HomeMy WebLinkAbout19790917_regularI82 MINUTES MINUTES of Sepceinber 10, 1979, were approved as submitted by motion of Council- man Cocrtney> secondej. by Councilwomn Schmidt. MRS. SHIRLEY 7EEESEN --- RECOGNIZED.' Hayor Vm Valkenburg read the following kesolu- tion of Xecognitioii for Yis. Shirley Petersen: hTE%3AS, the 3dim Park and Recreaticiz Department has begm to operate a green- house at hesca Acres, Edina's ar3oretuix; and WHEREAS, Shirley Petersen, a resident of the City of Edina has organized, during 1979, "Lhe first year of the greenhouse opn,ration, the Edina Garden Clubs for the purpose of transplx..tb= plants and other flora to establish the greenhouse pro- grain; and TJF,EP!-G , Shirlq Peters= hes gezerallqr organized, in conjunction with the Edina Park md !kcreation EqarZi~snt , the operation of the greenhouse at Arneson Acres ; aid Edina as a vX!.uncees; NOW, THEY.?3PGXE, 3E IT %SOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby recognize for hcr creatLve and productive leadership toward providing the residents of the Cizp of Edka a li-~jlig~ responsLve, and on-going greenhouse program. :I 1 .. RESOLUTION OF WCOGNITION . TEEGAS, St-ir-iey letersen kas perforined thls valuable service for the City of SHIR-i.1 PETERSEN I' 3Sr. Wrton Arxsca, the gentleman who donated the fifteen acre tract knom as . "hkeson Acres': adder1 his remarks of appreciation to Mrs. Petersen. E3IWi 3L4SOXIC LOXF 81,000 CHECK PRESZNTED TO CITY. Da-gid HuIi mi Jwicz- Steward Lo~ire11 Holiaan of Edina Mesonic Lodge No. 243, I presmted a c:?rcit in C;i3 awunt of $l,OOp to the City of Edirrs for the purchase ~f Iztn, s;nypm-t_ ?n,~i.i.pme~'~, sa5.d fiiuris being earned ay the 1,ori~e's Second Annual 22's.l 5~13y2~ Flqjack Festival. Chspla-in Eull exprsssed the gratitude of the Lodgr; for thc assis;az~ce of the City ?ire and Police Depertments, Edine Eastern Star and Job's 3a-qgli;crz for hzlping to make the breakfast a success. The Mayor expressed &E z-?precizticjn cf the City for the gezlerous gift. 3U3I3C HZAXIXGS CC!&G?ZCTED ON' NL)?@X03S SFECLAL BSSESSXEWTS FOR PUBLIC I$PROVEIlENTS - Master Ted Rane, Chaplain I . &=fld~~,i ,Lq iL of lhtic~ ~7ere presented by Clerk, appsoved as to form and ordered Flsccd GD fZIp,, actioa taken-as hereinafter rscorded: A- VAYEraaf?? iIPRO'iTEHi3NT NO. ln4-334 il; THE FOLLOVIXG: Due xotice having 3ecn ~iveri, public Ilearings weri? conducted ad Sk=zn$messy goad Zromi4est 78th Street North to the South line or' Lotsqll aci i2, ljlock 3, Dsmy Eli. Second Additio,i. E. %slam3 pr~,scnted Analysis of Assessment showing total constructioa cost at $f7,222.C3, 2roposeli 23 be assessed agz-h~s: 10 lots at. $1,267.37, with Outlot 3, Dewq EilX 2nd Acldition being assessed a zdditional $6,548.33, against estimated asscssm2_;lt of $927.80. No objections were heard and none had been received, prLor thereto. (See Resofutioz Ordering Assessinznt later in Hicutes.) . 3. G&!LDLX'G AXil GRAVELING DIPROVE>EhrT XO. C-128 I!? THE FOLLOWING: -I = S'nqugixiessy Rmid fro2 k'. 78th Szreet to Cul-de-sac Xr. F,osla2 presented -4naiysis of ,lssessrnmt shoving total constr-xtion cost of $13,220.33, proposed to ba assessed agaiilst 932.05 sssessable fer: at $16.33 per foot agahst estzmnted assessment of $10.94 pzr assessable foot. No objections were hezrii and acme :?ad been receive2 prior thcrato. Assessment larn-r in 3E.nutcs .> ?4r. 2csian?l preskntcd total constructlon cost cf $32,586.66, proposed to 3e assessed agairist: 13 ssxoszhlc lots at $l,J.25.5?, with Outlot By Devey Eill 2nd AdditLoa be- ing assessed a3 zdditional $21,329.96. recei-ed pricr thereto. $1,045.04. (S2e "nesolutioii Ordezi9g Assessment later in Xinutes. ) 2. STGXX SELEB GPRCITXEXT NO. ST.S. I60 Ih' T2.3 BOLLOWING: St. Albar,'s Circlt. frox Gleacoa 2cad to Cul-de-sac x- Lqz. - $12,712.S6, nropoacd to be assrxised a,aa&st niae assessable 102s at $1,412.54 DC.F 3-3~ ag;rzL>st: crcisztcd rzr;.;essmtnf of $1,471.35 per loc. (See Xesolution Orderzrig I C. SAXIT.QY SEWEX IXPROPEXEUT NO. SS-350 D! 733s FOLLOWIYG: Eo objections were hsard and none had been (Se Resolution Ordering Assessment later in Finutes. So oh-jccrioos '1.;2re heard ail& none hat; been receiver! prior thereto. ~cxfa;lcl pcseii:.-d tLiiaLysks of Assessment showing 'io2A. csnstrzction CCS? uf MJ &jcctior,s wzre 183 I/ I heard and none had been received prior thereto. . E .-r. -+ SBNIY IMPRO . ss- FOLL St. Albans Circle from GIeason Road to Cul-de-sac Mr. Rosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost of against estimated assessment of $2,593.92 per assesssble lot. ment later in Minutes.) (See Resolution Ordering Assess- f ..-' late es.) , $21,517.20, proposed to be assessed against 9 assessable lots at $2,390.80 'heard and none had been received prior thereto. No objections were (See Resoiution Ordering Assess- F. WATEREIAIN IMPROWFENT NO. WM-333 IN THE FOUOWING: St. Albans Cxrcle from Gleason Road to Cul-de-sac Mr. Roslznd pres2nted Analysis of Assessment showing total. construction cost of ' $11,087.28, proposed to be assessed against 9 assessable lots at $1,231.92, . agains: estimated assessment of $1,166.04 per lot. No objections were heard and none had been received prior thereto. (See Resolution Ordering Assessment later in Minutes.) G. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMERT NO. 1Ji.r-329 IN THE FOLLOWING: Blake Ridge Estates (Sherman Circle) Mr. Rosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost of $24,869.16, proposed to 3e assessed against 18 assessable lots at $1,381.62 per lot against estimated assessment of $1,476.75 per assessable lot. were heard and none had been received prior thereto. Assessment later in Minutes. 1 No objections (See Resolution Ordering H. SANIT-4R-Y SEWER IMPROVENENT NO. SS-344 IN TEE FOLLOWING: Blake Kidge Estates (Sherman Circle) Mr. Rosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost of $27,672.66, proposed to be assessed against 18 assessable lots at $1,537.37 per lot agairist-estimzted zsszssment of $1,631.46 per lot. and none had been recefved prior thereto. later in 1.linutes. j iqo objections were heard (See Resolution Ordering Assessment I. STOW SETiiER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S-155 IN THE FOLLOWING: Blake Ridge Estates (Sherman Circle) 3k. Roslaad presentec! kalysis of Assessment showiilg total construction cost of $11,946.78, proposed to be assessed against 18 assessable lots at $663.71 per lot against estimated assessment of $603.16 per lot. and nme ha6 hpen received prior thereto. later in iEnutes.) 2. iJATEB4AI.N IMFROVEIENT NO. 'XE-335 IN THE FOLLOWING: No objections were heard (See Resolutlon Ordering Assessment West 55th Street from Prance Ave. to EwinS Circle; Ewing Circle fron;TzT. 55th Street to Cul-de-sac Mr. Xosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost of $23,228.10, proposed to be assessed against 5 assessable lots at $2,645.62, against estimated assess~ent of $4,508.87 per lot. been received prior thereto. No objections were heard and none had (See Resolution Orderkg Assessment later in Minutes.) K. GRADING ARD GW-VZLING IMPKO'iTEMEiXT NO. C-U? IN THE FOLLOWING: Ewing Circle froin W. 55th Street to Cul-de-sac Nr. Rosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost of $3,771.63, proposed to be assessed against 357.50 feet 2t $10.55 per assessable foot against esthated assessment of $15.75 per assessable foot. No objections were heard and none had been received prior thereto. Assessment later in Minutes.) Ewing Circle from X. 55th Street to Cul-de-sac 14r. Rosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost of $9,399.30, proposed to be assessed against 5 assessable lots at $1,879.86 per lot against est5meted assessment of $1,928.61 per lot. and none Lad been rece2ved prior thereto. later in Knntes. j (See Resolution Ordering L. SANITARY SElJER IMPROVE3lENT NO. SS-351 IN TtIE FOLLOWING: No objections were heard (See Resolution Ordering Assessmeiit M. WATERNAIN UPlXOVEbE~ NO. W-319B IN THE FOLLOWING: Oxford Ave. from Interlachen Blvd. to Hollywood Road Hollyrood Road from Oxford Awe. to Rutledge he. Vandervork Ave. fram Hollywood Road to Interiachen Blvd. Er. Rosland presented An'alysis of kssessnent showkg total constniction cost of 955,478.64, proposed to be assessed against 23 connections at $1,381.3$ per asses- sable comtection agairrst estimated cost of $1,915.83 per asscssa5le coznection. No objectFons were heard and liane had Seen received prior thereto. Resolution Grdering Assessment later in Minutes.) N. STOP!f SEWER IPPI~OVEMEN'I NO. ST.S-13S. IN TEE FOLLOWING: County Road 18 from Nine Yile Creek to 3Zd Street South in Hopkins Yx. Rosland present& total construction cost of $120,810.13, proposed to be assessed as follows: 1,707,980 square feet at $,03992 per assessable square foot as estimated.' Truck (See Lateral stom sewer was proposed EO be assessed against. 9/17/39. sewex was proposed to be assessed against 4233,6,648 square feet at $.012132 . pez zssessable square foot against estimsked assessment of $.010404 per foot. No sbjectioas were heard and none had been received prior thereto. Courtney thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND CONFIRMIhTG , - Councilinan , i SPECIAL ASSESSNENTS LEVIED ON ACCOUNT OF GRADING I?ND GISAVZLING INPROVE1ENTS NOS. C-128 AND C-129 1 .? t7ATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. FJM-319B , 12’11-329 , WM-333 , WEf-334 , WM-335 SANITARY SEVER IWROVFJIEGTS NOS. SS-344, SS-349, SS-350, SS-351 STODI SEX?ER IMPIIOVENENTS NOS. ST.S-13S, ST.S-155 AND ST.S-160 r BE IT RESOLVEIj b-3 the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. assessment rolls for the improvements hereinafter referred to, and at such hear- ings he12 on September 17, 1979, has considered all oral and written objections presented against the levy of such assessments. 2. Each of the assessments as set forth in the assessment rolls on file in the office of the City Clerk for Grading and Graveling Improvements Nos. C-128 and I C-129 Wzterinain Improvements Nos. FJM-319B SaxLtary Sewer Iinprovements Nos. SS-344, SS-349, SS-350 and SS-351 and Storm Sewer Irnprovenents Xos. ST.S-138, ST.S-155 and ST.S-160 does not Exceed the local benefits coaferred by said improverients upon the lot, tract or parcel of land so assessed, and all of said assessments are hereby edopted and confirmed as the proper assessments On account of said. respective improvements to be spread ‘against ths beoefi:ed lots, parcels and tracts of land described therein. 3. said installments, together with interest at a rate of 5% per amum on the entire assessment fromthe date hereof to December 31, 1380, to be payable with the general taxes for the ysar 1980. The number of strch amual instalhnents shall be as follok-s: The City has given notice of hearings as required by lsw on the proposed NM-329 , W&f-333, TJM-334 and VM-335 , Ths assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments, the first of Ezme of Improvements . .. Greding & Graveling Improvement No. C-128 - Number of Installments 10 Grading & Graveliog Improvement No. C-129 3 Vaterkia Improvemat No. iGf-319B 10 Watermain Improvement Ho. IJM-329 3 s Fkterinain Improvement No. TJM-333 3 1.3 r.7-i .raLc:lur-u 2- IiiiproTeiiiair’i KG . LX-3.25 Sanitary Sewer Impovsinent No. SS-344 3 Sar-itary Sewer Improvement No. SS-349 3 Sacitary Sewer Improvement No. 85-350 10 . Smitary Sever 1mproven;ent No. SS-351 3 Storm S2wer Improvement No. ST.S-138 10 Storm Sewer Improvement Bo. ST.S-155 3 S-iom Sewer Iiiproveinent No. ST.S-160 3 m . ’IJatenlin Improvment No. W-334 3 . Y. Tke Cizy Clerk shall forthwith prepare and traxsmit to the County Auditor a ccpy of tkis reszlutioc and a certified duplicate sf said assessments with each chca mpsid Znstallinent and interest set forth separately, tc be extended on the czx lists of the County in accordance with tbis resolution. Also, the City JsSessor. shall del5ver to the County Auditor such applications and authorizations as are required by the County to effectuate the deferments made pursuant to p.zrsgap& 5 hereof, ad to evidence those dafcirmeiits of record so as to give constractive notfce of the assessments and their deferment. 5. payable by a county, by a political subdivision, or by the owner of any right-of- way as required by Xnnesota Statutes, Section 429.061, Subdivision 4, and if my such zssessnent is lzot paid in ’a single installment:, the City Treasurer s!;all arrange for collection thereof in installniects, 2s set forth in said section. Xoticrr for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman =chards. The Clerk shall also mail notice of any special assessment which nay be Xollc 2 EL : Ayes: Bredesent Courcney, Richards, Schmidt, Van VaZkenburg Zays: None Resolution adopted. & DON BEXG CGlC3TIIUCTION COXPABY PTAT AND ZONIBG CHANGE DENIED. Mr. Hughes recalled Chat the z&i_ng chsnge.from R-1 Xesident-ial District to PRD-2 Residential Dis- trict and prelimZnary plat approval for property being developed by DOR Berg Con- struction Conipany and located generally North of the Crosstown Highway 2nd West . cjf the lE&S Railroad tracks had been continued from Septeder 10, i979, to give the stsff and neighbors an opportunity to review the newly proposed plzns for, “a10 txiplexes. Be advised that Mr. Berg has net with neighbors and that the.pro- FOS& plms Tuet 211 ordinance ‘requirements. fo:qlc+xes which he had orlgiad-ly proposed to indicate the general configcrattoa CE ’ihe ‘CrrilSings, bzt sat2 thac the triplexes would hove only three garage doors. l<r. Berg showed drwings of the .I . . 9/17/79 Mziyor Van Vzlkenburg ackiiowledged receipt of correspondence opposing the p :oposed $ zcjning: frorr;. Mix. Robert A. Pollman, 6205 Hansen Road, Mr. and Mrs. James Voss, 63iYCf Valley Vicy. itcad, Mr. and PI?%. Scott G&outte, 6217 crescent Dr. ,'. hr. and Hansen Rosd, asked that the facc that a previous petition tn opposition to the prdpased zoning had been received be again noted in the Minutes. a question of a gcntlerria living at 5112 Westridge Blvd., Mr. Hughes advised that the proposed plans net all requirements of City Ordinances and with the amendment to the Western Edina Pian and that the site is capable of supporting six dwelling units. Mr. Hughes advised Mr. J. A. Cariin, 6223 Westridge Blvd., that under the density nile which allows 5.75 units for the 1.86 acre site, the CoGncil mst use its discretion in rounding off the number of uriits ?emitted. In response to Mr. Catliiz's contention that all-but the last reason for denial listed in the Findings, Eecisions and Reasons were still in effect, Mr. Hughes assured the Council that the proposal does conform to the Western Edina Compre- hensive Plan adopted in 1971 which antie-ipated low density attached housing for the site. He recalled that the closest development of this type would be found in Nine Mile Village (located West of the new Colonial Church) with other double bungalows being located adjacent tb?e Crosstown Highway West of France Ave. Mr. lfarion Van Someren, 6317 Valley View Road, said that his house is located be- tween the subject property and the similar property to the West and wged that the rezoning be denied. Also speaking in opposition to any multiple zoning were Nr. and Mrs. Ray O'Shaughnessy, 6208 Valley View Road, Mrs. Shirley Stoddard, 6227 Westridge Blvd., fied gentle= in the audience. ing was denied some time ago-for property located at 6324 Valley View Roaci. In response to a question of the'Mayor, Mr. Hughes said that he could not pre- dict whet5er the existing trees or the proposed buildings would serve as the best sound barrier. Mayor Van Yalkenburg spoke of his concern, not only about the property in question, but about the property immediately to the West of Mr. Vm Soneren's home, because he believed that a precedent would be sec for a similar rezoning for that property. He said that the City's guides for altering density because of proximity to streets, etc., led him to believe that the proposed density is too great and that residents in the area have relied on the fact that the area was to be developed into something comparable to single farily housing. He clarified that the ultimace zoning may be R-2 development and that the deterdn- ing factors nust be traffic volumes and the type of buiiding to be constructzd. E2 z2dcd tkt he :FLsk.s that the proposal calls for "t~o ZGC~ b~ild2zg for the property." rezoning be denied for rsasons given in the Findings, Decisions znd Reasons sub- mitted by 'ihe Planning staff and by the Mayor. He stated that he concurred with the Mayor's statements and added tht--the single family lots in the neighbcrhood average 25,000 square feet, Councilman Richards said that he did not share the neighbors' viewpoint that the development must be single fainily detached housiDg znd that he believed that the tomhouse type of residential setting makes sense for the site. Councilman Courtney seconded Councilnan =chards motion, scating that he agreed with the Mayor and Councilman Richards and complimented Xr. Berg for being a repiitable builder. CGuncilman Courtney also expressed concern for the loss of tress if single family dwellings should be constructed on tha site. - Ayes:. Bredesen, (four;triey, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Ray OrShaughnessy and zn &onymous writer. Mr. Thomas B. Roshek,-JrT-;* 6201 In response to I\ P Mr. Walter Lehrke, 5120 Crescent Drive, and an unidenti- Mrs. O'Shaughnessy also recalled that R-2 zon- P- a . Ccuncilnan Richards then moved that the proposed plat and PRD-2 . Kays: Ncne Motion carried. B LOWE FIRST ADDITION GRANTED PRELINIXARY PLAT APPROVAL. presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. presented Lo.we First Addition for preliminary plat approvzl, advising that the plat which is located West of Cou~ty Road 18, Nor'ih of Valley View Road and East of Washingtclc Ave. is already zonzd for Flac2ed Industrial District and that the purpose of the plat is to siinplify a complicated property description caused by division of th? property by che interchange at Valley View Road and County Road 18. As.recomended by the Commity Developinent and Planning Commission, Councilma Courtney offered the follawing resolution and moved its adoption, with the condition that dl easenents retained by the City O-PX vacazed Valley View Road right-of-way mst be identified on the plat and recognizing that a0 subdivisior, ledication w-lll be required-if developed as presefitly zoned: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina Ciklp Council that that certain plat known as Lowe First Addition, platted by Clarence Lowe, and presented at the Edina City Council. Meeting of Septembe: 17, 1973, be and is hereby granted prelinlirrary plat approval ofi the cond5tic.n that all easements retained by the Cfty over vacated Valley View Road right-of-way be identified on the plat. Affidavits of Notice were K-. Jhg'nes 91 17/79 Motion for Roll call : doption f th resolution was seconded by Council1 Ayes: Bredesen, CourtnEy, Richards, Schncldz , Van Valkcnburg Nays: None Resolztion adopted. 3men S hmidt. *' : 'I I. *- If ONE COWORATE CEMTER, PHASE 111, GIiANTED PRELIIIINARS PLAT APPROVAL. Affidavits. of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form aEd ordered placed on 4 file. Mr. Eughes presented One Corporate Center, Phase I11 for preliminary and Ektro Blvd., Eas'l of Ohms Lane and W. 73rd Street. Mr. Hughes advised thaz the plat has been presented because outlots are unbuildable until they are platted into lots and blocks and that the proponents are requesting a one lot subdivi- sfon in order to utilize the 0-2 zoning and construct office building on the site which building would be very similar to One Corporate Center which is loc~ ated South of the scbject property. Mr, Hughes advised that the proponent is proposing to dedicate a 2.5 acre tract of land along Nine Mile Creek, the dedi- cation of whkh would complete a green strip along Nine Mile Creek through the industrial area. unuawl, in that the land proposed for the dedication is located outside of the boundaries of the proposed subdivision, but that both properties are omed by the saiae person. Mr. Hughes added that, in accordance with past policy, the proponent is requesting that all floodplain encroachment rights derived from the land dedicated tc the City stiould accrue to the proposed subdivision and explained that the transfer of floodplain encroachment rights from the dedicated land was a condition of the Watershed District's approval of this development so as to bring it into conformance with the rules and regulations of the District. Mr. Hughes advised that the staff and Commmity Development and PlanniDg Connnis- sion have recommended approval of the proposed subdivision with the following conditions: Watershed District; a3uttiog Nine Mile Creek; posed- for dsd5cation. uzgai that both preliminary and final plat approval be granted at this meeting so that construction of the building could begin before cold weather sets in. Ze htroduced Xr, Pat Ryan, representing Edina Place, Inc., who said that he would Zzys ts zczsclt 7525 tk Z~zr3 cf Directnrs nf Edina Flzce befme v2khup my comiit~ent $egardi_ng dedication for any future developnent in the area. explained that it is difficult to determine the value of undeveloped land in the area at Chis time because of the flood plain. Mr. Rym, the Mayor explained that it will be necessary for the Coucil to 'how. the value of the lad ROW being considered for dedication as well as Hr. Hughes' analysis of the potential value of tile remaking land. Mr. Ericlison clarified that the CityTs iand dedication ordinance states "a reasonable aaount" must 5e dedicated and that this appears to be rsasonable in the sense that there is a creek aEd a flocdplafn. He told Mr, Xyan that he had not been under the impres- sioa that Che dedication proposed to be made in connection with the plat under. discmsion tlas beiilg given as a credit for all development ?.n that area and that developmsnts. He referred to the fact that the City dedication ordbance der'ines "reasonableness" as based upon value which is determined at the zime of che fhal plzt and that, since the property North or' the road mzy not be platted for soineysarq it is difficult to arrivs ~t i? value at this tims. advised the proponents that it would not be possible to accept the proposed dedfcation only for the balance of the unplatted land which lies South and Vest om' Eetro Blvd. until all of the property values are known. Councilm2n Richards pornted ozlk thae each new development would be dealt with on its own merits. The &ycr cold Mrs, fiiscn Euhr, 6609 Brictaiiy Road, that the City ?:as ordin- ames which would apply to the questions regarding floodplain encroachment. recoxmended by the 3hyor Councilman Courtney .offered the following resolution and xoved its adoption, with the understaading that conditions of the Comuaity- Deveiopmeut and'Planning Comm&ssion be met and an agreenent rzached as to the sbudivhim dedication before final plzt is approved. BE IT XZSOL'JED by the Edina City Council that that certaiil plat know as One ~ Carpcrate Center, Phase 1119 platted by Ryan Csrrstruction Conipany , and presented at the Regular Heeting of the Edina City Comcil of September 17, 1979, be and is hereby granted preliminary approval vith the conditions that stipulations of the Coraunity Dzvelopment and Planning Coxmiss ion be m2t and an agrzeloent reached as to the final plat approral, advisag that the property is generally located West of .. I Ye explained that the subdivision dedication is somewhat I) Completion of the permitting process with the Nine %le Creek 2) Dedication by warranty deed of the 2% acre tract of land 3) Receipt of a title opinion covering the land pro- Mr. AI Shackman, representing Ryan ,Construction Company, I It was In response to a question of -;he City hsd made no colnmitaent to accept this dedication for all future I/ The Nayor 1 I As RESOLUTION* subdivisiorr dedication before final plat is approved. I> Lfcrllcall: Ayes : Bredeseiz, Courtney , Richards, Schnlidt, 'Jaa Vaikenburg Eays: X':Onz . Xesofxtior aSopted. I EDINA INDUSTRIAL BLVD. BETtEEN BUSH LAKE ROAD AND W. 78TH STREET NAME CHANGE gl, by Clerk? ~ spproged as tp.hfoym, sed- of a petition 'signed by- dl fidavgts of No laceci on file. property owners had b?en received requesting that the name of Edina Industrial Blvd. between Bush Lake Road and W. 78th Street be changed to "Bush Lake Road". Mr. Robert Milanc, Regional Manager of Loonam Associates, Inc., requested that the change 3ot take effect until spring to allow his business to use up its sup- plies of stationary. Mr. Robert Starr, 6416 Stauder Circle, said that custoners have difficulty locating his office at 5404 Edina Industrial Blvd. being heard, Councilman Bredesen offered the following ordinance for First Read- ing, with waiver of Second Reading, and mved its adoption: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Street is hereby renamed "Bush Lake Road:. and upon its publication. Motion for adoption of the resolutLonZas seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. No objections STREET NAME CHANGE ORDINANCE I1 Section 1. Edina Industrial Boulevard between Bush Lake Road and W. 78th Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on April 1, 1980, Rollcall : Nays: None Ordinance adcpted. City Clerk MORNIKGSIDE' AREA LIGHTING OBJECTION NOTED. Co&cil's attention was called to a letter from Mr. C. Wesley Anderson, 4303 Morningside Road, objecting that the nev lights in the Morningsfde area 2r2 not as effective as the old lighting system. Council was advised that the over-all lighting was more effective than before. Nr. Rcsland saia that he would either write or talk to Mr. Andcrson. nTo forinal action was taken. IKKLIAM WAXDWELL LEWIS PARK SHELTER BIDS AWAPaED. Mr. Zosland presented tabulation of two bids received for the William Wardwell Lewis Park Shelter, xlvising thst low bidder, aanele i3ecreztion Company did not meet specifications and recommended award to Cedar Forest Praducts Co. at $31,689.00, against the Haniele Recreation Go. bid of $23,155.00. responsible bidder, Cedar Forest Products Co., at $31,689 .OO was seconded by Councilman aourtney e Councilman Richards' motion for award to recommended Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, ScMdt, Van Talkenburg Nays: None Xotion carried. I WILLIAM WARDWELL LEWIS PARK IRRIGATION SYSTEM QUOTATION AVARDED . Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of two quotations received foz an irrigation system for William WardxeIl Lewis Park. Tabulation showed Green Acres low bidder at $9,662.00 and Ubrecht Lmdscape Cc. at $9,928.00. Counciliiian Courtney's motioE was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt for award ?lo recommended low bidder, Green Acres, at $9,662.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. WILLIN4 NAPWJELL LEWIS PARK RUILDIEG IMeROVEiGh'TS BID AIWKIED. Mr. Rosland pre- sented tabulation of two bids for sanitary sewer, watermarin and pile driving for the iJilliam Wardwell Lewis Park Building. Tabulztion showed G. L. Contracting, Inc., low bidder at $44,911.55 with Q.R.S. Construction submitting a bid of $51,066.05, against Engbeer's esrinate of $35,991.00. mtion for award to recornended low bidder, G. L. Contractir,g, Inc., at .$.44:315.55 was secoslded by Counc-Llwo%an Schvidt. Councilman Richards' Ayes : Bredesea, Courtney , fichards , ScIiaiSt, %an Valkenburg Nays: None Hotion carr'led. SIDENALK IMPROVEMSNT 30. 5-26 BID AWARDED. Mr. Roslaod presented tabulation of two bids received in response to Advertizmenr for Bids in the Construction Bulle- tin and Edira Sun for C.oncrete asidewalk Improvement 5-26. Vlctor Carlsnn 6 Sons, Inc., low bidder at $15,199.50 and Progressive Contractors at $19,879.45 against Engixeer's estimate of $18,937.55. motion for award to recorlmended low bidder, Ylctrsr Czrison & Sons, Inc., was Tabulation showed Councilwoman Schmidt's 9/17/79 1 * .. 1 seconded by Councilman Courtney. - -r Ayes: Brsdesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg de. -. -5 Nays: lone <1 - "il Mation carried. ?* TREES FOR PARKS Aha BOULEVARDS BID AWARDED: Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of two bids for trees for the reforestation program for boulevards and parks. Tabulation showed Xinnesota Valley low bidder at $4,950.00 for 55 trees at $90.00 each, with Arteka Company bidding $6,490.00 for 55 trees at $118.00 each. Councilman Courtney's motion for award to recommended low bidder, ,Minnesota' , .. . I Valley, at $4,450.00 was seconded by Councilman Richards. + c Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: Ncne Hotion carried. WEBER PARK BUILDING INPROVEEIENTS CONTRACT ANARDED . Mr. Rosland presented tabu- lation of three bids for Weber Park Building improvements showing Deaq Associates, Inc., .low bidder at $35,800.00, Keho Construction Co. at $38,990.00 and David Volknan at $50,000.00. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion for award to recommended low bidder, Dean, Associates, Inc., at $35,800.00 was seconded by Councilman Courtney. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg .? Nays: None !s Motion carried 7. MOORE BOUSE GAS FUIXEACE PURCHASE 'AUTHORIZED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of three bids received to convert'to a gas furnace from a deteriorated oil furn- ace for the Msore house. - Heathg iS Air Conditioning at $1,269.00 and Minnegasco at $1,400.00. Council- woman? Schmidt's motion €or axard to. recommended low bidder, Cronstrom's, for * Tabulation showed Cronstrom's at $1,248.00, Ueve $1,248.00, was seconded by Councilman Courtney. I. 2. -, ART CENTER COh~SION BURNER BID AWARDED. "Lhree bids received to: furnish and install a gas conversion burner for the Arc. Center;: at- $2,3'43.00 and Yinnegasco at $1,895.00, 1 bid 20 'Burn-0-Matic at $1,580.00 as recommerided was seccgded by Councilwoman' Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of TaSulation showed Burn-0-Matic low bidder at $L,580 , Hoglund Contractors Councilman Courtney's mtion awarding - Sc$ql.;t* -&yes:- Bredesen,' Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: Xone Motion carried. ~ i4JEER PAXK SOD BID Al?A!ED. Hr. Roslsnd presented tabulatioil of two bids received for 2,500 yards of sod €or Weber Park. bidder-at $2,i25.00 2nd C. & N. Turf at $2,625.00. Motion of Councilman Courtney Tabulation showed Risbe Sod Company low "was secondcd by Counciliuan Richards for award to recornended low bidder, Riebe' Sod Company at $2 , 125.00. L .I *< Ayes : Brsaesen, Courtney, Richards , Scfiddt, Van Valkenburg *, L, Says: Nozle Zhtion carried, . I ..a . 2.1 6 TXA2PfC SAFETY COMXITTEE MIWiTES OF SEPTEMBER 12, 1979, REVIEWED. Hr. Hoffinan called Corncil's attention to the petition for STOP signs-. on Brookview live;. rA at i?: 55zh Street, advising that warrants used to make a determination of the necessity of this traffic control had not ,indicated that such a need existed.(.. He .clarified that neither vehicle speed or volune indicated a need for the requested signs. Mr;: Daniel l?. Prins, 5436 Brookview Ave., referred to his letter to the Comcil zeqitesting installation. of the ST5P signs and urged that the Council. + .reconsider the Traffic Safety Committee's recomniendation for denial of the c -dd request, kiting the safety of children as the primary concern. Speaking in $1 oppositioa to the request was Mr. Patrick Tobin, 5501 Brookview Ave., who sup gested chat children should not be allowed to play in the street and that, while 'ne also sharesa concern for the children', he thought that the fact that many xesi- dests park t1ieir:cars on the-street was z mare realistic danger for the safety of childrea. that the use of "SLOW" signs had proved to be ineffsctbie in the past. Pollowing considerable discussion,.Councilman Courtney's motion accepting Section B 05 the Traffic Safety Connittee Minutes, but ezzcouraging the Traffic Safety Connittee to see if they could come up pith some plan to allsviate any potential danger to I children in the area of 55th Street and Brookview Ave., and spproving Section C I In respcnse to a question of Co*mcilman Courtney, Nr. Hoffman 'advised was seconded by Coancilwoman Schiddt . 44 Ayes: Nays : Nms I-:ocio& carried. BredeseD, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg 'I 189 JOHNSTON CONDEPJATION AWARD CONTIEKJED. Councilwoman Schmidt vas seconded by Co Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Hays: None Mot ion carried. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, motion of 11,~attert-,~~'.~h~~4?-3Doolllist~~~ %oqde'@ation e, ACQUISITION OF OPEN SPACE AUTHORIZED. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption for acquisition of land locate6 generally South of the Crosstown Highway, West of the Creek Vzlley Church and Korth and East of Edina West School property: BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized to enter into Purchase Agreement with Gust 4. Johnson & Sons, Inc., for purchase for the purpose of open space in the amount of $4,468.00 cE the following described property: That part of the East One-half of the Northwest Quarter (E % of NW 'z of Section 5, Township 116, Range_=, lying North of Creek Valley Addition and South of County Road No. 62, all according to the recorded plat and United States Survey thereof, Hennepin Comty. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilinan Richards. RESOLUTION Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. ORDINANCE NOS: 1405 AND 103041 CONTINUED TO NOVEMBER 5, 1979. Mr. Rosland called Council's attention to Ordinance No. 1405, covering parking of recreactional vehicles and Ordinance No. 1.030-A1, amending the nuisance ordinance relative to parking of commercial vehicles. He explained that Ordinance No. 1031-A1 axends the existing ordinance so that more than one passenger car can be parked i-n a driveway between the house and the street, and also weight from 7,000 pounds to 9,000 pounds. The proposed ordinance also allows com- mercial vehicles to be parked inside garages. He pointed out that ar2as of con- . cern that are not addressed in 0.rdinance Na. 4405 -are as follows : I . There is no procedure at the present tine by which any type of variance can be given, thus precluding people who cannot get to their side and back yards; klotocycles and rraii bikes are presently not considered as recrearional vehicles ; There is no restriction on ownership, thereby permitting a resident to store a frierid's vehicle; increasing'the niinimin gross 1) 2) 3) 1 8 4) There is no restriction on the number or size of recreational vehicles. Mr. ational vehicles would be perinttted under the proposed ordinances. explained that vehicles could be parked either on the grass or on a hard surface area in the R-1 and R-2 Residential Districts, but that they may onP3 be parked on an established parking zrea in the multiple residential districts. fied lady in the aQdience questioned how people could be prevented from parking on their o-m property. Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg, 6017 Killarney Lsne, advised that they have no way to get their trailer into their back yard and presented a copy of the City of Echfield's recreational ordinance which, they said, is nure.ledent thaa the ordinace propoeed by Edina. Mr. John Ross, 69 Woodland Circle, said that people should be allowed to park their recreational vehicles in their. drive- ,ways to allow time for packing. lfr. Robert J. Carlson, 6020 Drew Ave., who said that he uses his rruck for business, was told by Mr. Hughes that if his garage is back from his house he should be able to park in his driveway. Schultz, 6112 Eansen Road, and Mr. M. E: Laursen, 5721 Ewing Av~., urged the Council tc allow parking their recreational vehlcfes in their driveways, as did an unidentified lady who lives at 5721 Ewing Ave. who said that they have a trailer and s Tickup truck thst they would like to park in their driveway. Mr. John Jefferson, 4016 Kipling Ave., said that he stores his trailer in Minneapolis and that he feels that recreational vehicles should be the responsibility of the owner. vehicles are better looking tha many cars .and should not be discriminated against. Halifax Lane, objecting to the parking of mctor homes and recreational equipment is not making any particular recoxiiendation at this tire and that the purpose of this discussion is to Learn the views of 'residents for guidelines for Council action. Councilman Bredesen said that he would like to see the recreational vehicle ordinance reflect zhat, rhzre be a maximun! of one recreational vehicle parked at any one time, that the vehicle should be parked 51 the driveway or LII Hushes showed transparencies indicating areas where commercial and recre- *?. Mr: Yughes An unidenti- I*. Donald - An unidentified gentlena in the audience said that most recreational , Council's attention was called to zi letter from Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hale, 5504 I b on driveways and in the street. Mayor Van Valkenburg emphasized that the Council 9/17/73 the side yard with the present five foot setbacks, that the veIifc2.e shoul&bEe parked on a hard surface, rather than on grass, and that bvners should be per- mitted to park their vehicles for a period of approximately 48 hours at 03s time for the purposes of packing, cleaning and repairing. 5603 Shemood Road, objected to parking vehicles between houses because of the fact that they often have full gas tanks and are a fire hazard. McClelland of the Community Development an6 Planning Commission suggested that owners of snowmobiles would want to park 'their vehicles in their driveways dur- ing the winter. As recommended by the Mayor, Councilman Richards' notion was seconded by Couicilman Courtney, referring the matter to the City Xanager for re-drafting and continuing discussion on the ordinances until November 5, 1979. Mr. Frank Timmerk: Mrs'. Helen Ayes: Nays: None Motion carried. Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg LOT 33, AUDITOR' S SUBDIVISION 172 EASEIENT AXENDXENT APPROVED. As recommended by Mr. Erickson, Councilwoman Schmidt offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby authorize an amendmeat to the easemsnts reserved by that certain deed dated August 29, 1978, from the IlousTng and Redevelopment Authority of Edina to Property Administration Company, w5ich aendment is for the purpose of releasing portions of the easements on the Souch 119.9 feet of Lot 33, Auditor's Subdivision 172, which easements are encroached upon by the new building and to relocate other easements to ccnc .c LOrm to the building as constructed. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman =chards. Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Rays : None Eesolution adopted, ORDIWNCE NO. 110 ADOPTED; SECOND READING WAIVED. llr. Xosland recalled thaib many ux-idecided factors exist in regard to housing for people with low azld '3. i . maderate incomes and that the Metropolitan Council has not yet furnished all. available information to municipalities. 5p2rm74 3:. Zz- Erickem, f~-s-cflm,.?-, Ric3ards sf fer& tka 51hxkg crCi3~~c: for Erst Reading, vich waiver of Second Reading, and moved its adoption: As recomended by Mr. Rosland uld as ORDINANCE NO. 110 AN ORDINANCE IMI?OSING A EIORL~TOXI~D~ ON CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF LOW AND NODERATE INCOME HOUSING THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINEESOTA, O'iZDAINS: Section 1. Purpose. The Netropolitan Council has a+ipted, and recently . revised, *a housing allocation pla for the area undar its jurisdiction, 59clud- ing Edina, xhich plan includes provision for low and xioderate income housing. Also, the Xetropolitm Land Use Planning Act (Minnesota Statutes, 473.851, et seq.) mandates preparation of a comprehensive plan for land use in EClina, including a housing eleinent and including, further, an element for low'and mod- erate income housing. Further, the City Council, on June 18, 1979, created a Ziousiqg Committee to study the low and moderate income housing concerns in Ediim and to make a recommendation to the City Council. poiitan Council plan, the Edina Comprehensive Plan , and the Housing Committee study are all in process and no final plans have been approved or recommendations made and iniplemented by official controls in Edina, the City Council of Edlna finds and determines that it is desirable and necessary ir, order to protect tlie plaming process and the health, safety and welr'are of the citizens of Edina, to enact this ordinance pursuant to the authority granted to it by EEEne- sota Statutes, 462.355, Subd. 4. . Sec. 2. Moratorium. No application for transfer of any land in the City of E&a to a district which will allow use for 10" and inoderate income housing md-no building permits or other perinits of the City of Edina for construction or use of low and noderate iEcone housing iu the City of Edina, will be accepted, processed, acted on or issued, for a period .%ding .Tuly 31, 19%. This moratorluiri shall not apply to (5) OW 2nd noderate income koushg projects now constructed or mier construction in tlie City of Edina, but shall apply to any expansion thereof, and (ii) Section 8 Bxisting Programs and the Lop7 and :.loderate Income Housing Loan and Grant Program pi-esently undertaken by the City of Edi-na. znd pblication. Notion for adoption of the ordinance was sccanded by Councilwoman Schxldr. Because the Metro- Sec. 3. This ordkiuzce shall be in full force arid effect upon its ?ossa-ge I Rollcall : Ayes: Bredese Ordinance adopted. *:*s: r;one. ATTEST: 1979 C0IvlM"ITY HEALTH SERVICES CONTRACT AMENDMENT APPROVED. City Manager, Councilman Richards offered the following resolution and moved its As recommended by the adopt ion: BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve the First Amend- ment to Agreement No. 90049 (Cornunity Health Services) with the County of Henne- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized to execute said Amendment. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmids, RES OLUT ION 1 pin; and Rollca 11 : Ayes: Nays: None Resolution adopted. Eredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenhurg 9 CLAINS PAID. for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List: General Fund, $73,186.15; Park Fund, $5,733.81; Art Center, $267.37; Park Construction, $53,013.51; Swim- mixg Pool, $2,011.87; Golf Course, $11,074.56; Arena, $3,460.45; Gun Range, $112.90; Water Fund, $2,702.59; Smer Fund, $2,285.07; Liquor Fund, $47,792.83; Construction, $267,595.37; Total, $469,236.48. Motion of Councilman Bredesen was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt Ayes: .Sredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nqs: None Motion carried, No further Susiness appearing, Councilmn Bredesen's mtion for adjour-lmen.t was seconded by Covncilwonan Schmidt and carried. Adjournment at 9 :50 p .EL