HomeMy WebLinkAbout19760405_regular(rrsI 93 b p17 M w *MINUTES OF 7lkl.E REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUN~IL HELD APRIL 5, 1976, AT CITY HALL Answ&ring rollcall were members Richards, Shaw and Courtney who served as Mayor ProqTem in the absence of Mayor Van Valkenburg. MINJTES of March 1 arid 15, 1976, were approved as submitted by morion of Council- man Shaw, seconded by Councilman Richards. Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney .Nays: None Motion carried. U RECOGNITION MADE OF CLARENCE A, GREEN AND 'KENNETH E. MILLIS, SR., UPON RETIREMENT. Being advised by Mr. Hyde of the retirement of Mr. Clarence A. Green and Mr. Ken- neth E. Millis, Sr., Councilman Shaw offered the following resolutions and moved their adopt ion : WEREAS, Clarence A. Green has served the City of Edina as Building Engineer, hav- ing started as an employee at Braemar Arena upon its opening in December, 1965; and WHEREAS, Clarence A. Green has doqe much to maintain and improve the properties of the City of Edina during the years of his employment; and WHEREAS, Clarence A. Green retired from his position as Building Engineer for the City of Edina on March 5, 1976; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby recognize and express its appreciation to CLARENCE A. GREEN for the years during which he worked for the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the pages of the Minutes Book of the City of Edina and that an appropriate copy of this resolution be presented to him upon his retirement from the City of Edina. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION '. . .. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, Kenneth E. Millis, Sr. has been employed as Senior Utility Man of the Edina Park and Recreation Department; and WHEREAS, Kenneth E. Millis, Sr. started his enploy with the City of Edina on June 22, 1959, as a Light Equipment Operator, being promoted to Parkkeeper I1 in 1963 and assuming his present position in 1968; and WHEREAS, over these years Kenneth Millis always performed his tasks in a conscien- tious Iltanner, serving as an outstanding example to the others with whom he worked; and WHEREAS, Kenneth E. Millis, Sr. will be retiring from his position as Senior Utility Man of the Park and Recreation Department of the City of Edina in May, 1976; NOW, THEEiEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby recognize and express its appreciation to KENNETH E. MILLIS, SR. for his able work during his employ with the City of Edina; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the pages of the Minutes Book of the City of Edina and that an appropriate copy of this resolution be presented to him as he retires from his position with the City of Edina. Motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions was seconded by Councilman Rich- ards. - I Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Nays: None Resolutions adopted. EDINA LIONS CLUB THANKED FOR MOBILE CRIME LABORATORY VAN. Hyde that the Edina Lions Club has exhibited its continued interest in civic affairs of the City by the donation of a mobile crime laboratory van, Councilman Shaw offered the following resolution and moved. its adoption: RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, over the years the Edina Lions Club has worked closely with officials of the City of Edina, offering their cooperation in any way in which it has been needed; and WHEREAS, the Edina Lions Club in the past has donated a Showmobile to the Park and Recreation Department, enabling entertainment to be brought to various parks and gathering places throughout the City; and WHEREAS, the Edina Lions Club has now presented E new Mobile Crime Laboratory Van to the Edina Police Department; and WHEREAS, this van is equipped with a 3@UO-watt generator to power portable flood lights and will house police emergFncy equipment and crine scene search and evldenc e collect ion mater $.a Is ; and Being advised by Mr. .. 4/5/76 fJIIEREAS, the delivery of the van coincides with 1 advanced evidence collection .train- ing being offered by the Minnesota Bureau of Crimtnal Apprehension in which several Edina Police of€icers will participate; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby express its heartfelt appreciation and grateful thanks to the for its cooperation with the officials of Edina over the years and for its generous-contribution of the Nobile Crime Laborqtory Van which will again increase Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards. * EDINA LIONS CLUB . , the capability of the City to serve the community. . I. ,. - Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney V I Nays: - None Resolution-adopted. RECEIPT OF STATE OF MINNESOTA CERTIFICATE 0F.COMPLIANCE NOTED. Council that the City has been certified by the Department of Human Rights, State Elr. Hyde advised of Minnesota, to be in compliance with all the requirements of the State laws pertaining to Equal Opportunity Employment for a term which shall extend for a one year term beginning March 15, 1976. No action was taken. SELECTIVE SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION AWARDED TO CITY. Council that the City of Edina has received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Mr. Hyde advised Selective Service System in grateful recognition of valuable service contributed to.the Nation and the Selective Service System as an employer of individuals. enrolled in the Reconciliation Service Program under the provisions of Presidential Proclamation No. 4313 dated September 16, 1974. No action was taken. COUNTY ROAD 18/VALLEY VIEW ROAD INTERCHANGE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND MAINTEN- ANCE AGREEMENT NITH HENNEPTN COUNTY APPROVED. to a letter from Mr. Herbert 0. Klossner, Chief Engineer for the Hennepin County Highway Department, in reply to Mr. Rosland's letter of Narch 3, 1976, regarding a bikeway within the construction limits along the frontage road from Valley View Road to Braemar Park. The letter recalled that on April 29, 1975, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners approved a Bikeway Division of Cost Policy that permitted 50% County cost participation in any remaining local costs (after deducting any federal or state participation) for a Class I bikepath. The letter indicated that the Department of Public Works will recoimnend to the County Board of Commissioners that Helznepin County participate 50% in the remaining local cost of the bikepath along the Frontage Road from Valley View Road to the Braemar area parking lot and agreed that construction of this bikepath be after the interchange project is completed and be constructed by City force clarified that the County only pays half of the cost, even if the City receives any grants toward the cost of the path. was told that the cul-de-sac on Valley View Road will be constructed after the Tntercfiange is completed and traffic patterns can be studied. it is now proposed to let the contract for the project in August of this year and to close Valley View about a year from that date. offered the followhg resolution and moved its adoption: VEIXREAS, plans for Hennepin County Project No. 6914 showing proposed alignment, profiles, grades and cross sections, together with specifications and special provisions for the construction of County State Aid Highway No. 18 within the lin?its of Lhe City as a State Aid Project have been prepared and presented *to the City; NOT?, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that said plans, specifications, and special pro- visions"be in all things approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Nayor and City Nanager be and hereby are author- ized to execute said agreement. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards. Mr. Hyde called.Council's attention I . or City contract. Dr. Roger Christgau of Indiar,.Hills Pass It vas Mr. Klossner said Councilman Shaw thereupon RESOLUTION Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Nayes: None Resolution adopted. CONTRACT AWARDED FOR VARIOUS STREET SURFACING IMPROVE?lENTS. Mr. Hyde presented tabulation of nine bids received in response to Advertisement for Bids in the Edina Sun and Construction Bulletin. Tabulation for Street Improvements XOS. EA- 212, EA-215, BA-202, BA-206, BA-208 and BA-216 showed Riegger Roadways, Inc., low -_ bidder at $87,457.40; Minnesota Valley Surfacing, $57,763.00; Bury axid Carlson, Inc., $90,574.83; McNamara Vivant Contracting Co. , $96,545.57; Bituminous Road- ways, $98,668.35 and Northwest Bituminous Co., $107,013.65, against Engineer's estimate of $118,848.60. Mr. Dunn said that he would talk to Mr. William G. XcFadzeaa on the cost of BA-212,but that inasmuch as the bids are very good, he forsees 110 problem. Riegger Rcadways, Inc., was then seconded by Councilman Richards. Councilman Shaw's motion for award to recommended 'low bidder, 4/5/76 - . Ayes :- 'Richards, Slim, Courtney Nays: $lone & Motion carried. PUMPER FIXE TRUCK AND ANBULANCE BIDS APPROVED. ing of March 1, 1976, Council had rejected all bids for the pumper fire truck on the advice of the City Attorney. total of $80,475, and C. F. Coyer bidding $2,878 for options only. recalled also that at the meeting of March 15, 1976, the only bid for the van type ambulance had been submitted by Dennis Distributors, Inc. for $29,955, *and that Council had continued action to enable Chief Buresh additional time to review the bid. Fire Chief Buresh explained the need for both pieces of equipment and clarified that the wide body and chassis of the ambulance is needed to treat victims while being transported to the hospital. unappropriated federal money is available for the purchase of the equipment and that members of the Junior Federated Women's Club, Edina Jaycees and the Edina West Soccer Team are planning fund-raising projects for equipment for the ambulance. Councilman Richards' motion was then seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried that the bid for the pumper fire truck be awarded to General Safety at a cost of $80,475 and the bid for the ambulance be awarded to Dennis Distributors, Inc., at a cost of $29,955. Mr, Hyde recalled that at the meet- Tabulation of new bids showed General Safety -submitting a bid for the basic pumper of $77,930, with $2,545 in options, for a Mr. Hyde Council was advised that PAX DEPARTMENT ONE TON TRUCK PURCHASE APPROVED. sented for a one ton, 4-wheel drive truck to be used by the Park Department. Tabulation showed North Star Dodge low bidder at $9,052, including options, with Tabulation of two bids was pre- . Superior Ford bidding $11,430, including options. Councilman Richards' motion €or award to recommended low bidder, North Star Dodge, at $9,052, was seconded by Councilman Shaw. Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried, GOLF COURSE CARS BID AWARDED. in response to Advertisement for Bids in the Construction Bulletin and the Edina Sun. Tabulation showed Stegner Golf Cars at $10,170.00, Egeberg Cycle Company, Inc., at $8;370.00, American Continental, Inc., at $8,088.00, and Cushman Motor Company, at $8,544.00 for six golf cars. Egeberg Cycle Company, Inc., and . -Amer%can Continental, Inc., not meet5cg specifications, Councilman Richards' . motion awarding bid to recommended low bidder, Cushman Motor Company, Inc., was seconded by Councilman Shaw. Mr. Hyde presented tabulation of four bids received , I Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. . HEAKING DATE SET FOR APPEAL OF BOAR13 OF APPEALS AND A3JUSTMENTS DECISION. Council's attention was called to a letter from Mr. David A. Austin, 5017 Bedford Ave., requesting a hearing before Council on a variance granted by the Board of Appeals and Adjustments for 5013 Bedford Ave., hearing date for April 19, 1976, was seconded by Councilman Richards. Councilman Shav's motion setting Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. HEARING DATES SET FOR VARIOUS PLANNING MATTERS. As recommended by PIr. Luce, Councilman Shaw's motion setting April 1.9, 1976, for the following hearings . was seconded by Councilman Richards: Preliminary Plats: East of the Schuster property and West of Delaney Blvd. and Cahill Road; and Bri-Mar Corporation Registered Land Survey - Generally located North of W. 51st St., South of W. 50th St., and East of Halifax Ave. Rezoning: Petition of Mr. Mark Nelson for rezoning Plat 61060, Parcel 5000 (4536 France Ave. S.) from R-1 Single Family Residence District to C-2 Commercial District Ordinance Aneiidments: Ordinance No. 811473 - Permitting Certain Additions to Financing Agreements Buchanan Addition - Generally located South of Dewey Hill Road, - Non-conforming Single Family Dwellings; and Ordinance No. 801-All - Subdivision - Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney .. Nays.: None Motion . BENNEPIN COUNTY TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM STUDY DUFT FINAL REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS WE. the Hennepin County Transportation System Study which addressed transportation .- Council's attention was called to a memo from Mr. Ijoffman relative to 4/5/76 7 issues with major emphasis on existing aiid future roadway systems which have County (lletropplitan) significance. major issues gnvolved County participation in transit services, sidewalks and bike- paths. Mr. Dunn recommended that .Council indicate its concerns and' copnenes cn the study to Hennepin County as recomnknded by the Planning Commission. some discussion, Councilman Shaw offered the following resolution granting concept -rovztl, with the understanding that any specific action must come back for Mr . ~ Hoffman's memo also indicated that 'other FGllowing Council approval and moved its adoption: RE s OLUTIO~ . " -* WHEREAS, .the Hennepiii County Department of Public Works has conducted *a Hennepin County Transportation System Study and produced a Draft Final Rcport;'and ' ' . WHEREAS, the Draft Final Report is a guide for the futulre roadwzy system undkr - County 'jurisdiction and contains recommendations ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Edina hereby transmits the - System Study Draft Final Report and will consider acceptance of the report fol- lowing consideration of the concerns and comments by Hennepin County:' 1. .following concerns and comments regarding the Hennepin County Transportation Although not a local issue identified, the report has added West 50th Street betwen Highway 100 and France Avenue to the list of recommended jurisdictional changes (from City to County, Page 1-24). Although this would seem to be consistent wit5 the overall plan, it is recommended that the City retain control of the street. West 50th Street is being changed in the 5.0th and France area to reflect a more local character which is more easily maintained under City jurisdiction. The report indicates a recommended year 2000 roadway network that includes Lincoln Drive extending North of Nine Mile Creek (Figure 1-16). issue has been resolved by the City and should be removed from the County * report to prevent transportation planning from being influenced by a never- to-be built roadway. .e" 2. This . Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman RichFrds. _. Rollcall : Ayes: Echards, Shaw, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. . AMERICAN LEGION POST 471 ON-SALE BEER LICENSE APPROVED. Councilman Richards'" motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw approving issuance7Z3anun;S;alei.c- ense for American Legion Post 471 until July 12, 1976. A.RCEIITECT TO BE RETAINED FOR AMERICAN LEGION POST SITE. Mr. Hyde recalled that the City will be taking possession of the American Legion Post 471 site on Zuly 12, 1976, and recornended retaining an architect to draw up plans and recomenda- thns on the use of the prbperty by leveling the building and grading the site, along with plans for a public entrance to the Police Department from the South. In response to a question of Councilman Richards, Iiir. Rosland advised that-the J-mior Federation of TJomen's Clubs will be completing their study on the avail- ability of community meeting rooms after they finish the Yankee Doodle Dinner. Councilman Shaw's motion authorizing the City Manager to retain an architect to ads. I I llotion carried. ' lore - v con cilm;ln Ri &= Dlans €or tm -post i site Tqas sec-&& h Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Nays: None . :* 4 Hot ion carried. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS NOTED FOR KRAHL HILL. Mr. Erickson referred to Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Order for Judgment in which the Court found that the plaintiffs were entitled to have the Krahl Hill property rezoned in accordance with their application. 'He clarified that, if requested, the City must now grant preliminary approval to the PRD development proposed for Krahl Hill, but that the Council need not act until requested to do so. No act- ion was taken. KRAHL HILL*CONDEMNATION DISCUSSED; Hr. Erickson recalled that the Court had delayed entering its order appointing condemnatioq comm2ssioners and allowing the condemnation to proceed because the Gittleman and Krahl interests had asked for an opportunity to contest'the validity of the taking. briefs and that a copy of their brief should be received by April 6, 1976. Erickson stated that he understands that the argument will be made that .the City should be forced now to commit whether or not to buy the property .because rhe bond issue is less than the claimed value of the property. that the City do nothing further at this time in regard to the zoning matter and proceed with the condemnation of the property and brief the argument relative-'to whether the City sliould bdrequired*now to commit wheqher or not to brty ,the pro- perty. CONF'REKENSIVE PLAN AIINDMFXT HEARING DATE SET- He clarified that that contest will assume the form of writter: Mr. Mr* Erickson recommended If the Court does not require the City now to commit to buy the property, 4/5/76 chen he recommended that the City should proceed with the condemnatior, to daterniine the value of the property. Mx. Erickson added that, now that a decision of the Court has been-received on the zoning issue, the City will be meeting with its appraiser to determine the value of the property. then recalled that the City has been enjoined in connection with the Krahl Hill zoning matter from amending its Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the factors restricting density. He explained that the injunction is now lifted because the Krahl case has been decided and recommended that the City proceed to amend its Comprehensive Plan to incorporate all changes including and especially incorp- orating che density decreasing factors that the Council previously approved. How- ever, he explained that the density decreasing factors cannot be applied to*Krahl Hill. Mr.' Erickson said that, inasmuch as the condemnation has been -authorized and the City has presented evidence to the Court of the authority given by the Council to condemn the Krahl property, that only a decision on the question now being briefed is delaying the order appointing commissioners and proceeding with evidence on the value of the property. Mr. Erickson clarified that if the City commences condemnation, it can drop that condemnation at any time prior to the expiration of the forty day appeal period from the Commissioner's award. response to the allegation of Mr. C. J. Bodine, 6141 Arctic Way, President of the Viking Hills Association, that the defense of the condemnation proceedings was inadequate, Mr. Hyde and Mr. Erickson recalled that residents of the Viking Hills area had been asked'to participate in the court case but had not responded to the City's request. Mr. Bodine said that he believed that there shoclld be City-wide participation in the cost of the acquisition of Krahl Hill, but that if all else fails, area residents might be interested in financial contributions to the pro- blem. (General discussion ensued on the suggestion that the Council should defer . decisions on zoning and other like matters to a meeting subsequent to the hearing rather than making a decision at the time of a hearing, so that the attorney could prepare Pindings of Pact for Council to study before a decision is made.) Robert Hansen, owner of property Wesk action as quickly as possible so that he could proceed with the development of his property. In response to a question of Mr. Bodine, Mr. Erickson said that he would not now recommend appealing the case to the Supreme Court. Mr. Bodine was assured that every effort would be made to keep residents and Mr. Hansen informed on developments in the matter. Councilman Richards' motion was then seconded by Councilman Shaw that a hearing on the City's Comprehensive Plan be conducted on ----- May 3, 1976. Mr. Ericlcson In Mr. of Viking Hills, urged that Council take Ayes : Richards , Shaw, Courtney ~~ Nays: Nbne . Motion carried. BDARR OF REVIEW MEETING DATE SET. Councilman Richards' motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw that the first meeting of the Board of Review be set for June 8, 1976, from 4:OO p.m. to 6:OO p.m., with additional meetings, if such be necessary, to be conducted at 7:OO p.m. on June 10, 14 and 15, 1976. Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Nays: None - $tot ion carried . REVENUE SHARING WORKSHOP NOTED. on General Federal Revenue Sharing which is to be held on April 12, 1976, at Hennepin Southdale Service Center. HANDICAPPED PARKING ORDINANCE CONTINUED TO APRIL 19, 1976. Councilman Shaw's motion was seconded by Colrncilman Richards that an ordinance proposed on parking for the handicapped be referred to the City Attorney for drafting. . Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Mr. Hyde called Council's attention to a workshop The City will be represented. Nays: None Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 901-A6 (TEMPORARY BEER LICENSES) CONTINUED TO APRIL 19, 1976. Ordinance No. 901-A6 which would provide for temporary On-sale Beer Licenses was presented for First Reading. Following discussion of restrictions whfch might 1imit.the number of possible applicants, Councilman Shaw's motion was seconded - revisions could be made by the City Attorney. ~ Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney : Nays: None 7 Councilman =chards that the ordinance he continued to April 19, 1976, so that Carried . TAX PORF'EITED LANDS DECLARED "NON-CONSERVATION AND FOR SALE"; SOMF TO BE ACQUImD - .BY CITY. -listed thereon. moved its adoption: Mr. Hyde presented Hennepin County Land Commissioner's List No. 650-C . of Tax Forfeited Lands together with the recommendation that the CTty acquire Councilman Shaw then offered the following resolution and 4/5/76 .RES GLUTION TfiEREAS. the City Council of the City of Gdiria has received froin the 'County of Hennepin a list bf lands in said municipality vhich became the property of the State of Minnesota for-non-payment of 1967 real estate taxes, which said list has been designated as Classification List No. 650-C; and WHEREAS, each parcel of larrd described in said list has heretofore been classi- fied by the Board of County Commissioners 02 Hennepin County, Minnesota as non- conservation land and the sale thereof has heretofore Seen authorized by said Gaard of County Commissioners : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by saYd City Council, acting pursuant to Minnesota Statute 282, .that the said classification by said Board of County Commissioners o of each parcel of land described in said list 2s non-conservation land be and.the same is hereby approved, and that the sale of each such parcel o€ land be and the same is hereby approved. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards. Rollcall : Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. Councilman Shax thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the City Attorney-be authorized and directed to file "Application by Governmental Subdivision for Convey- ance of Tax Forfeited Lands", for the following described property contained in Hennepin County Auditor's List "650-C", said property to be used by the City of Edina as herehafter set forth: Outlot 1, Mirror Lake Terrace - For Storm Drainage Purposes I. .1 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Cow-cilman Richards. -. I. Rollcall: Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. HJWRING DATE SET FOR VAXIOUS IMPROVENENTS. Richards offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: As recommended by Mr. Dmn, Councihan BESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS .' The City Zngineer, having submitted tu the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed improvements described in the form of Notice'of Hear- ing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the ofzice of the City Clerk. 2, City Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons fnterested in said improvements. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of saPd meeting, and to mail notice to all affected pro- perties in substantially the following form: This Council shall meet on Monday, April 19, 1976, at 7:OO p.m. in the 'Edina - (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA HEWEPIN COUNTY, MIXNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT KO P-BA-220, TRAFFIC SIGNALS IMPROVEMENT NO. P-TS-I, CONCRETE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. P-S-19, STORM SETGR IMYROVEHENT NO. P-ST. S-150 EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the Edina City Hall on Monday, April 19, 1976,- at 7:OO p.m., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Efinnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. cost of said improvements are estimated by the City as set forth be1057: 1. CONSTRUCTION OF PERElANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING: The approximate ESTIMATED COST * A. IEPRCIVEMENT NO. P-BA-220 319,589.87 W. 69th STreet from Prance Ave. to Xerxes - Avenue '. . 2. .CONSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS IN THE FOLLOWING: A. IMPRO'VEXENT NO. P-TS-1 -- $ 77,168.00 I -* 3. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRBTE SIDEW-ALK IN TllE ' FQLLOIJING : A. THPROVEPfENT NO. P-S-19 ~ $ 14,610.28 -. .- South side W. 69th Street from,France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue 4. CONSTRUCTION OF STOM SEWER IWROVEMENT IN THE FOLLOWING: I- A.. IMPROVEMENT NO. P-ST.S-150 I $ 5,874.33 Back lot lines Block 3, Viking Hills 2nd Addition, .. ' and Block 1, Viking Hills 3rd-AdditionY Arctic Way I . to 300' East * 'The area proposed to be assessed €or the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter under 1 (A) above (Improvement No. P-BA- 220) includes Tracts B and H and Parcels 3610, 6450 and 6460, Registered Land Survey 629; Tracts A and D,.Registered Land Survey 1171; Tracts A and B, Reg- istered Land Survey 1366; and Tract A, Registered Land Survey 1233. The cost of the proposed Traffic Signals under 2 (A) above (Improvement No. P-TS-1) .. and the cost of the proposed Concrete Sidewalk under 3 (A) above (Improvement No. P-S-19) will be paid from Municipal Gas Tax funds with no assessment levied. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer under 4 (A) above (Improvement No. P-ST.S-150) includes Lots 1 through 8, inclusive, Block 3, Viking Hills 2nd Addition and Lots 1 through 8, inclusive, Block 1, Viking Hills 3rd Addition. Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw. Rollcall : Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. BIDS TO BE TAKEN FOR NUMEROUS IMPROVEMENTS. As recommended by Mr. Dunn, Council- man Richards offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS .FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND FOR NUMEROUS IMPROVEMENTS . DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS , BE IT ESSOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: I. The plans and specifications for the proposed improvements set fQrth in the rollowing Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Clerk are hereby approved. 2' letin the following notice for bids for improvements: The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Edina Sun and Construction Bul- (Official Publication) I-fENNEPIN COliNTY , MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY OF EDSNA ., SANITARY SDJER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. SS-317, SS-326, SS-327, SS-330, SS-331 STORM SEWER IMPROVEHENTS NOS. ST i S-I46 , ST. S-147 , ST. S-I48 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. WM-270, WM-297 , WM-30 1, WM-302 , and WM-303 GRAVELING IMPROVEMENTS :?OS. C-118, C-120, (3-121 CONTRACT' 76-3 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, at 11:OO a.m., Friday, April 30, 1976, and the Edina City Council will meet at 7:OO p.m. on Monday, May 3, 1976, to consider said bids for construction of Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, Water Main and Graveling. The following are approximate quantities of major items: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 317, 326, 327, 330 AND 331 2070 L/F, 5" V.C.P., D.I.P. and P.V.C. Pipe 15 Standard Manholes STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. ST.S-146, 147 AND 148 WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. WM-270, WM-297, WM-301, WM-302 AND PDf-303 GRAVELISG IMPROVEMENTS NOS. C-118, C-120 AND C-121- 1500 L/F, 12", 15", 21" R.C.P. and C.M.P. Pipe and Appurtenances 4850 L/F, 6 and 12" D.I.P. 2000 Tons, Class 4 Gravel 2500 Tons, Class 5 Gravel Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota, 55424, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 4/5/76 5 Work must be done as described in plans and specifications of the City Clerk. Plans and specifications are availablh on fila in the office for a deposit of $25'.00. (by check). Said deposit to be returned upon return of the plans and specifica- tions with a bona fide bid. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accam- panied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the City Clerk .in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid. reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 3Y ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. The Council. Florence B. Hallberg 1- City Clerk .I 0 Hotion €or adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw. Rollcall : ! Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. PURCHASE OF TEE-GREEN AERIFIER APPROVED. memorqndm from Mr. Melena recorneliding purchase of a Tee-Green Aerifier made by Tor0 Manufacturing Co. at a cost of $1,540.00. facturing Co. makes this item, Councilman Richards' motion was seconded by.Comci1- man Shaw for purchase of the Tee-Green Aerifier at a cost of $1,540.00. Mr. Hyde called Council's attention to a Being advised that only Tor0 Manu- . Ayes : Richards , Shaw , Courtney Rays: None Motion carried. .. TW TRUCKSTER PURCHASE CONTINUED TO APRIL 19, 1976, by motion of Cocncilman ShaW, seconded by Councilman Richards. Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney .. Nays: None Motion carried. -. GOLF TMCTOR PURCHASE APPROVED. ion to purchase a Wheel Horse tractor from Rental Equipment and Sales Companv in the amount of $1,646.00 was seconded by Councilman Richards. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Shaw's mot- Ayes : Richards , Shaw , Courtney Nap: None Motion carried. :. ' .I GOLF CAR BATTERY BIDS AWARDED. Mr. Hyde presented tabulation of five bids f<p 71 golf car batteries for Braemar Golf Course showing National Battery Sales Company low bidder at $30.85, with a $2.00 trad-in on each used battery. notion awarding to Nation2.l Battery Sales Company for a total cost of $2,190.35 Councilman Shaw's was seconded by Councilman Richards. Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney - Nayes: None Motion carried. P ACQTJ~~SITIOE OF HUME PROPERTY ~ppp.0~~~. Hume property, located at 6617 NcCauley Trail has been appraised at $224,000 and that the Humes have agreet to make a contribution of $64,000 to the City SO that the total cost to Edina will be $160,000. Mr. Dalen recommended that the Humes be designated as caretakers of the property for not more than three years, that the property be insxred by Edina during that tine, and that the City would pay half of the appraisal fee. Following discussion, Councilman Shaw' offered the following resolution for purchase of the property under conditions recamended by Mr. Dalen ad moved its adoption: BE IT P3SOLVED that the City of Edina acquire the John N. Hme property at 6617 McCauley Trail, described as Outlot B, Indian Hills Arrowhead Addition, for the sum of $164,000 to be paid in cash and on such other terms and conditions as the Mayor and Manager shall deem acceptable; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Edina accepts the generous gift of the Humes in the amount of S64,000, being the difference between the market value of the property being acquired by the City from the Humes and said purchase price of $160,000, with the Humes'being caretakers of the property for a maximum of three years from the date of closing of the purchase, that the property be. . insured by the City and that the City will pay one-half of the appraisal fee. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards. Rollcall : Mr. Dalen advised Council that the John N. . - . RESOLUTION Ayes 2 Richards, Shaw , Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. BIDS AiJPJIEED ON VARIOUS ENGINEERING D'EPARTHENT ITEMS. presented as follows for various Engineering Department itenis : Tabulations of Eids w$re One Half-ton. Pickup - : 4/5/76 i Northstar Dodge lob7 bidder at $3,971.25; Iten Chevrolet, $4,048.00; Superior Pord, $4,149 .OO;. Southdale Pord, $4,159.50; T~JO Underbody Scrapers: Mr,Elullen Company, ment Co., $4,590.00; Two One Way Snow Plows: Little Falls Machine, Inc., low bidder at $1,075.00 each; Olsen 61 Sons, Inc., $1,381.00; Itasca Equipment Co., $1,520.00; MacQueen Equipment, Inc., $1,660.00; Two SandersL Chas. Olson & Sons., Inc*, low bidders at $647.00 each; Hall Equipment, Inc., $1,102.00; 9 Cross Walk Stripe12 Prismo Corporation, low bidder at $1,378.00; Kelly-Creswell, $1,5L5.00, $1-B Corp., $1,789.75. Councilman Richards’ motion for award to recom- mended low bidder in all cases was seconded by Councilman Shaw. -low bidder at. $1,595.00 each; Chas. Olson h Sons, IEC., $3,026.70; Itasca Equip- \ Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. * 1975 ASSESSED VALUES REVISED FOR CITY. Mr. Hyde advised Council that the County had made errors in the assessed values of 14 Edina properties for the year 1975, W W -- which means that the City will collect $48,533 less than it had levied-for. Mr.. Dalen explained that the money could be collected next year so that there would be no monetary loss if the City has not exceeded its levy limits. No action was taken . PURCHASE OF PLEXIGLAS APPROVED FOR BRAEMAR ARENA. Mr. Rosland advised that he had inspected the Plexiglas being offered for sale by Providence, R.I. land said that, whlle there are some scratches on the plexiglas, he believes that they are a good buy and recornended that the City offer $10,000 for the plexi- glas, plus an additional $1,300 to $1,500 for freight. Edina Hockey Association had offered‘to pay $6,000 toward the cost. Richards’ motion authorizing the City to pay up to $10,000 for the Plexiglas, with the understanding that the Hockey Association pay half of.the total cost was seconded by Councilman Shaw. Mr. ROS- He recalled that the Councilman Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. . FENCING APPROVED FOR BALL PARKS. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, Councilman Shaw’s motion was seconded by Councilman Richards authorizing award of bid for fencing at Creek Valley Park and Cornelia Park to recommended low bidder, Crown I Iron Works, at&,718.00. Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Keystone Fence Co. lqas high bidder at $7,470.34. Nays: None - Motion carried. ,PURCHASE OF HOSER. PROPERTY DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland recalled that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hosek would like to sell their property at 5609 Dewey Hill Road to the City because the property is adjacent to the Madson property which has been acquired for park purposes. plus an additional $8,000 for moving costs, or a total cost to the City of $62,000. Following discussicn authorizing Mr. Rosland to offer the Hoseks $46,000 for their property. He said that the Eoseks are asking $54,000 for the property, Councilman Shaw’s motion was seconded by Councilman ,Eichards ’ Ayes: Richards, Shaw, Courtney Naye: None Motion carried. FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMENDED ON ANNUAL REPORT. Councilman Shaw offered his congratu- lations to the Fire Department for its excellent Annual Report. SECURITY BUILDINGS DISCUSSED AS TO E$BRGENCIES. had been called”re1ative to the problem which exists when there is an emergency in a security apartment building in cases where help is not able to gain access to the apartment. the City look into this problem and that a study will be made. taken . MORNINGSIDE IMPROVEI?IENTS DISCUSSED. Councilman Richards said that he had received a telephohe call relative to the Morningside improvements md asked the status of the improvements at this time. Mr. Hyde said that he does not anticipate receipt of any additional federal funding. Councilman Richards said that he Mr. Hyde said that the Fire Department has also requested that No action was No action was taken. KTCA RADIO PROGRAM TO BE INVESTIGATED. aprogramwhich she heard today on KTCA in which two university professors were making derogatory reinarks about Edina, which were supposedly based on a survey of Junior and Senior High School students. that the presentation was one-sided and that some official response should be made. Mr. Hyde said that he would get a tape of the program and take some action in regard to the matter. Mrs. Helen McClelland advised Council of Mrs. McClelland said that she believed 4/5/76 CLAIMS PAID. ment of the following Claiw. as per Pre-List: General Funds, $101,997.23; Park Funds, $12,232.30; Pzrlc Construction, $438.90; Swimming Pool, $16.25; Golf, $5,369.17; Recreation, $8,143.81; Gun, $383.75; Water Works, $13,307.92; Se~;ler, $55,476.98, Liquor, $214,543.14; Improvement Bond Redemption, $7,017.50; Total, $433,926.95. Motion of Councilman Shaw was seconded by' Councilinan Courtney For pay- . Ayes : Richards, Shaw, Courtney. .. Nays: None lfotion carried. I No further business appearing, Councilman Shaw 's motion for adjournment wqs' secinded. by Councilman Richards and carried. . Adjournment at 9:50 p.m. : d. 7L&a 8 City Clerk : 4; . t '. . .. -i I.