HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-02 City Council Work Session PacketAgenda City Council Work Session City of Edina, Minnesota Community Room Tuesday, April 2, 2019 5:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Comprehensive Plan Update IV.Comprehensive Housing Policy V.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli$cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: April 2, 2019 Agenda Item #: III. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner Item Activity: Subject:Comprehensive Plan Update Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Review and discuss progress on the Comprehensive Plan Update. INTRODUCTION: See attached Staff Report. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report Including Discussion Agenda Comprehensive Plan Matrix-Draft Staff Presentation BetterTogetherEdina Summary Report Meeting Handout April 2, 2019 Mayor and City Council Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner Comprehensive Plan Update Information / Background: The Planning Commission has been working diligently on updating the City's Comprehensive Plan. There have been over 177 public meetings on various aspects of the Comp Plan update. This is the last scheduled check-in meeting with the City Council until public hearings begin. The draft chapters have been completed and the Small Area Plans that have been approved are on BetterTogetherEdina.org for public review and comment. Each chapter is available for download with the opportunity to fill out a survey on a concern and alternative. Participants may submit comments multiple times. There is a question and answer tab on the web page for City staff to respond to questions. Our agenda for this discussion is as follows: I. Comprehensive Plan Update Introduction (Jo Ann/Bill Smith) II. Power Point Presentation (Jo Ann/Bill Smith) a. Biko team consultant update b. PC thoughts on how it is going III. Review of matrix and how comp plan chapters/SAPs are tied together (Haila) IV. City Council Comprehensive Plan Comments. (Council provides thoughts on any potential roadblocks in completing the plan. Are there aspects of the Plan that are good, bad etc.) V. Better Together Edina (MJ Lamon) a. Status of website activity b. Next steps/report and responses to comment submissions VI. Implementation Recommendations. Subjects for Future Study. a. Housing Study - Next Steps for a further study. b. District Study - Greater Industrial Area -Page 1- Edina Boards and Commissions – Potential Areas of Overlap (2/27/19 version) row=charge to specific commission; column=how topic is addressed across commissions Land Use and Housing Transportation Parks & Recreation Human Rights, Race & Equity Heritage Preservation Planning Commission: Land Use and Housing Transit oriented development and density Develop walkable communities. Mitigate auto impacts on land use. Accommodate multimodal access points Allocate land for park and recreation uses. Include parks, trail, and recreation in context of larger community. Promote equitable development practices. Accommodate sufficient affordable housing in appropriate locations. Preserve unique uses and districts. Incorporate growth in historic contexts Adaptive reuse of historic properties. Transportation Provide multimodal access, particularly neighborhood/activity centers. Plan for future mode shifts/changes in support of population/job growth. Plan for connected system of trails and bike/pedestrian facilities to link parks and open spaces that meet transportation and recreational needs. Support transportation options for people who are unable to drive, implement ADA accessibility across the city, and identify transportation barriers for low income hhs. Accommodate or vary parking for historic properties designed without off-street parking. Parks & Recreation Develop and maintain facilities that meet needs of existing and future population. Connect public and private parks and open space Connect parks and open space with sidewalk and trail network. Link parks and open spaces across the City to form a Grand Rounds. Assess whether parks and recreation system is adequately serving the entire population, current and future. Identify opportunities for historic preservation and interpretation in public open spaces. Human Rights, Race & Equity Support inclusionary zoning, fair housing, and equitable development practices. Support development of new and renovated affordable units. Pursue equitable access to multimodal transportation options for people of all incomes and abilities. Ensure “no harm” and mitigate impacts when improving transportation system. Parks and recreation facilities and programs should be welcoming and accessible to all. Identify and preserve history reflecting community diversity and underrepresented voices, including race and equity issues. Heritage Preservation Identify and protect historic resource properties. Maintain design guidelines for historic districts. Accommodate transportation needs within historic street patterns. Mitigate impacts on historic resources on busy corridors. Incorporate historic elements in parks where appropriate. Address history of the city as it relates to disadvantaged and underrepresented populations, including history of race and equity issues. Energy & Environment Encourage mixed use development that supports walking, bicycling, transit use. Mitigate impacts of development on the environment. Support development of non-auto modes of travel to reduce emissions, improve air quality. Ensure high LOS for automobiles to reduce emission and improve air quality. Support best practices in water quality and stormwater management. Support ecological/habitat function in open space, including pollinators. Address environmental justice concerns and disparate impacts on statutorily identified groups and protected classes, including emissions in high traffic areas. Address natural history of the city as a consideration, including land use, geology, water, native vegetation, etc. Community Health Locate civic uses along transit corridors Encourage walking and bicycling, safe routes to school/work/recreation. Food access/production, community gardens Need for affordable housing; aging in place; review and update program offerings. Require health assessments for major development; add requirements. Address accommodating transit more fully Actively encourage walking and bicycling through improved facilities, promotion, lighting, signage, etc. Mitigate health impacts of major roadways, especially on multifamily/low cost housing. Quality maintenance and replacement of equipment; water quality goals; address obesity through “Get Fit” program; encourage connectedness; look at changing needs of population; potential toxic effects of some materials; address mental health. Aging in place considerations – needs of aging population. Identify and track disparities in the community by race and income. Maintenance of old/historic properties to meet standards for healthy buildings and indoor air quality. Arts & Culture Plan for public art and cultural institutions within context of development. Incorporate public art elements into transportation and other public infrastructure. Support public art and arts-related programming in parks. Investigate arts as a tool for engaging a broader population and addressing community issues. Support diverse arts and artists in the community. Identify and promote the city’s cultural history and accomplishments. Energy & Environment: Water Resources Plan for future growth through appropriate investments in water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure. Coordinate improvements to water infrastructure with roadway improvements and other transportation projects. Investigate ways to improve stormwater management in parks and open space, including projects serving the surrounding area. Ensure that basic utilities are available to all parts of the community regardless of income. Engage all residents in outreach about planned projects. Consider the natural history of the city, and how it is addressed and interpreted. Other: Community Facilities and Neighboring Communities Ensure adequate facilities for growth. Address transitions between land uses along the borders, especially where there is potential incompatibility. Plan for multimodal access to public facilities Plan for transportation corridors and facilities that cross city borders, including roads, transit, and bicycle/pedestrian. Jointly plan for public spaces and facilities to make efficient use of space. Continue regional park and trail facility planning, implementation, and usage. Ensure equitable access to public facilities. Discuss shared approaches to addressing human rights and relations, including issues related to race and equity. Assess and manage any historic elements of public facilities. Plan for any historic resources and/or districts located near borders. Edina Comprehensive Plan Boards and Commissions Potential Areas of Overlap – revised 12/17/18 -Page 2- Edina Boards and Commissions – Potential Areas of Overlap (continued) Energy & Environment Community Health Arts and Culture Water Resources Community Facilities and Neighboring Communities Planning Commission: Land Use and Housing Encourage sustainable and green best practices for development and site design. Support energy efficiency in development. Develop walkable communities. Maintain healthy buildings and housing. Support access to healthy foods in communities. Incorporate art in community design. Accommodate space for arts and cultural uses in community. Encourage sustainable building and site plan design the conserves water use and reduces stormwater runoff. Address land use edge conditions where there are transitions between communities. Transportation Continue City fleet vehicle improvements, including low emission, alternative fuels, etc. Support mode shifts to non-auto travel to reduce emissions. Encourage active living through development of bicycle and pedestrian network. Identify ways to accommodate public art in infrastructure projects. Coordinate with utilities when completing a roadway improvement project. Plan for transportation corridors that cross jurisdictional boundaries (roadways, transit, bicycle/pedestrian). Parks & Recreation Use green and sustainable best practices for managing parks and open space. Consider shared/stacked environmental functions of green space. Promote active living through walking, bicycling, recreation, etc. Support community events, education, and outreach. Feature arts and cultural elements as part of city’s recreational programming and community events in parks. Incorporate stormwater management in parks and open space as a community amenity. Plan for regional parks, trails, and other facilities with shared use across borders. Human Rights, Race & Equity Environmental justice concerns, mitigating impacts on disadvantaged populations. Address social dimension of sustainability and triple bottom line. Consider community benefit agreements. Address holistic approach to human health, including mental health. Encourage community connectedness. Address discrimination and disparities. Include diverse perspectives, artists, and cultures in arts and cultural offerings in the community. Address human rights issues through art. Identify any environmental justice issues related to water quality and access. Discuss varying approaches to human rights and relations across other jurisdictions, and any cross-border issues. Heritage Preservation Recognize that the greenest building is the one that already exists. Retrofit energy efficiency improvements in older buildings. Maintain and retrofit old buildings to meet current health and accessibility standards. Identify the city’s cultural history, accomplishments, and issues. Identify the city’s natural history, including historic wetlands and water bodies. Coordinate regarding historic resources and districts located near jurisdictional boundaries. Energy & Environment Support active living that reduces dependence on fossil fuels, improve air Reduce use of toxic chemicals. Human health benefits of clean environment. Encourage arts and creative activities that make use of green and sustainable elements and informs the public about them. Encourage policies and initiatives that support water conservation and enhance water quality to support overall environmental conservation and quality. Coordinate discussion on cross-border environmental impacts, including water, wastewater, and stormwater. Community Health Consider human health benefits of environmental quality initiatives Consider using health impact assessment to evaluate planned improvements. Investigate ways to use arts and culture to support mental health and overall wellness. Consider the importance of clean water and sanitation as contributors to public health. Continue to partner on cross-border data sharing and analysis of public health. Arts and Culture Incorporate arts and culture as an element in larger picture of what a sustainable community looks like. Consider how the arts can be used to educate and inform people about healthy living, and to engage them in healthy activities. Consider ways to incorporate public art elements in utility infrastructure. Coordinate regarding arts and cultural events that draw from a larger area; consider partnerships on larger initiatives. Energy & Environment: Water Resources Address environmental justice concerns that need to be addressed. Consider race and equity issues in broader discussion on sustainability. Ensure community health initiatives take into account disparate impacts by race/equity, and how they can be addressed. Identify and include arts and artists from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Coordinate on issues related to race and equity that cross borders, including changing population composition. Other: Community Facilities and Neighboring Communities Prioritize sustainability in design, construction and maintenance of community facilities. Address environmental issues that are located on or near city borders for joint action with another jurisdiction. Encourage community facilities that promote healthy and active living. Continue to work together on shared public health data and analysis initiatives. Feature public art and arts programming as an element in community facilities. Plan jointly for larger and shared arts and cultural events and programming. Plan for water conservation and best practices in community facilities. Plan jointly for cross-border water issues, in coordination with cities, counties, and watershed management organizations. City of Edina 2018 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Update City Council Work Session April 2, 2019 Purpose •Review schedule •Provide overview of the process: -Levels of effort -Summary of public meetings •Review comprehensive plan chapters and potential areas of overlap •Treatment of comments from the public: -Better Together Edina -Issues for Council weigh-in Comprehensive Plan Approval Schedule (December 31, 2019) Bridging the 2015 Vision and the Comprehensive Plan (5% of Effort): •Big Ideas Public Meeting Workshop April 19 and April 22, 2017 •Revisit directions and strategies from Vision Edina 2015 •Confirm current relevance Comprehensive Planning Process Small Area Planning (65% of Effort): •Identified in 2008 Comprehensive Plan •Unique areas where existing conditions suggest that changes could occur •Areas where there are opportunities for change •In Edina: the focus is on community livability, connectivity, walkability •Integrate into the larger community and region Comprehensive Planning Process Comprehensive Planning Process City-Wide Comprehensive Planning Update (30% of Effort): •Required by Statute •Land Use •Transportation •Housing •Water Resources •Parks and Trails •Implementation •Met Council •Economic Competitiveness •Resilience •Priorities for Edina •Arts & Culture •Community Services & Facilities •Energy & Environment •Health •Heritage Preservation •Human Rights Summary of Public Meetings Public meetings have included: •City Council/Planning Commission work sessions •Comprehensive Plan Task Force work sessions •Edina Boards and Commissions meetings •Big Ideas workshops •Southdale District Plan Work Group meetings •Southdale District Plan Open Houses •Small Area Plan Work Group meetings •Small Area Plan Community Meetings •Planning Commission Public Hearings •City Council Public Hearings 149 Public Meetings 18 Community Meetings 10 Public Hearings Total 177 Public Meetings & Hearings between February 2017 and March 2019: How to Review and Comment on the Draft Comprehensive Plan MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator •Better Together Edina https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/ •City's new engagement website •Find out what the City is working on and learn how to participate and get involved •Review the Draft Comprehensive Plan: ❖Chapter-by-chapter ❖Chapter-specific Comment Form Project Report 30 January 2019 - 01 April 2019 Better Together Edina Draft Comprehensive Plan Update Highlights TOTALVISITS 1.2 k MAX VISITORS PERDAY 185 NEW REGISTRATIONS 25 ENGAGED VISITORS 14 INFORMED VISITORS 205 AWARE VISITORS 880 Aware Participants 880 Aware Actions Performed Participants Visited a Project or Tool Page 880 Informed Participants 205 Informed Actions Performed Participants Viewed a video 0 Viewed a photo 0 Downloaded a document 74 Visited the Key Dates page 0 Visited an FAQ list Page 28 Visited Instagram Page 0 Visited Multiple Project Pages 185 Contributed to a tool (engaged)14 Engaged Participants 14 Engaged Actions Performed Registered Unverified Anonymous Contributed on Forums 0 0 0 Participated in Surveys 13 0 0 Contributed to Newsfeeds 0 0 0 Participated in Quick Polls 0 0 0 Posted on Guestbooks 0 0 0 Contributed to Stories 0 0 0 Asked Questions 4 0 0 Placed Pins on Places 0 0 0 Contributed to Ideas 0 0 0 Visitors Summary Pageviews Visitors 1 Mar '19 1 Apr '19 200 400 DefinitionsAWARE......This visitor is aware of the project/site exists.INFORMED.............This visitor is interested in the project.ENGAGED .........................This visitor is engaged in the project. Traffic Sources SURVEYS SUMMARY TOP 3 SURVEYS BASED ON CONTRIBUTORS NEWSFEEDS SUMMARY TOP 3 NEWSFEEDS BASED ON VISITORS Q & A SUMMARY TOP 3 Q & A BASED ON CONTRIBUTORS Better Together Edina : Summary Report for 30 January 2019 to 01 April 2019 ENGAGEMENT TOOLS SUMMARY 0 FORUM TOPICS 1 SURVEYS 2 NEWS FEEDS 0 QUICK POLLS 0 GUESTBOOKS 0 STORIES 1 Q&A S 0 MAPS 1 Surveys 13 Contributors 56 Submissions Draft Comprehensive Plan Public Review 13 Contributors to 2 NewsFeed 4 Visits 4 Visitors What are we looking for? 4 Visitors to About the Comprehensive Plan 0 Visitors to 1 Q&As 4 Contributors 6 Questions Q&A 4 Contributors to DOCUMENTS TOP 3 DOCUMENTS BASED ON DOWNLOADS FAQS TOP 3 FAQS BASED ON VIEWS Better Together Edina : Summary Report for 30 January 2019 to 01 April 2019 INFORMATION WIDGET SUMMARY 21 DOCUMENTS 0 PHOTOS 0 VIDEOS 1 FAQS 0 KEY DATES 21 Documents 74 Visitors 103 Downloads 50th & France Small Area Plan - DRAFT 26 Downloads 70th & Cahill Small Area Plan 25 Downloads Southdale Small Area Plan 15 Downloads 1 Faqs 28 Visitors 28 Views Draft Comprehensive Plan Update 28 Views Date: April 2, 2019 Agenda Item #: IV. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Scott Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Comprehensive Housing Policy Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: No action required; for discussion only. INTRODUCTION: Manager Neal will discuss alternatives for the creation of a Comprehensive Housing Policy.