HomeMy WebLinkAbout19790521_regular. *e*-- 109 , , 3INUTES EDIXA CITY COUNCIL IZELD AT CITY HALL GF THE REGULAR IZETIWG OF THE * K4Y 21, 1979 Answering rollcall were members Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt and Van Vallcenburg. Present also was Mr. Hoxer Kinney of the Advisory Bc~zrd of Health. PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED ON SANITARY SEWER LIFT STATION NO. LS-9.-B. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Acting Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Due notice having been given, public hearing was conducted and action taken as hereinafter set forth. A. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWAGE LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN IMPROVEMENT I NO. P-LS-9-B IN TIE FOLLOWING: - . Lift Station - East side France Avenue at a point 800' Sotlth of W. 76th St. Force Main - East side France Avenue from Lift Station to W. 76th St., West 76th Street from France Avenue to 400' West of York Avenue. kk. Boffman presented total estinated construction cost of $138,759.74, proposed to be assessed over 126.61 acres at a rate of $1,095.96 per acre. He advised that the sanitary ligt station and force main would serve a low-lying area in Soiltheast Edina that would be extremely difficult to service by gravity; that the area involves five property owners and that petitions had been received froill tV70 Of Mutual Life the hearing informed at If approved Mr. Hoffman -- them who are now developing their properties, namely, Northwestern Insurance and National Car Rental. He further recalled that when ~7as held on Edina Office Center Plat, that the developers were that time that there was no sanitary sewer service to the property. the work would start this summer with compPetion this fall. further explained that the remainirig three property owners affected would need to connect to this sewer service system when they develop their properties. No objections being heard, Councilman Courtney offered the following . resolution and moved its adoption: E33SOLUTION ORDERING CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER LIFT STATION AID FORCE MAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. LS-9-B BE IT RESOLVEE'by the Coiincil of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published and mailed to owners of each parcel within the ares proposed to be assessed on the following prcposed improvement: 1. COMSTXTJCTION OF SANITARY SEWAGE LIFT STATION PAD FORCE MAIN IPS?B.OVEI%N'i NO. I?-LS-9-B I?S THE FOLLOWING: Lift Station - East side France Aveme at a point 800' South of W. 76th Street Force Main - East side France Avenue from Lift Station to W. 76th St., West 76th Street from France Avenue to 400: West cf York Avenue. and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice, the Council has dul.3 considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts, does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement hcluding all proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for con- struction and maintenance of such improvement:; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to In all subsequent proceedings as follows: No. 1 Above SANITARY SEWAGE LIFT STATION ANC FORCE MAIN and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include South half of Parcel 800, Section 32, Township 28, Range 24; South half of Parcel 1200, Section 32, Township 28, Range 24; Parcels 2802, 2850, 4800, 5300, 6000, 6400, 6800 and South two-thirds of 8000, Section 32, Township 28, Range 24; Lot 1, Block 1, and Tat 2, Eiock 1, Edina Office Center; and Tract L, R.L.S. No. 1129. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards. Rollcal.1: Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt , Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. IMPROVEMENT NO. LS-9-B DON BERG CONSTRUCTION CO?@ANY ZONING PZQUEST AND PRELIMINARY PLAT RRFERKED EASR TO COPMIJldIT'r' DEVELGPI~NT - --- AND PLANNING COEll!I!%SSIGN. presented by Aczlng Clerk, approved as to form and nrdcred placed on file. Mr. Hughes presented the request of Don Berg Construction Company for rezoning and preliminary plat apprcsval for property genally located north of the Crosstom Eigliway and west of the If & N Railroad tracks. He advised that the subject prqierty measures 2 acres in area and is bordered on Che north 5y Valiey View Road and on the south by the Crosstci~n Righway. lot 2nd to ?he west cf that lot Is an ur,develcped tract of land sinilar to th-. -- Affidavits of gotice were Vest of the property is a developed singlo fmily 5/21/79 subject. property. The Western Edina plan rccognized this area as a trans- sitlonal area between the Crosstown Highway and single family homes to the north ar,d designated it for "low density attached hoasing"; such areas could and apartments at q density of 0 to 4 units per acre. the subject prcperty exhibits several constraints for developmenr: 1) it abuttrs,,:, and is substantiaily lower than the Crosstown Highway and is subject to relatively high noise levels, 2) the topography of the site is such that the easterly half is approximately 15 ft. lower than Valley View Road. make development witn single family or two-family dwellings difficult without, serving individual lots. Mr. Hughes advised that Nr. Berg is requesting zoning of the property to PRD-2 Planned Residential District for the purpose of constructing two 6-unit buildings on the site. These Suildings would be oriented in a north-south direction in order to lessen the impact of the Crosstown Higkday as well as to reduce their exposure to the single family homes to the north and the design features sloping roofs and conventional building materials similar . to and compatible with single family homes in the area. . ' Council that the development does comply with the zoning ordinances prqviding off-street parking and the necessary setbacks; that staff had recommended'to the' PlanniEg Commission approval of this proposed rezoning and subdivision,'.but I advised that acccrding to the Western Edina Use Plail the subject property should contain a maxiinm of 4 =nits per acre. The Community Development and ' .I Planning ,Conmission in reviewing this request did consider that stipulation ,. and did approve the requesfed zoning subject to two 4-unit buildings €or the site, vhich was agreed to 6y Mr. Berg. pre1,iminary rezonhg and $at apptroval with these conditions : 1) f ha1 'zoni-ilg is cocditioned upon final platting, :$) subdivision dedication, 3) an executed developers agreeEsnt, and 4) a gradsng Sermit from Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. In respocse to Council's questions, Mr. Hughes responded that the' Tacsnt parcel to the west of the single family lot adjourning subject properzy is approximately 1-1/2 to 2 acres ir, size and that it could be anticiFated that rezonhg would be requested when the vacant parcel is developed and that perhaps tyo 4-unit buildings' could be constructed, but that the property to the west has better topography and could be developed easier for double buiigalows or soae other type of use such as that. CO'FC~F- ~5th regard to density for the su3ject property zr,d rercinded Council the reinai-lling vacant parcels in the City, and that he felt the guidelines that had been established shouli! be applied inasmuch as the neighborhood is char- acterized by single faintly homes. Mr. John Catlin, 6223 Westrfdge Rlvd., state6 his concern was that the vacant parcel to the west would also be dsvelo?& wiZh txo 4-un2t Sufldings. In response to question of lk. Ra-pond OTSnaughnessy, 6308 Valley View Road, Mr. Hughes advised that because of the topogzaphy ths prcposed easterly buflding s grounc! floor would be approximately 10 ft. lower ,than Valley View'Road, but that the westerly building wculd appear as a conventional height of two stories. Mr. James E. Voss, 6300 Valle5 View Road asked how far to the east the easterly buildin3 would be placed. respozded thet the Planni-ng Ccmission had explored the possibility of moving ihe buildings as far to the east as possible, that a 35 ft. minimum setback was recpfred from the City property to the east, but that 4 variance could possibly be considerzd: XI-. Voss the2 stated that whai they purchased their home they had assumed c;levelopaent vould be limited to single family homes iii the area and tk2G he was concerned that the zoning cocld be changed to permit multiplet mtts. 3fr. Catlin expressed concern also about the number of large erees that wodd hme to be removed and stated thatlthc trees serve.as a noise barrier i that he iJ3Uld cnly yemove the 'trees needed for the buildings, but because it , . is almost, totally a wooded area some of then. would have to be removed. Mr. , Hughes advised that a tree cutting permit would have to he acquired before a , , buildizg permit would be granted and that ff Frelininary approval were 'grante.6; Xr. Berg would then be required to come back with final plans incl-udkg grading . and 3andscapbg before final approva1,was given. Councilman Coartney moved to- - linZ~arj7 plat approval subject to these conditions: 1) final zoning is concti- : l,. tioned upon final Flatting, 2) subdivision dedication, 3) an'cxecuted developers agrement, and 4) .a grading pe&ii.t. froh' Nine Mile Creek Watershed Eistrict; that a tree cnttiilg penit.worzl6 be obtained befoye a buildin& permit wodd Ee graited, and that the proponen? would submie detailed final jlzss befsro final aFFrcva1 were granted. cassion that followed, Couacilrr.az Richards asked for.defeat cf the motion , ~ li I , , I ,* accomodate single family cluster housing, two family dwellings, tom-houses 1. He further stated that ~ , This would extensive filling and it would also be difficult to construct a cul-de-sac -0 Mr. Hughes informed 1 . t, ,t The Planning Commission recommended i Mr. Echards expressed his c' Lnai -L consid&&le the and effort had been expended to decrease densities f@r - r Mr. gughes . . .* , .c -ras the Crosstown. Jk. Doq Berg, developer of the subject property, indicated,. I sp;rave pi-elkhary rezoning to PXD-2 Plknned Besidgntiai District and prc-. .- i, t d- - 1, &tion VES SeCOlxied by Councilman Bredesei;. xq the dis- ; "I v I ni .*- .- I_ i 8 . -. *a- * 7' ** * , 111 , because: I) the proposed multiple mit buildings would not be compatible bath the k s would Kmxeme the no"is'h".*r%!vel $r$ood, Zx"h!':r$noval C+rmn-r Eighway, and 3) the co nt to reduce densities shousbe taken into consideration before grant'ing preliminary approval. thereupon withdrew his motion and Courzcilman Bredesen withdrew his second to the motion. Following additional discussion, Councilman Richards moved that the zoning request and preliminary plat be referred back to the Community Development and Planning Commission to consider reducing density to no more than 4 units and to address the impact of Crosstoim Highway noise resulting from removal of trees, and that it be brought back to Council on June 18. man Courtney. Rollcall Ayes: Eredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. Councilman Courtney Motion was seconded bj Council- REGISTERED LAND SURVEY FOR HALLA ENTERPRISES GIVEN FINAL APPROVAL. Mr. Hughes presented Halla Enterprises Registered Land Survey for final approval recalling that Council had given preliminary approval with these conditions: 1) that an executed Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants be entered into restricting the building size and prohibiting certain uses, and 2) that a subdivision dedi- cation fee in the amount of $16,000 be contributed. Mr. Hughes informed Council that the executed Declaration of Restrictions and Convenants had been received together with a check for $16,000 for the dedication fee and that he would recom- mend final approval of the registered land survey. Mr. Erickson had agreed, that the intent of the Declar$tion agreement was that the gross floor area would result in 40,000 sq. feet net leaseable. tions being heard, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Ee.further advised, and No object- R.ESOI,UTION GWTING FINAL APPROVAL FOR MLLA ENTERPRISES REGISTERED LAND SURVEY BE IT RESOLVED by the Cfty Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain Registered Land Survey located West of Willson Road, East of T.H. 100 and South of Eden Avenue, an2 presented to the Edina City Council by David M. and Donald E. Halla at its meetfng of May 21, 1979, be and is hereby granted ' final approval. Motion for adoption of the resolutior, was seconded by Counciloan RicharZs. . Rollcali : Ayes': Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Abstaining: Schmidt, became of possible conflict of interest. Motion carried. -- _- TRAFFIC CONTZOL LOGS PURCHASE AETRGVED. Mr. Hoffman presented tabulstion CL quotes for trzffic control logs showing Page and Hill at $3,625.00 and Har-3ed Lumber at $5,740.00. Councilman Courtney's notion for award to recornended Low quote, Hill and Page, was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Kotion carried. SEWER CONSTRUCTION FOR VICTORSEN'S TImERS PLAT DISCUSSED. Mr. Hoffmar, recalled that Cr. Glen Lewis addressed a nemorandum to Council at the meeting of May 7 in which he stated his objections to any allocation of construction costs to k-is property because of the construction of sanitary sewer and water service by Mr. Folke Victorsen in The Timbers plat. Mr.'Hoffman advised that Mr. Victorsen delivered a reply on Sky 8, 1979, in which he stated that the sanitary sewer from manhole fl.5 to manhole 1/16 would be consrructed solely for the use of Dr. Levis, that he had an obligation to pay for this sewer extension, and that if Dr. Lewis did not agree to do this, that that portion of the sewer be eliminated. man stated that Dr. Lewis had been advise2 of the connection charge ordinance that would apply if he were to connect to the sewer in the future.' Couficilnan Richards' motion dlrectj-ng Mi-. Hoffmsn to write a letter addressed ti0 Dr. Lewis and Mr. Victorsen indicating the procedures that would be used in determining sanitary sewer and watermain connection charges as would relate to thedeveloper and resident in the developnient Nr2 Noff- was seconded by Council-man Courtney, Ayes: Rays: gone Motion carried. Eredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Vzn-Valkenburg .I - LARRY' 2. XOZIS LETTER DISCUSSED. Efayor Van Valkenburg advised that a Letter had been received from Larry R. Eozis regarding parking of recreational vchicles . 5/21/79 $12 f -.‘ .I. . ,-< Council requested Mr. tioEfinan to respond to Mr. Mozis advising that the ordinance pertaining thereto is being reviewed and will be brought back to ,. Council ss soon as staff work was completed and Mr. Mozis will be notified. Eo formal action was taken. ADELE ROTKM LETTER NOTED. Mr. Hoffman reported a letter had been received .- fron Mrs. Adele Rothnian requesting bus service on McCauley Trail and asking - for Council’s support for the request. Mr. Hoffman said a letter would be .: sent to Metropolitan Transit Commission forwarding the request for service and that he would also advise Mrs. Rothman of this action. wzs taken. DUREIWERGERS GRANTED PERMISSION TO KEEP THREE DOGS. Mr. Hoffman referred to the letter addressed to Council from Lewis A. and Marie Durenberger requesting. permission to keep three dogs at their residence, 311 Madison Avenue. advised that Ordinance No. 311 provides that no more than two animals over six rcoritEls of age can be kept; and that Ordinance No. 302 provides that the Board of Health may give permission for more than two animals. Mr. Durezrberger was present and stated that when they moved into their home they were under the iinpression that three dogs were allowed; that they had installed a privacy - fence for their back yard to protezt the dogs and also to keep them from view of the neighbors; that his dogs are brought into the house €or the night and _- are spayed or heutered; that they are not raising dogs for sale but that I these are fvhilp pets. He also presented a statenient signed by his *ediate,’ neigh%ors, stating that they did not object to the three dogs and did not find them to be a public nuisance. Mr.. Velde, Sanitarian, reported that he had . I inspected the property and. had varifLFd that rhe fence met building code spec5fications in response to a complhint that the fence was too high. answer.to question of &-. Richards, Mr. Velde stated that he felt the Ordinance placini a limit of two dogs was reasonable, but that the Council as the Board of Sealth could grant a variance to the ordinance restriction. stated he 2elt Council should adhere to the ordinance lhitation of tvo dogs. Councilmm Courtney maved that Council grant permission to the Dnrenbergers to ziaintain .three dogs at their residence with the understanding that these. are personal p2ts and not being raised for breeding or sale and that in the event oxie is given away or dies that they will not ’replace it.‘ Xoizion was , seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt .’ No formal zction He In Mr. Richards B . Ayes:!Brede,seti, Courtney, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg 5f (. Xays : Richards Hotion carried. T I. T?&FYIC SA2ETY COBETTEE MIhTTES OF MAY 16, 1979, REVIflXED. Councilman Courtney offered t5e following resolution and moved its adoptiozr as reconmended 22, Secticr, 4- ofsthe Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of May 16, 1979: ._ RES OLUTIOIS 1 :r . BE iT BSOLVED that the Edha City Council request Hennepin County to install a traffic sercaphore at W. 65th Street and France Avenue which will have a “Green Axrow” phase to allow U-turns on green arrow only, so that Northbound: Fraace Avscr-le at fJ. 65th Street; and BE IT FJRTHER-PESOLVED, in the interest of public safety during the recon- strucricn of Frznce Avenue, that.Hcnnep5n County be requested to install “EY Ta+ing Any Time” signs on the West side of France Avenae from iJ, 58th Street to W. 60th Street. . Xotion for adoption of the resblution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. I.= a-hicles OE &axe Avenue can rkverse their direction znd drive Southhoxnd on - Rollcall : Xays: ??one ;:esolution adcpted. CoEzcilmari Canrtney’s notion accepting the remainder of thk Traffic SafeZy Comqittee Yfnutes was then seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. . Ayes: Eredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg .. I .i *,. Ayes : Ehticn carried. C. Bredesen, ‘Courtney, RicQards , Sclimid t , V9n Valkeriburg - Nays: None” a -% Councilman Bredesen asked that the Traffic Szfety Committee consider reviewiiig lcsisting stop signs aad stop l+ghts in vlew of the energy shortage to determhe if zny stop signs could be reglaced with yisld signs and if any stop lights.,, could be changed to provide free a-ccess when traffic, was light. I* 5 ., COLGSIAL CHURCX PbJX?LING LOT 100% PETITIOX CONTINUED TC JUtG 4, 1979. L Xr. i’foffman recoinmended that the matter OE the Colonial Ci?urch Perking Lot . 133% Pckiticn be conzirixet! EO Cline 4, 1979. Eation of Councilwomai Sciimldt to continue the Colonial Church Parking Lot Petition to June 4, 1379, was 3 i. I. Van v Nays :. None Motion caFi-ied. SAINTS VALLEY VIEW ROUEX SKATING CENTER DANCE PERMIT TO BE GRANTED CONDTTIONALLY. Mr. Hoffman recailed that the application for public dance permit by Saints Valley View Rcller Skating Center hac! been continued from May 7, 1979, and that staff recommends granting a temporary permit for each dance on a trial basis with the ucderstanding that management comply with the State Statutes require- ments. year's permit if all conditions were met. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion to accept the staff's recommendation to issue temporary permits for each dance with the understanding management must compy with the State Statutes require- ments, was seconded by Councilman Courtney. This would be on a trial basis, with the possibility of granting a Ayes: ,Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. --- CORRECTION OF MINUTES OF APRIL 16, 1979, DEWEY HILL ADDITION R.L.S. Mr. Hoffman recalled- that Council had given final approval to Dewey Hill Addition Registered Lad Survey in the meeting of April 16, 1979. Laukka and Associates, Inc., regarding appcrtioninent of special assessments, staff now recommends they be apportioned 2/3 equally among the platted lots in Dewey Hill Second Addition and 1/3 to Outlot B. the following resolution and moved its adoption: Based on a new request from Councilman Richards then offered RESOLUTION APPROVING DEWEY HILL ADDITION REGISTERED LAND SURVEY AND APPORTIONING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BE IT RESOLVED that that certain Registered Land Survey, generally located North of W. 78th Street, East of Braemar Park and South of Dewey Hill Road and presented for final approval at the Edina City Council Meeting of April 16, . 1979, be and is hereby granted final approval; and BE IT FURTHER ICESOLVED that all existing special assessments against Dewey Hill Secocd Addition be apportioned 2/3 equally among the platted lots in Dewey HFll Second Addition (being Lots 1 thru 16, inclusive, Block I, Lots 1 thru 4, inclusive, Blcck 2, and Lots I thru 28, Inclusive, Block 3), a;ll 1/3 to Outlot By Dewey Hill Second Addition; and BE IT RESOLVED FURTHZR, that pending special assessments against Dewey Hill 2nd Addition for Storm Sewer 140B shall be transferred wholly to Outlot By Dewey Hill 2nd Addition, upor, receipt by the City of a request for such - transfer from all owners and lisn holders of Outlot E and coiitaining a waiver of all claims that such pending assessment, as the result of such traasfer, may be inequitable, unfair, unreasonable, or in an amount grsater than the benefit received. Notion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilnan Courtce;7. ' Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtiiey, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Resolution adopted. Rays: 'None *. - &=PLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDING UNDER MHFA HOME IMPROVEMENT GWT PIIOGW-YEAR 117 APPROVED. under the MHFA Grant Program which provides that low income homeowners applying for a home improvement grant may have a maximum income of $5,000; and that the application is for $34,84S, Che same as the previous year, which includes 5% for costs in administrating the grant program. a list and a reconnecded ranking of all applicants and then broatght them to the Council en masse for approval. Xr. Hughes further stated that it is expected that all the funds will be distributed during the course of the year, but staff would recommccd that the Year IV EHFA program be administered on a first-come, first-served basis, so that an early applicant would not have to wait several months to receive approval from the Council and that a staff comnittee would evaluate applications as received and approve or disapprove the grants. Council- man Richards moved th2t the City apply for grant funding under W3FA Eome Improvement Grant Program for Year IV and authorized the staff committee to evaluate applications and approve or disapprove grznts on a first-come, first- served basis. Motion was seconded 3y Councilman Courtney. Mr. Hughes advised that the City will be applying for Year IV funding In past years, staff compiled Ayes: Bredesan, Courtney, Richards, Schiaidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Xo t ion carried. ._ 5/ 21/73 (t( SAT,E,OF NOTOR VEHICLE LICENSES AT CITY i1ALL TO BE ABANDOMI<D JUNE 30, 1979.-- * Hr. Dalen presented staff recommendation that the City discontinue inutor veksci; license operatrions bssed on the followivg: 1) there has been 8 si.gnificant.[.; decline in transactions for the past few years, 2) this service is availab16 - at AAA in St. Louis Park and at Helinepin County Government Service Center, 'b *- ' Southdale, 3) space to be abandoned in City Hall is needed fcr other cssent2aX activities, and 4) recent resignations pscvide an 'opportunity to abandon this service with lfttle negative impact on persomel. Councilman Richards's motion that the motor vehicle license operations at City Hall be abandoned effective as of June 30, 1979, was seconded by Councilman Courtney. I .Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. PARK BOARD MEmERS REAPPOINTED. terms of Xrs. Joan Lonsbury, Mack Thayer and Mrs. Narilyn Wooldridge had expired and he would recommend they be reappointed. reapprtint Mrs. Joan Lonsbury, Yfck Thayer and Mrs. Marilyn Wooldridge to the Park Board for tei3s to February 1, 1982, was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Mayor Van Valkenburg advised Couiicil that the Motion of Cour&lman Courtney to Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. Mayor Van Valkezlburg requested Council to submit names to him of persons to serve on South Bennepia Human Services Council (one vacancy) and Community Developnent and Planning Commission (one vacancy). are expiring for several directors of The Edina Foundation and naiies should be submitted by next Council meeting, COuhTCIL/PARK BOARI) MEETING TO BE SCTIDULED. Cmncil that Mr. Rosland will be setting a joint meeting date with the Dark Board in the near future to which nembers of the various athletic associations ~ji_ll be iavTted, for the parpose of establishing a written policy on the relatfonskip of the Council and Park Board with the associations. DELIVERY OF COuhTCIL PACKETS DISCUSSED. Mayor Van Valkenburg advised Councfl that Captafn Hohan had inquired if pachts should be left x.zhen Councilmepbsrs ' ape COK home GTI the Frfdzys preceeding Council meetings. It xas agreed that the. packets should be left and that Council members would notify the City Clerk's office if they did not wish their packet delivered. He also advised that terms Mayor Van Valkenburg informed B ~ ' IMPXWEMENTS AT BIIAEMAR ARENA AUTHORIZED. Nr. Dalen adviscd that the Park Board at tfie2r meeti-ng of May 8, 1979, had recommended approval of capital 5nprovelIients at Braenar Arena estimated at approximately $25,000. H2 indicated thfs could be taken from the $80,000 Capital Improveinents budget allocation, so thar; the inprovextents coult! be made while the Arena was closed, and that thfs azmznt coulc! be compensated for by allocation from the Dedlcated Funds for '.specific improvenents to the parks under the 1979 program. Notion man,Richards aruthorizing the capital improvements at Braemar Arena by Councilaan Courtnzy. Ayes: Brcdesen, Courtney, Richards, .Schmidt, Van VaLkenburg Nqs: Nom Xetfon cmried by Coiincil- was seconded X4.DA.R UNITS XJRCEIASE -@PROVED. Chief Swanson recalled that CouicTl had awarded bid €or purchase of 4 radar wits several months ago and that, subsequently, it became possible through a Joint Purchasing Agreement with the State of Ximesots to obtain the rsdar units under a Federal grant pravision at 50% of the net contract price. resolution and moved its adoption: BE iT RESOLnD that the City of Edina enter into an agreement with the Stat.? To reinburse the county for monies,spent in connection with project grant - numker 79-05-02 for the purchase of moving ra$ar at 50% of the net contracz price of the radar unit but not to exceed $289.50 per radar uniz. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thar the Nayor of the City and Gity Nanaze.1: be and they hereby are autkorfzcd to execate such agreemeiit. Xstion for adoption 02 the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards. Councilman Courtney thereupon offered the following RZ SOLUTIOX . Ehnesota, Departmear of Public Safety for the following, to-wit: Rdlcall: Ayes : Bredesen, Ccurrcey, Richards, Schmi.dt , Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resoiution adopted. . -. .. .. .. .,. , 115 CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Councilwoman Schmidt was seconded by Councflman Bredcseri - fort ,.,,w.t pa-yment-of,, fhe+<ollowino -&--.- claims as p%L+PPe;$&st : r$?37,824.94* n*aa *+;nod ?ark, 515,356.47; Edirra Art Center, $232.69; .?&?I: Construction, $109,767.08; Swlitming Pool, $979.13; Golf Course, $10,357.24; Arena Center, $8,758.07; Gun Range, $686.83; Water Fund, $18,879.84; Sewer Fund, $6,482.35; Liquor Fund, $187,749.70; Construction, $51,303.95; Total, $649,048.21. GFner-al ..--,. * Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg . Nays: None Motion carried. No further business appearing, Councilman Courtney's motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Adjournment at 8:30 p.m. Acting City Clerk &___ - 1 t; It ,l