HomeMy WebLinkAbout19790806_regular151 Answering rollcall were members Bredesen , Courtney , Richards, Schmidt and Kayos Van Val!ccnburg. ity Development and Planning Conmission and Leslie Turner of the Hunirin Relat.Lons Conmission. Present also were Mues . Helen McClell-and of the Commtin- NINUTES of July 16, 1979, were approved as submitted by motion of Councilman Rrcdesen, secmded by Council~~oman Schmidt. Ayes: Bredcsen, Courtney, Richards,, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg . Nays: None ' Motion carried. PUSLIC HEARINGS ON IMPROVEMENTS NOS. P-SS-352 AND P-I?I.I-336 CONTIMUED. Affida- vits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. action taken as hereinafter set forth: Due notice having been given, public hearings were conducted and A. SANITARY SEVER IMPROVEPIENT NO. P-SS-352 AND APPURTENANCES IN THE EOLLOWING: East side of Prance Avenue from Parklam1 Ave. to the South City Limits; I?. 76th Street from Parlclawm Avenue to France Avenue East side of France Avenue from Parklawn Avenue to the South City Li-aits B . KATER3IAIN I>PROVENENT NO. P-WM-336 IN THE FOLLOKl3IG: The above improvements generally affecting the same properties, public hearings were conducted concurrently. Mr. Rosland presented total estimated construction cost for SanLtary Sewer Improvement No. P-SS-352 at $139,839.86, proposed to be assessed agahst 35.16 acres at an estimated rate of $3,664.57 per acre. He presented total estimated construction cost for Watermain Improvement No, P-mf- 336 at $92,699.84, proposed to be assessed against 2,491.24 J.ineal feet at an estimated cost of $37..21 per foot. Council 77as advised that the improvements wre peLitioned by Hedberg & Sons Company, owners of a large percentage of the property but Khat the two other property oizners have not indicated whether o-i noli they favor the improvements. He explained that the Sanitary Sewer is pro- ~osed to run through the 77th Street Lift Station, into the large ir,tcrcepeor seiirer Zn Richfield and eventually to St. Paul for treatmnt. In response to z ccxern expressed by Cou~zciLmzn Courtney as to vhether or not the interceptnr had almost reached its capacity, Mr. Hoffman said that the City is in the prc- cess of dealing b7ith the Metropolitan Waste Control. and with the City 02 Eden Prairie and that all of the lines on the Vest side of Comty Road 18 will go to the Blue Lake plant ii the Shalcopee zrea for treatzent, and that a jobt powers agreement is being drawn up for use of these lines. He added .that he had not yet received. easements or che affidavit which the Be:l.bergs had agreed to sign stating that they would not oppose the asses;;ment of the improve?knts. Councilxpn Richerds suggested that agreemenes should be received from the CiZy of Ede9 Prairie and the Metropolitan Council Waste COX~KO~ Cominisslon aild that ai1y'.potjeatial- problems should be solved before the sanitary sever is 5nsLa'llecl. 2.il:. I-loff~an said that he felt comfortable that no problem wtju.ld exist., Mi:. . I-Ieffnian addcd also that the bids received for' the improvements which arc to be conside;ed later in the meeting were excellent bids and 111iat he would hup@ tu take advantage of them. Nr. Erickson said that the City would be conmitted to the project once the bid was awarded, acd addeci that the City has a six montl? deadline on ehe time in which the improvement can be ordered after chis, hear- ing date. Councilmarl Courtney's motion to continue the hearings until Rug~ist. 20 + 1979, t7as seconded by Councilman Rjkhards e Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schaidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None 140 t ion c arr ie d . 8/6/79 ,152 owners &sociation, read a letter which he had sent the Comcj.1 an6 said that the office comples would have adverse effects on the Windwood homeowners and would not be compatible with the Southwest Edina Plan. He emphasized that an office building would create more traffic in the area than the tobmhouse complex. Mr. Zamansky's letter noted that Mr. llorris Levin, ad hoc chairman of the Vindwood tiomeowners Association, made an oral presentation at the July IG, 1979, Council 3feeting. The letter further stated that Mr. Zamansky did "hereby incorporate his presentation into this correspondence and make it a part of the record along with the petitions by 193 residents of the Wiiidvood Condominium seeking denial of the requested rezoning application". 'The Mayor told Mr. Levin that the Council should have no concern with any monetary benefits which would be derived from. a particular zoning. Hughes recalled the history of the Southwest Edina Plan and the changes which had been made to the Plan since its adoption in June of 1971. Nr. Arthur Haglund, architect and designer of the project, said that his traffic project- ions showed more trips per day for townhouses then the projections of Mr. Hughes and fewer trips per day for the proposed office building than those offered by Mr. Hcghes. Both agreed, however, %hat the ofZice building would cause more peak hour traffic and that the townhouses would cause additional weekend traffic. Mr. .Michael Hughes, 7125 Cahill Road, suggested that Council look at the entire area in total and expressed concern that additional commercial and industrial zoning might be cermitted. Dr. J. R. Pox, a Win6wood resident, said that he would ' prefer to see the trees which would be left with construction of the office building. He referred to.a white post erected Gn the site in question by Nr. Bar- ron which icdicates the height of 14 townhouses on a strip that will go along side of the driveway. Dr. Nalter Coffey, 7510 Cahill Rd., was assured by Mr. Hrzg'nes that properties to the North along Cahill Rd. have the same projected use as the property inr question and that all properties would be considered individually. Nr. Thomas Hirsch, Management Agent for Windwood Condominiums, emphasized the> concern expressed by residents in their opposition to thg proposed office buLlding. Hughes agreed with an unidentified gentleman in the audience that the site in qGestion offered many building restraints- Euglies, Mr. Barron said that the townhouse plan he had been comparing to his office proposal was not the townhouse plan .approved by the City but an earlier plan re- jected by the City. Following lengthy discussion, Councilman Bredesen said that, while he thought that the office use may be best since it is more consistent with the nature of the area, and while he does not believe that the site is an ideal residential area, the townhouse development was consistent with the plan and that he believed that there is a real need for townhouses for Edina residents vho are sell5kg their homes. iqas seconded by Comcilwoman Schmidt who remarked that it must be remembered that the Rindwood complex is not an apartment building, but individual hones. =an Courtney concurred with Councilman Richards who said that the office building would preserve open space with its greater setback, that it wuld be better to have this as a transitional use and that, in supporting this zoning, he would not support any other office building or commercial or industrial zoning to the North.- I The Council also emphasized that the Southwest Edina Plan was a . plan only and that it could always be changed for the benefit of the City. Hr. . Xr. In response to i? question from Mr. # . He then moved that the zoning request be denied. Xotion Couricilr Rollcall : Ayes: Eredesen, Schmidt Xays: Courtney, Richards, Van Valkenbiirg who added that he agrees t7ith Comcilmen Courtney and Richards and that lie does not think that traffic will be detrimental or that a precedent is. being set. Mot ion lost. As reconmended by Mr. Erickson, Councihfian Richards tIien moved that the staEf be directed to draw findings and reasons for a decision in favor of 0-1 zoning for Council's consideration on August 20. Motion was secondad by Councilman Courtney. .. * *. Rollcall : Ayes : Nays: Eredesen, Schmidt Efotion carried. Courtney, Richards, . Van Vallcenburg Xembers of the audience were advised that the findings would be available for. any- one who wished to' read tnem. Nr. Erickson remindeii ilhe Council and the audience thzt a 4/3 favorable rollcall vote is required for final rezoning approval. EEGENCP IST ADDITION GLWTED FINAL PLAT APPROVAL SUBJECT TO CASH DEDICATION; ORD- IXAXCE NO. 81 1-Rl27 GRMTED SECOND TtlWU") Affidavits of Rotice were presented bjj Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Regency 1st Addition for final plat approval and Ordj-nance 811-dl27 fdr Second Emcling, recallhg that this propcrty is located on the Southxest cemer of France dcvelopmw-t plans as recornended ,b3 Lhc PLnnnLirg Co:ccCsslon. Ilr. tlughes presented ' lVz: at 14. 51st St. He advisea that cke prcpmcnts have iiov subatteed overdl Hr, Iiughes ' * 1 I. , . *- .. ._. . I .. I 153 recommended fiaal plat approval and Second Reading of Ordinance No. 811-h127, ~ subject to ininor iuodiEications to the storm sewer plan, that- the landscaping i. 'D1"?" cat- on by'made: Mr. Peter. should- qpq.cri$y speciq opcsed, and that a subdivisiad. !dedi- Brandt reviewed plans for the .pro- udieiice that the balconies on the posed building and assured 'inember West side of the building would not extend beyond the wall of the building. objections being heard, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: No RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL TO REGENCY LST ADDITION . BE IT RESOLVED bjll the Edina City.Counci1 that that certain plat entitled "Regency 1st Addition", platted by Metro Consultants , Inc., and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of August 6, 1979, be and is hereby granted final plat approval, subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. , Rollcall: That required modifications be made to the storm sewer plan; That landscaping plans should specify species and size; That a subdivision dedication of $7,200 be made. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilraarr Bredesen. Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt , Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. Councilman Courtney then offered Ordinawe No. 811-A127 for Second Reading and mmed Its adoption, noting that the zoning as notices for Pirst Reading had indicated. is for PIID-5, rather than.for PRI)-4 ORDINANCE NO. 8 11-Al2 7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) ' BY ADDING TO THE PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (PRD-5) THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINKESOTA, OREAINS: enlarged by adding the following thereto : enlarged by the addrtion of the following property : Section 1. Paragraph 4 of Section 5 of Ordinance Eo. 811 of the City is "The extent of the Planned Residential District (Sub-District PRD-5) is That part of Lot 58, Auditor's Subdivision Eumber 172 and that part oE the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 18, Tomship 28, Range 24 described as beginning at the intersection.of the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter with the extension East of the South line of said .Lot 58; thence West along the extension of the South line of said Lot 58 and along the South line of said Lot 58 to a . point distant 165 Eeet West of the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter thence North parallel to the East line of szid Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter a distance of 66 feet; thence East parallel to the South line of said Lot-58 and its extension 165 feet to the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter;. thence South along said East line 66 feet to the point of beginning,. according to the recorded plat thereof; and . That part of the East 135 feet of Lot 58, lying North oE the South 66 feet thereof, Auditor's Subdivisiarr Number 172; and The South 60 feet of East one-half of Lot 56, Azditor's S&divi.sion Number 172, except the West 155 feet thereof, except that part thereof conveyed to Edina 3y 69 K.C.R. 3786923; and The ?sbrt'n. 72 feet of the East 143 feet of Lot 56, Auditor's Subdivision Number 172, except that part thereof conveyed to Edina by 69 H.C.R. 3786923, which is in Sub-9istrict PRD-5 ." Sec. 2. and publication. 3iotion €or adoption .of the ordinance was seconded by Councilman Bredesen, . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its,passage Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valk Nays: None Ordinance adopted. ATTEST: -!L- A- X?!+UA- City Cleric I TUCKERS PROSPECT HILLS (KERRY SUBDIVISION) GRANTED FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. Mr. Hughes 1 presented Tuckers Prospect Wills (previously known as Kerry Subdivision) for final pldt approval, noting that this plat is located South of Kcrry Road and Enst of 'Dorm Road, acd that all ordinance requirements have been fulfilled. being heard, Councilwoman Schnlidt of ferect. the following resolution and moved its adoption: No cbjections 8/6/79 RES 0 IAT ION APPROVING I I TUCKERS PROSPECT HILLS '. : 4 BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Councll th;;t that certain plat lmotm as Tuckers . .- Prospect Hiils, YlatLed by Donna C. Tucker, a single person and Howard C. Tucker, lein holder, and Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank of Wnneapolis, 'and presented for final approval at the Regular Meeting of August 6, 1979, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. * Xotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman =chards. . - Rollcall : "I Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: %ne Resolution adopted. LOT 19, BLOCK 1, OSCAR ROBERTS FIRST ADDITION DIVISION APPROVED. Mr. Hughes. presented the petition for division of Lot 19, Block 1, Oscar Roberts First Addi- tion along the party wall. ths following resolution and moved its adoption: ITHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: IWXREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein cklled "Parcels") described as follows : No objections being heard, Councilman Bredesen offered RESOLUTION Lot 19, Block 1, Oscar Roberts First Addition; and That part of Lot 19, Block 1, Oscar Roberts First Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying Easterly and Xortherly of the following described line: Beginning at the mid- point of the Southerly line of said lot and running thence North 3 degrees 49 ininutes 30 seconds East a distance of 132.45 feet (assuming said Southerly line as bearing North 89 degrees 46 minutes 15 seconds West); thence North 49 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 74.00 feet; thence North 58. degrees 16 minutes 51 seconds West a dis- tance of 46.49 feet to the mid-point of the most Westerly line of said lot and there terminating; That part of Lot 19, Block 1, Oscar Roberts First Additlon, accordiag to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, P.Iinneso';a, except that part lying Easterly and Northerly of the follovjng described line: Begihning at the mid-point of the Southerly line of said lot and running thence North 3 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 132.45 feet (assuaing said ,Southerly line as bearing North 89 degrezs 46 minutes 15 seconds West); thence North.49 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds West, a dlstzince 05 74.00 feet; thence North 58 degrees 16 minutes 51 seconds Vest a distance of 46.49 feet to the mid-point of the most J?esterly.line of said lot and there terrilinating;.(Par@'el B) andl I+FZ-W, the requested subdivision is authorized under Ordinance go. 801 and it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and %on:'ing Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of lsnd do not interfere with the purpose of the Sribditision:and. Zontng Regulations 2s contained in the City oE Edina Ordinance Zcs. 811 and 801; E%!, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the &y of Edina t'rrat the collveyance and omexship of the second above described Parcels as, * separate tracts of land j-s hereby approved and the -requirements md provisioils of' E)rdinari.cc Nos. 811 and 801 are hereby waived to allow-said division and coxvey- . ace thereof as separate tracts of land, but only to 'the extent permitted under Ord5nance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 and sEbject to the limitations set out in Ordinance No. 811 'and said Ordinances are not waived-for any other purpose or 'as to any other provisions thereof, and further subject, however, tc the pro- . vision that no further subdivision'be made of said Parcels unless made in cai~p- l2ance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior, approval of this CourLcil as may be provided for by those ordinances. Notior?- for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney. (Pakcel A) and B . , \ % I Rollcall : -I - Ayes: Resoluk+on adopted . Bredcsgn, Courpey, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg .. Hays>,* "None ' \\. \r REARING DATES SET FOR VARIOUS PLANXING MATTERS. ..& recommended by 14~. :Hu&eg, Councilman Richards' motion sccting' August 20, 1979, for hearing dates fur thc following Planning matters was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. - __ , 1. -Don Berg Construction Coinparry - - R-1 Residential District to PXD-2 Planned Residenzial District, for property generally located North of the Cross- *' towirrr Highway aiid WesL of the &&S- Railroad tracks I. 2. Klodt's Addition to Edina - R-1 Residential District to 0-1 Gffice %ASP- rict, for.proycrty general$y located ,South of W. 7Gth St. a1d:East 01 Yorlc 4 Ave . Warden Acres, Peterxn XepJ.at - R-X Residential DistricE to R-2 Xultiple 3. ,.- * I. RcsLciencr DistricL for property generally located South of Grove St. and .Ayes : RrecIeshi,.; 1Courtn;y l&h%rds , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg ' ' 4 Motion carried. WI?.S& of th~~J$t4.&'$< IJ$lLoad tl;a&&. Y.'),.. 1 ._ Nzys: Xonc 155 / PLOW AND WING Ab7AR.U OF QUOTE COHTINUED TO AUGUST 20, 1979. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, Councilnian Courtney's motion continuing award of the plow and wing was seconded by Comcilman Bredesen. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. BA-227A BID AWARDED; BIDS FOR LS-9, P-SS-352 AND P-TW-336 CONTIPWED TO AUGUST 20. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of bids received in response to Advertisement for Bids in the Edina Sun and Construction Bulletin, recommending that award of bid for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. P-SS-352 and Watermain Improvement No. P-WM-336 and (Lift Station and Forcemain Improvement No. LS-9 be continued until August 20, 1979. Curb and Gutter Improvement No. BA-227A showed Bury & Carlson low bidder at $177,655.35, Northdale Construction at $191,505.40; Matt Bullock at $197,369.50; Minnesota Valley SurEacing at $214,220.50 and Johnson Bros. at $232,914.00, against Engineer's estimate of $217,415.60. award oE Improvement No, BA-227A to recomsnded low bidder, Bury & Carlson, and continuing award of bid for LS-9, P-SS-352 and P-W-336 to August 20, 1979, was seconded by Councilman Courtney. ' Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney , Richards , Schmidt , Van VaUcenburg Tabulation for Permanent Street Surfacing with Concrete Councilman Bredesen's motion for Nays: None Motion carried. - COTCNELIA PARK PARKCNG LOT GPADING AND HANDICAPPED PLAYGXOUND EQUIPMENT ARU BID AWARDED. Park parking lot and handicapped playground equipment area showing Natt Bullock ContractSng Company, Inc.', low bidder at $1,990.00 and Veit and Compacy, fnc. at $2,300. seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of two bids for grading of Cornelia Councilman Courtney's motion for award to recommended low bidder was Ayes : Bredesen , Courtney, Richards, Schmidt , Van Valkenburg ' Nays: Norre Motion carried. BR,A.EY& CLiEBOUSE CHAIRS .BID AIWXDED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of two bids received for nine red soak captains chairs to match the original chairs pur-- chased for the Braemar Club house in 1965, and advised that Dayton's Contract Dj.vis5oi.on was the only company whe2e the chairs were avallable. Councilman Grede- sen suggested that additional chairs also be brought at this time as long.as they are still tivaila'cle. Councilman Courtney's motion approving purchase of nine chairs €or a fatal of $1,530.00 ~u7as seconded by Councilman Bredesen. ' Ayes : ' Bredese.n,. Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Hays: Xone Motion carried. Mr. Kosland will check icto the purchase of additional chairs. ASPEN LANISCAPING TIES BID AWARDED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of Lwo bids rec'eived for 250 6 x 6 x 8 Aspen Landscaping Ties. Tabubation showed Page si Hill low bidders at $2,000.00 and Har Ned Lumber at $2,870.00. motion for award to recommended low bidder, Page & Hill at $2,000.00 was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Councilman Richards' Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. -- BRAEMAR CLWJEIOUSE ICE KACHINE ZIT) AWARDED. quotes Mr. IloslaiiC: presented tabulation of ' foran ice machine for the Braemar ClilShouse showing Carbonic Machines, Inc., low bidder-at $1,739.00 and Harrison Rodse at $1,764.00, but advised that Barrison Home had subsequently changed its bid to $1,540 .OO. Being qtrestioEed by the Councii as to the change ia the quote of IlarrPson House, Mr. Rosland explained that Carbonic kchjmes has the distributorship and that Harrison House . buys from thm ar,d added thit Carbonic Machi.nes will install the equipment, ingsthat he thinks that the Council i.s obligated to buy at the lowest price, Councilman Courtney's inotkon for award to low bidder, €Ia.rrisoa Hou.se, was sec- onded by Courrcilwoman S ch:~ de. AYC~: daurtrlcy, Richnrds, Schmidt ,: Van Valkeaburg Nays: Bredesen - >lot 3. on car r icd . Say- 8/6/ 79 . I56 BLOOMINGTON/EDIEA LAND EXCHANGE DISCUSSION COIS'JXNUED INDEFINITELY, Xr. Ros land recalled that the possibility of a Bloonington/Edina land exchange had been continued from the meeting of June 18, 1979, but that there have been no n&'.dev- elopments. seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. I. Councilman Richards ' motion continuing the matter indefinitely' was .+ .. Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Nchards , . Schinidt , Van Valkenburg Nays: None ,. ,, f-, : Hotion carried. 'i LAN43 W. FISHER SUIT. NOTED. Council was advised of a suit which had been brought agaiast the City by Pb. LaNae TJ. Fisher and that the matter had been referred to the insurance company and to the City Attornsy. TERRY GRUGGEN NOTICE OF CLAIM NOTED. . Council's attention was called to a claim which had been-brought against the Gity by Terry Gruggen and advised that the mat- ter has been referred to the City Attorney and to the insurance company. formal action was taken. BRA&ZAR GOLF COURSE COPPLINENTED. Councilwoman Schmidt referred to an article in ,the Ninneapolis Star which had given Braemar a 4 Rating, and said that .she believed that it h2d been very worthwhile to host the National Women's Public Links Golf Tournamest. No formal action was taken. ~TROPOLITAN HEALTH BOARD MEETING NOTED. randm from Mr. Velde describing a meeting of the Metropolitan Health Board which was held on July 31, 1979. ..No action was taken. I No formal action was taken: - No' .. Nayor Van Valkenburg referred to a memo- : I ' SEBfINAR REPORTS NOTED. tional Bealth and Hazards in the Fire Service held in San Diego on June 10-13, 1979. in Madison, WI July 22 arrd 24, 19713. who attend conferences and seminars should submit reports to the Council. ART CENTER GENERAL POLICIES DISCUSSED. attention 'to Ger,eral Policies- for the Edina Art Center and said that the .Gou$cil ~o-dd rzact-to the policies after they have been revimed by Che Park Board. No action was taken. - la. TUYHOND O'COhWELL'S APPOINTNENT TO HENNEPIN COUNTY LIBIWcrZ" --- BOW. was announced 'by Xayor Van Vallcen3urg. No action was taken. .- .LOl? AND EODERATE -INCOME HOUSING MORATORIUN DISCUSSED. . advised Council that he had attended a Housing Commission meeting on Iilandatory Planning &id questioned how decisions can be made with so many inconsisteat kules and directirons. In response to a question of the Hayor, Mr. Erickson said 'Chat the Metropolitan Tand Planning Act allows for teinporary moratorium of one year'. . (pdZli possible extensions) while overall plans are being considered. informally agreed that this matter will be further discussed st the August 20 council Xeeting. ATHLSTIC GROUPS EEETING NOTED. Nayor Van Valkenburg advised that he, Mr. Roslmd and Xr. Kojetin had met with the presidents of the various athletic groups-in an , attempt to clari€y,.thzir general functions as established by the Park Board, with. special empli2s.i~ bebg on insurance and policies as to methods of team selection. No action was taken. . Mayor Van Valkenburg called Council's attention to reports - on seminars attended: Stephen Landry reported on the 5th Symposium on Occupa:' Florence Hallberg reported on ,the Elidwest Regional Election Vorkshop held The Mayor emphasized that all City emQloyees , I I Nayor Van Valkenburg called Council'g - J: .I Mayor Vax Valken'ourg It isas t Som OF APPFKLS MID ADJUSTMENTS ORDINANCE AXENDMZNT TO BE CONSIDERED. AS re- quested by the 3kyor2 Irlr. Erickson said that he would draft an ordinance amend- ment whereby the Council could serve as the, Board of Appeals and Adjustment2 in cases-PiFhere zoiling and,)vzriF\ces are both required foi a particular instance. formal action wis talcen. Eo - FLORENCE HALBERG DESIGNATED CERTIFIED PlZlilu'ICIPL'J, CLERK. M-r. Rosland advised Comcil that City Clerk Florence Hallberg has'boen designated a "Certified %hi- &pal Clerk by the Board of Certification of ?he International Institute of irunicipal Clerks. DE- LARIA'S RESTAUrWJJ DISCUSSED. Xestaurant had failed to respond to orders Lssucd by che Edina Zeal.tir Department approximazely t>ja wccks ago ant1 that the mnrter '(.~cu'l.d be bxottght back for* cop- sideratim by C0uuci.L on August 20, 1979. Congratulations were offered by the Council and 3fr. Xosland, Xr. Iiosland gdvised Ccuscil that 3jeLaria's' ' '*. f. - No forms1 accion was taken. . , 157 ., --' COUNTY WAS'l'E' CONTROL I'ROG~l DISCUSSED. He~ropolitatt Land Planning Act requires the Couzty to prepare a twenty year solid w*fstse plan which will address energy recovery and recycling plan. by'.'tlie Mayo;, &I;* Rosland wfil contact %&'restid reside& and make 2&cd&encla- tions €or Council appointment. Xo formal action was taken. Mr. Rosland advised Council that the As requested EDINA RECYCLIXG CENTER DISCUSSED. Courtney, Mr. Rosland advised that plans are being made to move the Recycling In response to a question of Councilman -- Center and to start a new.approach which would make it self serving. report back to the Counci.1 at a later date. He will No action was taken. COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY REFEREU3D TO RUMAN RELATIONS COtTMISS ION. Councilwoman Schmidt called Council's attention to'newspaper clippings about the poor in the suburbs and she presented a resolution from South Hennepin Human Services Council asking for support for the development of a Community Action Agency (C.A.,A.) for suburban Hennepin County. an administrative board that can, apply for and adniinister federal funds for programs for low income people and that suburban Hennepin Covnty is one area of four in the state that does not have a C.A.A. Councilwoman Schmidt said that the County supports a model for a C.A.A. that would be an overall administrative agency for suburban Hennepin County and, in so doing,-would dissolve all Human Service Councils. Councilwoman Schmidt suggested that the C.A.A. function instead under the Suburban Human Services Councils and that the resolution sup- porting the development of a C.A.A. for suburban Hennepin Couxty be revised to reflect that organizational change. Councilwoman Schmidt assured Councilman. Richards that the C.A;A. would not be duplicating .my services. ards suggested that the matter be referred to the Human Relations Commission. Because the Human Relations Commission would not be meeting until after the C.A.A. proposed deadline, it was suggested that a Special Meeting of. the Executive Board of the Human Relations Commission study the C.A.A. p+oposal, background material on the C.A.A. and both the IIuman Services'Council and the County model for the C.A.A. present at the Council Meeting, sald that the Executive Board would try to have their recomnezdafions zeady for the August 20 , 1979, Council Neeting. Council- .woman Schddt said that t'lie South Hennepin Human Services Council will bold its Second AnnEal Joint Meeting with City officials at L'tiotel de France between ' 8:OO sild 1O:OO a.m. 02 A~gust 22, 1979, at ~7hich this matter will be'discussed and urged the Council to attend. She explained that a Community Action Agency is . Councilman Rich- Nrs, Leslie Turner, Chairman of the Human Relations Commission being No fornzal action.was taken. BLOOMINGTON PUBLIC REAL_TH NURSING SERVICE IN~RMATION CLARIFICATION TO BE REQUESTED. Cornittee which indi.cated.that the Committee did not feel that it had sufficient information on the services that the Bloomington Public EIealth Nursing Services is providing to Edina. the Citg of Bloomington was to furnish understandable information and said that the Committee skould request BI.oomington to bring in a clarification to the ,Committee. No formal action was taken: Mayor TJa. Valkenbrzrg referred to finutes of the Edina Adviso~y Heal-tlr The Hayor recalled that, under the terms of the agreement, - CABLE TV JOPTfT FRAXCHISINC- PROCESS APPROVED. Mr. Rosland presented a res61ul;ion approving a joint franchising process for Cable TV, advising that adoption of this resolution does not bind the Council, advising that the .To:int Powers Agree- ment does not have the power.. to award a franchise.;. inasmuch as only individual. Couricils have the power to make such awards. sen's concern about the length of time the procedure is taking, Councilman Courtney and Mr. Rosland eiaphsslzed that the process is conerolled by the Stat'e : of Minnesota and the Federal Cornmmicatioiis Commission and that the Committee is proceedhg as quickly as possible. Council v7as advised that Councils of 'all participating municipalities would meet in joint session some time in September to forntulrrte their plans. No further discussion being heard, Councilman Courtney offered the following resoiution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING JOINT FRANCHISING PROCESS WHEREAS, the Citg of Edina is included in an approved Cable Sexvice Territory (CST) ; and WHEREAS, the Soutlwest Suburban Cab1.e Commission (Sl*7SCC) is an organization created by an agreemnt authorized by and entered into by this City and other Cities included in the same CST; and WHEREAS, the SNSCC has undertaken studies and has reviewed various procedures for the development of ;1 CATV system for the entire CST, 2nd has cieveloped a process for the franchising of a CATV system for this CST; and In response to Councilman Brede- I. - IJIIEREAS, the City of Edina deems it proper . .i? joint CATV system for the CST in,which it is included and after review, and ia the pGbI.ic interest to develop agrees that the joint franchising process developed bj' SWCC, attached hereto and made EX part hereof, would serve the r~eecls of this Citjr; ' . 7. 8/6/ 79 EO\?, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE E1)IEA CITY COUNCIL: 1. That the developnlent of a joint CATV system is in the best interest of tile City of Edina and SWSCC is hereby authorized to continue to work to accomp- lish such a great system; That the franchising process recommended by SWSCC, attached hereto, is . approved. That the City of Ediiia agrees to commit itself to the franchising process. so that the development of a joint franchise can be achieved and the neces- sary cooperation and assistance of each of the participating cities can be clearly understood and relied upon by each of them. *- - 2. 3. 4. Xotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Comcilwoman Schmidt. Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Abstaining: Richards (who had not participated in the discussion). ORDINANCE NO. 90148 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING. Councilwoman Schmidt offered the following ordinance for Second Reading and moved its adoption: ORDINANCE NO. 901-A8 AN ORDINANCE MIENDING ORDINANCE NO. 901 TO ELI3iINATE THE DEFINITION OF MINOR, TO ALLOW THIS SALE OF INTOXICATING AND NON-INTOXICATING MALT LIQUORS TO PERSONS 19 YEARS OF AGE OLDER, AND TO REGULATE THE EMPLOYMENT OF PEREONS UHDER 19 YEARS OF AGE, AND THE PURCHASE, POSSESSION, AND CONSUMPTION OF SUCH LIQUORS BY PERSONS UNDER 19 YEARS OF AGE TdE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, XINNESOTA, ORDAINS: definition of "Minor". read as follosirs: psnsary . Sec. 3. Paragraph (d) of Sec., 6 is hereby amended to read as follows: "(d) dispensary premises. 'I Sec. 4. Paragrayhs (b) and (c) of Sec. 12 are hereby amended to read as fOllO~?S : "(b) No liquor shall be sold to any person under 19 years of age, or to an intoxicated person, directly or indirectly. "(c) No person ctnder 19 years of age shall be employed Zn any rooms consti- Sec. 5. The first prodso in the first sentence of paragraph (b) of Sec. 13 Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 901 is hereby amended to delete the Sec. 2. The last sentence of paragraph (c) of Sec. 3 is hereby amended to "No person under 19 gears of age shall be employed in the dis- No person under 19 years of age shall be permitted to renain on the 1 - tuting the place in which intoxicating liquors are sold." is hereby amended to read as follows: " .....p rovided, that no license nay be graEted to a person under 19 years of age, or.. . .. Sec, 6. . The headiag of PART G of Ordinance No. 901 is hereby amended toa' .. 11 read as fo&lo1,7s: . I. " PURCHASE, POSSESS ION ANI COEr'SmPTION v I- "PART G. . .I OF INT0XICP;TING LIQUOR AND NOH-IWTOBJCATING I NALT LIQUOR BY PERSONS UNDER 19 YEARS OF AGE." Sec. 7. Sec, 25 of Ordinance Eo. 901 is hereby amended to read as fal1ows: "Sec. 25. Purchase by Persons Under 19 Years of Age. No person under 19:. years of age shal.1 purchase, directly or indirectly, any intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating malt liquor. I' Sec. 8. Sec. 25 of Ordinance No. 901 is hereby amended to read as follows: ''Sec. 26. Xisrepresentation of Age. No person under 19 years of age shall '* represent that he ar she is 19 years of age or over for the purpose of obtaining . any intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating malt liquor." * " Sec. 9 Sec. 27 of Ordinance 901 is hereby ainended to read as foll037s: "Sec. 27. Possesszon or Consumption by-Persons Under 19 Years of Age. ET0 person under 19 years of age shall possess or consune intoxicating liquor or non- intoxicacing mzit liquor, except at the household of and in the personal presence of his or -her parent 05 lawful guardian. L I Sec. I 10. "Sec! -28 of Ordinance No. 901 is hereby amended eo read as fol1ows:t Sec. 28 6f Ordinance No. 901 is hereby amended to read as 'foll057s: * I. , "Sec. 2'3. Furnishing to Persons Gnder 19 Years of Age, No person shall. pur- r' chase for or furnish to any person under 19 years of age any intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating malt liquor, except in the company of his or her parent or lawful guardian. I' b Sec. 11. This ordinance shall be inefull force and effect upoqit's passage I and publicatzon. w- Ayzs: Bredesezl, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Vdkenbwrg .-: . $Jays : * &XIE 4-- i Xotion for- adoption of the" ordiuartce was seconded by I Councilrr,an Wchards. . RoZlcall: .L .. ,- I ..f. I '* Ordinance adopted H,R.A. AUDIT REPORT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1978, SUBMITTED. Council's attention was called to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Audit Report as of December 31, 1978. As requested by the Mayor, Mr. Dalen said that he would summarize 'the report to indicate total figures to date. No action was taken. HEARING DATE SET FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARINGS. Councilwoman Schmidt offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: As recommended by Mr. Dalen, FU2SOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARINGS FOR STORX SEWER IMTROVEMENTS NOS. ST.S-138, ST.S-155, ST.S-160 I SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. SS-344, SS-349, SS-350, SS-351 WATERHAIN ITQROVEM3NTS NOS. W~-319B, TJM-329 , Ifif-333 , WM-334, WM-335 GRADING AND GRAVELING lXP.R.OLEMENTS NOS. C-128, C-129 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Clerk and Engineer havirrg calculated ;he proper zmounts to be assessed for the improvements set forth in the Notice of Hearing forms hereinafter recorded, and the amounts proposed to be assessed against the respective lots, places and parcels of land within the districts affected by said improvements, and said proposed assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspection pending hearings thereon as herein provided. 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the Notice oE Hear- ing forms hereinafter contained, to pass upon said proposed assessments and the Clerk's action in publishing notices of said hearings in the official newspaper in accordance with law is hereby approved. Notices-being as follows : I . (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR RSSESSHENTS Storm Sewer Nos. 138, 155, 160 Sanitary Sewer Nos. 344, 349, 350, 351 Watermain Nos. 31913, 329, 333, 334, 335 * Grading ti Graveling Xosb C-128; C-129 EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the Ci-Ey Hall, 4801 Rest 50th Street, Ediiia, Minnesota, on Honday, Septenbber 17, 1979, at 7:OO P.M. to hear and pass upon all. objections, if any, to the following proposed assessments. These assessments are now on file in the office ot the Edina City Clerk and open to public inspection. equal installments over a period of ten (10) years with interest 01; the entire assessment at thc rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levyhg the assessment to December 31, 1980. 1.: CONSTRUCTION OF STOKEr SEWER NO. 138 Trunk District Description: 30, Township 117, Range 21, said point beiiig 50 feet south of the noithwcst corner of said section; thence south along the west line of'Section 30, Town- - ship 117, Range 21 to a point 3,255 ft south of the northwest corner of .sr?i:d 0- Section 30, thence easterly at right angles a distance of 90 feet, thence south easterly to a point in Lot I., Block 1, Interlachen Hills Addition, said point being 120 ft soii'ih cf the north line and 3 feet east of the west line after taking. Hills Addition, said point. being 153 ft cast of the northwest corner of said northeast corner thereof, thence northeasterly to a point in the northwest k of the southwest Q, Section 30, Township 117,$ Range 21, shid poi.nt,being 170 feet west of the east line and 45 fect south of the north line cf'said north- northwest g: Sect-ion 30, Townstilp~'i.17, Range 24 said point being 375 ft north of the scut11 line and 165 ft west or' the cast line of said southwest k of the northwest k; thence northeasterly to a point in the northwest Q of the sotithc~st of the northwest k, Section 30, Township 117, Range 21, said point being 30 feet iiorth of the south line and 180 feet east of the west iine of said north vest ki;.of the southeast 51 of the northwesh k; thence eastcrlfi 30 feet north of and parallel to the south Lirz of the sou'iheast + of the northwest k, Section 30, Township 117,- Range 31; a distance cf 220 ft,; thetke northeasterly to a point oil the south line of Maloney Avenue, said p0liil.t being 485 ft east cF: ,the. Assessment on the following will be payable in ten Commencing at a point on the west lLne 'oE Section Thence northeasterly to tlie north line of Lot 1, Block 1, Interlachen . 2 Lot.1, after taking. Thence. east along the north ljn? cf said Lot I to the * west % of the southwest $;; thence northly to a point in the southwest % of the 8/6/79 west line of the swtheast k of .the iiortlivest k, Section 30, 'i'ounship 117, Range 21; thence northeasterly to a paint on the south 3.inc of Lot 13, Uloklc 14, West Hinneapolis IZcights, said point beiiig 35 ft west of FIE southcast co,rner thereof; thence northerly to a point in tlie easil: line of Lot 6, Block, 14, West: Minneapolis Heights, diich point is 22 Et south of the northezst corner' of said Lot G as platted; thence northcasterly to the southwest corner of Lo*t 25, Block 15, West Miniieapolis Heights; thence northeasterly to a point in &e, north 'liiie of said Lot 25, which point is GO ft east of the northwcst corner of. said Lot 25; thence southeasterly to the southeast corner of Lot 2, said Black 15; thence northerly along the east line of said Lot 2 io the northeast corner thereof; thence northeasterly .to a point on the center line of Belmore Lane said point bcing 110 ft east of the east line of Harrison Avenue; thence southeasteriy to a point on the east line of Lot 1, Bl.ock 16, West lfinncapolis Heights, said point being 30 ft south of the northeast corner thereof. a-point on the west line of Lot 1, Steiner and Koppelman's First Addition, said point being 35 feet south of the northwest corner thereof; t!ieoce north- * east,erly to a point on the north line of said Lot 1, said point being 75 feet east of the northwest corner thereof; thence northeasterly to a point on the south line of Lot 5, Block 2, Pfendelssohn Addition, said point being 35 feet east of the southwest corner thereof. Thence northwesterly to the intersection of the extended east line of Dearborn Street and the north line of Section 30, . Towxisliip 117, Range 21; thence vest along said north line of said Section 30 to the east line of Outlot 1, Trolley Line Addition; thence acst along the E north -line of said Outlot 1 and the ccntcr line of Sccond Street South to the ccntcr ling of Monroe Avenue; thence south along the center li.ne of Ploi>roe Avenue to the center line of Third Street South; thence west along thc center line of Third Street to poht of beginning. LoCeral. Diqtrict Descriptiqn: . - Thence easterly to . ' Comniencing at a point on the west line 'of , Section 30, Towiship 117, Range 21, said point being 1340 feet south of @le . nortlhcsti corner thereof; thence cast along the south linc of 11~ial.oney Avenue to a point on the south line of Naioney Avenue, said point bcing 170 feet east of the east line of Adonis Avenue extended south; thence southeasterly . at an intqior angle of 241.O aad a distance of 75 feet; tlicncc southcnst~~:ly .* at- .ai interior angle of 143' arid n distance of 1260 feet; thcnce southwesterly $0 c? point 30 feet north of the south line and 400 Fcct east of west linc. ,of1 thc southcask ?/, OF the "nortlwcst k, Scct.i.on 30, Towiksliip 1.17, Rmgc 21, thence wcst 30 feet nortli of tiiz ~~th line of the southeast !r, of thc nsrthwest k, ,, Section 30, Tow~~ship 117, Range 21, a d%stancc of 220 feeti. to a Foint. southwest $ of tlie northwcst !&, Section 30 , Townsliip 117, Raage -21, said pointybeipg.375 ft north of the south line aid 165 feet west of the east line of said southwest of the northwest k. Thcnce southwesterly to a poinl Tn tbe northxest of thc rjclLttI:\gest: $, Section 30, Township 117, Range 21, said point being 170 feet west of the east line and 45 feet south of thesriorth @Iie af said, northwzst k of the southkst k; thence soutlli<csterly to the north- east corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Interlaclicn Hills Addition; thence westerly alozlg the north line of Lot 1, Block 1, Interlachen Hills Addition to a poiut 153 feet east of the northwest corner of sqid Lot 3 after caking. I .s,ou~lii.7esterly ko a point 'in said Lot 1, Interlachen Ilills Acldition, sa'id point being 120 feet south ~f' the north line and 3 feet east of the west' line :after raking; +-hence northerly to a point on the west line of Lot 1, J$lock 1,:Inter- iachen Sills Addition afrer taking, which point is 3255 feet south 02 the ndrth- west corner -of Section 30, Township 117, Range 21. Thance westerly at right angles to' the west lfne of Section 30, Tovmship 117, Range 21; thence nopherly to point of beginning. The area proposed to be assessed for said iniprovenient is as follo~~s: .thru 5, Block 1 and Lots 1 thru 5 , Block 2, liendelssohn Addition; Lots 2 thru .. 13 iml st vac., Block 1; Lots 14 thru 25, Block.1; com at a point 20 feet ~ortfi froxi NE corner of Lot 25, Elock 1, thence East co east line of Zd4% of Section 30, Township 127, Range 21, thence north to NE corner thereof, thence T:r to p point norf3i of ,.beginni.ng. thence south to beginning; Lots 2 thru 25, Blk 2; LGts- 2-25, in&'% vac alley, B1.k 3; Lots 2-25 inc $2 vac alley, BlocE.4'; tots 2 thu 25, Block 5; Lots 2 thru 25, Block 6; Lots 2 thru 25, Bloclc 7; Lots 2 thru 25, Block 8; Lots 2 thru 2G, B.l.oclc 9; Lots 1 thru 26 inc vac. alley, Block 10; Lo::-s 1 thru 26, Elocl: 11; Lots 1 .tlzrrr 26 i'nc vac nlley,' Block 12; Lots 1 thru 26 hc I, 25 and 26 inc l; vak aliby, .Block 15; bot. 1 including, north 37 feet of Lot 2, Block 16 , West N5nccapolis Hz-iglits Addition; .LO$ 1, Steiner & l;upp,clinan's l&t Addition; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 1; Lots 1 and 2, Bloclc,2; Lots 1 and 2, Block 3; Outlots 1, 2, 3, Trolley, Li-ne hddition; PropP-rty I'.D. NO..s 30-11.7-%-2~-0001, 30-127-21-23-0002, 30-117-23.-23-0003, 30-117-21-24-0002, 3Q-U.7-21-3~~0d03, J, li' 9.: I Thciice swly Thence Lots:I" I vac alley, Block 13; Lots '1 thru 26 iiic Q vac alley, Slock lft; Lots v 7- 1, ".* I, r 161 I -- A"\++ 0-11 $-$&I, 3 2-0902 f"21-32%003 in Sect Township ll:, %nge 21; Tracts A and B ex road, Registered Land Survey #24G; Lot 1, Block i, Interlachen Hills Addition. -2. 3. 4. 5. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERNAIN NO. 319B Vandcrvork Avcnue from Interlachen Blvd to 214 feet north. 'The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: thru 6, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 3, Block 2; Lots 1 and 2, Block 3; Lots 1 thru 9, Block 4; Lets 1 thru 4 plus north 10 iect of Lots 5 and 6, Block 5, Beverly Hills Addition; Lot 1, Block 1, Beverly Hills'Second Addition; Lor 1, that part lying S of north 9 feet thof, Lots 2 thru 9, Limback Addition. CONSTRUCTION OF WATEIUfAIN NO. 334 Shauglrnessy Road from West 78th Street north to the south line of Lots 11 and 12, Block 3, Dewey Hill 2nd Addition. The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: South 100 ft of the N 833 ft of the E 416 Et of the W 488 ft of SEk of SI&, Section 8, Township 116, Range 21; Outlot B, Dewey Hill 2nd Addition; Lots 1 thru 4, Shaughnessy 1st Addition. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER EO. 350 Shaughnessy Road from lJest 78th Street north to the south line of Lots 11 and 12, Block 3, Dewey Hill 2nd Addition. The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: South 100 ft of the N 833 ft of the E 416 ft of the W 488 ft of SELd of SJ$, Section 8, Township 116, Range 21; Outlot B, Dewey Hill 2nd Addition; Lots 1 thru 4, Shaughnc s sy Is t Addition. Shauglmessy Road from' West 78th Street .to cul-de-sac. The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as fol3.0~~: Sout1.1 100 ft of the N 833 ft of the E 416 ft of the W 488 ft of Sa of SWk, Section 8, Townsliip 116, Range 21; Outlot .B., Dewey Hill 2nd Addition; Lots 1 thru 4, Shaughnessy 1st Addition. Lots I -- CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING AND GRAVELING C-128 31 I G. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ,12. 13. 14 ; Assessments on the following will be payable in three equal installments over a period of three (3) years with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 52 per anncm from the date of the resolutuon levying the assessment to December 19 80. CO~~T~lJCTION OF WATERNAIM NO. 329 ?Jake Ridge Estates (Sliermnn Circle) The area proposed to be assessed for said iiiiprovement is as fol1.o~~: :L thru 13, Block I., Lots 1 thru 5, 1310ck 2, Slake Ridge Estates. COIVSTltUCT%ON OP lJA'I'E1WAIN NO. 335 West 55211 Street from Prance Avenue to Ewiiig Circle; E17iIlg Circle fronl West 55 th S trect to cul-de-sac, l'hc area proposed to bc asscsscd for said iinprovcmcnt is as follows: 1. thru 5, Elock 1, Woodbury 1'ar:lc Scicond Aclclition. CONSTIWCTION OF TJA'rElIMhLN NO. 333 St. Albans Circle from Gleason Road to cul-de-sac. The are;! proposed to be asscsscd for said improvemcnt is trs follows: 1 thril 9, i3lock 1, St. Alhan's Addition. CONSTRII'CTION 03' SANITARY SEWER NO. 344 Blake Ridge Estates (Sherman Circle) The area proposed to be assessed for said iinprovenient is as follows: 1 thru 13, Block 1, Lots 1 thru 5, Block 2, Blake .Ridge Estates.' CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 351 Ewing Circle from West 55th Street to cul-de-sac. Tile area proposed to be assessed for said'improvement is as follows: 1 thru 5, Block 1, Woodbury Park Second Addition CONSTIWCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 349 St. AlSans Circle from Glcason Road to cul-de-sac. The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follot?~: 1 thru 9, Block 1, St. Albarr's Addition. CONSTRUCTION OF GRACING AND GRAVELING C-129 Ev7ing Circle froill West 55th Street 'io cul-de-sac. The area proposed to be assessed for said iinprovement is as follows: 1 fhru 5, Block 1, Woodbury Park Second Addition. CONSTRUCTION OF STORH SEWER NO. 155 Clalce Ridge Estates (Shcrman Circle) The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as Eo11ows: I.-thru 13, Block 1, Lots 1 thru 5, Block 2, Blake Ridge Estates, CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER NO. 160 St. AlbanS Circle froa Glcccson Road to cul-de-sac, Lots Lots I Lots Lots Lots Lois Lots Lots 8 /G/ 79 fr P * The area proposed to be asses'sed for said idprovement is as follows: 1 thru 9', Block 1, St. Alban's A'dclitl.on. Lots First payment of this assessmcni will be payable with the taxes for the year fnterest at the' same rate for one year on all unpaid indtallments. of the property assessed for the above iiaprovements may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the City Treasurer on or before November. .x 15; 1979, or make paynient with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. Any owner may appeal the assessment to the District Court pursuant to Ninnesota Statutes, Section 429.081, by serving'notice of the appeal upon ' the Hayor or Clerk of the City of Edina within iwenty (20) days after the ' adoption of the assessment by the City Council, and by filing such notice with the District Court within ten (10) days after service upon the 1-layoy or Clerk. Pursuant to.Ninnesota Statutes, the City of Edina has adopted standards and guidelines for deferring special assessments against hoinestead property owned by persons 65 years of age or older for whom payments would be a hardship, To obtain deferment, application must be filed with the City Assessor's ofEice by the close of business on the last business day before the City Council meeting set out in the first paragraph of this notice. 2nd application forms, please call or visit the City Assessor's office. ' 1979, collectible in 1980. To each subsequent ~nstal.lmcnt will be added ~ t The owner . i .~ For further information r I( BY.OI(DER OF THE EDIHA CITY COUNCIL ., Florence B . Hallberg Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richardseld. Rollcgill : I Nays: *None City Clerk 5 . .L Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg . Resolution adopted. t , I. I PAEKLAWN AVENUE SIDEWALK PETITION NOTED. Hr. Roslad called Council's attentico -to a petitio3 requesting that no additional sidewalk be constructed oil Parzclalm Ave:had been received but that the contract had already been let. was taken. CLAIMS PAIC. for payment of the following claims as per&Pre-List: , Park Fund, $14,754.85; Art. Center,' $4,238.32; Park Construction, $9,8(37.%83; Park- Sinking, ,$1,965.00; Swimming Pool, $2,954.54; Golf, $13,507.53; Arena, * $54,5,40.07; Gun Range, $713.50; Water Puild, $17,66,1.75; Sewer Rente, $119,394.12; Liqtior Fund, $6,037.89 ; Construction , $371 , 280.41 ; Total, $728,254.29 ; ?nd*, for conf iznation of payment of' the following claims : General Fund, $52,394.54; +?ark Fmd, $181.83; Art Center, $28.97; Swimming Pool, $1,145.12; Golf' Course, $3,949.34; Arena, $121.12; Gun Range, $107.16; Water Fund, $1,588.07; Sewer No action Motion 09 Councillnan Courtney was seconded by Councll~fian ki'chards General Fund, $116,398.33; I Fund, $536.00; Liquor Fmd, $351,067.11; Total, 9411,119.26 f I. 7- cv No further business appearing, Councilman Richards seconded by Councilmaq. Courtney and carried. motion for adjournment wzs * Adjournment at *9 : 50 .p. m. h , a . L.. . *' .I- "I' A. 'I .". '.