HomeMy WebLinkAbout19790820_regularMINUTES 163 4 x /) OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCTI, HELD AT CITY HALL '. *, ' f )" GUS.T-40f 1. Answering rollcall were members aredesen , Courtney , Richards, 0 Schmidt and Mayor Van Valkenburg. ity Development and Planning Commission and Leslie Turner and Nr. Raymond 0' Connell of the Human Relations Commission. MINUTES of August 6, 1979, were approved as submitted by motion of Council- woman Schmidt, seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Present also were Mmes. Helen McClelland of the Commun- Ayes:,' Bredasen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt , Van Valkenburg Nays: None Mot ion carried. * PUBLIC HEARINGS CONDLTCTED ON PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Rosland recalled that public hearings on Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. P-SS-352 and Watermain Improve- rrent No. P-WM-336 had been continued fromthe Council Meeting of August 6, 1979, Mr. Hoffman recalled that the proposed Sanitary Sewer would be located on the East side of France Avenue from Parklawn Ave. to the South City Limits and on W. 76th Street from Parklawn Avenue to France Avenue. He advised that the petitioners lizve requested that the location of the proposed Watermain be revised to eliminate the improvement between Parklawn Avenue and W. 76th Street and that it is now proposed to construct the Watermain on the East side of France Avenue from W. 76th Street to the South City Limits. Mr. Hoffman advised' that Hedberg & Sons, the petitioners ,: have signed a Waiver of Objections to and Right of Appeal from Levy of Special Assessments. assured the Council that the Metropolitan Waste Control had confirmed that sewer capacities are adequate for this area for all uses except for any additional highrise residential development that is not currently planned, and that the Uchfield Public Works Superintendent was satisfied that no problems exist. Hoffman assured Councilman Courtney that he would request the Waste Control Coxmission to approva a redirection of sewage flow fron Eden Prairie to flow South to another treatment plant, rather than thru Edina. heard, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: .. - P p. p. ex e Nr. Hoffman also -- Mr- - No objections being -. RZSOLUTION ORTjERING IMPROVEMENTS NOS. SS-352 ARD WM-336 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Edina, Mnnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published and nailed to owners of each p.arce1 within the area proposed to be assessed on the followZng proposed improvements : . 1. .. COESTRUCTION OF SAKCTARY SEWER iMPROVEMENT NO. SS-352 IN THE FOLLOWING: The East side of France Avenue from Parklawn Ave. to the South City Limits and OIL I?. 76th Street from Parklawn Avenue to France Avenue. ,* l%e East side of France Avenue from Parklawn Avenue to the South City Limits ; 2. CONSTRUCTION OF WATEF3AlN IMPROVEMENT NO. k'M-336 IN THE FOLLOWING: znd zt the hearing held at the time and place specifi_ed in s5id nocice, the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts, does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement, except that the location of Watermain Im2rovement No. WM-336 shall be on the East side of France Avenue between W. 76th Street and the South City Limits, including all proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for construction acd maintenance of such improvefiients ; that said improvements are hereby designated snd shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows : No; 1 Above' . SANITARY SEVER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS-352 No. 2 Above FJATERMAIN INPROVEMENT NO. Vi-326 2nd the area to be specially assessed for Sanitary Sewer IIllprovenenC No. SS-352 includes part of-Section 32, Township 28, Range 24 as follows: The Southeriy 400' and Westerly 400' of ths I?. % of the N.W. % of the S.107. % ex. rd. T1-e Southern 400' of the E. % of the N.V. % of the S.X. % ex- rd. The Northerly 400' and Westerly 400' of the 1.J. zs of the S.N. of S.W. k 2x. Rd.; The Northerly 400' of the W. 17 rods of the E. 117 7/12 rods of the S. z5 of the S.W. 56 ; The 3ortl:erly 400' of the W. 10 9/12 rods of the E. .LOO 7/12 rods of the S. % of the S.W. k ex. Ed., of the E. 89 10/12 rods of the S. % of the S. % of the S.W. % ex. rd.' and the area proposed to be specially assessed for Watermain Improvement Eo. 134- 336 includes the FYTester3.y 400' of .the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southest 1/4 except road. Xotiori for adoptton of the resolution was seconded by Ccunci3lmn Richards. I* The Northerly 400' of the FI'. 10 9/12 rods ' a I20 1 79 -. 4 .4. >. r : 164 Rollca?-l: + i Ayes: Bredesen; Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkeuburg Nays: None . .- " BRAEXM ASSOCIATES 0-1 OFFICE DISTRICT ZONING REQUEST DENIED. lfr. Eughes recalled that the petition of Braemar Associates for a rezoning of land des-- cribed as that part of the East One-Half of the Southwest One-Quarter df the South-east One-Quarter of Section 8, Township ,116, Range 21, lying South of the North 20 rods thereof, Nqrth of State Highway No. 5 and West of County Road No. 28 (generally located North of I?. 78th St. and West of Cahill Road) from R-1 Residential District to 0-1 Office District had Seen continued from the Council Meeting of August 6, 1979, so that the staff could draw Findings, Decisions and Reasons relative to 0-1 zoning for the property. He advised that copies of the Findings, Decisions and Reasons had been mailed to the proponents and to interested residents for their study. Mr. Jack Barron, representing the developers, complimented Mr. Hughes on his findings but recalled that at the May 30, 1979 Community Development and Planning Commission Meetink, only Mr. Darrell Boyd attended from the neighborhood group and that Mr. Boyd had fivored the 0-1 zoning. preserved with the office building plan and assured Council that the proponents would agree to all conditions no&lly reserved for Planned Residential Dis- trict zoning. August 6, 1979. Mr. Hughes clarified that after Windwoods had been constructed, the Council adopted an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which reduced the density to 6 to 7 units per acre. has been changed, the zoning downgraded and that his property has been devalued. that noise from Interstate Highway 494 can be heard on the site and that the subject property is a traditional area where an office building would be a good . buffer. Mr. Ronald Zamansky, representing the Ad Hoc Committee for Windwood Hoheohers, read a letter reiterating their previous objections and suggested that the application should be denied also because the naine of Braemir Associ- ates has not been registered with the Secretary of State, either as a corpora- tion or under the Assumed Names section. Mr. Erickson clarified that there is no problem in that area inasmuch as the application was signed by Eessrs. E. A. E+-la?d ad H, G. Haglmd, fee owners, along with Mr. Barron, refsrred to additional letters which had been received from residents in opposi- t2an to the proposed rezoning, including letters from Mrs. Judith L. Sommers, 7520 Cahi-11 Road, Mrs. Mary Crandall, 6220 Beard Place, Mr. William F. Simns, 7520 Cahill Road, 2nd Mr. and Mrs. Gary Athelstan, 7510 Cahill Road. Mr. . Zamansky also referred to a letter from Mr. William Howard in opposition to the z&ikg, which letter had been sent to the City prior to the May 30, 1979, COW nunity: Development and Planning Commission Meeting. The Mayor emphasized that, the effect of zhe zoning on any developer's financial benefits had never been a onsideration of the Council, that there are no political implications in decisions of the Council, and that the Council has not discussed the matter azmng the Council's appreciation for coments made by the audience. Councilman Courtcey emphasized that this zoning is not a politicai issue and expressed concern about remarks that he had heard on the subject. In response to a question of Councilman Richards, Mr. Erickson said that, if the 0-1 zoning is denied, apetition to 0-1 zoning cannot be brought back to Council for one year. Following discussion, Councilman Bredesen's motion to deny the 0-1 Office Dist- rict zoning, based on the Findings of Fact, was seconded by CounciLwoman Schmidt. i - Resolution adopted, -- I 1 Mr. Barron also emphasized that trees on the.site would be Tne Mayor explained action taken at the Council Mseting of Mr. Barron objected that the Southwest Plan roads, . Ee also referred to the fact that the area is buffered by two nine ton I The Mayor themelves since the last Council Meeting. The Mayor also expressed Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Schmidt Nays : PAchards , Van Valkenburg Sfotion to deny the 0-1 Office District zoning passed I Councilman Courtney coinniented that he had changed his vote because of the feel- ings of neighboys. to the 0-1 zoning in part because of her concern about increased traffic in the area. Councilwoman Schmidt said that she had voted in opposition KLODT'S ADDITION TO EDINA GWTED PRELIMIXARY PUT APPROVAL: ORDINAXCE NO. 811- A130 GRANTED FIRST READING. approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Affidavits of Xotice were presented by Clerk, Nr. Hughes presented Klodt's Addi- .- tion to Edina, located South of W. 76th Street and East of York Ave., for prelim tinary plat approval, along with a request to rezone the property from R-l Residec- 'tial District to 0-1.9ffice District. reliance on the Southeast Edizla Redevelopment Plan, had applied for low-and mod- erate income housing Eiinds but had been turned dam twice by the Srate Bousing Finance Agency oiz the blisis that ' the proposcd housing project , coupled with the Torlctown* Townhomes project would result: in an undesirable concentration of 'low Be recailed that the proponents , in- . .. I . 5/20/79 165 and moderate income residences. Mr. Huglies advised that the staff has mixeci emotions regarding the proposed rezoning and listed the following reasons why the-psoposcd-. land use is not considered dcsj-rable:, 1) consristent with tkie South Ediiia Plan; 2) residences as a transition between single family uses and industrial uses is not followed; 3) Xerxes Avenue to seek higher zonings; 4) The proposed use could encourage the more intense- development of the vacant properties 'Nest of York Ave. which would be inconsistent with the traffic objectives of the plar; would contribute to peak hour traffic generation to a greater extent than a residential development on the site;. 6) The small vacant parcel in the South- east corner of 76th and York Ave. which is not controlled by the proponent would also have to be zoned to Office District. Due to the size of the parcel, a relatively small office building would result which is not consistent with the plan's objective of integrated developments; 7) The availability of the site : ,. for low and moderate income housing would be lost. Mr. Hughes listed listed the following aspects of the site which lend creditibility to the proposed office zoning: 1) The proposed office is relatively small in size and would not be over- bearing to the single family homes to the East; 2) The property is located very . close to Interstate Highway 494, which could lend credibility to a non-residential use of the site; 3) The proposed office building would comply with the trip generation criteria for South Edina; East have reacted favorably to the proposal; (Mr. Hughes emphasized that due to the unwillingness of HUD and MHFA to fund a low and moderate income development, the alternative development would be a market rate residential development) ; 5) Although the multiple residential transition would be lost, a low intensity office developnent provides a good buffer from more intense uses; 6) With the exception of the subject property, all properties South of W. 76th Street are new or are expected to be developed as non-residential uses and it could, therefore, be argued that W. 76th Street should form the dividing line between non-resi- dential uses. Mr. Johnson said that they had met with Mr. and Nrs. W. G. Talaska, 7604 Xerxes Ave. S., and a Nr. Kuehn who lives in Richfield and that they have no objections to the proposal. Er. Klodt agreed to furnish a 50 foot perpetual open space easement to the City along the Easterly property line. Expressing approval of the proposed development were Mr. and Nrs, Fred Sermeta, 7600 Xerxes Ave. S.. Mr. David Hallaway, 7708 Xerxes Ave. S. said that, while he had no objectibn to the proposed zoning, he was coacerned about futcre traffic conditions. further discussion being heard, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolu- tion and moved its adoption: The proposed us&aot The concept of providing multiple The proposed use could encourage single family homeowners on 5) The proposed use 4) Owners of single family dwellings to the NO RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL. FOB KLODT'S ACDITION TO EDINA BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that that certain plat entitled Klodt!s Addition to Edina, platted by Paul IUodt, and presented at the Edina City Council Neeting of higust 26, 1379, be md is hereby granted preliminary plat approvd, with the understanding that f5nd plat approval be subject to dedication of a 50 foot. open space easement to the City and-a berm and landscaping to be provided to screen the paxking ot from t e residential area Motion for adoption 01 the reso-!!%tion was seconded 'by Councilman Sredesen. Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. Councilman Courtney then offered Orciinance No. 811-A130 for First Eeading as follows : OKDIHANCE NO. 8 11-A130 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING T'dE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY ADDING TO THE OFFICE DISTRICT (0-1) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDIJSA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph 1 of Section 8 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City is amended by adding the following thereto: "The extent of the Office District (Sub-District 0-1) is enlarged by the addition of :he following described property: Parcel 2100 if Section 32, Township 24, Range 28 (which is in Sub-District 0-1) 0 See. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. DON BERG CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PLAT AND PRD-2 ZONING IiEQUEST CONTINUED TO NEXT IEETING. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. 16, 1979, Mr. Donald Berg had withdrawn his request for two four-unit buildings rand had said that he would submit lower density plans €or the site to the Com- munity Development and Planning Cormission, Mr. Eughes recalled also that Mr. Berg, at the Ccmmunity Developmen: and Planning Commission Pieeting of August 1, 1979, had presenfed phis for four double bungalows, but that he would sEfll pre- Mr. Hughes recalled that at the Council Xeeting of July , fer t,,e two four-unit buildings whic he had or,gina ly requested. Mr. Ber& recailxd that xchen the Western Edina Plan was adopted in% 1970, his propekty , was designated for low density attached housing, with four units per acre and of an apartment building. He further pointed out that there would be consider- that one large water connection was requested in anticipation of construction ably wre open space with the two four-unit buildings than with the four double bungalows. Mrs. Darlene O'Shaughnessy, 6308 Valley View Road, objected that Mr. Berg had been allowed to withdraw his proposal for two four-unit buiidings at': the Council Meeting of July 16, 1979 , but that he had come back with the same density. Objecting to the proposed zoning and density were Messrs. Thomas Bo Roshek, Jr. 6205 Crescent Dr., Allen McDonald, 6201 Westridge Blvd., Marion Van SoEren, 6317 Valley View Road, Edwin J. Neuger, 6125 Hansen Road, Donald E. Fiedier, 6112 Westridge Blvd., William H. Lykken, Jr. , 6209 Crescent Dr. , Robert -Timvi 6205 Hansen Road and Mr. Raymond O'Shaughnessy, 6308 Valley Hew Road. Object- ing also was an unidentified lady in the audience who questioned the rezoning in view of the fact that the site was only Objectfons iqere made that the character of the neighborhood would be destroyed, that Valley View Road is already too heavily travelled, that approval of the proposed rezoning would set a precedent for other vacant land in the area, and that the double bungalows proposed by Mr. Berg were most unattractive. 6228 Crescent Drive, said that Mr. Berg showed a "complete lack of sensitivity". Councilmn Bredeser, referred to the August 1, 1979, Community Development and approval of the praposed development plans which delineated two four unit dential buildings. Following lengthy discussion, Councilman Courtney's motios was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt directing the staff to psepare findings for the Council's review and continuing the matter. until September 10, 1979. 6201 Hansen Road, John Hollihan of Bircharest Dr., Wayne Brezina,. ST 1- 1.86 acres. Mr. George Zachimowicz, Planning Commission 3inutes and recalled that the Commission had recommended ' .- resi- Ayes: Bredesen, Coi1rtney, Schmidt,' Van Valkenburg Nays: Hotion czrried, Richards, who said he did not think that findings were necessary, T?AKDEN ACRES, PETERSON REPLAT PLAT APPROVED; R-2 ZONING DENIED. Affidadts of Motice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Xr. Hughes recalled that, at the Council Meeting of June 15, 1979, the Council hid referred Warden Acres, Peterson Replat, back to the Community Development and Plannirzg Comission to consider a reduction of the number of lots in the pro- posed sdxEvisiori zd the request for one R-2 lot. proposed plat is located South of Grove Street and West of the Minneapolis,' Borthfield and Southern Railroad tracks 2nd that the proper.ty abutts the ra'ilrozd tracks and has a 50 foot wide power line easement abutting the railroad right- of-gay which reduces the amount of buildable area. Mr. Evans R. Neineke, Zhe proponent, s'rrowed drawings of the proposed double bungalow and referred to the double bungalow which is being constructed OI? a similar lot on Benton Ave. Xr. Jaaes.leterson, owner of Lot 23, said that he proposes to construct three houses cn his lot arid that the lots will be somewhat 1c;lger than other lots in the area. oversized sanitary sewer and a street in anticipation of developn2nt of the rest cf the area. Mr. Jeffrey B. Stevenson, 5500 Grove St., representing resideots in the neiglilorhood, said that residents opposed the zoning because I) it is a qu'iet neighborhood; 2) All existing double bungalows are between the railroad tracks and a busy street; ing the power line easement. 5505 Grove St., Xr. and Mrs. Nartin Felderman, 5515 Grove St., and an unidenti- fied gentleman in the audience. In response to the request of Xr* Felderman for an environmental impact study of the property, Councilman Richzrds and the Mayor advised that Council is aware of the environment of the area azzd that the Council . cvlnot tell a property owner that he cannot use his land. Councilwoman Schddt recalled the restrictions on trez removal. Councilman Courtney recalled that the Community Development and Planning Commission is made up in part of formr members of the Environmental QJality Commission. No further discussion being heard, Councilman Richards' zotion denying the zoning request was seconded by Councilman Courtney *- Nays: None CouncChan Richards then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: I Xr. Rugfies recelled that the He also pointed out '$hat t"he develo6ers are being zsked to put in an 3) The lot si'ze would not be adequate without includ- Also objecting to the zoning were Mr. Corkey Veber, I Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Motion carried, RESOLETION APPROVING PXELIMTNARY PLAT FOR WARDEN ACRES, PETEkSON =PLAT BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that that certain plat, known as Warden Acreso Peterson Replit, platted by Evans R. Meinelce and James Peterscn, and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of August 20, 1979, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval, with the condition that o-en 'space dcdicatioa 2s required by ordinance be subinittcd prior to Final Plat Approval. t f 1 167 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney. Kollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg : NoneL :. .I) lution adopted. t CROSSTOWN HILL GRANTED FINAL PIAT APPROVAL; ORDINANCE NO. 8ll-Al14 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING. Ordinance No. 811-6114 for Second Reading, recalLing that the plat, located generally South of Vernon Avenue, North of the Crosstown Highway and West of Lin- coln Drive, had been before the Council on April 17, 1978. Be explained that, due to title problems, the final plat is for the Northerly three lots only. i Mr. Frank Cardarelle, the developer, agreed that all three lots would be served by a common driveway and also agreed to payment of a $4,000 fee in lieu of parkland dedication. Council was assured that approval of this plat would not preclude construction of a road for access to the Masonic property. No objections being heard, Councilwoman Schmidt offered Ordinance No. 811-Al14 for Second Reading, Mr. Hughes presented Crosstom- Hill for Final Plat Approval and and 'moved its adoption: _- . ORDINAJIGSNO. 811-Al14 BY ADDING TO THE MULTIPLE KESIDENCE DISTRICT Section 1. Paragraph 1 of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 811 or' the City is "The extent of the Multiple Residence District is enlarged by the addition That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest ' Quarter of Section 31, Township 117, Range 21, lying Southeasterly of the Southeasterly right-of-way line of County Road No. 158; and The West 30 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31,' Township 117, Range 21, lying South of the - Southerly right-of-way line of County Road No. 158 (which is in Sub-District R-2) . " Sec. 2. and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Councilman Richards. - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: amended by adding the following thereto: of the following property: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage Rollcall : Ayes : Sredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schnidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Ordinance adopted. Councilwoman Schmidt then offered the following resolution and.mved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR - CROSSTOWN HILL BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that that certain plat known as Cross- town Hill, platted by Cardarelle & Associates, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation, and Citizens State Bank, a Minnesota Corporation, and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of August 20, 1979, be and is hereby granted final plat approval, subject to the receipc of a subdivision dedication fee or' $4,000 and the receipt of an agreement that only one curb cut will be made to the property from Vernon Avenue. McItion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards. Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Ribhards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted . PORTION OF EDINA INDUSTRIAL BLVD. NAME CHANGE HEARING DATE SET. councilman Court- ney's mtion setting September 17, 1979, for hearing date for the street name change of Edina Industrial Blvd. between Bush Lake Road and W. 7Sth Street to "Bush Lake Road" was seconded by Comcilman Bredesen, Ayes: Bredesen, Caurtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. HEARING DATES SET FOR PLArJNING MATTERS. Courtiley's mtion setting September 17, 1979, for hearing daLe for the following As recommended by Mr. Hughes, CounciLmzn planning matters was seconded by Councilman Bredesen: Lowe First Addition - Preliminary Plat Approval One Corporate Center - Phase 111 - Preliminary Plat Approval 1) 2) 3) Recreational Ayes : Bredesen Nays: None Motion carried. and Business Vehicle Parking Ordinance NO: 1031-81 Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg 8/20/79 - .- . - .. t- *. A- Mr. Rosland pre-' '. -) -- 4 BIDS A\?ARDED FOR IEROVEMENTS NOS. LS-9 .. SS-352 AND WM-336. sented tabulation of bids received in response to Advertisement for.13ids in the Edina Sua and in the Construction Bulletin. Forcemain Improvement No, LS-9, Sanitary Sewer Improvement NO. SS-352, acd Water- main Improvement No. 13i-336 showed Northdale Construction Company low bidder at $299,188.65 ; Northern Contracting, Inc., at $315,559.69 ; G. L. Contracting, Inc. at $318,651.45; Erickson Bros. Contracting Co. at $320,727.79; Johnson Bras.% at $341,632.20; Progressivz Contractors, Inc. , at $349,182.30 and Orvedahl Con-. structioa high bidder at $361,045.92, against Engineer's estimate of $320,695.80. Councilman Courtney's ;notion for award to recommended low bidder, Northdale Con- struction,.at $299,188.65 was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Tabulation for Lift Station and . .- 1. Ayes: Nays: None Motion carried, Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg PLOW AND WIXG BID REJECTED. motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt rejecting all bids for the Plow ad - Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg As recommended by Mr. Hoffman, Councilman Courtney's Wing, ._ Nays: None *P Motion carried. .' . CIVIL DEFENSE SIREN BID AVARDED IN PART. Mr, Rosland advised that only one bid had been received in response to Advertisement for Bids in the Construction Bul- letin and Edina Sun, said bid being from Electric Service Co. of Znneapolis, Inc. for $7,000.00 for installation of one Civil Defense Siren, complete with controls and for $950-00 for removal of the existing siren. Being advised that the City Electrician could remove the existing siren for an approximate cost of $240-00, Councilman Courtney's motion awarding the bid for installation of the siren for $7,000.00 and+rejecting the bid for removal of the siren was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt . Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg .Nays: None Motioa czrriedO 'I PARR SHELTER BID fi?AKD CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 10, 1979. Roslaad, award or' bid for three park shelter bids was continued to Septeznber 10, As recommended'by Mr. 1979, by motion of Councilwoman' Schmidt and seconded by Councilman Courtneyo .Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None . -a, ' '*.Motion carried. . I&; I, EDIm MILLS INTERPRETIVE CENTEKAT DWIGHT WILLIAMS PARK BiD AWARDED, . Mr, Rosland presented tabulation of three bids received for construction of Edina Mills- Interpretive Center at Dwight IJilliarOs Park. Tabulation showed I?. H. Cates Con- structicn Company low bidder at $9,975.00, Hobco, Inc. , at $19,800 .OO s and .Socon Inc, , low bidder at $19,603.00. As recommended by the City Maager, Council- - 1 woman Schmidt's motion for award to recommended low bidder, TJ, H. Cates Construc- Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg tion, Inc., was seconded by Co-mcilmvl Courtney. I '. * Nays: None . Motion carried, PRENTICE LOADZR RENTAL BID AWARDED. Mr. Roslsnd advised that one quote had been received for the rent& of a Prentice Loader for removal of trees and brankhes and recommended award to Road Hachine Company for $2,400.00 per month,- Council- man Courtney's motion for award to Road Machine Cornpany as recommended by the City Ifanager was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Ayes : Nays: None .. Motion carried, Bredesen, Cdurtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg HOCKEY. BOARD LUkBER PURCHASE AUTHORIZED. two quotes received for lumbo-r for the hockey rink at Lewis Park. Tabulation showed Harned Lumber Co. at $4,331.40 and Justus Luinber Co. at $4,736-00. Councilman Richards motion for award to recommended low bidder, Harned Lumber' Mr. Rosland p'resented tabulation of 3 -I Co., at $4,331.40, was seconded by Councilmar, Richards. ,+ I. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt,.Van Valkenburg ' I. * Y i -.. .* '4 Nays : Xone .a - Motion carrid. , ,a#. .. RUBBER SKATE TILE FOR BRAE1 g&nx"*of two,.bids xeceived : 169 4R ARENA BID AWARDED. Mr. Rosland presented tabula- qr rubber skating tile to be installed at B~aemzy- Tabulation showed Robert -A, Paeschek & Associates at $2 ,3'30.00 .adderit , Inc., at $2,500.00. CounCihOman Schmidt's motion for award to recom- mended low bidder, Robert A. Paeschke & Associates, was seconded by Councilman Cour tney . Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays.: None No tion carried. YORKDALE LIQUOR STORE CARPET BID AWARDED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of two quotations received for replacement carpet for the Yorkdale Liquor Store show- ing the bid of Noah Williams & Associates at $1,665.60 and Jack's Carpet Service at $2,716.75. for award to recommended low bidder, Noah Williams Associates, for $1,665.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays:. None Motion carried. Motion of Councilwoman Schmidt was seconded by Councilman Courtney -- CksH REGISTERS FOR LIQUOR STORES BID AWWED Mr. Rosland. presented tabulation of two bids for electronic cash registersfor the liquor stores, said cash reg- isters being bid through Hennepin County for Logis. oration low bidder at $44,667.72 and Minnesota Cash Register at $46,491.00, but recommended bid to Minnesota Cash Register because NCR Corporation is still in the process of developing their machine and it will not be available until the first quarter of 1980. Register in the amount of $46,491.00, was seconded by Councilman Richards. Tabulation showed NCR Corp- Councilman Courtney's motion for award to Minnesota Cash Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. MISCELLANEOUS STEEL FOR DEPARTMENT OF PU3LIC WORKS QUOTE AWARDED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of two bids received for miscellaneous steel rebars, pipes, and roller steel, showing Paper Calmenson & Co. low bidder at $4,966.83 and Williams Steel at $5,075.02. Councilman Richards for award to recommended low bidder, Paper Calmenson & Co. at $4,966.83. Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, =chards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF AUGUST 8, 1979, REVIEWED. Councilman Court- ney's motion accepting Section B of the Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of August 15, 1979, and approving the instalhtioIz of ST0P;::sligns .for Vestbound ar,d Eastbound Dewey Hill Road at Gleason Road (resulting in a four-way stop) was see- onded by Comcilwoman Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. ' Councilmzn Bredesen .expressed concern that STOP signs waste gasoline and suggested that;in tkinterest of saving energy, one STOP sign be removed for each STOP sfgn added. COIMIJXITY ACTION AGENCY (CAA) TARTKIPATION AUTHORIZED BY COUNC& Mr. Rosland recalled that the Community Action Agency (CAA) had been continued to this meet- ing from the Couacil Meeting of August 6, 1979, and that Councilwoman Schmidt had net with Commissioner Kremsr and the staff to discuss the matter. Nrs. Leslie Turner and Pfr. Raymond O'Connell, Co-chairmf;ls of the Human Relations Commission, summarized results of the Executive Committee of the Human Relations Commission, saying that the Conmittee had recoEmended approval of the CAA for one year, thac the size of the: Cornunity Action Board be reduced and that an executive director not be hired. Following discussion, Councilman Courtney offered t5e following resolution and moved its adoption : A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CAA FOR SUBURBAN AND RURAL EENNEPIN COUNTI' WHEREAS, the question of whether there is a need €or a CM to serve suburban and Rural Hennepin County, and what organizational form is most appropriate if a CAA should be established, has been under study for the past year; and WHEREAS , this review has indicated that the County's lower income citizens will benefit from the establishment of a CAA that can build on a.nd complement the activities of the existing Human Service CouncPls; and WHEgEAS, a task force representing the three Human Service Councils has developed an organizational model designated the "Linkage Model", which will enable a CAA to be organized while retaining the Huwan Service Councils and making, the* fullest use of their existing planning, management and service capabilities; NOIq, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby urge the Heonepin County Board of Commissioners to accept the recommendations of the task force and esta3lish a CAA for suburban and rural Hennepin based on the "Linkage That no Director be hired for the CAA; That the size of the Board be as small as possible in accordance with CAA regulations ; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the present task force be designated as the interim board to implement the formulation of the W. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards. Model", with the following reservations : .I 1. 2. I - Rollcall: Ayes: Nays: None Resolution adopted. Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg SOUTH HENNEPIN HUMAN SERVICES STUDY CONEETTEE UMED. Mr. Rosland advised Council that, as a part of the South Hennepin, it is proposed to establish two committees -* *. to.assist the stu&y. Committee to be appointed for each municipality which will formulate what each community desires to gain from the study. Mr. Rosland added that the second is a Study Area Comnittee at the South Hennepin level which will review recommendations o€ each community and design the overall study. Councilman Courtney's motion wzs seconded by Councilman Richards confirming the appointment of Councilman 3redesen and the City &nager to serve on the Study Area' Committee, and the following to serve on the Community Consultation Committee: Councilwoman Schmidt, represent- ing the City Co6nci1, Mmes. Janet Cardle from the League of Women Voters, Marcia Carthaus from the Edina Public Schools, Betty Carver from the Human Relations Ccm- mission, Linda Sjerke from the Health Advisory Board, Lt. Mancel Mitchell from the Edina Police Department and Miss Cecelia Smith from the Edina Park & Recreation Department. He explained that the first is the Community Consultation Ayes: Nays: None Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg I Motion carried, XECD,EATLOiJkL/ CO3uWI;ClAL VEHICLE ORDIXANCE HEARIKG DATE SET. Pis recominerded by Mr. Rosland, Councilwoman Schiaidt's motion setting September 17, 1979, as a hear- ing date for the Recreational/Comrcial Vehicle Ordinance was seconded byI Councilman Courtney. 1 -_ Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg ~ays: None 30 t ioo carried. The Edina Sun was asked to give the hearing special coverage 2nd notices will be mailed to any residents who hzve expressed interest in the ordinance. LOW- AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING ORDINANCE HEARING SET FOR SEPTEMBER 17, 1979. response to a question of the City Manager, Mr. Erickson opined that the City Council could legally adopt an ordinance which would place a moratorium on,approval of low ad moderate income housing while the situation is being studied, if swh a moratorium was adopted in good faith without discrimination. that such an ordinance would provide the City staff with time to review proposals until the Mandatory Planning Act has been adopted. Councilwoman Schmidt's fnotion setting the hearing date for September 17, 1979, was seconded by Councilman ' Bredesen. In it was brought out Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Mot ion carried ., * ri c STAFF COMPLIMENTED FOR ATTENDING COUNCIL MEETInTGS . mented members of the'staf f who attended Council Neetings , though not required to do so, No action was taken. Mayor VanValkenburg compli- TG~~N e. HYDE APPOINTED INTER~N CITY MANAGER OF SANIBEL IS IS IN^). >rention &as made that Kr. Warren C. Hyde, former Edina City Manzger, h2s been appointed . . Interim City Manager of Sanibel Island-, Florfda. SOUTIi HENNEPN HU" SERVICES COUNCIL'S h!-AL JOINT J4EETING VITH CITY OFFICIALS NOTED. Councilwoman Schmidt reminded Council of a breakfast meeting on August 22, 1979, at the L'Hotel de Fraqce between 8:OO and 1O:OO a.111. which meeting is the Second -Annual Joint Meeting bf the South Henne$in Buman Service? Council$a with City officials. No formal action was taken, t i No formal action was taken. ? . ., I - -. . _.. I. 1 8120179 I71 CITY MANAGER'S VACATION NOTED. Mr. Rosland advised Council that he will be on v.acsi$on and unabler to atteqd of September 10, 1979, No ackion was ' taken. ' .* 1. -. #- Iu"L-r PUBLIC HEALTH BOARD APPOINTMENTS DISCUSSED. well should be appointed to the Edina Public Health Board and also that terms of office should be established for other members. Mr. Rosland said that he would provide names for Council's consideration. No action was taken. 1980 BUDGET PRESENTATION TO BE XDE ON AUGUST 30,' 1979, at 4:OO P.M. land advised that the 1980 Budget would be presented to the Council at 4:OO p.m. on August 30, 1979. No formal actio2 was taken. Council was advised that Dr. Rock- Mr. Ros- *. JOINT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR COIQTNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM APPROVED. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, Councilman Eredesen offered the fol- lowing resolution znd moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Edina and the --__ Comty of Hennepin have a Joint Cooperation Agreement in effect for the use of Community Development Block Grant funds from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and WHEREAS, both parties wish to terminate that agreement and replace it with a new Joint Cooperation Agreement, County Contract No. 90442; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the current agreement with the County of Hennepin be terminated effective Septerher 30, 1979, and a new agreement with : the County of Hennepin, County Contract No. 90442 be implemented effective Oct- ober 1, 1979; and the Mayor and the Manager be authorized to execute the agree- ment on behalf of the City. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney. P- I\. i\l < F=x 5 Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. 1980-81 COWNITY HEALTH SERVICES FINAL PLAN APPROVED. As recomended by Mr. Rosland, Councilman Bredesen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: A ?3SOLVI'I@hT hPPRO?ING "EiE PL-AN POP. PP.OVISION OF CO?DK??TITY EEALTH SEEVICES IN THE CITY OF EDINA AND THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATIOX FOR THE COMMUNITY HEJLTH SERVICES ACT SUBSIDY WHEEEAS, the City Council of the City of Edina is the official governing body ' of the City of Edina and functions as the official Board of Health of &he City of Edina; snd WHEREAS, the City Council is committed to promote, support and maintain the health of the entire community at the highest level; arid WHEREAS, the Community Health Services Act provides for subsidies in support of public health services on the local level throughout the State of Knnesota; and WHEREAS, a special needs study has been made and a special public meeting held relative to the needs and priorities of the community for Commmity Health Services; and TEEREAS, the Advisory Board of Health of the City of Edina has reviewed the plan for the provision of public health services in zhe City of Edina and recommends WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed this self-same plan and finds it consist- ent with the needs and priorities of the community as determined by the Advisory Board of Health and as expressed by the citizens of Edina; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA that the authorization is hereby given to submit an application for the Commuaity Health Services Act subsidy. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councfhoman Schmidt. -- ' its approval to the City Council; and Community Health'Services Plan for the City of Edina is approved and Rollcall : Ayes: Nays: None Resolutio-n adopted. Bredesen,*Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenbnrg c I SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. S-26 BIDS TO BE TAKEN. As recommended by MI-. Hoffman, Councilman Richards offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEZYENT AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEIvIENT FOR BIDS FOR CONCRETE SIDEWIILK IMI'ROVEMEXT NO. S-26 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF EDIKA, KINNESOTA: 172- 81201 79 I 1. The plans and specifications for-the proposed improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofor; prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Clerk are hereby approved. 2, Zetin the following notice of bids for improvement: The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Edina Sun and Construction Bul- ' (Official Publication) 1 I .I CITY 'OF EDINA EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY, MII&WSOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 4801 W. 50TH STREET *T t I CONCRETE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. S-26 S-ULED BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in the Edina City Hall, 4801W. 50th Street, at 11:OO a.m., September 14, 1979, and the Edina City Council will meet at 7:OO p.m., Monday, September 17, 1979, to consider said bids for Concrete Sidewalk., major items; The following are approximate quantities of the ' IMPROVEMENT NO. S-27 50 C/Y, Excavation 6,325 S/F, 4'' Con. Walk 50- S/F, 6" Con. Walk 1,050 S/Y, Sod L t ._ 120 C/Y, Topsoil Borrow (L.V.) Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid, Bids should be addressed to the City Enginser, City of Edina, 4801 $7. 50th St., Edina, Minnesota, 55424, and be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them, may be Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office Plans and Specifications are available for a deposit of $25.00 (by check). Said deposit will be returned upon return of the plans and specifi- cations with a bona fide bid. No bids will be considered unless sealed and acconpanied by a bond or certified check payable to the City Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of the amount of base bid. serves the right to reject any or all bids, returned unopened. 'I. - of the City Cleric. The City Council re- ~ EX OBZR GI? Ti EDINA CITY .COUNCIL. . Florence B. HaLlberg City Clerk *Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded'by Councilwoman Schmidt, Roll call : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg ,Nays: .Sone . Resolution adopted. '1 LIQUOR REPORTS AS OF NAY 31 AND .JUNE 30, 1979 , were presented by W. Dalen, reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman Bredesen. . Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None I 30 t ion carried a CLAMS PAID. for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List: Gsneral Funds, $180,535.53; Park, $2,898.68; Edina Art Center, $925.46; Park Construction, $4,296.00; Swimiing Pool, $1,821.41; Golf Course, $11,313.21; Arena, $4,726.51; Water \?arks, $12,761.54; Sewer Fund, $1,418.44; Liquor Fund, $225,049.41; Construction, +$450,760.38; Total, $896,506.57. No further business appearing, Councilman Richards' motion for adjournmnt was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Adjournment at 1O:OO p.in. Motion of Councilwoman Schmidt was seconded by Councilman Richards 1 I 4