HomeMy WebLinkAbout19760816_regularMIMUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AUGUST 16, 1976, 7:OO P.M. AT CITY HALL Answering rollcall were members Tdchards as Mayor Pro Tern in the absence of Ma'yor Van Vallcenburg. arrived at 9:SO p.m. Schmidt , Shaw and Courtney vho served Mayor Van Valkenburg Councilman Courtn'ey continued to preside. MINUTES oE August 2, 1976, were approved as presented by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. . Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw Nays: None Mot ion carried. RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE ADOPTED. tions and moved their adoption: Councflman Shaw offered the following resolu- RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE MRS. PAUL FOSS WHEREAS, Mrs. Paul (Margaret) Foss was an active and talented artist; and IJHEREAS, Mrs. Foss was supportive and instrumental in developing community art in Edina, as shown through her efforts in establishing the Manamore Art Center; and WHEREAS, Mrs. FOSS, through her own inspiration and talent, designed several Edina residences, furthering the high standards traditional to Edina's homes; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Foss passed away on. August 3, 1976, following a long illness; and WJIEREAS, Mrs. Foss was a resident of the City of Edina from 1947 to 1968; and WHEWAS, Mrs. Foss was very supportive of her husband, Paul, who was a member of the Edina Park Board and active in many phases of Edina City Government; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Edixa Council does hereby express its deepest sympathy to the family of AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City appreciates and gratefully accepts the designation of memorial fQnds to the future art center; and BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER that copies of this resolution be presented to Mr. Pad Foss and to her daughters, Mrs . Christopher Dah1 and Mrs. Robert Liplce. MRS. PAUL FOSS RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE MRS. HOWARD R. NICHOLS F4J3EREAS, Mrs. Howard R. (Elaine F.) Nichols was a resident of the Cit.y of Edina since 1939; and TJHEREAS, during these years, Xrs. Nichols, who was fondly known as Tede to her many friends, served her community as a charter member and a past President of the Edina League of Women Voters; and 'WHEPaAS, Mrs. Nichols devoted many years to Girl Scout activities in Edina, being the organizing leader of a troup of Brownies and continuing as the leader of that troup until the girls graduated from high school; and FTKEREAS, lks. Nichols, as a member of the Minnesota Artist's Association, was well knom and admired in Edina art circles; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Nichols had been an active member of The Church of St. Stephen the MaEtyr; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Nichols' vitality and enthusiasm in her many and varied interests endeared her to all with whom she was associated over the years; and SJHEREAS, Mrs. Nichols pa.ssed away on August 3, 1976, following a long illness: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT EESOLVXD thzt the Edina City Council does hereby express its deepest sympathy to the family of MRS. HOWARD R. NICHOLS AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy 03 this resolution be spread upon the pages of the Minutes Book ofthe Cityof Edina and that appropriate copies be given to Mr. Howard R. Nichols, to her daughter, Mrs. Jack Wilferd, and to her son, Mr, Terry L. Nichols. Motion for adoption of the resolutions was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and unanimously carried. RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS OFFERED. resolution and moved its adoption : Councilman Shaw offered the following - RESOLUTION OF COWGRATliJAT IONS WHEREAS. during the 1976 Edina Men's Slo-Pitch Softball Season, seventeen emp- v loyees of Edina Independent School District #273 Men's Industrial. Softball Team, sponsored by General Sports, under the able direction of Player-Coach Dave Wood, have continued to esemplify the highest goals of good sportsmanship and ouf.st:and- ing proficiency; and WHEREAS, the team efforts have been rewarded by going undefeated all season, fin- ishing first in the Thursday Industrial League, first in the Edina Industrial Playoffs, and by being the first Edina Men's Softball Team to win the Industrial State Tournament; and WHEREAS, during this past softball season, these gentlemen have represented Edina in the highest manner; 8/16/76 NOV, THEIW?ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council that the outstanding accompiisliments of the Edina General Sports Softball Team deserve the sincere gratitude of the citizenry of Edina for the exemplary manner in which the team has conducted itself and for the great credit the team has brought to the cormnun- ity; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that appropriate cop"ls of this resolution be presented to Steve Kagol, Steve Erdal, Bart Larson, Eob Haddorff, Bud Bjerkken, Jim Luther, Jim Berger, Howard Busse, Ron Larsen, Jim Goriiiclc, Ron Behning, Dale Vagts, Ted Robs, John Thorkelson, Roger Peterson, Jim Norman and to Player-Coach Dave Wood. unanimously carried. < Notion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards and \ PUBLIC HEARINGS CONDUCTED ON VARIOUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Cle.rlc, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, to due notice given, public hearings were conducted and action taken as herein- after recorded. Pursuant A. STOW SEWER I;?IPROVEMENT NO. P-ST.S-151 IN THE FOLLOI~JING: Easement line along the South line of Lot 1, Block 3, The Heights 5th Addition and North along the West line of said Lot 1, from the S.W. Corner, a dis- distance of 50' $. $!r. Dunn recalled that this hearing had been continued from. July 19 and June 21, 1976, so that the Engineer could check al.tkrnates to the problem. mended that the improvenent be abandoned at this time and brought up again next spring after he has.had the opportunity to observe conditions during the.spring thaw. had submitted attesting to the flooding conditions, and said that he did not want to have to contend with flooding conditions for another year. Mr. Fred Yager, the Elliott's son-in-law, recalled that neighbors had indicated that the flooding assured by kk. Hyde that if his lot should be flooded next spring, the City would pump the water into the street. Schmidt's motion'abandoning the improvement at this time and that a new 'nearing be held next spring if the problem persist's was seconded by Councilman Richards. ' He then recom- Mr. James H. Elliott, 5705 Lois Laile, referred to letters which neighbors I conditions had never e-xisted before the pool was constructed. Mr. Elliott was . '_ No further discussion being heard, Councilwoman - Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw Nays: None Mot ion carried. .u. . 5. STREET IHPROVENENT NO. P-BA-220 IN THE FOLLOWING: I?. 69th .St. from France Ave. to Xerxes Ave. South side West 69th Street from France Avenue to Xerxes Ave. C. SIIIE9ALK IMPRO\3i?ENT NO. P-S-i9 IN THE FOLLO\?JliUG: Xecalling that there will be construction on France Avenue this coming year, Nr. Dunn recommended that Street Improvement 80. P-BA-220 and Sidewalk Improvement No. S-19 be abandoned at this time and brought to hearing again next smmer. Comcil- man Richards and moved that both P-BA-220 and S-19 be continued to September 20, 1976, so that the overall plan for the area could be subinZtted for Council consideration. was seconded by Councilman Shaw. recalled that the sidewalk had been requested as a safety measure Mation Ayes : Courtney , Richards, Schmidt , Shaw D. TIiAFPIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENT NO. P-TS-1 IN THE FOLLOXII?G: I?. 69th Street at York Avenue Mr. Dunn. recalled that Traffic Signal Improvement No. P-TS-1 had been continued, along with the improvements listed under B and C above, from the original hearing on April 19, 1976, and recommended that this improvement be Installed, even if the other heariags are contiiwed further. He added that, inasmuch as Hennepin County will be tdcing over Xerxes Ave. in the near future, state aid fuizds should be available to finance the signals. provement was then seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Improvement later in Minutes. ) Councilman Shaw's motion authorizing the im- (See Resolution Ordering E. SANITARY SEWER DPROVENENT NO. P-SS-333 IN THE FOLLOWING: Marth Road from W. 78th St. North 440' Marth Road from TJ. 78th St. Borth 445' Improvements Nos. P-SS-333 and P-'CJM-305 affecting the sauie properties, public .. *I F. WATEREIAIN IBPROVEMENT NO. P-Wl-305 IN THE FOLLOTJING: hearings were conducted concurrently. Nr. Hyda presented estimatcd construction cost for Sanitary Sswer Improvemsnt Eo. P-SS-333 at $14,091.14, proposed to be assessed against 5 assessable lots at a cost of $2,818.83 per lot. He presented total estimated construction cost for Watermain Improvement No. P-T?M-305 at $10,190.63, proposed to be assessed against 5 assessable lots at an estimated cost of $2,038.13 per lot.. Council's attention was called to a letter from IIr. Warren E. Ranson, 5834 F?. 78th St. , endorsing the proposals provided that the cost is to be divided five ways, and inasmuch as the construction of the improvements will Oiscussion ensued as to possible development on the long lot on the West side of Marth Road, owned by Mr. A. G. Santrizos, 5900 V. 78th St. , who objected that his assessments are already too high. . clarify the easement situation" which he has on Efarth Koad. 11 Objecting also that assessments will be too htgh were Mr. John ,. .. 8J 16/ 76 Koenst, 7721 Xarth Road, and Mr. Jeffrey A. Longtin, 5828 W. 78th Street. Mr, Roger Evanson, 5830 W. 78th Street, whose well water has a nitrate count which is higher than normal and who was concerned about his septic tank, said that he had no desire to create a hardship for 1i.h neighbors and would take care of his own septic tank and well as the needs arose. He agreed to either grant an easement across his property or dedicate that portion of the property to the City, whichever is more feasible. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Richards' motion to continue the hearings on Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS-333 and Watermain Improvement No. WN-305 to October 18, 1976, to see if a road easement can be worked out for the Westerly portion of Mr. Evanson's lot, was seconded by Councilman Shaw. J Ayes : Courtney , Richards Schmidt , Shaw Nays: None I Mot ion carried. G. WATER;?.IAIN IMPROVEMl3NT NO. P-WM-306 IN THE FOLLOTJING: East Frontage Road Highway 100 from Payton Court to West 66th Street Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost at $26,476.74, proposed to be assessed against 6 assessable lots at an estimated cost of $4,412.79 per lot. Mr. Otto Byhre, 6705 Normandale Road, said that he spoke for residents in the area who oppose the improvement because their om wells are still operating pro- perly. Mr. Hyde explained that this fs an opportune time to install the water- main before the highway improvements are constructed. called to a letter from Dr. Donald A. Limbeck, 6713 Normandale Road, objecting to the improvement because his well is already hooked up to City water. Councilman Richards ' motion that Watermain Improvement No. P-WM-306 be abandoned was then seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Rollcall : Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw Nays: None Motion carried. T.H. 100 West Frontage Road - W. 66th Street and Josephine Ave. South 875' 4- Mr.- Hyde presented total estimated construction cost of $21,757.50, proposed to- be assessed against benefited properties as follows: Estimated cost of lateral watermain was given at $14,505.00, proposed to be assessed against 4 assessable lots st an estimated cost of $3,626.25 per lot; watermain was given at $7,252.50, proposed to be assessed against 11 lots at an estimated cost of $659.32 per lot. Mr. Hyde recalled the long standing discus- sions which have ensued with the State Iiighway Department concerning efforts to have T.H. 100 utility relocation costs paid from gasoline tax funds. Mr. Dunn said that Mr. Barry M. Willinert, 6630 Normandale Road, had been given permission by the Highway Department to use his well which is now locared on highway right- of-way, and referred to resolutions appearing later on the agenda for approval of plans for T.H. 100 from W. 74th St. to 500' South of t@e Crosstown Hightqay and for approval of the Cooperative Construction and Turnback Agreement No. 58308. He pointed out that Mr. Willmert has a potential of nine buildable lots on his property and that an additional watermain would be builr to serve those lots after they have been developed. No further discussion being heard, Couacilman Richards' motion approving the watermain was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. (See. Resolution Ordering Improvement later ifi Minutes.) Council's attention was H. WATEWIN IMPROVEMENT NO. P-WM-307 IN THE FOLLOWING: Estimated cost of sub trunk I 1. CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NO. P-B-87 IN THE FOLLOWING: T.H. 100 East and West Frontage Roads, Propercy Side East Frontage goad from Hibiscus Avenue to W. 66th Street; West Frontage Road from W. 70th Street to W. 66th St. , Mr. Hyde presented total estimated construction cost at $57,543.86, with $7,997.37 proposed to be assessed against 3,671 feet at an estimated cost of $2.18 per assess- able foot. Mr. Dunn advised that the Highway Department is taking bids next week for the highway construction and expressed concern that federal participation for the curb and gutter improvercent might be lost if the contract cannot be awarded. Objecting to the improvement were Mr. Ronald Schumeister, 4921 Trillium Lane, who said that there is no erosion by his house and that the improvement was, there- fore, unnecessary, and also Mr, William Harrison, 4920 Lantana Lane, who objected that taxpayers eventually pay the cost of such improvements, even if they are fed- erally funded. Mr. Otto Byhre, 6705 Normandale Road, said that his neighbors were in favor of the improvement, as was Mr. Douglas Pautz, 4913 Aspasia Lane. Mr. Dunn suggested that a meeting be arranged with property owners and the Highway Department so that plans could be reviewed. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Richards' motion was seconded by Councilwornan Schmidt that the improve- ment be authorized at this time, with the understanding that the portion South of W. 70th Street could be deleted at a later date if a majority of the property owners, after meeting with the State Highway Department, do not wish the improve- ment * 8/16/76 { , Councilman Richards thereupon offered the following adoption : resolution and moved its' .t RE SOLUT T.ON 0 RDE RIN G IMP ROVEEiENTS fJATEP&l.AIN IMPR@VEtl.ENT NO. fG1-307 TRAFFIC SIGNAL IIfPROVEMENT NO. TS-1, CURB G GUTTER INPROVEtENT NO. B-87 i3E IT USOLVED by the Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published and mailed to owners of each parcel within the area proposed io be assessed on the following proposed improvements : 1. CONSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENT NO. TS-1 IN THE POLLOT~7ING: W. 69th SCzZet at York Avenue T.H. 100 West Frontage Road - W. 66th Street' and Josephine Ave. South 875' - I- T.H.,100 East and Vest Frontage Roads, Property Side East Frontage Road from Hibiscus Avenue to I?. 66th Street; Vest Frontage Road from I?. 70th Street ' to W. 66th Street I 2. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERtfAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. Wlf-307 IN THE FOLLOVING: 3. CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEtENT NO. B-87 IN THE FOLLOWING: and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice, the Council has duly considered the views of a1.l persons interested, ad being fully . advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements, including all proceedings which may be neces- sary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for construction and maintenance of such' improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows : No. 1 Above TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENT NO. TS-I No. 2 Above WATERMAIX INPROVEMENT NO. Tm-30 7 No. 3 Above CURB & GUTTER II"ROVEM3NT NO. B-87 and the area to be specially assessed for Watermain Improvement No. TJM-307 shall include Parcels Nos. 1000, 15-00, 2000, 4500 and 5000, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21; and the area to be specially assessed for Curb and Gutter Improvement No. B-87 shall include Lots 1 and 21, Block 2, Lake Edina Addition; Lots 1 acd 20, Block 3, Lake Edina Addition;.Lots 1 and 8, Block 4, Lake Edina Addition; Lot 1, Block 5, Lake Edina Addition; Lot 1, Block 1, Lake Edina 2nd Addition; Lot 4, Block I, Gaviii's 1st Addition; Lot I, Block 1, Schneider 2nd Addition; Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Normandale Terrace Addition; Lots 1 and 7, Block 1, Payton Court Addition; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Mallard Manor Addition; Lot I, Block I, N. P. Benson Addition; Lot 4, Block I, Loring llanor Addition; Tract A, Rzgistered Land Survey No. 3; Tract By Registered Land Survey No. 1278; Parcqls 1710, 1763 and 5615, Section 30, Township 28, Range 24; and Parcels 1000, 1500, 2000, 4500 and 5000, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21; No assess- ment will be made for TS-1, said improvement being proposed to be paid from Hmicipal State Aid Gasoline Tax funds. Xotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw. I Rollcall: Ayes: Courtney, Nchards, Schmidt, Shaw Nays: None Resolution adopted. - ORDINANCE NO. 811-A79 CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 20, 1976. Mr. Ssnd presented Ord- ixance No. 811-A79 for Second Reading,' advising that the Heritage Preservation .- . . .., Board had considered the interior of the Gri.mes house at its August 12, 1976, meeting and voted to include the interior in the Preservation District. He clarified that the interior was included because the size, character and organi- zation of the interior spaces are an integral part of the structure, and improper modification could damage the significance and disrupt the unity of the structure. Following discussion, Councilman Richards' motion that Second Iieading be continued to September 20, 1976, so that Council would have an oppor- tunity to study the matter further, was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. I Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw Nays: None $lotion adopted. WRIGRT'S ADDITION GRANTED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL. AfEidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Sand presented Wright's Addition for preliminary approval, noting that this three lot subdivision is located East of Valley View Road at the end of Moccasin Valley Road. Mr. Sand revieved the proposed plat, along ~7ith Braemar's Homestead Addi- tion, inasmuch as it will be necessary to build Moccasin Valley Road in connection with these ttio plats, as well as to install thepecessary utilities. sponse to a question from the Council, Mr. Erickson clarified that the City will receive dedication of a portion of Moccasin Valley Road in the Wright's plqt and In re- .. > .a .. 8; 16176 recommended that, in concurrence with the Planning Commission recommendation, no building permit should be issued for Lot 3 until the'entire extension of Moccasin Valley Road is dedicated. Mr. Dunn suggested that the dedication to the City of a portion of Moccasin Valley Road in the Wright's plat was a detail that could be worked out hefore'the final plat is approved. Mr. Wallace Lilja, developer of Braemar Homestead Addition, agreed that it would be satisfactory to cross his property in order to provide better access to Lot 3, Wright's Addition. man Shaw then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, with the understanding that the lots will 3e rearranged as recommended by the Planning Com- mission begore the final plat is approved: Council- RESOLUTION GIUNTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that that certain plat, platted by Charles . A. Wright, and presented for prel-iminary plat approval at the Edina City Council Meeting of August 16, 1976, be and is hereby granted preliminary approval, sub- ject to rearrangqment of access to Lot 3 before final approval is granted. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. TO WRIGHT ' S ADDIT ION I Rollcall : Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt. Shaw Nays: None Resolution adopted. BRAEMAR HOMESTEAD ADDITION GRANTED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL. AEfidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Braemar Homestead Addition having been discussed along with the hearing on Wright's Addition, Councilman Shaw offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, with the understanding that the lots will be rearranged as recommended by the Planning Commission before final plat is approved. RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL TO BRAEMAR HOMESTEAD ADDITION BE IT RESOLIED by the Edina City Council that that certain plat, platted by Wallace Lilja, and pr'esented for preliminary approval at the Edina City Council Meeting of August 16, 1976, be and is hereby granted prel-iminary approval, subject to rearrangement of access to Lot 3, Wright's Addition before final approval is granted. Morion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Rollcall : Ayes : Courtney, Richards, Schmidt , Shaw Nays: None Resolution adopted. ROBERT MIDDLEMIST 2g'B ADDITION GRANTED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Ckrk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Sand presented Robert addlemist 2nd Addition for preliminary approval, noting that this and East of Blake Ridge Townhouses, adding that the Planning Commission had recom- mended approval subject to 1) incorporation of Outlots A and B into the right-of- way; 2) a 5% cash dedication in lieu of park land; and 3) the receipt of devel- oper's agreement for utilities and street construction. . objections of Mr. Robert Chance, 5804 Olinger Road, Mr. Sand said that the pro- posed lots are in conformance with the mean size of recent subdivisions in the area. Iyr. Cliance suggested that the plat be divided into two or three lots to pro- vide more open space in the area. urged that the plat be approved, as did the developer, Mr. Robert Middlemist who explained that the lots vary in size from 12,000 to 16,000 square feet, all of which exceed City ordinance requirements. Councilman Richards offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: four lot plat is located West of Olinger Road, South of Vernon Avenue In response to the Mr. Vesn Wilson whose wife owned this property, No further discussion being heard, RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL TO ROBERT MIDDLEMIST 2ND ADDITION BE IT ESOLVED by the Edina City Council that that certain plat, platted by Robert Pliddlemist and presented for preliminary approval at the Edina City Council Meeting of August 56, 1976, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval. Motion'for adoption of the resolution was.seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Rollcall. : Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw Nays: None Resolution adopted. HYDE PARK 2ND ADDITLOT? PRELIMINARY PLAT CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 20, 1976. vits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to-form and ordered placed Affida- on file. Mr. Sand presented Hyde Park 2nd Addition for preliminary approval, which plat is located South of Dewey Hill Road and East of Gleason Road. Mr. Sand advised that Plaiming Commission had recommended approval because this plat * is in conformance with a previous plat approved for the area and in conformance with the Southwest Ediiia Plan. He clarified that approval is subject: to dedica- tion of Outlots A and 13 for drainage purposes, to a minor modification of the .. .d 4 .. location of the cul-de-sac, and execution of the Developer's Agreement. Van Valkenburg entered the meeting at this time. The Mayor Pro Tcni contj,nued 'to preside.) Coimnission had requested a fifteen foot easement off the cul-de-sac, rather thaa moving it Easterly. Mr. Kenneth Rosland advised that the Park Board had objected that dedication of Outlots A and B were for drainage purposes aiid that parkland dedication (or cash in lieu thereof) should still be required. Mr. Sand said that requirements for this plat are coasistent with requirements for the Schuster property and Buclianan Addition. that the City had already been given a easement over Outlot E in order to complete. the storm sewer 3.a the area. Following discussion, Councilman Richards' motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw, that the hearing be continued to September 20, 1976, so that the assessed value of the land proposed to be donated to the City could be determined and the park dedication clarified. (Mayor Mr. Henry Lind of Hyde Park Development clarified that the Plhning i Mr. Dum pointed out , hcwarer, Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. KRAHL'S MOUNTAIN PRELIMINARY PLAT CONTINUED TO SEPTEEBER 20, 1976. reminded that action had been taken on July 12, 1976, continuing the public hear- ing on the preliminary plat of Rrahl's Nountain to August 16, 1976, as requested by the developer. that the matter be continued, this time to September 20, 1976. gested that the Council might wish to consider the condemnation award for Krahl Et11 at an earlier date, whereupon Mayor Van Valkenburg's motion setting Sept- ember 13, 1976, for discussion on the condemnation award and September 20, 1976, for the hearing on the preliminary plat was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Council was Council ~7as also advised that Mr. Gittleman has again requested Nr. Erickson sug- Ayes: Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None . Motion carried. FOU"i'A1NWOODS APARTMENTS APPEAL OF BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADJUSTMENTS DECISION CONTINUED TO SEPTEEIBER 13, 1936, by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded-by Hayor Van Valkenburg and carried. - LOTS 8, 9 AND 10, BLOCK 1, BLNIKAHDA VISTA 3RD ADDITION DIVISION APPROVED. davits'of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. I, Blinikahda Vista 3rd Addition as recommended by the Planning Commission. John Jefferson, 4016 Ripling Ave., safd that neighbors in the area were in favor of the division. the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHZREAS, the following described property is at present a Single tract of land: Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 1, Minilcahda Vista Third Addition; and WHEREAS, the owner has requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels") described as follows: kffi- Mr. Sand presented the petition for division of Lots 8, 5 and 10, Block Mr. Eo further discussion being heard, Mayor Van Valkenburg offered . RESOLUTION The North 24.50 feet of Lot 9 and Lot 10, Block 1, Minikahda Vista Third Addition, Morningside, Minnesota; and Lot 9, except the North 24.50 feet thereof, and Lot 8, Block 1, Minikahda Vista Third Addition, Ilomingside, Ennesota; and QHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Ediiza will .create an' unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of laad do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edha Ordinance Nos. 801 and 811; NOI?, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 are hereby waived to allbw said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that RO further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw. Rollcall : Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. KORNINGSIDE COHHUNITY ASSOCIATION REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING OK CURB, GUTTER @D STREETS NOTED. Council's attention was called to a letter from Mr. John W. Jeff- .. 5 .. I. 8/ 16/ 76 erson, President of the Morningside Coinmunity Association hearings 011 Phase II(curb, gutter and streets) In the ibiarningside area be sched- uled by December". evaluation by December inasmuch as construction will not occur until next year, excavations, and suggested that the request was abouc a year too early. ion was taken. requesting that: "pt,iU.lic . Mr. Dunn explained that the watcmmnin will not be ready for He added that it is not good engineering to build new streets over fresh No act- DREIS ADDITION GRANTED FINAL APPROVAL. preliminary plat approval, advising that this plat is for the purpose of divid- ing a double bungalow down the. center wall as recommended by the Planning Corn- mission. No objections being heard; Councilwonian Schmidt off ered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Mr. Sand presented Dreis Addition for RESOLUTION APPROVIEG FINAL PLAT OF DREIS ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Dreis Addition", platted by Edward C. Thernell and Beverly 14. Thernell, husband and wife, and by Prestige Investments, Inc., and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of August 16, 1976, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw. - Rollcall: Ayes : Courtney, =chards, Schmidt , Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. MC CAULEY HEIGHTS 6TH ADDITION GRANTED FINAL.PLAT ASPROVAL. McCauley Heights 6th Addition for final plat approval. Mayor Van Vdkenburg offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF MC CAULEY HEIGHTS 6TH ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the.City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "McCauley Heights 6th Addition", platted by Betty 3. NcCauley and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of August 16, 1976, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion far adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shawi Mr. Sand presented No objections being heard, Rollcall: Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenhurg Nays: None Resolution adopted. 1975-HRA-1 ASSESSMENT APPEAL NOTED. Council was advised that the owners of the Red BarrL property had appealed their assessment for 19x5-HRA-1 (Plat 73970, Parcel 3016) which assessment hearing had been conducted on July 19, 1976. Mr. Erickson said that the appeal will now go to the District Court for hearing: As recommended by the City Attorney, Councilman Richards thereupon offered the fol- lowing resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to defer the c'ancellation of'the original.i.assessment of 1975-HM-1 against Plat 73970, Parcel 3016 pending the decision of the appeal of the new assessment. Motion for adoption of the resolutioii was seconded by Councilman Shaw. Rollcall : Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. RESOLUTION PRIMARY ELECTION JUDGES APPOINTED. Valkenburg offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that the following Judges be appointed to, serve on the Election Board for the Primary Election to he held on Septenber 14, 1976; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to make such additions and changes as she deems necessary: Precinct No. 1 (Shepherd of the Hills Church) - Mi%. Lois Hallquist, Chairlady, Mesdames Jane Fleet, Barbara Anderson, Rosita Bar- ber and Loraine Cline, Alternate; Precinct No. 2 (Edina City Hall) - Mesdames Joyce Akason, Chairlady, Jean McDermid, Judith Sotebeer, Naomi Johnson and Margaret Maki, Alternate; Precinct No. 3 (Wooddale School) - Mesdames Patricia Johnson, Chairlady, Evelyn Anderson, Marjorie Rossiter, Sherry Estensm and Jane Hanson, As recommended by the City Clerk, Elayor Van RESOLUTION Alternate; -.- Prccin.c t No. 4 (Morningside BuJlding) - Nesclames Shirley Dibble , Chair- lay, Alice Rose, .Jeanette Lushine, Rachel Schoening and Kathryn Stamp, Alternate; 8/ 16/76 Precinct No.. 5 .(Highlands School) - Mesdames Henrietta Bartlett, Chairlady, Carol Ledder, Phyllis Cooper, Sue Holden and Carol NcPhecters, Alternate; sccinct 6 - (Countryside School) - Xesdanies Jane Baincs , Chairlady, Barbara Cassclman, Cath- erine Swanson, Hope Eilers and Claire HacLennon, Alternate; Precinct 7 (Norman- dale Lutheran Church - Mesdames Bess Brudel.ie, Chairlady, Helen Pcterson, Naomi Ward, Barbara +thewson and Doris Hartshorn, Alternate; Precinct 8 (Edina East Upper Division) - Mesdames Audrey Berglund, Chairlady, Maxine Sanders, Betty Tripp, 3iargaret Kinney and Constance Ryan, Alternate; Mesdames Yvonne Ford, Chairlady, Jean Erclahl, Dorothy Nonnweiler, Elaine Olson and Kay Bach, Alternate; Precinct No. 10 (Creek Valley School) - Mesdames Lor- raine Hasselquist, Chairlady, Mary Bartz, Gay Bostock, Virginia Bodine and Ann Overholt, Alternate; Precinct No. 11 (Cahill School) - Nesdames Geneva Smith, Chairlady, Gloria Thorburn, Anna Taggatz, Eleanor Thornton, and Barbara Boyd, Alternate; Precinct No. 12 (Cornelia School) - Nesdames Adele Olson, Chairla'dy, Mary McDonald, Diane Greensweig, Doris Van Campen and Phyllis ' Taylor, Alternate; Precinct No. 13 (Lutheran Church of the Bhster) - Mesdames Patricia Harmon, Chairlady, Mavis delambert, Margaret Delaney, Marie Craslc and liarilyn Person; Precinct No. 14 (St. Peter's Church) - Nesdames Mary Jane Platt, Chairlady, Ruth Volk, Jeanette Lund, Esther Olson and Louise Carlson, Alternate; Precinct No. 15 (Edina West Upper Division) - Mesdames Charlotte Burns, Chairlady, Pat- ricia Olander, Lucille Borchers, Rosemary Sweeney and Maxine Hatzung, Alternate; Precinct No. 16 (Southdale-Hennepin Library) - Mesdames Betty Doolittle, Chair- lady, Lucille Russ, Edith Housh, Geraldine Sermeta and Ruth Fitzmaurice, Alternate. XoTion for adoption-of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw. d Precinct No, 9 (Concord School) - Rollcall : t- Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. T.E. 100 STUDY REPORT PRESENTED. received on several alternates for T.H. 100 at Benton Avenue, none of which were particularly recommended. completion. back to the Council. No action was taken. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF AUGUST 10, 1976, APPROVED. woman Schmidt was seconded by Councilman Richards? approving installation of a STO? sign on. Westbound Dovre Drive at Biscayne Blvd., and a 0NE-T.JAY STREET with appropriate signing cjn Westbound Dovre Drive between Biscayne Blvd. aad Parkwood Lane on an experimental basis for a period of one year, and accepting the remain- d2r of the minutes. Mr. Hyde referred to a report which he had All proposals would take from four to six years for . The staff will contact the Highway Department and will report Motion of Council- Ayes: Courtney, Richards, SchmiGt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried.' 1 PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYEBNT ACT SEMINAR TO BE ATTENDED BY CITY MANAGER. Aayor Van Valkenburg's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt, authorizing the City Xanager to attend a regional seminar on the Public Works Employment Act of 1976.h Chicago on September 2, 1976. The motion was unaxtmously carried. BUDGET NEETING SET FOR SEPTEMBER 8, 1976, at 7:OO p.m. by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded by Corrncilman Richards. Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried D COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE ACT SPECIAL MEETING SET for August 23, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded by Mayor Van Valkenburg. - Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nags: None c I Motion carried. BLOSSOM COURT VATELHAIN PROJECT APPROVED. a problemwith the watermain on Blossom Court for many years. that bids had been received from Raymond E. Haeg Plumbing, Inc., at $4,837.50 and from Xetro Sewer and Wster at $5,565.00, and recommended awardiag a contract for the construction of a new line to the low bidder, cost for whic'n would be paid from the Vater Fund, racher than by assessment against the properties. Council; man Shaw then offered-the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that Watermain Improvement No. \JId-308 be installed in Blossom Court at a cost of $4,837.50, contract for which is to be awarded to recommended Hotion for.adoption of the resolution was seconded by Mayor Van Valkenburg. lfr. Hyde recalled that there has been Mr. Ounn advised . RESOLUTION low bidder, Raymond E. Elaeg Plumbink Company, Inc. 0 8/16/76 Rollcall : Ayes : Nays: None Resolutian adopted. Courtney, Richards , Schmidt , Shaw, Van Valkenburg PURCHASE OF NURSERY STOCK APPROVED. Valkenburg! s motion authorizing the purchase of 250 trees from Honiedale Nursery zt a.total purchase price of $4,865.00 was seconded by Councilman Shaw. As recommended by Mr, Rosland, Mayor Van Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Moqion carried. HOCKEY RINK LUMBER PURCHASE APPROVED. Mr. Hyde presented tabulation of two quota- tions for purchase of lumber to repair the hockey rinks showing Har-Ned Lumber Company low bidder at $3,552.00 and Thompson Lumber Company at $4,150. Valkenburg's motion for award to recommended low bidder, Har-Ned Lumber Company, was 'seconded by Councilman Shaw. Mayor Ban Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Notion carried. TREE RENOVAL SLBSIDY INCREASE APPROVED. a memo from Mr. Rosland recommending, because the average cost of tree removal is increasing, that the City increase its subsidy to 25% of the cost, not to exceed $50 per tree, whichever is less, which amount is matched by the State of Wnnesoza. He advised that the City has had a loss of 1 to 2% of elm trees from Dutch Elm Disease, but that the Londonderry area had a greater loss. Mayor Van Valkenburg's motion that the City increase its subsidy for tree removal as recommended by Kr. Rosland was then seconded by Councilman Shaw. Mr. Hyde called Council's attention to Ayes : Nays: None Mot ion carried .. Courtcey , Richards, Schmidt , Shaw, Van Valkenburg H.R.A. REDEVELOPEEKT AREA BUS SHELTER PLANS MODIFIED. Kr. Hyde advised Council that business people in the 50th and Fkance area are objectirLg to the bus shelters which have been proposed on 50th Street between Prance and Halifax Avenues.. A petition in opposition to the bus shelters and signed by 21 business people on 50th Street was presented. Mr. Hager said that it was uncalled for to construct a shelter in front of his store, advising that people can wai.t for brrsses inside of his store or inside of Clancy Drug Store. Objecting also were'pk. Korst and Steve Sando, 3907 FJ. 50th Street, all of whom contended that they had received no * notice of the proposed shelters until two weeks ago and that the bus shelters were not indicated on any plans that were presented to then. Councilman Richards asked that the record show that the shelters were on the plans for the area as of March, 1976. less thzn 10% of Hager's frontage. involved in installing the shelter in front of his store. that the shelters would be Eilled with refuse and vandalized so as to become un- sightly, as well as the fact that they would cover window displays so that they would not be seen by passers by. Mr, Hyde suggested the possibility of checking to see how the shelters had worked out in the City of Hopkins. questioned the number of people who would be using the shelters at this time. Mr. Dunn referred to estimates developed by Mr. Hoffman as to the use of the shelters and suggested that the base €or each shelter be installed at this time below side- walk level so that shelters could be installed at a future time if there proved to be a need. time and assured merchants that the H.R.A. would conduct a public hearing at sirch time as the shelters night be reconsidered. I He added that the proposed shelters are only 6' x 12' and would cover Mr. Korst expressed concern for the 'nigh risk Other allegations were Councilman Courtney Hayor Van Valkenburg then moved that the base only be installed at this Motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw. Ayes: Courtney, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Vallcenburg Nays: Richards Motion carried. 911 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE COST DISCUSSED: TELEPHONE USER TAX RECOMMENDFD. Mr. Hyde advised that the Comnunications Steering Committee Cumunications Organization (HECO) are looking more favorably on a telephone user tax to support the annual operating expenses of the system. Mayor Van Valkenburg thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the City of Edina supports completely the planning of the 911 universal emergency telephone number; and hrHEEEAS, the City of Edina has been represented by various staff personnel on committees and sub-committees of the Hennepin County, Criminal Justice Council.; and WHEREAS, it is apparent that this very desirable system will cost municipalities additional sums which are not excluded from levy limits; and IJEIEREAS, this system is an integral part of che telephone communications and is avaihable only through telephone usage; and for the HennepiE Emergency I RESOLUTION 8 f 16/76 WEREAS, the City of Edina has joined the liennepin Eniergency Communication? Organi- zation (HECO) to further pl.an and hopefully to iruplement the 911 system; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Edina supports the recommendations of the Hennepin County Criminal Justice Council Communications Steering Com- ' nittee that "The annual operating expenses associated with the provision of 911 emergency telephone services in 13ennepin County should be supported through the initiation of a telephone user tax to be collected by the phone companies."; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Metropolitan Council, the Association of Metro- politan Municipalities, the Leagu'e of Minnesota Cities, the PulL!Lc Service Commis- County and Northwestern Bell Telep,hone Company be urged to take a11 steps neces- sary to make it possible for this needed service to be financed by a telephorie user tax. Notion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman SchmTdt and carried. PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGENENT STUDY REPORT EWE. gress of the Public Safety Management Study and said that before long the Mayor and Council will be interviewed by Cresap, 3lcCormick & Paget, Inc. , sion, the State Legislature, the Board oE County Commissioners of Hennepin - ... I Mr. Hyde advised Council of the pro- CRDINANCE NO. 1232 CONTINUED. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Mayor Van Valkenburg's motion continuing First Reading of Ordinance No. 1232 which pertains to the Muni- cipal Parking Ramp, to September 13, 1976; was seconded by Councilman Shaw. Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. ORDTNANCE NO. 451-A4 GRANTED SECOD'READING. Mayor Van Valkenburg offered Ordin- ance Eo. 451-A4 for Second Reading and moved its adoption as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 451-A4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 451 TO ESTABLISH SIZE LIMITATIONS FOR TEMPORARY POLITICAL SIGNS ..-WE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDiNA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: . - read as €allows: . .. - %+-:-,: -i- 2:': ;-Section 1 . Sec. 3, Paragraph (1) of Ordinance No. 451 is hereby amended to "Ci> Cznpaign signs posted by a bona fide condidate fcr politi.ca1 office or by a person or group promoting a political issue or a political candidate may be placed on private property in any district provided only one such sign per street frontage Fer candidate is posted. square feet, except temporary nonaccessory freestanding signs herein permitted . Zn Section 4. Campaign signs may be posted for a period not to exceed 60 days prior to the election and shall be rernoved within 7 days following the date of the election. See. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Councilman Shaw, The maximum area for political signs is 6 . Rollcall : Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Ofdinance adopted. T:H. 100 RESOLUTIONS CONTINUED TO AUGUST 23, 1976. Mr. Dunn presented "Coopera- tive Constructionand Turnback Agreement No. 58305" for T.H. 100 along with a re- quest for approval o€ plans for T.H. 100 from W. 74th St. to 3UO' South of Cross- town Highway (SI? 2733-61 (110=130). Mr. Dum introduced YE. William Crawford, District 5 Engineer of the Minnesota Highway Department,vho said that he checked with the Commissioner's office just'this afternoon and that they had said that -@qment of Municipal State Aid Gasoline Tax mopey to the City of Edina for paymeat of the cost of util-ity Yelocation would be in direct conflict k-ith the rules and regulations of the Steering Coumittee. It was agreed that Mr. Hyde and Nr. Craitr- ford ~70uld nieet with the Commissioner of Highways. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion continuing the T.H. 100 resolutions to Atlgust 23, 1976, w.=s seconded by Council- mzn Richards and carried. I IIEARIHG DATE SET FOR STORM SEWER XIPROVTMENTS P-ST.S-140B AND P-ST.S-153. As recom- mended by Mr. Dun, Councilman Shaw offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON STORM SEWX IEPROVEMENTS NOS. P-ST. S-140B AND P-ST .S-153 1. The City <ngineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Storm Severs described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated Cost of such improvements, said report is .hereby approved and directed to be placed OIL file in the office of the City Clerk. 8; 16/ 76 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, September 20, 1976, at 7:OO p.m. in the Edina City Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons inter- ested in said %mprovemeuts. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in- substantial1 the following form: (Officiax Publication) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COLJNTY MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING STORM SEWERS IM??ROVEMENT NO. P-ST . S-14OB IMPROVEMENT NO. P-ST. S-153 EDINA. CITY COUNCIL will meet at the Edian City Hall on Monday, September 20, 1976, at 7:OO p.m., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. costs of said iaprovements are estimated by the City as set forth below: 1. CONSTRUCTION OF CITY STORM SEWER AND DPURTENANCES . I The approximate ESTIMATED COST IN THE FOLLOWING: A IMPROVEMENT NO. P-ST . S - 140B $ 693,643.56 From MN&S Railroad to Braemar Golf Course From IJ. 70th Street to Interstate Highway 494 Easement lirres in Block 3, Killarney Shores Addition between Lots 4 and 5 and Lots 12 and 13 and along the rear lines of Lots 2 through 6 and Lots 8 through 12. B. IMPROVEMEZTT NO. P-ST.S-153 $ 31,318.33 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer (Improvement No. P-ST-S-140B) under 1-A above includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries : Commencing at the intersection of the centerlines of Cahill Road and West 70th Street; thence Southwesterly to a point 15.5 rods South of the centerline of W. 70th Street and 15.5 rods West of the centerline of Cahill Road; thence North- * westerly to a point 211.8' South of the centerline of W. 70th Street and 417.35' West of the centerline of Cahill Road; thence Southwesterly to a point 271.8' South of the centerline of W. 70th Street and 733' West of the centerline of Cafrill Road; thence Northwesterly to the NE corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Carolane Addition; thence Northwesterly along the North line of said Lot 2 a distance of 50'; thence Southwesterly to the Southwest comer of Lot 3, Block 1, Carolane Addition; thence Westerly to the Northeast comer of Lot 2, Block I, M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills; thence Southwesterly to a point on the West line of said Lot 2, which poifit is 30' North of the Southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence South- westerly to the Southwest comer of Lot 1, Block 1, M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills; thence Westerly along the North line of Lanham Lane a distance of 65'; thence Northwesterly to a point on the North line of Lot 4, Block 2, Hondo Addi- tion, said point being 50' East of the Northwest corner of said Lot 4; thence point being 50' East of the Northwest comer of said Lot 2; thence Northwesterly to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Hondo Addition; thence Westerly along the North line of Hondo Addition to a point on the North line of Lot 1, Block 1, Hondo Addition, said point being 40' West of the Northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence Southwesterly to a poict on the West line of said Lot 1, said point being 50' South of the Northwest corner thereof; thence Southerly along the West line of Block 1, Hondo Addition to a point 50' South of the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block I, Hondo Addition, thence Westerly at right angles, a distance of 130'; thence Northwesterly to a point on the West line of Lot 2, Block 1, AI. Petersen Addition, said point being 70' North of the Southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence Southwesterly to the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Prospect Hills Addition; thence Northwesterly to a point OR the West line of Lot 4, Prospect Hills Addition, said point being 88.3' North of the Southwest corner of said Lot 4; thence North- westerly to a point on the East line .of Tract A, R.L.S. 971, said point being 100' Nc~rth of the South line of said Tract ''A"; thence Westerly, 100' -North of and parall-el to the South line of said Tract "A'!, to a point 100' East of the West line of said Tract "A"; thence Southwesterly to a point on the West line of Tract "B", R.L.S. 971, said point being 58' North of the Southwest corner of said Tract Addition; thence Southwesterly to the Southeast corner of Lot 8, Prospect Hills Addition; thence Southeasterly to a point on the Easterly line of Lot 10, Pro- spect Hills, said point being 40' Southwesterly Eroin the most Northeasterly corner of said Lot 10, thence Southerly to a point on the West line of Lot 13, Prospect Hills Addition, said point being 228.53' Northerly of the Southwest: corner of said Lot 13; thence Southerly to a point on the South line of said Lot a I .Northerly to a point on the North line of Lot 2, Block 2, Hondo Addition, said VtBr'. , thence Southwesterly to the Southwest corner of Lot 7, Prospect Hills 81 16/76 13, said point being GO' East of the Southwest corner thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point on the South line of Lot 12, Prospect Hills Addition, said point being 140' 'West of the Southeast corner thereof; ttieiice southeasterly to a poict .on the Southerly line of Lot 1, Block 1, Schey's Park View 2nd Addition; said point being 100' Southwesterly of the Southeast corner thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point on the East line of Lot 2, Block 1, Schey's Park View 2nd Addition, said point being 50' North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point on the East line of Lot 1, Block 2, Prospect Hills 2nd Addition, said point being 30' Northerly of the Southeast corner of said Lot 1; thence Southeasterly to a point on the West line of Lot 1, Block 3, Prospect Hills 2nd Addition, said point being 120' Northerly of the Southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence South- easterly to a point on the South line of said Lot 1, said point being 20' Westerly of the most Southerly corner of said Lot 1; thence Southeasterly to the most Southerly comer of said Lot 1, Block 3; thence Southeasterly along the Easterly line of Lot 5, Block 3, Prospect Hills 2nd Addition to an intersection with a line parallel wZth and 20 feet Northwesterly of the Southeasterly line of said Lot 5; thence Southwesterly along said parallel line, a distance of 129.75'; thence Southeasterly to a point 6n the Southeasterly line of said Lot 5, said point being 120' Southwesterly of the most Easterly corner of said Lot 5; thence Southwesterly to the most Southerly comer of said'lot 5; thence Southwesterly to a point on the North line of Lot 12, Block 1, Koland's 1st Addition, said point being 100' West of the Northeast corner of said Lot 12; thence Southwesterly to a point on the West line of said Lot 12, said point being 80' Southeasterly of the Northwest comer thereof; thence Southwesterly to the Southeast comer of Lot 3, Block 3, . Schey's Park View 3rd Addition; thence Northwesterly to a point in said Lot 3, said point being 40' North of the South line and 30' West of the East line of said Lot 3; thence Southwesterly to a point in said Lot 3, said point being 165' West of the East line and 40' North of the South line of said Lot 3; thence Northwest- erly to a point in said Lot 3, said point being 230' West of the East line and 70' North of the South line of said Lot 3, thence Northwesterly to the Nor-thwest comer of said Lot 3; thence Westerly along the Westerly extension of the North line of said Lot 3 to the center line of Schey Drive; thence Southerly along the center line of Schey Drive to the center line of Dewey Hill Road; thence Southwesterly to a point on the South line of Lot 20, Block 1, Hyde Park Addition, said point being 50' kst of the Southeast corner thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point on the Northeasterly line of Lot 9, Block I, Hyde Park Addition, said point being 55' Southeasterly of the most Northerly corner thereof; thence Southwesterly to a point in Outlot "D", Hyde Park Addition, said point being 535' North of the South liJie aLd 166* East of the Vest line of szid outlot "D", thence Westerly to a point on the West line of said Outlot "D", said point being 515' North of the Southwest corner of said Outlot "D"; thence Southeasterly to a point in said Outlot "D", said pctint being 140' East of the West 'line and 355' North of the South line of Outlot East of the Vest line and 260' North of the South line of said Outlot "D"; thence Southwesterly to a point in said Outlot "D", said point being 50' East of the West line and 130' North of the South line thereof; thence Southwesterly to a point on the North line of the Southeast % of the Southeastkof Sec. 7, T. 116, R. 21, said point being 110' West of the Northeast comer of said Southeast k of the Southeast k; thence Southwesterly to a point in the Southeast % of the Southeast %, Sec. 7, T. 116, R. 21, said point being 270' West of the East line and 460' North of the South line of said Southeast % of the Southeast % thence Southeasterly to a point in the said Sou'Lheastkof the Southeast %, said point being 210' West of the East line and 425' Borth of the South line of said Southeast k of the Southeast k; thence Northeasterly to a point in the Southwest 116, R. 21, said point being 598' North of the South line of Outlot "A", Braemar Bills 7tb Addition and 800' West of the East line of Block 13, Braeiaar Hills 7th Addition; thence Hortheasterly to a point 850' North of the South line O€ Outlot , Braemar Hills 7th Addition and 725"West of the East line of Outlot "B", Braemar Hills 7th Addition; thence Northerly, 725' West of and parallel with the East line of said Outlot "B", a distance of 140'; thence Northeasterly to a point - in the North line of Braemar Hills 8th Addition, said point being 620' West of the East line of said Outlot "B"; thence Easterly, along the North line of Braemar Hills 8th Addition, a distance of 40'; thence Southeasterly to a point in Outlot 370' South of the North line of said Outlot "13"; thence Northeasterly to a point in said Outlot "B", said point being 275' South of the North line ,and 345' West of the. East line of said Outlot "B"; thence Northerly to a point in said Outlot "B", said point being 70' South of the North line and 300' West of the East line of said Outlot "B"; thence Southeasterly to a point in said Outlot 120' South of the North line aid 70' West of the East line of said Outlot "B"; thence Northeasterly to a point in the Northeast k of the Southiqest k of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, said point being 105' East of the West line and 15' North of the South line of said Northeast 5; of the Southwest %; thence Southeasterly to a point in the Southeast%of the Southwest %, Section 8, T. 11C, R. 21, said point being 210' South of the North line and 210'- East of the West line of said Southeast*% of the Southwest k; thence Southwesterly to a point in the Southeast I . I 11 11. D , thence Southeasterly to a point in said Outlot "D", said point being 155' of the Southwest %, Sec. 8, T. , Braemar Hills 7th Addition, said pcint being 385' West of the East line and "BlI ''B'', said point being 8/10/76 I. k of the Southwest 'z, Sec, 8, T. 115, R. 21, said poinc being 435' South of the North line and 150' East of the West line of said Southeast: k of the Southwest k; thence Southeasterly to a point fn the Southeast !G of the Southwest Zt, Sec. 8, T.' 116, R. 21, said point being 570' South of the North line and 190' East of the Glest line of said Southeast $ of the Southwest k; thence Southeasterly to a point in the Southeast k of the Southwest k, Sec. 8, T. 116, R. 21, said point being 675' South of the North line and 270' East of the West line of said Southeast !-& Of the Southwest %; thence Southeasterly to a point in the Southeast 4 of the South- west k, said point being 950' South of the North line and 490' East of the West line of said Southeast k of the Southwest &; tli.enee Southeasterly to a point on the South line of See. 8, T. 116, R. 21, said poTnt being 625' East of the South- west corner of the Southeast % of the Southwest k of said Sec. 8; thence Easterly along the South line of Sec. 8, T. .11G, R. 21 to the Southeast comer of Lot 1, Block 9, Edina Interchange Center Addition; thence Northerly along the East line of said Lot 1, Block 9, and its Northerly extension to the Southeast corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Atwood Station Subdivision; thence Northwesterly along the along said East line of Cahill Road to an intersection with the Westerly extension of the South line of Lot 1, Block 1, Atwood Station Subdivision; thence Easterly to the Southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence Northeasterly to a point 75' North of the South line of said Lot 1 and 80' Easterly of and measured at right angles from the West line of said Lot 1; thence Northerly to a point 75' South of the North line of said Lot 1 and 56' East of the West line of said Lot 1; thence Northwesterly to a point on the North line of said Lot I, which point is 20' East of the Northwest comer of said Lot 1; thence Northerly, parallel with the West line of Lot 1, Block 4, Edina Intechange Center, a distance of 215'; thence Northeasterly to a point 150' East of the West line and 385' North of the South line of said Lot 1, Block 4; thence Northerly to a point 163' East of the West line and 506' North of the South line of said Lot 1, Block 4; thence Northwesterly ' to a point 65' East of the West line and 732' North of the South line of said Lot 1, Block 4; thence Northeasterly to the Northeast corner of said Lot 1, Block 4; thence Northerly along the West line of the M.N.& S. Railway right-of-way to the North line of Dewey Hill Road; thence Northwesterly to a point 285' North of the center- line of Dewey Hill Road and 490' East of the centerline of Cahill Road; thence Northerly, parallel with the centerline of Cahill Road, a distance of 532'~ thence, deflecting 90' to the left, a distance of 35'; thence deflecting 90 the right, a distance of 67'; thence Westerly to a point on the West'line of Cahill Road, which point is 880' North of the centerline of Dewey Hill goad; thence Northwesterly to a point on the South line of Lot 1, Block I, Braemar Oaks, which point is 250' West of the centerline of Cahill Road; thence Northwest- erly to a point 80' North of the South line of said Lot 1, Block 1, and 420' West of the centerline of Cahill Road; thence Northerly to a point on the North 'line'of said Lot 1, Block 1, Braemar Oaks, which point is 420' West of the center- line of Cahill Road; thence Northeasterly to the intersection of the centerlines of Cahill Road and hundson Avenue; thence Northerly Along the centerline of Cahill Road to the point of beginning. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer (Improvement No. P-ST.S-153) under 1-B above' includes Lots 1 thru 30, inclusive, Block 3, Killarirey Shores Addition. I ' North line of W. 78th Street to the East line of Cahill Road; thence Northerly to Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards. Rollcall : Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. PUBLIC 'HEARINGS TO BE CONDUCTED ON NUMEROUS ASSESSMENTS. Dalen, Councilwoman Schmidt offered the following resolution and. moved its adoption: As recommended by Mr. RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARINGS FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVMENTS NOS. SS-319, SS-320, 58-322, SS-323, SS-324 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. WX-277, WMT28.5, WM-290, WM1-292, WMv-293, WM-295 SIDEWALK IEPROVENENT NO. S-13 . STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS NOS. L-10, L-11, L-12A AND L-J3 STORM SEWER IK!?ROVEblENTS NOS. ST.S-142 AND ST.S-144 GRADING & GRAVELING IMPROVEMENT NO, C-116 PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS NOS. P-2, F-7 AND P-8 STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. Bh-199, Rh-200, BA-203, RA-205 AND BA-207 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amounts to be assessed for the improvements set forth in the Notice of Hearing forms hereinafter recorded, and the amoiints proposed to be assessed agai-nst the respective lots, places and parcels of land within the districts affected by said improvements, and said proposed assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved and the Clerk shall keep the same on fFle in her office and open I 8/ 3.G/7G to public inspection pending hearings tlicreon as herein provided. 2. Lag forms hereinafter contained, to pass upon safd proposed assecsrr,ents and the Clerk's action in publishing notices of said hearings in the officid newspapel: in accordance with law is hereby approved; Notices being as follows: This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the Notice of Hear- (Official Publi.cation) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN CGUNTY , MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF ASSESSEEPI OF I SANITARY SEWER INPROVE3€El!?TS NOS. SS-319, SS-320, SS-322, SS-323, SS-324 WATEEWAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. WM-277, h91-285, W*I-290, wN-292 , PM-293, Wkf-295 STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS NOS. L-10, S-11, L-12A AXD L-13 SIDEWALK IEPROVINENT NO. S-13 GRADING & GItQVELING IMPROVENENT NO. C-1'16 STOR21 SETJER IMPROVEEIENTS E!OS . ST. S-142 AND ST. 5-144 PARKING LOT IMPROVEtENTS NOS. P-2, P-7 AND P-8 STREET l3fPROVDfENTS NOS. BA-199, BA-200, BA-203, BA-205 AND BA-207 THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the City Hall, 4801 I?. 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota, on Monday, September 20, 1976, at 7:OO p.~. to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the following proposed assessments. These assessments are now on file in the office of the Edina City Clerk and open to public'inspection, Assessments on'the following will be payable in ten equal installments over a . period of ten'(l0) years, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5%- per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1977. 1, CO;1JSTRiiCTIOX OF SANITARY SEWR NO. 319 - York Avenue from.644' + North of West 76th Street to 338' North; York Avencle from West 76th Street to 1085' + South; Parklawn Avenue from York Avenue to 380' West The area proposed to be assessed includes Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, Parcels 2100, 24'00, 3600, 5300, 8800 and 9200; Block 1. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF S,QNZTARY SEIJER NO. 320 ' Ebenezer Society First, Lot 1, York Avenue from W. 74th Street to W, 78th Street; W. 75th Street fxom Xerxes Avenue to York Avenue; Parklawn Avenue from York Avenue to 380' Vest; I?. 76th Street from York Avenue to 400' blest D The area pzoposed to b'e assessed includes Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, Parcels 836, '5200, ZiGO, 2400, 2800, 36C0, &8(EO, 5300, 60C0, 64Q9, 6500, 7300, 7400, 8000, 8800 and 9200; Ebenezer Society First, Lot 1, Slock X, and Gutlot A; Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 3. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEXER NO. 322 Dovre Drive fro= Lincoln Drive to West line of Parkwood Knolls The area proposed to be assessed includes Nine Mile North Second Addition, Lots E, 2, and 3, Block 1, and Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2 4. CONSTRUCTION c% SAEITARY SEWER NO, 323 Parkwood Lane from North Line Parkwood KnoZls 19th Addition to 170' Worth. The area proposed to be assessed includes Parkwood Knolls Second Addition, Lot 6, Block 2; 5. CONSTRUCTIOX 02 WATEWIN NO. 285 Registered Land Survey No. 1129, Tracts P, Q, R, S, T and U; York Hills, Parkwood Knolls Fourth Additton, Lots 8 and 9, Block 2 Wesp: Frontage Boad of Highway 100 from westerly extension of Hibiscus Avenue North to West 70th Street The area proposed to be assessed includes Section.9, Township 2.16, Range 21, Parcels 1620, 2625 and 3505; 6. COXSTRCTCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 290 Edina Interchange Center Third Addition, Outlot A Pork Avenue frou West 74th Street to West 78th Street; York Avenue to Prance Avenue; Vest 7Cth Street frm ,* Parklawn Avenue from York Avenue to 380' West The area proposed to be assessed includes Ebenezer Society First, LoZ 1, Block 1, and Outlot A; Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, larcels 2100, 2400, 2800, 3600, 4800, 6000, 6400, 6800, 7300, 7400, 8000, 8800, and 9200 - ' 7. COESTRUCTION UF VATERMAIN NO. 292 I Dme Dr€ve from Linco2n Drive to Vest line of Parkwood Knolls 19th Addit ion The erea proposed to be assessed includes Nine Mile North Second Adbition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, Slock 1; 8. CONSTRUCTION CF VATEPUIN NO. 293 i 2 Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2 # i Parkmod Lane from North Line Parkwood Knolls 19th Addftion to Parkwod Road (Numbers 5500, 5504, and 5509) The area proFosed to be assessed includes Parkwood Knolls Second Addition, e Lot 6, Block 2; and Parktrood Knolls Fourth Addition, Lots 8 and 9, Block 2 9. C03STRUCTION OF STREET LIGHTING NO. L-10 i York Avenue from West 69th Street to West 74th Street; France Avenue to Yorlc Avenue; Xerxes Avenue Hazelton Road.fron Vest 70th Street from France Avenue to i I I t 8/16/76 til w The area proposed to be assesaed includes Section 32, Tcxmship 28, Range 24, Knr&l 425; Registered Land Survey 629, Parcels 6410, 6460 and 6470; Regis- tered -Land Survey 3.171, Tract A; Registered Land Survey 1366, Tracts B and C; Yorktown, Lots 1, 3, 4. and 5, Block 1; Lot 1, Block 2; Lots 1 and 2, Block 3; Lot 1, Block 4; Lot I, Block 5; Lots 1, 2, .3 an4 part 4, Block 6; tot 1 and past 2, Block 7; and Outlots A, B and C Registered Land Survey 1233, Tracf: A; 10. C08STRUCTLON OF SIDEWALK NO, S-13 Both Sides Hazelton Road from France Avenue to York Avenue The area proposed to be assessed includes Yorktovm Addbtion, Lots 4 and 5, Block I; Lot 1, Block 2; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 6; Lots l and 2, Block 7; and Outlots A and B 11. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEVER fJOo 142 - West 76th Street from France Avenue eo York Avenue; 7.4th Street bo West 78th Street York Avenue from Vest: The area proposed to be assessed includes Sectiorr 32: Toymship 28, Range 24, Parcels 800, 1200, 2100, 2400, 2800, 3600, 4500, 5300, 6000, 64.00, 6800, 7400, 8000, 8800 and 9210; Ebeneser Society First Addition, Lot 1, Block 1 and Out- lot A; Meadow Lane Second Addition, tots 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, IO, 11, 12, and. 13, Block I. I 12, CONSTRUCTION OF' STREET ZMF'RWDBMT NO, BA-199 hnh& Lane from 245' North of Kernrich Rrive to 870' Worth of Kernrich Drive The area proposed to be assessed includes Me Po Johnson's Prospect IIi13.s Second Addition, Lots 1 thru 6, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 6, Block 2 13 ., CQNSTRUCTEO?A OF STREET IMPROVEHENT NO, BA-203 Olingen: BOUhVia.3L'd from Olfnger Road to County Road 258 The area proposed to be assessed includes Green Hills of Edina, Lots 2 and 3, Block 1; Range 21, Parcel I400 Registered Land Survey 1126, Tract E; Section 32, Toqmship 117, 14, COBSTKUCTION OF STREET IMPRBV~NT NO. BA-205 West 78th Street Troa Gahill Road to 3300 feet West: The area proposed to be assessed includes Mine Mile West First Addition, Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block I, Lots l and 2, Block 2; 1, Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 2, and Outlot 1; Windsor Addition, Lots 2 and 3, Block 1; Braema Hills 7th Addition, Outlot A; , Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, Parcels 735, 3700, 3815, 4300 and Q500 15 0 G~~~STRUCTION 02 SXIREET PLY~~iCifDE~C NO, 38-29? ' Grove Street from Johnson Drive to Tracy Avenue The area proposed to be assessed includes Green Leaf Manor, Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14; Lyle Addition, Lots 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7, B?.oclc 1 16, COISSTRUCTZON OF STREET IbPROVBiENT NO. €3.4-200 ' Heath Glen Addition, Lot 7, Block Shaughnessy Tirsst Addition, Lot 4; * Warden Acres, Part of Lot 45; I GZcaaon Road from the South line of Hydo Park Addition to West 78th Street The area proposed to be assessed includes Braemar Hills 7th Addition, Outlot A and Outlot B; 1.7. COSS%P;L3CTIOL? OF STREET IkPROVBEhT NQ. C-ll6 I. The area proposed to be assessed includes Braemar Kills 7th Addition, @atlot A and Outlot B; Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, Parcels 4015 and 3810 Gleason Road from the south line of Hyde P2rk Addition to West 78th Street Section 8, Tomship 116, Range 21, Parcels 4015 and 3810 Assessments on the following will be payable in five equal installments &er a period of five (5) ymr5, with hterest: on the entire assesszent at the rete of 5% par annum from the data of the resoluticrn levying the assessment to Deccmbar 31, 1977: . 18. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET LIGWIEG NO. L-ll Vest 56th Street and Oaklawn Avenue Edwards Addition, Lot 1, Elock 1; The area proposed to be assessed includes Colonial Sqata~e Addition, Lot 1, Block I; Block 12, and Lot 11, Block 13 South Harriet Park Addition, Lot 30, 19. caNsTmTIm OF STREET LIGHTING NO. L-12~ - France Avsnlla between 6Grh Street and 69th Street The arez proposed to be assessed includes Section 30, Totmship 28, Range 24, Parcel 3245: Registered Land Survey Nc. 1284, Parcel. 6000 20. CONSTRUCTION OF PARR3fNC LQX K?IPR0\71ME242? NO. P-? Par'ictng Lct Xmprot.ement be!zi.nd 3940 and 3944 West 49?5 Street The area proposed to be assessed includes Audj-tor's Subdivision Mo. 172, East 52 feet of South 158 feet of North % except: street; West 120 feet of East 172 feet of South 150 feet of North 4 except street end East 85 feet of ~ssessntenta 011 the fo1,lowlng will be payable in three equal. installments mer a period of three (3) years, with interest on the entire assessment at the *ate of 5% per annum from the data of the resolution levying the assessment ko December 31, 1977: e/ 16/76 21. CONSTRUCTION OF SrhNi3XRY SIWER NO. 324 Lanham Lane from the South Line 1i.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Third Addition .to Fleeiwood Drive The area proposed to be assessed includes 11.P. Johnson's Prospeck Hills,' Lot 3, Block 1; M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Third Addition, Lots 1 thru 10, Block 1 and Lots 1 thru 7, Block 2 22. CONSTRUCTION OF VATERMAIN NO. 295 $ Lanham Lane from South line M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Third Addi- tion to Fleetwood Drive : The area proposed to be assessed includes M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills, Lot 3, Block 1; M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Third Addition, Lots 1 thru 10, Block 1, and Lots 1 thru 7, Block 2 23. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER NO. 144 Lanham Lane from South line M. P. Jolmson's Prospect Hills Third Addi- tion to 300 feet North The area proposed to be assessed includes M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills, Lot 3, Block 1; M.P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Third Addition, Lots 1 thru 10, Block 1, and Lots 1 thru 7, Block 2 Assessments on the following will be payable in two equal installments over a period of two (2) years, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1977: 24. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET LIGBTING NO. L-13 Tamarac Lane from Vernon Avenue to 684 feet North The area proposed to be assessed includes' Gleason First Addition, Lot'l, . Block 1; Gleason Second Addition, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Assessments on the following will be payable in five equal installments over a period of five (5) years, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 6% permannun from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1977: 25. CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENT NO. P-8 Parking Lot Improvement behind 3918 and 3922 14. 49% Street The area proposed to be assessed includes Auditor's Subdivision No. 172, South 177/510 feet of Lot 31 except street; and South 177% feet of Lot 32 and that part of the North % of Lot 34 lying East of West 14.75 feet thereof and South of Allatas First Addition except street Assessments on the following will be payable in twenty (20) equal installments mer a period of twenty (20) years, with iaterest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1977: 26. CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING'LOT P-2 Perking Lot behind Granciview Liquor Store Grand View Heights, Lots 4, 5, 6, 24, 25, 26 and 27 and that part of Lots 2 and 3 lying SWly of a line running from a point in W line of Lot 2, distance 15 86/100 feet S from NW corner thereof to a point in S line of Lot 3 distance 39 22/100 feet W from SE corner thereof including adjacent % of vacated Summit Avenue; Lot 23, Block 3; that part of Lots 11 to 15 inclusive lying East of Vernon Avenue including adjacent except street, Block 4 of vacated Summit Avenue .. Assessment on the followhg will be payable in six equal-installments over a per- iod of six (6) years, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum: 27. DEFERRED ASSESSMENT ON WATEREIAIN' NO. 277 To serve 6621 Naterrnan Ave. (Plat 73730, Parcel 600, Sec. 30, T. 117, R. 21) The area proposed to be assessed includes Brown's Addition, Lots I, 2, and 3, Block 1 First payment of these assessments will be payable with the taxes for the year ' 1976, collectible in 1977. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate €or one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of the pro- perty assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the City Treasurer on or before November 15, 1976, or make pay- ment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. Any owner may appeal these assessments to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of Edina within 20 days after the adoption of the assessment and by filing such notice with the District Court within 10 days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. L FLORENCE B. HALLBERG City Clerk Notion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman R.ichards. Rollcall : Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. 8/ iG/ 76 WINE TASTING CLUB LICENSE DENIED. that he hqd formed a club to “give people a better appreciation of wine“ and that the proceeds of the wine tasting party would go to the Wine Club to pay for rental and expenses, but not for the cost of the wine which, he said, would be donated by the France 44 Liquor Store. that such an event would riot be permitted under Edina’s ordinances. PIr- Walter Ween, Manager OE France 44 Liquor, appeared to request permission to serve wine at the Biltmorc Motel. He explai d ed Mr. Ween was advised by Elr. Erickson PURCHASE OF DANENS GARAGE ON CAHILL ROAD CONSIDERED. Mr. Dalcn advised Council that the’city is incerested in acquiring the Danens garage which is located on Cahill Road. LIQUOR FUND as of June 30, 1976, was presented by Mr. Dalen, reviewed, and ordered I- placed on file by motion of Councilman Shaw, seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. The matter was informally continued to the next meeting. Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. oc) CLAIMS PAID. payment of the following claims as per pre-list: Poor Fund, $12,434.00; Park, $2,119.25; Swimming Pool, $3,612.39; Golf Course, $14,870.58; Arena, $5,502.01; Gun Range, $165.04; Water Works, $20,224.62; Sewer, $67,576.58, Liquor Fund, $195,539.86; Construction Fund, $56,006.98; Total, $488.272.88. Motion of Mayor Van Valkenburg was seconded by Councilman Shaw eo? General Fund, $110,221.57; Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. No ’further bushess appearing, Counc’ilman Richards? motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. Adjournment at 11:55 p.m. / City Clerk II