HomeMy WebLinkAbout19770613_edina_board_of_reviewMINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE EDINA BOARD OF REVIEW HELD MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1977 AT 7 :CO P.M. , AT E"UIXA CITP HALL Answering rollcall were members Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw and Mayor Van Valkenburg who served as Board of Review at its meeting which convened. pursuant to "Notice of Board of Revisw Meeting" published in the Edina Sun on May 11, 1977, and posted on City Bulletin Boards. The audience was reminded that the purpose of this meeting is to give persons who consider themselves aggr;xed by their assessment, or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, an opportunity to show cause for having their assessment corrected. Swanson explained that the Assessor is charged with valuing property based on recent sales; Mr. Rick Davies, Vice President of the Edina Coalition, advised that the Coalition has received a number of informal requests to look into the whole question of taxes and valuations and that they will be "reviewing matters further down the road as far as taxing procedures are concerned". Mr. . Mr, Donald Modeen, 5156 Tifton Drive, objected that the market price of his home is too high in comparison with other homes other houses in his neighborhood, along with the valuations placed on them. objected to the inethod of adding a percentage value each year to the market value which, he said, penalized owngrs of higher priced properties. Market price of Mr. Modeen's house was in his area and left pictures of He given at 64,000. 14.r. Lewis B. C. Logan, 4909 Hibiscus Ave., objected to his 1977 market value of $64,100, stating that the value should be only.$54,100 because of the noise and other inconveniences from living next to T.H. 100 and because the house itself was built of the cheapest construction and the basement floor is uneven. Logan knew of no other comparable recent sales in his neighborhood. wiL1 inspect the property. Mr. The Assessor Mr. and Mrs. E. J. WSliams, 6237 Darcy Lane, objected to their 1977 estimated market value of $89,900 as being too high to comparable properties, even though they paid $92,500 for the house in March, 1976. Mrs. Williams claimed'that she has been house hunting and found that houses that are selling for over $100,000 have taxes that are less than they are paying. Mr. Williams requested that his house be valued along with three or four other houses. The daughter of Mrs. Charles W. Loufek, claimed that the property of her mother at 6600 IGterlachen Blvd. is raw land without roads, sewer or water and that her * property is valued at $60 per acre higher than that of Carl Hansen which is immedi- ately adjacent. Mr. Swanson explained that small portions of property do have a highec special assessments levied against the p,roperty. per unit value than larger pieces of property. He will check on the Ms. Arne11 Jackson, 6325 Peacedale Ave., recalled that she had appeared before the Board in 1976 and expressed her objection to her 1977 market value of $49,800 which had been increased from $46,000 in 1976. income and cannot afford the higher taxes on her home which she compared with sev- eral properties in her area. an illegal fence adjacent to the Crosstown Highway which prevents residents in her neighborhood from walking to Southdale. She also objected to a "junk yard" at the end of Peacedale Ave. and was assured that the-City would check on both matters. The Assessor will review the values of the other properties mentioned by Ms. Jack- son. She objected that she is on a fixed Ms. Jackson also objected to the fact that there is Mr. B. J. Allard, 6021 Zenith Ave., objected to his 1977 market value of $41,700, advising that it had increased 13% over two years ago. He advised that his house is the smallest in the neighborhood and has few of the anenities of surrounding houses. The Assessor will inspect the property. Mr. Wm. T. jardine, 5400 Malibu Dr., objected to his 1977 market value of $91,000 which had been increased from $84,600 in 1976 and requested that a value of $82,000 be placed on the house. Mr. Jardine referred to the Citizens' League survey which appeared in the Minneapolis Tribune which showed that Edina had a higher aggreg- ate assessment/sales ratio than other Hennepin County'municipalities. Mr. Swanson said that he would review Mr. Jardine's home and the materials which he left. ' Nr. F. X. McCarthy objected :i/ the market value of $1,030,000 Zor apartments located' at 4200, 4250, 4280 Pnrklawn Ave. and 4415 Parklawti Court, advising that he pur- chased them in June, 1976, for $750,000. Mr. McCartIiy explained that the apartments have consistently lost money inasmuch as they do not have the amenities of neighbor- ing apartments. J* 6/13/77 3fr. E. Vayne Vermeer, 4705 Aspasia Circle. c jected to h,s 1977 market: price of $95,900 which had increased from $30,400 in 1976, and said that he believed that Mr. Swanson recalled that the property was under construction when the 1976 value was establfshed. he said that the pro- perty was analyzed in January, 1977, but that: he would review the analysis and check on 4717 and 4725 Aspasia Circle which propert.ies were referred to by M?. Ms. Ruth N. Sullivan, 4373 Thielen Ave. , objected to her 1977 m&et of $65,600 which had increased from $60,200 in 1976, advising that she believed that the house should be valued between $50,000 and $55,000 based on comparison with otBer comparable properties. the neighborhood. . i I2J6 . a rezlistic price would be $89,100: ' . Vermeer. Mr. Swanson said that he would review the sales in Mr. E. H. Becker, 5305 Kirror Lakes Dr., objected to his 1977 market value of $67,900 which had been increased from $62,400 in 1976, stating that he believes that a realistic value of the property would be $62,400. Be claimed that the house has no basement and will be difficult to sell. The Assessor will review the property. -Mrs. Y. Rim, 5828 Dewey Hiil Road, objected to her 1977 market value of $77,700 which had increased from $72,300 in 1976, stating that she believed that the mar- ket value should be $70,000. that she believed that they paid more than the house was worth. will review the property. She said that they paid $84,000 in June, 1976, but The Assessor Mrs. Bower Hawthorne, President of P. G. Speakes Co., which owns the office build- ing at 5100 fndustrial Blvd., objected to the 1977 market value of $515,500, advising that she believed that the value should be $500,000 in accordance with an appraisal made by 0. J. Janski for Twin City Federal Savings & Loan. she and Mr. Hawthorne spoke of vacincy problems over the past two or three years and left their appraisal for the Assessor's review. Mr. H. R. Swanson, representing Brandeberg Chaska Corporation, owner of The Colony at 6238 Barrie Road, objected to the 1977 market value of $~,OOO,OOO which had increased from $5,463,050 in 1976. requesred that the record show that he did not participate in this matter. H. X. Swanson recalled the history of The Colony, advising that it had been pur- chased in combination of The Colony in Richfield and that he belieived that $5,6CC,OOO would be a fair price, lezving out personal property. He said that he had furnished the Assessor with all of the information that he had requested, but that they still had not been able to reach agreement on the value of the property. e. Kent -Swanson said that he is still waiting for current income figures and was' told by Mr. H. R. Swanson that that information would be made available. H, 'R. Swanson said that the owners of the property are in the process of a grm of correcting deferred maintenance and said that was open for inspection. Discussion ensued concerning the value of personal property items. Council reviewed Certificate of Real Estate Value and Closing Statement on the sale of the property which indicated cost adjustment credits and personal property. Mr. John J. Murphy, owner of property located at 5430-32 W. 70th Street, objected to the 1977 Karket Value of $225,000, which had increased from $194,250 in 1976, contending that the correct value is $190,000. Hr. Murphy contended that his net operating income has been decreased over the past two years by approximately 10% along with a market value increase of approximately 16% and advised that he has not raised his rents since July, 1975. sell his property for the assessed valuation. ish the Assessor with his current rent roll and expenses for the building. Mr. David E. Thomas objected to his 1977 market value for vacant land at the inter- section of County Road 18 and Valley View Road of $112,800, advising that he believes the property to be worth. $80,000. value had increased from*$97,000 in 1973 and from $102,600 in 1975.and said that this is the first time thht he had ever complained about an assessment for any of his Edina real estate. Nr. Thomas said that the land is for sale at $80,000 (with taxes paid to date)'and that he has had no offers at that price. EIr. Swanson will discuss the matter with Mr. Thomas' real estate agent. Both I Councilman Richards left the room and Mr. Mr. pro- Mr. Murphy said that he would be happy to Hr. Xurphy said that he would furn- I He noted that the estimated market Nr, Dcnald W. Steinkamp, 4912 PGyton Ct., objected to !'is. ?OT3 market value of $61,700, asking that it he reduced .to $49,700 because of the T.H. 100 freeway construction. recently sold or which are on the market for more than $61,700. inspect the property. . Mr. Steinkamp provided a list of other properties which have The Assessor will .. 6/13/77 . 177 Mr. Thomas R. Keys, 5528 W. 70th St., objected to his 1977 estimated market value of $52,400, advising that he purchased the house on November 25, 1976, for $49,900. that it is worth more than between $48,000 and $50,000. The following submitted written objections to their 1977 market values but did not appear at this meeting: Fred W. Hedberg Properties, Inc., objected to their 1977 market value of $517,000 for property located at 6300 York Ave. S., which had been increased from $462,500 in 1976. and recalled that the Assessor had reduced the market value last year. Mr. John W. Hedberg, representing Hedberg & Sons, objected to the 1977 market values assigned to Plat 73832, Parcels 0800, 1200, 2800, 4800, 5300, 6400 and ' 6800. Mr. Hedberg indicated that the total market value for the seven parcels is $4,053,100, or an average acreage value of $45,000 and that the 1977 market . value established by the Assessor is an increase from $3,537,090 in 1976.' Mr. Hedberg said that, based on the District Court determination which was upheld on review by the Minnesota Supreme Court, the 1977 market value is not justified, and added that the range for other land in the vicinity of 76th and York was between $32,000 and $36,000 per acre. Mr. John W. Hedberg, representing Hedberg & Sons Co., objected to the increase in market value for apartments at $1,150,000 in 1977. He*said that the house is in poor repair and that he does not believe Mr. John Hedberg enclosed a copy of their operating statement for 1976 . a m. F- <9 4000 Parklawn Avenue from $2,000,000 in 1976 to Ir=$, e attached. An operating statement for the apartment building was Mr. James R. Otto, 6324 Brookview Ave., objected to the 1977 market value of Lot 4, Block 1, Braemar Parc of $20,900.Q0. He contended that the existence ' of a sanitary sewer easement on the property substantially reduces the value of the lot and requested that the market value be reduced $3,500 because of the sewer. Mr..Norman F. Spear, 5605 Gate Park Road, objected to his 1977 market value of. $69,500 which had been &creased from $64,200 in 1976, claiming that inequities. exist between his home and others belonging to his friends. Mr. Yirtin J. Shiff, 6105 Lincoln Dr., Apt. 136, objected to his 1977 market value for his condominium of $61,500, and requested that the property be reviewed. Texaco, Inc., objected to their 1977 market value of property located at Valley View Road and Oaklawn Ave. of $62,100 which had been increased from $58,500 in 1976. They su3mitted a aopy of an appraisal dated February 17, 1977, which showed land value of $26,000 and building value at $8,000, and requested that the property be reviewed by the Assessor. .. Mr. Henry W. Haverstock, Jr., objected to his 1977 market value of $92,700 which had been increased from $72,600 in 1976. the increase was the installation of a swimming pool which was installed only for therapeutic purposes and may actually decrease the value of fhe prpperty because of its specialized purpose. He contended that the sole basis for Mr. David J. Griswold objected to his 1977 market value of $80,100 which had been increased from $74,200 in 1976 for property located at 6417 Mendelssohn La. Mr. Griswold had not returned the questionnaire which had been sent by the Assessor as be requested. Mr. James T. Deusterhoff, 6320 Peacedale, objected to his 1977 market value of $60,600 which had been increased from $56,500 in 2976. Mr. Deusterhoff submitted a purchase agreement showing the cost of the house was $56,500 and contended that the purchase price included personal property with a minimum value of $2,000 with a replacement cost of approximately $5,000. Mr. Arv Adleman, 5418 Creek View Lane, objected to his 1977 market value of $77,500, claiming that he purchased the house on April 30, 1977 for $77,000. Mr. Adleman submitted a list of other properties to support his contention that his market value shpuld be only 75% of the purchase price. Mr. Don Sivinski, 4909 Payton Court, objected to his market value of $70,200 which had been increased from $65,700 in 1976, and said that he believed the value to be $65,000 because of the noise from the highway and because the cement slab has sunk in the garage, the family room and the laundry room. ' 6/ 13/77 Nr. Byron H. Armstrong, 4119 W, 62nd St., objected to his 1977 market value of $32,100 which had increased from the 1976 market value of $29,200. objection on the facts that neither the amusement room or the expansion area upstairs are heated, that the driveway is gravel, a one stall garage, and general deterioration of the property, , Mi. Milton C. Nelson, 5905 Josephine Ave., objected to his 1977 market value of $59,700 which had Tncreased from $55,200 in 1976, claiming that the property was offered for sale in 1976 for five months without any offer because of the traffic noise and the upgrading of T.H. 100. Mr, and Bfrs. Thomas Haseings, 5901 Josephine Ave., objected to their 1977 market value of $53,800, stating that they believe the value should be $45,000 because of the proximity of T.H. 100. Mi. and Nrs. James P. Lund, 7308 Schey Drive, objected to their 1977 market value of $81,200 which had increased from $75,300 in 1976. house has none of the amenities of other properties in their area. He based his I They contended that their Mr. Ronald Krank, 7201 Schey Dr., had requested and received information used in establishing the valuation of his property. Mr. &ut A. Reishus, 7309 Schey Dr., objected to hls 1977 market value of $79,700 which had increased from $73,900 in 1976. Subterranean Engineering, Inc., dated Septsmber 2, 1975, which indicated'that the house is sinking, causing general structural defects. He submitted an evaluation from Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jellen, 5221 Minnehaha Blvd., objected to their 1977 market value of $53,300 which had increased from $49,000 in 1976. They contended that they paid $51,000 in Oetober,' 1976 and that the market value should be only $37,740. indicated an average assessment level 'of 74%. A list of five residences in the general area was included which . _- Mrs. Thelma S. Dodge, 5121 Millpond Place, objected to her 1977 market value of $31,600, stating that she believed that her market'xalue should be $28,900. She reEerred to a house at 5113 Millpond Place which had been sold in May, 1977, but said that she did not know the price. Mr. Rdbert G. Schiefelbein, 6115 Arctic Way, objected to his 1977 market value of $110,800. He advised that his lot had cost $22,000, including payment of special assessments and back taxes, and that the contract priceof the house was $71,694, and asked that the property be reviewed. Mr. Thomas 0. Moe, 6130 Arctic Way, objected to his 1977 market value of $115,100 which had increased from $112,700 in 1976. He said that he had paid $100,000 for the house in April, 1974 and that is his opinion of the current value inasmuch as they hear noise from the Crosstown Highway and traffic on Gleason Road has continually worsened during the last three years. . I Mr. Jerome E. Rau, 6001 View Lane, objected to his 1977 market value of $96,000, stating that,he believed the value to be $85,000. is over valued in comparison with nearby properties and asked that the Assessor check his records for 1976. He contended that the property No fukther objections on 1977 market values being heard, it was generally decided to adjourn the meeting until June 27, 1977, at 4 p.m. so that the properties in question could be reviewed. Adjournment at 9:45 p.m. .. -..