HomeMy WebLinkAbout19751201_regularP I' I4INUTES OF THE REGULAR HEETING OF TXf3 EDLNA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1975 7:OO P.M. Answering rollcall were members Courtney, Pdchards, Schmidt and Mayor Van Valken- burg. Mayor Pro TeN Courtney assumed the Chair to announce that the Mayor had reached his fiftieth birthday, in honor of which a replica of the City Seal, hand carved by Mr. Robert Bahnema, was presented. front of the Mayor's place. Sahneman for his outstanding caning of the City Seal. honor of the Mayor's birthday followed. The seal will be mounted on the Council table in Council expressed its sincere appreciation to Mr. Appropriate festivities in MINUTES of November 3, 1975., were approved as submitted by motion of Councilwoman Schmidt, seconded by Councilman Courtney and- carried. BOY SCOUTS FROM TROOP 68 INTRODUCED. tan Church were introduced and welcomed to the meeting by Mayor Van Valkenburg. Boy Scouts from Troop 68 of the Good Samari- PORTION OF W. 65TH STREET VACATED. approved as to form and ordered placed on file. for vacation of W. 65th Street froin Tingdale Avenue to Rolf Avenue had been sub- mitted to Council because a garage has been constructed on the street right-of-way and the vacation is needed to clear title so that the property can be sold. Mr. Douglas Barber, 6512 Wilryan Ave., presented a petition signed by residents in the general area, which stated concern that the public access to Normandale Park might be shut off and that the children would have to use busy streets in order to reach the park. He said that he would have no objection if only a portion of the sfireet would be vacated as had been recommended by Mr. Dunn. Mr. David Selegren, representing Mr. H.'R. Drew, 6500 Tingdale Ave., advised that Mr. Drew would have no objection if only. the South 15 .feet of -the:street would be vacated. man Courtney then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, Mr. Hyde advised that the petition ' Counc.il- RESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF fixed a-date for a public hearini on a proposed vacation of West 65th Street lying between the Vest side of Rolf Avenue and the West side of Tingdale Avenue; and ITBEREAS, two weeks' published, .posted and mailed notice of said hearing was given and the hearing was held on the first day of December, 1975, at which time all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; and WHEREAS, the Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City and of the public that a portion of said street vacation be made; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered the extent to which the vacation affects existing easements within the area of the vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling electric telephone poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or water pipes, mains, and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue naintaining the same, or to enter upon such street or portion thereof vacn.ted to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT PASOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edin2, Henneph Comity, Minnesota, that' the following described portion of West 65th Street be and is hereby vacated effective this date, December I, 1975; ' That part of West 65th Street in Normandale Second Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, described as follows: Commencing at the Nort'heast corner of Lot 1, Block 18, Normandale Addition; thence . West along the North line of said Lot I, a distance of 130 feet; thence North, parallel with the East line of said Lot 1 and its Northerly extension, a distance of 15 feet; thence East, parallel with the North line of said Lot 1, a distance of 130 feet; thence South 15 feet to the point of beginning; and that the Clerk is authorized and directed to cause a notice of completion of proceedings to be prepared, enter in the transfer'record of the County Audito and filed with the Register of Deeds, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt an rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. .. I W. 66TH STREZT SIDEWALK REQIJEST REFERRED TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. of a request of Mrs. lkrion E. Kittell, 6630 Logan Ave. S., for a sidewalk on W. 66th Street East: of 'Southdale, Councilma Richards rmtion ref erring the request: to the Engineering Department was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, Being advised ) $7. 42ND STRZET SIDEHALK S)EFERREENT RZQEES'i' -- CCF"hTUED, UNTIL ?IORN&GSI9E Am!!! IiENiINGS ARE HELD. Council's attention wit& called to a letter from €sir. Robert G- Fletcher, along with a petition:signed by resident owners of property abut- ting IJ. 42nd Street, requesting that there be no installation of new sidewalk on I?. 42nd Street. The request was continue6 and will. be considered at the time the Morningside area improvements are brought again to heariag, by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded 3y Councilaan Richards andrccarrfed. WLONEY ATE. AND ARTHUR STkEET STOP SIGNS ORDERED REPLACED. that, upon the request of a resident who lives on the corner of Maloney Ave. and Arthur Street, the Traffic Safety Committee had recomnended the remval of STOP signs on Maloney Ave. at Arthur Street. Upon the removal of =he signs, other residents ia-the area had requested t5at the signs be replaced and the Traffic Safety Committee had continued the matter to its next meeting. George Gouid, 6516 Waterman Ave., who served as spokesman for the group, said that removal of the sign had brought about a hazardous traffic situation and requested that the sign be replaced. Mr. Dunn added that the person who had requested the removal of the sign has .agreed to go along with the wishes of the majority. and carried that the STOP signs on 3faloney Ave. at Arthur Street be replaced. G-. EIr. Duan recalled ~ Hr. Councilman Courtney's motion was then seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt E~~PIN COUNd AEmT CORRECTIONS FACILITY COSTS DISCUSSED. Mr. Hyde recalled that the matter of costs of the Hennepin County Adult Corrections Facility had heen continued from the meeting of November 17, 1975, and called Council's a'itention to a memo froin the Director of the facility advising that the Board of County Comroissioners had ordered an increase in the per diem rate for the care of straight time residents to $23 per day effective January 1, 1976. for Work Release residents will remain at $3 per day, but the Work Release servic2 charge will be increased to'$3 per day to outside jurisdictions. action was tzken. Cost No 50TB STREET LIQUOR STORE SITE GRANTED CONCEPT APPROVAL, SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF - -ABITIONAL DETAILS. ority proposes to exchange the Union 76 Station. site for land owned 3y Bri Mar which will be to the East of the present parkiilg lot and to the West of Dr. Lar- son's property. He explained that the reason f0.r the exchange is to implemezt t!ie preseni plan to construct a building on part qf this land, on Dr. Larson's 2acu auu v+i LSIZILL v-vzz.-L. "; .-:ab LIUI.UU nr.iibri .n.L-L.L "b C" --I.- .."*_I. YL -..- y--.--*..= ramp. and was told that the present store is too small and that it is difficult to handle stock at that location. It was brought out that the present facility cmtains 1,500 square feet and that the new store would contain between 9,000 a26 10,000 square feet. motion graneing concept approval to the proposed location of the new liquor store, subjzct to learning more details on the estimated cost and on the loading facilities, was seconded by Cotincilman Richards and carried. fie$ that the developer would create a condominium and that the City would b::y a unit on the first floor and basement. Mr. Dalen advised that the Housing and Redevelopment Auth- -. -I. . II .* z * . . 1 ...I * . . .* - ,-I- ..%. ..c L7- --,%-J-- Mr. Donald Sather questioned the reason for moving the present facilities- d4 I Foliowing considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney's . Kr. Erickson clari- . G%!J?DVIEIJ LIQUOR STORE BELOCATION CONTIi?UED. ating the Grandview Liquor Store and advised that Hr. Richard Cross, President Mr. Dalen reviewed costs of reloc- c.f H&ae Federal Swings habverbally accepted his offer for a closing date ol Fe&ary 1, 1976, with no qental charge to be paid until October 1, 1976. . Dais added that, since his discussions with Mr. Cross, Hr. Jerry Paulson of Jerry's Foods had indicated-that he would have no room for his restaurant if pre- sent plans developed. the present time and that the matter should be continued until more informat5on is availzble. lk. Dalen will ask Mr. Cross €or additional time to reach a decision. ~ TfWFFIC SAFETY CO>IMITTEE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 21, 1975, APPROVED. Mr. Dunn referred to minutes of a Special Xeeting of the Traffic Safety Committee held November 21, 1975. Councilwomzn Schmidt's motion was then seconded by Councilmn Richards for gpproval of the following: Mr.. . . It was generally agreed that too many unlcno-ms exist at I ' ' 1, 2. Eezlnepin Courty closure of the median opening on France Ave. at Mavelle Drive with left-turn lanes-removed at County expense; The followiug time restrictions be placed: a. b. c. One-hour parking in surface parking lots; Four-hour pzrking in City parking ramps; Unlinitod the Norch ramp and lower level of the South ramp. parking with stickers for employees in the top €.loor of ilwoman Schraidt's motion accepting,the remainder of the minutes of November 975, was seconded by Counciiican Richards ahd carried. .- I 12/1/75 PARK LAND ACQUISITIONS DISCUSSED ; MOORE PROPERTY ON MfRRGR -LARE PURCHASE AGREE- PENT AUTHORIZED; CONDEMNATION AUTHORIZED FOR WHL HILL. Mr . Dalen reviewed - -- progress made in the acquisition of park Lands'authorized by the Bond Issue Election of September 4, 1975, which approved the expenditure of up to $950,000 for the purchase of land,.part of which would be left %n its natural state.' He reported the following: Garden Park Property - (Budget, $140,000) John Thomson property. received from the offer to purchase the two lots owned by Mr. Bruce Bermel. The owners of the property at 5500 Grove Street (assessed value of $33,100) have not been contacted. Moore Property on Melody Lake - (Budget, $75,000) As recommended by Mr. Dalen, Councilwoman Schmidt offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: I The City has an option to purchase the The triangle has been purchased. No response has been RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City 'Council does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to e3ter into agreement for the purchase of the Moore property on Melody Lake described as Parcel 1600, Sec. 33,.Township 117, Range 21. Motion fo.r adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards and McCauley Trail Property - (Budget, $250,000) The Donald K. Nelsons do not want to sell their property at this time and Mr. Dalen will offer them a life estate in the property. Mr. Dalen has received an appraisal for the John Hume property which he considzrs high, but he will continue to negotiate with the Humes to try to arrive at an acceptable price. No action will be taken on one additional lot in the area until prices have been established for the Hume and Nelson prpperties. ;ion rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. - Budget, $200,000) An option for purchase at cost of $100,000 has been authorized for purchase with Mr. 'Whiteman donating additional land to the City which is valued at-$50,000. A. T. Leonard does not want to sell his property at this time, but now that Mr. Whiteman has agreed to sell his property to the City, Mr. Dalen will contact the Leonards on the subject of purchasiag.-~he.property subject to their life estate. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried, that the option to purchase the property be exercised by Decenber 10, 1975. Krahl Hill - (Budget, $225,000) Recalling that this property is under litigation on a zoning matter, Blr. Dalen suggested the possibility of buying out Mr. Melvin Gettleman and negotiating with Nr. Karl Krahl for the balance of the property. Councilma Courtney thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adopt ion : BE IT RESOLVED that the. Edina City Council does hereby authorize the kty Attorney to comence condemnation proceedings if Mr. Dalen's negotiations for the acquisi- tion of Krahl Hill fail. 1 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rol.lcal1 there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution Gas adopted. Mr. RESOLUTION $4 .. ~CIL/BOARDS 'AND CCNMISSIONS RELATIONSHIP REFERRED TO VAIIOUS ~VISORY GROUPS. Mayor Van Valkenburg presented considerations which he believed would better facilitate communication and understanding between the various appointed Boards and Commissions. tion that the meno be sent to each ap?ointed ad\-isory group for their comments VJ~S seconded by Councilman Richards and carried. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion approving the Mayor's recommenda- . < -- PAST AND FUTURE B1CEN'I;ENNIAL EVENTS NOTED. Edina Bicentennial Commission, szlmmarized past and future activities of the Edina Mr. Ray Bechtel, Chairman of the Bicentennial Commissid';r in honor of the national theme for our country's 200th birthday, "A Past to Remember - A Future to Mold". He set forth the purpose of the Edina Bicentennial Comnission to seek community organization sponsorship for and participation in designated events, to enccurage all citizens and organiza- tions to participate in Bicentennial events, to encourage and coordinarite Bicenten- nial activities by community organizations, to prepare applications for State '8 - and Federal funding, and to seek local fundir,g for costs.of coordinating and pro- by the Edina Bicentennial Commission and noted the following groups which had participated in 1975 events: Edina City Council, Edina Public Sc&ools, Community Library, Greater Chamber of Cominerce, Historical Society, Human Relations Cornis- sion Civic & Impropement Association, Southdale Center, SICO, Dayton Hudson Properties, 3. C. Penny, First Edina Eational Bank, League of Women Voters, Friends of the Library, Greater Girl Scout Council, ColoniaZ Church, Cub Pack #62, Federated Jr, Woniens Club, Garden.Counci1, Jaycees, St. Stephens Church, Church of St. Patrick, Edina Ministerial Association and Lions Club. Council expressed it5 appreciation and congratulations to Mr. Bechtel-for his : Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilwonan Schmidt a.ad carried approving the Commissiods request for $2,500 which will come fron Contingencies in the 1976 Budget. . moting the Bicentennial. Mr . Bechtel reviewed the designated events sponsored The - ~ wox.lc in c?onnec_tion with the Con?misvi.on and for sn outstanding presentation. - I .. \ I 30 12/2/75~ 7GLIJXTEER TWSPORTiTION ADVISORY, BOARD fi?POINTED. Note was made of lfr. Nelena' s me30 a&rising that ti16 entire Volunteer Transportation Commission will be insured for eitherS25 per year or 17c per'$lOO of estimated pay, and that all drivers will be covered at the rate of 17~ per $,lo0 of 'estimated pay. would have to' bs registered with the C'ity and the insurance company and would' then be covered under all insurance that the City now has, with nc additional cost to the City. As recommended by lfayor Vsn Valkenburg, Councilnan Richards' motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt as members of the Volunteer Transportation Advisory Board: Ms. Nancy Bolke, MS. Barb Geray, Mrs. Setty Peterson, Mrs. L. G. Xitschler, Mr. Arnold Becker, Mrs. Jean Foster, .Mr. Phil Riveness, Mrs: Meredith Hart, Mr. Adam Stanzak, Mr. Burt Cohen and Mrs: Willard Hall. The appointment of the representative from Edina * Covenant Church was not confirmed because she did not live in the City of Sdina. JEAN MARIE HAMILTON TO BE REPLACED BY GIN" PATRICK AS EDINA SUN REPORTER. Mr. r' . Hyde advised Council that Jean Marie Hamilton will no longer be covering Edina as the Edina Sun reporter. He thanked Miss Hamilton for her cooperation int:giv-' . ing good covekage to the City's news items and wished her well in her new posi-' tion. Miss Hamilton int;oduced Miss Ginny Patrick who will be the new EdinaISun reporter. 'c EXRITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD APPOINTED. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion appointing the following to the Heritage Preserva- tion Board in accordance with Ordinance No. 802-A2 was seconded by Comcilman * Richards 2nd carried: For a term to end February I, 1978 (two year term): Messrs. Foster Dunwiddie (representing the Minnesota Historical Society), Paul Mucke, Gordon Stuart and James B, McWethy; term): Messrs. Tom Martinson and George Burke and Mrs. Philip W. Herman. These people and carried, accepting the following (See COrrection in Minutes of December 15, 1975.) * As recominended by Mayor Van Valkenburg, _. For a term to end February 1, 1977 (one year HUMN RELATIONS COMNISSION CONSULTING SERVICES DISCUSSION CONTINUED TO DECWER ,15, 1975. Mayor Van Valkenburg referred to a letter from Mr. Joel C. Jennings, . Chairman-S the Human Relations Commission, suggesting that an objective and dir- &t evaluation be made for the consultant to the Edina Human Relations Commission. As recommended by Mayor Van Valkeriburg, Counciiwoman Schmidt's ;notion continuing th2 matter to December 15, -1975, wzs seconded by Councilman --I- Richards and carried. . SENTON AVh3WE INTERCHANGE -_- . - - MEETING SET FOR DECEMBEX 17, 1975. Mr. Hyde advised- me c~ouncii mar acia'tx xco Bang nas asKea tnemnnesora bcare nignwq- Depart- Sznt and the Metropolitan Council to be present at a meeting to discuss the design 'of the Bgnton Avenue/T.H. 100 interchange which nesting will be held on DecemSer . 17, 1975 in the Council Room at 7:30 p.m. The School District will be represented ____________- - -.--_ . -- -- # -_ - - . - and the City .will present its case. , -- __ . - . -. . T.H. 100 T&@ORARY PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT 'APPROVED WITHIN 'GUTLOT 'I, I;& 'EDINA 2ND ADDITION. As recommended by Mr. Dunn, Councilman Courtney's motion approving: S.P. 2733 (100=130-21-1) Temporrtry Permit to 'Construct within Outlot 1, Lake Bdba 2nd Addition and authorizing the Mayor .and Manager to execute such pedr was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried, with the undzrstnnding thet the State provide in the plan the plantings that the City recommended vith its initfal plan and also provide a gate for access to the overflow weir. -_ - COSTS TO CITY OF <DD?A OF f.H. 100 RECONSTRUCTION REVIEWED. a tabulation of total cost* to be borne by the City of Edina for the reconst-uc- tion of T.Y. 100 through the City showing a grand total of $1,479,344.32. action was taken. VI. Dunn presented 22 . 1976 SALM2Y RESOLUTION CONTINUED. Mr. Hyde advised that the salary resoluthn .will not be ready until later this month and asked that Council express any reconmendations that it might have. Eo action was taken. MIhWEHAHA CREEK .\P,TERSHED DISTRICT PROCEDURES DISCUSSED %OR IXPROVEMEHTS * YX. Byde advised that he had attended a meeting of residents whose property backs un to Headowbrook Park, and that questions had arisen as to procedures to he folloged regarding ihprovenents proposed to be made by the Minnehaha Creek Patershd Dis- trict. residents. LEVY FOR HOUSING AND EDEVELO'PMSNT AUTHORITY BONDS CANCELLED. W..Dalen, Couxxilman Richards offered the following resolutior: and moved its adoption : Mr. Iiyde will check on the procedures and advise the Council*and the As recemkded by s t. .- ,. 121 I/ 75 QESOLLTION CANCELLING GENE& OBLIGATION REDEVELOPMXNT -, i .. BONDS OF. 1975 (HOUSING AND REDEYELOPMENT AUTHORITY) AD VALOREM TABS COLLECTIBLE WITH 1976 wc GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES . IJHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edina has, by resolution adopted November 3, 1975, levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of principal and interest of its General Obligation Redevelopment Bonds of 1975 (Housing and Redevelopment Authority) Fund; said ad valoren; tax in the,amount of $2,200,000 being collectible with and as a part of other general taxes for the year 1976; and IJHEP3AS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, permits the cancellation of said levies providing moneys are on hand for payment of principal and interest for said bond issue; and it has been determined by this Council that the required moneys are on hand for the payment of said principal and interest; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that those . ad valorem tax levys made by resolution of this Council, adopted November 3, 1975, and collectible with and as a part of other general property taxes in said City for the year 1976, be and are herebyecancelled; azld BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Auditor of Hennepin County, lifinnesota, be authorized and directed to cancel the above described ad valorem tax levys and to delete said levys from taxes to be spread for the year 1976. Motion for adoption of the resolution wqs seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. - IMPROVEIENT NO. P-BA-213 ORNAMENTAL-EEEEKH~.T~~ HEARING DATES SET FOR VARIOUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. As recommended by Nr. Dunn, . Councilwoman Schmidt offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON STBET IMPROVEMENT NO. P-BA-213, SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. P-SS-32F ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT NO. P-L-15, WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. P-WM-300 , 1.' .The City Engineer, having submitted to the Coiincil a preliminary report as.to the feasibility of the proposed improvements described in the form of Notice-?€ .Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. ' 2. City Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in saia iuiprevemerxs. .3. and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks,. the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected pro- perties in substantially the following form: This Counkil shall meet on Monday,-'December 15, 1975, at 7:OO p.m. in the Edina The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place * (Official Publication) HENNEPIN COTJETY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PERMANENT STREET SURFACING i. CITY OF EDINA 'I WITH CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ' IIEIIOVEMENT .NO. P-L-15 c SANITARY SEWEX (. IMPROVEMENT NO. P-SS-329 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO P-WM-300 EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the Edina City Hall on Monday, December 15, 1975, at 7:OO p.m., to consider the following proposed improvemeats to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. cost of said improvements are estimated by the City"as set forth below.: 1. PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CONCRETE CURB LAD GUTTER : IIQROVEJ!ENT NO. P-BA-213 $1 16 , 271. OS Xerses Avenue from 17. 66th Street to Washburn Circle 2. ORNAMENTAT, STREET LIGHTING The approximate ESTIMATED COST .- $ 19,085.90 3. SANITARY SElJER IMI?ROVEMENT NO. P-SS-329 $ 49,674.35 IMT'ROVEMENT NO. P-L-15 - Xerxes Avenue from W. 66th Street'to Washburn Circle to serve undeveloped property in Southwest Quadrafit of 66th Street and T.B. 100 to serve undeveloped property iq SoWhwest Quadrant of 66th Street and T.H. 100 '- 4. IU'IERMAIN IMPROVEIENT NO. P-WM-300 $ 43,167.49 The area proposed to be assessed fm the cost of the proposed Perniment Street Surfacing with Concrete Curb and Gutter under .1 above (1mprovemen.t Eo. P-SA-213) includes Lots 1 through 5, inclusive, Lpdale 3uilders Addition; Lots 1 through 10, inclusive, Neadow Lane I1 Addition; Tract B., Tract F (Parts), Farce1 3610, 3630, 3650 and 3670, Tract M (Parts), Parcel 6410 and 6450, Registered Land Survey 629; Lots 1 through 6, inclusive, York Hills; Lots 1 through 4, Lot 5 f % vacated street, Block 1, York Terrace; Lot 1 + ?j vacated,street, Block 2, Lots 2 through 7, inclusive, Block 2, and Lot 8 + ?i vacated street, Block 2, York Terrace; Lot 1, Bloik 4, Yorktown, Outlot C and Outlot D, Yorktown; Parcels Nos. 425, 5610 and 7610, Section 32, Township 28, Pange 24. The area proposed to be assessed.for the cost of che proposed Ornarnental Street -Lighting under 2 above (Improvement No, P-L-15) ill be the saEe as the assess- ment area for Permanent Street Surfacing and Cobcrete Curb and Gutter under I above (Improvement No. P-BA-213). The area proposed to be assessed for the Sanitary Sewer under 3 above (Improve- ment No. P-SS-329) includes Lot 38, Block 1, Brookview Heights 1st Addition; Parcels Nos. 1000, 1500 and 4500, 2000', 2150; 4000, and 5000, Section 4, The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Watermain under 6 above (Improvement No. P-KM-300) will.be the same as the assessment area for Sanitary Sewer under 3 above (Improvement No. P-SS-329). . . Township 116;Range 21, Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk Eotion for adoption of the resolution vas seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. ,- CL4IMS PAID. and carried for payment of the following claims.as per Pre-List: General Funds, $138,706.86; Construction Funds, $1 , 970.00; Park Funds, $7 , 059.53; Wziter Fund, $2,910.85; Liquor Fund, $786.41; Sewer Fund, $1,353.82; Iinprovenents, $500,00; Advance Funding, $35,087.50; Total, $188,374.97; and for confirmatLon of payment of the following claims: Construction Fund, $15.00; Park Funds, $1,772.07; Water Fund, $2,964.25; Liquor Fund, $154,923.70; Sewer Fund, $11.69; Total, $178,414.23. Motion of Councilman Courtney was seconded by Councilman Richards ._ Geaeral and Revenue Sharing, $18,727.52; I No further business appearing, Councilman Richards motion for adjournment was secorided by Council,man Cwrtney and carried. I Adjournment at 8 :45 p.m. . . %!&cL.&.B.& City Clerk .. , .. b-