HomeMy WebLinkAbout19751230_specialMINUTES OF THE SP3CIAL MEETING OF THE DECKNBBR 30, 1975 EDINA CITY COUNCIL HFLD AT ClTY HALL ON TUESDAY; 4:OO P.H. f Answering rollcall were members Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw and Mayor Van Valkenburg. LIQUOR STORE ADVERTISIKG DISCUSSED; PRESENT POLICY TO CONTINUE, Council discussed the preser.t liquor store zdvertising policy of the city with the City Manager who reX&wed past advertising policy and the funds budgeted for liquor store advertis- 5ng. Xr. Hyde suggested that Council consider the expenditure of $5,000 to $6,000 for a marketing survey before a firm decision is made for the 50th and ?ranee and Grandview stores. motion that the present liquor store advertising policy be continued and that the City Manager look into the feasibility of conducting a marketing survey for the liquor stores was seconded by Councilman Richards and carried. Following considerable discussion, Councilwoman Schmidt's SENIOR POLICE RESERVE ELIGIBILITY CONTINLXD TO JAXUARY 5, 1976. recalled that in 1973 the Council had approved the Senior Police Reserve Eligi-. Mr. Hyde bility program to provide the Police Department with a pension plan similar to that of the Fire Department. 5, 1976, so that the Council would have an opportunity to review the calculations that were made at the Cime the pension was established. 1976 SALPXY EESOL-flTON APPROVED. Council reviewed the proposed 1975 Salary Reso- lution and discussed salary increases recommended by Mr. Hyde. It was recognized that a settlement had not yet been reached with unionized employees. considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: The matter was continued to the meeting of January Followhg * I RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SCHEDULE OF MAXINUN SALARIES AND WAGES FOR 1976 1975 1975 1976 197.6 32- Bi- -. GZHEP& ADIfIEISTRATION Weekly- (Annual) Director of Finznce and Treasurer $1037 $ (26,962) Weekly (Annual) . $1100 $(28,600) Assessor 798 Deputy Assessors 656 Property Appraiser City Clerk 490 ASxinistrative Assistant 461 Personnel Officer 605 Office Clerical-Fiscal-Secretarial Clerical I 225-280 Clerical I1 280-370 Clerical 111 370-420 Legal Prosecuting Attorney 350 Planning Director 750 Planning Aide 352 Planning (Eavironmentalist) 385 PUBLIC SAFETY, POLICE Director of Public Safety 1037 Police Chief 900 Captains - 2 years service 788 Sergeants 2 Pears service 643.75 1 year service 632.75 First gear 621.75 aetectives 2 years service 1 year service First year Patroimen 4 years service 3 years service 2 years service 1 year service First year Dispat chers-Desk Clerks 449 2. Dispatchers-Desk clerks (honrly) 4.80 Chief 877 Assistant Chief 638 - 2 years service 625 - First year GOO FIRE Drivers-Inspect ors 554.35 (20,748) 845 (17 , 056) 695 403 (12,740) . 540 (11,986) 510 (15,730) 670 (58 50-7 28 0) 200-2 9 0 (7280-9620) 300-385 (9620-10,920) ( 9,100) 300 (19,500). * 810 ( 9,152) 385 (10,010) (43) 5- (475 j i".'* (26,962) 1100 (23,400) 9 65 (20 , 458) (IG, 738) (16,452) (16,166) ( 11 674 421 4.25 (22,802) 945 ( I G ,5 88) (16,250) (15, GOO) (14,4 13) (21,970) (18,070) (10,500) (14,040) (13,260) (17,420) (5200-7540) (i800-1Qy 010) ( 7,800) (2L,060) (12,350) (Top Rate) (r0,olo) (28,600) (25 , 090) (24,573) 4.1. 12/35/75 - 1975 . 1975 Weekly ( Annua 1) BJ- 1976 1976 Weekly (Annu& Bi- -- FIRE (continued) Firemen 4 years service $ 544.05 $(14,145) 3 years service 535.17 (13,914) 2 years service 501.07 (13,028) 1 year service 481.27 (12,513) First year 383 ( 9,958) Part Time Animal Control Officer 375 ( 9,750) 150% of regular hourly rate. 405 ( 10,530) ELECTION Judges -- $2.50 per hour 2.65 per hour 5.00 Additional Chairwomen 4.50 Additional *905 PARK AND RECREATION Direct or Assistant Director 68 1 i?rogram Supervisor 5 10 Recreation Specialist 368 POOI pianager (S) 305 ASsistant Pool tanager (S) . 275 Concession Manager (S) 2.60 Pool Cashier (S) 2.25 Bathhouse-Concession Attendants (S)2.00 Sximming Iastructor (S) 2.85 Liife’ Guards (S) 2.85 Baseball and Craft Supervisors (S) 290 Baseball Assistants (S) 2.50 Rink Attendants (S) 2.50 Playground Leaders (S) 2.85 Skating-Skiing Instructors (S) 6.50 Park Keeper III# 491.54 Park Keeper 11#. 456.92 Park Keeper I# 424.62 Golf Course Business Manager 549 ’Golf Course Superintendent 529 Golf Course Maintenance 466 Golf Course Manager, Starters, pool fdaintenance (S) 2.50 Hockey Coaches (S) 2.85 Cashiers, Lunch Counter Clerks (SI 3.70 Arene - Assistant Manager 466 Arene - Maintenance Supervisor 466 Arena - Guards, Casfiiers, Conces- sion Attendants 3.15 Arena - Manager 549 965 7 25 545 405 315 285 2.85 2.60 2.30 3.25 3.25 3.00 310 2.85 3.10 2.85 3.10 9.00 (25 , 090) (18,850) (14,170) (10,530) (23,530) (17,706) (13,260) ( 9,568) per hour per hour per hour per hour per hour per hour U per hour per hour per hour per hour per hour per hour per hour per hour per hour per hour Inst. Class (12,780) (11,880) (11,040) (14,274) (13,754) (12,116) per hour per hour per hour per hour Inst. Class 587 (15,262) 570 (14,820) 500 ( 13,000) 3.85 per hour 587 (15 , 262) 500 . (13,000) 500 ( 13,000) per hour ( 14 , 274) (12,116) (12,116) per hour 3.35 per hour $LIQUOR STORES Manager Assistant Manager Assistant Managers - Stores Clerks - regular Clerks - part time 8 90 (23,140) 600 ( 15,600) 573 (14,898) 4.95 per hour 3.95 per hour 830 561 535 4.65 3.75 (2 1,580) (14 , 586) ( 13,910) per hour per hour INSPECTORS Plumbing 649 677 545 500 (16,874) (17,602) (14,170) ( 13,260) 7 05 f 18,330) 7 25 (18,850) 595 (15,470) 550 (14,300) Building Deputy Inspector Mechanical HEALTH Health Officer Sanitarian Laboratory Technician Deputy Sanitarian 25 649 544 400 per month (16,874) (14 , 144) (10,400) 25 per month 695 .( 18,070) 588.46 (15,300) 440 (Jan. 1)( 11,960) 480 (Julyl) - PLELIC VORKS AND ENGINEERING Director of Public Works fi Eng- (26,962) (15 , 132) 1100 (28,600) 645 (16,773) ineering 1037 Assistant Eng-ineer 582 Supervisors of Survey, Design, Inspection . 646 . Engineering Aide 111 518 . Engineering AIde I1 459 Eugincering Aide I 394 .Superintendent - Public Works 781 (16,796) ( 13 , 468) (1 1 , 934) (10,244) (20,306) 690 (17,940) 555 (i4,430) 490 (12,740) 425 , (1 1 050) 835 (21,7 10) 1976 .. 1976 . Bi- Weekly (Annual) 660 (17,160) 630 (16,380) 197’5 1975 Weekly (Annual) PJ~LIC WORKS AND EKGINEERING (continued) Superint enden t-\?a t er 6 10 (15,860) Foxeman - (Street, sewer, water, perks and mechanic) 583 (15,158) Beavey Equipment Operators# 491.54 (12,780) Light Equipment Operators# 456.92 (11,880) Bfain t enance Man# 424.62 (11,040) Nechanic 500,?7 (13,020) Mechanic’s Helpera 466.15 ’(12,120) sewer-Water Unility L%n# 466.15 (12,120) Electrician 503 (13,078) 540 Building Engineer 456.92 (11,880) 489 Net er Reader 430.32 (11,188) 460 li Starting rates may be 20% less for the first three months of service and 10% less for the second three months. (S) Seasonal J; First 6 months 4.11 Second 6 months Bi- Janitor 424 (11,024) 455 Administrative Asst.-Public Works 465 (12 , 090) 495 -L -.- (14,040) (12,714) (11,96U) Xotion €or adoptiozl of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on roll- call there were four ayes, with Nayor Van Valkenburg voting “nay” and the resolu- tion ms adopted. ENFLOYEE IKXRANCE PP3”M COSTS APPROVED. $31-. Hyde advised that new bids had been tzken for employee hospitalization insurance because of a 46% increase in Elue Cross/MII rates. Following discussion, Councilwoman Schmidt’s motion that the City pay.only a total of $50.00 per month toward the cost of all employee insurance was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. T.E.lOO/%EXTON AVEIWE INTERCHANGE RESOLUTION SUBMITTED. contrary to statements made at the Decercber 17, 1975 meeting on the T.H. loo/ Benton A17snue interchange; Councf1;s resolution of October 20, 1975 had been transmitted to the Chairman of the Metropolitan Council and to the District 5 Engineer or’ the Hinnesota Highway Department. transmitted to Edina’s legislators. VDTTf-G BfiC31hTE ADVEICTISENENT FOR BIDS AUTHORIZED. City Attorney, Councilioazr Shaw offered the following reso1utio.n and moved its adoption: + -. 7. Mr. Hyde advised that, : .I Additional copies have not7 been Upon the recomendation of the RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and bids for rental, with option to purchase, elections. Motion for adoption of the resolution was rollcall there were five ayes and no nays * is hereby authorized to advertise for voting machines necessary for the 1976 1. seconded by Councilman Courtney aad on and the resolution was adopted. GORDON 2. SCHUSTER PXOPERTY GIFT. ACCE?TED the following resolution and moved its adoption: BY CITY. Councilman Richards offered RESOLUTIOX BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve the terms and coaditions of the agreement for the gift of real property of Gordon L. Sckaster a2d Patricia A. Schuster, husband and wife, dated December 30, 1975, said pro- perty being located generally South of Dewey Bill Road, West of Cahill Road, North‘of W. 78th Street and Easr of Hyde Park Drive. Kotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt 2nd on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays and the resolutioa was adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1101-A4 GRANTED FIRST READING. Following discussion, Councilnczn Courtney offered Ordinance No. llOl-A4.for First Reading as follows: I ORDINANCE NO. 1101-A4 TO CHANGE THE SEWER RENTAL CHARGES FOR THE USE OF THE IRTNICIPAL SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM -&Y ORDINKCJCE AMENDING 0PJ)INANCE NO. 1101-Al THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MIGNESOTA, ORDAINS: -- Section 1. Section a of Ordinance No. 1101-AI is hereby amended to read as “(a) Classification and Fees. Classification of sever rental accounts and follows ; the fees for each classification are hereby established as follows: Classification (below classifications 2re defined in Ordinance No. 811) 4 - -. I 12[3j/75 43 .. Classif icatioii (below classi- , fications are defined in Ordi- nance No. 811) Quarterly Fees Single family dwellings Net Gross $11.00 or 55 cents per $10.00 or 50 cents per hundred wbic feet of hundred. cubic feet of water used during the water used during the winter quarter (three winter quarter (three month period falling month period falling between November 1 and between November 1 and March 1) whichever is March 1) whichever is greater greater $11.00 or 55 cents per $10.00 or 50 cents per hundred cubic feet of hundred cubic feet of water used during the water used during the 11 winter quarter (three winter quarter (three month period falling month period falling between November 1 and between November 1 and March 1) whichever is March 1) whichever is greater greater or 55 cents per hundred unit or 50 cents per cubic feet of water used hundred cubic feet of durbg the winter water used during the quarter (three month winter quarter (three period falling between month period falling November 1 and March 1) between November 1 and whichever is greater March 1) whichever is greater or 55 cents per hundred unit or 50 cents per cubic feet of water used hundred cubic feet of during the wintler wzter used during the quarter (three month winter quarter (three period falling between month period falling ' November 1 and March 1) . between November 1 whichever is .greater ** $44.00 plus $7.70 for 55 cents per hundred cubic feet of water r dred cubic feet of .used during the quarter whichever is greater - 'fdwnhouses , I '. I Two. family dwellings $11.00 per dwelling unit $10.00 per dwelling A Apartment buildings containing $11.00 per dwelling unit $10.00 per dwelling four or less dwelling units and March - 1) which- ever is greater Apartment buildings with more $40.00 plus $7.00 for than four dwelling units each unit aver four, or each unit over four, or 50 cents per hun- water used during the quarter, whichever is gr e" a t er '. 'Commercial and industrial $11.00 per water meter $10.00 per water bcildings, including schools or approved sewage meter- meter or approved and churches ing device on the pre- ' sewage metering device +- mises or 55 cents per hundred cubic feet of water used dufing the * cubic feet of water quarter, whichever is greater quarter whichever is on the premises or 50 cents per hundred used during the greater" Sec. 2. and publication. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND RECOMMENDXD TRANSFERS were presented by Mr. Dalen, reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. LIQUOR REPORT as of October 31, 1975, was presented by Mr. Dalen, reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Councilman Courtney', seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. COMMISSION AND COIIITTEE CHAIRMEN TO BE RECOGNIZED. Note was made of a letter from Mr. Richard Seaberg, Chairman of the Viking Hills Homeowners Association, It was informally agreed that, at an .appropriate time, commemorative certificates will be presented to various commission and committee chairmen by the City Council. - VOLUNTEER TRANSPORT'aTION COMMITTEE PROCEDURES DISCUSSED. questioned minutes and procedures followed by the Volunteer Transportation Com- Mayor Van Valkenburg 'L 4 4 ._ - mittee. Mr. Hyde and Nr. tlelena will cSarify the intent of the Ccuncil with the staff representative. EICENENNIAL COMMISSION DISPLAYS DISCUSSED Nayor Van Valkenbure noted that the Bicentennial Commission minutes had indicated that the public displays sponsored by the Commission would be covered by the City's insurance. explain the City's insurance policys to Nr. Bechtle. CIAINS PAID. md carried for payment of the follqwing claims as per pre-list: Revenue Sharing, $997,508.73; Construction Fund, $260,817.19; Park Funds, $70,038.75; Water, $45,212.25; Liquor ;Fund, $466.464.23; Sewer Fund, $64,317.7'; Improvement Bond Redenption, $3,549,087.60; PIR Fund, $3,657.30; Total, $5,457,403.82. Nr. Dalen will Motion of Councilman Shaw was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt General and I No further business appearing, Councilman Richard's motion for adjournment-was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. Adjournment at 5:45 p.m. " a City Clerk ?* .