HomeMy WebLinkAbout19781218_regularMINUTES OF THE'REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCLL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEPlBEIi 18, 1978 Answering rollcall were members Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw and Mayor Van Valkenburg. Councilman-elect Bredesen, Mr. Raymond O'Connell representing the Human Relations Commission and EZrs. Helen McClelland representing the Community Development and Planning Commission were present. MINUTES of November 6, 8 and 20, 1978 were approved as presented by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman Shaw. Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. ROBERT SNYDER, GEORGE BUTLER AND ROGER HOBSON HONORED UPON RETIREMENT. V2n Valkenburg presented plaques to the following retiring employees and commended them for their competent and dedicated service to the City of Edina: Robert R. Snyder as Manager of the Edina Liquor Stores from September 28, 1956 to December 29, 1978; George D. Butler as Police Officer and Sergeant from October 11, 1951 to November 30, 1978; and Roger K. Hobson as Manager of the Edina Braemar Arena from Febri:ary 3, 1968 to December 29, 1978. Mayor P P P- a I COUNCILMAN SHAW'S SERVICE TO CITY CITED. gratitude to Mr. Willis F. Shaw for his many years of public service to the City and presented him a plaque inscribed: Mayor Van Valkenburg expressed Council's e a To WILLIS F. SHAW From the resi'dents and City Council of the City of Edina MN "who gratefully acknowledge his generous, gracious, and public-spirited service to the City as a Member of the Edina City Council ' 1 January 1968 31 December 1978 ORDINANCE NO. 811-A123 (KERR COMPANIES) GRANTED FIRST READING. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Acting Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hughes recalled the request for rezoning from R-1 Single Family District to 0-2 Office District for the property generally located at 4917 Eden Avenue was considered at the last meeting. At that time Council instructed the proponents to return with a preliminary site plan based on a building of 4 stories in height, having approximately 40,000 sq. feet of leasable floor area. Mr. Hughes stated that the proponents have returned with a proposal for that type of building and have prepared a site plan which has been reviewed by the staff, and that they have found no variances would be necessary. son, representing the Kerr Companies, stated that they had complied with Council's request and presented a model of the scheme for which they are requesting rezoning, showing the scale and utilization of the site. be a 4-story building, approximately 70 ft. wide and 180 ft. long with about 10,200 sq. feet net rentable on each floor; that it would be limited to under 43 ft. in height and could be built within a 12 ft, floor to floor height. parking requirement for this building would be 240 parking spaces on the site. This would permit green space around the building in sufficient quantity to have outdoor sitting areas next to the building and for trees to be planted within the pa'rking areas to break the scale of that down and to offer some shading. response to a question of Mrs. Pat Senior, 4503 Golf Terrace, Mr. Martinson ex- plained that the site is working to their benefit in that it would allow depressed parking and therefore the majority of the parking area would be shielded from Willson Road. Mr. John Senior recalled that possible traffic congestion had been discussed previously and asked whether it would be possible to sign the exit from the parking lot so that right turns would be prohibited, to protect residents in the neighboring area from excessive traffic. Mr. Hughes responded that prohibit- ing traffic access has been tried in other places in the City and has usually resulted in compounding traffic problems in other areas. that it could be signed thateway, but would be difficult to enforce. Hall, 4902 Lakeview Drive, stated he did not understand why this was not a desirable residential propercy, as the houses located just south of the site were closer to the highway than any houses which could be put on the subject property. Mr. Hughes responded that the City has received numerous complaints about noise generated from Hwy. 100 and the Crosstown; that there would be an air quality I Mr. Bob Martin- He indicated the building would The In ' Mr. Hoffman stated Dr. Harry B. 12/18/78 I problem; that the shape of the property would not lend itself to providing many of the amenities that normally are desirable $n 3 residential area; and from the land use standpoint the property is boundcd by a highway on one side, commercial property on another and a private golf course on the third side which leads to a use that'is mor? commercial than residential in nature. In response to Comcilman Richards' inquiry regarding financing, Mr. Martinson responded they were waiting for first reading of the rezoning ordinance but were now prepared to discuss financing with the mortgage bankers. He further stated that the developers and land owner had discussed costs for the project, and that the developers now have built into the project cost a value of $200,000 for the land. that a condition for granting rezoning approval be a restriction would would run with the land and be a recorded document that it will never be used for medical office space, and' further, inasmuch as the property is being developed for the first time, that in lieu of land a cash dedication of $16,000 be required. Van Valkenburg stated that he felt this would be a workable solution for the use of the land and worthy of support. ordinance for First Reading, subject to the land use restriction and a cash dedi- cation of $16,000: L Councilman Richards then suggested Mayor Councilman Courtney then offered the following ORDINANCE NO. 811-A123 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY ADDING TO THE OFFICE DISTRICT (0-2) THE CITp COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNBSOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph 1 of Section 8 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City is amended by adding the following thereto : "The extent of the Office District (Sub-District 0-2) is enlarged by the ' addition of the following property: Tract By Registered Land Survey No. 390 and Tract By Registered Land Survey . No. 1021, which is in Sub-District 0-2) Sec. 2. This ordinance shall'be in full force and effect upon its passage and -publication. Motion to approve First Reading was seconded by Councilman Shaw. Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: . None Abstaining was Councilwoman Schmidt. GEORGE W. BAIRD HOUSE GRANTED R-1 AND HPD DISTRICT REZONING, 2ND READING WAIVED. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Acting Clerk, approved and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hughes advised that the George FJ. Baird House, located at 4400 IJ. 50th Street and now owned by Dickenson G. Wiltz, has been reviewed by the Heritage Preservation Board and the Planning Commission, and the recommendation has been forwarded that it be zoned Heritage Preservation District. Chairman of the Edina Heritage Preservation Board,. presented the history of the house which was built in 1886 by George W. Baird, and his wife, Sarah Gates Baird, important figures in the early history of Edina. Sedgwick, is a fine example of Queen Ann style and the only structure of its kind in Edina. should be preservsd. Mr. Dunwiddie explained that the owner was aware that the rezoning would put restrictions on any exterior modifications of the house, and that Xr. Wiltz does not oppose the rezoning. National Register: of Historic Places and would be reviewed by the State Historical Board early in 1979. Mr. Erickson assured Councilman Richards that the rezon'ing ordinance would be placed of record for this particular property. discussion being heard , Councilman Courtney offered the following ordinance for First Reading, with waiver of Second Reading and moved its adoption as follows:- Mr. Foster Dunwiddie, The house, designed by Charles S. He stated that it is of architectural and historic significance and The house has been nominated to the No further ORDINANCE NO. 811-A124 AN ORDINANCE &ENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY ADDING TO THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. -"Set. 9. Boundaries of Heritage Preservation District. The boundaries of the The South 295 feet of the East 200 feet of the West 630 feet of the Northeast one quarter of Section 18, To-mship 28, Range 24, and other-lands which are hereafter added to this paragraph by amendments to.this ordinance. " Sec. 2. Section 11 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City of Edina is hereby amended by addi-ng the following thereto: Heritage Preservation District shall include the following described property: This ordinance shall be' in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. .-.. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Rollcall : Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None i City Clerk NILLID1 AND BERNICE JACKSON APPEAL FROM BOARD OF APPEALS DECISION CONTINUED. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Acting Clerk, approved'as to form and ordered placed on file. William E. and Bernice E. Jackson were present and asked Council to reconsider the Board of Appeals decision as requested in their letter of November 30, 1978, in regard to the variance request for their property at 5660 Woodcrest Drive. Mr.' Jackson said he now was familiar with Ordinance No. 813: and believes there is some flexibility allowable and that he feels it had been interpreted and applied in a unique manner with regard to their requested lot coverage variance of 6.1%, to allow a 10 x 32 ft. addition to the existing deck of the dwelling. Mr. Jackson stated that although-the ordinance requires that not more than 25% of the lot, parcel or tract of land be covered by structures in an R-1 zone, the application of this requirement is not defined as to whether the intent is to include the entire lot area, including pond area, or refers to land area only in determining coverage. He argued if the entire lot area is used, then the total occupied area would not exceed the requirement and. no variance would be needed. In response to the objection by Mr. and Mrs. William Hirsch, Sr., 5664 Woodcrest Drive, Mr. Jackson explained that the proposed dddition would be set back on the side facing the Hirsch property; that only one window on the Hirsch home was effected and that the loss of their view from this window would be minimal, if at all. He also noted the objection of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Crane, 5610 Worldcrest Drive, regarding the appearance of the addition and responded that the addition will not be noticeably out of character with surround- ing dwellings and he feels would have no adverse impact. In response to Mayor Van Valkenburg's question, Mr. Sands said the Board of Appeals were concerned about the objections raised by neighbors. Coundilman Shaw added that the Board considers four criteria that must be met in order to grant a variance, and they had based their decision on the fact that not all. four had been met. reference to the ordinance requirement that improvements in R-1 District be limited to 25% of the lot area, Mr. Erickson advised that lot area is defined as the land area contained within the lot, even though the lot may include both water and land, and that the staff has persisted in viewing lots with that in mind. Mr. William Hirsch voiced their objection to granting this variance in that it would impair their view of the pond and hinder their privacy as their family room is located at that end of the dwelling. He further stated it was his understanding that the Jacksons intended to put a screen' porch with permanent roof at the end of the deck and expressed concern that in the future the porch . could be enclosed, including the basement area. Mrs. Bernice Hirsch explained that although the rest of their windows look out on the pond in the back, they do not overlook the entire length of the pond, only the window facing the Jackson property does. Mr. Jack Crane expressed concern that if this variance were granted, it would set precedent for other neighbors to request variances and could put the Council in a position of not. being free to deny any future variance requests. a variance request is considered and that even though the Jackson's requested variance were granted, it would not mean other variances would be granted automatically. Councilman Richards commented that if others in the area enjoy similar improvements, it would be an injustice to Mr. Jackson to deny him the same amenity, that Council should have all the facts regardkg other dwellings located on the pond before making a decision on the appeal. Councilman Courtney reniarked that he was not convinced that this improvement would hurt any other neighbors and that the matter be continued in order to ascertain all the factors involved. Councilman Shaw then moved that the matter be continued to the meeting of January 8, 1978,'to allow time for the staff to survey the other homes around the pond, determine setback measurements and for Council to view the affected .homes before making a decisiQn. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. . With . ' Mayor Van Valkenburg referred to the criteria which must be met when Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. JOYS EDIMA MANOR GRANTED CONDITIONAL 'PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL. Notice were presented by Acting Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr., Hughes presented the request of Mr. Harold H. Haas forapreliminary ' plat approval for Joys Edina Manor, generally located at 6236 Richwood Drive, within Richmond Hills Second Addition. The proponent is requesting a two lot Affidavits of s bdivision; Lot 1 would measure 15,100 sq. feet and would be retained for the existing dwelling on the lot and Lot 2 would measure 18,705 sq. feet and would be a new buildable lot. Mr. Hughes explained that the majority of the lots in the subdivision are 10,000 to 15,000 sq. feet. steo,p slopes and is woodec! and development of the new lot WOU!~ probably necessitate extensive grading and tree removal. He presented a subdivision plan dated 1950 for Richmqnd Hills Second Addition which illustrated a pond to be constructed on a portion of the subject property and adjoining lots and explained that although this pond was never constructed, this area does serve as a storm water ponding and drainage area for the subdivision, but that no easements were granted. over this area. He stated further that staff is concerned that due to the topography of the site, the development of Lot 2 could adversely affect the storm water storage and drainage area of the subdivision. a 45 foot easement be granted along the rear property line to ensure proper wate? storage and drainage to prevent storm water problems on adjoining lots. reported that the plat had been reviewed and presented to the Planning Commission who recommended approval of the subdivision with the following conditions: 1) Sub- division dedication of $550 be made as a fee in lieu of land, and 2) Delination of a larger drainage easement on the rear line of Lot 2. felt this was a desirable use of the land and that there was no opposition to the subdivision from r-eighbors. remaining large lots would request similar subdivision and if there would be enough storm water drainage area after these lots were developed, so that the City would be. protected from any future liability for water runnoff problems. plained that either a larger drainage easement or alternate methods of piping installation by the developer wouid prevent such problems, and further, that approval of any future subdivision of other lots should also be subject to such conditions. Mr. Robert Schmidt, developer of Lot 2, stated that natural land contours and trees would be preserved as much as possLble. He further observed that any storm water backup would occur in the rear of his lot beyond an existing dyke, and that he is considering alternative piping to provide drainage. wood Drive, inquired whether there would be another assessment for an additional storm sewer and also expressed.concern over the possible loss of trees in order to develop the lot. Mr. Hoffman responded that there would be no further storm sewer assessment ad any additional drainage piping would be at Mr. Schmidt's expense. &. Schmidt stated that his plans were to place the dwelling in a natural setting to preserve the 'aesthic environment. resolution and moved its adoption: i The property is characterized by I Based on field surveys, staff would recommend Mr. Hughes Mr. Haas observed that he Councilman Richards questioned whether the other Mr. Hoffman ex- Mrs. Tess Sabourin, 5220 Rich- . I Councilman Courtney then offered the following -. RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR JOYS EDINA MANOR BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled ''20~s Edina Manor", platted by Harold H. Haas and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of December 18, 1978, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval, subject to the following conditions : 1) That the storm water drainage be worked out satisfactorily with staff, and 2) That the cash dedication be $1,000 in lieu of land. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards. - Xollcall : Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. WELL BIDS FOR BRAJ3iAR GOLF COURSE AWARDED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of bids for wells for Braemar Golf Course and advised that they had been reviewed by the sub-committee of the Park Board working on the irrigation system. Tabu- lation for the base bid for two wells showed Bergerson-Caswell, Inc. low bidder at $29,400.00; E. H. Renner & Sons, Inc, at $30,440.00; Keys Vel1 Drilling Company at $37,470.00; and.Layne Minnesota Company at $45,000.00. Councilman Courtney's motion for award to low bidder, Bergerson-Caswell, Inc. at $29,400.00 was seconded .by Councilman Shaw. I Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. IBM TYPEWRITER PURCHASE AUTHORIZED. Mr. Rosland presented a request for purchase .of three IBM Correcting Selectric Typewriters at $2,430.00, as provided in the .1978 budget. quote, Mr. Rosland advised that this machine has proved very satisfactory and would be consistent with previous purchases. Councilman Courtney's motion to approve purchase of three 1BM.Correcting Selectric Typewriters at $2,430.00 was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Ayes: Courtney, Schmidt, Shaw ' Nays: Richards, Van VAlkenburg Motion carried. In response to Mayor Van Valkenburg's questions as to only one r_ 15 FERTILIZER FOR BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE BID AWARDED. for purchase of fertilizer for fairways and greensat Braemar Golf Course, showing Turf Supply Company low quote at $3,860.00 and Tor0 at $3,930.00. advised that if purchase at thls time an zdditional 6%% discount would be allowed. Golf Course from Turf Supply Company at $4,860.00 was seconded by Councilman Richards. Mr. Rosland presented quotes He Councilman Courtncy's motion for purchase of fertilizer fox Braemar Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. DISC GOLF EQUIPPIENT PURCHASE FOR BRAEMAR APPROVED. Mr. Rosland advised that the disc (frisbee) golf equipment at Braemar has been offered to the City by Seasons of Leisure International, Inc. for a cost of $1,000.00. He recalled that the company had contracted with the City to install the equipment during the summer of 1977 after the Park Board took action to allow them to place the disc golf course on the hill at Braemar Park, and that the original cost of the equipment was approximately $6,500.00. He explained further that after the 1977 summer season Seasons of Leisure had then offered it to the City for $5,000.00 and the Park Board had responded that if they would reduce the price to $1,000.00 we would buy it. recreation facility and the equipment.is used. to approve purchase of disc golf equipment from Seasons of Leisure International, Mr. Rosland affirmed that it is an excellent Councilman Courtney's motion Inc . - for Ayes : I\. Nays : Mot ion $1; 000.00 was seconded by -Councilman Richards. Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg ' None carried. GRANULAR FILL'PURCHASE AUTHORIZED. Mr. Rosland advised that the City has been offered granular fill at $1.50 per cubic yard by Efatt Bullock Contracting; that the fill is needed €or the overburden of peat soils on Delaney Boulevard, and that in a competitive bidding process good fill of this type would cost at least $2.50 per cubic yard. He recommended purchase of up to a total of 6000 cubic yards. Motion for purchase of up to a total of 6000 cubic yards for $9,000.00 was made by Councilman Courtney and was seconded by Councilman Shaw. hyes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. REALLOCATION OF YEAR IV COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUNDS FOR MORNINGSIDE SCHOOL APPROVED. Mr. Hughes recalled that a few weeks ago Council had approved reallocation of Year IV Community Development Funds based upon an acquisition price for Morning- side School of $65,000. Subsequently, a Purchase Agreement has been drafted which includes the pending assessment of approximately $15,500 to be levied against the school property for the Morningside improvements when completed. Staff is now proposing reallocation of Year IV Funds again so that the School District can be released from the assessment when levied and is recommending reduction of Housing Land Acquisition reserve by $10,500, which together with the entire $5,000 for Land Acquisition Administration funds could be allocated to the pending assessment. No one requesting to be heard, Councilman Courtney moved adoption of the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Edina requests the following reallocation of Year IV Community Development Block Grant Funds: I RESOLUTION Housing Land Acquisition $44 , 806 Housing Rehabilitation 23 , 000 Rehabilitation Administration 3 , 000 50th and France 76 , 000 Comprehensive Plan 15 , 000 Morningside School 80 , 500 Land Acquisition Administration -0- Handicapped Access * 5,000 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Rollcall: Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None -Resolution adopted. I FEASIBILITY REPORT ACCEPTED: HEARING DATE SET FOR IMPROVEMENT P.ST.S.-161 Mr. Hoffman presented Inprovenient Feasibility Report for construction of storm sewer generally located in the area bounded by Golf Terrace to the north, Wooddale Avenue to the east, W. 60th Street to the South and Hwy. 100 to the west. 1.2 / 1 8 / 7 8 4 16 He advised the es tiinated cost to be $367,691.55 with Wooddale Avenue between Tower Street and W. 58th Street constructed to State Aid Standards, and without State Aid the estimated cost would be $387,438.36. Public Hearing on this improvement be scheduled for February 5, 1979. Vafkenburg suggested that the.se-.ond alternative, without State Aid, be considered. Councilman Courtney's motion to accept the feasibility report and to set a public hearing date of February 5, 1979, for Improvement P.St.S.-161 was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. . . llr. Hoffman recommended that Mayor Van Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. I PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGEMENT SALARIES FOR 1979 APPROVED.. Mr. Rosland presented pro- posed public safety management salaries for 1979;sas follows, advising that they were within the City's 8% guidelines: PS Management I11 (Captain $23,520-29,406 PS Management I1 (Lieutenants, Assistant Chief) $22,022-27,508 . PS Management I (Sergeant) $20,020-25,082 PS General I1 (Dispatcher) $12,246-15,314 PS General 1 (Backup Dispatcher , Animal Control) $ 9,750-12,142 (1979-27,000) Mr. Rosland explained that for the Police Department management personnel it worrld raise their base salaries but would eliminate the education incentive pay. For the Fire Department management staff, it would raise their top base salary significantly but would eliminate educational incentive, longevity, callback or holiday pay, and that dispatchers, backup dispatchers and animal control personnel would be grouped into two public safety general catagories. Councilman Courtney's motion to approve the public safety management salaries for 1979 as recommended by Mr. Rosland was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. PROPOSED CONTRACT WITH FIRE UNION DISCUSSED; NEGOTIATIONS TO CONTINUE. Report on contract negotiations with the Fire Union for 1979-80 was made by Mr.,Rosland who advised that the Union is agreeable to general terms regarding insurance, injury ,OE duty, funeral leave and acting officer. contract continue until signing of a new agreement and Mr. Rosland advised that Mr. Zwakman will check as to legal implication. 8% pay increase in 1979 and a 7% pay increase in 1980, which proposal would exceed the President's guidelines by 1% for 1980. still fall within the guidelines, in that the guidelines allow that they be exceeded for gains in productivity and to keep abreast of wage increases for similzr jobs in an area. productivity, Mr. Rosland explained that the Union cites increased runs for service, particularly medicals; more public service work such as CPR training; more hours of classroom training, and physical fitness requirements. Mayor Van Valkenburg agreed with Councilman Richards that pay increases should not exceed President Carter's guidelines of 8% and 6% and that they should be consistent with pay for non-union employees. Councilman Courtney called attention to the fact that both St. Louis Park and Richfield are expected to equal or exceed the 8% and 7%. Councilman Richards then moved that the City Manager be instructed to contact the Union and negotiate further for pay increases within the President'.s guidelines, which would be consistent with non-union employees. man Courtney. Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nzys: None Motion carried. The Union has requested that one The Union has also requested an The Union contends that their demands In response to Councilman Richards' question concerning Motion was seconded by Council- I 'ADV.IS0RY COMMITTEE ON CABLE TELEVISION DISCUSSED. Hr . Rbsland recalled that Council haa adopted a resolution in its meeting of November 6, 1978, denoting qualified approval of a proposed cable service territory which would include the City of Edina. He stated that the next step as mandated by the State would be for Council tp- . appoint an advisory committee comprised of residents who would study the pros and cons of cable television, obtain community reaction to the proposal and advise Council as to its feasibility. Mr..Rosland stated that the committee could be .appointed for a short term or, if Coiincii wfshes, could continue in an advisory capacity-.should.cable television be approved for the City. Councilman Courtney cokented that several suburban communities who had cable television had retained their advisory committees and that they continue to be active, and that he felt such advisory committee would be'helpful. City Manager and staff submit names of people who would be qualified to serve and .to report back to Council. No fonnal action was taken. . Mayor Van Valkenburg requested that the 12/18/78 1 COMNINITY HEALTH SERVICES CONTRACT WITH BLOOMINGTON FOR 1979 APPROVED. Mr. Kosland advised that the Community Health Services Contract with Bloomington for 1979 has been negotiated resulting in an 8% increase for services, which was the anticipated increase provided for in the 1979 budget and that he recommended the contract- be signed. In response to Counc'lman Richards' inquiry as to whethereit would lie possible to get other bids for provision of community health services to Edina residents, Mr. Bernhardson reported that staff had contacted other communities regarding providers, and that there hqve been some attempts for local hospitals to offer health services in the northern He recalled that in years past Suburban Public Health Services had been providing these services for the majority of the communities; that they are now providing services for St. Louis Park and they are experiencing diffi- culties in controlling the program's expense. the private sector, a joint-powers agreement with other communities for purchase of health services has been suggested as an option, but that Bloomington has been providing very satisfactory services to Edina. that the Health Board had contacted Fairview-Southdale Hospital but that they could not even come close to meeting Bloomington's cha'rge for health services, and also that the Metropolitan Council now has a health division that is investi- gating all types of health services as well as providers and that that information will be made available to municipalities. After further discussion, Councilman Courtney moved that the Community Health Services Contract with Bloomington for 1979 be signed and that staff be instructed to continue investigation of other possible options during the year. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. . . suburbs. He advised that other than through Councilwoman Schmidt added Ayes: Courtney, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: Richards Motion carried. YEAR-END MEETING EATE SET FOR DECEMBER 28, 1978, at 4:45 p.m. as recommended by Mr. Rosland, was approved by motion of Councilman Courtney and seconded by Councilman Richards. Ayes : Nays: None Motion carried. Courtney, Schmidt, %haw, Van Valkenburg - CITY NEWSLETTER'TO BE MAILED WITH HOMESTEAD APPLICATIONS. Mr. Rosland informed Council that a City Newsletter will be ready for mailing with the Homestead Application Forms on January 2, 1979, and that included in this mailing will be a brochure and contribution card for The Edina Foundation. No action was taken. LIFE SAFETY REMODELING OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS TO CONTINUE. Mr. Rosland reported that Mr. Bahneman, Chief Building Inspector, has written a letter to the Edina School Board reiterating the staff's position that the life safety remodeling in the various schools must be done and thaE the tentative schedule proposed by Dr. Lieber in his letter dated February 22, 1978, is acceptable. No action was taken. . MANDATORY RETIREMENT ORDINANCE CONTINUED.TO JANUARY 8, 1979. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, Councilman's Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw to continue the Mandatory Retirement Ordinance until January 8, 1979. Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw,.Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. PROPOSED BINGO ORDINANCE DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland recalled that the matter of a Bingo Ordinance had been continued from the Council Meeting of December 4, 1978, so that licensing procedures and fees followed by other municipalities could be investigated. Mr. Rosland reported that Police Chief Swanson concurred with . the recommendation that the State Statute be adopted by reference. advised Council that the Statute requires that: 1) a license be issued for a one-year period, and 2) that a license fee be established. Mr. Rosland suggested that the license fee be waived far Senior Citizens groups. for a license and setting the license year and fee. Mr. Erickson After * further discussion, . Council. asked Mr. Erickson to draft an ordinanck providing No formal action was taken. MINNESOTA STATE AID FUNDS REQUESTED FOR YORK' AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNALS. AS recom- mended by Mr. Hoffman, Councilwoman Schmidt offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, requesti'ng the Department of Transportation for use of Minnesota State Aid Funds Off System for 70th and York Avenue, Hazelton Road and York Avenue, and 76th and York Avenue traffic signals: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it has been deemed advisable and necessary for the City of Edina to participate in the cost of a construction project located on C.S.A.H. No. 31 12/.28/78 within the limited of said municipality; and WHEREAS, said construction project has been approved by the Department of High- ways and identified in its records as S.A.P. Nos. 120-145-12, 120-166-01 and NGV, Ti-IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Edina does her-..by appropriate from its 'Municipal State-Aid Street Funds the sum of $54,000 to apply toward the construction 'of said projects and requests the Commissioner of Highways to approve this authorization. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw. 120-136-02; Rollcall : Ayes: Nays: None Resolution adopted. Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg .. 1 FUND TRANSFER TO PROVIDE RESERVE FOR RECREATION BONDS, SERIES TI, APPROVED. Nr... D alen advised that in order to comply with the law, a reserve fund must be provided to cover the first year of the new Recreation Bonds, Series D. Mr. Dalen's recommendation, Councilman Courtney's motion that $52,300 be trans- ferred from the Golf Course Fund to the Arena Reserve for Debt Service was second- ed by Councilwoman Schmidt. Upon Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. CLAIMS PAID. payment of the following claims as per pre-list: General Fund, $818,707.03; Revenue Sharing, $310,359.10; Poor Fund, $90.95; Park Fund, $267,145.73; Art Center, $7,883.91'; Park Construction, $207,693.96; Park Sinking, $226,498.05; Swimming Pool, $5,034.60; Golf Course, $56,269.00; Axena Fund, $75,904.38; Gun Range, $2,708.05; Water Works, $55,642.40; Sewer Rental, $9,676.25; Liquor Fund, $625,381.43; Construction Fund, $2,130,408.78; PIR, $3,452.00; SS #53, $577.15; IBR, $38,183.92; IBR #2, $1,750,287.50; Total, $6,591,904.19; and for confirmation of payment of the following claims: General Fund, $22,000.79; Park Fund, $158.00; Art Center, $28.72; Park Construction, $14,610.69; Golf Course, $1,292.82; Arena Fund, $645.96; Gun Range, $60.07; Water Works, $1,777.28; Sewer.Renta1, $26.28; Liquor Fund, $132,994.13, IBR, $12.28, Total, $173,607.02. Ayes: . Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. Motion of Councilman Courtney was seconded by Councilman Shaw for L- No further business appearing, Councilman Courtney's motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilman Shaw. Adjournment at 9:15 p.m. _. 7W&*.U. Acting City Clerk .. I,