HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968_City_of_Edina_reduced_and_optimized·• . ' BARR ENGINEERING CO. CONSULT ING HYDRAULIC ENGINEERS DOUGLAS W , BARR, PRESIOENT JOHN 0, DICKSON, VICE PRESIDENT Eciina Engineering Department Edina. Villai;e Hall 43t1 l Wes t St: th Street: Eain~, Minnesota. Re: Morningside Area Storm Se,,,er Gentlemen: 440 ROANOKE BUILDING MINN EA POLI S. M INN ESO'TA 55402 TELEPHONE (AREA 612) 33S·72.21 June 19, 1968 In accordance \>ith your req1.1est '-'e. h2ve prepcred e. skE;tch o f < t•f.:-v:.sed detail for the st1;ui_turcs i:t the inundation dre<: for Lie .;:;.bove r~fr;rence::; t·rcj.;t:'.t. 1£ you :c<i-.re any qu~t:tio.i.t co.1c.:.rnL1g t!ti.& .~ke..:c11 ; :1le.=~r.e c.3 !.l me. Yours truly, .Ju.11 "J. Dkk&on JDD: t.. 1n<... C1 · /I (_ _cµ_.,."1. -< -. 1 C' /. ''-• fif,1{ 7 /2 6JY · /r> t3 J . l1 (l k e @ I ; ?·o ?,ti _ ;/luf wj /ci-t, ,t~' C<Lv,.~ ~prV\o rycr~J ' /~ , it. ! c/ a {{ -ll(C.· --~<;_'1 '! r A)0 lf 'I <;Cle . .(? I c/ ~y, 'j) 'Vt ~ 1-'{f' «'ale{ / . -.. -i. ' I -:-- 1 --·-·-----.. -- ' I ·;-\' , ; ,_.., I .c. /, ... .t.-er'(,~,., LRM. '~ ' ,,... -j _,,,... -(. 4-0 ..-, ··:;·c5 -7'Z"2 v ' ~ J·' r1 BARR ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING HYDRAULIC ENGINEERS DOUGLAS W BARR, P~£SIDENT J OHN 0 DICKSON VICE PRESIDENT Mr. Robert F. Wittman Soil Exploration Company 662 Cromwell St. Peul1 Minne•ota SS114 De4r Mr. Wittman, 440 ROANOKE B UILDING M I N NEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE (AREA 612) 333·7221 January 2s. 1968 Enclosed are six copies of our map 1ndicatina toil boring locatiOlW in the Morniageide area. We have added the locatiows of borings 24, 2S, 26 and 27. which were taken by your crews on January 16th and 17th. Since you continued with the numbering syatem used in your report of December 21, 1967, we would prefer to W.ve the boring logs and soundings from the recent work included in the December 21 raport. Wa are the~efore returning four copiep of the report for the insertion of the additional data. 1.'he ground elevations of the recent borings are .as followe: Boring 24 Boring 25 Borlng 26 Boring 27 Elevation 871.2 Elevation 870.9 Elevation 866.9 Elevation 870.6 ,,_ Also. would you please check the Yttrtlcal scale noted on the top of the log sheets for borings 9A and 10. LRMtDC Enc. Sincerely, if.? /iz ~t~v L.R. Molaether, P.E. 0 AUGER BORINGS ® PENETRATION BORINGS • 0 " .. 0 0 c: c ..J Lilttl St. 18'• ~ .. : w. I 4 7' 'O g • .! L-___,3 .. 91d-St. 12 6 -4----~----e--~~~-4 t ~· I MORNINGSIDE AREA VILLAGE OF EDINA SOIL BORING LOCAT.IONS I e> <-A vi:'..'\R..':"' 7:z ,ec .. ":'!J.S _::tcN?-42")'. 'f2" r -sE..:r10N -7 ~ ·' tFlLir:r:... = r-l r.:rf ~----_-_-_ ...... J ! / 60 'x 4Z'' T-5ECTION c,860.Z5 .... L l 4?P~ox. ~AP ~: l/----=---t.-----1./""· a-:--1 -----""1 51-N X 4211 T · S€C TION • ··•· ·-· • -"' ... •• • 4 7YPG /J /'/LE C'.e4.l¥ ( 5111' ,.At;E 7) APPROX. Cf-A;P 2 ~ 11 --· ry PE c PILE' c,eA,OL£ (:5~cP~ 7) . 5FCTION 8-B ·scCTION A-A \ \ u MISC'. SiRVCTVRcS ,('£VISED EA'N)\ IMP~ ve~NT No. Ill BA~R eNtf/NEE,e/N~ (70, ~(l,l/Vq-,.;v:,t?Ath .... /C £1\.-'7. Ac£(~ • Page 7 of 11 Pages • • •• ESTIMATED QUANTITIES 10 205 307 " TIED BID PROPOSAL SECTION II (CONTINUED) • MATERIAL L/F 54" R.C.P. 10-121 Depth, Class II L/F 48" R.C.P. 0-8' Depth, Class II L/F 48" R.C.P. 0-8' Depth, Class IV ~··. 118 60 L/F 48" R.C.P. 8-10' Depth, Class II L/F 48" R. c. P. 10-12' Depth, Class II - • .. 35 'l'I ~ q11S- ~ 398 --%+ 168 ~ 1:11 !" ,4 1 'i "'l. L/F 48" R.C,P. 12-14' Depth, Class II L/F 24" R,C.P. 0-8' Depth, Class II -· --L/F 1811 R.C.P. 0-8' Depth, Class II •) L/F 15" R.C.P. 0-8' Depth, Class III L/F 12" R.C.P. 0-81 Depth, Class IV Standard Manholes 0-8' Depth without Castings T-section Manholes 0-8' Depth without Castings V/t= Ed-ra Wedi l4a11 J(!/f' F. & I Type "D" Castings F & I Type "E" Castings 1:B:IS-Type "B" Catch Basins ~ Castings 0-6' Depth 500 -400 t80 300 1000 S/Y Cultured Sod (Includes 4" of black dirt) and necessary exe~4eflT (All sodding beyond 7~' of pipe center line is incidental to the contract) 'Tons 211 Thick Bituminous replacement, M.H.D. Spec. 2331 (Includes prime coat, and utility adjustment) (For street and driveway repair) Tons Class 5 gravel compacted on street 6" thick C/Y 1-H" Rock (To be used for pipe bedding and temporary street surface) -(-Pr 1,.e t:aci.w~ -aeeeeeary sxe-ava~}- C I C" " ./. '.. ~ ( , .' , \ /... . j I y f-lf.CO :<> "'" 1 i"'1·1 1~ ~· 1r"'7-":d "C} [7n1::. /ii Cl(ft'~' t/ , . I J ' I , , . J I I . I ./ 0 I' /'i ! q ... "t ... v-I 7 .... • ~ •• • J' l ~ ? r , •• -· I;. { u r .t:.-:. ·: . Ir I'~:,. ~··- ·.'-·· i .... UNIT PRICE @ ____ _ @ ____ _ @ _____ _ ....... @ _____ _ @ ____ _ @ ____ _ @ ___ _ @ ____ _ --- @ ______ l @ _____ _ @ ------ @ _____ _ TOTAL $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ _____ , $ _ __;~...;.;;;;..­ $_;;;,_._-=~- $_...._. __ _ $ _____ .) $_=-==--- $ _____ , $ ____ _ .._ - -"""" $ ______ _ ; ~,. I • l -... The pipe that will not have an R-4 joint shall have rubber. gaskets with concrete grout at the joints. A come-along shall be used on all pipe 21" or larger to draw the pipe "home" at each joint. The section of pipe bends that are set on piling shall be strapped together· using two straps per pipe. The straps shall be located one on each side, approximately .in the middle of the pipe. The straps shall be 24" X l~" X 3/1611 material and secured by four shots per strap, two in each pipe using .22 cal., black S-22 stud, All pipe set on piling foundation shall be Class IV wjth extra longitudinal rein- forcing bars on the bottom half of the pipe. These longitudinal bars shall be #4's, spaced eight inches on center. The pipe requiring a pile foundation shall be marked "piling pipe" and the top of the pipe shall be also marked. CONCRETE PIPE BENDS All concrete pipe bends shall be measured for payment purposes as straight pipe. 1educers or increasers will also be measured as straight pipe and will be grouped with the larger-diameter pipe. SOIL BORINGS '"-• There are three soil reports in the Edina Engineer's office which are available for review, Some of the information from these soil boring reports has been transferred to the plans to assist the Engineer in preparing the plans. The soil boring reports and the information placed on the plans are for the Contractor's information and are not warrented as a complete representative sampling of all the soils that may be encountered during the construction. POND EXCAVATION Prior to the laying of any of the pipes which will outlet into the pond, the pond shall be excavated to the cross section shown on the plans. The material excavated shall be disposed of at locations shown on the plans, or designated by the Engineer. 66 t'Re beck o:f ... t-he·=SpaeifiucaH ooe &ORF''&Oflte gred4:Ag-p1.aee .whe-rc ;l"@W9 ea thie meteri-el is t'o:::'l:r~. The Contractor will be paid for the excavation and disposal of this material at a lump st.nn price. JACKING PIPE From station o+25 to station Ot85 the Contractor will be required to either auger or jack 60 feet of storm sewer. The R-4 joints will not 1;>.e .)'.eal!ired, on,. .. cr,l_ .. r e:,, ~ ()-< 11· ~; • this portion of the s7{'r.fl __ ~~w_!!r. Rubb~ g~.§:ke_~shall be used, along wi h either 3t;f' 'lywood or masonite-1<al': aH j-&htts. Gasket:s aha'U fie Ty-1-olf, P-1<es.s-sea 1, or ~oved equ~l. The plywood or masonite is to prevent point-contact of the concrete during the jacking operation. The Contractor shall be paid a unit-price per linear foot of pipe jacked which shall include the cost of all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to install the pipe as shown on the plans. This price shall include the cost of the jacking pits, the cost of the pipe and all necessary labor. ..: .. I \ \ • -4-SC -• ,. ,, .. ________ ... -· -• --..... ~:.--, .... &Qi .. ~t!!!ll ............ 5 • .-..... .. Page l of 11 Pages NOTE TO .BIDDERS : TIED BID PROPOSAL VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 111 1. Bids will be opened at 11:00 A.M. (DS TIME), Friday, March 1, 1968. 2. The Proposal (Tied Bid) will not be cons idered unless Section I, Section II, and Section III are completed. 3. The work will be commenced within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of "Notice of Award" from the Village. All of the work shall be completed not later than September 1, ·1968. BID SUMMARY STORM SU-,TER -IMPROVEME NT NO. l.11 SECTION $ _______ _ SECTION 11 $ _________ ~ SE.CT ION 1 I I $-----~--- GRA.ND TtlTAL -TIED BID FJRM NAME: ADDRESS: BY: PHONE NUMBER: Pa g8 2 vf 11 Pages TIED BID PROPOSAL VILIAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 111 TO THE V.f LI.AGE COUNCI L OF THE VILIAGE OF EDINA GENT Lflff'N: Tht und.,.rsig neJ has <:xamined the t.•.m ttact ducum~nts, including advertisement for bid..;, in~ti uc.t:~in · t bidders, general umtr ~1 ct. t.•.mditions , form of contract, and de l <!ili:d spt c ficatJrms . inc l uding attct~hed drawings and plans on file in the oiiic<. l•f L'1t· Cl r:r k ,)1 lht: Village of Edina , and is familia r with the site and loc.:i.ti -'" n t I!,-pro_i.-t·t, tll(' work to he dcinc-, and the local conditions affecting tbt-cost o !. t1H work t,nder 1..ihic.b jt must be per formed and hereby pro poses t t' furnj~h ,-11 l L-1bor, m;1 t;;riab, and equipment ior Lh1:: complete construction oi the ~,L 'rn. ~~~wPr, <rnd. to periorm sucb work al.l in accurdance with the contract doc,uments f or Lhi:'. fc, ! !0wing pr i.<.:es: LOCA1'10t-\: SECTION 1 i\lt)r.g an • .. ast>11(:0t t·he n ntl11 side of the City of Mi.nneapolis Wate r '.1t'partment: pr0perty W(St )f Franc..e :><-e:nc. nt ;;.lung the wesr i:,ide 0 1 the, Minneapolis Water Depart:rn<..nt properly £as•:·r.1t·':lt al.,ing the sour b side u f Registered Land Survey 115 67 \'1t!'.;t 41st S treet f r om Grimes UJ linterey ~a ;enl<::nL Rcr-·:i··s lot itlY, Mont~rey t o Natchez Avenue Lust!·n<.tH. aL·n;-~ t :ie mirth side, R.:gistered Land Survey {:567 f:.a.:.t••"!f,nl 1..:~ R···g i -.;l<>n~J Land Stlr'Jt'Y ··567, near Inglewood, from north l ine api>ro.·:i.:nat.L l y 2 50 f~cl 8l.lu t 11 Acr o ;s tlte Vi.llagC! of Mo rningsid<.:! Pnrk area from thE: trunk t o the pond Gri mt's AvLnm: lrom 4lst Str<'·i:L ai.ppr"+j1lla 1·1tl' .:Ji8 :!el!t nortl-r ./t1 :',,-• ;,~,, t "1,mt"t.;tcy Avenue frl1m Wu>t 4bt St r.i..'et approximately 260 fee t s,>u th t.Jo-f~ ·5+,.~e -J-.Jopp" A,, .. ,,,u -lo I Page J of 11 Pages TIED BID PROPOSAL VILIAGE OF EDINA , MINNESOTA SECTION I (CONTINUED) ES TT MATED QUANTJTI ES MATERIAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL 20 L/F 54" Ashestos Bonded Bitumunous CCJated C.M.P. 0-8 ' Depth, 12 Gauge @ $ ____ _ l ltt L/F 54" R. C. P. 0 -8 ' Depth, Class IV piling pipt_, @ $ ____ _ 100 L'F 5411 R.C.P 8-10' Depth, Class IV ?11 i.ng pipe. @ $ ____ _ 185 iJF 54'' R.C.P. 8-10 ' Depth, Class 11 (d $ ____ _ l45 L/F ::>4" R.C. P. 10-12 I DE: pth, Cl ass 11 @ $ ____ _ 132 L/F 5411 R.C .P. 12-14' Dt>pth, Class II @ $ ____ _ JO L/f 5411 R.C.'P , 14-16' De-pth, Class II @ $ ____ _ 4 L/F 48" R. C. t'. 0-8' Depth, Class lV pi l.ing pipe ( n·ducL r) @ $ ____ _ 11 ') L/F 42" R. C. P. 0-8' Depth, Class IV pi l111g pipe @ $ ----- 4lb LIF -12 II R.C.l'. 0-8' Dc·pth, Class 11 @ $ ____ _ 5-~5 l/F 42 II R. C. P. 8-10' Depth, Cla::.s II @ $ ___ _ 289 I/F 4211 R.C. p . 10-L2' Depth, Class lI @ ·' $ ___ _ 171 L/.F 42 II R. C. P ; 12-14' Depth, Cla!;:; II @ $ ____ _ 4 'u/F 3611 R.C.P. 10-U I Depth, Cl ass 11, (reduu~r) @ $ ----- :no L/F '30'' R .C'.P. 0-8 ' Depth, Class IV pill ng pipt: @ $ ----- 60 LIF JO" R.C. P. Class IV jacked @ $ ----- 2Li 5 L/f 30" R.C.P. 0-8' Depth, Class lI 'o \:. $ ----- 80 I• f .30 II R.i.... P. 0-8' Depth, Cla~s IV ca $ ____ _ Page 4 of 11 Pages ESTH1.i\TED QUANTITIES 190 15 151 5 5 45 245 14.5 185 135 105 JS 492 7 15 3 TIED BID PROPOSAL SECTION I (CONTINUED) MATERIAL L/F 30" R. C. P. 8-10' Depth, Class II L!F 30" R.C. P, 8-10' Depth, Class IV L/F 30" R C. P. 10-12' Depth, Class II L!F J O" R.C. P. 10-12' Depth, Class I V L/F 30'' R.C.P. 12-14' Depth, Class IV L/F 30" R.C.P . 14-16' Depth, Class IV l/F 30" R.C. P. 16-18' Depth, Class IV L/F 2 7 " R.C.P. 0-8' Depth, Class II L/F 27 11 R. C. P. 8-10' Depth, Class 11 L/F :-.'.4" R.C. P. 0-8' De pth, Class Tl L/F '24 11 ):{,C.P. 8-10' Depth, Class II L/F 24" R.C.P. 10-12' Depth, Class II 'f_·f I L/F,,.Asbestos Bonded Bi tuminous Coated C.M.P. 0-8' Depth, 14 Gauge L/F 21" R.C.P, 8-lO' Depth, Class II I 'F l A " ~ .. • !.-. !"'! -5 . ~·· .... ,.; : . I I . :. !l L/F 15" R.C. P. 0-8' Depth, Class Ill L/F 12" R.CP. 0-8' Depth, Class IV {. h 7.. '' <: H. F, (). '.': • !}~,-.I ;. /(,. <fr.J '-' ·'? '-• ~ ,· .. ... Stanuard Manho les, 0 -8 ' wi thout Cast ings T-section Manho les, 0-8 ' without Castings V/f Extra Wall Manhole F & I Type "D" Castings v & I Type "E" Castings Ty pe II B" Catch Basins with Castings 0-6' Depth , ,."t ,,., r I UNIT PRICE TaTAL @ $ @ $ @ $ @ $ @ $ @ $ ca $ @ $ @ $ @ $ @ $ @ $ @ $ @ $ ~ t ..... ·-·-@ $ @ $ ~· ------·--'--@ $ @ $ @ $ @ $ @ $ @ $ .() $ . ~ --·--------... ~--.. _. _____ Page 5 of 11 Pages ESTIMATED QUANTITIES 3600 310 ~ 1000 3500 1640 1 J 67 50 6400 36 11 26 6 3 l 2 TIED BID PROPOSAL SECTI0N I (CONTINUED) MATERIAL S/Y Cultured Sod (Includes 4" of black dirt) .aA'1 Di!Q@eeary e]{efi!Hi:lan) (All sodding beyond 7~' of pipe center l ine is incidental to the contract, except around perimeter of the pond) .5 Ton• 2" Thick Bituminous replacement, M.H.D. Spec. 2331, (Includes prime coat, and utility 3djus tme•tt) (For street and driveway r <!pa ir) Tons Class 5 gravel compacted on street 6" thick C/Y 1-1!2" Rock (To .be used for pipe bedding and temporary street surface) 'D t &12oladc:s ofl.IE:~ee'Mli.z,.:a.&Cff'l!l'tt~ UNIT PRICE @. ____ _ @ ____ _ @ ____ _ @ ____ _ C/Y sand, grave 1 for around pipe t + ... ~.,e..J. /,q,j/:,'11 @ _____ _ Cubic yds. excavation (vehicle measure) (This includes all material that is loaded in trucks and hauled to designate d dump areas) (This does not include the lump sum pond excavation.) L/F 5' high fence around pond, includes gate Pond excavation includes disposal of the excava- t ed material (approx. 41,370 cu. yds.) "1.8,f Wt>6.I ~~,_,..J ,,.,., -:-..-J,., e I/,..{"_' "' /'lctc~ L/F of treated timber pile delivered L/F of treated timber pile driven Type "A" cradles for 30" pipe Type "A" cradles for 42" pipe Type "A" cr adles for 54" pipe Type "B" cradles for 30" pipe Type "B" cradles for 42" pipe Type "B" cradle for 4811 pipe Type "B" cr adles for 5411 pipe @ ____ _ @ ____ _ Lump Sum ~-----·----.. @. ____ _ @ ____ _ @ ____ _ @ ____ _ @ ____ _ @ ____ _ @ _____ _ @ _____ _ @. ____ _ \ TCYfAL $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ i----·-- $ _____ _ $ ____ _ $ _____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ _____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ Page 6 of 11 Pages ESTIMATED QUANTITY 5 2 2 I ,,.'l 2 LOCATION: TIED BID PROPOSAL SECTION I {CONTINUED) MATERIAL Type "C" cradles for 30" pipe Type "C" cradles for 42" pipe Structures in inundation area 1,. F t:>;-: /~· .,.,~) .,. •. ·"';.. ~ -i .,,.._... /' J..i ,. ,,._, ~t·,,.. If J~r " /:') !. -.) F & I all labor and material to lower existing 6" C. I.P. Watermain 4' for a distance o f 30 feet UNIT PRICE TOTAL @ $ @ $ @ $ ~ -·--··---.... _ f Lump Sum $ TOTAL -SECTION I ------------------------------------------$ .(THIS FIGURE TO BE USED IN THE GRAND TOTAL TIED BID) SECTION II ST. LOUIS PARK PROJECT NO. 62-85 Easement across school property Natchez to Quentin Easement across lot 11 of Minikahda Park 39th Street, France Avenue to Inglewood Avenue Jtli'l:i'a he• 12, Eiise · :fiwei wallk u• iftha 8HaOIR l.Q5jp i ..... a f'Wlf p A es ass •• Uesnt1e1&9 I Rtchbe ------ 1 Page 7 of 11 Pages TIED BID PROPOSAL SECTION II (CONTINUED) ESTIMATED QUANTITIES MATERIAL 10 L/F 54" R.C.P. 10-12' Depth, Class II 205 L/F 48" R.C.P. 0-8' Depth, Clas& II 307 L/F 48" R.C.P. 0-8' Depth, Class IV 118 L/F 48" R. C. P. 8-10' Depth, Class II 60 L/F 48" R.C.P. 10-12' Depth, Class II 35 L/F 48" R.C.P. 12 -14' Dept h, Class II 'f'I ~ L/F 24" R.C.P. 0-8' Depth, Cl ass II ~l,J :. ~ L/F 18" R. C. P. 0-8' Depth, Cl ass II :J98 -9&l L/F 15" R.C.P. 0-8 ' Depth, Class III /Ii,;;/ ~ L/F 12" R. C. P. 0-8' Depth, Class IV 111 ~ Standard Manhulcs 0-8' Depth without Castings 3 T-set.tion Manholes 0-8' Depth without Castings 1 F & I Type "D" Castings -tt -, F & I Type "E'' Castings ._ ,~-Type "B" Catch Basins with Castings 0 -6' De pth 500 S/Y Cu l tured Sod (Includes 4" of black dirt } a-nd-·ne-ce~fHUY ~·~v.1at:ie!'l) (All sodding beyond 7~' of pipe cen ter line is incidental to the contract) ~ Tons 2" Thick Bituminous replacement, M.H.D. fl' 1 Spec. 2331 (Inc l udes pr ime coat, and utility adjustment) (For street and d r iveway repair) 300 Tons Cl ass 5 gravel compacted on street 6" t hick C/Y 1-132" Rock (To be used for pipe bedqing and temporary street surface) ·~.;Py:t·re-hw l ud~ -neee&eary EXl'!!'l'!V&tieA~ UNIT PRI CE TOTAL @ ____ _ $ ____ _ @ ____ _ $ ____ _ @ ____ _ $ ____ _ @ ____ _ $ ____ _ @ ____ _ $ ____ _ @ ____ _ $ ____ _ @_.;.. ____ _ $ _____ _ @ ____ _ $ _____ _ @ ____ _ $ ____ _ @ ____ _ $ ____ _ @ ____ _ $ _____ _ @ ____ _ $ __ ~_· __ _ @ _____ _ $ ____ _ @ _____ _ $ ____ _ @. _____ _ $ ____ _ @. _____ _ $ ____ _ @ _____ _ $ ____ _ @ _____ _ $ ____ _ @ _____ _ $ ____ _ Page 8 of 11 Pages ESTIMATED QUANTITY 150 3 LOCATION : ESTIMATED QUANTITIES 20 130 305 TIED BID PROPOSAL SECTION II (CONTINUED) MATERIAL UNIT PRICE C/Y Sand, gravel for around pipe @ ___ _ Trees cleared, grubbed and removed @ ____ _ TOTAL -SECTION II (THIS FIGURE TO BE USED IN THE GRAND TOTAL -TIED BID) SECTION III EDINA IMPROVEMENT NO. 111 42nd Street, Lynn Avenue to Scott Terrace Scott Terrace, from 42nd Street, 260 feet south Easement south side lot 25, Morningside Easement across lot 30 & 31, Morningside Easement nor~h side lot 48, Morningside From 42nd Street north to Pond Grimes Avenue from 42nd Street, 185 feet south Easement across lot 76, Morningside Easement across north side lot 3, block 1, Crocker & Crowells 1st addition Easement across lot 15, William Scott's addition Grimes from 4lst Street, 105 feet south MATERIALS UNIT PRICE L/F 60" Asbestos Bonded Bituminous Coated C ••. P. 0-8' Depth, 10 Gauge @ t1 L/F 48" R.C.P. 8-10' Depth, Class II @ L/F 48" R.C.P. 10-12' Depth, ·class II @ TOTAL $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ TITTAL $ $ $ Page 9 of 11 Pages TIED BID PROPOSAL .. SECTION III (CONTINUED) ESTIMATED QUANTITY MATERIAL UHIT PRICE TOTAL 2?5 L/F 48" R. CP. 12-14' Depth. Clas s II @ $ ')~ L/F 48" R. C, P. 14-16' Depth, Class II @ $ 440 L/F 42" R.C.P. 14-16' Depth, Class III @ $ ~~ I t\ I -L/F 36" R. C. P. 14-16' Depth, Cl a ss Ill @ $ (reducer) lo ':> L/F JO" R. C. P. 14-16' Depth' Cla ss II @ $ } _1) L/F 30'' R c . P. 12-14' Depth, Class II ra $ LOG L/F JO '' R.C. P. 12-14' Depth, Class III @ $ 8 L/F 21" R.C.P. 10-1 2 I Depth, Cl abs II @ $ 31 L/F 2 7" R.C.P. 12-14' Depth, Class II @ $ 1'.i J L/F ? ' " -'-+ R. C. P. 8-10' Depth, Class II @ $ ~ J6 L/F 2 ]_It H.C. P. 0-8' De pth, Class II @ $ 14 ~ L/F ~ l" R. C, P. 8-10' Depth, Cl ass II @ $ l iO L/F 18 " A~.be stos Bonded Bitumi nous Coated t(I $ C.M. P. 0-f'' De pt h , 14 gauge 'l4 L/F 18" R. l .. P. 0-8' Depth, Class II @ ~ ' -~ . ; L/F l 5" R.C.P. 0-8' De p t!~' Cl .:is s III @ $ l.!O L/F 15'' R.C.P. 8-10' Depth, Class III @ $ BO L/F 15" R.C.P. 10-12' Depth, Cl ass III @ $ ~ ·1 l," _:.: L/F 12' R. C. P. 0-8 1 De p t h , Class IV ') $ b.(+, -·· · ------t--fP-+-9-..tL-€-:-M; ·P-;--Q.-8. 1 • ...flept -It -; -ib-··Ra~e -----@ ' ---~·~·--~ l ,' S tanda rd Hanho leb 0-8 ' De pth without Cast ings @ $ T-se.Lt. i on M.'.lnholes 0-8 ' De p L li wi thout Castings @ $ Page 10 of 11 Pages ESTIMATED QUANTITY 44 6 7 8 1900 400 1275 2 2 TIED BID PROPOSAL SECTION III(CONTINUED) MATERIAL UNIT PRICE V/F Extra Wall Manholes @ ----- F & I Type "C" Cast in gs @ ----- F & I Type "D" Castings @ ----- F 6: I Type "E" Castings @ ----- Type "B" Catch Basins with Castings 0-6' Depth @ ----- S/Y Cultured Sod (Includes 4" of black dirt) ~ R.ieestH'l·r:y excaval!!'on) (All sodding beyond 7~' of pipe center line is incidental to the contract) @ ----- Tons 2" Thick Bituminous replacement, M.H.D. Spec. 2331 (Includes prime coat, and utility adjustment) (For street and driveway repair) @ ----- Tons Class 5 gravel compacted on street 6" thick @ C/Y 1-112" Rock (To be used for pipe bedding and temporary street surface) (Price includes ----- necessary excavation) @ ----- C/Y Sand, gravel for around pipe '1 htr<e~. batt.C;!I @ ----- Cubic yds., excavation (vehicle measure) (This includes all material that is loaded into truck and hauled to designated spoil areas) (This does not include the lump sum pond excavation) Trees cleared, grubbed and removed 18" R.C.P. Apron, 4' long, strapped ' ' . ~ TOTAL -SECTION III @ ____ _ @ ____ _ @ ____ _ (THIS FIGURE TO BE USED IN THE GRAND TOTAL TIED BID) GRAND TOTAL -TIED BID -STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 111 SECTIONS I, II, & III ---------------------------- TOTAL $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ _____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ ~--·····-- $ ____ _ $ ____ _ Page 11 of 11 Pages TIED BID PROPOSAL VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT No.111 SECTIONS I, II, & III Bid security in the amount of $~~~~~-' being 10% of the high or base bid, accompanies this proposal, the same being subject to forefeiture in the event of default. It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish Contractor's bond and execute form of contract now on file with the Village Clerk; and further agrees that if awarded this contract, work will be commenced within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of "Notice of Award" form the Village. All the work shall be completed not later than September 1, 1968. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, FIRM NAME: ADDRESS: BY: I i SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 111 VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA Table of Contents Article Pa e GENERAL ------------------------------------------------------------------1 ~AINTENANCE OF JOB SITES -------------------------------------------------1-2 STARTING AND COMPLETION DATES ---------------------------------------------2 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES -------------------------------------------------------2 RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITIONS ------------------------------------------------2 CONSTRUCTION ON PRIVATE PROPERTY -----------------------------------------2 WORK SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------2 PROTECTION OF UTILITIES --------------------------------------------------2-3 REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING FACILITIES ---------------------------------------3 DUST CONTROL -------------------------------------------------------------3 TESTING OF MATERIALS -----------------------------------------------------3 NOTIFICATION BEFORE SHUTTING OFF WATER.MAINS ------------------------------3 FENCING ---------~--------------------------------------------------------3 REINFORCED CONCRETE SEWER PIPE -------------------------------------------3-4 CONCRETE PIPE BENDS ------------------------------------------------------4 SOIL BORINGS -------------------------------------------------------------4 POND EXCAVATION ----------------------------------------------------------4 JACKING PIPE -------------------------------------------------------------4 STREET RESTORATION -------------------------------------------------------5 TREE REMOVAL -------------------------------------------------------------5 BACKFILLING TRENCHES -----------------------------------------------------5-6 Table of Contents (continued) BACKCASTING BY DRAGLINE ONLY ------------------------------------------6 SODDING ---------------------------------------------------------------6 DISPOSITION OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL ------------------------------------6 REPIACEMENT OF FENCES, BUSHES AND TREES -------------------------------6-7 PILING ------------------~---------------------------------------------7 STRUCTURES IN INUNDATION AREA -----------------------------------------7 MANHOLES --------------------------------------------------------------7 WATERMAIN CROSSINGS ---------------------------------------------------8 i.-t·,., ~ .1,. w~. (' ,·· 8 GENERAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 111 The General Conditions, the Specifications for Watermain and Specifications for Sewers as embodied in these Contract Documents shall be applied to all work and material furnished under these Special Conditions, except as hereinafter modified. Contractors working within the Village will be expected to not only accomplish a high quality job in an orderly manner, but will also be expected to assist ~ residents in and around job sites in every manner possible. This includes such insignificant things as pulling out vehicles stuck in sand or mud. Con- tractors will be expected to treat all residents with politeness, and arguing with them will not be tolerated. Work such as this is very competitive. We want the very best job possible and are willing to pay for this quality work. We want an excellent end result and will insist on getting one. WE CANNOT OVERLY EMPHASIZE OUR INTENTIONS TO ASSURE GOOD QUALITY WORK, ACCOMPLISHED WITH THE LEAST AMOUNT OF INCONVENIENCE TO THE PUBLIC. IF YOU DO NOT SHARE THIS INTENT AND ARE NOT WILLING TO COOPERATE FOR THIS PURPOSE, PLEASE DO NOT BID. MAINTENANCE OF JOB SITES Each Contractor shall submit a list of at least three men to the Edina Police Dis.patcher who can be called at any time in case an emergency arises. All three men shall be capable and have the authority to drive a front-end loader, blade, and water truck. If no action is taken after one hour notice to the Contractor in the event of any emergency, Village crews will do the necessary emergency work and thR. Contractor will be billed for this cost. If the Contractor fails to pav the Village for this work, an equal sum will be deducted from the final payment. No trenches shall be allowed to be left open at night unless they are fenced with snow fence or similar fencing, unless pennission not to do so is given by the Village Inspector or Engineer. , !. ('. We will require that 98lldl. Contractor have at least one blade in the job area at all times, weekends and holidays inclu~~d. All roads shall be maintained daily, holidays and weekends included. ~Contractor shall have one man check each of his job sites each non-working day. This man shall check in with the Edina Police Dispatcher at the Edina Village Hall and sign a form stating that he has personally checked each job site, and has found all barricades and flasha.r~.iroperly installed and in working order. That he ._ found all open street.S~o '1:>e passable and reasonably dust free or if these4-'' conditions do not exist that he has taken steps to see that they are corrected. A penalty of $100.00 per day will be charged for each day that the Contractor fails to comply with the above. This amount will be deducted from the final payment. STARTING AND COMPLETION DATES This work covers the installation of storm sewers anQ miscellaneous other work in improved and unimproved ¥1J QU streets and on easements. It shall be under- stood that work shall begin within 10 calendar days after receipt of "Notice of Award" from the Village of Edina. All the work shall be completed not later than September 1, 1968. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Should the Contractor fail to complete the work on or before the dates specified or extended by change orders, he will be subject to liquidated damages in the amount of $100.00 per day for each and every calendar day, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays that the work shall remain uncompleted. RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION It is the intention of the Village of Edina to have most of the necessary easements prior to the commencement of this project. However, if any acquisition is delayed, and this delay hinders the Contractor's progress in such a manner as to prevent completion of the work on time, an extension of time will be granted to the Contractor beyond the date of the completion of this contract. The Contractor must make a written request to the Engineer for this extension and the extension is subject to the approval of the Engineer. No payment will be made for moving charges if there are delays in obtaining easements. CONSTRUCTION ON PRIVATE PROPERTY Certain construction on private property is required. The Village is responsible for and is in the process of obtaining the easements therefor and a map delineating the easement widths and boundaries will be furnished the Contractor before construction. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to acquaint himself with the easement map and to confine his operations to the easement widths or boundaries shown. Any procedure by the Contractor of any sort beyond the boundaries indicated shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor who shall save the Village harmless from any claim for damage due to trespass. WORK SCHEDULE Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed work schedule to the Engineer. This schedule shall show the sequence of operations and the time scheduled for each operation. Where problems as to coordination and com- pletion may appear to exist, the Engineer may require modifications therein. PROTECTION OF UTILITIES The Contractor's attention is invited to the requirements of the General Conditions concerning protection of utilities. Specialcare shall be taken -2-SC in crossing of underground gas, electric and telephone main conduits by watermains, sanitary sewers, storm sewer and their appurtenances. The Contractor shall cooperate with the private utility company concerned in protecting and supporting conduits for uninterrupted service. The utility company shall be notified irmnediately of any damage to conduits. The Contractor shall also exercise extreme care in backfilling and compacting the trench under utility conduits which cross the water and sewer trench perpendicularly. Backfill immediately unper the utility conduit shall be placed in lifts not to exceed hrt C•) ~ in depth and thoroughly compacted with an approved vibratory compactot. REPI.ACEMENT OF EXISTING FACILITIES The Contractor shall replace at no additional compensation, in kind, any and all existing facilities which he may carelessly disturb during construction such as driveways, steps, sod, hedges, etc. Any catch basins, storm sewers, or other utilitie s which may be affected shall come under this item and be replaced as directed by the Engineer. DUST CONTROL The Contractor shall be required to adequately control dust on the streets. When so directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide one tank truck, adequate size, with spray bar or other suitable equipment for sprink- ling streets, which shall be available at all times for street maintenance. -r~~ Village of E~ina will furnish the water free of cost, but reserves the right to indicate, source of supply. TESTING OF MATERIAL.5 The Village of Edina will pay for all testing of materials. NOTIFICATION BEFORE SHUTTING OFF WATERMAINS The Contractor shall notify the Village Water Department and the affected property owners before shutting off watermains. He must plan his operation to cause the least amount of disruption of water service in the affected area. FENCING The fencing around the pond shall be installed in accordance with s·ection 2557 and Standard Plate No. 9322f~of the Minnesota Department of Highways Specifications. There shall be one single vehicle gate located as shown on the plans. The height I • of the fence shall be five fe~t. .A~ I.~-~ ,,, .. , .·,., ,..-"''!'!"· ~ ... ,,,, ~ , ,.... ') .,,..-r-t '~ ... ,/ ,. /) ·'\ .. -I . ./_, ·,. . ("_ 1., ,. ~tr """"", .. ,, • ,. .... '1 ,. ,, ~ ' ., , 'o> • .,, ..I • I J.-l'-r;.,.,.~" .,.·..,,,. ... ..,.., REINFORCED CONCRETE SEWER PIPE All of the storm sewer pipe shall have R4 joints except the pipe that is to be jacked, the long-radius bends that require a pile, f?~9d~t~qn ~~r~~ t~~ pipe between the trunk line and the inundation structure that will be set 'on piling. , • t ,. -.. , ;... I n·•· . . ..... '. j 0 .... ..+ 1 \ ...... ". "· ,. ~ ' l I '".·. • fV') ' . •,,. I I ~' ..., .. ) I . f • .. ·- SC The pipe that will not have an R-4 joint shall have rubber gaskets with concrete grout at the joints. A come-along shall be used on all pipe 21" or larger to draw the pipe "home" at each joint. The section of pipe bends that are set on piling shall be strapped together using two straps per pipe. The straps shall be located one on each side, approximately in the middle of the pipe. The straps shall be 24" X 1-\" X 3/16" material and secured by four shots per strap, two in each pipe using .22 cal., black S-22 stud. All pipe set on piling foundation sh~ll be Class IV with extra longitudinal rein- forcing bars on the bottom half of the pipe. These longitudinal bars shall be #4 's, spaced eight inches on center .. The pipe requiring a pile foundation shall be marked "piling pipe'.' and the top of the pipe shall be also marked. CONCRETE PIPE BENDS All concrete pipe bends shall be measured for payment purposes as straight pipe. Reducers or increasers will a l so be measured as straight pipe and will be grouped with the larger-diameter pipe. SOIL BORINGS There are three soil reports in the Edina Engineer's office which are available for review. Some of the information from these soil boring reports has been transferred to the plans to assist the Engineer in preparing the plans. The soil boring reports and the information placed on the plans are for the Contractor's information and are not warrented as a complete representative sampling of all the soils that may be encountered during the construction. POND EXCAVATION Prior to the laying of any of the pipes which will outlet into the pond, the pond shall be excavated to the cross section shown on the plans. The material excavdted shall be disposed of at locations shown on the plans, or designated by the Engineer. *t'-the-back_Qf the specifications are some grading plans where · s-ome or-ffUs material is to be disposed of. The Contractor will be paid for the excavation and disposal of this material at a lump sum price. JACKING PI PE From station o+25 to station o+85 the Contractor will be required to either auger or jack 60 feet of storm sewer. The R-4 joints will not be required on this portion of the storm sewer. Rubber gaskets shall be used along with either ~" plywood or uiasonite at all joints. Gaskets shall be Tylox, Press seal, or approved equal. The plywood or masonite is to prevent point-contact of the concrete during the jackingoperation. The Contractor shall be paid a unit-price per linear foot of pipe jacked which shall include the cost of all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to install the pipe as s hown on the plans. This price shall include the cost of the jacking pits, the cost of the pipe and all necessary labor. -4-SC· STREET RESTORATION All of the streets in this project have blacktop mats. The Contractor shall leave all of the streets after the storm sewer construction in a condition equal to or better than their present condition. The_driveway east of Grimes on the Village- owned property and miscellaneous private drives will need to be replaced or repaired. y · All repair shall consist of a six-inch Class~ base and two inches of bituminous surfacing conforming to the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Highways Standard Specifications, Section 2331. - -A,· '·- The streets shall be sub-cut~for installation for Class V gravel base within seven days after that portion of the storm sewer is completed and immediately filled with six inches of compacted Class V gravel. Grading and watering for dust control shall be continued until the streets are bi.acktopped by the Contractor. u, ). t ,, t J.. " .,... .,. : ( ~. ~ , ;~ • .. 1 c. ~ -J •• <" c '" . . } ~· .. , .C • .,, ,,. ,. y .. 41 • '$. ., > _r::, .r , ., ..:; { ~ , J.: a ! 1 b ~ G a •"' ~ .{' r.J I f '1 d '"~"" ~ t..f s: " ~ ... ,, (_ ,t q . .., -.+e ... : .., ~ /!.~·-~. i--1 h·..:r +i-_,_ f-;t·;·, .. ·.,~,..Y-.. The unit bid price for blacktop includes some hand-patching for catch basin lead trenches and driveways. However, a paver may be used wherever possible. ,J ... -,-;'> The Contractor sha ll be paid for Class V gravel at a unit price per ~ubi·, ~ard-in place. TREE REMOVAL Trees encountered within the construction limits of the storm sewer project shall be cleared, grubbed, and removed. All trees removed shall be disposed of outside the Edina Village limits. The clearing and grubbing of trees shall be paid for at the contract unit pri ce for each tree removed. All trees less than eight inches in dia- meler which need to be removed to facilitate the construction shall be removed and disposed of as previously specified, but shall be considered incidental to the other w ork. Fo rked trees with one root system and at least one branch eight inches in diameter shall be considered for payment purposes as one tree. All desirabl e trees and shrubs which are designated by the Engineer to be preserved shall be protected from injury or defacement during the construction operation. BACKFILLING TRENCHES The following are additions to the backfilling requirements as set forth in the Specifications for Sewer and Appurtanences. Backfilling of trenches in the travelled portions of the streets and under the curbs shall be accomplished in one-foot lifts. Where there is granular soil, compaction shall be obtained in each lift using a vibratory compactor. Where there are cohesive soils, the compaction of each lift shall be obtained using a sheep's foot roller. No peat or other organic soils shall be backfilled under the travelled portions of streets._ Backfilling of all trenches ether than the travelled portions of streets shall be accomplished in four-foot layers or lifts. Compaction shall be obtained using the appropriate type of compactor depending on the type of soil encountered. Compaction shall continue on each lift until no further settlement occurs. -5-SC l Should b~ckcasling operations be required, the Contractor will no t be required tu compact the trench in four-foot lifts. The Contractor may backfill t he entirt: tr1:11l!1 and then he shall be required to compact the trench at tht:> finished gradt:' e levatiun using the appropriate type of compactor, depending on the soil t ype, until nt> furth8r settlement occurs. Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, the native soil is unsuitable for backf tll material, it will be the Contractor's responsibility to excavate the trench, h<lul away d l l unsuitable backfill material to such locations as designated by tht:> [np.neer, and backfill the trench in accordance with the s pecifications with all accept<ibh' excess material which may be obtained from other trenches or excavations withtn t h<o· project area. Payment for truck hauling this material will be made at the contract unit price bid for Class A excavation (vehicle measure). In the event tha t d~f i c ien cies still exist in the backfill of the trench, after a ll available excess material has been u ti lized as described above, the Contractor shall provide additional approved material .is may be authorized .,and verified by the Engineer. Such material sh..ill be furnished and placed at the contract unit price per cubic yard. Unsuitable llUi t erial that i s loaded in trucks and hauled away to the dump areas wi 11 be paid for,,. tbt: ntract unit price bid for Class A e:x:cavation (vehicle measure). There wi 11 bt n~1 pay for unsuita ble material that is excavated and waste~ in the immed i ate a rc~. Rubber-tired equipment shall be used to backfill t renches where other e quipment wi 11 damage existin~ bituminous surfaces or sod. BACKCASTING BY IJRAGLINE ONLY At certain locations construct.ion operation:3 may be limited due t o backt·i.:l.sling by dragline only, in contrast t o sidecasting methods. Such operations shall be so conducted without compensation therefore. Contractors shall not ass~e t hat ~ide­ casting o perations may be employed at all locations becauae backcastin~ may bt.: necesi;.:iry due to limitations on easements and the protection of adjacent property. SODDING .,.,,e quality ot sod replacement seems to get worse evt:ry year. The sod laid { .1 this ~ontract. must compliment the sod that was existing prior to construc.:Li{1t.. The sod work n~y not be left until all of the storm sewer pipe is lai d. Area~ that r e qu1.re sod replacement will be sodded within two weeks after dig-t1p. Th1: sod s ha ll be "'1atered an.d maintained in a condition suitable to the Enginet'r for d per iod or eight weeks after the sod is placed. All sod that has settled shall be corrected for a period of one y ear after t he f inal payment is made. DISPOSITJON OF EXCAVATiQ MATERIAL Soi_l 1rum the pond excavation and excess material from trenches sha ll be di!:. ,~ •. ,1 of in d111!ip .irt, .• s de5ignated •in the plan nr dei-:ign.ated bv the Engineer. /+II dtc•f 4 ""toS /,--t. ••I' •· r (".I ( 'tilf e ~~_IJ ~ ~()Y ftoo £/y c+ 1 .1 f,,.~ .. ;:>,..0 ..1 ffle;te,,,..10 ' ,~. /·-:-~ ·"'""'" 1 · •· lrur-,' h<n~lf"Gt' ' P"M 'l!"k Po.-.-l , l oc.<r-le,I neqr /:'""~~<-"" lt vt-•'>d W. t:.i.t!!l s.J-. ,4 // ,;· y . .;-.: • J 1-,. _, t "T . . .. I ~Ir<? I I t ,; -I,.. "-I c ' },qt( I(' cl. '/I ..J /,1/( ! r•:' I " ~ <" ,... "";#rd. 5 C, .. .( (/ft. ) 7/.:e <;:.si .Jl t Kt'e !• u1c dump dCtk •S in .-. w0rkJbh: L.ond l LJ..nn. Tht~e ,,rt-... ~ wi l l n:qui1t: occasiona.1 bla ding or bulldozing. The Contra ctor must level off the area afur ht: has completed all his hauling. ( REPLACEMENT ('f FENCES 1 BUSHES. AND TREES The replacemen t oi fences, bushes and trees, the removal of w.'hich was neces:-a r-.· L:ir the construction of the proposed improvement ;rnd not du~ to th!:! re.sult of .-.• rel essnes ~ / .~ f ..... by the Contractor, will not be incidental to the contract. This work will eithe r b ~ done by other s or a price will be negotiated with the Contractor. PILING Prior to the ordering of the piles, the Contrac tor shall install two test piles at locations set by the Engineer. These test piles shall be forty feet in length and installed in locations where they can be incorporated into the final work. After the test piles are driven, the Engineer may revise the quantity of piling to be delivered to the site. The Contra ctor will proceed to drive the piles at the location and to the batter shown on the plans. When the desired bearing values of the piles are reached, the Contractor shall stop driving the pile and cut off the pile at the desired elevation. The timber pile formulas found in the Standard Specifications for Highway Bridg~s adopted by the American Association o f State Highway Officials shall be· used in determining the bearing values of the piles. Pipe cradles ~ha ll be constructed in accordance with the detailed drawings. The Contractor sh:ill be paid at a unit price per foot of pile delivered to the site. The amount of pile t o be delivered to the site will be determined after the two test pi 1es have been driven. The Contractor shall be paid for driving timber pi les at a unit price per foot of pile driven. This price shall include all the costs of driving the pile and cutting the pile off at the desired cut -off elevation. The twc test piles will be paid for under the same method of payment as that mentioned above . The Contrnctor sh~ll be paid for furnishing and i nstalling the timber pipe cradles at a unit price per crad le install e d. These cradles will be separated for type and size o f pipe. Said unit price shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and malerials n~cessary to f urnis h and construct the cradle complete as shown on the plans. 3TRUCTl~ES lN INUNDATION AREA The two structures in the i nunda tion area shall be constructed as shown on the plans . The Contractor shall be paid for constructing these two structures at a lump sum price per structure i ns talled. Included in the price is the T-section, grate , concrete base , excavation, and miscellaneous grading around the proposed struclure. Not i n cluded in the cost of these structures is the pipe leading from the trunk l i ne to the structure, nor any piling that may be required under the structure and connecting pipe lines . The pi ling and the pipe leading to the structures will be hand l ed under other sections of the s pec ifications. MANHOLES Separate unit prices will be obtained on-manholes f or standard manholes and for T-section manhol es. Shallow manholes , whether or not they are T-section manholes or s t andard manhol es , will not be treated separately but will be listed as under the a ppropriate heading for manholes , 0-8 foot depth. -7-·s c 1.\TERMAIN CROSSINGS Where th.e existing watermain lies within the limits of the proposed storm sewer, the existing watermai~.will be lowered in accordance with Fig. 7 id the back of these speci ficc..t:ioris.. The cost of this re location including all materials, labor and equipment necessar}r· to offset the watennain as shown shall be paid for at a lump sum per wa tennain crossing. ---------- ./-k ,. r '"'·',I I ., ' ( SC I ~ °[; /21 -(,J /,_~ (_v._<.._fu , 5fJ S; ~ _1 v' d ""LQ &:vJa:.JJ~ M I IL')<!?..-v' IG \ /t,G, V' \12-x/{:, v" zoy:_~ /'J-x If 1 /'J. Y. )tJ I v..4-1' -) ,.....__...~~--~-~~-~...--~~---------; ! /Tf:M ~------------+--------· No, I , /flt ,n t! t:..1# ~ ...! --~~ ---·-------·--+------ir------r----; I Mt.011?-t,/t ·-.•.. ~.. . ... -- I Mt. H ,~ li,;,KJ; ~ -- 1 I .+----I N f). t. v-'r D -i;- 1 lv\a c.l oY ) ., .... I, ... rie I b,1968/. B "Id" p d Construction workers are UI 1ng a On building a huge pond as part of a half-million-dollar program to provide greater storm sewer protection for southeastern St. Louis Park and northeastern Edina. The pond, which will be 300 feet wide 1 and 450 feet long, is under construction along the border of St. Louis Park and the Mo~ngside area of Edina, Ill f't-1~ Minneapolis Tribune Photo by Pete Hohn north of 42nd St. and east of Weber Field. Initially, an area including about 500 homes will be connected to the pond by storm 1sewers. The· new pond, which will be fenced off to protect children, will relieve much of the flooding danger t:o homes in the area, according to Edina officials. -~ Village of Edina 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET• EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 ---~,·---~ Mr. J•)f' c·; . .r. • i ~an C.i.ty Eng-i.c:~er Ci.t.~r ~~ ~-t. J..,,1\. i!:' ~irl: :iOOf> ~i..u.r:etr1n}·cr Blv-o. ~.:.t. 1.}ui!'<, l.2r.i, Minnet:ota ~;:·416 ,.;.c1 C'..)'r..iif•at 1 ~)n -,f ben<.J' ·ntrk fi)7stem~ .·t. ! _ i:-:. !'ark, Le ~rt{!), Hinnez~:J1jr: t ·:ir. c.•.1"'t.n:cti-;n 0i f-.t~JI"m :~c~e.r: t~r::~ .ii:: 927-8861 •r1 5 c h'.·ttu::· a.nd '-net x 0.u r10 tc.-.:.. are. ii: r:e-~11y to ~ ~et.ter fr.Qm Mr. , ~Y Fr.>t.J.a~-, ~~a.t.ec Januery 16, 1S'<1C, in which he r(:qt .a~·.t.€0. t ··at LrHm. l.t1~i1t-ccir•s DE::a:rt.m~11t. c;ht-4.cl· ·J1·t t.hc: b(;,11cl:. mar;: a_t~t.ern t.o l.c •J!H~c· f (.l'J" i·t. .>rm r.:'ewer ( '.>r r;tr,. ct.l.IJ!l in E:bC,\fE:. mo ot.i")r.ec t-·roject . he •18V~ cmnc the tcllowir;s, thJ..DC!'i in th.if' e.ret'.t L r1c ">r1qi.na1Jy ran a bend· mark loot: fr·'1m Miri..nca}10..ti~ contrQl in:irn.mc::1.t. ~o. 25~ ~t. \'-. :r·t. 42.r><.i .S t r <tet:. and l;rence Avenue., '11·:.e .. u:,-o,:, 1:c.n. v•fZ-~t '>I• \'ei:r.t_ 42n1~ Stz:u:<:t to L'.')ntt:.te.1 l\Ve·t:tUc" :w~rt}, t'.; We~ t '~ lf·t. .s'tn·.et., ear,.{. to L rbnce 1'Vem e; ~nd Bot:t'1 tr:> , ... rig-in. Thi$ l.rJ ·". cl.-ec!·ca. c l osel:r·. Jl.:tl bf;ttch mark!! v.:·er.e. e~t:abl 1 S~ted by 1 t ixning t hr )t q:11f t h4!!m • .!:., l.e\f!t..ion~ wc 1:e cca1verte.-o. from Mi.n.n~ap::i ! is C it~l lie.tr. m (~o.oo ~ t •) ~-c~-level net.\,.t.. hy arniinq 7l.C.30 .. .2.~ a€;r.cl met:r:h:; wld.ch i·a.d beE-fl' e.s.tabtid·ed by the: st., I1'.'l1i~: Jar.·~: Eng.k.ne<:..,r-in.g DE ;-~art.rn.e·nt were ticc it.t.> th~ abotre i.()Qc, e>1i6 C0l!'l[C rf.td a•;. t,-, elev&t.ion "1'i.t.h )rf\t.r (~eq,..!:rt WE;;nt r ~. 1--..r:-a. fLrt-.:td: clre~c~ , a 10·0> ~a.s:· run on r i··t.itcc-l\"enue i.rr1m t1.1E:t r.;.~m-r"r<=nt ~t 'ero1 4::..rti:.1 ~·t.i.:·eet. (l:<io~ 2!•5} (o W(Wt 4·0th ,~t cact {t'{(~. !SG.} (:ill•; "t,·e.~t 3.(;t!:. St:.ue-.G·t (N'.J* C.00} ~ 'there c~"t!,.·~ chtc\·.~:/ t..'u:1:-y <.:Los,e11 ~ A~. a>. l·e~··l Jt. n0 tur.th<.~1-1~vcl 1J •,:·c·re: n.n i.~1.t-,r·,. Hi,11r-uc;, '"L:..l-•