HomeMy WebLinkAbout19760209_specialc MIBUTES OP THE SPECIAL NEETING 017 TIIE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL ON MONDAY, PEBRIJARY 9, 1976 Answering rollcall were members Richards, Schmidt and Mayor Van Valkenburg. MLNUTES of February 2, 1976, were approved as submitted by niotion of Councilwoman Schmidt , seconded by Councilman Richards and carried. 1976 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGBAN FUNDING APPROVED. Recalling that this is the second hearing on the 1976 Community Development Program, Mr. Luce presented the following requests for funds which had been submitted by the close of business on February 5, 1976: - Request Amount Requested By I Neighborhood Parks $23,000 Park Board lcsl 00 w w m 50th and France $50,000 H.R.A. Housing Rehabilitation $20,000 Staff Ielorningside Area $40 , 000 Morningside Council Tree Replacement $ 2,500' Environmental Quality 'Commission Senior Citizens Center $ 2,355 Edina Senior Citizens Lighted Rinks Not Specified Citizen Architectural Barriers $ 1,688 Staff , Historical Survey $ 5,000 Heritage Preservation Board , $Ell Reconstruction $ 6,199 Heritage Preservation Board f3redesen Park Soil $ 6,500 Environmental Quality Commission *Solar System Not Specified Citizen $<Art Center Not Specified Citizen Street Lights Not Specified Citizen W3C Mortgage $40 , 800 Ci t iz en $<Transit System ' Not Specified League of Women Voters Woint Study Not Specified District 273 Bredesen Park Not Specified District 273 Human Services Eot Specified District 273 Mr. Luce advised that the staff has checked each project for its eiigibility and in some instances called the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for its opinion and that the activities preceded by an asterisk are ineligible. Mr. Luce advised that the staff had reviewed the remaining requests and makes the following recommendations: 1- 3 L-. 3. 4. 5. 6. That the request for lighted rinks be incorporated into the neighborhood parks request; That, if deemed desirable by the Council or administration, one of several staff persons could conduct the architeccural Sarriers survey, inasmuch as the low cost of this work would make it impractical to fund; The Heritage Preservation Board, when given the choice of which of their two requests t7as considered their top priority, chose the Edina Mill Reconstruc- tion. Because this is a new commission, their ability to spend is limited and the staff, therefore, recommends not funding their second choice, the "Historical Building S ifrvey " ; 'That the request for street lighting be sent to the Engineering staff for study and later action; That the request for Bredesen Park development be senl: to the PLaiining Depart- ment where Mr. Gordon aughes is presently seekin.g funding fox: this activity; That, because there is a serious question of eligibility and constant audit- ing of Human Services Programs funded by H.U.D. , it is reconmended that this program not be included until it has been established and reviewed and certified eligible by H.U.D. Mr. Luce then reconuner,ded funding of the following programs as recommended at the meeting of February 2, 1976: Program .- Neighborhood Parks 50th and France Housing Rehabilitation Mornings id e Improvements Diseased Tree Replacement Senior Citizens Center : Edina Ell Renovation TOTAL Am0 m t $ 22,000 20,000 46 , 000 37,000 2 , 500 2 , 355 4,845 $134,700 Mr. Lute reconmendecl that the "Smokey Bear'' area South of the Crosstown be included in the Bredesen Park project, and that Mr. Hughes should discuss this matter with the School Eoard. In response to a question of Mr. Byde, Mr. Luce explained that if the Public Works Act is adopted, additional funds could be used at: 50th and Prance, for park programs side area improvements. and possibly for additional funding for the Morning- Mr. John Jefferson, President of the Morningsidc. Associ- arion, said that he was encouraged by tho recommendacion that Horningside Areif. improvements be included in the 19 76 Community Development Punding l'rograin zr~? urged that any possible additioiial funds be made availab1.e so that residents in the area could inore easily afford the iniprovenients . Richards that the R.B.C. House was ineligible in two cat gories. IIe added also that Edina has a housing obligation, according to the Netropolitan Council, aad that banks in the area have already indicated that they would participate in the housing rehab ili t a t ion program . Fo 11 owing c 011s id e rab le dis cuss ion , Go un cilw oman Schmidt offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby authorize the submission of the application funds to finance the activities stated in the above project' summary for 1976 Comniunity Development Pragran, and does hereby authorize the City Manager and the City Attorney to do whatever acts are necessary to complete and submit the said application. Motion for adoption of the resolution vas seconded by councilman Richards and. on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. Mr . Luce aJviscd Councilman RESOLUTION * WEOVATION OF CIiLORINE ROONS BID CONTINUED. As recommended by Nr. Hyde, Council- woman Schmidt's motion continuing avJard of bici for chlorine rooms which was con- tinued from February 2, 1976, was continued further to February 23, 1976, was - seconded by Councihnan Richards and carried. KENNETH ROSLAEJD APPOINTED ACTING CITY MANAGER. Councilman Richards ' motion absence was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. YORK TERRACE PAVING PSQUEST REFERRED TO EHGINEERING DEP"ENT. In response to a letter from Bfr. Richard Kruger, 7429. Yorlc 'Terrace, the Engineering Department was requested to send a petition to the writer for circulation to other residents on his street. appointing Mr. Kenneth Rosland Acting City Manager during Mr. Hyde's forthcoming *. LEAGUZ OF &iINNESOTA ~~ICIPALITIES/ASSOCI~ION OF XWESOTA COUHTIES LEGISLATIVE CONFE'IIENCE on February 18, 1976, from 1:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. was noted. The City will be represented. FEDERAL PUBLIC VORKS ACT DISCUSSED. Mr. Eyde advised Council of a Federal Public Works Act which is pending iq Congress under which the City could apply for funds for public works purposes. Council will be apprised of the progress oE the Bill. P-UBLIC VORKS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS SETTLED. International Union of Operating Engineers Local 49 was voting tonight on whether or not to strike. Mr. Eyde advised Council that the * . Later in the evening it was announced that the contract had been ratified by-a vote of 199 to 193. 4. EENTON AVENUE/T.H. 100 INTERCHAXGE XEETING DISCUSSED. had attended a meeting of the P5ysical Development Codttee of the Hetropolitan 3lr. Hyde advised that he - Council in regard to the Benton Averzue/T.H. 100 Interchange? which was also -. attended by a number of Edina residents protesting the access and egress at the jntersection of Baton Avenue and T.H. 100. He reported that Hr. Hoffman is working on a study of the number of homes in the area and traffic projections xhich he will present at the next meeting of the Codttee. Councilman Richards recalled that, by the time T.H. 100 is completed, it will have cost the City of Edina approximately $1,30O,G00 and said that he would like the Physical Develop- ment Committee of the Metropolitan Council to be aware oE that fact so that the City of Edina would not be forced to pay toward the cost of future roads oE I1 metropolitan significance" . HEWEPIX COUNTY SbXBURBS MEETING TO BE ATTENDED. Council's attention to a meetinE of representatives of the Hennepin Comty sub- Councilwoman Schmidt called - urbs at Bfinnetonks City Hzll on February 11 at 7:30 p.m. at which the "use" formula for paying for' General Hospital will be- discussed. the meeting as will Councilman Richards and Councilwoman Schmidt. COWREHENS IVE PLAN FOR EDLNA REQUESTED BY BETROPGTJTAN COUNCIL; METROPOLITAN COUNCIL LAND PLANNING BILL OPPOSED. Nr. Hyde recalled that Senator Railg had requestsd Council tu advise him of its position on the tietropolitan Council Land Planning Bill and advised that he had been asked when Edina would be s:ilndtting its Comprehensive Plan. entire concept of private owriership of land waste of public funds to prepare'a "plan" for a municipality which is as fully devezoped as Edina. is interested in granting that much the tletropclitan Council. Mr. Dalen will attend Mr. Hyde pointed out that the Bill would chznge the and also said that it wouicl 5e a Mr. LUCS said that he is confused as to why the Legislature Mrs. William Fuhr, 6609 Bzittany Rosd, spoke in favor 11 police power" to an appointed bo&] such 6s .% /Y, / i 6 of the Senate version of the Bill, stating that the 13111 only requl+es ot:licr mmicipaliCies to do what .Edina has already done. MTS. Helm I\.IcClelJ.and, of Cdntinental Drive, echoed Mr. Liice's comments that the Bili. would take amy thc: ri&t of control from local government. Pollowing lengthy discussion, Council-- man Richards offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: bWBEXS, the Minnesota State Legislature is considering the passage of an act com- monly referred to as the "Mandatory Comprehensive Planning Act" (S.F. 1653); and WHEREAS, said act would require every local governmental unit in the seven county metropolitan area to submit to the Metropolitan Council for review a .detaiked, conprehensive. plan; and WHEREAS, said act does not consider zhe fact that many of the so-called "first ring" suburbs are almost conipletly developed; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina has, without the adoption of an overall, comprehensive plan, through its own local efforts, planned and zoned most effectively during a *25 year period of: rapid growth, as have most other similar suburbs; and WHEREAS, Senate Pile 1653 would require the expenditure by the City of Edina of a considerable sum of money and makes no provision for financing such expenditure; SmEREAS, so far as the City of Edina is concerned, a comprehensive plan would be 08.. little value; and WHEREAS, Senate File 1653 does not make adequate provision for areas which may be redeveloped within the time frame which the comprehensive plan is to cover; and WHEREAS, vast sums of public money have been wasted on so-called master and comprehensive plans because present land use controls are inefEective and will be until the whole system of private ownership of land is drastically changed; WHEREAS, this proposed legislation would effectively erode the local authority of eiected City Councils and transfer it to the appointed Metropolitan Councll; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the City of Edina's Representatives and Senators in the Minnesota Legislature be requested to oppose Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION -_I_ e and * 9c3 b M -and w , a - -.vigorously the enactment of S.F. 1653, and ,any similar legislation. =' VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGNS APPROVED FOR CORNELIA SC€IOOL. - Mr. Hyde advised Council *t 5essage signs which will depict a lower speed limit in a school zone during that Dr. Ralph Lieber had discussed with him the possibility of installing variable specified hours. Mr. Stephen Winnick, 7004 'Bristol Blvd. , representing the Corrr-. elia School P.T.A. urged that the City purchase an 2lcctronic systkm which is .being manufactured .by .Minnesota Mining Sr Manufacturing Company for a cost of $1,288. €ouncilwoman Schmidt's motion that the City install System €or a trial project at Cornelia School was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. It was understood that if this system is successful, others will. be installed next fall. a Varicom Brand Cycle Control CENTRAL SWERVISORY CONTROL AND ALARM SYSTEM FOR WATER N?D SEWER F&ILITIES STUDY AUTHORIZED. As recommended bv Mr. Dunn. Councilwoman Schmidt ' s mo-tion authoriz- s ing the Mayor and Manager to enter into agreement with Banister, Short, Elliot, Hendrickson & Associates to conduct a study on control of the City's pump, lift that such control would be a labor saving device and give better information on the efficiency of the pumps. ORDINANCE NO. 404-A3 GRANTED FIRST READING. Ordinance No. 404-A3 which permits security other than performance bonds for landscaping, screening and erosion control work was presented to the Council whereupon Councilwoman Schmidt offered the following ordinance for First Reading: . statlon and reservoir system for a cost not to exceed $lS,OOO. Mr. Dunn said OKDINANCE NO. 404-A3 AN ORDI~NANCE AMENDING OXDIN-4NCE NO. 404 TO PROVIDE FOR SECURITY IN ADDITION TO PEKFOWUNCE BONDS FOR LANDSCAPING, SCREENING, AND EROSION CONTROL WORK THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ,OF EDINA, ~IIENESOTA, ORDAIEJS: Section 1. Sec. 13. Section 13:of Ordinance No. 404 is hereby amended to read as Site Plan, Planting Schedule and Security for Landscaping and In every case where landscaping, . follows: II - Other Work. .screening or erosion control measures are required by any ordinance of the City, or as a condition to any approval granted by the City pursuant to any ordinance of the City, for any building, or structure, 3r for ].and-disturbing activity as defined In Section 3 of OFdiiiance No. 817, other than the construction of one "(a) Site Plan and Planting Schedule. "/ 2/9 /7G sfngle or Two-fanlily res.idence or structure whose use is accesscry thereto, to be constructed or conducted on any .property within the City, the applicant for the required perm-lt or approval shall file with the City Planner, for review ,. and approval pursuant to the applicable ordiuance, a, site plan 01 the property drawn to a scale of not less than 100 feet to one inch, showing in detail the ~ landscaping, screening and erosion control work co be done on the site. Such, . site plan shall be prepared by a'registered architect, landscape architect, sble to the City.Planner. a plantiag schedule that shall specify the Latin name, common name, caliper, ~ and quantity of all vegetative materials shown on the site plan, together with a time schedule for the doing and completion of all such landscaping, screening, and erosion control, Security. The applicant shall also file with the City Planner security in the form of a performance bond, letter of credit, or cash deposit, as determineaby the City Planner, to ensure that the landscaping, screening, and erosion control work is done pursuant to the site plan and within the time schedule therefor, all as set out in (a) of this Sec. 13, and to ensure that the vegetative materials used in any such landscaping, screening, and erasion contrch work that die within tTco complete growing seasons as below set out in this paragraph (b) are replaced. by the City Planner, but for at least one and one-half times the ainount estimated by the City Planner as the cost of completing the required landscaping, screening, and erosion control measures and not to exceed twice such amount. If a perform- ance bond is used, it shall be with a corporate surety authorized to do business in Minnesota and approved by the City Council. If a Letter of Credit is used, it shall be from a national or BEnnesota state bank approved by the City Council, shhl be unconditional and irrevocable, and shall provide that funds up to the total amount of the Letter of Credit will be paid to the City from time to time, upon written demand of the-City. deposited with and held in escrow by a national or Xinnesota state bank having an office in the City, and a written agreement signed by the applicant and tfie bak shall be delivered to the City 'Planner, whereby the funds in escrow will be paid to the City, from time to time, upon written demand of the City. Wnere such'landscapiug, screening, or erosion control measures do not include . the use of vegetative materials, the security therefor shall be in force uti1 such landscapi-ng, screening, or erosion control measures have been completed 2nd approved by the Building Official. Where such landscaping, screening, or erosion concrol measures do include the use of vegetative materials, the security therefor shall be in force for at least two complete growing seasons subsequeat to the completion and approval of such laadscaping, screening, or erosion control measures by the Building Official. approval shall be issued until the site plan, placting sch'edule, and security . required under this Sec. 13 have been filed with the, City Planner." passage and publication. ORDINAWE NO. 431-A1 GRiTED SECOND READING. Councilman Richards offered the fol- lowing ordinance for Second Reading and moved its adoption: professional site planner, or other person experienced in such work and accept- 1. The applicant also shall file with the Cicy Planner "(b) The security shall be in an amount to be determined If a cash deposit is used, such cash shall be "(c) Plan, Schedule, and Security To Be Filed. No building permit- or Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its -.. ORDINANCE NO. 431-A1 LW ORDINANCE ANENDIMG ORDINANCE NO. 431 TO ELIKINATE LICENS ING OF WATER CONDITIONER INSTALLERS A?!lD TO MEND FSQUIRXMENTS FOR OBTAINING PEK.TS FOR 4 INST&LATIOhTS OF WATER CONDITIONING EQUIPiYENT "HE CITY COlJXCfL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, OKDAINS: Section 1. Part 6 of Ordinance No. 431, entitled "General Requircmgnts for Installing Rater Softening and Piltering Equipment," is hereby repealed. . Sed. 2. Part,7 of Ordkance No. 431 is amended to read as follows: "Part 7. Water Conditioning Equipment Installation Standards aild . Permits. "Sec. 29. Permits; Fee. No water conditioning equipment shall be U .. insta2led or connected to any water pipe or main within the City unless a permit €or such installation or connection has been issued by the Plumbing Inspector'. The fee for each such permit shall: be $10.00. When a permit has Seen issued . €or such an installation or connection, no additional permit shall be required for subsequent inrerchange of.water conditioning equipment or units using the same water pipe connection with.no additional cutting of the water pipe. cant unless that applicant shall then have on file with the City Clerk a bond that is valid and in full force.and effects in .the penal sum of at least $2,000, with a corporate surety approved-by the City Manager, which bond shall be condi- tioned that the applicant shaLl save .the City narinless fron all actions or "Sec. 30. Bond; Exception. No permit shall be issued to any appli- 2 / 9 / 76 ddmagk of any kind arising froin work done pursuant to such perndts issued to the applicant, and that appl:icant will pay all perinit fees and penalties iniposed upon applicant, and will reimburse the City for any expense that it may incur 1.n completing, reconstructing, or repairing any faulty or incomplete work done or to be done by applicant. licensed pursuant to Section 31 hereof, also need not have such bond on €ile with the City Clerk in order to obtain such permit. "Sec. 31. State License; Exception. No permit shall be issued to any applicant unless that applicant shall then have on file with the City Clerk a certified copy of a water conditioner contractor's license issued to applicant by the State of Minnesota, and which license shall then be iil full force and effect. Provided, however, that an applicant not so licensed may do water conditioning work on premises, or that part of premises, owned and actually occupied by aDDlicant as his residence. Provided, however, that an applicant not required to be I -&A- "Sec. 32. Application for Permit. Applications for the permit required bv Section 29 hereof shall be made on forms supplied by the City and shall be d submitted to the Plumbing Inspector, with a copy to the City Clerk. with ' the application, there shall be submitted the following: able detail as the Plumbing Inspector shall require; Together "(a) "(b) "(c) Plans and specifications for the work to be done, in such reason- The fee required by Section 29 hereof; Statement of whether the work is to be done on the residence 6wned and occupied by the applicant. made with copper tubing, shall use only type 'L' copper conforming to A.S.T.M. 'Standard Specifications for Copper Water Tubes,' serial designation B88-55. Three copies of said code of specifications, marked 'Official Copy,' have been filed for use and examination by the public in the office of the City Clerk, and are incorporated into this ordinance by reference to zhe extent reference thereto is made above." its passage and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays and "Sec. 33. Regulations. All connections of water cofiditioning devices, if . Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon ATTEST : I &RIM, rRUCK TRANSMISSION REPLACEPENT APPROVED. Councilwoman Schmidt s notion authorizing expenditure of $8,462 for replacement of the transmission for the 1969 aerial ladder truck was seconded by Councilman Richards and carried. As recommended' by the City Manager, CONDEMNATIOR OF 50TH STREET LIQUOR STORE SITE AUTHORIZED. Council that the City has been unable to reach an agreement for acquisiticn of the parking lot of Lund's grocery store, and recommended that Council authorize condemnation of the property which is needed for public parking in the event that negotiations fail again af a meeting which will be held February 11, 1976. Councilman Richards thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adopt ion : Mr. Dalen advised RESOLUTION 'WHEREAS, it is necessary, advisable, and in the public interest that the City of' Edina acquire land for public parking and liquor store purposes; and IJHEREAS, in order to accomplish such purpose, it is necessary for the City of Edina to acquire the real property known as the parking lot of the Lurid's Super Elarket located in the Southeast quadrant of the intersection of W. 50th Street: and Halifax Avenue in the City of Edina; and TJHEl?EAS, it is necessary and advisable that such acquisition procoed as dili- gently as possible, and that all reasonable effort be made to acquire all such properties by direct negotiation and purchase if possible, and by the use of eminent domain if necessary; ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Edina proceed-to acquire as soon as possible all of the real property above referenced fcr the purposes set uut, such acquisition to be by direcir; negotiation and purchase if possible, and under its right of eminent domain if necessary, and that the City Attorney and the Mayor, Manager and Clerk of the City be and they hereby are instructed and -directed to take all necessary action to acquire"Such properties by dlrcct 'negotiation and purchase if possible; and by the use of the power of eminsnt domain if necessary, .including, in connection with any such eminent domain pro- ceeding, the filing of a11 necessary petitions therefor, and to prosecute all such eminent doinain proceedings to a conclusion or until rtbandoiied, dismissed,. OS terniinated by the City"or by the'Court; th$t the. City Attorney, the Nayor, a Efanager and Clerk do all thkngs necessary to be don; in the acquisition and ~IJP chase of said properties and in the commencement, prosecution, and successful terminatior, of any such eminent domain proceedings. Xotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt ar:d on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. ' * - DATA 100 SECOND ADDITIOX PJIELItlINARY PLAT HEARIPUG DATE SET. that Rauedhorst Corporation has requested that the City review and aijprove Data ZGO Second Addition which plat contains the only part of Edina which is Sorth'of the Crosstown Highway and West of County Road 18 and is a long, narrow 1.7 acre parcel. Mr. Luce explained that the impact of this subdivision is far more important to finneton1:a than to Edina and recommended that Edina agree only to review the final plat and make no subdivision requirements other than those requested by the City of tfinnetonka. coilid receive both preliminary and final approval after review by the Planning ComiGsion. Kmager and Planner explore with the City of Minnetonka the possibiiity of trad-. ing property and settiag Narch 15, 1976, for hearing date oil the plat was sec- onded by Councilman Ri.chards and carried. lk. Lwe advised 3fr. Ericknon pointed out that the plat, As recornended by Mr. Hyde, Councilwoman Schmidt's motion that the PUBLIC INFO?JGITION AIDE (CETA) TO RZSIGilJ. Nr. Hyde advised Couilcil that Roger Downey, the City's Eublic Information Aide under CETA has received an offer of a permanent job with the State Highway Department in Traffic Safety Informatipn at a salary about $200 per month greater than the salary he is receiving from the City under CETA. Xr. Hyde clarified that Mr. Domey would prefer to renain tn the employ of the City if there was a reasonable chance of contiguing at a somevhat higher salary than he is presently receiving. It was generally agreed that Hr. Domey would have a more secure position if he went to the State of Minnesota, even though the City would hate to lose his services. action was talcen. No formal CO3DDSSION AED CO>EfZTTEE APPOIMTMENTS MADE. burg, Councilinan Richards' motion approving the following appointments of com- mission and cornittee members was seconded by Cormcilwoman Schmidt arid carried: Park 3oard (three year term of oLfice) : Plrs. Joan Lonsbury, ani! Efrs. Ihry XcDonalG as zhe Plaiininz Comwission Representative to the Park 30ard for a tern of one year; of office) : Messrs . Kirby Erickson and Mancel 315 tchell; Commission (two year term of office) : Messrs. Paul Nucke, John Telfer azd Tdfrs. Virginia Scott; Planning Comuiss5on (three year tern of office) : Hessrs. William Lewis and David Rcnyan arid Xrs. €€elen 1.cClelland; Boerd of Appeals and Adjustments (one year term of office): alternates),lir. David Runyan (writh all other Planning Commission Xznbzrs as alt- ernates), Xr. Clark filler and Nr. Fred Hauser as alternate member; Bicecteiinial Commission: Nr. Frank Cardarelle, Paul Carter. As recommended by Mayor Vai~ Yallcen- AI- South Eennepin Humai Services Commission (one year term Ermironmental Qudity Councilman Shaw (with all other Council Mznbers as PEOPLE lfAKIWG PROGW DISCUSSED. People &laking progran: and suggested that adIn-ission be charged to defrajr expenses Hayor Van Valkenburg spoke of the excelleat for future programs. SOUTH EEKSEPIR HUMAN SERYICES C@lllffISSION NEETIIJG NOTED. Councilwonan Schmidt advised Council that the South Hennepin Human Services Commission will meet OR February 18, 1976, at 8 p.m. and urged all Council members to attend. She said that the Commission is fairly certain of receiving a $75,OOG grant for a stu6y on mental health. ZOEING GRDINXNCE &W'm>mNT AS TO SIEE YARD SETBACK HEARING DATE SET. As retom- mended by Mr. Luce, Council.woman Schmidt's motion was seconded 5y Councilnan Rich- ards and carried setting Narch 15, 1976, for hearing date for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance on side yard setbacks. RENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAX CONTINUED TO PEBXIl~Y' 23, 1976. Mr. Hyde called Council's attention to a program of rent askistance of the Metropolitan Council under which. plan lower Zncome famil5es and the elderly may apply for federal funds to sub- sidize rent payments to landlords who provide adequate housing to such individuals and families. Xr. Luce t7as requested to obtain a copy of the agreement from another nxnicipality and to find out how the program is working out 5n other muni- cipalities so that the matter can be considered at the next Council meeting. MINNEI-IAHA CREEK W.'i'ERSHED DISTRICC IMPROVEM%NTS IIEARINC, vbich had been continued. from February 9, 1976, was continued- to F-sruary 23 for lack of a voting quorum. - - 2jY /7G 3 r'0RKTOGN CObJTINIiNTAL, APARTNENT RFNTS INCIUMSELi ., Council was advised that the -"rents for the Yorlrtom Continental Apartments hid been increased from $132.66 - to $149.00 for a one bedroom apartment, with prcpor-tionate increases €or larger units. No action was taken. EDINA SUN REPO!XTER INTRODUCED. reporter for the Edina Sun. Nr. Hyde introduced Mrs. Jane Podesta, the new WZLLI,&l M. HOLM SUIT NOTED. Mayor Van Vallcenburg advised that WillitXin M.. 'Holm is suing the City in Conciliation Court relative to an accident which involved tlris matter. I his automobile and an Edina snow plow. Mr. Ericlcson will represent the City in HUNAN RELATIONS COMMISSION/COUNCIL RELATIONSHIP DISCUSSED. In response to a request of Mayor Van Valkenburg, Mr. Melena will obtain information on the feel- ings of the Human RehtiGnS Commission on the relationship of the Councj.1 and the Commission, specifically in response to the letter that the Mayor had sent to the Commission about two months ago. YOUTH ACTION CONTUCT DISCUSSED. Mr. Hyde advised that he had informed Mr. Ed- ward Orenstein that Youth Action would receive no more funds until their contract ,with the City was signed. Lc- COUNCIL/SCHOOL DISTRICT COOPERATION IN LEGISLATIVE MATTERS DISCUSSED. Valkenburg urged that the City and School District cooperate more fully in talc- ing action on legislative matters that affect residents of the City. Mayor Van 3. No. further business appearing, Councilman Richards ' motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. Adjournment at 9 : 35 p .m. ! 1. . ,