable ordinances of the City, but oillg for the additional spaces resulting fron such increase in size or changes in uses." Sec. 2. * Any principal use on property located within a redevelopment? - This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its pass- ags arid publication. .. ORDINANCE EO. 811-,455 GRANTED SECOND READING. Xr= Folke Victorsen for PRD-5 zoning for the Southwest corner of the Crosstown Mr. Luce presented the request of Iiighgay and Gleason Road €or Second-Reading, encies : 1. and.an increase in the number of deciduous trees on the North side of the build- ing be included in the landscape plzn; 2. dextal destruction of vegetation will not occur; 3. Mr. Orrin Haugen, 6612 Indian Hills Road, said that he recailed that Council had approved four stories of apartment units an6 two levels of parking above grade st the meetiq of April 7, 1975. six stories of apartments over two lsvels of parking had been reduceci to five stories (and 140 apartment units) over two levels of parking. that the proposal dbes nbt-confhm to the Western Edina Plan and said that the f2ct that Xr. Victorsen misrepresented the size of the site to be over tweaty acres, rather than 18.6 actual acres, reflects a "lack crf candor on the part of tke developer". would pemit'130 ulzits to be constructed. Lxplication that he had purposely misrepresented the size of his property. subject to the following conting- That an increase in the amount of shrubbery on the South side of the building That a snow fence be constructed on the perimeter of the area so that acc5- That the proponent dedicate Outlot A for park purposes. Pir. Luce recalled that the original proposal for . Hr. Haugen objected . - .. He suggested that the density be reduced to seven units per acre which Mr. Victorsen said that he resentqd the He 6/2/75 i w w said that he had just compared his original survey with a recent survey and found that he had lost a considerable amount of land when Gleason Road was inoved to the West at the time the Crosstovm Hlghway was constructed. Mr. Richards recalled that at the time First Reading had been granted, Mr. Luce had been directed to see if the building could be lowered by one story by the elimination of some park- ing spaces. Mr. Luce said that elimination of one level of parking would mean that an additional number of off-street spaces would be required and that that would be highly undesirable. 9e recalled that a few years ago a study made by the City had indicated that two stalls were required for each apartment unit, but that requirement had now been reduced so that 1.25 enclosed and 0.75 outside stalls are now recommended for each apartment unit. CouncilmAn Richards then questioned the precedence of requiring dedication of park land as well as cash, and was told that this was not normally required. Ordinance No. 811-A55 for Second Reading as recommended by the Planning Commission, subject to approval of the plat, and moved its adoption as follows: Councilman Courtney thereupon offered ORDINANCE NO. 811-A55 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY ADDXNG TO THE PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (PRD-5) 'THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph 4 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City is enlarged by adding the following thereto: "The extent of the Planned Residential District (Sub-District PRD-5) is Lots 18, 19 and 21, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, commencing at the North- east corner of Lot 7, Block 1, Indian Hills, thence North 5 degrees, 05 minutes East 131 feet to the actual point of beginning, thence North 34 degrees, 13 minutes, W 1Oi 35/100 feet, thence North 0 degrees, 13 minutes, 30 seconds East 114 2/10 feet, thence North 65 degrees, 45 minutes, 30 seconds East 141 7/10 feet, thence South 34 degrees, 41 minutes, 30 seconds East 168 15/100 feet, thence South 5 degrees, 39 minutes, East'100 feet, thence South 84 degrees, 06 minutes West 178 7/10 feet to the beginning. Lots 18 an$ 19, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, except commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 7, Block 1, Indian Hills, thence North 5 degrees 05 minutes East 131 feet to the actual point of beginning, thence North 34 degrees, 13 minutes West 101 35/100 feet, thence North 0 degrees, 13 minutes, 30 seconds East 114 2/10 I.. feet, thence North 65 degrees, 45 minutes 30 seconds East 141 7/10 feet, thence South 34 degrees, 41 minutes, 30 second's East 168 15/100 feet, thence South 5 degrees, 39 minutes East 100 feet, thence South 84 degrees, 06 minutes West 178 7/10 feet to beginning. Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, except highway. Lot 21, Auditor's Subdivision,No. 196, except that part lying Easterly and Southerly of the following described line: corner of Lot 7, Block 1, Indian Hills, thence North 5 degrees, 05 minutes East 131 feet, thence North 34 degrees, 13 minutes, West 101 35/100 feet, thence North 0 degrees, 3 minutes 30 seconds East 114 2/10 feet, thence .North 65 degrees, 45 minutes, 30 seconds East to the West line of Lot 18 and there terminating. . Lot A, Indian Hills, except that part of said Lot A lying Easterly of a straight line from the most h'ortherly corner of said lot to a point in the Southeasterly line thereof distant twenty-five (25) feet Southwesterly from the most Easterly corner of said Lot A, according to the plat of Indian Hills on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Deeds in and Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on roll- call there were four ayes with Councilman Richards voting "Nay", based on his belief that Mr. Victorsen's proposal is too de land, and the ordinance was adopted. . ATTEST : enlarged by the addition of the following property: commencing at the Northeast -'for said county and state (which is in Sub-District PRD-5)." City Clerk 'EDINA GREEN PRELIMINARY PUT CONTINUED TO JUNE 16, 1975. Affidavits of Notice .r were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Because df the continuation of the zoning hearing for Village Ijevelopment company (Edina Green) to June 16, 1975, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, continuing preliminary plat for Edina Green also to June 16, 1975. SIIADOW HILL CENTER PLAT DENIED. PC2 and PC1 (4) Planned Commercial District zcning €or Shadow Hill Ceater having been denied earlier in this meeting, Cou:icil- man Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilma? Shaw and carried, that the Shadow Hill Center plat also be denied. WHITEMAN ADDITION GRANTED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Luce presented Whiteman Addftion for preliminary plat approval, noting that *the pro- perty is located generally between Blah Road and Mirror Lake on a site of approximately ten acres. It is proposed to subdivide the property into 13 single family lots which would range in size from 17,000 to 25,000 square feet, with two lots in the 100,000 square foot range. this property was included in the Open Space Report, but it was generally agreed that the .s~~bdiivision of the-property would not preclude acquisition by the City for open space. Mr.-Luce noted that a 1@0 foot easement should be required . adjacent to >Error Lake and said that the Planing Commission had recommended approval, subject to the following contingencies: 1. That a sewer lift station be required €or Lots 6 and 7 as part of the dev- eloper's agreement; 2. That the sanitary sewer-assessment now levied against the North side property be reassessed on a per lot basis; 3. That the proposed easement between Lots 3 and 4 of Block 1 be widened to meet engineering requirements; 4. That a storm sewer easement be provided along the North side of Lot 7; 5. That the owner contribute 5% of the raw land in cash. . .. .. . Mr. Dalen said that Mr. Whiteman had indicated thzt the City could acquire the South half of the property and pay for half of the road. heard, whereupon Councilman Shaw offered the following resolution and moved its adoption as recommsnded by the Planning Commission and with the understanding that the 100 foot easement along Mirror Lake be granted: Council was reminded that a portion of .I < No objections were XESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT OF WHITEMAN ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Whiteman Addition", platted by H. Clifton Whiteman, and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of June 2, 1975, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval subject to the following contingencies: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. That the owner contribute 5% of the raw land in cash. That a 100 foot easement be granted along the shore of Mirror Lake; That a sewer lift station be required €or Lots 6 and 7 as part of the developer" s agreement ' That the sanitary sewer assessment now levied against. the North side propertyibe reassessed on a per lot basis; That the proposed easement between LoFs 3 and 4 of Block 1 be w5dened to meet engineering requirements; c That a storm sewer easement be provided along the North side of Lot 7; Hotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Ri-chzrds and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. LiNCOLN DRIVE (IN PROPOSED EDINA GREEN) VACATION HEARING CONTINUED. Affidavits of Notice were preseated by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Pursuant to the- continuation of zoning hearing and of preliminary plat approval hearing on Ediga Green, Councilman Richards' motion was seconcted by Councilwoman ScI.lmidt and carried, continuing the,hearing on the vacation of Lincoln Drive in proposed Edina Green to June 16, 1975. VALLEY VIEW ROAD SWET VACATION (BETWEEN 11. 64TH STREET AND CROSSTOSJhT HIGHWAY) - Ep&ING CONTIFJED, form .and ordered placed on file. As recommellded by Mr. Dunn, Councilman Shaw's motion continuing the hearing to June 16, 1975, was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and caxried. ArJARD 'OF IKSU2L4XCE BIDS COhTINUD. As recommended by the City Manager, Council- man Pachards' motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried, continuing award of Sids for fire, varrdalism and malicious mischief insurance to'June 16, 1975. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, a?proved as to YOPX AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNALS REQUESTED. of traffic signals on York Avenue at,.70th Streef ana for'*left turn signals on existing signs. of Councilxoman Schmidt, secondsd by Councilman Shaw aEd carried. Council's attention was called to a -letter from Mrs. Virginia Scott, 6613 Southcrest Drive, urging the installation The letter was referred to the Traffic Safety Committee by motion I c WATER DEPARTMENT BILLING PRACTICES OBJECTION NOTED. Council's attention was called'to a letter from Mr. Neal P. Page, 4504 W. 64th Street, objecting to the loss of his discount for paying his water bill after the fifteenth of the month. Council's attention was also called to Mr. Hyde's reply to Mr. Page. No action was taken. PETITIONS ACCEPTED. Shaw and carried, referring the following petitions to the Engineering Department for processing: Councilman Richard's motion was seconded by Councilman 1. 2. 3. Alley Vacation - Between Abbott and Beard Avenues parallel to W. 60th St. Street Oiling - W. 59th Street Between Wooddale Av'enue and Kellogg Avenue Street Oiling - W. 59th Street between Oaklawn Avenue and Kellogg Avenue PRELIMINARY PLAT HEARING DATES SET. Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Richards and carried, setting-June 16, 1975, for hearing date for the following preliminary plats: As recommended by Mr. Luce, Councilman 1. M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills 3rd Addition - Generally located North of Kemrich Drive, South of Lee Valley Citcle, and East of Fleetwood Drive; Warden Acres-Austin Replat - Generally located South of Grove Street and East of Johnson Drive; Heather Hill - Generally located North of Vernon Avenue and East of Heather Lane; Victorsen's Timberview.Addition - Generally located at the Southwest corner of the Crosstown Highway and Gleason Road. 2. 3. 4. BIDS AUTHORIZED FOR WOOD RETAINING WALL FOR IMPROVEMENT NO. P-2A. As recommended by Mr. Dunn, Councilwoman Schmidt offered the following resolution and moved its adopt ion : RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT AND WOOD RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENT NO. P-2A BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: 1. following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the-City Clerk are hereby approved'. 2. Bulletin the following notice for bids .for improvement: The plans and specifications for the proposed improvement set forth in the The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Edina Sun and Construction J (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA BEI'XJEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WOOD RZTAINING WALL IMPROVEMENT NO. P-2A BI3S CLOSE JUNE 27, 1975 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street at 11:OO a.m., Friday, June 27, 1975, and the Edina City Council will meet at 7:00p.m., Konday, July 7, 1975, to consider said bids for furnishing and installation of a wood retaining wall. Work mist be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk. $10.00 (by check). specifications with i! bona fide bid. and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond or a certified check payable to the City Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of Said deposit to be returned u3on return of the plans and No bids will be considered unless sealed Florence B. Hallberg , City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded 3y Councilman Shaw and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. SPECIAL ELECTION DATE CHM?GED TO SEPTEHf3ER 4, 1975; TRANSFER OF FUNDS CONTINUED TO BUDGET TIME; UTLEY PAPK HOCKEY RINK LZPPXOVED IN CONCEPT. attention to a memo from Mr. Rosland, advising that, at a special Park Board meeting held on Mzy 30, 1975, which he and Mr. Dalen attended, the Park Board had taken action supporting the transfer of funds at this time to clear up Park Depart- ment indebtedness. should.be divided into three questions - park improvements for $2,000,000, park land acquisition €or $500,000 and acquisition of open space for $450,000. Park Board had also recommended that the election be heid on Thursday, September 4, 1975. As recominended by Mayor Var, Valkenburg, CO~CIL~ COURTNEY'S MOTION . that the transfers be continued until Budget time was seconded by Councilman Mr. Hyde called Council's The Park Board had also agreed that the pending bond issue The Shaw and carried. and moved its adoption: CouncZXqomari Scbiidt- then offered RESOLUTION BE IT RESOEYED that the date of the Special. Election the following resolution 8. I. I of the City of Edina, pre- viously set for September 23, 1975, be changed to September 4, 1975, so that the outcome of the election will be known when the Budget is being acted upon. Motion for adoption of the resolutfon was seconded by Councilman Richards and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted.. Nayor Van Valkenburg recommended that representatives of the Council, the Park Board and the Open Space Committee meet together to work out wording of the questions to be presented to the voters at the Special Election, so that the facts could be brought to the voters as early as possible. Councilman Richards recommended transfer at this time of $15,000 for construction of the hockey rink at Utley Park for which the Thorpe family has agreed to provide matching funds. Hr. Frazlk Thorpe, 4614 Edina Blvd., said that family funds are available at this time and that he hoped that a decision would be reached this summer. Hr. Jack * Rice, Chairman of the Park Board, suggested that Council get reactions of St.. Stephens Church and the Wooddale Neighborhood Council. MOTION was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried that the Council approve in concept the construction of a hockey rink at Utley Park and that the-matter be brought back for final approval on June IG, 1975, after reactions of St. Stephens Church and the Wooddale Neighborhood Council are known. C0UINXLMA.N RICEWRDS' . PWCE AVEN'JE FROM CROSSTOWN HIGEIlJAY TO TJ. 70TH STREET PRELIMINARY PLAN APPROVAL CONTINUED TO JUNE 16, 1975. Mr. Dunn presented Hennepin County Highway Depart- ment Accident Summary for France Avenue from W. 70th Street to C.S.A.H 62 foE 1974, indicating a total of 147 accidents. similar report be made available to the Council for France Avenue between Inter- c'riange 494 and W. 70th Street. COUNCIL~?OMAN SCHMIDT'S MOTION that the matter be continued to June 16, 1975. so that Council could review the accident report for France Avenue between the Crosstown Highway and 1nterstate.Highway 494, was then seconded by Councilman D'ZJTCH Em-OAK WILT ACTION CONTIN'mD TO JUNE 16, 1975. Mr. Hyde advised that he has reviewed the policy of the City of Bloomington and the City of Minnetonka in regard to control of Dutch Elm Desease and Oak Wilt. As recommended by the City Attorney, COUXCILWOMAN SCHMIDT'S MOTION continuing the matter to June 16, 1975, so that 'the City Attorney could prepare a statement of policy whereby the City would ?ay on;?-half or'. the cost of tree removal, was seconded by Councilmsn Courtney and carried. Councilwoman Schmidt requested that a Shaw anci carried. c - -I 0. f BLOCMINGTON AENEXATION OF RAEISSON SOUTH PROPEXTY CONTINUED. Council of a letter from the City Manager of the City or' Bloomington, advising that Mr. Hyde advised 7- the Bloomington Council has given tentative approval to the concept of annexing the Radisson South property which lies within the Edina City Limits. that he will meet with Nr. Pidgeon to consider that Bloomington land dght be traded for the Radisson South property. Mr. Hyde also advised that Mr. Pidgeon had requested that Edina suggest a street nane change for Che frontage road on the WEst side of T.H. I160 from 'Edina: Industrial Blvd. to the South City Linics. OTJTLOT 2 Council's atteztion was called to .Iroquois Hills Fourth Addition a buildable lot. Mr. Dunn recalled that this pro- perty is in the area of the Coznty Road 18/Valley View Road interchange and that, if the City finds it necessary to cul-de-sac Valley View Road, this lot is the ocly place where the cul-de-sac could be constructed. COUNCILIL4E SOURTiEY'S ' YOTION continuing the request indefinitely to declare Outlot 2, Iroquois Hills Fourth Addition, a buildable lot, was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Mr. Hyde advised IROQUOIS HILLS FOURTH ADDITIOX, DECLARATION OF B'JfLD,4BTJE LOT DENIED. a request of Council to declare Outlot 2, LIQUOX STORE PROPERTY PURCHASE CONTINUED INDEFINITELY. that t5ere have been ao new developments in the purchase of the liquor store property, COUNCILMAN RICHARDS' MOTION that the matter be continued indefinitely was seconded by Councilman Cotlrtney acc? carried. I3PXCmhrT NO. 3-80 BANDOLTED. Mr. Dunn recalled that z 100% petition had been submitted for constructiorz of curb at 4352 Oakdale Avenue, hut that the improve- Bent had never been constructed. and carried. Being advised by Mr. Hyde As recommended by Zr. Dunn, COLYCIWm RICKARDS' - XGTIOX that Inprovenent No. B-80 be abandoned was seconded by Counc.5lwornan Schmidt - STPSET VACATIOES iX LAKE EDINA VILLAGE REPLAT - HEARING DATE SET. by Hr. Dunn, CO~~CLLl~l SHATJ'S MO%OX setting July 7, 1975, for hearing date for a portion of West Shore Drive and for a portion of Poppy Lane in Lake Edina Yillage Replat was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. As recommended < TRANSIT POSSIBILITIES F@R EDINA DISCUSSED. on Dial-A-Ride, advising that the system is working, although it is expensive. referred also to copies of clippings that he had sent to Council indicating that Dial-A-Ride has been discontinued in some areas for various reasons. by Mr. Hyde, COUNCILMAN RICHARDS' MOTION that the City Manager go to California to make an investigation in depth on El Cajon's system and to check La:Habra!s Dial-A- Ride was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. back in the number of busses on the Crosstown Highway route. Mr. Hyde referred to his memo to Council He As recommended Mr. Hyde mentioned a proposed cut ESCORT SERVICES LICENSES DISCUSSED; 0PJ)INANCE DENYING LICENSES TO BE DRAFTED._ Mr. Hyde advised Council that the City of Bloomington is licensing both the busi- nesses and the..individuals engaged ia escort and massage services and suggested that Edina take soine preventative action against such services. COURTNEY'S motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, that the City Attorney draft an.ordinance denying licenses COUNCILMAN to massage and escort services. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING USES CONTINUED TO JUNE 16, 1975. Mr. Hyde adviseii Council that the City must file a "Planned Use Report" on its present intentions concerning the expenditure of $213,207 for the fiscal year July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976. notifying the Office of Revenue Sharing. know of any ideas that they mPght have and that he will prepare a general proposal for purposes of satisfying the Federal requirement to file the Use Report at the meeting of June 16, 1975. He said that the report is not binding and may be amended without Mr. Hyde requested that Council let him P FIRE DEPARTMENT REORGANIZ.ATION APPROVED; SALARY RESOLUTION ADOPTED. Mr; Hyde pre- sented a memorandum from Mr. West describing the reorganization of the Fire Depart- ment as recommended by The proposed organization calls for the appointment of Assistant Fire Chiefs who would have specific responsi- bilities, in addition t@the Assistant C'nief's line functions of running the shift and directing fire prevention and suppression activities and the emergency medical transportation services. Mr. Hyde advised that it is presently proposed to abolish the position of Lieutenant, or at least leave the position unfilled. COUNCILMAN.COURTNEY'S MOTION approving the Fire Department reorganization as out- lined in Mr. West's Councilman Courtney thereupon offered the following salary resolution and moved hief Robert Buresh. inemo- was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. .. - its adoption: . ,- RESOLUTION ESTABLTSHING THE SCHEDULE OF MAxI?ALJI% WAGE RATES FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL I BE IT RESOLVED that the maximum wage rates for Fire Department personnel for the year 1975 3e' established as follows : P so p o sed I Present 1975 1975 FIRE - Bi-Week (Annual) Bi-Week (Annual) *Assistant Chief -- . -. .-. n 3 Sears Service $759.00 $19,734 $638.00 $16,588 2 Years Service 625.00 16,250 First Tear 600.00 15,600 -. *kI,ieutenant 2 Years Service $583.00 15 , 158 - 0 -. -0- First Year 575.30 . 14 , 958 -0- -0- * tional $30.00 per month for operation of the Fire Department Ambulance, qualifica- tion for Ked Cross First Aid Certificates, and taking such additiollal instruc- tion as may be required by the City. ** Due to the reorganization of the Department, the position of Lieutenant is abolished effective 6/1/75. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. The position of Assistant Chief of the Fire Department will receive an addi- BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING SET FOR JUNE 11, 1975. Mr. Hyde reminded Council that the Board of Review.Meeting is scheduled fny June 11, 1975, at 4:OO p.m. ._ - .. . .. I . ..) ._ EDINA DAYS TO BE HELD AT HENNEPIN COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER. A letter trom ~r. Raymond Bechtle, Chairman of the Edina Bicentennial Commission, was presented to Council, which letter advised that each Hennepin County community is being given one week for displays and activities that will promote the community and identify that community's Bicentennial projects. Dunn, Joan Lonsbury, Eary Ness and Mr. Ray O'Connell had volunteered to serve on a special committee to plan these days and that he has also asked Mmes. Diane Greensweig, Joan Schulz and Messrs. Robert' Forsythe, William Duggan, Frank Thorpe, Richard Witlz and Robert Favaro to serve. offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, as recommended by Mr. I Bechtle: Mr. Bechtle said that Mmes. Dorothy Councilwoman Schmidt then -4 :-MU- G / 2/ 7 -5, ! RESOLUTION e-* EE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council approve the following Edina Bicentennial i cornis s ion activity : % The week of September 29 - October 3, 1975, as Edina Dzys at the Hamepin County Governnent Center; and BE IT FGRTIIER RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Edina Bicentennial Commission appoint a committee to prepare a week-long schedule of programs and displays that will be representative of the Edina Community and illustrative cf its Bicentennial activities. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. WEARING DATE SET FOR STORM SEVER IMPROVEIGNT NO. P-ST.S-143. As recommended by Mr. Dunn, COUNCILIM SXAW OFFERED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING DATE FOR The City Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to STORM SEWER IMPROVENENT NO. P-ST. S-143 1. the feasibility of the proposed Storm Sewer described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, June 16, 1975, at 7:OO p.m. in the Edina City Hall, to- consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said improvement. . 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said mzeting to be published in the official newspaper dnce a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, an6 to mail notice to all affected properties in substantially the following form:. (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING STORM SEWER .. .. lMPROVEk3NT NO. P-ST .S-143 EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the Edina City Hall on Monday, June 16, 1975, at 7:OO p.m., to consider the following proposed improvement to be constructed under the authorify granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. cost of said improvement is estimated by the City as set forth below: The approximate ESTIMATED COST COXSTRUCTION OF STORM SETJER IN THE FOLLOWING: IMPROVEXENT NO. P-ST.S-143 $ 5,695.GO Easement along South line of 4622 Bruce Avenue from Backyard to Bruce Avenue - The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer above Lncludes Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 25, 26, 27 and 28, Block 9, Country Club District, Fairway Section. Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was LIOSJOR FUnrD AS GF FEBRUARY 28, 1975, was presented by Mr. Dalen, ordered placed on file by MOTION OF COUNCLLMAN SUW, seconded by Schmidt and carried. Richards and on adopted. revieved, and Councilwoman ENERG3NCY R3PAIRS TO WXLL EO. 2 AUTHORIZED. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, COUNCXL- WN SI'SIIJ'S NOTION authorizing the expenditure of $5,406.00 for repairs for Well No- 2, with tfie possibility of additional expenditures of approximately $1,000 depending on the conditio? of the flanges, was seconded by Councilman Courtney md carried. C. J. DANENS RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION ADOPTED. J. A. Danens & Son, Inc., had recently liquidated all of its equipment at auction, 2rrd recalled that this business was the first real industry in Zdina. Courtney then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: I Mr. Hyde told Council that -- . Councilman BSOLUTION OF APPRECIATION 'IEEREAS, J. A. Danens & Son, Inc., one of Edina's finest and most widely-known businesses, has recently announced that the highly respected excavating and contracting corporation is being liquidated; and WEREAS, the late Ifr. Joseph Danens started the business in 1913 with one scoop and two horses, and hilt the organization into a position of pre-eminence in the field of earth moving in association with his son, C. J. "Sonny" Danens and .. 6/2/75 eig his daughter-in-law, Marion Greeri Danens, from the 1930's until. Mr. Joseph Danens' death in 1962; and WHEREAS, Mr. Joseph Danens served the Village of Edina as a Trustee of the Village Council from 1950 to 1956; and WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Danens continued to operate the corporation in a earth-moving jobs in this area including Braemar Golf Course, the new Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis, the Hennepin County Government Center, Southdaie and Brookdale Shopping Centers, many subdivisions in Edina and several major highway projects ; and WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. C, J. Danens contributed greatly to.community life through Mr. Danens' service as President of Edina Rotary, their joint financial support of the Boys' Clubs in Minneapolis, and many instances of work done without charge for churches and civic projects; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the official appreciation of the City be expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Danens for the significant contributions J. A. Danens & Son, Inc., and the Danens family'made to the development of Ediaa, and that best wishes be extended to Mr. and Mrs. Danens for a long, happy and healthy period of well-deserved withdrawal from active business. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that suitable copies of this resolution be presented to Mr. and Mrs. Danens. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and unani- mously carried. I highly.ethica1 and extremely proficient manner, doing many of the largest COUNTY COMMISSIONER REPRESENTATION DISCUSSED e Councilman Courtney said that he had received a call from Commissioner Robb who advised that it will be proposed that Edina, St. Louis Park and a section of Minneapolis will have one representa- tive on the Board of County Commissioners. ZELAH SCALF INTRODUCED TO COUNCIL. the Minneapolis Star, 11s. Zelah Scalf. Mr. Hyde introduced the new reporter from - CLAIMS PAID. carried for payment of the following claims as per pre-list: $16,828.60; Construction'Fund, $831.96; Park Fund, $4,748.78; Water Fund, $10,835.84; Liquor Pund, $88,612.21; Sewer Fund. $832.25; Improvements, $458.90; Total, $123,1?4.54. Motion of Councilman Courtney was seconded by Councilman Shaw and General Fund, Mayor Van ValkenSurg then adjourned the meeting at 11:15 p.m. I