HomeMy WebLinkAbout19750618_edina_board_of_review5 c ..* 'MINUTES 03' THE CONTINUED MEETING OF THE
HELD WEDNESDAY,. JUNE 18, 1975, AT 7':GO P.M. I' .
Council Members Courtney, Richards and Mayor Van Valkenburg served as the Board
of Review for the meeting continued from June 16, 1975.
Mrs. Peter Johnson, Jr., objected to her market value for 1975 of $32,430 for her
property at 4309 W. 42nd St. Mrs. Johnson did not say what she thought her
market value should be.
City of Minneapolis is lowering its taxes while taxes in the suburbs are being
increased, Mayor Van Vallcenburg explained that the County Commissioners are try-
ing to make sure that all municipalities are assessed at the same ratio.
man Courtney added that the suburbs now pay 2/3 of the cost of General Hospital
while they previously paid only 1/3 of the cost.
pays for the Work House which was previously paid for by the City of Minneapolis.
Mr. Swanson told Mrs. Johnson that he would be glad to talk to her in his office
at a future time if she had any further questions and that a member of the assess-
ing staff would inspect her property. Mrs. Johnson was told that the Council will
continue in its efforts to keep the County from imposing additional costs on the
suburbs and to hold taxes to a minimum.
In response to questions of Mrs. Johnson as to why the
He added that the County now
crs C 00 93 tzl m
tfr. Thomas J. O'Brien, 5220 Duncraig Road, objected to the 1975 market value of
$62,h20 on his property, advising that he believed the value should be $60,000.
Mr. O'Brien referred to the house at 5216 Duncraig Road which is comparable to
his house, and said that sold in the summer of 1974 in the high $50,000 bracket,
and referred also to other houses mentioned in the letter which he had written
to'the Assessor. In response to a question of Mr. Swanson, Mr. O'Brien said that
he had purchased his house in July, 1972 for $60,000, which price included
approximately $6,000 in personal property.
Mr. Thomas M. Byrnes, 5069 Normanddle Court, did not,appear at the meeting but
had submitted his chjection to his 1975 market value of $70,690, stating that he
believed that hi& property should be valued at $55,000.
Mr. Gordon L. Schuster, 5809 Dewey Hill Road, objected to the 1975 market value
on his homestead of $375,200 and of the following market values of land which he
oms : Plat No. Parcel No. 1975 Market Value
73608 4 100 $ 54,000
11 4270 101,700
11 4300 202 , 500
*4500 141 , 000
5710 54 , 000
6200 27 , 900
6320 104 , 400
11 * $2,000 structure also included
Nr. Schuster said that development of his 70 acres of land had been held up be-
cause 0-f the difficulties in financing and that unless the valuation is left at
the 1974 value of $10,00Oper acre, he may have to sell the land to a developer.
Mr. Schuster left a letter for Council's review.
Mr. Jeffrey A. Belzer, 4511 Golf Terrace, objected to his 1975 market value of
$82,250, stating that the actual value should 3e $64,845. He said that the house
was on the market in March of 1973 for $63,500 (including $1,000 in personal pno-
perty) and that the only improvements made in 27 years were for combination win-
dows, ceramic tile, carpeting and a new roof, total cost of which was $5,045.
E%. Belzer referred to the house at 4501 Golf Terrace which sold for $62,000 and
said that house, vhile similar to his, had more improvements.
a list of other properties on Golf Terrace and Lake View Drive, along with their
market values, and said that he believed that the Assessor had made a mistake in
his calculations. The house had been recently inspected by the assessing staff.
Mr. Belzer submitted
Mr. J. C. Thorp, 5901 Walnut Drive, registered his objection to the 1975 market
value of $58,750, but did not state what he thought the market value should be.
Mr. Thorp did not remain to make a presentation.
Mr. Joseph M. Klos,,4521 Hibiscus Ave., objected eo his 1975 market value of
$94,000, saying that he believed that his property is worth only $80,000.
Mr. Klos did not remain to be heard but said that he would write a letter to Council.
Mr. 0rvill.e Fisher, 5909 Merold Drive, had registered his objection to the 1975
market value for his property of $46,870 but did not remain to niake his presenta-
{ 11s. Ellen L. Hess and llrs. Larson objected to the 1975 market value of Edin2 Eight-
een, located at 7351-79 Washington Ave., at $828,000 and to the 1975 market value o,f
Edina Five, located at 7501 ias'nington Ave., at $1,024;200:- - Ms. He9s said 'that " ' .
the37 bought the industrial office .buildings from had gone bankrupt and, that 'they
cannot pay back taxes due and still pay any additioAal ;axes.
they'have vacancies and that they-are already forced to charge more than nearby
Eden Prairie properties. Nr. Swanson said that 31s. HeSs had hrnished him with
her most recent operating expense; which he would study before making: any recow
Xr. Richard Wiltz, 4400 I$. 50th Street, objecied- to the 1975 market value of
$79,900 placed on his property. He recalled that the house was built in 1886 and
that the Assessors had mentioned that this was a difficult house to estimate.. He
objected that the last inspection was made by "giddy young people" who acted like,
and admitted that they were amateurs. .
various banks as to mortgaging the property.
had appraised the house at $30,000 but would not grant a inortgage. Hr. Wiltz
szid that'the market value of the house had increased 397.2% in the last fourteen
years and that the average annual rate of increase had been 28.4%. He suggested
that $50,000 would probably be a realistic value for the property. llr. Hyde told
Nr. Wiltz that. architectural students had been hired in a972 to gather character-
istics *of properties in order to comply with the State law that all houses nust
be inspected every two years and that all determinations as to value had been made
by qualified assessors.
perty -last night but that he had not discussed the matter with him as yet.
Ms. Hess said'that. .
merrdation on Ms. Hess's request to be left at 1974 mzrket values. -.
Mr. FJiltz recalled discussions with
He said that in 1969 Midland Bank
Mr. Swanson said that Mr. Blegon had inspected the pro-
YES. Elliot Chaska, 4512 Brookside Ave., objected to the 1975 market value of
$26,790 -on her property, stating that the property is only worth $17,000.
said that they had tried to sell the house in 1974 for $21,800 and had been.
ofiered $17,000 for the property.
cause it "does 'not meet the Building Code".
She said that the house cannot be sold now be-
-. - . r.
Nr. John Murphy, 5432 I?. 70th Street, left a letter with Council objecting to the
1975 market value bf $194,250 on his property, s'tating that the value should be
$175 , 000.
I 355. E. McGlynn, 4909 Rolling Green Parkway, objected to his 1975 market value of
$94,000, stating that the value.should be $82,000.
he had sent to Council in which he included pictures of his house, and said that
the only improvement which he had made was to install air conditioning.
Glynn said that the house had been on the market for two years, and that many
had not reported his findings to LYr. Swanson. ..
Mr. Robert L. Naas, 6300 Post Lane, objected to the 1975 market values for the fol-
He referred to a letter which
Mr. Mc'
-people did not like the floor plan ... Mr. Blegen had inspected the house today but __
. lowing properties : Plat No. Parcel No. 1975 Narket Value
76320 4000 $10,800 c
I. . 11 5000 10 , 800
6000 9,900 . .. 7000 9 , 900
*x 9.900 8010 *
' 73932 1210 10,800
I7 t
r' ..
*. Nr. Naas - left a letter and did not remain for the.meeting.
Nr. Kenneth Barklind, 4720 Valley View Road, objected to his- 1975 market value of
$48,970, and indicated that the value should be $37,800.
his protest but did not remain for the meeting.
Mrs. Helen Mrowca, 5205 Meadow Ridge, had filed her protek on her 1975 maGket value
of $46,530, indicating that the value should be $40,900., She did not appear'at the
Mr.. Barklind had filed.
I meeting. -1
3ks. Yvonrre Ford, 4831 Valley View Road, objected to her 1975 market value of
$37,980, stating that she did not reaily know what her market value shouldlbe.
Ford referred to a letter which she had previously sent to the Council but added
that the noise level reading had come back as "undesirable". Mrs. Ford said that
"eve2ything they had bought the lot for had been taken away by government action'
She was advised by Nr. IZyde that there will ;lot be
a crossing of T.H. 100 at Valley View Road. Mr. Swanson said that the staff-would
inspect the property. Mrs. Ford suggest that the inspection be made Parly -illsthe
morniug so that the noise level could be cbserved.
Nr. James T. Peterson, 57J.4 Hansen Road, had filed his protest on his"1975 mafket
value of $40,230, but had not indicated what he thought the value should be arfd did
not remain at the meeting.
- and yet. taxes-keep going up".
w 0
w W
.a -2- <r
* Mr. Rhph Corey, 2833 Valley View Road, had registered his objection to the
1975 marltet value for 112s property of $36,100, but had not indicated what he
thought the value should be and did not remain at the meeting.
Of q135,740, Stating'that the valuation should be $120,000.
Feinberg said that the house Was built in August, 1974, and should not have
increased 10% in value in five months.
I* Feinberg, 5309 Kingsberry Drive, objected to his 1975 market value
He said that the is not Yet complete and that it is not in the Edina School District. Mr.
' Mr. Ronald Zamansky, 5041 W. 66th Street, objected to his 1975 market value of
$99;730, stating that he believed that the value should be $79,445051 which is
his cost to date. Mr. Zamansky said that 600 square feet of the house remain to
be finished and that the general location is not desirable, being only 1% blocks
from T.H. 100. He added that there are lots of houses in the neighborhood that
are for sale. As requested by Mr. Zananslcy, a member of the assessing staff will
review the property.
Mr. Donald Modeen, 5.156 Tifton Drive, objected to his 1975 market value of
$66,150, advising that the value should be $55,000.
letter khich he had written to the Assessors in January, 1975.
recalled that the house was inspected at that time and that no change had been
made. Mr. Modeen said that his taxes are double those of the house next door.
Mr. Modeen referred to a
Mr. Swanson
Mr. Walter I. Sandison, 4612 W. 58th Street, objected to his 1975 market value,
stating that he believes that the value should be $43,200.
he was not objecting so much to the market value as to the fact that taxes are
continually increasing.
what the property sells for and that, in general, there is little disparity.
Mr. Sandison said that
-Mr . Swanson said that the market value. -should r-epr-esent
Mr: kobert Neuman, 6212-14 France Ave. , had registered his objection to the 1975
marker value for his double bungalow of $58,750 but had not indicated what .he
thought the value should be and did not remain at the meeting.
Mr.'R'obert E. Short, 8 Merilane, objected to his 1975 market value of $211,500,
stating that the value.should be $100,000.
me& t ing .
Mr. Ben P. Hall, 5600 Sherwood Avenue, who had registered his objection to the 1975
market value for his property was not at the meeting and Mr. Swanson said that this
case had been resolved.
Mr. Short did not remain at the
Mr. William H. Davis, 6421 Aspen Road, objected to his 1975 market value of
$67,120, stating that his market value should be $55,000.
a construction statement showing the cost of building the house in November, 1974,
to be just over $50,000.
in November, 1974.
Mr. Gerald A. Robert, 4819 W. 60th Street; objected to his 1975 market value of
$50,010, stating that thevalueshould,be $45,000.
house had been purchased*in February ac $47,500, 3ncluding SUO0 in personal
property. He added that the fact that the house is the first house East of T.H.
100 has been a factor in holding the market value down.
confirmation of the purchase price, and said that he would inspect the property.
Mr. Davis referred to *
It was noted that the house-was appraised by the City
Mr. Robert said that the
Mr. Swanson asked for
Mrs. Norman Garrison objected to the 1975 market value of $78,440 for a double
bungalow at-5700-04 Hansen Road, stating that the value should be $61,000. .
Mrs. Garrison rer'erred to the double bungalow next door as being basicly the same
as her bungalow and told Council that it was valued at less than her bungalow.
In reply to a question of Mr. Swanson, Mrs. Garrison said that one side rents
for $375 and the other side for $395. Mr. Swanson requested that Mrs. Garrison ., furnish operating statements. 1.
Mrs. Norman Garrison objected also to the 1975 market value of $93,060.for 8
Cfoubf-e bungalow located at 6221-12 France Ave., stating that the valueation should
the groperty..
Mrs. Garrison said that she would bring in operating statements for
..- _.
Mr. C. Ed Lindquist, 5717 Dewey Hill iioad, had filed his objection,to the 1975
marke! value on his property of $131,600, contending that the value should be
$ll~,'OOO. Mr. Lindquist did not 'remai'n for the meeting. -. .$ '
1 Mr. Lee 1.7. Odland, 4G09 Wooddale Avenue, objected to his 1975 market value of
$57,680, advising that he believed that the value should .be $61,000.
said that hk purshased the house in the summer of 1972 for ~56,000 and that' a '
20% increase is not justified. Nr. Swanson said that the staff will reinspect,
the property.
Bir-VVance DeLong, 6529 Cherokee Trail, objected to his 1975 market value of
$71,630, stating that his value should be reduced by $2,500.
that he feels that his market value is stil.1 too high in comparison with the
market values of neighboring properties, advising that his lot is one of the
-'smallest in the area. llr.
house which is full of weeds and used as a dump. He complained also about a
drainage problem in his back yard.
growth and the dumping would be reported to the Weed Inspector and to the Sani-
tarian and that the drainage problem would be referred to the City Engineer.
Nr. Odlqid
Pk. DeLong said
DeLong complained about a vacant lot next door to his ./
If '
llrr Hyde assured Mr. DeLong 'that the weed
Mr. Stanley G. Petzel, Jr., 5509 Parkwood Lane, had filed his protest on his 1975
market value of $70,770, but had not indicated what the value should be and did
not remain at the meeting.
Interchange Investors filed an objection to the 1975 market value for the fol-
lowing properties: Plat No. Parcel No. 1975 Bfarket Value
75190 42 10 125 , 100
I1 4300 142,200
I1 4400 123,300
Interchange Investors indicated that they believed that the total land value
should be $300,000, but did not remain at the meeting. A letter was left for
the Council.
Nr. John F. Ready, 4401 Gilford Drive, objected to his 1975 market value of
$65,420, advising that the value should be $53,900.
tractor in 1965. 1ir;Ready said Ghat his house was of lower value than those
mentioned, but that he believed that they were all given too high a market value,
particularly in view of the "overdevelopment of France Avenue".
that he did not believe that another inspection would be necessary.
Nr. C. R. Aungst, 5109 I?. 62nd Street, filed an objection to the 1975 market value
for his property of $47,850, but did not indicate what the value should be and did
not remain at the meeting.
He compared his house with
and 7333 Oaklawn and 4400 Gilford Drive which were built by the same con-
Nr. Ready said I
Plr. Aungst said that he would mite a letter to the
Mr. I?. J. Roth, 5801 Ashcroft Ave., had filed an objection to the 1975 market value
for his property of $33,460, stating that the value should be $30,000.
did not remain at the meeting.
- Mr. Roth
3lr. Donald T. Johnson objected to the 1975 market value of his double bungalow at
5128-30 Richmond Drive of $47,470.
double bungalow at 5132-34 Richmond Drive which
for $4,000 mme than his property.
at 5114-26 and 5120-22 Richmond Drive which have larger lots than his but which
are valued below his market value.
bnngalow at between $40,000 and $41,000 and requested that his 1975 market value
be reduced.
He compared this value with that of the
Mr. Johnson referred also to double bungalows
tle said that Midwest Federal had appraised the
23 similar and which, in 1956 sold
Nr. Johnson said that the property rents for $163 and $186.
Mr. Donald T. Johnson objected to the 1975 market value of his
6312 Brookview Avenue of $57,250, stating that the value should be $51,700.
referred to double bungalows at 6320, 6241 and 6324 Brookview which are in the
same block and comparable to his property and which have lower market values.
Swanson said that the assessing staff will inspect the property.
Mr. Gary Carol representing New York Times Media Co., Inc., objected to the 1975
market value for the Nodern Medicine Building at 4015 I?. 65th Street of $1,080,000,
stating that the value should be $765,000. Nr. Carol presented a document to the
Corincil indicating that Chase-Brackett had appraised the property at $765,000.
Council was advised that this is an inefficient building with lots of unssa3le space
and that the standard assessment rules cannot be applied to the building. Mr.
Swanson said that he w0Uld like to review the Hennepin County Assessor's estimate
for the property.
Mr. John B. Hughes, 5850 Creek Valley Road, objected to the 1975 market value of
hiw property at 5850 Creek Valley Road of $69,560, stating that the value should
be $60,788 in accordance with the purchase price in 1975. 3lr. Swanson questioned
prior sales of the property and told Mr. Hughes that there is scme question as to
6/18/75 '
to Q 00 M W w
the eomestead.
they-.are trying to repair it before moving in.
tion of his transactions and Mr. Swanson said that his staff would reinspect the
property. .
Mr. Bernard L. Dalsin, 6629 West Shore Drive, objected to his 1975 market value
of $108,100.
different lots and that in June, 1971 the property was appraised at $100,000.
Mr. Dalsin said that he is attempting to sell the entire piece of land for
$150,000 last year but had been unable to make a sale.
property is unique and that the lots are long and have restrictions on them, mak-
ing sale difficult. Mr. Dalsin said that he is still hoping to sell the property
and hopes that the taxes will be kept at a realistic price to make it easier to
sell. Mr. Swanson will have the staff inspect the property.
Meeting was then adjourned at 10:25 p.m. and continued to June 26, 1975, at
7:OO p.m.
bfr. Efughes said that the propercy is in very poor condition and
Mr. Hughes furnished documenta- )
He explained that in addition to his homestead, he also owns two
He pointed out that the