HomeMy WebLinkAbout19751027_specialI L. MINJTES OF THE SPECIAL XEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HASL ON HONDAY., OCTOBER 27, 1975, 4:30 P.M. Answerhg rollcall were Council Members Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw aaE Nayor VanlValkenburg. 'ZUXh? RELATIOFIS CO3DlISSIClN TO RECOMEND DISTRIBUTION OF FUmS TO COUNCIL. Hayor Van Vallcenburg advised that this meeting had been called at the request of Mr. 3oel Jennings, Chairman of the Human Relations Cmmission, in order to clarify the Commission's position in the distribution of funds allocated in the 1976 Budget to the 9umarz Relations Commission. Mr, Jennings introduced Cornmi:;- sion officers, YES. Mary Anderson and Messrs. Charles Clay and Tom Oye. Mayo;. Van T,Tslkenburg recalled that $20,000 had been included in the 1976 Budget for th.7 Human Relations Commission, with the understanding that the Commission analyze and recommend to the Council the allocktion of funds for Youth Action and for other programs that it considered worthwhile. Relations Commissibn had been the parent organization of Youth Action znd, thrzre- fore, should be in Ehe best position to recommend the allocation of funds. Couccilman Richards said that Mr. Orenstein of Youth Action had been unhappy aboxt the amount of funds allocated to Youth Acticn and that he had understcod &at Council could be'approached for additional funds out of the Coctingency Fund at E later date. Councilman Shaw said that, since the Contingency Fund was made up from the proceeds from the sale of the Library to Kennepin County, he believed that th5s fund should be sat-ed for capital improvements and not UE~CZ, for operating expases. Mr. Hyde recalled that on the date of the last Bud;ct Meeti-ng, Colonial Church of Edini had also requested that the City budget fuzds for the colony, a drop-in center at the church. finds s'nould be given to any group in the commumity or limited to Youth Act.ion or the Colony. Mr. Eyde suggested that Mr. Phil Riveness be contacted as a resource person to.recommend how all of these group cou2-d cooperate. 2e also recalled that there are CETA funds in the mount of $50C per, math availzblc until July 1, 1976. Councilwoman Schmidt suggcsted that: ?':c 3Eais~erial Association be asked if 'they woa! d be interested in particioati:x; ..A: .'a CCXltTCi ranamg pool. 'Me Hman KelatiOnS GOaiisSioii was gTvm Lk CIlargL 2:tb retome;ldtto the Couricil the best way to distribute funds allccated to it Lr e::=( 1976 3udget. Mr. Melena will continue to represent the sraff zt Hman Rclstrio~,.$ Conmission meetings. b The meetkg wzs declared adjourned at 5:25 p.m. i, I It was brought out that the HUI<~IL Discussion ensued as ?lo whetkt-sr u \ d. d-, 1-1 '25 aA&AL City Clerk