HomeMy WebLinkAbout19790702_regular138 I '1 II I, MINUTES t 1. ' 5,. 5, ' OF THE REGULIR $lIEETIISG OF THE + *, EDINA CI~ COUNCIL I~ELD AT CITY HALL I. JULY 2, 1379 r Answering rollcall were members BredesFn, Schmidt and Nayor Van Valkenburg. MINUTES of Nay 7 and June 4, 1979, werk approved as submitted by motion of Co'uncilwoman Schnidt , seconded by kouncilmip Bredesen. ' i ." I Ayes: . Bredesen, Schmidt, Vm Vdkenburg nays: None Motion carried. .. ..< RADISSON SOUTH REQUEST FOR PC-2 PXWD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT PLAN MIENDEENT APPROVED. PC-2 Planned Commercial Plan to permit the hotel to construct a five story addi- tion to the existiog two story shopping mall on the Edina side of the complex to &low a three story height variance had been continued from the Council Meeting of June 18, 1979, so that alternate plans for the parking lot could be studied. He advzsed that the proposal of Radisson South to restripe the existinglotwould result in a less functional lot which would not be-to everyone's best interest. Xr. Hughes recommended that the City and liadisson South enter into a Proof of Parking Agreement which has been used in the past with other office and commer- cial buildings in the City whereby the Radisson would commit 'to construct a park- ing rarcp on'the site or some other alternate means to provide additional parking. He clarified that, in this way, the Radisccn would have an opportunity to con- sider other means to ,solve the parking problem. Mr. David Constable of Radisson' South said that the final decision as to whether to sign the Proof of Parking Agreement would be up to their Finance Department. sized that the City would determine the need for additional spaces. Bredesen's-notion for approval of the PC-2 Planned Commercial District Plarr Amend- ment, subject to receipt of the Proof of Par'king Agreement, was then seconded by . Councilwoman Schmidt. Er. Hughes recalled that the request of Radisson South to amend the Mayor Van Valkenburg empha- Comcilman Rollc ail : Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg * Nays: None EIUBING DATES SET Fog VARIOiJS PLANqING BL4TTEKS. As recommeEded bji Nr. Hughes, Coiincilxoman ScIimidt 's motion was .seconded by Councilmm Bredesen, setting hearzng ?lotion carried. date of July 16, 1979, for the following planning matters: 1) Fsbri-Telc - Release of Deed Restrictions - R.L.S. 1145 2) 3) Braemar Associates - R-1 Residential District to 0-1 Office District (Gen- erally located Xorth of 1.7. 78th St. and W. of Cahill Road) The Habitat - Preliminary. Plat-Approval and 22-1 Residential District to ~ K-2 Zesidential District -(Generally located North of Vernon Ave. and West of L'incoln Drive) Do5 Berg Construction Co. - Preliminary Plat Approval and R-1 Residential F2dlg District to PRD-2 Planned Residential District (Generally located Msrt'n of the Crosstom Bigliway and West of the m&S IEailroa.3 tracks) 1, FaFrchild' s Prospect Hills - Preliminary Plat Approval (Generally located Sogth of b?. 70th Street and West of Antrim Road , 4) 5) LOT 2, Xr. Hughes recalled that the hearing €or vacation of li drzin2ge easeiaknt bver a BLOCK 3, SCHZY'S PARK'VIEW TEIIRD ADDITION ZASEHEEZ' VACATION A3PROKD. - - part or' Lot 2, Block 3, Schey's Park View Third Additioii had been continued from June 18, 1979, as requested by Mr. Ronald Kranli, owner of the property immediately North of the property in question who had been concerned with the effect of the* easement vacation on his property. Mr. Itrank was assured that by Erg Robert Ober- meyer that the vacation would .have no advegsary effect on zdjaceat property. Mr. Kranlc was also assured that the City would approve the grzding of the drivek-ay oE the proposed dwelling and also approve any type of grading change that might take place on the portion of the easement vfiich'is not being vacated. Council was, reminded that, at che meeting of June 4, 1979, Nr. Hoffiimi had recommended the vacation of che easement as pet5tioncd but also that the 2asement on the low portion of the lot 5c irc:a;ined for drainage and 1.7.2ter storage, including the . . storm sewer area, ad subject to retention of the Northcl-11 States Power ease- ment ;long the Ncreh lot line. No further objections being heard, Councilman Bi-edesen offered the following resolution and moved its adopticn, with the cond'i- ticn that the Guilding Department cl)cck th2 elevat:fons of the drivecray and any other possrble gradiag changes that might be made on the portion of the easeiient being retained by the City: . . . .. ESOLUTTON VACATING EASEI4EKT FOR STOR14 L7ATEI: DRIINAGX PU1:POSES ---. IEERXAS, 2 resolfition of the City Coi:ncil, adopted the 7th clay of Ysy: 1979,, fixed a date for a pu~~ic Iiearing'on a proposed vnF:itiim of easeacnt SOT stom - .. 7/2/79 139 watel; drainage. purposes; and WHEMiAS, two weeks' published and posted notiie' of' said hearing was given hnd the hearing was held nn the 15th day of-June and the 2nd day of July, 1979, at which time all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; and WHEREAS, the Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City and of the public that said easement vacation be made; and NXEREAS, the Council has considered the extent to which the vacation affects existing easements within the area of the vacation and the extent to which the vacation af€ects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling electric or telephone poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or water pipes, mains and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maintaining the same, or to enter upon such easement area thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hemepin County, Minnesota, that the following described portion of the storm water drain- age easement be and is hereby vacated effective as of July 2, 1S79: That part of Lot 2, Block 3, ScheyJs Parkview 3rd Addition, lying Easterly and Southeasterly of the following described line: east corner of said Lot 2, thence West along the North line of said Lot 2 a distance of 120.0 feet to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence Southerly parallel with the East line of said Lot 2, a distance of 30.0 feet; thence Southwesterly to a point on the South line of said Lot 2, a distance of 200.0 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Lot 2, and there terminating; Conimencing at the North- B\ le% a a I\- P Provided however, that after due considerat ion, the Council has determined and hereby specifies that the foregoing vacation shall not affect and there is hereby continued, reserved and retained the following existing easement and authority in, on, and under the above vacated area: The authority of Northern States Power Company to enter upon the above vacated area to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend to, all of the poles, pipes, mains and lines for electric power now in, on or under the above vacated area, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed to cause a notice of completion of proceedings to be prepared, entered in the transfer record of the County Auditor, and filed with the Register of Deeds, in accordaiice with Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.55 1. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt, Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Naj7s: None Resolution adopted. I REPLACEMENT REFRIGERATOR FOR ERAEI4AR GOLF COURSE CONCESSION AREA BID MARDED. Kr Rosland presented tabulation of two bids received €or a replacement refrigeratoy for Braemar Golf Course concession area (Model RT 28 BSS) , showing Merit Supply low bidder at $1,495.00, against bid of Check Refrigeration for $1,575.00, recommended by the City Manager, Councilwoman Schmidt's inotlon for award to recom- nended low bidder, Eerit Supply Co., for $1,495.00 was seconded by Councilman B red e s en. As Ayes : Bredesec, Schmidt, Vai1 Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. FIREWORKS BID AWARDED. Mr. Kosland presented tabulation of two bids for fireworks, labor and insurance for the Fourth of July celebration at Cornelia Lake Park show- ing both Arrowhead Fireworks Compzny and Northern Lighter Pyrotechnics bidding at $2,000 each. technics was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt in view of the fact that Northern Lighters PyroCcchnics are providing 55 additional shells. Councilman Bredesen's motion for award to Northern Lighter Pyro- Ayes: Bredesen, Schmldt, Van Valkaiburg Nays: None Motion carried. WELL NO. 2 EKE3GENCP __.-_I_--- REPATXS AWARD OF BID CONFIRMED. ' Councilman Bredesen's motion was seconded by Counciiwonxn Scbidt confirming the award of bid for emergency repairs for Well No. 2 to Layre Xinnesota in the amount of $9,295.00. Ayes : Brede.sl?-n, Schmidt, Va1i Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. LEWIS PARK CO?;TEZCT -- AMENDMENT N'PROVED. Kr. M~sLmxl requested authority Cc add a change order to the G. I,. Contracting, 'Lnc., Contract No. S'i:.S-lGl for grad-lng work at Lcwis Park. As reconimendcd b~7 ivlr . Rosland , Councilman Bredeseii's tnotion 7/2/79 was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt, autliorjzing a change order for use of a D8 dozer at a unit cost of $73.00 per hour for 100 hours for a total cost of ,$7;300. I - i Ljyes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Van Yallcenburg Mays: None 3fo t ion carried. tIRLPRACTICE INSURRNCE FOR PARA"DICS BTD' AiJAIZDED. Nr. Rosland presented tabula-, tion of two bids for incidental malpractice insurance for the Paramedics showing Jefferson Insurance low bidder at $1,125 against bid of iJestern World- €or $1,900. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion for award to recommended low bidder, Jef- ferson Insurance, for $1,125 was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. I * Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. OLINGER BLVD./JEFF PTACE SIGNING CHANGE TO BE MADE. attention to a letter from Mrs. 14. B. Moore, 5920 Olinger Blvd. requesting that a sign be installed on the corner of Jeff Place and Olinger Blvd. and also at the corner of Olinger Road and Olinger Blvd. that would clarify house numbers on Olinger Elvd. No formal action was taken. Mr. Rosland called Council's Mr. Rosland advised that the appropriate signing would be installed. YORKDALE TOWNHOI.IES OF EUINA TAX PETITION NOTED. Council's attention to a patition for property tax reduction which had been filed by Yorkdale Tokmhomes of Edina, Ltd. iiennepin County to uphold the appraisal. No formal action was taken. Mayor Van Valkenburg called He requested that the City work with HENNEPIN COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL BOARD MEMBER ,NC)MINATION DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland called the attention of the Council to tlie fact that there are two vacazlcies on the Hennepin County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council and that the two positions which are vacant are reserved for suburban elected officials ad that nominations are solicited. No action was taken. - WCREATIONAL VEHICLE ORDINANCE TO BE DRAFTED. Mr. Rosland referred to the rreed for amendment of the Recreational Vehicle Ordinance and said that an ordinance would be ready for Comcil's consideration within the next few weeks. The owner of pxoprty at 7017 1Cilarney Lane said that he owned a large motor home and urged that the ordinance be relaxed so that people could park their recreational ve'nicles in their driveways during the summer inasmuch as it wodd be a finsn- cia1 burden to have to pay to store the vehicles, and added that, as the ord- inance fs now written, these vehicles cannot even be parked on the driveway to load and unload. Chief Swanson explained that the fact that there 5s a conflict between two ordinances makes enforcement difficult and said that verbal warnings have 'been given only an a cGnplaint basis. business i7ms is also being considered. PRE-SCBOOL XCREBTIONAL PROGRAM DISCUSSED. In response to a concern of Council- man Bredesen, Xr. Roslznd said' that the City would look into possible park pro- grams which could be sponsored a5.a part of the summer recreational program; KO action =as takcrr. . 1 The Mayor added that the problem oE No formai action was taken. " ZZERG'J! SAVING KETEODS DISCUSSED. .prozotion be considered which would develop enthusiasm for both City eaployees and residents to make a special effort to coilserve energy and asiced that consid- eration be given to changing .some STOP signs to YIELD signs in an efgort to save gasoline by moving traffic thru the City without a greater degree of risk. suggested also the possibility of a "Gallon n Week Club" under which people vould conmit to swing a given amount of gasoline. Mr. Campbell said that the Energy Coamission had just met to discuss a home energy audit but that ehe Coinmission will also be discussing gasoline conservatian. He advised that che State is . x-;illing to train volunteers to assist where needed in this area. Mr. Rosland said that Nr. Lester Wanninger had called to advise him that the School Board had approved tlie use of the schcol Susses for an emergency summer bus route if the . City would furnish gasoline and, drivers. Mr. Rosland said thzt it might be,pos- sible to develop a circumference route for this sutiimer aqd thzt he wouJd,rcport on this at the next Comcil Xeeting. The Mayor asked thzt ccpic.s of the minutes of tlie Xnergy Commission be distributed to the Council. Xa action was taken. SCHOOL DISTRICT APPROVAL -OF PONDING AREA FOR {'l'OiQf SIZUER XCMPROVEI4ENT ST. S-16 1 EOTED i mcnt with :he construction of the ponding azcs on the s~l100.l property West of Concord he. for Storm Sewer Iniprovenicnt No. ST.S-101, but that nc agreement: ha? heea reached oil the assessment: procedure. NO formal acticn was taken. Councilman Bredssen suggested that some type or' He I Mayor V~G Valkenburfiddvised Council that the School Districi: is in zigree- 1.' .. 141 HEALTH DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE REPORT COMMENDED. Collecm Paul& oii' licr reparc'' $n thB :conf cr&'i&$ %ich was attzildrd by the fiealh Mayor Van Valkenburg comniepdeii Mrs . --- Department. No action was taken. PARK DEPARTNENT COMPLIMENTED ON U . S . G . A. WOMEN' S fSMP,TEUR PIJBLIC LINKS TOURNkhENT. Mayor Van Valkenburg publicly thanked Wr. Kojetin and all members of the Park Department and commended them on the excellent job they had done to make the U.S.G.A. Women's Amateur Public Linlcs Tournament a success. 'Councilman Bredesen advised also that the winner of the tournament had commented on the excellent condition of the golf course. No action was taken. PAMELA S. MILLER SUIT NOTED. Mr. Rosland advised Council that a suit Lad been brocght against the City by Pamela S. Miller and said that the matter had been referred to the City Attorney an.d that it would be defended in Canciliation Court. No action was taken. LAWCON FUNDS A?PLICATION APPROVED FOR BREDESEN PARI(. As recorniiended. by Mr. Hughes, Councilwoman Sbhmidt- I, offered the €,allowing resolution and'moved its adoptLon: EE IT RESOLVED that the City staff be and is hereby authorized to prepare and sub- mit an application for a LAWCON/LCXR (Land and 'GJater Conservation/Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources) grant for the development of Bredesen Park Nature Area. iViotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted . RESOLUTION I ORDINANCE NO. 311-A12 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING. Councilwoman Scl-imidt offered Ordinance No. 311-A12 for Second Reading and mewed its adoption as follows: OKDINANCE NO. 3 ll-Al2 AN 0F.DINANCE AWNDING OiZDINANCE NO. 311 TO ALLOW CITY COUNCIL TO GRANT APPROVAL FOR HARBOKING MOXE THAN TWO DOGS OVER SIX MONTHS OF AGE - AT ANY PUCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 17 (d) of Ordinance No. 311 is hereby ameoded to read as follows: (d) , harbored at any place except in a licensed pet shop or licensed animal hospital, unless permission has been granted. by the Board of Health in accordance with Ordinance No. 392. and publication. Notion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. No more than two animals over six months of age shall be kept or ri Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage Rollcall : Ayes: 3redeserr, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg I.!ays : None Ordinance adopted. ATTEST 4Ld**- City Clerk TRAPPING ORDINANCES GRAETED FIRST XEADING. ivlr. Rosland presented Ordinance Nos. 1071-A1 and 1222-A2 which have been proposed because traps presently allowed are Lneffective 'against the beavers which are causing 3 real nrrisance in various areas of tb.e Citv. Nyor Van Valkenburg said that he gathered that; at the tim the leg- hold traps were banned, concerned residents realized that some alternate action might be necessary in the cas2 of an emergency. Mr. Rosland added that there is also a problem with gophers chexqing through underground lighting cables and that efforts wwld be made to fin& a wzy to combat that prhbleni. then offered the Eol1owk.g ordinances for Fi-rst Reacting: Coun&iZwoman Schmidt ORDINAXCE NO. 10 7 I-A? 1 AN ORCIK-AIXE AMENDING ORDINAXCE KC). 1071 TO ALLctJ TJUPPIMC, BY THE CITY OF EDTNA AND OTEIERS WITH PEIQIISSIOW OF' TRE CITY IWIAGEK THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, 1.IINNESOTA; OZDk;INS: Section 1. Sec. 3 or' Ordinarxc No. 1071 is hurcby a19encicri to read 2s fol- lows : E 7/2 /79 142 Sec. 3. Trapping Prohiiiited. Trapping within the City OF Edina is 11 prohibited, except that trapping may be done by the City of Ectina, or mzy be done under its direction, or may be done by any other governuiental agency or department with the written permission of the City Kanager, or may 6e done by any person with a valid trapping license issued by the State of Minnesota and with the written permission of the City Manager." Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force ani effect upon its passage End pu5lication. ORDINANCE NO. 1222-A2 AN ORDINANCE UmNDING ORDINANCE NO. 1222 TO ALLOW TUPPING IN PUBLIC PARKS BY THE CITY OF EDmI?, ._ ' AND OTHERS WITH PEREiISSION OF THE CITY MANAGER THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, PIINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. The last sentence of subparagraph (b) of Sec. 8 of Ordinance No. 1222 is hereby anicnded to read as follows: '"The prohibition in this subparagraph (b) and in subparagraph (a) of this Sec. 8 shall not apply to trapping by any means or methods done by the City of EdZna, or done under its direction, or done by any other governmental agency or department with the written permission of the City Manager, or done by any per- son with a vdid trapping license issued by the State of Minnesota and with the mltten permission of the City Manager." and publication. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be izl full force and effect upon its'passage BIDS TO BE TAKEN FOR PUBLIC IHPROVEMENTS . As recommended by Nr. Hoffman, Council- woman Schmidt offered the following resolution and moved its ado2tion: IWSOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOB PROPOSED IXPROVEMENTS AND DIRECTING ADIFZTLSEMENT FOR BIDS FOR PUBLIC INPROVEPlENTS NLiiERS PERMANEWT STREET SiJWACING WITH COXCRETE Cum AN? GUTTER &?D STOP34 SENER I3A-2278 c SANITARY SEWER, LIFT STXTIOE AND FORCEMAIN Ls-9 I -- SAXITARY SEWER 'EO. SS-352 AND %iTEW&IN NO. WbI-336 BE IT WSOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF EDINA, NINNESOTA: 1. The plans 2nd specifications for the proposed improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the City Engineer a9d now on file in the oEfice of the City Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be publishad in the Edina Sun and Construction .Bulleton the following notice of bids for improvenients: , *1 (Official Pablication) 4801 \?. 50TH STREET EDIN,!!, XTNNESOTA 55424 CITY OF EDINA .. I_ ADVERTISEXENT FOR B IDS *. SAXITARY SEW%, LIFT STATION AND FORCEIfiIN Ls-9 PBBHASENT STREET SURFACING WITH CONCETE CURB AXD GVTTER AND STOF31 SEWER BA-227A SANITARY SENER S S -35 2 -1 T?ATEP!%IM N 0. F?IvI- 33 6 - *- CONTXACT 79-6, 79-7, 79-8 AND 79-9 BIDS CLOSE AUGUST 3, 1979 SEALED BIOS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in Edina City Zall, 4801 I:, 50th Street at 11:OO a.m., August 3, 1979, and the Edina City Council will meet at. 7:OO p.m., Nonday, August 6, 1979, to consider said 5ids for Sanitary Sewer, Lift Station, Forcemair~, Permanent Street Surfacing with Concrete Curb and Gutter and Waternain. The following are zpproxinate quantities of the major item : I There will be two separate bids ad not tied. IEIPROVE?-ENT NO. LS-9 1 -~ Each,Subm~isib.&c PGmp Lift St~ti0~1 with 2 - 8" Pcmps 122 L/F, 24" Steci Casing Augeiing 145 L/F, 8" E.J.F. Sewer Main 1,845 L/F, 10" E.1.P. Force Ifair, 2 Std. Manholes 550 Tons, Elinn. D.O.T. 2331 33rtu;niasus U4PROVEMENT NO . BA-2 2 7 A -.__I_. 8,500 C/Y , Excnva t i-or, 2,525 Tons, CI. 2 Gravel. 7/2/73 143 I.' ~ '1' '. ..& a ,I : -#+, L 525 " ?oiit;"; Minn., .Q.~-.T~ -2331 Uitu&imxs 825 TORS, Minn. D.O:T. "2341 Bituminsus 765 L/F, 30" to 12" Storm Sewer 5,000 L/F, B6-18 Concrete Curb and Gutter 3,000 S/Y, Sod 21 Trees, Removed IMPROVEMENT NO. P-SS-352 3,563 L/F, 12" V.C.P. Sanitary Sewer 10 Std. Manholes IMPROVEMENT NO. P-WM-336 2,300 L/F, 8" D.I.P. W.M. I 4 Std. Hydrants 2 - 8" Pressure Taps Bid shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the projects covered by the bid. 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota, 5.5424, and may be maiied or submitted per- sonally to the City Engineer. the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Bids shall be in conformance with specifications which are available at the Edina City Hall, Engineering Office. No bids will be considered unless sealer! and accompanied by a bid bond or certified check, payable to the City of Edina, In the amount of at least ten (10) percent of the net bid. the right to reject any or all Sids or any part of any bid. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, Bid5 received by the City Engineer, whether thru The City Council reserves Florence B. Hailbeirg City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilinan Bredesen. Rollcall: Nays: None Resolutlon adopted. Ayes : Eredesen, Schmidt , Van ,*Valkenburg -. LIQUOR FUND AS OF APRIL 30, 1979, was presented by Mr. Dalen, reviewed and ordered placed on file by mDCion of Councilxan Bredessn, seconded 5y Councilwolran S chid t . Ayes : Bredesen, Schmidt, Van Vallcenburg Nays: None Motion carried. CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Councilman Bredesen was seconded by Councllwonai Schmidt for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List dated July 2, 1979: General Fund, $68,966.08; Park Fund, $3,766.23; Art Center, $958.46; Park Construction, $4,2 12 .7 6 ; Swimming Pool, $3 , 3 30 .EO ; Golf Course, $4,50 7.20 ; Arena , $1 7,69 7.44 ; Water Fund, $4,945.87; Sewer Fund, $8,054.10; Liquor, $998.01; Construction, $542.36; Total, $118,089.31. Ayes: Bi-edesen, Schmidt, Van Vallcenburg Ways: None I Kotion carried. No further business appearing, Councilwoman Schmidt's motion for adjournmen+, was seconded by Councilman Brcdesen and carried. Adjournment at 7:50 p.m. I- .-