HomeMy WebLinkAbout19790605_edina_board_of_review.. WINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE )DINA BOARD OF REVIEW HELD TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1979, .- AT 4:OO P.M. , AT EDINA ClTY HALL -* Answering rollcall were members Courtney, Richards, Schmidt and Mayor Van ‘ . Vdkenburg who served as Board of Review, which meeting convened pursuant to and posted on City Bulletin Boards on April 30, 1079. Mayor Van Valkenburg stated that the purpose of fhis meeting was to give persons who consider- . themselves aggrieved by their property assessbent, or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed Qbo low, an opportunity to show cause for having their assessment corrected. Mr. Johnson, City Assessor, explained that on single family homes the increases range from 15% to 35% and that on other types of property the increases vary to quite a degree ar,d that valuation is based on recent sales for like property. at this meeting by law keeps open the right of appeal before the County Board of Review, .and could then be appealed to the State Board of Review. Mr. Johnson also advised of other methods of appeal. Nr. Arthur Buffington appeared on behalf of his wife, owner of a vacant lot at 6900 Dakota Trail. He objected to the market value of $17,800 because the lot is very steep; that they had tried to sell the lot but had been unsuccessful because of the taxes on the property, and that the realtor had advised them to take any offer they could’get. been unchanged €or three years. Notice of Board of Review 3Ieeting” publsshed in the Edina Sun on Nay 2, 1979,” I1 -I He further stated that- appearance Mr. Johnson advised that the market value has Mr. Donald Zerger, 5525 Malibu Drive, objected to the market value for his home of $128,400 and questioned his ratio of 96% inasmuch as his neighbors- who purchase their homes at approximately the same time were assessed using lower ratios. He further stated he had the smallest house and lot, that there was no landscaping, and that he felt the market value should 3e $117,925. . . 1-fr. Lawrence E. Erickson, 5300 Hollywood Road, objected to the market value of $84,000 and stated he felt an increase of $10,900 in a year on an 28-year year old home seemed excessive. He stated he did not know what value he would pface on tge property. minimum azrount of increase for any single family dwelling. Xr. Johnson advised that the increase wzk 14.9%, the ..- Xr’. Robert,D. Hill, 52G4 Richwood Drive, objected to the market value of . $69,800 on his home and stated he felt the value should be $57,000 when conparing his house with the neighborhood. He referred to tha poor design of the house znd the cold and damp conditions which exist in the basement, as outlined in his letter. Hr. Theodore Kane, representing Edina Masonic Lodge No. 343, stated that the value of a,tract of land owned by the Lodge, located at the ET4 corner of Gleason Road and Crosstown Highway, is substantially overstated at $22,200 for the reascn that the lot is-landlocked with no access to it and attempts ‘ to sell the property have been unsuccessful because of this factor. Masonic ‘ Lodge No. 343 is asking for a reduction in market value but could nake no estimate of value for the property. Hr. %’alter Baker, representing the 7500 York Avenue Cooperative, skated that he was appearing before the Board of Review to preserve the right of appeal . inasnuch as they had just received vaulations for the 338 units and had not had an Opportunity to go over the data with Nr. Johnson. €le also stated that on January 2, 1979, the property vas still ur,der construction and was just . recently completed for occupancy. Mr. Johnson advised that the total estim9ted market value for the 338 units was approximately $17,891,900 and tbatrhe would work with Nr. Baker in reviewing values for the individual units. Ek. Edward H. Palrrter, osmer of a 264 unit apartment building at 7201 Pork Ave., appeared before tlie Board to preserve his right oE sppeal based on tlie fac; , that construction has not been completed on the propirty and initial occupancy on six of the floors Iind been granted only three weeks ago hy the City Builhing Department. He advised that thz building would produce no incone Enti1 units were ready for occupancy. Nr. Johnson advised that the market val.rre was estimated st $6,480,000, partially completed as of January 2, 1979. I -. I *, I I 125 ) Mr. Wendcl Burton, 6566 France Avenue So. Apt. 805, objected to the market: value of $105,700 on his cGndominium at Point of France based on the fact that when he mded in there ueqe only ,four -9wners living on his floor and there are Sti1.l only four owners, two of wliich havd their units up for sale and are having difficulty selling them. $96,400, the sane as last year. He indicated he felt the market value should be Ms. Nuriel ’Erickson, 4401 Parklaim Ave. Apt. lOlW, expressed cmcern that the valuation on her unit had increased by $10,000 but agreed that a market value of $50,40O’was realistic. She advised that many of the occupants of the building were on fixed incomes as she was and felt that if values continued’to increase each year she would be unable to continue to live there. Mr. Johnson explained that condominiums receive a more individualized review for each complex through a study of the sales within the complex, and that the benefits of home owner- ship alleviate some of the tax burden through homestead tax credits. Z4r. James Hiniker,’ 6833 Oaklawn Avenue, objected to the market value of $103,600 placed on his property. He stated that-this would be an increase of approximately 22% since moving into the house in August, 1978, and that he felt a market value of $93,00 more accurately represents its worth, inasmuch as the house does not have a glassed-in porch or air-conditioning as do other homes in the neighbor- hood. Mr. Johnson advised that staff would be willing to look at the house and Mr. Hiniker suggested the .assessor also look at all the houses in the immediate neighborhood. Nri Lewis Pick, 6439 McCauley Terrace, objected .to the market value of $145,300 placed on his home, stating that he had purchased it on January 15, 1979, for $148,000 of which $18,000 was for personal property. Assessor inspect his home and stated he felt the value should be $130,000. Mr. Johcson presented a letter from Property Tax Service Company appealing the 1979 assessment for property owned by Health Industries, Tnc., 3950 W. 70th St., and stating their intention to review this assessment with the City Assessor. He requested that the Mr. Johnson presented another letter from Property Tax Service Company appealing the 1979 assessment for fTve properties owned by Gabbert & Gabbert Company, 3501 N. 69th Street, stating their ir,tentior. to review these assessments with the City Assessor prior to the County Board of Zeview. Mr. Johnson presmted the objection of Edward G. and Marilee Hoch, 4121 W.45th Street, to the market value of $55 , 500- on their property. Owners estimate value at $45,000 based on the fact that other property in neighborhood was- not increased by as great a percentage and that they felt a recent addition resulted in a leap in market value. Assessor Johnson presented letters from the following property owners: Dr. Wm. Harold Ford, 401 S. Blake Road, objecting to 1979 marlcet value of $65,500, stating the house is 37 years old, was buiit during war time, .. is not a well built building and estimating market value at $5S,500. Regina M. Breuer, 7304 Tara Road, objecting to increase in market valuatj-on from $99,000 to $114,000, stating that homes sold on their street have been difficult to sell at market value because the Lewis Park which was to have been completed two years ago is still not beyond ground-clearing stage and buyers hesitate paying a high price without being assured of the park’s existance. Dr. Byron H. Armstrong, 4119 W. 62nd Street, objecting to narket value of $43,100, based on the size and age of the house with’unheated basement and atttc and major problems of impossibility of keeping paint on it, necessity of rebuilding chimney and need of new roof. Owner feels valuation is between $5,000 and $1020C; too high. D. N-. Cur‘nutte, Ashlaiicl Oil, Inc., representing Superherica Stations, Inc. * object’ing to market value of $145,000, and estimating value at $120,000, based on their statement of improvements anci sumn;ary of improvements a-td depreciated value. Keith L. Carlson, owner of property at 5555 \Jest 78ch Street, requesting’a reduction in valuation Erom $444,000 to $355,000 wliich was the price he paid for this property in October, 1975. I 126 I 6/5/79 M. I?. -Schneidcr, 5208 Birclicrest Drive, requcstbg review of the market val of $89,100 on his property, based on ,the fact that he purchased 1t one- Gedk- prior to Januzry 2, 1979, €or $84,000. R. Waldo Anderson, 5209 Valley View Road, objecEing to a narket value of $102,700 for the reason that the truck traffic noise on the Crosstom high^^^$ has increased during the last few years an:! he would be unable to sell' t%e ~ * property at that value. e* ,; 5 I Donald C. McGorman, 5917 Killarney Lane, objecting to a market valuk of" - * $98,300 on his home and requesting Assessor'to view same. He stated t1;at . *-' in his opinion the market value should be in the area of $85,OCO bo $98,000. . James E. Donohue, representing Dale E. Johnson owner of 7519 Hyde Park Drzve, objecting to estimated market value of $192,000, based on actual cost of building the home as being $1'36,299. Xr. Johnson then presented the fpllowing list of property values currently under review by the Assessor's office and advised that the requests had beea mad2 by' phone conversation with or by personal appearance of the property owners : Xame and Address Estimated Market Valce James Rutherford, 5301 West 63rd 'Street $103,800 * 4. '* Leo J. Raskind, 3 Orchard Line 100,500 Betty Parsons, 5912 Grimes Avenue 56,300 Nancy Birger, 5716 Xerxes Avenue 68,700 Daniel Dodge, 6309 Virginia Avenue 99,000 - Carol A. Wilson, 6844 Oaklawn Avenue 77,500 * Donald McGorman, 5917 Killarney Lane 98,300 There being no one else requesting to be heard, Mayor Van Vallcenkurg declared the meeting adjcurned until 4 p.m. on June 19, 1979. Adjournmeat at 5:05 p.m. Acting City Clerk MINUTES OF THE CONTIBUED NEETING OF THE EDINA BOARD OF REVIEW HELD TUESDAY , JUNE 19 , 1979 , AT 4 :00 P .MI Answering rollcall for the continued meeting of the Board of Review were smi)zrs Courtxey , Sclmidt and Xayor Van Valkeiiburg. Xr. Robert EIifl, 5204 Richwood Dr., appeared again to protest the Assessor's estiinated market vaiue of $69,800. He ad-viscd that, while lie could not sell his hme for more than $75,000, his estimate6 market value is higher than otker houses in his neiglhorhood which would sell for considerably nore. Ta37lor of the Assessor's office advised that she had made comparisons with the property at 5229 Richwood Drive nentioned by Pir. Hill, and had forind no as- cregancies in the values of the two properties. Property at 7201 Bark Ave. was represerited by Ms. Donna King wbo made comeats additional to those made by Mr. Edxard H. Palmer at the Board of Review Neet- ing of June 5, 1979. She conteiided that, until the building is completed 2nd occupied-, the vdue should 5e proportionately lower. Councilwoman Schmidt's nation was then seconded by Councilman Richards, for reduction of values en the f0110~hg properties : Xame Le gal Description Value Arthur Buffington Lot 1, Bi. 1, Ovzrholt Hills Georgia 3rd $ i2,OOO sdins Mascinic Lodge 8343 18,000 Keith Carlson Lot 1, 33.. 3, Ediri~ Icterchauge Centzr 55,5@3 Keith Carlsorr Lot 2, 13.1. 2, Nim: 8ile Vest t:;t Adcin. 324 > 500 21s- Jo Part 01 LO^ 23, iurtitor's Subc!ivision 196