HomeMy WebLinkAbout19760126_specialMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1976 5:OO P.M. I P- 23 ?-4 3 3 r: The Edina City Council met in special session with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Answering rollcall were Council Members Courtney, Richards (also a member of the H.R.A.), Schmidt, Shaw and Mayor Van Valkenburg. H.R.A. members answering rollcall were Messrs. Freeberg and Nelson. Messrs. Rixe and Greer entered the meeting later. INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS, LOCAL NO. 49 WAGE SETTLEMENT DISCUSSED. national Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 49, whereupon Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution as recommended by the City Manager and moved its adoption: Mr. Hyde reported that an impasse has been reached with the Inter- RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTINUED JOINT REPRESENTATION IN REGARD TO INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS, LOCAL NO. 49 WHEREAS, the City of Edina is being represented in negotiations witn I.U.O.E., Local No. 49 by the Metropolitan Area Management Association Management Bargain- ing Committee; and WHEREAS, I.U.O.E., Local No. 49 has requested and was granted mediation regard- ing 1976 contract negotiations; and WHEREAS, I.U.O.E., Local No. 49 has petitioned the Bureau of Mediation Services to certify that an impasse exists; and WHEmAS, the Bureau of Mediation Services has certified that an impasse does exist and has requested final positions; and WEREAS, under Minnesota Statutes annotated 179.69, Subd. 5, the option of sub- mitting to binding arbitration or not to submit to binding arbitration is available when an impasse exists with organized, non-essential employees; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that employees represented by I.U.O.E., Local No. 49 are non-essential; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Edina that the Metropolitan Area Management Association Management Bargaining Committee is hereby authorized to represent the City of Edina continuing negotiations with I.U.O.E., Local No. 49, and further directs the Management Bargaining Committee not to submit to binding arbitration; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file a copy of this resolution in the office of the City Manager, White Bear Lake, Minnesota. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw arrd on rollcall of the Council there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. 5OTH AND FRANCE BUSINESS DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSED. Mayor Van Valkenburg explained that this meeting had been called with the H.R.A. so .that Council would be apprised of expenses and the progress of plans for new buildings in the 50th and France business district. made under the Housing and Redevelopmeat Authority and outlined work which has been contracted but which will not be completed until spring. ments include completion of the 49% Street Ramp, walkways, the lot behind Lund's former food store, the lot North of W. 49% Street, completion of W. 49% Street and landscaping in the area. completed this summer and that he hopfdthat the liquor store will be open by November 1, 1976. and France area has indicated that she favors improvement of the Minneapolis side of France Avenue between W. 49% St. and W. 51st St. and the improvement of W. 50th St. between France and Drew Avenues so that it will appear the same as the Edina developments and added that the City of Minneapolis appears to support the project also. In reviewing Financial Alternates 1 and 2 for the area South of W. 50th Street, Mr. Luce explained that in Alternate No. 2, Mr. Larson would build only on his site and lease a portion of the building for the Edina Liquor Store, that the Red Barn would not build and that the existing ramp would not be expanded, but that housing fcr the elderly will be constructed next fall on the Southwest corner of 51st and FranceoAvenue. that the Union Oil lot has been acquired by the H.R.A. and that the first floor of Dr. Larson's building has been leased, provided the Edina Liquor Store locates in the Southwest comer of the building. In respanse to a question of the Mayor, Mr. Dalen said that he and Mr. Luce will be meeting with the Lunds on February 2, 1976, and that the matter could be placed on the February 2 agenda for condemnation if the Lunds do not agree to sell their property. Mr. Luce recalled that the original estimate of the project was $3,300,000 and with the elimination of some items, the increase in some costs and additional State Mr. Luce reviewed the progress already These improve- Mr. Luce said that 50th Street should be He advised Council that the Minneapolis alderman from the 50th Mr. Luce added ~i.d Funds paid for construction of TJ. 49% and W. 50th Streets, the cost is now cs timated at $3,500,000. Following considerable discussion, Pfr. Luce was re- quested to prepare a recap sheet which would compare details in the budget to the actual cost and which would indicate how much work is still proposed to be completed. The H.R.A. was congratulated on the progress that they have made. Some members of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority left the meeting at this point. SENIOR POLICE RESERVE ELIGIBILITY'CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 2, 1976. City Attorney Erickson referred to former Police Chief Vayne Bennett's request to be a parti- cipant in the Edina Senior Police Reserve, even though he is presently employed out of the state. reference that "the original intent of the Edina Senior Police Reserve was to provide a supplementary pension". Reserve was set up, care was taken to make sure that it was not a pension plan but it was a payment in lieu of pension and in the nature of a consulting con- tract. Nr. Erickson also recalled that there had been fear that the program could be subject to attack if it were considered a sham. of Mr. Bennett's letter is such that, as to the services that were expected from the Police Reserve, Nr. Bennett could be a member of the plan as structured inasmuch as the plan contemplates payments for services reGdered or at least for a commitment to make himself available to render a minimum amount of services when he is needed. BIr. Erickson pointed out that the memos submitted to Council at the time the Reserve was set up made no mention of a residency requirement; that.services are expected to be performed in four catagories but the memo does not say that a participant must perform equally Mr. Erickson said that if Nr. Bennett did enroll in the plan, he must do so, as all other members, with the very firm understanding that, should he fail to perform the services requested, he would be subject to termination from the Reserve. ments but for services rendered or for holding themselves available for services to be rendered. rJill present rules and standards as guidelines for the Reserve at the next meet- ing. Councilman Courtney said that he believed that it would be hard to justify payment to someone living several thousand miles away who has a full time job. IIr. Erickson said that he was bothered by Mr. Bennett's He recalled that when the Senior Police He said that the balance in all catagories or that the physical presence is required for those services. .- __ He emphasized that payments to those in the Reserve are not pension pay- Mayor Van Valkenburg asked that Councilmen Richards and Shaw I No action was taken. EDINA AMERICAN LEGION POST'REQUEST FOR ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE DISCUSSED. Nr. Erickson advised that he had received a telephone call from Mr. Clifford Klein, representing the Edina American Legion Post, who said that the Post would be forced to close, after being in existence since 1944, unless they were given a full scale On-sale Liquor License. that it would be necessary to amend present City ordinances in order to issue such a liceme and that, under City Ordinances, even Club Liquor Licenses could not be issued unless a club was in existence on January 1, 1940. Mayor Van Valkenburg recalled that a previous Legion request for an On-sale Liquor License had been denied on different grounds. Statutes might be researched to find out just what would be possible in the event the City would be willing to amend its ordinances. discussion, Councilman Shaw suggested that the Legion itself might look at the State Statutes to see whether there would be any basis for Club Liquor License. No further action was taken. Mr. Erickson said that he had told Mr. Klein . Mr. Erickson said that the State Following considerable No further business appearing, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. 23 fL./ City Clerk ,. ? Q